#get away from me shani
srbachchan · 8 days
DAY 6054
Jalsa, Mumbai Sept 14, 2024 Sat 11:43 pm
Birthday - EF Mahendra Chaudhari .. Mahendra C ..
Ef Ritika Jain Sunday, 15 September .. and all our wishes to our Ef with the prayer that all be well and in the joy of happiness and a harmonious life .. 🌹❤️❤️
time passed away and the time now reads 1:18 am of the Sunday September of the year 2024 .. so what .. we are still on it ..
some rather interesting developments occurred .. the bandages .. few bandages came off .. so when the walk on the GOJ occurs they shall be in remission and absent - the bandages !!
the distance from the well wishers gets intimate and close as the stand rolls forward .. gives me better position to welcome those that stand on the mid partition of the road , and often go unnoticed .. no that shall not happen or should never happen ..
yes the well wisher is the reason for our presence .. they dictate our being .. they desire , we aspire and give reason for their presence .. !
without them we are nobody .. nothing nada .. !!!
fear not the disinterest from the audience .. when you aspire they be the ones to walk beside you ..
each criticism is the bed of steaming fire coals that compel you to walk over them .. and when it has been swept under the bare feet .. the ground on the other side is the coolant respite ..
my love and expectations for the morrow by the Gate ..❤️
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Amitabh Bachchan
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🪔 ,
September 15 .. not forgetting the birthday greetings to Ef Vinita J from Hyderabad .. 🙏🏻❤️🚩
September 14 .. belated birthday wishes to Ef Shani Yadav from Kolkata .. lots of joys and balloons 🎈 from the Ef Family .. ❤️
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corriganatheart · 1 year
His Maddest Desire Final (He LOVES her, but she HATES him) Jude Bellingham x reader
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Synopsis: She was the opposite of what he needed; the shadow that no one noticed but him. Since the beginning, Jude had always liked Y/N, and his feelings grew every time he saw her. His reputation as a womanizer only makes her question his intention and pushes him away, but that never stops him from chasing after what he wants.
Pairings: Jude Bellingham x reader
Genre: Forbidden romance x Enemies to Lovers x One-sided love x Dark Romance
Warnings: Cursing, mention of sexual content
6 years ago…
“How old is she?” The doctor asked as he looks at the fragile girl on the bed.
“She’s 12,” Christian L/N says while holding his wife.
The doctor nods and continues to check her vitals. He then opens the unconscious girl’s eyes and checks her pupil. “How long has this been going on?” The doctor questions. Christian looks at the girl on the bed and sighs, “Since she was six.” The doctor glances at the parents suspiciously before examining the little girl again. “I will prescribe her medication to help with her condition. You have to make sure she takes it every day and consistently, or else it’ll get worse.”
Christian L/N and his wife Elena nod and thank the doctor for coming. The doctor then signals for Christian to walk with him outside. Christian lets go of his wife and kisses her forehead before he guides the doctor out.
Present Day
“When was the last time you saw her?” Christian asked his guards. The two males looked at one another before one cleared his throat and spoke carefully, “After her dance with you, she went outside, but we didn’t follow because we thought she needed some air.” Christian watches the security footage of you walking out of the mansion and then disappearing outside. He had his men search the perimeter everywhere, but there was still no sign of you.
“Was there anyone that walked after her?” Christian asked. The guards glanced at one another again and shook their heads. “No, we checked the footage everywhere, and no one walked in the direction she was going.” Christian sighs and stares at the camera footage; still no sign of you. His daughter had been missing for five hours now, and no one was giving him answers. His wife has been calling everyone they knew, and every important people that could help them, but not one person can locate you. “What is Rowan doing?” Christian asked, knowing of his son’s temper. “He’s out looking with his friends," one of the guards said.
Christian checks his phone and dials your number again, but your phone goes straight to voicemail. He aggressively throws his phone across the room, causing the two guards to back up. "BRING ME, EVERYONE, SHE HAD AN INTERACTION WITH!" He demanded.
5 years ago
"Where is Rowan?" you asked Shani as she combed your freshly wet hair. She grabs some hair oil from her daughter Virginia and starts applying it. "He has a friend over," Shani says, "they are playing football in the garden."
You smile, "can we go see them?"
Shani looks at her daughter who was admiring you beside her mother, "Sure."
You hold onto your long summer dress as you walk to Rowan’s football ground. Shani holds an umbrella so you won’t get sunburned, and her daughter carries the picnic basket for Rowan and his friends. “Do you think they’ll let me join?” You asked Shani. She gives you an apologetic look. "I don't think so, dear," she says kindly. You frown and continue to make your way toward Rowan and his friends. As their profile appears, you stare at how your brother kicks the ball into the goal. It was perfect in every way until you saw his friend makes a goal of his own. It was more than perfect, and the way he celebrated by running around the field and taking off his shirt while swinging it like there were thousands of people watching him made you feel happy. He genuinely loved the sport, which was his main source of happiness.
"Who...who is that?" you asked Shani. She glances over your brother and his friend and smiles, "That's Jude Bellingham."
Present Day
"Who was she with all day?" Anastasia asked as she walked back and forth between her room. "She danced with Marcus for a bit and then with Dad," Rowan says. He frustratedly dialed Marcus' phone number, but there was no answer. "I can't fucking reach Jobe either," Anastasia says quietly. Rowan glares at his older sister and then grabs ahold of her wrist. "If we don't find Y/N, who knows what will happen to her. I need you to get all your friends on it too." Anastasia nodded and immediately reached for her phone.
Christian L/N walks into the bedroom to see his wife looking through their family’s photo album. His heart shift in pain as he watches her wipe her tears and continues to flip through photos.
The first time he met his wife was through a charity event. He thought she was the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes on. It was love at first sight and he knew he had to have her. Unfortunately she was already engaged to a much older man. It was obvious to everyone that she wasn’t happy and was forced to be with the tyrant man. So for a while, he just watched and observed her. Never did he thought that she would approach him and ask him to take her virginity in exchange for money. She wanted to run away, but she had nothing. So in the end, Christian took her and has been protecting her ever since.
Their marriage wasn’t perfect. He has been a cold husband due to work and stress but never once has he forgotten his wife. He loves his family, and safety was important to him so he has doubled his work to make sure they have the best life possible.
“Have you heard anything?” Elena glanced at her husband and asked. Christian shakes his head and lays down on the bed. His head rested on his wife’s thigh as he anxiously thought of the idea of you getting kidnapped. “I think I scared her off,” he mumbled. Elena closes the photo album and runs her hand through her husband's hair. "I told you it was bad to approach her like that. She is barely recovering from Jude's engagement with Anastasia." Christian sighs and remembers the look on your face when it was announced that Jude and Anastasia would marry. You hated the idea more than anyone else. “She was always destined to marry Prince Nikolai,” Christian says, “one day she’ll understand why.”
Elena nods and kisses her husband’s forehead. “Sometimes I wonder how she’ll turn out if she had a normal childhood,” Elena says causing Christian to frown. He really didn’t want to be reminded of the past and how much he failed as a father. “I can only imagine how difficult it must’ve been for her. To this day, she still hasn’t forgiven us and rarely acknowledges us as her parents.” Elena closes her eyes and remember the toddler that she held in her hand. You were the most beautiful baby she has ever laid eyes on, and although you weren’t her biological daughter, she has loved you since the beginning. “My dear, wherever you are, I hope you’re safe.
4 years ago
“He is quite charming, isn’t he?” Anastasia says while making her flower crown. You glance over at Jude, who is chatting with the other boys. It has been a year since you met him, and you have come to like him day by day. “I supposed he is better than the other boys,” you mumbled.
Anastasia smiles and pat your thighs, “his mother is best friend with ours. I heard them joke about being in laws.” Your heart stopped and you look at Anastasia who had a cheeky smile on her face. “I suppose my little sister might marry before me.” You shake your head rapidly, “that cannot happen. I am not blood.”
Anastasia pauses midway to stare at you, “don’t say that Y/N. Mom and dad would not be happy.” You glare at her, “then why must they treat me differently? I am to take that disgusting pill everyday and be under surveillance every seconds!”
At your tone, Anastasia slams her flower crown on the table. “You mustn’t question our family’s treatment. They are doing this for your sake!” You rolled your eyes and got up from your seat. “You wouldn’t understand sister. You are their heir and will be treated lavishly while I am nothing but an pity orphan.”
Anastasia calls after you as you stomp out of the garden. You feel pairs of judgmental eyes, but you could care less. What you said was true. You overheard your dad speak up about the future arrangement between Jude and Anastasia and possibly between you and another person.
Present Day
Anastasia silently stares between her brother and Trent. They were conversing about where you ran off and if someone took you. Trent didn't look pleased when your brother constantly blamed others for your missing. He was aware of your situation and the stuff you went through when you were a child, and it didn't help that your family bluntly kept it a secret from you and everyone else.
"This wouldn't have happened if you just told her!" Trent yells while aggressively typing on the computer.
"Tell her what, Arnold! That she was kidnapped as a kid and ended up having schizophrenia!" Rowan shouts.
Anastasia sighs and gets out her phone. She scrolls down to the person that she hasn't contacted for years. "Should I try Jobe?" Anastasia mumbles. Both Rowan and Trent look over at her as she dials his number, hands trembling. "It's pretty fucking obvious that she imagined something in her head and followed whatever the scenario was. When she was only six, she got kidnapped, which traumatized her. Ever since the accident, she hasn't been the same and would make up scenarios in her head like our parents were not her biological parents. She even once accused our mother of trying to kill her, and Anastasia was trying to drown her," Rowan says.
Trent's jaws clenched as he aggressively looked through security footage. You were like a sibling to him and his dear friend. He would hate it if something were to happen to you. "She should've been sent to a hospital long ago to get help!" Trent screamed. "The goddamn medicine didn't help, and who knows if she has been taking them!"
"She stopped taking them her teenage year when she entered middle school," Anastasia sighs. "I wanted to help her. I didn't want her to think she was different from us, so I never said anything when she didn't take her meds. But it only made things worse because she would say that I was bullying her, and in her mind, I was a villain, and everyone was against her. And Jude, Oh god," Anastasia sobs.
Rowan looks up at the ceiling and fists his knuckle. "We will find her, and she'll be ok."
Present Day
"Where are we?" You asked while scanning the cabin in the middle of the wood.
Jude smiles and walks over to the fireplace, "It's my secret hidden home," he says.
You smile and look around the small, cozy cabin. "Seems out of place for you."
He smiles and continues to set the living room up for you. "We found it together silly," Jude says.
You look at him with a confused face. Jude continues to put more wood in the fireplace as he whistles. "What do you mean?" you asked while walking closer to him.
Jude pauses midway before slowly throwing the last wood in, and the fire reflects on his face. You stare at him as he gets up from the floor and faces you. His mouth twitches as he stares at you, "you don't remember?" He asked.
Your heart beats rapidly as he slowly moves toward you, eyes never leaving yours. "You killed me here Y/N."
3 years ago
"Happy Birthday, Rowan!" everyone shouted, and fireworks immediately filled the sky.
You look over at your brother, who was loving the attention that he was getting. "Everyone gets a new Rolex!"
The crowd goes wild, and all the girls start rushing over at your brother, causing you to get pushed back away from everyone. "This is lame," you mumbled.
You hear a low chuckle, causing you to turn around. Standing behind you was Jude Bellingham, in casual jeans and a t-shirt, yet he looked better than all the boys combined. "A middle schooler shouldn't be around high schoolers. It's a very bad idea," he chuckles. You frown and walk away from him before your brother spots you. "Aye!" you hear Jude calls after you.
Your heart races as you feel him following you. The boy you have always been interested in is finally giving you the time of his day, yet you are running away. How pathetic. "Y/N, wait! You'll get lost; it's very dangerous out here!" Jude calls after you. "Leave me alone, Bellingham! Stop treating me like everyone else!"
You start picking up your pace, entering the wood, away from everyone.
Since that kidnap incident involving your father's enemy, everyone has been monitoring you like crazy. Everywhere you go, four of your father's bodyguards must follow you, and today was only an exception because it was your brother's birthday, and he requested that all guards stay a distance from the high schoolers.
"Y/N, please," Jude says, and you finally feel his hands around your wrist.
