#genital hsv2
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sxworkerj · 5 years ago
I wish someone had told me when I started in the porn industry that it would be a question of when, not if, I got Herpes.
The way having HSV is blown off and swept under the rug in an industry that tests their performers every two weeks for all other major STDs is mindblowing.
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glitterslutblog · 5 years ago
Found this today! Has anyone used it? Tell me about your experience!!
Glitter Slut
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kayluhhh-girl · 7 years ago
Looking for a HSV2 guy/ girl who doesn’t want to just fuck is hard . 😩🤦🏽‍♀️ Im about to straight give up and go get a dog.
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deliriumisms · 7 years ago
Another day with hsv2 another first!
I missed a day with my valtrex and immediately of course got a mild outbreak... So now is my first experience telling sexual partners I can't play because of an outbreak.
It's honestly really aggravating and embarrassing, I know it's not my fault and it's nothing wrong. But damn bro I hate it. I feel so helpless and tainted.
I've gotten past having it in general. I don't even sweat telling people I have it, but that was because it was just there. No outbreaks or anything, just a little sidenote.
It's also upsetting, disheartening even, that one single day without my antiviral and I got an outbreak. My salvation is this stupid daily pill and if for any reason I don't get to taking it I'm going to be uncomfortable for a week+? Gosh darn it. I need to vent.
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finding-herpeace · 7 years ago
First herpes.
Next an immense amount of self growth and self love.
Then her peace.
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flor-dela-meseta · 8 years ago
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sparkle-me-glitter · 8 years ago
Oh, hello! It's been a while! My last update from like 2 months ago! Hello to all my lovely new followers! <3 I've had nothing new in the world of the world of herps. In fact, I have a long post coming soon about just some thoughts. But I'm not sure if I am ready to share those, but maybe one day when I'm ready I will! It's been in the back of my mind for a while now and something I kinda need to vent/rant/cry?! I dunno. Life sometimes I guess? We'll see. I love you all! Sparkle and shine on my fellow glitter peeps :)
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fallenfirechild · 8 years ago
Let's discuss something I've felt no need to openly talk about because to be honest it hasn't mattered to me lately.
Herpes. The diagnosis that made me cry for two days straight. The one that felt like a death sentence to my sex life. The one that was so stigmatized that one thought it was the end of world. Let's talk about how literally two months after I got this life changing news, I met the love of my life who didn't have it. How she didn't care. And we got married soon after we met and had "unsafe" sex from the start. So this scary diagnosis is now just a minor discomfort or a major one just when it hurts a lot. Then let's discuss how after over a YEAR of being okay with it and not stressing that I have it, my OBGYN made me feel disgusting. Made me feel like my wife should have chosen a "clean" partner like her and not risked getting this shit. Made cry about it all over again. Fuck insensitive doctors. Like you're there to help me, not criticize and belittle me over something I didn't choose.
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amethyssstglitter420-blog · 9 years ago
Every day
Is a new battle. I really need friends to help me out with this crap. I have no idea what I'm doing
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finding-herpeace · 8 years ago
A motto at CoppaFeel that was developed is ‘You can’t polish a turd.  But you can roll it in glitter.’ I think this is a saying that we can all relate to. Life throws some devastating curve-balls at us from time to time, but as a result we get to do some really cool things because of it.  
For me personally, this is how I feel about my diagnosis of herpes. I would never compare my skin condition to a disease like cancer, but I think I can definitely relate to going through a really hard experience, but in the end being kind of thankful because it has allowed me to see myself in a better light, see others in a better light, and just overall become more confident.
So please go to this website, educate yourself, empower yourself, and go help others
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pumpkin-spice-things-blog · 9 years ago
Dealing with the Diagnosis
  BRIEF BACK STORY: So... I was “officially” diagnosed with HSV2 yesterday. I went in to an urgent care center once on Tuesday, for a burning sensation while urinating, and because of the horrible itch both inside and outside my vagina. The doctor told me the bumps looked like “folliculitis” and that it was probably BV. (bacterial vaginosis) I was ecstatic, (thinking I had not contracted herpes.) However, something was wrong, later that night it got worse, much, much worse. The bumps began to cluster more, and itch way worse. I felt like I was sitting on shards of glass and I began crying for two hours. (I NEVER cry.) So, the next day I went to another urgent care facility and they said it did in fact look like herpes. I had them run another test and the doctor prescribed me acyclovir Q8 hrs. The next day I was in so much pain I couldn’t go to work. I just stayed home and basically bawled my eyes out. Finally, yesterday (Friday), I got a phone call confirming that I am, in fact, HSV2 positive. 
     Now, at this point I am beginning to come to terms with it and realizing that this is not the end of the world. Earlier in the week I had been telling my close friends that I wanted to find all the states where it was legal to be euthanized, and go there, because there was just no way I could live with this. I also washed/bleached every article of clothing and surface I own. I lysoled my bed and washed my hands 20 times every 15 minutes. (All things that I know now are unnecessary.) I couldn’t help it I felt disgusting and dirty and awful. But the more I read, I’m finding, that it does get better. (I just hope it clears up soon.) From the stories I’ve been reading, I’m pretty lucky that my first OB (outbreak, for those of you who are new to the whole “herpes” terminology world, like me) isn’t that bad. (I mean, it is, and it isn’t.) For me, it’s very localized in two spots and it seems to be getting much better each day. 
