#general chemistry 10th
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 8 months ago
astro thoughts : short n sweet <3 the beauty of venus
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Venus in the 1st house wants to be loved for more than their appearance. They have the gift of gab just like their mercurial friends. You can forgive them easier than any other person because of their charm holding their appearance/personality together. Much more easier to like, but they do have a dark side no one knows about.
Venus in the 2nd house does not play around when getting to the money. Entrepreneurs by a long slide. But they don't tell you how they get their money ;) Sugar daddy placement, much like the 8th house, but its a little different. Its transactional only. Relationships usually need them to be on the receiving end only for their satisfaction. Have an appetite for money making tactics a lot more than any other second house placement (mercury & saturn being runner ups).
Venus in the 3rd house has a whimsical energy tied to it. Individuals with this placement have a lust for live, just the drive to their destination can bring them joy. Its like they live every day in the moment, inspiring us with what they find in the process.
Venus in the 4th house has a beautiful family. There relationships with family members could be up to par, they could be the favorite sibling or they generally just get a long with everybody. The downside to this placement could be that their family has full of secrets as this is a private house normally. They normally keep a lot about themselves at bay from the public (opposite to the 10th) and most never know them unless you are REALLY close to them, even then its just a mystery.
Venus in the 5th house are the charismatic personalities people adore. There players and can have anyone they want and its usually all fun and games until they meet their match. These are the royal lovers so their very choosy. What I like about this placement is they do not mind constantly getting to know people. They are almost always talking to new people as the dating scene is their playground.. its really what they came here for. They are meant to live a life full of playfulness, inspiration, and luxurious lifestyle if they allow themselves to get it.
Venus in the 6th house are powerhouses when they go for what is meant for them. They need a new routine to make themselves feel good. If they gotta get up and do their makeup to make themselves feel better than that'll do it. If they gotta workout everyday to get that dream body, then their up for the challenge. They love to be of service to people, but they have to remember they cannot always help people with their responsibilities.
Venus in the 7th house are truly popular individuals and they can be well liked by mostly everyone they come across. The thing about this placement is that I have noticed is that they can typically get in a lot of disputes with others. Could be seen as fake and wishy washy to some, but the best friend to others. It doesn't matter there kind of isn't a in between. They do have a nice personality and can keep up the charm with a lot of people. Can get what they want out of others in personal relationships mostly.
Venus in the 8th house have a deep bond with themselves and this chemistry have with their individualism is seen by others and it changes the way people view them. Others may like them for what they do for them and they can feel pretty used up if they are not careful. People want them for their looks and this can be annoying somethings. They gave a transformative bond with their relationships for better or for worse. If they focus on themselves this energy can work for their benefit and theirs alone.
Venus in the 9th house has a deep bond with the universe in a way that makes them more transparent with themselves and they way they feel about life. They live a long time finding the true meaning of life but in each day, each hour, each moment they can find the gift in what the world brings. They are capable of finding that their is more than what meets the eye, and their inspirational in the conquest of it all. Their gift is in the eye of jupiter, in which they see things in a whole nother view than others. And they have a way of sharing that information that they get from just walking outside or being home alone with their thoughts.
Venus in the 10th house are very well known for their beauty, the compassionate nature, their ability to meet their eyes with the crowd and just borderline energetic individuals. Even if bad news comes out about them, the public usually ignores this and focus more on their talents and personality. I feel this placement is a life saver. Can keep these people from the wrong energy at times, even if its impossible to get away from.
Venus in the 11th house can show a potential for having good company around them. Very sweet and compelling natives, their hearts are super big and can be really helpful to others on a day to day basis. Can genuinely be a people pleaser but this can work out for them some days. Could be popular on social media.
Venus in the 12th house have an alluring nature to them. These are the type of people that can hypnotize you and suddenly youre somewhere you have never been. They can take you on a journey with just their mind alone. They are gifted in the arts, a lot of celebs tend to have this placement. They are a gift to be around and not everyone is allowed to be around them. They can be sort of obsessive when it comes to something or someone they love. This is where the good art can come from. Very mysterious creatures, they move like a siren.
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jaylalolz · 5 months ago
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,,BEST PART’’ nicholas chavez
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a/n : since none of yall wanted to make a fic about this lovely man.. imma do it myself
warnings : none
summary : in an interview, actress Madelyn Kennedy reveals her celebrity crush on actor Nicholas Chavez, sparking excitement among her fans. It quickly gets attention on social media, with fans buzzing about the potential chemistry between the two.
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Madelyn Kennedy adjusted her microphone and smiled brightly at the camera. The vibrant buzzed with energy as the host, Jake Harrington, settled into his chair across from her. The air was thick with anticipation, not just for Madelyn's upcoming projects, but for what might unfold during the interview.
“Welcome back to Hollywood Spotlight! Today, we have the incredibly talented Madelyn Kennedy with us,” Jake announced, his enthusiasm infectious. “Madelyn, it’s great to have you here!”
“Thanks for having me, Jake! I’m so excited to be here,” Madelyn replied, her heart racing slightly. She loved these moments, sharing her passion with fans who tuned in from all over the world.
“So, let’s dive right in! Fans are eagerly awaiting Outer Banks Season 4, which is set to premiere on October 10th. What can you tell us about it?” Jake leaned forward, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.
Madelyn took a breath, her excitement bubbling over. “I can’t wait for everyone to see it! This season is going to be the biggest yet. We’ve really upped the stakes with the storylines. There’s more adventure, more twists, and a deeper exploration of our characters. I think fans are going to be on the edge of their seats!”
“Sounds thrilling! Any hints you can drop about what to expect?” Jake pressed, a grin spreading across his face.
“Well, without giving too much away,” she said, playfully biting her lip, “let’s just say the Pogues face some serious challenges that test their friendships and loyalty. It’s a wild ride!”
“Now that sounds like something to look forward to! But let’s switch gears a bit. On a more personal note, do you have any celebrity crushes?” Jake’s tone turned lighter, inviting her to share something more intimate.
Madelyn paused for a moment, a playful smirk creeping onto her face. “Actually, I do!” she said, leaning in slightly as if sharing a secret. “I have a crush on Nicholas Chavez. He’s just incredible!”
The studio erupted with a mix of gasps and excited chatter, and Madelyn’s cheeks flushed slightly. She could feel the buzz of energy in the air as Jake’s eyebrows shot up in surprise.“Nicholas Chavez! That’s a popular choice! What is it about him that draws you in?” Jake asked, clearly enjoying the moment.
Madelyn laughed, her confidence returning. “I mean, he’s such a talented actor. I loved his work on General Hospital and recently Monsters, and he just has this amazing energy. Plus, he seems like a genuinely nice person. What’s not to like?”
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liked by madelynkennedy and 356,789 others
nicholasalexanderchavez muah
view all comments !
madelynkennedy just fainted
⤷ nicholasalexanderchavez need any help?
user the crossover we didn’t knew we needed
user wait bc they would be such a hot couple…
user madelyn forgetting that she’s on her main instead of spam LMAOO
user oh i’m living for this
user i ship
user white boy of the month
user no bc that one scene in monsters when he only had a towel on… DROP IT😫
user need him in a romcom w mads
user nicholas just pulled the baddest bitch
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pandorasworkshop · 1 year ago
🍎Astrology Observations Pt4🍎
🍎14 degrees in planets can indicate being very beautiful a lot of celebrities have this degree (Madison beer, Rihanna) and is often seen in people who have stable income. Can indicate being financially stable. This is a Taurus degree.
