danitheforeverdm · 2 hours
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it might just be because im sleep deprived from jetlag rn but this r/relationship_advice post is making me cry actual tears of laughter. i read the post at first and was like yeah pretty standard whatever but im nosey so i clicked on the drawing op linked and i was not mentally prepared for it. putting it under a read more so you can get the same experience as i did
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danitheforeverdm · 7 hours
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danitheforeverdm · 7 hours
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yuri beams ur labru
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danitheforeverdm · 7 hours
its so sad that radfem just means transphobe and not like. this
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danitheforeverdm · 7 hours
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danitheforeverdm · 7 hours
within fifteen minutes i have found two different grown adult men who have dating app profiles that say their worst fear is:
one was funny. two is like... hang on, do we actually have a werewolf problem in this town?
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danitheforeverdm · 7 hours
ilove when someone posts about an issue that's supposedly plaguing society and it's painfully obvious that said issue is not a thing that matters if youre not on tiktok
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danitheforeverdm · 11 hours
I have no particular stance on whether estrogen would have saved Shinji, but I'm looking at it from the family dynamic angle, and... well, Jesus Christ. On a good day, Shinji already looks like a teenage soft butch version of Yui Ikari – can you imagine how Gendo would react to his "son" slowly morphing into his dead wife?
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danitheforeverdm · 12 hours
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danitheforeverdm · 13 hours
listen I expected literally Nothing from the D&D movie okay, like I can't make it clear enough that I expected the most soulless money grab with a good cgi budget imaginable, I went in having already gone through every stage of grief and landed on acceptance and LISTEN
I fucking CRIED during this dumb RPG movie. it wasn't just "not terrible" it was objectively good with a clever plot and compelling characters and sincere emotional beats. this movie loves D&D so fucking much and it NAILS the "a bunch of goobers try to be cool and accidentally discover The Power Of Friendship And Also Great Violence" classic D&D party vibe. their barbarian's last name is fucking Kilgore and my entire family cried in the theater.
I hope they make twelve of these motherfuckers.
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danitheforeverdm · 13 hours
I'm still reeling over how POC, including indigenous people, were discussing the nuances of how the Ember Island Play is an interesting satire of racism and propaganda, including the infantilization and emasculation of cultures like Aang's to mirror the explicitly racist way certain East Asian cultures are portrayed, and dumbing down Sokka and oversexualizing Katara by aging her up and making her outfit risque in a clear Pocahontas-affect in a clear parallel of how indigenous men and women were portrayed by colonizers, complete with the racism and baggage that came with putting her with their prince in the play.
And zutara shippers told them to shut up about the racial and colonization analyses because they were apparently making it up and reaching, and they should only focus on the shipping aspects of atla.
POC (indigenous!) who's never heard of Zutarian's pulling this phenomenon, here!
please (respectfully) do some source-citing, because, regretfully, this ask above sounds like propaganda itself
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danitheforeverdm · 14 hours
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danitheforeverdm · 15 hours
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danitheforeverdm · 16 hours
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she is still eepy, i just really wanted to draw her
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danitheforeverdm · 16 hours
Possibly the greatest NPR exchange ever recorded
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danitheforeverdm · 17 hours
Did you know a wild hog can be so hearty that it can take multiple high-powered rifle shots to bring it down? Did you know hogs can breed at such a rate to be so pervasive and omnipresent in an environment that they can threaten entire ecosystems? Did you know that bad code can act in a similar way— Causing problems down the line that are hard to identify the root cause of, and once you do, debugging that bad code can take hours, if not days of work? Did you know that, when asked by my boss what I was doing that had been taking up so much of my time these past few days, ‘wrangling my hog’ was a really bad answer?
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danitheforeverdm · 17 hours
best thing tumblr ever did for me is the term "rotating it in my mind". it's really true that sometimes you think about something real hard but you can't tell what the thoughts are exactly. it's revolutionary stuff, i might even say
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