#get ready for misunderstandings and pinning and CUTE moments
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bidisasterevankinard · 2 years ago
Temptation Tuesday
The game creator 💜 @honestlydarkprincess
Rules: share something about an idea you have/something that's speaking to you/an au you'd like to see and are considering writing/etc. etc. Basically anything that is tempting you away from your current wips!
Eddie proposing to Buck (thank you sneak peak)💍
Fic about Daniel's birthday and the way Buck always felt about this day(basically this post but in fic) (yes I'm sad. Yes I need therapy)
Buck constantly hit his head at the ceiling at the station (I still love this moment from 6x13)
Breeding kink (maybe + unexpected pregnant Buck as I once reserved ask and constantly think about it)
Sugar daddy Eddie who is SUPER rich and just came out. He need cute bf for going to different events and for good sex. He chose Buck (maybe Buck were fired in 1s or maybe Eddie would chose hot young pretty firefighter who helped him with little scratches)
Eddie and Bobby gossip about Marg and Phil and hate them together (I promised it to Jules💜. I'm going to write it)
Au based on Purple Hearts
After 6b, where Eddie and Buck close as never to confession and ... Buck ask Eddie on a date. But Eddie said no. Because he thinks Buck somehow find out about his feelings and again just falling in relationship, and he believes Buck is not ready. But it's actually Eddie still scared to open his heart. To risk broke it again. But Buck is ok with no. It's painful for him, yes, but Buck now knows he shouldn't blame himself if person doesn't love him. So pinning Eddie even tho Buck asked him out, pining Buck who tries to make some boundaries with Eddie for himself, to get over Eddie. Misunderstanding and angst
Tagging : @usercowboy @jobairdxx @rose-buddie @911onabc @swiftiediaz @ebdaydreamer @alyxmastershipper @destielbuddiepipeline @honestlydarkprincess @diazass @loveyourownsmiilee @gaydiaz @buddierights @yelenasbuddie if they have something to share
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awtetsuya27 · 4 years ago
Here’s my piece for the @grishaversebigbang​! Please check out the fanfic (an interesting Canon-verse Wesper fic) and my teammates’ work, there’s a lot of talent
Title: Ink-Stained Fingers, Wood-Carved Hearts
Synopsis: After this father tried to kill him, Wylan flees Ketterdam to start a new life in Fjerda. But his plans are thwarted by a group of Grisha refugees and now he is in Ravka, the last place he wanted to be. Here is where his soulmate was, and Wylan refused to meet the man that would eventually reject him knowing he couldn’t read or write. But it seems that King Nikolai had other plans for him. Together with a Fabrikator named Jesper, Wylan has been tasked to create weapons to battle the Khregud (Shu enhanced humans). Wylan not only learns that he does deserve a place in this world, but also that he doesn’t need his soulmate to find love.  
Etherealnik (author): @lavanderstarcatcher (you can check the story here!),
Corporalnik (beta): @nolu
Materialki (artists): @rainbow-kueh (here), @tricewithaz , @wellwatersurprise (here)
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years ago
Cutest widdle champion part 2
To say the last 24 hours of Umbraby's life had been interesting would be a understatement. Having gone from one of the most handsome and dashing Starlit angel knights in service of his god he was now now basically a toddler and was learning to deal with the enhanced powers his new form gifted him with, as well as the limits and draw backs.
He was stronger then before of course but that came with a lost of reach, His flying skills were vastly improved and he was a aerial ace now but that had come with a lose of speed and balance while on the ground, due to his new stubby legs and well the thick massive diapers his Goddess (Who insisted on being referred as mommy now, a term and arrange he was rapidly warming up to) had made clear he needed.
As a godly force he had never learned to use the potty and in such a small body well, let's just say he had gone though more then a couple of diaper changes. (he wasn't keeping count though Mommy was, but she was nice and didn't bring it up.)
The other Starlit angel's, those that reminded loyal to their diminished goddess had been confused when she had invited them to meet her new champion. Quick beat, the second in command asking if she was allowed to just abduct a helpless little boy from the mortal plain, and asking if Allimir had been made aware of this.
upon finding out the former head of the knights had been given a promotion and was in fact the cute widdle guy being cradled by the goddess and being bottle fed, all worries were addressed and some chuckles rang out among the knights, as well as comments about how adorable and cute the former captain was.
"Congratulations on your promotion friend. You deserve." Quick beat said, smiling widely and while there was hint of teasing in it, the other angel meant it, and even offered to take over feeding his friend.
well fed and a diaper change later, Lulnyq didn't want there to be any doubts that her chosen form for the new champion was a mistake and also wanted to give her cute widdle champ a chance to adept to combat in his adorable new body and so arranged a series of matches between the starlit angels as Umbraby sat in her lap, sucking his thumb with the winners of each match then getting a chance to spar with the former captain.
Umbraby naturally struggled with the first few matches but before long was dominating the fights, even the one against the now captain of the guard quick beat and sharing a hearty handshake with his friend, a awesome moment somewhat marred by the fact that Umbraby had started to soil himself again and cried for mommy.
deemed ready for his mission he was escorted by Mommy and all his 'brothers and sisters' as he saw them now, Clad in his heroic champions grab and playing with his cloak as mommy worked to prepare a portal to take him to the exact location where her three worshipers were waiting.
"i didn't have a temple in the area the tournament is being held, but the three children you'll be meeting know everything about you and were more then willing to host you. they know about your 'needs' and don't mind handling that so make sure your on your best behavior." Mommy was saying, kneeling down and putting her hands on his shoulders and trying to ignore the soft comments about her ample backside coming from the other starlit angels. "Your representing mommy..heck all of us." She added and kissed Umbraby's forehead.
Maybe it was his small size, maybe it was he'd never actually left the realm before, but Umbraby suddenly felt more like Allimir, as in less of a champion and wanted to cry and toss his arms around his goddess, his mommy and beg to stay. to offer up the role of champion to anyone else.
Mommy clearly could see what he was thinking and gave him anther kiss , this time on his cheek. "You'll be ok little champion. I stocked everything you'll need in your cloak, and you can call upon them as needed. in fact the cloak itself can shape change into a soft and warm blankie should you find yourself missing us."
Reach into the cloak herself she pulled out a soft and cute bat stuffie and offered it to her scared widdle champion who hugged it and seemed to draw courage from it.
"There's a book in there about the other god's and their champions, more about the rules, Your weapon Night Blade and of course the most important thing.." And she paused and winked before finishing. "Lots and LOTS of extra diapers." She giggled and tickled his tummy.
Allimir blushed and went to argue, but one does not merely ignore the tickles of a mommy, let alone a goddess.
with some last words of encouragement from his brothers and sisters, and a last second diaper check from mommy, Allimir/Umbraby took a big breath and stepped into the portal, not quite sure what to expect.
Dwere nibbled on her lip, checking a wall clock. The goddess had said to expect the champion half a hour ago and she couldn't be out of bed much longer as it was nearing the nightly bed check.
14 year's old and average size for her age, she had her long brunette hair loose around her shoulders and was in a light black nightgown with it being so late.
She was a priestess in training at the wayward soul's Orphanage and the only worshiper of the night goddess in the city (or for a good 400 miles around at that)
As a priestess she wanted to be there when Allimir arrived and greet him but at the same time while some of the non priests or priestesses in training were given more leeway on night time wandering (it still wasn't smiled upon) it was a very big nay nay.
"I hope he shows up soon, oh gosh, what if he doesn't show up!? Those papers i forged will be left with no child to prove an-" she started to whine and then suddenly the back of her nightie was lifted and her modest white bloomers were suddenly yanked up between her cheeks and Dwere had to clamp her hands over her mouth to keep from shrieking.
"Relax will ya, he'll git here when he git's here!" Giggled the prankster of the gathered gathers, A dirty blond 4 year old who hair was cut short because she loved to play in the dirty and would get tangled with leaves and the like and this just saved time.
Vivi was her name, and unlike the girl ten years her senior she was clad in just layers of faded white cloth diapers, secured with a oversized safety pin.
She was yanked out from under the nightie by the third and final member of the group, who was chuckling softly and trying and failing to scold Vivi.
Dressed in a pair of tight olive green shorts and a faded white top, his hair was in a semi mohawk and was light grey, contrasting with his light grayish skin as a half drow.
"Vivi, I think we've had this talk before, you can't -snk- just go around yanking on peoples undies." Selen scolded, picking her up and cradling the four year old in his strong despite his slim frame arms.
Dwere turned around, fire in her eyes and Vivi say the wisdom in seeking shelter in the arms of the slightly girlish half drow.
"Gosh, I'm Sooooo sorry Dwere." Vivi said, the words and tone making you think she was but the HUGE grin on her face as the oldest of the three (Selen being 7) glared and yanked at her crack.
And wouldn't you know it, with her back to the area where the champion was suppose to show and a hand digging at her wedige, the portal opened and out came Allimir, who paused for a moment, watching Dwere and tilting his head, then rubbed the back of his head.
"Uh.. Is that how you greet people on the mortal plain?" he asked cutely, and started to turn around and grab at his behind.
One misunderstanding explained later, and introductions made, Allimir had lots of other questions for the trio even as he hugged his stuffie and looked around the room.
"ok..First question.what's with all the mini prison beds in the room and that large table over there?" he asked, pointing at cribs and then a changing table.
"heh, never seen a nursery before?" Vivi asked. "It's where diaper butt like you n me sleep! Those are called cribs, and that's a changing table where they can put you while changing yer diapies." Vivi said, then after a second added. "Oh you'll be bunking with me by the way, but don't think you'll ever out do me when it comes to booms!"
"Vivi! we do NOT challenge a champion of our goddess to a boom boom contest!" Dwere hissed, not for the first time wishing there was a minimal age requirement to worship the goddess.
"Though you gotta admit that would be cute to watch.. from a distance." Selen chimed in.
"I'm sure that the champion of the goddess does NOT go boom boom th-" Dwere started and then was cut off.
"Actually I'm open to any and all challenges, and I was told I was a super duper big boomer by mo- I mean my goddess and fellow Starlit angels." Allimir chimed in and smiled.
"..Can we PLEASE try and get off the topic of boom boom diapers?" Dwere asked, face palming.
"ehehehe sorry. Ok, why so many beds when it's just the three of you, and are you two diapered as well?" Allimir asked, thinking this was just the three kid's home.
"Oh sweetie, this is a orphanage. a nice and open one that that offers training in priest and priestess's and offers training for any religion. they keep a big nursery because you can never be sure HOW many babies they'll have in here. Normally most of the kids here are potty trained by 2 or three at the latest bu-" Selen was explaining when Vivi cut him off
"But who wants to give up AWESOME diapies n' being able to just go whenever fer icky undies and having to sit on a smelly potty?" Vivi giggled.
"..what's a potty?" Allimir asked. " I just learned about getting rid of body waste like, 24 hours ago.."
"And now you being in diapers makes sooo much sense." Dwere said, then wrinkled her nose as a smell started to fill the nursery. "Speaking of.. ok which one of you?"
"heh, if it was ME ya would know it." Vivi said and winked, turning around and wiggling her butt and slapping it.
Allimir meanwhile was hiding his face in his plushie and whining softly.
"I'll handle changing him, you better get moving double time Dwere, it's almost bed check." Selen said, nodding at a clock and goiving over to the changing table, then frowning as he looked in the compartment for diapers.
"oh uh.. yeahhh they hafa wash more diapies because I kinda you know.." Vivi said said sheepishly.
"We CAN NOT leave a champion in stinky diapers!" Dwere whined, panicking and getting ready to offer her Nightie for the cause when Allimir chimed in.
"it's s'ok, I got this." he said, setting his Bat plushie down and then reaching into his cloak as the three mortal watched, eyes going big as saucers and he pulled out a spare diaper. "Mommy looks after me!" he beamed happily.
with the with the champion changed and Vivi seeing she had some serious competition in the nursery, the champ and the brat were put in her crib and quickly conked out, Allimir sucking on his thumb and hugging his stuffie while Vivi hugged a silver fox plushie, though instead of sucking on her own thumb she was sucking on Allimir's.
Dwere made it back to her own room just in time and had to explain why she was so out of breath and getting a lecture on proper behavior for young girls, but otherwise was left alone with cheeks burning red.
Selen was spotted in the halls and started to get a semi lecture on wandering the halls before saying he heard some of the little ones crying and wanted to help out and changed the diapers. Thankful to not have to do the dirty deed themselves, the caretakers who'd caught him let him go with a pat on the head and telling him what a good boy he was.
All was calm and good, at least until the next morning.
Vivi couldn't be sure exactly what time it was, having not bothered to learn how to read anything as of yet, but she was woken up by the panicked screams and whimpers of terror of Allimir and sat up in their crib, rubbing a eye and basking in the morning sunlight.
Despite the crib rail still being up, she was alone in the crib, and as she listened, she could make out the cry's of terror from UNDER the crib and pulled herself up, JUST too short to get out of the crib on her own.
"Allimir? Buddy? what's wrong?" She called out, trying to get her face between the bars so she could look down, though the bar's were JUST too close together.
"S-Something awful and strange is happening! it's some sort of energy attack or something!" Allimir Cried out.
"Huh? I don't see anything.." Vivi said, turning her head towards the window.
All she saw was a bright and sunny day out.
"But..but..it's so bright out there!! What's going on!?!" Allimir whined and whimpered, choking back a sob of terror and doing something else, as the smell reached Vivi.
Ironically it was as the funk reached her it clicked what was going on.
"Heh..hehehehehehehe Allimir that's called daylight. didn't you have that back home?" She giggled, thinking of how silly it was. "Daylight can't hurt you..well as long as your not out in it too long." Vivi added, thinking of the time she had played outside all day and gotten wicked sun burn.
The sniffles slowed down and Allimir slowly came into view, coming out from under the bed and locking his tear filled eyes with Vivi's amused ones.
"Y-You promise?" he asked, hovering in the air, making his diaper droop more then it normally would of as he hiccuped and ran a arm across his eyes.
"Swear by the goddess." Vivi said and gave him a warm smile, then added "but you better get your stinky butt back in here, if a caretaker find your hovering that's gonna be all SORTS of questions."
Allimir nodded slowly and floated back into the crib, though he made a grossed out face as he plopped down on his muddy back side, Just in time as the door opened and in came one of the adults.
"Oh great..anther stinker.. as if there weren't enough of them in here." The balding older man said, rolling his eyes.
"heh, G'morning ta you took Kalect!" Vivi giggled, then turned to Allimir. "That's Kalect and he's the one who gets the pleasure of wiping our BUTTS!"
Hearing the utter delight in Vivi's voice and seeing the older human frown, Allimir couldn't help but break into a fit of toddlerish giggles.
One series of diaper changes later and Allimir was trying to get used to the outfit he'd been dressed in, Mortal clothing was just so weird!
his own clothes had been taken away to be washed,save for the cloak which he had turned into a blankie and the caretaker let him keep with him at least.
but bow he was in a pair of grayish white socks, a white diaper shirt and a pair of shortalls over them, and was trying to adjust to the mortal diapers that just didn't feel right on his sensitive booty and had him wiggling like he had ant's in his pants. (he hadn't told to take out extra diapers when he'd gotten his change the night before and a look from Vivi told him that offering one now might not be a good idea)
"How are you not bugged by how rough this material is!?" Allimir whined for the forth time as Vivi in just her diapers (they had given up long ago on trying to dress her for the most part) snugged.
"I never knew anything else. but hey, your a CHAMP right?" She said, putting a arm around him and pulling him in. "You gotta get used to a little discomfort."
"Ngggh.. I suppose that tr.." Allimir trailed off, as his nostrils flared and then he covered his nose and gagged."whats that awful stench!?! I thought a poopie diaper was bad!" he cried out.
"Heh, this is where all the stupid big kids go tinkle and boom boom. it's called a bathroom." Vivi explained then added. "and NOW you see why I just go in mah diapie."
"Really, I thought that's just because you like tormenting other people." Selen said, coming out and smirking, and getting a raspberry blown at him but no denial from Vivi.
"How's my favorite little pamper packers?" he asked, Bending a knee and drawing both of the diaper butts in for a big hug.
"Eh, We're ok..Right Allimir?" Vivi said the asked, she had agreed to keep his little fit to herself to help him save face.
"Uhh yeah! Totally! no crying fits or hiding under the crib here!" Allimir said, blushing and giving a shaky grin, and making Selen raise a eyebrow.
"where's Dwere?" Vivi asked, trying to change the topic.
"oh she got roped into helping make the morning portage to teach her purity or something like that." Selen said and shrugged. "Anyways, ready for your first taste of mortal food little guy?"
"Yeah!" Allimir said, giggling and holding up his arms to be carried.
To be continued
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wildernessuntothemselves · 5 years ago
You’re Mine, You
Genre: Is disturbing a genre? because this is disturbing, also smut of course
Word Count: 3.4k
Summary: Your boyfriend of a few months has always been attentive and loving, albeit a bit too possessive, but it was nothing that could've prepared for how obsessed he'd turn out to be.
Warnings: yandere!wonpil, mentions of murder, dubcon, choking, implied forced pregnancy.
Based on this ASMR and this song. 
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If you know the maker of this gif, let me know so I can credit them.
You turn on the light as you walk into your bedroom, and almost jump several feet in the air as the light flickers on and see a figure sitting perfectly still at the head of the bed, legs crossed and hands folded neatly in his lap.
“Jesus, darling, you scared me.” You laugh breathlessly, pressing a hand against your rapidly beating heart. “Why were you sitting in the dark like that?”
“I was waiting for you.” He offers no further explanation, and you feel a strange sense of dread prickle at your skin at the way he remains eerily still, his expression stony and unreadable. “You’re late.”
“I got held up at work.” You lie nervously, your muscles tightening up at an ill-defined sense of danger your conscious mind can’t trace the source of.
Why were you getting so anxious? You may have not been telling the truth but it’s not like you were hiding anything salacious. It was merely a little white lie to save you both any unnecessary headache.
You haven’t been dating Wonpil for long, but you were already aware of how incredibly jealous he got over the smallest things. You’d frequently have to spend hours assuaging his worries and reassuring him that you love him and that he has nothing to worry about. So, tonight–feeling exhausted enough from work–you decided to just lie and not tell him that the real reason you were late was because you had gone out to dinner with a new coworker of yours so you’d be spared having to spend the rest of the night dealing with your boyfriend’s unfounded insecurities.
Wonpil stares at you for a second longer before his face melts back into that familiar warm smile, “Well, hurry up and get changed so we can go to sleep.”
And on the surface, everything seems fine. He’s back to being your sweet, loving boyfriend that always exudes calming energy in excess, but this time they feel different, like you were suddenly aware of something you hadn’t been aware of before and instead of feeling soothed and reassured, you start wondering if maybe this sweetness wasn’t a coverup for something more ominous that you’ve only now caught a glimpse of.  
“Something wrong, love?” He wonders cutely, and you shake your head. “No, I’m just tired.”
“Go on, then, my arms are open and ready for cuddling.” He prompts, smile as wide as his embrace.
You smile back and nod, fetching your things quickly and walking into the bathroom. However, the sense of uneasiness doesn’t leave you as you finish freshening up and getting ready for bed. It stays with you as you head back into the bedroom, turning off the light and slipping under the covers. It only lifts slightly when Wonpil wraps his arms around you and, for a moment, you feel ridiculous for making yourself worry so much over nothing as you drift off to sleep in the safety of your boyfriend’s loving embrace.
But it doesn’t last for long.
You’re pulled back from the edge of slumber when you feel Wonpil’s lips on your forehead, starting off with small, cute little kisses that have you giggling and snuggling deeper into him, but they slowly turn more heated and firm, travelling down your face and along your jawline until he captures your lips with his own, and by then, the kisses have turned entirely too hungry.
“Pili,” You whine against his lips that seemed to be trying to devour you whole, “I’m too tired.”
“You know I love you right?” He asks suddenly, completely ignoring your protest and catching you off guard by the unexpected question.
“Of course.” You frown, confused. Where was this coming from?
“And do you love me?”
Oh, there he goes again. “Wonpil…”
“Answer me.”
You couldn’t see him in the dark but you knew by the stinging frost that freezes the air and crystallizes in your lungs that that strange expression was back on his face.
“O-of course, baby. You know I do.”
“And you’d never lie to me, right?” His voice rang in your ears, as soft as ever, but instead of the delicate little songbird it always reminded you of, images of treacherous sirens and deceivingly dulcet songs come to mind.
“Wonpil, I…” You choke, all too aware of the weight of his arms around you, your feet already caught in the undertow. And he seems to know it too.
“You what, baby?”
“You’re scaring me.” You try to appeal to him, hoping that this was all just a misunderstanding and he’d snap out of it as soon as you make him aware that you felt unsafe.
But this nightmare was just beginning.
“What, you’re scared of me? Why?” He asks incredulously, and you’re entirely too conscious of the fact that his hands don’t fall from your figure. Instead he pulls you closer and rubs your back in a way that would’ve been soothing if it weren’t for his next words. ”The only reason you’d need to be scared is if you had lied to me, but you didn’t. Right?”
Your body stiffens under him and he feels it. “What’s wrong with you, baby? Why are you acting so weird today? You said you got caught up at work and I believe you.”
But you knew he didn’t. Even with the way your body had solidified into stone with fear, you could still feel the barely contained rage brewing underneath his paper-thin disguise.
“Work doesn’t always have to be in the office. Sometimes you need to sort things out over some nice dinner and a few drinks, right?” He asks innocently, but nothing was innocent about his insinuation. He was telling you that he knew where you actually were tonight and that he’s not happy about it.
“How did you…?” Your voice came out hoarse and weak, befitting of the statue you had become.
“Don’t worry your pretty little head about it.” He raises his hand and you flinch, thinking he was going to strike you but he just brushes your hair behind your ear and laughs at your reaction.
“What’s wrong, baby? Are you scared of me?” He pouts cutely, “You have no reason to be scared. I’m not mad at you, darling. You said it was a work thing and I believe you. I know you wouldn’t lie to me. You’re smarter than that.”
You try to say something but it comes out garbled stutter and indecipherable, and Wonpil coos at you as if you were a cute baby struggling to put her words together and not a grown woman scared shitless of the strange man who seemed to have stolen her lover’s identity. “Aw, my baby is so flustered, it’s adorable. You’re so pretty, honey. And all mine, right?”
One of his hands slips under your top and slides up to your breasts, cupping and massaging them gently, as soft as his voice is.
“Y-yes.” You manage to croak, voice so small you wonder how he even heard you.
“That’s right, you’re all mine.” He whispers, kissing you as he continues playing with your breasts, and you hate yourself for how he still manages to get that familiar heat burning in your belly despite how terrified you were of him right now.
“I know you wouldn’t do something as stupid as to go out with another man and then lie to my face about it.” He smiles tightly, his fingers pinching and pulling at your nipples none too gently. “You don’t want poor Dowoonie to suffer the same fate as your meddlesome ex, huh?”
Your heart shrivels up with dread. How did he know what your coworker’s name is? And what does he have to with your missing ex?
“Come on, love, you don’t really believe what the police said about him running away, right?” His mocking question answers your unspoken ones as he easily reads you the way he always does.
You always thought you were so goddamn lucky to be with a man who could understand you without you having to say a word, but now you wish you could keep your thoughts hidden from his sharp, all-seeing eyes.  
“I mean he tried to run, but he didn’t get very far.” Wonpil smirks–a strange look on such a kind face.
“No, you’re lying.” You shake your head violently, denying his words. “You couldn’t have hurt him. You… you…”
“Why are you crying?” He grumbles, annoyed at your reaction. “Are you actually sad for that piece of shit? He was trying to tear us apart, baby. He wanted to take you away from me so I carved his rotten heart out.”
“No, it’s not true. You’re lying!” You sob, covering your ears so you wouldn’t have to hear any more of his chilling confessions. You wish to go to sleep and forget any of this happened, to wake up in the morning in the arms of your sleepy boyfriend who gives you a tired smile and groggily tells you that this was all a bad dream and to go back to sleep. But this nightmare was never ending, and Wonpil wasn’t interested in playing the part of the sweet boyfriend anymore.
He grabs your arms and pins them over your head, an ugly scowl distorting his face. “I don’t like seeing you cry over another man. So stop it or I’ll really give you something to cry about.”
Then he proceeds to clamp a hand over your mouth and, using his thumb and forefinger to pinch your nose, he cuts off your breathing completely. “I said, stop it.”
You struggle against his hold, thrashing wildly on the bed, eyes wide with terror and fingers clawing at his arms to no avail. You realize with dismay that the small, gentle boy you fell in love with was neither of those things and that he had fooled you with his soft disposition into underestimating the things he was capable of doing, and now you were paying the price for your gullibility.  
Your vision starts to get hazy as you feel the life slip out of your body, but one thing remains in sharp focus: Wonpil’s unblinking eyes that stare down at you, waiting for you to either stop crying or stop breathing.
Somehow, someway, you stop crying first–probably because of all the adrenaline pumping through your body at the moment, drying up any droplet before it even leaves your eyes–and Wonpil, finally, lets you go.
You feel like you were born again–not in the clean, pure way it’s portrayed in poetic prose, but painful and teary and visceral as you gasp for air and force it into lungs that don’t know how to handle it, the alveoli almost tearing at the unfamiliar stretch while your blood vessels sing at being once again flooded with air.
And Wonpil… he just laughs at your struggle.
“You’re so silly, baby. I really thought you wouldn’t stop crying there for a second.” He says nonchalantly and, taking advantage of the way your head was thrown back as you continue gasping for air, he buries his face in your neck and kisses you, biting and sucking harshly on the sensitive skin.
“God, seeing you like this is turning me on so much.” He groans in your ear, his hand going between your legs to rub you through your clothes.
“Oh, what’s this?” He pull back with a smirk, biting his lip hungrily. “Why are you so wet, baby?”
You feel a wave of nausea wash over you at the realization that you are wet, that he got you wet despite revealing himself to be an absolute fucking psychopath. What the hell is wrong with you?
“You’re soaking through all your clothes.” He remarks with wonder, beyond delighted at your body’s response. “Did you like getting choked this much? Should I do it some more?”
He wraps his free hand around your throat and you immediately break down into tears again. “No, no, please, no more. I don’t want it ever again.”
“Really? Then why are you so wet, darling? Are you lying again?” He asks you in a baby voice, pouting that you’re not playing along.
You press your lips together tightly and shake your head, pleading with him through teary eyes to have mercy on you. He must’ve liked that because he smiles sweetly at you, “I get it. It’s being reminded who owns you that got you this hot and bothered. It’s okay. I can remind you in other ways.”
Wonpil sits back and tugs on the leg of your pajama pants, “Take this off.”
You remain frozen with dread. You didn’t want to have sex with him despite what your body was showing. He’s a monster.
“Huh? Are you rejecting me?” He scoffs, “Stop messing around darling or I’m going to get angry.”
His toothy smile resembles a snarl more than anything and you know that he’s ready to sink them into your flesh if you don’t obey so you hastily take off your pants and lay down again, waiting for his next move.
“Open your legs, darling.” He prompts, nudging your foot. “Yeah, open them wide for me.”
You do as told, and he sucks in a sharp breath at the sight of your bare heat. “Shit. Why are you so pretty, baby?”
His fingers run smoothly up and down your dripping slit, and Wonpil can’t hold back the hunger within him much longer. Bending his head down to your heat, he orders you to keep your eyes on him.
His tongue laps at you, nudging your lips open ever so slightly so he could tease you, only allowing a small strip of your pussy some pleasure, and you find yourself involuntarily opening your legs up wider and pushing your hips up towards his mouth, seeking more from the man who aroused you as much as he terrified you.
Pleased with your eagerness, he rewards you by eating you out properly, his lips kissing and sucking on your pussy while his tongue strokes up and down firmly–all the while his eyes continue to stare up at you, so big and bright and kind that you almost forget all the sinister things hiding behind his pretty eyes.
“Fuck,” He drags his teeth ever so slightly over your clit then opens his mouth wide to suck greedily at your pussy when your hips buck up into his face. With his fingers teasing at your entrance, he mumbles against your heat, sounding and looking as fucked out as you are, “Is this all for me?”
“Yes! Only for you.” You reassure him right away, scared that he wouldn’t believe you despite it being the truth.
“So needy.” He hums, pushing his middle finger inside you and biting his lip at the way your walls clench eagerly around it. “You’re so good for me baby. I love you so much.”
He puts his mouth on you again, moans and gasps slipping from the both of you as his tongue laps up your juices and his finger pumps in and out of your sopping pussy that just keeps dripping more, filling the room with the most obscene noises and goading him on. His actions turn crude and sloppy, and his endless moans permeate your sensitive skin and stimulate your nerve endings directly, pushing you over the edge.
“Ah, Wonpili, oh god, ah, don’t stop.” You cry out, your hands automatically reaching out to grab his hair as you cum on his mouth and fingers.
Wonpil happily lets you hump his face as you cum, and gradually slows down his ministrations as your body calms down. Sitting up, he pushes his pants down with his dry hand then proceeds to jerk himself off with his cum-soaked hand. “Baby, I can’t wait anymore. I have to have you. Can I, baby?”
You close your legs, not to deny him your heat but to rub your thighs together, still so needy even after your orgasm, too fucked out to care how twisted this is.
“Greedy little baby,” He drawls, forcing himself between your legs and lining his dick with your entrance. “Let me take care of that.”
