#gene does too so shout-out to him too!
dcxdpdabbles · 1 year
Would it be possible to read what happened during Phantom's mating season peak in The Bakery is a Front from Tim's POV? I just think the pure baffled energy that Tim would be radiating from being taken care of so nicely by his hot kidnapper from another dimension would be hilarious. Really the whole kidnapping had to have been a better experience than some of the galas Tim has been forced to attend; at least definitely the best kidnapping he has ever experienced, 10/10 would be kidnapped again.
It happens so fast.
One second he's suffering through Danny's overdose, and the next, the dead body in his arms is leaping over Bruce and trapping Damian in an iron-clad grip.
Jason and Dick react the fastest, but it does nothing to someone who can density shift. Tim can only watch Danny sobs on top of Damian, speaking in a strange dialect. It sounded like cracking ice every time he wailed.
"Unhand me!" Damian grunts snaping a knife into Danny's side. Despite the apparent red spot growing on Danny's shirt, the other man doesn't flatter in his movements in the slightest. He squeezes harder, but it doesn't seem like he's trying to hurt Damian. If anything, it looks like he's...cradling him? Yes, it did in fact, seem like Danny is attempting to cradle Damian like a baby.
What on earth-?
"Shit! Danny put him down!" A new voice shouts. Three women and a man burst into the room. Tim has yet to learn where they come from, but Bruce wastes no time throwing a pair of Batbolas at them. It hits the target on the man and the red hair women, tangling their legs and knocking them off.
The man yelps while the woman grunts, throwing her arms in front of her in an obviously trained reaction. She can't stop herself from falling all the way, but her reflex is nothing to scoff at.
She doesn't seem to care as she shouts at the drug dealer. "Daniel Fenton, you let that boy go right now! Are you listening to me?"
"Danny is not here right now."
Tim jerks his head in his fake boss' direction watching in horror as the man's usual blue starts glowing green, and his dark hair bleeds into white. There is an unnatural glow emanating from under his skin that makes him appear so beautiful Tim loses his train of thought for a moment.
This transformation seems a bit too much to just be a meta-gene activation. Is Danny....not human?
One of the women- who looks like a younger female version of Danny- blasts him with a zap of green from her hand. It reminds him of Starfire, but while his friend's blast is nothing but heat, the green of the girl seems more light than flame.
He drops, unconscious, letting go of Damian. The newcomers relax when the goth-looking one kneels next to him and presses her hands against his neck. Danny appears returns to the human one Tim is used to in another quick blink of an eye. "No pulse!"
"Thank goodness." The red hair, one says, sitting up. It's then that Tim realizes it's Jazz. The one that talked down Jason and the rest of Danny's men not even two weeks ago. So neither left of the siblings left overseas? How had they tricked Babs? "No pulse means he's still in his mating season. Quick we have to get him quarantined again before-"
"You are not going anywhere!" Jason growls, leveling his gun at her. Jazz blinks down the barrel, then raises a brow. It reminds Tim of Alfred when the man found his hidden coffee machine- disgusted, disappointed, but most of all, unimpressed.
His brother sneers. "I want to know what is happening here and I want to know now!"
"Can you not read?" Jazz returns, speaking as if an annoying customer demands a service she can not provide. "I put up signs that clearly said Quarantine do not enter around Danny's house. Why do you think that is? Oh, maybe, it means to leave this area alone."
"You bats are lucky we got here when we did," The man says, trying to twist out his binds. It's not going too well, as a few electric mobiles slip out of his pockets. "The only way to snap the human side of Danny out of his daze is by making him deny his obsession which is something I hate doing."
"I hate hitting him too" The girl with the energy blasts pouts "I makes my stomach turn."
She twists at her waist seconds before Damian's foot swings through the air, where her head was only seconds before. She sidesteps his three other attacks, face twisting into a sneer. "Hey! Back off! We don't share the same obsession!"
"Silence wrench!" Damian sneers, which makes her even angrier.
"Make me, you wannabe pirate!" the girl hisses, and it's then that Tim realizes they may even be the same age. She is doing a masterful job of barely being out of Damian's deadly reach.
"Don't hurt him, Elle!" Jazz shouts, "Things are already complicated enough-"
The goth woman screams as she is suddenly launched into the air, slamming into Bruce and cutting off the redhead. Dick rushes to the now-standing Danny, aiming a barrage of attackers that the man easily slips through. Bruce throws the woman off him, slamming her against the wall and knocking her out in the same action. The man screams as Jason shoots out his kneecaps and Tim-
Tim suddenly finds himself unable to think as large green eyes overtake his vision. Danny's eyes and hair are bleeding in and out of different colors as the man stares at him. "Mate...."
Tim's mouth dries, and his eyes are drinking in the man. He knows he should be doing something, but Tim can't remember what he should be-.
"TIM!" Dick screams, snapping him out of his daze, and....oh, Tim is falling. Danny- or whatever is pretending to be Danny- has pushed him by pressing his hands against his chest and shoving him through a portal.
Danny is watching his drop with a soft smile, that is at odds with Jason appearing at his side with guns blazing.
Tim drops onto a pile of soft snow- or what he thinks is snow. It looks like it, soft like a fresh full pillow, but it's not cold. If anything, it's the perfect temperature to nap in.....he's exhausted. When was the last time Tim slept? He can't remember.
His eyes are getting heavy. His body is going boneless.....he has never been so comfortable in his whole life....is this what it feels like to rest on a cloud...
Tim blinks, around the room trying to fight the urge to give into the darkness, and he notes that he seems to be in a castle made entirely of ice and snow...like Danny's home.....he also appears to be in a tower? The windows are shaped like one.
Tim takes note of the sky being a bright green color which is..odd, but that's all he can think clearly as he finally goes under.
It feels like he only closes his eyes for a second when Tim is startled awake by a scream of rage. Jerking away, he sits up, trying to gather his bearings. He needs to find out where he is and where his gear is.
Tim pulls on the crotcheted sweater he's been stuffed into, breathing a sigh of relief when he realizes his Red Robin outfit is still on underneath. He climbs out of the bed made entirely of snow, flickering his eyes about.
He's covered head to toe in other crotchety objects- pants, sweater, socks, gloves, a scarf, and a hat- all big enough to fit comfortably against him and his vigilante costume. Raising a hand to his face, he touches the smooth leather of his trusted mask.
Right. Danny let him keep his secret identity intake. That's... something.
He glances around his surroundings again, this time for sure, that his in some type of castle covered in ice. It's beautiful, like something out of a Disney movie with shiny crystal frozen designs everywhere. He carefully makes his way to the window, looking out into a far darker green of a sky.
He squints into the distance seeing acres and acres of a vast castle and land, but on the far right, there seems to be a drop....a cliff? Or the edge of this island. For you see, he could make out flouting doors and islands in the sky.
This differently wasn't his earth.
Danny, not being human, was becoming more and more plausible.
"Release me!" A voice echo. Damian.
Tim slams the door open, sprinting down the hall toward his younger brother's distress calls. It's a castle; even if everywhere he turns, it seems to be a frozen wonderland.
There are ice sculptures of Danny between every large ice pillar. They portray him as Tim usually is used to or as a being with a tail instead of legs mid-flight. There are portraits of various people hanging on the walls- he can make out Jazz and the others that busted into Danny's apartment- but there all encased in ice.
There are no guards, so when Tim sprints down a giant stairway, he is hyper-aware of his footsteps echoing on the cracking ice. He rounds the hallway, then stumbles to a stop at the sight before him.
It was Danny. At least, he thinks so. The being had a strong resemblance to him, but his skin had a slight blueish hue, his ears were pointed, his hair was pure white, he was glowing, and most of all, he didn't have legs.
The sculptures hadn't been a artistic choice Danny in this form had a tail and he was flying around a restrain Damian.
His brother was in a gaint baby doorway jumper, encased in what looked like a snow swaddle.
Damian is also covered head to toe in crochet clothing, but his Robin costume peaks from underneath it. Danny was flying around him, placing piles of snow on the ground around the struggling child, making noises like creaking ice and purring when he came close to pat Damian.
It also looked like Danny....was nesting with Damian in the center of it.
What in the world?
"I'll have your head!" Damian sneers as Danny gently places a bear beanie on his head. " I am not a child!"
"My baby" Danny coos, then starts making more cracking noise. He rubs his head against Damian like a cat which causes the boy to grimace.
Tim needs to get him out of there. He looks around for a weapon, but his gear doesn't seem near him. The only thing he can possibly use is the ice around the walls-
"Crackle, crack, Clank, Click!" Danny suddenly says in his face. He crossed the room at the same speed Bart would have, or maybe faster since he didn't even see a blur. Tim jerks back, but the glowing figure is already reaching out-.
He places a scarf around his neck with an adorable head tilt.
"Drake! Run! He'll swaddle you!"Damian screams, but Tim can't look away. He's so beautiful. Danny's bright green eyes, sparkling with the stars of the universe, and his lips are so full, he bets they would be perfect to kiss- is someone purring? Tim could fall asleep to that sound- it must be a white noise machine-!
He snaps his eyes open, shocked to find himself back in the original room.
Tim is back in the damn nest. Confused, he blinks around the room, noticing the sky is bright again and that he's tucked into the bed with great care. He's never felt more rest, so he knows he just spends hours sleeping.
He doesn't even remember getting moded, damn it.
""Red Robi- can you- where are you- report!" Tim's eyes widened when he realized Bruce's voice. It's his communicator! He scrambles out of the bed, straining his ears. "Re-Rob-in!""
There! His earpiece is in one of the ice crystals hanging from the ceiling. Miraculously it's still working, as he can barely make out Bruce's shouts. After four kicks of the crystal, he breaks it down, shattering it on the ground.
He quickly places it back into his ear. "Batman, I'm here!"
