#Shani imagine
cosmos-coma · 1 year
A/N: Hey! I got a request earlier this week for some Shani! it took me a bit to get a good idea between how brain dead I am after work and trying to recover during time off but this one actually really really made me feel soft and happy.
Pairing: Shani x Reader
Words: 521
The market rumbled quietly just beyond the walls of the house, the colorful day-to-day city life bustling just beyond your window. However, none of it dared to break through your quiet sanctuary.
Shani reclined back against the headboard, her softened face just out of reach of the golden light peaking between the curtains. The whole room glowed dimly in the morning, casting elegant hues against the cream-colored blanket and the other figure gracing her bed. 
Your head rested on her exposed stomach, soft and warm under your cheek, rising and falling in a gentle and soothing motion. Shani’s fingers played idly in your hair, twisting and curling around the loose strains before letting them gently fall away. Her voice rattled the air pleasantly as she read aloud from her book and it's like the whole world fell away. 
You couldn’t understand half of the medical jargon she was saying, but you enjoyed the way she said it, the way it vibrated through her chest and into yours. You pressed a slow and quiet kiss to her soft stomach, your arm flopping over her in a perhaps mildly possessive manner. 
An airy chuckle rippled through her like movement in a still pond as you pulled back, “Dear, what are you doing?” she laughed out softly as she paused her reading. 
“It’s a kiss. They didn’t teach you about kisses in medical school?” you teased as you rolled over, your chin on her stomach, as you looked up at her with a wide smile. “You know they say a kiss can make it all better..”
“Oh, do they?” she smiled down at you, her hand now trailing down your cheek. The sunlight illuminated the soft peach fuzz on your face in a magnificent aura that simply longed to be touched. “It sounds like you have quite a lot of experience with this very extensive medical procedure” 
“Best in all of Novigrad,” you bragged, pressing a grinning kiss against her palm, then her wrist. 
The warm smell of breakfast permeated from the oven. Spices and soft dough mingled in the air, a tantalizing dance to lure you away from the comforts of your bed for all, but a moment. 
“Hmm, I’ve also heard that cinnamon rolls do wonders too…” You suggested as the smell finally hit your brain, coaxing you to sit upright. 
“Why, I think if we could combine the two, we might have a medical miracle on our hands,” her bright smile reflected back. The book closed with a gentle thump as she set it on the side table and pulled back the covers. 
“... I’ll race you for them…” you proposed after a pause. 
“... You’re on,” she said, pushing you back onto the bed in a flash as she dashed out of the room, gaining ground like a starving cheetah. 
“HEY! THAT’S CHEATING,” you yelled, as you scrambled out from the blankets and sheets to catch your mischievous partner, all means of laughter filling the halls.
Perhaps ‘quiet sanctuary’ was a bit much in the grand scheme of things. 
No, it was hardly quiet for long here.
This place was your home.
Witcher Taglist: @writingmysanity @open--till--midnight @madamemelancholysstuff
Want to be on a taglist/ did I accidentally forget tot add you because my brain is silly? just DM me to let me know!
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hanzajesthanza · 1 year
Geralt: From now on, we will be using code names. You can address me as Eagle One. Yennefer, code name: “Been There, Done That.” Fringilla is “Currently Doing That.” Regis is “It Happened Once in a Dream”; Dandelion, code name: “If I Had To Pick a Dude.” Milva is... Eagle Two.
Milva: Oh, thank the gods.
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corvidcrybaby · 1 year
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Chapter thirty-one is live.
What's inside: trouble. :)
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I think about the Bibas family every single day. Every single night since October 7 when I settle my baby to sleep, I see Kfir and Ariel in her face. I look in the mirror and I see the fear and terror in Shiri's eyes reflected back at me.
I think about all of the hostages, every single day. I think about Naama Levy, I think about Noa Argamani; I think about their mothers, and what they are feeling and going through knowing their daughters are still being held hostage and tortured by the people who committed the October 7 atrocities. I think about every single man and woman in Hamas's captivity. I close my eyes and I see Shani Louk's broken body pinned down by Hamas boots in that truck. I've spent so many nights in furious tears at the sheer cruelty and injustice, the senseless loss of life that day, and what it has resulted in.
Will I go through the rest of my life thinking about October 7? Perhaps not consciously, perhaps not at the forefront of my mind, but I feel as though it will always be there, a permanent wound in my soul. October 7 changed me on some deep and fundamental level. If I, someone who isn't even Israeli, someone who did not lose any family or friends to October 7, can feel this pain, I cannot even begin to imagine what it must be like for our people in Israel.
Though I live half a world away and I've never even set foot in the land my mother was born in, I have always kept Israel in my heart. From the Diaspora to Israel - we share your pain. You are never alone in your grief for October 7 and your fear for the hostages. I love you all. And this too we shall survive.
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blackknight-100 · 3 months
Desperately need to talk about how fatherhood works in the Mahabharata for Surya and Indra with their mortal sons.
