#get a panick attack at the thought of a future with her
lala-blahblah · 1 day
Character flaws that would have been more compelling for Will to have to overcome in TSATS instead of "uh oh my boyfriend is a little bit edgy and that came as an unexpected shock to me even though he wears black and has emo bangs":
Struggling with setting boundaries and being honest when things bother him. As a healer he always has to put other people first, it would be interesting to see him approaching a relationship the same way where he feels the instinct to put Nico's feelings and wellbeing above his own, following him into Tartarus even though it is extra hard for him as a child of Apollo to be down there. It feels so much more authentic for Will to keep quiet about his negative thoughts rather than to blurt out all these criticisms about the underworld. And then Nico could feel hurt that he's hiding something from him for the drama, and Will could grow by allowing himself to communicate better even if he has negative things he wants to talk about
Fear of abandonment but ground it more with his real experiences instead of him just randomly panicking about Nico leaving him behind. Michael and Lee both died and left him alone after he got close with them. His dad was generally distant his whole life, he finally got to spend time with him but only under dangerous circumstances and all too soon hes gone again. Will's mom was the only constant in his life but after monsters started attacking he had to live at camp away from her for most of the year. This results in generalized superstition and anxiety that every time he has a good thing the universe takes it away from him, maybe it makes it harder for him to allow himself to get attached in a deeper way. It would be interesting to see him being the one that was more upfront with his emotions and about liking Nico at the beginning, but as their relationship goes on he struggles with more serious things like saying I love you or imagining a future together because he feels like once he does it will be taken away.
Flip the TSATS struggle on it's head and have Will secretly be very into all the dark underworld stuff but feel like he has to repress that because it's weird and people judge him. Being a healer is already a little dark and intense, I feel like Will wouldn't be scared of the undead but somewhat fascinated. Like you're telling me he wouldn't love to examine a walking skeleton and see how the bones move and connect? Growing up as a son of Apollo everyone expected him to be sunshiney and positive and so he tried to hide his weirder interests but oh my GOD he has so many questions for Nico about underworld magic and it's so hard to play it off. You could still emphasize the yin and yang of Nico having lightness and Will having darkness but make it feel less judgemental to Nico this time
Basically I just take it as a personal offense that Will would ever be critical of Nico's sarcasm and grunge aesthetics. HE'S INTO IT!!! HE HAS A THING FOR EDGY MEN OK!!! THIS IS THE GUY WHO SAID HE WOULD GO ON A DATE WITH DARTH VADER just you TRY and tell me that prequels Anakin was not his bi awakening and the blueprint for all his future crushes.
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warpedpuppeteer · 8 months
Glimpse of Us by Joji is so Eddie coded.
Like, look at the lyrics??
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Isn't this very "I'm dating Ana but it doesn't feel right why doesn't it feel right"?
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spookyserenades · 17 days
Sanctity - Chapter One TEASER
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Pairing(s); BTS OT7 x Reader
Genre/Themes; Vampire!AU, yandere!AU, horror, themes of the supernatural and mythology, historical topics, vampiric powers, religious themes, violence, romance
Rated; 18+ for swearing, violence/gore, toxic behavior including stalking, torture, and manipulation, future sexual themes. Reader discretion is strongly advised.
Word Count; 668
Sanctity Masterlist
Sanctity Playlist
Ko-fi 💜
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Knees wobbling, Y/N lowered herself onto the chair while Mrs. Sloane eyed her like she was a slab of wagyu beef she was preparing to sell to the highest bidder. Biting her lip, she swiftly shut her eyes, heeding Meredith’s earlier advice. Perhaps she could prolong her anxiety attack if she kept her eyes shut the entire time, flinching in the seat when someone was not-so-gently rolling up the sleeve on her left arm past her elbow and swiping an alcohol wipe over her sensitive skin. 
“We’ll be taking more than usual today," Y/N’s plans of staying blind were foiled when her eyes snapped open in shock. 
“W-what? But taking more than a pint is dangerous, is it not?” Y/N’s voice came out panicked and thin, Mrs. Sloane scowling at her nastily. 
“Silence. It is not your place to question,” Mrs. Sloane scolded, Y/N’s breathing becoming fast and shallow. “A new coven has arrived in the area. They have requested a large sample of AB-.”
Dread flooded through every cell of her body, horrified that she was about to be drained dry, two pint bags on the steel table beside her. Barely having time at all to process that there was a coven of vampires that were new to the area, and that there was a great chance that they’d select her as a donor, Y/N yelped when one of the wardens pinned her wrist down and another slid the hollow needle in her arm. Seeing stars dance in her field of vision, Y/N whimpered at the sting of the needle, feeling sick when she felt the warmth of her blood flowing into the tube connected to the pint bag resting on her arm. She absolutely loathed the feeling of her blood leaving her body, like her very life force was being sucked out, and before she could actively close her eyes, they shut involuntarily when they began to water. 
“Calm down, AB-,” Mrs. Sloane sounded like she was spitting through her teeth, Y/N unable to feel her limbs. “You should be grateful. You’ll have the rest of the day off to recuperate.”
Y/N hardly heard the woman. Ears ringing, she was drifting away, a cold, sticky sweat coating her forehead. While she was struggling to form a coherent thought, one of the wardens must have switched out the full bag for the empty one, and by then, Y/N lost consciousness. 
Several moments later, Y/N not knowing exactly how much time had passed, someone was snapping in her face, jamming a straw in her mouth. Nearly choking on the orange juice that was being squeezed down her parched throat, her eyes opened blearily and all she could see was blinding white light from the fluorescence above her. 
“You may sit here for no more than five additional minutes. Then return to your dorm until the dinner bell,” Mrs. Sloane’s arms were crossed, annoyed that Y/N was holding up the line of acolytes outside waiting their turns. 
Though she was pretty much completely drained of energy, Y/N’s mind was moving a thousand miles per hour. With a new coven in the area, there was a very real possibility they’d be interested in her blood, considering the rarity of the blood type. She gleaned no additional information from Mrs. Sloane– typical– but how many vampires would be in this coven, if God forbid they chose her? Three, four? Four was typically the largest a coven would get, and the thought of four of them latching onto her at once had her leaning over in the chair and emptying the contents of her stomach into the bucket on the floor. 
It didn’t matter that she’d be free of the Sanctuary. Though she’d live lavishly, she’d have constant open wounds and would probably be psychologically tortured by the creatures. Suddenly, meals made purely of beef liver and beds constructed out of pallets seemed much better than cake and down feather mattresses.
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Taglist; @hazzadoesnotexist @melidramatic7 @honsoolfilter @lovelyglares @bratalicious777 @xicanacorpse @kaeya91 @the-theban-script @jasmin-loves-k-pop @alessiamalfoyzabini @kayways-blog @maeveontherun @a2zure @adoreyou976 @ancagab16 @adoreyou976 @ancagab16 @artfrhe @lightwxod @drenix004 @yoongtism @mischievouscassie @m00njinnie @justlikecrazy @ellaints @asillyduck15 @darkpuppysuit @lilacdreams-00 @neverthefirstchoice @levislifeline @susi-199 @chibimanda @trustfratedjin @tnafzi @yxmer @monkeytime3474 @tinybasementmaker-blog @cryingnotcrying @moonj-oon @mar-lo @kiki-zb @imnotsleepyo_o @oopscoop @wisejudgepandafan @hemmofluke
Please do not copy or translate my work. Thank you!
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thatonejumbledmess · 10 months
So I got this random ass DCxDP Idea out of nowhere, so just hear me out for a second.
Vlad steals the infimap again, tells it to take him to his future, he ends up on this random ass mountainside in what seems to be the middle of the Himalayas. Danny gets sent by Clockwork to go retrieve the infimap. By this time, Vlad has discovered an odd pool of ectoplasm just through one of the caves in the mountain he'd landed on. It seems different from usual, but doesn't have enough time to inspect it before Danny shows up and re-claims the infimap and leaves Vlad there, he'd been oddly more violent, especially after seen Vlad with the pool of ecto.
Noting the location of the odd pool of ectoplasm, Vlad attempts to return to Illinois, only to find that he's several hundred years in the past, rather than just somewhere in the Himalayas in current time like he'd thought. He's now stranded here with no way of getting back to his own time, as the technology to even attempt to do so wouldn't exist until at least the 1980s. So, he returns to the pool of ecto to try and figure out what to do.
Eventually, he decides to gain power for himself in this time, he changed his name, starts a cult surrounding himself and the pool, gathers resources using his powers, and has his new subordinates build a tenple for him around the pool. His subordinates need to be able to defend him, so he hires a master swordsman to teach them how to weild weapons, he ends up following alongside the lessons either from afar, invisibly, or both, so he can claim to have known this skill all along. Slowly, the group expands, and someone attempts to kill Vlad. He sicks his now assassin level subordinates on the attacker, and thus, the League of Assassins is born.
All is well as Vlad waits patiently to catch up with Time. He'd found out early on that the pool he'd dubbed the Lazarus Pit could heal the sick and kill the healthy, so he used this as an excuse for his ghostly immortality. He ends up having a couple of paramors and a couple of children, which makes his core sing. Then, oddly enough, a young man shows up to request training from the group, he almost looked enough like Danny that Vlad had to take a second to realize that it was several years to early for the boy to have even been born; let alone a young adult.
Turns out, the young man was Bruce Wayne. This was certainly an odd turn of events, as it turned out Brucie Wayne was Batman. This revilation didn't bother him for long, and Talia had taken a liking to the man, so he instructed her to keep an eye on him.
Things were going well, Talia had been doing well keeping track of the fine detective. And had even coerced him into a relationship with herself, that might prove rathar useful down the line. Danny was due to be born the upcoming year. And Vlad was making preparations. While he couldn't take the boy just after his birth, that would mean he'd never become a halfa, he could bide his time and become a part of the boy's life earlier on, and take him under his wing after the accident.
He wasn't expecting Talia to come to him and tell him she was pregnant. He tried not to think too much on it. He knew of Damian Wayne's existence, and this child was likely that same boy. However, what he couldn't get put of his head was the sudden revalation to how similar the youngest Wayne and Daniel looked. They were even the same age. He decided to put it out of his mind, but the thoughts were wrenched back to the forefront of his mind when he found out Talia was pregnant with twins. He didn't like this, Damian had been an only child as far as he knew, so why had things changed?
He became further concerned when he tracked down Maddie and Jack to attempt to re-insert himself in their lives, only to find Maddie wasn't pregnant. Something had changed, and Vlad was panicked. Somehow, Damian Wayne would now be a part of a set of twins, and Danny would either be born later than last time or not at all.
Vlad tried to look into when and where the change had occurred, but without complete knowledge of how the timeline had occurred before his presence changed it, he had no idea what could have happened.
That was until the birth of twin boys, Damian came out perfectly healthy. The second boy had been very sick, but Vlad would recognize those blue eyes anywhere. It was Danny. He immediately ordered for the infant to be placed into the pits to heal and promptly secluded himself to his chambers to have a mental breakdown.
This didn't make any sense! Daniel was Jack and Maddie's son! Not Bruce Wayne's! But this made all too much sense: why there hadn't been any photos of Daniel before age 8 in the Fenton household, how Danny looked just slightly different than his parents, but in a way that could have feasibly been explained by latent genes. But it wasn't latent genes, Daniel Fenton wasn't Jack and Maddie's biological son, was he? Then, the final nail in the coffin, Vlad was reminded of his and Danny's first meeting, the boy had immediately tensed uppon seeing him, and had muttered something under his breath, something Vlad had brushed off as an insult. But now he thought about it, his tone had been questioning, almost scared. Danial had called him Grandfather.
