#genocide accusation
the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 4 months
by Gary Willig
The accusation that Israel is committing genocide is just as much a lie as the blood libels, well poisoning, and world domination accusations were. In theory, perhaps one could believe this lie and not be an antisemite, just as in theory, one could be an opponent of Zionism and not hate Jews. But in practice, both are impossible.
If it is antisemitic to believe that Jews murder gentile children to bake matzah with or that Jews have a secret cabal that controls the world, then it is antisemitic to believe that Israel is currently committing genocide.
Any factual examination of the war between Israel and Hamas would quickly and definitively show that Israel is not fighting to exterminate the residents of Gaza and is going to great lengths to keep civilians safe. Israel has given up enormous military advantages in order to warn civilians to leave before combat starts, most recently evacuating about a million people from Rafah before launching an operation to crush the last Hamas stronghold. Israel has allowed tens of thousands of trucks carrying food, medicine, and other humanitarian aid into Gaza over the course of the war and has worked with other countries and humanitarian organizations to increase the amount of aid that goes in.
And despite Hamas’s strategy of deliberately using human shields to protect its weapons and its fighters, Israel has achieved a civilian to combat death ratio of 1:1.5, possibly even 1.1, a historic achievement in the protection of civilians in modern warfare, where on average nine civilians are killed for every combatant death.
Not only is the genocide accusation an easily disproved lie, but those who created it are in fact projecting their own genocidal desires onto Israel. The purpose of the accusation has never been to protect civilians, but to protect Hamas and provide to support for Hamas’s openly genocidal goals.
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nomoresympathy-eh · 6 months
According to zionists, Hamas are the UNRWA, Hamas are health workers, Hamas are journalists, Hamas are children and babies, Hamas are fathers risking the bullets and the bombs to bring food for their families, Hamas are hospitals, schools and places of worship, Hamas are ambulances and aid trucks...
So what zionists are saying is that Hamas is basically everyone innocent, heroic and good. We get what you're not saying out loud, you sly dogs, you.
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troythecatfish · 6 months
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trans-androgyne · 15 days
Hey man, I don’t think you should reblog from spacelazarwolf. He’s a genocide supporter and having people like him in the community gives people amazing ammunition to use against people who believe in transandrophobia.
People have made many accusations against avi to me and upon looking into them not a single one has been true. He's been being called a zionist since way before he said anything about i/p on the basis of him being jewish alone. He has a long post in his F.A.Q. about how he isn't a zionist and doesn't support the israeli government, put up only because people wouldn't leave him alone about it, and he still gets these accusations anyway. He literally doesn't even believe in states as a concept. If someone has genuine evidence that anyone in transandrophobia conversations actually supports the genocide or denies that it is one, feel free to share. But right now, there are tons of antisemitic accusations being thrown at jewish bloggers around here and I'm not going to just believe everything I'm told.
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lesbinewren · 3 months
any version of “the jedi got what was coming to them” completely invalidates all of your opinions on them to me. btw ❤️
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justaz · 2 months
like i’ve said time and time again, i haven’t watched bbc merlin in years but i was just wondering when the first time merlin called arthur by his name to his face and im scrolling thru the transcripts on the fandom wiki (supposedly it was s1ep4 btw) and im skimming the script for all these episodes and getting angrier and angrier. gaius was wrong for all that. morgana deserved so much better. edwin muirden was valid as hell (for targeting uther AND gaius. yeah. i said it.). also kilgharrah ate with that one lil line “then turn a blind eye. that is, after all, your talent” okay lizard brain pop offff.
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briteredoctober · 5 months
Something about seeing Palestinian activists accused of ‘blood libel’ while aid workers are currently digging up a 200+ person mass grave filled with bodies that have had their skin and organs harvested by the IDF really pisses me off.
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curtwilde · 4 months
TW: Rape, violent language, islamphobia.
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On Slide 3 you can see the vile genocidal fantasies of hindutva ghouls towards grieving Palestinian mothers and children, and yet they'll whine about safety of Hindu women just to demonize Muslim men. Please remember every accusation from the Hindutva genocidal majority is a confession.
This is what hindutvavadis - even the soft sanghis here on tumblr - support and align themselves with. This is what they believe and what they vote for.
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I have to be honest: I'm a bit confused with this post and wondering if there's still underlying tones of antisemitism.
The post: https://friendly-jester.tumblr.com/post/761472817565925376
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But I think I got enough from some reblogs and comments:
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Just very odd takes. It's like they think Jews need to oppress some people to form a state
Dear Orion,
these people think Israel exists because of the holocaust and if Germany had either not started the Holocaust or KILLED ALL THE JEWS, then Israel would not exist, there would be no jews in the British Mandate and Palestine would be free
so basically these people think a) the cycle of violence is fine b) Mizhari Jews do not exist c) European antisemitism is solely the domain of the nazis d) if Germany had done a COMPLETELY GENOCIDE that would be THE BEST CASE SCENARIO
Ignoring that a) that creating Israel on German soil would cause WW3 and another movement of antisemtism genocidal violence b) Mizhari Jews DO exist and the arabs of the mandate would still try to genocide them c) the rest of europe was just as antisemitic d) they are doing mask off genocide apologia
Also note their focus on punishing Germany instead of helping Jews feel safe
thank you for opening this can of worms,
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petewentzisblack1312 · 4 months
its crazy that the global community put in place checks and balances and forums for consensus between nations and one country routinely says they dont want to do whatever the thing that would benefit countless lives of the week is and even if its literally only that one country any proposal gets pretty much thrown out because they said no. like why do we live like this.
