Scrolling on TikTok looking at astrology posts only to find your very posts copied exactly word for word is an experience I aspire to take legal action over simply because I can

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🍎Astrology Observations Pt4🍎
🍎14 degrees in planets can indicate being very beautiful a lot of celebrities have this degree (Madison beer, Rihanna) and is often seen in people who have stable income. Can indicate being financially stable. This is a Taurus degree.
🐍 Synastry with a 10th Venus or 1st Venus can indicate the general public or your friends will know you guys like each other before you guys do or people will think you are a couple all the time.
🍎Taurus placements in the third house tend to be very good at art and with their hands. I've seen these placements create something out seemingly nothing.
🐍people with Virgo Libra placements tend to be involved in high positions with school systems.
🍎if you and someone have a mars in sister signs (cap/cancer or Scorpio/Taurus) your sexual chemistry can be very good and harmonious.
🐍a lot of Virgo/Aquarius placements go into biomedical fields or fields of work that are considered more "taboo" (mortician, medical examiner)
🍎Venus transiting your 2nd house can indicating getting material object from suitors or having an influx of gifts/money be given or stumbled upon.
🐍Chiron in 3rd/11th house might be outcasted in their younger years but considered "cool" when their older.
🍎Chiron in 5th/7th house could get hurt in romantic relationships or have a hard time finding the right partner.
🐍Venus transiting 3rd house could represent having nicer more poetic compliments or being more into writing/journaling or art.
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what aspects indicate loving and stable relationships in synastry and composite? Does having no aspect between sun and moon in composite bad? Moon and venus are in leo in the same decan though in composite....
Its like.. His saturn square my venus, my saturn squre his sun. His venus also square my uranus... But we have amazing mercury synstry, and his venus trines my sun.. And most of aspects are in double whammy. We also have chiron time NN dw... And composite sun mercury saturn conjunct in cancer...
For stability look for Saturn aspects positively aspected as Saturn indicates longevity and Jupiter aspects to personal planets which Jupiter is a luck planet. Positive Venus to moon or moon to mercury aspects are also a very positive sign as communication is heightened here.
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Hey would anyone be interested in a tarot reading exchange. Reading for reading? You must go first and I match the length.
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💀Pick a Poisonous Flower - Pick a Card
Pick a poisonous flower to find out who's your hidden enemy?

Datura Foxglove Belladonna
Datura is a hellish plant that can bring about nightmarish hallucinations and dehydrate your body past no return.
Cards: queen of cups, devil, death, king of pentacles, moon, eight of pentacles .
Readings: Be careful of a blonde? women who you may work with or go to school with. She is highly manipulative and has a sweet girl act down to every last detail. She's convinced the people around her of this act as well. This person may be jealous of your success, hard work, talent and patience. They may want to push you out of your position, get you fired in the worst case scenario, get your promotion or steal your light. Be careful not to tell people too much jealous eyes can give you bad luck. Your advice is king of pentacles which means someone in your higher up will help you but first you need to balance yourself. Do not react to anything. I can see this person using your anxiety/depression/paranoia against you. Stay calm and collected. This person is really obsessive. She may even try to take your ideas and pass them off as hers. Make sure things are in writing always. Be very careful. These cards are heavy major arcana.
Signs: rainbows, number 8, magic 8 ball, masquerade mask, growing pains, scones, chai tea, wanting to cut your hair, police sirens, cold beer.
Foxglove is a poisonous plant that it's affects are similar to that of a cardiac arrest. It's called foxgloves because it was thought to be fairies gloves.
Cards: Seven of pentacles, three of cups reversed, nine of swords, nine of cups
Reading: You have a lot of envy for simply being yourself. Someone in your friend group is really jealous of you and may be unintentionally sending you negative energy your way through the evil eye. All the cards in this reading are minor arcana so I feel like this person won't do anything really impactful? Or anything that will make a dent in you. They are jealous of how happy you seem in yourself and how you seem to persevere through things. You have confidence that they don't have and it causes them to be self conscious. Your energy may be picking up on this if you are highly intuitive and it makes you feel worried almost but don't be. Your advice is to cleanse yourself and any gifts you may get and stay protected however you may do that. Your guides got yoy
Signs: gigs, snow, thunderstorms, starting your period, icicles, haunted houses, fairy themed stuff, feeling sick to your stomach, warm cup of tea, brown boots, brown sugar, angel statues.
