#get off of this blog if you don't support pro-choice
sophieinwonderland · 3 months
Hello Sophie, I'm Rune, a tulpa in the "Ross" system. You've done some great wonders for our community and my system and for that I thank you a thousand times. I'm sure you've gotten plenty of responses to THAT post you blogged yesterday, and it made me feel pretty conflicted. I understand where you're coming from, but it still seemed harsh. Do you genuinely believe it's a mistake for anti endos to receive love? Or any of the other points you made (I didn't disagree with all of them)? Maybe I'm too much of a pacifist, but I felt like that crossed a line we as a community shouldn't. I'm aware they also use tactics like these and worse ones, but it still feels wrong to me.
Sincerely, Rune 💜
Genuinely? I don't know...
I had a whole post typed up saying that I don't honestly believe that, that it was mostly about getting a reaction, but the more I've thought about it the angrier I've gotten.
When SAS's main blog was doxxed by AEV and their friends, I watched the whole anti-endo community cheerfully defend it.
When there was a vent sent to AEV talking about wanting endogenic systems to kill themselves, the anti-endo community here ignored it.
When there was a post with a picture saying "Death to the Endos of Tumblr," their community said nothing.
It feels like the absolute lowest bar for human decency in a community is not calling for people to die for existing, and calling out that behavior when you see it, but most anti-endos have failed to clear even that bar.
And it would be one thing if these were small posts from blogs nobody cared about, but the picture calling for death to endogenic systems had 60 notes, and AEV is one of the biggest anti-endo blogs currently.
And let's not forget the "endophobic" flag, a twisted mockery of pride flags, made a few years ago that got 240 likes while the flag was all about how much they hate endogenic systems.
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And including that reblog about how they hope it helps people perceive endogenic systems as enemies and not people to really drive the point home.
(Also... why is there a thin "blue" line in this flag. I know it's not actually blue, but that's what they call it and it's a weird design choice.)
And then I think back again to how Aimkid was bullied off of social media by anti-endos for the crime of being traumagenic system who happened to be pro-endo.
And how despite anti-endos claiming to be doing this all for the sake of trauma survivors, using their trauma as a shield, many of the people who are most hurt by anti-endos are trauma survivors. Either purely traumagenic ones who are bullied by them like Aimkid was, or ones who are mixed origin with CDDs and are denied access to support because they're partially endogenic in some way.
I've said before that people can change. And I believe that. How people are now doesn't have to define them.
But as I look at the anti-endo community as it exists right now, the vast majority just suck and are terrible human beings. If they're not actively participating in the worst actions of their community, they're at the very least seeing it and choosing to remain silent.
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anamericangirl · 4 months
Honestly, I'm pro-choice to an extent (rape, incest, mother's life at risk, or the fetus is confirmed to not be viable with life and would only suffer being born), but MAN do I hate that I'm in the same group as a lot of the pro-abortion types. I think it's irresponsible and not ok that some women use abortion as birth control. I think we do need certain restrictions and not just 'yeah anyone can abort anytime for any reason' because that leads to dark roads (like eugenics, aborting any disabled fetus).
I see it as killing the fetus, but I'm not sure I'd call it murder, at least not in the cases I mentioned above. But I think abortion is being pushed as a solution so much that people forget there ARE other options. And with the demonization some people give any non-abortion crisis centre (I dislike ones that lie, as rare as that is).
Like idk. I still don't particularly think it's my business, but that doesn't mean I won't judge someone. Or advocate for things to reduce the rates of abortion (like comprehensive sex ed, places to get condoms and b/c for free or cheap, no strings drop offs for unwanted babies, financial support for new parents, etc.). It's a hard issue for me to put a line on it, but I know my line is a lot closer to "no abortions ever" than most pro-choicers. Partly because pro-life blogs (and a pro-life friend) have taught me a lot of shit about the abortion debate and "industry" that I didn't know, no one on 'my' side discussed it. So like, I guess thanks, because I'm more confident in my stance and can actually explain it better.
Well you certainly have more sense than most of the people I call pro-aborts and they do really give the whole movement a bad name.
It's a sad reality that the pro-choice movement, that claims to care about women, just ignores and lies about the ways abortion harms women just to prop up their own narrative.
You're a testament to the fact that their behavior and disregard for human life and decency are working against them and pushing people away from their cause. And you are also a testament to the truth I say all the time that the more educated a person is on abortion the more pro-life they will be.
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deuynndoodles · 11 months
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[ID: A banner including an icon of Catori to the left, and to the right, text reading out the OP's username, which is deuynndoodles (pronounced dune-doodles). Catori is a small, blue, star-themed raccoon with a red ribbon tied around her neck. She is sticking out her tongue happily. end ID]
kofi ★ commissions (open)
ao3 ★ discord ★ spotify ★ sideblog
hi there, i'm dey and i'm an artist! use whatever pronouns you'd like. i mainly do visual illustrations, comics, and doodles, but i dabble in animation, poetry, and writing on occasion.
cheers! ✌💫
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[ID: a colored, digital meet the artist. The artist, named Dey, is young and feminine presenting. They have warm, light skin, brown eyes, various moles and freckles, and their wavy, scruffy brown hair is in a high ponytail. They have a tail and pointed ears. They wear a t-shirt dress, a hoodie around their waist, ripped jeans, sneakers, and most notably, a key necklace. Dey waves at the viewer with a grin and a wink. An arrow points to them, saying "my sona".
Catori, a small, slight blue raccoon, slinks around Dey's shoulders. She has stars peppered throughout the dark of her fur and wears a ribbon around her neck. An arrow points to her and says her name.
Dey is gesturing to some text and flags in the upper corner. It says Dey is an adult, uses any/mirror pronouns, and their birthday is June 15th. They are agender and aroace, american, and autistic.
In another section, their likes are listed out. They enjoy loz (legend of zelda) and danny phantom. Their favorite animals are raccoons and they enjoy spending their time watching cartoons, learning, and making art.
In the last section, their daily essentials are drawn. They include, from left to right: a phone, a water bottle, a wallet, keys, a usb c charger, bluetooth headphones, a tablet, and a pen and stylus. end ID]
beliefs and faq under the cut!
my beliefs
anti racism. i acknowledge i am on stolen land. in that sense, i am pro-palestine/sudan/congo/etc.: please donate if you are able! remember your daily click.
pro queer rights. that said, i support any good faith identity (and yes, that includes masc lesbians etc.)
pro choice. give people the support and medical care they need.
pro disabled rights. self dx is valid. fakeclaiming is always bad. all people own their bodies, no one else, and reserve the right to do whatever they'd like.
pro endo. plurality is already stimatized enough, no infighting.
neither proship or antiship, but a secret third thing (wants people to touch grass). tag appropriately and we won't have problems.
fiction influences reality, and vice versa. they are not 1:1 but affect each other. ensuring media comprehension and literacy is important so we don't get things mixed up.
atheist. i do my best to support, but there are some things i simply can't wrap my head around. apologies in advance.
anti ai. as it is now, most ais are built off stolen work and scraped databases. legal protections must be set up.
suicide baiting or calling others slurs is not okay. the only scenario in which it is okay is if both individuals are friends, they're joking, and consented beforehand OR if it's reclaimed and used in a non-negative context. i do not condone anyone in "my community" that suicide baits.
honesty is the best policy. i tend to be blunt and straightforward, simply because i dislike playing the game of social norms. i never mean to offend: i will tell you directly if something offends me.
i do not share donation requests or other forms of reblog bait. i apologize, but i keep this blog as a form of escape and i do not like bringing real life matters up terribly much.
note that this is not a dni. i would, instead, prefer people to keep these in mind when interacting. i reserve the right to block.
if i ever do something offensive and/or juxtaposes with something above, please let me know in a private space.
q: what do you use to draw?
a: i use a samsung galaxy tab s8 and draw in ibispaint.
q: what are mirror pronouns?
a: i borrow your pronouns—hence the phrase 'mirror'. when you refer to me, use your own pronoun set. (ex: if you use she/they, when you refer to me, also use she/they.)
q: what are the dates in the tags of your posts for?
a: i buffer my posts in case i go through an art block phase. the date represents the day i finished work on the file (in mm/dd/yy format).
q: why do you not use alt text?
a: it's usually more accessible to scroll down a little bit than to click a small button in my experience. alt text could be improved, as well, so i find this method best. if any screenreader users have critique, please share!
q: can i make something based on a thing of yours?
a: of course! just @ me in the post + give credit if it's specific enough :]
q: may i use your art as a pfp/phone background/etc?
a: i'm perfectly fine with personal use. just link back to my account if others will see it. if you are profiting off my art, however, that is a whole 'nother conversation we should have in dms.
