#george doesn't look like he's enjoying being lifted though
with-eyes-closed · 2 years
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The Beatles on the beach at Weston, July 1963. 📸 by Dezo Hoffman.
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j-nope-not-today · 2 months
HP characters reaction to s/o being a muggle
Harry Potter
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He does not care
Literally doesn't have an opinion on the subject
Bc he loves youuu and not your magic or non magical abilities
I really feel that his main concern is some snobby witch/wizard being rude to you
But could give a fuck less if anyone commented on you being a muggle
"Okay and? So what if she/he can't do magic. She's/he's still great in bed."
10/10 will say some snarky/sarcastic ass shit if someone is rude to you about it.
He is THE Harry Potter
He would probably love for someone to point it out so he can say some shit back about it.
He will defend you through thick and thin.
May god have mercy on whatever poor soul wants to be prejudice against you.
Will love doing muggle things with you. I mean he did grow up as a muggle.
Otherwise though he loves you and your muggleness very much. It reminds him of home ❤️
Ron Weasley
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Aww your his little cutie patootie
Will brag about it to anyone who will listen
"Oh? Well my gf/bf made me dinner from scratch."
He'll brag about literally anything he can. It could be the simplest shit too
Is very impressed that you do everything and without magic too
He'll start doing things without magic just to appreciate the simplicity of it
But yeah..definitely tells everyone and their mom about how proud he is to be with you
Ain't no one gonna be rude about it either. He will guaranteed shut that shit down as soon as it starts.
Fred Weasley
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He loves it.
Loves absolutely everything about it
Not to mention he loves it even more because romancing you is so much more fun for him
Will always pull a fancy magic trick from out of his sleeve to impress you or flirt with you
"For you beautiful"
Does complain about doing things without magic
But will begrudgingly do so to please you
But yes. He will complain about it the entire time
I don't think anyone would be ballsy enough to insult you or say some rude shit about you being a muggle
Knowing fred that would start world War 3
But he looooves you. Vv much
George Weasley
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Admires you so so much
Bc how do you do it?
Will watch you do the simplest most mundane shit and come out of nowhere with a
"My god you look so fucking gorgeous right now love."
Wouldn't complain about helping you do stuff without magic
I think he finds he enjoys it much more without magic. It's more rewarding
Will beg to do muggle things with you absolutely wants to experience it all
Just like with fred. Ain't no one ballsy enough to say something lest they want to die
But he absolutely adores you and everything about you
And will remind you every day how much he loves you
Draco Malfoy
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He didn't expect to end up with you
But he sure isn't complaining
And he'll be damned if you lift a single beautiful fucking finger when he's around
He will 100% dote on you in his every waking moment
For a second you might be convinced you aren't a muggle
He uses magic for just about everything and will not let you do something when he can do it for you
"Listen dear it's just simpler this way. Let me do it."
Your spoiled and he'll make sure you know how appreciated and loved you are
Can never wrap his head around muggles.
Thinks you make everything way more complicated than it needs to be
And should anyone be insulting or rude. They might find themselves hexed or cursed.
Neville Longbottom
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This man LOVES you
Will not for a second let you think otherwise
And he'll probably absolutely love doing muggle things with you
And you will have a garden
I can just see him loving gardening with you. The muggle way.
Will randomly whip out flowers and small little gifts for you
Just to impress you
And he'll definitely have words for anyone who wants to be rude to you because how dare they?
To him. Your absolutely perfect
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Secret Smokes
Pairing: Teacher! Remus Lupin x Reader
Series Summary: When the reader bumps into the new DADA professor on the bridge in Hogwarts she begins to build a friendship with him all thanks to their shared feeling of not belonging and love for muggle cigarettes. Their friendship blooms while they both fight internal battles deciding what is wrong and what is right leading to a lot of fluff, angst, flirting and a rollercoaster of emotions.
Warnings: Swearing, Drinking, teacher-student relationship (but like it’s all legal chill), SLOWburn we’re in for a long ride
Word Count: Just over 1k
This story takes place in a AU where Harry's parents are still alive so Remus Lupin still has all his friends and there is no war however that doesn't make him any less angsty. Everything else is pretty much the same as the canon universe! Enjoy!
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The wizarding world and the muggle world have always felt like two completely different worlds, maybe that's why Witches and Wizards who are muggle-born become outcasts. It's hard adjusting to a school but adjusting to a whole world at 11 is even harder. Even in your last year of Hogwarts you still didn't feel like you belonged, each summer going back to the muggle life that you have always known, working a summer job at a coffee shop and hanging out with muggles rather than wizards. You had friends in Hogwarts of course, some closer than others and even though it helped you feel more at home you knew that after Hogwarts you'd end up working a muggle job.
Maybe that's why entering your last year at Hogwarts didn't seem as intimidating because at the end of the day it didn't really matter what results you got in your N.E.W.T.S. Still in its own way you knew you'll miss the castle and the life you've lived in it. So your final train ride to Hogwarts felt a bit bittersweet. One thing didn't change, once again a new Defence against the dark arts teacher got introduced, this time one called Remus Lupin. He looked a lot kinder and nicer than the last one.
Your first week went by extremely quickly, quidditch practice hadn't started yet so you had more time to just hang out with your friends. All your lessons were easy so far as everyone was settling to being back. The new profesor was quickly becoming everyone's favourite due to his friendly nature, he seemed to befriend every student something no other profesor really did. You didn't really get to interact with him too much one-to-one during lessons as whenever he had free time the girls with a crush on him would jump onto the opportunity. You didn't really care about DADA as you wouldn't need it in the muggle world but you did understand why everyone was developing a crush, you had your own brewing for him.
It didn't take long for you to get home sick, homesick for the muggle world. Nothing really felt right to you, not even the food it just never tasted as good as what your mother would make, you missed your parents terribly it was a lot harder sending them owls than sending owls to wizard families, they didn't really grasp the concept. The twins could see that you were getting down again, they knew this happened every year after summer, and they've always tried to help lift your spirit. "Y/N we were thinking it was a good time to plan the first prank of the year what do you say?" Fred said. "Y/N is in her last year, she can't be participating in your silly games." Percy answered for you. "Who invited him?" George snapped back.
"Percy might be right I can't get in as much trouble as I did last year I don't want to get suspended, I'm on thin ice with old Minnie after the last prank we pulled before summer." You admitted, maybe you didn't care about your exam results but you didn't want to get suspended. The debate continued and you ended up agreeing to planning a prank that you may or may not help with. After dinner you decided to take a quick detour to the covered bridge, at the end of your fifth year you discovered it was empty in the evenings as it didn't lead to anywhere people would go at that time of night, it instantly became somewhere you would go for peace, and once you discovered smoking, it also got added to the list of secret smoking spots.
When you approached the middle of the bridge you saw a figure standing smoking a cigarette, you felt a bit gutted someone was using your spot but also excited at the idea of someone being so alike you. You approached them and they quickly put out the cigarette. "Don't worry man, I'm not a teacher I won't snitch." You claimed as you walked up to them before you could make out who it was.
"I know but I am." The figure replied, you were now close enough to make out that it was Professor Lupin. He was no longer leaning over the edge but standing straight with his hands in his pockets.
"I won't snitch if you won't?" You said pulling out your own packet of cigarettes. And his face turned to a gentle smile.
"I really shouldn't-" He protested. "Oh come on, you're new. This is normal." You preached. "Yeah Minerva and I do this all the time but don't tell her I told you." This got a laugh out of him.
"I may have believed you up until that point Y/N. But that's where you've lost me." He remembered your name and for some reason it made your heart skip for a second, he had so many students that he's met in one week and he still managed to memorise yours.
"Come on I'll give you a smoke if you don't tell anyone?" You reached out the pack to him "Camels?" He questioned while taking one. "You know them?" You took one out the packed for yourself before putting it away. "They're muggle smokes." He stated nonchalant, there wasn't any hate in those words which was rare around these halls. "I like them." You pulled out a lighter to light your cigarette while he snapped his fingers and it was instantly lit. "How did you do that? You instantly snapped back . "Do what?" He smiled while holding the cigarette in his mouth, he was attractive in the moon light. "Light it with a snap." You replicated his previous action. "It's a simple arson spell, just a small flame. I used wand less magic." He explained "If it's wand less why did you snap your fingers? Surely you could've just done it." You pressed. "Yes. You've got me there." He admitted. "So you were just trying to impress me?" Slipped out before you realised how those words could sound flirty, you barely knew the man. Truthfully if he wasn't your profesor and this was an interaction with a student you would be developing a stupid crush on them.
"You could say that." He said, with half a smile on his lips. "I'm the new profesor who you've just caught spending the evening by himself smoking, I don't want you to tell everyone I'm boring now I seem impressive."
"Or insecure." You shot back and he bit his lip and shook his head in disbelief at your words. He decided not to reply, instead went back to leaning over the bridge looking out into the darkness and smoking his cigarette and silence fell upon you both.
"I like the camel ones, just because the camel is cute." You broke the silence after a while, you felt bad for calling him insecure and wanted to kill the awkwardness. He laughed at your comment. "You know smokings bad for you? Even if the camel is cute." He said flicking the butt of his cigarette into the darkness. "I know." You quietly replied.
He checked his watch before standing up straight"Curfew has already started so don't stay out here too long as Snape is the one on duty today." He began to walk away. "Professor-" He turned around at your words. "This didn't happen right?" You questioned nervously. "What are camels?" He replied with a wink. "Have a good evening Y/N."
"You too Professor."
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toomuchracket · 2 months
day drinking (ross x girlband gf!reader smut)
first ever ross smut fic can u believe. anyway. summer75. warnings for exhibitionism and everyone being vaguely slaggy. enjoy <3
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you're rinsing glasses in the kitchen when the doorbell goes. quickly wiping your hands, you weave your way through the house to the front door, scooping the cat up so she can't make a beeline for the street as soon as you open the door. when you do, you smile at the sight of gabbriette and matty, the latter holding a wine carrier in one hand. “hi, my darlings!”
“hello to you, too, gorgeous,” gabbriette pulls you into a quick hug, cooing at the kitten and taking the bag from her fiancé as she saunters towards the kitchen. “sorry we're late. one of us couldn't decide on an outfit, and it wasn't me.”
matty rolls his eyes, dropping a kiss on your head. “god forbid i wanna look good enough to keep up with the two of you - you really do look lovely, darling,” he ruffles your hair, before catching sight of the cat and beaming at her. “and who are you, baby?”
“oh, i forgot you haven't met nico yet!” you hold the cat up, and matty takes her in his arms eagerly, holding her as if she was a baby. “isn't she cute?”
“i'm literally gonna take her home with me.”
you snort, crossing the threshold to the kitchen, where gabbriette's already assembling snacks. “good luck trying to get her past ross. that's his baby you're holding right there, you know.”
gabbriette giggles. “i love that for him.”
“yeah, it's cute. now,” you clap your hands. “drinks? we've got… most things.”
“whatever you want, wifey, you'll get,” you kiss her nose, and she and matty both giggle; you kiss his, too, for equality, and they both laugh even harder. “ross has got a guinness surge machine outside now, matty, if you want…”
he shoves the cat into your arms and speeds out to the garden as quickly as you've ever seen him, so fast you half expect to see a looney tunes-esque trail of dust behind him. his wife-to-be sighs. “he's nuts.”
you bump your hip against hers on your way to lay the cat on her climbing tree. “and you're gonna marry him.”
“yeah,” her pretty face goes all dreamy, and it warms your heart. after a beat, though, she winks cheekily. “and then you're gonna marry his best friend.”
your cheeks burn, but still lift into a smile at the thought of tying the knot with ross; neither of you have explicitly brought it up to each other, but you hope it'll happen one day. he is the love of your life, after all. “well, maybe someday,” you busy yourself with salting the rim of two coupé glasses, and adding lime to the tequila and agave already in the cocktail shaker. “i just don't know if he wants to, y'know?”
gabbriette scoffs. “oh, please. he looks at you so intimately that we all feel like we're intruding just by being in the vicinity, and you don't know if he wants to marry you? come on, babe.”
she's got a point, to be fair. ross's gaze is so sweetly intense that it sometimes makes you weak in the knees, so overwhelming that you have to look away or bury your face into his chest to cope; you've a sneaking suspicion that's why he does it, because it gives him an excuse to hold you close and softly rub your back and whisper that he loves you into your hair.
some days, though, your boyfriend doesn't need an excuse to be affectionate with you like that, and today is seemingly one of those days. practically as soon you've stepped outside to join him and the rest of your friends, gabbriette in tow, ross is waving you over to him with a “c'mere, love, sit with me”. when you put your cocktail on the little side table and oblige, he tugs you further onto his lap, kissing your temple; you sink into his chest, warm from the afternoon sun, and take in the scene in front of you. george is deep in conversation with carly, whose son is half lying across a sunlounger and half across his aunt charli; she’s talking to matty - insouciantly draped on a beanbag next to you - and adam, who shuffles along the rattan couch so gabbriette can sit down. she takes a sip of her margarita and nods at you approvingly. “this is good, babe.”
you wink. “that's the tequila you got me for my birthday.”