     THINGS THAT HAVE HELPED: I’ve been doing a few things that I think may be helping me. I mean, I noticed the first signs of my outbreak on Monday, and it is now Saturday and it’s bearable to urinate, the itch is minimal, and today I was even able to SHAVE some of the area, and not have any problems. So, I think I’m very lucky, and also found a few things that are working in addition to the meds 1) I have been waking up early and showering (because the discomfort forces me to). Now there are plenty of sites that say epsom salt baths are great and work. And honestly, I LOVE baths. Before my OB I’m not kidding, I would probably average like two-three baths a day. (I’m obsessed with LUSH products). But on top of my HSV2 diagnosis, I also have the BV (and for women who are prone to BV or yeast infections (which can both occur during an OB) I have been staying away from baths all together. What I have found to be EXTREMELY helpful, is my shower head. That’s right ladies and gentleman, you heard me, my shower head. You see, I have a shower head that detaches from the main top piece. I use that to kind of gently massage the areas in which it burns/itches/tingles with water. It is also EXTREMELY helpful when you have to pee. (I know it can burn like a bitch the first few days). 2) The next thing I do after I shower, is I gently dab with a paper towel as much of the water in that area as I can, and then use a blowdryer on a cool/low setting to dry the rest. I will periodically make sure that my nether regions are cool and dry throughout the day with this method, because I don’t really feel that keeping moisture on the sores/bumps is the greatest thing for them. 3) I frequently change my granny panties. The hardest part of all of this, was the fact that I had to go out and buy such atrocious looking underwear, but trust me, it’s worth it. I bought breathable cotton Hanes. (That’s right, those sexy granny panties.) I don’t plan on wearing them forever, obviously, but they are the most comfortable things to wear at the moment, and I’m all about doing anything and everything I can to be comfortable. 4) I’ve changed my diet/vitamin intake dramatically. In fact, the guy who gave this to me unknowingly (THANKS A TON, more on that in another entry), showed me this drink recipe that I have actually seen in a lot of herpes herbal/home remedy sites. I take a full cup of water, add a tablespoon of coconut oil, a tablespoon of raw organic honey, and squeeze in half of a lemon. Then heat for 30 seconds (in microwave) and stir, heat for 30 seconds and stir, and do this all the way for another minute until all coconut oil is dissolved and it looks like a warm beverage. It tastes a lot like tea, only you will see the oil up at the top and at first the texture of it may seem odd, but it makes your lips SUPER soft, and is actually not bad at all. I’ve also been eating foods high in lysine and low in arginine. (As I’ve read this can help as well). I take ibuprofen at the same time I take my acyclovir (three times a day). And I’ve also been taking vitamin E and melatonin before I go to bed. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day has helped too. A few days ago was a small victory when I went to pee, and found I did not have to clench my fists and bite back my screams, because it didn’t burn. 
Hopefully this will help someone else out there newly diagnosed or struggling to come to terms with it. You are NOT herpes. You have herpes. & it really does get better. If you think about it, you probably actually know a good number of people who have it, but just don’t broadcast it. It’s a virus, much like bronchitis, once you have it once, the virus doesn’t go away, and you can get the symptoms periodically, but it does get better. It’s not the end of the world. I’m going to attach a really silly video I found on youtube, that made me feel slightly better about the whole thing. If you find you’ve made it through my entire post ( I applaud you) and feel free to message me or ask any questions, I’ve done quite a bit of research, and am in the medical field in general so I’d be happy to help as best I can. 
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flowerchildivy · 9 years ago
teddy bear (Disclosing story)
I know teddy bear is a corny name. But I met a guy who reminded me of a teddy bear so I gave him that name. We clicked instantly ! Every time we talked my face lit up. He bought an iPhone just so we could FaceTime each other. He would call & wake me up for class. Everything was good. I decided I needed to tell him of my ghsv status because he wanted a relationship. I told him & he ignored me. We haven’t talked since. At first my heart was crushed. But I’m moving on. It happens.
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sparkle-me-glitter · 9 years ago
Random question! I know outbreaks get less frequent over time, but what about the severity?
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shamelessinfection · 9 years ago
I guess from my previous post I'm ready to come out of the herpes closet:)
I do not even care anymore. Ya I have it. It's forever. And it's whatever. I'm happy. It's the last thing on my mind. And I will do whatever I can or say whatever I can, to make you have hope one day you'll think like that too xoxo
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amethyssstglitter420-blog · 9 years ago
For me, it's not so much the fact that I have HSV-2, but that herpes has some of the worst negative stigma. Why is it so easy for people to make fun of or judge people who have herpes? Some people, like myself, don't know how they got it. I've always been in serious relationships but I was sexually assaulted a couple times, so that may be how I got it. But just dealing with the shame that we go through because people don't understand what we go through. It's a scary learning process and for some people like myself, even very painful. I ended up in the emergency room because I was in so much pain and discomfort that I was sobbing. I slept a maximum of 3 hours that night and drove myself to the emergency room at 4 am. People need to learn and understand that although herpes may change us as people for the rest of our lives, that does not make us any less, in any way. We are not whores and sluts, we're not dirty or gross. We are fucking people damn it. We all go through our day to day struggles just like anyone else, we just have a little extra glitter to deal with!
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finding-herpeace · 8 years ago
creative people must not avoid the pain that they get dealt. I say to myself, sometimes repeatedly 'I've got to get the hell out of this hurt'...But no. Hurt must be examined like a plague.
Anne Sexton, from a letter to Frederick Morgan in A Self-Portrait in Letters
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