#gentlebeard innkeeper era
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ipomoea-batatas · 9 months ago
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saltpepperbeard · 2 months ago
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Rated M | Canon Era | 3.2k | One Shot
"...I’m just surprised you didn’t mention my sleeve. Kinda seemed like it would be up your alley.” Stede blinked. “Your…sleeve?” “Yeah,” Ed murmured, shifting back against the pillows, almost like he was preening. “My sleeve.” Yet…Stede didn’t really know what he was preening about. The morning after they make love, Stede spends it tracing and complimenting Ed's tattoos, confident he's loved on each and every one. But has he really? Inspired by this fanart and this Bluesky post.
Read on AO3 Here
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perpendicularpotatoes · 2 months ago
7—Innkeepers After [Fic] [Complete]
The second illustration for the last chapter of The Marks Left On My Skin.
As you can see in the progress pics after the jump, I was originally gonna give them a simpler bed for the inn. But then I was looking at 18th century beds and realized that what's a canopy bed other than a pillow fort? So obviously Edward deserves to get one of those.
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littleechoart · 1 year ago
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Checking in on our innkeeper boys😘💕 (aka definitely not famed pirates Ed Teach and Stede Bonnet) wonder if they’ve patched the roof yet.
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araindropshallfall · 13 days ago
I haven’t read David’s fanfic but I heard Ed and Stede got out of customer service cheers to that
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littlefingies · 2 months ago
Happy new year! Are you craving innkeeper fluff for.... reasons?
[Podfic] spendin' time together (watch out, don't let it get you down) by ingydar
Listen on.... Soundcloud | AO3 | Internet Archive or, read the Written Work by @margaritaville
Rated T, about 18 minutes long. Ed and Stede's first breakfasts together.
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eimeomoon · 1 year ago
Taking the plunge and putting this out into the world. I know everyone and their favourite husband has written this fic already, but this is my Innkeepers Era effort because I love them both a completely normal amount, your honour 💗
(Almost complete and updating regularly - I was on a daily update schedule for a bit but executive dysfunction happened, you know how it goes)
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some-anonymity-preferred · 2 months ago
An OFMD Ficlet(ish)
Now on AO3 as Front of House, Back of House
Scene: Jeff’s Inn by the Sea. Ed and Stede are catching up with (a) crew member(s). [Could be anyone, choose your own and imagine their reaction so as to maximize your enjoyment.]
Ed: Babe, tell them about the time that fancy fuck said made fun of my lavalava, and you bent him over the counter at knifepoint and used your captain voice on him until he apologized?
[Ed shifts in his seat and adjusts the drape of the lavalava he is currently wearing.]
Stede: It only happened because you were so brave, kitten. You were working front of house to try it out even after you did so well telling me how worried you were that you’d snap at rude customers. As if you would.
[Stede goes from making heart eyes at Ed to glowing with righteous indignation. Ed makes heart eyes through the entire speech, and adjusts his lavalava again toward the end.]
Ed: We’ll, you stepped in before it got that bad …
Stede [incredulous]: Before it got that bad! Sweetheart! What that man said was unpardonable. [turns to crew member, matter of fact] Anyway, that’s why I work front of house—
Ed: And I work back of house. If we’re talking about actually working with guests, that is. After hours we like to switch it up.
[Ed and Stede reprise the front of house/back of house riff, right in front of the poor crew member’s salad.]
Inspired by discussion on my favorite fan Discord of Pirate Daddy’s SM Holiday Special. Happy holidays, kids. Never say I never got ya nothing.
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newnewyorker93 · 1 year ago
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I wrote a little something for day 5 (blanket fort) and day 7 ("It's pouring down out there.") of OFMD Fluffvember, ft. a storm, a blanket fort, and some soft comfort ❤️
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medievill · 1 year ago
behold: the scene that immediately precedes the best things in life come in threes
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insteading · 1 month ago
We're neither pure nor wise nor good We'll do the best we know We'll build our house, and chop our wood And make our garden grow And make our garden grow
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we worked so hard to build a little house together
in the snow or the rain or the ice cold wind, whenever
no matter, what the weather, we're together
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ipomoea-batatas · 9 months ago
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Chapter 3 is up!