He pushes in slowly– so, so slowly– letting out the breathiest moans with every inch that goes in, all while his hungry eyes eat you up, and you’ve never felt more aroused nor disturbed before. But the feeling of him filling you up so completely, your walls distended from the stretch, feels right and you’re scared that you won’t be able to experience a feeling so intense with another man. Not that Wonpil will let you. So when he tells you how good you make him feel and how much he wishes he could stay wrapped up inside you forever, you can’t help but whimper your agreement.
“You’re so pretty, my baby. I love you so, so much.” He gasps, barely moving his hips and yet you know he feels as overwhelmed as you do. “Do you feel me inside you? Feel how hot and hard I am, just for you?”
He pulls his hips back ever so slightly then thrusts forward, the engorged head of his cock hitting so deep inside you, you don’t know if it’s painful or pleasurable, but your legs automatically close around his waist and pull him closer to you.
“Want me to start moving, baby?”
“Yes, please.”
“Ah, shit,” He groans as his cock slides out of you, but he’s quick to silence your cry of protest as he pushes back in quickly, making you feel complete again. “Shh, baby, I’ll give it to you good. I’ll remind you who you belong to.”
You shudder at his words and his eyes seem to darken at your reaction, getting hazier the more scared you appear.
“You really drive me crazy, you know that?” He moans, thrusting faster. “You feel so, so good. Do I make you feel good too?”
You hastily nod, knowing better by now than to make him wait.
“Good. You better remember that because if I ever catch you doing something like this with another man… well, let’s just say that it won’t feel very good for the both of you.” He smiles wickedly at you, his hands going to push your shirt up and play with your breasts. “Only I can do this to you.”
Leaning down, he plants wet, sloppy kisses all over your chest, a contrast to the way his hips thrusts into you with deep, deliberate strokes.
“Who do you belong to, baby?” He growls, one of your nipples stuffed in his mouth still and you shudder at the gravelly vibrations. “Who owns you?”
“You do.” You shudder, clutching onto his hoodie helplessly. “I’m yours, Wonpil.”
“Fuck, yes, you are.” He grunts, his thrusts losing their pace as they get rougher. “Say it again, baby. I want to hear you say it again.”
Wrapping both hands around your neck, he positions his thumbs over your trachea, not pressing down but letting you he will if you refuse.
“I’m yours. I’m only yours. I belong to you, Wonpil.” You cry out, repeating what he wants to hear so he’d have mercy on you, but he ends up liking it so much he inadvertly chokes you anyway as he presses his weight forward so he can speed up his pace, nearing his end.
“Fuck, yeah, you are.” Wonpil stares down at you struggling against his hands, but he either doesn’t see or doesn’t care, not letting go until his cock jerks inside of you and his hot seed distends your pussy even more.
And that’s when you cum too, your whole body burning up as the orgasm tears through your oxygen starved body.
Wonpil pulls back to take in your ruined body, his eyes lingering on your neck that was savoring the imprints of his fingers and on your pussy that was overflowing with his cum.  Scooping some of the cum that trickled down your ass, he pushes it back inside, blinking and letting out a heavy breath at the squelching sound they make.
“You’re gonna drive me crazy.” He laments, as if he wasn’t deranged already. “I love seeing you dripping with my cum. I wanna fill you up every day and every night until everyone knows who you belong to.”  
He falls over you, and by now your body expects the breathlessness and scorching heat he brings about, and welcomes it.
And yet, Wonpil still manages to surprise you.
“Oh and baby, one more thing…” His tone is nonchalant against your ear but you could hear the wicked smile in his voice and it chills you to the bone. “I swapped out your birth control pills for vitamins.”
Your heart drops down your chest and into his hand that was caressing the skin over your lower belly lovingly. “That way our baby can grow big and strong inside you.”
A/N: This was the fastest fic I’ve written in like a year lol so please let me know what you think. 
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sohin-ace · 5 years ago
Jotaro - Possessed
This is cross-posted from Wattpad and available on AO3. This was my first fanfiction, the writing has improved ever since.
It was a normal day for Y/N and the crusaders. You were all aboard a boat for a day or two to join your destination.
You all decided to reunite at a certain hour to discuss your plan and what to do, but in the mean time, everyone was doing their own things.
Kakyoin and Jotaro were sunbathing in their uniforms, Polnareff was chasing some cute girls to pick up, Abdul and Joseph were getting some light drinks, and you, you were just strolling around the boat, having some time for yourself since it gets tiring being around men all the time.
You were walking along a hallway when you suddenly bumped into someone running around the corner, both of you falling on your backs.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry miss! Are you okay?" said the man while scrambling to get over you and check you out for injuries.
"Ugh... I-I'm fine.." you groaned as you opened your eyes, only to find the face of the man merely inches away from yours. You blushed a bit at the closeness "Um... " you muttered quietly at the man.
"You sure ?" He suddenly put his palm over your forehead, leaning a little bit more "Your face is red, aren't you a little bit sick?"
'Who is this guy??' you thought to yourself, confused at the behavior.
"No, no I'm fine, thank you, can you get off of me now please?" you said quickly, almost in a panic.
"Oh! Of course miss, my bad!" He finally got up and away from you very slowly, almost lingering. "Be careful little lady..."
You almost pushed him out of the way as you got up and hurried away from him, ignoring his last statement.
'Jeez, what is wrong with that guy? Some people are weird, man...' You thought to yourself a bit freaked out as you felt the guy's eyes still on you.
Later during the day, all the Crusaders got together in Abdul and Joseph's cabin to talk about future plans, where to go to next, new discoveries made by Hermit Purple and whatnot.
"So there might be one or more stand users in this very boat. Let's all keep our guards up." inquired Joseph to the group.
"Of course, let's search the ship in groups according to our stands abilities." added Kakyoin.
"I suggest Kakyoin and Polnareff since their stands could team up greatly with a good offense/defense ratio. Mr. Joestar and myself together as well." Abdul said.
"Good idea." said Kakyoin "So that means...." he trailed off, looking at you
"That means I'll team up with Jonathan!"
. . . Silence.
Everyone had a confused look on their faces while Joseph eyes widened like saucers.
You then realized what you said and got horrified.
"Wh- JOTARO! I meant Jotaro!!" You frantically said while putting a hand over your mouth.
No reaction from the men. You started to feel very flustered and added awkwardly.
"I-I don't know why I even said that haha.. I-I don't even know a Jonathan..."
The tension was horrible to bear. No one made a sound. That was weird. You weren't usually one to slip up like that.
"Hahaha... I must be tired haha.." you tried to laugh it off, to lighten the mood, but you could not ignore Joseph's hard stare on you.
As you couldn't take it anymore, so you got up from your seat on one of the beds and went on your way towards the door.
"Anyway, I'll go first, join me later Jojo.." and just like that you were gone.
The others tried to shake it off, like it was nothing, but Joseph was uneasy from the ordeal. He felt like something was wrong, and it wasn't just about getting the wrong name. Jotaro felt it too.
The whole day went like this, with everyone searching in vain, and with you slipping up every now and then, saying weird unusual things, and acting oblivious about it seconds later. That perked everyone up, but nobody knew what that was all about.
Until later, in the evening, everyone reunited again in the same cabin as before to report. Nobody could find anything suspicious on the boat. Not even Hierophant Green who scanned the entire ship.
Everyone was a little bit on edge to not find anything... It was too calm, too easy.
"I'm worried..." you started.
"We did everything we could... Or maybe there really is no one against us in here." said Kakyoin calmly.
"But then that would mean the stand user seen by Hermit Purple was not sent by Lord Dio..."
That was the kicker.
Everyone flinched and your eyes widened at your own choice of words. Something was terribly wrong with you today, and they had to figure it out.
In a matter of a second, before you could even react, Jotaro, who was sitting beside you, forcefully grabbed your wrists and pinned you to the bed, immobilizing you instantly.
"W-WAIT!!! THIS IS A MISUNDERSTANDING!!! I NEVER MET DIO IN MY ENTIRE LIFE YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ME!!" You screamed, panicked, trying to sound as sincere as you could while struggling against his grasp.
Although It was true, with everything going against you and your weird behavior all day, you were hard to believe.
Kakyoin and Polnareff were speechless, Abdul was sweating while preparing to reluctantly summon Magician Red at any second if necessary. Joseph was glaring hard at you, not wanting to believe you could have been a traitor this whole time.
You were shaking like a leaf underneath Jotaro, who's expression was unreadable. You were panting heavily with anxiety. You tried to argue again.
"P-please!! It's true! I don't know what's happening today, I'm as confused as you are, but I swear on my own bloodline, I'm not a servant of Dio! I don't even know what he looks like I-" You cut yourself off.
At this point you could not prove your innocence, so in desperation you tried to look at the ones who were the most likely to believe you.
"Kakyoin... You believe me right..?" you called weakly, your voice cracking. He avoided your glance, not knowing what to think anymore. You turned your head to the left where Joseph was.
"Mr Joesta-" You were suddenly cut off by two strong hands cupping your face and making you look in front of you. It was Star Platinum holding you still.
"Wh-what are you d-"
"Don't move." Jotaro interrupted. He moved his hands so that he had both your wrists on one hand and brushed his other through your hairline only to find a fleshbud stuck in.
The other men were shocked at this discovery. So you were indeed under Dio's command... But how?
Confused and scared you wanted to ask what was going on. You eyed the others, asking silently for answers. You felt the pressure on your cheeks lessen and Jotaro replaced Star's hand with his own.
"Y/N, look at me." The dark haired male ordered.
"Jojo..." You were terrified, but trusted him with whatever he was thinking.
You tried to stay still while Star Platinum worked his surgery on you to remove the evil appendice. You couldn't help but but cringe a little and hold your hitching breath as you could feel everything.
It lasted seconds that felt like hours to you, Jotaro's beautiful ocean eyes conforted you through the operation. He was always so harsh, but his eyes held something precious and warm that eased you. Even the hand that held your face felt like a warm caress.
With a sharp burning pain, Star removed the parasyte while you let out a groan. When Star Platinum finally got rid of it you let out a breath of relief.
And just like that you blacked out.
Jotaro got up from his previous position while saying quietly "She went to sleep...". He was smart and perceptive, he figured you weren't always possessed. No, this was recent, and there is a stand user on board. He figured you must have met them and they were the cause of all of this.
"So what do we do now, we wait until she wakes up and explain?" asked Polnareff still very unsure of what's going on.
"Something doesn't add up. If she was sent by Dio, she would have attacked us straight up, or when we expect it the least. She had many occasions to do so. This is strange, I don't get it." added Kakyoin, trying to find a plausible explanation to all of this.
Joseph agreed "I don't believe she's a traitor either, but we'll have some questions to ask her when she wakes up anyway. I'll stay with her, you guys go do a last check up to see if anything unusual happens."
Everyone nodded and went again on another exploration. Now they know that if that stand user can put people into Dio's submission, they'll have to be extra careful and ready to meet not one, but many obstacles.
Long hours have passed when you woke up, only to find Joseph sitting at the edge of the bed where you passed out, but now covered with a blanket and some bandages around your head.
"Mr. Joestar..." you croaked out, a bit of sadness and guilt in your voice. He looked at you with genuine worry, glad that you woke up.
"Oh Y/N you're awake! How are you feeling? Nothing hurts?"
He was always so nice to you, to the boys and even to strangers. Joseph always felt like a caring father to you, which made you feel even more guilty. You shook your head in response.
"Mr. Joestar... Did I... Betray you..?" you couldn't look into his eyes as you said those last words. His expression turned serious and he gazed in front of him.
"No, you didn't. If anything, you're the victim here. Do you remember anything unusual that happened today?"
You couldn't think of anything for a moment until you remembered that weird encounter from that morning, when you bumped into that tacky man.
Your eyes widened in realization. You gasped and Joseph noticed that. As he was about to ask you what was wrong you sat up and exclaimed.
"That guy! It was him!! He's the one who infected me! That fucking bastard, he's so dead." You angrily threw the covers and got up, ready to find that guy and beat his ass.
Before you could storm out Joseph grabbed your arm, stopping you.
"Wait Y/N, explain, what's going on? What happened?"
And so you explained everything that happened that morning, with the guy bumping into you, acting like a creep. You told him how he got very close and touched your forehead too.
"I see..." Joseph pondered, "So that's when he put the fleshbud on you, you didn't feel anything because you were so distracted by his behavior...It's okay, let's calm down and get the others so we can chase him down. You remember his face, right?"
You nodded, now calmer than you were minutes before, thanks for Joseph and his reassuring demeanor. You two then went to get the others, only to find them grabbing a bunch of random people by the collar and beating the shit out of them, and Kakyoin trying to reason them in vain.
"What the hell is going on here?!" Yelled Joseph as he saw the chaos before him.
"We can't find the culprit so we're just punching everyone until one of them admits." Jotaro said like it was common sense, and Polnareff nodded like the supporting friend he was.
Joseph was so done with his grandson's bullshit, so you just got up to them saying that there was no need to, since you knew who was the guy.
Upon realizing that you were awake and safe, Jotaro just threw the guy he was holding over God knows where and just came to you with Kakyoin following.
"Y/N good to see you back! You scared us, you know?" Said the cherry-haired male with a soft smile. He then leaned in close and whispered.
"Jojo won't admit it, but he was worried sick, never saw him walk so fast to beat someone up." he added with a little snicker.
You blushed a bit at this. Really? Jotaro was worried about you? You tried to look at the male for confirmation, but he was looking the other way, efficiently hiding his face.
He just lead the way with his hands in his pockets, acting like he didn't care when he was secretly happy you were okay. It was kinda cute.
At one point, you were all strolling on of the hallways when you saw something that piqued your attention. A scene that felt like 'déjà vu'.
A few feet away from you, that same guy from before, bumped into a random woman, and was now leaning close to her to touch her forehead.
At this, you sprinted down the hall, taking out your stand to attack him.
The guy tried to jump back to dodge your stand, but is was too late. You violently pinned him to the wall of the hallway. You glanced at the woman who already had a fleshbud on her forehead.
The woman ran away, but Joseph and Polnareff were quick to react and ran after her.
"Leave it to us!" Yelled the french man, running off.
As you were distracted by the possessed woman, you didn't notice the guy getting away from your stand's grasp, and kicked you hard in the stomach, sending you stumbling backwards and falling into the solid chest of Jotaro who caught you.
You couldn't even say his name since your breath was cut by the impact. He just put his hands on your shoulders as you coughed while muttering a 'yare yare daze'.
The other crusaders joined your side to help you out, since they knew that even if you were strong, you really didn't like fighting or using violence.
"Huh? And who might you be? Ohh aren't you the cute little lady from this morning? Sad to see you didn't want to join us. Lord Dio treats us reeeaal nice~" the man sneered.
"I swear to fucking god-"
"How many people have you infected so far?" Kakyoin cut you off, scared that you might let yourself consumed by unnecessary anger.
"Oh? You don't wanna know how I do it? Don't worry about how many colleagues I have here, they're all probably with your two boy friends, having the time of their life."
"So how do you do it? I doubt it is just a stand. Did Dio lend you that ability so you can recruit new slaves in his stead?" said Abdul while scanning the guy, trying to find any flaws in his posture and manners, any potential weakness.
"Ooooh you got it first try! I like my men smart~" the guy said with a disgusting tone "I might just take you for Lord Dio."
And as he said that, he launched at Abdul and spread out tentacle-like vectors that the Egyptian recognized as the same ones Dio had when he met him.
"Abdul watch out!!" Kakyoin tried to warn him.
It happened so fast he didn't have time to summon Magician Red. You just tackled Abdul out of the way, while the guy fled the scene. Jotaro ran after him at lightspeed without even thinking twice.
"Jojo!!" you screamed as you wanted to go too, but Abdul held you there.
"Let me go Abdul! I can restrain that guy with my stand!"
"Don't act reckless Y/N, trust Jotaro on this, he can manage. You've already done enough for today."
"He's right Y/N, he'll be okay, let's go find Mr. Joestar and Polnareff they might need us more." Added Kakyoin, trying to reason you.
They were right, you thought. You wore a worried expression as Abdul helped you up.
After you reunited with Joseph and Polnareff, Kakyoin, Abdul and you managed to neutralize every enslaved passenger.
You were waiting for Jotaro to come back and remove all the fleshbuds, but the parasytes just dislocated themselves from their hosts and scrumbled away like insects.
The stand user could probably not control them anymore, which meant Jotaro succeeded.
Jojo finally came back while dragging Dio's underling like a potato sack, looking like a bloody pulp.
"Eeeewwww!! Disgusting! What did you do to his face, Jotaro?!" Joseph exclaimed while squirming. This was not a pretty sight, and the old man was squeamish.
"Jeez, you didn't go easy on him" said Kakyoin with a knowing look. "I wonder why..." he subtly glanced at you, then back at Jotaro, suggesting something.
Jotaro just clicked his tongue and blushed a faint color as he threw the guy over at the group.
"Just do whatever you want with him, I'm tired." he turned on his heels and started walking away while the others -more like Polnareff- were taking great pleasure in planning what they could do to him for revenge, as if being almost killed by Star Platinum's fists wasn't enough.
You just followed Jotaro while calling him.
"Jojo...!" He stopped and waited for you to catch up.
"Jojo... You... You knew that I wouldn't betray you? You actually trusted me?"
He didn't say anything, but his sea colored eyes answered for you. Your expression turned soft in gratefulness.
He believed in you, even when you were obviously acting like a traitor, he immediatly searched for Dio's appendice, knowing you would never betray him.. He trusted you. That thought alone filled your heart with love and appreciation.
"You saved me... Again. How can I thank you?" your soft voice and expression made him feel some kind of way. You were just too cute. He couldn't believe what he was about to say.
"Kiss me." He commanded, his voice and expression not faltering. You thought you heard wrong.
"... I didn't catch that, can you repeat?" You asked, genuinely unsure if you actually heard what you heard.
He suddenly approached you, the closer he got, the faster your heart was beating. His huge build towered over you.
"You heard me" he confirmed.
Your face and ears were burning, you couldn't believe this was happening. But this was your chance, he offered his consent, this was no time to ask questions, even if you had a thousand right now.
You shyly raised your arms to grab his collar, and looked around to make sure nobody was here to watch. God this was embarassing. You slowly pulled him down and got on your tiptoes, trying to reach for his perfect lips.
You succeeded as you gave him a tiny peck, short-lived, but full of love. You thought you could pass out from all the blood running to your face. But before you could let go of him, he wrapped his arms around your waist and captured your lips once again, in a longer, more desperate kiss.
You were loosing balance so your wrapped your arms around his neck, which deepened the kiss even more. It was bliss until you had to part for some well deserved oxygen.
"Jotaro..." You breathed in his neck "I didn't know..."
This small gesture made his heart skip a beat. He rarely ever felt so much love, and warmth, to which responded by squeezing you harder against him, like you were a soft pillow.
"I couldn't find the right time." He muttered quietly.
You both just stayed like this. Enjoying each other's warmth. It felt so right. Like two fitting puzzle pieces. You couldn't be more happy at the moment. Nothing could ruin it.
"Eeeewwww get a room you two!!"
... Except this.
You both separated, startled by an obnoxious voice coated with a French accent. You were even more embarassed at the fact that everyone witnessed this.You were hiding your face and Jotaro just glared daggers at Polnareff who was smirking.
"Finally, you got the balls to do it Jojo. Glad I didn't have to force it out of you." commented Kakyoin, his inner fanboy pleased.
The two other men just wore wholesome smiles on their faces. Glad to see something positive in this ordeal.
Jotaro just muttered his signature "Yare yare daze" as he grabbed your hand and got away from these nosy eyes.
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miracul0us-multishipper · 5 years ago
Is there any chance or plans to continue the Marillion AU in the future? I really like it.
Thank you so much! It went a bit unnoticed, so I kinda forgot about it, but I still had one chapter half-ready and managed to finish it now:
The Fight
Marillion found Stoneheart at the Eiffel Tower. He had grown into a giant by now, and swatted the police helicopters away like flies. Ladybird and Chat Noir were busy talking to the police at the ground, giving her an opening to talk to her champion.
Unnoticed she slipped behind a car, with clean view of the tower.
“Stoneheart!”, she called him, summoning the glowing outline back. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“I’m teaching Chloé a lesson!”, he answered, beaming with excitement. “You were right, Marillion; she’s the real monster. And when she’s out of the way, I’ll talk to Mylène!”
She pinched the bridge of her nose. Oh boy.
“You can’t just kidnap them, Stoneheart!”, she rebuked. “You’re scaring Mylène to bits! Why didn’t you just wait until after school to have a calm conversation with her?!”
“But…”, he stammered with a confused pout. “But I missed her!”
Emotion personified, indeed. Sighing, she looked up.
“Okay, don’t worry. We can still save this. You’ll release Chloé, and then you’ll explain the heroes and the public that this was just a misunderstanding. After that, you tell Mylène how you feel, we call it a day and everybody’s saved. Alright?”
“I don’t want to release Chloé! She’s a bully!”
“Believe me, I know. But that’s not up for debate. Put her down, now!”
Stoneheart grumbled, then shrugged. 
“If you insist…”
Ladybird raised her arms and turned to the cops. 
“No! Don’t attack, you’ll only make him stronger!”
Captain Raincomprix only gave her a glare, his broken arm still in a sling.
“Oh, hush. Leave it to the professionals this time! You didn’t do it right the last time either!”
Her blood began to boil and she raised her finger, both a threat and an accusation.
“Why, you little-“
“Ladybird!”, a startled Chat censored, but that didn’t stop her.
“Without us, there wouldn’t be a “This time” at all!”, she raged. “We saved your butts, cut us some slack for rookie mistakes.”
She wanted to give him a few more pieces of her mind, but Chat was already pulling her aside.
“Ladybird, leave him alone. He’s got every right to be suspicious of us!”, he reasoned. “We need to convince him we can do this - by defeating Stoneheart for good this time. We gotta think of something!”
His words reminded her of something. If Ladybird had thought this through we wouldn’t be in this mess!
It hurt to admit it, but… Marinette was right. Alya had underestimated this whole superhero thing, and now they were facing the consequences. 
“Okay,” she told Chat, forcing her anger to dissolve. She had to be chill, rational. “We know where his Akuma is, right? In the hand he’s holding Mylène. So-“
“I demand you release my daughter!”, the mayor screamed at this moment, cutting her off. He was holding a megaphone, and Ladybird had to roll her eyes. Did he seriously expect the Akuma to listen?!
“Gladly!”, came it from the tower and Ladybird stiffened.
She jumped around, just in time to see how he hurled the screaming girl at her father. Shouts came from everywhere at once, and before she knew it herself, Ladybird was running. But she had reacted too late, so confident in herself that she had taken her eyes off the monster. Chloé was falling, falling and Ladybird knew she wouldn’t make it, she’d be too late, Chloé would-
A flash of purple came from the corner of her eyes, and suddenly there was another figure in the air. Lilac arms wrapped around Chloé, and black gloves held onto her as the figure descended, landing safely on the ground.
Ladybird came to a stop, too baffled to walk on.
Was that…?
“Are you alright?”, a soft voice asked. It took Ladybird a moment to  realize the question was directed at Chloé, and a few more moments to get that it had come from the girl in purple. The girl with a butterfly-shaped mask. The girl that could only be…
“Hawkmoth!”, Ladybird snarled and threw her yo-yo. Her enemy dodged, dropping Chloé and somersaulting back. Before Ladybird could pull back and aim again, Hawkmoth had retreated to a safe distance and jumped on the Tower, landing on her rocky creation.
“No!”, she announced. “I am Marillion, the new butterfly! And there’s no need for fighting!”
She nudged Stoneheart, who nodded with a groan.
“Okay, okay. She’s right. This was a misunderstanding.”
“That misunderstanding almost cost a girl her life!”, Chat yelled back, and Marillion stomped, making Stoneheart jump.
“It was an accident, he misunderstood me. And he’s very sorry, right?”
Stoneheart pouted, giving Ladybird the chance to step next to her partner and speak up.
“Don’t come with that whole “misunderstood” bullshit! You’re a threat to Paris!”
Marillion’s face turned angry.
“I’m the threat?!”
Fuming, she took a step forwards and spread her arms.
“Citizens of Paris!”, she spoke, eyes blazing. “You have suffered enough from your heroes incompetence! I swear to you, I mean no harm. I merely want to help those who feel down, to work through their emotion, to find a solution! And I will not allow two Wannabe-Heroes to risk the well-being of those they claim to care about.”
She glared at Chat.
“Don’t think I forgot you wanted to cataclysm Ivan, yesterday. If you stand in my way, or hurt my champion,” she growled. “I will take your Miraculous’!”
Marillion’s stare was relentless, seething with a protective fury that stole Ladybird’s breath. Something in her chest fluttered. In this moment, the superheroine could not think of anything more beautiful than the girl on the tower.
Realizing where her thoughts were headed, she jumped. No. Nonono, not happening. Action, she needed action! 
Ladybird glanced at Chat. He seemed to falter, to hesitate. Everybody was standing still, staring at Marillion. They were evaluating her, thinking about her words. Ladybird clenched her hands to fists.
No. She would not allow the villainess - because that’s what she was! - to shake trust in them any further.
Her clapping echoed on the place when she stepped forwards, regarding her opponent with an icy look.
“Nice try, Hawkmoth - or Marillion, or whatever you want to call yourself.”, she said, trying to drown her hammering pulse out. “But we know who’s the villain here. I won’t let you reverse the roles! Without you, none of this would have happened!”
Yeah, every good hero started out with an even better speech. This would be hers.
“Marillion, I promise you: No matter how long it takes, we will stop you! And then we’ll take your Miraculous!”
Not waiting for Chat Noir, she spun her Yo-yo and went in for the attack. With a jump she was on the tower, hurling her Yo-Yo at Marillion. She dodged, but was forced to retreat.
“Stoneheart, get Mylène out of here!”, she yelled to her servant, blocking another attack with her cane. Ladybird growled.
“I won’t let you take hostages! Chat!”, she called when her partner caught up to them. “Save Mylène!”
“Aye aye!”
“Did you not listen to a word I said?”, Marillion groaned. “You two menaces will end up hurting the girl!”
“Was that a threat?”, Ladybird snarled and went for her head, but her opponent dodged, pausing just long enough to face palm. 
They continued their dance, a rapid succession of attacks and retreats, their weapons too incompatible to allow a consistent fight. 
“Feel like giving up yet?”, Ladybird taunted and narrowly avoided a hit of her cane. Marillion snickered, a sound far too sweet for the villain she was. “Why, are you tired already?”
“Just tired of wasting time!”, she gave back. “We’ll win in the end. Might as well cut this short.”
“So sure of yourself?”
Marillion was slowly moving the fight to the upper levels of the tower, Ladybird noticed - trying to follow her champion. Not so fast! A kick in the chest send the villainess stumbling back, giving Chat more time. 
“Of course!”, Ladybird continued, smugly pulling back her yoyo. “I’m the hero, you’re the bad guy. Good always triumphs over evil.”
She smirked.
“Save yourself the trouble and give up.”
Suddenly Marillions hand shot out, catching the yoyo by the wire before Ladybird could fully retrieve it. With a yank she made her lose her footing, wasting no time to attack. Before Ladybird could even scream, the butterfly wilder had pounced and slammed into her, pinning her to the ground. 
“Oh, don’t you know?”, Marillion asked mockingly sweet. “A true hero never gives up.”
Too stunned to move, Ladybird had no choice but to stare up at her enemy. Her pitch black pigtails. Her fiendishly fierce gaze. Her villainously vibrant eyes. Or - damn it - her condescendingly cute freckles. Not that she was admiring her! She was simply cataloguing her enemies appearance, for superhero reasons! 
“S-Shut up!”, she shook herself out of it. With a swing of her legs - superhuman strength, heck yeah! - she  gathered momentum and threw them back, reversing their positions. “You’re not the hero! Don’t think being pretty makes you good!”
Wait, what?
“I never said that?!”, Marillion asked in confusion and Ladybird panicked. “NEITHER DID I! Argh! Forget it, just give me your miraculous!”
After a short brawl, both of them ended up on their feet again, quickly resuming their previous fight. Just like before, Marillion was still pursuing the other two. That - and only that! - caused Ladybird to get distracted, sloppier. A mistimed throw of her yo-yo, followed by a skillful swing of Marillions cane sent her falling down her beam, barely catching herself a few meters further down. 
“Oh f… Crap!”
Maillion had quite the head start now, closing in on her partner. 
“Oh fu- Damn!”
Ladybirds yoyo had fallen to a lower floor, and without retrieving it, she wouldn’t be able to purify the akuma. Looking down to search for it, she encountered yet another problem.
“Oh- fuck.”
Dozens of stone monsters came crawling up the tower, surprisingly quick for their size. If she wanted her yoyo, she’d have to go through them.
Hang in there, Chat Noir, she thought with a last worried glance upwards. This is going to be a close one.
“Holy shit, that was a close one!”, Chat squealed after Stonehearts fist had missed him by a hairs breadth. The hero had tried to use his staff to free Mylène, but Stonehearts grip was too tight and he didn’t want to accidentally hurt his captive. 
“Stoneheart!”, yelled a voice just then, when it couldn’t get any worse. Marillion, light as a feather, landed in front of him and gestured the monster to move. “I’ll handle him. You go talk to Mylène!”
