best-iptv-provider · 3 months
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bradsbackpack · 1 year
Digital Security on the Road: Why a VPN should be in your Travel Bag
As we travel more and more, more travellers than ever rely on the internet for a wide range of activities. Whether that’s communicating with friends and family, staying up to date on your instagram, and even working if you’re a digital nomad. While accessing the internet has become easier than ever before, it also comes with an increased risk of cyber threats, particularly when travelling. Thats…
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crazydiscostu · 1 year
Lets watch Korean cooking shows!
Today we’re looking at a new VPN subscription service on the market. Join us for a definition of VPN and a review of the ConnectVPN service – a service that boasts its focus on customer need, rather than bloated service add-ons. What Is A VPN? Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a tool that can protect your online privacy, keep your data secure, and allow you to access content that might otherwise…
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inhidingxoxo3637 · 1 year
Me pretending to be shocked Acosta crashed at Le Mans for the third year in a row
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fawndues · 2 years
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i hate to say it but blowing shit up could actually solve so many things like i think we overlook simply Blowing Shit Up as an answer too much
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darlings and sweethearts of the him side of tumblr i have a question for you
do anyone of you know the whereabouts of the iconic halloween gig (full) from 2004 on the yt?
because recently i wanted to rewatch it during my shift with my friends as one should while working for minimal wage and it was nowhere to be found
and i’m almost certainly that it’s hidden from my him concerts playlist
so if you see something say something and all of that jazz
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dragonowlie · 2 months
computer mana please come back to me...
computer mana...
computer mana come back to me
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dipnots · 6 months
Features of the Most Reliable VPN Services
In today’s interconnected world, where privacy concerns and data breaches are rampant, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have emerged as indispensable tools for safeguarding online activities. However, not all VPN services are created equal. While some may offer flashy features or enticing deals, the true mark of reliability lies in a set of core features that distinguish the best from the rest. In…
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funforahermit · 1 year
so anyway i'm v excited about all my new rhys darby related shirts and hoodies and i hope they'll arrive soon 😌
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fuckin. apparently kiraras a shielder. looks like dendro layla. already seems better than baizhu lol.
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abyssmalice · 2 years
(sending one email shouldnt give me so much fucking anxiety but it does sdygcysdgduygdygysud i hate doing i.mmigration-related stuff)
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w.count: 2k - he who is the most patient also yearns the most
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zhongli met you for the first time when you came to the harbor on a extensive, work-related trip. some sort of negotiation at the port with certain shipment partners and possible trade opportunities. you had come from port ormos in sumeru, so he imagined you would get moving onto inazuma for the same thing before long. as luck would have it, you never made it that far before the nation of electro closed its borders. so, at that point, you were now essentially stuck in land of geo for the foreseeable future.
he had run into you when you were appraising some goods that had come in with a group of merchants ; those specific good were on your list to inspect to see if they would offer anything worth decent mora. perhaps it was fate that when he had passed behind your back, he heard you murmuring something about not knowing enough about a certain vase's story painted it on with aged, chipped paint. zhongli was the walking know-it-all of liyue, so of course without prompting, he flit over to your side and explained what you were looking at for you (after scaring you since you didn't hear him walk up beside you and instead of a proper 'hello' he just jumped straight into the explanation).
from then, he would often see you at the docks. clipboard in hand or a ledger of some sort that you would be reviewing. on the rare occasion, he would just see you strolling around with nothing on your hands so he took it upon himself to occupy the free time you seemed to use by relishing in the sea breeze.
you had been in liyue for over a year when zhongli's heart dropped deep into his stomach. his very core filled with dread as you inform him that since inazuma had finally lifted their restrictions, your work would soon resume as usual. you would soon be relocated to the far-off islands of electro. the tea he had been delightfully sharing with you previously now tasted too bitter on his tongue to continue drinking at the news.
