#concrit welcome
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starheartedchimera · 1 month ago
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The second of my series of birds in Singapore, this is the Little Ringed Plover! Described accurately as an attractive small wading bird 🥹
So much of this was planning the mask without ending up with a monobrow, and once again regretting my lack of true yellow in my makeup set ✌🏼😔
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sofiadragon · 2 years ago
Hey fanfiction loving friend!
AO3 has the ability to turn off comments, moderate comments, restrict comments to logged in users only, or let anyone comment on your story. Most other fanfiction hosting websites do not allow comments to be turned off and in the case of some (wattpad) highly encourage comments even on individual paragraphs.
Over on reddit, someone said it is an unwritten rule of fanfiction that you should never leave a negative or critical comment on a story. This was countered most strongly by many arguments. Despite many people asserting that their stance was the one truth and that there was no debate on the topic - there was a lot of debate about what criticism even is and where the line should be for if giving concrit is alright.
So give this some thought:
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If you have tea to spill, examples or an argument you want to make, please do. I have some that go both ways, but I'm going to wait for a few responses so I don't pre-empt the results. I'm not going to vote myself for a while, either, so I won't know which way the poll is leaning when I do pour my tea. I tried to cover all the flavors of debate I've seen in the many "definitive" posts I have read here and on reddit. Please reblog for a wider sample!
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lumenniveus · 11 months ago
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The villa pic is from Paranormal stuff and the tree is made by me. Am I getting close enough to maxis match with this? I want the stuff I make to blend in with the game as much as possible so feedback would be much appreciated, especially since I prefer lined over lineless work.
I know this is a bit unusual for me to post and you are all here for cc downloads. It won't be a regular thing. Just asking for opinions.
Remember when I said no more digital oil paintings? Mayhaps I have lied.
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inkwellimps · 2 months ago
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Jevilary Day 23: Crossdressing My Cosplay/Cos-coord Idea.
Concrit is so welcome lol.
Design Notes:
Originally I intended to be ouji kei Jevil, but the carousel skirt came to me in a dream last month, so EGL it is.
If you make this, you could elevate this by adding the tail, but that sounds Not Fun to me (to try and make it and attach it and move around it? nahhhhhh)
I also was gonna add a back bow to the skirt's waist band, but thought not to because of the cape.
Another element you could add would be bells to the cape and collar. I will probably maybe add his bells to the hat. I just know I am the type of person that does not like to make too many noises when I walk (I had to remove my keychains from my purse because they were Loud that's the threshold we are talking about).
It would be good to add the Devilsknife for recognizability. Especially if going with the optional color scheme (sorry, Jevil, I never cared for the clashing green and yellow... The alt color scheme is more important if I want to wear individual pieces of this cosplay in my regular wardrobe. If that doesn't happen, the colors are less of a consideration.)
The skirt can use some work? I notoriously don't wear prints in my EGL wardrobe lol- I only buy solids- so this was my attempt and embellishment.
Third in line to cosplay behind tumblr Paige DHMIS humanization and the Grey Faerie from Neopets.
My sewing experience is actually pretty limited so lolll I predict I'll cry at least four times on the blouse and three times more on everything else.
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star-maiden-fufu · 5 months ago
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rewatching Pearl's Double Life POV for the millionth time hit me with inspo to try and draw something, especially while im on the kick to try and practise rendering as an art style
(im open to concrit tho cos i know i'm still figuring it out and dont really have it yet)
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blacklizard34 · 8 days ago
beginnings of an ivan drawing except something looks slightly off imo
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if anyone has any advice about how to make it better that would be very helpful
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rowanwritestoomuch · 7 months ago
A Lesson on ConCrit -- how to give & recieve
Criticism is often something we all abhor, but in our artwork of writing, we need to understand how to recieve information about editting and how to give it, because we will not succeed without it.
There is no world in which writing is not a collaborative effort-- unless you never share it, in which case, this post is not for you. Keep on doing what you're doing you funky fresh individual. But for the rest of us with a praise kink, this is an ineffeible truth.
So how do we give *constructive* criticism in writing?
We remain focused on improvement.
Never give criticism to harm, never with malicious intent, never to degrade or belittle. Never. Do. This. If you did not like a work but it has skillful merit, it uses grammar properly, it has structure and themeology, it is OKAY to simply accept 'I did not like this' and move on. But if you have something useful to say, something productive for the writer, something genuinely meant in kindness and to improve, it is important to always keep in mind the 'when this, then that' method.