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isuckatwritingsobenice · 11 months
hello! I would like a Dazai Osamu bsd headcanons, where he considers the reader his reason for living… if it's not too much trouble! ♡
A/N: Of course!! Thank you so much for this request, it’s so cute! I'm definately going to expand on this in the future.
Warnings: Dazai being Dazai, mentions of panic attacks, mentions of PTSD, implied smut but no detail, stalking tendencies
Navigation!! // Masterlist
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Dazai really never thought he would meet anyone that would make him want to live
he felt like his life was almost meaningless
like the world was too messed up for him to want to live in, to him there was no point
But then he meets you, it's at the train station and you're buying flowers for your mother
she's sick and you're seeing her while you can
you two make small talk and Dazai mentions where he works, it piques your interest
He doesn't talk much after that, and mainly because the train is close to leaving so Dazai needs to take his seat
But that doesn't stop him from thinking of you, and after days, almost a month, of not seeing you but not forgetting you, he caves and begins to search
He finds your name, address, place of work, where you were born, everything
He starts showing up at places you would be near, and he catches glimpses of you
it seems like you're genuinely a good person, like you radiate this warmth off you
he enjoys it, he craves it
fast forward a few months after Dazai's weird stalking, he unloads onto you while he's drunk
You're walking him back to his apartment
He starts breaking down in an alley way, his bandages coming undone and he's frantic, you've never seen him like this before
he's about to rip his hair out, he's struggling to breathe, he's panicking, PTSD has him in a choke hold as of right now
Some people also panic when things like this happen, other people just wait it out
You were a mix between the two; internally panicking but also waiting it out
You were unsure if you should touch him, so you settled for talking to him instead, with a slight hold on his arms
He had sat against a wall, quietly talking to himself with his head in his hands, his eyes were still frantic, so you tried your best to be careful
"Dazai?" You called, and he heard you, his shaking calmed after that
"relax, just breathe. Everything's okay."
He couldn't have done more. He wanted to talk, he really did, but there was a lot going through his mind.
The two of you sat in silence for a while, just with each other
Finally, he spoke up
"Yes Dazai?"
" I wanna go home."
The walk to his apartment was quieter, and a bit slower too, but when he opened the front door, you didn't expect for him to pull you inside too, let alone into a hug
"Thank you." He whispered, you almost didn't hear him
"Please don't. It was nothing Dazai, really." You whisper back, you can feel the anxiousness coming off of him
"Can you stay the night?" He asks, pulling back a bit to look you in the eyes. He's pleading with you, almost desperate, but also hopeful.
"Sure." You say back, a small smile on your face. You want him to know you're okay too.
He doesn't scare you. He realizes this now.
His lips find yours quickly, in a kiss that he didn't intend of leading to more, but he can't get enough of you and you don't want him to leave
That night, he goes to bed with a new reason, a reason to live
a reason to love you
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desparaic · 6 months
Imagine Rengoku's son traveling to the past
Rengoku X Fem! Reader
I’m sorry, I never really do this kinda stuff before, but this has just been rotting my mind
read part 2 here
So, imagine Rengoku's teenage son traveling to the past when trying to fight a demon.
He is confused by the fact the demon just used his BDA and ran away just like that. He looks around and even checks himself, nothing.
Tf this demon do?????
Sun is almost up. Weird. He swears it just set only a few hours ago.
He tries to chase after the demon but with the thick trees, it’s hard to see where he went.
Defeated, he decides to go back to the corps headquarters, maybe visit the estate and go see his mother again
Imagine his surprise when he finds that things are a bit different than the last time he left the hq
I’m sorry what do you mean the current oyakata is Kagaya??? Isn’t that Kiriya-sama’s late father????
wait is that Uzui-san????? He has both of his eyes???? And he’s back being a slayer now?????
And why does everyone look at him weird????? Wait, where are his friends????
He has to take a double take when he sees the news post near the garden and realizes the year of the news is set in 19XX, more than 15 years back into the past.
He swears it’s a prank
it isn’t lol
After a liiiitttlee panic attack and existential crisis, he realizes he’s in the past
Down side, he doesn’t know how to get back and what this means
Upside, he can see his mom in action as a hashira!
She retired when he was born, so he didn’t get to see her in action aside from training sessions.
Excited (as if he wasn’t just panicking about this lmao), he rushes all over the place to find his mother
people be staring at him
who is this carbon copy of the flame hashira and why is he running
Eventually finds her just about to take off for a mission
I’m sorry huh?
You look at the kid surprised. Not only is he look exactly like your husband, this kid just called you mom.
I’m?????? Did Kyojuro have a secret love child???? or a relative he never told you about?????
Your future son is just so hyped seeing you in your uniform the first time he almost forgot to explain himself LMAO
When he quickly introduces as your son you’re just there like 🧍‍♀️
This kid needs to find a physician quick
Well, turns out he isn’t lying, especially after telling you an intimate detail that only a few people know.
You’re flustered, surprised, bewildered, but most importantly…
You’re excited to see him! You and Rengoku have always talked about having a family, so you’re so glad you both eventually do!!!
Immediate bond. Get along super well. Almost like y’all are related dang who would’ve thought
You excitedly say, “Oh, I can’t wait for Kyojuro to meet you! I bet He’s excited to see his son from the future! You look just like him!”
his genes do be strong
but as soon as you say that, your son’s smile fades.
Your motherly instincts tell you something is wrong.
“Is everything okay?”
You didn’t miss the way he furrows his eyebrows and lift the corner of his lip in annoyance, even if it was just a split second.
He only smiles (though your mama bear instinct is like “no, no, this kid definitely hidin’ smn), “no, nothing’s wrong.”
”Oh! Can you show me your breathing technique, Mother? You never get to show me your breathing style!”
Huh. Weird.
Okay gonna write a part 2 because this way too long brother
UPDATE: aight here it is part 2
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from-the-clouds · 1 year
texas sun - joel miller x f!reader - vol. xi
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series masterlist | series playlist | writing masterlist | previous chapter |
chapter summary: I'm not even gonna be poetic about this: Joel and reader lie to themselves and others about their feelings for 5.6k words. pairing: joel miller x f!reader words: 5.6k chapter warnings: ANGST. Description of panic attacks/anxiety. Referenced death of family members/romantic partners. Implied bisexual reader. Alcohol consumption, hangovers. smoking. Canon-typical suffering. As always please dm if you have questions. a/n: Wanted to give game Joel a little love with the gif choice, ya feel me? I've been excited to write this chapter for months and I ultimately feel like it flopped so hard, it just did not come together the way I envisioned. It's also my last week of work for awhile I'm honestly feeling very burnt out so I'm in a 'fuck it, i don't have the energy to make it perfect' mood, BUT - It’s a lot of backstory/development that I do think is necessary. Next chapter shit will go down tho so get ready.
**ALSO! I got rid of my taglist. Please follow @ftcwriting and turn on notifs if you would like to be notified when I update my works :) **
-April 10, 2024-
Joel reaches out to clutch the patio railing. His chest is tight, like someone’s stitched his ribs together so they won’t expand fully every time he tries to inhale. Each breath wheezes in and out of him, and his head spins. 
None of this feels real. It can’t be real. And if he’s asleep, he can’t decide if he’s in a dream or a nightmare.
That’s until he hears his name. 
Her voice is like a jolt of electricity, shocking his body back into equilibrium. He finds Ellie standing behind him when he looks over his shoulder, Tommy walking up the pathway to the front door, brow furrowed. 
“We literally only got here like one week ago, you can’t die already,” Ellie scolds him, and he knows that the jab is meant to be playful. “Woah, are you okay?” she asks when they lock eyes. 
Joel straightens, squaring up with Tommy, fully prepared to give him a piece of his mind, for throwing him into the deep end with nothing to stay afloat. 
“Who was that?” Ellie is completely oblivious. 
Even if he wanted to answer the question, he still probably couldn’t. It had taken him a moment to even recognize who you were, that’s how long it’s been. And he hadn’t even really gotten a good look. It only clicked when you’d taken off your glasses, and when it’d registered, and then he’d seen the kid next to you, he’d panicked. Joel brushes past Ellie, shoving his brother with one hand in the center of his chest.
“What the hell were you thinking?” 
Tommy recoils at the contact, something pained and confused crossing his expression. “I…. I thought you’d be happy to see that she’s still alive.” 
Joel doesn’t answer, just glowers at him. He’s still unable to make sense of the questions swirling around in his mind, each one seemingly more important than the last. 
Of course it’s good that you're alive. At one point, he had tried to find you. It was after Sarah, after he’d tried to- he can’t even think about how foolish that had been. At the time, the thought of seeing you again was the only thing that provided him with even the slightest bit of hope for the future. But the search had been fruitless. 
After a while, Joel decided that you were dead. It didn’t matter whether or not you were. He’d seen the unspeakable pain humans were capable of inflicting on each other and then when he’d gotten involved with some hunters, became the cause of all that pain. If you were alive…it meant those horrible things were happening to you. You were better off dead. 
It also kept his conscience clear. After he’d done what he had done, he knew if he ever saw you again, he wouldn’t even be able to look you in the eyes. And he was right. You knew a version of him that no longer existed. 
“Joel,” Ellie interjects. He’d nearly forgotten she was there, still lost in his shock and rage. 
“Ellie, go inside,” he quips. 
“Can’t I just-”
“Inside. Right now. ” Joel hasn’t used such an aggressive snarl with her since they first left for the Boston QZ, and he turns to look at her just in time to see her face crumple, before she turns and marches up the stairs. He immediately feels bad, but unfortunately, this is just how things go with every person he cares about these days. He hurts them, then they hurt him, and it equals out, only ending when one of them decides to leave. 
“Jesus, Joel,” Tommy scolds, but he doesn’t care. 
“How long?” 
“How long have you known she’s alive? That she has a fuckin’.....” Joel feels something get caught in his throat. “...a fuckin’ kid.”
“That’s her nephew,” Tommy says matter-of-factly, as if it was supposed to be obvious. As if Joel wasn’t just grappling with the idea that he had a twenty year old son he’d never known about, and feeling guilty that you’d been alone with him this whole time. “But I guess I can see where you’d think that.” 
Now that you’re on Joel’s mind, he does recall you mentioning your nephew a few times. Maybe you even had a picture of him hanging on your fridge, and he had pegged how you had the same smile. He’s a little embarrassed for jumping to conclusions, but it doesn’t mean he’s done being angry. 
“Shit,” Tommy rubs his beard. “They’ve been here for like three years. It’s been awhile.”
“Three years?” Joel asks, a whole new wave of anger reappearing. “And you didn’t think to fuckin’ tell me all this time?”
“You know the rules. We aren’t allowed to use the radio.” 
“What about when I was here in the winter?” Joel asks stiffly. 
“I just…figured it’d be a shock-
“And why would you think that, Tommy?” Joel raises his voice. 
Tommy holds out his hands, lowering them slightly as if to tell Joel to settle down. Then he nods towards the house. Ellie. “You had a lot going on with that whole situation. I didn’t want to distract you.”