You turn around and realize that you guys are now far from the party, but you can still hear the laughter of teenagers from afar. "It was not the best idea for Rowan to have a party in the middle of the woods," Jude mumbles, looking around the dark forest. "Relax, this is a private party owned by my dad," you said.
Jude smiles and intertwines his fingers with yours, "Come, I heard from Rowan that he has a secret cabin that he brings girls to."
You turn to where the party is and then glance at Jude warily. He smiles down at you and caresses your face. "I'll protect you," he says. And with no hesitation, you follow him deep into the woods.
Present Day
"Jude," you whisper as you back away, heart beating uncontrollably and mind more confused than ever. "Remember you stabbed me after I said Anastasia will be my wife?" You continue to back away while shaking your head, trying to remember everything that happened that night. "I am nothing but a fragment of your imagination. This whole time, you have imagined me. You have been creating situations in your head that have never happened because you feel guilty for what you did to me. Accept it, love; you have a mental illness and need help. Unlike me, you can get help."
Your back hits the cold wall, and you whimper; Jude smirks and glances at something on the floor. He then walks over to it and picks something up. Your heart immediately pauses at what he has in hand. A rusty knife that looks like it has an old blood stain on it. "Ha, there it is," Jude chuckles and holds up the knife.
At the sight of the knife, you immediately remembered what happened that night. You confess to Jude, and Jude sadly says that he will have to be with Anastasia in the future. And as if your body negatively reacted to that, your mind went blank, and from then on, you don't remember what happened. The next thing you know, your parents drag you out of the house with blood all over you.
"Just like what you did to me, it's time you join me, love," Jude says while walking towards you.
As your body shakes against the wall, Jude smiles and kindly hands the knife to you. "I'm waiting," he says.
You look down at the rusty old knife and think of what happened and how the boy you have been madly in love with was killed by your own hand. This past year was nothing but a fragment of your imagination that has only gotten worse and more real because of your refusal to get help and take medication. After losing Jude, you became a mess and refused to get help from anyone. Only then did your parents decide to let you live out your teenage years before they would send you away. But they never knew that your condition had only gotten worse, and even though they kept you in the house and under surveillance, in your mind, they were nothing but villains. It has never occurred to you that your mind was playing games with you and that Jude never said those sweet words to you. You never found out if Jude was ever interested in you or had feelings for you. But the only thing you found out was he was destined to be with your sister, which truly hurt you. In the end, you end up hurting the one person who kept you sane, and in his hand, you will also die.
"Jude, I-I'm sorry," you softly said as you reached for the knife. "I will join you so you don't have to wait anymore. I love you so much; you are my maddest desire," you smile softly as you hold the knife to your throat. You close your eyes and think of the first time you ever looked at him and how his voice sounded when he laughed at your brother's bad joke. He was perfect, the perfection that you have always desired. With no guilt in your heart, you smile and move your hand closer to your neck.
Two Years Later - Epilogue
Sometimes, we want things we can't have, and sometimes we ignore things that want us. It is human nature to desire perfection, even though perfection might be out of our vocabulary. People that were born rich don't want to be rich. People born a star want to be normal, and people born a peasant want to be a star. The universe is twisted, causing many people to fall into mental illness, whether it is depression, anxiety, ADHD, or schizophrenia. We can never have things we truly desire, and that causes many of us to go mad.
"Anastasia!" someone shouts, causing her to look up from her phone. Anastasia slightly moves her foot to block the elevator door from closing. She smiles at the boy who joins her in the elevator. "How are you, Jobe?'
Jobe smiles and clicks the 5th-floor button. "Great!"
She nodded, and they quietly rode the elevator to the fifth floor.
Anastasia softly smiled as she watched Jobe happily walk to their designated room. It has been a while since she has seen Jobe all smiling, but after the good news last month, he has become himself again.
"Ready?" Jobe asked before opening the door. Anastasia nodded, and they both walked into the warm, cozy room filled with flowers and sunlight.
"Good morning, Jude," she says.
Jude, who has awoken from a coma a month ago, lays down the book in his hand and smiles at them. "Good morning."
10 hours later
"Are you sure about this?" Rowan asked his older sister as she entered the house. Anastasia nodded at her brother and looked at the numerous security; from surveillance to doorbell cameras, security was uptight. Pleased with that, she counts the guards and staff in the house, at least fifty, maybe even more. "You missed Dad; he left an hour ago," Rowan says as he follows his sister upstairs. "Mom's mastectomy is coming up; I'm sure he wants to be there for her," Anastasia mumbled. Rowan looks down at his feet as he goes upstairs, "Trent is in another country for his match. Will he be back for your birthday?" Rowan asks his sister while glancing at the silver ring on her ring finger. Anastasia softly smiles and places her hand on her stomach, "He will. I have a surprise for him."
Standing in front of the door, Anastasia and her brother sigh. They both prepare their heart and smiles at one another. Rowan holds ahold of his sister's hand and nods. He opens the door, and they enter the warm, sunlight-filled room. Anastasia looked around the room, and many books were lying on the floor as maids picked them back up and put them where they belonged. The bed was also messy, and the vases were lying on the floor. In one corner, two nurses were talking to one another as they held up the bottle of pills.
Rowan and Anastasia look over at the figure standing in front of the window, staring out blankly and barely moving. "What is her update today?" Anastasia asked, and immediately the nurses made their way toward the siblings. "She woke up claiming that Jude was going to take her out on a fancy date, and since we wouldn't let her leave, she started fighting."
Anastasia nodded, "Has she taken her pills?"
The nurses look at one another and then glance at Rowan, who isn't looking anywhere but at his younger sister. They then looked at Anastasia, who was intensely staring at them, "Yes, she has."
Anastasia nods and turns around, "Make sure she continues to take her medications," she says and smirks as she walks away from her younger sister, whom she has always been jealous of.
The End
@meadowpond @btamms @laylaynaynay130 @lanussysworld
@o0sportbike0o @gimmefood @yongboksfreckles @lalunaenamoradasworld @xjavl @berriesarenice @soup1752862 @forjudebellingham @chacomieiteecafe @fayypooh1 @urmotheris
@footballboradcast @aryy-23 @noodle81937
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creativecupcake · 9 days
Shani’s Magical Adventure in Twisted Wonderland
Hey guys. It’s my first time writing in a while, but I had so much fun with this. I wanted to say thank you to @sweetbunpura for letting me gush about my OC and giving me some confidence to get back to writing. Hope you guys enjoy! :D Any questions about my OC/this AU of Twst welcome. It’s so fun getting to talk with others.
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If there was one word to describe Divus Crewel at this moment, it was vexed. Crowley was usually a rather flighty headmage, but he had run off at the beginning of the orientation ceremony, leaving only the house wardens to do all the work. One of them had sent a student to gather him to take care of the gates while the house wardens led the students in the sorting. Crewel shook his head thinking of his students having to take over for their irresponsible headmage.
Crewel’s aggravated thoughts were cut short when he heard a soft knock come from behind some of the discarded gates. Had someone been forgotten? He began to shift the empty coffins he came across an odd site. A small gate, no higher than the top of his knee. Had a dwarf or some other smaller species joined them this year? Divus quickly unlocked the door, knowing some students may begin panicking after being trapped in their gates. As the door fell away Crewel’s eyes flew open in shock. Crowley had some explaining to do, and his explanation had better be good.
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The mirror hall was in utter chaos. Freshmen running around to avoid the fire spitting monster, two of the house wardens trying to catch the beast, and multiple items (and one Kalim) on fire. After finally catching the dire beast the headmage began shouting at the magicless boy at the center of the room. Everyone was so focused on the situation that they didn’t hear the large doors open, until the raven’s squawking was cut off by-
“Pom-Pom Plushie!” A small voice called out, and with a poof of smoke both the headmage and beast were replaced with marketable plushies. Silence took over the crowd.
“I believe that may have been overkill, pup.” Crewel’s voice cut through the silence, bringing all attention to the teacher and…was that a kid!?
”But you said the bird man is a mean dummy, and he was yelling at the others,” the little girl said, stepping out from behind Crewel’s legs. Not only had they gotten a magicless student, but her robes were a clear sign that the mirror had called a small child. 
“Crewel-sensei, what is the meaning of this?” Vil asked, stepping around the plushies that everyone seemed to be ignoring. 
Crewel let out an aggravated sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. “That is what I would like to know, Schoenheit.” Crewel glanced away hearing Kalim’s cheery voice thanking the ‘sweet girl’ for putting out the fire on his robes, at least she was being helpful. “Since the headmage abandoned his place of double checking all of the gates, I was called to step in. I found her gate hidden behind a pile. But what really interests me was the school’s seal decorating the lid of her coffin, something only the headmage should have.” Crewel’s gore returned to the plush of said man laying on the ground. “Pup?” He called out, looking for her to release her spell, though he was tempted to keep him this way-the silence was a blessing.
“You may want to keep a closer eye on your cub,” Leona grumbled, tail twitching and swishing through the air. Everyone glanced over to see the little girl trying to catch the poor beastman’s tail. Many were surprised with how silently she moved, her stance looking like a kitten with a toy.
“My, my, Leona, it seems you have a shadow,” Azul teased, watching the beastman scowl and try to avoid the little girl’s grasp. 
“So much energy,” a dreary voice droned over a floating tablet. 
“But she’s so nice,” Kalim chimed in, as he and Riddle joined the group. Crewel smirked as the girl seemed to be getting ready to chase Leona, she was a resilient little thing.
”Pup, would you come here and introduce yourself?” 
“Okay!” Leona was spared as the child bound over to stand by Crewel.
Settling a hand on her shoulder, he made her face the group. “Now, pup. Be kind and introduce yourself to the housewardens.”
Bouncing in place, the girl gave the group a polite bow. “Hiya! My name is Shani! I’m four and I’m a magical girl!” 
Que the sound of static from Idia’s screen. He has now met a real life magical girl, like from his anime! Fanboy mode activated. 
“Well, at least the little one has manners,” Vil muttered, the others nodding in agreement. 
“Introductions for the others will have to wait,” Crewel interjected, wanting to wrap up for the night. “I’d like you to return the headmage to his normal form so that we can wrap up and get everyone settled for the night.”  Crewel would like to deal with her situation immediately, but he knew Crowley would try to procrastinate as long as possible. At least with tomorrow he would have Trein, Vargas, and Sam as back up to make Crowley work.
“Well this is an interesting situation,” a new voice cut through the group, eyes shifting to meet the face of Lilia. “I came to see if Malleus had been invited but I find a little one instead.” Many of the housewardens looked away, coming up with some excuse. 
“Like we need to take care of that Lizard,” Leona huffed, only to feel a small hand smack his leg. 
”That’s rude! Don’ be mean!” Shani chastised the group, earning a large smile from Lillia. Malleus would be more than pleased to see such a tiny being defending his honor.
“Miss Shani, would you please turn the headmage back so that we can get everyone to bed?” Crewel cut in, trying to get things back on track. 
Shani looked at the plushie on the floor with a face that looked like she smelled something bad (oh the housewardens could relate to that). “Ok, but you haveta take care of him,” she sighed, pulling what looked like a small flower-shaped purse out from below her robes. “Pom-Pom Plushie!”
With another flash of light and puff of smoke Crowley laid on the floor, utterly startled and trying to gain his bearings.
“Why would you leave me on the floor!” He cried dramatically in Crewel’s face, going on about how he heard everything in his soft and squishy form and how offended he was, blah, blah, blah. 
Shani didn’t want to listen to the funny man go on and on. Toddling around she made her way over to the ‘magicless’ boy that Crowley had been yelling at before she had come. “Hi! I’m Shani, was your name?”
The boy seemed to be taken aback, looking down at the girl. “Um, I’m Yuuken Enma, nice to meet you?” 
“Oh! Nice to meetcha Yuu-yuu! Are you Japanese? My cousin’s boyfriend is Japanese and his name is Yuuta! He’s so cool-” Yuu tuned the girl out a little, nodding along with her ramble. He was starting to feel less and less like this was a dream, but at least this girl seemed to know some things about his home. It felt like he had a little tether to reality in all this magical insanity. The duo was interrupted as students began filing out of the room, housewardens calling for their dorms. Crowley, Crewel, and Lilia walked out to the two earthlings. 