"Thank goodness!" An unknown woman says, making Tim flatter for only a moment. "Listen to me, my name is Sam, and right now, there is only one way to escape Danny's mating season without bloodshed. See, Phantom is in control right now, which means his obsession is at its highest. What does Danny not deem important enough to protect? Himself."
" We have to snap him out of it by having those under his protection stand up to him and....hit him. Anybody attacks will confuse Phantom so much the human side of Danny will be forced to take the front." Another female voice puts it. Jazz. She sounds unhappy, as she admits. "A punch to the head, or slap or something, just one from enough people under his protection will freeze Phantom for a moment."
Tim frowns. "I have no idea what you mean. How will that help get us away?"
"Well, we have a plan for that," A man says wearily. The one with all the electronics. "You may not like it...but we must get you to sacrifice yourself for Robin's freedom."
His siblings start shouting over the communicator but Jazz silence everyone with her explanation.
A very long explanation of ghosts, cores, and obsessions, but the gist is that Phantom and Danny's balance was disruptive, so the only way was to cause his human side to get clarification was by presenting Phantom with a paradox.
Phantom will protect all. Danny will allow anyone to hurt him because of his terrible self-esteem. Hence Phantom will not know if it should defend them when it's Danny in danger but it will pull at his core because something is still under attack in front of him.
However, as ghost king, Danny is crazy strong, so they need to attack with something Phantom would never try to defend himself from. His sister and two best friends suddenly slapping or punching him? Phantom would typically react by beating them away, but that would mean hurting the beings he exists to protect.
That's just the physical aspect of it too. Tim's sacrifice would pull at Danny's human emotions while Phantom would panic about needing to save Tim from the ghost he was sacrificed to. Which would be himself.
It should snap them both by tugging them in two different directions of their instincts.
Tim wonders if it will work-
He wakes up to Phantom purring and messaging his sore muscles. To his left is a feast of all of Tim's favorites. Even though he is the elite of Gotham, he's never been so pampered in his life.
Dang, it better work. Tim is getting far too comfortable in this castle. He may never want to leave.
"Phantom if you let my brother go ill be your mate."
"!" Phantom pauses then let's out a sound that sounds like twinkling bells glowing so bright he could be a star
"Only If you accept me as a sacrifice in exchange for my brother's freedom" Tim holds his break then jumps at the sound of shattering glass that comes from Phantom's mouth.
He blinks a few moments, fighting himself, until Phantom nods determined. "Mate will bring children. I need children."
"Ugh sure pal. Do we have a deal?"
It's a weird Tuesday.
Damian is home ten minutes later, and within the hour, Phantom overloads from the paradox.
Tim opens a portal home that night, and Danny sleeps through the rest of his mating season, going under when Phantom and he fights about Tim's fate.
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em-harlsnow · 3 months
so, i’m guessing mickey spent a lot of time in the head master’s office when he was young. im pretty sure everyone in the show went to the same school, aside from Liam, so we can assume it’s the same headmaster that Carl got sent to a lot.
now, let’s say franny goes to that school as well. she’s a good kid, so it’s not like she gets in trouble a lot. but she’s been taught by all her family that if someone starts something, you finish it.
so that’s what she does.
she ends up in the office. the head master comes in and tells her he’s calling her mother, and franny’s not worried about that. debbie will defend her tooth and nail. when debbie doesn’t answer the phone (she’s not a bad mother, she’s just at work and turned her phone off) they call the next names down the line, which is ian (debbie says ian is her fave).
so the headmaster is making some comments about the other gallaghers he’s had to deal with. mentioning carl and his ways, and lip and his. he says he’s glad it’s ian coming, because he was the least trouble.
however, both ian and mickey come.
ian knocks on the door.
“come in.” headmaster says.
ian smiles tightly and enters, mickey following behind. they both take inventory of a room they haven’t stepped foot in in a decade, marvelling at how unchanged it is.
the headmaster glances up and honestly? he’ll never forget those knuckle tats. they tortured him for the entire time mickey was in school, because they were strictly against school rules.
mickey smirks when headmaster’s face pales.
“i see you’ve brought company, Mr Gallagher.” he says.
“yeah, sir… hope that’s okay.” he smiles again, never falling out of the pattern of calling this guy ‘sir’.
mickey snorts at him, but takes the seat beside ian, opposite headmaster’s desk. “you’re such a fucking goody-goody.” he mutters, and ian smacks his thigh with a shush.
“i didn’t do anything! he started it!” franny shouts, getting the first word in.
“i’m not entirely surprised to see another gallagher in my office. but it makes even more sense now, Mr Milkovich.” Mickey smiles at him mockingly. “who are you in relation to Franny?” he asks.
“he’s her uncle.”
“right. what is it with you gallaghers and milkoviches intermingling? i had to deal with your sister-“ he points at mickey, “- and your brother-“ he points at ian, “for far too long.”
“good genes.” mickey replies.
“oh, i’m sure.” the principle snarks. “so, we understand the other boy started it. that’s not the problem. the problem is that franny broke his nose.”
mickey barks a laugh, and ian shushes him again even if hes barely containing his own smile.
“i’m glad you’re taking this as seriously as we are.” principle huffs.
“sorry - we’re taking this very seriously. what’s the solution here?” ian asks.
“the boy’s family just want an apology. an easy way out, really.”
franny makes a noise of protest and mickey’s eyebrows shoot up. “a fucking apology? the kid’s clearly an asshole, maybe a little bone breaks from a girl would be good for him.”
“please contain your language, Mr Milkovich. and no, we don’t tolerate violence of any kind here. so franny will have to apologise.” the principle roles his eyes.
“that’s totally fine, excuse my husband.” mickey rolls his eyes and ian’s placating. “franny will apologise.”
although she huffs, she nods as well.
they’re about to get up and leave, taking franny with them, when the principle speaks again.
“if you don’t mind me asking, Mr Milkovich, how long were you in prison for? you see, me and some… fellow colleagues had a little betting pool going.”
Mickey rolls his eyes, and ian laughs.
“you made bets on whether he’d go to prison?”
“not so much on whether he would go, more on how long he’d stay there.” the headmaster corrects, which makes ian laugh.
“you’re such a problem student.” ian tells him, and mickey scoffs.
“like… two years? three maybe? he did escape at one point, not sure how that factors in.” ian tells him, because mickey is busy rolling his eyes.
“i did hear about that. impressive, i must say. i don’t think anyone will win any money on that, most people bet from ten years to life.” the headmaster tells him.
“yeah, well. one, fuck you. two, glad i surpassed your expectations, Principle Twat.” mickey huffs sarcastically, getting up and going.
“i see that nickname is never going.” the principle mutters as the two most insane families he’s had the displeasure of meeting leave the office.
god, he hopes franny won’t be trouble.
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ddejavvu · 2 years
steve and/or eddie with a reader who, upon first glance, is very soft and feminine (skirts n dresses n heels), but is quickly discovered to be feral. swears like a sailor and throws hands like nobody’s business. (mildly d&d and rock n roll obsessed mayhaps…) this is super self indulgent so dont feel the need to write it i’m just Obsessed with these men
Eddie's halfway to knocking some sense into the kids surrounding Dustin on the front walkway of the school when you beat him too it. Skirt swishing around your thighs, heels stomping into the grass, you shout, 'Hey, fuckwits!', and he's entranced immediately.
The chains on his belt and rings on his fingers wouldn't work half as well at intimidating the freshman as your rage-filled gaze and foul vocabulary does, and as you chew out the bullies for picking on the curly-haired boy, Eddie's eyes widen where he's looking out the window of his van.
He's surprised you don't attack them, impressed that you have the willpower to refrain from taking your shoes off and jamming the heels into their eyes. But you grab Dustin around the shoulders, tugging him out of their demented circle and storming off with him under your wing.
"Are you okay? What did they say?" You question worriedly, and Dustin placates you with his hands on your upper arms.
"Nothing! Nothing, it's fine, just- the teeth thing."
A near-animalistic growl comes from your throat and Eddie doesn't know whether to be aroused or terrified.
"Those assholes!" You huff, one heel stomping into the sidewalk.
"It's fine," He assures you, catching sight of Eddie's van, "Wait! Wait, come with me, I need to get my bag."
He jogs up to the door and Eddie's barely able to register him, his eyes lingering on you who's trailing behind him.
"I left my bag in here during lunch," Dustin informs Eddie, "Can I have it back?"
"Yeah." Eddie nods, afraid that if he turns around to get it, you'll simply vanish. You don't, though, you're still standing there puffed with fury when he passes Dustin's bag through the window.
"Thanks," The boy grins, and Eddie nods, eyes still wearily cast over your frame, "Oh! This is my sister," He pushes you forwards, and your demeanor shifts, a polite smile falling over your previously anger-ridden features, "Y/N."
"Pleasure," Eddie grins, nearly breathless as he shakes your hand, the same one that he was sure was going to end up knocking one of the bullies' teeth out, "You two are really related?"
"Somehow," You reach up to ruffle Dustin's curly hair, grinning when he protests by swatting you away, "He got the short end of the gene stick."
"You guys-!" Dustin's jaw drops, "You're meaner than those kids were!"
"We're teasing!" Eddie reaches through the window, raising himself from his seat slightly to pull the same hair-ruffle maneuver you'd done yourself only seconds before. Dustin jogs off to your car to get away from it, shouting indignantly on his way.
"He's so dramatic," You scoff, already following after him, "Bye, Eddie, right?"
"Yeah," Eddie beams, waving as you approach your car, "Hopefully I'll see you around!"
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marvelobsessed134 · 1 year
How about an NSFW one where Paul Stanley gets pranked by a rocker dudette fan (I'm talking leather jacket, jeans, wristbands, band t shirt underneath, the whole nine yards) but then it turns into a little something spicy *Wink Wink*🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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Prank call gone wrong
Pairings: Paul Stanley x Fem!reader
Warnings: smut, rough sex, degradation, dumbifacation, size kink, and I think that’s it.