For example; "When [X character] confessed to his lover, it was the cutest thing I've ever seen, but then [Y character] had very little reaction, and it took me out of the scenes where their greater romance was developed. I would suggest when [Y character] is confronted with this information, perhaps we should include some more emotional beats and actions, like describing their expressions or what they think, to make sure the reader stays engaged. Thank you for posting this, I'm enjoying it!" In this bit of criticism, we have kept a constructive approach in mind. We have addressed that 'when this' happened, it made us feel good, but when we found something we thought needed improvement, 'then that' was discussed. We engaged with the artist in a way that did not degrade them but also did not demand that they take our advice, by framing our suggestions in a way that remembers inherent storytelling aspects, like emotions and actions, and we gave positive but not specific suggestions on how to improve those actions, without injecting our own bias into the artist's work.
This is the meat of constructive criticism. We do not want to put each other down. We do not want to taint another's art with our own voice. We want to focus on improvement and respect someone's vulnerability in sharing their work.
Another example; "I noticed that in this scene, I got really lost when [X & Y] were talking because you used a lot of pronouns and not very many proper nouns. In Chapter 3, you had a scene with [X, Y, Z & Q] and it was really engaging for me, I didn't mind the use of proper nouns because I was able to easily keep track of who was talking when. I think it would help both of us follow along better when the characters' names are used more. Really great work, I'm loving the banter between the two." In this example, we point out an error in the execution of the work, a literary thing such as forgotten proper nouns that pull the reader from the scene. In order to encourage the writer, we made sure to include an example of when they did well to remind them how they did well and encouraged them to improve this scene in the same manner as the previously well executed one. We remembered to let them know that we did enjoy the scene, we just got a little lost, and we collaborated with them on how it would help us, the reader, and them, the writer, follow along better. This same kind of concrit can be used for any literary skill mistake, or instead you could simply say "Would you like some help editting your work?" and collaborate with the artist even further. Grammar errors, spelling mistakes, structure issues, use of words and nouns, you can help with those things without placing any blame or anxiety on the writer, and many would love to have several hands edit their work before they do their final drafting. It is important to remember always that our engagement with an artist is a sensitive subject, and we will not gain more art from this person (content, if you will) if we continuosly demand, degrade, disgrace and disregard the feelings of the creators. Respect has to be given and recieved like a gift, and the gift in our metaphor is writing.
Things that you should not comment on; characters you just didn't like--- you can just not like something, the artist doesn't have to change it for you to enjoy, move on. Plot directions or twists that just weren't your flavor--- not every piece has to fit into your ideal of a trope. Only speak on these things when the plot is completely contrived or needs re-structuring to really hit the point it's trying to make. If you just didn't like where the story went, well, it's not for you. It doesn't mean its bad. Understand how to have a discerning eye for the difference between execution and expression. Stylistic choices that just don't hit with you, like purposefully lowercased words, the changing or reformatting of words into new ones, different dialogue types and tags--- these are things the author did on purpose. You do not tell a painter you did not like the use of orange in their sunflower painting, you just move on. That was a choice, not a mistake or a lesson that needs to be learned, and not everyone has to use words the way you do. Focus on being helpful, not being biased. Art is subjective and exists both in the eyes of the artist and the viewer, it is not supposed to be monotypical. To give criticism, one must also be able to recieve it.
It can be hard for someone to comment on our work with something that suggests we made a mis-step. We must always consider what it is that we have to glean from this new information when it strikes us anxious, instead of becoming mired in our own ego. If a reader has something to say about the improvement of your work, it is not a law, they will not abandon you if you do not heed them, and if they do, another one will most likely enjoy the place you decided to remain. Criticism is a very 'take it or leave it or do something with it'. You can hear the reader out when they say that the interactions between characters fell flat for them, but if it was your intention to display the character as apathetic, uninterested, uninvested, distracted or depressed, maybe then the reader just did not pick up what you were putting down. You could change your work because of this, or you could leave it the same and the next reader, or the many silent readers aside, will most likely feel differently. When someone has a suggestion on the changing of grammar, consider--- is it hard to read? I should probably change this, I'm *glad* they pointed it out. We sometimes write with blinders on, it is not an insult for someone to turn our head and make us look in another direction. It is not an insult for someone to suggest we need improvement, especially when they give examples as to how to help. It is not an insult to share our work and accept that not everyone will like it, and that we can take their advice both with grace and with self-respect. Listen to your readers, listen to your heart, and collaborate with the two.
And always, always remember, write because it hurts if you don't.
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jukatriestodraw · 2 months ago
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I'm trying to learn how to draw/make digital art through brute force of will. I've only ever taken one art class (in middle school!) so I'm terrible and extremely slow. This took me literal HOURS to draw.
