#get down from there doodoo head
giftboxxworld · 7 months
Hi uh I probably should of said this earlier but since I’m still really new here I’m having a hard time with this websites glitches and all that and how everything really works so if like anyone interacts with me or something and some weird stuff happens because of like some technical difficulties or like the actual settings and works within the app/website and idk I most likely will have no idea what’s going on and I apologize if anything weird does happen, I’m still trying to work my way around this whole site
I’ve never really touched social media in my life for years and years until now so thank you whomever comes across here for understanding <33
anyways it’s The Noise in the trees. What is he doing up there
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emmyrosee · 1 year
doodoo fart 🦨 would you still love me if I was bald?
Rintaro doesn’t even get a chance to finish the water his sipping before he spits it back out, choking on it as he laughs aloud in front of his teammates.
The entire team turns to look at him, a brow cocked in confusion while he chuckles amongst himself.
Komori is the first to smile and chuckle himself, “something you’d like to share with the group, Suna?”
He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand before shaking his head, never being one to share your discussions with the group. He has an image, okay, and you being an absolute cracked menace is going to bring that image down one day- this, he’s convinced of.
“The better half’s just funny is all,” he says casually, watching his team begins to chatter once again in the locker room. Komori gives him an unconvinced, yet understanding look before letting him back to his phone where he’s finally able to face your
SENT is there something I need to be prepared for when I get home?
doodoo fart 🦨 depends on how you reply
would you
still love me
if i was bald
SENT I feel like this is a trap.
doodoo fart 🦨 you’re the one who leaves me alone all the time
im bound to fuck around when you’re gone.
Once again, Rintaro laughs to himself before he rises to excuse himself from the crowd. The possibility of you being bald is plenty to excite him and his amusement, wondering if you’ve done something unholy to your poor head.
He thinks you’d be hot with no hair. And wash days would just be such a breeze. Maybe there’s some merit to your potential madness.
He presses the small button to FaceTime you, settling up a small distance from the door- you’ve both been known to say some unsavory things, the last thing you need is to give Washio another reason to retire.
The phone rings once, twice, and a third before you answer, your ugly stunning face filling his screen. To his shame, his eyes immediately dart to the scalp of hair that still adorns your head, and he bites his lip as you cackle a victorious cheer.
He’s been duped by your stupid ass.
“I knew you’d take my bait,” you snicker. He laughs as he’s caught red handed, poking his tongue in the corner of his mouth while you laugh. “You think you’re soooo slick, like you aren’t obsessed with me. You aren’t shit, bro.”
“I’ve been letting you hang out with the twins too much,” he snickers, leaning against the brick wall of the stadium. “Though I would’ve scream-laughed if you answered the phone and was completely bald.” You snort and he cards a massive hand through his sweaty hair, “there a reason you triggered a panic response in me at-“ he pauses and looks at the clock in the corner of his phone “15:44 on a Tuesday?”
“Because you’re cute when you’re panicked,” you hum, and he gives you his signature blank stare before chuckling when you laugh. “I mean it! Your pupils go a little dilated, you card your hair until it’s all fluffy, and you get this adorable blush-“
“I got it, you pay attention to me,” he groans, hand scrubbing down his face. “You’re so embarrassing.”
“You love me so much, man.”
“Shut up-“
“Truly living rent free in that noggin.”
“I’m gonna tell Komori on you.”
“Good, he’ll tell you the same thing,” you snort, and Rintaro shakes his head, grinning, as a sign of waving his white flag. “Go back to practice, booger. I’ll bug you later.”
“Promise?” He says, smiling while you give him a fake gag.
“After that, I don’t know.”
“I’ll take those odds.” He chuckles again before murmuring a soft ‘love you’ and hanging up; he pockets his phone and makes his way back into the arena.
Bald or not, and as much as he hates to confess it, he does adore your stupid ass and the antics that come with it.
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eddaawrites · 9 months
Flu season - Chris Sturniolo
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A/n hey, so this is my first post which means I’m gonna need some constructive criticism. Don’t worry I’m the eldest granddaughter my feelings won’t be hurt. Also I wanted to start off chill so this is just some fluff of Chris taking care of you when you’re sick. I’m in love.
Warnings- tooth rotting fluff, reader is really sick (duh-doy) and no use of y/n.
Now without further ado-do (hah! I said doodoo), I present Christopher Owen Sturniolo.
This is just not my day. First of all I went to sleep with a major headache, so I barely got any sleep tonight. Secondly I woke up with a fever so bad that I couldn’t even get myself out of bed and lastly I can’t find the remote to my tv so I’ve just been laying here like a cinder block all day while sweating like a pig.
I stare at the ceiling hoping I’d eventually just fall asleep, only to be interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing to my right. I groan rolling over to my side to check the contact, my heart fluttering at the sight of my boyfriend’s name. I grab my phone hitting answer and put the phone on speaker because I don’t have the energy to hold the phone.
I initiate the conversation to let him know I’m here. “Hey, you.” I croak, my voice sounding like I’ve smoked 20 packs a day since birth.
“Hi, baby” he answers “am I waking you up? You sound tired.” He asks. “No, I’m just a bit sick. Think I caught the flu or something. But what’s up?” I try to act fine but my voice betrays me.
“Are you sure you’re fine? You don’t sound too good. Do you want me to come over and cuddle you?” He asks completely ignoring my question.
“Yeah, baby I’m fine. And you probably shouldn’t come over, I’ve got 104 degrees and I smell like a rats ass.” I say, not wanting him to see me like this. He’s seen me sick before since we’ve been dating a while but not like this.
“Well that’s too bad.” I’m completely lost until I hear the turning of the lock of my apartment door and the faint sound of footsteps coming my direction. My door opens to reveal a gleaming Chris, holding my favourite flowers in one hand and a bag full to the brim with all my favourite foods.
I sit up pouting at him “how did I get so lucky?” He smiles handing me the flowers, setting the bag down and pressing his hand against my forehead to check my temperature, then sliding it down to rest against my cheek.
“Aw, you poor thing. You’re burning up” he says genuinely. “I’m gonna go run you a bath and I’ll be right back” he says pressing a kiss to my temple and pulling away.
“Man I really do smell bad, don’t I?” I say sarcastically, grinning from ear to ear as he walks to the bathroom. I hear him chuckle and then water running.
He comes back to the room reaching his hand out for me to grab. I grip it and he pulls me to my feet and I wobble a bit, blood rushing to my head after laying in bed all day. I then feel an arm at the back of my knees and under my right arm and suddenly I’m in the air, Chris carrying me bridal style to the bathroom.
He puts me down to sit on the toilet seat. I let him help me undress, not caring as long as I get to get in the bath soon. My muscles aching for relief.
When I step into the bath I instantly relax, the water is the perfect temperature. Warm enough to ease some tension in my shoulders and back but not too warm so that I feel nauseous.
I feel like I’m at a spa, Chris went to my room and grabbed a face mask I’ve been meaning to use and applied it for me, even putting some on himself. And now he’s washing my hair for me.
I actually think I fall asleep for a second, the mixture of no sleep, a warm bath and a scalp massage getting the best of me.
When I’m done bathing he grabs me some pyjamas and helps me get dressed. We get back to bed, pulling out the snacks and turning on the tv after he found it under my pillow and watching 10 things I hate about you.
He’s so gentle with me, peppering my face with kisses, whispering how much he loves me and holding me so tight I think he might break one of my ribs.
I don’t remember falling asleep but when I wake up I’m wrapped up in his arms and I’m feeling so much better.
