#gen 2: 1900
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simblrangel · 2 years ago
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When the news finally travelled to Windenburg, the family reeled from the death of the Matriarch. 
Florence deeply considered her last conversation with her mother. Knowing she had just one parent left out there, she began to realize what she needed to do.
Virginia, on the other hand, was deeply disturbed by her visions of death. As she rapidly approached young adulthood, she considered what her connection with the supernatural could possibly mean. 
Her mother couldn’t help her, best friend couldn’t understand her, and she herself had wondered if she’d truly gone mad. 
But still, she longed to believe there was a gift in strangeness. She considered what her future, and the brilliant decades ahead, might hold. 
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ratchet-decades-challenge · 3 months ago
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Arabella Burdick fashion circa 1909-1920
Genetics: overlay | eyes | hair 1 | hair 2 | hair 3 (carol forest- rirrier) | hair 4
Everyday 1: dress | gloves | hat
Everyday 2: dress | hat
Everyday 3: dress | bonnet
Summer: top + skirt | skirt | hat
Winter: dress | scarf | hat
CC Creators: @buzzardly28 @vintagesimstress @linzlu
@gilded-ghosts @mlyssimblr @waxesnostalgic
@happylifesims @the-melancholy-maiden @rustys-cc
@mosneakers @sentate @simstomaggie
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miraplayssims · 5 months ago
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The bar owner had agreed to let the theatre group rent the room above his establishment for free, on the condition that they provided musical entertainment for his patrons every other night. Benjamin, who had learned to play the piano from Alice during his childhood, was quickly appointed as Kirsten’s accompanist.
Although Benjamin didn’t mind the work, it wasn’t what he had envisioned. Perhaps he had been naive. He’d dreamt of being on stage, performing as Inspector Javert or King Lear. But the reality of their situation was not lost on him. The group had to finance itself somehow, and playing music in a noisy bar was the price they paid for their passion. The scarce opportunities they had to perform real plays in front of an audience offered only meagre pay.
As Benjamin’s fingers danced across the keys, he couldn’t help but wonder if this was all there would ever be—a life spent in the shadows of a stage, supporting others while his own dreams remained just out of reach.
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When Benjamin would arrive home in the wee hours of the night, everyone would already be fast asleep. He’d quickly eat the leftovers from dinner over the kitchen counter before quietly walking up the creaking stairs and slipping into bed.
One night, however, Theodora was still awake when she heard the front door open. She lay in bed, waiting for the familiar sound of the old wooden stairs groaning under his weight. But the minutes passed in silence, and finally she decided to go downstairs. When she entered the kitchen, she found Benjamin deep in thought, so absorbed that he didn’t notice her presence.
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She tapped him lightly on the shoulder, causing him to start. “Oh, Theo. Forgive me, did I wake you?”
Theodora shook her head. “No, I was still awake. What are you doing down here? Did everything go well tonight?” She had a feeling something was troubling him.
“It went as it usually does,” he replied, lighting a cigarette. Seeing the worry in her eyes, he forced a smile and added, “It went great.”
“You’d tell me if you weren’t happy, wouldn’t you?”
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“Of course, my love,” he said, his tone gentle but unconvincing. Theodora, still certain he was keeping something from her, decided not to press him further for now. Instead, she leaned in and kissed him, hoping that in due time he would tell her.
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dlupon · 4 months ago
Solo hay que aguantar un poco más.
Se cree. Pero por chismes supersticiones se entiende que atrae la mala suerte. Un mal chiste, si me preguntan a mi.
Tras la partida del viejo Herald, Ethel se había centrado en el bienestar de su tía Agnes. Había dejado de lado el tema que la aquejaba, haciendo caso omiso a las atenciones disfrazadas de desdén que su tan amado Byron le daba, no tenia tiempo para eso. El estaba prometido con aquella otra chica que, si bien ahora entendía el motivo, no quitaba el hecho de que seria su amante si aceptaba sus cortejos. De todos modos, odiaba la idea de que esa otra mujer estuviera tocándolo, su sangre hervía al verla agarrar su brazo de esa manera tan coqueta.