🐍 Synastry with a 10th Venus or 1st Venus can indicate the general public or your friends will know you guys like each other before you guys do or people will think you are a couple all the time.
🍎Taurus placements in the third house tend to be very good at art and with their hands. I've seen these placements create something out seemingly nothing.
🐍people with Virgo Libra placements tend to be involved in high positions with school systems.
🍎if you and someone have a mars in sister signs (cap/cancer or Scorpio/Taurus) your sexual chemistry can be very good and harmonious.
🐍a lot of Virgo/Aquarius placements go into biomedical fields or fields of work that are considered more "taboo" (mortician, medical examiner)
🍎Venus transiting your 2nd house can indicating getting material object from suitors or having an influx of gifts/money be given or stumbled upon.
🐍Chiron in 3rd/11th house might be outcasted in their younger years but considered "cool" when their older.
🍎Chiron in 5th/7th house could get hurt in romantic relationships or have a hard time finding the right partner.
🐍Venus transiting 3rd house could represent having nicer more poetic compliments or being more into writing/journaling or art.
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sagittariusmarz · 2 months ago
No Contact- Their feelings/intentions towards you (pac) *follower request
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🦄- I see that they feel like theres a third party involved in the connection or they feel like they can’t give you all or their attention/vice versa, they’ve been trying to figure out what you’re doing or who with when you’re not with them. They feel comfortable with you but they wish you guys did more things together, they don’t really listen to their intuition about the connection and they mostly act before they think. They intend to find someone else or move on from the connection. Signs- Capricorn/Aries, Capricorn in the 1st house, Taurus in the 9th house. Initials- S, N, A, K
🐱 I see that they feel like you’re a good friend and it’s easy to hang out with you or talk to you, they enjoy spending time with you and they think you’re a nice/humble person but they don’t want things to get too serious. They don’t want to make things difficult so they intend to keep things the way they are or just stay in the friendzone. They don’t think it’s the right time to be in a relationship with you or just in general. Signs- Aquarius/pisces, Aquarius in the 10th house/Capricorn in the 8th house. Initials- E, B, R, I
🐻 I see that they feel like being in a relationship with you is too hard or they feel like you guys aren’t compatible relationship wise, they feel like you guys have better sexual chemistry and they feel like you guys can express how you feel through physical intimacy. They intend on having you in their life for a long time, they feel kind of confused by the connection because it’s hard for them to separate lust from love and they know that they like you but they don’t know what to do about it. They intend on keeping a physical connection with you and having a baby with you but not be with you long term, they want to be able to have multiple chances with you. Signs- libra/ Aries, Libra in the 5th house/gemini in the 7th house. Initials- D, O, S
Personal readings always available
Divider by @bernardsbendystraws PNGs by @buriedteen @pngblog
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wickedastrology · 11 months ago
wickedastrology’s astro notes p. 2
part 1
- your rising, first house, and first house ruler is where you can find your name. If you are named after or by someone, you will find it there. Ex: Aquarius risings might change their first name within their lifetime, Taurus risings tend to have traditional-type names, pisces risings can have names that are spelled different than usual… Neptune or Moon in the first can have names related to water, Jupiter in the first can be names that are long, mercury can be multiple names or nicknames.
- Which house your north node is in will show you who/what energies you must “collaborate” with to fulfill your life’s destiny. Examples: 3rd house, siblings or social media. 5th House, children or creation in general. 6th House, a daily routine/ritual. 9th House, a higher power or education. 12th House, the unknown.
- there’s nothing more rough than Saturn or Pluto on an angular house (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) Grief, grief, grief.
- when looking at transits, note how many times it will truly hit your natal planet. The first time it does, you will just be “clued in” on the energy. The second time, it will be the peak (this could be good or bad, depending on the aspect). The third time, you are reasoning with it, accepting it, and incorporating it into your life.
- synastry charts will show you the chemistry between you and another, how you will work together. composite charts will more so show you what will happen with the relationship and the impact.
- music taste can be found in many different placements. The moon + 4th house will show you what music makes you feel nostalgic/emotional. The sun + 5th house will be the music that inspires you the most. Mercury + 3rd/6th house will be the songs that you relate most to.
- Cancer moons have the potential to be closer to their grandmothers than their actual mom.
- Aquarius moons (especially women) that are in the public eye are always controversial. This is because they aren’t meant to be understood by the general public, and can be seen as disingenuous. Ex: Gypsy Rose, Britney Spears, Trisha Paytas. You’ll tend to find other Aquarius placements giving them the benefit of the doubt. Men with Aquarius moons in the public eye can show off their “god-complex” without much trouble because well… they’re men.
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metis-iphigenia · 5 months ago
DAMIAN WAYNE SCHOOL HEADCANONS because school opened like 2-3 weeks ago and i need to cope
•since he is 15 years old, he is in 10th grade(not letting dc pull a tim drake and make him the same age forever)
•he used to love chemistry in the 9th grade because the first subject was alchemy if i remember correctly(dc can pry the "al ghuls are alchemists" hc(canon) from my cold dead hands)
but he lost interest in chemistry quickly after the subject passed.
•his all time favourite classes are math and art. im just sure damian's type of person that doesnt separate math and art from eachother
•why art is his favourite is a given but his favourite is math because math is a class based on problem solving(and also because he can do math easily)
but yeah ik his classmates are very very annoyed whenever he says "math is easy"
•I imagine him arguing with his english teacher the most for some reason. there is no reason other than damian is a very educated kid about the english literature(literature in general) so either he doesnt care or he correct his teacher on literally everything.
•i feel like he would either do a very detail research about the book he read and write a very long essay, or make a very short one and not enough detailed. no in between(because he misunderstood his teachers when they said to "keep it short")
•he begged his father to let him take an exam that lets him skil grades based on his level but his father refused so now he takes advanced math etc.