Chris however…
A/n I love this so much, actually broke my heart to think about the fact that none of you will ever experience this because Chris and I are happily married with 3 kids😔💔 but on a serious note, please tell me if there’s anything you want me to do differently next time! I expect you guys to be absolutely brutal in the comments. Thank you guys for reading, I hope it lived up to your expectations! XOXO 💋
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
Hugging Dethklok Hcs
depending on how im feeling after posting this i think i might make a second part including side characters (likely the second post will contain charles abigail and knubbler !! and maybe even some smaller characters that i feel deserve more love) anyways uhuhuh first official MTL post except it.. actually isnt, ive written for knubbler and the dethklok minute host before so yeah very nervous about this since im still trying to find my footing in how i wanna write the characters, so heads up that this might be VERY OOC and what better prompt to do than do one of my "i dont know what to write" ones written with reader as their partner vague mentions of like. sexual stuff but nothing explicit, i still wish to keep this blog as sfw as possible, really just implications of it than anything also some characters had bonus hcs of cuddling so uhuhuh
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built like a mattress, though that can mean anything since not all mattresses are made the same... hmm.. have you ever hugged/cuddled one of those tiny headed kingdom plushies? very firm but not comfortable, i think thats what nathan feels like, but perhaps just a smidge softer. but how would nathan feel? i mean hes very protective of you, and being able to hold you gives him a moment to keep you close. not very affectionate otherwise, but this is nice. definitely the type to do hugs from behind, especially if theres someone trying to flirt with you
short so theres a good chance youre around his height if not taller and he may or may not feel things about that (both negative and positive but lets save that for another post as i fully intend on keeping this sfw), i always thought pickles of being physically affectionate so him having a hand on you is a common occurrence. probably takes the opportunity to whisper something in your ear, usually something dirty or something incoherent with him being drunk or otherwise under the influence. oh yeah i can easily see him being the type to swing his limbs over his partner while he sleeps and trapping them there
maybe im cooking something doodoo, but i feel like skwisgaar may or may not struggle with non-sexual stuff, like being purely romantic and innocent with no intent to get your pants off is foreign to him. i whole heartedly believe the reason hes so sexual is due to being in dethklok and being huge, but also because of his mother constantly bringing new people home. so in the beginning he might actually be tense in giving you affection, definitely going to need to take some time. very cold, skinny people tend to be colder ive noticed so totally you shouldnt take this as an excuse to hold him closer (winks)... i DO think he would also have a hand on you a lot of the time like pickles, whether or not those hands have other motives is up in the air
make him take a shower first/j
okay jokes aside, this man is so starved for attention and affection, but he would never ever EVER say it. you guys could be 100% fully alone in bum fuck no where and he still wouldnt say it. but its definitely there in his actions and body language. i think hes warm, and his skin is a little... i mean he canonically has dry skin with eczema, and while i dont have eczema i know what having that dry scaly skin feels like... perhaps we could tie in some self care with the reader helping murderface take better care of himself? i mean it would be one hell of a fight to get him to try but i think its do-able.. tight hugger, kind of lets his arms linger before sliding them down when you eventually pull away. wish i had more but i think murderface is the type to deny affection whilst also deeply craving it
probably the easiest to hug in terms of getting him to accept it, actually i think he might be the most likely to initiate one alongside pickles. very warm, though he sometimes hugs you a little too tight and might even tug you back in if you try to pull away before hes ready. full body cuddles into you when you guys sleep/nap together, arms and legs keep you in place so... good luck trying to slip away before he wakes up. i like to think he fiddles with your hair, too, though im unsure if that fits with his character... i think that, despite still having a love for all things brutal he still likes these smaller moments of just. affection. very clingy and possessive though so keep that in mind, i think he would hold you and physically try to pull you away if someone tries to flirt with you; a lot less subtle than when nathan does it
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tillthelandslide · 11 months
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A/n: i don't know what this is but... I wrote something, woo? (This does not mean I'm back, this is literally the first thing I've written in god knows how long because I'm so frazzled atm and I doubt my brain will let me write anymore) thank those new photos of Matty in that grey shirt for whatever this is. P.s I've literally just wrote this before Im posting it so it has not been spell checked and probably has loads of grammatical issues lol. Love you byeeeee - Lou
Sweat still drips down his forehead, running along his cheek tortiously slow. Your eyes are focused, following the line, eyes landing on his upper lip and never leaving it. Even when his there, right in front of you, one hand clamping around your waist in an attempt to pull you closer. Your own hands find his shoulders in response to the squeeze he delivers to your waist. A simple "you alright love?" falling from his lips, those same lips that you can't stop staring at.
Well actually it's just above the plump, red mouth that moves temptingly. A strip of hair you swore you hated at first, a fact you let him know, plenty. But tonight (and even before that), Matty with his tight grey shirt on and hair perfectly styled... Well you certainly didn't hate it now.
"come with me" the words leave your mouth heavily, laced with something more, something that sounds like "Matty I want you" to his ears. Your small hands tug him through the corridors back stage, he knows the way without looking, eyes trained on your lips now, all smirky and up to something.
"baby I've barely got off stage" he mumbles when you open the door to his dressing room. You push against his chest, the same chest that's been straining against the fabric of his shirt ever since he stepped foot on that stage.
"exactly" one more push and he's landing on the sofa with a little "omph". You're with him in a split second, legs hooking over his thighs one by one and lowering yourself until he can feel you pulsing above him and you can definitely feel him.
Hard and heavy and desperate. The few words you've uttered and the looks you've been throwing his way, definitely doing their job well.
"you looked so good tonight" you say, head finding a comfortable place by his throat, sucking and biting, drawing low grunts from his throat.
"just tonight?" He says. Oh he's in a mood, wanting you to tell him how bad you want him. And you'll tell him, of course you'll tell him.
"no... Not just tonight" your words aren't what makes his hips thrust up, it's the way after you say them your mouth finds his upper lip. Your tongue swipes over the hair and his hips work on their own accord.
It fucking kills him, makes him buck up and swear and grab your own hips, pining then down against his own and forcing you to roll them.
"fuck" he says, head moving up, further into your lips and tongue.
"thought you hated it" he says, straining his neck more until his mouth captures yours. You want to reply but his own tongue finds yours and your words get caught in your throat, if not for a moment..
Your lips separate with a smack and your eyes fall to his moustache again, coated in a mixture of you and him, a filthy mix that makes your hips roll against him and a moan to slip.
"definitely don't hate it then" he says with a smirk. You smile at him, thumb slowly running across the hair, collecting the mix and bringing it to your mouth. You slip it between your lips as you shake your head.
"definitely don't hate it" you confirm.
"fuck you're perfect" he waits until your thumb has slipped from your mouth and tugs you back, tongue meeting yours again and hips bucking.
Taglist: @scooby-doodoo @thereisaplaceintheheart @promocodesorry75 @eaglestar31 @thefrontofmymind @fallingforel @partoftheairforce @procrastinatinglikeapro @poisonmedaddy13 @xthe1975 @all-things-fic @jstbeeingme @rossgirly @juliardk @you-muppet @moodyyyychickx @k4tie75 @insidemymind19 @zzzhealy @maybeiwouldlikeyou @at-her-very-foreign @not-alien-girl-v (add yourself using the link in my bio 😊)
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sanrio-grl · 7 months
BAD LUCK - 🍀*✮∘˙
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critikally thinking (0.3k)
WARNING: angst, slight panic attack, y/n being the most clueless person known to man kind
all hail J 🙏🙏 - masterlist - wtv yw ig
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After driving down the busy street, he finally parks the car. Rushing into the broken looking building, he opens the door to a music producers paradise. Sound proof walls, lines after lines of buttons, levers, and other attachments.
looking around at first, he can’t find his friend. then, he catches a glimpse of fluffy black hair peeking out from behind the chair, rolling it out of the way. He finds his companion with his knees curled to his chest, hands in his hair.
“are you okay?” changbin whispers, to not frighten the man.
“I- … I just.. like-“ Stutters rush out of his mouth, as he tries his hardest not to cry. “I just feel- sick. I-I think I might throw up.” Shaky breaths leave through his mouth, a tactic to calm himself down.
His anxiety wraps itself around him, encasing him in his thoughts. He thinks this is so stupid. His relationship with her wasn’t even that terrible, but the falling out scared the hell out of him. Even within his friend group, he was supposed to be seen as one of the stronger ones. Supposed to almost hold them together. Of course, he doesn’t shy away from expressing his feelings, just the ones that may cause burdens to his buddies.
Changbin leaves him to drag the mini trash can next to his legs. He could tell a lot of thoughts were holding Chans head underwater, and he was determined to fish him out. He pries his hands away from his face.
“Please Chris, snap out of it.” watery and puffy, Changbin gets a long dazed stare. “I don’t know what to do.” Chan mutters through sniffles. “Its- I’ve blocked her so many times, changed my number, hell, almost changed houses, but she still manages to get a hold of me. I don’t know why she is so obsessed with me!” His voice starts to rise. “She was the one who cheated on me! She was the one who ended our relationship by doing that!”
changbin patted him on his back, soft circles traced by his palm, trying his best to comfort the ball of stress next to him.
“I can’t handle her coming back, Bin.”
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A/N: so.. this kinda took a turn. I cut most of the jibber jabber out of it.. may b I should add it back in 🤒
taglist: @peachysull @iadorethemskz @sstarrysshit @doodoo-pellacin @end0rchans @deadgirlwalking3 @iflmho @mynameisnotlaura @amara-mars @multifandomedsimp @hyunsllvr @cr4ziee0szn @111skz @hyunjinshairband7 @thinkingaboutlana @tinys0ftie @briar-rose23 @sugarsweetsugarsweet (OPEN)
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carterisvcool · 1 year
(18+) Itto being a pussy eater 👁️👁️
I apologize if this looks kinda doodoo this is my first time posting here :0 please give me tips on how to use this app 🙏🏼
warnings: oral (f receiving), hair pulling, suffocation?
He was absolutely addicted to you. And I mean everything about you. He could find himself getting hard over the littlest things if you were involved. All it could take was some teasing and it was go-time.
So it wasn’t surprising when you found yourself being pinned to the bed you two shared while he devoured your cunt.
It was the morning and the two of you had just woken up. You were having your morning snuggle time with him when you accidentally pressed your body a little bit too close to his and he found himself hard as hell.
So now here you were.. An absolute mess for him in the moment. He thrived in hearing your little whimpers and moans.
You looked down and nearly lost your mind at the sight of him between your thighs, his hands pressing your legs enough to have full access to your pussy. It didn’t help that he was making the sloppiest noises either. Each groan or slurp had you getting closer to release, and he was determined to get you to that point.
“C’mon.. I want your cum..” He spoke, looking up at you, his eyes half lidded. Your moans only got louder as he messed with your clit.
“S-Sso good..” You whimpered as your thighs slowly closed in on Itto’s head.
Itto groaned at the mere thought of you possibly suffocating him. He found himself rutting his hips against the sheets, hoping for some relief. “Fuck..” He muttered as he worked harder to make you cum.
Your fingers ran through his hair and slightly gripped the white locks, but you found yourself nearly pulling them out as you suddenly came.
Itto groaned from your grip on his hair and worked hard to walk you through your release.
As you finally came down from your high, Itto placed a few kisses on your thighs as a way to silently praise you for doing so well. He chuckled as he noticed the way your legs twitched.
He kissed up your body before giving you a kiss on the lips, making you taste your juices on his tongue.
“I hope you know we’re not done yet..” He spoke softly, but you could tell he wouldn’t be soft with you soon.
