#german speaking cinema can do that?
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so-you-melted-22 · 2 years ago
that specific kind of pain for when you just finished a movie and there is not a single gif set to reblog
how else am i supposed to tell everyone about what i just watched?!?!
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yoshifan456 · 2 months ago
MI8 Teaser Trailer Breakdown pt.5
Last part, some random shots that I have something to say about, but can’t really join in the bigger picture yet.
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It is definetely a bomb, with the timer on I think 2:42. I think it’s the bigger variant of the Benji bomb in the airport in DR
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You can’t really read this file on this picture, but in the HD-Ytvideo you can. I found a few fun things that I personally didn’t know about, but I think are already clear (born in Wisconsin, parents Nathan and Margaret, served in the Army, attended university of Pennsylvania for a double major in Engineering and International Relations). Most shocking tho:
-Briggs is the one that enlisted Ethan to the IMF! Or a ‘Colonel Briggs’ at least, who, according to the original series has worked in the Army like Ethan. Which might be our Briggs’s father, because I don’t think Brigss is that much older than Ethan that he could have enlisted him himself. This explains how Briggs didn’t know Ethan, but that it was personal. It can’t really be a simple reference to the TV-show of which a colonel Briggs was the team leader in the first season, aired in 1966, because the seasons after that the team leader always was Jim Phelps, who we know from the first Mission Impossible movie.
-Ethan is two years younger than Tom Cruise (August 18 1964 vs July 3 1962), which I find funny.
-His eye color is officially green which is fun because TC’s eyes are blue with an orange corona which makes them look brown depending on the light:
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(When you look at the TG-frame with better quality or in a cinema you can see the pretty corona around his pupil really well. Also compare with Goose’s definitely brown eyes).
-Ethan’s height is 5 foot 8 inches (172 cm), which is only three cm larger than me personally and is I think only a little bit exaggerated in contrast to TC’s real height.
-He only speaks English, French and German, which is false, because he understands Russian in GP. So the CIA’s information is incomplete, which is something to keep in mind.
-Expertise in Marksmanship and Martial Arts, which tracks.
-Marital Status is single, which tracks too.
-His FAnumber starts with IMF, which honestly isn’t really a great plan if you want to keep the IMF a secret…
-His status is ‘active’, not ‘disavowed’… Could be supporting my theory that Ethan works with/for Sloane in this one actually.
-Nothing about a kid, which a friend of mine suggested could be Grace. Not that the CIA would know about that, but still. Nothing about Marie either.
So that was the breakdown of his file, now for more really small notes:
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Who is the other one in the diving suit?
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Ethan moves his hand to his mask. Is he fixing his oxygen or is something wrong with the suit that requires him to put it off (and go on in his underwear?)
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What or who are they looking at?
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Same question here?
Has it something to do with the flares/bombs/things that fall down on the submarine in this shot?
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This is very likely Paris on the left and I think Ethan and Degas on the right because both seem to be having black short hair (although this is read off literal pixels, I feel like the guy in Blow Up):
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Although Benji’s hair is also kinda dark in this movie, so it could be that this is Benji and Paris and Degas (also because the middle person on is bigger than Paris and Degas and I don’t think Ethan is)? Maybe this is after these three split up with Ethan and Grace in the caves? But if it is Benji that is slumping, than it must have been after Ethan’s yelling moment if that is the moment Benji gets injured?
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I think these people are the ones that found the key in the first place and that this is a flashback of sorts, maybe even the first few scene of the movie.
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But, this is a woman right, and the two guys in the opening of DR with the key were men… Or it is this guy from the DR opening?
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I think the most probably thing anyway is that these scenes with the key and the random people that find them are a prologue. Or, if everything fails and everyone dies, a gruesome epilogue, which I don’t think will happen because this is Hollywood after all.
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Who are these people? The one on the left is Ethan I think, because of the brown jacket, but the person on the right? My theory is Degas and this is a sort of ‘Benji roped you into this, huh? Welcome to the club, we’re gonna work together now’ handshake.
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This is a new outfit that Ethan never wears in the rest of the movie/trailer I think. It looks the same as the one in the protest, but the fabric looks thicker. Is this scene with Luther in a totally different timespan from the rest of the movie? Or an epilogue or something?
This was it, thank you so much for reading if you’ve come this far. I have worked on this for three and a half hours and should really have done something more productive, but I loved it so who cares.
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cafeleningrad · 27 days ago
thank you for the analysis on Thomas' character! It was very insightful. He's my favourite character in the movie, but there's so much ungenuine readings of his character it's frustrating 😞. From people who think he's a villain in this story (wtf) to people who believe Ellen never actually loved him (lol). A lot of people also completely disregard his character (mainly for shipping purposes, but it's not any less annoying) or can't even tell what his issues are and make stuff up that's not even supported by the movie itself. As if he's not one of the main characters and the entire first half of the movie isn't about his victimisation.
Hejhej Anon, it was my verbose pleasure. ;D
To be quiet honest, shipping discourses do sour every fandom experience, mostly because some discussions retreat into juvenile instincts charading with grown-up language.
It's then more about playing goth Barbie's dream date with differently style Kenndolls, and so the characters get projected on different traits fitting into the story the play should represent for the player. Well fine, but I don't think ever was that subtle or deep with this movie. (And the amount of takes uninterested in looking a bit further -ironically, in spite of Eggers being known and executing very carefully historical accuracy whereever possible- shows by not even paying attention to the fact that the cast are and movie in German Biedermeier society but get called and treated like British "Victorians". Thus leading to inaccurate analysis.)
Safe to say, that I currently don't really like to engage with the fandom or discussions about the movie, mostly because I bought my theater ticket for very different reasons than "the Gothique". For all who enjoy monster romance, please enjoy them. My primary interest was that I like Eggers skripts, and his atmospheric horror, and historical detailed research, and I'm a big fan of Babelsberg era movies. (German expressionist cinema was so unbelievably influential on movie history. Not only for the many creative workers fleeing the Nazis and bringing their talent to Hollywood, Disney's most iconic animation sequences were stolen from largely inspired by Lang's work with lightning. By any means, watch "M", and it turns out every thriller after it hits the same plot beat, the same themes (for better or for worse), just the filming style changed.) And boy does Eggers play Easter Egg hunt for fans of the original in this movie! But I'm also wary of changes Eggers made, and in the over all context of the movie, it's history, it's screening time, especially the context around it, kinda missed the mark. Most of all, I'm a bit disappointment how linear the dialogue is. It leaves little room for ambiguity, lingering unease of the grander sphere of Wisborg, the world getting threatened by Orlock's presence. It also looses the poetic cinematic language from 1922 in which the image, or better the symbolism the image creates, speaks for itself. In 2024, Dr. von Frantz, and the Schema-nun couldn't have duetted more what kind of fearsome fiend Orlock is.