•him and duke see eachother in the morning regularly(insomniac duke, and damian who wakes up at 5.30 is real) and they sit down to talk about random shit till 7 am mostly(duke explained him the fnaf lore and damian talked about creepypastas real)
•he texts with maps both on their way to their separate schools and make plans to meetup after school to just hang out
•damian usually reads or draws in most of the classes since he already knows everything they are teaching but when asked a question, he does yap a lot(dc should bring back yapper damian ngl)
•bathroom breakdowns were very real for 9th grade damian(literally canon event for everyone with social anxiety or people who get overstimulated at school)
•still bullied just doesnt care about it and insults them/messes with them back to get back at the bullies(it stops after him also messing with them)
•he loves playing football and volleyball but not with his teammates(ik hes #3 frat boy hater i just feel it) so he only gets along with 2 of his teammates. i imagine their personality as scott and stiles from teen wolf so yeah
•has one(1) friend and two(2) teammates he doesnt hate in total(girlfailure and girlsuccess damian youre real to me🙌😼)
also he got multiple friends outside of school anyways lmao bro is anything BUT anti-social(to me hes also the type to join his schools projects etc or debate teams)
•he always calls his mother when he makes it to school and whenever hes leaving it because talia worries and he wants ease her worries(ultimate mother daughter duo)
•after school he has a yap session with nika and they talk about everything that happened to them that day(yapper4yapper gravebird my beloved)
•him and stephanie rant about school daily and talk about how much they hate it(but they both wont drop out since steph wants that med school degree and damian also wants it in the future(med student sisterisms real))
•jon may be going to a journalism school(i think??) but hes still a science nerd so their study sessions always turns into an argument about an equation or a science problem
>>> so i think thats it!! please tell me your headcanons too and help me cope with school also because i love reading about hcs(esp thosr about damian) <<<<
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meriahlatyar · 1 year ago
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Happy (late) 10th anniversary to the movie that altered my brain chemistry!❄️
It feels like a crime for me to not draw them when they got me to take drawing seriously, introduced me to the world of art of film making by looking up early concept arts and be obsessed with Elsa in general that repeated drawing her had me inprove my art
2014 art for self comparison under the cut:
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ofmdrecaps · 5 months ago
10/06-07/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Samba Schutte; Anapela Polataivao; David Fane; Guz Khan; Kristian Nairn & Nathan Foad; Vico Ortiz; Minnie Driver; Boris McGiver; Fan Spotlight: Never Left Podcast; Gay Pirate News Hour; Love Notes; Hey Crew, I mentioned it on twitter, but forgot to here.. I came down with something and am dealing with some grumpy migraines on top of normal life, so everything is behind again. I'll be getting a couple days out at a time over the next few days. I promise to catch up!
== Rhys Darby ==
Rhys and the fam out at Medieval Times!
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Source: Rosie's IG stories
== Taika Waititi ==
Taika out in Wellington!
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Source: Instagram
== Samba Schutte ==
Samba is out sharing so much love for Anapela and Kristian! Also-- Advanced Chemistry is out on digital now! Check it out on VUDU, or Amazon, Apple TV, whatever you prefer!
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Source: Samba Schutte's Instagram
Oh yeah, and Samba did an awesome stand up show recently!
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Source: Samba's Instagram
== David Fane ==
Moana 2 is coming out November 27 to theatres! Are you ready to hear David Fane and Rachel House?
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Source: David Fane's Instagram
== Anapela Polataivao ==
So many more videos have been posted interviewing our beloved Auntie and the team at the Tina premiere at the HIFF! Check them out!
Source: Tina Film Instagram
== Kristian Nairn / Nathan Foad ==
Nathan promising some shenanigans at Kristian's Book Panel at MCM Comic Con London on Oct 27!
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Source: Nathan's Instagram Stories
A new episode of Spektrum is out! Check it out on SoundCloud!
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Source: Kristian Nairn's Instagram
== Vico Ortiz ==
Vico's been so busy! They finally got Kristian's book though!
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Jasmine Is Haunted-- a book Vico did the audio version of, they found out in the wild! Still on my list to listen to!
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Lots of pictures of Vico out at LatinX New Play Festival 2024!
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Source: LajollaPlayhouse / Vico Ortiz Instagram
== Guz Khan ==
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Source: Guz Khan's Instagram Stories
== Minnie Driver ==
Minnie's joining Kirsty Young for an episode of Young Again!
Minnie also out promoting her friends shirt company!
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Source: Minnie Drivers Instagram Stories
== Boris McGiver ==
In case you were looking for another spooky show for your October viewing pleasure, the Horror/Thriller King, Stephen King has endorsed our Father Bonnet's new show Teacup! Check it out on Peacock Oct 10th!
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Source: Boris McGiver's Instagram
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Never Left Podcast =
The Never Left Podcast folks are talking with some of the creators of Samba's new movie Advanced Chemistry! Check it out! Never Left Podcast Linktr.ee
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Source: Never Left Podcast Instagram
= Gay Pirate News Hour =
New episode of Gay Pirate News Hour! Hosted by Our Flag Means Fanfiction! Check it out below!
Source: OFMFF youtube
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies! I know the Hurricane hit FL yesterday and I'm really hoping all of you are okay. Please be sure to reach out to your crew if you need something ,ya? As a heads up, I'm gonna get into some real talk tonight, so please bear with me. I have heard some stuff lately about how not everyone is redeemable, and not everyone deserves a second chance, and I thought this would be a good time to mention some things that have been on my mind about said subject. Every single one of us is human. Good people make mistakes, good people do things out of good intentions that go badly, seemingly bad people do good things occasionally, and people who generally seem neutral can fuck up. This world is not black and white, and I know our trauma has taught us over and over and over that it is. The world is a big grey goopy lump of clay and every single situation, no matter how similar, is different from the one before. Don't get me wrong-- I'm not saying, don't have boundaries. I'm absolutely not saying "forgive" someone who has done some horrible shit to you or has hurt you over and over. What I'm saying is-- every single person has a unique experience that causes them to make decisions based off of knowledge limited by their experience, or the experiences of the people they know. Now why is that important? That means people can change with new information, or when treated differently. I'm gonna use our show as an example-- did the Queen Anne and Revenge crew think pirating was their only option? Yes. (Was that true? Yes, for them because of class, race issues, etc but that's a talk for another time). They believed there was only one way to do things, and no other options were out there because there were never other options presented to them. Stede offered a different perspective. Now there's A MILLION caveats and complex situations, and things, but my point is-- "irredeemable people" out there sometimes don't know any different, and if one group continues to try to explain one thing to them, and it doesn't get through-- that doesn't necessarily mean they are choosing not to change their mind. It might mean that the perspective isn't clicking for them. Another person, maybe with similar trauma, maybe with different life experiences so drastically different can explain something in a way that opens the eyes of someone that others haven't been able to. The point I'm trying to make here is--- YOU are not irredeemable. YOU are worthy of forgiveness for mistakes you've made. YOU are not the same person you were 10 years ago, or a month ago, or yesterday. Your neighbors, your friends, your family, your moots, your acquaintances on the internet, no one is the same as they were yesterday. Some people may never be in a place where they can forgive you for something-- but THAT DOESNT MEAN YOU are irredeemable or unforgivable. People clash, and we don't have to be loved and forgiven by everyone to be valid. We can choose to do better, and even if that doing better never reaches the person/event who triggered the change, that doesn't make YOU any less of a better person. That doesn't mean YOU didn't improve. It means they can't forgive you for their own reasons-- and your happiness and worth shouldn't be based on that. You are so much more than your past actions lovelies. Please remember that. Please remember that tomorrow is not written in stone. You are wonderful, and you are trying your best and that's all anyone can ask of you. Please remember that we love you crew. We care about you-- and we all do things we don't mean to. It doesn't make us unloveable, it makes us human.
Be kind to yourself if you can, and get some rest <3. Sending so much love your way.
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yourultraarchive · 10 months ago
Understanding class assignments in UA and Japanese schools in general
In the Student Template Questionnaire, there is one particular question I realized had never been addressed, that I think a lot of people should understand the nuances of!