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abiiors · 1 year
i wanna marry you 💍 // george daniel x reader
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promptober '23 - day 14
a/n: i kinda don't like this one at all but i didn't have anything else ready so i'll just post it. sorry if this sucks :( cw: none, just fluff wc: 600
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a chill sweeps through the house around six in the evening. right as you finish working for the day and make your way into the kitchen to make a hot drink. you stand in front of the open cabinet, contemplating—maybe a coffee or some of that fancy hot chocolate you got last month. but the wooden floorboards are cold against your feet despite the socks you’re wearing. 
so you settle on a coffee and put the kettle on. then you make your way back to the bedroom for some thicker socks. 
you don’t think much of it, rattling through the top drawers where you keep the lesser used clothes for both you and george—just some spares and other trinkets. your fingers brush against something soft and wooly. just the pair of socks you were looking for! 
and right as you pick them up, something else tumbles out…
something square and velvety and red. 
something that looks suspiciously like a ring box…
your heartbeat is the only sound in the stillness of the room as you stare at the box fallen on the ground—the small and innocent-looking box that lies just by your foot. almost winking back at you. daring you to pick it up and open it. 
“that was supposed to be a surprise…” george stands in the doorway of the bedroom, staring at you then at the box and back at you while you yelp in surprise. clutching your hammering heart, you look back at him with wide eyes. 
you were so busy gaping at the box that you hadn’t even heard him come in. 
oh my god… a ring. george has a ring. for you. 
the shock of it slowly starts to wear off, replaced by elation first and then euphoria until you’re welling up with tears and staring at him with the widest grin on your face. 
“ah!” he interrupts, trying to stifle a smile of his own while his eyes look suspiciously bright. “not yet.”
you look at him properly then. george… your george who looks so gorgeous in the soft blue sweater he’s wearing, so soft and perfect. his cheeks are tinged pink and his hair is a bit messy from running his hand through them. but he looks so utterly perfect. still exactly like the boy you fell in love with three years ago.
closing the door behind him, george walks up to you, taking you in his arms so he can finally kiss you. soft and gentle and loving—a kiss to convey everything he can’t with his words alone. 
“you’re not allowed to say yes just yet,” he scolds fondly and you arch an eyebrow at him. 
“and why is that?”
george shakes his head at your impatience, clicking his tongue. “i had it all planned out,” he admits. “and it was absolutely perfect. so no, you don’t get to say yes just yet. definitely not like this.”
you think about what to say, trying not to get all choked up with emotions while he stares at you like you’re the only girl to ever exist. 
“so, uh,” your voice is thick with tears, happy tears but it makes him laugh regardless. 
“what did you need here anyway?” he asks, and bends down to pick up the ring and pocket it. 
socks. feeling cold. that’s what you came here for. and that thought feels like it was a million years ago at this point. 
“i was cold,” you whisper, “i wanted socks.”
george bends down to kiss you again—this one more passionate than the last, much more laced with need than before. 
“i can think of a better way to warm you up, love” he offers, tongue already sliding over your lip just as his arm tightens around your waist, pulling you closer. 
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lemme know what you think <33
taglist: @scooby-doodoo, @partoftheairforce, @justgoatsbreakinghearts0855@beachesgetpeaches, @you-muppet, @mcabister, @alexmarie29, @at-her-very-foreign, @hfkait, @squishysoupy@sierraeslaprincesa@harrie-fic-center @alien-girl-violet@thereisaplaceintheheart @kennedy-brooke @lolidontknowanymore @theoriginalwhatsername@celestcies@sugarkane1001 @ari-turner @thewaywewereinsaigon @daphnesutton @beliefandsayingsomething @ros3chu @nothingrevealedeverythingdenied @zzzhealy @mattymybeloved @fck-off
add yourself to the taglist
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shuxiii · 1 year
Love you two times
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Huh Yunjin x reader
a/n: this piece of rat doodoo was in my draft for a solid 5 months now (estimated it) and I wanted it gone my bad if it's so bad.
synopsis: starting a new life in a foreign country is difficult as is forgetting the past you once lived. but the person you once loved brought back to your present, reliving the past you once avoided, will you ever want them back?
‘‘Argh, moving into a new country is a pain in the ass.’‘ You groaned, as you roughly let go of the heavy boxes in your hand laying down on the carpeted floor of your empty apartment. 
You recently got accepted in a company abroad as an intern, with your parents helping you rent an apartment that’s near your work, made you grateful they loved you despite being a shitty child.
‘‘Yeah, its a pain in the ass, but at least I’m finally getting my dream job.’‘ You spoke back to nothing, giggling on the floor, looking like a mad woman, with sweat dropping against your forehead. 
You were happy to start fresh, America was a hellish place for you, everything there was so full of dreadful memories, and now you finally got the chance to put aside your past and start anew. 
You sighed, standing back up, dusting your clothes, craving something to eat after hearing your stomach growl. But to your dismay, your boxes weren’t filled with food, instead just boring clothes and items you brought to your newly homed apartment.
‘‘I should just probably buy some noodles across that convenience store.’‘ You murmured to yourself, before picking up your wallet and jacket, leaving shortly after.
You walked the bustling city of Seoul, the beautiful scenery reflecting back at your sparkling eyes. So pretty. 
you entered a 24/7 convenience store, walking on each aisle, looking for a particular noodle you specifically searched for, your eyes shinning at your favorite ramen, you rushed quickly at the coincidentally last ramen on the shelf, your hands reaching out for it only to feel another hand against yours. 
You were taken aback as you glanced to the side, to see a quite tall girl despite the mask hiding half her face you knew she was quite young, making you nervously let go of her hand. 
‘‘Oh, y-you can have it.’‘ you stammered, since you weren't fluent in Korean, it was quite hard to speak coherently without stuttering in the process.
‘‘Really? Cool!’‘ her eyes gave away her masked smile, jumping slightly before taking your hand and shaking it dramatically.
‘‘I’m Eunchae-’’ Her eyes widen, her hand covering her mouth despite the mask already covering it, she looked like she just exposed something, as you gaze back at her confusingly.
"Hi Eunchae, I'm Yn" You responded, feeling a bit perplexed by her rapid shift in facial expressions from shock to confusion to relief.
‘‘It’s nice to meet you, yn, thanks for this ramen, I owe you one if I see you again!’‘ You chuckled as she let out a squeal, unable to contain her excitement.
She waved her goodbyes at you one last time before leaving the store.
‘‘Well, there went my favorite ramen, but at least I gave it to someone adorable.’‘ You chuckle back at yourself, hoping to see her again, oddly enough she reminded you of your little sister, making you smile a little wide, good memories dwelling in your thoughts.
You laid back down on your soft fabric bed after eating nothing but ramen, you were quite still hungry but it was way too late, and your first day as an intern started tomorrow, you don't want to leave a first bad impression on your record by being late.
drowsiness overtaking you, as you slowly drown in sleep, excited for what tomorrow will bring you.
Well crap, you thought, running on the street, your blazer flying crazy against your body, your head disheveled, with your only breakfast which was bread, stuffed in your mouth. You were almost late. 
You went faster than anyone could to the entrance, apologizing to the old guard, who took quite a fright at your sudden bolting to the door, before repetitively pressing the elevator button, you cursed as you saw the floor number, it was currently at the highest floor, making you abruptly run to the emergency exit stairs.
This was not what you expected for your first day, this was like a race to satan’s door. 
Your body dripping in sweat, your chest harshly heaving up and down, gasping for air. You finally reached the floor.
You tiredly opened the door to the room before collapsing on the couch inside the recording studio room.
‘‘A-Am I late?’‘ You sttuttered, barely able to finish your sentence corherently.
‘‘Nope, you’re right in time.’‘ The producer cheerly gave you a thumbs up, smiling back at your slouched figure.
Who smiles at a monday morning. You thought.
‘‘Well, as expected their late again.’‘ The producer muttered, looking at his watch, it has been 20 minutes since you came in the room, your body feeling quite better after running a flight of stairs.
"Who?" you asked, looking puzzled at the producer. You got up and walked over to the stereo systems in the room, running your delicate fingers over them gently.
‘‘Oh, it's this newly debuted girl group, since this is your first day as an intern, you're going to observe me, and maybe give out ideas or two for their new comeback!’‘ he happily explained, his eyes full of passion, clearly enjoying his work. 
As if on cue, the door opened widely revealing multiple girls coming in with their loud voices erupting inside the room, still your back was facing them.
You hear them greet the producer before noticing your presence.
‘‘Yn, I want you to meet Le sserafim!’‘ suddenly the producer’s voice turned deaf in your ears, and the room felt small.
You look back, you felt your heart drop, and the air in your lungs disappeared.
Her figure was not what you expected to see after years, your chest tightens gazing on her face, it didn’t change one bit in fact it looked much more prettier last time you saw her.
Luckily her attention was focused on her phone, giving you time to cover yourself with your jacket, awkwardly moving your body to face your left side to hide your face even more.
‘‘Oh my, it’s her!! she was the one I met in the convienent store!’‘ 
You squint, eyes widening realizing it was the same girl you saw yesterday, her name Eunchae was it. 
‘‘Oh, you mean the girl who you stole the ramen?’‘ a Japanese-looking girl snickered. 
‘‘No, I did not, she gave it to me!’‘ Eunchae dramatically defended herself earning laughs from the other girls. 
‘‘Who?’‘ You suddenly became tense at the sound of a familiar soft voice that you hadn't heard in years. It was clear and loud, causing your heart to race and your body to instinctively hide.