Ladybird was nowhere to be seen, so Chat Noir turned to face Marillion alone. The purple-clad girl made no move to attack, simply circling him with her weapon ready. She was playing for time.
“We don’t have to fight.”, she proposed and he matched her pace, not willing to let her get behind him. “I’m trying to help Ivan!”
“By turning him into a monster?”, he scoffed, going in for the attack. Her cane parried his baton with an unexpected strength, and she lost no time to push back. “By letting him work out his emotions!”, she replied, diving under his next attack and trying to grab his arm. He in turn reached for hers, only to find them locked in a battle of brawn, no one willing to give up any ground. “Do you have any idea how he felt this morning?”, she pressed out, all her upper body strength needed to keep him at bay. Locked in this position, he could see how she wrinkled her nose in concentration. “He was devastated! Heartbroken! Was I supposed to just leave him like that?”
“Harming others is no solution!”, Chat gave back, eyes returning to hers again. He blinked, surprised. He hadn’t expected her to look this… sincere. 
“Bottling his feelings up isn’t either!”
She huffed, gaining a few centimeters. 
“He’s only human. Just let me help him to get through this! How would you feel if your only options were misery in solitude, or being mocked for your feelings?”
That hit a little too close to home. Literally. 
“Everyone deserves to let loose for a while.”, Marillion pleaded and Chat gulped. Tell that to my dad, please. “I can help Ivan to process everything, to find a solution. I just need to be there for him.”
“Why-“ he huffed out, the “-should I believe you” falling victim to his exhaustion. Marillion answered anyway, bluebell eyes burning into his.
“Because I care.”
She cares. Without expecting anything in return. Against his will, Chat felt his grip give a little. Marillion wasn’t evil, he realized. Not like Hawkmoth. She truly believed she could help. After being trapped inside a cold, loveless home for so long, he couldn’t help but melt at her words. His heart, already racing from their fight, sped up to twice its former pace.
An angry shout shook him out of his reverie, just when a furious Ladybird was sailing over his head and into one of Stonehearts copies. 
“Hang in there, Kitty!”, she yelled over her shoulder, punching the monster into the ground with her bare fists. “I’ll save you!”
Immediately his resolve returned and he shoved Marillion backwards, finally gaining the upper hand.
“I believe you!”, he insisted, not breaking eye contact. “You’re a good person, I can feel it. You’re just… misguided!”
She blinked.
“Misguided! But don’t worry, we can fix this.”
He knew how this went, now. Dashing hero, well-meaning, cute villainess… Didn’t every anime say love fixed it all? Well, he’d gladly accept his role as her love interest.
“I’ll help you! Just release the akuma, and we’ll work something out… over dinner maybe?”
He beamed at her, missing how her eye started to twitch.
“Are you serious?”
“It’s okay, take your time. Lunch would be okay for me too. I’m not nocturnal.”
Hm… She didn’t exactly look convinced. Had he talked about himself too much? Oh god, he should’ve talked about her instead!
“Not that you wouldn’t look absolutely pawsome in an evening dress. Graceful as a Venus butterfly, I imagine.”
Marillions took a very deep sigh and let her head hang, then she smiled at him. An innocent, absolutely adorable smile so cute he felt like it had punched him in the face. His cheeks grew hot under the mask when she leaned closer.
“Not in any of your nine lives”, she beamed, and before her words really registered in his mind, she had already let go of his arm, swirled him around and kicked him over the railing. A very unheroic scream escaped him, before he collided with an equally ruffled Ladybird mid-air and slammed with her into the next platform. 
“She’s amazing!”, he sighed when his head stopped spinning.
“She is dead!”, Ladybird hissed between clenched teeth. 
Pretending she wasn’t blushing when Marillion winked at them from two stories above.
- - -
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jjkpls · 6 years ago
(y)our name - three (m)
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> genre : smut, fluff, angst
> pairing : jeon jungkook x reader (f)
> total words : 9.6k of smut
> warnings/content : friends to lovers, unrequited love, slice of life; dirty talk, oral (f receiving), penetrative intercourse, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, soft kookie getting some!!! :’)
(good luck, personally, i died)
> previous
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You’ve done it. It’s just a tiny little pressing of your lips that he hears more than feels. As his heart starts beating again, faster and harder than he ever thought possible, there's a second and a third kiss, planted right on the same spot, but this time, you hold them for longer and now there is no way he’s not feeling them. He’s feeling them so well he’s panicking, between euphoria and dementia not knowing where to lean. Embarrassingly, as soon as his heart senses them, his dick does too. It’s insane how quick you are to stir a reaction from his body when you’ve just barely pecked his fucking neck.
Jungkook backs away. Not abruptly but firmly, holding you still and away from him with his two large hands enveloping your forearms. You look disappointed, kind of hurt even if he focuses on the glint in your pretty eyes. It breaks his heart a little, makes him want to swoon and gives in to whatever you want, ready to give you his neck back to play with the way you hurry to stick a pacifier back in a crying baby’s mouth. However, he doesn’t give in because there’s no way he’s letting you feel his semi when he doesn’t even know what you meant.
“Sorry.” The tiny whisper is so weak, so bashful, it makes everything the harder for his brain to process.
“Don’t apologize.”
Deciding he had pondered enough and fuck it, he leans forward, pressing his hands on the counter, on either side of you, trapping you in and making you back slightly to still be able to meet his eyes. Your cheeks are reddening. He knows it comes from the proximity and surely from the stare he is giving you. He is not sure if it’s really a good idea to pin you down with this stare, dark eyebrows shadowing the most mesmerizing pair of eyes you've ever seen. Looking from under his black lashes, he looks predatory yet so inviting. He looks different. Again. Even more so than before. This Jungkook withholds a lot of things you know nothing about. An entire world of secrets and thoughts he's never shared with you but is willing to, right this moment. His pink lips, parted for his heavy breathing to flow, have never looked so endearing. The bottom lip so plump and slightly crooked, looking swollen like it's been beaten on already. And you feel light-headed. Like you might pass out. “___?” Your eyes rise to his, the realisation you've been staring sending another wave of incriminating blood to your face.
“Should I give you a birthday kiss?” You shrug.
You shrug. At this point, Jungkook is pretty sure he has the most of his answer. You can see him as a man. He sees the effect he has on you. He sees you squirm and shy away and flush. He doesn't think you're uncomfortable. You seem unsteady but not uncomfortable. Like you might be battling inside between what you want and what you deem appropriate, what you know and appreciate for its familiarity and those new territories you seem curious to indulge in. Still, Jungkook doesn't know how into it, how into him, you are. Maybe you can acknowledge him to be a whole handsome and attractive man yet not want to actually lay in bed with him.
He'll need more than this, he thinks. Leaning forward, he stops only when the tip of his nose touches yours, your breath audibly sticks in your throat, his own loud breathing giving you the impression of suffocating even more. His round nose nuzzles yours, bumping playfully against it, your blushing mess of a face extorting a grin from him. When he deems he messed around long enough, he leans further and presses a kiss on your cheek, right at the edge, where your lips meet, purposefully letting his mouth brush that place he's never been. “Happy early birthday.” He whispers, chuckling from his nose. He watches you frown with a comical raised eyebrow.
“Is that it?” Jungkook bursts into the dorkiest laugh of his. He could be regretting it as it couldn't match his sexy persona any less but you're smiling so endearingly at him, your hands clasping his upper arms in annoyance. “Why are you doing this? All night you- you keep teasing!” His heart is hitting his ribcage like a drum roll, dramatizing the suspense as if he needed it. He doesn't. He's sweating bullets of apprehension at this point.
“What do you mean? What am I supposed to give to you? You got your birthday kiss.” He adds, head tilting to the side, snarky smirk invading his whole face, not hiding the least the bliss he's having especially now that you're pouting. Your lips pushed in a ridiculously cute button, eyebrows lowered in discontent, you look beyond adorable.
“That one sucked.”
He bites back a smile. “Well, that's not really nice, is it?” He's not indecisive and precautionary anymore. He's definitely teasing. “Want another one?” You nod. Your eyes are focused on the roof, hands on your hips, looking like the most aggravated little spoiled brat to have ever existed. “Where?” Not giving yourself the time to mull over it, your pointer raises to your pout. His nose meets yours again. He mumbles, “You sure?” Watery, quivering eyes, that know and resemble each other meet.
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When he presses his lips to yours for the first time, it's light, delicate. It's not much, far from what his teasing attitude from before hinted at but he just has to take his time. Soon your tiny hands are pulling at his leather jacket, and you're easing yourself against him in a way that feels hazardous. You're dragging him in, not with physical force but with something else. It's your heart calling for him. All there is for him to do is dive in. Headfirst.
He's never allowed himself to think too much about you in this predicament. To fantasize what you would be like, just because, it felt wrong to do so. But the very few times he did, he never imagined you to be so pliant, so soft you felt vulnerable in his hands and all his to have his way with.
The first swipe of his wet tongue over your lips makes you shudder yet you welcome him. You do so eagerly, so warmly, he does not doubt the fact that you want him, you want him to take over you and own you. And he wants to. He wants to make you feel at least a tenth of what he is feeling right now because if he manages to, it might be enough to earn himself the right to always have you like this.
His large hands leave your cheeks to slide along your body and set on the back of your thighs. He kneads at the flesh, groans when you moan into his mouth, swiftly hauls you up on top of the counter. It's more practical for the both of you.
You were struggling so hard to balance on your tiptoes to meet him, him getting annoyed at the pain in his neck distracting him from your senses. But as soon as you're up there, more comfortable, with your hands rummaging through his thick locks, he finds himself squeezing you so hard against him you're ass leaves the countertop to hover over it.
He's burning up in his fucking leather jacket. Wants to take it off so bad but you're not hinting at it. He's fine with kissing. Honestly. It's more action than he had with anyone in so long and in any case, making out with you feels better than anything he's ever experienced. More intense. More real. More meaningful. Feels universe rupturing. And orderly, as if it feels so good because it's meant to be that way. You're his person. He knows it. Has the confirmation at each nibble of your lips, each tiny giggles slipping because of how amused you are to witness his eagerness. It pulls at his heart. You're pulling at his heart. Clenching it in your warm goddess hands and he's loving it. So that's enough. He wouldn't mind more -the aching in his pants chastises him for wanting to demonstrate too much restraint- but if that is all he'll have, he's okay with it. He feels like you might misunderstand if he were to try and take his jacket off since you're not doing it. God, if you just slip the very tip of your fingers under his collar and over his shoulders, he'll rip the damn thing off and your dress along with it.
"Oh. My. God!" It's Eun. Again. She's staring, wide eyes, slacked jaw and hands raised in the air and not seeming ready to let them be. Jungkook almost curses at her when you push him away, rightfully so, to look at her with the most embarrassed and dumbfounded of expressions.
You exchange an extended look with your friend and roommate, one Jungkook interprets to say something along the lines of 'I know right what the fuck?!'. Follows the longest, most torturous minutes of his life. He's a dozen of centimetres away from your mouth, your saliva still coating his lips and your taste on his tongue and you're sitting right here, the perfect level for him, he just wants to lay you down and slip under the hem of your skirt. And your lip is bleeding a little where he's bitten accidentally when Eun startled him, it looks painful and he's dying to kiss it better. His eyes are burning from peering so intensely at you. His heart is aching to not be touching you.
"Yeah. Okay. I'll just- uh- sleepover next door! Alright! Bye!" Eun so eloquently whisper-yells before flying out the front door. Jungkook doesn't mean to be an ass. He's never been mean to anyone even in thought -except that one time he punched Namjoon, but honestly, this moment is simply a glitch in the matrix, doesn't count. But right this moment, when he's been granted your touch and your mouth and it's all been taken away from him and held hostage that close to him, it's becoming harder than ever to control the pure liquid rage swimming through his veins. He hates Eun, who he's always been fond of, for being such an obnoxious, confused idiot. Why would she keep coming in and out of this fucking apartment? He can already envision her coming back once more when she'll realize she has no fucking clothes, nor nothing to spend the night at his and Jimin's place. And he'll hate her even more then.
Because now that she's left, slammed the door shut behind her for the quiet place to only be disturbed by your heavy breathings and thunder-like heartbeats, the moment has been stolen. It's faded. He still wants you. He still would like more of the same treatments or something else, perhaps. But the moment is gone and he doesn't feel dizzy and hazy enough to just lock his lips back to yours and demand you silently to simply ignore what has just happened.
"I'm so embarrassed," You whine, hiding your burning face behind your hands. "I could die." Grabbing one of them to place a kiss on its back, he chuckles.
"There's no reason to be."
"There's no way she's not running to Jimin to tell him everything."
"Let's give them something to talk about, then." You eye him curiously. Eyebrows high and head tipped to the side.
"You- do you really...?"
Quite frankly, he said it in pure humour. Because that sounded like such a cliché and obvious thing to say. He didn't genuinely mean it. But here you are, observing him, interest and curiosity shinning in your eyes.
"I don't know, I'm just- Do you want to?" His voice sounds so minuscule, he thinks. He hates himself for it but then again, he is on the edge of fucking spontaneous combustion, therefore, sounding all hot and alpha-like is out the question. Until you answer that is. Then maybe he could breathe and relax and engage in what he likes with the confidence he knows himself to withhold somewhere. But you're still not answering, so he clarifies in a hardly more convincing murmur, "Sleep with me?"
"I- well- Do you?"
"Yeah.” He says before giving himself the time to think about it and the courage to wavers.
"I don't know why but me too, I think."
He's a boyish giggling mess now that he can breathe again. And you just grin watching him.
"I mean since you didn't even get me a birthday present-"
"___! Stop, I told you, I have it but it's not your birthday yet."
"Yeah sure." Jungkook's hands surge to your waist, threatening to tickle you but he knows you hate it so he settles for grabbing you, pinching kindly your sides instead. "Thank God tomorrow is the weekend, you'll have plenty of time to make up for your negligence."
"Keep that attitude up and I swear I won't give it to you on Monday." You roll your eyes for good measures. The tension is real. You're joking around but something is lurking. It's louder than your voices and chuckles, and it's also silent, dense, deafening quietness. Jungkook is fidgety, one leg shaking, questioning your eyes but not getting much of any answer.
"Why are you so nervous when you're the one who started it?"
"I'm never nervous." He says this with the widest grin. It's the most blatant lie ever, you both know it. To distract you Jungkook places a smack on the side of your chin, just below your lips, then rising his big eyes to scintillate right at you. Before he's even tempted to back away, your mouth falls upon him, locking with his and things just fall back into place. It's like Eun has never come to interrupt your moment. It's like it's the first time all over again, Jungkook realizes, as he is overwhelmed with so many emotions and sensations all at once. The same from before and new ones, now that he's grown so confident and so certain of how you feel. His hands can slip under your skirt and caress the expense of your thighs and ass, they can drag you up and down his front, make you grind on him shamelessly. You, finally, deem it's time for his stupidly hot jacket to go and now it's so much easier for you to wrap your legs around him, and he doesn't know if it's just a product of his fervent imagination, but he feels your crotch is scorching his.
"Shit. Let's head to your room, yeah?"
Your lips on his thick neck answer him. It makes him stagger. You see, Jungkook is strong. That's an euphemism. When asked or even provoked, he would always bring back that time he had to carry two grown-ass men -his roommate and a friend from his old school-, one on each shoulder, because they were too fucking wasted to place a foot in front of the other. He did that. Hardly broke a sweat, by the way. But here he is struggling to walk straight because of the way you're giving his skin so much love and attention, making him feel like you're craving to swallow him whole. Maybe it's a bit late after the heavy make-out session, what you said and more than anything else, the wet patch your centre has left on his jeans, but he's baffled at the idea that you'd want him this bad. Too baffled, he's fucking hallucinating. He's dying. Of love. Or maybe just hyperthermia.
"Guk-" You whine as you feel him lowering you down to your bedroom floor. You whine with so much greediness. He realizes he doesn't know if he'll survive the night.
Pecking your mouth quickly -because it's become natural now apparently- he pleads, "Just a sec." before removing his t-shirt who's become undeniably uncomfortable.
"Wow." It's just a whisper, hidden under a sharp intake of air, Jungkook almost misses it. Your expression is telling everything he needs to know. You're gazing at him, incredulous, cheeks flushed in a pleasing pink. He wonders what his own cheeks look like. You like what you see? He'd ask if he was not so into your amazement. He doesn't want to break that intensity in your gaze just to tease you. He's never had you look at him like that. "I didn't know you were that ripped..." He shrugs to avoid saying something stupid like Yeah but your ex was way buffier and like a whole head taller than me. "You're- like- really handsome, Jungkook." He holds a hand out for you to catch and come closer as his eyes don't dare even blink to not miss how pretty you look, staring at him with those eyes. Fucking finally.
"You're beautiful. I meant to say it all night but I'm stupid so I didn't." You give a chortle. Light but short as you are too eager to resume to your previous activity. You keep contemplating him, fingers brushing ever so slightly like you're drawing the lines of the most precious and fragile piece of art, lips shaped in a silent gasp. Jungkook, watching you, trying to ignore the shudder his skin is assaulted by, thinks you look like you've never seen a man like him. Shaped like him. Handsome like him. And he feels incredibly abashed. He's loving it but it might just be too much. He's the one who can get stunned over your every feature and feel like shedding some tears over how airy and ethereal your skin tends to look when the Sun is aiming just right at you.
Deciding he's had enough, for now, Jungkook bends over, grabbing you by your thighs to carry you once again, while you're scoffing indignantly. He's just about to drop you on the bed when you stop pressing kisses to his shoulders to tap furiously on it instead.
"Wait, wait, wait! The light!" His eyes follow your finger pointing at the switch next to the door and he groans as he walks backwards for your foot to reach and turn it off. In the process, you also kick the door shut and he's thankful for you not having a head as airy as his. Here, if Eun decides to come to bother you again, well, she could but she'll have an obstacle slowing her down.
"Why can't we keep it on?" He snivels through ridiculously pursed lips, not even trying to hide his disappointment.
"Because I don't have sex with the lights on." You say it with a particular emphasis, aiming to make him feel like he's the crazy one. Suddenly, a rush of deep aggravation pervades him. He hates every single man who has slept with you. Not because they did, but because while they did, they were not fucking able to make you feel sexy and confident and beautiful in every way possible, enough for you to want to always keep the lights on. He can understand how you feel, he's been with girls who had a tough time in the beginning. He did his first times. But now, Jungkook likes to have it all. He's not one to give himself much restraint when it comes to sex. He's all about exploring, and sharing, and giving and spoiling each other. He needs to have it all. All of his senses stimulated. Have a full fucking five senses experience with his partners. And tonight, you are his partner and he wishes he could see you -better than through the lame shadowy orange lighting the street lamps are bathing the room in. He wishes he'd have more time to spend with you. More time to worship you, from head to toes, and teach you to love your body and own it. Whatever those other guys have done was wrong if they neglected to make you feel this way. He wants to make love to you and then have you walk around the house naked to have him look and stare at your glorious form while he'd be munching on his midnight ramyeon break. Maybe he'll have more time. He's not sure. He doesn't want to think about it for now.
Instead of laying you down on the bed, Jungkook decides to sit, keeping you on his lap. It’s all the better like this. All close and personal. When your eyes don’t shut under the pleasure raising from the assaults of his mouth, they have nowhere else to look at but him. You’re so snug, your heat, your smell, the inside of your thighs sticking to his waist. 
“Can I?” You nod your assent and he’s quick to throw your dress and bra to the floor, covering your skin instantly with his hands. Your skin is scorching hot, soft and so real, and this he can hardly believe. He’s touching you like that. His mouth is peppering kisses along your neck, your tender breasts resting in the palm of his hands and you’re leaning into his touch, head thrown back and chest pushing forward. “Fuck, ___.” If his hands were not so busy, he would use one to slap himself across the head for delivering the worst fucking compliment in the history of humanity. “I want you so bad.” That’s better. You hum in response. Something not quite loud and heartfelt enough for his liking.
Bending over as much as he can, he replaces his hands with his mouth. Licking and sucking your chest, from your collarbone to your underboobs, he doesn’t miss a spot, coating you in saliva, suckling on your nipples and rolling them under his tongue, under his thumbs, he’s having a feast on you and stealing all air from your lunges. When his big hands grab your waist to have your centre rub harshly against him, you moan out loud. The first real moan he’s heard tonight. It sends a shiver down his spine that dies down only once it’s reached the very tip of his cock. “You like my mouth?” A nod. He smiles briefly. Why does he feel you so attentive to his every word, so eager to answer yet you won’t stop acting all shy? He is the shy one, not you. Still, there is no way he’s letting that coming in between you. There’s no point in being embarrassed when it’s only the two of you. “Are you wet for me?” He keeps mumbling against your skin, teeth showing for a split second to tease an abused nipple. Another nod and a whimper this time. “Show me.” He demands softly. He catches the confusion in your expression, the darkening of your cheeks. Jungkook smirks as he picks you up, lifts you to set you back down on only one of his hard thighs and then lays back on his hands, watching you -the light hits precisely right, and he gets more than just your silhouette, now able to decipher the details of your breasts, your darker nipples standing out- with so much assurance and cockiness radiating from him, you writhe. “Ride my thigh.” You eye him attentively as you place your hands on his chest, hardly moving your hips. 
“I’ve never done that before...”
“Even with Namjoon? But his thighs...” A curious expression falls over your face. “I mean- I shouldn’t- Why am I talking about your ex right now? Shit, I’m-“
“It’s fine. Well, no, it is weird. Especially since you’re admitting checking him out...?”
“I didn’t- I just- I-“ He’s turned back to the little boy, the stutter and lisp mess, and it feels horrible. Even with you almost naked sitting on his thigh. Why is he such a fucking idiot? 
Laughing you sing-song, “Aaanyway.” He’s red in the face, wants to die, but you kiss his cheek between two giggles and he feels a new man. Or not an entirely new one. Just a slightly less cocky version of the lover he was previously. “Point is: I’ve never done this.” You say again, shyness so loud he can hardly hear your tiny mouse squeak of a voice. 
“Just do what feels good.” He brings a hand back to your hip, intimating you a shallow movement to follow. When he sees you diligently keeping the movement, he relaxes back, smiling. “Get yourself off.”
“And you?”
“Seeing you use me for your pleasure gets me off.” There’s a sharp inhale of air. Jungkook catches how your lips open in a silent cry. He wonders what turns you on. Is it his words, the hardness of his thigh snugged right under you or maybe his voice? “Yeah, just like that.” He praises, heart filling with pride at witnessing how you’re letting yourself go, moaning and swerving your hips, your fingers digging in his chest -fuck, he wishes you were not a barista, required to keep your nails the shortest so he could feel them scratch and tattoo his skin with pretty figures he could look on later. “You’re soaking my thigh so well, baby, I can feel it through my jeans.” Your speed increases, your hands now on his shoulders to help you ride him better. Your fingers dip in and he loves it, the feeling of being the sturdy form you depend on, and the fuck toy for you to hump on. “You really like that, right? Rutting on my leg like you’re so fucking desperate to come.” Jungkook rises, his arms wrapping around you and his mouth, after finding your gaping lips for a wet smack, finds your jaw. “Fuck. I can feel you, I can smell you-”
“Oh my God-” Your eyelids shut tight, you bite hard on your lip.
“I wanna taste you, ___. Would you like that?”
“I-” He smiles deviously.
“You, rubbing your desperate little cunt all over my face, would you like that?”
“Yes!” Jungkook doesn’t waste a second, lying on his back, his brightest bunny smile reflecting in the dim light, inviting you to take your designated seat. But you deflate instantly. Losing complete track of your previous activity, you sober up from the feverish excitement. “Wait- no, Jungkook. Not happening.”
“What? What’s not happening?”
“You’re not eating me out!” Jungkook is so fucking lost, puzzled beyond comprehension, his huge eyes bigger than ever as they reflect the confusion.
“Why not? You said you wanted to like five seconds ago!”
“I thought- you were just saying that.”
“Well, yeah, no... I want to.” 
“Well, that’s not happening so let’s just move on.” You conclude before resuming to riding him but his hands are quick to immobilize you. Frowning in displeasure, you let yourself fall on the bed beside him. 
“You’re so mean!” You scoff out loud. He’s biting back a smile. It does sound like you two are ten again, arguing about some stupid shits your memories would never bother try and hold. Still, he’s upset. You won’t let him keep the lights on. You won’t let him eat you out. Jungkook has been feeling so comfortable in that lover suit you let him put on -suit that fits him so fucking well he has to admit- he allows to indulge in greediness and pettiness. “It’s the worst night of my life.” He adds, and you can hear him pout.
Laughing aloud, you groan, “Oh my God, you’re such a baby!” One of your hand is reaching to drag him towards you. He moves because he decides to, hovering over you, with that damn pout glued to his mouth. “Don’t you think we could be doing better things than argue about this?”
“But I really want to...” He is fully aware he is whining like a child now but he feels like one. Thinking about how this might be the one and only time he gets to spend time in a bed, with you lying naked and vulnerable and open for him to worship and enjoy, and you won't let him taste you, it makes him want to throw the loudest tantrum.
“Come on, Guk!” You chastise. He's burying his disappointement in the crook of your neck, when you ask, “What is it? Are you scared you're not gonna make me cum if you don't prep me with-”
Jungkook's head snaps up. Pushing on his arms to hover over your tantalizing grin, he bores his supposedly dark eyes into your amused gaze, the tongue pushing against the inside of his cheek exposing how triggered he just got. You laugh at that and he brings a hand down to pinch your thigh.
“You're really pushing my buttons, you know...” All giggly, you press a quick kiss to his lips. He can't do anything else but lean in to have another one. And that's so unfair. Because despite you're being so mean, he can't resist you for a second. While the tip of your tongue starts teasing his, your fingers brush along his covered-shaft. Swiftly, he swats them away, “I can't eat you out, you don't get to touch my cock.”
“Dude, are you serious?” You gasp in mid-choke, mid-hilarity. You can't believe he'd be that ridiculous. “Isn't that blackmailing?”
“First of all, it's called justice.” You roll your eyes. He kisses your jaw and they soften down. That's something he'll have to think back on later. How natural and nice it feels to be lying in bed with you, members all entangled, skin sticking to one another, casually talking while your thumbs mindlessly stroke his arms and his lips keep loving your skin. “Second, don't call me dude.”
He stops the scattering of innocent pecks when you ask, simply, “What should I call you?”
You're asking the question. You're literally asking. He's not sure why, maybe it's just more messing around or maybe you sincerely mean to comply in his fantasy, without even suspecting how wide and pressing and real his fantasies about you have been dwelling in his mind and heart for years now. It's the occasion. He'd be foolish to pass it, he thinks. “Baby.” As soon as the word comes out, he realizes how fucking stupid he sounds and wishes to take it back already. He follows right away with a mess of a stutter, “I mean- I don't- forget it, sorry. I don't know why I said that.” Jungkook groans, trying to hide his burning face in the pillow. He can't believe he said that. He can't believe he actually said that...Ok, he thought you were getting a bit off track but didn't mind because you two were hitting it off as you used to, in a different context and setting, sure, but still, the affinity was there, the complicity and the unadulterated ease too. But now, it's going terribly wrong. Has he drowned any sanity cells he owned with the two beers he chugged? Really? How could he fucking say that?
“Why are you like this?” You're cackling over him, a hand pressed to his shoulder blade, trying to smooth him into turning around and facing you. To no avail. “Why is that so embarrassing? I don't mind it.” There is no response coming from him, sweet kisses and pressing taps on his back simply ignored. He's trying to hold his breath long enough to die but his survival instinct keeps kicking in just when his head starts getting super dizzy and it brings him back to this fucking awful moment. “Did I mention this? Your butt looks fucking phenomenal!” He groans in emotional pain. He doesn't know if you mean it or you're just trying to make him feel better. “Baby?” Argh. Because, in fact, he's been told he lacked in that department. Then again, when that happened, he was standing next to Jimin, the ballet dancer. Surely, you're mocking. His ego keeps bleeding profusely and he still won't die, it's the worst-
“Alright, I let you go down on me if you stop sulking.” It works instantly. Jungkook rises back from the depth of your fluffy pillows. His face to the tip of his ears is still crimson, but he peeks in interest.
“Forget it.” He exhales the most melancholic, most heart-wrenching sigh you've ever heard. It makes you roll your eyes. “You don't want to, m'not gonna pressure you...” You regard him carefully, lying on his back, staring at the ceiling. His lips, parted around his adorable bunny teeth, look so endearing. Inviting in colour and appealingly plump for the cute hanging bottom one. The glimpse of the pink tongue swiping over it grasp and pull unforgivingly on one of your internal strings. One attached directly to your core, apparently.
“It's not that I don't want to. It's just too embarrassing, seriously.”
“What is there to be embarrassed about? It's just me.” You tense your neck to connect your lips with his. He follows along when you lie back before mumbling on your mouth, “You want me to?”
Jungkook can hardly hide how happy he is as he kisses you messily, his palm clapping loudly on your thigh from excitement. Sitting in between your legs, holding them up, he observes you, smiling to himself when he realizes your head is placed perfectly on the pillows, right where the closest street lamp hits. He can see you perfectly and take advantage of the opportuniy, as he spreads kisses along your inner thighs, eyes never leaving your face. He welcomes and appreciates the cute dimming of your cheeks because he knows after he’s done devouring you the way he will, it probably won’t be showing again. Not from shame anyway.