“Miss Shani, Lilia has volunteered to house you in Diasomnia for the night. The staff and I will look into your situation in the morning!” Shani and Yuu both turned to Crewel, already knowing he was the more responsible of the two. He nodded and Shani skipped over to the fae.
“Bye bye Yuu-kun!” Shani waved, Lilia happily picking the girl up and walking out of the room. 
“Now, Yuuken, step in front of the mirror so we can send you home.”
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Lilia hummed as he escorted the freshmen back to the dorm, the familiar weight of a child in his arms seeming to lighten his mood. Shani was more than happy to be carried, pointing out items around the school and asking questions. Lilia was more than happy to give answers, especially since most of the first years seemed interested in the little girl’s questions. Lilia also couldn’t help but chuckle feeling the glare of a certain first year, more than likely aimed at the child in his arms. 
Upon entering the dorm he instructed the students to their rooms, asking some of the second and third years to aid if they had any questions. Placing Shani down, he grabbed her hand and made his way to the lounge, where he knew a very grumpy dragon would be. 
“I knew I would find you pouting here,” Lilia teased, releasing the child’s hand knowing that Sebek was behind him and Silver was asleep on one of the couches. “And to think I brought you a surprise.” 
“I’m not pouting, Lilia.” Malleus argued, turning to the shorter fae. “And what have you brought? I don’t see anything with you.” At that Lilia looked down at his side in shock, and Sebek called out that the small one had disappeared. Well, well, this little one was a sneaky one, Lilia thought with a smile.
The attention of the room shifted back to Malleus as he seemed to jump in his seat. Looking down at his lap he saw a small child, her hands placed on his knees as she glanced up at him with wide innocent eyes. (Que Sebek screaming about Waka-sama.)
”Pretty,” the girl cooed. Though her words were soft they seemed to cut through the tension that had been consuming the dorm.
Malleus blinked in shock, he had never been so openly approached, especially not by a child. Slowly he seemed to come back to himself as he blinked at the girl. Al he could get out in his shock was, “Do you mean me?” 
Shani seemed to get a large burst of energy, a bright smile illuminating his face. “Yeah! You are SO pretty! Are you a prince or something?” With child-like innocence she began rambling questions and observations about the dragon fae. Lilia chuckled, holding Sebek back from breaking the scene up. Even Silver was awakened but the sudden energy in the room.
Malleus was fighting to hold back the smile on his face. The innocence and excitement before him was something new. He felt so welcomed and warm in the girl’s presence. He couldn’t help a small laugh as she seemed to pause to catch her breath. “Well young one, I am Malleus Draconia, crown prince of Briar Valley.” Shani giggled at his princely tone and older manner of acting. 
Stepping back she pulled her robes up in a curtsy, meeting Malleus’s energy with a deep bow and a mess of giggles. “My name is Shani Fleur Alarie! Princess of Phoenix and Magical Girl and protector of humans! Do you want to be friends?” That caught the whole room off guard, a swift silence taking over them all as everyone’s attention turned to the prince. 
All he could do was stare back at the genuine smile, beaming before him. He had wanted a friend for so long, and while a child was not what he was expecting, he felt his heart set aflame with affection as he took one of her hands in his. Getting up from the couch he knelt down in front of her, matching her height, his grin meeting her own. “I would love to be your friend, Flower Child.” Lilia felt so proud while the others remained silence at their prince’s words. Malleus had needed a genuine friend for so long, and the elder fae could sense that Shani would be a great source of happiness. 
“Yay! New friend! Oh you have pretty horns! Are you a dragon?” Shani began rambling anew, her energy only seeming to have grown. Seeming to have come to a great realization she let out a loud gasp, “You can be the dragon to my princess! Every princess needs a big tough dragon! We can fight knights together and have tea parties! Oh! I can bake us cookies and other yummy treats!” Lilia couldn’t hold Sebek back anymore as he rushed to the young girl and scolding her for trying to poison Waka-sama with sugary treats. Lilia knew though, this would be a good year with their new child companion, and he was ready to see how the school would change around her.
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Shani looked around the corner as she snuck outside of the Diasomnia dorm. Lilia was preparing her a bath and night clothes so she needed to hurry and sneak her new friend ou of her robe. Placing a grey cat plush on the ground she released her plushie spell. 
“About time henchman! My poor cute flame ears disappear in that form!” Grim grumbled as he tried to fix his fur. 
“Sorry Grimmy,” she giggled, patting his head. “Lilia said that there’s a abandoned house on campus. If you hide there tonight we can sneak you into the school tomorrow!”
”Perfect plan, as expected of my henchmen.” Grim boasted, puffing out his chest. 
“All you have to do is go through the mirror to get back to the school. Then go to the main building, don’t go to the main exit, go to the exit to the east and there’s a spooky building not too far from the school.” 
“Nya-ha-ha! Perfectly done henchman! I expect food tomorrow. And we’ll show this school the power of Grim the Great!”
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blackknight-100 · 3 months
Desperately need to talk about how fatherhood works in the Mahabharata for Surya and Indra with their mortal sons.
Arjuna is known as Indra's child. His most common epithets (related to familial lineage) largely come from his mother, but it is openly understood that he is Indra's child. Indra helps him out so many times and it's wholesome as hell.
Then you have Karna, who is not acknowledged as Surya's son, and Surya keeps Kunti's secret either out of duty or regret (for leaving a child with a baby, that is). So his help is next to nothing for most of Karna's life. And then the event comes when his brother is about to take away his son's armour, the only protection he has been able to offer this boy, and he knows Karna will give it away but he goes to dissuade him anyway. When he comes, in most versions, he says he comes to aid an ardent devotee. In BORI he says that there is a secret he cannot reveal, but he is here to warn Karna out of love.
And it stands out to me so much, that from Karna's perspective, he meets his father through years of devotion and prayer, because you can tell he thinks of Surya as his mentor and spiritual guide, and Adhiratha as his father. He has next to no qualms in claiming Radha as his mother even after he is told the truth, and his reaction to Kunti being his mother is not dissimilar.
And then this god shows up, does not even bother to reveal that he is his father (I imagine Karna must have been pretty peeved when he found out - in a "you could've just told me when you visited" way) and asks him to let go of the one thing he takes great pride in. Even there too, there is a great deal of respect for agency: Karna is firm and Surya compromises. If they'd had a few more chances to interact, I think they would work out pretty well.
And then you have Arjun and Indra, so beautifully entwined, so beloved and so dear. Indra helping Arjuna is seen as interference (and rightly so), but there is something so paternal about how Indra desperately tries to protect his child - depending on the version he (not necessarily chronologically):
a) mitigates the Urvashi curse,
b) sends out the Gandharvas to heckle the Kauravas
c) bestows divine counsel upon his son
d) gives him a great bow after getting thrashed
e) turns into an insect and gets Karna cursed.
And most importantly, he shows up at a MORTAL'S door, CLAIMING TO BE A BRAHMAN (which is, again depending on version, one of reasons why said mortal got cursed), declines offers of land and money and girls, and shamelessly demands the armour. A KING. REDUCED TO A BEGGAR.
Because remember, technically Brahman's are given state funding for their research, education, priesthood, or simply their birth. Indra does none of these. He knows this. Karna knows this. He knows that Karna knows this. But he demands it anyway.
Obviously, Karna's devotion to the Sun God, and the fact the said god is his father is a narrative device meant to represent his arc of reaching for the sun and getting burned (in most cases, at least), while Arjuna's relation to Indra and his rain motifs is because narratively he peaks at terminal velocity and then freefalls to the earth as soon as Krishna dies.
But I love thinking of what their respective relations to their fathers must have been, and how it mirrors/contrasts Kunti's relationship with the gods. Kunti calls Indra and he does what she wants (for him to give her a baby), and is able to support their child in most cases. Surya is called and he does not do what Kunti wants (for him to leave immediately), and his relationship with their son is one of distance and endurance. But they are good fathers still, as good as god can be. (Except Surya with Shani. Idk what's going on there).
Anyway I forgot what point I was trying to make... but yeah!
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tripurantaka · 1 day
I just saw ur recent Vedic observations post, it was very interesting to know these things as personal observations. Thanks for making this post! ✨
I would like to ask is there any suggestions u want to give people with Saturn rahu conjunction in the lagna .....to not get drag into depressive patterns if u read something about that? And in Vedic astrology is conjunction is considered when they are in same nakshatra?
Like for me Saturn is in mrigshira and lagna is in rohini. So is it conjunction?
And I also find out that I have exalted Jupiter in D1 but retrograde and it is also exalted in d10 so would the second observation will apply even if it is retrograde?
Hope I didn't flooded u with too much questions....😅 I am just excited to learn that's all.
Thanks for the informative post again 🙏💫
Hi.. I'm glad you liked my post.
Saturn rahu conjunction is not bad for everyone. It depends on the sign. For example, saturn rahu conjunction in Aries lagna is much more negative than saturn rahu conjunction for Gemini lagna. For Aries lagna, saturn will be in debilitation being the functional malefic. Rahu will add more misery to it with debilitated saturn. For Gemini lagna, the scenario is completely different. Saturn will create rajyoga being the 9th ruler in ascendant. In Jaimini astrology, rahu exaltation is considered in Gemini. So it will give beneficial results for Gemini lagna after some initial struggles. Hence zodiac signs matter alot.
I think the person with Saturn rahu in ascendants like Aries or Scorpio should be careful with relationships. He/she should not be much obsessed with relationships. Should keep a positive outlook towards life. He/she should never go towards drug abuse / alcohol. Should stay away from any kind of addiction which will only make saturn and rahu much stronger. If he is a practicing hindu, he can go to shani temples and chant rahu mantras.
Conjunction will be considered if both planets are in the same sign even if one planet is at 1 degree and other is at 29 degree. However, the effect of conjunction will be much more severe when they are very close. I mean.. Within 5 degrees. When they are in the same nakshatra, the effect will be much more because it's within 13 degrees. In your case, you are a taurus ascendant with saturn in lagna. It's one of the best combinations for taurus rising. Saturn is yogakaraka and it is present in the ascendant. It will make you hardworking, lucky and righteous. I know a person who made much progress in life with this combination. Your lagna is definitely influenced by saturn and it's a good thing. Usually conjunction word is used for planets. But I can say that your lagna will be positively affected by Saturn.
Yes.. Exalted Jupiter will make a person philosophical irrespective of the ascendant. But Jupiter is functional malefic for Taurus rising and you need to remember that. Even if you have philosophical outlook, Jupiter will not favor much because of it's lordship. But it will definitely make you philosophical, religious and spiritual. As per K. N rao ji's guru, shri krishna had exalted Jupiter in 3rd house and he was Taurus rising too. He preached bhagavadgeeta(exalted Jupiter in the house of communication). So you will be able to inspire others through your speech.
And I'm not sure what your ascendant of d10 is. If Jupiter is functional benefic for ascendant in d10, it will help you in career during Jupiter period or subperiod. But one thing for sure, you will carry higher ideals in your profession.
Exalted Jupiter is my favorite placement. Good to know you have it. Hope these answers were satisfactory😊 @seekerofrealitys-blog
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afterdarkprincess · 5 months
unfinished WIP- turns out freedom ain't nothing but missin' you
@shanie-the-komania-toyaddict dared me to so here it is- the Samijey breakup/makeup fic that I started and have put down. Who knows maybe this'll make me finish it 🫣 A lot of this is my notes, then a little bit of the proper fic I started working on.
Samijey Angst/Hurt/Comfort- the breakup fic??? Back to December
Sami gets injured by Drew back in December
Jey is distraught and concerned and wants to be there for Sami, but Sami is selfless, knows how much Jey needs this push and urges him to stay on the road.
Jey reaches out to Sami with words of support and comfort and little by little Sami’s doubt and anxieties sink in
Jey is doing well, doing amazing things. He never needed Sami, if anything Sami’s been holding him down. Sami stops responding to texts, Jey’s calls go unanswered. For a while he has excuses. PT, appointments, etc. And then it becomes clear that Sami is avoiding him and Jey can’t figure out why.
Jey has a day off an flies to see him, flowers in FUCKING HAND. And Sami is so cold to him, they fight and scream at each other and Jey leaves.