What school/class or organization do they belong to?
This is the question that fills out the "Affiliation" line of the "Personal Data" section student template:
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So, if your character is a student, what class should they be a part of?
First of all, let's talk about structure:
Japanese high school is only 3 years, unlike American high school which is usually 4. (I'm sure other countries are different too, but I'm assuming most of the people who visit this blog are American-centric.) Given that, that means Izuku and his friends in their first year of high school are actually in the equivalent of American 10th grade, which is usually in the 14-15 year old age range.
Unlike American high school, where students are separated by class schedule and students have to leave the classroom every period to physically go to their next class (ie. you have Chemistry in first period and History in fifth period, but your friend from Chemistry in first period could have Art in fifth period instead), with the class rosters changing every semester, Japanese high school students are assigned one class (like 1-A or 1-B, or so on) which they stick to for the rest of their school career. This means they have the same classmates every single year, which is why the homeroom teacher is so central--they ALSO stick around for the entirety of the students' school careers! Homeroom teachers are more than teachers, they're more like parents or guardians relationship-wise, and keeping the same one throughout the students' school career lets them build trust, enough so that if the student is having any personal issues, they'd feel comfortable talking to their homeroom teacher about it. (As an aside, as well, usually these classes stay in one single classroom too, with the exception of classes that need special facilities like PE or Home Ec, which really drives home the idea that "Homeroom" really is supposed to be "home" for both the students and teacher! And unlike in American high school, the students don't change classrooms every period--the teachers do!)
The classrooms are not actually physically labelled, so 1-A is not a classroom number assigned to a specific room. The names of these family-like classroom units are designated by the YEAR the students are in, with the letter just being their assigned grouping. (AKA they're the first 20 students so they get "A", and the next 20 students get designated "B", and so on.)
Student numbers (ie. Izuku being student no.18) and seating order are determined by alphabetical order. Specifically Japanese alphabetical order.
So what does that all mean for Class 1-A?
Formally, they're not actually called Class 1-A, they're actually just Class A. They're 1-A because this is their first year of high school (which, as mentioned before, is the equivalent of American 10th grade, but if you were going to use American terms, it'd be more accurate to call them "freshmen" instead of "sophomore" like 10th graders are supposed to be), but when they move on to the next school year, they don't keep that name. In their second year of high school, they'd be Class 2-A, and in their final year of high school, they'd be Class 3-A!
So, for example, the Big Three being in class 3-B? That means that when they were first-years, they were in class 1-B! (That being said, the "A" and "B" and so on are not the designation of student ranking, like the UA entrance exam scoreboard might lead you to believe--I had a few friends who thought that, but it's not actually the case that 1-A has stronger or smarter or just overall higher-ranked members than 1-B. It's random, just like any other high school rosters are made! It just seems like 1-A has a lot of powerhouses because they're the main characters, but that's not to say 1-B is any less skilled or powerful than them. If this all was the case, I highly doubt our esteemed Big Three trio would have been in Class 1-B all the way up to 3-B!)
This also applies to the other classes, like the Support Course or Gen Ed. They may be labelled "1-C" or "1-E" or whatever else, but again, those Letter designations are just their grouping, not their ranking within the school, especially since it would have been really hard to quantify if the Support Couse was less powerful than the Hero Course. UA just happened to designate the first 40 students as Hero Course, the next 60 as Gen Ed, and etc etc for Business and Support too.
As for the student order within the classrooms themselves? Again, not a determination of power, it's just a simple matter of alphabetical order by last name. If you're standing at the front of the classroom looking out at the desks, the seating arrangement starts at the leftmost side of the room ("A" names), going front to back (not left to right like Americans might!), and then going to the next row to the right, and so on. (In the following image taken from the MHA wiki, the "front left" of the classroom is Aoyama, and the "bottom right" is Momo. Though keep in mind that the alphabetical order here is based on the Japanese alphabet, not the American one.)
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Now, what does that mean for YOUR characters?
Well, if you want to have your characters be in the same class as the canon characters, certainly feel free to put them in 1-A or 1-B! (Keep in mind though that class sizes in Japan tend to stick around 20, but you can play by your own rules for your own story/rp/whatever.) However, if you want them to be in the same class as the canon 1-A but you've listed your character as 17? They wouldn't be in 1-A, they'd probably be 3-A. (17 is a bit of a nebulous age though, so it depends on what year you'd have them in--if they're "seniors", they'd absolutely be in their 3rd year, but if you think they have another year of schooling ahead of them, maybe put them in 2-A?)
If you want to put them in their own class entirely instead of bunching them in with the canon 1-A or 1-B? Make a whole new classroom if you want! Assign them to 1-C (and push back the Gen Ed Course and the others another letter, if you plan to involve them) since the courses seem to be grouped together and it'd be weird to have a new Hero Course be assigned 1-L or something when the others are A and B--though you could do that if you want to! Up to you!
Similarly, if your character isn't in the Hero Course at all, assign them a different classroom like 1-C or 1-H or whatever! (I don't remember which letters were assigned to each course, but I'm sure you can look it up if you really want to know it rather than making up the assignments for yourself.)
Also, if your character doesn't go to UA at all? The same rules apply. Shiketsu High School and all the rest have their own 1-A, 2-B, etc. And even middle school has the same structure, since like high school, it's also 3 years! Izuku and Bakugou would have been in year 3 of middle school at the start of the series.
Finally, regarding the seating order: I see a lot of people put their characters at the end/last row of the classroom, should they be added to the canon classes, which is totally okay of course! But if you want your character to be there from the start, they'd probably have their own permanent seat number. If you plan on using the Japanese alphabet arrangement, just look at a Japanese kana chart and see where they would go in the roster--for instance, if Kojiro Bondo from 1-B were in 1-A, his seat would be right between Bakugou and Midoriya (because "ho/bo" comes after "ha/ba", and both of those come before any M names).
If you don't plan to use the Japanese alphabetical order, then you can feel free to use the English order if you like (especially if you're not mixing with the canon classes which already have their own established orders you may not want to mess with) or, as with American high schools, don't use an order at all and let the students just sit where they want. Up to you!
Hopefully that helps you understand how to enroll your character in school!
One last note? This is specifically for character designing more than development, but each department has its own school uniform! It's very subtle, but the epaulettes (I think that's what they're called?), lapels, and cuffs of the uniform jackets all have different stripe designs and arrangements/number of buttons!
That's all for now. Hope these tips help!
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roseofbabboo · 5 months ago
Seeing people yell and scream about zutara never makes sense to me because disregarding compatibility between characters in a ship just because you don't like it is almost disrespectful to the character itself. Separately, the ships do make sense in some fashion.
Katara is a complex, intelligent, feminist character who does not sacrifice her emotions for her strength. Inequality ultimately frustrates her to the point of risking herself and the overall mission of bringing the Avatar to take down Ozai to become a temporary vigilante because she cannot stand by and let people be mistreated. Her emotions do not hinder her ability to fight or remain strong in planning, healing, or battling. I would in fact argue that the emotional side she holds dearly makes her even stronger. Between learning bloodbending (a skill she swore she wouldn't use and later used due to her rage for avenging her mother) and nurturing the entire group through the desert without knowing if they would survive, Katara's emotional control is insane.