“can i try?” ross's face screws up when he tries the drink - very cutely, though. “christ, that's strong.”
“maybe you're just a lightweight,” you tease, flicking his nose. “can't hack it anymore. oh my god, maybe you're getting old.”
he bites playfully at your fingers to make you laugh. “am not!”
before you can respond, baby hann chips in with all of the tact a three-year-old can have - which is, you know, none at all. “yeah you are.”
he looks pleased with himself as the grown-ups burst into laughter, cuddling into charli when she kisses his head proudly. you lean across to hi-five your nephew, while ross rolls his eyes and tries (poorly) to keep the smile from his face. “and here i thought we were pals, mate.”
“we are! but you're still old.”
the laughter increases, even ross chuckling. you love these moments, you really do, sat in the sunshine with the people you love most in the world, everyone happy and bright. the atmosphere lingers even after the sun sets and the hanns head home, the youngest asleep in his mother's arms after a day spent stroking nico and playing football with his uncles and learning snippets of spanish from auntie gabbi; you stay curled up against ross, only moving to refill your drink or take a lazy hit of the joint being passed around the remaining six of you.
at some point - you've no idea what time it is, too tipsy and high and happy to take note of such trivial things - the breeze picks up slightly, passing over your bare legs and leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. you shiver, and ross looks down at you, concern in his warm eyes. “you cold, pretty girl?”
“little bit. my legs.”
he smiles, scooping you onto him and wrapping an arm around your knees. “better?”
“mhmm. thank you,” you pout, and he kisses you, slightly longer than could be considered polite amidst company. still, it's good. “love you.”
“love you too, baby.”
across from you, george pretends to retch. he giggles when you scowl at him, blowing you a kiss. “i'm taking the piss. you guys are cute.”
his other half pipes up. “and really fucking hot,” she downs the rest of her wine, and you brace yourself for her inevitable next statement. “i still maintain you'd make a killing on onlyfans, by the way.” 
the boys all shake their heads and mutter swear words in dismay, while you laugh. only gabbriette stays unaffected, taking a puff of her fiancé's cigarette and turning to charli. “oh, you wouldn't be able to handle watching them like that.”
charli cackles. “and you would?”
“maybe,” gabbriette smirks knowingly at you. “i'd happily try.”
you smirk right back. “yeah, i bet you would.”
she already has, live and in-person with her fiancé on ross's birthday, but charli and george don't need to know that. and, honestly, you don't need to be thinking about that night right now either, not when you're already slightly amorous from the drinks and the joint and just being in your boyfriend's arms. you have a sneaking suspicion that ross is aware that's how you feel; he adjusts you so you're sat more between his legs than on them, and calls a request to his friend. “matty, chuck us that blanket, will you?”
you squint up at your boyfriend as he spreads the fabric over your legs. “m'not that cold, baby.”
“no?” ross smiles, the somewhat manic glint in his eye sending shocks of anticipation through you - you know what that look means, and the way he lowers his voice to speak directly in your ear. “you don't need me to warm you up?”
heat floods through you, settling in your cheeks and underwear. “now?”
“no time like the present, love. s'your call, though.”
you glance at your friends, all four of them preoccupied in some sort of debate and getting progressively louder with each passing second, then look back at ross with a smile. “yes, please.”
“alright,” he leans down to kiss you, strategically timing it so your whimper at his hand sliding into your underwear is muffled by his lips. “not a sound, you hear me? not sharing you today, my girl.”
“mmmkay… oh, fuck,” you hiss against his mouth as two calloused fingers slip inside your needy cunt. “m'sorry, i just,” you exhale as ross gives you a second to adjust, before experimentally pulling out and beginning to slowly finger-fuck you. “feels really good.”
“i know, baby,” ross coos, centimetres from your face. “doing so well for me. keep it up, yeah? but,” he pulls back, shuffling you so it looks more like he's hugging you. “you're the hostess. don't be antisocial.”
fuck him.
but he won't let you do that if you disobey. so, instead, you take a deep breath, turning your head slightly so your friends can see more of your face. ross speeds up his movements - a test - and you feel him smile into your hair when you don't react other than clenching around him. “good girl.”
you smile softly at the praise, doing your best to focus on the conversation around you rather than what's happening inside you. for the most part, it's easy, ross's perpetual inability to fall out of rhythm working in your favour here - you quickly grow accustomed to the thrusting of his fingers and their tempo, the pleasure they're giving you firmly in the background behind the melody of your friends talking.
and then he changes angle.
you squeak, hastily turning it into a cough and praying nobody notices - unluckily, charli does, turning to look at you with concern. “you alright, babe?”
“yeah,” you manage to croak out, doing your best to trap ross's hand between your thighs so you can answer calmly. “just caught the smoke, i think. but please continue.”
you aren't sure whether that was aimed at her or ross. both oblige you, though, charli going back to yapping about a recent holiday while your boyfriend does his best to get you off. and it's working - the heel of his hand bumps against your clit with every thrust, while those long, long fingers of his hook into your g-spot and send sparks shooting through your nervous system. suddenly, george starts to look blurry as he talks across from you, and you make the executive decision to turn and snuggle into ross so nobody can see the tears in your eyes. being social be damned; you can't have your friends seeing you like this, because they'll put all the attention on you and ask what's wrong, and ross will stop. and wouldn't that be the worst thing of all, when you're as close to climax as you are?
ross knows you're about to cum, of course he does, and discreetly wipes your tears away before pressing his forehead to yours. to your friends, it would look like a tender moment, two lovers being affectionate, instead of the depravity it really is, with him murmuring “don't fight it, love. cum for me” and smiling when you obey with every muscle in your body tensed. the pleasure is almost blinding as it reaches its peak, manifesting in chattering teeth and the shaky exhale of breath that leaves your lips as you come down - despite it all, you smile into your boyfriend's chest, humming as he gently pulls his fingers from you and quickly brings them to his mouth. your eyes widen at the boldness, but ross simply giggles and whispers in your ear. “wasn't gonna waste it, was i?”
“you're an idiot,” you sigh, kissing him quickly and smiling at the faint tang of yourself on his tongue. “i love you, though. a lot.”
“love you, too,” ross kisses your nose. “wouldn't have fingered you in front of all our friends if i didn't.”
you smack him on the arm as he laughs, and you've just opened your mouth to respond when a familiar voice from the beanbag beside you cuts in, equally as quiet as you and ross. “fucking knew it. freaks.”
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Heyyy i was wondering if we could get some
Bill x short!reader hcs, but like reader is super short because bill is just a mountain of a boy ??
But about reader, even though they're short they're super very protective and really strong ? will not hesitate to fight somebody and already has ?
(hello! Thank you for requesting and sure I can! Here ya go and enjoy!)
Bill Kaulitz x Short!Reader
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We all know Bill is quite tall and has always been a bit
But it don't matter because he is so proud of himself by being taller than YOU
he's is so corny with that shit and with his flirting
Will be incredibly cheesy and do pickup lines, lean over you and it all just to show you he is taller than you
He is an incredible asshole with it
If you're comfortable with it, he will come out of nowhere and just lift you up a bit by your waist
Just to surprise you and will use the opportunity to tickle the shit out of you
You sit on his lap a lot I feel and he just is living for it entirely
But even if he is taller than you, he acts like a little baby
Is the one to be laying on YOUR chest when lying down
Wants his hair played with, wants to be hugged
Everything, he's taller but he acts like a child
But what he does love about you is that you do not give a shit
He noticed you were a bit hot tempered early on when you all were close together and kiss
You were always shorter than the rest of them but were not afraid to clock them in their jaw
Tom was a subject to this growing up
You and Bill would constantly wrestle when you guys were kids and boy was surprised at how strong you were
He didn't let you win, he COULDN'T win
No matter how hard he tried, bitch was pinned down
He can be taller, he can pick you up, but he lives in fear of how strong you are
You can pick him up and the first time you did he yelped
I'm so sorry but he did
You do it now just to surprise him when he does it to you and sometimes you body slammed him when he made out mad growing up
You were an absolute crazy child and he did not help
Gustav was safe, Georg lived in fear and Tom egged you on the entire time
You guys get into a fair amount of screaming matches because you're both stubborn and hot tempered but it's okay
It all worked out in the end
But he has to watch over you all the time
Because if you're left alone and get mad??
Especially at paparazzi or people like fans making you uncomfortable??
Bill literally is scared for his and their lives
He has had to drag you away so many times as you kicked and tried to go back
You literally are up to fight any second of your life just for the hell of it
He admits, the headlines on tabloids are funny and when you get in fights, you look hot but he has to stop it
Not that he doesn't think you'll win, baby he knows you will, he just doesn't want you to go to jail
Especially if it's about him
But if something especially bad happens he'll let you have at it
Backs away with his hands up
"Beat his ass babe, I got your flower."
Y'all own that meme
You're down whenever and wherever and he cannot stop you so he must watch you
Bill knows he is taller, and at first glance you guys may see normal
But he has no control
You run this fucking relationship and he is forced to follow.
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mannatea · 1 year
Break Open the Sky, a Tales of Symphonia ‘fic (Chapter 8)
Current Word Count: 58,207 Summary: What kind of “Hero” of Regeneration would she be to leave an infant to fend for itself? Someone had to have left it here for a reason. The question was, of course, why? But as she lifted the little thing carefully into her arms, the motion reminding her of nights so far in the past, now, the why seemed almost tragically clear: this baby was of mixed blood. Chapter Summary: The first month in Altamira passes quickly and Raine and Regal grow a bit closer. Then a letter arrives...? Pairing/Characters: Raine, Original Characters, will also feature Genis, Regal, and Sheena. Endgame is Regal/Raine. Extra Info: This is technically an Accidental Baby Acquisition story, but I liken it more to “Doorstep Baby” literature because it sure ain’t cute. Rating: Mature, for themes. Genre: Eventual romance, gen, family, character study.
The title is the link to Ao3 for Chapter 8! If you read it please feed me a little comment. I love you x8. 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Notes are under the cut!
What's this? An early update? I had the time since I took an extra day off from work, and thought I'd put it up right away.
Raine is exceedingly slow at muddling her way through that Meltokio party blunder she made, but she will eventually find peace there, I promise.
Caelfall is here:
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Enjoy the free worldbuilding lol.
It was incredibly difficult to write Regal being awkward but he's so observant I think he'd know that there's no easy way to ask Raine politely if he could more or less give her Things. It's that delicate balance, you know? He doesn't want to offend her by suggesting she can't provide for the girls or that they're embarrassing him by being shabbily dressed. At the same time, though...those realities can't be ignored. Yes, he's primarily thinking of Raine (and the girls') comfort, but it'd be silly to pretend those other things aren't a reality, too. At the end of the day though, he respects her too much to just do something like this without asking first.
And no matter how it's phrased, it's still kind of an awkward thing to ask.
I don't really need to talk about it a lot here, but Regal's situation is pretty interesting in terms of the postgame. I'm handily ignoring DotNW for the sake of this story, and that game pretty much just flung Regal right into his job without a thought. (And also made a mockery out of the whole thing so no thanks.)
I believe it'd be more complex than that, though. The man was in prison for the last 8 years; he's probably had little outside contact. George continues to hold respect for Regal but that doesn't mean the whole company will blindly follow his lead since George is the one they now look up to and trust.
Anyway, Altamira is so cut off from the outside world, and as a tourist destination it would be expensive to stay there (not to mention travel to). I imagine this makes it difficult for friends to visit & leaves him in a position where he has little in his life but his work and political obligations.
As the richest man in the world, and probably also the most eligible bachelor in the world (Zelos being just beneath him in that regard, and only because Zelos has less money) how can he trust anyone? With his influence, wealth, and title, it would be hard to trust others, and harder still to trust to the extent of having close friendships and romantic attachments. How can he know when someone truly sees him as a friend vs. when they may wish to take advantage of him?
Of course Regal is lonely. All he has are letters and the very rare visit of a friend or two. I think it's believable enough that he'd cling to anyone who came to visit him (like Lloyd and Colette, who were with him a few months before Raine got there).
And for the sake of this story, he's always felt pretty close to Raine anyway, so her presence is especially wonderful to him right now.