Joel would never admit it, but that was probably a smart decision for Tommy to make. He remembers how uncertain and scared he’d been when he first stopped in Jackson. But Joel still tries to think of a way to keep the argument going, because he doesn’t want to give Tommy any sort of props for how he’s chosen to break this news to him.
“I thought you’d be happy she’s alive, really, I mean you both-”
Joel holds up his hand. “Enough, Tommy. It was so long ago…I barely remember.”
Tommy frowns, gives him a knowing look. “Really?” 
Joel sniffs, crosses his arms. 
“Well, I remember,” Tommy says. “And she was always good to you.”
Joel doesn’t answer, because he doesn’t have anything else to say, and at this point, he just wants Tommy to leave.
“Work through whatever you have to,” Tommy says. “But don’t be an asshole. You should work on that, in general. Or else I’ll have to keep explaining your behavior.”
“Glad I’ve got you looking out for me,” Joel says dryly.  “Don’t know what I would do without you.”
“Fine.” Tommy shakes his head, backs away.
His brother doesn’t say goodbye as he stuffs his hands in his coat pocket and walks down the street. Joel stays in place, alone on the front porch, until his hands relax from the fists they are clenched in and his anger turns to shame. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
-April 19, 2024-
You close the locket and place it back inside the old lunch pail full of tchotchkes and other memorabilia. It’s a fairly empty box, over the years you’ve found that the things you hold onto are either lost or left behind, not unlike the people you’ve met. You swipe away the tears in your eyes. 
Bea had always said it was important to give yourself the space to grieve, to let yourself feel whatever it was that you needed to. It’s advice that you don’t want to take from her right now because you’re pissed at her for being gone. Not that it had been her fault. And also because you know if you don’t stick to a routine it’s very easy to backslide. 
In the bathroom, you hurry to splash cold water on your face, taking a look at yourself in the mirror. Before the outbreak, there was nothing more terrifying than getting old. Now, as you study the new lines and wrinkles on your face, the scar on your bottom lip, the gray strands in your hair, it doesn’t scare you at all. It seemed frivolous that looks were something you’d been so concerned about when you were younger. But you suppose you didn’t have much else to worry about. There was something pretty freeing about being older, that you can be content without being concerned about whether or not someone will find you attractive. And really, getting old means you’re still alive. That’s all that matters. 
You are concerned with the red in the whites of your eyes, but hope they’ll fade by the time you get to Maria’s. 
Grappling with the fact that Joel is still alive has dredged up a lot. Since it had been about a week since your reunion – if you could even call it that – on your front porch, and you’d seen him one other time. The first time, you’d sort of understood why he’d ran off. But you guessed you kind of expected him to come around eventually. He didn’t. 
Just a few days earlier you’d been walking through the town square, and he’d been headed your direction with that teenage girl who Tommy has since told you is named Ellie. She was giggling at something, and Joel even had a slight smile on his face, but when he saw you, it disappeared, and he pulled Ellie to the opposite side of the street. It was clear now that he was intentionally trying to avoid you, which….didn’t feel great. 
That was an understatement. Having Joel back made you realize just how lonely you were. It had taken some time after arriving in Jackson for you to grieve your partner of nearly ten years, so it hadn’t really dawned on you that at some point you might crave a deeper level of intimacy that your friendships couldn’t offer. But you had already had it twice, so you supposed that was better than nothing at all. Plus, your number one priority had been, and always would be making sure Ethan was provided for. 
So what exactly were you expecting from Joel? Not that, of course. But maybe some kind of closure after all those years spent apart. Some kind of acknowledgement of your time spent together. 
When the outbreak first happened, you had spent a lot of time being angry. With Joel and Sarah, the possibility of being normal had been dangled in front of you. You realized you had wanted to be loved after being convinced by your father – and yourself – that you didn’t deserve it. Then, the second you acknowledged that you wanted it anyways, the world had literally ended. It was a little egocentric, but it sort of felt like a sign that your dad had been right all along. Some women aren’t meant to be part of a family.
Of course, Bea had proved that wrong. But losing the people you loved became a pattern. And you even to this day, you alternated between believing that it was the unfortunate reality of life, or that it was your destiny to never get what you wanted. 
Regardless, even if the way Joel is acting has caused you more turmoil than you are willing to admit, you’re not going to follow him around and beg to get back into his good graces. That’s never been your style. 
You’re tidying up the kitchen, getting ready to leave, when Ethan shuffles into the room. It’s nearly noon. 
“Hey, sleepyhead,” you say to him as drags his socked feet across the hardwood.
He grumbles his greeting and tilts his head at the bag you’re adjusting over your shoulder, as if to ask where you’re headed.
“I’m going to Maria’s,” you say. “Then I have to meet with Eugene.” 
He makes a noise of affirmation, still half-asleep, and slumps into a kitchen chair. When you look at him closely, you see the dark circles beneath his glassy eyes, his face pale. 
“You alright, honey?” you ask, putting your bag back on the countertop and approaching him. “Do you have a fever?” when you reach to press the back of your hand to his cheek he swats it away weakly. He doesn’t feel warm.
“I’m fine,” he says, crossing his arms on the countertop and burying his face in them. “I just have a headache.”
“Yeah?” you say. “You were out late last night.”
“Derek and I went to the Tipsy Bison,” his voice is muffled. 
Everything clicks into place. “Oh. Were you overserved?” 
He turns his head, but doesn’t lift it. With how long his hair has gotten, most of his face is obscured. “Maybe. But before I get a lecture, don’t worry – I’m never drinking again.”
“I’m not gonna lecture you,” you’re almost offended. “Is this really your first hangover?”
“I mean….probably not. But it’s definitely the worst.” 
“Well now you know your limits,” you say, crossing the room to pour him a glass of water and get some ibuprofen from the long-expired bottle you keep in a cabinet.
“Maybe if we were allowed to drink when we were with Bea, I would’ve learned that sooner.”
You let Ethan’s get his dig in at the last community you’d lived with before Jackson. The more time you’d spent here, the more time he’d had to convince himself that what you’d gotten yourselves into was terrible. Because you had more of a complex perspective on it, it was the one subject you avoided speaking to each other about. 
Ethan is similar to Vincent in that while he’s very sensitive, he also seems to enjoy being an instigator. Of course, spending all of his life fighting to survive in a world that wants him dead has only intensified that. Bea had been good at helping him manage his temper when he was a teenager and it became too much for you to handle. But besides that, he doesn't get into much trouble, so you aren’t going to chastise him. 
“Drink this, and take these.”
He groans, but reaches out for the aspirin and water, nursing it down with small sips. You bite back a smile. The both of you have endured much worse than a hangover, but there’s something cathartic about seeing him experience the plights of a normal twenty-something. 
“Are you hungry?”
“If I eat anything, I think I will vomit,” he lays his head back down. 
You consider asking him if he wants you to stay so you can look after him, but decide that you don’t want to encourage the habit too much. Instead, you reach out and brush a strand of hair off his cheek so you can see him more clearly, and he closes his eyes. “I bet you’ll feel better in a couple hours. Drink water. It’ll help.”
He blinks up at you, seemingly unconvinced. “I saw that guy yesterday. The weird one.” 
“What guy?”
“Tommy’s brother. What’s his name?”
“Joel?” you ask, and pretend that saying his name doesn’t almost make you shiver. 
“Yeah,” he says. “He was with Tommy at the stables. Guess they’re making him a ranger.”
“I know you knew him before or whatever, but he’s definitely a weirdo. And I’m not just saying that to make you feel better.”
The whatever in his sentence is doing a lot of heavy lifting. You roll your eyes, but not maliciously. “Well, he did just get here.” You definitely don’t owe Joel anything, so you surprise yourself by defending him. 
Ethan almost ignores your response, winces, turns his head back into his arms and grumbles something to the effect of I’m dying. 
“Rest up,” you ruffle his hair and kiss the top of his head, like you’ve been doing since before he could walk, and it’s hard to stop even though sometimes it annoys him. Right now, he doesn’t protest. “I’ll bring you home some soup from the mess hall. Take it easy.” 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It’s Tommy who lets you in once you arrive at Maria’s. She’s upstairs with the baby, he says, and tells you to wait in the living room, before you hear her frantic voice calling out for him to come help her. 
His footsteps retreat up the stairs, and you hover in the entrance to the living room, your eyes inexplicably drawn to the chalkboard with 
You glance at the little memorial that Tommy had made for Sarah and Kevin, Maria’s son. Even though you’ve seen it a million times at this point, the sight of her name, the date of her passing – the same day as Joel’s birthday – makes your stomach sink. 
That’s when you notice that you’re not alone. Sitting in a chair in the corner is the girl that you’d seen accompanying Joel. You hadn’t actually been properly introduced, you realized, and she’s staring at you like she doesn’t know what to do. She’s a cute kid, a teenager if you had to guess, her dark hair pulled back into a ponytail. 
Based on how he’s been acting, you can’t imagine what Joel has told her about you. Probably nothing good. So you give her a nod and a small smile, before crossing your arms and leaning against the doorframe. 
Surprisingly, the bit of sincerity seems to warm her up a little. “I’m Ellie,” she says.
You nod again, and give her your first name. “It’s nice to meet you, Ellie. Sorry I didn’t get the chance the other day.”
She shrugs. “It didn’t seem like that was your fault.”
You let your arms drop to your sides, straighten up. “Did you uh…come to see the baby or something?” 
Ellie shakes her head no. “I’m waiting for Tommy. He’s gonna take me to see the school.” 
“Oh, that’s nice.” 
“Not really,” she says. “I think school is fucking stupid. But everyone says I have to go, because all the other kids in town do, too.”
Ethan was grown when you arrived in Jackson, and you didn’t have children of your own, so it was the one place you didn’t really frequent. “Well, you probably should but….I hear you.”
There’s an almost imperceptible smile that crosses her features. You turn your head back to stare at the staircase, waiting for the sound of Maria’s footsteps, but all you can hear is her and Tommy whispering with frantic energy as they try to put their son down for a nap. 
“You know Joel won’t tell me anything about you,” Ellie’s voice cuts in, and you turn back towards her. “But you knew him before, didn’t you?”
You’re not sure how to take this information, or…how to respond to it. So you keep your response simple. “I mean, we were neighbors.” But even that feels like a lie, and a useless one to tell. Maybe it’s a little petty, but you don’t owe it to Joel to keep his secrets, especially not after he’s treated you so poorly. So you tell her the truth. “I guess he was also…my boyfriend for a little while.”
Ellie seems taken aback by this. “What happened? Did you break his heart or something?”
“No,” you snort. “We got separated before the outbreak.” 
“Oh.” She ponders for a moment. “So then why is he so mad?”
You shrug. “I’ll let you know if I find out.” 
“Well, he’s an asshole. But I bet you already know that,” Ellie says. 
Based on the time you actually spent with Joel, you would’ve never described him that way. So if that’s really how he’s perceived, even by the people who care about him, it makes you a little sad. Losing Sarah must have changed him more than you could imagine. 
You’re already sick of thinking about him so much, so you change the subject to something that’s at least a little lighter. “How did the two of you end up together, anyways?” 
“Long story,” she answers, and you get the sense there’s something she’s holding back. Because you just met, you don’t press her any further. 
“As I’d imagine.” 
You hear boots coming down the stairs, and Tommy rounds the corner, holding a stack of photos. “I’ve been meaning to show these to you, I went home a couple years back…to Joel’s old place and mine. There wasn’t much left, but I found these.”