‘‘Oh, her name is Yn, she was the girl I was talking about!’‘ Eunchae explained, making you cringe at her exposing your name just like that at the last person you would ever want to see again.
Her ears twitch at the name, quickly glanced up, looking at your covered figure.
Her focus is now solely on you, tucking her phone away in her pocket, She paused and took a few steps towards you, her heart racing. She needed to confirm if you were the Yn she had been yearning for all these years - the only person she had ever loved.
The producer patted your back, gesturing you to talk back, making the hood that hid your face fall down at the sudden force, giving away your identity. 
Well, shit. 
Your eyes slowly meet her doe brown eyes, catch sight of it, full of unspoken emotions you couldn’t comprehend. And with just that, all of the dreaded memories you hid under your heart, came crashing down to you. 
Yunjin was in shock. After all these years, you looked exactly as she had imagined. She could hardly believe it - finally, she was seeing you again. Her heart swelled with happiness, and she instinctively raised her hand to pull you in for an embrace. However, you moved away, avoiding her gesture.
‘‘I-I um I need to go to the bathroom!’‘ you awkwardly shriek, bumping into the other girls, and running down the hallway. leaving an overwhelmed Yunjin 
"Fuck fuck fuck" you leaned against the sink, your hands running through your hair, your teeth between your lips.
"This can't be happening." You repeatedly said, now covering your face with both your hands.
Why does she have to show up now, after all these years? Just when I've finally gotten myself together, I have to work with her.
You took a deep breath, holding your chest, trying to calm down the fast pace of your heartbeat.
"I can handle this. Just maintain a professional attitude and everything will be alright," you reassure yourself. Taking a deep breath, you calm your nerves and regain your composure.
‘‘What was that all about?’‘ Chaewon nudged Yunjin’s side, whispering at her. 
‘‘What.’‘ Yunjin mumbled seemingly staring at the floor, like it was the most interesting thing to look at. 
‘‘Like you almost pulling that new girl in your arms, almost as if you knew her.’‘ Chaewon crossed her arms against her chest, now sitting straight on the couch.
‘‘It was nothing.’‘ 
Chaewon raised her brows, clearly uncoinvinced by the short excuse.
‘‘Dont lie to me, Jennifer.’‘ 
Yunjin sighed, her lips forming a frown. ‘’She...She’s my ex.’’ 
Chaewon let out a gasp, quickly concealing her surprise at the major revelation.
‘‘What?! Do you mean the one you always talk about? That was her?’‘ Chaewon loudly whispered now moving closer to Yunjin.
‘‘yes." Yunjin sighed for the third time, what was she thinking of course you'd act like that. After all, it wasn't like you guys were still bestest of friends after she left you, even when she promised she'd keep in contact but she never did.
"how about you talk to her?" Chaewon suggested.
"I wish, but It seems like she doesn't want me to." Yunjin pouted, playing with the ring on her finger.
"Do you still want her back?" Chaewon firmly spoke.
"I do but-"
“No buts, if you still love her and really do want her back, you should show her that, show her that you wouldn't make the same mistakes, Go for it!” chaewon jokingly shake Yunjin’s slouched figure, her eyes full of sincerity.
Yunjin smiled softly, her hands on her lap.
“Okay, I’ll prove it to her, I will, thanks Chaewon I really needed this.”
Chaewon smiled back patting Yunjin’s back.
Since that day, Yunjin has been a constant presence by your side. You can always spot her in your peripheral vision, and she always seems to be focused on you. She finds ways to strike up conversations with you and subtly suggests grabbing a meal together. She even makes excuses to prolong her time with you.
Despite that, the challenges of getting you back was harder than she thought, you’d always have an excuse of being busy or you had somewhere to go. Of course, she knew that was a clear lie, and she understands that but she didn’t expect it to hurt her that much, you avoided her, but that didn’t make her stop pursuing you. Getting you back was hard work she’d commit to just to have you back in her arms.
Yunjin wiped the beads of sweat that dropped against her brows, her heavy breathing echoing in the practice room.
She stayed a little more, to rehearse the dance step she had a little hard time learning. Alone in the room she sloppily walked towards her water bottle chugging it down, the water dripping on her shirt.
She checked her phone, it was 12 a.m in the morning. She groaned stretching her arms, moving them in a circular motion.
She picked up her sling bag, texting her manager to pick her up from the company.
She stood in front of the entrance, shivering at the cold breeze that passed her, receiving a reply from her manager, saying she'd be a little late because of the harsh weather.
she took a seat on the waiting benches, playing with the keychain of her bag, yawning with the tears building up at the corner of her eyes, the rainy night made her drowsy.
That is, until she noticed someone in her field of view, it was you beyond the entrance door, standing against the pouring rain, slightly damp but safely protected by the building's roof from the heavy rain.
Suddenly, the drowsiness that had engulfed Yunjin has turned into concern and worry as she sprints towards you.
You felt a coat cover your freezing body, the familiar pungent scent of the jacket made you look back.
‘‘What, are you doing here?!’‘ She shrieked, grabbing hold of your wrist to pull you back inside the building, but your body didn’t budge at all. 
‘‘I’m admiring the rain.’’ You whispered gently, your gaze now fixed on her bleached hair; you loved it better when it was black.
As she let out a soft sigh, her grip on your wrist loosened and she eventually released your hand, though the sensation of her touch lingered on your skin.
She stood a little closer to you, feeling the warmth of her body.
‘‘Why are you soaked?’‘ her eyes looking at the tree’s moving into the rhythm of the wind.
‘‘I was going to walk home but the rain chased over me, so I had no choice but to go back here.’‘ You played against the hem of her soft fabric jacket.
The wind became louder, the rain falling against the roof drowned out the loud hammering of Yunjin's chest, being this near to you made her happy, a lot happy.
But the silence was something Yunjin couldn’t stay in forever, she was willing to ask you again and again.
‘‘Yn.’‘ Her voice came to a whisper that the wind overtook.
‘‘Whatever we had, can we have it back?’‘ 
The emptiness of silence you gave her made her heart ache even more, her eyes carefully glancing at your physique, your countenance blank.
"Why. Why repeat the past and only hurt the both of us, again." You let go of the hem of the jacket. Now your hand forms a tight fist.
"But it won't happen again, and I won't leave you like before." She grips both of your hands tightly, her voice shaking slightly from the cold or perhaps from the fear of losing you again.
“oh really, now that you have everything you ever wish for, you think it’s easy to go back to the way it was. Because ever since you left me, I’ve been counting every second and every minute of you gone, dreading for you to come back, but you never did, if you really did love me maybe. maybe this would have never happened.’’
All of Yunjin's memories flashed before her eyes, and the expression you gave her was the same. The same dreadful look you gave her as she went away. It caused her heart to tighten in an awful way.
‘‘I get that you were chasing over your lifelong dream, but what about me? where did I stand in your life? did you ever place me in your future, or was I ever in it to begin with? ’‘
‘‘You are-’‘ 
‘‘If I ever was then, maybe you still kept in touch with me, but you never did, did you?’‘ 
Of course, what reply could she ever give to you with that sentence? and she deserved this, she was selfish, she never thought what you felt. It’s true when they said love makes us both selfless and selfish, you were selfless enough to accept that she left you over her silly dreams yet you always told her, she was special to still dream.
''Then, give me a second chance I'll prove to you that I can still fix things!''
''We aren't the same people we used to be-''
Yunjin hugs you tightly, putting her head against your shoulder.
''Please, yn we can still fix this because after all these years I still love you, people do change but my love for you didn't. I can't afford to lose you again so please, can you take me back''
before you could even give an answer, a car stopped beside you both. showing her manager in the driver's seat.
You felt the once tight embrace slowly loosening, she had to let you go.
''think about it, I'll give you space'' last words she said before avoiding your gaze into the car.
ever since that day, it has been a week since she stopped bothering you. you'd walk past her at times and be in the same room as her yet, she felt far away from you, she avoided your gaze and only ever spoke when it was important.
And the more she did distance herself from you, the more it distracted you. why was it difficult for you, this is what you wanted right. yet, it didn't feel nice at all.
so here you were, in a bar driven nuts with drinks you could gaze upon, chugging it all whole.
''Yn, I think you've had enough..'' Your friend, Kai spoke looking anxious at your drunken state.
''I'm fine, I'm fine'' you motioned your hands at him, slurring in the process.
''Seriously, I think we should go home'' Kai, holds onto your arms ushering you to stand up. but you push his hands off, muttering no's, hugging the chair.
''Why won't she just leave me alone, why is she giving me space. I hate her so much'' You muttered, laying your head against the chair.
everything went black, and you felt someone holding onto you. You opened your eyes slightly, you were in the parking lot, your arms up on someone's shoulders. someone was carrying you.
''Thanks for picking her up'' You heard Kai talk to someone.
''Don't worry I'll take care of her, thanks for taking care of her'' The familiar voice perked your ears, making you glance to your right, to see her. Yunjin was carrying you.
You heard them bid goodbye as Yunjin, carefully put you on the passenger seat, gently holding onto your arms to help you.
Why was she the one picking you up?
You both shortly arrived at your apartment, and she left the driver's seat. You hazily look at your window pane, seeing her open the door holding your arm onto her shoulder and helping you up.
''Be careful'' She mumbled.
You stumbled a little, going inside the apartment the room was dimly lit, and she lays you down on the couch.
''I'll get you a glass of water, I'll be back-''
before she could even step foot away from you, you gripped tightly on her wrist. She gazes back at you startled.
''Don't leave me'' You muttered.
''I'll just get something, I won't be too long'' She tries to remove your hold, but you only gripped it even more tightly. Pulling her close to you.