To say, many watched the movie for being a 1830s setting horror film (period aesthetics), they like vampires, Lily Rose Depp has the face and role to make sad girl coquette posts about - super fine reasons to watch a movie because different interests pull different people into the cinema. And I really hope the success will guarantee Eggers continuing his work. Where I see interpretations fail is not realizing that this movie is primarily a remake, and Eggers was still working along a story structure of a monster that breaks apart modernity as well as the assumed safety of the domestic sphere. In his movie, Eggers flips the idyll of imagined domesticity on it's head by having the home be unsafe in the first place. Moreso, Eggers was interested in exploring the character of Ellen Hutter who, in 1922, dies a noble yet unheroic death because in times of plague or social collapse no heroism can truly exist. And here's also a friction between Eggers' re-imagined domestic horror and the 1922 original which was about a structural social collapse, echoing the immediate trauma about surviving WWI, Germany being in an absolute state of mess after it, the abdication of the Hohernzollern family, surviving the Spanish flu pandemic, and being in the midst of a inflation that skyrocketed beyond the stratosphere. And all these fears of that time influenced the story functions of the changes Henrik Galeen made to the script, and in creating their own story. (That's why I resist very much the idea that Nosferatu 1922, or Nosferatu 2024 are "another Dracula interpretation" because it works on very different themes, Orlock represents different fears for a German audience in the 1920s, than Dracula to a British audience in the 1890s, the ending is massively different because they follow different themes, and Orlock is massively desexed to signal his monstrosity lying in death and decay he should represent. I mean, for everyone getting hot and bothered over Max Schreck, or Bill Skarsgård in their costumes respectively, seriously have fun, I genuinely mean it. But let's be real, the creative team did very much intended to make Orlock look repulsive.)
Oh, last but not least, Eggers movies are strongly contextual within their historical background. Katherine in "the VVitch" is the perfect victim by the devil to be groomed because she grows up in a zealous, oppressive community - with her father exiled she basically has no future prospects. (Hence her ending being tragic for her, not liberating.) "The Northman" is a straight up attempt at a saga version of the Danish myth of Hamlet. Hence why themes of fate and providence are concepts people take so seriously within this story.
So that's a long round-about way to get to Thomas: Thomas is never set out to be the hero, but Orlock is definitely the monster as harbringer of death, collapse, and pandemic. The horror in 1922 lay in the tragedy of a young couple wanting to start their life together yet the forces of nature and death rip them apart. And I tell you, in 1920s Germany, Ellen and Thomas were kissing and hugging at every occasion. But most of all, Thomas was an easily understandable protagonist to follow in 1922. He too was full of hope - and in dire need for money. The original movie stresses in an exposition card how well Knock pays his employees, no matter how much more ostentatiously "weird" Herr Knock's entire appearance is. To a 1920s German audience, a young man needing to leave his wife for making money would have made much more initial sense. And you know, in 2024/25 with rising inflation levels, and job insecurity, it does strike me as weird how many takes on Thomas do not take the financial insecurity into account in Thomas' actions. No, he's not career jockey. In fact the movie exposes how Thomas is financially indebted to Friedrich Harding (although Friedrich is being gracious about that matter), and at the bottom of the pecking order at work. There is so, so, so much more to say how the political landscape informs the human characters' values - and how the strain of fiances strain or ease their circumstances. @abbenai has written a wonderful post about how the historical context webs in the characters in regards of politics and finances which I highly recommend to read. X Finances, existential worries about money can gravely interfere with time and possibility for love, care, and affection. That already is a worrying factor for the Hutter household.
Everyone is confined by their times. Even Orlock is the creature of a time in which nobility had absolute rule. Hence he sets up a contract over Ellen's body not letting her voice count. He wants, he receives. He also bosses Herr Knock around without hesitance. The entire movie is very clear that living in the real world is an arduous fight for Ellen, especially when Thomas is gone. (At some point Anna and Thomas have split function, hence the "Harold, they're..." vibes between her and Ellen.) Thomas and Anna are also limited in their time in which, unlike Friedrich and Dr. Sievers showcase a lot of love for Ellen - Ellen's nervosity, breakdowns, and moodswings aren't to be scorned but the tended for.Husband, and best friend can not make anything better because they only can think of consolation. Behind it their intention to see Ellen cheered up. Their ignorance stems from them living relatively adjusted lives (Anna is almost a caricature in her hyper gender performance, looking angelic, pious, endlessly loving, having given birth twice (Louise and Clara seemingly children that did survive their infancy), eagerly awaiting birth of child no.3) who can't fathom anything that could shake up a person so deeply even echoing in their adult life. Yeah, with faults but well-intentioned. And Ellen often clings onto these too when feeling lost because they do actually help her to calm her down.
The turn comes after Thomas himself lives from the almost same horrors with Orlock. Now he truly understands what Ellen went through that she's haunted, and why. However, For him it's even more reason to care for her because now he finally understands her. "Let me go. I'm unclean." "Never."
By all means, it's questionable how easy life would have been for Ellen had she survived with Thomas in the real world burdened with the death of their friends, a society in which women had no perceived personhood, even less so any rights, Ellen getting bombarded with intimate questions about pregnancy and child bearing just shortly after Thomas and her got married. The alternative would be to be eaten away by an entity that openly states that it can not love, and wants Ellen to submit. In contrast Thomas is a relatively chill guy for his time, not pressuring Ellen to have sex or children (in fact Ellen initiates sex), and unlike man-of-his-time-peak-performer Friedrich, doesn't get annoyed with but stays loyal to Ellen. In life Ellen had Greta, had Anna, palyed with Louisa and Clara. And even when disaster struck, Ellen found unexpectedly understanding in Dr. von Frantz. In many ways, life was hard but not void of joy or worth to Ellen. Even in the most dire, insecure, harrowing times, having been badly scarred before, Ellen still finds a lover, a friend, a cat, and a an unexpected stranger that don't make her feel lonely and abandoned. That's the entire worth of Thomas Hutter and Anna Harding.