Arjuna is known as Indra's child. His most common epithets (related to familial lineage) largely come from his mother, but it is openly understood that he is Indra's child. Indra helps him out so many times and it's wholesome as hell.
Then you have Karna, who is not acknowledged as Surya's son, and Surya keeps Kunti's secret either out of duty or regret (for leaving a child with a baby, that is). So his help is next to nothing for most of Karna's life. And then the event comes when his brother is about to take away his son's armour, the only protection he has been able to offer this boy, and he knows Karna will give it away but he goes to dissuade him anyway. When he comes, in most versions, he says he comes to aid an ardent devotee. In BORI he says that there is a secret he cannot reveal, but he is here to warn Karna out of love.
And it stands out to me so much, that from Karna's perspective, he meets his father through years of devotion and prayer, because you can tell he thinks of Surya as his mentor and spiritual guide, and Adhiratha as his father. He has next to no qualms in claiming Radha as his mother even after he is told the truth, and his reaction to Kunti being his mother is not dissimilar.
And then this god shows up, does not even bother to reveal that he is his father (I imagine Karna must have been pretty peeved when he found out - in a "you could've just told me when you visited" way) and asks him to let go of the one thing he takes great pride in. Even there too, there is a great deal of respect for agency: Karna is firm and Surya compromises. If they'd had a few more chances to interact, I think they would work out pretty well.
And then you have Arjun and Indra, so beautifully entwined, so beloved and so dear. Indra helping Arjuna is seen as interference (and rightly so), but there is something so paternal about how Indra desperately tries to protect his child - depending on the version he (not necessarily chronologically):
a) mitigates the Urvashi curse,
b) sends out the Gandharvas to heckle the Kauravas
c) bestows divine counsel upon his son
d) gives him a great bow after getting thrashed
e) turns into an insect and gets Karna cursed.
And most importantly, he shows up at a MORTAL'S door, CLAIMING TO BE A BRAHMAN (which is, again depending on version, one of reasons why said mortal got cursed), declines offers of land and money and girls, and shamelessly demands the armour. A KING. REDUCED TO A BEGGAR.
Because remember, technically Brahman's are given state funding for their research, education, priesthood, or simply their birth. Indra does none of these. He knows this. Karna knows this. He knows that Karna knows this. But he demands it anyway.
Obviously, Karna's devotion to the Sun God, and the fact the said god is his father is a narrative device meant to represent his arc of reaching for the sun and getting burned (in most cases, at least), while Arjuna's relation to Indra and his rain motifs is because narratively he peaks at terminal velocity and then freefalls to the earth as soon as Krishna dies.
But I love thinking of what their respective relations to their fathers must have been, and how it mirrors/contrasts Kunti's relationship with the gods. Kunti calls Indra and he does what she wants (for him to give her a baby), and is able to support their child in most cases. Surya is called and he does not do what Kunti wants (for him to leave immediately), and his relationship with their son is one of distance and endurance. But they are good fathers still, as good as god can be. (Except Surya with Shani. Idk what's going on there).
Anyway I forgot what point I was trying to make... but yeah!
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athirstygoblin · 3 months
Okay, so I may have changed my Rook to be an Elven Mage from Kirkwall who briefly was a slave in Tevinter, but still joined the Shadow Dragons.
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I imagine she'd be a little shy, especially from the trauma of being a slave and that she is generally soft spoken, and I imagine her journey is about learning to finally stand up for herself for good.
And of course is a Davrin Smoocher
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h0bg0blin-meat · 3 months
Here's more... cuz I realised I'm really good at it 💅✨lol
Yama: Many may think he sounds rough while in a way he does... But also he sounds like he's there to take you home. Exactly like your mother who came to take you home after the first day of school when you were anxious. His sound is comforting, it's to guide you back home.
Agni: whatever he speaks, he apeaks with a passion. A passion you'll feel is burning like the sacred flames. It have a certain warmth to it yes. You'll feel the safe fuzzy feeling you get sitting around the campfire. But when he's angry his voice will engulf you whole, give you no spac to escape and burn you fully.
Dyaus: Well... He just sounds... Vast. You'll never figure out where exactly is he speaking from, even if he's standing just infront of you. And you'll also never know which ear you heard him from... Was it left? Or was it right? His voice kinda sounds like an akashvani (lol pun intended) he takes his time while speaking and his tone is unchangeable to say the least.
Alakshmi: She sounds like she's in despair. She sounds hateful, sad and it will give you a sense of emptyness. Like as if you are sure you failed your interview but just the news haven't reached you yet... Anxiety is not the term to explain her voice but it's like that. It's empty, it's hateful. You won't want to listen to her again...
Ashwin Kumars: This two are what you call typical twin voice... They sound so similar yet so different. Their voice is like the soothing ointment you apply on your wounds, a bit straight forward but got a nice comfort to the voice. When they speak to you they speak in sync, completing eachother's sentences... It almost feels as if you just woke up from sleep after a horrible feverish night. You'll automatically feel better if you listen to them.