But I figure that drawing some of my favorite characters will help keep me motivated to practice (more than practicing boxes and circles over and over).
So, here's timeskip Hinata and Kageyama in one nonsensical meme I love. In my head, Hinata got the (faint, blooming) shiner and Kageyama responded - uh - dramatically. And now Hinata's not too happy about the damage done to Kageyama's face and his precious setter's hands. (The other guy looks a lot worse).
If you have tips for Krita, concrit for my drawing/art, please drop a note or send me a message! (But also, please be nice about how much I suck...I'm a tender human with fragile emotions).
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nine-blessed-hero · 4 months ago
A Wrong Turn but a Right Deed
CW: Single graphic depiction of a child's death This... is maybe not what anyone was expecting - least of all me. Triggered by this post by @groundrootvegetable. Tagging @hannah-heartstrings and @wispstalk as they expressed interest.
When Martin and his Hero leave Kvatch, it's by way of the sandy heathland at the city's back. It's safer, says the hero; the only dangers are desperate wolves come down from the Highlands. They walk for three days, meeting resistance neither from bandits, animals or terrain. It is only as they crest a small rise, the land falling away in a dramatic sweep and a salt-air breeze rising to meet them, that they realise something is amiss. Martin purses his lips. "Either Lake Rumare is significantly larger than I recall, or we have taken a wrong turn…" The Hero simply curses the Abecean's merry little waves.
Since they're here, Martin suggests going into Anvil. The Hero isn't happy about it, but supplies are needed. With Matius' cuirass rolled in the Hero's pack, they'll simply be a pair of refugees. The hazy mist burns away as they make their way down the cliffs, revealing a sky as clear and empty as the azure Abecean. Despite it being the end of summer, the air warms quickly around them, as if the Gold Coast hasn't quite gotten notice of the changing season. They trudge on with increasing stickiness, halting only when the lighthouse hoves into view.
The sands between them swarm with people. There's laughter and singing and sounds of splashing in the air. In the warm waters, older children frolic while elders swim sedately. On the beach, men play-wrestle and race while women help young ones shape the wet sands into crenelated forts. Their liveliness is incongruous with the horrors Hero and Priest have just witnessed. Both stand, dumbstruck, until a gull's harsh call prompts the Hero into action.
The Hero, eyes intent and wide, says, "You should wait here. There's too many people. We can't risk someone spotting you and commenting on it around the wrong ears." Martin ducks his chin, a pallor under the ruddy glow of his cheeks. "Here." The Hero manoeuvres him around the side of a boulder. "Sit here. You won't be visible, but you can see down the beach both ways. Don't talk to anyone. If you see someone approaching that doesn't look right, you run and hide nearby. I will find you." Martin nods dumbly, siting where he's told, eyes glazed. "And Brother Martin?" His focus snaps back to his Hero, unlooping some trinket from around their neck. "I will come back," the Hero says, pressing the trinket into his hand. Then, just like that, the Hero is gone. Ownerless footprints track away from him and there is nothing for him to do but settle back, watching the people of Anvil frolic from behind his stone barrier.
He's so engrossed with his watch, that Martin starts with surprise when, sometime later, a purple leather ball bounces along the sand, rolling to a stop on his side of the boulder. High voices call out and a child of around ten summers comes trotting after the ball. Lithe but short, dark hair and dark skin, he instantly reminds Martin of a child in the Kvatch congregation. "Hi," the boy grins. Martin's gore rises as he recalls finding his parishioner cloven in two, mere paces from his home. The boy frowns. "You okay there, mister?" Abruptly, Martin realises what he must look like, with blood smeared over his cassock. Heavens' forfend! – what he must smell like. "Yes. Thank you. I… was… helping deliver a child at one of the farmsteads." He smiles. "A healthy little girl. I'm afraid I may have dozed off on my way back to chapel." "Okay," the boy says.
He scampers off with his ball, and Martin thinks that will be the end of it. But no; the boy returns shortly with a flask. Shly, he holds it out. "It's Aloe and Watermelon. Nice and refreshing." Martin finds he has to blink several times before he can take it, his vision suddenly hazy. "Thank you, my child," he says, voice thick. "This is most kind of you." The drink is indeed sweet and refreshing – perhaps the best thing Martin has ever tasted. "S'alright," the boy says, kicking his heel. "Mam says you should always offer a hand to them as looks like they needs it. And you…" He goes shy again, waving a hand to complete his point. "Your mother is very wise, and raising a good son." Martin passes the flask back as the boy ducks his chin, colour rising in his cheeks. "Thanks. And, hey." The boy's head shoots back up with another grin. "If you need any help getting home, ours is the yellow and purple parasol. Just come ask for Lazarus."