For the hairpin/piece I was thinking it looked something like this, but with tiny blue flowers instead of what looks like gems mimicking baby's breath flowers:
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I had a blast writing the library scene. Of course Regal would have a huge library. The "special" bookcase will come up eventually, but feel free to guess at what that might be/mean.
The passage of time was my biggest concern in writing this chapter. I didn't want to dillydally writing each day slowly and dragging things out to the point of it being unbearable to read, but I did want to touch on the changes that happened during Raine's first month in Altamira.
Hopefully it doesn't feel too rushed.
Raine is definitely looking to Regal for validation when she mentions the dream she had in Hima + the fact that she worries she wasn't emotionally stable when she made the decision to adopt Lila and Marcie. Also, there is a fear there in the way she worries that if things had been any different she might not have ever adopted the girls at all. It's an unreasonable fear (it didn't happen!) but it's understandable because it could do easily have gone another direction.
Also, Raine's elbow is the one that aches before it's about to storm/rain a lot. I wanted to mention how it had ended up hurt enough to be permanently affected, so here we are.
Raine's fear of being "odd": she struggles with touch and the physical component of any relationship. She hates it because it's limiting and embarrassing, and she's afraid the girls will pick up on it. She has made several conscious efforts to do better in the story already but it feels slow to her and therefore bad.
Of course, Regal's compliment that the girls were learning from her wasn't meant to make her think they might be learning bad things, but the association was there and you know how it is when you think of an association lol. #justadhdthings or something. Sorry, Raine.
Anyway, the letter is here! And a lead! So it's off to Crestfield in the next chapter.
It's located here:
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casspurrjoybell-33 · 8 months
Wreckless - Art Museum
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*Warning Adult Content*
Emmett Locke couldn't remember the last time he'd actually been excited about a date and spent most of the ride over to Finnegan Walker's apartment, trying to remember the few he had been on. Even better, it was Saturday afternoon so he had the rest of the day and all day tomorrow off from work. Topping off his great mood was the fact that the Walters Art Museum had a photography exhibit going on until the end of the month. He'd thrown on his leather jacket before leaving the house but shrugged out of it as he got out of his car. It was gorgeous out.
The sun was shining brightly but not in the 'get in your eyes' sort of way that it did during the winter, no, this was a warm spring sun. The grass was green, the planters and beds around the building's front door were planted and sprouting up daffodils, tulips and pansies and Emmett took a deep breath, almost sad to be spending the day indoors. If it hadn't been for the photography exhibit, he might have changed their plans. Finnegan opened the door with a smile, glad to see that Emmett was wearing a T-shirt.
"It's as gorgeous out as it looks? I can't wait."
He got bold, reaching out and lifting up Emmett's right sleeve so he could take a look at the ink that peeked out from below it.
"This is really cool."
"It's really warm out. You should change so that I can get a better look at some of yours."
Finnegan headed towards his bedroom, talking to Emmett as he went down the hallway.
"First t-shirt of the year, what a treat."
He popped back out just a minute later wearing a solid black v-neck and asking...
"Should I bring a jacket?"
"Yes. It'll probably cool off this evening."
Emmett tried not to stare too much but Finnegan's ink was much more colorful than his own and he tried to pick out separate pieces.
"You can stare at me later. Where are we going?"
Emmett smiled, amused that Finnegan was still asking. 
"It was a surprise when I called you about it on Tuesday and it's still a surprise. I have something to show you, well, lots of things to show you and then we're going to eat."
Emmett worried for a minute that maybe Finnegan had already been to the Walters Art Museum but that was the great thing about a museum, there was always something new to see. Besides, given how much of a workaholic Finnegan was, he probably hadn't made the time.
"You're no fun," Finnegan teased, locking the door behind him.
"You're driving?"
"Yes. Would you rather I drive your car?"
Emmett tried to tell himself that he really just wanted to drive Finnegan's car again but there was a small part of him that worried that Finnegan might not want to be seen in his, at least not until he got the bumper fixed.
"It doesn't matter to me. So, I don't even get a hint?"
"Give me your keys and fine, were going to Mount Vernon."
Emmett had some pride and an undying love for cars. The roadster won. He had no idea if Finnegan was familiar with the neighborhood names of Baltimore but even if he was, there was lots to see and do in Mount Vernon. Once again he was glad to be about the same size as Finnegan because he didn't have to do any adjustments except to tilt the seat back one more notch.
"I'm going to give you a tentative 'yes' even though I still have no idea where we're going. Do you mean Mount Vernon, like George Washington's house? That's a drive, isn't it?"
Emmett smiled both at Finnegan's cuteness and the beautiful purr of the Mercedes.
"It is in Virginia and a bit too far for us today. Do you know where the original Washington Monument is?"
He relaxed a bit once he'd found Light street and enjoyed the quick drive. Finnegan was finally putting things together and realized that Emmett had taken his job of being a tour guide fairly seriously.
"I'm going to guess it's in Baltimore, more specifically in Mount Vernon, Baltimore?"
"You got it. On the way I'm going to drive you by the Hippo. Well, it was the Hippo but it closed down a few years ago. I say a few but damn, maybe five years ago? It was my first gay bar."
"Wait, WAIT," Finnegan exclaimed as he saw the road sign. 
"There? Are you telling me there was a gay bar on Eager Street? You have got to be kidding me. That's funny."
"I was very eager first time I went in, can't lie. It was iconic. Had a huge bar, pool tables although they took those out at the end, and then a big club and dance floor on the other side. It was here forever, from way before I was born. Now it's a fucking CVS. Shame. I saw my first drag show here too. That was fun. But anyway, welcome to the gayborhood."
Finnegan tried in vain to imagine a short-haired, young, newly out Emmett but was pulled out of his thoughts when they pulled into a parking lot.
"The Walter's Art Museum?" he asked, trying to hide his disappointment.
His dates always tried to find something that rich guys were supposed to enjoy. He'd been taken to a horse race once, to the Symphony, to innumerable plays and even more art museums. He hadn't enjoyed a single one. Well, the horses had been pretty.
"It's great, come on."
Finnegan had to give him credit, he was very good at feigning enthusiasm. He tried to mentally prepare himself for two hours of standing next to someone and staring at the same painting while saying absolutely nothing. He was always the first to move on because his dates never would, no, that would make them look uncultured. Hopefully it had a good café. Maybe he should get a headache. Hell, he probably would get a headache. As soon as they were inside, Emmett took Finnegan's hand.
"Okay, they have an amazing gallery, lots of pretty paintings to see but I don't like them. I would love to see the pottery collection but number one on my list is the photography exhibit. Do you really want to see the paintings?"
Thank God.
"We can absolutely skip them," he replied, maybe a little bit too quickly.
Pottery could be at least moderately interesting and how long could it take to look at a couple of photographs? At least there would be food afterwards. The architecture of the building itself was great. The pottery collection was diverse and enough of the pieces were gorgeous or interesting that Finnegan found himself enjoying it. Besides, Emmett's comments were cracking him up.
"It's not a penis," he found himself whispering.
"Oh please. The symbolism that all these placards talk about is obvious in this one. Those handles are absolutely dicks."
"I think it's just how they stuck it to the basin."
"Uh huh, sure," Emmett scoffed, moving on.
"Holy crap, those are handmade beads?"
Finnegan had to squint even with his glasses on but yes, the dress was made of what appeared to be at least a million tiny beads all woven together.
"I can't imagine how long it took to make all those beads and then they threaded them all. It's insane, honestly."
"It is but it's also still here which is kind of cool. It's one of the things I love about art," Emmett confessed.
"It's a way to become immortal, in a way. Want to grab a drink and then hit the photography exhibit?"
He was trying to be patient but knew the museum closed at five and wanted to have enough time to see everything.
"Sure, sounds good."
He didn't drink all that much but wondered if they had anything alcoholic around. A glass of wine would be nice. In fact, he briefly considered carrying a flask so that the next time he got taken on a date like this, he would be prepared. Unfortunately he had to settle for a diet Pepsi but hoped the caffeine would help keep him awake.
"I wonder what ISO they used here?" Emmett mused out loud after studying the same photograph from three different angles and distances.
There was no graininess and he wished the photographers were here so that he could ask. Finnegan blinked rapidly and looked over at the picture that Emmett was studying. It was certainly one of the more interesting pictures of the group but he wasn't sure what any of it was doing in an art museum. Emmett seemed to be enjoying it unless he was just putting on a very good act.
"I don't know anything about photography but I'm not sure that it's art."
He'd heard this before.
"You prefer more pure art forms?"
He didn't prefer any of it.
"I'm far from an art snob, trust me but It's just not in the same category."
The look on Emmett's face made him regret saying anything at all and he certainly didn't want to have a two hour long discussion about it but he really was a little bit curious about Emmett's thoughts on it.
"I guess that depends on what your definition of art is."
"No, I don't think it does. Using a camera to take a picture of something is just making a copy of it."
When Emmett gave him a look that he couldn't quite decipher, he went ahead.
"Okay, so there's a sound engineer and a composer playing the piano in the same room. The engineer records the song. There's only one musician in that room, right?"
His thoughts came out a bit of a jumbled mess but he hoped he got his point across.
"I'm not saying the engineer isn't skilled, that it doesn't take knowledge and practice and that his job isn't important, I'm just saying that it's different."
"I hear you."
Everyone had their own definition of art and even he sometimes wondered if the visual arts really belonged in the same category. Nevertheless he had decided that art made you feel and that there are lots of different ways of making that happen. A good book, a good song and a good picture were all art in his book.
"The pictures in your living room are better than this, well maybe not this one, this one is good but the rest of them."
That got Emmett's attention and he cocked his head to the side, looking at Finnegan.
"Do you really think so or are you just voicing your disdain of photography in general?"
He hadn't meant to come across so harshly, especially not since Emmett seemed to enjoy it.
"I wasn't trying to be mean and no... I like yours."
He assumed the set of three photographs on Emmett's walls had been done by a professional and he could see why they were popular. They drew him in almost immediately and once he figured out the pattern he liked them even more. The first had been what appeared to be a very normal photograph of a small group of trees just barely leafed out, the second zoomed in more to a single group of branches and the third showed the delicate veins of a single, young leaf.
Emmett was floored. Did Finnegan know he had shot those pictures himself? Had they ever talked about his photography? His camera was usually lying around his house but maybe it had been upstairs last weekend. Did he even want to Finnegan to know about it after his 'non-art' tirade? It didn't matter what he wanted because Emmett was not the kind of person to play games.
"I took those last spring."
It took a second for his words to sink in and when they did, Finnegan had to force himself to not squeeze his eyes closed and run away.
"You're a photographer, of course. Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean..."
Emmett held his hand up.
"It's fine, you're allowed to have your own opinion. At least you sort of like mine."
And thank God he had. Finnegan couldn't imagine how embarrassed he would've been if he'd said something shady about those.
"I'm a really crappy date. Sorry."
He led Finnegan over to a bench and sat down next to him.
"I'm sorry you haven't had any fun. This isn't exactly your speed, huh?"
"No, not really. I hate when guys try to impress me because I'm not all that cultured and I'm definitely not a snob."
Impress him?
"I wasn't trying to, Finnegan. I wanted to come, obviously and I hoped you would enjoy it. It's a bit of Baltimore that I think everyone should see. Would letting you pick the place for dinner help make up for it?"
It didn't seem possible but now Finnegan felt even worse than he had a few minutes ago.
"You don't have anything to make up for."
If anyone did, Finnegan knew it was him. He had assumed a lot and in this case certainly had made an ass of himself. 
"You pick and I'll pay as long as it's not fancy. No silver, no towels draped over arms and absolutely no escargot."
"I think I can manage that.  Ready to go, Finnegan?" 
He could have spent another half hour here easily but it wasn't all about him and he knew it.
"Whenever you are."
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heavens-bookshop · 2 years
"I had chosen our names, by the way," Stede says.
Ed, who has been rather enjoying floating on the edge of wakefulness in the glow of the early Caribbean sun, burrows a little deeper into the crook under Stede's chin.
"You what?"
"I'd chosen our names," Stede repeats. "For our new life. Like you asked."
There's enough distance now between this moment right here and that night on the beach that it doesn't feel like pressing on an open wound anymore. It's been healing, though there are a few bits of shrapnel still left underneath. Stede's soft lavender-scented skin against his helps with that, though.
"Oh yeah? And who would we have been in our alternate lives in China then?"
There's a beat of silence, and then: "John and William."
Ed snorts. "John and William? Pretty sure I told you to pick something cool. Those are not cool names, Mr Bonnet."