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-Querida, vas a romperte los dientes si los cierras tan fuerte...- Bromeo su tía Agnes, soltando una carcajada pequeña. -Lo siento.- respondió, avergonzada.- Es solo que... -No te preocupes, te comprendo perfectamente.- susurro.- De hecho, tuve que pelear de la misma manera para obtener el afecto de Herald. -¿Lo dices en serio?- la sorpresa en su voz era notoria. -Era un hombre muy codiciado, como lo es el.- sonrió, enternecida.- Si lo deseas tanto, lucha por el... ¿No crees?
Lo que decía su tía era la mas absoluta verdad. De todos modos no le costo tanto convencerla. Por otro lado, el ya se había confesado ante ella aquel día, cuando recibió su primer beso. Estaba decidida a hablar con el en la noche, se escabulliría a su habitación en cuanto sonaran las doce.
Entre tanta planificación, un plan malicioso surgía entre las paredes de la habitación de huéspedes, en donde una muy afectada Marguerite discutía con su madre los pasos a seguir.
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-Madre, creo que será difícil. La realidad es que el esta enamorado de esa harapienta, que solo viste buenas ropas porque tuvo la suerte de que esta familia la adoptara.- despotrico, con su madre oyendo. -Hija mía, eso no tiene importancia. Byron es hombre, no importa a quien ame, debería importarte quien logre meterse en su cama. Si logras eso, serás la señora de esta casa.
La tarde pasaba rápido estos días. Entre tareas y deberes, la familia Greengoods crecía progresivamente. Peter había logrado obtener un ascenso como mecánico, mientras que Fidelia comenzaba a adecuarse a mantener una casa por si sola. Si bien contaba con la ayuda de la madre de su marido, esta era ya muy mayor, por lo que debia encargarse de la mayoría de las cosas sola.
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Terminaba demasiado cansada luego de una jornada completa, al menos eso había notado en los últimos días. Pero la gota que colmo el vaso fue cuando, con un vaso de agua, termino vomitando todo lo que había almorzado. No podía ser un embarazo, su periodo había bajado y había durado mas que de costumbre, suspendiéndose algunos de estos días y regresando al siguiente.
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Preocupada, Incito a su marido a llamar al doctor de pueblo. Quien, encantado, acudió al llamado de un viejo amigo de la familia. Para cuando el timbre sonó, Fidelia se encontraba en cama, pues sus piernas se habían tornado débiles, incapaces de mantenerla en pie.
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-Tienes una fiebre muy elevada, pero tranquila. Con los medicamentos que te eh administrado, por la mañana deberías estar mejor. -Gracias, Doctor. -Peter, tu mujer tuvo un aborto espontaneo.- dijo, mientras recibía una mirada horrorizada de la otra parte.- Fue hace días, para este momento desarrollo una infección, esto debido a que no se elimino correctamente todo el contenido. ¿Comprendes?, ella debe descansar durante unos días, debe haber estado bajo mucho estrés. -¿Esta seguro de que se pondrá bien?...-indago, un poco más. -Se va a recuperar, pero no creo que pueda concebir hijos. Su útero parece ser hostil...-continuo.- No quiero que pierdan las esperanzas, no dejen de intentarlo, quizás ocurre algo milagroso.
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Tras estrechar la mano de Peter, el medico decidió irse. La recuperación dependía únicamente del reposo de Fidelia. La polémica era en este momento, el como le daría las noticias a su esposa. Ella le había expresado múltiples veces en estos dos años su necesidad de concebir hijos, no seria nada fácil.
Tal como lo imagino, las lagrimas de su esposa rodaron por sus mejillas en cuanto menciono el aborto espontaneo y las dificultades que sobrevendrían al querer concebir.
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-¿Como puede pasarme algo así?.- repetía una y otra vez.- Puedes repudiarme si es lo que quieres, nunca podre darte hijos.- exigió, mirando sus manos. -¡Jamás haría tal cosa!.- exclamo Peter, exaltado.- Eres mi esposa, te amo. A demás, Emanuel dijo que no era imposible, solo hay que aguantar un poco más. -¿Tu crees?- dijo, con anhelo en sus ojos. -Claro que si. Ven aquí.- dijo mientras tiraba de su brazo y colocaba un pequeño beso en la frente, dejando que su esposa se recostara en sus piernas, para poder tranquilizarla.