(flowers left on the door step? on the floor? like blood in the ring!! like this visual)) LIKE THE LEI FROM RUMBLE OMG
Over a month goes by and Sami gets ready to come back for the Rumble, Triple H talks to him about ideas for his lead up to Mania, plans for his reunion with Jey and Sami feels so guilty and he can’t, he can’t face Jey again and act like everything is okay.
He asks Hunter for some space, a storyline away from the bloodline, away from Jey and they have some reservations, but Sami asks for so little and has been such a workhorse that they agree.
Sami debuts at the Rumble just as Jey gets thrown out. There’s a moment when Jey looks up at him from outside the ring and they make eye contact but Sami shakes his head and looks away.
By the time the show is over Jey has gone for the night, and the speech Sami has planned to explain his decision and tell Jey how proud he is falls to the wayside.
The longer time goes on that he doesn’t talk to Jey the worse he feels. There’s some weeks where they don’t see each other at all, schedule conflicts and all that. True to his word, Triple H books him a shot at the IC championship and no one in the main event scene leading to mania even mentions his name. He’s relieved and torn. Sure he gets his Wrestlemania moment, but his hearts not in it and everyone can tell. He knows he should be on that stage in the mix to take down Roman, but can’t find it in himself to regret the decision.
The weeks they do see each other, its a mix between Jey acting like he doesn’t see Sami at all or hitting him with the saddest wet puppy eyes that Sami can barely look at him.
Sami watches backstage as Jey gets jumped by Jimmy time and time again, fighting every impulse to run out to the ring.
Gunther takes every chance he can get to beat Sami down, visceral chops and powerbombs until he can barely breathe. He does what he can, takes it with grace and grit and makes a good show. But more often that not when he finds himself face down on the mat, he can’t help but to hope that maybe he’ll hear Jey’s music hit, but it never comes.
It’s the Raw before ‘Mania, and Sami’s morale is at an all time low. He’s taken another beating, and Chad got dragged into it which makes him feel even worse. He had to watch as not only Jimmy attacked Jey but he also got thrown around by the Rock and keeping his face neutral is becoming an impossible task.
He gets caught up waiting for Chad to be cleared, so he’s still backstage after the show ends and quite literally runs into Jey.
turns out freedom ain’t nothin’ but missin’ you
Sami is tired. It’s been another exhausting Monday, his rematch with Bronson going about as well as he’d imagined, with Gunther taking the opportunity to lay him flat on his ass again.
And he’d brought Chad into this too, beating the man unconscious before dragging him out to the ring and literally laying him at Sami’s feet. And who would Sami be if he didn’t rush to the aid of his friends.
Who indeed?
He shakes away the thought, what does it matter at this point? He made a choice and he’s going to have to live with it now.
Sami doesn’t sleep much anymore. Memories plague him, keeping him up as he replays them over and over, trying to find the moment where it all went wrong
The match with Drew, the botched spot when his ankle failed him. Drew making it personal and attacking him again, all because of his hatred of Jey.
Jey worrying over his injury and vowing for vengeance against the Scottish Warrior.
Jey at his side at the hospital, fingers tightly woven with his as the Docs give him the news, showing them the torn meniscus that will keep him out of the ring for the next few months.
The talk on the way back to Sami’s apartment. Jey suggesting that he call in some favors and take time off to help Sami with his recovery, and he just couldn’t bear that. It’s bad enough that his own career momentum will be stunted, he can’t drag Jey away when he’s finally getting the recognition that he deserves.
Aaaaaand thats where I stopped 🫣
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inexplicifics · 2 years
one thing i really love about your writing and want to thank you for is how you refuse to diminish the contributions of historical women who operated within society’s constraints. like obviously it’s fantasy and the historical element is fairly handwavey but so many authors fall into the “female characters must be Strong TM (meaning they intentionally subvert gender roles and refuse to do “girly” things/get married etc) in order to be valuable” trap, and i love that you steer right clear of that.
yeah, you have female characters like zofia and ciri and renfri and dragonfly and shani and priss who say fuck gender roles i do what i want, but you also have characters like milena and marika and adelina and pavetta who lean into their expected roles, who enjoy traditionally feminine work like handicrafts and childrearing and who understand the value in marrying for status and security and find joy and fulfillment in their duty. and then you have characters who straddle the line so well, like yen and triss and julita and livi, who embrace femininity in presentation but not action, and that’s good too! and you even have characters who use their societal role for evil, like marta or aridea, or who fall into “rigidly enforced gender roles for thee but not for me” like calanthe, or who have been subsumed by their role until whoever they were as a person is gone, like the countess de lettenhove. and all of these characters are shown by your narrative to be equally valuable and deserving of agency, because they’re people and not because they’re women.
idk there’s just been a lot of talk lately about the way “well behaved” women are erased from the historical narrative, and fictionally portrayed as less interesting or deserving of happiness (lizzy bennett vs charlotte lucas, etc) and i love that you don’t fall into that. your characters can be like marika, they can behave exactly as a noble lady should, they can recognize the reality of the world around them and know that yes, marrying up IS actually often the only way to secure your future, and by god they can be good at it, and they’re still a person who deserves to be recognized! the fantasy element of historical fantasy means that female characters can be Not Like Other Girls if they want, but i appreciate that you don’t shy away from the historical part, where they don’t have to to be interesting or likable.
Thank you so much.
I try very hard to make sure my female characters are varied and interesting, and that they don't all turn away from traditional Feminine skills - because those were important! Fibercraft is how you get clothes! Cooking is how you get food! Childcare is how you get another generation!
There's something glorious about a woman picking up a sword and going off to slay her own dragons. But there's something glorious about a woman being able to lean in to the more traditional feminine skills, and having those valued and admired, too.
The important thing is being able to have the choice.
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imabillyami · 5 months
Got tagged by the lovely @afterdarkprincess (thanks so much, love 💙) and actually have something to share this time around.
Seeing Samijey happy and thriving naturally made me write angst. It’s basically a story to explain away the weeks of no interactions.
Not sure I’ll finish it, we’ll see. It’s angst though. Read at your own risk.
The fight had been stupid from the very beginning - born out of ever-present insecurity that turned into harsh words hurled at the wrong person.
The one person he knew would always have his back given the choice - the one person who was rock solid.
“You have no idea what I’m going through!“
“Are you being for real, uce?“
When Sami looked away, purposely not meeting his eyes, he continued “Of all people I’m the one who knows exactly what you going through Sami! You think being under Roman’s thumb all this damn time didn’t leave me fucked in the head doubting myself? I doubt myself every day Sami! Every day!“
Sami still stubbornly avoided looking at him.
Deep down he already felt sorry for what he’d said to Jey just moments ago, but his mind was stuck, there was no way out. No way to resolve this reasonably before it exploded.
„You know what Sami? You keep doing you. Keep pushing people away. Watch where this shit will get you. I’m outta here.“
With that Jey gathered his things and pushed out of the locker room door, leaving Sami to wonder just how exactly he’d managed to fuck up this badly again.
Weeks passed. Weeks of suffering and longing and self-loathing and doubt.
When they saw each other backstage, a circumstance both tried to avoid as much as they physically could, hurt gazes were all they exchanged.
They were both being stubborn and they knew it, but neither was exactly sure how to make the first move. They were shit at dealing with their emotions, always had been.
Sami still couldn’t get out of his rut. And Jey deserved so much better than that. He deserved a much better man than Sami could possibly ever be.
Jey was insecure and fearful of what their next exchange might bring. That, but also, he thought, reasonably pissed off, still.
Their friends were left with nothing but confusion and rolling eyes at their antics.
Sami had successfully pushed every single one of them away despite their best attempts to talk some sense into him.
That was, until one day a very unexpected ally came along.
„Get your ass up right now, Sami! God this is pathetic. I wish you could see yourself right now. You’re pathetic, you know that!?“, a very ticked off Gable yelled at him seemingly out of nowhere.
He’d won the gauntlet match against the other man recently and he knew how much heartbreak that had caused him and his fans.
The crowd’s reactions to his win had added a whole new layer to his doubts and insecurities and he hated it.
That - and he had run into Jey backstage earlier and quickly fled the scene.
And now he was hiding in catering for the rest of the night like the big man he was.
Sami snorted at Gable’s harsh words.
And stayed put.
„I’m being serious Sami! You’re a fucking idiot! You could have it all. Win the fight and get the girl - well guy in your case. And what are you doing? Moping in fucking catering even though you can’t even fucking eat anything!“
It was true. With it being Ramadan, hiding in catering was probably the most pathetic move ever.
He knew Jey despised the food catering provided though, so it had seemed like the perfect spot to avoid any more run-ins with the man he loved.
Hope you enjoyed that little glimpse!
No pressure tags: @crxssjae @shanie-the-komania-toyaddict @jeyuwuso @harmshake and everyone else who loves writing and has something to share 💙
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wrestlezaynia · 1 year
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Kevin peers out into the ocean. It's a calm, peaceful night as the sound of waves crash against the shore. He could hear footsteps approaching in the distance causing his stomach to churn.
Sami watches Kevin from afar, building up the nerve to confront him. He hasn't been acting like himself lately and Sami's hoping to get an explanation for these sudden outbursts. He takes a deep breath, preparing for the worst as he proceeds with caution. "Kev?" He asks.
Kevin remains silent, patting the beach towel for Sami to join him. He glances up at the sky, stars twinkling brightly. "I'm sorry for my behavior lately, it's just-" he pauses, gathering the strength for what he's about to say next. "I'm afraid I'm going to lose you again."
Sami takes a seat beside Kevin. He can tell right away something's amiss as he reaches for his hand, lacing their finger together. "Kevin, look at me." Sami coaxes, using his free hand to cup Kevin's cheek and focus his attention on him. "I'm not going anywhere, I promise."
Kevin could feel tears prick his eyes as Sami forces him to make eye contact, becoming lost in the warm honey glow. The gentle sea breeze blowing through Sami's crimson locks, taking his breath away. "Every time we're interviewed The Bloodline gets mentioned and I..."
"It's a touchy subject for both of us." Sami chimes in, reading Kevin's mind and finishing his sentence. "But when I was in The Bloodline, all I could think about was you." He confesses softly, his voice wavering. "And when it came time to pull the trigger, I looked at you and all the memories came flooding back."
The tears Kevin fought to suppress now trickling down his cheeks as he nuzzles into Sami's palm, reaching up to gently tuck a strand of hair behind his ear. "While you were away it was a lot quieter, so it gave me time to think." He remarks, his gaze locked on Sami as he digs for something in his pocket. "And I realized that I couldn't live without you." He removes the object to reveal a ring. "Sami," he falters, releasing a shaky breath. "Will you marry me?"
Sami emits an amused chuckle, he'd imagine it must've been quite silent without his presence. His eyes lighting up upon seeing the ring, their initials engraved in the center. "I thought you'd never ask."
Tagging: @shanie-is-komania, @hiac, @loki69zowens, @racerchix21, @stardust181, @low-x-battery, @coloursflyaway, @riveliciousx, @codyzaynia, @kevinsteen, @pikapuff-316, @kristalynn94, @unintentionaloracle, @existwithpride and @anothersabah.
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dadralt · 1 year
26 + 18, Ciri/Shani please <3
“Can I help you?”
Shani tears her eyes away from the intricate writings of the book she’s holding, turning her head to look at whoever interrupted her readings.
A young woman is looking at her; about her age, green eyes and glasses with the lenses punched out, ashen hair falling out of her ponytail and into her eyes, and an inquiring smile. She doesn’t look like she belongs in this stuffy, old place at all.
“Hello, I’m Ciri. The owner.”
Shani blinks.
“Oh, sorry, I was just so enthralled in this book. I never thought I would get my hands on Veselko The Hermit’s diary, I thought all copies had been destroyed after –“
Shani stops herself and looks at the woman - Ciri, even more intrigued. “How did you get your hands on this book?”
“Ah, uh well. My dad, he’s a... collector, of sorts?” Ciri explains, hands gesturing. She looks thrown off by the question but then quickly collects herself. “It’s a long story really, I don’t want to bore you,” she adds with a wink.
“Oh, but I’m really interested,” Shani adds, hoping her intentions will come through.