"Well, I was going for elusiveness," Stede says, affronted. "Would you have rather been… I don't know, Robert Incognito?"
Ed's propped up on his elbow now, smiling down at the slight pout on Stede's face, the sunrise-gold of his hair, and fuck he never tires of waking up to this.
"Better," he says. "Come on, something big!"
Stede purses his lips. "Mmm… Sir George Monatgue-FitzGerald."
Ed laughs. "God that's terrible, I love it."
"Fifth Duke of Berkshire," Stede continues, smiling.
"Jesus, it got worse."
"Second Earl of Granville."
"Just awful."
"Of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council."
"The fuck does that even mean?"
"...the third."
Ed buries his face into Stede's shoulder. "There's three of us? Fucking hell."
Stede plants a kiss into the crown of Ed's head. "That more along the lines of what you wanted?"
Ed lifts his head to kiss Stede on the lips, all soft and fuzzy round the edges from sleep. "Something like that," he says against Stede's mouth.
They spend the next short while like that, sleep-warm kisses in a tangle of legs and silk sheets, until Ed pulls back to look at Stede properly.
"So. What were you really thinking?"
Stede gives that stupid little half smirk he does when he thinks he's being coy.
"Ah, it's stupid."
Ed smiles and tenderly clasps one of Stede's hands between his own.
"I'm sure it is," he says. "Which is why I'm gonna need to hear it."
After a second or two of perfunctory resistance, Stede sighs.
"Edward and Gaveston."
"Edward?! Fuck, Stede, I think we were better off with John and William."
"No, not you Edward," Stede says, rolling his eyes. "King Edward. The second. It's… it's a play."
Stede is looking away now, and Ed suddenly feels like he's holding a wisp of smoke.
"Gaveston is not of noble birth, but wins the King's heart and is given titles and land and all sorts. The King's advisors aren't too happy about it and urge him to exile Gaveston. One nobleman asks him, 'why should you love him, whom the world hates so?' And Edward simply replies, 'because he loves me more than all the world.'"
The words settle achingly in Ed's chest, like a stone, and god Stede is always doing this, just saying things that flay him open and leave him for dead.
"I guess I had hoped to be that brave," Stede says, eyes shining, "to stand by the man I love."
Ed gathers him in close, breathes into the tangled mess of his hair.
"Hey it's alright," he says, and he means it, really means it. "You made it."
There's a sniffle in reply. "I suppose so."
"It's for the best really. There is no fucking way I would have called you Edward."
Stede laughs, a somewhat watery sound, and they're kissing again, bright and sweet and joyful. Soon they'll be called up on deck to give orders and make decisions - to be captains - but for now, Ed is happy to lie here in the sun, next to the man he loves more than all the world.
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charlywrites · 2 years
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Requested by anon
Request; Hey lovely, so I've been on a George's video marathon and I saw a interview with Toto talking abt Valtteri and George's crash last year, and how he could still be a Mercedes driver. Soooo, since you're taking requests I was wondering if you could come up something where George's is secretly in a relationship with Toto's daughter (reader) while he's still in William but close to move to Mercedes and she doesn't want to screw things for him but can't keep the secret from Toto anymore
Warnings; not really angsty but still a little bit i guess? italic + italic and bold are for the flashback <3
Note; look at my boy <3
✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩
Over the years, you had met so many drivers and befriended some that were around your age, being the Mercedes’ CEO’s daughter gave you some privileges like walking around the paddock and garage freely.
Most of the times, you would stick around with the Mercedes’ team though, but that was until you met George, one of the two drivers for Williams. Even if you already had friends amongst the other drivers, with George, it was different.
He was just so nice and sweet, it almost felt like it was impossible to have an argument with him. One of the things you loved the most with him was his old fashioned british expression, they would always make you laugh.
Walking around the different garages with Roscoe next to your feet, you were almost regretting when you suggested you would walk him around as he was asking for his walk of the day- it had been raining all morning and afternoon until a couple of minutes ago.
Thinking it was going to be a quick walk and since you loved Lewis’ dog so much, you thought it was going to be fun- you should have guessed that he liked long walks.
You had wrapped your arms around yourself to keep yourself from the cold, you were wearing the Mercedes’ coat and the hood was on your head but it wasn’t as protecting as it seemed. You didn’t understand how Roscoe could enjoy having his paws wet like this.
Especially since the rain was going to pour again soon as you had felt a few droplets falling on your face. Sighing, you tried to hurry Roscoe but he was being his little stubborn self, “ c’mon Roscoe, I’m sure Lewis isn’t going to be too happy if I bring you back soaking wet.”
“ Do you need help?”
Not recognizing the voice, you quickly turned around and saw one of the few drivers you hadn’t properly met yet, “ unless you know how to convince Roscoe to go back to Mercedes’ garage, not really.”
“ Ah yeah, I can’t help with that but I can offer you a place under my umbrella?”
“ That’s very kind, thank you!”
As he got closer to share his umbrella with you, the driver smiled as he presented himself, “ I’m George by the way, it’s lovely to meet you.”
“ I’m y/n, Toto Wolff’s daughter and Roscoe’s dogsitter occasionally.”
Just as you finished presenting yourself, the rain started to fall heavily again, now you had no other choice than quickly head back to the garage, getting to Roscoe, you lifted the dog and held him in your arms.
“ Blimey! The rain is stronger than before, let me walk you and Roscoe back to your team’s garage.”
Hearing the very british expression, you had to hold back a laugh, “ oh god, you’re so british!”
“ What?”
“ I’ve known Lewis for years and he never used that kind of slang I guess? But it’s cute!”
Maybe it played its part to make you fall for George because after knowing him for a few weeks only, you were already developing feelings for him- what felt surreal though, was that your feelings ended up being reciprocated, something you didn’t even dare to imagine at first.
As you two started dating, you agreed to keep it secret for now, after all the season hadn’t ended yet, George was in talk to take Valterri’s seat for the next season and you didn’t want to screw over his opportunity by dating him.
From the very beginning when you agreed on keeping the relationship secret for now, you knew the hardest part about it would be hiding it from your father- you had always been really close to him and you never kept anything important from him.
And you being in love and dating someone was something important. George made you so happy even if the time you had together was always limited and having to hide your happiness was incredibly hard- even more than you imagined.
A couple of times you thought about telling Toto about it, but you felt like you would be selfish to do so. Even if he was most likely going to be happy for you, you didn’t want to take the risk of getting in the way of your boyfriend’s move to Mercedes.
You promised yourself that you would not potentially ruin George’s chances of getting the seat he had always dreamed to have and would wait for the next season to break the news to your family and friends.
The past week had been rough for you, as the season was getting closer to its end, you were struggling with keeping your relationship with George secret. At this point, it felt like you were held back and couldn’t enjoy being in love.
You wanted to walk to the paddock with your boyfriend, be able to hold hands in public and kiss him whenever you wanted without having the fear of getting caught by someone. You just didn’t want to hide anymore, the thrill of having to sneak out was long gone.
George’s deal with Mercedes was close to be signed, you hoped that once it would be done, you’d be able to make it official and not wait until the start of the next season- you knew you wouldn’t be able to wait for another couple of months.
Even looking into your father’s eyes was getting hard, and with how down you had been feeling the past days, he was starting to question you about your current mood- he knew something was up but had no idea what it was.
You had talked to George about your struggles and had been very understanding and comforting. He even suggested that you’d tell Toto now instead of waiting until he was officially signed with Mercedes.
It was tempting but you loved George too much to do that, you knew how hard he had worked to get this opportunity- you were also aware of how hard it was for him to drive for Williams after doing so well in F2, he wanted more than to be stuck in the back of the grid.
You had been so lost between your feelings and what you should do about the current situation that you had almost forgotten it was another race weekend and if it hadn’t been for George’s texts reminding you, you wouldn’t have showed up on thursday.
The thursday weren’t the most interesting when you were just there to support the team, it was mostly press conferences and sometimes meeting fans. Most of the times, you’d stay with Angela, your dad or Bono but today you stayed on your own in a corner of the garage.
You had left George not more than ten minutes ago as he was needed for his press conference and you were already back to looking all broody. Trying to focus on something else, you opened your phone and navigated through your apps only to end up scrolling up on your camera roll and look at the album you had containing all the pictures you had taken with your boyfriend.
You were only taken out of your little bubble when you heard your father’s voice next to you,“ we really need to talk, y/n.”
“ About what?”
“ About what’s going on with you. Something happened, I don’t know what but it’s clearly hurting you.”
“ I’m alright dad, nothing happened.”
Saying this was harder than the last time, you had to look at your hands to avoid breaking down, to avoid telling him the truth, you had to keep this for only a few more weeks.
Toto sighed as he sat on the seat next to you, his arm wrapping around your shoulders, he pulled you in a hug, if you didn’t want to talk, the least he could do was to comfort you. But that gesture alone was enough to make you break down, keeping this for you was just too much.
Your reaction was far from being reassuring to your dad who could only worry more, he didn’t want to force the words out of your mouth but he needed to know what was going on, “ you can tell me what’s going on sweetheart, I promise to keep it for myself.”
“ Promise me that you won’t do anything if I tell you.”
“ I promise.”
“ I’ve been dating George for a couple months and I love him so much but please, don’t find another driver to take Valterri’s seat next season.”
Your father frowned at your words, even if the contract wasn’t officially signed yet, nothing would change his mind on the fact that George would be their new driver, “ George is not going to lose his seat, sweetheart.”
“ Really?”
“ Yes, why would he? The fact that he is dating you won’t change a thing, he’s a good guy and as long as he makes you happy, it’s all that matters to me.”
“ So, you’re not upset?”
“ No. All I want for you is to be happy and George seems to do that well, you’re always smiling when he’s around. And I’m going to be honest, I knew already about you two.”
You didn’t expect the conversation to go this well but even less to learn that your father already knew about George and you, “ how?”
“ I’m not blind, y/n. George looks at you the same way I look at Susie and your smile doesn’t lie, the way you smile at him is very telling.”
“ You know you’re the best dad ever?”
“ Well, I try my best.”
Smiling, you wiped the remaining of your tears from your cheeks and hugged your dad tightly- you couldn��t wait to tell George once he’d be out of the conference.
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quackiseok · 4 years
— my honeypie
dream team x reader || headcanons
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genre : fluff
warnings : swearing , public nervousness
anon asked : Omh your kisses hcs were so cute 🥰 could I request hcs with dream and george (and anyone else is you want!) with a shy reader?? Like, social anxiety and loner type of person? Thank you in advance, Darling! ❤
a/n : ANON ISTG YOU'RE THE SWEETEST 🥺💞 this is such a cute idea!! i'm so sorry this took so long but i hope you like it :] and i'm really sorry for the grammatical mistakes my brain was going WJEJRJRJRR while writing this OTL
song to listen to while reading :
he would be VERY careful around you
he would also be very caring towards you, always making sure that you're comfortable with him! :]
even though sometimes he would tease you by giving you cheesy pick up lines, he's actually the SWEETEST mf alive 🥺
he secretly LOVES how your face turns red when the two of you look at each other for more than 5 seconds 👉👈
as much as he wanted to tease you and just turn you into a human heater, he will refrain himself with all his might from doing so because he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable :(
and when the two of you are cuddling and you turned red because how close the two of you were? [internal positive screaming from dream cause— man, you're just too cute and that should be illegal]
has a thing for : you hiding your face on his chest or the crook of his neck when you're feeling embarrassed or flustered psst, he enjoys it when you do that because he thinks you're so adorable AAAAA
he would also definitely let out a giggle before pulling you into his embrace when you're feeling shy, just letting you melt and hide your face on his chest,,,,,,,,,,,
and he doesn't want you to feel bad for being shy, so he would ALWAYS be very comforting when you're being shy,, like patting your back in a hug while whispering sweet stuff and say that "it's okay! i love you just the way you are, don't be sorry for being yourself." HNNGBTHHHTH HE IS SO WHOLESOME IM GONNA BURST INTO TEARS
in public? 100% protective mode on the whole time
will literally give actual death glares to people who makes you uncomfy with zero hesitation
if someone is obviously making you uncomfortable? he'd step into the conversation, somehow smoothly brought the bond to an end like it's so smooth that the person probably wouldn't even notice the death glare he's giving,,
either way, you're so thankful he's really good at talking things out 🥺🥺
but you love his protective side since it makes you feel safe!! :]
he'll always check on you and make sure that you're feeling ok :) if you don't mind, he'll gladly hold your hand and bring you closer to him
he would always try to distract you from feeling nervous by asking about the things you're interested in so you'd be distracted and just happily focus with the conversation between the two of you 🥺
((he loves the way you beam up when you talk about the things you love 🥺💞))
so overall? dream is a protective, loving dog boy who will literally square anyone up if they dare make you feel uncomfortable
even though the two of you are both shy, george is definitely more protective over you
he 100% thinks you're so cute when you get all flushed around him so he couldn't help but tease you sometimes
but he does it occasionally and he only tease you mildly since he doesn't want to make you feel uncomfortable around him :((
has a thing for you getting shy in his hoodies, especially his merch hoodies >:]
why, you ask?