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nomapsupport · 4 months
about the blog
🪷 what this blog is:
a safe space for anti-contact paraphiles to be themselves without fear of judgement, hatred, or danger. pro-contact, neutral-contact, or complex-contact big threes are not welcome here
a source of information for those willing to educate themselves
a place for nomaps to learn coping mechanisms, read affirmations, & offer advice to one another
🪷 what this blog is NOT:
a porn/nsfw blog. no images, text, audio, etc depicting or describing csa, fictional or otherwise, will ever be posted here
a discourse blog
a radqueer blog
a hate blog
a troll blog
🪷 dni:
minors. minors, littlespace, & age-regression blogs will be blocked
pro-contact, neutral-contact, & complex-contact big threes. if you do not value consent, this blog is not for you
trolls/haters. all hatemail will be reported & deleted. i want people to have the option of sending anonymous asks to avoid outing themselves on their mains, but if things get too horrible i'll turn off anons entirely
racists, ableists, sanists, classists, homophobes, transphobes, pro-life/anti-choice, terfs, swerfs, radfems, misogynists, misandrists, conservatives, trump supporters, or any other bigots
antis. this blog is 100% proship
transid radqueers & their supporters. i'm neutral on whether paraphilias should be included in lgbtq, but i have no tolerance for people who pretend to be or have a different race, age, disability, species, etc
systems. mentions of plurality can trigger my psychosis. i also just genuinely don't believe most of the people on tumblr who say they're plural, as most seem to think that completely normal things like arguing with yourself, defaulting to we/us pronouns, having conflicting opinions on something, or even just having more than one side to yourself are symptoms of having did/osdd. please keep your medical misinformation, misdiagnosing, & malingering away from me
🪷 tag directory:
my original posts: #rfdr
informational posts (masterlist): #psa #educational #info
affirmations: #pdf file affirmations #pdf file positivity
advice: #pdf file advice
posts about me: #personal #personal vent
asks: #asks #vent asks
triggering topics: #sui mention #sh mention #ed mention #csa mention #sa mention #abuse mention — if i miss something, let me know & i'll tag it
🪷 mental health resources
⚠️ international association for suicide prevention
⚠️ befrienders worldwide
⚠️ open counseling
⚠️ crisis text line: text HOME to 741741
⚠️ 988 lifeline
❓️ hotline faqs & self-help resources
🫂 map resources
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papirouge · 2 years
you know what gets me about radfems who say "you can't be anti-choice and feminist" is the way many of them talk about straight women, mothers, and pregnancy comes across as very sexist anyway... if you're straight you're stupid and deserve to get beaten by your male partner, if you're a mother you're contributing to the patriarchy, pregnancy is evil because it "ruins your body," any complications women have during pregnancy are because our bodies are just "not meant to be pregnant" and maternal injuries and deaths get blamed on pregnancy, not incompetent healthcare providers, etc.
this is not to mention the very rude comments about stay at home wives and pro-life/anti-abortion women... when Roe v Wade was overturned last year pretty much every pro-life blog got flooded with anons hoping the bloggers got raped or had a fatal pregnancy, as in "I hope you get what's coming to you," but wait--isn't this how men talk about women they don't like? and of course the routine drama on radblr about SAHMs is always kinda weird... not that conservatives have a healthy opinion of stay at home mothers, but laughing and celebrating when a SAHM gets abused is next level depravity imo. and in radblr it's fine that women get abused by their husbands because "she was asking for it," hmmm I thought only rape apologists talked like that. they separate women into "good women" and "bad women" and of course bad women need to shut their mouths. strange, isn't this how men act when faced with women who disagree with them lol
like, it's ok to be a raging misogynist as long as you support abortion :-) honestly no different from the men they complain about so much
hmmmm to be fair, you're talking about a pretty extreme brand of radfem. Those openly mocking abused women and throwing slurs are regularly called out by more "regular" radfem. But it's true those doing so come off as truly miserable and sad. It's interesting that a bunch of them dated men and did awful dating choices, yet feel entitled to lecture women in happy relationship how fake their life is bc men are unredeemable and will ultimately hurt them...
One thing I hate LOATHE about radfem and is pretty common with them is their entitlement to speak over ALL women.... while gatekeeping their community. For example their will insert themselves into tradfem discourse and clown them (with sassy comebacks whose only purpose is to humiliate them), but literally freak out if they find out you're pro life or Christian and follow them. I got blocked by a bunch of radfem blogs/pages for simply reblogging/liking stuff (never arguing just rebloging stuff I agreed with). But somehow these women see no issue to invade spaces they know aren't in their lane (tradfem, prolife, Christian) and talk to them in a patronizing way. The intellectual superiority complex is HUGE in most radfem.
But as a long time rad orbiters, I can tell you radfem definitely have blindspots and whenever you point them out to them they suddenly get less cocky...👀 I mean, go and tell any radfem how inconsistent they are in inquiring women to question ALL their choices......while invoking to NEVER question abortion 🙃 they'll clown "choice feminism" but radfem are the biggest choice feminists when it comes to abortion. "Her body her choice! Don't question it - don't you EVER remotely say women might be pressured in any way into abortion!!" The only times radfem will aknowledge forced abortion it's when the boyfriend is the cause, which is convenient bc it allows to 1) shit on men again 2) deflect from the SYSTEMIC aspect of abortion culture. Bc radfem whole narrative is that society is anti abortion.....when reality shows the opposite (companies are literally PAYING for women's abortion)
THAT BEING SAID, I've just seen a post saying that radfem were as bad as Tate stans and that's where I draw the line. Because as I said, radfem actually do police each other when some go overboard with misogyny (against tradfem, pro life women, etc.) or blind hate against the male sex (there was a discourse with deranged radfem calling to kill male babies, and they got cooked by other radfem for being crazy). There are several posts floating aroud radblr basically saying "no pro life woman deserve to get rape threat / no tradfem deserve to get rape threat / no conservative woman deserve to get rape threat"
That 'community control' doesn't really happen with Tate fans. None of them will make posts to call out toxic members going too far against the female sex or say that "no liberal woman deserves to get rape treat". Also, unlike Tate bros, no radfem is actually encouraging women to be violent with their boyfriend or pimp them out - which both are criminal activities... So it's insane to see ppl put out equivalence between both groups when we all know which one is radicalizing young ppl into considering the opposite sex only good to get beaten into submission and sex trafficked...
Ultimately, radfem want men to leave them alone and have nothing to do with them - Tate stans seek to manipulate and (sexually) exploit women. They aren't the same.
Radfem online toxicity hardly translate into reality - meanwhile there are already a bunch of self identified MRA walking Tate coattails who committed crimes against women.
There's definitely something true in the saying that women are held in a higher standard than men because comparing terminally online deranged fujoshi writing shit takes about men online to people actively defending an 🌠alleged🌠 sex trafficker beating women on tape because they think that's the only thing women are worth for is hysterical.
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the-badger-mole · 2 years
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I posted 838 times in 2022
That's 226 more posts than 2021!
692 posts created (83%)
146 posts reblogged (17%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 717 of my posts in 2022
Only 14% of my posts had no tags
#atla - 635 posts
#zutara - 450 posts
#anti aang - 210 posts
#anti kataang - 164 posts
#ask the badger mole - 157 posts
#down the road and back again - 117 posts
#down the road and back again comments - 96 posts
#ask game - 80 posts
#anti mai - 49 posts
#anti maiko - 44 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#how do you feel about the decision about miranda warnings and the courts protecting cops from financial liablity for violating your rights?