Vac: She sounds like every and any type of sound you can ever imagine.. You would be utterly confused trying to figure out what exact tone she's speaking in. But at the same time it's easy to understand. As if you're a child who doesn't know how to speak yet... And you're trying to pick up the words your parents are asking you to speak.
Shukra: Knowledged. If anything he sounds knowledged, but also most of the time he sounds strict like a teacher. But when he's not angry he's calm and you'll actually enjoy listening to him. But also like his graha's atmosphere his voice have a certain density to it. As if the dead might rise again listening to him (lmao bad pun sorry)
Ila/Sudyumna: There's a duality in their voice... When he's Sudyumna he sounds regal and poshed just like a prince. With softer tone and sweeter accent. But when Ila, she's a bit rougher.. even if not as royal as her male self, still sweet though.
Yamuna: Her tone is slow and she takes her time speaking just like the Yamuna river, it's sweet and enjoyable to listen... As if a storyteller from some far away land is telling you the tales.
Rudra: Powerful, sharp tone. A bit loud... Kinda like wild animals, but not bad. He speaks fast as if he's a storm or he's in a hurry. His tone will give you the feel of a hunter chasing down it's prey, it's like a lion's cry majestic and can scare you on occasions..
Savitr: His voice is pleasant to hear, a reassuring tone, just like a gaurdian. It's a bit deep and have a heavyness to it, as if protecting you from something... But at the same time it's warm like new sunrays hitting the baby plants on the morning.
Ayyappan: His voice is boyish, and sounds innocent yet as if it holds all the knowledge of this earth. It sounds like the soft jingles of temple bells or the laughter of children running around. It gives a somewhat a sense of nostalgia to you
Shani: Straight forward and sharp. A bit too sharp for liking. Also whenever he speaks it's as if he knows, now what he knows that you'll never know... His voice may sound a bit like, as if he's criticizing you.. which he maybe is. It got both the ability to scare you or make you feel safe.
YOU CAPTURED ALL OF THEM SO PERFECTLY. I ESPECIALLY LOVED SHANI'S SJDNEFJN he really be one of those brutally honest dudes lmao
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afterdarkprincess · 5 months
tidbit tuesday (wednesday)
Thank you @jeysbvck for the tag!! 💖 sorry I'm late
from my ongoing Sami/Jey WIP with inspo from @motherknuckers!!
-- His traitorous and hopeful mind. Shame floods his thoughts. He shouldn’t want this, shouldn’t want him like this. There’s no use in indulging himself when it’s never going to happen. Just like there’s no use in catching Jey in dark corners backstage and pleading with him to see reason and leave the bloodline.
And yet…
Sami’s unfortunately never been one to take no for an answer, never knows when to quit. Sometimes it leads to him getting his ass kicked, sometimes it leads to sleepless nights dreaming about soft bronze skin, imagining what Jey’s lips would taste like.
He feels his face heating up, his dick stirring in his shorts at those briefest of thoughts. This is becoming a problem, spilling over from his idle daydreams into his interactions with Jey, getting distracted at each touch and glance Jey sends his way, only fueling this foolish desire further.
How would it feel if Jey touched him in reverence instead of anger? Holding Sami’s face in those big hands, warm and steady before pulling him in for a kiss.
His chest pangs at these images in his mind, memories of things that haven’t even happened. How is it he can see it all so clearly? He rubs at his tired eyes, like maybe it will get banish the ghost of Jey’s lips against his own.
It doesn’t work. ---- no pressure tags: @harmshake @imabillyami @elementaldoughnut12 and @shanie-the-komania-toyaddict and anyone else who wants to!
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truevedicastrology · 12 hours
Hi !
Can I also get insight on Sun in 2° in Pisces, Moon 15° in Leo, Venus 23° in Capricorn as Taurus rising all according to my Vedic chart.
Thankyou 🩷
Vedic Astrology Deep Dive: Pisces Sun, Leo Moon, Capricorn Venus, Taurus Rising 🌊🦁🐐🐂
Namaste, cosmic voyager! 🙏✨ You've presented us with a celestial treasure map, and we're about to embark on a journey through the mystical realms of Vedic astrology. Prepare for a deep dive into the ocean of your cosmic self!
🐂 Taurus Ascendant (Vrishabha Lagna)
Let's start with your cosmic foundation - your Ascendant or Lagna in Taurus.
In Vedic astrology, Taurus is known as Vrishabha and is ruled by Venus (Shukra). This earth sign ascendant paints you as:
Steady as a Mountain: You have a grounded, stable presence that others find comforting. You're the friend people lean on during stormy weather.
Sensual Sophisticate: You likely have a deep appreciation for the finer things in life - good food, beautiful art, and pleasant surroundings.
Determined Devotee: Once you set your mind on something, you pursue it with the tenacity of a bull. Your persistence is legendary.
Voice of Velvet: Taurus rules the throat, so you might have a melodious voice or a talent for singing or public speaking.
In Vedic tradition, a Taurus ascendant is considered auspicious, often indicating a life of comfort and material prosperity. However, be mindful of the potential for stubbornness or resistance to change.