Belladonna is a poisonous plant that if ingested can cause lethargy and comas if ingested. It got it's name from 'beautiful' and 'woman' because it used to be made into a topical cosmetic foundation and increased pupil size. Obviously this has been out of practice now.
Cards: Three of cups, three of swords, judgement and five of pentacles
Reading: You may have broken someone's heart or broken off a friendship. This person feels veryyy resentful of you. Even if you were just asserting your boundaries. You may actively know this person dislikes you but may not think they are wanting to see your downfall but this person is very much in their emotions and feels very hurt by just your presence. They may try to use your past against you like past trauma, occupations or things you've done when you were younger. They are beating a dead horse and I feel as if this person will get tired of it eventually. They could even be a step sibling? Whoever this person is they can't take no for an answer and aren't the type person you want in your life.
Signs: Romeo and Juliet, Wattpad fanfics, opera, Chocolate cake, crepes, feeling really hungry, parrots, 421, 444, journaling, listening to classical or instrumental music.
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🍁Astrology Observations Pt3 🍁
🍁 Pluto in 2nd house can be an indicator of getting a lot of money later in life. Some millionaires have this placement be careful not to gamble though or you may just lose your material possessions.
🍂 Saturn in 9th house can be an indicator of not finishing school, having trouble in school, finishing school later in life or taking an alternative route of education. It can also be an indicator of not being the same religion as your parents or becoming religious later in life.
🍁 Moon in 8th may prefer to have emotional intimacy before having sex with somebody.
🍂 Venus in 5th may reallyyyyy love their pets and like have a lot of animals. Animals love this placement. Or their hobbies tend to bring them a lot of love internally or externally.
🍁Aries mercury tend to be very upfront and blunt when they are communicating. They have a kind of I am who I am attitude.
🍂 Jupiter in 8th can be an indicator or marrying rich.
🍁Venus AC line in astrocartography can bring you a lot of romance and find people who like you.
🍂 Saturn in 5th can indicate having children later in life.
🍁whatever is in your 12th house can represent what you like to watch on TV. For ex: cancer in 12th something comforting like Disney or studio Ghibli maybe more heartwarming stories about family.
🍂 Synastry overlay in 2nd can represent getting a lot of gifts from a person or giving a lot of gifts to someone.
🍁29° planet or asteroid can mean you have to finish something you started in a past life. And usually indicates doing something big.
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I had a burning question about my current relationship and Pandora was there for me. She immediately knew that my husband and I were living apart. I didn’t even have to tell her that. She gave me some good advice based on the cards. She was extremely specific. She was intuitive, thoughtful and gave a good reading. She predicted I would meet someone knew soon! Can’t wait.
Thank you so much for leaving a review 🫶 much love from Pandora. Hope everything works out for you!
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💘Love is in the Air - Pick a Card
What's next for you in love? What about you charms the people around you?

Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3
Pile 1
Cards: Ace of cups, Eight of wands, Ten of cups
Reading: New beginnings in love is coming in for you. Or a special message from a special message from a special somebody. Whatever the message may be whether you're in a relationship or very single it will make you very happy. Blossoming relationships and happy endings. If you are wondering whether or not you should text someone or make the first move this is your confirmation. Some of you may even have a secret admirer planning on confessing soon. Whoever this person is they find your personality infectious and your style is adorable. If any of you guys are artists they are inspired by your art. This person is definitely a family person and a community centered person. If you are in a relationship they may want to introduce you to their family as the next step.
Signs: 555, harps, love story by indila, howls moving castle, getting or giving gifts, lattes, bunnies, the feeling of something exciting about to happen, soft blankets , warm tea, the eagle emoji?, Autumn.