"will you ever return?" his voice was quiet, not nearly as confident and proud as he usually was. it resembled a child asking if their best friend who was due to move away would ever visit them again.
the relationship you grew into with zhongli was special to both of you. he treated you so well and educated you in things you were clueless about. you confided in him and when liyue was at risk of drowning, you were the one who he ran to first when all was settled. you still remember that night so vividly.
you were at the harbor- as usual- but instead of working, you were helping pull stranded milieth out of the sea or helping people getting further inland as the waves violently warned you of doom. when the ocean calmed and the storm clouds that plagued the sky dissipated, you felt a weight off your chest. as you checked around to make sure people were alright, you were quickly snatched away by your wrist. being dragged off to a more secluded corner of the harbor docks behind a stack of, now storm weathered, crates.
zhongli had never understood the phrase 'word vomiting', but what he told you behind those damaged and rain-soaked crates was most definitely so. his gnosis had just been traded, no longer in his possession, and he could finally, finally tell you everything. it definitely wasn't how it was supposed to happen. his whole identity spilled in the span of a several ramble while shakily holding onto your wrists like you'd float off to sea if he didn't anchor you down next to him.
"of course i'll come back." you reassure him. his hand releases it's soft grip around his teacup and lays the back of it on the table like it had given up on keep any sort of grip on anything. you understand his silent offer and place your palm on top of his. "i promise. as soon as my work in inazuma is finished and i get everything completed in sumeru, i'll come and visit you as often as i can."
feeling your pulse on the junction under the heel of your hand, he knew you were being truthful. of course, you hadn't lied to him before so he would believe anything you said regardless of the circumstances; though perhaps that was his own personal bias in a way. you could tell him you were the reason the sun rose every morning and he'd believe you- you shone so brightly in his eyes, so naturally that must be why.
you chuckle from across the table and he looks at your quizzically. you tap your fingers rhythmically across his wrist that's covered in brown fabric. your opposite arm comes to rest its elbow on the table and your palm supports your cheek.
"what me to make a contract just so you feel better?" zhongli blinks before he's craking a smile back towards yours.
"you jest too much."
"do i?"
"it's endearing."
your 'contract' is just sealed as an earnest promise he'd keep in his chest until you come back to him. on the day of your parting, zhongli kisses the back of your hand, your knuckles, and your cheek.
"for safe travels, swift work, and my sincerities," he had justified. you returned his affection with a kiss to the underside of his jaw.
"for no reason other than i want to." zhongli kisses your lips for the very same reason before you board your ship that takes you far, far away from him. he doesn't account the time he spent watching your ship sail further away with his hands behind his folded ever so neatly back until it was completely out of sight. he stares at the horizon and almost wishes that it would bring you back.
it doesn't.
it doesn't.
so, zhongli waits.
the lord of geo has been alive for millennia, so the passage of time was something inane to him now. a few years is attuned to that of a blink in the grand scheme of his long, long lifetime. however, those years he spent without you at his side or in his shadow felt like centuries.
mortals squander their time, fleeting at it is, and they know they will never live forever. they will fill it with new things every day because it could be their last- they would never know when their time would come.
"it's been a long year" or month or day; all those phrases zhongli hears and agrees to in mundane conversations- but mostly just so he can identify and align with the masses as an unquestionable human. he never understood those phrases. yesterday was as long as today and will be as long as tomorrow and so forth.
the years you spent gone with only letters sent back and forth between the both of you made him feel closer to morality than anything else before. the days did feel longer. the years felt dragging. the months felt stretched. it felt like time was slowing down, dawdling and twiddling its thumbs while he was stuck suffering in its demanding sluggish waves.
it made him feel human. the terrible impatience for something or someone to come back home. the agony of the wait and the suspense on if it would happen at all. and while he wishes to feel closer to mortal life and connect to his people in such ways- this way- this game of time just made him irritated.
zhongli didn't remember the last time he had felt impatience so thick, but it began gnawing at his insides with the last letter he had received.