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druidx · 4 months ago
Decided to challenge myself to write a scenario with only dialogue and no onomatopoeia. Turns out it's really hard to control the pacing in this manner! As this is an exercise, concrit is welcome. Are the voices distinct enough, could you tell what was going on? Just how bad is the pacing? XD
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"Bug?" "I'm here." "Where's 'here'? I can't see shit." "Right? It's darker than an Icelandic cave…" "Are you– Wait… What were you doing in an Icelandic cave?" "Well– No, hang on. Forget I said anything. That one hasn't been declassified yet. Are you hurt?" "Banging headache. But no. You?" "I, uh." "Bug!" "Don't get your knickers in a twist, I'm checking. I've got something sticky ��Oh, it's just dinner. Aside from a headache too, I'm fine. We must have been drugged." "Alright. Let's deal with getting out first. I can't feel anything around me. You?" "There's about a half-inch of water on the floor." "So that's what that dripping is… Funny. It's dry where I am." "I've got a wall! I'm going to follow it. Maybe there's a door." "Right. Maybe if I– Ouch!" "Brek?!" "I'm good. Ceiling's a little low." "Look. Just stay where you are, okay? I'll find you." "Sure. ...Hey, Bug?" "Yeah?" "C'n you keep talking?" "What, are you afraid of the dark now?" "Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up, huh." "Thanks, I will. No doors yet, walls are kinda slimy." "Can you reach the ceiling?" "Uh… Ngh! Only just, only on my tippy-toes." "Damn." "Hmm hm mhmm…Once I was a barge-lad, way up atop the mast–" "What're you doing?" "…Singing." "At a time like this?" "I couldn't think of anything to say… And you did specifically requ–Argh!" "Bug!" "Gudas Mor! Ow." "Bug." "I tripped over… feels like a pipe? I'm fine, just busted my knees." "How's that song go?" "Oh, we're loaded down with bales so high…" "You've got to lean backwards if you want to see the sky…" "Oh, the Thames may forgive us but the Old never– Oh! Brek! I found something. It feels like a mesh. It's rusty… and it goes down to… it feels like a gate? But, ngh, I can't– Aaah–!" "Bug? Elowyn! Elowyn!" "Gahhh! Fuckfuckfuck godsdamnit piss–" "Elowyn! Did you–? Was that water? Were you splashing? Elowyn!" "B-Brek– I want– Wanna go home now. T-t-this isn't funny any m-more. Brek? Please." "I'm here! I'm here. It's gonna be fine. Just take some deep breaths. Tell me what happened." "The middle of this… place, cell, whatever… is just a big pool of water. I nearly drowned. Farren?" "I'm still here, Elowyn." "Farren, I don't know where you are. But I don't think you're in here with me." "Hey. Hey, listen to me. Listen, it'll be alright. We'll find a way out, I promise."
"Bold words for a little man." "…Shit."
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jev-urisk · 10 months ago
🌐7 Circles: Entry
Preamble/chapter 0/intro page
(Tf do you call something like this? Help?)
🎉and its my 1st writing post!🎉
7 paragraphs, soft tw for heights. (Respectful) concrit welcome: Could you imagine the characters? Did this pique your interest? What do you think about the length?
💠 💠 💠
High above the earth and sailing down from the heavens is a ship, winding its way to the ground like a feather on the breeze. It looks much like the kind that would sail on water, albeit a rather small one, and the warm colours of its curved wooden keel gently contrast the azure and gold sails curved to fullness by the wind.
At its helm, upon a deck lit brightly by the sun overhead, four hands grasp the ship's wheel. Skin blue and bangles gold, the tall figure turns the ship, using the strength of all their limbs to move the sail against the wind current.
Their thigh-length mauve braid of hair whips about them and their eyes, entirely green from pupil to sclera, narrow against the wind. It didn't much matter where they landed, so long as it was within the un-poisoned area of the surface world, but The Kalilith people didn't have a winter on their isle in the sky and the explorer didn't much fancy finding out how well they would fare against the vast arctic region on the north end of the continent below.
The gilded sailboat creaks as it changes course and a second Kalilith comes up from the cabin below to join the first. He's taller and his four bare arms more muscular. His red eyes look to the person at the helm, his expression cross as he marches across the deck.
"By my south hand, child–The current is too strong for that!" he says, raising his voice against the gale as he speaks to his more delicate charge. "We should let the wind carry our descent, not turn against it!"