He is planning on ruining you. He might feel guilty about it later but at this present moment, it's clear to him what he wants to do. He wants to wreck you so you never get over him.
It's not that ill, he knows he'd be right for you. He's made for you. He doesn't know if you were made for him or for another man you've met already or don't even know yet -or even for that fucking Namjoon- but he knows he's made to love you and only you. He doesn't even want to be cured from this infatuation anymore. The sorrow, the frustration, the loneliness, all these emotions don't burden him because they come from him loving the wonderful woman that you are so dearly so. They're wondrous, they're confirmation of how bad he loves you. There's nothing purer, more genuine, more worth it than his love for you. Maybe it's stupid but his heart, he wants it to feel as intensely for you and no one else ever.
And that's with this hanging in the back of his mind, that he proceeds to put all his efforts into pleasing you. From the air he breathes against your centre, recovered in the arousal you spread over yourself when you rode his thigh, the tentative kiss to your clit, to the messy open-mouthed kisses. He keeps it in mind. He has to give it his whole. He has to make you tremble and beg for more. When he forces his face in your crotch, round nose bumping and rubbing your clit, tongue fucking into you, he feels your legs, spasming around his head and jerking, and a loud, broken cry breaks the partial quietness of the room. It drives him crazy to hear you like that. So appreciative of his ministrations, giving yourself entirely to him, abandoning progressively all your modesty and timidity. Jungkook is slurping obscenely as he slides over your centre to find his mouth wrapped around your button of nerves. You're an indecent mess, grinding uncontrollably against his face, as he can't help himself from rutting his hips against the mattress. He's quick to slip two fingers in because one is just not enough when you're that sloppy and craving and your walls hug them so tightly, so mercilessly, it's like they're dying to meet and feel every single edges of his long fingers, as if they constantly need to feel the burning stretch of his pumpings.
When you come around his fingers, your clit nicely tucked in between his loving lips, he feels himself twitch in his pants and sweat rolling down the back of his neck. How the fuck will he survive having you coming on his dick when you get so fucking tight? He's hoping he'll do it, there's no doubt about that. Nevertheless, he feels himself suffocating already.
“Oh- my God. Jungkook.” You're so out-of-breath, voice shivering and high. Adorable.
He's off of the bed, fumbling with his pants to get them off as the straining on his cock just proved unbearable when he's that hard, hurriedly whispering back, “I know.” and that's so funny how he doesn't even try to be cocky yet he could. He doesn't know that much about your sex life and sexual history -because you stopped telling him everything about it when you turned seventeen and you've found girls to talk about it with. He doesn't know if this kind of orgasms is a recurrence or even, vaguely familiar, but the quivering of your body, the feverish feel that remains even after he's back on the bed, pushes him to believe it might not be the case. He's proud. Probably will use it later to taunt you. But for now, the eagerness to show you more smothers the cockiness in.
“Wait- what are you doing?” You try to skip away when you feel his breath fanning over your crotch again and Jungkook's had just about enough.
Grabbing your thighs to keep you in place, he low-key growls, “You need to fucking stop questioning everything, ___. Haven't I proved you yet that I know what I'm doing?”
You frown. “You're rude.”
“Trust me.” He pecks a few times your clit. The oversensitivity is palpable, the way you twitch and yelp, uncomfortably. “I know what I'm doing.” Now wrapping his whole mouth over your mound, stroking a fat tongue all over you in a slow pressure, he feels your legs relax in his grasp. He knows a teasing, skiming shadow of a touch would be hard to handle, very very mean for him to torture you with on your first night together.
Jungkook's practised oversensitivity and hyperstimulation long and hard. On himself and his partners. He wouldn't hesitate usually but he knows how difficult it can be, therefore, he won't be mean. The boldness and the force and the decisiveness of his touch make it bearable. You're quick to open your legs wider the way you did before, welcoming him in, begging him to make you come again. Pushing your thighs towards your chest, he enjoins you to hold them still if you want him to give it to you. And the vision kills him. He regrets there is no proper lightening for him to witness the scarlet of your abused cunt but at least, he can see the wetness.
It's everywhere. On your thighs, dripping to your asshole, there's even a fucking puddle on the bedsheet. And Jungkook thinks, no matter how much you seem to enjoy it, how much your body seems to relish it, he's not doing enough of a good job if he's managed to let so much of it slip out of his mouth. Attaching his lips back, sucking at your folds like an eager demon trying to suck up your soul out of you, he consumes you and drinks every single drop gushing out of your cunt.
“I need you to- cum for me. All over my face, baby, come on.” He mutters against you, addressing himself more than you since there's no way you can hear him over your erratic breathing and heartbeats, not when his face is buried that deep into you. He sucks on his thumb before pressing it hard to your clit, tensed tongue fucking your hole. He rubs hard, unmercifully, smiling in your folds when he feels you losing it. You don't know what to do with yourself. With your body and the sensations, seeming to grand for you to contain. Your hips ride his face then stop then twitch and want to ride again, trying to get more but wanting to trust that remaining still allows his touch to be more precise and therefore the more delectable. Your legs jerk in the air, trying to keep the position he's imposed you but also desperately wanting to reach that state of ultimate excitation you brush each time, legs wide open, you feel so much more exposed and obscene, sluttier than you've ever felt. Then, after an eternity of common effort against a stubborn knot, you burst in a blinding orgasm even more blazing than the last, so powerful and earthshaking, even Jungkook seems to experience it as he moans lowly, drinking the remnants of your orgasm rolling along his tongue.
And he might be an actual demon trying to suck your soul out of you: when you're lying there, completely limp and head so fucking hazy, unable to create any thought, coherent or not, just his name and his smile and his big eyes occupying your mind, you wonder if that's not precisely what he is and what he's done to you.
You're not the only one left shaken to the core. Jungkook, breathing laboured and soaked from sweat and your juices, struggles to keep his sanity. He's feeling woozy, with the world swaying dangerously, his ears ringing with the ghosts of your loud moans and cries from before. He thinks he might actually pass out from how overwhelmed he feels. There's all that's happened until now, and what there's to come. And it might be too much.
You're playing grabby hands. Short nails brushing at the smooth skin over his abs that are constricting and tightening as he breathes. You look lovely like that, he wishes he could just give in and offer you his whole but he's at the edge. He really is and has the sense that if he doesn't pass out, he still might come on the spot if he just doesn't take a step back from your warmth for just a second. And it's hard. He sees your struggle, your frustration in the cute scowl adorning your face, he feels the same. It seems scandalous to stop when it feels so right but he is literally about to bust a nut just catching the shadow of your breast, covered by a shiny layer from how much he made you sweat. “Wait a sec- just a second, ___.”
“You okay? Are the drinks just kicking in?” You're the one intoxicating him, rendering him dizzy and delirious. The way you make his heart beats so furiously freaks him out. It's nothing new but he's scared the crazy ride might be too much for him to handle this time.
You bring Jungkook back by the brush of your fingers over his shaft. He falls over you, holding himself up by the trembling arms caging your head. You're so tender with him when you paint his skin from his forearm to his collarbone with kisses. You're so gentle. And he's so in love with you.
“I really wanna be inside you.” Jungkook confesses when he feels you pressing his sex against your burning lips.
“But I want to taste you too.”
“___, can't you feel me?” He asks, delivering the answer as he goes. “I'm so hard. Please, let me.”
It's his voice, familiar yet smoother than it's ever been, that makes you nod your head. Jungkook kisses you deeply, long enough to fill his heart with this new addicting ardour, until his cock -and the growing discomfort soon to turn painful- screams him to stop and fuck you already.
He leans back on his knees, watching as you twist around to open the drawer of your nightstand and blindly grab a silver packet that you then hand him. Your fingers tremble when you do so. Jungkook holds them to his mouth to press a comforting peck there.
When his knuckle slips along your centre, digging between your folds, he grins to himself, feeling how soaked you are. His covered tip teases, rubs your clit lightly, while your legs unfold invitingly to rest on his thighs.
“Are you ready?” He asks, voice quiet and tense. You're so quick to assert your want before he even gets to finish his question, he deems you both have waited long enough and deserve the ecstatic-filled glorious sensation that erupts as he slips the first centimetres of his girth inside you. It's slippery as he starts, having to hold his member upright for it to simply dig in, until he pushes further, filling you up with as much as he possibly can, and then for him, it's just an hardly surmountable encasement of heat and tightness. It feels so good, so wonderful, like that feeling. The one people spend their lives seeking for without really, ever being able to find because it's so flimsy, so unrealistic, too perfect to be true. Except it's happening. Young Junkook, the one that used to read too many shojo mangas, is losing his shit, somewhere not so far up in his head, screaming in hysterics about how he's found his soulmate. This is it. He wants this moment, this feeling to last for infinity. It's divine beyond anything he could have pictured.
“Move!” You grumble between your teeth, the eternity he's spent just standing still, proving to be unendurable. It breaks him from his stupor. Diligently, he starts thrusting, in and out. His movements are not as rough nor as intense or calculated as they should be, according to his standards. He's just consumed. He doesn't want to give you a reason to call him a softie and quite frankly, that would fuck up the whole mood if he were to let himself be, but he could cry right now. Maybe his dick is also a bit on the sensitive side, and it doesn't help, added to his heart, that is bathing in an euphoria he's never experienced before. He's brushed happiness before, recalling on some memories of your shared childhood. He's pretty sure he's touched and held it momentarily, not necessarily having, on the moment, the realisation but it still happened. But here and now, he's grasping it with the same hold his hands own on your thighs, he's immersing in it as his cock slides in and out of your sex, and he's so mindful of it too. He's fucking mindblown and soul shattered. And he wants more. Grabbing your hands clenching the sheets on your sides, he yanks you up on his lap, pressing his mouth to yours in a heated kiss.
“Fuck. Ride me.” He sounds desperate as he laps his tongue in your mouth, large hands spread over your hips and ass, bruising fingers dipping in the flesh.
“You're really demanding.” You're being difficult again and he's tempted to bite back by bringing up -what he is now sure to be- the hella-boring sex life you shared with your past partners. Because this shit is nothing. And each time he's trying to do something, there's this remnant of innocence and embarrassment, this little lag and awkwardness in your movements coming from lack of experience. He loves it in a way. If he's the first one to push you further, in uncommon and scary territories, especially when the results always end up blooming in the most pleasing sounds and mesmerizing gesticulations. But when he's this tense, and hard, hopelessly in need of a phenomenal orgasm, he just won't find in himself to tease, argue or anything else.
To be fair, the position is a bit awkward. Him sitting back on his knees, holding you up there, specially if you're not used to riding a man, he can understand. He's not ready to give up on the idea though.
“I just need you to give me your all.” His grip on your ass tighten and patiently he helps you ride him. You're quick to get the catch. Following his hands but emphasizing the motion, sliding along his shaft until he's almost completely out to then come back and hit your pelvis against his hard abs. It's better like so, he gets to ravish your mouth, swallow your moans and whimpers, share the same breath as yours, feel not only your tender breast but your heartbeat, knocking on his. “Wanna come?” He asks even though he knows, so well, when your hold on his cock is spasming uncontrollably. Your movements are so frantic too, uncoordinated. You're spilling everywhere, he can feel you drip down his thighs, and he can hear it. You nod with his thumb in your mouth, eyes closing when he brings it down to your clit. “M-me too. Eyes on me when- fuck- when you come.” He's keeping you close, accompanying your hips as you fuck yourself on him, fingers tangled in his thick soft locks, bringing yourself to your orgasm with little to no shame left in you. You cry out his name, along with a plethora of fuck me, staring straight in his huge dark eyes, not fluttering your gaze just like he asked. The addition of this contact, so intimate yet sinful, along with the clutch, unforgiving, of your cunt around him, brings Jungkook there a blink of an instant after you. He meets your hips, stuttering upwards, groaning your name, savouring with a lazy smile on his smile, the extent of the ball of light and heat exploding inside, annihilating any sense of reality and environment for a little while.
When he lands back down to Earth, to your bed, to your sex, your soft hands holding his head, he sighs deeply and proceeds to lay you down on your back, cautiously. Your ragged breaths try to match, to deepen and calm down. Lazy kisses are shared, anywhere your lips can touch without having much effort to do. The tension has almost been washed away in your wetness. He knows if he's patient enough, it'll just go away -the obnoxious boner that struggles to soften. But there's the greediness for more, always more, because he just can't stop already. He just can't accept that it is over for now. Temptingly, Jungkook starts thrusting again, wrapping his arms around you, keeping you flush against him. It feels insufferable. It's too hot, too sweaty, you could fall asleep if you just dared close your eyes for a second too long. “Didn't you just come?” You mewl into his hair.
Chuckling, he whispers, “M'still hard.” He sees how you flinch, wincing, sucking on your breaths but there's also your small hands pressing against his lower back. You're so hot, so tight sucking him in, you sound so sweet yet obscene in his ear, he wouldn't even need to go strong to come again at this point. When the last orgasm is still so close, hasn't entirely left his body yet, he knows it'll be so easy to just fall back in. But he wants you to come with him.
“There's no way I'm coming again, Guk.” You just say that matter-of-factly.
“You will.” Resolute and assured. Tone as decisive as his pounding. Hard and fast, the squelching so loud, it hits the walls of the room and bounces back to your ears, making you blush furiously through your already red face. “Is this the best fuck you've ever had?” Jungkook groans in your ear. He digs further in your neck, tongue licking broadly your sweat. He could be embarrassed but there's no point when you've indulged into each other the way you've done tonight. He's finally fucking into you mercilessly, being as gross and sloppy as he likes to be.
“Shit- yes!”
“Then you gonna come for me,” His hips hit brutally and freeze for an instant to appreciate the head of his cock touching a new edge in you. “for the best man you'll ever have.” You're sobbing when he starts beating your cunt again.
“Oh my God, Jungkook!” He can barely understand you. His brain is fucking off and your words are so slurred. Doesn't care that much right this instant anyway. When he knows he's taking you both there again, and can't afford to slacken. “Show your man how good he is to you.” It's all you both need, particularly helped on his side by your reaction, so supine to his words and his touch. The knot unties finally. It's way less violent as the other ones. It's like dipping slowly in a fuzzy, soft bath filled with pure languid pleasure.
And it feels so nice, so pleasant and profound. Your arms and legs still wrapped around his body. Your exhalings slow in his ear. When he finds the courage to move, he rolls to the side, enough to let your breath but still impossibly close. You two are wet, slippery, way too sultry, it would be uncomfortable if his heart didn't feel so good.
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“Should I run you a bath?” He asks. Fingers brushing away the messy hair stuck to your face.
“I'd pass out and drown.”
He chuckles, a malicious ring to his laugh. He's enchanted to be the one who's wrecked you that bad. “You sound bitter.”
You're so tired, you can hardly open your mouth. “You ruined me, Guk. 'Was amazing.”
“Yeah, even better than anything I'd imagined.” Jungkook confesses, lips smiling softly into your shoulder.
“Wait, what- what do you mean?” The confidence he felt filled with wavers. You backed away from him. Not drastically, really, just enough to be able to look at his face, but it still stings.
“Well... I've thought about you. You- you haven't...?”
“No... I mean I might from now on but-”
He relaxes at your answer, releasing a tired grin. “When you do, you know where to find me.”
“You'd do it again?” Jungkook's insides to the tip of his fingers tingle in the most disagreeable way. You sound so shocked. Almost disturbed by the idea. “I don't know, it's weird, don't you think? We're friends.” He doesn't mean to be obvious about it. He wants to be as discreet and nonchalant about his feelings as he's always managed to be since he's realized they had changed from the purely platonic ones he used to have to the passionate romantic ones he arbours now. But it hurts so bad, after having shared what you shared, after having felt you the way he did, and been so wrong and delusional about how you've felt during your embrace. How could you have accepted his words so carelessly? The things he said, he meant them. He believed them. He believed you heard and fathomed them.
His hold faints around you. He disengages one of his arms, leaving the one stuck under you there, but rolling on his back to put some much-needed distance between you. And because you're so dumb, you pick up on it but completely misinterpret his reaction. “I mean you're my one and only best friend. You know it, Guk...” He doesn't know what to say. There's nothing to be said except if he doesn't mind fucking it all up with the words his martyr of a heart wants to scream at you.
You're dowsing off. “We can't do it again, that's just wrong. It'll fuck it all up.” One of your hand is messily going through his fringe, almost poking him in the eye. “Hair's grown so much in 3 weeks, whatthehell..?” Indeed his hair has grown. You probably didn't notice previously because he spent his time passing his hand through it, and parting it away from his forehead but his now wet strands are falling into his eyes and he doesn't bother to get them off, hoping it will hide any telling sign of his troubled soul. You're so tired anyway. And it's so dark. There's no way his heart will be opened and exposed for you to read unless he says something.
He doesn't though.
He waits, not very long, for you to give in the calls of Morphe and start snoring softly, gathering this time he really missed his chance.
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a/n: OMG. I’m SORRY. So this concludes (y)our name. I would LOVE to know your thoughts. Tell me everything. Scream at me if you want, I don’t mind, I probably deserve it haha. I really hope you enjoyed and I want to thank you immensely for reading, liking, commenting, and reblogging. Y’all have been so sweet, and there’s a whole bunch of new yous here, that really warms my heart so ty ty ty, ily ily ily.
tag list: @lovelyjkook @somewhereinthestarss @whisheria @ghostin-manoban @oofjungoo @jikooxk @annoyingpessimist @darksiidee @yeontanie21 @vari8tions @moansofluke @perhapsstory @emilypkuzu @unhxlyim @aretha170​ @the-suns-daughter​ @bts-fan-obsessed @batakookie @jung00jeon                
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confettipizza · 4 years ago
Lunar Recap
How it started. How it’s going. How it ended for the last lunar cycle of 2020.
This lunar cycle began with the New Moon on Jan. 12, 2021 @ 11:01 PM CT (Jan. 13 @ 05:01 UTC). It was the 13th Moon of 2020 according to the lunar calendar. And it ended Feb. 11, 2021, just before the 1st Moon of 2021! Happy Lunar New Year 2021, Year of the Ox!
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South Korean Court Orders Japan to Compensate Women Forced into Sex Slavery
Colorado AG Opens Grand Jury Probe of Police Killing of Elijah McClain
Guantánamo Bay Prison Starts 20th Year of Indefinite Detentions
Pfizer to Boost COVID-19 Vaccine Output as WHO Warns of Vaccination Inequality
Lawmakers Catch COVID-19 After Sheltering in Room Where GOP Reps Refused Masks
FBI Warns of “Armed Protests” in All 50 States and at Biden’s Inauguration
Tomorrow is Sun conjunct Pluto. Something that’s been lurking in the shadows bout to jump out. Might be pretty big, but there’s also the individual personal experience of this event and might feel more like an early Full Moon for you.
House to Impeach Trump as GOP Shows Signs of Backing Removal
Well this is dumb. Sun conjunct Pluto?
The $3,000-a-month toilet for the Ivanka Trump/Jared Kushner Secret Service detail
I also remembered/realized how much I really love Anna Sui designs since I was a kid which is pretty random to pop up on my radar, but this woman gets that all I want is sparkly heart shaped objects in lacquered black and flowy hippie dresses
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Trump Tells Aides Not to Pay Giuliani’s Legal Fees as Bid to Overturn Election Fails
All I know is talking about dreams and discussing them with others makes you feel better. The tarot angle is there to shed some light on what the dream is actually telling you.
Joe Biden Unveils $1.9 Trillion Coronavirus and Economic Relief Package
ICE’s Acting Director Resigns After Two Weeks on Job
Found out today the woman at the car mechanic I've been faithfully taking my car to for the past two years can speak to the dead and had some messages for me from my dad who passed in October-
Intuitive guided tarot card pull.
Waxing crescent into Aries Monday, January 18, 2021 at 1:06 AM CT Today’s Astro x Tarot forecast valid for the next 24 hours: Feelings are flaring up for you to make a statement, a very zippy move or a quick decision about someone or something.
So long as you remain flexible and agile, whatever you choose to do with them will work to your advantage. If you decide not to impose hyper-agility into your decision making rn, then kudos to you! You’ve gained practice points in self-control experience.
More Than 760,000 Pounds of Hot Pockets Recalled
‘I Answered the Call of My President’: Rioters Say Trump Urged Them On
Raphael Warnock and the Legacy of Racial Tyranny
The Extraordinary Courage of Aleksei Navalny
Whoa, I was like a cycle early on celebrating the lunar new year! I’ve been a month into the future for a week now. My bad! I apologize for any confusion.
I was thinking that the soul's law of attraction is probably pretty unstoppable even concerning partners, so like, if someone didn't love you back then it's not some mistake or human misunderstanding that you or they need to fix.
To find one's soulmate looks something like 2 souls flying towards each other from opposite ends of the galaxy to join their physical selves together in a collision force so brutal you're stuck like that and if that's not what yours looks like then maybe that ain't your soulmate?
All the men going to jail for their poop smearing Capitol rioting have online dating profiles and that’s reason no. 2 I do not date online! Reason no. 1 is ain’t nobody cute on there.
The Witch’s Myth: The true story of the crane husband
Where are your witch stars, Circe and Hekate, located? Their location can explain your relationship to witchcraft. Circe is in my 1st house influencing my outer appearances and Hekate is conjunct Jupiter influencing my domestic style and home to be distinctively witchy.
Sun into Aquarius Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 2:33 PM CT Here is your Sun into Aquarius forecast effective for the next several weeks of Aquarius season. 
Down to earth and grounded is our most qualified position to receive everything we need and use everything we receive. This is the reality of ourselves, the human condition.
We love reality based reality.
Get ready for reality-grounded White House press briefings
Why do people believe the lies they’re fed? Because those lies are designed to be more palatable than reality. Lies offer a quick easy patch, but what you’ve gotta ask yourself is are those lies actually designed to support the flow of all things into your life?
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~* First Quarter Jan. 20 3:02 PM CT (21:02 UTC) *~
Biden and Harris Attend Memorial to Honor 400,000+ COVID-19 Victims in U.S. on Eve of Inauguration
Steve Bannon Among Final Trump Pardons and Commutations
Trump Admin Declares Multiculturalism Is “Not Who America Is” as WH Releases Racist, Revisionist Report
4,000+ Columbia Students Back Largest-Ever Tuition Strike
Today, whatever you’re doing or are wishing to become will be to the benefit of this unifying, love-aligned uprising.
Joe Biden Sworn In as 46th President of the United States, Ending Trump Era
Good inauguration Astro climate this morning feels like. #BidenHarrisInauguration
“What has shaken the U.S. population so badly, this assault on the Capitol yesterday, is really nothing by comparison to what U.S. operations have done in Latin America, in Asia, in Africa, in the Middle East, to other democratic movements and elected governments over the years.”
Progress towards wholeness can’t be made until we own up to the roles we’ve played in the past.
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Read the full text of Amanda Gorman’s inaugural poem ‘The Hill We Climb’
When did politics get so vibrant and fashionably uplifting? Please and thank you! #Inauguration2021
The two of wands says to review your options, do your research, crunch the numbers, imagine the outcomes, but there’s no need to force making a choice if you don’t have to. Buy yourself some time and let the plans for a resolution find you, not the other way around.
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Donald Trump Leaves Office and Washington, D.C., Threatens “We Will Be Back”
Watchdogs Demand Transparency as Corporations Pour Millions into Biden-Harris Inauguration
Senate Dems File Ethics Complaint Against Sens. Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley over Jan. 6 Insurrection
Federal Forces Arrest Ex-Marine for Beating Officer with a Hockey Stick During Capitol Riots
It’s Friday and it just feels good to be alive, a socialist and calling Bernie Sanders cute on Inauguration Day week! What a difference a pandemic makes.
Instacart Lays Off 2,000 Workers, Including Group Who Started Company’s First Union
Mars square Jupiter January 23, 2021 @ 1:49 AM CT (7:49 GMT) Someone wants you to know that you are ready to conquer your perceived limits to arrive at expansion in your thoughts, feelings, emotions and understanding today.
Waxing gibbous into Cancer January 25, 2021 @ 12:51 PM CT (18:51 GMT) It’s a supportive Moon for dreaming for mental health and well being. Begin a dream journal or review your latest dreams, reflecting on them for a few minutes today.
You are opening yourself up to an emotional practice that includes care for yourself in ways no one else (besides you and your connection to the Moon) can provide.
And too my Tarot Dream Readings are open if you would like guidance or support on a particular dream. See my pinned tweet for how it works.
When one’s soul is allowed to lead one’s life, working in the dark shadows, the invisible silence, the soul’s manifesting results are way more lasting and way more powerful than egocentric anything.
Good morning, self! A reminder my ego has never done a thing for me my soul can’t do better.
National Guard Deployment at U.S. Capitol Becomes COVID-19 Superspreader Event
Russia Violently Cracks Down on Protesters Calling for Release of Alexei Navalny
Trump Plotted to Oust Acting AG, Use DOJ to Force Georgia to Overturn Election Results
Hunts Point Market Workers in the Bronx Win Wage Increase After Week-Long Strike
This mourning brooch is a mindful way to mark the death of a loved one while paying tribute to the impact it has had on you. Bring back this Victorian trend!
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Veteran Talk Show Host Larry King Dies After Hospitalization for COVID-19
Hank Aaron, Who Overcame Racist Barriers to Become Home Run Record-Holder, Dies at 86
We don’t give our bodies or our intuition enough attention and nourishment a lot of the time, so today’s the day we practice finding and sitting quietly with our inner voice.
~* Full Moon Jan. 28 1:17 PM CT (19:17 UTC) *~
House Delivers Article of Impeachment to Senate, Triggering Trump’s Second Trial
Dominion Voting Systems Sues Rudy Giuliani for Lying About 2020 Election
President Biden Increases U.S. Vaccination Goal to 150 Million Shots in 100 Days
President Biden Reverses Trump’s Transgender Military Service Ban
Biden Restores Plan to Feature Abolitionist Harriet Tubman on $20 Bill
Value is further added the more you mint your words with a most whole and complete love. Love is the greatest asset we can let appreciate in our lifetimes.
This Full Moon tomorrow sends a flash point that reminds you to circulate this wealth because it’s the greatest emotional gift we can bestow upon our loved ones, family, friends, neighbors, elders, members of our community, etc.
Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn January 28, 2021 @ 10:18 AM CT (16:18 GMT) Going through your day today uncovers a forgotten desire or creative goal. You find yourself asking something like: Remember when I wanted to become a pastry chef?
Although you decided to pursue a different course, take a moment to focus on and honor this memory when it arrives and then release it. What did you become instead and why?
45 Senate Republicans Back Dismissal of Trump Impeachment Trial
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Supported Violence Against Pelosi and Others in 2018 Facebook Posts
Taking the time to recognize and honor your past desires gives the respect these memories deserve and it integrates them into the whole wider scene of the individual, both shadow and light on your path builds confidence in your steps, confidence in yourself.
You are who you are for a reason.
Had no idea how literal this grassroots King of Pentacles card was gonna materialize today, but here it is folks! When a subreddit takes down a hedge fund!
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Leader of Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, Was a Government Informer
U.S. Freezes Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia, Reviews Deal with UAE Made Under Trump Admin
Poland Enacts Near-Total Ban on Abortions, Triggering More Protests
Honduras Locks In Total Ban on Abortions, Attacks Marriage Equality
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Confronts Parkland Survivor David Hogg in Newly Resurfaced Video
The stock market this morning: Sh*t! Normal working class people read the market and figured out the game! Time to change the rules again. Let’s write it in ancient Babylonian hieroglyphs this time. They’ll never figure that sh*t out.
A message crucial to promote the awareness of your personal role in the collective will become evident over the next three weeks. You will come to ask yourself, What am I doing with my life?
If you aren’t familiar or comfortable with seeking your inner journey, then the greatest clue I can offer you at the start is to become open to the invisible world within you. How you learn to relate to it is completely personal and uniquely your own
Speaking in more concrete terms the next few weeks may manifest a life event for you where you must apply both logic and feeling in order to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion concerning an interpersonal relationship or the question what am I doing with my life?
This Mercury retrograde should be a cinch, but during it don’t buy tech if you don’t have to. And remember to triple check communication before hitting send. If you arrive at conflict be quick to apologize and say no more until tomorrow 
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President Biden Expands Affordable Care Act Enrollment Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
House Speaker Blasts GOP for Assigning Racist Conspiracy Theorist to House Education Committee
Lawmakers Demand Probe into Trading App Robinhood After It Blocked Stock Sales That Hurt Hedge Funds
Pioneering African American Actor Cicely Tyson, Winner of Two Emmys, Dies at 96
Sun in Aquarius square Mars in Taurus February 1, 2021 @ 4:33 AM CT (10:33 GMT) The warrior’s edge has melted away and now you can take the scenic route through a field of wildflowers and mushrooms instead of blasting your way through a hillside of obstacles.
This energy catalyzes a scene that supports growth through varied experiences and it encourages everyone to seek their own way to resolutions, conclusions and understandings that are uniquely their own. Searching out your own way illuminates a strategic aspect of your purpose.
Happy Venus in Aquarius! The idea to refresh your wardrobe, hairstyle or redecorating by public opinion can be too hard to ignore under this influence. Your personal style will be influenced by the collective for the duration.