But yeah, shipping discourse is not really worth getting into. And at some point I think the movie doesn't hold this much substance to be discussed so thouroughly, especially not in it's love triangle dynamic. There, the discussion material exhausts itself quickly as the movie is not subtle about the characters' actions, Orlock's symbolism, and their intentions.
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sgiandubh · 1 year ago
Cut the (Ghenea) crap
I have been anticipating since at least last Friday the very recent rumor overdrive about S and Mrs. Mădălina Ghenea, Romanian Horizontal Extraordinaire and I howled like a pack of hyenas in the dull silence of my flat.
Of all the rumors featuring S and divers representatives of the International Fitness Harem, this one stroke me as the most ridiculous ever. Downright scraping the bottom of the barrel, here, to be honest.
Now, as all of you know, I happen to be Romanian and if anything, you should at least grant me the benefit of a flawless knowledge of the terrain, so to speak. And as far as erotically ambitious Romanian chicks go, let's just say I am a sweet summer child, compared to this one.
Mădălina hails from Slatina, a small town in Oltenia, one of the most fascinating parts of the Romanian Southwest (I have a good quarter pint of Oltenian blood myself, so I think I know what the hell I am talking about: quick-witted, ambitious people, with a devastating, sarcastic sense of humor). She comes from virtually nothing: a working-class family of former farmers drawn to the nearest town by the quick and demented industrialization of the country during the Sixties, which is to say, the Lumpenproletariat our German friends can immediately relate to. But when you spend your childhood in the dull and poor anonymity of a non-descript block of flats (matchbox upon matchbox upon matchbox - think of it as a dignified favela of sorts), the only thing you want to do is to get the damn out of there, at all costs. Which, I have to say, she brilliantly and ruthlessly managed to, almost in record time. Granted, she is beautiful (to me, she is very cliché, but for any foreign male she is a Wanton Goddess of Sex, I suppose) and she does have the street smarts to safely get her through any urban jungle of this planet, too.
You can peruse her war credentials here, for a quick overview of the character, if you really, really, really need to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C4%83d%C4%83lina_Diana_Ghenea.
I will just add (and you will have to trust me on this one), a couple of things:
Cynically speaking, she could be a decently plausible beard for S. After all, she did beard for di Caprio (an info I just corroborated over the phone with a friend who is a cinema & TV journalist, back home). Problem is, a woman like this is way over budget. I am afraid The Boy doesn't qualify, bless his heart: too meh for her eclectic, but high-end tastes (local cardboard millionaires, Bulgarian tennis players of the light mafioso type, Philipp Plein, Italian TV beaux and yup, Gerard Butler - but it did not end amicably, enough said). You have to understand that woman saw it all and she won't settle for a pap walk in the pishing drizzle of GLA, or even NY. This one knows perfectly well diamonds are a girl's best friend. And if you doubt me, maybe you won't doubt her, when she declared three days ago for the Daily Fail something along these lines:
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[source, LOL: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-12681539/EDEN-CONFIDENTIAL-Sexiest-woman-world-Madalina-Ghenea-yearns-real-man-stealing-hearts-Leonardo-DiCaprio-Gerard-Butler-Michael-Fassbender.html]
Read my lips: not going to happen. Not in a million years, not even for the sake of the fucking Narrative. Not even on a desert island. Never. Nuh-oh. No way.
At any rate, if God knows what sick plot twist happens, you'll learn it here first, probably: the Romanian gossip press would put to shame poor Deux Moi, with its needlessly chatty, exuberant, salaciously detailed style.
So I will say again here what I did say in a comment to an Anon who brought it up first @bat-cat-reader's :
TERMINAȚI CU TÂMPENIILE. Which is simply translated as CUT THE CRAP.
Of course.
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tytarax2 · 10 months ago
Johann Uber x reader
So, someone asked for this, and made me really happy.
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I mean, I love this man
Enjoy <3
It's a little… cheesy in my opinion, but it's a fluffy scenario off the football field.
inspired by something my boyfriend actually did <3
Kinda suggestive in some parts... but it's like... two lines.
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02:05 am It was the time your phone was showing. "I can't sleep…" You thought. The pressure of everything was on you these past few days. It was so overwhelming… Leaving the warmth and comfort of your bed, you got up and went to sit in the living room. You stared at the ceiling and thought… well... overthought, it's a bad habit of yours. About an hour passed, but it felt like a couple of minutes until you heard Johann's German accent speaking to you. "Awake again?" He asked. "Yeah… I didn't wake you up right?" Like I said, you thought it had only been a few minutes. "No, not at all, I just didn't feel you in bed," He said as he came over and sat next to you "Are you okay?" He sounded somewhat worried. "Yeah, just…" you sighed "A lot of things…".
"I see…" he replied. He understood you completely, being a retired soldier, he understood the feeling of having a lot on you. You stayed silent for a while until he finally spoke up. "How about… we spend the whole day together tomorrow? I mean… doing different things, and nothing to do with work." You smiled and nodded tiredly. "Sounds like a good idea to me…" You said as you looked at your legs.
Johann stood up first and lifted you into his arms, you leaned against his chest as you drifted off to sleep, and your boyfriend carried you back to bed.
The next day, Johann made sure you were completely relaxed, as much as he could handle.
You woke up, and he was still there… actually, it would have been weird if he wasn't there, since your whole body was on top of his. You stayed there observing him for a while, each of his features, his somewhat messy blonde hair, thick eyebrows, not-so-noticeable but present dark circles… he needs a break too… his jaw… and his lips.
"Enjoying the view?" His voice brought you back to reality, you smiled blushing "You have no idea"
Finally you got up after a while, went to shower and prepared a delicious breakfast together.
It was raining outside, so you couldn't go out, but you could enjoy yourself quite well in the comfort of your place.
You both heard the light sound of the rain on the window while you set up a fort of sheets in the living room. Your laughter filled the room as Johann, struggling with a particularly stubborn blanket corner, nearly toppled over. "How hard can it be to tuck in a blanket?" You laughed "Hey, don't mock the architect! This is gonna be the best fort ever"
You set about preparing snacks while he made a sort of mini-cinema inside. When the fort was ready, the two of you crawled inside, and watched several movies… some you didn't watch, needless to say.
Afterwards you did your exercise routines together, and as always Johann wanted to impress you.