'my work has finally concluded, so i'll be coming back to liyue as soon as i send this letter out to you!'
those were your final remarks penned by your hand before it made it into his. when did you send this? a week ago? two? he didn't know. you neglected to date it. every day he goes to the harbor, checking morning, noon and evening to see what ships have sailed in and if you'd be on one. or perhaps you would be coming from sumeru by means of the west by the chasm, coming on foot and would simply waltz into the city.
zhongli didn't know and each day felt longer and longer.
it turns out, the horizon did bring you back to him. it just took it's sweet time in doing so.
out on the harbor once again, a ship was docking, and he saw you before you saw him. the back of your head moving as you help people unload their cargo and help them off the ship before you dismount yourself. it had been years since he had seen you, but he would never forget what you looked like. the features that wouldn't change.
walking- gaiting- down to the harbor's lowest levels was the giddiest he had probably felt in his whole life. antsy. his chest was a mess, it felt like farmers were tilling into his insides. as he stood off to the side of the dock, mindful not to block anyone's path into the harbor. his foot tapping, and hands opening and closing in repetition just for something to do with all his antsy jitters.
you must've spotted him when he was lost in his own mind since it was his name coming from the voice he memorized years ago that turned his head. you were leaning over a stack of crates that you were previously helping unload, waving so enthusiastically he was afraid you'd swing your arm into someone's head.
zhongli is someone who is very aware of affection in public areas with lots of eyes darting around. he was reserved in a way that he feels his affections were best left to the privacy of him and his choice partner. this day was an exception since the moment you were within his reach, you were crashing into his chest, and he was holding you prisoner there.
he could feel your pulse under his hand that held behind your neck to keep your head pushed against his chest. your warmth from the sun that had bathed you the morning voyage back to him. the smell of the sea breeze against your clothes and skin.
it was evident that you had changed over the years- an evitable happen stance he expected. you were only human after all. but you were still the same as he remembered. you were comfortable and warm and safe and here.
when zhongli finally returned some freedom to your range, which wasn't very far since his hands still settled comfortably on your hips, he mapped out exactly how you changed in comparison to his memories with his roaming gaze.
"how long will you be staying?" he asks.
"how long can liyue put up with me?" you answer and you feel his chest rumble in a chuckle under your palms that rest there. "i'm not sure yet. i plan on staying at wangshuu inn for the time though."
"nonsense." zhongli shakes his head and one of his hands leave your hip to brush the back of his knuckle against your cheek down to the corner of your mouth. "my home has more than enough space to accommodate your presence."
"i was going to ask," you pout and feel your face get hotter, but it wasn't because of the sun, "but i didn't want to feel like i was imposing."
"please do. you're more than welcome to 'impose' on me anytime you wish." you give in quickly much to his delight. you hoist your bags up, which he promptly takes from you without so much as breaking a sweat, and offers you his other arm. "we have much to catch up on."
when hu tao hears that you had come back to liyue, she suddenly isn't so upset that zhongli never returned to work that day.
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bunnibaby-love · 9 months
Would it be too much to ask for a Zhongli x Bunny!Reader heavy SMUT fic? 🥹
🐰 Zhongli x Bunny!Reader 🐰
♡ female reader + size kink + manhandling + power dynamics
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Shameless bunny sleeping at the statue of lord of geo. How dare you disrespect Morax?
Zhongli rather found it amusing. Seeing you curling your tiny body on the lap of his statue. From his distance, he can see the twinkle of your eyes admiring his statue with a little pout.
He's maybe quite jealous of his own statue. Why put yourself in that uncomfortable position when he can just take you in. Surely you can warm his lap
He approach you when he saw you at harbor docks looking for food they can spare you. Poor bunny. He invites you over at his place so you two can enjoy treats and tea.
You didn't even pay attention on his vivid eyes while he shares a tea with you. You started getting sleepy after the treats and he offers you sleep on his bedroom. Guilible bunny just don't have any sense of danger
From your peripheral vision, you can see the consultant taking off his suit and reveal his black and gold arms. It's fascinating so you stares at it
"Cute bunny..i really admire such beautiful creatures" he carees your bunny ears and you can't help but purr "But you...are very naughty" He grips your jaw, forcing you to look up at him with widen eyes "Sleeping on the statue of morax...that's disrespect. Why did you do that?"