Burmese Military Stage Coup, Detain Aung San Suu Kyi
FBI Uncovers Evidence Jan. 6 Attack Was Premeditated as More Far-Right Rioters Face Charges
Trump Faces More Businesses-Related Woes as His Legal Team Departs a Week Before Impeachment Trial
It’s only the 21st day of the lunar cycle and already we’ve gone from the end of a rotten presidential era to the people’s revolution of the stock market, ok? And this moon ain’t even finished yet!
~* Last Quarter Feb. 4 11:38 AM CT (17:38 UTC) *~
U.S. Tops 26 Million COVID-19 Vaccine Shots, Surpassing Confirmed Coronavirus Cases
Moon Last Quarter in Scorpio February 4, 2021 @ 11:38 AM CT (17:38 UTC) A time for Descending, settling, closure, receiving compliments for doing a good job. Prime time for tying of loose ends and wrapping up unfinished business.
Democrats Say Trump “Singularly Responsible” for Jan. 6 Insurrection in Impeachment Brief
With consciousness humans are able to transcend the unconscious and reconfigure our relationship to it.
Though we can transcend the unconscious through viewing ourselves objectively, we are still apart of the the unconscious. Those rules still apply to us even as we contemplate their logic.
Jeff Bezos Steps Down as Amazon CEO After Amassing Huge Personal Fortune
Amazon to Pay Contract Drivers $61.7 Million After FTC Probe Finds It Stole Tips to Pay Wages
Republican Leader Won’t Punish Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene over Racist and Violent Rhetoric
Prosecutors Seek Rearrest of Kyle Rittenhouse, Wisconsin Teen Charged with Killing 2 Protesters
Sometimes the right thing to do is protect your one actual valuable thing not by defending it, but closing up all the channels the valuable thing is being attacked from the outside. Sometimes you just gotta block, delete or remove your account and move on with/to what's good.
What if we wake up one day and COVID has disappeared, like poof! It vanished into thin air? Maybe it’s the moon opposed to Uranus that’s got me wishing wild problem solvers would pop up overnight.
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Poll Reveals 25% of U.S. Adults Plan to Gather at Super Bowl Watch Parties
VP Harris Casts Tie-Breaking Vote to Move Ahead with Democratic COVID Relief Bill
House Removes Marjorie Taylor Greene from Committees over Violent, Bigoted Rhetoric
Smartmatic Sues Fox News, Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell for Election-Related Lies
I unfollowed some lawmakers this morning after feeling second hand anxiety over the handling of their interpersonal conflicts. Realized they were me on IG two years ago and I’ve moved on since. Can relate, but don’t wanna relive, thanks!
I just want to let y’all know that I’m coping w insufficient candle syndrome & will be studying the art & science of candle making to save myself potentially hundreds of thousands of $$ by making my own delicious smelling coconut wax babies in diy terra cotta flower pots.
Wyoming GOP Censures Rep. Liz Cheney for Backing Trump’s Impeachment
Mass Protests Continue in Burma Opposing Military Coup, Removal of Aung San Suu Kyi
You may tell others like it is today, but hopefully this inspires you to check in with yourself and be honest/come clean about something you've been overlooking.
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Indian Farmworkers Blockade Roads as Mass Protests Show No Sign of Slowing Down
Black Sheriff’s Deputy in Louisiana Dies by Suicide After Condemning Police Violence and Racism
Amazon Workers in Alabama Begin Historic Vote on Unionization
Second Impeachment Trial of Donald J. Trump Opens in the Senate
Georgia’s Secretary of State to Probe Trump’s Efforts to Overturn 2020 Election
Mercury square Mars February 10, 2021 @ 6:14 AM CT (12:14 UTC) Still talking about talking, it’s also Dark Moon time to shape or let a habit form. This practice can come from breaking free of outdated relationships with yourself or with others in order to spur growth.
Dreamed Jungkook was correcting my pronunciation of Korean last night. I’m sorry! I’ll try harder to take this lesson seriously
Senate Votes to Proceed with Impeachment as Managers Present Harrowing Video of Jan. 6 Insurrection
Gov’t to Send Vaccines to Community Health Centers as U.S. Continues Ramping Up Vaccinations
WHO Team Confirms COVID-19 of Animal Origin; Ghana Shuts Parliament After Outbreak Infects Lawmakers
Journalists Decry Raid on Progressive Indian News Site NewsClick
U.S. to Pursue Extradition of Julian Assange as Press Freedom Groups Warn of Dangerous Precede
Fossil Fuel Pollution Causes One in Five Global Deaths
Four Louisiana Officers Arrested over Police Brutality Cases and Other Misconduct
Two NYT Journalists Exit Paper Following Revelations of Improper Conduct
Venus conjunct Jupiter February 11, 2021 @ 8:59 AM CT (14:59 UTC) Receive the overflow of creativity into your life. Welcome it even if you aren’t sure what to do with it. Write down project ideas if you don’t have the energy to start on them now. You can work on them later.
I'm cool with double masking, but a lot of folks still aren't even doing the one :|
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“The Inciter-in-Chief”: Democrats Accuse Trump of Being “Singularly Responsible” for Insurrection
U.S. COVID Death Toll Tops 471,000; Half of All Deaths Occurred Since Nov. 1
Saudi Women’s Rights Activist Loujain al-Hathloul Released After 1,001 Days in Prison
Biden Administration to Continue Trump-Era Policy of Turning Away Asylum Seekers at Southern Border
Sen. Bernie Sanders Grills Neera Tanden, Biden’s Pick to Head OMB
Sen. Bernie Sanders: “According to The Washington Post, since 2014, the Center for American Progress has received roughly $5.5 million from Walmart, a company that pays its workers starvation wages; $900,000 from the Bank of America; $550,000 from JPMorgan Chase; $550,000 from Amazon; $200,000 from Wells Fargo; $800,000 from Facebook; and up to $1.4 million from Google. In other words, CAP has received money from some of the most powerful special interests in our country. How will your relationship with those very powerful special interests impact your decision-making if you are appointed to be the head of OMB?”
Neera Tanden: “Senator, I thank you for that question. It will have zero impact on my — on my decision-making.”
2 notes · View notes
noneatnonedotcom · 5 years ago
rwby magical girl AU chapter 2
jaune had had worse days before... he couldn’t remember them but he was sure he’d had them jaune: *ducks a right hook that would have knocked him out* granted maybe he should look at the positives jaune: *tilts his head just enough that the cross that was soaring at his head misses* it was a sunny day jaune:*steps back to avoid a high kick* he’d talked to a cute girl earlier jaune: *steps into his enemies guard to avoid the follow-up punch, only to be shoved away by the stronger fighter stumbling back as he gets pinned down* and now he had a blonde bombshell straddling him  jaune: *internally* “hey things are looking up for me”  yang: *punches at jaune’s face only for him to grab her shoulders slamming her head down into the ground* as jaune rolls to his feet, he notices too late the leed hook heading for his broken ribs jaune: *coughs up blood* “well shit”  as he falls to the ground he sees the wide eyes of yang staring in shock yang: “OH FUCK!” jaune: *internally* “welp dad always said pretty girls would kill me” *passes out* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- yang had made mistakes before, but she didn’t think she’d ever made one this big she sat in a comfortable chair watching as Weiss healed her victim that was a cluster fuck, the guy hadn’t touched ruby at all he’d held her hand to guide her to them. she’d just misunderstood what ruby was talking about and started beating on the guy when she’d found him. she hadn't used her powers... well not a lot of her powers, but it had apparently been enough to break his ribs because the only reason the guy wasn’t on his way to the morgue right now was magic. yang: “I’ve really fucked up now” summer: “yes you really have” *raises an eyebrow at her daughter* “just what were you thinking? using your powers on a human, honestly.” yang: “I thought he’d molested ruby” summer: *raises another eyebrow in surprise, before looking suspicious* “...why?” yang: “ruby said that he’d touched her, but that she’d started to like it and now she had a thing for him” *looks away* “turns out he’d held her hand” summer: *voice dripping with sarcasm* “it’s a good thing you cracked down on that, hand holding is far too lewd for our poor rubaby, why if he’d given her a flower beforehand she might have even gotten pregnant” yang: *groans* “I already feel bad about this can we just wait for him to wake up? I’ll apologize then” summer: “This isn’t something that can just be apologized for yang! you might have killed this boy! and for what? a misunderstanding and your own inability to control your temper!” yang: “I GET IT! I FUCKED UP ROYALLY I DIDN’T THINK IWAS USING MY POWERS WHEN I HIT HIM!” summer: *calm in the face of yang screaming at her* “you shouldn’t have lost your temper like that, you should have found out the whole truth before taking the law into your own hands” *sighs* “look you understand what you did wrong and the guilt you feel is proof of that, now let's see if you actually learn from that” Weiss: *somewhat awkwardly* “he’s healed, he’ll wake up in a few moments” summer: smiles at the girl “thank you, Weiss” Weiss: “it was no problem” *looks away nervously* “I played no small part in urging yang on” summer: “then I suppose you’ll owe Mr.Arc an apology as well, but later right now yang has to do this herself” as summer and Weiss walk out the door summer stops for a moment  summer: “yang, I love you, you’re my daughter. you know nothing will change that, right?” yang: *with a small smile* “yeah mom, I know.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nora and ren stood outside the rose house their best friend had been beaten up and kidnapped by yang, who knows what deprived twisted things she was doing to their dear innocent friend in there!  yes, jaune had a reputation at beacon and around town but ren and Nora knew the truth. jaune was a good guy, ready to help anyone. even if they didn’t ask he’d be there to lend a hand. he was kind and pretty smart and honestly, the scars just made him look badass as far as they were concerned, even Renny had a crush on jaune-jaune ren: “I don’t” Nora: “quiet Renny I’m setting the scene in my head.” yes if even Renny's stoic demeanor could be overcome by jaune’s incredible sex appeal  ren: *sighs* then what hope did yang have? it was no surprise that she’d snapped and taken jaune but the facts remained that they had to save him jaune was a romantic and very sensitive, you had to show him constant affection or he’d get all sullen and quiet. kinda like Renny ren: *sighs* now the only question was how to get into the house summer: *standing behind the two* “can I get you two anything?” Nora: “no we’re just here to rescue our friend, he’s been kidnapped by a thirsty blond for nefarious reasons” summer: “I see, that sounds like a problem.” *whispers conspiratorially* “what’s your plan” Nora: *whispers back* “we don’t have one yet” summer: *nods* “why don’t you come inside to plan your rescue?” Nora: “oh we wouldn’t wanna impose” summer: “oh it’s no imposition, please I insist come in” * walks forward to open the door for them* ren:*walking inside* “thank you for inviting us in” summer: “of course, please make yourself comfortable, I’ll get your some drinks” Nora: *narrows her eyes as she looks around* Nora: “we’re in” ren: *sighs*
43 notes · View notes
monstercupcake61176 · 6 years ago
Confusion and Misunderstandings
Summary: In which Logan’s common sense goes flying out the window as Patton, Virgil, and Roman attempt to solve the mystery of who Logan’s crush is.
Pairings: Loceit
Characters: Logan, Roman, Patton, Virgil, Deceit (mentioned)
Warnings: None
Previous, Beginning
“Oh! Logan! What about this?!” Roman sat up in bed and held out one of his ideas. Logan looked over from where he was kneeling on the floor, stuffing ideas into trash bags. “Roman, you know I can’t read that from here.”
“What if we did a video where we recreated fanart?! The Famders could submit their work and we can recreate it in real life! They would love it!” Roman hugged the idea against his chest. “It’s like combining the Voices of Unreason videos with Sanders Sides!”
“Well… That would certainly be interesting…” Logan went back to sifting through ideas. “I’m going to show Thomas this!” Roman placed it on his right before picking up another idea. “Ooh! Cartoon Therapy/Sanders Sides crossover?!”
“How would that even work within the canon that Thomas and Joan have already established for the series?” Logan asked.
“That’s the beauty of crossovers Logan! They defy canon! It’s what makes them so amazing! Like when the Power Rangers teamed up with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!”
Logan paused for a second and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I am embarrassed for you…”
Roman just giggled before placing the idea with the small pile on his right. “Alright, I’m done sorting this one!”
“Good, because I have more for you to sort through.” Logan picked up a small stack of ideas and carried it over to his bed, setting it on Roman’s lap.
“This is fun, isn’t it Logan?” Roman smiled and handed him the ideas he’d stacked on his right. “Oh, yes. Just wait until we get to the ceiling…” Logan took the ideas and carried them over to Roman’s desk. He pulled open a drawer and set them inside with the other ideas Roman wanted to keep.
What? Not all of them are garbage! Roman had said to him. So, instead of just disposing of the ideas, Logan had to go through all of them and find the ones that could possibly be good ideas for Roman, bring those ideas to Roman, let him sort through them and decide which ones he wanted to keep, then Logan would store the good ideas with the others. In the meantime, he would focus on saving the possibly good ideas and tossing the unintelligible ones into trash bags for Roman to dispose of once he was back to his full strength. Logan took a moment to asses his work. The floor was almost visible again and Roman’s desk and bed were clean.
That just leaves the walls… And the ceiling… Logan sighed and got back to work. “Say, Logan?” “Hm?” He didn’t look up. “Do you think I’d be well enough to go downstairs and eat dinner with everyone?”
Logan sighed before turning to see Roman’s eager face. “I don’t know about that Roman…” “Please? I miss being with you guys…” Roman attempted to win him over with his “Sad Prince Eyes” which had no effect.
“If you are wanting to avoid Patton and Virgil discovering what happened to you, then eating with them is not the way to go about doing so.”
“But I’m not as skinny as before! Honest!” Roman started to climb out of bed. “Roman!” Logan ran over to steady him before he toppled over. “You are treating me like a piece of glass! Come on Logan, I am a prince! I don’t need to be doted upon.”
“Would you rather me let you fall?” Logan questioned before forcing him to sit back down on the bed.
Roman crossed his arms and pouted. “Now Roman, I know you are frustrated with your current state, but if you want to return to being the strong, capable prince you once were then you have to rest.”
“But Logan look!” He spread his arms out. “My pajamas don’t hang off me as much as they used to! I’m not as tired anymore either! Please, just for one night let me go down and eat with the rest of you!” Roman’s voice quivered slightly as he lowered his arms. “I-I don’t want to be alone anymore…”
Logan’s eyes softened, just barely though. “Have I not been here for you?” He asked while crossing his arms. “Of course you have, and I couldn’t be more grateful. But I miss us, all of us! You, Patton, Virgil and I… It’s not the same without all of us being together.”
Logan sighed and rubbed his forehead. “Patton and Virgil will ask questions…” “I’m prepared to answer them.”
“What if they ask you to stop shutting yourself in here?” “Then I’ll stop.”
“Roman-” “It’s not as if I’d be letting them in my room. I’d just be staying out of it less.” “Then how are we supposed to get this cleaned up?” Logan gestured to the room.
“I’ll still help you…”
“Roman, tell them the truth.” Roman’s face blanched. “I can’t!”
“Why not?! Don’t they deserve to know the truth?!” “It’s not that easy Logan!” Roman flopped back onto his bed. “What would they think of me?! And Logan I-I made you lie to them! What kind of prince forces another to lie for him?!”
Logan’s shoulders slumped. Why do I have to be the one to deal with this?
Roman grabbed Logan’s hands. “Please?” “Roman-” “Plllllllllleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssseeeeeeeeeee?”
Logan deadpanned. “You know that doesn’t work on me, right?”
Roman huffed and flopped back onto his bed.
“However…” Roman immediately perked up. “I believe you have regained enough strength to go downstairs and eat with us.”
Logan nearly fell over when Roman jumped into his arms and engulfed him in a hug. “Aw Specs! I knew you loved me!”
“Well… I care about your wellbeing…” Logan patted him awkwardly on the back. “Oh! What should I wear?!” Roman attempted to stumble over to his wardrobe, he only got as far as the end of his bed before Logan had to go over and walk him the rest of the way.
“How about your regular outfit?” Logan suggested. “Um… I was thinking something more, casual?” “What did you have in mind?” Logan opened the doors to the wardrobe and was startled to see a snow forest inside. Roman quickly slammed the doors closed and laughed nervously. “Nothing to see here…”
Logan blinked. “What-” Roman opened the wardrobe again revealing his clothes. “Let’s see, how about that shirt,” he pointed to a white t-shirt, “that dark red jacket, and a pair of jeans.”
“Alright.” Logan gathered the clothes and helped Roman over to his bed, laying the clothes out for him. “Do you need help getting dressed?” “I want to do it myself.” Roman began to unbutton his shirt, his fingers trembling slightly. Logan moved away and resumed cleaning up the ideas, glancing at Roman every so often to see if he needed help.
To his surprise (and relief) Roman was managing to dress himself just fine. Sure, it was slow going, but he was able to do it on his own. Logan smiled to himself and returned to his task. Roman flashed a triumphant grin as he finished. “I did it!” Logan looked over and nodded in approval. “Well done.”
“Can we go down now?” “I suppose.” Logan stood and walked over to help him. Roman smiled and linked their arms together. Logan led him to the door and opened it. “I hope Patton doesn’t mind you spending all this time with me,” Roman said as they walked out.
Logan’s brow furrowed. “Why would he mind?”
“Oh, I just feel bad for taking time away from the two of you.”
“I don’t understand, was I supposed to be doing something with Patton?” Logan walked him over to the stairs and slowly walked down.
“Well, the usual I suppose. Cuddling, whispering sweet nothings to each other, you know, stuff that couples do.” Logan’s foot slipped on one of the steps and was only saved by Roman latching onto his arms and quickly set them on the handrail. “Wha-What do you mean, couples?” Logan pulled himself up and gasped for breath.
“Oh come on Teach, I saw you and Patton together. I saw you comforting one another and then you both hugging and then him saying he loved you while you looked on all embarrassed, it was so cute!”
Logan’s face turned bright red. Roman-Roman thinks that-that me-and Patton are-are-no!
“I mean, I suppose it was only a matter of time.” Roman chuckled and linked their arms together again, guiding a stunned Logan down the stairs. “Aw, it’s so romantic! You two were practically made for each other!”
I-I’m not in love with Patton! Roman stop! Logan opened his mouth to say something but, every time he tried to words seemed to die on his tongue.
“Logicality is real! The Famders will be so happy! Have you told anyone yet? Does Thomas know? Ooh can I be there when you tell him?! I wanna see the look on his face when he hears the two of you are together!”
“B-B-But w-we-we ar-aren’t-”
“Oh wait, you aren’t officially together yet? Ooooh…. Is it a one-sided thing?! Or are you both waiting for the right time to tell everyone?” Logan shook his head and held a finger to his lips.
“Ah, I see.” Roman lowered his voice and winked. “You guys are keeping it a secret for now. Well, worry not! Your secret is safe with me.”
“Th-Th-Tha-” “No need to thank me Logan, that’s what friends are for.” Roman smiled. On the inside, Logan was fuming. THAT’S NOT WHAT I WAS TRYING TO SAY!!!!
Roman sighed. “Oh Logan, my young Nerd has finally grown up and has accepted his feelings.”
Logan frowned. Nerd? Seriously? He quickly shook his head. That’s not important right now! You need to tell him that you and Patton are not together!
However, before he could even open his mouth-
“Roman!” Patton came running over and engulfed both of them in a hug. “I’ve missed you so much!”
Roman laughed and hugged back. “I’ve missed you too Padre!”
Logan stood awkwardly in the group hug. His arms were pinned to his sides so he couldn’t exactly hug back. His eyes wandered past Patton and suddenly locked onto Virgil. The Anxious Side was reclined on the couch, eyes closed with his headphones on.
Neither had said anything about the night in the hallway and Logan had been purposefully avoiding the topic.
“Oh Roman! I love the outfit!” Patton pulled back slightly and smiled at them both. “Are you two hungry? Dinner’s almost ready!”
“Hungry? I’m starving!” Roman laughed while Logan didn’t find the comment amusing in the slightest.
“Well you two sit down and I’ll serve everyone!” Patton turned to Logan and giggled. “Our first dinner together with everyone!” “Right…” Logan shuffled his feet. Patton giggled again before running into the kitchen. “Hey Virgil! Look who’s back!” Virgil opened one eye and looked over in Logan and Roman’s direction. His eyes widening when he saw Roman.
Roman chuckled. “Greetings, Storm Cloud.” “Roman?!” Virgil threw off his headphones and shot up. “Where have you been?!”
“Aw, did you miss me?” Roman teased. Virgil stormed over and punched Roman in the arm (not too hard of course) and glared at him. “Don’t ever leave us like that again!”
“Heh, sorry Virge…” Roman rubbed his arm and smiled at him bashfully, but Logan could tell by looking at his eyes that Virgil’s playful punch had actually hurt him.
Not only that, he knew how guilty Roman felt about the whole thing. His eyes softening, he laid a hand on his shoulder. Roman glanced at him and smiled gratefully.
“Well, you’re here now,” Virgil stuffed his hands in his pockets, “that’s all that matters, right?” “That’s exactly right Kiddo!” Patton chimed in. “By the way, dinner is served! I made pasta bake!”
“Excellent! Come Logan!” Roman linked their arms once again and walked into the kitchen. Logan noticed that he was trying not to lean on him too much.
Roman sat at his usual spot on Logan’s left while Virgil sat across from Logan. Patton served everyone a spoonful of pasta before filling their glasses with water. A basket of breadsticks had been placed in the center of the table.
“Dig in everyone!” Patton beamed. “Thanks Dad.” Virgil grabbed a breadstick from the basket. “Yes, thank you Patton.” Logan took a bite of his food. “No problem Lo!”
Roman picked at his food, opting for a breadstick instead. Logan glanced at him. Of course… Pasta would be too filling for him right now…
Roman took small bites of the bread, taking long drinks of water in between. It didn’t take long for Patton and Virgil to notice this behavior, but oddly enough, neither of them said anything.
Patton couldn’t stop smiling as he ate and Virgil kept glancing at all of them. Every time Virgil’s eyes passed over him Logan instinctively lowered his head. Part of him was glad that they were all together again, but another part of him was terrified that one of them had heard what Roman said on the stairs.
So what if he has? If he says anything just tell him that it was a misunderstanding and you don’t love Patton that way!
I-I can’t…
Why not?
Because if they find out that it’s not Patton then in their eyes that will only leave Virgil and Roman as my possible love interest!
Ah, I see… and if those two are ruled out…
Then it’s only a matter of time before they find out who it really is…
“E=MC SCARED!” Logan jumped out of his seat, accidentally bumping the table and spilling his and Roman’s drinks. The others all jumped out of their seats, Roman just missing having water spilled onto his lap.
“Logan?” Patton looked at him worriedly. “Are you okay?” Logan trembled before looking at all of them, each one mirroring Patton’s expression of worry. “My-My apologies… I-I’ll get a towel…”
“Oh it’s alright Logan! I’ll clean it up!” Patton ran to grab some towels.
Logan lowered his head. Great… our first dinner together in almost two months and you ruin it…
“Logan?” Roman laid a hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay, it’s just water.”
“I ruined it…” He mumbled. Patton walked back in and managed to catch what he said. “Oh Logan, you didn’t ruin anything.”
Logan shook his head before walking away. “Logan…” Virgil gently grabbed his arm but he pulled himself out of his grip and continued walking.
“Logan wait! Please!” Roman stumbled after him, not caring if Patton or Virgil saw him. Logan stopped by the stairs, his hand resting on the handrail. Roman collapsed against him, unable to stand up anymore, and held on to him. “Logan please, stay with us. You didn’t ruin anything, we’re fine.” Logan sighed and helped him stand on his own. “Roman, I’d much rather just go up to my room.” “Then I might as well go with you…” Roman sighed, which only made Logan feel worse. Roman needed his help getting up and down the stairs, if he left now he’d have to go back up to his room.
Roman smiled. “It’s okay, I’m tired anyway. A prince needs his beauty sleep after all.” Before Logan could object he looked over at Patton and Virgil. “Sorry to cut this short, I’ll see you both tomorrow!” “Okay! Night Roman!” Patton smiled. “See ya.” Virgil waved. Roman linked their arms. “Shall we?” Logan nodded and led him upstairs without a word. Once they were up and out of earshot from the others Roman spoke. “Logan, is there something wrong?”
“What do you mean?” He wouldn’t look at him.
“The Logan we all know wouldn’t become this upset over spilled water. And even before that you spaced out all of a sudden, we couldn’t get your attention. There’s clearly something on your mind.” Logan sighed and looked down. “It’s complicated…”
Roman’s eyes softened as they neared his room. Logan said nothing as he walked him inside. He helped him into his pajamas before tucking him into bed. Of course, Roman knew he could have done this himself, but he knew that Logan needed a distraction.
“Goodnight Roman.” Logan started to walk out of the room. “Logan?” He stopped in the doorway. “You helped me, please let me help you…”
He closed his eyes. “I don’t think you can help me, not with this…” “Come on Logan, I thought I was supposed to be the dramatic one?” He teased. Logan didn’t respond and left the room, closing the door behind him.
He headed for his own room hoping to have some time alone to clear his head.
“Logan? Can we talk for a second?” Virgil… Why now? Logan turned around and faced him. “Yes?”
“Patton and I just wanted to make sure you were okay, you’ve been acting, off, lately.”
“I’ve had a lot on my mind…”
“I can tell.” Virgil put his hands in his pockets. “Is it about Roman?”
Logan sighed. That was part of the truth, it wouldn’t hurt to tell him, would it?
“Yes, we’ve been working on some things. I suppose I’m just tired…”
“Right,” Virgil looked down at the floor, “I promise I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop but… I walked by Roman’s room on my way downstairs and-and I heard the two of you shouting at each other…”
Logan stiffened. “How-How much did you hear…?”
“Not much. I had my headphones on but the sound was low. The only thing I managed to catch was Roman not being able to tell Patton and I the truth about something?”
“Oh…” Logan lowered his head. What am I supposed to say?!
“Logan?” “Yes?” “Um,” Virgil shuffled his feet, “I know this is a really, really bad time to ask but… Is Roman your crush?”
Logan’s eyes widened and once again, his face turned bright red. “I’m sorry it’s just- he started his whole “Daydreaming” episode right when we found out you liked one of us, then you’re the only one he lets in his room, and even tonight the two of you were practically inseparable from each other!” Virgi looked up at him nervously. “I’m really not trying to pry or anything but, I’m worried.”
Again, Logan’s words appeared to be malfunctioning. “R-R-Roman? W-What do-do y-y-you me-mean? Worried…?” He swayed slightly. “Why doesn’t Roman want us to know? Is he making you keep it a secret from us? I-I know he’d never want to hurt any of us but, why doesn’t he want to say anything?”
Logan stared at him before fainting. Virgil yelped in surprise and caught him as he fell forward. “Logan? Logan?!” He looked around frantically before carrying him over to his bed and laying him down. “Logan? Logan come on wake up!” He felt his forehead, he wasn’t warm, why had he fainted?
Virgil was shaking. He ran out into the hall and called for Patton. 
Patton was upstairs in a heartbeat, immediately going to console Virgil. “It’s okay, I’m here, what’s wrong?” “Lo-Logan… He fainted… I don’t know what happened… We were just talking… My fault…” “Shh, it’s okay Kiddo.” Patton rubbed his back and looked over at Logan. “It was them… It was the Dark Sides… One of them hurt him I know it…” “Easy Kiddo, we don’t know that for sure.” Patton kissed his head before walking over to check on Logan, Virgil following closely behind.
Patton laid his hand over Logan’s heart, it appeared to be beating at a regular pace. “He isn’t warm…” Virgil wrapped his arms around himself. “I-I don’t know what happened Virge…” Patton looked over at him. “Do-Do you really think it’s a Dark Side?”
“I don’t know, but… He’s been acting so strange… Scared…”
Patton lowered his head. Logan had told him that he was scared. Was he being targeted by a Dark Side? He noticed Virgil breathing heavily and pulled him into a hug. “Virgil, it’s going to be okay. We’ll find out what’s going, we’ll protect him.”
“I-I should have been there last week… I should have guarded him…” Virgil sniffled.
Patton frowned. “What do you mean? You said you were going to watch his room at midnight? I saw you out in the hall.” “W-What? I-I fell asleep in my room by accident… I never made it to his room to watch it…”
Patton pulled away slightly and looked at him. “Virgil, you and Logan were in the hallway that night, I saw you.”
“That-That never happened! I didn’t see Logan.”
“But I remember! Logan looked like he’d just woken up and you were out there with him. Although, I didn’t understand why you were wearing your old hoodie.”
“My old hoodie?”
“I mean, I figured you put it on to help you hide in the dark better.” “Patton, I got rid of my old hoodie. I don’t have it anymore.”
“Then why were you…” Patton trailed off, his eyes widening. “Patton? What’s wrong?”
“Virgil… You know how after Logan got me this cat hoodie, I stopped wearing my cardigan?” “Yeah,” Virgil nodded slowly, “I don’t see what this has to do with-” He cut himself off. “You ended up losing your cardigan, didn’t you?” Patton nodded. “It disappeared out of my closet… But then we found out that someone took it…” Virgil’s hands curled into fists. “Deceit.”
“That-That wasn’t you I saw with Logan at all!”
“I should have known that he was behind all this!” Virgil growled.