A/n: this might be my longest one yet
Summary: your prank on Paul Stanley goes amazingly wrong.
You’ve found the number to Paul’s hotel room. You’re still stoked that you’re staying in the same hotel as him! You had a couple hours to spare before the Kiss concert and you wondered if he was still in his room or if he was at the stadium. Either way, you wanted to prank call him.
Having thought of a script before hand, you excitedly dialed the number. How you got the number? You overheard a groupie telling it to her friend. And you have a pretty good memory.
It rang for a few seconds before he answered, “Hello?” His voice sent chills down your spine. God you love his voice. “Oh my god, Robert is that you? You’re with another girl aren’t you?” You responded trying your best to sound like an angry girlfriend.
“Umm my names not Robert I think you have the wrong-“
“Okay, so you’re just gonna pretend it’s not you. I’m not stupid, Robert. You’re with Brenda aren’t you? That skank.”
“We were supposed to get married, Robert. How could you? I hate you so much pack all of your shit and get out of my house.” You fake cried before slamming the phone down. You laughed maniacally before deciding to go down to the hotel restaurant to get a bite to eat before the concert.
Paul was confused. So he asked Gene about it. “You’ve been prank called.” The bassist replied simply.
“‘Prank called’ what does that mean?” The singer asked.
“You can’t be that stupid. Put the two words together. Prank and call.”
Paul then realized what Gene was talking about. “So some chick just prank called me that’s great. Who was it? Because she woke me up from my sleep.” He grumbled. The other man shrugged his shoulders.
-at the concert-
You standing amongst the rest of the screaming fans as Kiss made their grand entrance onto the stage. As usual it was epic. Pyrotechnics, lights, dancers. And of course, the music. You were right up against the barricade. “Wooo! Hell yes!” You yelled as you did the rock n roll sign with your hands.
For some reason during the show, Paul kept looking at you. Which made you flustered. Who wouldn’t be? The show went on and after it ended, you waited to be one of the last to leave so you wouldn’t have to deal with the crowd.
You walked, the stadium was pretty much empty, you were alone. You felt someone grab your shoulder. You turned to see non other than the Starchild himself.
“Holy shit Paul Stanley!” You shouted but not too loud. “Shut up, people will hear. Now come with me.” He hissed before gripping your arm tightly and dragging you to his dressing room.
He slammed the door shut and pushed you against it. His grip firm on both of your arms as he looked down at you. “So, you’re the one who prank called me?” He asked.
“How’d you find out?” You asked in response.
“I have my ways. I just want you to know that you disturbed my sleep and you should know I need every hour of it.”
You rolled your eyes, “Okay? So you dragged me all the way here just so you could complain that my little call woke you up?”
“You better watch that mouth, missy.”
“Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?”
“I’ll give you something better to do with it.” As he said this, Paul undid his belt before pulling down his pants and boxers. His large cock sprang free and your eyes widened. He used his other hand to pulled you down onto your knees.
“You gonna suck my cock like a good girl?” The singer asked as he stroked his large cock in front of you. You were shocked by the whole situation. How did it lead to this? Not like you’re complaining, though.
You moved to grab his thighs to stable yourself but was quickly stopped. “Ah, ah. Hands behind your back.” And so, you put your hands behind your back allowing him full control over you. Paul grabbed your hair and pushed his cock in your mouth. You closed your lips around his length before he began bobbing your head back and forth.
“Fuck, you have such a good mouth, baby. This is all you’re good for isn’t it? Such a dumb little thing that only knows how to suck dick.” The singers’ filthy words made you extremely wet. He continued to fuck your face before pulling you off his cock. “I see my cock barely fit in your mouth, didn’t it? You’re so fucking tiny it’s pathetic. I can rip you in two if I wanted.”
Paul grabbed your hair to pull you up, and he dragged you over to the couch and sat down pulling you onto his lap so you were straddling him. You could feel his hard cock through your leather pants. You started to grind on him as the two of you made out.
The singer began to kiss your neck down to your collarbone before throwing your leather jacket off your shoulders. A tank top with his face on it was underneath. He smirked, “Well, I see you must really like me huh?”
“I just like your voice.” You lied.
“Are you sure you don’t like my dick too?” He chuckled when your face went red. He pulled his shirt off before pulling yours off, groaning when he saw you wore nothing underneath. The raven haired man massaged your breasts, tweaked your nipples and bit and sucked on them. You were in complete bliss.
In one swift motion you were laid on your back. He was roughly taking your boots off and pulling your pants and panties down. You instinctively spread your legs.
“You think I’m gonna lick that pussy after what you’ve done? You’re just gonna lay there take my cock like a good slut.” He said before ramming into you without warning. You squealed in both pain and surprise. “Oh my god you’re so fucking tight. My cock can barely even fit this tiny pussy.” Paul moaned as he began to pump in and out of your tight wet hole.
You couldn’t think straight at all. You only laid there as Paul fucked you, used you. But oh you fucking loved it.
He pulled you up so you were straddling him again, his cock still inside you. The singer gripped your hips and slammed you up and down on his large cock.
“You like this baby? Bet you didn’t think about this when you called me today huh?” You couldn’t respond to him, and he was getting a kick out of it.
“Aww is my baby going all dumb on my cock? You had so much to say moments ago.”
You gripped his shoulders as he used you as a flesh light, feeling yourself get closer and closer to the edge. You finally clenched around him, “Ah!” You screamed in surprise.
“Fuck that was hot. Get on your knees again.” The singer commanded. You quickly got on your knees and grabbed his cock, putting it into your mouth sucking hard and fast, wanting his cum more than anything.
Paul put his hands behind his head as he leaned back with a cocky smile. “Yeah, you want my cum don’t you? Pathetic, really.” You jerked him off a couple times before his cum squirted all over your face.
Tears were in your eyes cause some of it got in them. Your mascara was smeared and so was your lipstick. Your hair disheveled and cum all over your face. “You look so fucking beautiful like this. Get cleaned up, I’ll give you my number for next time.”
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nicksolemnlyswears · 3 months
Where do i fucking start? So much happened Im still reeling
Im laughing cause we were all expecting to see more of the Blackwoods at the beginning and we just got the trailer scene. So that left me cackling. Granted it was quickly wiped away by the massacre scene.
I truly love how Criston Cole is utterly clueless and regretting every decision he’s made. He’s way in too deep and everyone knows it.
Let’s give a big shout out to Rhaenys who keeps speaking the truth and honestly being a great Hand to Rhaenyra even if she doesn’t hold that title. She’s the OG
Was expecting more of Daemon and bloodshed and dragonfire but my dude was simply in a fever dream of sorts? maybe he did get poisoned or something? Maybe the dark haired lady is a witch? So many questions and not enough answers
Talking about that scene I was so happy to see Millie back if only for a scene. It was such a nice surprise! I thought it was Aemma when he entered the room.
There’s the bit of Aegon saying he can be feared and baby boy just wants to prove himself. I can’t blame him literally no one sees him capable. They only use him.
It was so hilarious when the white cloaks where talking about one of the younger ones having never bed a woman and he was like 🤔 didn’t you swore celibacy. It seemed very innocent at the moment but that clearly went to hell later.
Fuck Larys Strong is all I gotta say. One manipulative motherfucker. Not even his house wants him.
I lowkey really like Mysaria. She’s an interesting character.
Rhaena baby I know you want a role in war but literally get that ticket out of the bloodshed and thank me later.
Rhaenyra is such a good mom protecting her children from the ugliness of war.
Were those Daenerys eggs? 👀 I really want there to be a cameo about them.
Jacaerys is so impatient. I can feel him shaking. He wants to fight he wants a purpose but he respects his mama at least.
Jacaerys hugging Joffrey? My heart ached.
Can’t fucking believe Criston Cole took the time to get a fucking haircut. Looks so stupid on him too. Good for me though it’s easier to hate him.
…does Alicents brother seem fruity to you? or just me? 👀👀 Guess it runs in the family
A dragonseed at last? But where’s the blonde hair? I thought the blonde was like a dominant gene? The dude was so invested in his family history. Bless his heart. Looks like he supports the Blacks so I’m all for that.
Okay the brothel scene. I got pikachu’d like three times. First, when he opens the first curtain and there’s a woman giving it her all. She was gagged (almost literally). Second, AEGON FINDING AEMON. I was so shook I really didn’t think it could get worse from there. But then Aemond stands and it’s like shocked pikachu x3. Respectfully Aemond looking good.
Aemond really put that mask on so fast. He was like “eh fuck her see if i care” baby boy…you care very much.
Moving on! Baela! How the fuck can she see anything from so high up! My miopía could never!
Alicent and her fucking candles. She needs a lighter.
I’ve been pikachued once more! I can’t believe Rhaenyra went through with the plan! It’s so odd seeing them together once more!
Our mothers are together once more!!! I had to laugh they were so awkward at first. Rhaenyra didn’t know what to do with herself. She even admits knowing she went about it all wrong. Peak Comedy.
You guys don’t know the joy I felt when Alicent realized it’s about Aegon the Conqueror and not her son. OMG.
At the same time I wa so sad for Rhaenyra cause for a moment she really though Viserys had changed his mind but suck on that Alicent.
She went to being a bitch so quickly. God I hate her. Rhaenyra is trying to make peace and she refuses. Fuck her. Can’t stand her. Even knowing Viserys never meant for Aegon to be king.
Overall, another great episode although I expected more from Daemon.
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maiiefizz · 6 months
Jegulus Prompt: Traitor
10.04.24, 404 Words
This is the perfect word to write Angst but my heart won't let me. So just peaceful stuff.
James leans back with a big grin on his face and looks at Regulus.