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La noche llego rápido tras aquel incidente. Y la mansión Clrumplebottom, no seria una excepción. Comenzaba a sentirse el frio por aquel lado de la ciudad. Sobre todo cuando el hogar se encontraba tan lejos del centro de la misma. Byron no entendía nada de lo que había pasado estos meses, como tan rápido su vida se le fue de las manos. Tampoco entendía el motivo del rechazo de la que consideraba su mejor amiga, que en algún momento había deseado considerar algo mas. No habían hablado dese que el se confeso, y ella no había dicho ni una palabra acerca del beso, por lo que temía haberla ofendido con su actuar. Todo parecía conspirar en su contra, sobre todo aquel botón de su pantalón que nunca quería prender. Todos esos pensamientos fueron interrumpidos cuando alguien, sin permiso, irrumpió en su habitación.
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-¿Que haces en mi habitación, y quien te dio permiso para entrar?- espeto con cinismo.
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-No creí que necesitara invitación para irrumpir en la habitación de mi prometido.
La expresión en la cara de Byron no podía demostrar mas asco que el que sentía en esos momentos. La chica no era horrible, sin embargo, que se lanzara de esa manera le quitaba todo el atractivo. A demás, su mente ya estaba ocupada por otra persona.
-Te recomiendo que te retires, antes de que colmes mi paciencia, te advierto que tengo poca.
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-También tengo poca paciencia..- ignoro la advertencia.- A demás, voy a demostrarte que puedo hacer todo y mas de que ella hace.
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-Byron, eh golpeado pero...
Su voz se entrecorto al ver la situación frente a ella. Sus ojos le debían estar jugando una mala pasada. Sus pies trastabillaron cuando dio unos pasos hacia atrás, llamando la atención de los otros dos.
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-No es lo que parece, déjame explicarte. -No hace falta, me canse de recibir explicaciones.- soltó sin mas.
Dando media vuelta para salir de la habitación. Se sentía una tonta. Ella había acudido a el para disculparse por ignorarlo, debería haberlo sabido. Su hermana le había advertido como eran los hombres, ella solo eligió hacer oídos sordos a aquello.
-No vuelvas a entrar qui... y la próxima vez que hagas algo como esto, sin que te de permiso para tocarme, te cortare cada dedo de la mano mientras lo miras y luego, le diré a Penny que los cocine para ti, para posteriormente obligarte a comerlos si aun no has muerto desangrada, ¿Qué te parece?- interrogo con su mirada perdida y fría. -¿No te importo en lo mas mínimo?- ignoro todo lo dicho anteriormente. -¿Como podría importarme alguien que le hace daño a las personas que amo?.- culmino, cerrando la puerta con fuerza tras de si, corriendo tras Ethel.
Cuando al fin logro alcanzarla, entraron a la habitación. Y le costo mucho que la joven aceptara dirigirle la palabra.
-No puedo aceptar esto, me lastima cada vez que te veo cerca de ella. No dije una palabra acerca del compromiso, quise oponerme, decirte que te amo con locura desde que éramos unos niños. Sin embargo, mi voz no salió, y ahora... ahora que estas con ella, me besas, un beso que anhele toda mi vida. Quise encontrarme contigo esta noche porque quería decírtelo, que te amo. Y los encuentro así. -Escucha... no significo nada, ella solo se metió en mi habitación, y no quería irse.
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-Te amo a ti, ¿Lo entiendes?. Es solo un arreglo temporal, hasta que consiga el dinero suficiente para pagar la deuda con el abogado, y así poder realizar los documentos correspondientes que indiquen que la mitad de todo esto es mío. Lo eh hablado con la tía Agnes, y esta de acuerdo.
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-No te lo había dicho antes porque no me dirigías la palabra, y...