Pile 2
Cards: Empress, queen of wands , tower, fool
Reading: some of you may have recently departed a relationship or may be planning to. Some of you could have been single for very single time but with this tower card I feel like this may not be for long and you will NOT have to wait. Love is coming rushing in quicker than water. I feel you guys are stepping into your empress energy. Some of you guys may have been cheated on in the past and this is causing some insecurities. Just know you are divine, let go of doubts because you are enough and with this Empress card I'm getting this confirmation. Whoever this person who is coming in they are like a hurricane. Your life will be significantly changed by them. Whatever energy you have is like honey people stick to you. I feel like some of y'all may even smell very nice.
Signs: 777, 666, red roses, star wars, spiderman, caterpillar, born to die by Lana del rey, wanting to learn a new language, chocolate covered fruit, sandwich with tomatoes in it, the moon.
Pile 3
Cards: the devil, temperance, strength and king of cups.
Reading: I'm getting an unsure energy that will eventually resolve in the right decision whatever you may decide. Whoever this person is they are OBSESSED and sexual chemistry is off the charts. It may even overwhelm you. This person is going to come in boldly and maybe with gifts? This person finds you so attractive and everything about you pulls them in. If you are unsure about your decision to ask the universe for a definite sign like a red balloon or something. King of cups energy is an emotional mature loyal man but with the devil and strength card I can see they have a bit of a wild side. If you haven't met this person yet I feel like you'll meet them while with friends, through friends, at a party? Definitely in a group setting. When you guys first meet you shine so brightly they're unable to take their eyes off you. I feel like you guys charm people through your eyes and smile. Many people feel at ease around you and you are a hard worker.
Signs: 333, 222, watches, sneezing, picnics, chocolate croissant, champagne, itchy fabrics, tripping down steps, brand new person by tame impala, guitar, cats, moss, doing some deep cleaning, spring, seeing the stars.
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🫀Love Tropes in Tarot🫀
💌 Lovers + Six of cups
Soulmate indicator. Six of cups is a nostalgic type of love. Puppy love. Honeymoon stage of love. Childhood friends to lovers trope. Indicator of acts of service as a love language. The feeling you've known each other your entire life. Cooking as a love language? Or gifts!
🫀Two of Cups/lovers + The Tower
Unexpected love. Love that comes suddenly into your life. Whirlwind romance. Romance that hits you like a mfing truck. Sparks are flying (literally look at the tower card) passion is everywhere. Opposites attract. Physical touch as a love language or spending time. Going on adventures together.
💌 Emperor + Empress
Power couple. Another soulmate indicator. Meant to be. You guys just click. Type of couple to start a business together. Together through thick and thin. They always got the others back and balanced each others out. Olive theory. Hallmark movie. Beautiful wedding. Office romance. Rivals to lovers. Passionate sex. Type to have a beautiful family and home.
🫀The Sun + The Moon
Opposites attract. Starcrossed lovers. Fated encounters. Feeling pulled to each other even though you may not feel it at first. Sunshine meets black cat type. Opposite aesthetics think like pink and goth couples. You may be different in some ways but similar in so many others. Playful banter. Enemies to lovers vibes. Couple that perseveres through everything they are put through. Together through sickness and health. Time and acts of service are a love language.
💌 The Lovers + The Star
The love you have been waiting for. Fated lovers. Hopeless romantics. A love that comes later in life. Love that is really like a romance movie. The right person at the wrong time meets again. Long distance. You can tell what the other is thinking by just looking at them. Very very romantic. Type of romance that's in books. Quality time is a love language.
🫀if you want to book a reading with me dm me🫀
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Hi! Loved your profile! I wanted to know if you do relationship predictions too?? I really need help. Hope you are fine though!!!!
Yes I do, for $10 for a tarot reading. They tend to be 3/4 pages for three question limit.
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Hii! I hope you're doing well wherever you are :)
So I recently read your post and you said, "8th house overlay synastry can give enemies to lovers. Its a very intense synastry and can also be an indicator of possessiveness or obsessed with the planet person."
I have my mars in my crush's 8th house, we really get along well, the feelings are reciprocated. But I feel like I'm the one who's obsessed with him, is it because I'm a scorpio venus?