Aang is a talented child who had to speed through his grief of losing his people and culture while having to master elements within 1/10th of a timespan that his predecessors have been required to in order to stop the world from ending. The very thing he feared the most of having to hurry and grow up became a reality to an unbelievable extent. He's had to build an entirely new life and grapple with the changes of what is now history, all while planning how to make the world a better place without sacrificing his values. Growing up so quickly without the original support system that once existed and plotting the demise of a complete stranger takes a toll on someone who hasn't even been consciously alive for that long. The world is no longer built for airbenders, having been killed off for over a century, and to somehow hold those customs and practices to the point where they can be carried onto the next generation takes skill.
Zuko is a character who had to earn his talent. He never started out being good at things, he was never written as a prodigy who was different than all the other kids because of how 'good' he was at any activity. His greatest 'weakness' according to his family is how much he cares and shows it, before his father disfigured him for standing up for the soldiers being sacrificed. All he's ever ached for is to be a part of his own family and take his place on the throne, and he's willing to hunt down what is essentially a god to the world of ATLA in order to get those results. Not only does he capture him a multitude of times through hard work, dedication, and intense training (albeit, he did not succeed at keeping Aang captured), but Zuko ends up battling that ability to care, and has to choose between having the approval of his family and nation, and doing what's right. To have a character who turns a full 180 with his morals and ethics, and have him work for it tooth and nail... it's no wonder he's as angsty and emotional as he is.
Aang and Katara are most certainly a pair that can make sense, they nurture one another and believe in the good of the world. They have similar interests, they share a similar sense of humor, they've built up a slow burning chemistry for months and over time they became attached at the hip. Katara teaches Aang a lot about himself, he grows as a character when she is in the mix. To have an immediate support when he thaws from the ice is a blessing for Aang, and in having that support, the two can share their ethics and beliefs to bring forth a new generation of airbenders.
Katara and Zuko, however, have immediate chemistry without the slow burn. Their opposite elements make for dynamic growth through combat. Neither of them start out as great benders, they had to earn their fighting styles and talents. The loss of people they love brings them together despite the different upbringings, putting a new perspective of the war into each of their lives. In the catacombs, with barely two minutes of dialogue, there's a magnetic sense that the two understand each other, and that the care they display for others is similar despite being on two opposite ends of a spectrum. Katara learns that not all firebenders are monsters that only seek to eliminate, Zuko learns that the goodness that he's fought against in order to gain approval is his true calling. Their growth together while being opposite personalities has potential to allow both parties to bring peace for the world into fruition without losing pieces of themselves.
Immediately dismissing either ship as being unhealthy or toxic without acknowledging that there is a foundation in each feels like it doesn't need to be addressed, but here we are.
I personally adore zutara, but I won't come for someone's head if they don't??? Grow up???
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hawkeyejrhuntress · 6 months ago
Bishova Holiday Challenge 2024 - Rules and Prompt Ideas!
Background History:
On November 24 it will be three years since Marvel brought the Hawkeye series to the little screen. 6 episodes and 5 weeks of getting to know Kate Bishop with a hint of Yelena Belova. Despite having less than 45 minutes of screen time their chemistry was explosive. Since then, amazing fanfiction writers around the world have created amazing stories about these two. So, with the anniversary of the show coming up, I decided to bring back the Bishova Holiday Challenge.
Thank You:
After a month of voting the Bishova Community has spoken. Below you will find the 5 top themes/prompt ideas. We had 728 votes, which is crazy. I want to thank all the writers, and fans who voted. I want to thank Oh Alpha My alpha discord friends. Who voted and came up with some of the ideas. The remaining prompts that did not win will be reposted just as prompt ideas for the public.
This year the challenge will be 6 weeks with the last week being the writers’ choice.
These prompts will have mini-ideas attached to them but you do not have to follow them to tea, just stick to the general theme.
The stories must be posted on A03. Use #BISHOVAHOLIDAYCHALLENGE2024 & Week # for which week was written for
Only can be 1-3 chapters long while the challenge is up. After the challenge if you want to continue them, please do.
You can prewrite your stories and co-write them with others. But they cannot be published before the challenge.
It is encouraged that you participate in all 6 weeks to be eligible for the prize but if you can’t it’s all good.
Also to be considered for the top Grand winners you can’t miss a week. So if you miss week 1, you can still participated and try to be a weekly winner but you will not be eligible for the Grand Prize over the whole challenge.
Challenge Weeks:
Week 1: Nov 10th – Nov 16th
Week 2: Nov 17th – Nov 23rd
Week 3: Nov 24th – Nov 30th  
Week 4: Dec 1st – Dec 7th
Week 5: Dec 8th – Dec 14th
Week 6: 16th – Dec 21st
There will be 6 weekly winners. After each week I will create a poll with the stories that qualified, and readers can pick the winner. The winners get bragging rights. 
After all, 6 weeks are done the writers who participated in all 6 weeks and followed the rules will be entered on a poll to qualify as the top 3 winners of the WHOLE CHALLENGE, voted on by the fans.
It is not completely finalized, and it can still fall through but right now I am working on getting art pieces for the top three winners. 
Week 1: Nov 10th – Nov 16th - Grinchmas (Idea Credit – Chi_Raven) (Suggested Rating – G) Yelena gets a part time gig as a mall Grinch. She does it too well and ends up on Kate Bishop’s Naughty list daughter of Santa Clause or Yelena dresses up as the Grinch and runs around scaring kids.
Week 2: Nov 17th – Nov 23rd – Fake Dating Winter Love – (Idea Credit MidnightJuilet) (Suggested Rating G-E) Yelena created a fake girlfriend to attend her ex’s winter wedding. Enter Kate Bishop!
Week 3: Nov 24th – Nov 30th -Eggnog Love – (Idea Credit MidnightJuilet) (Suggested Rating E) The villain of the week spikes the eggnog at the Holiday Party with liquid sex pollen. Freakiness ensues!
Week 4: Dec 1st – Dec 7th- Lumberjack Christmas - (Idea Credit MidnightJuilet) (Suggested Rating G - E) Kate goes to the mountains to get away and meets her mountain woman!
Week 5: Dec 8th – Dec 14th -Winter Blaze Saved by the Sexy firefighter (Idea Credit CelticKitten25 & DYL) (Suggested Rating G - E) Yelena wakes up to her apartment on fire out of nowhere a short buff fire fighter comes in with her one-eyed dog to rescue her and her akita. And she is only wearing a nightie.
Week 6: 16th – Dec 21st – Writer’s Choice
Above are the 5 prompt ideas and remember the 6th week is writers’ choice. The ratings are suggestions, and the little excerpts attached are just meant to be guides to help facilitate story writing if you get stuck. Please when posting your story please give credit for me (MidnightJuilet) for hosting this challenge and to the specific fan which is also listed above who came up with the prompt idea.