You feel scared of his strong aura but also feeling butterflies on your tummy "Don't have home....im lost..." you pout with your pink lips "M'like the statue...it's comfy and warm..." you blush while confessing the sin you did while he just chuckles
"Do you recognize me?" You met your gaze with his cor lapiz eyes "..Morax? but...no..morax is dead" even though you are from Inazuma, everyone knows Morax is decease
"The god is infront of you.." you can't speak and can tell he isn't lying "You deserve a punishment for disrespecting a God..." You feel your body cold with how intimidating he actually is
He sat on the bed and look at you sternly "Lay down like how you did with my statue" you hesistant but he instanly pulls your tail causing you to just command him
You curls up on his lap but he turns you around making you lay on your stomach on his lap. You can feel the roughness by him holding your tail when he spanks you "Wah..! no...hurts!" Your pleadings only goes to deaf ears as he smack your ass two more times
"I assume you aren't wearing anything at all under this dress of yours" He's right. You hate wearing undergarments it feels restricting your movements and it just feels better
You heard a rip of fabric and it's your dress he casually throws around. He make you sit on his lap and slap your clit that made your body shiver
"Ride it my love" you blush with his words he really knows how to get you. He's very big, thick and veiny! Can you even take his tip. "Be a good girl or i'll pinch your clit again" You bite your lips as you start to sink down to take all of him
It's so hard taking him full on your cunny. You starts to ride him slowly enjoying the initimation but it doesn't look like what Zhongli is planning
He grips your hips and lays you down without pulling away his cock. He quickly pounds you rough and fast "No...more...too big!" you whimper and cry as you try to grab his chest but your hands just got slap "Behave.." he growls and you can't help but just take everything
You feel a sudden emptiness when he pulls out and make you on all fours. Your knees are giving up on you and you can barely balance yourself but he doesn't mind. Putting his weight behind you and pushing all the way his cock again to resume his pace
"Im cumming....please....let me...Morax..." you softly purrs as you are close to release but he pulls away again leaving you empty "no please...i'll be good..." you kneel beside him and gave him your lovesick eyes and puts you again on his lap "daddie....i can't...take it anymore...!" you shake your hips on him
He kiss you and you feel his forked tongue claiming your lips at the same time his 3 fingers enters your cunny as he fingers you fast and rough, taking all your moans on his mouth
A pinch on your clit and you squirted all over him. It's like you're soul got taken after the hard orgasm
You still pouted as you didn't get to cum on his cock and you look at him again with doe eyes "Bunnies can never be satisfy..." He chuckles "Kneel and worship your God"
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silentmoths · 1 year
slides in like I havent not written anything for *squints* several fucking months.
the 'morax horny stick' decided to bonk me out of the blue today and so this was born, its quick, its dirty, take it or leave it, heathens.
Morax x Adeptus! Reader (fem anatomy)
Smut, Semi public, mentions of war, Morax is a lil on the rougher side, honestly this is just Porn without Plot.
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How long had you been in the field now? Two months? Three? You’d honestly lost count. 
There was real keeping of time during the archon war, at least not for you; you were an adeptus, here to fight for your archon, Morax.
And yet, you can't help but miss the times… before.
When you would wander the halls of his domain, only for a strong, darkened arm to reach out from his study or his chambers, catching your waist, your sleeve, the sash of your hafu, and dragging you in. 
You were…unsure what you were exactly to Morax, a lover maybe? Or perhaps simple stress relief? You did not know, and you did not dare to ask. In the end you were one of his Adepti, and you would fight, serve or fall into his embrace, as he commanded.
Rain pelts against your skin as you slowly trudge up the mountain path towards the nearest encampment, carrying an injured comrade with you. Somewhere in the distance, you see Alatus flit past and you wonder just how he manages to maintain such energy, you don't think you’d seen the general stop for a breather the entire time, at least not until he was somewhat gravely injured…and even then he would only rest as little as he had to.