“Well, if you want, he should pop around in about an hour?”
“I’d much rather hear it from you.”
Ciri looks at her for a second before a smirk appears on her face. “Wait for me here.”
She walks towards the back of the store, through the maze of old books, and Shani hears her yell, “hey, asshole! Lambert!” before disappearing completely from her view.
Shani takes the time to look a bit more around the place and she can’t shake off this feeling like she’s been transported back to 1267. There’s an eerie feeling about the shop, something magical maybe? But everyone knows magic exists only in old books.
She doesn’t have the time to think about it more because Ciri is back, giant grin on her face and bag on her shoulder.
“Let’s go, shall we? I know this place not far from here, cheap and good beers.”
Shani can’t help but smile, Ciri’s energy is delightful and she follows the young woman out of the store. She has secrets, no doubt about it, but nobody said Shani can’t have fun while trying to figure them out.
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therichantsim · 1 year
Below the cut is a long-drawn-out rant. I debated long and hard about doing this but I’m tired of keeping bottled up. So, I’m about to get messy as fuck and put all my business out there. Frankly at this point, I don’t even care. I tried to let it slide because I don’t like drama unless it’s in a sims story. However, at this point I have nothing to lose since apparently the people I once called friends stopped fucking with me anyway. 
I don’t know what’s being said in the private chats and DM’s, but I notice some interesting behavior ever since @shanisims posted her “goodbye post”. I don’t normally do callout post or bring personal drama out into the open, but my intuition tells me some shit is being said about me that ain’t true. Shanisims befriended me and we began chatting in the DM’s, then on Discord. We shared story stuff, personal stuff, then we started collaborating together. We swapped sims. I did some builds for her, and we collaborated on each other’s stories. She engaged in my content and vice versa. Then one day she just stopped. Once I noticed I stopped engaging too. Then next thing I knew... I was blocked on all platforms. I have another blog I use for shitposting that I follow my favs from. I really enjoyed her story, so I quietly continued to read it from there. At some point she alludes to a “beef” when she brings my OC’s persona into her story. She mentions that Bishop looks different because of “reasons”. Then she does it again later on in the story when Bishop is featured. My question was why allude to anything? No one was asking unless you want them to ask. 👀🤨 It was passive aggressive, calculated and cunning. Mind you whatever offense that allegedly took place happened over a year ago.  So, I decided to ask her what her problem was. I sent her message from that account, and I said it was me. I didn’t pretend to be anonymous. I wanted to know what her beef was with me and if she has such an issue with me that she had to block me why continue to use my sims, my builds and my character’s persona? I told her I felt used. She goes out of her way to be extremely friendly and overly helpful online then for whatever reason she just turns on you.  In the past I’ve been told by her and a few others that I am not afraid of confrontation, and that I can come off very blunt and direct. I’m 49 years old I don’t have time for games, and I try very hard to make sure I’m understood online. However, I do think, re-read, and re-write my words many times before I hit send so that they aren’t misinterpreted online since my tone can’t be heard.  All I know is not too long after her goodbye post went up, mutuals I have had online friendships and history with stopped engaging with my post. Some even unfollowed me. I don’t know what she’s telling these people. When I confronted her, she never responded. Instead, she played victim and did a goodbye post. You would’ve thought I bullied her, pulled up to her house and was outside ready to fight or something. I’m also calling out some of my so called “mutuals” cough cough @storiesbyjes2g and @ladybugsimblr​ because in the year 2023 where online friendships are no longer considered a foreign concept, people like y’all will happily discard them instead of doing the hard work of confronting, communicating, accountability, honesty and resolving. Instead, you hid behind platitudes like “protecting my peace” or pretend to be cool just to go radio silent afterwards. But I’m just some random lady on the internet so, who gives a fuck right? This goes for anyone else that may have passed judgement on me regarding Shani without knowing all the facts. I still don’t even know what happened! Take away from this what you will but I wanted to put it out there because I’m hurt and felt like being a petty bitch. Now here is real drama you can “protect your peace” from. 
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cosmos-coma · 1 year
A/N: Hey! I got a request earlier this week for some Shani! it took me a bit to get a good idea between how brain dead I am after work and trying to recover during time off but this one actually really really made me feel soft and happy.
Pairing: Shani x Reader
Words: 521
The market rumbled quietly just beyond the walls of the house, the colorful day-to-day city life bustling just beyond your window. However, none of it dared to break through your quiet sanctuary.
Shani reclined back against the headboard, her softened face just out of reach of the golden light peaking between the curtains. The whole room glowed dimly in the morning, casting elegant hues against the cream-colored blanket and the other figure gracing her bed. 
Your head rested on her exposed stomach, soft and warm under your cheek, rising and falling in a gentle and soothing motion. Shani’s fingers played idly in your hair, twisting and curling around the loose strains before letting them gently fall away. Her voice rattled the air pleasantly as she read aloud from her book and it's like the whole world fell away. 
You couldn’t understand half of the medical jargon she was saying, but you enjoyed the way she said it, the way it vibrated through her chest and into yours. You pressed a slow and quiet kiss to her soft stomach, your arm flopping over her in a perhaps mildly possessive manner. 
An airy chuckle rippled through her like movement in a still pond as you pulled back, “Dear, what are you doing?” she laughed out softly as she paused her reading. 
“It’s a kiss. They didn’t teach you about kisses in medical school?” you teased as you rolled over, your chin on her stomach, as you looked up at her with a wide smile. “You know they say a kiss can make it all better..”
“Oh, do they?” she smiled down at you, her hand now trailing down your cheek. The sunlight illuminated the soft peach fuzz on your face in a magnificent aura that simply longed to be touched. “It sounds like you have quite a lot of experience with this very extensive medical procedure” 
“Best in all of Novigrad,” you bragged, pressing a grinning kiss against her palm, then her wrist. 
The warm smell of breakfast permeated from the oven. Spices and soft dough mingled in the air, a tantalizing dance to lure you away from the comforts of your bed for all, but a moment. 
“Hmm, I’ve also heard that cinnamon rolls do wonders too…” You suggested as the smell finally hit your brain, coaxing you to sit upright. 
“Why, I think if we could combine the two, we might have a medical miracle on our hands,” her bright smile reflected back. The book closed with a gentle thump as she set it on the side table and pulled back the covers. 
“... I’ll race you for them…” you proposed after a pause. 
“... You’re on,” she said, pushing you back onto the bed in a flash as she dashed out of the room, gaining ground like a starving cheetah. 
“HEY! THAT’S CHEATING,” you yelled, as you scrambled out from the blankets and sheets to catch your mischievous partner, all means of laughter filling the halls.
Perhaps ‘quiet sanctuary’ was a bit much in the grand scheme of things. 
No, it was hardly quiet for long here.
This place was your home.
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leebrontide · 1 year
Secondhand Origin Stories, Chapter 9
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Here's this week's chapter! Reblogs welcome!
For those of you just joining us, I'm posting a chapter a week of my free near future scifi/low neon cyberpunk YA/NA novel, Secondhand Origin Stories, which has been described as
"-a character driven, compelling story full of family, queerness, corruption, brain altering nanites, secretly teen parenting AIs, and taking aspects of the superhero genre to their very human and rarely-explored natural conclusions."
For content warnings and more, check here:
You can follow along by following #SHOSweekly
Chapter 9
Martin’s voice in the elevator was enough to put Opal on edge again. The unexpectedly plush chairs of the clinic waiting room weren’t enough to fix it. The staff here all seemed so grim, somehow. And up this high, the sound of the storm blanketed every other noise with the static, as if it was keeping secrets in the constant shushes of rain and the grumbles of thunder.
She’d settled on calling her mom. Mom’s ridiculous sheep-patterned pajamas and her enthusiasm for Shani’s history project helped. Apparently Opal would be getting a lengthy account of it whenever she managed to reach Shani between summer sleepovers. 
“Everyone still treating you all right?”
Opal smiled, trying to get comfortable. “Aldis and the guys have been great. You got the pictures I sent you of the VIP suite? Oh! Did I tell you Capricorn said he thinks I have grit? And Helix agreed with him.” She couldn’t mention the rest of it-- not here, at least. She couldn’t make up her mind what she really should say. 
“Oh, baby, I’m so proud of you. Are they as handsome in person as on TV?”
Opal laughed. “Mom. They’re all like, 40 and up.”
“And that might as well be a hundred to an 18-year-old. Yeah, yeah.”
“Hey, have you--” 
“I still haven’t heard from your dad. I promise I’ll let you know the minute I do. But you know how this goes. Any little thing.” And they’d revoke his phone “privileges.” It’d been months, once or twice before. Then he’d reappear, looking a little older, a little less steady, chastising Opal for having worried. She hadn’t gotten any letters, either. It was never good when he couldn’t even send letters. But she’d sent hers. She hoped he got them. 
She glanced up as a familiar figure ghosted through the edge of Opal’s line of sight. “Jamie?” Jamie turned, looking haunted. “Hey, Mom. I’m sorry, but I’ll call you later, OK?” 
Martin had said there was a family emergency. If Jamie was down here, it must be a bad one. 
Jamie was, impossibly, paler than usual. She seemed almost blue. Her posture was hunched, as if she was expecting to have to bolt at any second, with her elbows pulled in tight against her body. She also seemed to be by herself. “Hey, are you OK?”
“I’m trying to find Issac’s doctor, but they just keep telling me to go wait with…I need to tell them what happened with Issac. I’m the only one who was there.”
A nice, straightforward request. Opal stood, flagging down the nearest medical professional who didn’t seem to be rushing. She put on her most professional tone. “Excuse me. Ms. Tillman-Voss needs to speak with the treating physician for Issac Tillman-Voss right away. She has important information relevant to his condition she needs to share.” Hanging around Mom’s job when she was little had given her a few tricks, at least.
The woman nodded, and led them to a nurse’s station before disappearing to find the doctor. 
“Ms. Tillman-Voss?” Jamie asked under her breath. “I think they think you’re my bodyguard now.”
Bodyguard? She’d been going for PR intern. “Whatever works,” she muttered back. 
Jamie’s smile was tiny and wobbly. “You do look really grown-up in that.”
“You look like you’re going to faint. You’re not, are you? My mom’s a nurse, but I am very much not.”
“No. I need to talk to the doctor.”
“Are you going to faint after that?”
“I hope not. They won’t treat me here. I’m not altered.”
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure if LodeStar’s kid faints in their waiting room, they’ll pull something together.”
Jamie muttered under her breath, “Not sure he’d care.”
That didn’t sound good. The doctor showed up before Opal could ask, and then she was too busy keeping up with the story Jamie was telling. Every bit of which sounded 100% illegal. By the end of it, Jamie’s voice was painful to even listen to, it was so high-pitched and breathless, but Jamie pushed through. She even brought them a copy of a thesis Issac had written on the subject. It’d be impressive if it wasn’t so horrifying. Brain-changing nanites? You didn’t have to try to think of all the ways that could be misused.
The doctor rushed off as soon as Jamie was done. 
Opal was hit with more doubt than she’d ever had before. What and who had she gotten mixed up with? OK, the Sentinels as a family struggling to cope, she could understand. But a family that attempted to cope by developing more and scarier technology, and testing it on themselves in secret?
Then again, that was how Bion had started. But that was back before altering tech laws had been around. Issac must have known what he was doing was illegal. He should even know why it needed to be illegal. His family took down people conducting illegal alterations all the time. 
But maybe those rules didn’t apply to their son.
She shivered. Exactly how many rules didn’t apply to them?
Jamie didn’t notice Opal’s existential crisis. She was staring down the hallway towards the handful of private waiting rooms like she was expecting a firing squad. She took a tiny, unconscious step backwards, towards Opal. 
And all Opal could remember was Jamie’s comment that nobody would even notice another couple of bruises on her. All three of the kids seemed incredibly isolated. How many laws could the Sentinels get out of?
Opal put a hand on Jamie’s shoulder. Leaned in to ask quietly, “Are you OK?”
Jamie didn’t look at her. But she pressed her lips so tight they almost vanished. Her eyes were pink. She shook her head, still staring down the hall. 
Maybe it was nothing. Jamie’d had a terrible morning by anyone’s standards. 
Maybe it wasn’t nothing. 