🌊 Sun in 2° Pisces (Meena)
Your Sun in the early degrees of Pisces speaks volumes about your core essence.
In Vedic astrology, Pisces is known as Meena and is ruled by Jupiter (Guru). This placement suggests:
Cosmic Empath: You have an innate ability to feel and understand others' emotions. It's like you have psychic antennae tuned to the emotional frequencies around you.
Creative Dreamer: Your imagination is as vast as the ocean. You might excel in artistic pursuits, especially those involving music or dance.
Spiritual Seeker: There's a deep, inherent spirituality in you. You're likely drawn to mystical or philosophical pursuits.
Fluid Adaptability: Like water, you can adapt to various situations, sometimes even losing yourself in the process.
The 2° placement indicates that these Piscean qualities are in their early, pure form. You're at the beginning of your spiritual journey, with immense potential for growth and enlightenment.
However, be cautious of:
Tendency to escape reality when things get tough
Potential for being overly impressionable or easily influenced
🦁 Moon in 15° Leo (Simha)
Your emotional core, represented by the Moon, roars with the pride of Leo.
In Vedic astrology, Leo is known as Simha and is ruled by the Sun. This placement at 15° (middle of the sign) suggests:
Regal Emotions: Your feelings are grand, warm, and often dramatic. When you love, you love with the intensity of a thousand suns.
Need for Recognition: Emotionally, you thrive on appreciation and acknowledgment. Applause is your soul food.
Creative Expression: Your emotions often seek creative outlets. You might have a flair for drama, art, or leadership.
Loyal Heart: Once someone earns your trust and affection, you're loyal to a fault.
The 15° placement indicates that these Leonine qualities are fully developed and expressed in your emotional life.
Be mindful of:
Tendency towards emotional drama or overreaction
Need to always be in the spotlight, which might overshadow others
🐐 Venus in 23° Capricorn (Makara)
Your Venus, the planet of love and values, climbs the mountain of Capricorn.
In Vedic astrology, Capricorn is known as Makara and is ruled by Saturn (Shani). This placement suggests:
Practical Romance: In love and relationships, you value stability, commitment, and long-term potential over fleeting passion.
Ambitious Affection: You show love through practical support and helping your partner achieve their goals.
Delayed Gratification: You're willing to work hard for love and may find that your romantic life improves with age.
Aesthetic Sophistication: Your taste in art and beauty leans towards the classic, timeless, and high-quality.
The 23° placement indicates that these Capricornian qualities in love and aesthetics are well-developed and mature.
Be aware of:
Potential for being too pragmatic in matters of the heart
Tendency to put work or ambition before relationships
🎭 The Vedic Perspective: Putting It All Together
In Vedic astrology, the interplay between these placements tells a unique story:
Pisces Sun with Taurus Ascendant: This combination blends the dreamy, spiritual nature of Pisces with the grounded practicality of Taurus. You're like a mystical gardener, planting seeds of imagination in the fertile soil of reality.
Leo Moon with Taurus Ascendant: Your need for emotional drama and recognition (Leo Moon) is tempered by your practical, steady Taurus rising. It's like having a flamboyant actor living in a cozy, well-appointed dressing room.
Capricorn Venus with Pisces Sun: Your approach to love and beauty (Capricorn Venus) adds a pragmatic touch to your dreamy Piscean nature. You're like a romantic poet with an excellent business plan.
Taurus-Capricorn-Pisces Trilogy: The earthy qualities of your Ascendant and Venus harmonize well, providing a stable foundation for your watery, intuitive Pisces Sun to flourish.
🕉️ Vedic Remedies and Suggestions
In Vedic astrology, cosmic energies can be harmonized through various practices:
For Taurus Ascendant:
Mantra: Chant "Om Shukraya Namaha" to appease Venus, your chart ruler.
Gemstone: Consider wearing a diamond or clear zircon to strengthen your Ascendant lord.
For Pisces Sun:
Mantra: "Om Guruve Namaha" to invoke the blessings of Jupiter, ruler of Pisces.
Practice: Engage in regular meditation or yoga to channel your spiritual energies.
For Leo Moon:
Mantra: "Om Suryaya Namaha" to harmonize your emotional energies.
Practice: Engage in creative activities that allow you to express your emotions.
For Capricorn Venus:
Mantra: "Om Shanaye Namaha" to balance your approach to love and relationships.
Practice: Cultivate patience in relationships and appreciate the process of building long-term connections.
NOTE: While making any predictions I'll need to see the overall chart and consider dignities, aspects, etc of the chart as a whole. Book your reading today at [email protected] starting from only $25.00 and mention Tumblr or your quote would be another price.
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[ Full video: https://youtu.be/5Ad77jEdZDY ]
The scenes from before the festival radiated love and kindness. That 10-second clip of Shani Louk dancing, you watch it and you think, this is what they fought for.