You pass your comrade off to a more capable healer than yourself before going off in search of food. A bath probably should have been first on the agenda but you just…didn’t have the energy in you for it yet, food first, then bath…and maybe if you were lucky, some sleep.
Yeah things don’t go the way you planned. When do they ever?
As you shovel away a quick meal of rice and vegetables, you cant help but feel eyes on you, but between being too tired to look around, and knowing everyone else sitting around you were just as busy shovelling food into your faces, you couldn’t bring yourself to care. That same feeling lingers as you shamble towards a bathing spring, no time to soak, if you wanted a chance at getting some sleep before you were called to action again, you needed to scrub and go, which is exactly what you do. Violently scrubbed clean of dirt, debris and blood, as much as you want to remain, you force yourself from the warm waters, quickly drying off before making for a tent, you didn't care who was in there, you just wanted somewhere sheltered to rest your head.
A hand, warm, familiar and strong, rests upon your shoulder, but in your tired stupor, you swing, intending on hitting away whomever had approached so quietly until your wrist is grabbed.
You knew the glow of these hands anywhere, the geo resonating softly through his veins, and you look up to be met with smouldering amber.
“Morax…” you whisper.
He’s caught somewhere between dragon and man, he has the human visage you are used to, the one he used most often to interact with mortals, but his horns and tail were also visible; his horns glowing a faint golden in the low light of the chilly mountainside. 
You feel his grip tighten on you, his pupils restricting into slits for a mere moment before blowing wide and you can feel the anticipation beginning to run up your spine. Yeah you weren't sleeping tonight.
A beat passes between you both before he turns, tugging you along, out of sight of anyone, out of the encampment entirely, and all you can do is stumble along as his massive hand grips your wrist. He walks these mountains like a flat road, he knew them better than the back of his own hand, his strides are wide, and quick as he leads you further from camp, down a slippery cliff and before you know it, into a cave, only to be pressed against the cool stone wall as he practically hikes you up it, your legs coming to rest around his waist as he holds you there effortlessly.
“My lord-” 
“Shut up.” Morax all but growls back before his lips crash into yours, long, serpentine tongue invading your mouth in a very quickly lost battle of dominance. His hands claw at your robe, tugging the offending garment apart so he can get at your naked body with ease, your own arms moving to wrap around his neck.
gods, you hadn’t realised just how much you needed this.
The longer you spend pressed between your archon’s warm flesh, and the cold stone of the wall, the more the churning arousal in your gut becomes apparent. You’d been fighting for so long you’d absolutely disregarded your body and it’s signals, and judging by how rough Morax was being, one hand gripping your hip tight enough to leave bruises whilst the other shoves his own pants down to his knees, he must have been feeling the same.
“My lord-” you try again, your own hands shifting up to his horns, grabbing hold to at least try and pull him away for a moment so you can breathe.”Take a moment-” “No.” He growls, one hand gripping your hips as a pair of fingers push inside your already embarrassingly wet cunt. “The moment I saw you walk into camp, I couldn’t withhold anymore.” he rumbles, smirking dangerously as he watches your face twist with a mix of pleasure and pain as he splays those long, devilish fingers, after so long, you’re glad he at least had the forwithall to stretch you and take some of the inevitable sting off.
“Your body has toned up some more.” He muses as he continues the rough thrust of his fingers, his own body weight keeping you pressed against the wall as his free hand roams the expanse of your body revealed beneath the robe “and yet, despite all the fighting, your skin still feels like silk.” You can feel your cheeks heating at his surprisingly tender words; there was no small amount of pent up lust edging his tone, and yet he still found time to leave a compliment as his lips descend upon your neck, biting and suckling, leaving a small trail of blooming bruises from your jaw to your collarbone, all while he revels in the breathy gasps and muffled moans he draws from your lips.