Reg thinks about how he can still win the game. He is usually the best at chess. Apart from Monty. James' father is the best man the chess world has ever seen. But now the genes seem to be awakening in James too, because Regulus simply can't compete with his boyfriend. No matter what move he makes, James seems to have planned everything three steps ahead and is slowly running out of options. This must not happen.
"Come on Reggi, you know what we bet on."
Regulus sighs, annoyed. "Potter, I'm not going to sit next to Sirius and Remus on a ten hour car journey."
James' grin gets bigger.
"Then I guess you have to win now."
Regulus closes his eyes and slumps backwards, lying on the soft carpet on the floor of the Potters' living room.
"I think I have a better chance of winning the trip if I just strangle Sirius tonight."
He then hears a voice laughing
It sounds like James, but even if the difference is barely noticeable, Regulus knows James' voice better than anyone else. He immediately opens his eyes and looks up into the face of Monty, who is looking down at him with a grin.
"Oh Potter, you Traitor! How long has he been helping you?!"
Monty replies: "If it wasn't for me, he'd already be out of check after your third move."
"Well, now that we've sorted that out," Regulus begins, "you can sit next to Barty and Evan in the back seat tomorrow. Sirius and Remus in the middle on the two and I'll sit in the front next to Pandora."
"HEY!" shouts James, "you haven't won yet. So there's still a chance that I'll sit next to Pandora and you'll sit with your brother and Moony."
"You cheated. That definitely counts as losing!"
"It doesn't"
"It does"
Monty laughs "You're cute, you two. How about you two sit on the two seats in the middle and the others have to take care of the rest?"
Regulus and James look at each other briefly and smile.
The chess game long forgotten as soon as they imagine being in total connection for 10 hours.
They don't notice Monty leaving with a grin.
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shewrites444 · 1 year
visitation [xavier thorpe x reader smut]
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[a/n - so in my attempt to make up for my horrible posting rates lately, here is a pretty dirty plot i came up with.]
word count - 2.5k
summary - following xavier’s false arrest, the reader visits him to see if she can help in any way. of course, she can.
warnings - dirty talk, unprotected oral (m receiving), 69, unprotected sex in diff. positions
xavier looked pathetic behind bars, with the way his head hung low, no matter who he was speaking to, or if he was eating, humming, drawing on the walls - he always looked so glum. despite my bias opinion due to our friendship, i didn’t think he was the monster. he really wasn’t capable of that kind of sin, despite the edgy persona he put on during the day.
while xavier and i weren’t the best of friends, we had an understood connection since we met a few years back through nevermore. our parents treated us in similar ways, and while xavier radiated huge daddy issues, i was on the opposite end of the spectrum. my mom and i weren’t very close due to how consumed she was in her work, and the fact that my dad passed on the genes of an outcast to me was something she seemed to resent heavily. hence, her practically shipping me off to boarding school 9 months out of the year.
due to these similarities, we grew close, and soon, after about a year or so, we ended up sleeping together after a party. yes, we were nearly blacked out, but it happened, and there was no coming back from that type of thing. when he was with bianca we never did anything, and when he was infatuated with wednesday i stayed clear of that, too. we had boundaries, of course, and that was made clear from the beginning. no strings attached wasn’t so bad, except when my causal hook up was now being accused of ripping apart a handfuls of citizens in our area. so, while visiting xavier wasn’t the best idea at the moment, i knew he needed a friend, or at least someone to talk to that wasn’t the cops.
after the last employee walked out of the police department, i grabbed my purse and slung it over my shoulder, skipping over the dark road before closing my eyes and teleporting into the front office. yep, that was my thing. not very common at nevermore, but nevertheless, had its perks. i’ve avoided many situations, and people, believe me.
i walked down the blacked out hallway until i reached a room that was filled with a small amount of noise, in which seemed to be pure exhaustion. i leaned against the wall in a bit of confusion, listening quietly through the opened door. a belt was unbuckled, pants unzipped.. good god.
i roll my eyes with a smirk, walking into the room to see xavier spitting on his hand, but quickly jolting back into his bed with red cheeks and wide, embarrassed eyes.
“jesus, [y/n]! a knock could have been nice!” xavier shouts in frustration, wiping his hand off on his black pants, zipping them back up immediately after.
i shrug my shoulders and set my bag on the desk aside the wall, before walking over to the cell. “i wasn’t aware you spent your nights wacking right after the police leave. tell me, are you imaging the detective girl that turned you into here?”
“are you jealous?” he teases, looking up to meet my eyes with a light grin on his lips. “i’ve gotta find some ways to distract myself from my current situation.”
“i could never be jealous of something i already have.” i snap, passing him a wink before walking in front of the silver bars. i sigh, insisting for him to walk towards me, which he does instantly. i watch him lean down to lightly peck my lips between the bars, which only makes me laugh.
“so romantic. i love fucking a criminal.” i joke, sliding my jacket off and onto the floor. “but i don’t know if it’s worth it to bring myself into that cell, xavier.”
“oh, it is.” he moans into my mouth, kissing me once more. “why don’t you get on your knees and give me a taste before you make your decision?”
i pull away, glancing down to the erection that was already pushing against the fabric of his cargos, which only made me blush. “try to command me again and i won’t even lay a finger on you. you’re lucky i feel moderate pity for you.”
“noted.” xavier nods, unzipping his pants before sliding them down with his boxers. he watches me sink to the floor after kicking my shoes off, taking his cock into my hand through the bars as i begin to pump it, spitting on his tip as well to increase my rhythm.
he moans loudly as his length encompasses my mouth, pushing towards me and pressing against my throat while i suck him off, jerking off his length and the other hand moving to play with his balls. i look up to meet his eyes, his expression nothing but lust, mouth open and eyes subtly rolling back.
“god, i’ve missed this.. you’re always so good at sucking my cock, [y/n]…” xavier groans, holding one bar with his hand while the other reaches through to hold the back of my head, and a good grip on my loose hair. “why don’t you come in here, baby? please. you’ve got my dick so hard. you always do.”
i ignore his words and continue what i’m doing, pushing my head forward to deep throat his tip into my throat, earning a gag from my full mouth, which only makes xavier harder, and far more turned on. i keep myself in place, closing my eyes as i practically face fuck him, given his frozen movements while i stuff his cock down my throat. my hands trail away to rest against the bars while i suck, up and down, back into a rhythm to give my throat a break. i could feel his eyes on me, and i knew he wasn’t going to take them away from me until i got into his cell.
i pull away, taking a breath, and a moment, before i stand up and brush my hair out of my face, walking over to the desk to grab the key to unlock his chains. i then close my eyes, and bring myself into the small space within a second.
i look to xavier, who walked towards my figure and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into a passionate kiss, which i return while taking my top off. after i toss the white shirt onto the floor, i take the key and unlock his shackles, watching the hard, cold metal drop the floor.
“we’re gonna have to unfortunately put these back on you when i leave, you know.” i say, setting the key on the ground before wrapping my arms around his neck. “can’t have anyone know i was here.”
“okay, okay, come here.” he mutters into my mouth, basically ignoring my serious statement, and instead dragging me to the bed, where he lays me down on my back. “i’m gonna fuck you so good. i’m gonna make you cum so much, baby.”
“we’ll see.” i tease, watching him pull my pants off. he kneels before the bed and pulls me closer to him, one hand holding my left leg up as his fingers trail to my entrance, pressing his thumb against my clit.
i moan softly, looking up to meet his eyes while he rubs the sensitive bud and sits up, aligning himself with me before slowly pushing the tip in, and quickly working himself into a rhythm.
“you’re so tight around me, fuck..” xavier moans, releasing his finger before leaning above me, thrusting inside of me still as he presses his lips against my own. “you know i’m not the monster, [y/n], but god, if i was, i wouldn’t lay a finger on you.. you’re so fucking hot, you’re the only one i’ve ever truly wanted to be inside of.. i wanna fill you up, baby.. make you mine…”
my eyes widen as i look up him, watching his lips trail down to my breasts, as he pecks them and kisses at the erect buds. i knew xavier wasn’t the monster, of course, but being in here with so much spare time must’ve sure brought in some creative dirty talk. i never knew he wanted me like that. he was always so into wednesday lately, that i figured i wasn’t even a thought. we hadn’t slept together, or done anything, really, in a month or so. basically since she showed up.
while i wasn’t the jealous type, xavier had been feeding me attention for awhile now, and to have it taken from me so suddenly, it was more annoying than anything. despite how much i liked being single, i did like to feel claimed, and i know he liked to feel that way, too. so the more i thought about his words, it wasn’t much of a surprise. if anything, it was just fucking hot.
“you really want me? only me?” i blush and bite on my lower lip, glancing down to him as he sucks at my right nipple while cupping the breast up. i shake my head though, taking my words back, after quickly thinking over how sensual that sounded. i hated how he made me feel so good, no matter what he said, or did. fuck.
he looks up to me and pulls off my breast with a smirk. he could definitely tell i regretted that actual expression of normal affection.
he sits up, holding both my legs above my head before pushing himself deeper inside of me. “can’t take that back, [y/n].” he winks, watching my mouth drop open while he pushes his cock fully inside of me, thrusting lightly, but just enough for me to feel him pressing into my belly. god, it hurt, but it felt so fucking good. he was so big. he knew it.
“well, i take it back. fuck whoever you want.” i say with a blank face, gulping as he began to pick up the pace, but stopped abruptly at my words.
he pulled out of me, standing up and lightly holding me up before helping me onto my knees, turning me the other way to press against the cold tile walls, my legs spread underneath me. he comes up behind me, pushing his cock back inside of me, which only pressed my body more against the wall.
“well, i chose to fuck you.” he expresses, wrapping his arms around me, cupping each breast in one hand. he pecks the crane of my neck, holding me tightly. “i chose you over anyone, [y/n]. you know how to make me feel good, even in here.. you know how to take my dick, baby.. you’re such a good girl, you know.. pressed up against this wall letting me fuck you so good.. there’s no fight tonight, baby. i love when you just let me control you..”