BECAUSE OOTMFMYGOD when you get flustered, your cheeks would go red and you'll cover your face with those cute sweater paws from his oversized hoodies and ohmyggdodod is it even possible not to let out a slight blush from the cute sight???
instead of admitting to you that he LOVES seeing you in his oversized hoodies, he would just randomly give you his hoodie and say stuff like "wear it, it's getting cold here." "wear this. it's comfortable, i swear." AAAAAAA <//3
ah yes, the two of you love cuddles and hugs but both are shy as well. what could happen?
the two of you are shy, of course. but this man would literally risk everything just to cuddle you, like even though he feels like he's gonna melt into a puddle if he makes a move on you, he does it anyways >:)
it's cute how he would just immediately turn red after giving you a hug, and you'll also turn red like him after a few seconds! but the two of you really said 'fuck it' and just melt into a puddle together ♡
but when in public?
george would 100% gets protective and less shy when it comes to protecting you
he would act SO COLD towards people who visibly makes you nervous or uncomfortable, so cold that he can end uncomfortable conversations immediately. mans deadass can stop the global warming with his attitude 😳
even though he looks cold, you're thankful that he can get the two of you out of such situations like that! :]
will let you play with his fingers when you need distraction or he'll show you cottagecore minecraft houses and ask you to build one with him later which would distract you from feeling nervous 🥺
and always make sure that you're feeling okay, and will offer you to go home and cuddle instead if you say you're not feeling great 👉👈
overall? george is a shy cat boy who secretly cares so much and will do anything just to see you smile or make you feel better
this mf right here will tease you almost everyday just to see you all flustered and red because of his cheesy words
but of course, he knows when to stop. mans knows the line!! :D
he just couldn't help it 'cause??? you're just so fucking cute????? like everytime he sees you his heart goes AKSJEKWKSJEJS because how cute you are 🥺
mans would definitely lift you up out of no where whenever he sees you doing nothing
like when you're walking down the hallway? he goes to you and just picks you up bridal style while nuzzling his face on you because DAMMMIT YOURE JUST WAY TOO CUTE >:(
or sometimes he would just hug you and lift you up while you're still in his embrace, your flustered face burried in his chest while he whispers out how much he adores you 🥺
basically just everything that involves him picking you up and shower you with lots of love, he'll do it 😳
you'd go all flustered which he absolutely adores but will immediately let you down if you said so and wouldn't do it again if you're uncomfortable with it :] ((he knows the limit babe ♡))
even though sapnap is a really sweet, clingy (in a positive way!), and playful guy; it's a different story in public
well i mean, he still acts really playful with you— but with the people who makes you feel uncomfortable? no mercy at all
like he can go from giving you the sweetest puppy eyes filled with stars to giving "i will snap your ass in half" glares to people who makes you nervous
sapnap will not hestitate to pull you closer to his embrace and tell the person that the two of you gotta go now and just walk away,
death glares are essential according to him
nonetheless, you're just thankful that he's there to save you from unwanted conversations with some people 🥺
will tell you his embarrassing but funny stories just to make you laugh and distract you from your nervousness despite him knowing the fatct that you would tease him with the story for weeks
he doesn't care, as long as you're happy 🥺🥺
would also play with your fingers and just ask you about random things to keep you distracted! :)
of course he'll crack so many jokes with you, and he just never fail to make you laugh happily 🥺
overall?? sapnap is a loving, playful dog boy who loves teasing you but then when someone else makes you uncomfortable he will growl at them
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honeybunnybeez · 4 years
How they react to the Dog Hand meme
♡Genre: Pure nonsensical fluff
♡Reader is Gender Neutral!
♡Member(s) involved: c!Dream, c!George, c!Sapnap, c!Karl, c!Quackity, c!Bad
♡Format: Headcanon(?)
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It never gets old watching your wolf practically sprint towards you the moment you open your hand in front of it. It never hesitates to rest its chin in your palm, wagging it’s tail happily and looking at you with adoring loyal eyes while it does so.
"Aren't you just the cutest thing in the whole wide world?" You coo as you nuzzle your cheek against its soft fluffy head. It barks happily as if to agree with your statement, earning it a few kisses and head pats before it goes on with its merry way to do god knows what before you call for its name again.
"You ever going to stop babying them?" Your boyfriend asks as he sits on the edge of your bed, a little jealous that your wolf gets so much more attention when he's literally sitting in the same room.
"Never in a million years, they're essentially my child now," you laugh as he huffs and rolls his eyes, still a little pouty from your previous actions. You swear to whatever higher power exists in the world that your boyfriend acts exactly like a spoiled puppy whenever he sees you playing with your wolf.
Wait, that actually gives you an idea.
"Hey," he watches as you outstretch your hand in front of him like you did with your wolf with the biggest grin forming on your face, "do the thing!"
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He can't help but laugh a little at how excited you look. Seriously, he thought you were pretty darn cute when you were playing with your wolf before, but now this? You're going to make his heart explode one day with how adorable you are.
"I'm not as cute as your little wolf though," he teases.
"Maybe not but hey, you can at least try, can't you?"
Even though he rolls his eyes at your words, he still walks up to you and lean down to rest his chin in your palm, giving you a lazy smirk as he does so. He laughs a bit when he sees you tensing up, genuinely not expecting him to go along with your little joke.
"So, am I cute enough for you?"
A kiss placed on the tip of his nose has you turning the tables on him and now he's the one growing flustered, pale face dusting with a little bit of red at the innocent affection.
"There, NOW you're cute."
"Oh, c'mon George!"
"No, (y/n)," he looks at you with an amused look when you whine out his name once more, staring at him with the best puppy eyes you can muster. Thankfully, after being friends with a few other people who can pull off impressive puppy eyes, he's gotten fairly immune to them by now.
"I'm not budging and that's final," you sigh and drop you hand to your side, pouting a little at being denied your fun.
Before you can react and exit the room defeated, a pair of hands cup your cheek out of the blue, shocking and flustering you.
"H-Hey, that wasn't the plan-!”
"No, but you didn't say I couldn't do it to you, now did you?" He presses a chaste kiss to your forehead, chuckling as you scrunch your face up a bit in mock disgust.
"Argh, I hate you."
“Aw, I love you too, sweetheart."
Sapnap has to catch you from falling because of how quickly he surprised you by practically hopping off the bed. He giggles as he holds you in his arm in what seems to be a dip, he was always a sucker for cheesy things like these.
"Holy shit, Sapnap," you can't help but gasp out, clinging onto him as your heart beats rapidly from your close fall. "Lord, I thought I was going to die-"
"You okay there, babe?" You nod in response to his question and stand up properly with his help. After a few seconds of calming yourself down, you outstretch your hand again and Sapnap wastes absolutely no time in resting his chin in your palm just like your wolf. You think that if you believed hard enough, you may just see a pair of ears and tail appear on him as well.
"You really live up to your pet name, don't you, puppy?" You can't help but tease.
"Mhmm, and this puppy really wants you to kiss and pet him now."
"What're the magic words Sapnap?"
"Uh... I love you?"
Well, that definitely pulled a snort of out you.
"Alright, fine. You get your kisses you dork."
He's definitely another one who doesn't hesitate to rush up to you to rest his chin in your palm, giggling and looking at you with the most lovestruck expression as he does so.
"Oh my god, Karl, stop being so cute all the time," your words make his heart feel all fuzzy inside and he can't stop himself from nuzzling into your hand, reveling in your attention
"Not until you give me more kisses than your wolf."
"Hmm, but my lips are feeling a little sore at the moment though," you joke, making him mock a pout back. "Maybe I'll have to take a raincheck on those kisses."
"Fine, then I'll do it myself!" You barely have time to react before you're quickly scooped up into his arms and dragged to bed where he covers your face in kisses, causing the both of you to laugh until your stomachs hurt from the lack of air.
Honestly, if someone asked you to pick between Karl or your wolf over whose cuter, you may actually struggle to answer that question when both of them smother you with love in almost the exact same way.
"You gotta say please if you want me to do that, sweet thing," lord, why did you expect Quackity to just go along with it?
"C'mon Quackity, please?"
"You can do better than that!" Lord, you just want to smooch that smirk off his stupidly good looking face.
"A little better, (y/n)." Okay, y'know what-
"Quackity, I can hear my wolf tippy tapping in the room next to us, I will literally just walk over to them and give them all your kisses."
Well, that threat definitely got to him- He stumbles and almost falls before resting his chin in your palm. He even grabs you wrist just for safe measures to ensure you aren't going to leave him for your wolf.
"I thought I get kisses with this thing as well?" Quackity whines, nudging your hand with his cheek as if to get you to kiss him quicker.
"You gotta be cuter if you want kisses, lover boy."
"Aren't I already cute anough?"
You open your mouth to argue but nothing really comes out, making Quackity giggle at your silence. You sigh and reward him with the kisses he wanted, much to his delight.
"Admit it, I'm definitely cuter than your wolf.”
"Doesn't automatically make you my favourite between the two of you though."
He tilts his head like an actual puppy as he stares at your hand, a little confused as to what you want him to do. He's totally lost please help this demon out.
"Do you want to rest your chin in my hand?"
Ah, there's that happy little gasp. He's quick to change to his more appropriate height before resting his chin on your palm, giving you something almost similar to an ‘UwU’ look on his content face.
"Okay, I can see why your puppy really likes doing this."
"Is it comfy?" He nods at your question, sighing in bless when he feels your other hand petting through his jet black hair. As you do so, you can see Bad's tail lift slightly behind him, wagging a little much to your amusement.
"Your tail is wagging Bad!" It doesn't take him long to remove himself from your hand, flustered and gripping onto his tail to stop it from moving anymore. He can't help but make a noise of complaint as he sees you giving him a smug little grin.
"(Y/n), you ruined the moment!"
"I'm sorry, Bad!" But your string of uncontained giggles really showed that you weren't all that sorry, much to Bad's displeasure. He’s so going to get back at you for that by cuddling with your wolf tonight instead of you.
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A/N: Hello! I am so sorry for this mess! I had major writer’s block and legit had to look at my old blog for some inspiration- I may be running a little dry nowadays and I’m incredibly sorry for that. Anyways, this was just a quick cute bit, I hope you all enjoyed reading!
(Requests are open and anon is on!)
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nonstoplover · 3 years
the tipsy and the jealous ~ eugene roe (band of brothers)
my masterlist  |  my hbo war masterlist
request: "Hey, I don't know if you write for Doc Roe but maybe you could write Roe or Liebgott being jealous of reader being friendly with someone else, thank you! Love your work btw <3"
pairing: eugene roe x female medic reader
short summary: eugene doesn't enjoy the sight of his best friend, (y/n) having fun with other men, even though there's nothing he can do about it.
words: 2.4K
a/n: this is my first time ever writing for none other but mr eugene roe !! thank you lovely anon for the request and for the compliment as well xx ( i'm excited and a bit nervous to write roe, i have no clue if it'll work or not, but eh anyway let's go 😊)
i've never played darts properly in my life so i have no clues about the terminology or just in general what the rules are of the game, etc. but i tried my best to make it look like i do!
taglist: @whoa-hersheybars​ @50svibes @pennyllanne​ @liebgotttme
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England, October 1943
Loud chatter, laughter and the clinking noise of glasses fill the small pub as groups of paratroopers enjoy their weekend pass there. Roe silently sips on his beer sitting at a table as he watches his best friend giggle on the other side of the room. She's just about to start a darts tournament with three other members of Easy. The teams are just being made - George Luz with her, against Skip Muck and Bill Guarnere.
(y/n) has tried to convince him only a few minutes prior to go and play with them, but he said no. It's already a surprise she managed to get him come to the pub in the first place - saying that even he needed to relax a bit every now and then. And he has to admit, it was nice. He was having fun, sitting across her at a table, just drinking beer and talking the time away. That was until Luz and the other two appeared to ask them about playing darts. Eugene could see it in her eyes how the thought of saying no to them has flashed through her mind, just because he said no - not wanting to leave him alone -, but then they eventually dragged her away. Almost literally.