That same tenderness doesn’t last long though; the moment he begins to feel you clench around his fingers, hear the way your voice pitches higher, he knew you were close, and instead of simply letting you come, he pulls his fingers out and you whine at him, looking to his face desperately, only to be met with a dark smirk before he quickly, harshly shoves his cock into you, burying all the way to the hilt in one single, harsh thrust that has you screaming, the sudden intrusion enough to send you over that edge as you orgasm around him.
“That's it.” he rumbles at you, his voice caught somewhere between a growl and a purr as his draconic tail lashes behind him, he doesn't give you a chance to catch your breath, his hips setting a brutal pace that has any breath you manage to catch leaving your body just as quickly as you moan into his shoulder. You feel it, every ridge of his inhuman cock, rutting inside of you, a dull aching pain mixed with pure, overwhelming pleasure as Morax growls into your throat, his teeth pressing against your skin, but not quite biting down.
His hands grab your waist, shifting your legs until they’re locked around his hips, just so he can get a better grip on you and take a step back, pulling you from the wall so he can all but bounce you on his cock like you were nothing more than a toy for him. He watches as your eyes roll back, and feels your hands, clinging desperately around his shoulders, one of your fingers finally catching in his hair tie and yanking, you did so love seeing his silky hair free and cascading down his back and shoulders.
Usually, before the war, when he’d pull you in for a night of intimacy, it was a slow affair; he liked to take his time, methodical in every one of his actions. 
That was not the case today.
This was a man pent up, stressed, pulled to the very limits and in desperate need of release, and he knew that just as well as you did. His pace was brutal, ruthless, and you cry for it because you needed this just as much as him, something to take your mind off of all the fighting, all the death and destruction, a moment to feel… mortal.
You only vaguely remember the moment he cums inside you, it’s hot, searingly so and it shoves you right off the edge into your second orgasm as your world turns white, a stark contrast to the drizzly grey day.
You wake, the next morning in a tent, re-clothed, rugged up amongst blankets and pillows, your muscles ached, but when had they not lately? Just some…new kinds of ache that made you realise last night had definitely not been a dream.
As if the impressive amount of hickeys you now had to find a way to hide weren't proof enough of your quick foray with the geo archon himself.
You just hoped the de-stressing had helped clear his head a little, after all, you were there to serve him.
Taglist: @stygianoir @meimeimeirin @ainescribe @dustofthedailylife @rjssierjrie @crystalflygeo @asoulsreverie @zomzomb1e @moraxsthrone @mysnowmanandmebaby @inlustris-is-slowly-dying @pvbbyb0y Want to be added to the list? shoot me an ask~
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silvernyxchariot · 1 month
Helloo :)
I was wondering if you could do Childe x Reader oneshot/ scenario where the reader gets injured and Childe helps or protects them. (Also if you don't do Childe, Kaveh would be good instead. And if you are more comfortable with doing headcanons instead then idm either)
Childe x GN!Reader
Synopsis: Reader is injured in combat, and Childe takes care of them
⚠️Warnings: sickeningly sweet/fluffy at the end, 2nd person pov⚠️
Word Count: 845
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What did he do this time? Wait, no. How did a Geo Vishap get into a Fatui base!?
For you and Childe, this was at best a mop up job, killing an elemental beast that threatened many of the other agents’ safety. Childe had been instructing his subordinates to exit the facilities and to get outside. However, his bow was ready, at his side and in hand. He trusted you to hold back the ferocious beast until he got there. “Don’t hog all of the fun for yourself now,” he said before unlocking the base. The doors to the outside world popped open.
Metal dropped down, shaking the base and resounding echoes, and scalding steam spewed from each broken pipe. The blocked your vision somewhat, but the massive beast flailing around made it all the easier to strike. But its armor and hide prevented you from causing any major damage. The Geo vishap swatted your attacks away like they were fruit flies, small and annoying.
A spray of cool mist crept up behind you, “Duck down,” Childe commanded. He leapt over you with a jet of water and fired Hydro arrows into the Geo vishaps eyes, blinding it. The beast roared and slammed the ground with its armored fists. Stalagmites thrusted out of the ground. They distracted you long enough. “Watch out!” Childe turned to you at the last second.