Jamie started, looking at Opal. “My dad! He needs a doctor, too. If he’s in the waiting room, then they must not know. His collarbone’s broken.”
“What? How did that happen?”
“Yael.” Jamie said, flinching as she realized too late that that was bound to beg questions. “There was a-- xe was afraid he-- but that doesn’t matter. He needs a doctor!”
This time it was even easier to get someone’s attention, but Jamie was a lot lighter on the details. She didn’t even mention Yael. Whatever had happened, she was less likely to explain it than she was Issac’s breach of international laws. Nobody pressed her for more details. Doctors rushed to help the injured superhero, and Opal and Jamie stayed put.
Neil Voss passed by a few minutes later, escorted by a nervous-looking medical person and Capricorn. Capricorn looked grim, and had a hand on LodeStar’s arm. LodeStar ignored Opal completely, his attention stitched tightly to his daughter as he passed. Neither of them said anything to the other. 
Jamie watched him with her own intensity, and a disquieting stillness. LodeStar looked half possessed. His eyes burned blood-red where the whites should have been. His steps were unsteady and slow, but the muscles in his shoulders were coiled, prepared to strike, his hands working themselves into huge metallic fists. Flexing again. Stretching, as if he was imagining grabbing something. Opal had never seen anyone more terrifying in her life. 
He was cordoned off in another room after what felt like an eternity. The two of them both exhaled at the same time. 
Oh God. Opal was in a Gothic novel. And the head of the house was as powerful and utterly unhinged as any she’d ever read. And she’d spent the last...more than two weeks now, trying to move into his house, work under his orders? This was not going to work. She could never trust the orders of someone like that. She could never hurt or arrest anyone on his say-so. She didn’t even want to be in the same room with him.
She’d go home. Go back to Detroit. Save up, and try another team, later. They couldn’t all be like him, could they?
Jamie sat suddenly, barely catching a chair instead of landing on the floor. She was struggling to catch her breath.
Shit. None of the doctors had even looked at Jamie. No one was going to check in on what was happening in LodeStar’s home. What made Jamie look like that? What drove her brother to experiment on himself, rather than have something he might see as a vulnerability in that household?
Opal reached for the only failsafe she could think of close by. “Hey, maybe we should go find your mom?”
Jamie cringed, but nodded, dragging herself back upright. Opal followed close behind, hoping to find some kind of resolution.
* * *
Issac drifted in and out of consciousness several times. Reality had turned slippery, and even awake, he couldn’t seem to grasp hold of it. This time, when he woke, the ground under him felt a little more solid. Time felt a little more linear. 
He kept his eyes closed, trying to shut out reality. Trying not to notice what he couldn’t detect. He tried to focus inward. His mouth and tongue hurt, as if he’d cut them. A seizure, he remembered. Someone had told him he’d had a seizure, one of the other times he’d been awake. He must have bitten himself. His mouth tasted like blood.
He shifted his attention again, but his body was no refuge. His pulse was speeding; his back hurt like hell. There was a needle in his arm. His torso was canted upwards. Another hospital bed. 
More missing monitor noise. 
His mind had never been good at silence. He’d never been able to get it to shut up. To stop noticing. 
Then again, at least it was still working right. At least he did still notice things.
At least he’d woken up. 
Tears pricked at his closed eyes. He’d failed. Air escaped his lungs unevenly, and he sucked it back in, straining against ribs that whined about it, just like the last time. 
Whoever was in the room with him-- there must be someone-- didn’t notice his tears or any unwanted noises. There was no touch to his hand or face. No anything. If he wanted something, he’d have to signal it. He’d have to open his eyes and face whoever was there.
He pried open crusty, itchy eyes. This time, his vision landed first on his own paper-clad lap. 
There was a card in his hand in unfamiliar handwriting. Issac - you have had a seizure. Some confusion is normal. It will go away in a while. Please stop trying to remove the monitoring equipment. Your family will return soon. 
Soon? None of them were even in here with him? He looked up.
There was a man in the room. He was wearing a three-piece suit in brownish gray, with graying, sand-colored hair, and a severely bleached smile plastered on his face. He was sitting in the chair between Issac and the door with his ankle on his knee. As if this was a perfectly normal way to meet someone.
This was not a doctor. 
Issac gasped as his vision developed sudden spots. Black fractured the image in front of him. 
It was text. Good afternoon, Mr. Tillman-Voss.
Issac was wearing contacts. Revulsion rolled through him. He wanted to pull them off. He couldn’t stand the thought of touching them. Either the stranger knew he had them, or he thought Issac could hear. The man stood, still smiling. He reached into his blazer pocket, producing a little slip of paper. He walked the few paces between them, holding it out. A business card. Before Issac could read it, more text crowded the image out. I’m Frank Lasansky of Lasansky Security Technologies. Sorry if I’m catching you at a bad time.
A bad time? Issac wasn’t even wearing pants. How did these contacts end up on his eyes? Where was his family? I heard a while back about what happened to you and I think that’s a shame. Just a real shame. Still smiling. Issac would have punched the guy if he was more confident in his ability to stand up without falling down. There was something off about him-- a fakeness that went beyond his over-bleached teeth. Issac took the business card, but kept watching the man’s face.
It didn’t move right. Some kind of partial paralysis? 
And I thought, there’s a young man I’d like to meet. And my lucky day, I come to find out you’re in this very building when I am! Well, I couldn’t pass up an opportunity like that, could I? Huh? Right?
Issac didn’t know what else to do, so he shook his head “no.” Did this guy not know Issac lived in this building? How could he possibly not know that? It was Sentinel Plaza.
Lasansky. That name was familiar.
The weird smile stretched wider. Great! Glad to hear it. Because I am just dying to chat with you about those nanites of yours. Issac went cold. The nanites. He must be from the APB? Maybe he was here to take Issac away. Issac felt an irrational urge to check to make sure all his arms and legs were still attached. That they hadn’t been replaced with weaker models. He knew better, and he was being watched. Now, I already heard that this trial didn’t work out. That’s why I took the liberty of providing you with some hardware to help us out in our little chat. He tapped the space next to his eye, looking pleased with himself.
Issac recoiled. He would have assumed that either his parents or a nurse had put the contacts on him. That would have been bad enough. But to think that this random businessman had been touching Issac while he was either asleep or too out of it to have a say sent a spiky, electric chill up his spine. OK, he had his legs, but it felt that much closer to Jenna's fate, all the same.
Lasansky continued, either oblivious to Issac's alarm or electing to ignore it. But hey, these things happen. You can’t get it right on your first try every time, right? Issac wondered whether he was supposed to shake his head again, but this time Lasansky didn’t wait. I want you to know I’m not going to judge you for that. You know? I want you to hear that it’s not your fault. You didn’t have backup. No support. No team. 
Issac's horror ebbed a little, and he tried to shove it down faster. Don’t think about his eyes. This was obvious, and well-thought-out, flattery. This total stranger knew exactly what Issac wanted to hear. The polar opposite of what he’d be forced to sit through whenever his parents showed up to replace the stranger. 
Why was he flattering Issac?
Issac studied the man. The suit was high-end, and almost perfectly tailored, but cut a little too big in the shoulders. There was the smallest of silver roots visible at his hairline. His hands looked noticeably older than his face.
Ah. His face. He’d had too much Botox, too many face-lifts, or both. That’s why his expressions seemed off. Everything about him was pretending. 
Lasansky. Lasansky. He knew that name.
But a little birdie gave me some good news. Word on the street is, it’s your biggest birthday today! He leaned in conspiratorially. Issac leaned in, too, as if it mattered what volume the man spoke at. You’re a free man, Mr Tillman. The world is your oyster.
A free man. So, not arrested, anyway. Lasansky stood. Now I know this is irregular, God knows it’s not usually how we run things at Lasansky Security International, but you, young man, are special. I couldn’t run the chance of them squirreling you away in the attic all alone without my having spoken to you, first.
Of him being sent away like Jenna. 
Mr. Tillman, I am here to make you an offer.  Because the problem with working for the family business is, you have to work for your family! You have to be the baby at work and at home. Have your boss at the dinner table. Be constantly surrounded by people who have what they think are your best interests at heart, but who, deep down, can’t appreciate you for the adult that you are! Now the fact that you had to run this all by yourself tells me that they already gave you the vote of no confidence. They only see Issac the boy, not Issac the man. But I have seen your patent list, and I am ready to give you my full vote of confidence. I believe in your tech. I believe there’s a need for it, and I believe that with the right support, you can deliver your gift to the world. I am prepared to offer you just that support. 
This stranger-- this fake man in a thousand-dollar suit-- understood. Had grasped the whole dynamic of the situation without ever even meeting Issac. Issac glanced down briefly, thinking, and his eyes landed on perfectly shined shoes with a subtly higher-than-average heel. Trying to look tall.
Lasansky was the head of what had to be a huge, heavily politically-connected company, but even he had to pretend to be taller, healthier, younger than he was. No wonder he could understand Issac’s need to fix himself. Even Lasansky wasn’t high enough in the hierarchy to risk exposing even the smallest, most irrelevant weaknesses, like wrinkles or narrower shoulders. 
Well, even Mom wore tall shoes and sought the occasional nip and tuck, didn’t she? She just wore it better, or maybe invested more. 
If even the people at the top-- everyone who wasn’t altered-- had to protect themselves with artificial health and height, where did that leave someone with an actual weakness?
Lasansky approached the tilted hospital bed. Issac had to crane his neck back to keep watching him. He smiled down at Issac with gleaming teeth. Mr. Tillman, how would you like to join the Lasansky Securities family?
* * *
Time bled by Yael at an agonizing crawl. Xe didn’t know how long xe’d been sitting on the cool tile floor of xyr bedroom, not really seeing anything. Xyr back was still against the door, where it was easiest to hear Papa not coming after xyr, not trying to argue through the door. Xe’d let xyr mind go blank, listening to that silence.
When xyr phone went off, Yael jumped so hard xe banged xyr head against the door. Xe grabbed the phone out of xyr pocket, answering to stop its intrusion. Xe forgot all about Papa for a moment when xe realized it was Issac. Or, at least, Issac's phone.
“Hello?” xe asked cautiously, not sure who to expect on the other end.
Issac himself answered. “Yeah. Uhm. Hi.”
Yael's head dropped back, hitting the door with another bang. “You’re OK. You’re OK, right? Oh my Gosh, can you hear me? You’re on the phone!”
There was a pause. “I…no. I have translation software. I can’t hear you.” 
“Sorry it didn’t work.” And xe was, a little. Mostly, xe was happy he was conscious, coherent and alive. Now they just had to get through the fallout with the APB. Nodiah wasn’t going to be happy.
Issac didn’t even try to hide his discomfort, which was refreshing. “Yeah.” Yael looked behind xyr, as if xe could see through the door. Xe had no idea where Papa was, if he was hearing all of this. “I need your help.”
Yael crossed xyr legs, straightening. Trying not to think about how “helping” him this morning had gone. “What do you need?”
“An escort? I, uhm. I got a job. Just now.” Yael pulled the phone away from xyr ear, and stared at it, baffled. Was Issac actually coherent? “I know that’s weird. But it’s this guy who works with the APB, and he actually believes in my research. Wants to use it to help people.” Official approval! Thank heaven. Issac would be safe, now. Problems were knocking themselves out left and right. 
 “I’m eighteen. I can move out, any time I want to. They can’t stop me. But it’s like… I’ll have to live in just like…a place. Just standard security systems. I’d feel better if you came along, too. You’re almost eighteen. Can you?” A flicker of hesitation. “Will you?”
Yael rushed the phone back to xyr ear, glancing back against the door again. Hopefully Papa hadn’t heard that.
Xyr first impulse was to tell Issac “no.” He was hurt. He needed his family. He needed to be protected, here at home.
Except now, home wasn’t safe, either. He needed safety and family. Maybe Yael really was his best bet for both. Papa wasn’t listening to Yael-- maybe none of the others would, either. 
“On one condition. We have to bring Jamie, too. We can’t leave her here.” Xe hoped Melissa would protect her, but if nobody but Yael saw the danger--
“What? I. But. I mean. If she wants to…You think she would? But she’s sixteen.”
“We have to try.”
“Uh. Sure. Try away.”