Patton whimpered. “N-Now, hold on a-a minute K-Kiddo. We don’t know for sure if-” “Who else could it be? He disguised himself as me and was waiting outside of Logan’s room! At midnight! Who knows how many times he’s been going in there when we’re all asleep?!”
“I…” Patton played with his sleeves nervously. “What do we do…?”
“When Logan wakes up, we’ll ask him about it.” Virgil looked at the sleeping Side. “Then, we find a way to catch Deceit.” “How? He’s never around, and we don’t know where he disappears to.” “We’ll find a way. I’m not letting him hurt any of you. And I’m not letting him near Logan every again.”
Patton said nothing and kept his eyes on the floor. Virgil hugged him. “We’re going to stop him. Whatever Deceit’s planning, we’re not going to let him get away with it.” “What if he already did?” Patton whispered. Virgil looked over at Logan. “Then we’ll make him pay.”
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artificialqueens · 6 years ago
Undone, Chapter 7 (Bitney) - Stephanie/Veronica
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A/N: Welcome to Chapter 7 of UNDONE, our Bitney lesbian AU. (For those of you that have read it before, YES we changed the title. The last one didn’t actually make sense out of context and was potentially triggering.) Anyway, here’s a link the previous chapters. This is a repost from AO3/RGF - once we’re caught up, new chapters will go up.
Summary: Bianca checks in with an old friend, Courtney gets a visit from her sister, and they both start to form a deeper connection.
TW: This story deals with themes of emotional abuse, and since that can be subtle, we’re going to keep a general TW on all of the chapters, even when it seems like it doesn’t apply.
Courtney holds Sammy right up to her face, babbling to him in baby talk while Bianca works on Marissa, one of the recurring day players. “Who’s a little monster? Who’s a little gremlin? Hideous little beast? Yes you are! Waaaagh!” She nuzzles his nose.
Bianca glances over, straightening out Marissa’s skirt. “You alright there, blondie?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Thought you might be having a stroke. Carry on.”
Courtney laughs, saying, “Your dogs are so ugly.”
“Courtney,” Marissa scolds. “That’s rude.”
“No, like, ugly-cute. She knows what I mean.”
“I do,” Bianca says. “Plus I plan to stick a bunch of pins in her ass later, so it all comes out in the wash.”
“Here’s a question,” Courtney announces. “How do you know when your friends, who are in a relationship with each other, are trying to invite you into a threesome, and when they are just kidding around?”
Bianca looks at Marissa. “Regretfully, you are done.”
“Regretfully?” Marissa asks.
“Yeah, now I have to be alone with her and her orgy discussion.” Bianca shakes her head.
“Ha! Good luck with that.” Marissa blows a kiss and leaves.
“I’m serious!” Courtney says. “Like, I sort of think that there needs to be an explicit invitation or else major misunderstandings can happen. Right? We shouldn’t be relying on unspoken signals here.”
“Is this a hypothetical situation, or a real situation?” Bianca asks.
Courtney smiles coyly, starting to slip out of her clothes. “Come on.”
“So...was it an explicit invite?” Bianca raises her eyebrows.
“No, but...I think it was an invite. At least, I’m pretty sure.”
“I take it that means you didn’t do it?” Bianca can’t help but feel slightly relieved.
“No,” Courtney says wistfully. “Because I had already planned on hooking up with this really sexy gogo dancer I met a few months ago. So, you know. My energy was pretty focused.”
“What is it with you and dancers?”
“Well,” Courtney thinks for a moment, then says, “They’re usually hot, limber, and eager to take direction.”
“Is that so?”
“Yup.” Courtney winks. “Although, actually, there was this moment on Saturday…This is kind of funny. So we’re in the dressing room, trying to make the most of her fifteen-minute break...”
“Yeah, right? And like, I know we don’t have much time so - by the way, I got her off first, because I’m very generous like that.”
“The Mother Teresa of Lesbianism,” Bianca adds.
“Exactly,” Courtney laughs. “So I’ve got her by the hair and I’m giving her very explicit instructions. Because seconds are ticking down and it’s a real race to the finish line. Tell me if this is TMI-”
“It’s TMI-”
“Ha, anyway, she suddenly starts like, I dunno, kind of sassing me. Like, doing the opposite of what I’m telling her to do. Can you believe that?”
“The nerve.”
“I know! But the thing is, I kind of liked it. The whole sassy, oppositional...thing. Is that sick or what?” Courtney bites her lip, eyes glittering.
“Yeah, that’s pretty messed up. You should probably see a psychiatrist.”
Courtney smirks at her.
“In fact, I think...” Bianca holds her phone to her ear. “Hello, officer, I need to report a 51/50. Yes, my friend is definitely a danger to herself and others. She...brace yourself...enjoys being teased sexually. We obviously can’t have her roaming the streets like this-”
“Very funny. Are you done?” Courtney asks, giggling.
“Are you done?”
“What else?” Bianca asks, throwing her hands up.
“Well...I’m still naked. You haven’t given me my wardrobe for the day,” Courtney says, fluttering her lashes.
“Oh. Right.” Bianca pulls her dress off the rack and hands it over sheepishly. “Sorry.”
“Thank you!” Courtney coos, prancing over to the changing room.
Bianca emerges from the bathroom, hands twisted together, eyes hopeful and worried.
“I can’t look.”
Jared stands up from the bed and walks towards her.
“Do you want me to look?” he asks, touching her cheek.
“Please.” Her voice is a hoarse whisper.
She steps aside to let him into the bathroom, chewing on her lip and tugging on a lock of hair as he picks up the stick, brow furrowed, expression unreadable.
“Well?” She’s dying.
He doesn’t say anything. Simply chucks the test, box and all, into the trash, and strides back over to her, wrapping his arms around her as a sob catches in her throat. She wilts in his embrace, hands gripping his shirt.
“It’s gonna be okay,” he soothes, lifting her onto the bed as easily as a rag doll, holding her in his lap. As if sensing that something is wrong, the dogs race over to nip at his ankles. He shoos them away gently. “We can keep trying, babe,” he says, stroking her hair. “It hasn’t been that long-”
“Almost a year!” she cries, pulling her head away, tears streaking down her face. “It’s been almost a year. I don’t understand...it’s not supposed to be this hard.” She closes her eyes. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“Right,” she whispers, breath catching in her throat.
He leans in and kisses her gently, brushing the tears away.
“It’s really not, babe.”
Bianca pulls back, opening her eyes and clearing her throat.
“Maybe we should see that specialist,” she says, “The one your mom recommended.”
“I thought you said-”
“I know what I said, but now it’s been almost a year, so. Maybe we should see her.”
“Sure. Whatever you want. I’ll ask my mom to get us in ASAP.”
“Okay. Thanks.”
Jared wraps his arms around her again, pulling her close.
“Our kids are going to be so beautiful,” he whispers into her hair.
She buries her face in his chest, nodding.
“...so I’m trying to get the band back together, but I dunno, man,” Adore says, shaking her head.
“Remember the time that you guys got into a fight on stage and Raven literally stormed off mid-set?” Courtney begins to laugh.
“Oh god, what a fuckin’ shit show that was,” Adore agrees, burying her face in her hands as Courtney wraps an arm around her shoulders.
“Awwww, it wasn’t that bad! Remember the end when you crowd surfed?” Courtney says, still laughing, tickling her in the side.
Bianca observes them giggling together, fork twirling in her pasta, a strange uneasiness in her gut. It’s like a twinge of jealousy - or, if she’s honest, more than a twinge - because they have something she knows she can’t. But at the same time, she knows that what she’s feeling is something she’s not entitled to. Why should she begrudge them their friendship, or whatever they have?
Why does the sight of Adore resting her head on Courtney’s shoulder make her want to throw up? She stabs a tomato violently, and Courtney’s head snaps up.
“B, are you okay?”
“Fine, thanks!” Bianca forces a smile, shoving the angel hair into her mouth.
JARED: My mom said that Dr. Silverman will see us for tests on Sat. Is that okay?
Bianca swallows, chest tightening. Is she really ready to do this? Shell out thousands of dollars to have some specialist either tell her the exact same thing that her doctors already have, or worse, find out that something is actually really wrong?
BIANCA: Yeah, that’s fine.
JARED: Everything’s gonna be great. I love you.
BIANCA: Love you too.
She whirls around at the light tap on her shoulder to find Courtney, messenger bag around her shoulder, today’s wardrobe in her hands.
“Holy shit, you scared the fuck out of me.”
“Sorry. I just, um, needed to give this back to you.”
“Jamie is doing the checkouts today, Court. Someone should have told you-”
“Yeah, I know,” Courtney says, “But I just...um, you seemed a little off earlier, so I wanted to make sure everything was okay.”
“I told you I was fine. You can give your dress to Jamie.”
Bianca starts walking over to her sewing table.
“Okay. I just want you to know that you can tell me if anything is-”
“I said I’m fine! Jesus fucking Christ!” Bianca explodes.
Courtney looks startled for a second, then nods.
“Sorry.” She starts to back away.
Bianca is immediately overcome with guilt. She can feel her cheeks burn and her eyes sting with tears.
Courtney stops, head tilted as Bianca’s eyes fall closed with exhaustion and shame.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped at you. You were just being a friend, and I-”
“No, it’s okay,” Courtney says. “I didn’t mean to push.”
Bianca swallows, taking a deep breath.
“I’m kind of going through a thing. It’s...I don’t really know how to talk about it. Especially here.”
“You’re not dying, are you?” Courtney eyes are full of fear.
“No,” Bianca laughs. “I’m not dying.”
Courtney smiles, relieved.
“Alright. Good. ‘Cause I’m pretty used to your face.”
“Well, that’s your loss,” Bianca replies.
Courtney giggles.
“Anyway, I’m sorry for being a cunt.”
“I’m not that fragile, B. I just...wanted you to know that you can talk to me. If you want. No pressure.” Courtney bites her lip, hugging the dress to her chest.
“Thanks.” Bianca sighs slightly. “Want me to take that for you?”
“Oh, um...sure. But I can take it to Jamie if you-”
“No, that’s fine.” Bianca walks forward and takes the dress out of her hands.
Up close, Courtney can see how tired her eyes look. She throws caution to the wind and lightly clasps both of her hands around one of Bianca’s, gazing up at her. She resists the urge to say something trite and Zen.
“Goodnight, B.”
“Goodnight.” Bianca releases her hand, regret filling her chest as she watches her leave, waiting until the door of the trailer closes gently behind her to let out the breath she’d been holding in. She’s glad the blonde hadn’t tried to hug her - who knows if she’d have been able to hold it together. She brushes away the single annoying tear that had just begun to trickle down her cheek and blinks rapidly, looking down to assess the status of her work for the rest of the evening.
Bianca juggles the dry cleaning in one arm, groceries in the other, trying to unlock her car, as her phone begins to buzz in her pocket. “Fuck,” she mutters, quickly popping the trunk, the annoyed expression melting off her face when she sees the name on the caller ID. “Heyyyyy!” she answers happily.
“Hey girl! How’s it going in sunny California?” Latrice asks.
“Pretty good. God, I miss you…” Bianca closes her trunk.
“Aww, don’t get all sappy on me, bitch.” Latrice lets out a joyful laugh.
“Sorry, sorry. How are you? How’s Chris? Did he propose yet or do I have to come kick his ass?”
“Well, since you mentioned it…”
“Wait, really?!” Bianca squeals.
Latrice laughs. “I mean, not exactly, but he’s planning this big romantic weekend and he’s very stressed about it, and if it doesn’t include a ring, I’m prepared to tell him exactly what he can go fuck.”
Bianca throws her head back and laughs. “I’m sure he’ll rise to the occasion.”
“He better. And what about your man? Has he managed to knock you up yet?”
“No,” Bianca says simply, clearing her throat. She doesn’t have the energy to explain that they’re about to spend half their savings on a fertility specialist.
“Don’t stress out, B, it’ll happen.”
“I know.” Bianca closes her eyes.
“I know.”
“Hey...I have an idea. Let’s meet in Vegas for the weekend, before you get all pregnant and boring. Take a Monday or a Friday off or something.”
Bianca swallows. “I can’t. This new job is killing me. My boss is a work beast, she never stops. But she’s been so good to me; she’s even letting me design a few costumes myself.”
“That’s great! Sorry it’s so stressful though.”
“It’s not all bad. There are some...interesting people.” She gazes out the window, watching a young couple walk by, fingers laced together.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.” It doesn’t make sense to elaborate. Her feelings are already confusing enough. How can she possibly explain?
“Well, alright then, Ms. Workaholic. I’ll just have to figure out some other way to lift your spirits.”
“That’s not your job,” Bianca says, smiling.
“I know, baby, but I love you. I wanna make sure those dimples never fade.”
“Now who’s being sappy?”
Latrice bursts out laughing, and the sound fills Bianca’s chest with warmth. She closes her eyes again, leaning her head against the back of the seat and sighing.
Bianca sits at her sewing machine while Courtney changes behind the curtain, then looks up when she emerges, tugging at the waist. “I think it’s a little loose.”
“Yeah, it’s a rental. Come here, I’ll take it in.”
Courtney nods and steps over to her, assuming a familiar position while Bianca pins the seams down.
“Well, it's Monday, and you haven't yet tortured me with details about your random sexual encounters. Slow weekend?" Bianca teases.
“My sister's visiting," Courtney says with a chuckle.
"Aww, sorry.”
“Yeah, it was awful; she made me take her to straight bars on Sunset, full of aggressive, scene-y douchebags." Courtney shudders. "I downloaded a bunch of pictures of this random LA Laker and started telling guys he was my boyfriend."
Bianca looks at her curiously.
“Why didn’t you just say you’re gay?”
“Men usually just see that as a challenge.”
Bianca laughs.
“Boys are so dumb.”
“Okay, so obviously you know Adore, and her whole department is very lesbian mafia,” Courtney tells Kim on their way to set Wednesday. “I think you’ll love the hair and makeup girls. Especially Delta. She’s a real cunt. She reminds me of Vanity.”
“She sounds divine!” Kim laughs.
“Totally. And the cast is great. I’ll make sure you get an intro to all the eligible bachelors. Actually, one of our ADs is pretty attractive too, although I’m not sure if he’s single.”
“Let’s not get too hung up on technicalities,” Kim says.
“Classy,” Courtney laughs. “So, I spend most of my down time hanging out in wardrobe, with Bianca. Omigod, she is so funny, I can’t wait for you to meet her. She’s like that perfect combination of sarcastic and playful where she pretends to be nasty but actually she’s got this heart of gold, like I bet she’d give you her last nickel if you needed it. Plus she’s really type A and bossy and needs every little thing to be perfect and of course, it never is, and so it’s super easy to fluster her, which is adorable. And she has these hideous little chihuahuas that she carries around in a purse. They are like, so ugly they’re cute, you know?” Courtney turns her head to look at Kim, eyes glittering.
“Yeah…” Kim says slowly, an amused smile dancing on her lips.
“Nothing!” Kim says. “I didn’t say anything. Those dogs sound great. Who else should I know about?”
“Um...Oh! There’s Pete in craft service. He’s everyone’s best friend…”
“Kimmyyyyyyy, I’m so glad you’re here!” Adore exclaims, kissing her cheek wetly before sliding onto the bench. “It’s great to finally spend some time with the pretty sister.”
“Hey!” Courtney pipes up indignantly. “Although wait, does that mean I’m the smart one?”
“I’m also the smart one,” Kim laughs.
“What am I then?”
“Ha!” Adore laughs, reaching over to give Kim a fist bump as Courtney crosses her arms and pretends to pout.
Bianca approaches the table, lunch in hand, and sits down in her usual spot across from Courtney, who suddenly perks right up.
“Kimmy, this is my friend Bianca.”
“Hi, Bianca,” Kim says, extending her hand and fluttering her lashes. “It’s lovely to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.”
Courtney feels the color rise to her cheeks, suppressing the urge to kick her sister under the table.
“Likewise!” Bianca replies. “I hear you’re a giant cockblocker.”
Courtney bursts out laughing, tossing Bianca a grateful wink and then turning to Kim with a triumphant “I told you so” smirk. Kim rolls her eyes.
“Are you still whining about Saturday? You could totally have found someone if you really wanted to. There were other lesbians there.”
“No one my type,” Courtney says wistfully.
“You don’t have a type.”
“I do so!”
“Please. I’ve known you your whole life. You have two qualifications. Attractive, and breathing.”
Adore snickers into her plate.
“What about funny?” Courtney asks. “And smart!”
Kim laughs. “Sorry love, I’ve seen you let those slide too many times to make the list.”
“Wow, she is calling your shit right out!” Adore cackles.
“I think that last comment was a dig at you,” Bianca informs her.
“What do you mean?” Adore asks, adjusting her ‘¿COMO?’ hat. “I’m hilarious.”
Bianca rolls her eyes as Kim takes a pointed sip of her lemonade.
“You’re a cunt, Kimmy,” Courtney says.
“Maybe so, but I’m also correct.”
Bianca laughs, receiving a glare from Courtney, which quickly dissolves into a giggle.
“Maybe she’s trying to help you raise your standards,” Bianca offers.
“Exactly!” Kim says. “Thank you.”
“My standards are just fine.”
“Oh really? What about your little stalker friend?” Bianca challenges, causing a gaffaw of laughter from Adore.
“Excuse me! What happened to all your feminist ‘don’t blame the victim’ stuff, you hypocrite!” Courtney kicks Bianca gently under the table.
Bianca spreads her arms wide. “Hey, I’m just trying to help you on your journey of self-reflection.”
Courtney sticks her tongue out.
“Very mature.”
“Isn’t it?” Courtney asks, grinning.
“Eat your vegetables.”
Courtney picks up a carrot from her plate and takes a slow-motion, seductive bite, while Bianca shakes her head and pretends not to be amused.
“...and honestly, I don’t know what’s worse. The fact that Trump is an immoral, narcissistic, racist, sexist, dishonest, stupid asshole who has fucked over countless people and lied and swindled his way through life, or the fact that at least a third of the country openly acknowledges all of these things but then follows up with ‘but...I just don’t really like Hillary. So...I dunno.’ Like what the fucking fuck is wrong with people?” Courtney rants.
“Yeah, it’s a mess alright. Or, seems that way,” Kim agrees, standing up to help her clear the table.
“Yeah,” Courtney says, then sighs, rubbing her face. “Sorry for going off. I’m just starting to worry a bit.”
“It’s quite alright, I get it.”
After a few moments, Kim picks up her wine glass and begins to swirl it around.
“Yeah?” Courtney can tell right away that her sister has a less-than-noble agenda. Mostly because she’s speaking, unprompted, but also because she’s got that look in her eye. That Kim look, where she’s up to No Good.
“I’m just wondering when you’re gonna admit how much you wanna bang your friend?”
“I already have, what do you mean? Although I think she’s dating this like, cute DJ, so we haven’t had sex in like a month or-”
“I’m not talking about Adore, you brainless cunt.”
Courtney stares at her for a second before rolling her eyes and continuing to clean up.
“Come on, Court, don’t act like you haven’t thought about it! It’s painfully obvious. She’s into you, too.”
“Kimmy, please stop. She’s not gay-”
“I thought ‘all sexuality is fluid-’”
“-And it wouldn’t matter if she was, because she’s married.”
“Pfffft,” Kim scoffs. “Minor complication.”
“What?” Kim laughs. “I mean, seriously. Grow up. You clearly want each other. You were flirting up a storm. So who cares about some dumb husband? Just seduce her.”
Courtney takes a deep breath, determined not to let frustration with her sister’s capricious morals get the better of her.
“Flirting is one thing. That doesn’t hurt anyone. But that’s just...that’s all it is. It doesn’t mean anything-”
“Ha! That’s bullshit and you fucking know it.”
“Fine, a crush. But so what? It’ll pass. Okay? So stop it.” Courtney begins to load the dishes into the dishwasher.
“Alright, fine. But...hypothetically. What if she made the first move?”
“That’s not gonna happen.”
“But what if it did?” Kim asks, her tone a playful sing-song.
Courtney turns back around, eyes narrowed.
“Well in that case, hypothetically, it would be different. I guess. But, that’s not going to happen. So...shut up.”
Kim laughs gleefully.
“Well then there’s your answer, love! You just gotta make her think it’s her idea. If anyone can do it, you can.”
Courtney heaves an enormous sigh, closing her eyes briefly.
“I don’t know why I even indulged you in this conversation.”
“What do you mean?”
“Because unlike you, I don’t get off on manipulating people!”
Kim bursts out laughing.
“Since when?”
Courtney rubs her temples, taking a deep breath.
“I’m not making a value judgment, Kimmy, I’m just-”
“You know what, you may fleece everyone else with that phony Zen crap, but not me. I see you, I know you better than you know yourself, and you, my love, are one of the most cunning, manipulative people I’ve ever-”
“Go fuck yourself, Kim!” Courtney screeches, flouncing out of the kitchen.
“Namaste, Court!” Kim calls after her, still chuckling.
Courtney’s eyes flutter open to the feeling of fingertips trailing up and down her arms. She shivers and bolts upright, clutching her covers, face to face with Bianca, who smiles at her.
“What in the fuck…” Courtney begins, and Bianca laughs, brushing some hair off her face.
“You said it would be okay if I made the first move,” she replies with a wink.
Courtney blinks slowly, taking in the scene. Bianca kneels on the bed, wearing some corseted Frederick’s of Hollywood monstrosity, covered in ruffles and complete with garters and stockings and bows. This is obviously not reality.
“You need to go,” Courtney says firmly to this mirage. This figment of her imagination.
“Aw, why?” Bianca pouts, batting her lashes.
“Because you’re not real. This is not real.” Courtney waves her hand around.
Bianca crawls closer.
“You’re being a real spoilsport, Courtney,” she says with a naughty grin, sliding a hand up her stomach. “Come on...let’s just have a good time. Who’s it gonna hurt?” She presses her lips to Courtney’s throat, sucking gently. Courtney can feel the tug at her core, feel her resolve melting. Her hands move to Bianca’s waist. “That’s a good girl,” Bianca breathes into her skin.
Courtney shivers as Bianca’s hands inch higher, ignoring that nagging voice in the back of her mind, telling her that this is all a lie, just pretty pictures in her sleep. Soft, plush lips make their way up to her mouth, gently brushing against Courtney own lips until they part eagerly with a sigh. Soon their tongues are tangled together and Courtney is gone, the last of her will utterly evaporated as she arches up against Bianca’s warm, soft body, fingers gripping her back, coming up against the hard bones of her corset.
Bianca pulls away, sitting up to straddle Courtney teasingly, licking her lips.
“So...we’re on the same page, yes?” Bianca asks with a seductive tilt of her head.
“Yeah, we’re-” Courtney reaches up, trying to catch her breath. “But can we lose all this? It’s really way too much.” Courtney gestures to Bianca’s attire.
“Jared loves it,” Bianca says, toying with the ribbons hanging from her lingerie.
“I’m sure he does,” Courtney says, “But I really don’t need you wearing constricting undergarments. Or any undergarments.”
“I was trying to make it special,” Bianca says, thrusting out her lower lip.
Courtney rolls her eyes and tosses the brunette onto her back, pulling apart the hooks of her corset.
“I’m sure you were. You’re all about the romance tonight,” Courtney responds. “Now, come on. Naked time.” She unhooks the garters, ripping off the belt.
Bianca giggles, playing with a lock of Courtney’s hair.
“Wow, you’re so bossy. I better behave myself, huh?”
Courtney narrows her eyes, shaking her head as Bianca’s blue eyes dance with laughter. She quickly peels off her stockings and garters, tossing them aside, followed by her panties. Her eyes sweep hungrily up Bianca’s lush curves, finally free.
“Well, this isn’t quite fair,” Bianca whispers. “I mean, you’re still wearing-”
Courtney whips off her top in half a second, then bends down for a slow, deliberate kiss, cupping Bianca’s face and tangling her hands into her hair. She trails kisses down Bianca’s jaw, then back up to her ear.
Feeling the hands wandering down her back, Courtney murmurs, “Go ahead...take them off…”
Bianca pushes her panties down over her narrow hips, sliding them down her thighs, as far as she can reach. Courtney smiles, kicking them the rest of the way off and bearing down against her, eliciting a breathy moan as nails dig into her ass.
“Watch the nails!” Courtney laughs.
Bianca moans again, wrapping a leg around Courtney’s hips.
“Ohhh, god!” she pants, rolling her hips, head lolling backwards on the pillow.
Irritated, Courtney pulls her head up, suspicious, as Bianca’s performance continues unabated, clawing at her ass, writhing and moaning. Courtney sighs and rolls away, rubbing her eyes.
“Baby, where’d you go?” Bianca asks finally, reaching for her, breathless and wild-eyed.
“I don’t think I can do this,” Courtney states simply, staring at the ceiling.
Arms circle her waist as Bianca nuzzles her, rubbing a thigh against her tauntingly.
“Why not?”
“This isn’t you. You’re...this is all wrong.”
Bianca lets out a girlish giggle, licking her plump red lips.
“It’s your dream, honey.”
“Yeah, I know, but it’s wrong. I want you, not a sex doll who looks like you.”
Bianca’s mouth twists into a smirk, blue eyes dancing with laughter.
“Oh really? Then what were you doing with Valentina?” she challenges, tongue poking into the side of her cheek.
“Shut up!” Courtney groans, pushing her away. She sits up, holding her head in her hands.
Bianca is silent for a while, then she speaks softly.
“You said that if I made the first move-”
“I said that I knew you wouldn’t make the first move! So none of this makes any sense, does it?!” Courtney turns to look at her.
“You also said that it was just a crush. That would pass. But...that was a lie, wasn’t it?” Bianca’s eyes hold hers in an unwavering gaze.
Courtney swallows. For a second she wishes that the coy porn star would come back. At least that girl didn’t turn her stomach inside out.
“Because…” Bianca continues softly, “it hasn’t gone away…”
“Right,” Courtney whispers.
“It’s not just a crush, is it?” Bianca asks.
Courtney shakes her head, not trusting her voice.
“And it’s not just about sex, either. Because if so...we’d probably have fucked already. Jared or not.”
“Probably,” Courtney agrees with a small chuckle.
“Come here,” Bianca says, and Courtney complies, allowing the other girl to pull her into a slow, tender kiss, sweet and soft and desperate. A kiss that makes Courtney lose her sense of time and space, until the next words out of Bianca’s mouth.
“But you can’t have me like that.”
“I know,” Courtney replies, her voice breaking as she pulls her head away.
Bianca takes her chin and cups it gently, looking into her eyes for a few moments, forcing her not to look away as her vision begins to blur.
“I’m sorry.”
Courtney wakes up with a sob, throat raw and horse, panting and covered in a cold sweat. It takes her a few moments to adjust to her surroundings. Same room, same bed, just a little bit colder, morning light a little harsher and less comforting than the golden lamplight than shone moments ago. And of course, she’s alone.
She sinks back into the pillows, a feeling of defeat washing over her body as her eyes fall closed again. Fuck.
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willag42 · 7 years ago
Yuri!!! On Ice Fanfic Recs with Reviews  ["P” Authors]
Note: Doing some major reformating of the YOI fanfic rec pages. The pages that include my reviews are now having the posts separated alphabetically by author (see below). I am also creating separate page(s) that allow filtering the fanfics by category. It's a work in progress, but I'm having fun with it.
This page includes my YOI fanfic recs (with reviews) for authors whose names begin with "P".
Note: For any authors whom I don't know the gender, I refer to them with they/them. If any authors wish to correct me, please do so.
AUTHORS REC PAGES: #0-9 -- A -- B -- C -- D -- E -- F -- G -- H -- I -- J -- K -- L -- M -- N -- O -- P -- Q -- R -- S -- T -- U -- V -- W -- X -- Y -- Z
Refer to this masterlist for all of my YOI fanfic recs.
Phyona (@rageofthenerd)
The way Phyona writes the interactions between Yuuri and Victor are some of my absolute favorite. She writes them as good-natured rivals, always ready to compete against one another; as both coach and both student, willing to direct and support one another; as best friends, willing to tease and goof off with one anther; as lovers, passionately invested in one another; and as soulmates, completing and fulfilling one another. She is amazing at writing both comedy and drama, switching between moods and creating the appropriate emotional gravitas. But her stories have positive messages about growth and becoming stronger together.
Nerve Endings
Rating: Explicit Words: 74.1k Status: Complete Relationship: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Tags: Canon compliant; Post-season 1; Domestic fluff; Anxiety; Miscommunication; Learning to relationship ❤❤❤❤❤  Summary: When Yuuri moves in with Victor in St. Petersburg, they have to work through Yuuri's anxiety and Victor's secrets to find their balance. ❤❤❤❤❤  Review: This is my favorite post-season 1 fic where Yuuri and Victor learn to live together. This is a story of their interactions off of the ice and how they inspire each other to be better people and boyfriends. Their interactions are awkward but eager at the beginning, and slowly they learn to work through their issues and grow closer emotionally and sexually. One of my favorite parts about this story is when Yuuri has an anxiety attack and almost convinces himself that Victor doesn't love him like he loves Victor, but he's able to work through the negative thoughts and recognize that it's in his head and that he doesn't deserve to think of himself like that. I really like how he is able to work through it himself, which I think is a powerful message. I recognize that this isn't necessarily possible for all people. We all need help at times and sometimes can't work through things by our own power, and that's why emotional support and medical science are so important. But don't discredit how much you can do yourself. Yes, Yuuri is an anxious bean and he can't help his brain chemistry, but he doesn't let it rule or excuse his decisions. He learns to accept and empower himself for both Victor and himself. I love this sort of hopeful and powerful message.