He passes the pictures to you, and you look down at them. You don’t think much about your old house at all. It was another thing you lost, but almost everyone did, so it didn’t really make you feel special. Still, sometimes you thought of your cozy back patio and your old friend Martini, and had accepted you’d never see them again.
The first photo in the stack is a photo of Joel and Sarah at one of his soccer games. As sweet as the gesture is, you are pretty sure you can only confront so much of your past at once, and with Joel being back in town it’s starting to get suffocating. Also, when you study the picture and realize that your memory has gotten some of Sarah’s features wrong, you’re overwhelmed with guilt. 
Hesitantly, you place the pictures down on the coffee table, and Ellie reaches for them immediately, flipping through him. “Woah,” she says. “He looks so different without all the grey hair,” she flips to a photo of him and Tommy, and glances up at him. “You look pretty much the same.” 
When you agree with her, Tommy grins, playfully tucking a piece of hair behind his ear bashfully before growing serious. “You better not tell him I showed you these.” 
“I won’t,” Ellie assures him. 
“Look at this one.” Tommy pushes another photo across the table towards you, and you peer down to look at it. “He fucking adored you.”
You remember taking the picture vividly while on vacation with Joel and Sarah, and at one point you’d had your own copy framed on your dresser. There are flowers peppered in his hair, and you both look so young, and so happy, and so oblivious, his arms around you, his lips pressed against your cheek. At the time, you really had no idea that everything you knew was about to be destroyed. 
“Nice,” you say flatly, and in an effort to keep from getting emotional, push it back across the table, and retreat to sit in a chair across the room. 
After some time, and some convincing, Tommy and Ellie leave to go on their tour of the school. When the door closes behind them, you swipe the photo from you and Joel off the table and slide it into your back pocket. You tell yourself it’s so Tommy can’t show it to Joel, but really it’s because it’s one of the only memories you have of yourself before the outbreak, when everything felt perfect. 
Just as you back away from the pictures, Maria appears at the bottom of the steps. She looks exhausted, and before either of you can speak, you wrap her in a hug. Partly because it looks like she needs it, but also because you just want to feel close to someone you trust, even if it’s only for a few seconds. “How are you holding up?” you ask. 
“I finally get some peace and I’m using it to work,” she says, leading you into the dining room, where all the paperwork is spread out. Your plan had been to write a new amendment to the town’s constitution, which then had to be approved by the council. 
Maria hadn’t stayed away from her job as the leader of the community for very long after having their son, despite your encouragement for her to take it easy. She had experience with her previous son, Kevin, but you imagined it didn’t make life with a newborn any easier. So you tried to help her out with any chance you got, especially because you knew she’d do the same for you. it was just how things between you worked. She knew even more about you than Tommy did, and you told each other everything. Well, almost everything….
“You should take a nap or something.” 
“Don’t tempt me.”
“I’m serious,” you insist. “I can write a draft while you sleep and then you and I can do the revisions together. 
She seems reluctant, but after making you swear you’d wake her if the baby starts fussing, she lies down on the couch and you begin working. 
Like your old job, you don’t really like doing this. The only job you have in Jackson that actually excites you is the work you do with Eugene, and going on patrol. But this work makes you feel the most useful. And despite the fact that you had always been skeptical of authority – you believed in her ability to keep things in Jackson running smoothly. 
About an hour later, you’d drawn up the draft and Maria stirs from her nap. The revisions don’t take very long, since you both are usually on the same page, but when you start packing your things up to go, she seems surprised. 
“Are you hanging around until dinner?” 
“No, I have to meet up with Eugene,” you say. “Plus, Ethan’s at home hungover so I told him I’d make him soup. 
“Do you think he’ll be up for dinner tomorrow night?” she asks. “Tommy keeps pestering me.”
“Well he’s still too young for his hangovers to last two days,” you smirk. “So yeah, I think he will.”
“He invited…..Joel, and Ellie,” Maria says hesitantly, watching your face. “Is that okay?”
“I mean….it’s not my dinner party.”
“You can say no. Or not come,” she offers. She hadn’t been there the day you’d seen Joel again for the first time, but it sounds like Tommy has given her the rundown. 
You shrug. As much as you don’t want to admit it, being forced into the same room as Joel is a little exciting. “I’ll go.” 
“Are you doing okay with that?” she asks. “I told Tommy not to surprise you, but he didn’t listen.”
“It’s all fine,” you say, which isn’t entirely a lie. At the end of the day, everything would be fine. The stakes weren’t life and death. When Maria seems unconvinced, you continue. “I mean, it feels like he’s being a little rude…but it’s nothing I can’t handle.”
Maria lowers her eyes, pauses. “Has Tommy’s ever told you about any of the stuff Joel got him into when they were on their own?”
“Not really,” you say. “But I know they were on bad terms.” 
“I didn’t know you back then,” Maria begins. “So I don’t know what you saw in him, or what he was like. But….I don’t think he’s….I don’t know if it’s worth getting emotionally invested again.”
“Oh, bummer. As you know, reconnecting with an ex is my main priority right now.” you deflect with a smirk, but Maria doesn’t seem as amused.
“Fair,” she says. “But be careful. I saw what he did to his own brother. I don’t want it to happen to you.” 
“You don’t have to worry about me,” you assure her. “Whatever he’s done, I’ve dealt with worse.” 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
-April 20, 2024-
When Joel and Ellie arrive at Tommy’s, it’s clear immediately they aren’t the only people that were invited. 
Seeing the life that Tommy had built for himself here – a thriving community, a wife, a son – fills him with a certain level of envy. But mostly….he’s ashamed. Back when they were hunters, Joel was adamant that it was the only way they could survive, despite the horrible things they were doing. The worst part was, Joel really believed it. Now, the nightmares still chasing both of them, he realizes he was wrong. Even if Tommy won’t say it out loud, Joel knows he resents him for those days, how he’d been forced to trade away so much of his humanity. For Joel, violence came easily – shockingly so – an outlet for all his anger after losing Sarah.  But Tommy had always struggled. And even though there will always be love between them, the tension was still there. 
He’s still adjusting to life in Jackson, only leaving the house when Ellie drags him out, and when Tommy trains him to go out on patrol. It’s hard to accept that he’s not on the run anymore after the chaotic nature of the last year. Only Tommy knows his darkest secret, and he intends to keep it that way. 
While Ellie does seem somewhat hesitant to leave him alone, she does seem a lot more enthusiastic about life in Jackson. Joel knows it’s a good thing, and once again, he feels like he’s let her down by not leading by example. 
Tommy greets them both once they step inside, and Joel is polite — something he’s been trying to do more of lately. Maria gives him a tight-lipped smile, one that tells him she’s trying to be civil despite her reservations. God only knows what Tommy has told her about their time together. At least he can understand where she’s coming from. Had they met twenty years ago in Austin, they probably would’ve gotten along. Nowadays, he’s not surprised when people don’t like him, because he hates himself, too. 
But Maria still entertains them with general pleasantries and questions about how they are settling in, despite looking incredibly flustered. Ellie is more apt to answer them then he is, Joel standing by with his thumbs in his belt loops. 
Over their shoulder, Joel sees you, standing in the corner of the front room with your back turned to him, deep in conversation with your nephew. He’s smiling and telling a very animated story, at one point clapping his palms on your shoulders and shaking them violently while you giggle. It makes him think of you and Sarah. Therein lies the problem. He’s become a little more comfortable discussing his past with Ellie, but there’s a limit to what he’s capable of, especially after repressing so much for so long. 
The oven goes off, and Maria excuses herself to the kitchen, inviting Ellie to follow along. Joel and Tommy are left standing in the entryway together.
“You invited her?” Joel asks, not bothering to hide the venom in his voice. 
Tommy steps back, giving him incredulous once-over. “It’s my house, isn’t it?” 
“I don’t know what game you’re trying to-“
Tommy shoves Joel into the dining room before he can finish his thought, out of eyesight from the rest of the people in the house. “I’m not playing games, Joel. She’s family. Maybe not to you, but definitely to Maria and I. And she’s never shown you anything but kindness. So grow the fuck up.” 
Before Joel can think of another objection, the sound of a baby crying cuts through the air. Tommy freezes at the sound, until you call out from the other room. “I got him.” 
“Come on,” he says. “Maybe you can muster up the courage to hold your nephew.” 
He wants to tell Tommy that he’s trying, even if it doesn’t look like it. But it almost feels better to allow himself to be the black sheep. It makes things easier. If he keeps that door closed, he’ll never need to worry about the problems that lie on the other side. Still, he begrudgingly follows his brother in the other room. 
When he enters the front room, you’re holding Maria and Tommy’s son in your arms.  
After Joel had learned that Ethan was your nephew, he was unsurprisingly relieved. What did surprise him, however, is that some small part of himself was disappointed. Sure, if you actually had his child while you were separated it would have been devastating. But before all this, all he had wanted was a future with you, would’ve gladly given you children….really, anything you wanted.
He tries not to let his eyes linger on you too long, lost in the daydream of what could’ve been, but you meet his eyes and give him such a sterile, polite nod that it’s almost painful.
Dinner is uneventful. Joel ends up seated directly across from you, Tommy’s doing, no doubt, but you do a good enough job of engaging in conversation that you don’t spend much time looking in Joel’s direction, and when you do, he doesn’t recognize your expression. It does give him the chance to study you up close, which he hadn’t done yet, and immediately regrets. 
He’s still just as attracted to you as he’d always been. Sure, you’ve aged, but so has he – although you wear it much more gracefully. When Tommy offers to pour some bourbon into Ethan’s glass, he refuses, and for whatever reason, you stifle a laugh, the wrinkles around your eyes more prominent than they used to be. 
After dinner, when the plates have been cleared, you disappear. He can feel himself growing overwhelmed, so he steps outside onto the back patio for some air. You’re sitting on a porch step looking out at the yard, but when he steps outside, you turn.
When you register that it’s him, you return your eyes forward again, and Joel remains silent, even considers walking back inside without a word. But he stays there so long, contemplating, that you’re the first to speak up. 
“You know, if you stay here….at some point, you are gonna have to acknowledge me.” 
Joel knows he’s the antagonist right now. He’s well aware. But he can’t help himself. Despite that, there’s no malice, and no bitterness in your voice. But you are direct. 
And, because he’s never been good at refusing you, he gives you something in return. “I guess I’m just surprised to see you here….” He recalls a conversation you’d had long ago, curled against his chest, staring up at the stars together. “Being a city girl and everything.” 
You turn to look over your shoulder, gaze making him feel warm, a small smile on your face. For a split second, you’re looking at him how you used to, and then it’s gone. “It is sort of a miracle, isn’t it?” 
He ponders this, and you continue. 
“It’s good to see you, Joel,” you say softly. He wonders how you can make general pleasantries sound so sweet, and is surprised at how easily you betray yourself with the words. Though he had noticed a pattern at dinner. You weren’t nearly as guarded as you used to be. He wonders how that’s possible, if you’ve made it this far. 
“You too.”
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whatisthatmae · 2 years
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“Promised” || Avatar:TWOW
Synopsis : You & Neteyam have been promised to each other since you were born. Little do you families know..
Warnings: There’s a little angst at the end, fluff,kisses, mentions of Injuries (let me know if there’s anything that I’ve missed!)
A/n: this was a request,but I wanted to give a new clan of the Na’vi a try! Thank you Anon! 💛 Also this reader is a female, Ill try to write more of other genders. Hopefully there’s no spelling mistakes! Enjoy!