Thanks in advance :)
I think your Scorpio Venus could definitely enhance your feelings more intensely. Tho 8th house is all about secrets so maybe he's obsessed in his own way just not intense as you. But I would check his Venus and aspects.
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🌕The Bedrooms of the Moon Signs🌕
Okay so the moon rules the fourth house which is the house of comfort, mother and the home. So looking at people's moon signs is a great way to grasp what their bedroom may look like or what they feel comfortable in. Disclaimer: aspects other fourth house placements and what house ur moon is can affect this.
Moon in Aries: neat and organized or veryyy chaotic, they may have a little corner of their room dedicated to an interest of theirs. Some friends have dumbbells in their rooms as well. Whatever house their moon is in may show be more prominent in their room. Do you guys know those pretty minimal rooms on Pinterest (not the beige) thats what this placement reminds me of and also very chaotic rooms where there are collage walls.
Moon in Taurus: they payyy attention to the little things, they know what they like a value being comfortable, some of my friends with this placement spend a little more on their rooms to make sure everything is up to their standards. Usually have nice bedsheets too. Think nice fabrics. Most likely to have a mini fridge in their room. Their rooms always have a luxurious undertone even if that's not their aesthetic.
Moon in Gemini: techy room three friends of mine have an Alexa in their room and two have a record player. May spend money on gadgets for their room. Naomi Campbell has this placement and her house is literally the shape of an eye. Most likely to focus on lighting in their rooms (led, sunlight lamps, fairy lights). Lot of kpop fans with this placement. Could have multiple journals or sketchbooks all around their room. Tall windows.
Moon in cancer: they like being cozy, literally every single person I know with this placement has a veil hanging from above their bed. Ambient lighting and the starlight projectors. Appealing to all the senses to feel comfortable is important to them. May use candles, diffusers, or incense. Stashes food in their room. Weighted blankets. If they aren't doing well their rooms show their emotions. Most likely to have stuffed animals on their bed.
Moon in Leo: whatever hobbies they have you WILL absolutely know once you step foot in their room. One friend of mine with this placement is a guitarist has seven guitars/banjos/bass hanging on her walls plus pedals and amps all her posters are of bands. Another friend is an artist she paints and likes to bejewel stuff those shiny rhinestones are EVERYWHERE and her walls are painted with her art. Another friend is a nail tech/makeup artist all the tables In her room are filled with supplies and makeup. Look in the cabinet oh more nails. I feel like these placements pets love to hangout in their rooms as well.
Moon in Virgo: their rooms tend to be very organized. Many influencers online who tend to do those organized videos tend to have this placement. Most likely to have one of those carts that wheel around and are a container. Two friends with this placement both have veryyy coordinated bookshelves. Bullet journal and they may have lots of pretty pens. Anything they buy for their room is always useful. Tend to be plant parents as well and a friend and my cousin with this placement both have a yoga mat surrounded by plants. HIDDEN CABINETS. You can tell where they are mentally through their rooms. Really polished rooms even without trying.
Moon in Libra: may have had to host people a lot in their rooms so their rooms have multiple chairs. Their room either looks straight out of a catalog or there is clothes thrown EVERYWHERE. May have a specific area in their room they get ready in. May have framed photos of their loved ones or Polaroids. If they get flowers from somebody they may incorporate them into their room decor by putting them in a vase or drying them. Libra is ruled by Venus so their rooms always like pretty and almost refreshing.
Moon in Scorpio: every single person I know with this placement is metal/goth 😭 really living up to the stereotype. But Scorpio rules the 8th house and 8th house is about secrets, occult and obsession. Many of my friends with this moon placement when they have it they reallyyy lean into their aesthetic. All five of my friends have their walls covered with things and a typically goth aesthetic they really lean into. Something though I feel like is not talked about with Scorpio is their lighter side. Scorpios sister sign is Taurus and Taurus is very light. Both of these signs can embody one another. A girl on tiktok has a Scorpio moon and Venus and her room is very coquette but her walls are still covered with all sorts of things and she really leans into her style.