Puppy Love
Rating: Teen Words: 10.4k Status: Complete Relationship: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Tags: Canon divergent; Dog Yuuri; Curses; Dead Makkachin; Hurt/comfort ❤❤❤❤❤  Summary: When Yuuri gets turned into a dog, the last place he expects to end up is Victor Nikiforov's apartment. He learns quickly that the only thing worse than being his idol's pet, is watching him pine for someone else. ❤❤❤❤❤  Review: A wonderful oneshot that is both humorous and sad. Victor is suffering the loss of Makkachin and becomes attached to puppy Yuuri, and Yuuri simultaneously wants to hide from Victor and emotionally support the man through his grief. The story is charming in how these two become closer in this weird situation that does eventually correct itself. And they have an appropriately awkward yet happy and honest interaction at the end.
Piyo13 (@piyo-13)
Most of Piyo13's stories are fluffy short stories, about 50/50 Victuuri and Phichimetti. All are appropriately sweet. Her wraiths pinned to the mist is a longer fluffy story where Yuuri and Viktor are scientists in Antartica. Her meatiest, and my personal fave, story is a series that takes place in an alternate canon universe where everyone has daemons - external physical representations of a person's inner self. She's currently written three fics in this universe, and I look forward to whatever else Piyo13 writes in it!
hollow ground
Rating: Teen Words: 40.9k Status: Complete Relationship: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Tags: Canon divergence; Daemons AU; Gold medal ending ❤❤❤❤❤  Summary: There's no rules regarding where a daemon has to be in relation to their skater, only that they aren't allowed on the ice. This has always seemed a little unfair to Yuuri. After all, he loves skating like he loves his own soul; why can't he have both? ❤❤❤❤❤  Review: There are several things I love about this story. First, the daemons are adorable and help enhance the story and character scenes without overpowering the characters we already know. They're given their own character without taking up the spotlight, which I feel is the best way to write OCs. Second, despite it being an alternative retelling of the series, every scene feels fresh. Piyo13 is selective about which scenes she covers from the anime, avoiding only retreading over what's familiar. The scenes are altered enough with the presence of the daemons to help them feel new. Additionally, she doesn't let the scenes drag, capturing Yuuri's thoughts succinctly and with wit, and then moving on to the next scene. Even better are the original slice-of-life scenes Piyo13 added to further develop characters and relationships. Moments between Yuuri and Phichit talking over chat (about more than Victor) that delve into their friendship; a moment after JJ's flopped SP where Yuuri helps JJ become motivated again; a moment at the end where Yuuri's parents tell him how proud they are and he thanks them for their love and support; and then all of the new moments between Victor and Yuuri, like when they first start practising pair skating. Third, and probably the best, the last few chapters fix all the major grievances I had with the anime's ending. (Note: If you don't want anything spoiled, stop reading right now). Yuuri gets the gold medal; Chris and Otabek end up on the podium with him; Yuuri and Victor's decision to return to the ice doesn't feel rushed (they return to Hasetsu before discussing their decisions); and, most importantly, Yuuri's decision to return to the ice is only influenced by his own realization that he loves it and that he doesn't want to stop what he's had with Victor just yet. It's not debased or obfuscated by rivalry, when Yuuri's main character arc was always that he's his own worse enemy. The series also includes two side stories: a falling star can't fall forever, a prequel about Victor and Vasilisa; and life's not a paragraph, focusing on Chris. Overall, this is an amazing story.
possibleplatypus (@possibleplatypus)
possibleplatypus has recently started writing fics for this fandom. They've posted two on their AO3 account and have a few more ficlets and one-shots at their tumblr. I would love to read whatever else they bring to this fandom given the quality and creative storylines they've already brought to the table.
a song that never ends (Series, 2 works)
TECHNICAL SUPPORT Rating: Teen -- Words: 18.8k -- Status: Complete -- Summary: Research had needed a new field-tester (they always needed new testers, as most Aurors would “test” an artefact only once before screaming to be reassigned), and thus the most decorated Auror in recent history was currently shouting into a modified “smart phone.” Viktor was quite certain that phones were not alive, so he did not understand how they could be intelligent. He found that when it came to Muggles, it was best not to think too deeply into things. “THIS IS NIKE,” Viktor bellowed into the thin, rectangular case. “CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?”
movie night Rating: Teen -- Words: 2.5k -- Status: Complete -- Summary: However, they had barely started Howl’s Moving Castle before Yuuri wondered if he had made a mistake. "What a fascinating concept! What spells do you suppose Howl is using to keep his, er, moving structure up?" Viktor refused to call it a "castle." A terrible mistake. ❤❤❤❤❤  Words: 21.2k Status: Complete Relationship: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Tags: Harry Potter AU; Aurors; Crossdressing ❤❤❤❤❤  Review: In this series, Yuuri and Viktor are both badass Aurors during a moment of downtime at the beginning of the story - Viktor forced into being a field-tester for the Research Department, and Yuuri recovering from his first, long-term undercover mission. What's really unique about this story is Yuuri's situation and what lead to it. He has taken on a new persona to help ease himself back into his life. Yuuri is amazing and adorable no matter what gender he is, and here he is both. I love how comfortable he is as a woman or a man and how his mannerisms change (and remain the same) across the two. There are a lot of misunderstandings during the first half of the fic - Viktor slowly falling for "Yukina", who reminds him of another Japanese man he was charmed by a year before - but eventually Yuuri opens up completely to Viktor and they become partners. So, so wonderful and sweet! The 2nd fic is a cute, little side-story after they've become partners, where Yuuri tries to show Viktor a Miyazaki movie... and proceeds to regret it once he realizes Viktor's one of those people who must always question and/or nitpick a movie out loud while watching. Haha. The ending where they re-enact an early scene from the movie is horrendously adorable though.
powerandpathos (@agapaic)
Excelsior by powerandpathos (@agapaic)
Rating: Explicit Words: 77.4k Status: Work In Progress Relationship: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Tags: (Mostly) Canon compliant; Except homophobia exists; Post season 1; Pair skating; Lesbian OCs ❤❤❤❤❤  Summary: Yuuri has won the Grand Prix, which was everything he thought he wanted. But for Yuuri, an end to skating could mean an end with Viktor, and when two female skaters approach them with an offer that could make them or break them, they are put to the test more than ever. Can they rise higher than they already have? ❤❤❤❤❤  Review: Another "homophobia exists within the canon universe" story that is still unique and interesting with how it handles the characters. Yuuri and Viktor are approached by a pair of female lovers who want to do a pair skate with each other at an official ISU competition, and they want Yuuri and Viktor to be their pair skating partners to get them to that point. Yuuri is an idealistic activist who never even really knew he was one until given the opportunity to make a difference. He can be a bit ignorant, following his heart on the matter and not fully understanding what he's sacrificing until in the thick of it and starting to be overwhelmed, but he's brave and kind and his heart is in the right place. He can be a bit preachy when it comes to Viktor's choice to support from the sidelines, but still loves him and tries to find a middle ground. Viktor is the pragmatic realist on the other hand, knowing that supporting this endeavor will cause him to lose his prestige and gold medals. Initially he's insensitive about Yuuri's choice, but eventually agrees to support him but in ways that won't cause him to sacrifice his hard-earned legacy. It's not that he doesn't believe in the cause, but rather he's not willing to give up that much. I personally enjoy this taken on Viktor and find his opinion a valid one, even though Yuuri's lines up more with my own ideals. Eventually, he does fully join and support the cause when things become more personal, but before then is a lot of struggle between the two to find middle ground and maintain a supportive relationship. It's a realistic struggle that I'm certain many couples can sympathize with, and I appreciate the story for going there. This story's greatest strength is the real-life issues, struggles, and reactions these characters face, and yet their desire to continue to support, fight, and love one another. It's a really great story that I hope powerandpathos decides to continue again some day in the future.
proantagonist (@borntomake)
Rating: Explicit Words: 28.1k Status: Work In Progress Relationship: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Tags: Canon divergence; Road trips; Post Sochi GPF; Fluff; Feels; BFFs saving the day ❤❤❤❤❤  Summary: Yuuri remembers the Sochi Grand Prix banquet. He knows what he had the audacity to ask his idol, but that doesn't make it any less confusing when Victor Nikiforov shows up at Nationals two weeks later with a bouquet of roses in hand and a smile that doesn’t fool anyone. Victor has lost his drive and should be prepping for the European Championship instead of flying to Japan on a whim. After a crushing defeat at Nationals, Yuuri is in the midst of a crisis himself. Good thing they have their best friends – Phichit and Christophe – at their sides to keep them from falling apart. When Victor learns Yuuri must return to Detroit to finish college, he makes a rash decision to come to America with him. But why rush the journey? There's more than a week before classes start, dual existential crises to escape, and a budding romance to nurture. Time for a road trip. (A story in which two sets of best friends road trip across America together.) ❤❤❤❤❤  Review: Man, we aren't even to the road trip yet - we aren't even back in Detroit yet - and I'm already in love with this fic. proantagonist writes some of the best character interactions across all YOI fanfics - between Yuuri and Phichit, Yuuri and Victor, Yuuri and Chris, etc. And I am already so strongly invested in all four of the characters here. Chris' advice is halting Victor from his most unintentionally harshest commentary. Phichit is providing the emotional support that Yuuri needs at this time. And Victor and Yuuri are forming a connection earlier due to their friends' support. The latest chapter is my fave - they've pretty much had the entire beach scene conversation from episode 4, Victor has opened up about feeling lost at this moment in his life, Yuuri has an anxiety attack and snaps out all of his frustractions, Victor meets him in the middle, and they agree to help each other through their rough patches. Everybody is so supportive and wonderful, and I love such positive relationships. It's a sped-up version of their relationship from the anime with less miscommunication issues. And while I can definitely appreciate a slowburn, sometimes you just want to avoid a repeat of the same scenarios or the miscommunication tropes. That doesn't mean that there isn't a potential for more angst or miscommunication (I mean, there's always this fic's version of "Let's end this"), but everything is at a pretty healthy point currently. It warms my heart. And the roadtrip aspect just has the potential for so many more warm, supportive moments. I can't wait for more!
Winter Song Universe (Series, 2 works)
Winter Song Rating: Explicit -- Words: 156.5k -- Status: Complete -- Summary: Yuuri was aware that at some point — a moment in time he couldn’t quite place — Victor had become his boyfriend. There wasn’t a single instant when it happened. It was a slow awareness, as if Victor had silently been asking the question for months now, and Yuuri had been giving him the answer a little more with each passing day.
Falling (Victor's Story) Rating: Teen -- Words: 69.7k -- Status: Complete -- Summary: "What do you want me to be to you?" "I want you to be yourself." And wasn’t that just the funniest thing? This whole time, Victor had been trying to figure out which mask to wear to make Yuuri happy, when all he wanted was for Victor to take it off and show him the real person beneath. ❤❤❤❤❤  Words: 226.1k Status: Complete Relationship: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Tags: Canon compliant; Post season 1; Scenes between episodes; Fluff; Smut ❤❤❤❤❤  Review: In a lot of ways, I consider this the essential companion fic to the series. The story takes care to be true to the canon material while fleshing out the characters and their relationships with each other more. It doesn't spend time rehashing what we already see in the series; instead it focuses on fleshing out the scenes between the episodes and after the end of season 1. The story mostly focuses on the developing romance between Victor and Yuuri and has a lot of very well-written smut and emotional hurt/comfort scenes. For those perhaps confused by some of the characters' actions or motivations in the series, this story provides one potential interpretation by a fan who has extensively written and thoughtfully considered many potential headcanons on her tumblr. It's clear she deeply cares about the characters to spend so much time analyzing the series. She takes a lot of care to remain faithful to the series, while still fleshing out the Victuuri romance. It's a beautiful story.
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justpan · 7 years ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve 
The next morning you woke up in a room that looked like an entire mall had threw up in it.
Clothes everywhere.
You had a hanger stuck in your hair and your feet were tangled in a dress that was too church-y for a date.
‘Well good morning.’
You look up and see your dad standing in your doorway.
‘Hey Dad.’ you yawned.
‘Soooo...what’s the occasion?’ he asked.
‘Your room, I haven’t seen this many clothes pulled out since you thought that boy asked you to the school dance.’
You groan at the memory of sixth grade you mistakenly thinking a boy was asking you out when he was really just asking if you were going so he could catch a ride with you.
‘So is this another misunderstanding or...’ your dad asked as he came and sat on the bed, after moving aside a few hangers.
‘Well I don’t think its a misunderstanding this time, but I don’t want to look into it too much.’ you said as you sat up fully.
Your dad looked around the room.
‘I’d hate to see you over looking things’ he joked.
‘Shut up.’
‘So it’s Felix right?’
‘Yeah its Felix, it’d be weird if it was Peter, you know since he tried to kill me that one time.’ you sighed.
‘I like Felix enough, he does the dishes.’
‘Most dads would say something about how nice Felix is or how respectful he is, but no, he does the dishes.’ you smiled.
‘You can tell a lot about a guy who washes dishes.’
‘Oh my God get out Dad I have to get ready.’ you laughed as you pushed him away.
‘Fine, you had morning breath anyway.’ he said as he headed out.
‘Wait, Dad can you keep an eye on Peter for me? It would be a disaster if I had to bring him on the date.’ you asked.
‘Fine, I’ll babysit the homicidal teenager, since that is what my life is now.’ he said as he left. 
You got out of bed and looked over at your clock, about nine thirty, Felix is definitely awake.
You two had decided that you would go out to the park in the morning, when the weather was cool and Felix would make the picnic.
He was actually pretty good in the kitchen once he learned how to use everything, he loved the microwave.
You grabbed the outfit you and Shelly had picked out, a yellow short sleeve shirt and a black high waist skirt, before heading to the bathroom.
You would put on the gold bracelet, black flats after.
You made sure to lock the door before you began undressing, after your shower you pulled your hair into a bun and got dressed.
You were headed to your room when you bumped into Peter.
‘Excuse me.’ you said as you tried to move past him, but he blocked your path.
‘You’re all dressed up aren’t you? For that ridiculous date with Felix you and that idiot were squealing about I assume.’ Peter guessed.
‘Her name is Shelly and she is my best friend, and yes I a dressed up for a date with Felix. Do you have a problem with that?’ you snapped.
‘None, if he wants to sugar coat the fact that he wants to roll in the hay with you with eating in grass that’s his business.’ Peter scoffed.
‘Maybe Felix thinks with more than his genitals, and he honestly just wants to have a nice picnic with me.’ you snarked.
‘Tell yourself that, by the way my offer still stands.’ Peter said as he moved closer to you.
You backed up but of course you hit a wall and Peter trapped you between his arms.
‘Let me have you (Y/N).’ he said roughly.
You wanted to cower and just ask him to go away, but you were not going to keep backing down. He’d never stop if you didn’t stand up for yourself.
‘The answer...is no, it will always be no.’ you glared.
You saw Peter’s jaw clench angrily.
‘Now if you’d please back the hell up so I can finish getting dressed, I’d really appreciate it.’ you said as you successfully pushed him away.
You quickly make your escape to your room, again locking the door before you let out sigh of relief.
You shook off the quick bit of fear that Peter had placed on you and finished putting on your accessories and make up.
Once you were ready you went downstairs to check on Felix, knocking on the door instead of just walking in.
‘How’s it going in there, almost done?’ you asked.
‘It’s ready and I am dressed.’ Felix said as opened the door.
You were almost stunned by how nicely he cleaned up, wearing a simple dark blue v neck and jeans, his usually defiant hair combed and styled.
 He held up a basket that had a blanket on top.
‘Lets go.’ you said taking his hand as you left the house.
‘What about-’
‘My dad is gonna watch him and he can handle himself pretty well for an old guy.’ you joked.
You feel Felix intertwine his fingers with yours as you two strolled through the woods surrounding your house.
‘So in Oz, when you were robbing couples, what did they talk about?’ you asked.
Felix thought it over.
‘Stupid things like how beautiful her eyes were and how sweet he was.’ Felix said.
‘Well I think you are pretty sweet.’ you blushed.
‘And your eyes are the most beautiful I’ve ever seen.’ 
‘You were surrounded by boys most of your life.’ you reminded.
‘Just because you’re the only one I’ve ever spent time with doesn’t mean you’re the only one I’ve seen.’ Felix said as you reached the main road.
‘What were the girls in Oz like? Before the curse was broken I loved the idea of different worlds like Oz, Neverland and Wonderland.’ you asked.
‘I’m from two out of the three.’ he smiled.
‘That makes you a real catch.’ you teased.
‘The girls back in Oz were...very flamboyant and very dull at the same time, the nobles wear so much green they look like glittery lettuce. The peasant girls speaking about nothing but what they would give for one of those damn dresses.’ Felix said as you neared the park.
‘Not too different from some of the fashion obsessed girls we have here.’ you replied.
You enter the park and head over to a really shady oak tree where Felix laid down the blanket. Once he was done you both sat down and you picked up the basket.
‘Let’s see what you packed Chef Felix.’ you said as you began to pull out the contents.
‘French bread, pepperoni, mozzarella, a fruit salad, a bottle of champagne, butter, jam, knifes, plates and wine glasses.’ you called out as you pulled everything out.
‘Its what I saw others bring, baking the bread was very difficult but I think I did pretty good, its really soft.’ Felix said as he sat closer to you.
‘You did amazing Felix, I’m a pretty good cook but I cant bake bread for the life of me so double props for you.’ you praised.
Felix looked away but you could still see his ears turn red with his blush.
‘For someone as tough as you are Felix you are really cute.’ you smiled. as you took his hand again.
‘You are determined to make me blush aren’t you?’ Felix asked.
‘Yup, come on let’s eat, this food is too good to let the ants have.’ you said as you cut a slice of bread, cheese, and pepperoni.
You placed the cheese and meat on the bread, fully aware of how Felix was watching you anxiously as you took the first bite.
‘Oh my God, oh fuck--’ you gasped.
‘Is it that bad?’ Felix panicked.
‘Its the best bread to ever have touched my tongue, its so soft and fluffy.’ you moaned.
‘Did you even taste this?’ you asked.
‘I wanted you to have the first taste.’ he said.
‘Try it.’ you said hold up another piece for him.
Felix looked at you as he let you feed him, realizing how intimate this must look.
‘I think I didn’t cook it long enough.’
‘You did great, Felix, the bread is perfect and so is this picnic.’ you smiled.
‘...So are you.’ Felix said softly, making you blush.
‘Look at you turning the tables.’ you swooned.
You two ate and chatted over your picnic, the conversation just as easy and smooth as every conversation with Felix was.
‘So we aren’t allowed to drink this here, why?’ Felix asked looking at the bottle champagne.
‘Because here you have to be twenty one to drink, and we are about seventeen, but there isn’t anyone here so one glass won’t hurt if we don’t tell anyone.’ you answered.
Felix smiled before uncorking the bottle and filling the two glasses.
‘A toast to our first date.’ you said holding your glass up.
Felix smiled and touched his glass to yours before you both took a sip.
‘We’ll have to sneak off and have this stuff again.’ Felix said taking another sip.
‘I’d sneak off with you even if there was no champagne involved.’ you said honestly looking him in the eye.
You see his eyes go from your eyes to your lips, and your own gaze lowers to his lips as well.
You don’t know who had started leaning in first but you soon you could feel Felix’s breath on your cheeks.
His lips were maybe a centimeter away from yours, this was it, you were gonna kiss him.
‘Well well well, what have we here?’ 
You and Felix jump apart and look up to see Peter walking confidently over to your picnic.
‘What the hell, you were supposed to be-’
‘Supposed to be at the house with your idiot father? Did you really think that old fool could keep a hold on me? I might not have my magic at the moment, but don’t insult me.’ Peter boasted standing over you both.
‘Where is my dad?’ you asked urgently as you stood up.
Felix quickly followed suit, taking the initiative to pin Peter to the tree.
‘The old man is at home and he’s fine...for now.’ Peter smiled not fighting against Felix’s hold.
‘What do you mean for now?’
‘I mean he has five hours before the poison I put in his coffee kills him.’
‘WHAT?!’ you yelled.
‘Lucky for you I have the antidote, and I will give it to you...for a price.’ Peter grinned.
‘Give me the antidote!’ you yelled.
‘Take off the cuff.’
‘Then your father dies.’ Peter snarled before pushing Felix away.
Peter bent down and tore a peace of bread taking a large bite as he turned away.
‘Good job with the bread Felix. I’ll be at the house watching the old man die, if you change your mind and decide to save him.’ Peter said as he walked away.
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shxdowsofombra · 4 years ago
At the Cabin
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Nibs pulled her closer as she pushed her body against his as he picked her up and continued to deepen the kiss. When they got back to the cabin, he shut the door behind them as he pinned her to the door and kissed her passionately. 
Misty felt her back being pinned to the door and kissed him back just as passionately as she grinded her hips against his. “Rip it off Nibs.” She moaned against his lips as she ripped off his clothes. 
Nibs didn’t hesitate to rip off her clothes before removing his as well. He grinded against her as he used his knee to nudge her legs apart so his cock could slide between her folds. “You are so wet princess.” 
“It’s all for you daddy. I’m yours.” She said against his lips. “Make me yours again.” She begged.
Nibs didn’t hesitate as he lifted her leg up and slid himself into her. He fucked her hard and fast as his hips held her in place with each thrust and grind. His hand coming up to her throat to squeeze the sides as he abused her sweet spot. “That’s right princess you are all mine.” 
She wrapped her leg around his waist and moaned his name loudly as he started fucking her. She felt his hands holding her hips in place before one came and wrapped around her neck. She never took her eyes off of him as her eyes flashed red. “I’m yours Nibs. I will always be yours.”
“And you will always be mine. I love you so much.” He purred as his eyes flashed red when hers did as well. His eyes never left hers as she continued to abuse her sweet spot. 
“I love you too Nibs. More than you know.” She moaned before her hips bucked up. “Fuck you feel so good. Don’t stop daddy...please.”
He squeezed her neck a bit tighter as he sped up his actions wanting to bring her more pleasure as he pounded into her. He kissed her deeply. “Cum for daddy.” He growled. 
Misty’s moans were muffled behind Nibs’ lips as she kissed him back just as deeply. Hearing him growl helped push her over the edge as she came around his cock. ‘
Nibs could feel her clenching around him as she came. He thrusted deep into her and filled her with his cum until it was dripping out of them as the knot locked them together. He took a few moments to catch his breath as they came down from their high. He removed his hand from around her throat as well. 
She felt his hand coming off her neck and she took a few moments. She didn’t know what this meant for them but she honestly did not want to ruin the mood.
“I will still give you some time if that is what you want…” He says after a while of silence. “I will wait forever if that is what it takes to be with you.” 
“I know you will Nibs.” She smiled softly. “But you don’t have to punch Mark to let me know that. I might need time but my ring is still on my finger Nibs. I am yours...I just...I just need time.”
“I was mad at him and he deserved it….” He says before nodding his head. “I can do that but um in the meantime can you still keep the necklace I gave you on? I don’t know what Ombra is planning and if you are here by yourself I um...you know...it would make me feel better knowing you are safe.” He says. 
“I will go home. Besides I am still needed in the castle and until I am ready for Charlie to be king, I can’t leave all of my responsibilities to you.” She told him. “But yeah...I will wear the necklace.”
“Okay. We can do that then. Thank you.” He says before giving her a short kiss and then snapping them clean once the knot went down enough for him to pull out. 
She kissed him back before nodding. “No problem.” She said before feeling him snap her clean and saw her clothes back on. She bit her lip as she smiled softly and moved past him as she walked into the kitchen.
Nibs wasn’t really sure what to do now. Should he stay and help her get things situated or should he just go back and wait for her at the castle. “Did you want help moving things back to the castle?” 
Misty stopped to look at him, “My outfit. Did you do that on purpose? Did you pick this one intentionally?” 
“Yeah, it reminded me of when we first began our lives together.” He smiles as he looks at her. 
She smiled at his words before nodding, “It was a good choice.” She told him before moving to the kitchen. 
“Thanks.” He says while looking at her. “So...um did you want help moving to the castle?” 
“No I’m fine. It’s not a lot anyway. It’s not like you let me grab anything when I left.” She joked slightly before grabbing something to drink.
“That is also very true.” He smiles while walking over to her. “So then does this mean you are going to come back with me then? Maybe?” 
“Um no, I’m okay.” She told him. “I have a meeting with Waddles doctor Adam so, I should get ready for that.” 
“Why would you have a meeting with him? Waddles is doing fine?” He asks while looking at her. 
“He has a new friend for Waddles so, I said I wouldn’t mind Waddles getting to know other penguins.” She said before moving past him to head to the bedroom.
“That sounds like a date Misty...you aren’t seriously going on a date with someone who isn’t your husband right now when we are going through all this stress.”
“It’s not a date. It’s something to get my mind off of all of this. Watching Waddles with another penguin will make me happy. I don’t care who is there.” 
“So he knows this isn’t a date and he knows you are married correct? So there won’t be any misunderstandings or miscommunication or him saying it’s a date to anyone else right? And you would correct him to make sure that wouldn’t happen right? Because if it does turn out to be a date or if you start bringing him places with you as if he were your date, I have every reason to eat him.” 
“Also there are so many penguins at the sanctuary that Waddles loves to play with. Why does he need new friends? He loves the ones he has and he doesn’t take to newcomers very nicely. He is very protective.” 
Misty sighed, “Nibs...it’s not a date to me. Okay? It’s two people with penguins that’s it. No need to get possessive or anything okay?” She told him before unzipping her dress and looking through her mom’s clothes for something else. “I think you mean you are very protective. Waddles will play with anyone.”
“Misty last time you said it ‘wasn’t a date’ was with Noah who definitely thought it was after you both went on an actual date and he kissed you and guess what we almost fucking died. So yeah, if he does think it’s a date and you don’t correct him and he tries to kiss you without warning as Noah did, that means we would die so yeah I have my reasons same as I would expect you to have if I did the same thing while we are married.” 
“Nibs I said it wasn’t so drop it.” She snapped before grabbing a dress. “I need to change.” She said before going into the bathroom and closing the door. She slid on the dress and zipped it up before fixing her hair.
Nibs noticed what she was wearing and he pouted. “That is what you wore on one of our dates…it my favorite color.” 
Misty came out of the bathroom and looked at Nibs before looking at her dress. “Nibs, it’s so old. It’s not even one of the new ones I have. And anything red you like.”
“Yeah but I still remembered it as if it was yesterday. Do you remember when we first got married and every time you had a new outfit, I kept getting so distracted at work because I would just be thinking about you all day? We would be talking to each other through our minds and one time my dumbass slipped up and accidentally said what I was thinking out loud and got in trouble?” 
She laughed softly at his words, “Yes, I remember. I thought it was so cute. I didn’t really have a problem with it. It let me know you never got bored of me. I blush like crazy.” She smiled before frowning slightly. “Things like that don’t happen now...guess you sort of lose that honeymoon phase.” She said mostly to herself. “I can change. I didn’t think you would remember a dress I technically stole from my mom.”
“I know you did, maybe that’s why those royals thought you were flirting with them, they didn’t know you were thinking about me.” He smiles. Hearing her words he shook his head, “Everytime I try to talk to you through our mind you tell me to mind my own business and stop worrying. It was so much nicer when I wasn’t so paranoid about someone trying to seduce you and sweep you off your feet like I was.” 
“But we were also so naive back then about the bond and what it meant for both of us. It was so strong and it made our love grow. I still feel it and I let that happiness that it made me feel fill my heart in the morning whenever I would see you. And now I don’t know, it seems like it's a burden that you don’t want anymore…” He trailed off. 
“The bond we share has never made me mad or made me feel like I had to love you. I told you it meant the world to me and I meant it. It’s when you made the bond feel like something that forced us to be together. You took away the intense love and made it feel like regardless of how we felt, the bond is what keeps us together. I love you because I love you. Not some bond.”
“That wasn’t my intention. I have never felt so strongly about someone before and to have everything and knowing it could be taken from my right under my nose whether it be from Ombra or another person...a bond is supposed to keep people together metaphorically speaking. But the fact that ours is also physical, I have never had that before. The amount of times it has been threatened in the past, it started making me less trusting of those around you other than me.”
“I trusted you. I just didn’t trust others to respect what you told them.” He says. “Ever since you told me that you loved Dylan, it made me question what the bond even was. The intense love I felt for you, you felt for someone else and I...it made me question if our bond had somehow gone away because I wasn’t being what you needed. Letting you down has always been a fear of mine and I am so scared of it happening.” 
“Nibs...the only time you let me down was when you stopped just being you. When you put this pressure on yourself to get everything right and to be this perfect person. That’s when things took a turn. You wouldn’t touch me, you wouldn’t be with me without trying to prove you were some flawless husband. And I don’t need that. I love your flaws. They don’t bother me. I don’t want you to change and I never have. I just wanted you back and I don’t even think you have officially come back...I think you are so stuck on trying to make our past rewrite itself you don’t even realize that all you have to do is accept what you can’t change and be the person that I gave myself to. Be that lost boy. Because what you see as flawed...I see as the love of my life.”