Neteyam x Tawkami! Reader
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You were the daughter of the Tsahik and Olo’eyktan of the Tawkami Clan. The clan that focuses around the wild life and biology of Pandora. You were training under your mother, Saniel (I just came up with that) to become the next Tsahik after her.
You were growing into the age of where you will have your ceremony to be reborn into a woman,after that you must be mated for life. You didn’t have to go through the struggle of finding a mate however,you had been promised to someone long ago ever since you were in your mothers womb.
You see,during the war almost 15 years ago with the Na’vi and the Sky people,you clan helped heal the injured after the battle since they were specialized with plants. During that time Jake & Neytiri had met your mother while she was healing them. Neytiri was very impressed with your mothers work. Neytiri adored your clan because they knew all about the nature of Pandora, which she was fascinated with.
The Tawkami clan has stayed with the Omatikaya for a few days and Neytiri and Saniel and grew a close friendship. During that time your mother was also pregnant with you (it wasn’t visible so she didn’t know) Neytiri was pregnant as well.
Soon enough when they were farther along in their pregnancies, Neytiri & Jake had made a deal with your parents that if their child was a boy then he would be promised to you. Since your clan was specialized in plants,she thought that if their child was a girl then she would make a great Tsahik for their son.
Soon enough you were born, and you were a beautiful baby girl! Soon enough after you Neytiri’s and Jake’s child was born..and he was a boy. That means you two are future mates. When you two grew up wanted you two to meet at the age of 7. So the two clans met up every once in a while to see each other. Little do they know you two were doing that already.
You first met while Neteyam was hunting for fish. You stumbled upon him while exploring for new plants. Then you heard a voice and quickly hid behind a bush to where you could see him. When you eyes finally focused you saw that it was a young Na’vi boy.
You relaxed only a little,still having your senses heightened. Then he turned around because he heard a noise from the bush behind him,so he slowly walks over to it and you were panicking so you just froze in place. He pushed back the bush only to find you,though he had never seen you before she didn’t attack you. He actually held out his hand to help you up from the bush.
Hesitantly you took his hand & you introduced yourselves getting to know each other better. From then on you two were the best of friends always going out in the forest during the day just to see each other secretly. You both knew which clans you were from,but you could not stay with each other long.
One day before you both left to do your hair evening chores you kissed him on the lips. You didn’t know what it truly meant but you only saw you parents do it & they love each other. So in your little head you just thought that you do it to a person you love. In this case you were only 5, so what did you know?
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Neteyam’s parents had a talk with him the day before you clan were arriving. “Neteyam,we must have a talk” he was playing at the pond when his mothers voice caught his attention, so he had to leave “Yes, mother?” “Me and you father have to have a serious talk with you,come” Neytiri said as she walked towards their home with her son.
One they got there, Neytiri and Neteyam sat down in front of Jake. He cleared his throat “Neteyam, we have important news to tell you.” He glanced at Neytiri and she nodded for him to continue. “We have chosen a mate for you, long ago actually. You will be meeting her today. No if’s and’s for but’s about this.” With a stern look he looked at Neteyam who only had a look of worry.
A mate? Who was it? Was it someone from his clan? Is she at least nice? He was thinking all of these things at once but only nodded and left and he went to the forest. He sighed as he looked on the ground. He wanted his parents to at least give him the chance to pick his own mate,but no. It was ruined.
He was sure that whoever it was, he would not love her. He only had eyes for someone else. You. You both had grown into almost mature 13 year olds, and recently he’s began to see how you’ve become more of a woman each time he sees you. So he couldn’t help it. He was sure that he was going to tell you his feelings after he meets his future “mate”.
You and your parents arrived at the Omatikaya home on your Ikrans. While landing some of the plants gathered on you fell off so you picked them up. When you look up you see the whole clan with Jake and Neytiri at the front with their youngest kids Lo’ak and Kiri.
You look around for a moment because one sully is missing, where is Neteyam? As soon as you were thinking that here he comes, looking as handsome as ever. You blush a little bit as you see him but you quickly tried to hide it. Then the conference started between the Omatikaya and the Tawkami clans.
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You were escorted to the “room” it was being held in and you couldn’t help but feel nervous. Who was your mate going to be? Why is Neteyam and his family here? Why are YOU here? So many questions quickly shut out as the conference started.
“We are gathered here today for the meeting about my son, Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan & ____ Te Sìpxkxaym Iptoya'ite.” Jake has a stern look on his face, which you think is also mixed with proudnesses? You didn’t know, you were too shocked at the fact that this meeting involved you and Neteyam.
“We have mostly come together to announce to them,that you two will be Tsahik and Olo’eyktan together.” Jake sat there with a smile on his face. You and Neteyam looked at each other for a brief moment before nodding and looking back at the adults. The rest here will reside with the adults upon this decision, you two may be dismissed.” You fathers gave you two a look to leave and you did as such.
Then you felt a tug on your wrist and you looked up to Neteyam looking at you. “Follow me.” He gave you a look and you nodded as he lead you far into the forest. “Where are we going?” Then he made a stop, you two were at the tree of souls and it looked beautiful.
“____, I’ve wanted to talk with you about something.” You look at him in his eyes waiting for him to continue. “I see you. I’ve seen you for a long time and today I thought I would’ve been promised to someone else but ik her relived that it is you, Ma ____” he said all of that with a smile and a little blush on his face. You looked at him shocked for a moment but shook it off and said “ I see you too, Ma Neteyam.” With a soft smile that he loves so much.
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That was almost three years ago, your both now 16 years old & still promised to each other of course. Your relationship with each other has been getting stronger every day and you two explore with each other more and more.
Today Neteyam had went on the Raid with his brother and father while you, his Tsahik in training stayed behind to help the people when they come back. You and Mo’at were just grinding up some minerals when you heard the hunting party had came back. All of them looking injured but your eyes landed on a certain Ikran and there he Neteyam was with his family. Jake scolding him and Lo’ak,while Kiri and tuk came to see what was going on.
As soon as Neteyam saw you, you were jogging up to him to look at his wounds. You didn’t care that his father was telling you and Kiri to go heal the wounded while still scolding his sons “ My boyfriend is wounded” you hand a scowl on your face as you looked at him.
He looked shocked as you walked away to your tent with Neteyam to heal him. You were getting your ointments and Medicines ready to treat him with “What have you been doing out there?” You said that with a newfound anger in you. “Neteyam,do you realize that you could have died today!” You raised your arms glaring them in the air with anger.
He sighed and looked down at the ground ashamed, now getting scolded by you aswell. But after a while he just started staring at you, like you were just beautiful whole yelling at him. Once you calmed down you just sighed and say ok his lap ready to treat him. “Love, I just don’t want you to get hurt. You know how much you mean to me and you almost lost your life..I wouldn’t have known how to feel.” You looked down at your lap as tears welled up in your eyes.
“Hey, hey” he had a soft gentle tone as he lifted your chin up to look at him. “I see you Ma ____. I’m not going anywhere. You are my love,my girlfriend,my future wife, my Tsahik, my everything. I will not let Eywa take me away so soon from you.” He planted a gentle kiss to your lips after that. You smiled up at him and continue to treat his wounds “Don’t hurt yourself like this ever again Neteyam, I meant it.” You looked up at him with your eyebrow muscles raised. “I cant make promises I cannot keep my love but I’ll try.” He said with a light chuckle from his chest.
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© 2023 whatisthatmae - please do not steal my work,upload, nor copy any of it on any other websites. All of the rights of my work goes to me. If you have any inspiration please tag me as well!
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This Storm Will Also Pass | Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Request: no - written for @toms-cherry-trees 1.5k celebration
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: Tommy manages to calm down (Y/N) after he finds her hiding and riddled with anxiety during a late autumn thunderstorm.
Warnings: descriptions of a panic attack (anxious!reader), fear of thunderstorms, mentions of war/air raids, mentions of breaking and entering
Word Count: 1883
A/N: congrats on 1.5k Mars!! I’m so happy I’ve met you on here!! This idea came to me during a thunderstorm (it was a spring one, but it reminded me of the fall) and I decided to incorporate it into the story…I hope that it passes as autumn enough. Enjoy! :)
A/N 2: this is also dedicated to one of my very first supporters on here @a-lil-bit-nuts … I saw that you were looking for a Tommy x anxious!reader where he’s calming her down and wanted to write this for you. I hope that those feelings have since passed and you’re doing well, B! Sending much love your way!
Comment/Message me if you’d like to be tagged in future stories similar to this one!
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The halls of Arrow House were dark, even though it was the middle of the day. Tommy had decided to leave work early due to the nasty looking storm that was hanging overhead. It was shaping up to be a rough one, and he didn't want to get caught driving in the middle of it.
Frances had told him that (Y/N) hadn't come out of the master bedroom since the clouds turned dark. He instantly knew why she'd decided to sequester herself in what she deemed to be her 'safe space'.
"(Y/N)?" he asked softly as he knocked on the door, wanting to announce himself before he entered the room. He heard nothing in response, which he expected, so he opened the door and stepped into the room before gently closing it behind him. "Where are you, (Y/N)?" he called for his wife, noticing that the bed was empty and that the covers had been stripped from it.
He furrowed his eyebrows as he looked around the room, noticing that both her vanity chair and the chaise lounger were also empty. He was starting to think that maybe she'd moved to another room when another loud crack of thunder rang out, its intensity making the floorboards vibrate. A shriek came from the conjoined bathroom as the thunder continued to rumble, making Tommy turn and head into the room.
(Y/N) was laying in the bathtub with the covers from the bed hiding everything except her head. She had a white-knuckle grip on the duvet and a panicked look in her eyes.
"It's me, love," Tommy said softly, not wanting to startle her with his sudden presence. She was already looking in his direction, but he knew from prior experiences that she could just be looking through him. "I'm sorry that I wasn't able to get home before the storm started," he apologized as he slowly moved over to the tub.
"I...I did everything I was supposed to do, Tommy. I grabbed the blankets, I...I went in here; there's no windows in here...I got in the tub and I've been covering my head, I have, but when I heard you say my name I thought that maybe, I thought that..."
"It's ok, love," Tommy cut her rambling statement off, kneeling down next to where she had been hiding, "you're doing good," he offered some words of encouragement as a soft smile formed on her face.
"I heard the loud bangs and ran right in here. I feel so bad, I didn't even ask Frances if she wanted to join, oh goodness, is she safe?" (Y/N) continued, a panicked look present on her face as she mentioned the older woman, "I completely forgot to get her and make sure she'd be safe, oh my goodness, is she ok?" her words came out quicker than before as another round of panic washed over her.
Her breathing quickened and she began to scramble, fighting with the blankets she was wrapped in to try and get up from her position, something she was terrified to do, but would continue with in order to make sure Frances was safe. She had just rested her shaky hands on the edge of the tub as was attempting to lift her equally shaky body up when Tommy stopped her actions.
"Frances is fine, (Y/N)," he told her, his voice soft but firm, hoping to show her that there was no need to panic. “Slow your breathing down, you need to calm yourself, yeah?”
"She's in a safe spot?" (Y/N) asked, her eyes wide as they hooked onto Tommy's, ignoring the second half of his statement as she focused on the well-being of the older woman.
"There's no danger," he told her, shaking his head slightly for added effect.