Moon in Sagittarius: might have a lot of funny things in their room or just plain out strange things. A friend with this placement has road signs all over his room, a random urinal(don't ask me how he got it idk), life size Bigfoot cutout, and a singular poster of the movie white chicks. Another friend with this placement is really well traveled and she has all the cool souvenirs from all over the world and collects them, she also has a few of those educational posters that are pretty.
Moon in Capricorn: antique but not antique in the way Pisces can be. Lots of nice wood furniture, maybe a bit of a masculine undertone with neutral colors. Moody style and coloring. Capricorn is the sister sign to cancer so their rooms are also very cozy. Whimsigoth or academic. Neutral colors or colors that are darker in shades. Knit blankets remind me of this placement. Leather reminds me of this placement as well. Think of retro made new.
Moon in aquarius: do you guys know those blue/white futuristic technological themed rooms people have on tiktok. That's what this placement reminds me of. People I know with this placement tend to have nice ass pc set ups. You may like to sleep in the cold so they can be extra warm in their blankets. Rooms may be more minimal. Nice wallpaper with celebrities who have this placement.
Moon in Pisces: Antiques but in that almost magical way. Women on tiktok with this placement have these beautiful gold gilded mirrors. My friend has this gorgeous antique wardrobe. Most likely to thrift their decor. Florals remind me of this placement. If this person is really religious or really spiritual then you'll know when you go into their room. One of my friends is Christian and her room is filled with beautiful antique crosses. Another friend is Hindu and she has a nice altar in her room. If this person is a smoker they might have decor that relates to that. Witch friend has a lot of themed decor like moon shelves and a whole bookshelf dedicated to her craft. Pisces rules twelfth house which rules religion, substances, and spirituality. Pisces is also the oldest sign.
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🐇Welcome to Wonderland- Pick a Card
Who from Alice in wonderland do you embody? And what's something good about you.

Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3
Pile 1
Cards: the muses, the trout and lilly of the valley, the hare, three of cups and the sun
Character: white rabbit, door mouse, the march hare
Reading: You know how to have fun but I feel as if there is a little bit of social anxiety. May be a bit sleepy and have a pure heart. You genuinely mean well for your friends and are a go with the flow type of person. Creative talents and self expression is important to you. You are a good learner and work hard you should slow down sometimes when you feel stressed. I feel like you may be pretty like a bunny. With the sun card people view you as honest and bright. You may have a bit of a sweet tooth or have a signature drink you always drink. With the hare card I feel like you are a messenger and may warn people about things they need to know. You are smart and know how to get yourself out of a sticky situation. Rewrite any doubts about yourself.
Signs: 113, white rabbits or any rabbits for that matter, the feeling you have been forgetting something, card games, tweed fabric, academic style, vampire movies, peonies and white roses, the chess cookies that are square.
Pile 2
Cards: the storyteller, the sailor, coyote and datura, the moth and eucalyptus, the fool and six of cups
Character: Cheshire cat, the caterpillar, and Alice
Reading: You are a great storyteller and may get into a bit of mischief. You have a lot of wisdom that comes from living life and feel like people don't give you enough credit for that. You may be a little bit of a rebel but you know how to throw a party and get into fun. You may smoke or drink and if you don't you may be an avid tea drinker. You always know something before others do and have keen sixth sense and great observations skills. You may be neurodivergent or think a little differently about life than others. You have a child-like sense of humor and find things to laugh at. Joyous to be around. You are always down for something new and consistency may be a problem for you. You like to experiment in your tastes whether it's style, food and anything in between. You like to go to new places and experience life for all the nice things it has. You are curious about life and like to learn new things. Maybe school wasn't for you.
Signs: 444, blue butterfly, cats, fur coats, swords, beautiful crystals, responsibilities, feeling bored, caviar or any other types of fancy fish, silver jewelry, mushrooms.