“hm.. well, there’s about to be… if you don’t make me cum… as promised...” i say in between moans, turning my head just enough to meet his eyes, watching him smirk while he releases one hand from my breast and down to my clit, which he harshly presses against, causing my back to contort backwards, pressing my ass against his lower abdomen.
“god, you’re so sensitive tonight..” xavier coos, holding me tightly against him. “you gonna cum all over my cock? i bet you taste so good, love. you’re gonna taste so good mixed with me.”
i press the side of my face against the wall, both hands against the bricks as i sigh heavily, biting my lower lip in order to keep my mouth. i hated letting him have the upper hand at times, he got so cocky. he knew he was making me feel good, and terribly wet, so it tended to get to his head. i didn’t like to give him what he wanted immediately. he had to work for it.
i began to move my body backwards, almost grinding from behind him to stimulate him further, which only made him moan in pleasure, throwing off the rhythm he had going.
“lay down.” i say firmly, feeling his hands release from my body and onto the bed. i move myself on top of him, where my pussy then hovers before his lips, and i’m aligned with his hard cock, which i leaned down to take into my mouth almost immediately.
“f-fuck…” xavier stammers, reaching up to hold my ass as he pulls me down to meet his lips. as he licks my folds, twisting his tongue into the flesh and gently pressing against my clit, i feel two fingers push inside of me, which only catches me by surprise as well, my moans muffling through my busy lips.
he pushes another finger inside, stretching me out as i moan loudly, pulling myself away from his dick and beginning to grind my pussy on his lips, until he pulls his fingers out and focuses his mouth on me.
i close my eyes and sink myself into the moment, one hand on the wall while the other pumps his cock, which was coming closer and closer to finishing.
“i-i’m gonna cum, baby.. please fuck me..” xavier moans, lightly moving me out of his face and nudging me towards the lower part of his body.
i nod, moving myself down his figure to align with his dick, pushing myself back onto him. i hear him moan behind me, almost whining at the amount of stimulation i put him through already.
i move my fingers to my clit, rubbing the bud in order to increase my upcoming orgasm, bouncing on his dick while his hands held my waist, guiding me up and down.
my mind was at a blank, genuinely focused on the pure pleasure this brought the both of us, and nothing else. just the moment that i was so terribly engrossed in, and not the fact it was all in a cell. i was with xavier, and this was the release we both so desperately needed.
and fuck, we got it.
our moans synced together as we gasped throughout the stimulation both our organisms brought us, our juices intertwining as i rode out the high of our climaxes, up until the moment his body went numb beneath me. i got off of him, my weak legs moving to grab my underwear off the floor, and slowly began to get dressed as he watched me from behind.
"you're going leave already, [y/n]?" he asked, leaning up to grab his clothes. "what happened to all that talk?"
"ignore that until you're let out of prison, xavier." i turn around, zipping my pants up. i lean down to grab the handcuffs and the key again, putting them back on him after he got dressed, and pushing him back to the bed.
he purses his lips together and sighs, cupping my cheeks before kissing me softly. "fine. but you need to come here again. no one's ever gonna make me feel as good as you do - i mean that."
"i'm flattered. maybe i will." i tease, pecking his cheek before leaving the cell in a blink. i grab my purse and glance to him before walking out and into the dim hallway.
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little-lisa-i · 1 year
How they cuddle
A/N: I just came up with these so sorry about any mistakes. This is between seasons five and six because that's where I am in rewatching it. Reader has a blood quirk where she can break down and change her quirk genetics and give herself quirks if she can identify what in the gene gives someone their quirk. She can also do this for other people but she needs to ingest their blood, she can also change her experience and create copies of herself using her blood but it is very dangerous and painful for her because whatever damage the copies go through she does too. It's called control.
Pairing: Bakugo, Kirishima, Deku
Warning: cussing (cause Bakugou), fluff, mention of blood, scratches, scars, and other body trauma, F! reader
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It was a long day of training and Bakugou was tired, but he still had homework to get done. But, his girlfriend had been battered and bruised from the training. "Y/n?" he growled, sitting next to her on the floor. She raised her head from her homework to see him holding bandages and a first aid kit.
After he covered the more major of her scrapes he gently kissed it, though would deny it if she told anyone. "come here," he huffed walking back to his desk. She did he pulled her onto his lap so her head sat on the nape of his neck. She ran her fingers through his golden hair, and while he did his homework he rubbed her back occasionally tracing shapes and their names as well. And, by the time he was done, she had fallen asleep.
He placed his hands under her thighs before getting up and walking to his bed. He shut the lights off but left the door cracked (per Aizawa's orders after catching them making out), letting in the light from the hallway. He let her head rest on his chest, and his arms held her protectively against him. "Dumbass," he hummed before falling asleep
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"Hey Y/n, lookin' good today!" Denki complimented while he walk past her and Kirishima on their way to his dorm. Kirishima's smile fell, he knew Denki but it still makes him jealous when he says those things.
"Kiri, were you listening?" She hummed, and Kirishima looked back at her. "Sorry, I'm just tired" he responded, he knew he lied and she did too. The two walked into his room, and she immediately made herself comfortable on his bed. She curled herself toward the wall. "Y/n" Kirishima sighed while climbing into the bed behind her, "you wouldn't leave me, right?" He pulled her closer by her waist, before fully hugging her. "No reason to," she reassured. Kirishima placed a gentle kiss on her shoulder, making her giggle.
They stayed that way for a while before they both turned over, Kirishima laid on his back and she lay beside him resting her head on his shoulder. he kept one hand on her waist and the other was on his stomach, while both her hands fell on his chest as if he were a pillow.
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Before his eyes, his girlfriend flew across the training grounds. "Y-Y/n!" He stuttered running over to her, "I'm sorry." But, he only finds a puddle of blood. Gasping he turns around to see her holding a ball of lightning before she releases it toward him. He is uninjured just slightly dizzy, meanwhile, she is exhausted and is covered in scratches, scrapes, and bruises. They both knew she couldn't win against Deku. "Uh, Y/n!" he shouts before rushing to her collapsing figure.
When she woke up, she was in Recovery Girl's office. Deku was sitting in a chair beside her bed, watching her closely. "Are you okay?" She only nodded in response. As if he read her mind Deku climbed into the be beside her. She adjusted her body to face his. He rested his hands around her waist, and she hugged his neck. He turned slightly on his back so he could see the door, but not enough to disturb her. And, slowly she fell asleep to his mumbling and his heartbeat, and not long after, he too succumbed to exhaustion.
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relatableblorbopoll · 10 months
Round 1 of preliminaries, group 8
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The first two places get a place on the bracket
Little reminder: there will be 2 more rounds of preliminaries, the losing blorbos of this poll still have 2 chances of getting in the official bracket
Propaganda under the cut
Stanford Pines (Gravity Falls)
"there are so many things wrong with this man i feel a kinship with him. Also the neurodivergency"
Miles "Tails" Prower (Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise)
"he's a young child who is incredibly autistic (maybe a technology special interest, tail wagging could be interpreted as a stim, he is a fox and foxes have a gene variant linked to autism, etc) and incredibly humble and loyal to sonic. however he does feel like he may be a burden to him, as discussed in sonic frontiers. T: sonic, am i a burden to you? S: wow, and how did you come to this well thought out concern? T: whenever there's a crisis, i'm either running away or standing on the sidelines! you're always rescuing me, and all i do is follow you around! in the adventure era, there was some character development where he learned to grow into his own person (well. you know what i mean) kinda (he saved an entire city which isn't why he's relatable it's the growing into your own person thing) he was also bullied for having two tails before he met sonic. sonic saved him from his bullies which is how they met 👍 he is literally me"
Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives)
"- emotionally repressed - socially awkward - ace"
Ford Prefect (The Hitchhiker’s guide to the Galaxy)
"he’s very trans and autistic coded at least in my mind, and he has the fashion sense of a loser transmasc lesbian. he cracks stupid jokes all the time, changes the subject with absolutely no warning, he’s simultaneously the most likable and most annoying character in the book, he’s so me"
Shaun Murphy (The Good Doctor)
"My brother got me into The Good Doctor. The only difference between my personality and Shaun's personality is my crippling social anxiety. I'm completely serious, my behavior when prior to developing social anxiety was identical to Shaun's (by which I mean I once shouted "I'm sharpening my pencil" in second grade completely unprovoked because I had no concept of it being socially inappropriate). Genuinely if I didn't have social anxiety, I would constantly be in a state of "hes just like me fr" and it would make complete sense to anyone who knows me and also watches The Good Doctor. Also keeping notes on flirting and keeping track of when people are flirting with each other around your workplace, which is a hospital, is a massive mood. That whole thing is basically him going around to colleagues and saying "this colleague was flirting with you! :D" and refusing to elaborate, then leaving. I love it and if I wasn't terrified of judgement I'd do the same thing."
Sonic (Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise)
"Transgender. To me. Also very sarcastic. Idk how to explain, my brain is too smooth and he just me"
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butterscotch-goat · 2 months
heyy haha hi twirls hair do you have any Elijah fun facts or perhaps Lucy
OOOOOH LET ME SEE WHAT I CAN COME UP WITH!! Thank you so so so so so much for asking aaaa <33
Alright!! Eli!!!!!
-their nose is naturally hooked, but it's bumpy and lopsided because it has been broken!! he has been in a fair share of fights, never starting them, but they've gotten pretty good at ending them all things considered
-i have given them the title "The Apostate" :]
-they would go to church with Martha because it would make Grace too existential and scared but Martha didn't like going anywhere alone, sooo
-he tried to teach Martha to read but gave up; Martha got too frustrated (she learns eventually, thanks to Beatrice!)