“I accepted what happened in my past long ago, it’s just whenever you brought it up, it made me feel so upset for what I did. When I had finally moved past it, it was always brought up and I thought we moved past the whole Stiles thing and I don’t think you have and I don’t think you ever will. I don’t look back at it as something that was good for me but it did help me grow as a person and figure out that that was not what I wanted in my life. I didn’t want to be manipulated and I went after what I deemed I deserved which was you.” 
“My past is a part of who I am. I can’t change that the only thing that makes me want to change that is when you get visibly upset about my past. If I mess up all you have to do is leave me and you have men lining up at the door ready to take my place. If I fuck up? I don’t have anyone to fall back on. All the people in my past known me as being a dick, that hasn’t changed in their minds. You grew from being so insecure and just accepting that love meant being hurt to being strong enough to stand up for yourself and not needing me anymore. All I have known is this intense urge to protect you, I have felt it ever since we first met.” 
“No...no you are right I will never forgive you for Stiles...I did try. I didn’t think you did it intentionally to hurt me but...if you...if you had just walked by that lost girl instead of flirting with her...everything would be so different.” She said as her voice cracked and her eyes turned blue. 
“If you had just picked me...we could have been together and none of that stuff...Ryan...Finn...no one would have hit me because I would have you.” She said. “I still need you Nibs...you just don’t see it anymore.”
“You are the one dwelling on the past now Misty. I only did that to get flowers for you. I know I could have just used magic but I wanted to try to impress you by getting them for you and seeing if maybe I wasn’t fully embarrassing myself. When you met me, I was so anxious all the time. I hid it behind the sex and the sleeping around. I did it to feel wanted because as a lost boy, you just always feel unwanted and that was something I was struggling so hard with.” 
“You are right I don’t. You act like you don’t need me. I try to be there and I am overstepping or being possessive. I can’t just be myself because if I do, those flaws you claim to accept me for, they just make you mad and then you leave. It confused me and it used to be so easy, you would just tell me what was on your mind and now you just keep things locked up all the time. It frustrates me you keep blocking me out.” 
“Because when I gave you my heart you stepped on it.” She said. “I wish I could trust you Nibs...and I have tried over and over but I gave you every bit of me and you...you couldn’t go a day without going to someone else and making me feel like I was just another person you had been with. You had already impressed me. You loved me. No man...no one has ever loved me like you did and you…” Tears fell down her face and she pulled away as she shook her head.
“I have to go. I have to pick up Waddles.” She said, wiping her tears away and grabbing her purse to head out. 
“Ever since we got married I haven’t looked at anyone the way I look at you. But you can’t move past what I was before we were married. All you can see me as is someone who broke your heart.” He shook his head. 
“I don’t see how you thought I loved you during a time when I had hurt you the most yet the time I have shown you I loved you time and time again, you made me feel like I will never be enough because of who I used to be. You were someone who used to see me as I truly was but now I see that you never really did. You see me as everyone else does...you see me as some monster who is only capable of hurting you.” 
“No Nibs...I think that was the issue. I never saw you as a monster and because I cared so much about you I accepted every time you hurt me. So when Finn did it or Ryan...I didn’t care. You are so jealous of Dylan but he has hurt me in more ways than I can count and yet...yet I forgave him. Because it started with you. I told you what giving my virginity to you meant. I told you Nibs and you hurt me. And continued to do so all the while claiming you love me. So no...no I can’t see how this love is different or better. I have only experienced one type of love and it always ends in pain for me.” She replied. “Please don’t be here when I come home.” She asked him before taking the keys and leaving the cabin.
“You told me you wanted to just be friends...I thought I could do that but then I fell for you and that is when things got fucked up. So yeah, I don’t see how you need me especially if all I do is just cause you pain. And yeah, I am fixed on the past and wanting to right what is wrong but you are the reason I want to fix what I have done wrong. Everything I touch, ends up broken. I thought this would be different. I thought I could break the curse and start over here. I thought I could spend the rest of my life making it up to you but I can’t. I just want to start over. I want to do something right for once.” He says.
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lordofassgard · 8 years ago
Hurt People {Part 1}
Requested: | yes | no |
Pairing: Derek Hale x f!Reader
Summary: Derek and the reader are both hurt by their past and rely on each other to heal. Until one day he just leaves.
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: cursing, angst, mentions of alcohol
A/N: Shout out to my friend @snowflakes-and-sparks for helping me decide who to write about thank you babe ❤️️ Also, this is based on a personal experience and it really means a lot to me 🌸
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Part 1 || Part 2 find part 2 in my masterlist
At first it was for the looks, you had to be honest. Then you got to know him, see what was under the hard shell that was so easy to break if you knew were to touch.
You were jogging in the woods but that day you took a different path. After a while, you stopped to tie your shoes when you noticed a house a few feet away from you. It seemed like no one had lived there in years. You walked towards it just to take a look, being too curious to turn back.
The wood creaked under your feet as you walked up the porch. The door was unlocked and the house was dark. With the flashlight from your phone, you took a look around. Dust all over the place, except for a few particular spots, like the stairs. You noticed the muddy footprints that you assumed belonged to other curious teenagers just like you.
“What are you doing here?” A voice behind you starled you.
You screamed and tripped over your own feet before turning around to face the person.
“This is private property.”
And holy shit he was gorgeous. The stranger was tall, broad shoulders, green eyes and jet black hair. You blinked a few times, getting back to reality where the stranger was looking at you weirdly.
“Uh, right. I’m sorry, I...I thought that this was abandoned.” You said but didn’t move.
“So...” He raised his eyebrows.
“Oh, yeah. Sorry.”
You left the house and the stranger without looking back and returned to your morning run.
You found him a few days later, his car was parked outside the school and he seemed to be waiting for someone. Quickly checking your reflection in the window of Jackson’s Porsche, you walked over to him.
“I know that this is not a private property, but I’m pretty sure you’re too old to go to this school.” He looked surprised with your sudden burst of confidence. Hell even you were.
He laughed. Fuck, it was such a beautiful sound.
“I’m Derek.”
“(Y/N).” You smiled.
Someone calling you broke your eye contact with him and you turned around. Jackson was standing by his car, annoyed by the fact that you were making him wait.
“Your boyfriend is waiting.” You laughed in his face.
“Gosh no, he’s just giving me a ride home. He’s not my type.” You shook your head “But I have to go. See you around Derek.” He smiled at you before you walked towards Jackson.
“Who the hell was that guy?”
“Who’s Derek?”
“I don’t know.” You answered as you got inside the silver Porsche.
You looked at the place where Derek’s Camaro was parked minutes ago, but the space was empty and Derek was no where to be seen. Who the hell was Derek? 
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His eyes held galaxies, his laugh was your favorite song although you didn’t hear it often. He was a walking masterpiece. Poems, books, paintings, could be created just by looking at him and God you wanted to draw him so bad.
“What are you staring at?” Derek asked one afternoon where you were hanging out at the loft. A drawing book on your lap as your pencil lightly tapped the paper where the outlines of Derek’s face were drawn.
“You.” You chuckled.
“It’s rude to stare you know?” He smirked.
“It’s also rude to be this cute you know?” You sassed.
“I’m not cute, I’m a man.”
“Men can be both.” You shrugged.
“Shut up.” He mumbled but failed to hide the smile on his lips and the blush on his cheeks.
“Aw, look at you. You’re blushing.” You teased.
“Are you...are you drawing me?” You looked down at your lap realizing that your drawing book was no longer there, instead it was on the floor still open on the page you were drawing.
“No, I...” You tried too pick it up but he was faster.
He turned the page and saw the little text that you wrote on the back of the drawing.
The first time I saw you, you were wearing a leather jacket. You never took the damn thing off. It was almost like it was your most prized possession, maybe because it was. You usually wore it with a tight shirt and a pair of jeans. I came to the conclusion that you loved that stupid jacket, and then I learned to love it too. It was warm, comfortable and it smelled like you.
It's hard for me to talk about you, your physical appearance because it's been a while since I've paid attention to it. What I do know is that it aesthetically pleasing. I no longer see your perfect smile or your green eyes or the shape of your eyebrows. All I see is colors, like an explosion of gray, black, blue and a little bit of green. I see art instead of your face, I hear thunder instead of your steps, I hear clapping when you laugh and music when you talk.
You deserve to be pinned against a wall at the Louvre next to Mona Lisa because you are a true masterpiece, not for the way you look, but for the feelings that you give away. The false sense of peace and hope, shallow life and fake pride. Knowing that we all struggle with that. Knowing that we're real, we exist, we are alive. We'll be okay.
But at the same time I don't want that. I don't want the world to see you, I wanna keep you unknown, a no one to the rest of the selfishness of human kind. Maybe I'm the selfish one but I want to be the only one who feels this way everytime I look at you. I don't care about your leather jacket or your tight shirts. I don't care about your selfishness or the excess of pride that lives inside your chest. I don't care about your desire for attention and materials. I don't care that you don't care. As long as I'm the only one.
“Is...is this about me?”
“I told you, you were cute.” You tried to play it cool, but failed miserably.
He ripped the page with a smile on his face as he threw you the drawing book and walked away.
“What are you doing?” You got up from the couch and followed him.
“I’m keeping it.” You could hear the smile on his voice.
And that was when you realized, no one ever told him how much he meant to them.
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You hated him at first, before you loved him. In fact, you never stopped hating him, you hated him for making you so vulnerable, so weak. He had you wrapped around his finger and that little bastard knew. You would melt in his hands, turning puty with his touch and he took advantage of that.
“Love makes you weak.” He confessed you one day under the stars “It makes you vulnerable.”
“I agree.” You paused “To love is to destroy and to be loved is to be destroyed.”
“You saw that on TV.” He chuckled.
“Maybe.” You laughed “But it’s true.”
You were silent for a few moments.
“I hate you, you know?” Derek looked at you surprised “I hate you because you make me vulnerable, because you make me weak, because you have me wrapped around your finger and you know it, because if you want to can easily crush my heart with your bare hands, you made me weak, you made me love you.”
“Then I guess I hate you too.” He smiled.
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Being around him was like being high, your feet wouldn’t touch the ground, your head spun and all the time in the world wasn’t enough when you were by his side. Being around him was hard, even though he was good to you, most of the times he was in a bad mood. He had been through a lot, no one could really blame him.
You weren’t a saint either. You were aggressive, sarcastic, selfish. You had seen a lot, more than someone should at your age. People said you were good for each other. They say opposites atract, but equals belong together. You were cold, he was ice. 
People were right, you were good for each other. You made each other better people, you learned about love and hate and how they always walk hand in hand, you learned how to warm your heart. You were surprised when he didn’t come back, everybody was. The sympathetic smiles and the comforting words did nothing to soothe your heart. You weren’t warm, you weren’t cold, you were frozen just like him.
You waited patiently at the Sheriff’s station for news. You were preapered for the worst, ready for the best but the silence was killing you. When you heard that they were back, you rushed to Scott’s house.
You sighed in relief when you saw that everyone was okay. Tired but okay. Looking around, you didn’t spot Derek so you turned to Scott.
“Where’s Derek?”
The room went quiet as everyone stared at the Alpha waiting for his answer. You noticed the sympathetic expression on their faces as they ocasionally glanced at you.
“He...I...” Scott scratched the back of his neck nervously “He didn’t come back.”
“Is he...dead?” You felt a lump in your throat as you imagined life without Derek.
“No, he’s fine but he...he took off with Braeden.”
“Okay...” You had no idea how to react to the newly acquired information.
“I don’t think he’s coming back.”
That was the last thing you heard before you left the house. You got in your car, your hands fumbling with the keys, your vision blurry and your breathing heavy. You drove to the loft, you knocked on the door. No answer. You dialed his number, once, twice, three times, four. No answer.
You screamed, you cried, you wanted him back. But it was like he never existed in your life, it was like you had imagined him all along. There were no traces of him, you were sure that the loft was empty. How could he do such thing? How could he be so selfish?
Eventually night fell, you had spent your day sitting by his door waiting for him to come back. Maybe he regretted, maybe it was all a misunderstanding. Your phone was blowing up but it wasn’t who you wanted.
Deciding that you still wanted to keep some dignity, you left with your throat dry, your hands shaking and your chest heavy. You went home and you decided to do the same thing he did to you. It was like he never existed.
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That was when you learned that hurt people were lethal, they hurt everyone around them. It was a vicious cycle, someone hurt him, he hurt you and you were going to hurt the next person and so on. Deep down you wanted him to come back but you knew he wouldn’t, you were alone. And it wasn’t your fault as much as you tried to convince yourself otherwise, you did nothing wrong. And you knew they wouldn’t but you were still hoping that things got a little better.
You still called him from time to time, you just wanted an answer, you wanted to know why. But it would always go to voicemail.
“Derek, it’s me again. It’s been three weeks and I...I don’t know if you’re listening to your voicemail but I...I just want to know why, that’s all. Please call me.”
“Derek it’s me. It’s been two months. I feel lost. I don’t hang out with the pack anymore, it doesn’t feel right. I was so harsh on Liam the other day, he looked so heartbroken, he’s just a kid. I just want to know why. I miss you”
“It’s been six months and I found one of your old t-shirts in the back of my closet. It still smells like you. Since I’m sure that I’m not going to get an explanation I don’t see the point of leaving you voicemails anymore. I guess this is goodbye”
“To love is to destroy and to be loved is to be destroyed and I guess I let you destroy me. Fuck, Derek I’m trying to move on and right now it’s 3am and I’m half drunk and all I can think about is you. No one heard anything from you since that day and I’m here alone and heartbroken because of you. I hate you and I hate that I don’t hate you...I...I love you”
☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆ .。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・
Your recovery was slow, it took you a long time to get back on your feet and you knew that you weren’t the same. You dated other boys but you just toyed with their hearts, your heartbeat didn’t change around them like it changed around him. The damn vicious cycle. But you never prepared yourself for the fact that he could actually come back. You healed yourself as if you were never going to see him again. So your heart crumbled to pieces three years later when he stood a few feet away from you like nothing ever happened. Like he never left, like he never broke you like the way you pick a flower just to let it die later, like you didn’t mean anything.
“You didn’t think you could actually do this without me did you?” Stiles grinned at you and Scott.
“Without us?”
feedback is appreciated :) i’d link my ask box but tumblr is a dick
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sillesworldofwriting · 7 years ago
They are married. To each other
Titel: They are married. To each other.
Chapter No./One-Shot/ Drabble: One-Shot
Words: 3318
Challenge: Jamie’s 21st Birthday Celebration
AU profession: Kindergarten Teacher
Pairing: Jared x Reader x Gen
Warnings: Angst, misunderstandings, happy ending, kind of
Author’s Note: Reposting my stories from my personal blog @sille1992 . This will be the place I’ll be posting my creative outpourings.
 “Hey Y/N? Can you help me clean the classroom, please? The kids made such a mess today.”
  You turned around, one hand still on the picture you were about to pin to the wall. “Sure Gen. Just need to put the last painting up.” Turning back around you took a last look at the angle of the picture. Satisfied you pinned it in place. You took a step back to admire your work. The whole wall was full of painting the kids in your group did today. It looked beautiful. Just right for the open school day tomorrow.
  “Y/N? I could really use some help here!” came Gen’s voice again from the other room. The impatient tone made you smile. She was always like this. Even though you still had enough time left to get the last preparations.
 Y/N!” Gen half yelled now which made you chuckle to yourself.
  “Hold your horses Gen. I’m coming.” you hollered as you stepped out of your classroom.
  “About time!” she called. You chuckled again. Never have you met a more impatient woman than her. But it was kind of cute. Like the women herself.
  You came to an abrupt halt as you saw her from the doorway of her classroom. Gen was about to wipe the wall, which was stained with fingerpaint. You couldn’t help yourself as you admired her form and the way she swapped a few stray hairs out of her face. She was just so beautiful.
  “Take a picture it will last longer”, interrupted Gen’s voice your thoughts. You were staring for too long. A light blush made his way on your cheeks as you made your way over to her. She just smiled flirtily at you which didn’t help your blush at all.
  You cleared your throat. “Maybe I will. Later.”
  Gen smile widened as she batted her eyelashes at you. “I will try to look extra pretty,” she responded.
  “You are always pretty.” Your words made her chuckle.
  “Come on sweetheart. We need to clean that wall or the parents will have a fit tomorrow. Let alone our boss.”
  You both were always like this. You flirted relentlessly with each other, you gazes always lingered on each other. If you hadn’t known that you were bisexual before you met Gen you certainly would have known it now. You crush on her was not even funny anymore. But you never had the nerve to asked her out. Still hoping that she would ask the question soon since you were sure that the feelings were not one sided.
  Gen and you cleaned the wall up together in no time at all. “Why did the kids even paint on the wall?” you asked.
  Gen sighed. “They were supposed to paint on the papers I gave them but Janette called me out of the room for a few minutes. You saw the result of leaving them alone even for a short amount of time.”
  “Serve you right. You know that you’re not supposed to leave them alone when they have access to finger paint.” you laughed.
  “Yeah, yeah laugh all you want. I learned my lesson.”
  “I certainly hope so!”
  You were looking into each other's eyes and burst into a fit of giggles. “Can I tell you a secret?” Gen asked.
  You nodded.
  “I really wanted to join them as they painted on the wall. They did a good job at redecorating.”
  You chuckled again. “You’re right. I wish the boss would let us paint the walls with the kids. I hate that sterile white everywhere.”
  “I know what you mean. I’ve been trying to talk her around for months. Without any luck.”
  “But we are at least allowed to hang up pictures. Even more so because of the open school day tomorrow. Which reminds me. Tomorrow will be the first time I’m meeting ALL the parents.” you faltered. Even though you worked here for two solid months now, you were never in the position to get to know every parent of every child. You got to know the ones who brought the children to the kindergarten themselves. But there were enough who didn’t.
  Gen laid a calming hand on your arm. “Everything will be fine. They will love you.”
  “Yeah?” you asked still uncertain.
  “Yes, I’m sure. After all what’s not to love?”
  You had to laugh at her words. “Quite right!” you declared, smile firmly in place. Gen always found a way to make you feel better about yourself. You were so glad that she was in your life.
  “Want to get out of here? I think we’re done here,” declared Gen after you finished all the preparations for tomorrow.
  “Yes. Finally, we can go home,” you responded with a smile. Nothing sounded better than relaxing on your couch at the moment. You needed to mentally prepare yourself for tomorrow.
  “Hey. Everything will be alright. You’ll see.” insisted Gen.
  “Yeah, I know. But I can’t help myself. You know that I’m an overthinker, Gen.”
  “I wish you wouldn’t. As I said they will love. You’ve been such a great addition to our kindergarten. And the kids love you too!”
  “I know. I know. Still….” you sighed as you closed the door to your classroom.
  Gen laid her arm around your waist as you made your way to the exit. “I’ll be there tomorrow and will support you in any way. You know that you can come to me if something is wrong,” she said and gave you another kiss on the cheek.
  You sighed again, “Thank you,”
  Gen locked the door to the kindergarten once you were outside and gave you one last hug for good measure.
  “See you tomorrow sweetheart.” she murmured, her breath ghosting over your ear. Trying to suppress a shiver, you smiled shyly at her.
  “See you tomorrow,” you whispered. She grinned at you one last time as she turned to go home.
  You kept looking at her until she turned around the street corner.
  “I’m in this so deep,” you whispered to yourself as you shook your head.
         The next day approached faster than you would have liked. But you were sure that you would live through it. Gen was right. The kids loved you. And she was only one room away if you had any problems.
  “Good morning! You ready?” asked Gen as she entered your classroom.
  “As ready as I’d ever be,” you mumbled as you hugged her tight.
  “Everything will be fine. You’ll see.”
  “From your lips to God’s ears.”
  Gen just grinned at you and gave a kiss on the cheek. “See you later sweetie.”
  You wished that she wouldn’t leave you alone but you that something else was not possible. She had to take care of her own class after all.
  Taking a deep breath you looked at the clock above the door. It was nearly 9 am. The parents would be arriving soon in tow with their kids. You straightened the last pictures on the wall and made sure that you had enough to drink and to eat.
  A few minutes later there was the first knock at the door. “Well, here goes nothing,” you murmured to yourself and opened the door to greet the first parent.
  The day went better than you expected. All the parents were delighted to finally meet you since their children talked so much about you. You didn’t know what you were supposed to do with all the compliments you were getting.
  Gen would come to your classroom from time to time to check in on you. When you told here that all the parents were really nice and happy to meet you she just smiled.
  “Told you!” she laughed and gave you a quick hug before she left again. The grin never left your face after that.
  You were just about to see some of the early parents off when there was another knock on the door. Surprised since the door was wide open by know you turned to it and needed to do a double take.
  There in the doorway stood the gorgeous man you have ever seen. Tall with long brown hair and eyes that seemed to change color every second. You were not able to identify even one color.
  Shaking yourself out of your stupor you stepped up to the man.
  “Hey there! Welcome to “The Learning Tree”!” you greeted happily.
  He presented you with one of the charming smiles you ever came across.
  “Hello beautiful.” he returned which made you blush. Was he flirting with you? You just met! You could feel how the smile on your face turned to a nervous grimace.
  “You have a lovely classroom,” he continued, seemingly oblivious to your plight.
  “Thank you,” you replied still nervous. “Do you want a tour? I mean of course, you want a tour. Why else would you be here?”
  The man chuckled amusedly which did nothing to make you feel better about yourself. You were a blushing teenager again. Just like with Gen.
  “So…. where is your kid? I thought everyone was here already?” you continued to cover up your flustered state.
  “I’m actually here to visit my wife, to be honest,” he answered. “And I’m Jared by the way.”
  Jared held out his hand to you still smiling that charming smile of his.
  “Wife? Was he here for his wife? Then why did he flirt with you?” you asked yourself as you took his hand.
  “Y/N.” you responded out loud.
  “That’s a beautiful name,” he said. Which also didn’t change anything about your state. Why was he flirting with you when he was married? That didn’t make any sense. Unless he and his wife had an open relationship? Could something like that even work?
  “Thank you,” you answered again after you stopped your thoughts. You were treading into dangerous territory here. Jared was married. Besides, you were in love with Gen! There was no place for someone else. Least of all a married men!
  Before you or Jared (who was still wearing his damning and charming smile) could say anything else Gen emerged from behind him with a surprised expression.
  “Jared? What are you doing here?” she asked as she touched his arm.
  “Surprise!” Jared exclaimed and hugged her close. You were just standing there a bit shocked. Did they know each other? What did that mean?
  “And what a surprise this is.” Gen murmured as she hugged him back, clearly not that happy about his presence. Both pulled back at the same time and Jared kissed her square on the mouth. It felt like the ground was falling out under your feet. You could even hear your heart break.
  Gen was Jared’s wife. They were married. To each other.
  The shock must have been obvious on your face because Gen looked at you concerned.
  “Y/N?” she asked and reached out to touch your arm but you flinched back before she could make contact with your skin.
  Gen’s frowned and even Jared seemed to be worried.
  “Y/N?” asked Gen again and took a step into your direction. You just stepped one step back and shook your head.
  “Sorry. I… I need to get something from the break-room.” you feigned as an excuse to get away from them. “I’m sure that your wife can give you the tour, Jared.” With that, you swerved around them and almost ran to the break-room.
  You couldn’t believe what you just witnessed. Gen was married. Married for god's sake! How did that one fact escape your notice?
  “She never wears a ring at work.” you murmured to yourself after you arrived at the break-room. And all the flirting and casual touching you did and she reciprocated. The ones she started. The signs were all there! Why did Gen do this to you? Was it all just for fun? Maybe to get an appetite?
  “Damn it!” you cursed as you felt the first tears fall. There was no stopping it now that it started. You knew yourself to well for that.
  “I’m such an idiot”
  Angrily you wiped the tears away. Of course, someone as perfect as Gen wouldn’t be single. Why did you even think that?
  Sobs began to wreck your whole body as you mind went into a downwards spiral. You plopped down onto the next available stool all the while hiding your face in your hands. It just wouldn’t stop because it hurt so much.
  You didn’t hear the door to the room open nor did you notice someone kneeling before you. Only when someone gently held onto your wrist to push your hands away from your face did you register Gen’s presence before you.
  The concern seemed to have never left her face as she looked at you with sad eyes. “Y/N I’m sorry. It wasn’t supposed to be like that,” she whispered.
  Hearing her words made you angry. You shook her hands of your wrist and stood up.
  “Sorry for what exactly? For leading me on? For making me believe that there was something between us? For all the flirting and touching? For what Gen? For what?” you yelled.
  “She didn’t lead you on.” said a voice to your left. Jared stood in the doorway with an apologetic look on his face.
  “Jared” reminded Gen.
  “She didn’t lead me on? What is that supposed to mean? You’re fucking married for god’s sake. How is flirting with me not leading on then.” you hissed the last words in Gen’s direction.
  She sighed and stood from her crouched position. “I can explain.” she tried and took a step towards you.
  “Don’t come any nearer. It’s possible to explain from where you are.” you snapped as you took a few steps back.
  Gen sighed again and ran a hand through her hair. You could see in her eyes that she struggled to find the right words but you didn’t feel an ounce of pity for her. No, you were just angry and you tried to hold onto that. Otherwise, the tears would start again.
  “I never intended for you to find out like that. We had it all planned out but Jared was too eager to finally meet you that he couldn’t wait anymore.” she started
  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” you asked confused. Planned out? Did they plan to break your heart or to let you down gently?
  “I didn’t try to lead you on. I was attracted to you from the very start and as I got to know you the feelings got deeper. Somewhere along the way, I fell in love with you and I had every intention to take you out on a date. I would never deliberately hurt you.”
  You looked disbelievingly at her. But before you could open your mouth to say something she raised your hand to stop you.
  “Please let me finish?” she asked almost desperately. You nodded.
  “Thank you.” Gen breathed before starting where she left off.
  “There are no secrets between me and Jared. So I needed to let him know about you.I told him that my feelings for you changed over time. He knew that I had enough room in my heart to love two people equally. And I do. I do love you both equally.”
  You snorted at that but didn’t say anything. You needed to act like her words didn’t affect you. The anger was still there but it was slowly replaced by warmth. But you weren’t sure if it would be a good idea to let the anger go. You were afraid to be hurt again so soon.
  “Naturally Jared wanted to meet you. So we made a plan. He was supposed to come in after the open school day was over. But he decided to come in early and get to know you without me. Which worked out as we’ve seen.” with her last words Gen through Jared a dirty look. He just smiled awkwardly and scratched the back of his head.
  “I wanted to introduce you to Jared and explain everything. We wanted to ask you out on a date so that you two could get to know each other.” Gen sighed after she finished her explanation.
  You stared at her. “And I’m supposed to believe that?” you asked.
  She looked at you with sad eyes. “I know it’s hard to comprehend but it’s the truth. I’ve fallen in love with you and want to date you.”
  “We really hoped that you would be up to the date. Gen already told me so much about you it’s like I know you already,” said Jared as he came up to her and laid a hand on her shoulder. You could see how she relaxed a bit just from the contact.
  “I don’t know. It’s just…. She never mentioned you even once. It just feels like this was all a big joke to you Gen. Why else would you never mentioned your husband?” The words left your mouth before you could stop it. But the question burned in your mind like nothing else. Gen never mentioned him. Not to you not to other co-workers.
  “I’m not really sure why I never mentioned him. I think I didn’t because I didn’t want to be Jared Padalecki's wife here. I wanted to be my own person for once. It was easier not to mention him.” pondered Gen. Jared squeezed her shoulder in silent support.
  You looked at her closely. Her eyes were still sad as say looked into your own. Sad and desperate. She really wanted you to believe what she was saying. You were not sure if you really could but the anger you felt was already fading into nothing as you saw the misery on her face.
  “Well, what do I have to lose?” you silently asked yourself as you ran your fingers through your hair. And you really couldn’t stand to see Gen like this any longer even though it was you who was hurt by her actions. Your feelings just ran too deep.
  You breathed in. “Fine. I will go on a date with you two.” you said.
  Gen’s face lightened up instantly and she opened her mouth to say something but you held up her hand to stop her.
  “That doesn’t mean that I’m not still angry with you. You should have said something in the beginning Gen. You really hurt me.”
  “I know. And I am so so sorry. I will make it up to you. We will make it up to you.” exclaimed Gen with conviction, a smile forming on her face.
  You chuckled lightly at her eagerness. She was still the Gen you got to know for all those weeks.
  “Did you have something planned for tonight?” you asked as you took a step in their directions. Not quite close enough to touching but still closer than before.
  “We have a reservation tonight at 8 at your favorite restaurant.” explained Jared and smiled that charming smile of his again.
  You grinned. “Then I’m looking forward to it.”
  Gen looked at you with sparkling eyes. “Can I hug you?” she asked.
  You nodded hesitantly. Her arms came around you not a second later and she held you tight herself. You could feel yourself relax at the contact. Even though she hurt you you still trusted her enough to let her guard down around her. It was an automatic reaction.
  “Thank you,” Gen whispered into your ear. You nodded into her shoulder and squeezed her tight.
  Jared cleared his throat. “What about me?” he asked. Gen and you broke apart at his words.
  “Maybe we should start at the beginning?” you suggested and held out your hand.
  “Hi. I’m Y/N.” you introduced yourself.
  Jared smiled and took your hand. “I’m Jared, Gen’s husband. Nice to finally meet you.”
 The End.
If you want to be tagged in future stories shot me an asked!
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