It struck you from the back. The Geo vishap controlled a chain of rocks and whipped it around like a tail. Bones crackled and snapped causing internal damage. You coughed up blood and got slammed into the wall. The impact on your head knocked you out and the last thing you could see were Childe’s boots, bow at his feet, and blades of Hydro energy manifesting into his hands before losing consciousness.
In the darkness of your consciousness, it felt like floating in the depths of the ocean. The weight of all the water around you kept you from moving or lifting a finger. But it wasn’t cold as one would expect.
The creaking of a wooden chair and the crackling of a fire nearby woke you from your slumber. You were buried under a thick mink blanket. Your torso was wrapped in bandages and dried blood. Someone was changing your wrappings while you were unconscious. When you opened your eyes, the décor indicated you were still in Liyue. Childe was sitting in a simple wooden chair, his hands behind his head, one leg over the other, and his eyes were closed.
“I knew you couldn’t be kept down by a little push.”
‘A little push’ was an understatement. Your body felt like it was dropped from the very top of Qingyun Peak. You groaned as you tried to move, but Childe placed a hand over your chest to restrict your movements. A little smile on his face teased you in your weakened state.
“Hey now. You’re tough, but I’m tougher. You’re not ready to start moving around.” Childe shifted your blankets and helped you sit up in the bed by stuffing pillows behind your back. “Three broken ribs,” Ajax raised his fingers as he counted your injuries, “a little crack above your orbital, and some ripped muscles. But we can always retrain them.” Ajax seemingly lifeless eyes softened, and a little shine appeared. He scooted into the bed with you, facing you with intimacy.
Ajax kissed the bandage that covered the healing wound above your eye and caressed your cheek delicately with his gloved hand. “Don’t worry me like that again,” he said with less authority or teasing. His soldier-like seriousness dissipated, and he gently placed a arm over your stomach area, avoiding your recovering ribcage.
“If you ever need to retreat, just know that I’ll be there to finish the job.” Another kiss but to your temple, “But you did well to hold off a Geo vishap until I arrived. It was unexpectedly larger and all the moodier than any normal vishap.”
“Ajax,” your sore throat let you croak out. Childe offered you a small cup of water from the nightstand by your bed, gingerly placing it against your lips.
“I’ll bring the world to its knees for you,” he said simply, like it was an everyday mantra, “you know that. And besides, not everyone can be a strong as I am.” A little hint of his usual over-confidence shined through. Ajax rested his head on his arm and sighed contently while he snuggled into your resting form. “Now rest,” he said sternly, “I’ll be here when you wake again. It’ll be easier to change your bandages when you can hold yourself up.”
Ajax pressed his nose to the top of your head and gave you a long, sweet kiss and trailed down to your cheek. A gloved hand cupped your cheek, a gentle finger dragged down until it was under your chin, and he tilted your head until you looked into his sapphire blue eyes. He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to yours before tucking the both of you in.
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A/N: Teeheehee, 👉👈 I suppose this is repentance for my angst earlier.
On a side note, I really like how the CHN and JPN voiceovers are supposed to have a more "dutiful soldier" vibe for Tartaglia. The playboy mischaracterizations are just... disappointing but not at all surprising coming from the Genshin fandom.
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One interesting thing in Genshin to me is the odd duality of the elements and things associated
Venti, god of freedom and wind, yet the wind is so often used to restrict (the high crowd control power anemo characters have)
Geo, an element of stability (shields) yet also of destruction (shattering rock structures with ease)
Ei, the god of eternity and lightning. Yet, lightning lasts merely a brief moment, far from eternal
Sumeru, the land of Dendro, of plantlife, yet half/most of it is a barren desert
Fontaine, purest water in all of Teyvat, yet the land is stained by "impurity" (the sin in the prophecy)
Idk, might mean absolutely nothing but it's interesting to me
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