-they know how to sew! fixes his own clothes and stuff
-Grace offered to try and heal his foot before but he politely declined; it's a part of him that he's accepted
-Grace's trial and execution was the front page story for a hot minute, so he had to shout about his best friend's death and sell biased & inaccurate stories about it so he could get paid :"]
-occasionally refers to Martha as "Marty" (Beatrice parallel BEATRICE PARALLEL)
-after Martha disappeared they started learning piano. He didnt get far though because he couldn't stand going in the church (to use the piano), especially without Martha
-when Martha returns, the only thing she could bring back of Grace was a jar with her heart in it (since her body got Dissected as fuck, chopped up to study n stuff) and anytime Eli is over at Martha's house (Martha kept it on her windowsill (where else is she gonna put it lol)) he like,, greets Grace's heart? I used to do this with an urn, it's a thing I swear. he would greet her heart,, he'd say hi to Grace, idk man.
-He and Martha still celebrate Grace's birthday; they set her heart jar on a table in front of a pastry or something. They don't take it very seriously (they need some lighthearted moments in their life god let them joke about their trauma please)
-after The Plot, Eli often goes with Martha on her (every-other-year-ish) visits to Aster and Beatrice. Beatrice and him get along very well (because of course they do) while Aster kind of scares him, but it's all good :]
-this one doesn't happen anywhere near the plot, only happens when hes like an adult n stuff but I think it's funny so...Eli COULD NOT keep a straight face at his Lavender wedding with Martha. Martha was more composed but Eli was NOT helping her keep it together Lol. After the fact he makes fun of Martha for being a terrible kisser (THIS IS SILLY GUYS PLEASE IM BEING SILLY)
Lucy time!!!!! Silly little guy!!! Pathetic man!!!
I'm reaaallllyyy struggling with the whole Dawn rework (ask Sen and he'll tell you,, I'm struggling so bad) so I don't have much at the moment. BUT I'LL TELL YOU WHAT I DO HAVE!!
As of writing this, Lucy WILL be a lot more active in the plot!! He's looking to prove he's still a powerful demon, so he goes with Gene to hunt down Frappe (and Dawn by associatio). He does, in fact, suck at his job though, so if anything he probably slows them down,, but that's okay...
Uhhh random stuff GO!!
-his glasses were accidentally stepped on by Ronnette when she was trying to wake him up one time (he passed out on the floor) but Lucy would rather DIE than go to the optometrist again so he's dealing with a cracked frame right now
-Lucy hates Juno almost as much as he hates humans,, but like he's never gonna hate anyone as much as he hates humans so (sorry Dawn, he wants you to perish so bad)
-Lucy is so sure that he's a MASTER at blending in with humans. He is not. He and his garish purple vest, unkempt And uneven long ass hair, and a shirt that's either A. Probably Gene's and therefore too big for him, or B. His shirt that has an entire sleeve missing. He doesn't remember where he lost the sleeve but he hasn't gotten around to getting a new one yet BUT HE WILL SOON GUYS TRUST (it has been 5 decades at LEAST)
-as of writing this I think I'm gonna make it so demons can actually control/choose what their humanoid form looks like, and I think Ronnette would pick on Lucy a lot for making his humanoid form so scrawny.
Uhhh I don't have anything else,, here's some Eli doodles WEEE (featuring his section of a bunch of character profiles I impulsively made in my sketchbook with NO PLANNING WHATSOEVER???? WTF IS WRONG WITH ME)
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obsidiancreates · 8 months
Shawn The Human (Seriously Just Take His Blood)
(These are all separate universes- in each one it's just the focus character who's a vamp. Shawn only has so much blood to recklessly offer his friends, if it was all 3 at once he'd be beef jerky. Tell me Shawn's fatal flaw isn't loyalty and a willingness to do Anything for his friends even if it's questionable and weird- you can't. Also I'm severely sleep deprived so I hope this is good but IDK)
"Seriously, Lassie, you can't keep just draining criminals." Shawn leans against the pillar by Lassie's desk and watches him fill out another report about a perp having an 'accident' while escaping custody on the way to the prison. "If you keep hypnotizing the chief, she's going to build up an immunity, and then where will you be?"
"Spencer, I still have no idea what you're on about." He does, and Shawn knows it- he figured out Lassie was turned into a vampire less than a week after it happened.
"Lassie, what I'm trying to say-" he jogs after the detective, "-is that as long as you don't need to kill to drink, I don't see why you're risking your whole career over this."
"Since when do you care about my career?"
"Since the possibility of you leaving, Jules getting a new partner she hates, and me having to work up a whole new dynamic became real."
"What're you even offering, Spencer?"
"Dude, I have blood!"
That makes Lassiter stop in his tracks. He turns to face Shawn, slowly, with no small amount of disgust on his face. "You want me... to drink your blood? ... Is this a fetish?"
"What?! No!" Shawn tsks and looks away. "Man, don't make this weird. It's just one friend, offering his blood to another more undead-y friend. How much will you even need to take, anyway? I've got like, a gallon of it, probably."
"I wouldn't drink your blood if you were the last human in the entire state of California. It's probably half crappy energy drinks and sluggish with Cheeto dust."
"First of all, Doritos dust. Second of all, what's better for you- blood you don't have to hypnotize the entire department to get away with, or blood that's probably exactly like mine but with more crimes in it?"
"Crime isn't in blood."
"How would you know, you've only tasted criminal blood."
"Not doing it, Spencer." He walks away. Shawn chases after him.
"Lassie! I-I'm serious man, if you keep this up you're going to get caught! I want to help you keep this a secret!"
"Then stop shouting about it!"
2. Juliet
"Jules. Are you an undead mistress of the damned, or are you just having a great hair day?"
Jules smiles and rolls her eyes. She figured Shawn would know sooner or later- how couldn't he? He's psychic, the world of the dead who aren't dead are sort of his whole thing.
"How long have you known?"
"Four days- I was making a list of ways to break it to you."
"And you settled on that."
"Well now I feel self-conscious."
"Why're you telling me you know, Shawn?"
"Just, checking in! Seeing how you're doing. If you need blood."
"Shawn." Jules stands up, taking a folder from her desk to the filing cabinets. "I'm not killing anyone."
"I never said you were! And I know you never would. But that can't be easy, still."
"It is, actually."
"I get Christmas cards from people I arrest, Shawn. It's not hard to convince a few close friends to donate a little blood to me when possible."
"It's not? ... The other day I couldn't even get Gus to give me his half-finished hours-old coke."
"Yes. But that's you, and Gus, and food. So nothing will be reasonable."
"... That's fair. ... But uh, want to add one-one more friend, to that list?"
"That's very sweet of you Shawn, really, but..."
"But... your blood seems like it might be a little..."
"Too alluring? Irresistible? Spiced with my incredible magic genes?"
"... Junk-food-y."
"Junk food? Wh- Jules! Between Gus and I, I am not the one who eats things like stick-o-butter-in-a-bun!"
"Please tell me you just made that up."
"I wish I could."
"Shawn, look, I appreciate the thought, but the truth is I'm all set and, well, I'd just rather keep this and my work life separate, as much as possible."
"... Alright. Fine. ... But know that if we're ever out there catching bad guys and you need an emergency snack, my neck is right here."
"Thanks, Shawn. ... Can I get into the file cabinet now?"
"Oh, right."
3. Gus
"Dude, seriously." Shawn watches Gus pace the office. "Stop freaking out about it and just bite me. You're going to starve to... well not death, I guess. Undeath? That's already you. Maybe... a coma? But that doesn't seem right either."
"I am not drinking your blood, Shawn. What if that turns you into a vampire too?!"
"Then we'll literally be best friends forever! That's just a win-win, Gus!"
"Well- well what if I can't stop and I kill you?!"
"Then you still just turn me, still a win-win."
"Shawn, this is serious!"
"So am I! Look, we both know there's no way in hell you're going out hunting and stalking and all that stuff, and we both know you're not willing to steal from a blood bank-"
"Those bags were donated for medical purposes, Shawn! There's already a major shortage, I will not be apart of making that worse!"
"Exactly! And you've got one best friend right here, literally sticking his neck out for you."
"No. No way. It's too risky, and too weird!"
"How is this the weirdest thing we've done for each other?"
"Because it's your blood, Shawn. That's supposed to stay inside your body!"
"Well, a lot of it was outside my body after I got shot, and I was fine."
"You told me you passed out a couple times!"
"Okay, I said I fell asleep in the woods once, and got hit in the head after that. Totally different, besides, how much blood loss is actually bad for me anyway?"
"Oh... my gosh."
"Look, Gus, it's either this or something way worse. You're already so freaked out and torn up over this whole thing, I just... don't want to see you pushed to a limit you'll never come back from."
"... Well... I appreciate that, Shawn. ... And I guess I at least know what is and isn't present in your blood."
"... But biting the neck still feels weird."
"Well it's not like we can just buy a do-it-yourself-at-home blood drawing kits, Gus. ... Can we?"
"Already looking online."
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oh-puffle-cakes19 · 2 years
could you make one where maybe the reader kisses peter but she has lip plumper on and his reaction
Cherry plumper
Pairing - Peter Parker x Reader
Summary - You put a lip plumper on your lips and then kiss your boyfriend, Peter. To see his reaction.
Warnings - none
A/N - Thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy! Much appreciation to the love and support
You are going through your make up collection, seeing that it is quite messy.
You came across lip plumbers to make your lips pouty. You smirk picking one up to swatch on your lips.
“Hey, baby,” You hug peter, behind his back as he is sitting down studying, “Hi, my love,” Peter smiles, “Come closer,”
Peter takes you on his lap so that your closer to him, “Peter Parker!” You gasp, shocked that he put you on his lap, “Miss you,”
“Awe, Miss you too, Petey,” You hug him, stroking his hair, “Kissie?” You pout, pointing your fingers at each other.
“Of course, Darling,” Peter smiles, cupping your jaw and kissing you very passionately. The boy is very, clueless that you have lip plumper on your lips as it is clear.