Sus palabras fueron interrumpidas por un abrazo tan fuerte, que sintió que se le romperían las costillas.
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-Lo siento tanto, no creí que la estuvieras pasando tan mal. -Estaremos bien, no te preocupes.- intento calmar la situación.- Solo hay que aguantar un poco mas.
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sims-half-crazy · 2 years ago
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The family celebrated Eunice's birthday with her favorite cake, strawberry, and before long little Gordon was a toddling all over the place. The house was overrun with people, but they were happy. Gilbert managed to get around the house without his wheelchair by leaning on every available piece of furniture, and Effie continued to paint and donate her masterpieces to the museum.
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justasimblr · 1 year ago
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Ellen spends her last day as a child playing on the beach before returning home to her birthday cake.
Her adult aspiration is Perfectly Pristine and her new randomized trait is paranoid. (I'm sort off wishing she was the heir, hers are so much more fun traits)
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jenplayssims · 2 years ago
1910s: The Thorpe Legacy
Before we move on to following Lydia and Edgar in their married life, let’s do a wrap up of her siblings and their lives. To reiterate, I don’t play the “spares” but I do track what MCCC and neighborhood story progression does and then create my own sort of “head canon” around it. 
Because I like genetics, let’s start with pics of our 1900s heirs, Frederick Thorpe and his wife, Sybil Webster.
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A close up of heir and eldest child Lydia for comparison:
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She is very much her mother’s child with her father’s coloring. 
Next up is Mabel:
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Mabel was studious and family oriented throughout her entire life. It needs to be noted that I played this generation long before the update allowing you to set a sim’s romantic/woohoo interests came out. I was using Wonderful Whims at the time and Mabel was set to be gay through their likes/dislikes settings. When I left Mabel to follow Lydia to her household, teenage Mabel had a girlfriend named Anne and I was hoping MCCC would pair them when they aged up. Unfortunately, Anne passed away, a casualty of neighborhood story progression. Mabel became a teacher and devoted herself to her students. Imagine my surprise when MCCC married her off to a man, Garrison Nair. I hadn’t realized that MCCC wouldn’t pick up on the gender preference settings from Wonderful Whims. But it kind of works for the time period, I guess. Garrison was a widower with a toddler son named Carlton and was a serious and intelligent sim. I like to think that he knew about Mabel, but suggested they get married- he needed help with his son and she wanted a family of her own. I never saw a single romantic interaction between them at family gatherings, but they did seem to get along quite well as friends. They eventually had 2 childen, Phillip and Dorothy. Mabel lived a long life and passed away as an elder.
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 Next is Alton. Alton was very nearly heir, but he went through one hell of a mean streak in his teen years that made me decide against it and prefer Lydia. Much like Mabel, Alton was set to be bi via Wonderful Whims. MCCC married him to a woman named Agnes and they had three sons, Raymond, Arthur, and Edwin. Edwin had only just been born when Alton enlisted in World War I. Alton unfortunately did not return from the war. Agnes eventually remarried but had no further children. 
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Evelyn was the musician of the family, and played the violin almost nonstop throughout her childhood and teen years. She married her high school sweetheart, Sam Randolph, just before WW1 broke out. They had 2 daughters, Pearl and Martha, before Sam enlisted. Their son, Samuel, was born soon after news of Sam being killed in action reached Evelyn. Evelyn never remarried and devoted herself to raising her children. She remained close to her siblings and her nieces and nephews until she passed away as an elder.
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Finally we have Minnie, the precocious baby of the family. Minnie was a bit of a wild child and daredevil in her youth. She married Matthias McMillan quite young and to everyone’s surprise had 4 daughters in very quick succession. I’m not so sure the first daughter wasn’t the reason for the quick wedding as soon as she became a young adult. Their daughters were Sonia, Olive, Genevieve, and Clea. Minnie also became a war widow when Matthias was lost in WW1. She also never remarried and remained close with her family. She was the one who remained in the family home and her descendants still live there now. 
And that’s it! The 1910s posts will be short and fast because I did not take a lot of pictures at all. I’m currently in the 1930s in gameplay so we may actually get caught up soon unless I get lazy about updating again (which may very well happen!)