My Top Posts in 2022:
Zuko: He's Just Better Than Aang🤷🏾‍♀️
Frankly, I think Zuko in season 1 was more altruistic than Aang was during the entire series. Yes, it was the season where he was arguably at his worst, but it's also the season where he risked his life to try to save the man who had tried to murder him. He still had the injuries he sustained in the attempt, and still, Zuko tried to save him.
Meanwhile, Aang didn't go out of his way for anyone. The times he did "try to help", was more about his reputation as Avatar than actually wanting to help in those instances, and he gave up as soon as it got too hard. Remember The Great Divide? Zuko went with Sokka on a suicide mission to try and save Hakkoda. Aang wanted to run off and go play the day after Hakkoda risked his life to save him. Let that sink in. The father of the girl he allegedly "loves" has been captured trying to save Aang's life, his friends are distraught, and Aang can't muster up the empathy to sit with them to plan the next move. Not even to get in Katara's good graces. But I'm supposed to believe that Katara would realistically choose Aang over Zuko? Like...
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323 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
Katara: Oh, that's such a pretty flower! Zuko: It's dragon lotus. It's one of my favorites. Katara: Did you get it for Mai? Zuko: er…No. Flowers aren't really her thing. Some guy was giving them out on the street to celebrate the end of the war, and well… Katara: I should see if I can get one then. Zuko: He's probably gone by now, but here, you can have this one. Katara: It's yours, though. I can't take it. Zuko: Please do! Uncle always says that the greatest aspiration of any flower is to adorn a pretty woman. Er…that is…I didn't mean to say that… Not that you aren't pretty, I'm just not…you know…it wasn't a come on Katara: trying not to laugh Don't hurt yourself, Zuko. I get it. I'll take the flower. Thank you! It smells wonderful! Zuko: In the Fire Nation, women wear these in their hair. Katara: Oh? Tucks flower behind her ear Like that? Zuko: Yes, but I think it'll be more secure in your bun. May I?….There. That's perfect. And Uncle was right
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426 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
I saw one of your post from a couple of weeks ago where you mentioned you are a Christian. How can you support abortion?
Well, first of all, pro-choice isn't pro-abortion. I just want to make sure that's clear. I don't think anyone is pro-abortion for abortion's sake. Second, I chose to be a Christian. I had to study and pray and get advice and really weigh my decision before I got baptized, and it was months before I finally made my choice (and I have a few friends who took years to make that decision). There's a lot that I do or don't do because I'm a Christian and I hold the bible as my standard, but I had a choice in the matter. Now, I am abstinent because I believe sex is for marriage, and I only date men who agree. But not everyone in this country is a Christian. Not everyone chooses abstinence or celibacy. Not everyone wants a child. Not everyone should have children. None of that is my business.
Who am I to force the standards I chose onto someone who didn't choose them? And who am I to force a life-altering decision on someone after I was given so much agency on my own life-altering decision? I truly believe that banning abortion will do more harm than good in the long run, especially if these nuance-free pro-life radicals actually succeed in criminalizing contraceptives and birth control, and in completely getting sex ed taken out of schools. Which is looking likelier by the hour.
426 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
Here's the thing that gets me about the whole "Zutara is anti-feminist" take. Their relationship in canon is platonically supportive after they reconcile. Before that, they met as enemies in battle, yes, but there was nothing inherently sexist in how Zuko interacted with Katara, especially in comparison to how she was treated by her own friends and allies, and even her own brother.
Romantic Zutara is completely fan-created (canon chemistry notwithstanding), and a large portion (if not most) of the creators, as far as I can tell, identify as women. In those fan creations, Katara gets to be a world leader who is loved by a supportive man who adores her strength and is there for her in her weak moments. Zutara the ship is at its core very feminine. Also, except for making the romance overt instead of subtextual, that's pretty much how Zuko treated her in canon after they became friends. Compare that to what Katara is reduced to in the actual canon, and it's hard to understand why anyone would think that of the two ships Zutara is the one that is anti-feminist and bad for Katara.
502 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
You know, I often lament the fact that Katara lost out on a supportive partner who respected and trusted her when Zutara didn't happen, but Zuko lost out, too. He lost out on marrying into a family that would have given him the love, encouragement and support that they gave each other. Hakoda, Sokka and Bato would have taken such joy in introducing Zuko to the SWT customs that were handed down from father to son for generations. Hakoda would have absolutely given him as much advice as he could as a leader in his own right balancing the duties of chiefdom and family. Kanna would have grown to love this uncertain boy king who didn't think it was a humiliation to help her around the home. He missed out on having a wife who would back him up and advise him as he figured out how to be the leader his country needed. No matter how bad things got in the Fire Nation, he would have had a tight-knit family support group to make sure he got through it.
When you take a step back and look at all the ways Katara and Zuko would have filled in for what the other was missing, I get annoyed all over again that all that parallel and convergent development was set aside for pairings that were somehow the blandest and most toxic that anyone on that writing team could have come up with. It is so clear that Zutara was supposed to be endgame and they got robbed for Bryke's pet ship.
853 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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abuzd · 11 months
with all due respect, because you do seem to mean well, it comes off as islamophobic and anti-palestinian to claim that jewish voices are "more important" than the voices of a palestinian population facing active genocide by a settler apartheid state right now. if you are truly anti-genocide, you should despise isreal every bit as much as hamas—both have the goal of mass eradication and displacement of local populations, achieved through senseless, unflinching violence waged against primarily civilian populations.
you claim that there has been an uptick in antisemitic sentiment and violence throughout the jewish diaspora due to the recent escalations in this conflict, and you are right about that. but it comes off as a very intentional, malicious omission for you to acknowledge that without so much as mentioning that muslim populations in christian majority countries are facing just as much of an uptick in islamophobic violence, too. the fact that you readily express sympathy for jewish victims of antisemitic violence, but refuse to acknowledge or sympathize with muslim victims of islamophobic violence comes across as if you are purposely trying to erase the plight of the palestinians and muslim minority populations worldwide in favor of painting jewish people as the primary, if not only, victims in this conflict.
my heart hurts for the isreali jewish refugees with no other place to return to, they should not have to be killed and/or forced out of their homes yet again. but the local palestinians don't deserve that, either. and they are the ones actively facing exactly such a threat right now. you can easily be anti-hamas, and anti-isreal. i think all of the reasonable people worth listening to are, nowadays. i am pro-palestine, because i support a unified palestinian state with robust protections for all, including jewish, muslim, christian, and all other faiths.
anyway. to be clear, i'm not trying to accuse you of anything worse than a lack of tact in word choice, i highly doubt it was your intention to come off as more indifferent to violence committed against certain demographics than others. but i think your choice of words does come off that way, and if i were muslim or had palestinian loved ones right now, i know i would be very hurt and offended by you shining the spotlight on jewish victims while refusing to give the time of day to palestinians actively facing genocide.
yes, support and boost jewish voices when they speak out against antisemitic violence. that is a good thing, you are right, and it is important right now, during a time in which there has been an uptick in it. but if you don't put the same effort into voicing your support for palestinians, it will come off as if you are siding with the military organization currently trying to carpet bomb them all off the face of the earth (the IDF, if that wasn't clear). if you don't want people to get that impression, be more clear: don't hesitate to voice your open support for palestinian and muslim victims, too, just as loudly.
people can assume whatever they’d like about me, i won’t stop them. but i would boost my care and love towards palestine (and ofc muslims, i love you) if i saw posts that weren’t based in antisemitism. which is very tumblr 👀 i definitely don’t believe jewish voices are “more important” i’m addressing that i don’t hear or see anything on my dash that’s supporting the fear, pain and problems facing jewish people. so i’m attempting to at least shout into the void at any jews that follow me are safe here and i love them. that doesn’t mean my blog isn’t safe for any palestinians, muslims, any race or religion. it’s not that i’m shouting louder for jewish people, it’s that i don’t hear any other voices shouting for them so i am. on my instagram i boost posts about these topics from jewish accounts that are actually realistic about their own government as well.
i’m not anywhere near an expert on anything political and i’d never claim to be because i come from too high a place of privilege to truly understand either side to the truest extent. i’m just tired of seeing jews being washed away while the world looks away. i don’t want to look away.