And then there's the image of Shani Louk on the back of that truck and the one of her being dragged through the streets of Gaza, thousands cheering and running after her desecrated body. Can you even imagine a starker contrast of good versus evil? It was joy, love, life versus violence, rape and death. Surely, I thought in my naivete, the left would see themselves reflected in these music-loving young people who looked like they had stepped out of the Haight Ashbury in the 70s. Surely Noa Argamani begging for her life as the butchers ride off with her would Inspire in the left a sense of identification and a corresponding sense of fear and anger. How could it not?
Friends it did not. Leftist women found nothing in their hearts to say about it for months. There was a total failure of the international feminist community to stand up for the Israeli women who had been brutalized by Hamas in a particularly sexual way. Despite the preponderance of evidence, there was a code of cilence from the usual suspects. Some would even deny it. YouTube personalities formed what I like to call an "Our Hamas Would Never" Brigade to defend the butchers and the rapists from the evidence of their crimes, insisting it was all war propaganda.
Now this would be bad enough. But you have to remember, these women, these publications, these YouTube personalities, you have to remember who they are. These aren't people who, in general, feel that one should have a high standard of evidence before making an accusation of rape. The exact opposite is true. These are the people who demanded that all standards around evidence for accusations of sexual assault be completely suspended. These are the people who demanded that a standard of affirmative consent be deployed to judge whether a woman had consented to sex, and without that affirmation, any sexual encounter was to be deemed rape.
These are the people who recoded bad sex as rape, sex one regretted as rape, flirtation as harassment, regrettable kissing as assault. And then they turned around and said, well does shooting nails into a woman's vagina truly count as rape? Does chopping off a woman's breasts really count as a sexual war crime? Would our Hamas, who after all are very religious people, ever rape anybody?
Never mind that Hamas had filmed themselves committing these atrocities, had bragged about themm had GoProed them and sent the images to these women's families, never mind that they had little booklets with helpfully translated phrases into Hebrew like, take off your pants. The left was silent, the feminists were AWOL.
How could this possibly be? How could it be that just six years after the MeToo movement, which gave voice to the outrage women felt at being sexually harassed at work, which upended gender relations and wreaked havoc on workplace after workplace because men had complimented their female co-workers, how could it be that these same women who demanded "believe all women" could turn around and say, actually don't believe the confessions of terrorist rapists? The same women who demanded men be fired for asking women out and driven from public life for having consensual sex with underlings, were now defending, with their words or with their silence, the mass rape of Israeli women, siding with men who had driven nails into women's vaginas and cut off their breasts to play with them. The same women and organizations who turned flirting at the office into the civil rights issue of our time, when presented with evidence of the mass rape of Jewish women immediately began to say, we need more context, we need more evidence, remember the plight of the true victims here, who it turned out, were the perpetrators.
They took their standard of "believe all women" and turned it on a dime to "don't believe the bragging of rapists" because their victims were Jews. And this isn't just on the leftist fringe unfortunately. On CNN Dana Bash asked Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, who I believe is the head of the progressive caucus, she said to her, "I have seen a lot of progressive women generally speaking that are quick to defend women's rights and speak out against using rape as a weapon of war, but downright silent on what we saw on October 7th and what might be happening inside Gaza right now to these hostages."
"Why is that?" she asked Pramila Jayapal. To which Jayapal replied, "I think that rape is horrific. Sexual assault is horrific. I think that it happens in war situations. Terrorist organizations like Hamas obviously are using these as tools. However, I think we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against the Palestinians. 15,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli air strikes, three quarters of whom are women and children," she said. Because "Our Hamas Would Never" lie about such a thing.
Meanwhile, the New York Times, which had an extensive article outlining the mass rapes, then shelved an episode of its popular podcast "The Daily" about the rapes due to internal pressure from its leftist newsroom, which apparently is chock full of members of the "Our Hamas Would Never" Brigade. the New York Times refused to stand by its own reporting when its sociopathic woke employees demanded that their audience be protected from knowing about this.
How is this happening? It's easy say this is just antisemitism. And I want to be clear: of course it's deeply fucking antisemitic. There's also the political calculation of trying to satisfy multiple constituencies and the fact that, and I think this is very important, the women's movement has been severely weakened by the transgender agenda, which has gotten women used to being asked to defend transgender rapists, for example in prisons, or transgender athletes beating up women in sports. I think that being forced to defend this has had a huge impact on the women's movement.
But it goes beyond that to the core of leftist ideology, which is built on a belief system that has erased the difference between right and wrong. Now, this belief system is one you will know well if you have been to a university in the last 40 years, or an American newsroom or on Tik Tok or in a meeting with any cultural institution in America, or any progressive organization including any liberal Jewish organization, or if you're on the board of a museum, or even in a writer's room in Hollywood.
People call it Critical Race Theory or Marxism or Social Justice. I call it Wokeness. Wokeness is when you take a worldview that was once based on the difference between right versus wrong, virtue versus evil, and you replace it with a worldview that does not distinguish between right versus wrong, but instead suggests that the world is built on the primary binary of powerful versus powerless. They ascribe inherent virtue to those they see as powerless and evil to those they see as powerful and they superimpose some characteristic onto the binary, whether it's race or gender or sexuality or national origin or religion, rendering all people, for example who they see as "people of color" powerless and oppressed and thus virtuous, and all white people powerful oppressors who are inherently evil and compromised.