''You already left me once, don't do it twice'' You slurred.
''Okay, I won't'' She sits on the floor, letting you hold her hand for a while.
There was a moment of silence until,
''I miss you''
''You miss me?'' She said.
''No, I've been missing you ever since had your back faced to me, I've been missing you even when you stood right in front of me'' Your eyes stared back at Yunjin's glistening ones.
''I missed you even when you were still mine''
Yunjin's heart took its pace, feeling overwhelmed at such a revelation, but she shouldn't get ahead of herself, you were drunk after all.
''Yn, you're drunk,'' she spoke.
''Let's just talk about this tomorrow when you're sobered'' She stood up, but you persisted gripping tightly on the hem of her shirt.
''I can try, I'll learn to love you again- so don't leave me'' Your voice filled with drowsiness.
She faces back at you, with a gleam in her eyes. Brushing the strands of hair covering your face.
''Okay, I won't leave you.''
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likesunsetorange · 8 months
“mikasa and eren are antisocial af so they probably end up talking bc they’re little losers lol, and eren probably can tell mikasa is bored and here’s this gorgeous model, so he’s gonna whisk her away and they go to his ranch they have a romantic night under the stars and all that but he’s dumb and doesn’t get her number and she goes back home to ny without it”
them slipping out of the room all giddy!!!!!!!!!! him not getting her number is sooodooooso my doodoo head…….. he’s already resigned himself to being a notch on her post, a lover if one may (can he call himself that? he will in his head anyways!)
like a global model would’ve never taken a relationship with him seriously so he’s should just treasure the moment then boom she shows up! and if we’re really leaning into the romcom of it all it’s during like crazy rain, her car gets stuck, she trucks herself to his doorstep by foot, and he stares slack jawed when he opens the door to se her <3
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omg anon i was using your ask to draft a drabble and then this little incident of mikasa showing up to eren’s house has since spiraled further so we will be compiling all the ideas into one and since i had already been writing on this one we’re still gonna use yours lol!
also very much enjoying the dramatics and hallmark vibes here like is that just the energy i exude? extreme unseriousness and hallmark level corniness lol??
but fuck it drabble let’s go 🦅🦅🦅
(this actually ended up being so long lol 1.6k so enjoy!)
The rain only started falling harder every minute longer Mikasa continued to drive down the gravel road, the pitch black of the country sky only adding to the lack of visibility. She gripped the steering wheel hard, trying to focus on what little bit of the road she could see. The high beams of the rental car were doing little to nothing to help her see, only adding to her anxiety.
Her only saving grace was the fact that the GPS was telling her she was only five minutes away from Eren’s house—the last place she should be on a Wednesday night in the middle of April—not to mention she was halfway across the country, in the middle of nowhere, driving down a country road to see a man who’d she had only seen once. 
Had it been her best idea? No. Was she still doing it? Absolutely.
There had been few times in her life when she had run off pure spontaneity, and she would allow herself this one instance of a lack of sensibility. It certainly wasn’t wise to book a flight in the act of impulse after finding out said man would be free all week, a pause in his hectic schedule, a schedule she had acquired by coercing her assistant to do some potentially not-so-legal things. 
But the ticket had been bought. The rental car reservation had been made. So there was no turning back. (There certainly was opportunity to turn around, but Mikasa didn’t want to give herself any potential out or else she wouldn’t ever commit to doing so.)
So here she was, 0.75 miles from his house, running off pure adrenaline, rehearsing the speech she and Sasha had prepared.
“Hi, Eren. I know this is sudden, but I probably should’ve asked you for your number before leaving. I had to come back to Texas for another shoot, so I thought I would stop by.”
Maybe it was partially based on a lie, but tomato, tomato. It would be fine, she would be fine, and she told herself that all of this certainly wouldn’t blow up in her face.
Until that was precisely what happened.
She had been driving down the curve that led up to Eren’s ranch house when she felt the car jerk, suddenly drifting off the road, before halting to a stop, the Low-Pressure light immediately flashing on. As soon as she saw the lights flash on, she immediately knew one of the tires had blown out, leaving her stranded in the pouring rain just outside of Eren’s house.
“Fuck,” she muttered under her breath. Mikasa leaned her head against the steering wheel, her stomach beginning to pool with regret.
“Do you think it would be weird if I just showed up at his house?”
Yes, Mikasa. It would be weird—it’s fucking insane of you, she thought to herself. And you certainly wouldn’t be in the fucking predicament you are in now if you just called him like any sane other sane person.
Mikasa glanced at her phone, the GPS alerting her she was only 0.25 miles from his house, and the weather app telling her the rain wouldn’t stop for at least the next four hours. 
She sat there weighing her options. 
Call a tow truck, and stick out the wait in her car
Walk to Eren’s house 
Mikasa could see the lights of his house shining through the rain like a lighthouse in a stormy sea, signaling a potential safe return. At this point, she had already risked so much—her pride, her sanity, and almost her life had the tire incident gone any worse—what more did she have to lose?
She shut off the car, grabbed the keys and her phone—leaving her other belongings so if she needed to do a walk of shame back to her car, at least she’d be traveling light—and shoved on a jacket, thankful to whatever higher power she decided to bring one with her on the plane that day. 
Mikasa told herself that if she ran as fast as she could, she would be there quickly, but she didn’t anticipate having to trek through mud, puddles, and essentially pitch black to make it to his front porch. By the time she made it up the steps, her white shoes were ruined, her white tank top was practically see-through, showing every lace detail of her black bra, and her bangs were plastered to her face. (Suddenly, there didn’t seem to be any point in asking how she should do her hair.)
There wasn’t much left to do but ring the doorbell, and at this point, she didn’t have anything left to lose, so she jammed her finger against it, giving herself no opportunity to back out. She heard the chime echo through his house while she stood there fiddling with her thumbs, trying to ring out as much water as she could from her hair, trying to make herself look the least bit presentable.
She heard the low timbre of a man from the other side of the door before the fumbling of the lock and doorknob snapped her attention forward. Mikasa felt her heart get stuck in her stomach as she saw the door pull back, Eren’s tall frame coming into view.
Mikasa had to stop herself from letting her jaw drop when she saw him; the first time she saw him practically paling in comparison to how he looked right now. From the fact that he had no shirt on, allowing her to see just how much muscle he had from all those days he spent working hard, to the sweats that hung low on his hips, leaving little to her imagination. He even looked prettier when he was home, as if the sense of comfort it brought him added an extra glow to his face. 
His hand was clenched around his phone, holding it to his ear when he finally spoke, breaking Mikasa out of her ogling.
“Hey mom, I’m gonna have to call you back later… No ma’am… Yes ma’am, I will. I promise… I love you too… Okay, bye. Talk to you tomorrow.” His voice was velvety when he spoke, something about the way he spoke sweet and rich, a sound Mikasa didn’t think she’d ever get tired of.
Eren stared at her blankly once he hung up the phone, dumbfounded that she was standing on his front porch, not to mention that she was muddy and drenched from the rain. 
The two of them were stuck in a staring contest, neither of them able to formulate words—all of Mikasa’s confidence had suddenly flown out the window, leaving her at a loss for words, because as soon as she opened her mouth, she knew she would be babbling like an idiot.
“Umm… Hi?” Eren said, his greeting coming out more like a question than anything.
“Hi,” Mikasa somehow managed to squeak out. 
“Umm…” He repeated, still at a loss for words.
Mikasa’s mind, a jumbled mess, opted to go for it, knowing her babbling would be better than whatever awkward mess this was. 
“You forgot something,” she said blankly.
Eren looked at her confused, his brows furrowing, “What?”
“You didn’t ask for my number the last time we saw each other. You forgot to ask me for it when I left here,” she said, stepping closer to where he stood in the doorway.
“You wanted me to ask you for your number?” Eren stared at her in disbelief, whether it was because he was shocked at her words or that she dared to show up and say them; Mikasa didn’t know.
“You brought me to your ranch, took me on a ride on horseback underneath the stars, called me beautiful, and then still didn’t ask me for my number. You didn’t even try to kiss me.”
“Did you want me to?” Eren said as his eyes flickered to her lips.
“Do you really think I would fly across the country on a whim and walk a quarter mile in the rain if I didn’t want you to ask me for my number or kiss me, Eren?” Mikasa asked. 
She stood before him, glancing up at him, her face merely inches away from his. She could see how long his lashes looked beneath the porch light, the strands of gold and bronze within his hair, and the plush pink of his lips—right where she could kiss him.
“Mikasa, you walked a quarter mile in the pouring—” 
He didn’t get the chance to finish his sentence before Mikasa pushed herself upward, so her lips met his, her hand steadying itself on his broad chest. He tasted like sweet tea and a touch of Chapstick, his lips as soft as she could have imagined. His hands steadied on her waist, bringing her closer to him. She relished in the way he felt before the reality of the situation began to plague her mind—clarity being her cruelest enemy.
Maybe it was the second-guessing running through her head, but the sudden urge to pull away instantly flooded through her mind before she jerked herself back.
“Hey, don’t do that,” Eren’s voice immediately rang through her ears as she pulled away. “Who said I wanted you to stop?”
“Oh, did you not?”
“You show up on my doorstep with all these questions, then kiss me, and now you’re surprised I wanted to kiss you back?”
“Umm… maybe?”
Eren didn’t give her much time to think before he picked her up and walked her into his house. “How about I let you into my house so you don’t end up sick from being drenched in the rain, get you some dry clothes, and you can ask me all the questions you want?”
“Okay,” she responded shyly, her face flushing red at his directness.