More talking it through, more ghosty shit, plus Stede and Ed invent microgreens and farmhouse chic respectively within the span of a few line breaks
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perpendicularpotatoes · 2 months ago
7—Innkeepers [Fic] [Complete]
Just uploaded the last chapter of The Marks Left On My Skin. It's set in June 1718 at the not yet opened inn.
The work in progress pic from this summer after the jump is not that extreme this time but I did make some clear improvements regarding hair and hands.
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ofmdlovelyletters · 7 months ago
If you’re yearning for “Stede gets some much deserved comfort when Ed lovingly helps him work through his insecurities”, then you need to read “gonna build you up, gonna help you believe” by @saltpepperbeard.
In this Innkeeper Era fic, a trip to the local market turns sour as Stede is faced with traumas of his past. But this time, he doesn’t have to deal with them all alone. Once again, Jodi cleverly combines heart-wrenching moments with moments of fun and laughter. Because no matter what, Ed and Stede will always be “yes and”-ing each other, even when going through a rough time. This story feels like a hug, like a comforting blanket around your shoulders, like someone sitting with you and repeatedly telling you you’re loved, you’re more than enough, you’re perfect just as you are. (It’s free therapy, honestly!)
Jodi’s writing is some of the most emotional in the ofmd fandom. Every line, every word tugs at your heartstrings. They rip you apart and put you back together again. It’s hurt/comfort at its finest and I’ll be reading this one over and over again.
Hello @saltpepperbeard! Congrats on being featured as Author of the Week! You've received a lovely letter from @gentlebeard. 💌
Crew, click here to read gonna build you up, gonna help you believe, and then go here to read Jodi's other fics.
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warmhappycat · 5 months ago
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I would like links to either of those types of fics, please and thank you!
there's a lot of fic where ed and stede are at the inn for a couple weeks, maybe a month or two, and then one day ed's just like "hey stede did you know after you left izzy told me he wished he'd let the english kill me? actually he was emotionally abusive to me for years, it was really fucked up," and he tells the whole story and how he felt about it and it's very cathartic, i love that shit, don't get me wrong here.
but personally i tend to think that's assuming an ed who's too quick to get to the point of recognizing what was fucked up about his relationship with izzy. at the end of the season he understands that izzy hurt him, but he hasn't really internalized yet that he didn't deserve to be treated that way by someone who was supposed to be on his side, let alone that the fact that he eventually retaliated with violence doesn't change that; he thinks izzy was a dick but also that it's kind of his own fault for being unlovable enough to inspire that kind of treatment from people, he doesn't really understand that he could have expected better from people who claimed to care about him. when izzy apologizes for treating ed terribly for years ed's only response is to claim he should be the one apologizing. his own guilt about how he treated izzy is going to make it impossible for him to see anything wrong with how izzy treated him for a long while.
it's going to be a long healing process as he gets used to what an actual positive relationship with someone who treats him like a person is like, and that's sad and sweet. but also kind of funny because you know who absolutely does not have any sort of complicated emotions like that getting in the way of understanding the situation between ed and izzy? stede doesn't.
inevitably once they're living together stede and ed are going to start talking about their respective backstories before meeting each other. and izzy will naturally feature in a lot of ed's stories. and one day ed is going to be talking about a raid from years ago and casually mention how he did something izzy didn't approve of and izzy said something insanely horrible that poked him right in the trauma on purpose and then he'll notice stede staring at him in horror and ask what's wrong. and stede will very cautiously be like "well edward of course we both miss izzy very much. but. have you considered that he could have not talked to you like that," and ed will be like "oh, well, that's just izzy, you know how he was, he didn't really mean it like that. anyway as i was saying we had all this loot," and meanwhile poor stede just has to act like he's paying attention to the rest of this conversation while trying as hard as he can to incinerate izzy's coffin with his mind
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eimeomoon · 10 months ago
Just posted the final chapter of my Innkeepers Era Gentlebeard fic 🥰
This was supposed to be a one-shot. 38k words later, I think it's safe to say... it was not a one-shot.
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