This woke worldview absolutely dominates the left which means it dominates the cultural and intellectual output of the United States these days. Once our Elites were eager to offend the powers that be with their art and their scholarship or their journalism. Now they will conform at all costs. And the thing they conform to is the view that "people of color" are inherently virtuous no matter what they do, because they have no agency and are oppressed and marginalized, while white people are inherently evil, the root of everything bad and responsible for any ills that befall us. This is the source of 21st century leftist antisemitism. Every Jew is is coded as white, and thus they are the oppressors and thus they are bad, and every Palestinian is coded as a "person of color" and thus oppressed and thus inherently virtuous.
And that includes Hamas. Every Palestinian outranks every Jew on the oppression scale, and thus any Palestinian in conflict with any Jew is the one the left must side with. The Jew has all the agency and is the oppressor and the Palestinian has no agency and is the oppressed. Anything bad that happens between them must ergo be the Jew's fault because you cannot blame someone with no agency for anything. They are an innocent, like a child. To the woke, the less powerful has no responsibility to act ethically because their rank on the oppression scale means they cannot act at all. And thus they are inherently imbued with virtue no matter what they do.
Their abjection is their virtue and that goes for the terrorists among them as well. Because to the woke, "people of color" have no agency, when a so-called "person of color" commits a heinous act against a so-called white person, the agency of their actions must be reassigned to their victims, who have agency.
What this means is that when a Palestinian rapes a Jewish woman, the agency was her. It was not his. She remains the oppressor. His act was her fault and her suffering does not release her from the burden of her status as oppressor, even in death. That is why leftist feminists cannot side with raped Israeli women. To do so is to betray everything they believe.
They truly see the Israeli women as deserving of everything that happened to them and having brought it on themselves. Like the conservatives of yore who blamed rape on the miniskirt worn by the victim, the left today blames the fact that Israel has more power than Hamas for everything Hamas does. They simply cannot think their way out of seeing Hamas as virtuous, because to do so would be to admit that their entire worldview is not only wrong but is fucking disgusting.
"There's nothing more delicious than pretending to be good while acting in a sadistic manner." -- Nina Power
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bg3screenshotdump · 5 months
Don't know if you have done it on your blog but can you introduce us to your Tavs? Like a Character Profil Template. :)
This has been in my inbox for ages, and if i wait until I have everything perfectly set up like i wanted before answering i believe i'll never answer :'D
so perfection and fear of being cringe and seen be damned i'm doing it it now !
so far the only things i have for my tavs on this blog is their respectives tags you can find in the sidebar of my blog :')
so i'll just list them here and i'll make them more detailed pages later, when i have time and feel confident enough to share more of the backstories i imagined :')
( warning, piss poor writing in coming i suck at writing in my native language and it's even worse in english )
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Delsys - My 1rst Full release Tav, half wood elf orphan, beastmaster ranger who ended up serving as a guardian of the druidic order that found and raised her. she's a big introvert and has piss poor social skills, litteraly her only friends are her owl companion, Verbena and Trilli ( even if she feels disconected from her two very extroverted and playful friends ) she's been following the orders and lead of the druids for most of her life so she's really not confident in her new role as the leader of the bg3 party, ( she's not confident about a lot of things actually, tbh the only thing she's not insecure about is her archery skills ) and unfortunately for everyone she tends to hide those insecurities behind a tough and apathetic mask
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Trilli Bumbleroot - archfey warlock/bard forest gnome - lover of music, dancing, nature and village festivals, she's just a little gal who loves traveling, i'm still not entierly sure of who i want her archfey patron to be, but she took a contract when she left her village in order to have enough power to protect herself on the road. During her travels she eventually came across Delsys ( who wasn't born yet ) and Verbena's druidic order and she's been bestie with Verbena ever since and unfortunately for the other druids when the both of them put their mind together tomfoolery ensues
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Verbena Ferngrass - Wood elf druid - high bimbo of the same druidic order that raised Delsys ( and she kind of sees her as a little sister ) she's a big extrovert, a big flirt, she values her personal freedom and fun above all else, she thinks with her vag and is always pulling Delsys into all kind of situations™ She considers Trilli to be her best friend ( and they kiss sometimes )
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Vetra - Githyanki war cleric of Vlaakith - soft and curious soul who's been battered and hardened by her training as both a warrior and a priestess, now that she's in faerun she starting to feel a bit more free to be explore and connect back to the parts of her personality she had to hide behind her now no-nonsense tough persona
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Kastyn Firebeard - warrior/maybe paladin ( haven't decided yet) - mercenary coming from a blacksmith family, don't have much of a backstory for her yet :') just that she was disatisfied about her life in the mercenary group she was a part of, mostly because she had no control over the missions they took, and those missions sometimes went agaisnt her moral code
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Healstra Ssiwin - lolth drow Sorceress - Bit on the fence about her story and personality :'x i'm not sure why exactly she chose to go to the surface,i initially made the Astromancer robes mod for her, so i had in mind that she wanted to see and study the stars but idk, i'll think i'll need to document myself on drow a bit more to get better ideas :'D
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Cyn Clarilieu - my EA tav, basic noble human turned paladin ( is now tall and buff thanks to the full release Bodytype 3 ❤️) good aligned, annoyingly too self-righteous at times
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Shani Cotton - Halfling rogue - Street urchin turned criminal in Baldur's gate lower city, magpie brainded if-it-shiny-i-want-it ,quite loose morals so she doesn't care if she has to kill or maim to obtain what she wants
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Oriann Aleviir - my co-op tav, half drow - cringefail 8 dex blew-her-own-face-off-with-fire-spell wild magic sorcerer, terrified for her life 24/7 and will make every bad choices out of fear and gullibleness ( highly manipulable, will probably end up a squid as a result )
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wrestlezaynia · 1 year
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Kevin peers out into the ocean. It's a calm, peaceful night as the sound of waves crash against the shore. He could hear footsteps approaching in the distance causing his stomach to churn.