“Never met a girl so pretty and bold before, surely I have to keep you around.”
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kasdan · 9 months
𝐸𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟'𝑠 𝐹𝑢𝑟𝑦 {𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 10}
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Summary: you question where you and frank stand while struggling with your emotions
Pairing: frank castle x reader
Warnings: angst, reader is confused, girlie destroys a bathroom, frank is a butt face doodoo head, awkwardness, language, trust issues, trauma
Word count: 1.7k
Chapter song: love me or leave me - little mix
I'm sitting on the bed, legs crossed under me, mindlessly watching whatever happens to be on TV at the moment. Every once in a while, I glance over to Frank, who seems to be actively avoiding my gaze, his head turned in the other direction from where I sit.
The air in the room has shifted ever since what happened, and it feels like I'm being suffocated by it. I have tried multiple times to say something to him, but every time I look over at him, I can't bring myself to say anything that might bother him more.
It feels like we've been sitting here for hours in silence, and I don't know how much longer I can stand it. I'm just about to get up and lock myself in the bathroom, desperate to get away from the feeling in the room, when the door to the motel opens and David steps back inside.
I'm quick to turn off the TV and practically jump up from the bed I'm on, causing David to look taken aback by the sudden movement. "Hey," I say, desperate to break the uncomfortable tension in the room.
"Hey," David glances at Frank on the bed, but if he notices that he's awake, he doesn't say anything. "Sorry that I took so long; I had to go back to the bunker to get something and picked up food on the way back." He motions to the bag that I just notice he has in his hand.
He sets the bag on the surface next to the TV before reaching for something in his pocket. "Before I forget, here, put this on." He walks over to me, extending a small silver bracelet out for me to grab. I take it out of his hand, examining it before sending him a questionable look. "It'll help your powers be untraceable from anyone." 
I look down at the small item in my hand, hesitant to put it on right away without knowing exactly what it's supposed to do. "How?" I ask, looking up at David, for an explanation.
He sighs softly, sitting down on the edge of the bed I was once on before looking up at where I stayed standing. "When you use your powers, you send an extreme amount of electromagnetic waves through the air, which is how you’re able to be tracked. When you said you were using your powers earlier, I was able to catch the signal and smother it so no one was able to follow it. Even if they saw it beforehand, they would have only seen the general location of where you were; they would have no idea where to start." 
I wouldn't know if Frank is even awake right now if it weren't for the slight sound movement coming from the bed he's on. If David notices, he doesn't say anything and continues where he left off. "The bracelet I just handed you should make it so any signal you emit when using your powers isn't able to be picked up. I had a feeling that something like this would be able to work for you; I just needed to figure out how they were tracking you, and you using your powers at that house is when I was able to figure it out." 
I look down at the bracelet that I still hold in my hand, examining it more. I spend time just looking at the object in my hands and clicking the small button on it that pops it open to make it easier to put on. It looks similar to the one I already have, which makes me more hesitant to put it on. I can't shake the feeling that it's a trap for me to put on the same type of bracelet, rendering me defenseless as soon as I put it on.
"Hey" I almost jump at the sound of Frank's voice, not expecting to hear it after so long of silence. I tear my gaze away from the bracelet to see Frank sitting back up in bed, looking at me. "Remember what we talked about?" It doesn't take me long to know what he's talking about. It's like he knows what I'm thinking without me having to outright say it.
I want to trust him; I really do, but for some reason my body just can't move in order to put the bracelet on. There's still a part of me that doesn't want to take the risk of it, remembering how it felt the endless years I spent in the lab.
My gaze falls to the ground, not being able to look at him any longer. "'S okay; you don't have to do anythin' you don't want to."
"Well-" David starts to speak but immediately stops after he sees the glare Frank sends his direction. I can feel my emotions going into overdrive again, and before anyone can say anything, I'm pushing past the two beds to quickly make my way to the bathroom, keeping my head down the entire time.
I make sure I lock the door behind me before leaning on the sink. I close my eyes and try to get my breathing back to normal. I can hear brief mumbled exchanges happening with the two men I left in the other room.
I clutch the bracelet in my hand as I focus on calming down my breathing enough to focus my mind on something else. It takes a little bit, but I'm able to get my breathing and heart rate back to a bearable pace.
I open my eyes to find my reflection staring back at me. I can barely recognize myself anymore; my eyes are no longer sunk in as much as they were before and no longer look dull and void; I look alive. No longer used as the experiment I was; a look that I didn't know existed.
I run my fingers over the bracelet, noticing that even though it looks similar to the one I'm already wearing, the material of it is a lot smoother than the roughness of the other one, as if the comfort of wearing the bracelet were thought of. 
There is no reason not to trust the two men that brought me in; they haven't really done anything showing any hostility towards me or any indications that they had any intentions of putting me back into the experimental life I was living, and I don't understand why it's so hard for me to put on a bracelet that they say will help me.
"Fuck it." I whisper under my breath before quickly clipping the bracelet onto my wrist before I change my mind. I stand there for a couple seconds, thinking something is going to happen, but everything remains the same. It's not until I unclip the old bracelet, thinking there's not much use for me to be wearing it any longer, that everything happens at once.
As soon as the old bracelet leaves my wrist, the mirror in front of me cracks, the light above me pops, and the ground below me starts to shake. The door to the bathroom cracks in half, causing me to jump back from it, and I feel a slight buzzing in my hands, but my mind is focused on the shaking of the room.
The shaking doesn't last long, but it does enough damage to knock things off the shelves. It's not long before quick footsteps are heard rushing towards the bathroom, and David and Frank's faces are easily seen through the broken door.
"What happened?" David rapidly gets out, and at the same time, Frank asks if I'm okay in the same manner.
"Uh, something with this." I hold up the old bracelet I recently took off my wrist while glancing around the ruined bathroom one more time. 
David and Frank share a look at each other before David leaves the view through the door, muttering something along the lines of "we have to go" before I hear him back in the previous room.
Frank gently looks at me for a moment before whispering "c'mon" and leaving in the direction David left. I can't understand what he's thinking when he looks at me now or what I did for him to look at me so differently in such a short amount of time. I'll have to force myself to talk to him later, not knowing how to even start the conversation or what it's even supposed to be about.
I look down at the bracelet left in my hand and let out a sharp breath before dropping it to the ground and going to pull the doorknob so what's left of the door opens. I use my other hand to hold up the top part of the door so it doesn't fall, and once I'm out of the destroyed bathroom, I lay the part of the door as softly as I can against the doorframe and walk towards the other room.
The door to the room is open, and I can see David loading things into the car he parked as close as possible to the room from where I stand. I look over to see Frank messing with the bandage on his side, softly grunting when it doesn't do what he wants.
"I can help you." I take a step towards him, but he quickly deflects my help.
"'M fine." He forces out almost aggressively, turning his body away from me, causing me to take a step back. Does he hate me? Suddenly water sounds from outside, and I look out to see water coming down harshly and David running to where we are, his jacket over his head, to try to prevent himself from getting wet.
"It started pouring out of nowhere; we should leave before it gets any worse. Luckily, there don't seem to be many people here who heard the commotion, so we should be good." He ushers both of us out of the room so he can lock the door behind us after doing a quick sweep to make sure he got everything before locking up.
Frank quickly sits in the front seat of the car while I get in the back, and David gets in behind the wheel a couple seconds later. 
He hands out the containers of food for the road, and I spend the ride slowly eating the food, with the sound of rain hitting the car and clouding me from the world outside the car.
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@sleeperthelazy @hathay @lunaticgurly @casa-boiardi @mattmurdocksstarlight @stilldreaming666 @cherry-berry-ollie
buy me a coffee ♡
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qtipcottonbuds · 2 years
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a vv bit short this is again 
warnings ;; delayed gratification, orgasm control, orgasm denial, mild language, dom/sub dynamics, mean dom elements, begging and humilation kink, a sort of pillow thing here too, sort of size ish difference.my sleepy brain is doodoo balls rn
by qtipcottonbuds 2022. do not repost.
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His glasses are misty, fogged with condensation - the sweat beading across his temples gradually gathering beneath his eyes, pooling in the rims. Working up a sweat with you was something he was already accustomed to; straining muscles, sweat dampening his lower back, acting as a substitute adhesive for his shirt, wet and glued to his body like a second skin - but, this was different. You were shy, intimidated. Submissive. 
Nudging his glasses back up with a jerk of the head, now seated back on the bridge of his nose (the official safe zone), he looms over you once more, encompassing your frame entirely. With his hands, worn and calloused, secure on your waist, thumbing over the skin, Kei readjusts your hips, guiding them partially upwards, allowing him to sink deeper. Deeper and deeper. Kei wasn’t small by any means, but the sight of a slight bulge, bulbous and fat, pressing up from within your stomach, was provoking a primitive part of him.
Smoothing a hand over the expanse of your lower stomach, briefly raised by the protrusion, he digs the heel of his palm over it, hissing at the sensation - he was in deep. You’re faring no better either, lips parting and offering nothing but silence and taking comfort in a nearby cushion, fingers grasping into the material firmly.
Looking down through his rims, he pauses in his movements, remaining stationary inside of you - and the reaction is instantaneous. You’re clearly conflicted, held back by the crippling shyness to voice your desire for him to continue, and that, the halt in his movements has you acknowledging how far in he truly was, kissing your insides.
Your eyes meet his, timidly, seeking comforting and shrinking further into the confines of the pillow - embarrassed by your own lust - but no words leave you, rather, a shaky hand reaching towards his face.
A silent olive branch.