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longlivedsims · 1 year ago
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A day after his birthday Vincent called for Caroline to come to his home where he confessed his feelings and proposed the idea of marriage to her to which she accepted the proposition.
Their wedding was small just her parents and Vincent's family came to it but it was beautiful and a wonderful reprieve from the pouring of Louis.
Francis aged up into a toddler and he looked just like Louis as a toddler so his parent have been coddling him.
( so sorry I haven't posted anything I haven't played the sims in months and just back into it these were from the last time before I stopped playing so from before the infant update came out.)
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writerobscura · 2 months ago
Sorry for the radio silence; I'm still processing how 51% of my country thinks it's okay to elect a bigoted, misogynistic felon to the presidency.
This election is a reminder that half of this country is so fucking hateful that they're willing to elect someone that makes us a laughing stock around the globe while those who bought and paid for his campaign gut democracy.
Are you doing better than you were four years ago? Of course not. You were getting subsidy checks Biden pushed through a Republican congress post-pandemic.
Wages went up for essential workers, and that expense got passed on to you because corporations aren't going to short to their shareholders - and the President can do nothing about that without holding companies accountable to regulation - which our new president has no intention of doing.
The next two years:
My adult children will lose their healthcare when he and his Republican senate quash the Affordable Care Act - but hey, so long as you have a few extra bucks at the end of the month for cigs and beer, what do you care?
Some states will be able to seize the medical records of women and mothers and use those records to fine or put them in jail (abortion, IVF, getting your trans teen the care they need) - but hey, none of those things affect you personally, so fuck 'em and hey, women aren't even human, am I right you newly registered voting Gen Z fellas?
College debt, infrastructure repairs, social programs - kiss all that goodbye because fucking the planet up is a small price to pay so you can get gasoline for under $2.99. Oh, and that Latino spouse? All it takes is one call from a disgruntled 'Murican and our new INS will be there with 'post-citizenship deportation review' papers.
Wars? How easily everyone forgets that Ukraine is at war right now because your guy failed to help him when Russia flooded his country with separatists. You think he's going to stop arming Israel? Where's the money in that?
Xenophobia may have worked when the USA was 100% self-sufficient in the 1900s, but it cannot be done in this day and age - but hey, going back to the old days is what it's all about, right?
Living in a hurricane or natural disaster prone state? You better pray to whatever G*d you worship that nothing happens in the next 2 years because the Pubs have the Senate and the presidency - no more FEMA funds and 'emergency handouts.'
Tariffs instead of taxes on the rich? Zero-sum situation. Guess how many companies import basic things just to make the shit you eat and use daily? Monsanto is no longer an American company, most farmers in the USA 'import' their seed, though because lack of corporate regulation has allowed them to destroy all farms that don't use their seed. While we're on the subject of tariffs, any foreign company can say, "We just won't sell to you, America." What's the backup plan? Oh, right, he has none.
Prices will rise, wages will stagnate, tariffs won't work, so guess who gets billed for that deficit? Not the wealthy—they spent billions electing this assclown, and there's no way they're investing one damned penny in the rest of us.
But hey, they know you can take it because you voted to have all this...You voted for all of the above at the expense of literally half your fellow countrymen.
If Kamala won, you would've lost NOTHING. Your worst case scenario under her presidency is that you would've been running in place financially while those you consider morally or racially beneath you, might've been gotten ahead a few steps.
So yeah, 51% of my country would rather watch it all burn down than suffer anyone they consider less of a human being, be given an equal chance.
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aheathen-conceivably · 6 months ago
Hello, New Darlings! 🌻
I’ve noticed some new followers here recently so first and foremost I just wanna say welcome! We are currently in the 1930s of a Sims Decades Challenge that has gone off the rails into full blown story mode. Starting from the beginning is recommended, although of course you’re welcome to dive in from whenever you started following. But if you would like to read more, here’s a bit of a guide on where to begin:
If you’d like to read Gen 1, I recommend starting with The Prequel and working your way through The 1890s and The 1900s. This is because there isn’t much of a clear delineation between the three; however, they are also the shortest and easiest to read. They cover the lives of Oliver, Florence, and Adelia as well as the upbringing of Rosella, Zelda, Virginia, and Isaiah.