As you pull apart, Peter gives a confused look, “Why is my lips tingling?” He panics, you try to hold in your laughter, “I don’t know, babe,” you deny to him.
“My lips are getting bigger?” Peter rambled, touching his lip, words coming out as questions. He finally connected the dots as you wasn’t saying anything other than your grin.
“My lips are tingling! After you kissed me,” Peter narrows his eyes, you shook your head laughing, “What did you do?”
“Peter, this is too funny,” You giggle, “Please, tell me, my lips are normally thin,” Peter whines, “Now they are so big and it’s weird, why do this to me?”
“Chill out, it’s not going to harm you, it’s probably will feel weird,” You stroke his hand to calm him, “It’s only lip plumper, it makes your lips get a bit bigger,”
“A bit?” Peter grumbles, touching his lips again, “Have you got eyes? Baby,” he playfully pouts.
“That’s weird..” You took a proper look at his lips, “I have got it on my lips and it isn’t,” You stopped, remembering, “OH, OH!” You burst out laughing harder.
“This isn’t funny!” Peter try’s to speak, “My radioactive genes, clearly made it more intense,” he sighs, “It does with.. Everything,”
“Awe, I’m sorry baby,” You pout, “If I remembered, I wouldn’t of used it on you,” you pull Peter into a hug as your still sitting on his lap.
“It’s ok,” Peter smiles, “I just have to get you back, when you least except it,” he whispers.
“Mm, however, it does taste good,” Peter licked and bite his lip in one go, “That is because it’s cherry flavoured, Petey,” you smile.
You took the lip plumper off, putting all your make up away. Seeing as Peter is finished studying now, you are both cuddled up on your bed.
“That was pretty funny,” Peter laughed, during the scene of a movie, “Yh, I could think of something else.. pretty funny,” You giggle, looking away from Peter as your referring to the lip plumper from earlier.
“That, wasn’t funny,” Peter tried not to laugh but in the end, failing miserably, “It was a little funny,” You pinched your fingers, squinting your eyes, giving him an evil, little grin.
“I’m just glad, it has wore off,” Peter sighs, snuggling back into your side, “It took 2 hours,” he rolled his eyes.
“Mm,” You listened to him, playing with his locks as you went back to the movie.
“I’m scared to kiss you, now,” Peter joked, a few minutes after silence other than the movie, “Oh really?” You giggle, “I guess no more kissies for you,”
“What no,” Peter shouted, grabbing your face to kiss you on your lips, “I was joking,” he said in between kisses, “Can’t get enough of your lips, Princess,”
“You’re too,” You giggle, “Love you, Petey,”
“Mm, Love you too, so much Baby,” Peter pulls you closer to deepen the kiss.
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ashisill · 2 years
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Warning: pregnancy, and fear of miscarriage. I promise the baby is okay.
“Josh?” You said in an daze confused as to why your lower half was soaking wet.
“Mhm” he groaned. As you fully awoke you realized what was going on.
“JOSH JOSH WAKE UP” you began hitting him.
“What what what’s wrong?” He said now startled.
“I - I think my water broke” you said in a half whisper.
“Oh - oh my - I - I” he said jumping out of the bed and grabbing the bag you both pack on the occasion that this would happen.
“Josh!” You shouted as you began to panic as he drifted out of your sight.
“Yes love I am right here gathering our things. Stay right there mama. Everything’s going to be okay” he told. He threw both bags over his shoulders.
“Your almost there my love” he encouraged you. You’ve been in labor for a while now, and things were coming to an end.
As the doctors were telling you to push for the 100th time. You could feel it. Something was off … no … something was wrong. “Josh something’s wrong”.
“It’s okay hun just keep pushing your almost done” he tried to comfort you, but you pulled his shirt so he was closer.
“No Josh something’s wrong” you began to panic. “Everything is okay love” Josh walked over towards the doctors to watch the progress and to make sure everything was okay. He came back to you for one last push.
“What’s wrong?” josh began to worry as he saw the doctors face when she wasn’t crying. “Is she okay? Is our baby okay?”
they explained to Josh the entire situation and there was a chance of the worst. Josh pulled a chair beside you and laid his head down on the bed. You reached for his curls and ran your tired fingers through them.
“There’s a chance she might not make it” josh sighed.
“She will. She has too. That’s our baby I know she’s strong” you tried to stay positive as the fear was eating at you.
“You were right I should of listened to you when you told me something was wrong. Maybe I could save her if only I would have-“
“Darling no she’s gonna be okay. We have to stay positive”
“I know but that’s our baby. Our baby, mama do you realize how bad this is? That’s our baby” josh began to tear up.
“I know that joshua I don’t wanna think about it. I know how fucking bad this is. Just stop it. Stop” tears overflowed from your eyes.
“Oh sweetheart I am sorry. It’s okay shh it’s okay” he sat up now running his hands through your hair. “Get some rest mama”.
as soon as you fell asleep your door burst open with more doctors and nurses. Your heart dropped what if what if what if. That was until you saw her. A nurse bringing her safely to you. Finally your baby was in your arms. You didn’t even attempt to hold back tears.
“Hi baby” josh said in a shaky voice. “Oh your so beautiful. Just like your mama” he reached a hand out to her, and she held his finger making tears flow from his eyes.
“You’ve got hair like your father don’t you?” You said as you looked at her tiny little curls.
“Yes she does” he laughed out. “She’s got those kiszka genes.
“Indeed she does. Of course she gave us a scare. She’s a kiszka after all”
Josh let out a belly laugh far too loud for the setting but you couldn’t care less. “Can I hold her?” You nodded yes and handed him his baby girl.
“Welcome to the world … River”
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adultswim2021 · 8 months
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Aqua Teen Hunger Force #81: "She Creature" | April 12, 2009 - 11:45PM | S07E03
Carl’s pool is DISGUSTING, and it pisses me off. It is full of slop and teeming with bugs. This also pisses off Frylock, who plants trees like some kind of woman. Meatwad is the first victim of the pool’s mysterious problems: he goes in there and gets pulled into a watery oblivion almost immediately. Frylock, ever the good roommate, decides to go on in there and rescue him, using a diving suit. 
Just then, Vincent Pastore and Steve Schirripa show up and be on the show. They are from television’s Those Dang Sopranos, a show I’ve seen some of before, but was too scary for me to keep watching. Maybe I’ll give it another shot and watch the whole series some day, but I keep getting this creeping feeling that each episode was going to end with a harsh cut to a black screen and that just spooks me to my core.
Anyway, it turns out they use this pool to disappear bodies and Carl is indebted to them and he HAS TO LET THEM DO IT. Wait, wasn’t one or both of these guys in the Laser Eyes episode? I think they might’ve been. I am pretty sure one of them or both of them is canonically Carl’s cousin. And, we cherish the canon. 
Frylock rescues Meatwad. Shake gets tricked into going in there and the thing eats his hands off. Frylock cleans the pool for Carl because he’s nice, but he gets in trouble with the mob guys, but Frylock zaps ‘em. Carl is lured into the pool by a sexual jet.
Inexplicably, the monster comes back. This time we see she’s got a beautiful woman naked lady body in addition to a serpent’s lower-half. She magically enters Carl’s penis, which promises to be orgasmic. She’s really just laying some dang eggs, and Carl explodes. Frylock also explodes, because I guess she did it with him too. Also Meatwad, even though he was saving himself for marriage. Shake is left out, but keeps lying to the camera saying he had sex. Then the mob guys wake up and kill him. That’s it. 
This one’s middling; I found Gene E. to be lackluster, and Shake Like Me doesn’t exist, so I can’t make a comparative statement about it here. This one’s better than Gene E, and it’s perfectly fun. I am mildly bothered by some of the story issues, which to me are sloppy but not in a fun way. Like, they kill the monster, but then she just shows up? Frylock had sex with it somehow, even though earlier his claims that being with the monster was pleasurable was clearly part of a ruse.
It’s almost like they wrote the first half of the script and then shelved it for a month and decided to finish writing the second half without rereading the first half, as part of some kind of creative exercise. I don’t know man, I like absurdism, but I heavily dislike when a script contradicts itself for the sake of a surprise. “Just kidding, it happened differently and I’m not gonna explain how” is just cheating to me. But to be fair, this show does this fairly frequently and it’s made for stoners, so nobody should take this complaint seriously. 
Shout out to Michael Clayton on blu-ray. 
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valentinamasked · 2 years
(In which the Reader and Doctor are separated and he is captured. The reader, actually a shapeshifter, saves the Doctor from a werewolf, reader is critically injured in the process and the two barely make it out alive. Back in the TARDIS, he helps bandage her wounds and waits for her to wake up. Fluff ensues 🤞🤞, first time doing this)
Tags; angst, near death experience, gore, fluff, friends to lovers
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‘How the hell did this happen?’ The Doctor thought to himself, ‘One minute I’m with y/n, exploring 1604 London, the next we’re separated and I’m in the woods, chained to blessed tree.’
The Do for huffs, tugging on his restraints once more, the chains were digging harshly into his skin. He glanced around, no one was here. Other than the cage before him, which would rattle on occasion and the beast inside would growl. He knew what it was, he had heard the growl many times before.
He was going to be fed to a werewolf, apparently.
‘Wonder if y/N’s alright, I hope so.’ Even in danger he still thought of his recent companion, Y/N L/N. A girl whom he met a few months ago. He had learned very quickly she wasn’t human, by the way her eyes were an unnatural golden to the sharp fangs that appear occasionally. Course the golden eyes were a dead give away, they stood out the most. And he’d admit it, they were..enchanting. Such a pretty color, they were.
When he found out what she was, he was intrigued greatly, asking many questions? To which she’d answer honestly.