"2996, 2997, 2998…"
You had some takeout for lunch, your favorite food to be specific, and then, you made some strudels to spoil your big soft bf.
You can't miss the spa afternoon at home, you started by lighting some aromatic candles and putting on some lo-fi music. You mixed up a blend of essential oils for a relaxing massage, and Uber prepared the bath with fluffy towels and a variety of bath salts… obviously after you gave him instructions, he doesn't know much about such things.
"Feeling good?" You asked as you ran your hands over his broad back. "This feels really good… where did you learn to give such great massages?" He asked you, melting under your touch. "I watched a few videos. Plus, I know all your tense spots"
After giving each other gentle massages, you filled the tub with warm water, added rose petals and a generous amount of lavender bath salts.
The two of you got into the tub, enjoying the tranquility and each other's company.
The essential moment, putting on face masks and taking silly photos in front of the mirror.
The day finally ended with the two of you wrapped in blankets in front of the fireplace drinking hot chocolate.
"This was a perfect day… we should do this more often" You suggested. "Ja, we should," He said kissing your head.
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tarn-ati0n · 11 months ago
What is the first ever horror movie?
Oh Buddy, you just triggered an unskippable cutscene.
So, obviously, Horror in film already existed prior to 1920, but those were only short 5 minutes clips that couldn’t be really called „Horror“
No, the first actual Horror Movie released on the 26th February 1920. And it’s a German one.
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„Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari - Ein Filmschauspiel in 6 Akten“
„The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari - A film spectacle in 6 acts“ Was a Silent Movie directed by Robert Wiene and tells the tale of a sleepwalker (A Somnambulist) who is paraded around as a Circus attraction by the Ringmaster Dr. Caligari during the day, and commits gruesome murders in his name by night. It was a gigantic milestone for the History of cinema and an important part of german expressionism.
It was one of, if not the first Movie to have flashbacks, multiple Plot-Twists and many other things that we would consider a staple of today’s Cinema. But most importantly, this is the movie where so many horror movie tropes originated. It was technically the first Slasher. The whole „The Monster/Killer falls in love with the woman“ thing first appeared here. Honestly as a semi Horror fan myself it was really neat seeing this Movie for the first time and going „Hey, I know that Trope!“
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When I say that this Movie is an important part of German Expressionism, this is what I’m talking about. LOOK AT THAT SHIT!
The Geomatry is so off, everything fells like chalk, Nothing is ever actually rectangular, the sets look so fantastical I want to inject this set design into my Veins. And this design isn’t just for the set, all the Characters look so unique as well! I especially love how the set sometimes works like an Actor itself. Windows are shaped so that they point towards certain parts of a scene. Light falls in weird places so that it highlights important aspect. Scenes that are supposed to take place at day and Scenes that are supposed to take Place at night have a different hue. It’s fucking awesome man.
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The shadows on their faces, the weird and rigid movements, OUGH i am biting on this.
You can see that so many other Directors, namely Tim Burton, took so much inspiration from this film.
Genuinely, If you have even the slightest bit of interest in the History of Horror and Cinema, do yourself a favor and watch this Movie. It’s a treat. Personally, I’ve already seen it like 5 times, and it always manages to pull me into this sort of trance. Everything about the movie is so unique and special, I can’t explain it. I’ve purposefully avoided most Spoilers, so again, if you’re interested watch it.
Personally, I recommend this restored version from 1980. The music had to be replaced, but tbh I don’t think it does this movie any injustice. Also it has english subtitles, but since it’s a silent movie, you won’t need to read much.
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lesfruitsdores · 1 year ago
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Israeli films with female protagonists.
Zero Motivation (2014) dir. Talya Lavie
A unit of female Israeli soldiers at a remote desert base bide their time as they count down the minutes until they can return to civilian life.
Cinema Sabaya (2021) dir. Orit Fouks Rotem
Eight women, Arab and Jewish, take part in a video workshop hosted by Rona, young filmmaker. With each camera take, the group dynamic forces the women to challenge their beliefs as they get to know one other.
Jellyfish (2007) dir. Shira Geffen & Etgar Keret
Jellyfish tells the story of three very different Israeli women living in Tel Aviv whose intersecting stories weave an unlikely portrait of modern Israeli life. Batya, a catering waitress, takes in a young child apparently abandoned at a local beach. Batya is one of the servers at the wedding reception of Keren, a young bride who breaks her leg in trying to escape from a locked toilet stall, which ruins her chance at a romantic honeymoon in the Caribbean. One of the guests is Joy, a Philippine chore woman attending the event with her employer, and who doesn't speak any Hebrew (she communicates mainly in English), and who is guilt-ridden after having left her young son behind in the Philippines.
Blush (2015) dir. Michal Vinik
Trying to escape her tumultuous home life, Naama, 17, indulges in alcohol and drugs, but everything changes when she meets a sexy, free-spirited new girl at school and the two become more than fast friends.
Atomic Falafel (2015) dir. Dror Shaul
Two girls from nuclear towns in Israel and Iran spill their countries most valuable secrets on Facebook while trying to prevent a nuclear crisis.
Kiss Me Before It Blows Up/Kiss Me Kosher (2020) dir. Shirel Peleg
When two generations of Israeli women fall for a German woman and a Palestinian man, chaos follows. What happens with lovers who don't fit--but do belong together?
Red Cow (2018) dir. Tsivia Barkai
Red Cow is a coming-of-age film that takes place in the days leading up to the assassination of Rabin and depicts the life of Benny, 16, orphaned from mother at birth and the only child of Joshua - a religious, right-wing extremist, in those critical junctures when she is forming her sexual, religious and political awareness.
Sand Storm (2016) dir. Elite Zexer
A Bedouin village in Northern Israel. When Jalila’s husband marries a second woman, Jalila and her daughter’s world is shattered, and the women are torn between their commitment to the patriarchal rules and being true to themselves.
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eras tour city guide: Gelsenkirchen
(Hamburg | Munich)
are you're traveling to see the eras tour in Gelsenkirchen and are looking for things to do in the city or just need advice for good food/drinks spots? Or are you looking for some insider information about the venue? here are some ideas for you (I will continuously update this post!):
credit: @youlooklikeasixtiesqueen (thank you!!)