His eyes linger on the scene folding out in front of him - (y/n)'s a bit tipsy from the amount of beer she's already consumed, slightly swaying even as she tries to stand still. She giggles, admitting that she's never played darts before and doesn't know how to do it. Luz immediately moves to stand behind her, his hand gently wrapping around her much smaller one to guide her movements.
Roe's grip on the glass tightens, his knuckles turning white without even him noticing it, but he still can't tear his gaze away from the small group. Only a couple seconds later she's throwing - or more like they're throwing - and hits a good score. George and her start screaming at the same time, their smiles wide as they turn to each other with a bit of disbelief in their sparkling eyes. He raises a hand for a highfive and (y/n) gladly slaps her palm into his.
The game then continues on, none of the four taking notice of how fast the time is passing as they have the most fun of the past couple long weeks - only the medic feeling like time's dragging. He slowly finishes his drink, his fingers still closely wrapped around the stein and his glance still trained on his best friend.
When it's (y/n)'s first completely own throw and she scores a lot of points, it turns out to be the last throw her team needed to win. George throws a fist in the air with a shout of joy escaping his lips before wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her in the air, spinning her around. He keeps on praising her and she keeps on saying it was just luck, but still she's giggling loud and happy, throwing her head back as she's moving in the air - strands of her hair that has escaped the braid she's made earlier in the evening flowing delicately around behind her.
Of course they're this happy - they've just won another round of alcohol paid by the losing team of Skip and Bill, and a pack of Lucky Strikes each. Who wouldn't be this happy? And Roe knows this, but still his heart clenches in his chest, watching her be so joyful and carefree instead of the absolute seriousness she always shows during the day. Watching how these emotions are drawn from her by Luz - and not him. Placing the now empty glass on the table a little bit more forcefully than he actually wanted to he stands up and makes his way to exit the pub. There's no point in being here anymore. He's only sitting around alone and the only person he'd love to spend time with has found better company for herself.
(y/n) doesn't notice him leave, too caught up in the euphoria of winning - only when she moves back to their table to finish her beer she left there before the game has started and to boast a little to her best friend about her win, and finds his seat empty. She looks around, her forehead already wrinkling in confusion as she tries to make his figure out in-between the crowds of soldiers, but he's nowhere to be found. A bit of worry already appears in the pit of her stomach as she jogs back to George. She tells him about Roe's disappearance and that she's gonna go and try to find him. She even lets him have her beer - the new, full glass of the cold beverage they've just won.
The young woman exits the pub, thinking about what could've possibly happened that ended in Eugene leaving. Maybe he's not feeling good? Maybe he drank too much? She lets out a giggle at the thought of that - she can't imagine him be drunk. She, on the other hand, is pretty close to being actually that, though the cool air of the October night helps her sober up a tiny bit the more time she spends outside, walking back towards the stable block they've been assigned to live in for their time in England.
When she can't find him inside, she moves around the building having no better idea as to where he might be - and there he is, sitting with his back against the back wall of the stable. He's been sitting there for so long it feels like multiple hours, gazing out of his head and fiddling with a blade of grass in-between his fingers, silently sulking in his grumpiness and jealousy. He knows he shouldn't feel this way, he doesn't want to be the kind of guy that doesn't let his girl spend time and have fun with other males - hell, what is he thinking? She's not even his, no matter how much he'd want that. Only his best friend, and best friends can't forbid each other from being with other people.
(y/n) moves to sit down next to him and nearly hurtles into the ground in her alcohol-dazed condition, her head instinctively falling on his shoulder as she gets as comfortable as she can on the cold and hard soil under her bottom. "Everything's alright?", she mumbles but he doesn't answer no matter how many long seconds she waits.
And though Roe's never been a chatterer - he's always been the more quiet type, keeping his thoughts to himself until it was necessary for him to speak -, ever since he and (y/n) have gotten close, he's been talking more. Well, when they were alone, just the two of them. It all started sometime back in Toccoa. With both of them being medics of Easy, they spent almost all their waking moments together. Training, learning all about first-aid and helping each other when one of them struggled to learn a specific bandage or something. And during these times, they slowly grew closer and closer, getting to know each other more with every passing day. It wasn't long before they were eventually best friends.
(y/n) tries again, asking him once more - but he still stays wordless. The previous worry sweeps back into her veins and she sits back up straight, slightly swaying as the alcohol is still working inside her body and getting a bit dizzy, but fighting the feeling she instead focuses on the man in front of her.
"What's wrong, Eugene?" She grabs his shoulders and shakes him lightly before turning his body to face her. His head moves in time with her actions, turning away so he still doesn't look at her. It doesn't stop the girl though, and she moves her gentle grip to his jaw to turn his face right towards her - looking deep inside his eyes as good as she can in the darkness of the night, trying to read the answer to her question from them.
"Why do you care? Go back and have your fun with Luz," he finally snaps, still seeing the scene of the paratrooper moving to stand behind her so easily and taking hold of her hand right in front of his inner eyes as if it's painted on the inside of his eyelids.
(y/n)'s eyes widen a bit at his harsh words and her mind starts slowly working to process his words and make sense of them - really slowly in her tipsy state. "What do you mean?"
"Nothing," Eugene answers with a huff before forcefully turning his head away from her again, using the chance her distracted phase gave him - her fingers loosening against his skin and eventually falling down to her lap as he moves out of her grasp.
What would a girl like her want to do with him anyway? He never even had a chance. It was all just stupid hopefulness that got him here. She belongs to someone like George Luz. Fun to be with, carefree and not afraid to speak his emotions and act on them - it's exactly how she is at least. Her perfect match would be someone like herself.
Then his words finally fully get to her head, and out of nowhere she lets out a giggle. "Are you jealous?"
He tries to deny it right away, without actually missing a beat - even though he knows he is - but she's already more than convinced about her little idea and she's just shaking her head in utter delight as she loudly giggles away. Soon it turns into a full on laughing fit, one she can't stop, and soon her sides start to hurt and her hands have to move to grab at the skin above her ribs to try and take the slight pain away.
The man she fell in love with is jealous of her spending time with other men? Hilarious. He's never even made a move, why is he jealous? If only he knew how she'd never spend another minute with anyone else if that was what he wanted - if she was what he wanted.
"You know, maybe I would be jealous too if I were in your place," she admits in dizzy blurriness, making him finally glance back at her - his frown changing into one of confusion instead of one of frustration.
No word leaves his lips, but as she spares a glance at him again, she can see the question of what do you mean swirling in his mind so she continues. "If you were having so much fun without me. With another woman." (y/n) shrugs nonchalantly as if her words were nothing extraordinary before slumping back against the wall. If she wasn't tipsy, she'd never have said this - but she was.
All Roe can think of is what the heck as he listens to her speak. Did he hear it right? With his eyes widening and the frown completely disappearing from his forehead he waits for her to continue - hoping and praying with all he's got that she will. Lucky for him, he already knows her almost too well so she does indeed continue speaking.
"I guess I want you all for myself. I love you too much to just hand you over to someone else, even if only for a little while."
Her eyes are trained on the night sky, counting starts and she's not even paying attention anymore to if she's speaking out loud or only thinking inside her head, to if she's alone or with someone else. She's too tipsy to think about things like this.
This time it's Eugene who sits up abruptly - scaring her in the process and her whole body shudders, head snapping towards him and eyes widening, even more so when he quietly repeats her words back to her and she realises what exactly she's said out loud and who she said it to.
(y/n) subconsciously holds her breath as she waits for him to speak, or just react in any way, but he's motionless - well, except his eyes. The two brown orbs frantically move around her face, the intensity in them making her heart skip a beat and blood rush to her cheeks. A couple long seconds later she grows bored of his movelessness and lets the alcohol buzzing in her veins take control and lead her next actions.
Her body leans in - almost losing balance and falling to the side but she equilibrates herself just in time -, and she presses a chaste kiss against his lips. It only lasts for a short moment, a blink of an eye, and then she's drawing back again. Eugene's still in the same position he's been since her drunken confession, the only difference being how his eyelids have closed because of her kiss.
Her heart is racing, the thuds in her chest and throat so loud she's sure he can hear them clearly. Why doesn't he say something? Do something? Anything. Slowly the thought of him not actually having feelings for her, not actually thinking of her as more than a best friend enters her mind, along with the fear in her heart that she's just ruined everything with her stupid actions.
But then just as she's about to push herself up into a standing position - the plan of going back to the pub and drink until she forgets all about this humiliating moment forming in her head -, one of Eugene's hands rise and touch her cheek, caressing her with utmost care and adoration, making her whole body freeze and her breath to hitch in her throat.
"I love you too, (y/n)," he finally mumbles, fighting back the happy grin as he pulls her face closer to his.
Their lips meet somewhere in the middle, melting into each other as they revel in the feeling of finally being able to act on their real emotions, their kiss slow and passionate to enjoy every small aspect of it as perfectly as they can. It lasts so long they both completely run out of breath by the time they eventually part - only to close the distance again, and again and again until their lips almost hurt, being swollen from the action of pure love.
.::the end::.
my masterlist  |  my hbo war masterlist
[wanna be added to my taglist?]
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regretthatsme · 3 years
A Morning I Wish To Forget
That's right! I wrote a part 2. I'm like a professional fanfic writer or something. Warnings: kinda angsty but fluffy ending, miscommunication, all and all very cute. Enjoy ♡
You can find Part 1 here!
The morning sun filled the room through the curtains. Y/N's eyes fluttered open. Her head rested against a rather fluffy pillow. She knew she was in the Room of Requirements, for these beds were much more comfortable than her dorm's beds. The sheets were made of a lovely silk, a cozy and warm blanket covered her, and the mattress was much sturdier so it actually supported her back.
Her mind wandered back to the dream she had last night. She didn't know why she dreamt of Harry. She's only talked to him a few times. But, she can't say that she didn't like the dream. Y/N had admired him from afar for a while. My, what his fingers could do, she reminisced. Her fantasies continued until she rolled over, expecting more bed. Instead, she was met with a muscly chest.
Her eyes slowly dragged up the body next to her. The tanned skin, the toned arms, the bruised neck, the handsome face, the iconic scar. Harry.
She gasped dramatically as she jumped out of the bed, unintentionally dragging the sheet with her. The commotion woke up Harry. His eyes shot open at the sudden coldness that overtook his body. His vision had not yet adjusted to the light, not to mention he didn't have his glasses on, so he was quite disoriented. His attempted to reach for his glasses, but it took a few tries.
"What on Earth are you doing in my bed?" Asked Y/N.
"What?" He questioned back. "Y/N it's me. Harry." He seemed to be confused by her question, like she was crazy for asking what he was doing in her bed. "Nice body, by the way." He smirked at the nude girl.
She looked down to see her body fully naked. She quickly grabbed the sheet to cover herself with. Why would I be naked? She racked her brain, trying to come up with a reasonable explanation. Did we sleep together? No. Can't be.
Unless that dream wasn't a dream.
And everything I though I dreamt actually happened.
"Harry? Did..... did we have sex last night?"
His eyes widened at this question. "I-I mean, yeah." His gaze avoided her own. His fingers awkwardly drummed on his thigh. He has beautiful legs. "We did." He sounded a bit choked up while he said it. "You said you wouldn't forget."
She could hear the pain in his voice as he said it. "Harry, that's not what I mean-
"No, I understand." He said. "It's fine. It's probably for the best, anyway. No feelings, right?" He finally looked at her eyes. Not into them, at them. Y/N stayed silent, not knowing what to say.
He got out of bed and grabbed his clothes. "It was fun while it lasted."
"I'll... see you around, I guess."
Harry was heartbroken to say the least. He really thought they had something, yet she didn't even remember what happened the night before. He was not ashamed to admit he cried a small bit.
Week after week went by. He laid in his bed all weekend and barely did any work the first week. On the second week, he stepped it up a bit and started eating full meals. He did homework and took up quidditch again on the third and fourth.
He knew he wouldn't get over her for a while, which sucked, but love hurts.
Y/N wished she could talk to him. Whenever she would try to get near him, he ran away. Well, not ran away. He wasn't booking it down the hallway, but he was intentionally trying to keep his distance.
She tried to get his attention. She tried to explain everything. She really did. He just kept slipping through her fingers. Until she had enough.
Library. Restricted section. 11:30 Please be there. ♡
She quickly scrawled on a piece of paper and placed in Harry satchel. Please don't run away from me again.
Harry was quite reluctant to go. He didn't know who wrote to him. The cursive handwriting was very pretty, but he doesn't recognize it. He knows it's not Ron; his handwriting is atrocious. He knows it's not Hermione; she writes in print. It's not Malfoy, Fred, George, Dean, Seamus, Luna, anyone! For this reason, he was very nervous to see who it was. Maybe Collin wrote a letter to him because he wanted more pictures.