Smacking your hand away, Kei sneers, unable to suppress it fully, and leans down, his nose against yours, “Beg. You don’t ask, you don’t get.”
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baji-sideblog · 3 months
tw. Bully, exes that are doodoo
The ocs see Mc crying after their ex friend or worker treat them wrong like they are crossing the street, or heading out to work.
Sorry this took so long it got buried in my drafts
Cw death, mentions of blackmail, someone getting beaten up (not darling), Rider eating someone (not mc), poisoning
For Luka let’s say he sees your coworker treating you wrong when he comes in to bring you food like he usually does.
Luka is automatically pissed and goes into protective mode over you, transforming into his werewolf form barring his teeth at your coworker snapping at them to back off. Once they run off one of his heads is nuzzling you close licking your cheek trying to soothe you while the other head is on guard watching out if anyone is coming.
He’ll stay with you after that in his werewolf form still on high alert his arms around you protectively as his two heads nuzzle you licking your face occasionally. Even after you’ve calmed down he refuses to leave until you’re home. After you’re home Luka sniffs out your coworker finding their home and breaks in with ease before dragging them out to the woods to dispose of them.
Mandus a coworker of yours. He comes into the store to see you and get a coffee to help him do a long night of paperwork he had to bring with him from work. When he sees your coworker harassing you Mandus waste no time grabbing them by the back of their shirt yanking them away from you with enough force to make them stumble.
He’ll drag your coworker outside telling you not to worry about anything, that he’ll sort them out. Once the two of them are outside and away from anyone’s view Mandus will beat the crap out of the person. Telling them to quit and never return or else Mandus will give them a more proper lesson. He’ll come back inside afterwards checking on you standing on guard.
For Quinn we’ll be doing an ex friend. When they see your ex friend spat out disgusting words at you Quinn is soon in front of you telling them to leave right there blowing smoke at them. Once they’re gone Quinn picks you up and takes you to their home. Cuddling you close and ordering you your favorite food. Once your asleep Quinn looks for any information they can find to ruin your ex friends life.
If there is nothing they can use against your ex friend information wise then they’ll get their hands a little dirty. They’ll subtly spread the rumor to their fans about your ex friend how horrible they are. And smear them subtly enough so they couldn’t get in trouble, but clear enough for their more zealous fans to harass the ex-friend nonstop till they break them down.
Rider as your stalker is constantly watching you when he’s not busy with work. So he could see the growing tension between you and your coworker. He was quick to give your coworker a warning to be nicer or else he would devour them. Though one day after he finished a tattooing session with a client and went to watch you he saw your coworker snapping at you.
Rider stormed into the convenient store and punched your coworker right there. He stands in front on you protectively growling at your coworker to run. Once they start running off Rider turns to you kissing your face and checking on you. He’ll give you one last kiss telling you he’ll be back and leaves the store stalking after your coworker based off their scent. Once he catches up to your coworker he’ll drag them to the side and eat them alive.
Topaz has always tried monopolizing your time scaring off most people who try to get closer to you. But with a coworker she has a tougher time because not everyone can just up and quit their job, plus she doesn’t want to overwhelm you with work that would take your time away from her. When she hears from you about one of your coworkers giving you a hard time Topaz is furious holding you close and promising you she’ll take care of it.
She makes a deadly poison and sneaks into the break room of the store lacing it in the food of your coworker while you’re on not working. She watches from the shadows with wicked delight seeing them eat their poisoned food and fall onto the ground in pain. Coughing up blood squirming on the floor dying after a few minutes. Topaz heads to your home after the deed is done to give you lots of cuddles and feed you plenty of sweet treats her tail wagging at being by your side.
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tillthelandslide · 1 year
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For Better or For Worse - Ross MacDonald One Shot
Taglist: @scooby-doodoo @thereisaplaceintheheart @promocodesorry75 @eaglestar31 @thefrontofmymind @fallingforel @partoftheairforce @procrastinatinglikeapro @poisonmedaddy13 @xthe1975 @all-things-fic @jstbeeingme @rossgirly @juliardk @you-muppet @moodyyyychickx @k4tie75 @friedlandblog @insidemymind19 @zzzhealy @at-her-very-foreign (add yourself using the link in my bio 😊)
You stand anxiously at the side of the stage, Joel is next to you, although he leaves occasionally when Ross needs a different bass, but soon enough he's back by your side. You're thankful he's here, his shoulders graze yours and it's enough comfort to ease you slightly. The real comfort you need is performing on the stage in front of you. You know he'd also be thankful that Joel has stepped in to give you some support.
Joel watches as you wince when Ross does, how you suck in air through your teeth when pain covers his face. Your eyes rarely leave the blue band wrapped around his bicep, only flicking down to his hand when he flexes it, another thing causing him trouble as of late.
"What does the tape do again?" You ask Joel, probably the 10th time you've asked him. He isn't a medical professional by any means, but Ross has told him what the medics had told him, so he could tell you, knowing you'd worry.
"it prevents the overstretching and over contracting of injured muscles to stop his injuries getting worse" he says, sounding as if he had memorised it from a book.
You watch as Ross flinches again and you copy him "it's clearly not working". The song comes to an end and he flexes his hand again. You know Joel needs to give Ross a different bass but you stop him momentarily.
"Can you give him these?" You say, fishing the painkillers his doctor gave him out of your bag and popping two pills. Joel smiles before leaving you, bass (and painkillers) in hand.
You watch as Ross smiles a weak smile at you, walking over to his drink, which is usually some type of alcohol but is now replaced with water, and he takes the tablets. You feel slightly better after that, enjoying the show for a little while, your husband looking less pained.
But it's not long until it creeps back over his features and you sigh.
"What he needs it rest..." You hear behind you, turning to see Jamie who smiles before he hugs you.
"Rich coming from the guy that's got them fully booked until next March" you say but despite your words he laughs, knowing they didn't have venom behind them.
"Wasn't counting on him to get an injury" he says and you can tell he too is worried.
"He's still amazing though don't you think?" Jamie nods. He never falters despite being in pain and being injured and you feel proud watching him. But you are worried for him.
"He's resting as much as he can and he's taking his painkillers as prescribed and the tape seems to be helping" Jamie says but before he's gotten his words out you both watch as Ross removes the tape. You don't know why, perhaps it's irritating him, but whatever the reason is, it doesn't stop you from silently scolding him.
You wait until the very end of the show, watching him walk to the other side of the stage and waving to the fans there before he comes back to your side. He walks towards you with a smile, but he looks exhausted. Despite being a little mad at him you open your arms so he can step into them. He leans down to tuck his head into your neck and you place a kiss on his cheek.
"Did amazing sweetheart" you say and he hums against you.
"Let's get you back to the bus, we can put ice on your arm" you say and he pulls back to smile at you.
"What would I do without you hmm?" He asks and you chuckle, hand coming up to brush the stray hairs away from his slightly sweaty face.
"Fester" you say and he chuckles.
He wraps his arm around your shoulders but you hear him wince and remove it immediately.
"Fuck sake, can't even hold my girl" he exclaims, annoyed with the whole situation. You pout at him, feeling truly sympathetic towards him, not wanting him to be in any sort of pain ever, but knowing that wasn't realistic.
"Come here" you say, leaning up slightly and kissing him softly before gently rounding his other side and taking his other injured hand in yours. He smiles at you and you walk to the bus.
You offer to help him shower but he insists he can do it himself (after much rebuttal from you). Whilst he's in there you read up about other ways to help him. You help him get changed into a baggy jumper reading that tight clothing can make muscle injuries worse. You bring an ice pack wrapped in a towel to his arm and hold it for him, he smiles at you whilst you do, noting how concentrated you are. You hold it there for a while, whilst you speak about various things.
"Okay I was reading up ways to help you and it says to elevate your arm" you say and he slowly lifts it, resting it on the back of the sofa behind your head, quietly flinching at the pain that shoots up to his shoulder. But once he's still the pain dissipates and he's back to smiling at you.
"Thank you for doing this love" he says, leaning down to kiss you gently.
"You're welcome... For better or for worse, in sickness and in health right?" You say and Ross chuckles.
"Don't remember you saying that in your vows love... I vividly remember you saying you promise to always give me Guinness, to never make me explain football.... Oh and there was something about telling everyone I'm the hottest member of the 1975" you jib his stomach lightly at his jesting not expecting him to chuckle which in turn makes him flinch.
"shit" he swears at the new onslaught of pain.
"Ross I'm so sorry" you say, rising up slightly, eyes never leaving him to make sure he's okay.
"I'm okay love, I'm okay" he swears, hand pulling you back closer to him. "This is kicking my butt a little bit huh?" He asks and you nod as you frown at him. "Got you to look after me though hmm?" You nod "my little nurse" that makes you chuckle.
"I could get an outfit if you'd like" you say and he physically has to hold back his laughter to stop himself from hurting more.
"Love you're killing me here" he says with a soft chuckle pressing his lips to your head.
"Some wife I am..." You say as you sink to his chest.
"Shh don't say that... You're the best, all worried about me and looking up ways to help me" he says, pressing another kiss to your head.
"Well we can't have you making yourself worse and not being able to perform" you say and feel him nod above you. You crane your neck to look at him and he briefly leans down to kiss you.
"I know love..." He says.
"Besides, we gotta make sure Daddy's fit and healthy as can be when baby macdonald arrives" you say and it makes him smile widely, his left hand moving to rest against your bump. Gone are the days where that singular word would make him smirk like a schoolboy, gone are the days where that word would make him hold in his laughter. The word now, 4 months in, makes him smile widely and his heart swells in his chest, heart beating rapidly, looking forward to the day when his little girl says the same word.