❗if you're taking public transport i recommend using the app "vrr bus&bahn". it has a green logo with vrr in it as the thumbnail. you can use it to look up public transport lines and if they're on time, and you can buy tickets on your phone (i think paypal and credit card are accepted as payments, not sure about google pay etc) i think it should be in english if your phone is set to english, but i can't 100% guarantee it. i just remember that a friend has her phone set to english and i believe the app is in english for her. you will need to make an account to buy tickets.
❗gelsenkirchen has the highest percentage of people living in poverty in germany. if you're not from around here and you're imagining a cute german town that looks like it's from a picture book, then that is not gelsenkirchen. it's a large town in the industrial part of germany. crime is not uncommon, especially downtown. keep an eye on your belongings, if you wear a bag make sure it closes completely, and please walk in groups of at least three people when it gets dark. basically just make smart choices and use common sense to stay safe.
❗ the median temperature for july is around 25°C
credit: @youlooklikeasixtiesqueen
❗important: taylor is playing her shows while the kids are out of school for the summer, so anything touristy that is family friendly will probably be full
❗there is a theme park nearby called "movie park germany" which is hella overpriced. there's not a lot of good rides for adults. the lines are also very very long in the summer. i would not recommend going.
⭐ the area around the veltins arena itself (arena-park):
- mini golf: 3.50€ for adults and 2.50€ for kids - schalke museum: museum about the football club that the veltins-arena is home to, 5€ for adults over 21, 6-21yo it's 3€, under 6yo it's free - apollo cinema: no movies in english but if you speak japanese or turkish you might be in luck if you want to catch a movie - food: several places to buy food including a mcdonalds - there is also a small castle called schloss berge nearby
⭐ zoom erlebniswelt:
- amazing large zoo with three areas (africa, asia, alaska) - highlights: igloo ride, petting zoo, viewing platform for the giraffes, lemur island (lemurs move around freely amongst visitors), canopy walk (by the orangutan outdoor area) - definitely plan to be there for at least half a day, my tip is to go when it opens and go to the "alaska" area first because they have this little ride that's an igloo that shakes you around a bit and it's so much fun, but there can be quite long lines in the summer (i think mostly because it has aircon), it's called "alaska ice adventure" and is opposite the polar bears - they have a little boat that you can go on to get closer to the baboons and flamingos but imho it isn't worth the wait - another tip: bring your own food and plenty of water. it's very expensive at the zoo. like, worse than airport prices. - you can buy artwork made by animals for very good prices at the gift store. i love the penguin art made by their little feet waddling over the canvas. - sadly not a great place for people who need walking aids or wheelchairs. they do say they're somewhat accessible but they aren't (it's better than ten years ago but still not great) - there's plenty of toilets and places to sit, and the toilets have always been clean when i went - prices: for adults it's 21,50€, kids up to 12 pay 14€, and it's free for kids under 4. if someone wants to bring a dog it's 6€. prices are reduced by a lot after 4pm (adults 10€, kids 8,50€), but you won't have a lot of time in the zoo, only about two hours. they also have lower prices for students if you have proof that you go to school or college. it is recommended to buy your tickets online and i agree with that. there's very long lines in the summer. - getting there: if you go by car, parking is 6€ for a day. the address for a gps is bleckstraße 64, 45889 gelsenkirchen. HOWEVER I do recommend taking the tramline 301 from the main station, the stop is just called "zoom erlebniswelt", it's a very short walk. - website: https://www.zoom-erlebniswelt.de/ (only in german) - btw they had baby pigs at the petting zoo not too long ago - @notjustillusion (thank you!!) also recommends ZOOM Erlebniswelt!
⭐erlebnismuseum schloss horst
- i haven't been but i've heard it's cool - interactive museum in a castle!! - exhibits on how people lived in the mid-16th century - free and accessible! - playground outside for the kiddos - in the afternoon on mon, tue, thu, and fri you can use an old printing press - open every day except saturdays from 3pm to 6pm, and sundays from 11am to 6pm - getting there: the address is turfstraße 21, 45899 gelsenkirchen. from the main station you can take bus 383, or tramline 301. the stop is "schloß horst" or "schloss horst"
credit: @notjustillusion (thank you!!)
Zeche Zollverein in Essen: a Zeche that was shut down, great place for walks and/or tours informing you about mining in the Ruhrgebiet in general!
credit: @feminst4life (thank you Nadine!!)
Nordsternpark: nice park where you can go climbing and there's also a museum!
Rungenberg-Halde: a nice photo spot!
credit: @feminst4life
Noah & Zoe's Place: all kinds of food (from breakfast do dinner to drinks), only a 15 minute ride with the tram away from the venue!
credit: once again @youlooklikeasixtiesqueen (I feel the need to thank you again because you helped me so much with this post!!)
veltins arena, also called "arena auf schalke", max capacity around 60k
it has different entraces, your ticket should say which one you need to use
cashless venue - you can pay by credit or debit card, or using google pay, apple pay, or samsung pay. you can also trade cash at the venue for a "knappenkarte", which is basically a card you can pay with when you buy something in the venue. they have several different "payment counters" where you can exchange your money throughout the stadium. i'm not sure if these restrictions apply to merch, because it hasn't been announced if she will have her merch trucks or sell it inside the stadium.
you can buy food at the venue, they have vegetarian and vegan options too, but i don't know what anything costs. they have an overview where you can see what food counter has what on their website. they have pretzels and sweets at every food counter.
the website says you can bring in something to drink that is up to 500ml in a "tetra-pak", aka a juice box or a milk carton. i'm not sure about foldable silicone water bottles. plastic bottles are not allowed.
no bags larger than an a4 sheet of paper. i recommend a clear bag as well. they don't seem to have a clear back policy, but it'll make security lines move faster (i'm nearly certain there will be bag checks, i've never been to a concert in this general area that didn't have them, no matter how big or small). i got a clear fanny pack from amazon that i can also wear over one shoulder and around my torso because i think it'll make dancing easier than a crossbody.
i know someone once brought a dog to the rep tour and idk if it was a service dog but i think it's worth mentioning that animals are not allowed.