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apchhii · 1 month ago
Headcanons on RDR2 characters, but they in Russian school
i saw video on tiktok by @3dxt.by.issie bout british school and decided to do it with my country😈😈😈😈
it's all not serious btw
Arthur Morgan
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Russian name Artur (wow) Mogilev
10th grade
- hangs out with Dutch
- teachers often ask him to move something (desks, chairs, boxes, etc.)
- bad at math
- favorite of the teacher in Russian language and literature, who sends him to the Olympiads, but he never even tries to write them normally, so he never won
- almost all girls at school are pining for him, but his heart is busy (or he is gay).
Dutch van der Linde
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Russian name Daniel Wasserman
11th grade
-the coolest guy in school
-good grades only because he can negotiate with teachers (and bribe them)
-flirts with 9th graders, even though he's dating Molly
-talks to teachers in class, and if he fails, he continues to chat with his classmates and desk mate Micah
-he always has the most valentines on February 14, especially from 6th graders
- rarely observes the dress code, it is almost impossible to see him in a tucked-in shirt.
Hosea Matthews
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Russian name Khariton Matveyevich
teacher of Russian language and literature
- there are rumors about him that he is the scariest and strictest teacher in the whole school, but, having come to his lesson, children are convinced of the opposite
-really tries to teach children something, although his teaching methods are quite outdated
- always goes to meet students, is ready to help them, even the most beaten-up hooligans
- he is quite easy to talk to. During the whole lesson he can tell stories from his youth, about ice cream for 3 kopecks (cents), how life in USSR was better and so on.
John Marston
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Russian name Ivan Markov
10th grade
-friend with Arthur since kindergarten and live with him in the same khrushchevka
- dumb
- when called to the blackboard, he stalls on purpose and is very dumb, but sometimes not on purpose
- problems with math, physics and chemistry, surprisingly good in social studies
- skips physical education, although all standards always passes on excellent (he is just lazy to carry with him a sports uniform)
- to see him in a jacket or in general observing the school uniform - a miracle
-date with girl from parallel class - Abigail.
Sadie Adler
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Russian name Sasha (Alexandra) Agapova
10th grade
- a new girl
- practically does not communicate with anyone, she'sas quiet as possible
- no one bullies her or even tries to after she broke Micah's nose for slapping her on the butt
- she's frighteningly fast at assembling and disassembling a machine gun, and seems to be the only one who REALLY knows about life safety (i don't know how to translate this subject on English correctly)
- she's only friends with Abigail from the parallel class.
Russian translation:
Артур Морган:
русское имя Артур (вау) Могилев
10 класс
•тусуется с Датчем
•учителя часто просят его что-то перетащить (парты, стулья, коробки и тп)
•плох в математике
•любимчик учительницы по русскому языку и литерат��ре, которая отправляет его на олимпиады, но он никогда даже не старается их написать нормально, потому никогда не побеждал
•по нему сохнут почти все девочки в школе, но его сердце занято
Датч ван дер Линде:
русское имя Даниил Вассерман
11 класс
•самый крутой парень в школе
•хорошие оценки только потому, что умеет договариваться с учителями (и подкупать их)
•флиртует с 9 классницами, хотя встречается с Молли
•на уроках заговаривает зубы учителям, а если не получилось, то продолжает болтать с одноклассниками и соседом по парте Майкой
•у него всегда больше всего валентинок на 14 февраля, особенно от 6-классниц
•редко соблюдает дресс код, увидеть его в заправленной рубашке практически невозможно
Хозея Мэттьюз:
русское имя Харитон Матвеевич
преподаватель русского языка и литературы
•про него ходят слухи, что он самый страшный и строгий учитель по всей школе, но, придя к нему на урок, дети убеждаются в обратном
•реально пытается научить детей хоть чему-то, хоть и его методы преподавания довольно устаревшие
•всегда идёт на встречу ученикам, готов им помочь, даже самым отбитым хулиганам
•его довольно легко разговорить. весь урок может рассказывать истории из молодости, о мороженом по 3 копейки и так далее.
Джон Марстон:
русское имя Иван Марков
10 класс
•дружит с Артуром с детского сада и живёт с ним в одной хрущевке
•когда его вызывают к доске, то он специально тянет время и очень тупит, но иногда не специально
•проблемы с математикой, физикой и химией, на удивление хорош в обществознании
•прогуливает физкультуру, хотя все нормативы всегда сдаёт на отлично (ему просто лень тащить с собой спортивную форму)
•увидеть его в пиджаке или в целом соблюдающим школьную форму - чудо
•встречается с Эбигейл из параллельного класса
Сэди Адлер
русское имя Саша (Александра) Агапова
10 класс
•практически ни с кем не общается, ведёт себя максимально тихо
•её никто не задирает и даже не пытается после того, как она сломала нос Майке за то, что тот шлепнул ее по попе
•пугающе быстро умеет собирать и разбирать автомат, и кажется единственная кто РЕАЛЬНО разбирается в обж (основы безопасности жизнедеятельности)
•дружит только с Эбигейл из параллельного класса
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gunsatthaphan · 5 months ago
~ Monthly BL Breakdown: September 2024 ~ 
🎃 Happy October!!! 👻
Disclaimer: ALL shows can be streamed here or here, as well as on Youtube and other platforms. For more info on where to watch what, check out this post! 
New breakdowns are coming at the end of every month - feel free to add stuff! -> previous breakdowns
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What came out this month? (green = seen/currently watching)
🌟 Live in Love - September 1st (Thailand)
🌟 Meet Unexpectedly - September 1st (China)
🌟 Happy of the End - September 3rd (Japan)
🌟 Kidnap - September 6th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 The Hidden Moon - September 7th (Thailand)
🌟 Jack and Joker - September 9th (Thailand)
🌟 Takara's Treasure Special Episode - September 9th (Japan)
🌟 Love Sick 2024 - September 14th (Thailand)
🌟 Bad Guy My Boss - September 15th (Thailand)
🌟 Love is Like Poison - September 17th (Japan)
🌟 Smells Like Green Spirit - September 19th (Japan)
🌟 Juicy Lips Juicy Heart - September 19th (Thailand)
🌟 Club Friday Season 16: Domestic Incident - September 20th (Thailand)
🌟 Make Up, Make Me Grow Up! - September 25th (Thailand)
🌟 Teenager Judge - September 28th (Vietnam)
Monthly Likes / Dislikes
👎🏻 the last few months in bl land have been the dryest in years lmao it's been a while since I've really been captured by anything. I dropped a few shows this month, some of which are well received by the public but I just can't get into them. The ones that recently ended were not satisfactory either and the only ones I'm enjoying out of the currently airing roster are not bls lol. The anticipation for THK is what keeps me going but even with that we have no guarantee for quality lol. I'm just really craving something good because this year has been pretty sad lol. recommendations are welcome.
New series & movie announcements
🎥 My Stubborn (starring Yoon Phusanu) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Fight For You - Date TBA (Taiwan)
🎥 My Damn Business - Date TBA (South Korea)
🎥 Impression of Youth - Date TBA (Taiwan)
🎥 See Your Love - Date TBA (Taiwan)
🎥 Minors - Date TBA (Japan)
Other news from the BL world
❗️ The Thai BL Last Twilight won the award for Best Asian LGBT program at this year's Content Asia Awards, as well as Series of the Year at the Maya TV Awards 2024.
