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mondlylanguages · 4 months ago
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🎃 One day left! 👻 Get in the spooky spirit with these Halloween words in German. 🧙‍♀️
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hobbydeutschde · 6 months ago
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Compound Nouns in the German Language (Komposita) 🇩🇪 📚 What are Komposita? Compound nouns are a real "highlight" of the German language! 🇩🇪 In German, it's easy to create words by combining two or more nouns into one. These long words may seem tricky, but they're really just made up of simple parts. 📌 Example: Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän 🔍 Breakdown: Donau – the Danube river Dampfschiff – steamship Fahrtsgesellschaft – shipping company Kapitän – captain Put it all together, and it means the captain of a steamship company on the Danube river! 🚢 🧠 How to remember these words? Break them down into smaller parts. Learn each piece separately, then put them back together. What about you? Have you seen any interesting Komposita in German? Share them in the comments! 💬
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thelanguageskool · 11 months ago
A Rich Tapestry of Experiences I TLSWAY
German culture is a captivating fusion of tradition, innovation, and diversity. From the fairy-tale landscapes of the Black Forest to the bustling streets of Berlin, Germany offers a rich tapestry of experiences for visitors and locals alike. Rooted in centuries of history, German culture celebrates its heritage through vibrant festivals, intricate craftsmanship, and timeless literature. Yet, it also embraces modernity with its technological prowess, scientific achievements, and avant-garde art scene. Whether savoring a hearty plate of bratwurst, exploring medieval castles, or immersing oneself in the dynamic nightlife, Germany's cultural landscape is as varied and intriguing as the country itself, inviting exploration and discovery at every turn.
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wecoverseaseducation · 1 year ago
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vsmroverseas · 1 year ago
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Unlock the door to a world-class education in Germany. Let VSMR Visa Consultancy be your trusted partner in your academic excellence journey.
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eric-sadahire · 1 year ago
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Morgenmuffel: (n.) The German word, describes a person who is grumpy in the mornings and doesn't like to wake up early.
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babyawacs · 9 days ago
putin germanword shouldbe verify "belastbar" orwonder howquickly erratic opportunism mounts tonothing to sth else andor theoppo site ofwhat chances were originally #best #independent #advice ispeakformyself ispeculate ihavenostakeorinterestinthatcrimin alwar #independent #notmywar #on #eu_vs_trump  #what _isit ‎.@peace .@nato .@ukraine .@otan .@msc .@us_stratcom @us_stratcom .@bbcr4 .@bbcradio4 .@pacif icsubs @pacificsubs .@ussocom @ussocom .@gchq .@nsagov .@odnigov .@atom .@iaeaorg .@energy .@potus @potus .@vp @vp .@trt @paris  #independent #on #russia_deal #ahead  ‎.@peace .@nato .@ukraine .@otan .@msc .@us_s tratcom @us_stratcom .@bbcr4 .@bbcradio4 .@pacificsubs @pacificsubs .@ussocom @ussocom .@gchq .@ nsagov .@odnigov .@atom .@iaeaorg .@energy .@potus @potus .@vp @vp .@trt .@nato @otan .@snowden .@msc @msc @us_stratcom .@paris @wef .@wef .@msc @msc  .@london  @sicherheitshalber @muenchen .@muenchen .@munich @munich   @profk lausschwab .@profklausschwab .@nato @otan @nato @peace .@eu_commission @eu_commission .@eucouncil @eucouncil .@euparl_en @euparl_dk .@poland .@gchq .@nsagov .@rosatom .@joebiden .@gop .@dnc‎ @aeh_rancor_randcorp ‎ @BBCr4today .@axios @axios . @ap . @reuters . @nato . @osce . @rosatom ‎ @axios
putin germanword shouldbe verify “belastbar” orwonder howquickly erratic opportunism mounts tonothing to sth else andor theopposite ofwhat chances were originally #best #independent #advice ispeakformyself ispeculate ihavenostakeorinterestinthatcriminalwar #independent #notmywar #on #eu_vs_trump #what_isit ‎.@peace .@nato .@ukraine .@otan .@msc .@us_stratcom @us_stratcom .@bbcr4 .@bbcradio4…
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cnacertificationprogram · 1 year ago
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important nurse patient interactions📍🇩🇪🚑🏥 #deutsch #study #nursing#learngerman #deutschlernen #deutsch #german#Germanlanguage #germany #deutschkurse#deutschland #learninggerman #deutschesprache#wortschatz #internationalstudents#languagelearning #europe #lernen #germancourse#studygerman #germanwords #germangrammar#deutschonline #language #slovenia#grammatik #indian #learnenglish#learngermanonline #deutschland #sprache #turkey#germanvocabulary #germanlessons
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speakgermanwithconfidence · 2 years ago
German speaking and reading for beginners 🇩🇪 Daily use German German b1 Prüfung Deutsch lernen Deutsch hören #learngerman #deutschlernen #deutsch #german #germanlanguage #germany #deutschkurs #deutschland #learninggerman #deutschesprache #wortschatz #deutschalsfremdsprache #languagelearning #almanca #lernen #germancourse #studygerman #germanwords #germangrammar #deutschonline #language #grammatik #n #learnenglish #learngermanonline #Speakgermanwithconfidence #sprache #aleman #germanvocabulary #germanlessonsSubscribe
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deutschtraining · 4 years ago
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👉 die Hexe 🇬🇧 witch 🇪🇸 bruja 🗣 Die Hexe reitet auf einem Besen.