If you would like to start when the story really begins to pick up, I recommend beginning in The 1910s. While this chapter will drop you in on ongoing plotlines, it stands on its own as the life of Rosella and Virginia, ties up the lives of Gen 1, and shows key formative moments for Zelda and Isaiah.
If you would like to jump in on the current cast of characters, I recommend beginning in The 1920s. This is actually my secondary recommendation after starting from the beginning, as it begins with a clear delineation and new plotlines. It covers the life of Gen 2 heir Zelda, as well as introduces Antoine, Josephine, Giorgio and shows the upbringing of Violette.
If you don't have alot of time/inclination to catch up, I recomend beginning in The 1930s. This will get you information directly relevant to the current plotline and covers the ongoing lives of Zelda, Antoine, Giorgio, Josephine, and pivotal development for Violette.
If you’d like more info even after all of this, browsing “extras” through the character portals is filled with my rants and insights into character motivations/personalities.
Also, we are grown out here, so this is a general content warning for alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, cursing, bad choices, and TV-level sexual content. I use the tag sim spice, but will also be linking out to Pillowfort when things get a little too HBO for Tumblr.
Likewise, there is a list of potential trigger warnings in my pinned post, but in general this is a story that deals with historical themes, attitudes, and prejudices so please proceed with that knowledge.
But more than anything, welcome, have fun, and enjoy the mess babes! ♥️😙
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huevobuevo · 1 year ago
hello generation loss enjoyers. it has been several months since the release of ranboos project, how have yall been? im going to be insane.
Many folks have known me as the lminal space connosieur, dead malls and fucked up houses in particular being my strongsuit for both their sex appeal and the amount of symbolism they can all hold.
Watching Gen Loss with my friends through a hostage situation was a wonderful experience! upon the reveal of the Showfall Media offices being inside a rented out mall, there was a split second where I was a bit unamused at the lack of effort put into integrating the mall's architecture into the studio's office. There were only a few empty stores being used with at the bare minimum some chairs and desks, half the mall was still closed, the mini maps stands were still up, and the food court's usage as the streamers hub was very just. like. thats a whole ass food court. without the people walking around the only way to actually know what the hel this was being used for was the giant white banner that just said showfall media like a fraternity's house claiming its territory.
But then, as the episode 2 closed out, almost instantly it hit me why. why the mall was still a mall, why there was little to no integration for the set- it was on purpose. it was supposed to just be a studio crammed inside a mall. a dead mall, to be precise.
first lets get into the anatomy of what makes a dead mall dead. Around the 1980's a rise in popularity of the commercial supermalls began to spread, the american consumerist dream was rampant with a greater demand of fast fashion, merchandise, and all kinds of strange trinkets for the average american to waste their money on. It was capitalism's wettest dream, but as the years went on there came a steady decline in popularity. Sometimes the competing businesses ended up putting each other out of stock, maybe the trends began dying off, and in certain areas consistent crime rates drove away costumers.
Then in the mid 2000's the stock market crash ended up pushing several people into poverty, the lower class unable to afford the luxury goods offered at shopping centers. Then online shopping took society in a deathgrip, further pushing away the desire for in-public purchasing. Brands took notice and began selling online-exclusive products. In the late 2010's the sightings of several "dead malls" were on an alltime high, some being left to rot while others were demolished all together in favor of empty concrete spaces.
Corporate response to this was one of two things; continously invest in the "Anchor Stores" (big chain stores like Macys or Forever 21 that brought in more customers, usually stationed at the ends of the mall). Meanwhile the smaller businesses inside would be shut down one by one to save costs, until eventually the anchor stores themselves would be forced to leave. Sometimes the Anchor Stores would leave beforehand, not wanting to waste money investing in a deadend location. the decline is faster, the mall rots quicker. The company sells the lot to the biggest buyer and destroys what little remains.