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Hello! I saw your post about not reporting blogs where people express feeling suicidal and venting. Somebody in the reblogs mentioned the same applying to ED posts, so I wanted to ask, does that mean we shouldn't report pro-ana blogs either?
Yes I saw that addition, I was going to reblog with it but completely slipped my mind.
This absolutely applies to pro-ana blogs. They are highly triggering, yeah, maybe they're even anti recovery, they are all sorts of things, but at the end of the day it's just another hurt mentally ill person in need of support. You can easily unfollow these blogs, you can see easily block them. I would encourage doing so absolutely, it makes me uncomfortable too.
The basic thing we need to understand is what "reporting" someone entails. Think of it as going to the authorities and complaining about this person, that's what reporting is like. Which is why it's fine to do it for hate speech and harassment and spam bots and all that. But when we report mentally ill people for showing signs of mental illness we are giving them up to the authorities to be exterminated or locked up or hidden away and cut off from society and possible support systems or losing a space to vent. No one should have that authority over our lives.
The bottom line is that whether a mentally ill person is recovering or not recovering or doing it in a way you don't like, they still don't deserve to be locked up for it. Idk how the application of such laws works in different cases but the vague wording of "is this person harming themselves or shown the tendency to harm themselves in any capacity" (such as exists in most Psychiatric laws) can easily extend to pro-ana people and then they'll just be further traumatised and that's not gonna help anyone.
Block liberally. Block the tags, block the accounts. But understand at the end of the day that it's no different from vent accounts that just need a space to honestly and in an unfiltered way talk about their depression and self harm and suicidal ideation because it's always better for people to have it out than to hide it away. The more people interact with each other, even if they're sharing tips for such harm to others who are choosing to engage this way, the more community they have and the more chances of having if not recovery then at least a support system to fall back on when things get bad. And remember here to not infantilise mentally ill people by saying they don't know better and are getting badly influenced by pro ana or vent blogs. They are there engaging because they have the same thoughts and need someone to talk to about it in a particular way.
I know people who have been in these circles and yes there is harm happening, but cutting those people off from their community doesn't help them, it just drives them into isolation. People find their way out when they're ready and when they are exposed to different ways of dealing with these things.
Ik I'm not gonna come out looking as a model of sanity for this but I got a lot of my self harm under control through harm reduction that included "allowing" self harm in certain situations till I stopped associating it with coping completely and I've been clean for a long while now.
These things, these self destructive techniques we see are a symptom of larger underlying issues and just stopping that behaviour from being seen or isolating it isn't helping. Being able to vent till you detangle the underlying issues is the way to go about it.
Let people be in charge of their recovery or their choice to not go into recovery yet.
It's their own business.
And trust me, pro ana blogs aren't recruiting people without EDs to start having EDs any more than someone venting about being suicidal is trying to get other people to join them in killing themselves.
Thanks again for the question!
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shir0ch4ns-art · 1 year
I know that this isn't what I usually post or even have on this blog but like I feel like I'm gonna scream or break down if I just don't put this down on some form of like "physical" words.
This got really long and does kinda goes through the emotions felt so I suggest not clicking the read more if you're not in a good space to read this
As the trigger warning suggests, I just had a miscarriage. The same fucking day I did a pregnancy test. It was simultaneously the best and worst day of my life. I had started off kinda scared and nervous but it also just confirmed my suspicions for the past few weeks since I missed my period. I then just felt so happy, like I was on cloud 9 the whole morning. I went to work I called my mom I was on the phone until I had to officially open the store (I was on opening shift so I'm there half an hour early to prepare) I was just so happy. Then I noticed some spotting and then some more spotting and finally I caught the tiniest bit of red and I fucking left. I told my lead what was happening, and they were just shoving me out the door. I left work 2 hours early and then spent literally the whole day at the Urgent Care just to get a fucking "we don't know". I was a bit mad then but I have since realized that I had detected my pregnancy super early and most people don't even realize they're pregnant until way later on, I'm just super observant of my monthly because it's a bit irregular. And with that it would be extremely hard to tell what was happening. They put me on bed rest for 2 days and to go back the second day. I was bleeding so much between then that I just knew I had miscarried but I was deluding myself into thinking that I was wrong that maybe it was something else, something that can be fixed or maybe I was freaking out over nothing. Only to go in and do some blood work that I got the result back from before the UC doctor did and just...blue screened. I knew, I waited in that waiting room with my husband and mom for the confirmation but I knew. And just like that it was gone.
I'm devastated and angry because logically I know there's no reason, logically I know this just happens sometimes, logically I know it was nothing I did or didn't do...but emotionally I wanna know why, why did this happen, how did this happen so quickly, seriously what the fuck happened. I'm mad because I didn't even get a chance to see what kind of person it would have been, I didn't get a chance to see this potential person grow up, I didn't even get a chance to at least hold them. And I'm just gonna mention it right now that I am vehemently pro-choice and I don't want my use of referring to what wasn't even an embryo at the stage I lost my pregnancy as a potential person to be used for pro-life rhetoric. I don't make this threat casually or at all but I will fucking block and flag you if you do. I'm referring to it as a potential person because I actually wanted this pregnancy not because it was even a life at the point of miscarriage, if I hadn't done a pregnancy test I would have thought it was just a really late really bad period. But I did, and I knew, and that's what's making it so hard to fully come to terms with. It wasn't entirely planned but it was wanted and that hurts.
I'm doing better now, I have a really good support web of friends and family that have helped me through these past few days. My husband being the most supportive one and being my rock throughout this. I'm not even sure why I'm making this post but if anyone else in my position sees this and find some kind of comfort that they're not alone in this and that yes their feelings of despair and anger are valid and that just having someone else experience the same makes them feel less alone then I'll leave this up. I might delete this later or I might forget but if it helps then I'll purposely leave it up.
I nicknamed it capsicum since it made me crave spicy foods like no tomorrow.
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rakassauce · 3 months
welcome, and howdy!!!
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yo, I'm raka. an artist who adores the scene subculture, anime/cartoons, and the old internet. been a while since i did an intro, and I don't particularly enjoy my current one. so, i thought i'd fix that!
but before i get into it, lemme begin with some ground rules:
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DNI if you are/support ANY of the following:
a proshipper/comshipper
a terf/truscum/transmed/transphobic in any way
anti-palestine (however, that doesn't give you the right to be an anti-semite, that shit ain't cool)
Are a pro-lifer, this is a pro-choice zone babie
a MAP/YAP, get that pedo shit outta here
a neo-nazi/on some type of white supremecist shit
a zoophile
...they gone now? yeah? cool, let's rock n' roll. (quick heads up for flashing blinkies/images, and eyestrain. that's gonna be a constant on this blog.)
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name: raka/alex/izzy
age: 16, turning 17 on JULY 14TH!!!
DOB: 07/14/2007
pronouns: she/he/they
current hyperfixation: YU-GI-OH!!!!
favorite color: hot pink/red/neon green
favorite song: party like a millionaire - millionaires/i also like genres like rock, electronic, and pop
favorite games: sims (4 and 3), touhou project, legend of zelda
hobbies: scouring the internet, watching anime, drawing, spending time w/ my bf
favorite food: menudo!! my nanny (that's what I call my grandma ^^;) makes it for me occasionally and on my bday nearly every year
dislikes: assholes, unnecessary internet discourse, instagram comments, my horrible sleep schedule (help lol)
favorite movie(s): yugioh the movie: pyramid of light, bill and ted's excellent adventure, idle hands
likes: the night, old internet vibes, art, magical girls (SAILOR MOON), scene kid stuff
loves: my dad and my boyfriend!!!
rando facts: i'm half mexican :] i wanna learn more spanish to be in touch with my mom's side of the family. i've only ever finished one anime despite starting a few, and that would be Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. even though i'm on ep 27 of the 2003 version of FMA (it's on hold since it isn't my current fixation), i honestly prefer it. my favorite vocaloids are hatsune miku and kagamine rin and len)! now if we're talking utauloids: yokune ruko and kasane teto.
my tags:
#raka's sauce (my art)
#other people's awesome sauce (reblogged art)
#raka reblogs!