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nomoresympathy-eh · 1 month
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A member of the self-titled "most moral army in the world" from "the most moral country in the world" verbally admitted to beheading a baby. Not with explosives, but by cutting it directly.
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newsfrom-theworld · 4 months
Palestinian prisoners ( long post)
Yesterday 'Isr@el' announced the martyrdom of 36 Palestinians in the zionist concentration camps. These Palestinians were undoubtedly tortureed to death.
Below are testimonies of what Palestinians experienced, & continue to experience, in these "prisons" ( concentration camps).
According to testimonies of released detainees from Gaza, the captives subjected to the most extreme torture by the occupation's army are doctors & anyone working in the medical field.
Dr. Andan Al-Bursh was one of the most skilled surgeons in Palestine, he refused to abandon his workplace & his patients.
He was kidnapped from the Awda Hospital. It was announced that he was martyred in captivity. His captives beat him to death.
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Horrifying testemony on how they treat Dr Abu Salmiya, the director of Al-Shifa Hospital who was kidnapped at the end of November. He is still in captivity, & his fate remains unknown.
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One captive lost his mind & went completely insane as a result of torture.
Another captive lost his memory after being assaulted & beaten on the head.
Another captive, after being subjected to weeks of torture, became unable to speak.
A released captive testified:
"they put me in a hole filled with corpses [of martyrs from Gaza] for 6 hours" - "they hanged me until I lost consciousness, I woke up to find myself in the ICU" - "I started hallucinating & talking to myself"
Released captive Nour Zahir testified that some women were put in a refrigerator for 3 hours. They would smack their heads against a troops carrier. They removed their hijabs, left them unveiled for 10 days.
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A released captive spoke of another captive who cried of hunger, unable to secure even a dry piece of bread.
Another captive lost 45 kilograms of his weight during the few months of his captivity.
A captive named Sufyan Abu Salah was kidnapped by the occupation a while ago from Gaza, standing on both feet. They released him later with one foot only.
He is not the only one. Dozens of captives were amputated in captivity.
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A released child captive named Khaled Junaid, 14 yo, said in an interview after his release that the officer was putting out cigarettes on his feet & ears, & that they sprayed hot chlorine on him, in addition to beating him, torturing him, & insulting him.
Izz Ideen Ziad Abd Al-Bana was physically disabled, wheelchair-bound, and suffering from several illnesses, IOF took him from his home in December & announced him dead at the end of February.
The IOF tortured a disabled hostage to death.
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A Palestinian elder (74) was detained at the Netzarim checkpoint and held hostage by the IOF.
He was released near Kerem Shalom crossing with a hand & a foot severed in captivity.
A captive named Issa Hamouda who was kidnapped from Jabalia was released a dead body.
Others who were detained with Issa testified that he was martyred because he was beaten with an iron hammer by soldiers. They killed him with a hammer.
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Palestinian testimonies of abuse & extreme toture went unnoticed until a western outlets reported on the matter.
Even then, what is mentioned in the article doesn't cover the tip of the iceberg of what the kidnapped Palestinians are going through.
Where the hell is the Palestinian hostages right to immediate & unconditional release???
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lostinsidelostoutside · 5 months
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This student is AWESOME 🩵
I find it incredible that those who keep screaming Israel is committing genocide
Have absolutely NO idea what that word even means .
Israel is targeting terrorists ( Hamas , Hezbollah etc ,)not civilians !
Unfortunately for the Gazans Hamas is hiding in tunnels underneath them .,
Mosques , hospitals ,schools ,the most heavily populated areas Knowing after their MASSACRE on Oct 7th that Israel would be coming after them .
They could've built bomb shelters for the people , they could've did alot a things ,but they didn't !
They could care less about these people
They steal the food and supplies off the trucks coming in ( videos all over social media ) showing it !
Hamas is responsible 💯 for the deaths on both sides .
You wanna scream " GENOCIDE" scream it at HAMAS who caused it on both sides !
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humanvoicebox · 5 months
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Original post
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“entrapta joined the horde so she deserved—”
no. no one deserves to be dehumanized. no one deserves to be put on a leash and dragged around. no one deserves to be mistreated just because they happen to function differently from people around them.
i bet y'all wouldn't be saying the same thing if catra was the one treated this way.
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etz-ashashiyot · 1 month
Really did not mean to start a fight on Tisha b'Av by *checks notes* relentlessly defending my view that all people are human and that human suffering matters on both sides of the border wall, but here we are.
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