"But...but all of the bangs...the house was shaking. Tommy, I...I tried to get in here as quickly as I could. I thought there was...I thought someone was coming in. Thought they were attacking the house," she shakily exuded her words, her anxiety still getting the best of her.
Tommy opened his mouth to speak but a loud crack of thunder sounded before he could get a word out. The shrill, loud sound made (Y/N) shriek in fear and grab onto Tommy's arm; immediately clinging onto him for dear life.
"They’re...they’re still, still here, Tom," she shuddered out, burying her head into his arm as her free hand waved around behind her, blindly trying to find the blankets so that she could cover both of them.
"No one's here, love," Tommy softly told her, "we're not being attacked. There's a thunderstorm happening," he continued, explaining the situation in its entirety.
(Y/N) slowly lifted her head as she heard his words. "But...but the bangs were so loud. I thought for sure that someone was trying to get in, or that an air raid was happening. I did what I was supposed to do, Tommy. I got into this safe room and made sure I was in the bathtub," she explained things from her point of view, making sure to inform him that she'd taken the necessary steps in order to stay safe.
"It's one of those late autumn storms...they’re always worse," Tommy continued to speak calmly, "just gettin’ the last few ones out of the system before the snow comes."
(Y/N) didn't answer right away. Instead she kept her eyes locked with his and searched them, trying to find any hidden lies; anything that would betray the words he was saying.
Tommy watched her as she did this, seeing the panic slip slowly from her features. He waited; watching as her breathing got slower with each second that passed.
Some time passed before (Y/N) finally spoke: "we're...we're not being attacked?" she asked, her voice much calmer now than it was before.
"No, love. It's just a thunderstorm," Tommy answered her.
"And we're ok?" she asked another question.
"Yes," he answered definitively.
"Ok," she breathed, nodding her head as then she took a few more calming breaths.
"This storm will also pass...just like all of the others have," he assured her, running a soothing hand up and down her arm as she loosened the hold she had on his bicep.
"I was so scared, Tommy," she recounted the beginning of the storm then, "I started panicking the second I heard the thunder. I really thought that someone was attacking the house," she shuddered at the thought, now feeling relieved that it had just been another storm.
Her thunderstorm induced panic attacks had been getting better with each one that rolled through. She'd carried this fear ever since she and Tommy lived on Watery Lane. It started during the Great War, when the threat of air raids would occur and send the city into a panic. Then she happened to be home when Campbell and his men broke into their house, so now she worried that any unreasonably loud sound could also be a potential intruder.
Her reaction was always much less severe when Tommy was home, but there were days - like today, when he couldn't be...and she couldn't decipher whether it was a storm or an attack by herself.
The two sat quietly in the bathroom for some time. Neither did much talking. (Y/N)'s hold would tighten on Tommy's arm each time that the thunder rumbled, but her reactions to it were much more mild compared to what they were earlier. Having him with her truly helped to calm her down.
"Do you think the worst is over?" (Y/N) asked once it seemed like the past few rumbles had been softer compared to what they were earlier.
"I think it's passed," Tommy answered with a nod, happy to see the slightest smile form on (Y/N)'s face.
"Can we go see?" she asked him, finally releasing her hold from his arm.
Although Tommy wouldn't freely admit it, he felt sad at the loss of her touch. He didn't comment on his thoughts, but instead nodded his head and allowed her to hold onto the tub's edge so that she could pull herself up and out to stand on the tiled floor again. He let her exit the bathroom first, following closely behind and watching as her eyes went right to the bedroom's large windows.
"It has passed," she said, moreso to herself, seeing the sun that was shining through the curtains. "Can we go outside to make sure?" she then turned to Tommy to ask him.
"We can," he agreed with her idea, allowing her to move to sit on the chaise lounge then, where the pair of shoes she was previously wearing were sitting. He watched as she slipped them on and stood again, coming back over to where he was standing without a word said.
"Let's go," she smiled at him, extending her hand for him to take. He grinned at her, glancing down at her hand before he slipped his into it, wordlessly allowing her to lead them out of the bedroom and down the hallway.
It didn't take long for them to get onto the grounds of their home. (Y/N) immediately took a look around, seeing that the dark clouds had completely passed over and whiter ones had returned in place. The trees, still full of colorful leaves, seemed to look even more vibrant with a coating of water on them.
That was one thing she loved about autumn. Nature always seemed to be at its best then...give or take a few late season thunderstorms. But she'd fight her way through them if it meant that she got to see this beauty each time that they passed.
"It's beautiful out here now," she voiced her thoughts to Tommy as they walked along one of the paths in the garden.
"It is," Tommy agreed with her, "the good returns once the storm passes."
"It does," it was her turn to agree with what he was saying. Silence fell around them then as they walked the grounds of their home. (Y/N) glanced over at him a few times, admiring how he looked in the sinking sunlight.
"Need something?" Tommy asked as he noticed her looking at him, his eyebrows raised in question.
(Y/N)'s cheeks heated up slightly as she realized she'd been caught. "Thank you for helping me earlier, Tommy," she said to him, slipping her hand into his so that she could give it a squeeze.
"I wish I could have gotten home earlier," he stated, his voiced discrepancy making her shake her head.
"Don't beat yourself up with the specifics. You came at the right time," she told him, her eyes holding earnesty.
"I'm happy that I could help you get through it, love," he said, a soft smile forming on his face as he pressed a kiss to her temple. (Y/N) smiled at the gesture and turned her head, pressing a kiss of her own to his jacket covered shoulder.
Not much else was said as the two continued on their way, enjoying one of their final autumn walks before the cold took over and winter arrived.
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Tagged: @mgcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @midnightmagpiemama @cillmequick @rangerelik @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @itscheybaby @gypsy-girl-08 @insanitybyanothername @depxiety @raincoffeeandfandoms @dragons-are-my-favorite @acewritesfics @forgottenpeakywriter @cilliansangel @cljordan-imperium @areyenotfondofmelobster @little-diable
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vampirebloodie · 1 year
Nightmares | Mark Hoffman x Reader
Summary: You are a surviving player in an interrogation and Mark helps you with the pressure of the police and with your motherhood
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Nightmares about that night still haunted your thoughts when it was time to go to bed. He was right, you made a mistake and paid for it. A mistake that in your eyes was perhaps not so serious, but in John Kramer's mind it was. You were a professional thief, but you acted that way out of pure survival. Your mistake was robbing a woman, who was later revealed to be Jill Tuck, John's ex-wife, you stole a small amount of money, but the scare you gave her made her feel sick and end up in the hospital, you didn't realized that she was pregnant.
But you were reborn, as he said, you learned from your mistake and survived, with several injuries, but you survived. The police wanted you to make a statement saying more about that night, but what could you say? Accuse a dead man? Have you been marked as a future player before your game? You should reveal your crimes and possibly go to prison? Had Jigsaw tried to touch your son?
“Whenever you want, miss Y/N.”
The detective looked at you with a certain judgmental look, you couldn't take the small, cramped room any longer. Ubneeded some air to breathe before you panicked right then and there.
“I don’t know if i feel comfortable telling everything that happened.”
“You know that a statement could help the police a lot, right? We want to know who the apprentices are, you have good information.”
The detective tried, unsuccessfully, to pressure you into saying everything, but you were afraid of what might happen if you told everything, afraid that whoever set it up would come after you because you said it.
“I did some things wrong, maybe that’s why Jigsaw came after me.”
“It’s his modus operandi, Jigsaw never messes with an innocent person.”
You were a little uncomfortable with her judgment, but you just tried to ignore it as much as possible.
“Whoever attacked you was wearing this?”
The woman suddenly threw a pig mask under the table, you felt your throat close and your breathing become more labored and your heart beat faster every second. With tears in your eyes, you left the interrogation room, running through the hallways as you heard the woman's voice calling you.
You felt your back hurt from the impact when you hit the ground, you had just bumped into someone, a little dizzy you felt someone pull you up and lift you up.
"Are you ok?"
He was a tall man, probably also from the police since he was wearing a badge. No matter how much he asked, it wasn't like he cared, he kept a cold look on his face. As if he already knew you.
“Detective Hoffman. This is Y/N, she was giving a statement. Y/N, can we...”
The detective interrupted the woman before she could continue.
“Agent Perez. That's enough. I’ll take it from here.”
The woman gave you one last look before leaving. You couldn't hold back the tears and broke down, the detective suddenly hugged you, comforting you, you let go of the tears that had been trapped for days while he lightly stroked your hair.
“I-I’m sorry...”
Without giving you time to respond, he left, pulling you by the arm through the corridors of the police station. A little rough, perhaps. Maybe he is a bipolar.
“If I were you i wouldn't say much, they say he comes after those who talk too much. By the way, i think there’s someone in my office who will want to see you.”
It sounded like a threat to you, but maybe the trauma was just making you too scared of anything. You went to Hoffman's office, who turned to get coffee from his desk.
“Do you want to drink something, coffee, tea? I think it will help you relax a little.”
You got the tea, since that happened and you didn't sleep well at night, the fear of something happening again was greater, that pig mask.... Amanda Young.... Oh yes, Amanda was with you on the day of Jill's accident, you owed her a certain amount of money, the threats she made to you were making you upset and scared, you had a sick son, you couldn't let him be hurt because of your mistake, so you decided to obey her and steal Jill.
After these events Amanda had disappeared, until you discovered that she had also escaped from one of the traps.
“Where is he?”
“Look at him there.”
Your son came out of the bathroom with a toy dinosaur in hand. You immediately ran towards him and picked him up, hugging him tightly and kissing his face over and over again.
“My baby, I'm glad you're okay, I was so worried.”
You tried not to cry. Maybe you weren't as good a mother as you promised his father before he passed away.
“Mommy, uncle Mark took care of me! He’s the one who gave me this dinosaur, look!”
He smiled showing the green dinosaur to you, you looked at Hoffman who had a slight smile on his face.
“Oh yes, he is so pretty. Thanks for taking care of him, Detective Hoffman, thank you very much. How do you say it, son?”
You released the boy who quickly ran and hugged Hoffman's legs who hugged him a little awkwardly, he didn't seem to have much use with children.
“Thanks uncle Mark!”
“You’re welcome, you’re welcome. It was nothing, Y/N, i couldn’t leave him helpless alone.”
"Thanks again. Well, it's late, i think we're going to home. Goodbye, Hoffman.”
You picked up your son again and turned to walk away when he grabbed your hand.
“You know it's dangerous to walk alone now, don't you? Let me take you home. My work is over.”
Clearly a gentleman, he was right, going to the train station at a time like that wasn't very pleasant. You just agreed and then went to the parking lot together.
The walk home was silent, your son had slept on the way, he looked so tired. When you didn't sleep, he didn't sleep either, especially with the nightmares that made you wake up screaming in the middle of the night.
“We’re here. Thanks, Mark.”
You smiled and got out of the car, going to grab your son from the backseat. Hoffman also came out and opened the back door.
“You must be tired, i'll take you inside. Do you mind?"
Okay, after all, taking an unknown man to your house might not be a good idea. But he was from the police and he was armed, if anything happened he could defend you.
“Hmmm, okay, i don’t mind.”
He took the sleeping boy in his arms and you entered the building, where you went up the stairs until you stopped in front of your door, which you soon opened.
“His room is here.”
Hoffman placed the boy on the bed and covered him with the colorful sheet.
“I owe you one.”
“You can pay now, i just need your number.”
He gave you his cell phone and you laughed, putting in your number and saving it in your contacts.