cameras for commercial use are not allowed (usually that means don't take a dslr)
powerbanks are only allowed if they are smaller than 10x7x3 cm. charge your phone beforehand and maybe put it in energy saving until you want to take pictures
you are not allowed to climb on seats
if you pee anywhere other than the toilets, smoke outside the designated area, or put a sticker somewhere, it's a 25€ fine
the roof will be closed unless it's too hot
they don't have lockers so only take what you need
website: https://en.veltins-arena.de/
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tetsunabouquet · 2 years ago
I cannot wait to see Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken no matter the mixed reviews and numerous spoilers. I'm thinking of going this weekend to the cinema. This, is for a very important reason:
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Chelsea Van Der Zee, is the reason. When I initially saw pictures of her, I was hyped to see how DreamWorks is going to poke fun at the live-action remakes. Because come on, production of this movie started 2 years after the announcement of the live-action Little Mermaid. BUT, there is another layer to the parody of her character that will fly over most people's heads: She's a Dutch mermaid. Her faux-Dutch last name is a proper sounding Dutch surname, it doesn't falls into the pitfalls of writing it as Vanderzee, and whilst on the nose it's a well-constructed surname. Like, the people who created her last name were aware of HOW our surnames were constructed and didn't end up creating a non-realistic surname that simply sounds Dutch like Gossip Girl did. I remember trying to playback a moment in the trailer several times, when Chelsea confronted Ruby about being a kraken in the trailer, she says a word at the end that I couldn't place and no matter how many times I rewinded it I didn't understood what she said. Until I came across the scripted version of the quote yesterday; “I know your secret. You're a kraken, hiding as a human. And soon, everyone will know the truth. Kusjes!” Kusjes is horribly butchered, but it's Dutch for 'kisses' and we actually do use that and XOXO, just like English speakers do so the usage of Dutch that I have seen so far is correct. Now, I have actually seen people speculate she's Dutch because of That's So Raven, but as a Dutch person myself I see it from a different angle: There's a phenomenon I like to call the 'Dutch Default'. Historically, the English had difficulties recognizing which Germanic speaking culture was which. You can even see this reflected in our English name, 'Dutch', when that's how the Germans refer to themselves, as the Deutsch. We calls ourselves Nederlanders in our tongue. Pennsylvanian Dutch? I was told the area was mostly Swedish. I can continue with examples. Whilst I noticed the UK has became a little better educated about the topic, this is still perpetuated by Americans to this day. When The Little Mermaid live action was announced, there were various people who actually confused us for the Danish. Some were harmless comments like calling the novel Dutch instead of a Danish novel. Others were not. When there were Danish people speaking on social media about how disappointed they were with how Disney treats one of their national symbols, there were hate comments from people defending The Little Mermaid, but various were directed at the Dutch because Americans were too lazy to even Google which culture they are hurling insults too. This, was all taking place during the production of Ruby Gillman. Now, how likely is it that Chelsea is a Dutch mermaid because of That's So Raven, and how likely do you think DreamWorks noticed Twitter and decided to use the Dutch Default as another layer to the parody of Chelsea's character? Because it's not like the entirety of Hollywood seems to be unaware of this phenomenon. The Umbrella Academy S2, actually has this scene with the Swedish brothers being called Dutch even though the characters were already told they were Swedish, and Five corrects them like, "No, they're Swedish." Paired with how Luther shouts at innocent Olga through the phone, it gives a perfect portrayal of how clueless Americans are about foreign cultures. There are people in Hollywood who do notice how little Americans know about other cultures and will harass innocent people on false misconceptions. For DreamWorks to poke fun at Twitter wars for doing so, makes me love Chelsea Van Der Zee.
If I ever see one of those stupid Americans again because this whole drama isn't completely over yet, I will summon Chelsea to drown them to the bottom of the Ocean.
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3AM Thoughts: Benedict Cumberbatch x Daniel Brühl
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It makes so much sense to me that amongst all of the Hollywood A-listers Daniel Brühl got to work with in his career, only Benedict Cumberbatch attended/was invited to his wedding. (Referring to something mentioned in "A European in Hollywood", an Arte documentary about Brühl. The video with English subtitles is no longer on YouTube but for those who don't need translations, you can see it HERE.)
I can picture them animatedly conversing for HOURS over wine and tapas, phones ignored unless it's family calling, totally present. They just have so much in common: the curiosity, warmth, and depth that come across when they speak and reflects in their eyes; the sharp wit and self-deprecating humor paired with their goofy and playful nature; the effortlessly refined, cultured, and self-assured manner they carry themselves with; their talent for languages and voiceover work; their passion for acting and the likeability and vulnerability they bring to their characters however morally questionable; the sense that they can't comprehend the good fortune they've been dealt with (and despite their gratitude feel embarrassed by it); the way they always persevere to use their platform for a humanitarian cause (perhaps related to previous item); how grounded they've remained despite everything and the boundaries they've drawn with their private lives.
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Their rise to worldwide fame also has a similar pattern. Though both have been around for a long time, doing chameleonic work with their roles, they were often overshadowed by the bigger names in their Hollywood projects. For Cumberbatch, it was his role as Sherlock that changed everything. Overnight, the pedophile in Atonement became a sex symbol... just like that. For Brühl—who's had a golden career in German and world cinema since his 20s—it was his role as Helmut Zemo that made him recognizable and beloved to a mainstream audience. After his playful take on the Baron in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, rabid fans were more than willing to forgive and/or forget that he bombed a UN conference AND tore the Avengers apart in Civil War.
I even see a parallel in how they've mostly had long-term relationships and only got married in their late 30s. (If Wikipedia is to be believed, both at age 39.) Unlike celebs who marry and divorce all throughout their lives, you get a sense they take commitments seriously.
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And what about their names?? You thought Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch was a mouthful? Try reciting the litany that is Daniel César Martín Brühl González Domingo.
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lordofthesoups · 2 months ago
Long live the oblong
The name’s Soup Pink hair and pronouns (he/him and it/its)
I try to always answer asks eventually, it just sometimes take a while for the spoons to align with the planets correctly for my brain to work.
As your resident pretentious piece of shit you can expect to find me mainly reblogging stuff about malevolent, tma and the locked tomb, plus weird/obscure/experimental music and films.
Although anything may take my fancy so don't hold me to this list.