👉 der Geist / das Gespenst 🇬🇧 ghost 🇪🇸 fantasma 🗣 Hast du Angst vor Gespenstern?
👉 die Fledermaus 🇬🇧 bat 🇪🇸 murciélago 🗣 Vampire können sich in Fledermäuse verwandeln
👉 die schwarze Katze 🇬🇧 black cat 🇪🇸 gato negro 🗣 Glaubst du, dass schwarze Katzen Unglück bringen?
👉 der/die Untote, der Zombie 🇬🇧 zombie 🇪🇸 zombi(e) 🗣 Es gibt eine erfolgreiche Fernsehserie über Untote.
👉 der Kürbis 🇬🇧 pumpkin 🇪🇸 calabaza / zapallo / ayote 🗣 Ein gruseliger Kürbis ist ein typisches Symbol für Halloween.
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deutsch-alsfremdsprache · 4 years ago
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❌aufpassen oder achten🤔?.... 🔸 🔸 👉🏼Folge uns @deutsch_alsfremdsprache / telegram: d_alsfremdsprache für noch mehr Beiträge.👈🏼 ‎ما را در اینستا و تلگرام دنبال کنید.🙏🏻 🔸 🔸 . . . . Vergesst bitte nicht die Stories und Highlights. ‎استوری ها رو از دست نده!😉 . . . . . #welearngerman #german #germancourse #germanwords #words #instagram #vocabtoday #germanlanguagelearning #germantutor #b1german #telc #testdafvorbereitung #vorbereiten #prüfung #deutschalsfremdsprache #deutschlernen #deutschlernen_leicht_gemacht #deutschonline #online #onlineteaching #germanlanguagelearning #languages #languagestudy #languageschool #germany_insta #dw #deutschunterricht #deutschkurs #آلمانی #زبان_آلمانی #تدریس_آنلاین https://www.instagram.com/p/CMXySyzsepL/?igshid=pz161k0jegq
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mondlylanguages · 7 days ago
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🐅 Learn German one animal at a time. ❤️ Start today at the link in bio. 🐭
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hobbydeutschde · 6 months ago
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📚 Understanding the Difference: Beauftragen vs Auftragen 🇩🇪 Let's explore the difference between two commonly confused German verbs: beauftragen and auftragen! 🔹 Beauftragen = to assign or commission someone with a task. This verb is used in more formal or official contexts when delegating responsibility for a specific job. Example: Ich habe ihn beauftragt, die Dokumente zu senden. — I assigned him to send the documents. 🔹 Auftragen = to apply (as in cream or paint) or to give a task. This verb can be used in both physical and casual task-related contexts. Example: Sie trägt die Creme auf ihr Gesicht auf. — She applies the cream to her face. Key Difference: Beauftragen is formal and often used in business or official settings. Auftragen can refer to physical actions or informal, everyday tasks. 💡 Save this post if you're learning German and want to expand your vocabulary! 🇩🇪✨
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thelanguageskool · 1 year ago
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Learn German 🇩🇪 Online with The Language SKOOL.
No matter whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, no matter whether you want to learn German for professional or private reasons, you will find the right German online course for you.
Connect today: www.thelanguageskool.com 96 2340 2340
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germanliy · 4 years ago
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#german #vocabulary : Die Fahrbahn, die Straße The #road, the #roads #germanliy #instagerman #instalearning #instalanguages #instalanguage #instagramgerman #germanvocabs #germanvocabular #deutschlearning #deutschewörter #deutschnerd #deutsch #germany #germanwords #learnlanguage #learnlanguages #Learngerman #learninggermanwithinstagram #learninggerman #lane #lanes #vocabgerman #Vocabulary https://www.instagram.com/p/CI_qSTmnybB/?igshid=dy325e9qi7qo
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aworldmadeofwords89 · 4 years ago
9.12.2020 Angela Merkel si rivolge al parlamento tedesco
JMDN ANFLEHEN: implorare/supplicare SICH ANSTRENGEN: sforzarsi DIE AUFHEBUNG: revoca/sospensione ETW AUFZEIGEN: riportare/mostrare DIE BERECHENBARKEIT: prevedibilità DAS ERMESSEN: capacità di giudizio HINKRIEGEN: riuscire a sistemare DER IMPFSTOFF: vaccino AM LAUFEN HALTEN: mandare avanti/tenere in piedi JMND MAHNEN: ricordare ÜBERSCHAUBAR: gestibile ETW VERSÄUMEN: perdere/lasciarsi sfuggire
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