“Is…Your mom isn’t with you, now.”
“You’re alone?”
“I…I guess they came in earlier. I don’t remember.”
“Have you seen Neil?”
“I guess.”
“I don’t remember, OK? Seizures can do that. Just…pack up. I’ll get home when I can to do the same.” He said his goodbyes, which Yael echoed in a haze, then hung up.
Moving out? Xe’d never planned to leave. Xyr room had always just evolved with xyr. This was Yael’s home.
But a home wasn’t such a big thing to sacrifice for your brother and sister. 
Xe heard shuffling outside. Papa’s normally light footfalls were slow and plodding, either because he was just that tired, or to warn xyr he was coming.
The handle beside xyr head turned, and Yael looked over at it as the door tried to shift inward. Yael was more than heavy enough to keep it closed.
Papa’s voice was muffled, but only a little bit irritated. “Yael, I’ve bought you a very large bed, two futons, and an office chair. Why do you insist on sitting on the floor?”
Xe didn’t even bother to pretend to be angry. “I’m being a barricade.”
“Well, stop being a barricade and go back to being my daughter. I need to talk to her.”
Maybe it was just because xe was so upset about everything else, but xe was suddenly annoyed by his misgendering, and didn’t watch xyr tongue. “I’m not your daughter.”
Shit! Yael’d said it before thinking, then realized how Papa would hear it. Xe scrambled to xyr feet and threw the door open.
He was standing there, half turned from the door, his expression a broken attempt at stoicism. He met xyr eyes with a piercing, angry gaze and a mouth that tugged down at the corners, obviously hurt. 
This time xyr blurted words did better. “I didn’t mean it like that! I meant-- ugh. You’ve heard Jamie and Issac use non-gendered pronouns for me for five months now. Take a hint!”
The pain in his expression cleared, some, replaced by sincere confusion. “You never asked me to call you that.”
“I thought it would be obvious.”
“I didn’t want to assume. Sometimes siblings have things they don’t want to share with-- I was trying not to intrude!” He shook his head. “This is absurd. Yael, aren’t we having enough fights today? Let’s put this on hold.”
Surprisingly diplomatic of him, even if he was sidestepping something important to xyr. Xe tried to stay calm. Xe crossed xyr arms. “All right. Which fight do you want to have first?”
Papa replied with an exasperated, but not entirely unamused sigh, and stepped forward. Xe let him in. He paused. “How about the one about how your room looks like you’re afraid of drawers, closets and boxes?”
He shoved over a pile of hoodies and sat on one of the futons. “No.” He rubbed his face. 
The silence stretched out. Papa was lost in thought. Yael collapsed onto the opposite futon, toying with the corduroy.
Finally he looked to xyr. “Which do you want to start with?”
Yael spread xyr hands helplessly, shaking xyr head. Xe had no idea how to untangle all of this. But xe didn’t want him to leave.
Xe didn’t want to leave.
To xyr amusement, he pulled out a coin. He looked at xyr. “Heads, your fight with Neil, tails, the…the other thing.”
Xe nodded, and he flipped the coin, catching it and slapping it to his hand. “Heads,” he announced. 
They looked at each other, bracing for a fight neither of them wanted to have. “Tell me what happened. I won’t say anything until you’ve finished. Just this once.”
Too good an offer to pass up. “Issac was following in his father’s and Jenna's and Drew's footsteps. He decided to fight his limitations directly, and he had the science. He limited the MARTIN sensors and used his nanites to try to repair his audio nerve.” Xe refused to look ashamed. “Jamie and I helped him, and kept his secret. And I am not sorry we did.” That was much easier to say now that xe knew he really was OK. “He has the right to try to better himself.” 
Xe couldn’t read Papa’s reaction, so xe just kept going. “But he had a seizure, Jamie used the failsafe, and we called for help. The EMTs got Issac, and Drew went with them, and as soon as Neil and Jamie and I were alone, he started shouting at her, and then he lunged for her. I intercepted him and tried to make him back off. He wouldn’t. That’s pretty much when you came in.”
Papa might not have interrupted, but now he was shaking his head. “You misinterpreted. You were upset and you misunderstood.”
“How would you know? You weren’t there!” xe challenged. 
“Neil wouldn’t. He adores Jamie. He loves all of you kids.” Yael shook xyr head, glaring daggers at the floor as he continued. “You’ve known him your whole life. You know he would never hurt any of you.”
“I’ve been trying to believe in that, and in him. This whole time I’ve been trying. But he’s not the man I grew up with. That man would never abandon Issac for days at a time like this. Not for any reason. And today-- I’ve seen enough film of your missions to know he can kill with less rage than that. I wouldn’t let anyone looking like that near Jamie or Issac.”
Xe readied for arguments and shouting yet again. Instead, Papa looked distracted and troubled.
Deep down, part of Yael wanted to be wrong. Even hurting Neil unfairly would be better than Neil being a real danger to Jamie. Neil would heal. If he was the person Yael thought xe remembered, he would even forgive.
But Papa had stopped arguing. Xe couldn’t imagine a more hollow victory.
They sat in painful silence for a moment. 
“I…I’ll talk to him. And Melissa,” he promised.
“There’s more.” 
He looked horrified. “More? How could there possibly be more?” Realization dawned. “The phone call.”
“It was Issac.”
“Well then, that’s good!”
Xe nodded, hesitantly. “Yes, that’s good,” xe hedged. “You know it’s his birthday.”
“What a birthday.”
“He’s eighteen. He called me to say he’s not coming back, except to pack his things. He’s moving out. And he sure is Melissa’s son, because he’s somehow landed himself a job since this morning.”
Papa’s mouth dropped open. “You can’t be serious.”
Yael threw up xyr hands. “It wasn’t my idea!”
“Well, tell him not to!”
“When has that ever worked? At least it’s APB-backed, so he won’t get arrested for this morning.”
“He can’t just go out there, alone.”
Here it was. “He won’t be alone.” Yael gulped, but raised xyr chin. “I’m going with him.”
Papa rocketed to his feet.“The hell you are!” All his bombastic energy was back from before. “This is absurd! We had a fight! That is no reason. No. Reason.”
Yael didn’t have it in xyr now to fight about this. Instead, xe kept xyr voice low, which had the surprising effect of making Papa pause. “I know. I’m not going to get away from you. I’m going to protect him. Because he shouldn’t go out there alone.”
“I forbid it.”
“Then be prepared to fight me with real force every single day. Be prepared to break my legs faster than they can heal, because that’s what it’ll take.” 
Papa was visibly repulsed. “This is no time for dramatics.”
“I’m being sincere. I know you don’t have a lot of recent practice with honesty, but try and remember what it sounds like. If you’re not willing to go that far, then you won’t keep me here. And you don’t want to.”
“Of course I want to! You’re my--” Xe had to hand it to him; he stopped before ‘daughter’ this time. He was trying. “Family. And you belong here.”
“Do you want to leave Issac unprotected? Out there? He’s your family. He’s hurt. Are you going to abandon him?”
“This is madness.”
“I told you that I’d defend them. From anyone and anything. I meant that.” Not a hero’s oath, but the one that came from xyr heart.
“What about Jamie?” 
“I don’t know yet. But you’ll protect her, won’t you?”
Papa sank down on the futon, hands over his eyes. “There is nothing about this that I don’t hate.”
“But you will.”
He scowled at the ceiling from behind his hand. “Yes, of course I will.”
Silence swallowed them up, and Yael noticed the rain for the first time. Rain was supposed to cleanse. Yael didn’t feel cleansed, but at least some things between them were out. The inside of xyr head felt a little cleaner for it. 
Eventually Yael commented, “I think that was the quietest fight we’ve ever had.”
“I think I lost.”                          
* * *
“Ms. Tillman-Voss? Your brother would like to see you.” The nurse looked at Jamie and Opal, and all the empty chairs in the private waiting room. “Is your mother not here?”
“She went for coffee,” Jamie answered automatically. That had been three hours ago, but it still stood. Jamie had no doubt that wherever Mom was, she’d have a cup of coffee with her. Jamie explaining the morning to Mom hadn’t gone well. Jamie stood, then hesitated, looking back at Opal. “Can you--?”
“I’ll wait here,” Opal assured. It helped. Opal had been sitting with Jamie this whole time, even though Jamie was too full of waiting to be any kind of good company. She’d spent most of the last hour giving Jamie entertaining summaries of Gothic novels with unflattering appraisals of characters’ decision-making abilities. She’d kept it up, even though Jamie didn’t have it in her to laugh at anything right now. They made her almost smile and kept her partially occupied, and that was more than Jamie could have asked for. 
Jamie glanced back over her shoulder as she followed the nurse out, getting one more sympathetic smile and encouraging wave from Opal before following the nurse down the same hall her dad had disappeared down three hours ago. She hadn’t seen or heard from him, since. She told herself it was because a broken bone could take a while to treat.
Issac was sitting up, awake and lucid, when Jamie slipped quietly into the room. The nurse shut the door behind her, leaving the two of them alone. His lips weren’t blue. His eyes were focused, if bloodshot. He had on two medical bracelets and a white paper card in each hand. One large, one small. The sensors were still on his forehead. He watched her with trepidation, licking his lips. 
Jamie almost tripped over her shoes crossing the space between them. She wrapped both arms around him and pulled him close enough that she could tell that he was warm, that he wasn’t shaking. She tried to make out a heartbeat, but her own heart was pounding too hard. He put one hand on her back, hesitantly. The hand didn’t shake or jerk. It was steady. 
She took a deep breath, pulling away, and grabbed his pillow from behind him. She cataloged all the sensors on his head, his sternum, and his wrist bracelet. She aimed for his forearm and stomach, and hit him with the paper-wrapped pillow almost as hard as she could. “Never! Again!”
Issac raised his arms, trying to fend off the unexpected attack, but neglecting to grab the pillow. She gripped it, dragging it off the side of the bed, glaring at him with stinging eyes. Even if he didn’t know what she’d said, he should be able to work out why she was mad. 
He was still for a second, hands still raised defensively, not sure whether she’d strike another fluffy vinyl blow. That was fair; she wasn’t sure she wasn’t going to hit him again. She was gratified to see him frantically searching for an appropriate response. 
Tentatively, he reached out a hand, and that was enough invitation. She grabbed him in another tight hug, dropping the pillow back on the bed so she could grab him with both hands and be sure she could feel him breathing. “You jerk. I threw up four times because of you. If you ever try that again, next time I’m just going to let you--” She couldn’t finish the sentence. Couldn’t even finish the thought. Didn’t want the twitching, blue-lipped vision it conjured up. She realized belatedly there was no way he could hold a tablet, because he was actually hugging her back this time. She was just as happy he hadn’t heard her threat. She sniffed hard, trying not to get snot on his paper pajamas, and squeezed him again. 
He answered anyway. “I promise not to ask you to do something like that again. Sorry.”
She muttered with her head on his shoulder. “You better not. Practically gave me a heart attack.”
“Liar. Your cardio system is like the only thing on you that halfway works right.”
Jamie startled, letting go. “You heard me!” Oh thank G-d, it was over. Whatever came next, it would all have to work out. Issac's gambit had paid off. Mom and Dad would have to forgive them for it eventually, now. She was almost lightheaded with relief. 
“No. I’m wearing the contacts.” 
Shit. She could see it cost him to even say it. But seeing him turn red in the face was good. Red wasn’t blue.
“Oh. Well. I’m glad you can use those now. I can’t even tell the difference!” He couldn’t hear her tone, but she was pretty sure it was still unconvincing. Not because it wasn’t true, but because of everything she knew would come with it. She gripped the paper of his hospital gown. “So…are you OK?”
He didn’t look at her this time, watching his own hand tap the sheets. “Well, I’m not dead. There doesn’t seem to be any more brain damage. Still can’t hear. So, mostly the same, I guess. My back hurts,” he added offhandedly. Jamie’s gut flipped, remembering the unnatural looking way it had bowed off the bed. “But I guess…mostly the same.” 
He turned his hand over. There was a handwritten notecard in it, in an unfamiliar handwriting. You are in the hospital due to a seizure. Some confusion and soreness-- He closed his hand around the card, then looked at the other card, which seemed to be a business card. He didn’t turn that around, so she couldn’t read it. 