Pile 3
Cards: the tailor, the herald, the horse and blue bells, beaver and birch, king of cups, queen of wands, ten of wands
Characters: mad hatter and queen of hearts
Reading: You are a hard worker and leader. Both of these characters lead. You may feel burnt out and need to rest. You are a person of many talents and skills. You are humble about yourself and may be a bit of a queen bee unknowingly. You have great fashion sense and are responsible. You may have struggled with depression. You are a survivor and have a lot of strength in you. Many people would say you feel like home and you are good at comforting your friends. No one knows what your next move is and you keep people on your toes. You'll always land on your feet like a cat. People feel safe around you and you have a lot of advice to share. I feel like you need to rest. You deserve a proper vacation or spa day. Whatever will make you happiest. Remember you come first.
Signs: 1111, red wine, apples, learning to accept help, those warm knitted blankets, satin, the color red, community, dahlias, the game Alice madness returns, violin and piano, spirited away.
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Hii, 👋
Can you tell me about mc trine sun aspect?!
Mc in gemini 10 H
Sun in aquarius 5 H
Thankyou 💖
So whatever your midheaven touches puts that planet in the spotlight. The sun is already very bright combined with trine MC this aspect can indicate leadership abilities, the ability to capture the spotlight and of course people with this aspect tend to be very bright like the sun. Aquarius and Gemini are both very out of the box signs creatively as well as intelligence. Because midheaven rules your career as well as how the public sees you this could be a good indicator of creative talents you can nourish into a career. Especially with your sun in the fifth house which is the house of creativity and hobbies. Both aquarius and Gemini are both ruled by houses 11th and 3rd house respectively. these house have to do with social media, writing, technology, and other things as well. Many writers and fashion designers have MC Gemini as well as MC Leo. Hope this helps
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About Me
I'm Pandora I've been a tarot reader of 12 years and generational witch. Everything I've been taught have been taught to me by my mother. I like astrology of all kinds and use placidus and vedic for my charting. I have three cats and a dog. If you have any questions about ANYTHING don't be afraid to ask me and if you want me to make a post on something don't be afraid to ask ✨
Synastry reading - $30 - 10 page I need correct info of both you and your person (time, place, date of birth as well as an initial)
Synastry reading just aspects being reading (I'm case you have an unknown birth time) - $20 - 4/5 pages (need date and place of birth of both of you)
Natal chart reading - $30 - 7/10 pages (I need your time date and place of birth)
Astrocartogrophy reading - $15 - 2 pages (time place and date of birth)
General tarot reading - $10 - three questions
Soulmate tarot reading - $15 - how, when, looks, zodiac, career and life together.
I do not answer questions about death or health. Everything is for entertainment purposes only.
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🃏 Astrology Observations Pt2 🃏
❕ slightly nsfw ❕
🎱 Taurus mars like neck kisses maybe a little more if there are harsher degrees
🃏 Cancer mars can like dominant people and it can also indicate parental issues
🎱 If you have a fifth house overlay synastry with someone BE CAREFUL cause this is an indicator of having children or adopting pets with someone.
🃏 8th house overlay synastry can give enemies to lovers. Its a very intense synastry and can also be an indicator of possessiveness or obsessed with the planet person.
🎱 Living on your Jupiter MC line can bring you much success in business and give you good social opportunities.
🃏 Pluto lines are scaryyyy they bring up trauma, and make u rebirth entirely. Ancestral trauma is sometimes healed in these places on a Pluto DC line.
🎱 Having your rising in someone else's Venus and their rising in your Venus is positive for relationships.
🃏 Venus in 2nd house love language could be physical touch or gifts
🎱Venus in 6th house love languages could be acts of service and quality time
🃏 A lot of filmmakers have 6th and 12th house placements.
🎱Models tend to have Mars, Sun or Neptune in 10th or 1st house.
🃏if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask and if you want me to review anything just lemme know 🃏
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Hi! I hope you’re doing good! Do all aspects and placements in someone’s chart make up their appearance? I’ve heard that it does, and I’ve heard that it doesn’t. Just curious to know :)
Maybe not appearance so much as energy. Each sign has a very prominent energy and aura to me as well as certain aesthetics. Sure there are some things I've seen like harsh mars to moon aspects being common with people who have acne or eczema and Leo risings and their amazing hair.
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