Original tags to look out for:
#soup talks music #soup talks cinema #soup takes photos They do what they say on the tin #soup speaks the bullshit #soup answers the bullshit #my blog is naught but a diary Original posts and asks (naught but a diary is where all the insane ones go) #daily husband daily Micheal distortion for percy
#photography <- this is about two years old
Alt accounts are:
The limb/art account: @arthur-lesters-spinal-cord
The neglected mushroom account: @soupandmushrooms
The account where i am completely normal and heterosexual about Jane Prentiss Tma: @apocalypse-stew
Links to films
German expressionist films
Films I had on my phone
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nicotinzwei · 3 months ago
Finished Salems Lot and it was good. Finished Life is Strange Double Exposure and it was BAD. The story didn't go anywhere. Life
Me and my friend started "movie club" where we watch a movie at the same time and just text the whole time. It's such a good concept because when I watch with friends online I have to wear headphones and the talking is hard to understand next to the movie. Also I always need to do an activity next to watching anyways AND you can text wayyy more than would be socially acceptable to talk. like please try it this is the perfect form of existing for me. (also were very funny but he wont let me post it)
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After we finished the Scream franchise (1 and 4 are the best, 5 ist the worst) like this i recommended Jennifers Body. I knew he liked Scott Pilgrim and I feel like Jennifers Body is the horror comedy version of that. On my Letterboxd i have only 10 5 star rated movies and thats one of them. But i think this is the one I would show most people because I feel like its objectively SO GOOD. the only thing i'd critique is the intro... didn't need that. but even the credits. man. oh I really wanna check out the german translation I'm sure its awful.
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Music This is a very weird time to get into her but I started listeing to a lot of M.I.A.. I love Come Around because it was in Wild Child. Me and my best friend used to watch that movie so much we'd know the diagloue by heart. (Also imagine a mashup of Bad Girls and Rockstar by Lisa) In summer I really liked MGMT because of Saltburn and this feels very similar. Nostalic but like... When it was popular I was too pretentious to listen to that stuff. Now I actually like to have a good time.
Music 2 Speaking of Saltburn.... I orderd the fucking cum vinyl. I thought about it when it first came out and didnt get it. But then I regretted it so much I set myself a reminder for the restock. I did an unboxing here. Maybe I'll take the good record player back to Vienna with me for that one. I can't believe we got Saltburn, Challengers and The Substance in one year. Cinema is healing.
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kokoshnjak · 4 months ago
i used to read ameteur writing critiques when i was younger (i, foolishly, thought i could just learn what not to do and then id suddenly be good at writing) and anyway since the rise of cinema sins-esque style of critique, one of the main threads is always that the work can't have too many coincidences or sudden revelations that come without foreshadowing. apparently in realism the only things that happen are the things you already think are likely to happen, which is bullshit, in my humble opinion. something nobody tells you about life is how often something just fully comes out of the left field
recently-ish i had an event at work where i had to host this old, big name priest who wrote a book abt how evil commies killed his two uncles for working in the german army during ww2. let that sink in for a moment. he never once utters the word nazi but the implications are looming. anyway, it also just so happened that the weekend before that i was poked and prodded into going on a trip with my father & for the lack of anything to talk about (my father is, unfortunately, like a former roommate to me. every time we speak he has to cycle through every female name in his family before he lands on mine & i keep forgetting his birthday) i ended up talking about work. for reference, i work at a catholic bookshop and its not particularly impressive to anyone irl, not even to me. its the perfect conversation topic when you want someone to leave you alone
but then. then. it casually turned out that my non-religious, no-apparent-inner-life father somehow knows every single big name priest in the country. the nazi nephew guy? yeah he scammed his cousin and stole money from his community, theres a bloodline feud with him. oh the exorcist that keeps publishing books? they also have a feud, he used to run the church in front of my dad's store until he was chased off. that one guy that got banished to germany for throwing a fashion show runway inside a church as a way to gather relief funds? you guessed it, el padre knows him too because he literally bought proof of holy communion from him for himself and my mother so they could have a catholic wedding (for some reason. though neither of them is religious). he also attempted to buy it for my sister and i but alas. the ban has already happened by then. literally where did any of this come from. any person that i mention from work, my father seems to have some kind of either beefy or straight up criminal history with. none of that was ever alluded to whatsoever because until recently i thought his social life boiled down to my mother. in a completely unprecedented turn of events we now have a topic we can discuss & he has even occasionally started calling me to chat which he has never done, ever. i cannot stress how this development happened out of nowhere in my 23th year of life simply bc i made a throwaway rant abt someones nazi uncle, related to a job i got randomly on a whim. so yeah bottom line, critiquing how realistic a plot development is based on some mental math abt how likely it is to happen irl is just dumb. irl is full of things you'd never consider likely to happen and yet.
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game-set-canet · 2 years ago
can you do dating headcanons for tennis players (thiem, medvedev, berrettini)
Dating Headcanons
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(not my gif! credits to the owner/creator!)
Dominic Thiem
for Domi, it is important that you spend time together regularly, even though the training and tournament schedule is very stressful. you try to surprise each other with romantic date ideas, like picnics in the nature, bonfires, watching sunsets together, etc.
you travelling with him to all of his tournaments.
after being together for 6 months you decided to adopt a dog. although you are away a lot, but your mother takes care of the dog
you had no idea of tennis before you met him, he showed you how to play it and explained all the rules to you; now you sometimes play with him (it’s a nice little warm up for him)
he LOVES cuddling with you on the couch together with your dog. he would wrap his arms around you, your head lying on his chest, and he would run his fingers through your hair
you rarely fight. like almost never. but WHEN you fight, you REALLY fight. Shouting, screaming, door slamming – it only happened once in your relationship so far
for your first anniversary you surprised him with learning German – or rather some German. You have your difficulties with the language, but you are determined to learn it
family time is very important for Domi. You are SO SO nervous to meet his family for the first time and Domi is trying really hard to calm you down. In the end it turns out that’s completely unnecessary. his younger brother Moritz and you get along really well – you regularly go to the cinema together because you have the same taste in films. (“Again? You always go to the cinema together! I’ll go with you!” – “No, your taste in films is awful and we don’t want to listen to you complaining the whole evening!” – “That’s mean!” – “Yeah, but Moritz is right: your taste in films IS shit, my love!”)
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(not my gif! credits to the owner/creator!)
Daniil Medvedev
he loves to surprise you with lots of sweet presents. like flowers, bracelet, necklaces, and he love to buy you books! You have a very specific taste in book genres and Daniil knows exactly which books to buy and you love every single one of them!
before every match you attend live he apologizes in advance for the potential swearing he will do on court… if he yells at his box and you sit in his box, he apologizes countless times afterwards
teasing, a lot of teasing and (a lot of) playful arguments
you’re watching F1 and football with him and sometimes you even play video games with him. You’re awful in it but it makes him happy, so you’re kinda enjoying it
he teaches you how to play chess
you think his intelligence is very sexy
you don’t have any pet names for each other
you love to listen to him speaking French - even if you have no idea what he is talking about
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(not my gif! credits to the owner/creator!)