Magic vessel it may be, but the ability to ride the wind and the ability to withstand it were two different things. The male Kalilith barely reaches the wheel before a loud snap is heard and he turns to see rigging being ripped out of place.
"But our trajectory had us flying into a tundra! If we land only to die before making contact, the mission is forfeit!" The first one retorts, aristocratic accent sharp as they raise their voice. They may be the younger of the two, and they're certainly no warrior, but it was their mission nonetheless.
"Take care of the rigging.” they order, “If I can get us past the ice we'll be much better off," they catch the red gaze of their attendant who hisses in contempt before rushing to comply.
Far, far below, a citizen of chilly north Danaport squints up at the sky, gasping in disbelief as they see something fall to the earth.
💠 💠 💠
Tagging @scorpiothesaint @katenewmanwrites @officialauthorofanotherworld and @thelaughingstag bc I'm particularly excited to share with yall ✨️
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starheartedchimera · 19 days ago
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Another bird inspired look! This time a really simple one bc I happened on the fairy penguin post 😭
Definitely felt I needed more white below the eye in the end, but I tried to keep that pointillism sort of vibe going with the colours, but it didn't end up as vibrant as i expected it to!
I've also been practicing a few more lip styles too!
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bearriegal · 7 months ago
☆Attempting Himekaji Make☆
Today, I decided that I would finally try practicing some gyaru makeup again since it's a holiday weekend (no work woo!o(≧▽≦)o). I went out and bought some new makeup (nothing fancy, just some stuff from CVS) and got to work .。.:*☆
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Here's everything I used and the products in the pic:
Maybelline Volum' Express The Mega Plush mascara (very light, don't recommend if you prefer a fuller/voluminous look)
LA Girl Blush Stick Velvet Dreamy (don't recommend, this thing literally fell out when I tried to use it but imma use it regardless lol)
NYX Highlight & Contour Stick
LA Girl Pro Concealer
Maybelline Super Stay Foundation
L'Oreal Paris Colour Riche Monos Eyeshadow Petite Perle
Physicians Formula Butter Bronzer (didn't end up using this)
Kiss Lash Couture Extensions (didn't end up using these)
These aren't the exact lashes I'm wearing, but I bought them from the same shop and they look similar! I think she may have discontinued the ones I'm wearing
Taro Milk Eyeshadow Palette
I literally used some concealer dabbed with red lip liner and beauty supply store lip gloss on my lips lol (you can barely see them anyways)
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Here's what I ended up with! I thought I looked super cute and took lots of selfies! If I had more energy, I'd put a co*de together (*¯︶¯*) . I followed a video from Lizzie Bee for this look although I mainly freestyled and used her as a loose guide. I think it's cute, but I also think it could be improved! Constructive criticism is welcome (pls don't be mean I'm a baby gal 🥲)
ベリーリン 🍓
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bisexualbaker · 2 months ago
Rough draft of my thank-you note to the Seattle State Department (and possibly other locations):
To whom it may concern at the State Department of Seattle, I wanted to take a moment to extend my appreciation for all of the work you've been putting in during this transition period. The work you have been doing means a lot to me and my loved ones. With gratitude, [Me]
Concrit is welcome from anyone! I want to be able to get my point across without endangering anyone's livelihoods or papers. Also, anyone will be welcome to use the final draft as a template to write their own thank-yous. (If we're all pretty sure that it won't lead to the aforementioned endangering, I'd say it's okay to use the entire final text as is, even.)
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tearfulcoords · 1 year ago
Coord #1
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First coord I ever made, I think this was from last year or something??? I recently tweaked it n added more stuff bc i felt it was originally missing something. I like to call this coord "Cheshire Rabbit" wwww
JSK: Ista Mori (Ace and Alice JSK)
Blouse: Pumpkin Cat/南瓜猫LOLITA
Shoes: Angelic Imprint
Tights: rubyrabbit
Bag: Rabbit Smash Kira Studio/兔砸Kira工作室
Hat (+ alt hat), pocket watch necklace: ForeverRose
Scissor necklace: Bear Kindergarten/小熊幼稚园Bear doll
Brooch: pinkyy no tezukuri (pinkyyの手作)
Shoe clip-ons: Hiorange
Alt shoes: MODO
Concrit welcome!
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imperator-kahlo · 3 months ago
Allsmet, 9:37 Dragon
Fifteen years before the events of Veilguard, Lucanis is on a contract in Dairsmuid, Rivain. Nehnisa Aldwir gets in the way.
(Or, making this gifset broke my brain and I could not rest until they had a parallel backstory.)
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