“What does that form look like?” “Brown fur, I’m taller than the average human. Though, I’d be just a few inches above you.” “Is your whole family like this?” “Only my mothers side, and even then it’s a rare gene.” “Have you ever fought in that form?” “No.” “Why not?” “..because I don’t want to hurt anyone.”
Y/N was a remarkable woman, she had both the brains and brawn. Apparently, before he came along, she was the best tracker in her family, and the fastest.
She showed him her culture, taught him her language, taught him dances and sang her people’s songs. Everything about her was so interesting and the Doctor loved learning about everything she had to offer. She loved her, regrettably. She was such a genius, it was hard not to love her.
He looked at the ground, silently hoping she was okay.
He perked up when he heard footsteps, watching with honey colored eyes as three humans adorned in black cloaks appeared from the shadows. They circled around towards him, the tallest looking down at him.
“You should feel lucky.” He said, voice low and gruff, “You will be the first sacrifice to our king.”
The second tallest hummed, “With your blood, he will grow stronger.”
“And even stronger with the next sacrifice.” The smallest added.
“I’m sure he will grow to be a strong king, though I do hope not as bad as the king right now. I mean..Jane isn’t exactly popular is he? With that laziness—“
“SILENCE.” The tallest shouted and The Doctor allowed himself to smile goofily. He liked annoying his captors. “Behind us, in that cage, is our king. As soon as we release him, he will feast upon you.”
“I’m not sure I’d taste too good, I’m quite lanky, don’t have a lot of meat on me.” The Doctor bit his lip, sensing the tallest’s annoyance. “I mean..shouldn’t you go after someone else? Someone with more meat on their bones?”
“Can we just let the king out already?” The smallest whined, impatiently.
“Enough of this. Marcus, I’m letting him out!” The second tallest quipped as she turned and walked towards the cage. Marcus, the tallest, accompanied her.
The Doctor watched as the smallest walked off into the shadows, giggling like a madman. He looked around as he heard someone call out; “”. He smiled, she was here.
The call echoed through the forest and the werewolf in the cage growled loudly, the two tall humans letting it free. Just as they did, it leapt from the cage and but down onto the woman’s shoulder, tearing her arm off and allowing her to fall, screaming in pain. Marcus went to rush after her, but his so called kings fangs engulf his throat and ripped it out.
The Doctor watched as the werewolf snarled at him, saliva dripping from its lower lip. Blood stained it’s snout and it stalked towards him, beady red eyes staring him down. It was a beautiful white werewolf, long fur, curly too.
As sudden as a thunderbolt, a large brown wolf revealed itself and tackled the white one.
Y/N pinned the white one to the ground, grabbing its cheek and shaking it around, blood spilling from the new wound. The werewolf kicked her off and she fell back, quickly standing. Her tail whipped around behind her as the two circled one another, both letting out loud growls and snarls.
The white charged towards her and charged as well, the two hitting one another in a way that forced them onto their hind legs. They bit at one another, Y/N latching onto its throat and sinking her sharp teeth into the fur and flesh beneath. Blood pooled into her mouth and she heard it scream in pain.
She reared back and but it’s ear, ripping it clean off. With the werewolf distracted by the pain, she pinned it one more and sank her teeth into its neck once more, pulling harshly. The beast beneath her kicked and pushed, attempting to get away. She growled, tears of anger and rage filling her eyes. She would kill this beast! She would! So it wouldn’t hurt The Doctor! Not anyone!
She heard a soft voice call her name and she froze, before she snarled and threw the werewolf down a small hill. She could hear it’s heavy breathing and small whines of pain.
Scoffing, she made her way to her friend, watching him smile lazily at her made her roll her eyes. She carefully grabbed the chains between her teeth and crushed them with her jaws. The Doctor stared at her, amazed.
“That-you are so remarkable! How did you do that? How powerful are your jaws—!”
Y/N wailed in pain as a searing pain entered her shoulder and she turned to the left, attempting to bite at whatever was attacking her. A glance of white and she knew.
She should’ve killed it!
She growled, feeling her blood course through her brown fur. Rushing forward, she leapt into the air and brought herself down upon her back. She heard the werewolf roar in pain and she stood, going to attack once more until it latched onto her throat. She growled, placing her paw upon its stomach and taking her claws against it, effectively ripping its stomach up and open.
This didn’t stop it though, and she began to jump around, trying to get it off. It was no use. At least it would die with her.
Suddenly, something was being shot at her and she screamed, feeling the werewolf let go and scream as well. That noise—!
She looked at the Doctor, of course, he was using the screwdriver! He saved her! As the sound stopped, She rushed forward and used her head to throw him onto her back, running off into the forest.
She felt fingers entangle her fur and she growled lowly, leaping over a fallen tree.
“It’s chasing us! I’ve got it!” That sound again, though it wasn’t directed at her it made her ears ring. She growled louder, shaking her head around. “Oh-! That hurts you too, sorry, love!”
The ringing stopped and she jumped out of the woods, into a dirt road, where a man and his horse came to an abrupt stop. Y/N was quick to continue running, The Doctor tightening his grip.
“You’re bleeding! We won’t get far-“
‘SHUT IT.’ Y/N growled, the Doctor smiling.
“There you are! He’s not following us anymore- I think you killed him. Which, by the way, that fight was incredible! You are incredible!” The Doctor rambled on, possibly in order to keep her from passing out. “So..where are we going?”
‘TARDIS. I can smell it.’
“Oh! What does it smell like?”
Y/N didn’t answer and instead made a sharp left, running through a field of grass. The sun was beginning to rise and she felt herself getting lightheaded. No, she wouldn’t pass out, that would hurt the Doctor. She needed to get him somewhere safe.
“Y/N, you need to stop for a second. You’ll pass out if you don’t-“
‘Need to get you..somewhere….safe.’ Her breathing was accompanied by high pitch whines and the Doctor felt himself grow uneasy.
“I appreciate it, but you are the wounded one-“
‘QUIET.’ Y/N growled lowly and the Doctor furrowed his brows, annoyed.
“Rude.” He mumbled.
A few more minutes of running and Y/N came to a stop, panting slightly and snarling, ears twitching this way and that, listening. She sniffed the air. She walked forward, stopping a few inches before a clearing.
She lowered herself and the Doctor carefully got off of her, being mindful of her injuries. The TARDIS appeared before them and he unlocked the door, opening it and letting the giant wolf inside first. He went in last and closed the door.
As soon as she went in, she began to walk slowly and whined as she shifted back into a human, naked.
“Y/N, here, let me..” The Doctor was quick to remove his coat and cover the bleeding woman. He gently picked her up, carrying her into a room.
There he unfolded his coat and looked at her body, beautiful, magnificent, perfect. Plump and soft, absolutely beautiful. He began to work, grabbing medical supplies from another room and cleaning her wounds; her throat wasn’t as bad as her shoulder. It would definitely leave a horrible scar.
After he finished bandaging her, he put away everything and laid her back down, pulling the covers over her. She sat down beside the bed, gently grasping her hand in his and sighing.
She would be okay, she’s breathing fine and her heartbeat is normal. Still..she could’ve died saving him. Even if she didn’t, it still hurt to know if he hadn’t have located his screwdriver, she would’ve been dead.
An hour or so later, Y/N woke up. She groaned and in an instant, the Doctor was on his feet and helping her sit up.
“You’re okay, just need to rest. Here, I thought you would be hungry.” He hands her a sandwich and she eats it quickly, chasing it down with some water he handed her. “You doing okay?”
“‘M fine, Doctor, are you?” She asked, looking up at him with those beautiful golden eyes. He smiled.
“Always.” A beat of silence, “Thank you, Y/N, for saving me.”
The girl gave him a smile, “Anytime, Doctor.”
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saltoftheplanet · 8 months
Phew, alright, off of anon. I'm gonna say something really out there and crazy and I might shock everyone, and I might shout just a little.
Ever Crisis is not good. Sephiroth is one of the most beloved and feared game villains, and the tragedy of his story should have been handled with care. Instead he's locked in gacha hell, with the most bland and unlikeable protagonists (this is coming from someone who doesn't hate Genesis) and laziest writing imaginable.
Did they even TRY? What 13yo talks like that? Why would a child raised to be a Shinra SOLDIER behave anything like that!? I tried soooo hard to keep an open mind like with everything else and hope that maybe, just maybe, I'd get to feel the dichotomy of both pity and fear. That there'd be some sort of nuance regarding Sephiroth being just a kid who didn't stand a chance and deserved better, but is also a fledgeling god DROWNING in the Koolaid the megacorporation that designed him provided. But no. It's exactly as bad as I hoped it wouldn't be.
Even if it was just that they took it in a direction I didn't like, I wouldn't be upset if it wasn't so LAZY!
GOD the more I replay the OG and try to enjoy parts of the Compilation the more I notice the pattern of laziness! Not just big things, little things too! They all just add up and I want to rip my hair out, because it almost makes me doubt whether some of the brilliant moments in the OG were intentional!
"sEPhiRoTh's GEnEs aRe peRFecT sO tHeY cAn'T bE cOPiEd!" Shut up what does that even mean Square I'm not asking you to get a degree in biology but at least do SOME sort of research so the whole conflict driving your prequel doesn't fall apart under the tiniest scruteny!
"Achtually it was Hojo this whooooole time he uploaded his mind to a computer and was trying to end the world so—" STOP IT! *sprays Nomura with a water bottle* BAD!
"Achtually Cloud's hair so spiky because he uses hairgel." *sobbing* that's not how hairgel wooooorks.
I'm trying to keep an open mind I'm TRYING to continue liking the Compilation and the Remake but the more I think about them the stronger the impulse to write FOEfiction becomes. Do not let them cook get them out of the kitchen and scrape the burnt cheese off of the burner.
...that felt great. It ended up way more of a rant than I intended but MAN that felt good. Thank you for your patience
Let it out friend. Ever Crisis is gacha garbage and falling the writing into question should be uncontroversial
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