#raka's brain dump
#raka's cc finds!!
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so, i'm raka. i've lurked around the internet for a little while now--since I was about five. restricted internet access? don't know her. i only started really participating in online communities when i was about 10, on quotev and amino (rip, it was a shitshow but i had a good time for the most part). at some point i just kinda...fell off of trying to find internet spaces? it didn't really feel fun anymore, y'know? i went back to lurking, looking at stuff i enjoyed/making things in silence.
well, fuck that. if i wanna have fun, i'm gonna make it fun. i love drawing, i always have!! i've been drawing since i was about five or six. it's always been an escape for me during REALLY rough times--it made me happy to draw my favorite characters, and even create my own! i love interacting with fandom spaces too, finding folks who are into the same stuff i am. connecting with strangers is fun, when you don't really know anybody irl who shares your exact interests!
i wanna make/reblog fandom art on here, and maybe make moots/friends. i also have OCs i love and adore that i'd like to share--with lore, of course.
i hope y'all have a wonderful day or night!!! take care of yourselves!!!
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with all that said, blinkie/stamp dump time!!! a further insight of myself, if you will
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sources for a few stamps:
Mel-Rosey on Deviantart
StarriiChan on Deviantart
kas7ia on Deviantart
blinkies.cafe for blinkies
YukiMiyasawa on Deviantart | another stamp from them
hissatsugirl on Deviantart
Papikari on Deviantart
Magica-28 on Deviantart
RaptureCyner on Deviantart
and feel free to hmu on other things such as:
discord - rakassauce
spacehey (i need to finish up my profile :/ sorry for mess)
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kamari2038 · 6 months
Unusual political post... the MAID (medical aid in dying) situation in Canada
(TLDR skip to links at bottom) This is not a blog where I usually discuss political things, mostly because (1) off-theme for a fandom sideblog and (2) most of you are more politically active and well-educated than I am, so I don't see a need. So I'm just gonna make one singular post about this, not becauase it's the single most pressing issue (ongoing genocide in Gaza, rampant global warming, imminent threats to American democracy, continued LGBT discrimination, etc....) but because I knew absolutely nothing about this, and now that I've heard I'm very upset about it.
I always thought Canada had a great free universal healthcare system, which I think on some level it does. But apparently this is funded in part through cutting costs by encouraging their most underprivileged to end their lives rather than improving their quality of life. I'm not talking about terminally ill patients. They expanded MAID to include those with disabilities, and are soon set to expand it (though thankfully it's been delayed) to both mentally ill people and "mature minors".
I'm not going to back and forth with anyone about whether or not, in theory, this policy could be good if it were applied equitably and with effective safeguards. But that is NOT what is happening in practice (*at least not 100% of the time, exact proportion is difficult to assess, as could be debated what constitutes effective safeguards and/or appropriate circumstances). People with disabilities who are not receiving the care or support necessary for basic quality of life will go to a hospital and be offered as a choice of "care" to simply be euthanized. Meanwhile the government cuts costs and finds MAID subjects in general to be a great source of organ donors.
I'm not really an expert about this but just wanted to call attention to it, these links have more information:
How poverty, not pain, is driving Canadians with disabilities to consider medically-assisted death - National | Globalnews.ca
Quadriplegic Quebec man chooses assisted dying after negligence during a 4-day ER stay leaves horrific bedsore | CBC News
'Disturbing': Experts troubled by Canada’s euthanasia laws | AP News
Who can die? Canada wrestles with euthanasia for the mentally ill (bbc.com)
Assisted suicide in Minnesota? Critics point to Canada as cautionary tale. (startribune.com)
27-Year-Old with Autism and ADHD applies for MAID and her father can't prevent it
Number of assisted deaths jumped more than 30 per cent in 2022, report says | CBC News
About the coming (delayed) expansion of the law:
In Canada, Assisted Death May Soon Be Available for the Mentally Ill - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
Opinion | Canada considers a risky expansion of doctor-assisted euthanasia - The Washington Post
Canada’s assisted dying regime should not be expanded to include children | Opinions | Al Jazeera
Some Motivations (besides autonomy):
Medically assisted deaths could save millions in health care spending: Report | CBC News
Health-care costs in Canada dropped after assisted dying became legal - National | Globalnews.ca
14% of Quebec's organ donors in 2022 were people who chose medically assisted death | CBC News
Who should get your organs? How assisted death raises hard new questions - National | Globalnews.ca
I'll include this more positive one for a balanced perspective, there is some valid discourse about it so I don't want to minimize that:
Slippery Slope Or Wise Demise? The Pros And Cons Of Medically Assisted Dying (forbes.com)
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beeinyourbreadbox · 9 months
Some points/beliefs held by this blog, just to get us on the same page here and help you decide if this is a space you want to engage in.
1. We don't moralize health, appearance, or productivity around here. Being disabled, fat, an addict, unemployed etc, is morally neutral and I truly believe that. You will never catch me using words like 'lazy' or 'lay-about', or 'unhealthy' except in irony, because those terms are all subjective. The only thing that ever matters to me is that people are cared for and met where they're at. 'Fat' is Not a dirty word and is not synonymous with 'ugly', and I also don't use that word because again. Subjective. Fat people and/or disabled people are not only welcome here, but your viewpoints are highly valued. Yes even and ESPECIALLY if your disability is your 'fault' as a result of behaviors or habits you have. I get it dude! Me too! This includes every type of disability, deformity, deficiency, neurodivergency, etc. This blog accepts both person-first and identity-first language, and believes that is a personal choice. If you're a disabled person I love you, and if you're a person with a disability I love you too. No one can tell you how to describe your personal experiences besides yourself. This blog also believes 'intelligence' is a social construct so words like 'smart' or 'stupid' are also not used here with any amount of sincerity. People with intellectual disabilities are very welcome here and I'll do what I can to help you understand on your own level within my personal abilities. This blog also advocates for universal design rather than pasted-on accessibility.
2. This blog sees children as full people, and not only that, but marginalized people. Children in our current society have little to no enshrined rights and are exploited in myriad ways for household labor, emotional support, trafficking, etc. This blog is anti- private adoption and pro-reunification (when possible and safe). This blog is vehemently pro-choice, views abortion as a morally neutral medical procedure, and believes that no one should have to be pregnant or stay pregnant if they don't want to. This blog does not believe in or agree with anonymous egg or sperm donation and is highly critical of the private infertility industry. I don't find 'jokes' about killing or harming kids because they're annoying to be funny, and I will not allow that type of behavior here on my page, I'll just block you. That being said, a fetus is not a baby or a kid, so don't even try to do a 'gotcha' there. Abortion jokes are not funny either, it's a medical procedure, we don't need to glorify or demonize it. This blog advocates for open communication between families and rejects traditional family hierarchy. 'Kids should be seen and not heard' is bullshit, and your kid doesn't owe you respect simply because you created them or care for them. Yes. Children are annoying and can be mean, that doesn't make them evil. No not even that one that called you ugly that one time. Children do not 'owe' their parents anything. This blog is anti-eugenics but also understands certain disabled people personally not wanting to pass on their genetic material to somebody. That's YOUR choice and no one else's.