He eventually made it to the library. He scanned the shelves as he made his way to the Restricted Section. There he was met with... Y/N.
He couldn't say her was happy, but he was somewhat... relieved? Like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. It's incredible yet extremity annoying how she had that effect on him.
"Harry, please. Let me explain." She got up from her seated position and walk towards him. Harry took a step away. She face somehow fell even more. She knew she hurt him but not that much.
"Please make it quick." Harry wanted this to be over and done with. He wanted to move on.
"What we did that night," she took a small pause to collect her thoughts. "I thought it was a dream." Harry looked at her. He was clearly puzzled by that statement. "I thought that it was a dream because it seemed so ridiculously far-fetched that you would want to sleep with me."
"Why?" Harry asked.
"I'm sorry?"
"Why is it so hard to believe I would fuck you?"
"Harry, be realistic-"
"I am being realistic. You're kind, intelligent, beautiful, stunning and - pardon my bluntness - a really hot woman. If anything, I'm not good enough for you." Harry expressed to her.
"What on Earth do you mean? You're the chosen one! Not to mention that you fine as hell and a fantastic quidditch player." Y/N said.
"So are you."
"I wasn't the youngest seeker in a century."
".... touché." Harry laughed as he glanced down at his shoes for a moment before her looked into her eyes. Not at them. Into them.
"So, would you like to go out on a date?" Said Harry as he rubbed the back of his neck. His shoes suddenly became very interesting again. He heard the soft shuffle of footsteps. Soon enough, his feet were joined with another pair. Fingertips met his chin and dragged it upwards. A soft flush painted his face as his lips were encased with a different pair.
"I would love to, Harry."
They embraced in a warm hug. He lifted her up and spun her around in his arms. A startled noise escape her lips. He gently places her back down.
"We did this in the wrong order, didn't we?"
"Perhaps, but when was Harry Potter the one to do things the correct way?"
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ourmiraclealigner · 4 years
Easy CO. Holiday Reacts
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Gif not mine! Credit to owner.
a/n: happy holidays everyone! i know everyone doesn’t celebrate Christmas, so if you don’t, no specific holiday is mentioned in this so everyone can read :)
warnings: none
taglist: @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @mavysnavy @ivy-miranda-2390 @ya-yeeteth @rayofshanshine @primusk @punkgeekchic @inglourious-imagines @wexhappyxfew @vintagelavenderskies @easy-company-tradition @meteora-fc @teenmagazines @order-of-river-phoenix @contrabandhothead
Richard Winters:
- When the holiday season rolls around, Richard can’t stop the excitement that arises in him.
- It’s not the gifts that excite him, Richard always tells everyone to not get him anything and that he already has everything he needs.
- He’s excited about the time that he gets to spend with you- decorating, cooking, and shopping for presents for friends and family.
- He loves the little break from work he gets, content with getting to sleep in, with you in his arms.
- He knows it’s time he’ll never get back, and he cherishes it more than any gift anyone could possibly get him.
- He finds himself happier than he ever thought he could be when he wakes up with you in his arms, protecting each other from the cold air that is just outside your mess of blankets.
- After a few minutes, he can’t stop himself from pressing light, fleeting kisses to your face, smiling when your eyes flutter open.
Lewis Nixon:
- Unlike Richard, gifts are a big thing for Lewis during the holidays.
- Since he grew up with a wealthy family, he uses his money to show his love.
- He showers you with gifts all month long, handing them to you with a smile, his hands sweaty with anticipation.
- “I know you mentioned wanting this a while ago, I just couldn’t find it anywhere until a few days ago. I’ve been looking all around.”
- He looks at you nervously as you unwrap the box, smiling when you realize it’s a book you had told him you were interested in reading.
- He wraps his arm around you as you thank him, pulling you into his side.
- “I’m glad you like it, sweetheart.” He mumbles as he presses a kiss to your forehead.
Ron Speirs:
- Ron is indifferent when it comes to the holidays.
- He’s not overly excited or overly annoyed by the holiday cheer, he doesn’t care either way.
- He doesn't spoil your fun though, taking you to go see the lights in the city and in your neighborhood.
- You both get bundled up, hands intertwined as you walk around with smiles.
- He’ll kiss your temple whenever your face lights up, mumbling “You like this one? It’s pretty.”
- As you walk back to the car, he’ll unbutton his coat before pulling you into his side, wrapping his arm and half of his coat around you.
- “You’re so cold, baby, let me warm you up.”
Eugene Roe:
- Growing up with a big family, the holidays always meant chaos for Eugene.
- When he went away to fight, he spent too many away from home, experiencing a new kind of chaos.
- So, when you and Gene spent your first December together, he was shocked to find himself relaxed every night.
- He’d sit on the couch, exhausted and eyes half lidded as he watched you hang up the decorations and hum to yourself.
- “Come here.” He’d always end up mumbling, patting the open spot next to him. “I miss you.”
- When you did, he’d wrap his arm around your shoulder, leaning his head against yours as he let his eyes finally shut.
- “Let's keep the decorations up until after the New Year… they’re too cute to take down right away.” He sleepily mumbles, fingers rubbing soft patterns into the skin of your shoulder.
George Luz:
- George loves the holidays, and he’s not afraid to show it.
- Every year he goes above and beyond, coming home with more decorations than the year before.
- He’s always humming some sort of song as he’s working around the house, and even loves to help you in the kitchen.
- He’s always gently tugging on your waist after a few minutes, whining and begging you to slow dance with him.
- When you finally agree, his head immediately nuzzles into your neck as he softly sings whatever song is playing (somehow he knows them all).
- After a few songs he lifts his head, pressing a light kiss to your nose as he mumbles, “I’m so lucky I get to spend another holiday with you.”
- He’ll press a chaste kiss to your lips before pulling away, stepping closer to the counter. “Teach me how to make these.”
Joe Liebgott:
- Joe tries to act like he hates when the holiday season rolls around, but deep down, he loves it.
- He’ll help you decorate, feigning a few sighs as your favorite record plays softly in the background. After some convincing, he’ll start a fire in the fireplace, your small, shared house cozy as his cat hits some of the decorations with their paw.
- “Joe, you really don’t have to help me.” You say softly, “I don’t want you to be miserable.”
- He feels his chest tighten, his cheeks flushing as he realizes how pretty you look as the soft light of the fire hits you.
- “No, no, it’s fine.” He responds, his tone gentle. “It’ll be quicker if I help, right?”
- You chuckle, knowing Joe was having a better time than he was letting on. “Right.”
- He kisses your cheek, hand lingering on your back before he mumbles “Let me help you with this..”
Don Malarkey:
- Don gets quiet during the holidays.
- December always brings back memories he’d like to forget, and he finds it hard to come back after he shuts down.
- But, you brought new life back to the month, replacing the sorrow and dread he felt with love and happiness.
- You prefer to stay in most nights, forgoing endless invitations to dinners and parties to be able to stay inside, exchanging small gifts and kisses as you listen to the radio.
- You stay wrapped inside of a blanket, pressed against his side as he runs his fingers through your hair most nights.
- He’ll quietly sing if he knows the lyrics to whatever song is playing, his deep soothing voice lulling you to sleep.
- And once he realizes you’ve fallen asleep, he’ll gently pick you up and carry you to bed, pressing a kiss to your cheek before slipping in next to you.
Chuck Grant:
- Chuck tries to be home a lot earlier than usual when December rolls around.
- Other months, he finds himself working later than he planned, always feeling guilty when he walks through the door to find you haven't eaten dinner, and were waiting for him.
- So, he makes a point to always close on time in order to be home as you start cooking, so he can talk to you and help you.
- You don’t do much for the holidays, opting to just spend it with your families when the days roll around.
- Of course, you’ll get each other gifts and drive around to see the lights, but nothing much besides that.
- Growing up, Chuck's family never did much for the holidays, so that was what he was used to.
- As you lay in bed, his hand running up and down your side, he’ll mumble “I love doing this with you..just you and me here, nothing to worry about.”
Floyd Talbert:
- You and Floyd are very seldom home or alone during the holiday season.
- You’ve both made a lot of friends, so almost every weekend you’re having dinner or at a party celebrating.
- You spend a lot of time and money on gifts for friends and family, and it seems as if you’re trying to figure out a new dish to bring to every party.
- He still tries to make the month special for you, making sure there’s a few days that you both can just stay home and relax.
- After a few years, though, Floyd gets tired of the constant get togethers, so you both decide not to attend anymore.
- You spend the nights at home, alone together, sometimes venturing into town to see a holiday movie.
- He prefers it this way, always telling you how much he loves being alone with you.
Shifty Powers:
- Shifty prefers to spend his time outside during the holidays.
- As soon as he gets home from work he’s changing into warmer clothes, wanting to get outside as quickly as possible.
- Any winter activities, you’ll end up doing.
- He loves sledding and building snowmen (even though it always ends up in a big snowball fight).
- You went ice skating once, but it ended in a lot of bruises between the both of you as neither of you could keep your balance.
- He prefers somewhere private anyway, as he likes to press kisses to your red nose to try to keep it warm.
- “You look so cold, baby..why don’t we start heading inside?” He’ll always say as the sun begins to set.
Bill Guarnere:
- December means lots of time with Bill’s family.
- It’s quite a stressful month for the both of you, trying to figure out what days to go to his family, what days to go to yours, what gifts you’re going to buy, what dish you’re going to bring, etc.
- Bill is hardly any help, he’s awful at relaying information between you and his mom and sisters.
- He tries, but always forgets by the time he means to tell you.
- He’s used to the holiday stress though, so he doesn’t let it cloud his joy.
- When he sees it start to affect yours, though, he does what he always loved to do as a child- go get candy.
- With a big smile, he takes you to the candy store he often went to as a child, getting a bag full of his favorites and new things to try, so you can both go home and enjoy.
Joe Toye:
- Joe is the only one that genuinely does not like the holiday season.
- He pretends it isn’t happening, and treats the whole month like it was just any other.
- He is clear about not wanting any gifts, and will get upset if you try to give him any.
- Of course, he’ll get you one or two, to try and show how grateful he is for everything you’ve done for him and how you’ve stuck by his side.
- But, there's no decorations, or baking, or strolls through town looking at the lights.
- After a few years, he loosens up, but still has no interest in doing anything except getting gifts and letting you make cookies.
- He’ll always apologize, though, feeling awful for taking away your fun, but hoping you’ll understand.
Babe Heffron:
- Babe’s excitement is up there with George’s, but is not quite as high.
- He loves it more than you, and will spend all month talking about how excited he is, and how much fun he’s having.
- He’s used to getting spoiled by his mother though, so he keeps bugging you to make all of these recipes his mother does until you give in.
- Babe is also constantly slipping and falling on ice, so you’re constantly cleaning and bandaging small cuts and scrapes.
- You swear he comes home with a new one everyday.
- Once you finish, he’ll always press a light kiss to your lips, a soft smile on his face as he looks down at you.
- “Thank you for taking such good care of me, baby.” He’ll softly mumble.
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i-amm-writing · 4 years
Senseless Short Story Shamble:
--fluff, mystery, adventure, romance, YA
Amber and scarlet colored leaves danced on the ground, stirred up by a Southern wind. I pulled my cardigan closer around me. Always a woman who dressed for the season, I had a large collection of cardigans specially selected for the fall. But that's not exactly important. I took a deep breath. The fresh, autumn scent had a calming effect.
It was a nice day to take a walk in the park.
A man on the path walked quite a ways in front of me, slowly heading towards me. Studying him for a moment, I noticed he looked nervous. I frowned, glancing away, then looked back at him. Suddenly his eyes met mine and he smiled.
Oh shoot. Do I know him? Who is he?
He came towards me. Even more surprising, he quickly pulled me into a hug. I was speechless. He was warm, and he smelled good, but I still had no idea who he was.
"Pretend you know me," he whispered in my ear.
"What? Do I — Who are you?"
"Just do it."
"Okay," I said, nodding my head and managing a smile.
He finally released me from the hug and placed my arm through his.
I chewed on my lip. Was he some sort of kidnapper? A serial killer? Was he going to shove me in a car and hurt me?
I stopped walking, gently pulling on his arm, all the while keeping a smile on my face. "Who are you?"
"You could get in a lot of trouble if I told you."
"I could also get in a lot if trouble if you don't tell me. How do I know if I can trust you? If I can't trust you, why should I help you?"
He smiled, leaning towards me, keeping up a good act. "I'm a surveillance operative. I work for the government." He slipped an ID into my hand. I studied it. It looked real enough. He took it back.