"That we do" he says, the baby kicks against his palm, so attuned to her father.
"Although I'm convinced you'll always be fit" you say and he chuckles again.
"Even when I'm grey and old?" He asks.
"Especially then" you say. He laughs loudly, his whole body shaking, arm hurting him again.
"Think you're going to have to go away if you keep making me laugh love" he says, making you pout.
"I'm joking, my love" he says with a kiss to your lips.
"I swear to god if Matty changes the setlist one more time and makes you play something hard I'm going to kill that man" you say and Ross shakes his head as he smiles.
"We wouldn't want that... Who would be baby Mcdonalds godfather then?" He says, chucking at the way you exhale deeply.
"Literally anyone else Ross..." You say and he smiles.
"I love you so much" he says.
“I love you too, now hold still' you say, placing the ice back onto his arm. The pain eases from his face again and you smile, glad it's helping.
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Let's get some positivity back in the fandom! What's your favorite Eddie moment or HC that you have? Favorite episode or fic? Anything!
Awww, thanks for the ask!
For a headcanon, I think Eddie would have been the type to pull on your pigtails as a kid.
Everytime he sees you his stomach feels weird but in a not-bad way, and then you talk and his face gets hot like after he runs around with the others on the playground
He doesn't understand it at all, so he reacts in the way that many boys do; by messing with you more. He kicks over your sandcastles, chases you around with snakes in his hand, and calls you doodoo-head and peeface, and whatever other insults his 8-year-old can come up with
When he pulls on your hair is the last straw for you, cause your mother spent hours the night before to make it look pretty for your birthday
You turn around and punch him right in the nose, and that escalates into a full fight fuelled by the rest of the class cheering you on (but really it's more of a beatdown cause you're the only one doing any hitting)
Later when you and Eddie sit in the principal's office and his Uncle Wayne comes to pick him up, and after Eddie's forced to apologize to you, Wayne has to sit him down and explain that harassment is not the right way to get a girl's attention when you like her
From that day forward, Eddie's behavior takes a complete 180. He's leaving love letters on your desk and giving you wildflowers he picked on the edge of the playground. You never take him up on the dating but he becomes a constant presence in your life
Eddie was there to comfort you when you had your first breakup, he helped you out when you had your first period, and when you got old enough to drive, he lets you drive with his van to help you learn (he doesn't even let Hellfire Club touch his van!)
Now you're coming up on graduation and Eddie on his (hopefully) final year of high school, and the two of you are practically inseparable. You've been accepted to a college out of state, and Wayne managed to pull some strings to get him a job at a mechanic's in Hawkins
Eddie tells you happy for you, and he is, but you can't help but notice the heartwrenching look in his eyes when he tells you that (it makes your heart squeeze everytime you think about)
Now you're the one with butterflies in your stomach and your face getting hot when you look at him
At first you try to avoid him to make the feeling go away, but when Eddie calls to ask you why, you cave almost immediately
You don't want to leave him, but you don't want to take the leap either - high school sweethearts almost never work out - but you can't help the way your heart flies when Eddie looks at you
So when the two of you finally graduate cause fuck you Duffer Brothers, I say he's alive you decided to take the leap before you leave for college - and Eddie says yes
You never leave each other side, for the rest of your lives❤
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tofuxtea · 2 years
𝐒𝐀𝐌 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑 | 𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘴𝘦𝘹 + 𝘣𝘰𝘥𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 — sam winchester x fem!reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 — oral sex (fem receiving), body worship, basically i’m in fucking love with sam’s big ass nose and want to feel it on my clit?? this is me projecting
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 — THIS TOOK ME FOREVER TO GET OUT IM SO SORRY LMFAO i’ve been on wattpad writing dean, number five, daryl dixon, and joey tribbiani fanfics!!😭 forgive me tofuxtea-ers also its lowkey doodoo apologies :[
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sam winchester was a beautiful man, simply put. tall, longish fluffy hair, well built. you considered yourself the luckiest woman on earth to have landed a man like him by your side for so long considering what he did for a living.
sure, it was hard to find time for just the two of you to relax with dean around — meaning in the same motel room as you guys (one room was cheaper, dean would say despite the hoard of fraudulent credit cards he had). in the event the winchesters had some time to spare between cases and dean found himself a pretty blonde to spend the night with, you actually found yourself alone with sam.
usually he would take you out to a local diner and let you order whatever you wanted — he wished it was nicer but sometimes you make do in ratty neighborhoods — and you cherished every moment. but your one year anniversary was approaching and god granted the two of you one of those peaceful nights. dean had lucked out at the bar you had just gotten back from and telling by the size of the waitress’s ass alone, you knew he wouldn’t be back until late afternoon tomorrow.
so you knew exactly how to spend the rarity of the free night you were given. lucky for you, sam had the exact same idea in mind.
he wasted no time to push you up against the door, your back slamming it shut behind you. his hand braced the back of your head against the surface, fingers lacing themselves into your hair as he captured you in a heated kiss. the faint taste of whiskey and mint lingered on his tongue and made you crave more, fisting the collar of his shirt and pulling him impossibly closer.
he held your waist tightly, lust sending his body into a needy frenzy as he slid his hands up underneath your shirt. the warmth of him against your skin made you shudder against his lips and your head gently met the door with a soft thud, prompting sam to press his lips into the junction between your jaw and shoulder, greedily licking and sucking. “sam,” you whimpered, eyes fluttering shut with bliss.
he grabbed at the hem of your top and peeled it off of you, quickly noticing the black lace bra he’d told you he liked a while ago. a smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. “did you plan this?” his eyebrows tented with amusement when you smiled sheepishly.
“i might’ve hoped for it.” you offered before pulling him down into another kiss. his big hands cupped the sides of your face while yours drifted down to the bottom of his shirt, nudging it up his toned body until he got the message and swiftly shucked it off. your eyes dragged shamelessly down his torso, absently tucking your bottom lip between your teeth until sam’s arrogant little chuckle forced your gaze back up. “what? i can’t appreciate beauty?”
“if you call eye-fucking ‘appreciating’ then by all means,” sam said, voice dripping sarcasm as he suddenly hooked his palms underneath your thighs and hoisted you up. you giggled, loosely wrapping your arms around his neck while he carried you to the first bed. he playfully tossed you onto it, quickly following suit as he climbed on top of you.
he met your lips with lustful fervor, what was at first chaste and sweet slowly transforming into something passionate and fiery. teeth nipped at your lower lip and tugged, enticing moans from you. all the while, his hand had snaked in between your bodies, slipping easily beneath the waistband of your shorts that were perhaps a size too big and circling your clit. your body tensed and bucked against his skillful finger with breathy cries. “fuck, sa—sam,” you panted, hastily carding your hand into his hair as he peppered kisses to your sensitive collarbone. “need you so bad.”
he groaned softly against your skin, the low rumble in his chest driving you insane. you begged and pleaded to no avail; sam merely removed his hand from your shorts and tore his lips off of you, ignoring your protests. “i’m taking my time with you tonight.” was all he gave as explanation before he lowered himself just above the small dip between your collarbones, hot breath fanning your chest. you shuddered when his lips teasingly ghosted over the open space.
“sam,” you whined, impatiently tugging his hair in hopes he would understand your deprivation. he huffed out a quiet laugh and planted a kiss in the valley between your breasts, carefully trailing them down your ribs then to your stomach until he reached your shorts. thick fingers hooked themselves into the denim waist and shimmied them down your hips along with your panties. you gasped at the exposure, instinctively bringing your knees together when he got them to your ankles.
“hey, c’mon,” sam coaxed his big hands between your thighs, “don’t be shy.” your eyes followed him as he pressed kisses to the insides of your legs, steadily moving further towards where you wanted him most. a needy whine tumbled from your lips, begging him to stop teasing. “i said i’d take my time.” he replied with a sly grin on his face. “god, you’re so beautiful.”
the praise went straight to your core, warming you from the inside out. you could only whimper in response, running your fingers through his hair while he sucked deep bruises to the innermost parts of your thighs. mumbles of “you’re so fucking gorgeous,” and “i love you so fucking much,” came out muffled against your skin.
“sam, please,” you cried, gently fisting his hair out of frustration. you were sure you were going to cum from the hickies alone if he didn’t stop. “need you so bad.”
he listened. boy, he listened. he ran the tip of his finger through your slick folds, stopping to circle your clit. you choked on a moan, head rolling back against the pillow. “fu—fuck,” was all you could manage to get out.
sam pressed the flat of his tongue to your cunt and dragged up to where his finger was, drinking in the shuddering moans even the back of your hand couldn’t stop. repeated cries of his name encouraged him further, his tongue dipping into you. his finger still steadily worked your clit against your desperate ruts. “sam, sam,” your voice crept impossibly higher as your orgasm began coiling tightly in your abdomen. your thighs brushed the sides of sam’s face and he groaned against your cunt, slowly circling your clit.
you clenched your eyes shut, body writhing as your orgasm crashed into you. whiny moans and broken cries echoed off of the thin motel walls, which would surely bring about some complaints later on. “god, sam, th—there,” his massive hand held onto the inside of your thigh, keeping your legs open, fingers digging into your pillowy skin.
he refused to let up until you had gone weak underneath him, his chin glossy with your cum when he came back up. you stared at him past droopy lids, grinning. “happy anniversary to me, sam winchester.” you giggled, pulling him down into a deep kiss.
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this took me so long to finish holy shit ive been wasting my days away in college and on wattpad god bless america for my smut playlist
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