3. This blog only engages in what they believe to be good-faith arguments. I will elaborate on pretty much any point I ever make and will break down or re-explain for people who have issues synthesizing information or communication difficulties, but if I believe you're just here to bait me or trying to intentionally piss me off I will not engage. I am only interested in actual conversations and debates, I will never resort to name-calling or personal attacks and if I have made a genuine mistake or said something unknowingly shitty I will own up to it. This blog believes people CAN change on even the most fundamental of levels when given enough grace, time, and understanding. Yes. Yes even that one person you hate so fucking much. I'm not saying you have to forgive people who hurt you, but what I am saying is that human beings are complex and actions are more important here than words. Be chill and I will be too!
4. This blog is extremely. Extremely. Anti-racist. Do NOT come in here acting like a fucking fool towards people of color. The author (me) is mixed-race (although non-black) and comes from a blended cultural and family background. Along with this same point, the runner of this blog is agnostic but believes in freedom of religion full stop. Whatever culture or faith you are from or practice is beautiful, as long as you find personal meaning in it that's all that matters! Anti-theism and specifically anti-semitism or anti-muslim sentiment are not cool here, if you want to genuinely criticize Christianity or another specific religious structure for their historical issues. that's fine, there are good points to be made there! But saying 'religion is bad' full stop is not cool here. I will accept prayers, blessings, good vibes, etc from you and your deities, ancestors, or what have you as long as you ask for consent first (although sometimes I may say no so please respect that!) In fact, I find it beautiful and take it as a huge compliment when someone asks their own personal highest power to help me! I may not believe the same thing you do but I'm never gonna tell you you're wrong. Just don't be a dick about it, and I won't either.
5. This blog advocates for sitting in your own discomfort. By this what I mean is that I encourage my followers to learn that discomfort is not harm, and that just because something makes you feel bad does not mean it *is* bad. Reactionary behavior is greatly discouraged here, and I'm well aware that I am on the 'bad reading comprehension' website so I will clarify that all I'm asking is that you fully read what I say and consider your words before you say them to make sure we're on the same page. This is a principle I've committed myself to as well, and please don't be afraid to ask for clarification on points that I make! And again! If I have fucked up! Let me know so that I can fix it! I am someone who is fully willing to admit when I have been wrong. This blog also does not believe in tone-policing. I will listen to what you are saying, not how you are saying it. As long as you aren't being unnecessarily mean I will engage and attempt a conversation and I ask for the same courtesy.
6. Lightning round because this is getting long so I'll just put a bunch of statements here. Unhoused people are people and deserve empathy and care regardless of how they became unhoused. Everyone deserves healthcare, food, housing (with air conditioning and heat!) and education. Yes everyone, yes even that shitty guy that 'borrowed' your car twenty years ago and never brought it back. This blog believes in prison abolition and restorative/rehabilitative justice rather than punitive justice. This blog believes in equity rather than equality and acknowledges that a truly equitable society means that everyone gets what they personally need to exist and thrive , not that everyone gets the exact same thing. This blog loves disabled people, fat people, black people, poor people, queer people, etc. and we don't do acceptability politics around here. Sex work is work, and sex-workers deserve empathy and understanding. This blog acknowledges the complexities of the porn industry and the very real problems with it, but don't you dare shit on the actual real people who are affected by and victims of said industry. Marginalized voices will always be the most important when it comes to their own specific issues so I may often re-direct you to educational sources, books, blogs, specific educators, etc, if I feel that I can't personally get the correct points across responsibly. I don't know everything, but I do know a lot and am happy to provide jumping-off points for you to do your own internal work. This blog is pro harm-reduction and does not believe that full sobriety is the only acceptable end-goal when dealing with addiction, that's case-by-case. Drugs are morally neutral here (yes all of them. Yes even that one), I get it man! Life sucks! I'll never judge you for needing something to help make it more bearable, especially if you have other health problems that you're self-medicating for because traditional medicine hasn't helped you specifically. This blog is very, very, very pro-bodily autonomy and that includes the freedom to make mistakes or 'bad' choices in regards to your body. It's yours!
This blog advocates for a balance between 'natural' remedies and modern medicine, they can and should co-exist! This blog is pro-freak and I mean that genuinely, I'm not just being edgy. 'Weirdos' make the world go round! Furries, pups, kinksters, aces and aros, self-proclaimed dykes, faggots, trannies, leather daddies, anyone who isn't 'normal' when it comes to relationships, hobbies, etc? Yeah get the fuck in here I wanna hear about your fun subculture and your weird clubs, I LOVE learning about stuff I don't understand. I have committed myself to never allowing an automatic disgust reaction to keep me from listening to somebody's viewpoint, and all I ask is that people do the same for me.
7. Finally, this blog has committed itself to keeping its eyes on the system. If I am ever speaking about an issue, I am not speaking about individuals or passing judgements on groups of people. If I say 'racism' I am talking about the power-structures and systems that make racism possible, not your uncle Dave who says the n-word at Christmas because he swears he got the 'pass' from some guy back in the 80s. Same goes for words like sexism or queerphobia or pretty much anything else. Don't take ANYTHING I say personally because I don't know you and I promise I am not here to attack you. If points I make bring up guilt in you I encourage you to examine that and ask yourself WHY it makes you so uncomfortable. This blog advocates for open communication, community building, self-reflection and conflict-resolution in all places possible and safe. I will only ever speak on issues that I'm confident I understand fully and can engage with responsibly, and if I don't understand I will at least make an attempt to do my own research and work before returning to you with what I've found. I am VERY committed to constantly learning and growing, and I encourage my followers to try and do the same if you have the mental and emotional capacity to do so!
Some final housekeeping- I am a legal adult, but I do not share my age or birthday. I am physically disabled and neurodivergent but feel no need to specify my exact issues here. I may speak on certain disabilities that I have in order to help other people, but i will not 'prove' myself to anybody. If I'm being vague about a specific detail there is a reason for it, as I also need to keep myself safe and this is the internet. I will sometimes post stories or writing bits that are somewhat based on real things, but nothing I ever post on this blog will be a 1-to-1 representation of my own life. I use writing and fictionalization to help people digest ideas, so take anything you read on this blog as fully fiction but with a purpose. I am U.S. American so please don't make school shooting 'jokes' and also please know that like! I am STARKLY aware of our issues! You don't have to tell me we suck! I know! That's why I've committed myself to making an active effort to NOT suck and to actually listen, because I refuse to be one of those assholes who acts like the U.S. is the only country that exists, however I can only ever speak from that perspective. So I do my best! Please be patient if I don't understand something or if I've been ignorant, I WILL get there!
Thank you for reading, stick around if this resonates with you as these are all points I'll probably elaborate on or make posts on eventually. I am here to educate and spread balanced viewpoints that allow for nuance, understanding, and bridging gaps between types of people. Morality will ALWAYS be a nuanced topic on this blog and I do not believe in absolute 'good' or 'bad'. I think this covered most of it but if you'd like me to elaborate or explain anything stated here, I will be happy to! And if you've read this and went 'yikes this guy sucks' that's okay too! That just means this isn't a space for you and that's fine! I hope you have an awesome day anyway!
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Expert Guidance for Immediate Roof Repair
Do you require emergency roof repair? Help is on the way, so don't panic! For your family's safety and the protection of your house, your roof is essential. However, damage, leaks, and other problems can arise from wear and tear on your roof over time. We'll provide you expert guidance on how to properly tackle urgent roof repairs in this blog post. We can help with any type of roof damage, including leaky flat roofs and pitched roofs with damaged shingles. Now let's get started and find the finest fixes for your roofing problems!
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Varieties of Roof Types
Selected roof kinds have distinct advantages and disadvantages, so it's critical to make the best choice for your house. The following are some typical roof kinds that you might encounter:
1. Asphalt Shingles: Because of their cost and adaptability, asphalt shingles are the most preferred option for residential buildings. It may easily blend in with any architectural style because it is available in a broad variety of colors and styles.
2. Metal roofing: This type of roofing is renowned for its strength and longevity. They are resilient to harsh weather, including strong winds, torrential rain, and snowfall. Metal roofs are also environmentally and energy-friendly.
3. Tile Roofs: Tile roofing may be the best option for you if you're searching for a roof that gives your house more personality and charm. Tile roofs, which come in clay or concrete materials, are long-lasting but need constant upkeep.