Sami watches Kevin from afar, building up the nerve to confront him. He hasn't been acting like himself lately and Sami's hoping to get an explanation for these sudden outbursts. He takes a deep breath, preparing for the worst as he proceeds with caution. "Kev?" He asks.
Kevin remains silent, patting the beach towel for Sami to join him. He glances up at the sky, stars twinkling brightly. "I'm sorry for my behavior lately, it's just-" he pauses, gathering the strength for what he's about to say next. "I'm afraid I'm going to lose you again."
Sami takes a seat beside Kevin. He can tell right away something's amiss as he reaches for his hand, lacing their finger together. "Kevin, look at me." Sami coaxes, using his free hand to cup Kevin's cheek and focus his attention on him. "I'm not going anywhere, I promise."
Kevin could feel tears prick his eyes as Sami forces him to make eye contact, becoming lost in the warm honey glow. The gentle sea breeze blowing through Sami's crimson locks, taking his breath away. "Every time we're interviewed The Bloodline gets mentioned and I..."
"It's a touchy subject for both of us." Sami chimes in, reading Kevin's mind and finishing his sentence. "But when I was in The Bloodline, all I could think about was you." He confesses softly, his voice wavering. "And when it came time to pull the trigger, I looked at you and all the memories came flooding back."
The tears Kevin fought to suppress now trickling down his cheeks as he nuzzles into Sami's palm, reaching up to gently tuck a strand of hair behind his ear. "While you were away it was a lot quieter, so it gave me time to think." He remarks, his gaze locked on Sami as he digs for something in his pocket. "And I realized that I couldn't live without you." He removes the object to reveal a ring. "Sami," he falters, releasing a shaky breath. "Will you marry me?"
Sami emits an amused chuckle, he'd imagine it must've been quite silent without his presence. His eyes lighting up upon seeing the ring, their initials engraved in the center. "I thought you'd never ask."
Tagging: @shanie-is-komania, @hiac, @loki69zowens, @racerchix21, @stardust181, @low-x-battery, @coloursflyaway, @riveliciousx, @codyzaynia, @kevinsteen, @pikapuff-316, @kristalynn94, @unintentionaloracle, @existwithpride and @anothersabah.
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wanderrnest · 11 months
@mercurialcreatur3 Answering here because it was too long for replays on the previous post i reblogged. sorry for my English.
What you said is the most painful to me. People walk among us after they went through these unspeakable horrors, and people still find ways to deny or underestimad it. This is equivalent to Holocaust denial for us. Except now, unlike Nazi Germany, even Hamas terrorists themselves filmed things and uploaded them, sometimes even to victims' social media. There are photos and videos that I wish wouldn't be true, but they are. When there's a terrorist investigation where he said they were told to murder, behead, and rape. There are videos of sexual assault. They found sexual assault evidence on dead bodies. I'm choosing not to go more graphic, but there is so much more graphic. Many people can't tell you what happened because they're dead, like entire families; we won't hear their stories (again painfully similar to the Holocaust, where in some cases there was not one left to tell); they only left butchered bodies behind them, but even that is not enough. read on shani louk, it's one exapmle out of many. look on Hadas Kalderon that her mother and niece were murderd and her two children are kidnapped in gaza without her. they uploded one thing to her daugther's tik tok - "goodbye". it's diffrenet when you know the faces and you hear the first hand stories.
Hamas is a terror organization; it thrives on propaganda. You are fed with propaganda about Israel that comes straight from their scripted messages and false information and the dehumanizing of israelis and jews. The amount of misinformation in the pro-Palestinian circles and the Muslim world is truly off the charts. Israel did not use photos of Palestinian children. Hamas burned babies and beheaded and raped Jewish people and paraded with their bodies. It's a fact; it's documented; people saw it. i can't even think about making this up because it's too terrible to even be imagined; it's hard for me to even say it. It's people's families! I can't believe I have to try to convince a fellow Jewish person that it's not a lie, that innocent Jews actually were brutally murdered. It may seem hard to believe, and you refuse to believe the photos, but is it really that hard to believe when it's literally their declared written goal? Slaughter Jews? c'mon What else do you need? why would you choose to believe the messages of a terror organization?