“Debt paid, miss Y/N, sleep well and lock everything up. Was a pleasure to meet you"
"The pleasure is mine..."
He said goodbye and then left the house, closing the door. You locked everything and lay in bed with your son, still silly. Hoffman was an interesting guy, who knows, maybe the two of you would get along?
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luvhughes43 · 8 months
Maybe a blurb about Nico helping Blake with a panic attack?
[blake hughes au masterlist]
all week people have been asking blake what she plans on doing now that she was officially retired from figure skating. her family thinks becoming a coach, or a judge, anything that allows her to stay in touch with the figure skating world would be ideal but it was all too much.
the thought of going back into the rinks were she trained and competed in, the thought of her having to become a coach... especially since hers was so vile... it made blake feel sick.
so all week she had been stressed, trying to come up with any sort of exit plan or future that didn't involve going back to the world she was fated to leave.
thats why, stressed and agitated, it probably wasn't the best decision for blake to go to a crowded bar after the devils pulled another win.
she was away from the group for maybe 5 minutes when she starts feeling the symptoms. she was sweaty, heart rate exhilarating as she's shoved between bodies and tables. she tries to see above the crowd, but it was no use. she was lost and panicking.
her chest continues to heave, earning side-eyes and glances from people passing by her. tears spring to her eyes next, which she messily wipes away with trembling hands.
just as she fears the worst - that she was about to literally die - her attentions brought to the person who steps in front of her. "nico?"
"baby," he replies, face wrinkled in confusion before quickly realizing what was happening with his girlfriend. panic attacks weren't new for blake, and everyone in her close circle knows what to do if she starts having one. "let me take you outside," nico says, placing a comforting hand on blakes back as he guides them out of the busy club.
the fresh air helps some, but nico's presence was better. "name one thing you can hear," he asks, rubbing circles into the palm of blakes hand.
"i hear you,"
"one thing you can see?"
"i um-" blake gasps as she tries to get her breathing under control. "uh, i see the sidewalk,"
nico nods in encouragement, "okay good, one thing you can feel?"
blake squeezes nico's hand as she brings both into her hold. "i feel your hands," she breaths lowly, finally starting to come out of her panicking state.
"one thing you can taste?"
"tequila," blake brings nicos hands up to her lips.
"and what can you smell?"
blake sighs, dropping nico's hand and leaning into his hold. he quickly wraps his arms around her, swaying her softly as she finally begins to relax. "your cologne," she finishes simply, allowing her eyes to droop now that she knows she's safe.
"do you want to go home?" nico murmurs, dropping a soft kiss on blakes temple.
blake leans up and places a delicate kiss on his lips. "do you mind?"
nico shakes his head no, and with a quick text to jack - stating that the two were leaving - the two make sure they have all their belongings before walking towards nico's car.
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Buddie: Eddie's almost ready for the future!
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Since 7x1 aired, TM has been paralleling things from season 4 with things in season 7 and I just found another one that illustrates how it's likely Buddie will be CANON soon. Maybe not by the end of the season but soon.
Here's a parallel that illustrates the past with the present and the Buckley-Diaz family's future.
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Before I delve into this, please note these are my interpretations and observations and everyone may not agree with them especially since people interpret media differently. I'm basing my speculation off of the entirety of Buck's and Eddie’s 6 year relationship which includes a lot of depth. If someone doesn't agree, that's perfectly ok because differences of opinion can co-exist.
Now back to the regularly scheduled program...
In 4x3 "Future Tense", Eddie was belligerent about how he didn't like technology. He was "afraid" of it, he didn't like "Hildy" and he was paranoid that someone was always watching and listening to everything he was doing but Buck wasn't. He was the one who explained to Eddie that if he had a "smart" anything, anyone could spy on him.
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Even though Eddie wasn't ready, Buck and Chris were ready for the future and to prove it, they pranked Eddie when Buck bought him an expensive Hildy coffeemaker.
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At the time, Eddie didn't like the idea of moving forward with the "future" (in his life and his relationships), hence his hesitancy to let go of the past (looking for a woman to take care of Chris) when he started dating AF and he tried to build a life with her. But everyone knows he panicked at the idea of having a "ready-made family" and he literally passed out in the suit store and he thought he was having a "heart" attack.
Fast forward three years and Eddie’s still trying to find a mom for Chris by dating Maris*l (babysitter) and his dead wife's doppelganger but technology and the future can't be stopped. For the past 9 episodes, he's been living in the past with his "delusions" of a life he's romanticized to be true about his marriage to Shannon which everyone except for him knows is false. Instead of Eddie admitting he's ready for his future life with Buck (husband) and Chris, he allowed himself to get mixed up in a life that wasn't his reality. The ending of 7x9 made it seem like all was lost but... it isn't.
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The stills for 7x10 "All Fall Down" show he's on his way to being ready to not only enter his future, he's getting ready to embrace it.
What in the still illustrates it? It's three of the items sitting next to each other on his coffee table.
When I looked at the stills above again, the three remote controls caught my attention because I remembered seeing them before in season 4.
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Eddie collected all three of them in 4x3 and he put them in a pile with all the other electronics because he wasn't ready for his future life yet. Buck and Chris were playing "Punch Planet" a futuristic video game while Eddie busily tried to go back to a time that existed before technology.
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Those same three remote controls are back on the table and it's evident that 9-1-1 does EVERYTHING with a purpose from the character's clothing, to the lighting and the props that are included in a scene. EVERYTHING MEANS SOMETHING.
Therefore, those three remotes reappearing right before Chris leaves is important and INTENTIONAL! Even the way they're positioned means something since two of them are together (Buck and Eddie) and one of them is slightly separated from them but all it would take is a little repositioning and it'll be back next to the other two.
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If Chris does leave with Helena and Ramon and he goes to El Paso, TX with them, it doesn't seem like he'll be gone too long.
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The point of this post is in 4x3, Eddie was still stuck on "tradition", hence his "idea" of him having a traditional family that consists of a husband, wife and children but his future family will include two husbands (him and Buck) and their son, Chris.
All isn't lost because if those remote controls are an indication of where his life is headed, then Eddie's almost ready for the future. His future is with Buck and Chris, the family he chose, the same way it was in 4x3. He wasn't ready back then but the reappearance of the remotes (technology) means he's almost there.
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yourlocalcorviddad · 9 months
Saw a post about Danny calling Dani his little Comet, this one, and then I had an idea to and mix it with a favourite Hozier song, Work Song. Feel free to add or whatever if it strikes you!
"Ah, shh, shh little Comet, it's ok, I've got you."
The attempt at keeping his voice steady didn't really work, but he was sure he was keeping a good hold on his emotions at least, since Ellie was calming down in his hold. It didn't mean he wasn't panicking inside at the situation but he was managing. He only had to make it a few more weeks before the others could come, then everything would be safe.
He got her settled in his bed, sleeping and calm now. He had a crib for her, and Jordan too eventually, but he couldn't really stand the thought of them to far. So bed it was.
Both clone and future self had been deaged due to the damage taken, done at Frostbite's direction to heal and better stabilise both. Jordan's injuries had come in defence of both him and Ellie, and, like a weird mirror, Ellie's from defending him and the injured Jordan when he was to weakened from injuries to fight. Ellie had just been deaged from it Dan, who he decided was going to be called Jordan too give himself some separateness, was reverted to his core. In an effort to protect and give him time to heal, he has him inside himself, next to his own core. He'd been warned it meant that Dan would likely take on more of being like his child than his future self, but he just wanted him alive, not like he didn't have the risk of it anyway, at least this time it was under his control.
There was no hope of returning to his dimension, it had been clear at that point, but they had been trying to free all the ghosts they could and get all liminal people and their family rounded up to safety before the GIW got to them. Danny, as the heir prince-until he was of age for the throne at 100-was sent ahead to bridge trust with another dimension, this one in fact, to see it they could bring their people, his people, there.
Clockwork and the Ancients and Observants worked with his parents and the others from town, and other liminality touched people, to get everyone into the ghost zone, which he had leaned also got called the Infinite Realms, safely and cut off that dimension from it.
Apparently that's what most magical creatures had done to that one anyway, long ago. He'd even met the descendents of the witches that had been hunted by, and thus placed the curse on, his family back when Amity was a village.
They'd lifted the, severely weakened by then but still present, curse after apologies were made and explanations done. It was a relief, even though it is likely what had even held him tethered to life enough to become a halfa at all, but he felt more at ease now without it.
All in all, it led him to where he was now though. A new world, a new set of rules, similar but still so different, and two kids that were essentially his.
The sudden crash outside his window on the alley side had him rushing over, ready to defend as best he could, still healing from the injuries in the last fight with the GIW, in case it was a villain attacking.
Only to pause at the sight of the, now likely unconscious, blue and black clad vigilante in the dumpster below.
"Fuck... Well can't leave him, who knows who'd find him there."
It took a bit of work, and mild use of his weak but still present powers, but he got him up stairs and into his apartment onto the, comfortable if he said so himself, couch.
Once there, he checked him over for injuries, careful not to take the domino off and keeping him as clothed as possible, but tending to his wounds as best possible. Doing so, he realised the other was probably only about 20-21, close to his age at least. It made him wonder how long the other had been a hero, and made a thought to ask later.
For now he settled in to make some food -that hopefully wouldn't accidentally come alive again-and keep an eye on his daughter and the hero.
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bobbydagen24 · 4 months
It annoyed me the way TBGO used Creek because Honestly I feel he does have legit potential for a good redemption story and still could in a future film given its separate cannon to the tv show.
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heads up this is a long post lol my apologies 😅😅😅😅
assuming the movies stick to being their own cannon and don't merge with the Tv shows cannon in which case Creek has already been accepted back into the Village.