4. Flat Roofs: Often seen on modern residences or commercial structures, flat roofs offer a sleek appearance but can leak easily if not constructed or maintained correctly.
5 Slate Roofs: Slate roofing gives a natural beauty that, with some maintenance, may endure over a century, making it a great option for homeowners looking for a classic and beautiful appeal.
Pros and Cons of Various Roof Types
A common option is asphalt roofing. They are readily installable, reasonably priced, and available in an assortment of hues and designs. Nevertheless, their longevity is comparatively lower than that of certain other roofing materials, and they could need to be replaced or repaired more frequently.
Metal roofing is long-lasting and resilient. They are resilient to inclement weather, including persistent rain or snow. Furthermore, metal roofs save energy since they reflect solar radiation, which lowers cooling expenses in the sweltering summer months. Unfortunately, because of its weight, metal roofs can be more expensive initially and may need to be installed by professionals.
Consider a green roof or living roof if you're looking for a more eco-friendly choice. These roofs have flora that serves as insulation and enhances the quality of the air. However, because of their intricate design requirements, green roofs can be expensive and require frequent upkeep.
Clay tiles are an additional option that have a traditional appearance and feel and are aesthetically pleasing. Although clay tiles are noted for their durability, enough structural support must be provided before installation because they can be very heavy. Furthermore, strong temperature swings and hailstorms can cause cracks in clay tiles.
How to Select the Appropriate Roof for Your Home
Your living environment is the most important factor. A steeper roof might be a better option if you live in a region with severe winters and a lot of snowfall because it makes it easier for snow to flow off.
A crucial factor to take into account is the design of your house. Various roof kinds go well with various architectural designs. For instance, a modern contemporary home might benefit from a sleek metal or flat roof design, but a typical colonial-style home might look best with a traditional asphalt shingle roof.
You should also consider durability when choosing a roof for your home. You want something that won't break easily under harsh conditions and that you can use for many years without having to replace or fix it often. Traditional asphalt shingles are typically less durable than materials like tile or metal.
Choosing the correct roof also involves consideration of cost. Certain materials may cost more up front, but because of their lifetime and durability, they frequently provide superior value over the long run.
Things to Take Into Account When Fixing Your Roof
Prioritize determining the degree of the harm. Is it something small that can be fixed by hand, or is it something bigger that has to be fixed by a professional? This will enable you to decide if you can fix the problem yourself or if you require the services of a qualified roofer.
Consider the materials that were used to build your roof next. Do they also need to be changed, or are they still in good condition? It is imperative to attend to any underlying problems prior to merely repairing the apparent harm. This will guarantee the durability and efficacy of your fixes.
The local weather should be taken into account when scheduling roof repairs. Some roofing materials might not withstand extremely high or low temperatures or a lot of rain. Speak with a qualified roofer who has worked in your climate zone before, and get their advice on appropriate materials.
It is important to remember safety measures when doing roof repairs. Wear the appropriate safety equipment at all times, such as goggles, gloves, and sturdy shoes. Do not hesitate to consult a professional if you have any questions regarding any stage of the repair process.
The extent to which your roof repairs can be substantial depends in large part on your budget. Amount money aside expressly for upkeep and repairs so that you'll be ready for problems as they emerge.
How to Locate a Skilled Roofer
You can make sure you choose the best candidate for the job by following a few important procedures. Make sure you do your homework first. Seek out Edmonton roofing companies with positive ratings and recommendations from past clients. This can help you gauge their reputation and caliber of work.
Subsequently, seek referrals from acquaintances, relatives, or nearby residents who have recently undergone roof maintenance or replacement. They could be able to offer insightful advice and recommend trustworthy roofers to you.
Make touch with the people on your list of possible applicants and arrange for consultations. Inquire about their experience, credentials, and any warranties provided for their goods or craftsmanship during these sessions.
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In summary
It is imperative to take immediate action and locate a qualified roofer who can handle the problem as soon as possible when it comes to urgent roof repairs. It is possible to select the ideal roof for your home by being aware of the various kinds that are available, analyzing the benefits and drawbacks of each, and taking your unique requirements into account.
When choosing a repair method, don't forget to thoroughly inspect your roof for any possible damage or wear indicators. Employing a trustworthy Edmonton home roofing business will guarantee that the required repairs are completed accurately and quickly.
You can preserve the integrity of your home's roof for many years to come by paying attention to these expert advice and acting quickly when necessary. When it comes to replacing broken shingles or repairing leaks, don't wait to get professional assistance from reputable residential roofers in Edmonton.
In addition to offering quick fixes, hiring qualified experts and investing in premium roofing materials will increase the structural longevity of your house. Reputable residential roofing firms in Edmonton have vast expertise managing different kinds of roofing problems and guaranteeing client satisfaction.
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princessmia-tarot · 1 year
Hi <33 I would love to request a reading about how my next year in uni will be like? Thank you -CH🍥
Hello CH🍥,
Certainly, I can provide you with insights into how your next year in university might unfold using the Knight of Swords reversed:
Your Next Year in University (Knight of Swords Reversed):
The Knight of Swords reversed suggests a more cautious and deliberate approach to your academic pursuits in the coming year. Here's what you might expect:
Slower Pace: You may find that your energy and enthusiasm for academic challenges are a bit subdued compared to a typical Knight of Swords energy. It's essential to pace yourself and avoid rushing through your coursework.
Thoughtful Planning: This card encourages you to engage in thoughtful planning and strategy. Take the time to consider your academic goals, course selection, and time management. Avoid overloading yourself with too many commitments.
Avoid Impulsivity: Be mindful of making hasty decisions, especially when it comes to your academic choices. Take the time to weigh the pros and cons before making important decisions regarding your studies.
Communication: The reversed Knight of Swords suggests the importance of clear and effective communication with professors, classmates, and advisors. If you have questions or concerns, don't hesitate to seek guidance.
Staying Informed: Stay updated on any changes in your academic program or university policies. Keeping informed will help you navigate any adjustments that may arise during the year.
Seeking Support: Don't hesitate to seek support from academic resources such as tutors, study groups, or counseling services if you encounter challenges. Asking for help when needed is a sign of strength.
Balancing Priorities: Maintain a healthy balance between your academic responsibilities and personal life. Make time for self-care, relaxation, and social interactions to avoid burnout.
Adapting to Challenges: If you encounter academic obstacles or setbacks, remember that challenges are opportunities for growth. Approach difficulties with a problem-solving mindset and a willingness to learn from them.
Focused Study: Concentrate on deepening your understanding of your chosen field of study. This is a year for building a strong foundation of knowledge that will serve you well in the future.
Flexibility: While a deliberate approach is encouraged, also remain open to adjusting your plans and goals as needed. Sometimes unexpected opportunities or changes can lead to new and exciting academic experiences.
In summary, your next year in university may involve a more measured and thoughtful approach to your studies. Take the time to plan and make informed decisions while also remaining adaptable to the challenges and opportunities that may arise. With patience and focus, you can have a successful and fulfilling academic year. Best of luck in your studies! 📚🌟🎓
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fitbodybygeorge · 1 year
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Holistic Approach to Personal Training in Vancouver
How a Vancouver Personal Trainer Can Change Your Fitness Journey is explained in the book Unleash Your Potential.
Are you fed up with battling to reach your fitness objectives? Do you feel as though you are trapped in a never-ending loop of fad diets and fruitless exercise regimens? It's time to release your entire potential and throw off the constraints holding you back. And what's this? You can get assistance from a personal trainer in Vancouver at every stage of the process.
We'll discuss why hiring a personal trainer can revolutionize your fitness goals in this blog post. We'll go into detail about the advantages they offer, how to choose the best one for your needs, and even cover success stories from people who have undergone extraordinary changes under their supervision.
So get ready to go off on a thrilling journey to achieve ideal health and wellbeing. There are no restrictions on your potential when a personal trainer is by your side. Prepare to realize your full potential!