Yes, she said they treated her nicely; she's like 85. I'm so glad she is physically unharmed, and I believe she wisely managed to interact with them (which to me, shows more about her humanity than theirs, since kindapping a 85 years old or breaking into a house of an old lady and holding a grenade up her head (different story of rachel adri) pretty much cancels ones humanity. not to mention shooting elders in the head. I guess some of them were interactable (also, please don't forget that her HUSBAND is still there, which might be a reason for her words). but it doesn't make their crimes against humanity any less terrible, it doesn't bring back 1,400 people who are brutally murdered. they didn't treat nicely the other elders they shot, the women they raped and murdered, the babies they burned or beheaded, and the children that are still held in Gaza. their morals are entiraly diffrenet then ours in ways we cannot comprehend. they justfiy and call to do all those things to jewish people, in all ages, including rape.
Those people also understood really quickly that bragging about all their horrifying acts wouldn't give them the West support that they love, they are not stupid, so they try to minimize damage, and it's working.
As much as I'm not a fan of the Israeli government (before it all happened, I protested against it every week; again, a leftist), and I'm the last one to defend it, but this is still not some version of Russia with fake news and censorship. We are a small country with a mandatory army, where everyone knows someone who knows someone who's been affected, who was there in some way or another, during or after. Our media is still free and diverse. Please believe me; I know what happened an hour's drive from where I live. If the TV news leaves out details, and it does, it's in order to keep us sane because the ideas are too much to handle and are feared to cause massive hysteria, but everyone knows anyway. Sometimes it's even scarier to watch the news reporter knows something but stops themselves from giving the details because it's too terrible to air on TV.
Honestly, there is so much evidence and testimonies and there will be so much more. i hope that even if not now, one day you'll understand the horrors; I don't know what else will make you believe after all that. I understand you are for the weak now, but if we were weak now, we wouldn't be alive. We were weak on October 7th, and we aren't going to be weak again. Gaza could've been free without the terror organization that rules it. That was the intention from the beginning when Israel withdrew completely from Gaza, giving Palestinians autonomy. Once it got controlled by a terror organization, it naturally got complicated and violent. But we can't protect them from their own now; I'm sorry. We'll have to protect our people from being murdered. we have no way of "freeing" anyone without sentencing our own death (casual reminder of the sea of muslim countries around us, that wouln't miss a chance to join our destraction). And it feels like it's comfortable to you as a Jew that doesn't live in Israel to underestimate this need and join your friend by judging from afar, but you aren't in this danger. anyway i hope you won't be beacuse antisemitism is getting worse and worse everyday.
But if you'd be here, and these horrors were at your doorstep, believe me you'd understand the need to defend yourself. that's why i'm so anxiously try to make you understand. Israel is not comitting genocide, i'll say it again and again. it fights a terror organization thet hides behind their civillians, and it would not have done that if this terror organization stopped murdering israelis. we have no interst in killing palestinians just because they are palestinians. none.
this is the propaganda.
and if anyone from our dozens of neighbor muslim countries truly cared about palestinians and not just interested in destroying us and the western values, they would actually help them and not encourage hamas.
This comes from a leftist who, until very recently, believed wholeheartedly in a two-state solution. i don't know what i think now.
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Petition for Priscilla and Shani to go to Kaer Morhen and become Ciri's new Vodka Aunts/terrible influences
If you're thinking "wait, Yennifer already fills that role!" then let me assure you: she can have more than one! Also, Yen is the vodka aunt on Geralt's side; Ciri clearly needs one on Jaskier's side too!
Also I'm nominating Lambert (and Aiden) as the whiskey White Gull uncle on Eskel's side, just for funsies.
Besides, just imagine them showing up and being like "you have a KID?!? Since when do you have a kid? Who trusted you with a kid? No no no, absolutely not, come here darling, CLEARLY you need a proper influence..."
And then they brainstorm a dozen new goose tricks.
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gothicprep · 11 months
man, coming by it as someone whose seen a lot of gory videos on the internet, there’s something that’s so specifically heartbreaking about that video of shani louk and the aftermath of it.
her mother had gotten some bad information about her being still alive and recovering from a concussion. that’s such an evil lie to tell someone whose daughter was filmed with blood matted in her hair, in a pickup truck where her body is awkwardly contorted in a way that makes it clear she’s dead. I can’t begin to imagine how that feels as a parent.
there’s just… so much humanity lost when you see people lying to a grieving parent for, god only knows why, and outside parties pointing to that, and saying “this proves me right for being blindly partisan.” it’s wrong. it’s gross. and I felt like I’d been thrown face-first into freezing water after seeing so many that I’d otherwise considered reasonable people taking the bait there.
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