❗️ This year's MChoice & Mint Awards were held on September 7th. The following BL actors/productions won:
Pooh Krittin (Pit Babe) - Rookie of the Year
We Are - Entertainment Program of the Year
The cast of 4 Minutes - Breakthrough Cast of the Year
❗️ This year's Asian Academy Creative Awards were held on September 25th. The following BL actors/productions won:
Last Twilight - Best Direction, Best Screenplay & Best Sound
Only Friends - Best Editing & Best Promo/Trailer
Re-Move On by Gemini & Fourth - Best Theme Song
Ping Krittanun - Best Actor in a Supporting Role (The Rebound)
❗️ MaxNat have announced that they will be reprising their roles as Sun and Nuea from the show Y-Destiny (2021) in a series of 10 episodes à 15-20 minutes. The show is set to air in early 2025, further details are unknown.
❗️ Domundi announced a second season for their reality show DMD Friendship with the title DMD Friendship: It Takes Two. A new generation of 7 trainees are competing for the lead role(s) in Domundi's next BL. The contestants will stay in a house where they compete in a series of missions while working on their chemistries in the search for a partner they are compatible with. The show will premiere on October 6th.
Upcoming series & movies for October:
👉🏻 Fourever You - October 3rd (Thailand)
👉🏻 Uncle Unknown - October 4th (Taiwan)
👉🏻 Every You, Every Me - October 6th (Thailand)
👉🏻 DMD Friendship: It Takes Two (reality show) - October 6th (Thailand)
👉🏻 Eccentric Romance - October 10th (South Korea)
👉🏻 Love in the Big City - October 21st (South Korea)
👉🏻 See You (movie) - October 25th (Taiwan)
👉🏻 Perfect Propose: Dream Edition - October 25th (Japan)
👉🏻 Stealing From My CEO - October TBA (China)
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springstick · 3 months ago
100 Days of Productivity ⇢ #030
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Tuesday, Dec. 10th, 2024: I didn't study for Immuno as much as I wanted to, but I still got a 92% on the final so we're good. I think this was my favorite course this semester, just because I loved the professor so much. I'm gonna miss his lecture style. He used to teach Genetics but he doesn't anymore :(
Today's Study: Immunology Slides 171/171 [~1hr] Orgo lectures [2.5hrs and counting] ~3.5hrs total so far ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ Today's Final: General Immunology (2pm) Tomorrow's Final: Organic Chemistry I (10am) ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ Today's Self-Care: Uhhhhhh doomscrolling unfortunately ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ To-Do Tomorrow: 1. Finish orgo lecture stragglers 2. Have a really good cry session after orgo 3. Print labs for microbiology final 4. Study old quizzes for microbiology 5. Get direct deposit for club set up (forgot yesterday)
I can't fail orgo, but I'm for sure getting less than a B, and I'm planning on bombing this final. I'm gonna study hard, but I also would like to be sane. I don't think I could ever study hard enough to get over a 75% on the exam. Anyway my treat for taking my exams is buying a gym membership because I want to learn to run again. I loved running pre-amputation and I have a high-level prosthetic that will let me. Maybe I'll take out extra student loans for the summer to buy a running blade... Ahh bad financial decisions, my beloved.
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cchapsticck · 1 year ago
A couple things: 
The first album he ever owned that he got to choose on his own was Master of Reality when Wayne handed him 5 bucks at the used record store after he picked him up from foster. And he’s pretty sure Children of the Grave changed his brain chemistry. Like something in him got hard re-wired and soldered in place. Like there’s no unfixing that fix.
The first song he ever learned to play on Wayne’s old beater acoustic was Here Comes The Sun, but if anyone asks he says it was Smoke on the Water, which was actually second but the truth is possibly humiliating, considering his curated reputation.
He cannot read music. Which is funny, considering he’s had a “band” since 7th grade. He just kind of picks at shit by ear. Which he’s pretty good at, thank you very much. It's why he likes shit with solos, he can pick out a riff better than he can pick out a chord progression.
Said band did not lock down members with any kind of permanence until 10th and no one had any kind of electrified instrument until 11th because Jeff and Phil and Gareth might be better off than he is - drug money notwithstanding - but tuns out parents aren’t keen to just drop that kind of money so one’s kid can fuck around in another kid’s garage every couple weekends for that kind of price tag
Metal shows are few and far between in Roane County, considering all the ways it is. But the couple no-name bands that have breezed through town at the dive-iest of bars the county has to offer well - he doesn’t want to say, changed his life but - but he’s never been so glad to have been elbowed in the face because everyone’s having a good fucking time and without the accompanying “faggot” attached to the act, which he’s had a repeat performance of just. Generally. In his life outside of the shittest bars in Indiana.  
He’s not saying Zepplin II made him gay but Robert Plant’s face pasted onto that German soldier’s body made him feel some kind of way at a formative age and that’s maybe just something he’s going to take to the grave even if apparently the shittiest of shitheads just decided that was a true thing about him on their own.
Steve Harrington has been hot since, like, junior high. Which is horseshit. Because like, first of all. He sucks. Like, he’s a douche. But Barb Holland died and he ended up in the hospital because apparently those two things are related events and rumor has it he got kicked out of his house and he shaved his head about it and there are a shocking number of scars hidden under that disco hair and that, unfortunately, does not make him less hot or less of a douche. 
Another thing: Dustin Henderson is fucking annoying. Like annoying in the unremarkable way all nerds are annoying that he’s a little dead to (like sometimes he catches himself mid-tirade and thinks ‘damn, I’d kick my ass too’) so he gets it but also. He’s fucking annoying. He’s fucking annoying about Steve Harrington in particular which like. Hilarious. Go figure. 
And he’s got a lot of annoying ammunition in that particular annoying gun, because apparently Harrington’s been living in his basement. So the kicked out thing is probably true. A lot of what he’s got to say is anecdotal. Lives in the basement. Pays rent. Makes dinner for Henderson’s mom. Drives him to school. Owns a bat with nails in it? Which. Alright? That makes about as much sense as anything else going on. The weirdly dense law enforcement presence in the wake of the Holland murder (and those are feds, like, he knows cops, he grew up around a lot of cops - thanks Dad - these are not cops) and the ever evolving whatever-this-is of Steve Harrington which he is for sure paying a normal amount of attention to and not unloading his guts at Gareth and Jeff who for sure don’t want to kick his ass about it because are we all seeing this shit? It's been like 5 years of high school and this is a puzzle he is no closer to solving, as he is no closer to graduating. And it's not because he’s being a dipshit about Harrington’s gradual transformation no matter what Gareth keeps insisting. (he’s being a dipshit about graduating because he’s a dipshit - separate problem)
But like, something is for sure going on with Steve Harrington. And fuck him dead because he is desperate to pick it apart. It's got nothing to do with the horny goblin in his brain barking about the, shall we say, aesthetic realignment here (which maybe, like, is coming for the integrity of his own genre cred but like. Come on, man.) and it's got everything to do with someone like Steve Fucking Harrington willfully abdicating the throne to throw himself amongst the Maligned With Problems The World Will Make Your Fault. Like he had to have known the flavor of hell people like him and Hagan and every other one of those silver spoon fucks made of his life. And not just his, just like, anyone remotely adjacent in the social order. 