The "Unleash Your Potential: How a Personal Trainer in Vancouver Can Transform Your Fitness Journey" overview will walk you through the advantages of hiring a personal trainer, how to choose one, how to get individualized coaching services, how to meet your fitness objectives, and more.
Welcome to our blog post about the impact a Vancouver personal trainer may have on your fitness goals. Learn about the many advantages and opportunities of working with a qualified coach right away!
Are you prepared to realize your full potential and reinvent your approach to fitness? Learn the advantages of working with a personal trainer in Vancouver, choose the best fit for your objectives, and find out how they can assist you in succeeding. Let's start now!
The advantages of working with a personal trainer are endless. They offer direction, knowledge, and inspiration to help you reach your fitness objectives and fully realize your potential. Don't undervalue the value of having a pro by your side while you pursue your fitness goals!
Working with a personal trainer has numerous advantages
Working with a personal trainer can help you reach your fitness goals more quickly and successfully by providing you with individualized workout routines, professional advice, and accountability.
Your fitness quest will be greatly aided by finding the ideal personal trainer in Vancouver. To make sure they match your interests and aims, take into account their experience, credentials, and expertise. Take your time and conduct thorough research before moving forward.
The significance of selecting the appropriate trainer
Your fitness journey will be greatly impacted by your choice of personal trainer. They will create a program just for you, challenge you to achieve greater things, and offer knowledgeable advice and support all the while.
Think about a personal trainer's credentials, experience, and areas of expertise when selecting one in Vancouver. Look for a coach whose coaching philosophy inspires you and whose goals are similar to your own. Asking for recommendations or reading customer feedback are both very acceptable.
Take recommendations and testimonials from rivals into consideration when picking a personal trainer in Vancouver. You can find the ideal match for your fitness path with the aid of their straightforward insights.
Vancouver's Custom Fitness Coaching provides individualized training plans made to meet your unique needs and goals. You'll get personalized workouts and professional advice with one-on-one coaching to enhance your results. Prepare to fully realize your potential!
A summary of individualized coaching services
Customized coaching services offer exercise regimens made to suit your unique demands and objectives. You may reach your goals and realize your full potential with the help of a personal trainer in Vancouver.
You can attain your fitness objectives by focusing on weight loss, gaining muscle and strength, and improving your general health and well-being with the aid of a personal trainer in Vancouver. Unleash your potential at this time!
Aiming for weight loss and gaining strength and muscle
Weight loss and gaining muscle and strength are often at the top of people's lists when it comes to fitness objectives. You may successfully and efficiently work toward these goals with a personal trainer in Vancouver.
A personal trainer in Vancouver can be your compass when it comes to enhancing your general health and wellbeing. They'll assist you in achieving optimum wellness by boosting energy levels and decreasing stress.
the significance of maintaining motivation and accountability during your fitness journey. You can stay on track and accomplish your goals with the assistance of a personal trainer, who also offers the essential support, direction, and motivation. Continue moving forward!
Accountability is crucial to accomplishing fitness objectives.
Accountability is essential for attaining your fitness objectives. Staying motivated and committed to your journey can be greatly improved by having someone to answer to and keep you on track.
Personal trainers provide you with the encouragement and drive you need to remain dedicated to your fitness quest. They challenge you to go beyond your comfort zone, acknowledge your successes, and hold you responsible at every turn. Accept their advice to advance unabatedly!
You have choices when it comes to personal training in Vancouver. There is a fitness solution that meets your demands and lifestyle, from in-person sessions at private gyms to online training. Today, take the next step in achieving your objectives!
In-person sessions at exclusive gyms offer a specialized and targeted approach to personal training in Vancouver. Workouts that are customized to your objectives will be walked you through one-on-one with a trainer.
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Reach Your Fitness Goals with Online Personal Training from Anywhere
With online personal training, you may receive qualified direction and assistance from any location. It is practical, adaptable, and customized to meet your needs. Start today on your fitness adventure!
The price of a personal trainer can vary in Vancouver, but the benefits of hiring one make it worthwhile. They offer individualized coaching and support to assist you in successfully achieving your fitness objectives.
The price of personal training in Vancouver is frequently taken into account. You may make an informed choice about achieving your health and wellness objectives by being aware of the financial commitment required for individualized fitness coaching.
Why hiring a personal trainer is a good investment
A personal trainer is a worthwhile investment since they offer professional direction, individualized workouts, and continuing assistance to assist you in reaching your fitness objectives. Don't pass up the chance to realize your greatest potential!
Client testimonials and success stories from actual people who got real results. Hear from people who used a personal trainer in Vancouver to change their approach to fitness. Let their experiences motivate you to take responsibility for your own health and wellbeing.
Examples of clients whose fitness journeys were transformed by personal trainers
The value of individualized coaching is demonstrated by cases of individuals who changed their fitness journeys while working with a personal trainer in Vancouver. These success tales, which range from muscle gain to weight loss, encourage and inspire others to pursue their own fitness goals.
You can start now to go closer to achieving your fitness objectives. Find out today how a personal trainer in Vancouver can help you reach your full potential and change the course of your fitness journey.
Numerous advantages come from working with a personal trainer in Vancouver. They have the power to change your fitness journey and assist you in reaching your objectives through individualized coaching, accountability, and encouragement. Don't pass up the opportunity to reach your greatest potential!
It might be scary to start a fitness journey, but with the help and direction of a personal trainer in Vancouver, you have the chance to reach your best potential. A personal trainer may change the way you approach fitness and help you reach your objectives. They can provide you with personalized training regimens as well as accountability and inspiration.
Don't wait any longer if you want to improve your general health and well-being, lose weight, gain strength and muscle, or all three. Find the ideal personal trainer who matches your requirements and desires to take the first step toward achieving your fitness goals.
Never forget that investing in yourself is never a waste of money. There are no boundaries to what you can do if you work hard, are consistent, and have a certified personal trainer in Vancouver by your side. Why then wait? Start right now to reveal the amazing transformation that awaits you as you embark on this thrilling fitness journey!
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papirouge · 10 months
Saw a post the other day that was basically like "Yeah, I wish more pro-life supporters spoke up for Palestine but it's higher-up people who have been pro Israel such as politicians and world leaders who are pro-choice" And I think that hits the nail on the head while I do actively call out how hypocritical the pro-life the community has been it is weird the see the pro-choice community act like it is ONLY those who are pro-life are Israel supporting when I could name 10 major celebrities/politicians of the top of my head who are pro-choice and have shown themselves to be zionists yet I don't see the pro-choice community call themselves out.
It still misses the point though: pro lifers are those shouting off the rooftops that they are the only one truly caring about the children, OF COURSE they're going to be held at a higher standards than pro choice celebrities or politicians. It's a matter of consistence. Not every celebrity or politician is pro life as far as I know.
We been knew politicians don't care about kids and women. But it's a problem when those posturing themselves as the true defenders of babies & mothers end up failing at their initial purpose. Pro choicers are absolutely right to call pro lifers out. I'm never been into partisan shit : if pro choicers make a valid point against pro lifers, I'm not gonna get unnecessary defensive about it. If they are right, they are right ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I myself think a significant bunch of pro lifers are misogynists and delulu conservatives eager to control women and weaponize babies to guilt shame them. Otherwise, they don't care the slightest about life, women, or children. Once the baby comes out, those Conservatives don't care the slightest about babies anymore and will vote against policies helping mothers raising kids, and make children to grow in a secure & safe environment (healthcare, welfare, gun control, etc.). If you follow my blog for a while, you'd know I don't f with them and despise them lol I am pro life bc I love life & women and think we deserve more than kill our kin to hussle in this life
Being pro choicer AND pro Israel/Zionist is pretty consistent bc both ideology sustain a "the end justifies the mean" way of reasoning : killing a baby is ok if the mom thinks it will help her with life / killing palestinians civilians is ok if it allows to kill hamas soldier. Pro lifers being wishy washy before the well document images of Palestinians babies/kids and their mothers being brutalized for weeks now are the real hypocrites.
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