“So uhm. I guess my experiment got someone’s attention at the APB--”
Her hand clenched around the paper of his shirt again. She looked down at his wrist. He wasn’t cuffed to the hospital bed or anything. Looked around the room. No sign of any security measures beyond the default. 
Issac was OK, but would he stay OK? Would they ship him off to some hellish prison in Detroit? Issac couldn’t make it in a place like that-- hearing or not. 
Jamie couldn’t protect him from that. From anything. “We’re at the APB,” she interrupted. He paused, then looked around the room, realizing it was true. “MARTIN called them,” Jamie added furiously. Stupid super-intelligent security system didn’t understand the risk it was putting Issac through.
“Oh. MARTIN.” He was quiet so long she had to squish the urge to bend over and check his eyes, to make sure they weren’t rolled back. Then he took an expansive breath. “Anyway, this guy who works with the APB is interested in my research. He offered me a job.” His eyes skittered up to meet hers. “And I took it.”
They stared at each other. He had the good sense to look a little hangdog. Finally, Jamie spoke, trying to sound as even-keel as possible. “I don’t want this to sound mean, but I think they should scan your brain for injuries again.”
Issac looked supremely unimpressed, but pointed at a monitor with a display that meant nothing to her. “Read all you want. I have.” He held up his phone. “I even got some notes from them.” He shifted, sitting straighter and warming to his subject. “Look, this is what I need. Just…some space to figure things out. Some backup so I can work without…” He gestured at the machinery behind him without actually looking at any of it. Jamie's eyes skimmed along them. There were a lot of them. A lot of things the doctors were worried about.
Legal protection. That was worth a lot. Was it more than their family could provide? 
“But you live with Mom,” Jamie attempted to reason. “She owns everything in your lab.”
He frowned. “Well, obviously I’m going to have to move out. That’s fine. I’m old enough.”
Jamie thought of Mom’s torn up cuticles and the cracks in the dark glaze on her nails. This morning, the cracks had been gone, and the plum glaze traded out for a less obvious nude color. Tidied up, but with the expectation of future chips. 
“I was going to move out soon, anyway. What’s a few months’ difference?”  
“Mom’s going to see a difference.” 
“Well, then that’s her problem,” he answered with attempted glibness. Jamie’s heart sank. “Yael wants you to come. With us. Xe’s moving out with me. As a bodyguard kind of thing. I don’t mind. If you want to.”
She made up her mind in an instant. She’d failed Issac once already today. She couldn’t quit now. She nodded, just once, and he seemed both pleased and surprised. 
She’d figure this out one way or another.
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kuwdora · 1 year
chapter 3 of puppetskier is live! Jaskier had gotten pretty torn up in the last chapter so now he's getting sewn up by Shani and resumes an academic slapfight with his frenemy Mortimer. snippet:
Inside, the office gave Jaskier the impression he was walking into an auction house built inside a cave, but it was a cave with a decent view of the Pontar, with a set of narrow bay windows facing the river that let in the sunlight.
Shani hesitated in the doorway and shifted Jaskier to the crook of her arm. “I really hope he’s here after all that walking,” she said.
“Mortimer?” Jaskier called, trying to prepare himself for the conversation he was about to very calmly have.
The room was larger than Jaskier’s university office by a good margin, and he wasn’t pleased by that realization. Sure, the room was a little dreary the further away you got from the windows, but Mortimer had lanterns hanging from the ceiling that made up for it. There were also bookshelves that were mounted on wheels and could be pushed out of the way. Strange, rust-colored crystal plants appeared to be growing out of the bookshelves.
“Professor? Professor Meinbald?” Shani called. She almost dropped Jaskier when she turned a corner and almost walked into a large bird.
“The fuck!” she yelped. “What is that?”
Jaskier looked over the bird, wracking his brain. “An ostrich?” he mused. He’d seen one ages ago in Toussaint. It looked dead, but it was a rather impressive display of taxidermy, if not a little weird. The bird wore a heavy chain necklace and its eyes were a bright, unnatural azure.
“It’s an emu,” Mortimer said from behind them. Shani tightened her arm around Jaskier and turned to face Mortimer.
“If you’re lost, here’s a map to help you get back—and mind the instructions to stay away from the purple door. The university’s budget for compensating student injuries on campus has decreased year after year since Vizimir ascended the throne. If you’re here to fulfill the requirements of a prank or student hazing, I will endow you with a skin pigmentation curse that will break once you snap this,” Mortimer said, holding out an embossed coin made of–wait, was that a cracker? “If you need something of value to sell, there’s a shelf behind the front door full of items safe enough for you to take. Good on you for making it here in one piece, please leave.”
Mortimer sounded tired and annoyed, looking just like the last time Jaskier had faced off with him. Mortimer Meinbald was broad-shouldered and heavyset, his hair pulled back into a tight braid. His black and grey beard was as unkempt as ever, and probably hiding more turgid research that would annoy the fuck out of Jaskier.
“How pragmatic of you, Morty,” Jaskier said. Mortimer’s eyebrows arched slightly, refocusing on Jaskier now instead of Shani.
“We need your help,” Shani said and Jaskier waved a hand to shush her, drawing even more interest from Mortimer.
“It’s Julian Pankratz, and I know you’ve got two eyes that can see that I’ve been cursed. I’m on a bit of a deadline here and would appreciate your help in getting me back in tip-top shape,” Jaskier said.
“Are you a—” Mortimer began and Jaskier held up a small hand to stop him.
“Yes, I’m a fucking puppet. I need to break this curse and get back into my body right now,” he said, trying not to flail in desperation. He was desperate, but he had to convince Mortimer to help him first.
“I see,” Mortimer said, looking too fucking amused. “This is a rather lackluster practical joke, as far as those go.”
“Oh, I have far better jokes when it comes to you, Morty,” Jaskier said warningly.
“Always a class act, Julian,” Mortimer said dismissively and Jaskier seethed, like Mortimer wasn’t the one to–
“Be nice,” Shani said quietly, patting Jaskier encouragingly. She lifted Jaskier up a little, making sure Jaskier was level with Mortimer’s eyes. Shani was perceptive and thoughtful like that.
Jaskier tried to remind himself why he was really here. He’d been abducted, trampled, and attacked. There was no way he would go begging for Philippa’s help. He couldn’t face Dijkstra like this. Mortifying as it was asking Mortimer for help, this was what Jaskier needed to do.
“I wouldn’t have come to you if it wasn’t serious,” Jaskier said. “We go back a long time, you and I. I’ve helped you before.”
Mortimer snorted and returned a book to a shelf. “I see you’re still excellent at revising history.”
“Revising history? Revising? Ooh, that’s rich coming from you,” Jaskier said, his ire and frustration bubbling back to the surface. Maybe he should go to Philippa after all.
Mortimer chuckled and shook his head. “Despite whatever happened to you now,” he said, gesturing at Jaskier’s current puppet state, “you’ll never change.” read Coin Operated Boy on ao3
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ainyan · 1 year
18. Hugging your partner to warm them up when they're cold
Csilla was frigid; a wasteland of ice and rock above, with the only true life found below the surface. Even within the massive caverns that served as cities and homesteads for the Families of the Ascendancy, the temperature was nothing that could be called temperate. Theron Shan was used to cooler temperatures; Odessen was hardly tropical, but even in his thick leather jacket, he still shivered as he stood upon the balcony of the room he shared with his wife.
He had no idea where Kali was at; Tilanu had come and spirited her away this morning. Shortly after, Ikasti had absconded with Shani, saying that he and Ziivan were taking her as they went shopping for their upcoming wedding. He'd thought to find Saganu, but a quick check with one of the manor's servants had earned him the unwelcome information that the Aristocra had left before "sunrise" for a meeting with his sub-commanders in the Expansionary Defense Force.
So here he stood alone, on a world where he was likely the only human within a thousand kilometers. The view was glorious - the Miurani homestead was spread out before him, and from this height his eye could follow the lines and curves of the buildings, parks, and city spaces that formed the stylized flame flower that was the Family crest. The glacier that formed the sky was a rich periwinkle blue, evocative of his daughter's skin, and the reactor-sun that paced across the sky glowed golden, casting light upon the landscape below.
Beautiful, but so damn cold.
Shoving his hands in his pockets, he hunched his shoulders and started to turn towards the open doors leading back into his rooms, determined to find a fire and a datapad and get some work done. Before he could complete even a quarter of the turn, however, arms came around him and he felt the heat of her lips against the back of his neck. Sighing, he relaxed into her embrace, leaning back into her warmth. "You wouldn't be thinking of sneaking off to work, would you?" she asked, her voice edged in laughter.
"Not now," he replied, and she laughed softly, the steam of her breath fluttering past his face. "Mmm. You're warm."
Again, she laughed. "You're not."
Quick as a striking snake, he spun in her arms, dragging his own free and hitching them around her to pull her close. "Maybe not, but I think we can do something to fix that." He grinned down into those glowing scarlet eyes before lowering his mouth to hers and beginning to walk her backwards into the bedroom.
He knew Ikasti would keep Shani until they stole her back this evening. And Saganu's meetings could take all day. More than enough time to heat his blood and hers and warm up the old-fashioned way.
In bed. Or maybe on the couch. That one table looked sturdy...
With her laughter singing in his ears, he steered her towards the bed first.
There would be time to test the rest of the furniture later.
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Want to hear my OTPs/OT3s say the words without saying the words? Give me a prompt!
Thank you for the prompt!
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
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From Braids: Fingerwave Saint, based on halos in Renaissance paintings.Courtesy of Crowe
Forget Pinterest inspiration boards—there are some hairstyles that are so inventive, the Louvre would be lucky to have them. Exhibit A: the intricate, braid-centric masterpieces crafted by fine artist Shani Crowe. After receiving a grant from Chicago-based nonprofit 3Arts, Crowe launched Braids, a series of photographs capturing real women adorned with her elaborate hairstyles. Though she’s been commissioned by celebrities such as Solange to create custom works (you might have seen one on SNL), Crowe happily considers new models—who don’t pay for the service.
You’re trained in film, photography, painting, and pottery. Why choose braids as your medium?
I’m a very tactile person—I’m good with my hands. And I’ve been thinking of doing a project like this since I was a kid. I come from a large family, and we often did each other’s hair. I always saw having my hair braided as a privilege, and I wanted to share that.
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From Above All.Courtesy of Crowe
The pieces you make are so ornate.
Oh, man. They take hours and hours and hours. The crown I made for Solange took me fiftysomething because of all the individual Swarovski crystal beads and armature—and that’s just for the separate hairpiece attached to her braids. Usually, my looks average five or six hours. You really get to know someone.
How long do people wear them?
Typically, the styles are taken down right after I shoot, because they’re not really wearable. People have to go to work. But if you want a style to last, you should tie a satin scarf flat to your hair at night to keep the braids lying down, or wear a silk bonnet—it helps. Avoid cotton, because it takes moisture away from your hair.
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Crowe and Solange backstage at SNL.Courtesy of Crowe
How do you keep styles sharp and eliminate frizz?
I like braids to be very crisp and neat; it’s about the finish for me. You’ve got to pay special attention to the part. If your scalp is dry and an oil isn’t working, try witch hazel on a cotton pad, and gently rub—that’ll help with flakes without drying out the hair.
What’s your view on nonblack women wearing cornrows or dreadlocks?
American culture, in general, doesn’t do a good job of honoring indigenous art. There’s never a moment where it’s like, These braids are from.… People will just do it and say it’s just a hairstyle. Personally, I’m not here to tell people what they can and cannot do. I know what I’m going to do: I’m going to continue to create.
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To prep dry hair for styling, Crowe spritzes Vernon François Pure~Fro Moisture Spray (2) before a blow-dry: “It makes hair feel very soft, and it’s a way to help hair receive product a little better.” Harry Josh Pro Tools Pro Styling Clips (1) keep hair in controlled sections for manipulation over long periods of time. To create a perfect design with razor-sharp lines, Crowe saturates hair with Ampro Pro Styl Shine ’n Jam Conditioning Gel (4) before parting it with a heatproof Fromm Diane Ionic Anti-Static Comb (3). “This holds hair together on one side of the part, making it easier to keep flyaways in their position because they’re gelled down.”
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