There’s this kind of unspoken truth at shows. Like metal, hardcore, whatever, any genre within a genre that fills up bars like this, like he’s pretty sure the punks even have this rule, this remains true: the more normal the guy looks the more fucked in the head he is. That guy is dangerous. That guy is working through some shit you cannot even begin to conceive of and this is only outlet he’s got. Like that guy will straight murder you if you come at him wrong in a pit and everyone knows it. You do not fuck with that guy. You do not make eye contact with that guy. So Steve Harrington in his tightass Levi’s and bright white fresh out the 3-pack t-shirt hugging the back wall of the Hideout on a Thursday night sure is a red flag. But red’s always been his favorite color, so-
So he buries his shoulder blades in the wall right next to him and hits him with a of all the gin joints and Steve just squints at him like he’s got no fucking clue what he’s talking about. Figures. Harrington always seemed like a philistine. Steve just runs his hand over his shaved short head, and Eddie swears he can hear the rasp of Steve’s palm over the noise of the bar. 
“You come here often?” And it's not not a come on and he’s a little prepared to get decked but it's also a genuine question. 
“It’s work.” Steve says, not unkindly but not really looking at him either. Like he’s not really interested in the conversation or Eddie at all.
“It’s work?”
And that gets Steve looking and he does not look impressed. It's cute. Which probably says more about Eddie’s ability to turn disdain into some semblance of private affection but we’re not going to unpack that bag we’re just going to throw the whole suitcase out. 
“Well, I can’t work the bar so I just pull people out of the pit. Work the door sometimes.” Steve says over the noise of the bar, by way of explanation.
“How about that?” he says with no small amount of genuine awe. “Mall work not cutting it for you, then?”
Steve just kind of one shoulder shrugs. Not cutting it in the sense that the mall like, fuckin’ burned down but. Y’know. Speaking in kind of a general hypothetical kind of way. Looking for a new career path kind of way. Less about the mall directly. Or at all. 
“Yes and no. I got punched less by skinheads at the mall.” and that almost sounds like a joke, like Harrington isn’t totally hating this conversation. Delightful. 
“And you’d willingly go into this line of work when Henderson says you can’t win a fight?” he says it like he means it, like he’s actually surprised. Because he is. Because getting laid out at a show is just some shit that happens sometimes. Assholes with something to prove, the wrong guy took an elbow at the wrong time, a drunk got in the pit and doesn’t know the difference between a good time and a fight, like, shit happens. 
Steve’s scrunched up face of repulsion and offense is additionally cute. 
“Yeah well, Henderson says a lot of shit about you too.” 
He may have been operating on the assumption that Steve actually had no idea who he was. And was just some weird guy who, for some reason, had a lot of personal information about him that was in no way reciprocated. Just kind of figured he would have been beneath Harrington’s notice in a big picture kind of way. 
Fuck you, Henderson, how dare you. 
“Only glowing reviews, I’m sure.”
“More or less.”
Alright he’ll take back point two, then. You’re on thin ice, Henderson. 
“Is that where the uh-” and he kind of gestures limply at the pit and then towards the thick, formerly stapled up scarring in Steve’s hairline. Like he’s come home from a show with a bloody nose or a black eye or two but nothing like that.
It's the finality in his tone, when he says it that makes him suspect he’s fucked this up and the conversation is over.
And it is. 
So he hangs around the bar for the set and then he leaves and its not really all that interesting. 
But he thinks about that for a while, that something rattled Steve Harrington’s cage so hard he’s this now. Somewhere in the realm of quietly fucked up, and on the edges of good sensibility and good taste because its more comfortable out of a spotlight. Even if the dark on the edge of that pool of light is more than a little dangerous, but at least there’s a place to hide. 
And then Chrissy Cunningham dies on his ceiling and he has to keep hiding.  
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studywithmith · 3 months ago
Heya it’s mith! This is a nickname from my original name. I am Tamil and I’m from the state of Tamilnadu from south India :)
This is a study or/blog about my life as a CBSE student where I’ll post about motivation, any interesting topics and just tips that I found useful. I am planning on posting my 11th chemistry notes by the end of this year, once I’ve finished typing them up as I’ve hand written them! So you will see resources being posted!!
I am a high-school student, 17 years old ( year 12/ 12th grade )studying in the science stream. My subjects include —
Computer Science (python)
Why a studyblr?
I opened this studyblr in order to stay productive and help others to do so too if I can. Also through this account I would like to share bits of my student life and motivate other students to do what a student should do like - study and enjoy life. I will post a lot about how to get motivation and how I study certain subjects and these posts will update as I go along!
Any competitive exams?
I am doing four exams ( sobs) which are for design and architecture respectively. These are NATA, JEE paper 2 ( this includes, maths, drawing and aptitude , not physics chemistry and maths ) , UCEED ( design) and NIFT ( design)
Future career?
I am hoping to study design or architecture and maybe get a literature or business degree as a side goal.
Any goals for 2025?
I wanna learn foreign languages such as Italian since it’s my current obsession. I’ve already learnt a bit of French so I’m planning on learning all of the Romance languages, so you will see me post about language learning too!!
More about me:
I was born in England and I’ve lived in India and England on and off, every few years I’d shift to England and then come back to India. I did my boards (10th) in the uk in the form of GCSEs. GCSEs are usually done in 10th and 11th so I’m repeating a year again in India so it’s easier for me for my 12th boards!
For Quick Navigation:
study blogging!
Tagged as #studydaily- it's where I post about my daily study logs.
Tagged as #study plans - it's in the name lol. It's where I post about what I'm gonna do to keep myself disciplined.
Tagged as #motivation - to keep myself and you motivated! :)
Tagged as #litblr - for literature and any other interesting topics
Tagged as #questions - just some questions lol!
know me!
Tagged as #know me — it's in the name :p
NATA and JEE2 help
Tagged as #NATAandJEE2 - where I post about the architecture exams and general tips and resources
UCEED and NIFT help
Tagged as #UCEEDandNIFT - where I post about the design exams and general tips and resources
Language learning!
Tagged as #languageblr - I post about my progress in learning languages, this will be separate to my daily logs so i won’t post whatever I learnt in languages in my daily logs. I might create a separate account for langauges alone!!
Tagged as #chemtips, #mathtips, #phytips, #Cstips and #engtips - these tags are specifically for tips that I’d found useful sharing in that particular subject! You can also use the tag #tips to find all the tips and tricks in one go!
Tagged as #notetaking- as I have said earlier, I am planning on posting my chemistry notes by the end of December once I’ve finished typing them up and making them colourful to read. This will be free Ofc, and it does follow the ncert pattern.
Well nice meeting you, maybe drop a comment so that I can know you too?
( note: the template for this introduction was heavily inspired by another blogger! pxasee , do check her account out too!!)
I'm hoping for the best to happen and also working for it!! <3 Show some support please for this account and have a great day/ night!!
13 notes · View notes