I feel him returning in a future main film and having a Redemption Arc could actually work
like imagine if in a future film Branch and Poppy maybe hear about some sorta Threat to the Village like maybe a new tribe of species who are dangerous marauders who they hear are heading in the direction of their village.
and will attack them in say a couple of days but of course Poppy wants to go and just see if she can find a peaceful solution with their leader
and obviously Branch would go with her but thing is they hear this info from a returning Creek.
who in this cannon hasn't been seen since the first movie and maybe its mentioned he survived the mountain creature at the end of the first movie by using his Hair to pull himself out of its mouth or something.
anyway obviously Branch is super sceptical about his story but Peppy does say that he has heard stories of the group Creek has told them about
so they are real and Poppy wants to go because she sees it as worth the Risk of if Creek is lying even tho he swears up and down he isn't.
anyway at the start of the Journey Both B and P are Hella mad and distrustful of him
and Creek while he does seem to want to build Bridges and says he's Remorseful for what he did at the same time he still Defends his actions a tad simply pointing out he didn't want to die just like the rest of them didn't.
but I'd have him and Branch eventually come to more of an understanding after he and Creek finally have a heart to heart later on in the story
it could start with them being out in the woods so Branch starts to build them all a shelter is about to give Creek instructions on what to do
only for Creek to already be doing it clearly showing he knows a fair bit of survival skills himself which Branch is surprised by
and questions him on it and Creek tells him that after Chef was killed he was stranded in the woods with no idea where he was
or how to get back home so he spent quite a lot of months on his own being forced to learn how to survive off of the land
and he admits to Branch he doesn't understand how he was able to live like that for so long?
spending so much time alone in the woods he started to feel more and more guilty over his life choices not just betraying them
but also just being a vain jerk to Branch and other less popular Trolls in the Village and of course he missed Poppy and his other friends like crazy.
he promised himself if he did by some miracle find his way back home he'd try to be better and he just thought this whole trip to help ward of an attack could maybe be a good start.
but after Branch feels a second of relatability to how isolated Creek felt Branch still Dismisses all of this somewhat and points out he sold them all out and Creek admits he's sorry but also Rather Honestly he simply admits he was fricking terrified.
he was literally inside a giant creatures mouth and was about to be eaten by something that didn't see him as a thinking feeling person
and just a bit of meat to give them pleasure he panicked like he'd never panicked before.
and when he got out of Gristle's mouth he desperately said he'd do anything to avoid going back in their and dying in such a gruesome and senseless way.
and after that he was stuffed in tiny locket for hours in the dark and besides Gristle briefly showing him off to Bridget for a split second
the next time he saw light was when Chef revealed him to all of them in the cage.
at which point he was in a hole and he just kept digging he was still terrified to die and tried to weakly justify it to himself that maybe it was better for Poppy and the others to die Rather than live with it.
tho he acknowledges himself it was just a load of crap he told himself to try and feel better
but anyway simply put he was about to be met with his worst nightmare and he caved in to his fear he was human he wasn't some pure evil monster like Poppy and Branch thought of him as
( or the Fandom for that matter lol )
Branch after hearing this kinda understands he spent most of his life terrified day to day and he himself nearly was forced Fed to Gristle by Chef ironically something he and Creek have in common
so he understands the fear better than anyone else in the Village could really as none of them came as close to death as the two of them did.
and after this he hasn't necessarily forgiven him per say but Branch is willing to give him a chance to show he's changed
and encourages Poppy to do the same tho she still holds onto her anger which could even lead to an argument
where Branch calls her out on her Hypocrisy as she normally believes in giving second chances to people except not when it comes to someone who actually wronged her personally
but she was more than encouraging for everyone else to forgive people who wronged them like Barb at the end of World Tour
and Brozone in TBT but when its someone who wronged her suddenly she's a lot more Hesitant and against it.
which I feel could actually be a Relatable interesting character flaw for Poppy to have and for her to be called out on.
it always seemed odd to me how in the Tv shows Poppy was more willing to forgive Creek while Branch wasn't when Poppy was close with him and thus felt more personally betrayed.
anyway that's basically the most important plot points I feel Creek has legit potential for Redemption if written properly given the circumstances around the first movie he was just as much a victim himself.
but TBGO annoyingly didn't really do much with his return other than a small Rivalry with Branch but I feel the main movies could do this right if they put in some effort
and he could easily be sympathetic and have a Redemption where he wants to Build Bridges with people in the Village without completely changing his character 100 percent
from the self centered kinda smug person he was as he was Basically just John Dory lets be Honest only diff is Creek didn't get a second chance due to not being Related to one of the main cast.
and frankly he's a lot more deserving of redemption than other past villains like Barb and Crimp given they did evil stuff for much worse reasons
( Barb simply was entitled and thought she should get to Decide which Genre would unite all other Tribes and Crimp was a coward who didn't wanna lose a pay check )
and did almost nothing to really Redeem themselves so why not my guy Creek? lol.
and he and Branch legit have some experiences they could Bond over as well so I'd really like to see that Happen.
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randomfoggytiger · 3 months
Collector's Edition: Reworking Requiem and Mulder's Return (Part IV)
More Requiem AUs!
Loose chronological order below~
Katherinexx1's Miracle
He didn't notice it right away, but she had created this heart-shaped figure on her belly placing her hand next to his.
Pre-Requiem: Scully finds out the big news before Mulder leaves for Oregon again.
JET's (mulderscreek, tumblr, freeservers) Snippet Fic
She conceded, "So our track record has been iffy at best during the most recent Decembers. But last year wasn't too bad."
"Yeah, I think the highlight of the month was when I was attacked by zombies."
Pre-Requiem: There is no baby, and no abduction-- only Scully picking up Mulder during the holidays.
XPhileChai's Life is like a new case - you never know what you're gonna get.
She opened her eyes and met his. He saw the change in her eyes go from "calm and happy" to "oh, yeah, I'm in a car on a stakeout".
Pre-Requiem: Mulder rushes Scully to the hospital, where they discover she miscarried one of two babies.
@alsoablankslate/tabulaxrasa 's (LJ, tripod) Things Outside
The sun was setting, and the sky was a wide swath of indigo out the kitchen window. Sometimes it was very beautiful here. Summer here was like springtime in DC, maybe. How you were always conscious of it, of the rightness of the season, the perfect fit of area and temperature and color and the smell of the air.
They couldn't find out about the baby.
Pre-Requiem: Mulder is never abducted-- instead, he and Scully are put under house arrest.
@myownsuperintendent (Ao3)
“Marry Me” (Ao3)
He hadn’t expected her to say that soon, but he knows she means it.  Her practicality makes him smile.
Pre-Requiem: Mulder recalls how he and Scully discovered her pregnancy before he left for Oregon; and decides to seal their partnership with a proposal. 
Fic: “No Secrets” (Ao3)
“You could have died if I hadn’t gone back and looked at your medical records from last year.  If I hadn’t figured out what was happening and how to reverse it.  And you…you weren’t going to tell me?”  Her voice is no longer even now, but she’s not yelling either; it sounds like all the air has gone out of her.
“I didn’t think there was anything we could do about it,” he says, but he realizes how stupid that is even as he’s saying it. 
Post Requiem: Scully not only finds Mulder after his return but also heals his brain disease. 
@drbedeliadumaurier/heartsfilthylesson's scully finds out she's pregnant before mulder leaves/isolated systems - Chapter 2
Beside her in a near-stranger’s living room, Mulder seems both somber and hopeful. He reaches for her hand and Scully knows his thoughts are filled with stolen ova and failed IVF and the child she lost and the one he’s not aware she’ll have. She needs to tell him.
Pre-Requiem: Scully knows, and decides to tell Mulder the news after her chills in Bellefleur.
Donna/donnah’s (Gossamer, mulderscreek) Alternatives
"I just, I just . . . I just hit the ground."
"Just lie still."
"Why is this happening to me?" He brushed a tear that escaped her eye and trailed down her cheek.
Requiem: Mulder drags Scully to the hospital.
Pattie’s Erlenmeyer Injustice
Not a day goes by that I don't think of the implications of this job, and especially this partnership. The knowledge that one or both of us might be killed or permanently injured in the line of duty hides in the backdrop, waiting to be cast and played out, by directors unknown.
Requiem: Mulder chooses to leave with the alien ship.
@tatooedlaura-blog/tatooedlaura/Laura Sprys's Oregon
The pull to go to them overwhelmed …
The need to join, to stand in the light, defied nature …
But he remained rooted in place.
Requiem: Mulder doesn't leave with the ship, and is panicked after receiving a panicked phone call from TLG.
xphilernj’s (Ao3, Two Close for Comfort) Find the Future - Chapter 1
Upon their arrival at Dulles International Airport in D.C., Mulder was fit to be tied and Skinner was ready to clamp the handcuffs on him and throw Mulder in the trunk of his car.
Requiem: Mulder rushes back to Scully’s side.
Maidenjedi's Would That I Could Travel Both
She held her breath as his arms wrapped around her, and felt his reluctance to leave her as much as his eagerness to go, to discover, to find the all-encompassing Truth.
Requiem: Amidst a selection of AUs, Mulder didn't get his answers but did have a happy ending.
Erin M. Blair’s The Blessing
He stood in the doorway of her hospital room and walked toward the chair by the bed. Pulling it as close to the bed as possible, he sat gingerly on the chair's edge, then gently held her hand in his.
Requiem: Scully floors Mulder with her pregnancy news.
bellefleur’s "Arms Wide Open"
I look over to see my partner's mother standing a few feet away from me, stock still and drained of color, with her hand covering her mouth. It's takes me a minute, but as I register the fact that her first sight was of me sitting in the hallway with my head in my hands, and then with obvious tear tracks on my face, I begin to comprehend her reaction. She must have immediately thought the worst.
Requiem: Mulder hears the news from Scully; and panics, fleeing the room. Maggie helps him get his head in the game. 
dmwones's Anagrams
"We can attempt to stabilize Dana for as long as possible. Give her blood transfusions, and corticosteroids. One to treat the low platelets, the other to help the fetus' lungs mature. But it's not a cure. Her body is under duress and HELLP syndrome is life-threatening. We can maybe buy a few extra days. But you're going to have to make a decision."
Requiem: In one of many AUs, Mulder is never abducted; but Scully and their baby still suffer complications.
Thanks for reading~
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teecupangel · 1 month
If you wanna use this as material, go ahead, but have you played warframe? The 1999 update, and all it implies might make good inspiration.
I have to confess, a highschool friend of mine suggested I play Warframe since, in his own words, I enjoy grinding.
The only real reason why I have never tried Warframe is because I have enough gacha games already hahahaha.
However, I do have an idea of what the 1999 update/expansion is supposed to be and we can spin it into a time travel setup.
The first idea I thought of is a simple “Desmond time travel into the past after dying” where Desmond returns to 1999 and screws the timeline up by making the current mentor understand that Cross is a sleeper agent sent by Abstergo.
And then there’s the more convoluted second idea I came up with because I love the Terminator/Terminator 2 vibes of the 1999 update.
We set this on September 1, 2012. The day Desmond Miles was supposed to be captured.
But he doesn’t. Instead, he’s saved by a young man in a hood who took down the men with Cross, almost taking down Cross too who managed to escaped with a bleeding neck that wasn’t deep enough to be fatal but will definitely leave a nasty scar. Desmond tries to run away because it’s obvious that the man who saved him is an Assassin but the man manages to stop him and get him to follow him.
Desmond may or may not have made a joke of how the man missed the chance to say “come with me if you want to live” and the man did not get the reference.
He leads him into some kind of warehouse near a port where two more hooded men are waiting with… uuuhh… Desmond is pretty sure the woman they had with them was someone he had a one night stand with and-
Is that her kid?
Why does her kid look a lot like…
Oh fuck.
Abstergo, during this time, is having the corporation-version of panicking all over because they got a good look of the man that saved Desmond as well as two unknown men who attacked an Abstergo clinic around the same time someone saved Desmond Miles. Ransacked the whole place and took meds and supplies like they were going to go for a long drive or something similar.
But that wasn’t the important part.
The important part was the man who saved Desmond Miles? He looks too much like Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad to be a coincidence.
And one of the men who looted the clinic?
He looks exactly like Ezio Auditore.
The plot would make it seem like the three old Assassins (Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton (who Abstergo didn’t recognize)) have a lot of knowledge of future events and appear to have come to save Desmond. They also have a plan to save the world without sacrificing Desmond but they’re keeping quiet because they don’t want to tip Juno off.
The plot twist though is that they aren’t from the past, they’re from the future. To be more exact, they’re descended from Elijah, though from different children. The future was so fucked (like more fucked up than watch_dog legion) that what remains of the Brotherhood pooled every resources they had to bring the three to the past with the aim of saving Desmond Miles as they believe Desmond Miles has the highest possibility of changing the fate of the world.
And their plan to save the world AND Desmond Miles? Take his place and sacrifice themselves since, if Desmond Miles does live, there’s a possibility they would cease to exist (they’re not sure of which time travel rules their world is governed by)
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