"You're a spy," I said. "Wha—why do you need my help?"
"I don't want to get caught. I need to blend in. You were the, um, best person I could find. I'm sorry."
"Are you going to help me or not?" His grin could melt the North Pole, but his voice pressed for a quick answer.
I nodded. "What do you want me to do?"
"Just keep walking and talking. We're friends, okay?"
We continued on, dry leaves crunching beneath our boots.
"So, what's your name, friend?" the man asked.
"It's nice to meet you, Danielle."
"You can call me Dee, if you'd like. Um, what's your name?"
"Maybe just call me George."
"Well, if you're going to fake your name, the least I can do is give you a better alias than that. What about Derek?"
"I guess."
I smiled, satisfied. We walked down the sidewalk, coming back into the city, leaving behind the beauty of the park. I had really wanted to enjoy the colors -- but things were definitely not going as planned.
We walked on for several blocks, smiling and making small talk. But soon, I started to feel a new mood in Derek. His body was tense.
I chuckled nervously. "What's wrong?"
Without warning, he gripped onto my arm and pulled me into an alleyway. It was dark and stinky.
"Shh," he said, covering my mouth with his hand. He pressed my back against the wall, holding me tight around my waist. It was as though he wanted to become one with the wall — sandwiching me in between. His eyes flickered towards the street, watching for something to appear in the distance.
What's happening?
I struggled a little. He ignored me, his eyes still glued on the street. He was too strong to fight with, and too much of a stranger to trust. I shook my head, trying to get loose from his hand.
Finally, his hand slipped from my mouth. His body sagged against mine. "They're gone."
"Who?" I snapped, pushing him away.
"The thugs that were following me," he said simply. "Listen. I'm sorry I got you into all this. It's definitely not the most professional thing I have done." He growled underneath his breath. "I'm no rookie, but boy have I made a rookie's mistake."
"You panicked."
His eyes shot to mine. "What?"
"You got scared. There's nothing wrong with that," I said. "What is wrong though is you keeping me in the dark. I deserve to know what's going on. Afterall, it's no longer just your life on the line."
"You talk like this happens to you everyday."
"Well, maybe not stuff like this. It's just that I can think pretty clearly under pressure."
"Unlike me, it appears."
"Maybe, but that still doesn't dismiss the fact that I have no idea what's going on. Talk to me, or I'm out of here."
He bit his bottom lip, staring off into the street. A few minutes passed, and he still hadn't said anything.
I herumphed and started to walk away. With quick ease, he grabbed my arm and pulled me back to stand in front of him.
"Don't. Are you crazy? That would be dangerous."
"It wasn't dangerous until I met you!"
He sighed. "I don't know how much I can tell you. Above all, this is serious business. You can't be fooling around."
Voices sounded from the sidewalk. Oh great. What a suspicious sitiluation this must look like, I thought.
Suddenly, Derek jerked me towards him. His lips collided with mine. His arms wrapped around me. Surprised, I allowed him to kiss me. I sort of knew what he was trying to do -- but still, the least he could have done was warn me!
Quiet and quick, the sidewalk strollers passed by. Why disturb the lovers, right? That would just be awkward. But at least they were gone.
Still, Derek continued to kiss me. And, strangely enough, I started kissing him back.
Finally, we pulled away.
He caught his breathe. "Ar-are they gone?"
I nodded. "They've been gone for a while."
"That's, uh, good. I think." He stepped back a step and cleared his throat. "We'd better get moving again. I need to get back to HQ."
He offered me his arm. I took it quietly. After a while of silence, Derek actually spoke up.
"I'm sorry. About, uh, what happened back there."
"You panicked again. No need to say sorry," I said. "But, maybe you could warn a girl before you do something like that again? Just some advice for future escapades."
Derek stopped walking. "Do you seriously think I plan on just grabbing random woman and doing stuff like this? Believe me when I say this is the first time anything like this, or, uh, that, has happened."
"I'd hope so. Still, just warn me next time."
"Next time?"
I stared up at him. "You know. When you panic."
He shook his head. "I won't panic."
"So, you won't kiss me again?"
He nodded. "I promise I won't. Again, I'm sorry I did it the first time. It violated your personal space and I overstepped my bounds."
I lifted my shoulders. "Well, considering everything, I didn't exactly fight you. And it did provide a good cover."
Derek stared at me. "Yes. It did. But I promise it won't happen again."
Finally, I came right out with it. "You seemed to enjoy it."
"In all honesty, I did. But that's beside the point."
"What's the point, then?"
"The point is; we don't know each other. It was just an accidental kiss. And I'm sorry about that."
"I'm not asking you to apologize."
"You're not?"
I shook my head. "I'm saying I'm just as guilty of enjoying that kiss as you are."
"You are?"
His brows furrowed as he continued walking. We traveled on in silence for quite a while. I wanted to smack myself. Idiot. You jumped to the wrong conclusion. He doesn't like you. Who would? You're just an awkward bookworm!
Suddenly, Derek stopped walking. He turned towards me, rubbing his chin. Then he smiled. "I actually think I'm panicking. Imagine that." His arms slipped around me, drawing me in until our lips met. After a few slow seconds of that, he drew back and looked me in the eyes.
"Satisfied?" I wondered.
He shook his head. "It might take a lifetime to satisfy this craving. But, I'm afraid there are more pressing matters at hand at the moment. We're still in danger of being recognized, remember?"
"How could I forget? But, you're the spy. Tell me you have a plan."
"Dee, you've seen first-hand that I don't have a plan at all."
"But you've made up for it by being cute."
He shook his head. "Now, don't distract me."
I smiled. "I'll do my best not to. You have my word."
But Derek didn't hear me. He was looking across the street. Then he suddenly grabbed my hand. "Run!"
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-sigh-. . .I was bored again.
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manuelmueller · 6 years
AU in which Thomas' best friend drags him to yoga class with her because she doesn't want to go there alone, Manu happens to be the super cute teacher and Thomas is head over heels for him and tries not to embarrass himself in front of Manu (and fails)
“But I don’t need to go to yoga! I’m fit enough!!” Thomas exclaimed, shooting Lisa an exasperated look.
She only lifted a single eyebrow. “You mean you don’t want to go. C’mon, you promised!”
Thomas huffed. “Just because you don’t want to go alone.”
It wasn’t like Lisa wouldn’t go on his own, he knew. She was one of the toughest people he knew, and beautiful on top of that – if she hadn’t already had a boyfriend when they’d first met, maybe they would have become something else than best friends. Though by now, she was more like the sister he never had.
“We were an uneven number last time,” she’d said a week ago, complaining about how everyone else was already paired up, “and it’s not like I mind doing the exercises with the teacher, he’s a nice guy, it’s just that I’m not nearly as good as him so I can’t keep up. Also he’s way too heavy for me.”
She’d slapped him when he’d made a remark about if Georg knew about her doing gymnastics with another man, wiggling his eyebrows. Of course he didn’t mean it, but in the spur of the moment – or rather, when Lisa had tried to hit him with a pillow – Thomas had quickly agreed to come with her next time as an apology.
By now, he regretted the offer. The yoga pants he was wearing made him feel naked, and he knew they made his already skinny legs look even skinnier and he wasn’t looking forward to all his limbs aching the next day either.
His best friend only rolled his eyes at him with a wide grin, eyes fixed on the road. “Don’t be an idiot, you look fine. Those pants make your bum look great, actually.”
To be honest, Thomas was more concerned about his bulge being so clearly visible. He really didn’t know why she’d forced him to wear them either, he was pretty sure it’d have been fine to turn up in sweatpants. Something was up, judging by how her smirk only grew wider when they got out of the car.
The room where the class was held felt comfortable, the floor made out of polished plywood, a few big overhead windows drenching it with light, a big mirror on one of the walls.
About a dozen women were seated on the floor on thin gym mats, quietly chattering among themselves. None of them payed the two of them any attention.
There were two mats still empty right at the front of the class, both of them a deep red. Lisa led Thomas towards them.
They’d just sat down when someone called her name. “Lisa, hi!”
It was a guy’s voice, and Thomas froze as soon as he turned around. The tall blond had the most beautiful smile Thomas had ever seen, giving him a very youthful air that was only highlighted by slightly messy, short hair, rounded cheeks lightly dusted with stubble and a pair of striking blue eyes.
“Heya Manu!” Lisa grinned, waving at him as he jogged up to them, another mat tucked underneath his arm.
He rolled out the mat just front of them before facing them again. He smiled at Thomas, and suddenly, Thomas was very glad he was already sitting because he was sure his knees would have gone weak.
“Is this the guy you told me about?”
Lisa nodded. “Yes, this is Thomas, my best friend.”
The blond’s smile grew wider but strangely also more timid as he held out his hand for Thomas to shake. His hands were big, the palms surprisingly soft. “Hello. I’m Manuel.”
Thomas returned his smile with a nod. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see Lisa grinning. He knew exactly what she would say – it wasn’t often that something managed to render him speechless.
But he couldn’t even care, not when he was lost in the eyes of the prettiest man he’d ever seen. He was built too, Thomas noticed, with toned arms and broad shoulders and a sculpted torso leading to a surprisingly narrow waist, his legs looking firm and strong.
He startled a bit when the blond cleared his throat awkwardly. Thomas wasn’t sure if he imagined his cheeks flushing as he torn his eyes away from Thomas’, standing up.
He clapped his hands together. “Alright class! Thanks for coming, we’ll start with something easy today seeing as we have a new member. Everyone say hi to Thomas!”
Thomas blinked.
He turned to Lisa, his mouth slightly gaping. “Why didn’t you mention that your teacher was this cute!” he hissed, “I’m gonna make a fool out of myself!”
She only giggled.
He did, actually, make a fool out of himself. Never mind that he was flexible but not nearly flexible enough for some of the exercises – five minutes in he already got distracted while attempting to do the downward dog by the teacher’s – Manuel’s – backside looking especially scrumptious in his dark blue yoga pants. Which, in that moment, was only a few inches away from his face.
Thomas tried to ogle him as discreetly as possible – he didn’t want to seem like a creep. It only took him so far when Manuel then bent his back just a little more, and with a little yelp, Thomas faceplanted, prompting thinly-veiled giggles from the other students who probably enjoyed watching him suffer.
Lisa didn’t budge, her eyes closed, but Thomas could make out her grin anyway.
The rest of the lesson went in a similar fashion, and when it finally ended after thirty minutes Thomas collapsed on his mat with a groan, deciding that yoga really wasn’t for him. 
No matter how cute the teacher might be.
He’d closed his eyes, so he didn’t immediately notice someone crouching down in front of him.
“You okay?” Manuel’s voice was softer than during the lesson, almost tentative.
Thomas opened one eye, squinting up at him. The sun was catching in his hair, making it look almost golden.
“Sure,” he said, letting out another groan as he propped himself up on his elbows. Manu offered him a hand, pulling up to his feet. When they were both standing, he let it linger, their hands awkwardly clasped in between them.
By now, most of the girls had cleared out of the room. Thomas managed to catch a last glimpse of Lisa as she walked out of the door, throwing a last cheeky wink over her shoulder.
He turned back to Manuel, whose cheeks once more were tinted pink as he quickly let go of Thomas’ hand, shoving his into his pockets instead.
“Um. I’m sorry if I ruined your class. I’m not really cut out for this.”
Manuel chuckled, shuffling his toes. “You didn’t ruin anything. These girls have been coming here for months, if not years; most of them weren’t an ounce better than you during their first lesson.”
“Ah,” Thomas smiled. He was really starting to find Manuel’s blushing adorable. “I guess I better should have started with a beginner’s class then? Is there one I can sign up for?”
“My colleague Robert teaches the beginners, actually,” Manuel says, “but when Lisa asked I allowed her to bring you along, since I agree that she needed another partner than me. Actually,” he fiddles with the hem his shirt, “I wouldn’t mind you coming back.”
Thomas’s heart skipped a beat. He could feel his smile growing wider as he searched for Manuel’s eyes. “Alright then! I guess if you don’t deem me a hopeless case after today, there’s still hope.”
“Great!” Manuel beamed before apparently remembering to compose himself again, schooling his face into a more professional expression. “I guess I’ll see you next week?”
Thomas cleared his throat. “Actually, I wondered … would you like to get a coffee with me?”
He really thought that he could get used to the look on Manuel’s face as he nodded shyly but enthusiastically, blushing even more.
(”I knew it!” Lisa yelled when he came home that evening with a big grin on his face and a new number saved in his phone. Turns out she’d been planning to set them up all along.
Considering how smitten Thomas already was with Manuel after only one date, he didn’t find it in himself to be cross with her.)
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