#genocidal moron
limelocked · 9 months
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nando161mando · 2 months
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nyaskitten · 8 months
Hey, I REALLY do not appreciate how much I've seen people act like the Palestinian Genocide is just some random drama. That is a fucking GENOCIDE, innocent people are dying every single day, one death is already one death too many, yet so many I've seen (more on Twitter than here) are treating it like just some drama. "I wanna remain neutral, both sides are just as bad."
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joemerl · 4 months
"These hostages sure look alive and healthy," you sneer. "Guess Hamas isn't so bad, huh?"
Yeah, uh, can I ask you a question, asshole? Let's say you're at a party, during a weekend holiday. While you're there, a bunch of armed men storm in, murder your friends in front of you, grab you at gunpoint, take you over the border where you're paraded through the streets as a sick trophy for a screaming mob who try to assault you, then lock you in a windowless room where you're barely fed and told that your families have been murdered and that they'll kill you if you so much as talk too loudly.
When someone finally manages to rescue you, after 246 days (one day too late to see your dying father), would you:
a.) thank your rescuers and hopefully kick your tormentor's corpse on the way out, or
b.) scream at your rescuers that those poor terrorists! didn't even hack off any of your limbs!!! so clearly they're poor woobie bunny wabbits and how could your hurt them, you monsters?!
I guess just kidnapping isn't bad enough if they're Jews, huh?
So, uh, yeah. If you're making this argument, you're a fucking idiot and also a horrible person. 🙃
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dougielombax · 3 months
No, Jimmy.
A people’s indigeneity does not expire.
This is a universal fact that applies to all indigenous peoples.
Whether it’s the Irish, the Basques, Jews, Palestinians, Circassians, Assyrians, Armenians, Yazidis, Mandaeans, Sami people, Mari people (as in the Mari El), Rapa Nui, Māori, Ainu people, Ryukyuan peoples (Okinawa), Tibetan people or any others.
This still applies even if they change things like their religion or language too btw.
Try telling them that and see how they react!
What other lies are you gonna start spouting?
Are you gonna say that Ireland has always been British? Or that the Armenian genocide didn’t happen?
Because neither of those are true either.
This post is OFF-LIMITS to anyone who denies another people’s indigeneity. Or who tries to erase or deny their existence or right to exist.
But that should go without saying.
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totallyseiso · 5 months
Are you a Russian spy? Stop discouraging Americans from voting. Refusing to vote in the elections is literally the worst thing they can do.
You are part of the problem, no matter how well intentioned you are, when you encourage people not to vote.
Finally got a Russian spy accusation! I consider this a badge of honour.
иди на хуй
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hassanatforusmk · 11 months
Have you ever seen anything like this?
A #hostage wants to shake hands with their kidnappers before they go
#Israel's refused to receive them.They Don't fucking care about hostages!
The Israeli terrorist gov really sucks!
These people have the right to resist!
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emanblr · 4 months
Such precise and powerful responses! 💯
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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I strongly agree that there are world events that deserve much more news coverage and resources than the Titan because frankly it should’ve been immediately assumed they were dead when sonar couldn’t find them and communication was lost.
However, I don’t necessarily think it’s fair to compare the EU coast guard and the US and Canada's various first response teams that responded to the Titan. Because they’re separate entities.
Do I think people should care more about the refugee ship that capsized due to alleged incompetence of the coast guard? Yes. I do. And I hope more survivors can be found because that was a genuine tragedy.
Do I think that it should be getting the same kind of attention as the Titan? Not really. Because people are just memeing on the Titan, and the average tumblr user has around $0.20 to their name and maybe 400 followers so this isn’t a very good platform for getting meaningful help for those affected by that situation.
This isn’t even a “you can care about two things at once” situation, because again with the Titan you should be very amused by 4/5 of those deaths whereas there’s nothing funny about what happened to that fishing ship. These are very different niches in cultural awareness and your ire should be towards media companies over random people on social media.
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echoing-chaos · 9 months
Way too much fanart of Undertale Yellow
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need1etail · 7 months
How the fuck is it that we live in a time when information gets spread SO EASILY SO many people can talk to each other around the world, to share news, facts, opinions, yet SOMEHOW this TERRIFYING FUCKING GENOCIDE is just going to what? Slip under the radar? Continue without any sort of hiccup? THIS IS A FUCKING GENOCIDE. PEOPLE ARE FUCKING DYING. If you're on the internet AT ALL you should know this is not fucking about the hostages or the Hamas or whatever fucking diluted bullshit you want to believe, this is about a government DESTROYING, ERADICATING a group of people, INNOCENT PEOPLE, PREGNANT PEOPLE, BABIES, CHILDREN, MOTHERS, FATHERS, GRANDPARENTS, SIBLINGS, FRIENDS, WIVES, HUSBANDS, PEOPLE WHO ARE SO SO LOVED. GONE. We are aiding in a fucking genocide. I'm so fucking sick, I feel like I'm losing my fucking grip on reality because how could we ever fucking get to this point.
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annmariethrush · 5 months
Rooting for characters to be good for good’s sake is boring. I’m real so I have to be good for good’s sake which is okay, but fuck if I need my characters in made up realities that don’t exist to be good even when the world is bad to them or they have the opportunity to be more interesting as monsters or tyrants or just straight up assholes. Ship people who are toxic. Fuck monsters. Kill people. Have fun. It’s fiction, that’s the point. Do what you have to do to be a good person in the real world who doesn’t do shitty things to other people or support people who do shitty things.
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nando161mando · 3 months
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We are in a bad way
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joemerl · 3 months
A while back I saw a "pro-Palestinian" post that said something like, "It doesn't matter how much you love your Jewish neighbors, Zionists will call you anti-Semitic for standing up against Israel!"
There's a lot to unpack about that claim—the idea that loving the "right" Jews makes it okay to hate the "wrong" half of world Jewry, or that 95% of Diaspora Jews are those oh-so-evil Zionists, and so on. But let's focus on the straight-up gaslighting.
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And, just in the last twenty-four hours:
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If this is "loving your Jewish neighbors," I'd really hate to see what anti-Semitism would be like!
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dougielombax · 4 months
Who the hell thought it was a good idea to erect that INFERNAL cross next to the remains of Auschwitz concentration camp?!
An absolutely STUPID, tone deaf gesture! (I’m saying this as someone who was raised Catholic!)
Fucking MORONS!
For fuckness’ sake!
That’s like razing a village in Sinjar to the ground and building a mosque on the remains of Yazidi mass graves!
Not exactly an apt comparison site but it’s the same idea…
In my mind!
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news4dzhozhar · 5 months
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So a handful of Republicans literally sent a letter to the ICC Prosecutor threatening the entire office AND their families if they (International Criminal Court) move forward with issuing arrest warrants for any member of Israel's government for war crimes. You know, cuz the US is the mafia now 🙄🤦 Considering the US and Israel are 2 countries who aren't members of the ICC (if that doesn't speak volumes) the warrants wouldn't be enforceable regardless but yah, let's make the US look like an even bigger pile of shit than they already do. If you dare try to prosecute war crimes...you've been warned (literally how the letter is worded). So embarrassed of this country that I'm at a loss for words. Just think for a minute what any sane, rational person would take from such a letter.
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