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burning-sol-but-ocs · 13 days
Finished the rough for a MAP part. I animated this in Blender because I find the interface easier to use in regards to the animation itself- but I'll be taking these and rendering the frames in CSP so that I can give it the polished look I want. (SORRY I REPOSTED THIS BCAUSE THE VIDEO DIDNT WORK FOR SOME REASON)
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burning-sol-but-ocs · 14 days
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burning-sol-but-ocs · 14 days
get yourself a main character whos two primary emotions are "little cunt" and "catatonic with grief"
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burning-sol-but-ocs · 15 days
Thinking about Eclipse Rain's multiplicity because I get to project however I want onto him. His headmate Merula (Turdus) is a literal demon inhabiting his body after it was offered as a child in exchange for its parents' immortality, but unfortunately for them Merula wasn't very impressed and eternal LIFE doesn't necessarily have to mean being immune to murder... So she absolutely tore his parents asunder and Eclipse was later found curled up in a closet, the outside covered in gore and writing drawn in blood.
There was surprisingly nothing to indicate that Eclipse had murdered his parents or had left the strange markings, so authorities chalked it up to a murder by the local cult considering that Eclipse's parents were involved in it (even though nothing about the crime was relevant to the cult's beliefs or practices). Eclipse was very very traumatised and has complete amnesia regarding this as well as other childhood abuse and something something dissociative disorder... You get it.
Eclipse doesn't really understand why he's always been a troublesome child, chalking up his odd behaviour to "mood swings". When Eclipse hasn't eaten he gets "unusually hangry" and often has "odd cravings".. It has "compulsions" to graffiti despite cognitively having no desire to break the rules and otherwise act like a delinquent. As a highschooler, he has a reputation for being incredibly depressed and a loner. It was initially a target of bullying until suddenly acting out with such violence and vitriol it was suspended and the student he'd hurt moved schools before it had even returned to school. Everyone has mixed feelings about Eclipse, and Eclipse doesn't have the capacity to understand others let alone himself most of the time so..
Honestly, idk what I really have in plan for Rain's story. I'm kind of just projecting onto it for now and using him to vent my angst and my need for edginess.
I also just find him funny because he's comedic levels of depressed to me. Like it's sad but also when you talk to it, it's always saying things as if there's a :( as the end of his sentences. Instead of running around for sport it lays face down because he's so tired and the P.E teacher was given a note ages ago from its guardian excusing it from participating if he doesn't want to. It's wearing a shirt with a big frowny face, he was emo before knowing what emo was, it doesn't have anything to talk about because it's not interested in things. Depression icon tbh.
Then that's contrasted with Merula who just be bringing a mysterious flask to school and keeps starting shit and is strangely fun to be around while also being super scary.
Boys will see the ghoul in their class that clearly has something wrong with it and love that freak. Everyone lining up for boy too sad to notice you are trying to flirt and girl who can put out a cigarette on them. That song You're So Creepy fr.
Eclipse Rain can be problematic plural, depression, trauma rep if its heart desires.
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burning-sol-but-ocs · 15 days
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a divergent version of eclipse not to be confused with eclipse rein. this design pulls from eclipse's very early design and has elements of later designs.
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burning-sol-but-ocs · 16 days
reminder that coming up with some fake little dudes and creating intricate storylines in your head is a completely free and fun way to pass the time and the government can't stop you
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burning-sol-but-ocs · 17 days
being mentally ill about your ocs, is waiting for someone to read your mind and ask about the 457643235 ideas that even you don’t know about
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burning-sol-but-ocs · 17 days
“No one wants to look at art of OCs” I don’t think that’s true at all…I follow people specifically to see their OCs literally all the time. Bring back being curious about people’s OCs, asking questions about them and hyping them up like we did when we were teens
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burning-sol-but-ocs · 17 days
Can u tell me about ur ocs?
I dont know about them either
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burning-sol-but-ocs · 17 days
Having ocs is fucked up they make you wake up and think stuff like what if i learn to code in renpy and make this into a visual novel. Who said that
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burning-sol-but-ocs · 17 days
if i say "i imagine" or "i think" in regards to my ocs its because i dont knowwwwww. theyre living their own lives im just filming them at occasional moments and calling it a day
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burning-sol-but-ocs · 17 days
i wanted to ask you….
/gets down on one knee
can our ocs hang out
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burning-sol-but-ocs · 17 days
clutches head...... my ocs...
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burning-sol-but-ocs · 17 days
i go to open my character tags and out comes a little fly bumbling through the air. it buzzes away. i dont even get to have the fly
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burning-sol-but-ocs · 17 days
we oc based artists stick together
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burning-sol-but-ocs · 2 months
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