Matteo Berrettini
his brother introduced you to Matteo and it was love on the first sight
you love wearing his shirts and sweaters and he LOVES seeing you in it
partner tattoos
you have nicknames for each other…not all of them are romantic – some are just weird but still in a loving way
sharing sunglasses, caps and jewellery
you love to go shopping together! you could spend hours and hours picking out clothes for each other
he buys you flowers whenever he comes home after a tournament whenever you couldn't travel with him
dancing – you are both terrible in it, but you love dancing in the living room together
Matteo gives incredible massages
lots of (terrible) singing in the car together and you are the driver (always.)
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lindsaywesker · 1 year ago
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Good morning!  I hope you slept well and feel rested?  Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. 
Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday.
It is illegal to be drunk in a UK pub.
We forget 80% of what we learn every day.
HP Printer black ink is more expensive than human blood.
Strawberries actually contain more vitamin C than oranges.
60% of the alcohol in America is drunk by 10% of the people.
American plumbers refer to the day after Thanksgiving as Brown Friday.
In 2021, the investor community on Reddit adopted 3,500 gorillas in a week.
By 2050, 3.3% of the world’s population will be millionaires (in US dollars.)
In general, the more time you spend with someone, the more you will like them.
Rats emit ultrasonic squeaks of happiness when they get to hang out with another rat.
A cyberchondriac is someone who scours the internet looking for details of their illnesses.
The presence of CCTV cameras increases the fear of crime but doesn’t reduce crime rates.
Not one but two cross-country skiers suffered from a frozen penis during a recent world cup race.
If you keep going North, you will eventually go South, but if you keep going East, you will never go West.
Coffee drunk from a white mug tastes more intense and less sweet than coffee drunk from a clear mug.
Stomach rumblings are caused by air moving through your digestive tract and doesn’t always mean you are hungry.
AI can guess your age, location, gender and income with up to 85% accuracy by analysing your social media posts.
A sophomaniac is a person who’s under the delusion that they are extremely intelligent.  Too many of them about!
Memorizing the lyrics to songs can help strengthen your brain and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s.  Do more karaoke!
King Harold didn't die at the battle of Hastings from an arrow in the eye, he was hacked apart by four Norman knights.
Listening to loud music interferes with your vision.  This is why we usually turn the car radio down when looking for somewhere to park.
Negaholics are people who become addicted to self-doubt and negativity.  They find the bad in most things and are hardly ever satisfied.
The directors of ‘Despicable Me’ actually wrote a language for the gibberish the minions speak throughout the film.  Each word has a meaning!
The company that made the modelling clay for Wallace & Gromit has gone out of business.  There is currently only enough clay for one more film.
The first BBC radio presenter with a Northern accent was hired in the second world war to make it harder for the Germans to produce fake news bulletins.
The peanut is not a nut, it is actually a legume.  A legume refers to any plant from the Fabaceae family that would include its leaves, stems and pods.
It’s a myth that you only use 10% of your brain.  Most of your brain is active almost all of the time.  The problem is: some people don’t have much in there!
An American on the national average salary would have to work for 21,000 years before they became a billionaire, assuming that they spent none of their money.
A Crook County, Wyoming, judge has dismissed property destruction charges against a pair of ranchers accused of bleaching penis shapes and other markings on their neighbour’s cows.
In 2011, a 25-year-old Spanish man sued his parents for refusing to give him money unless he tried to find a job.  The court denied his claim and ordered him to leave his parents’ house and find a job.
The Sound of Music was so popular in South Korea when it was first released that one cinema owner decided to shorten the film by cutting all the musical pieces from it so they could show it more often.
In 1962, Brendon Grimshaw purchased Moyenne Island in the Seychelles for £8000.  He planted 16,000 trees on the island, brought and bred giant tortoises, and introduced a variety of bird life.  He was the sole inhabitant of the island until his death in 2012.  Instead of selling it, he declared the island a national park.
‘Malleus Maleficarum’, a 15th century witch-hunting manual, described how witches kept ‘live’ wriggling penises as pets.  The witches were said to have kept the penises in nests in trees and to have fed them oats.  Written by Catholic clergyman Heinrich Kramer, ‘Malleus Maleficarum’ is of course today regarded as misogynistic nonsense.  However, centuries ago, such books would have resulted in the gruesome murders of women accused of being witches.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day.  Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday!  I love you all.
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writtenbyhutchcraft · 2 years ago
Hi everyone! I made a new Tumblr blog after being away for a really long time. I've not been on here since high school lol, but I thought I'd come back seeing as a lot of the Hurts fandom is on here, and Swiftie Tumblr seems to be returning too :)
Here are some random facts about me to get to know me:
- My name's Victoria, I'm 21 and from the North West of England
- My main faves are The Killers/Brandon Flowers, Hurts and Taylor Swift
- My favourite Killers albums are Battle Born and Pressure Machine, and my top songs are This River Is Wild, In The Car Outside and Be Still
- My favourite Hurts albums are Surrender and Faith, and my top songs are Rolling Stone, Darkest Hour, All I Have To Give and Somebody To Die For
- My favourite Taylor Swift albums are Reputation and 1989, and my top songs are Superstar, The Best Day, Don't Blame Me and Look What You Made Me Do
- Some other artists/bands I really love are Depeche Mode, Maisie Peters, Louis Tomlinson, Kelsea Ballerini, MARINA, Courteeners, HAIM, Gary Numan, The War On Drugs and a lot of other people. Basically I love indie rock, dark synth music and country music :)
- Some of my hobbies are record collecting, making YouTube videos, writing essays about things I love for no reason, thrifting, going to concerts, reading, playing video games and going to see movies at the cinema
- I'm a Virgo and an INTJ
- I speak English and French and I'm trying to learn German at the moment
- I'm always wearing a band shirt, a leather jacket and combat boots/Converse
- A lot of the books I read are romcoms, YA real life drama type books and nonfiction books about music/musicians
- I'm passionate about mental health awareness and feminism
So yeah, there's some stuff about me. Follow if you like the same things/can relate 😊❤️
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