Then there are times where the mall itself is sold off to another bigger company, in hopes of more funds to rejuvenate the center. Majority of the time the mall will enter a large reconstruction designed to look more appealing, mor modern. In actually, the personality of the malls architecture is stripped like the skin of prey. The colors and vibrant shapes of the late 1900’s, the waterfalls with rocky beds and marbled beige tiles, all replaced in favor of sharp black on white edge and stainless steel fencing. The occasional shrub here or there, maintained by automation. Lights too bright, all glimmer, all space. Sometimes it works, sometimes the mall is reborn as the pinnacle of luxury again! Sometimes it rots in shiny chrome, a corpse dragged along in the hopes of attracting attention. All it does is stink and bloat, a miserable display.
I hope you begin to catch what im saying.
In Generation Loss, the Showfield Social Experiments are commentary on streamer culture and the damaging relationship between a content creator & their platform. Visualized by Ranboo being pushed into dangerous scenarios for the sake of entertainment, their disposable friends forced into the flat archetypes the fandoms have labeled them as.
They were all vibrant young folks once, bright with personality and that raw humanity filled with flaws and voice cracks. Shitty microphones and inconsistent uploads, some were barely finishing high school. Then they became big, almost too big. They were characters now, and just like Ranboo’s teammates the perception of them as humans were dumbed down to memorable trademarks. Streamers and Content Creators alike had to be marketable now, and when the time comes where they lost their popularity sometimes they sign off to groups and organizations to help boost them up again. They are stripped of their rawness again. Theres a reason their artforms are called “content”.
So it makes sense that Showfall Media, the personification of the content creators downfall, would do the same to a Mall. The corpse of the center is repurposed loosely to fit the studios purpose. It is empty, it is hollow, it is dead. Low costs, big risks- just like Gen Loss Ranboo.
Content Creators are Dead Malls.
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simblrangel · 2 years ago
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In the end, Sir Charles did the right thing. He bought off Maria's land and then some. He established a cemetery for her and her descendants and decorated her grave with a monument.
He even made peace with his old rival, John Williamson, the man who won Maria's heart in the end.
Although the family mourned the loss of the matriarch, there finally seemed to be a sense of peace in Florence's life. She could only imagine what awaited her daughter in the next decade...
Start 1900 || << Prev || Next >>
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ratchet-decades-challenge · 9 months ago
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Henrietta Burdick fashion circa 1898-1906
Genetics/Hair: overlay | eyes | eyelashes | hair
Everyday: outfit | tights | boots
Formal: dress
Summer: dress | tights | bonnet | boots
Winter: outfit | tights | gloves | hat | boots
Sleep: nightgown
Swim: outfit | bonnet
CC Creators: @linzlu @maxiematch @dancemachinetrait @birksche @historicalfictionsims
@historicalsimslife @vintagesimstress
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miraplayssims · 5 months ago
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Theodora had to go in to town to visit the shop. Magdalena, who had the day off, joined her.
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“Will that be all for today, madam?” the man behind the counter asked, his gaze lingering a moment on her stomach.
Theodora smiled politely and shook her head. “Just the soap, thank you.” Money was tight, as it always was during winter. As much as she would like to buy new toys and clothes for the baby, she just couldn’t justify it. They already had all the necessities—perfectly usable hand me downs from the Gale children’s younger years. No, new toys and clothes would have to wait at least until summer, she thought.
The shopkeeper rang up the soap on the till, “That’ll be six pence please.”
She placed the pennies on the counter and thanked the man, tucking the soap into her purse, which she kept under her coat.
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Hearing Theodora approaching, Magdalena turned around, her eyes sparkling, “Have you seen these, Theo?” she beamed, gesturing towards a couple prams.
“I have indeed,” Theodora replied. Hoping to change the subject, she then quickly added, “Shall we go?”
But Magdalena had already shifted her focus back to the prams. “Aren’t they lovely? You should get one!”
Theodora felt her face flush, acutely aware of the man behind the desk who occasionally glanced over at them. She didn’t feel like explaining to Magdalena that a pram was far too expensive—not here, and especially not in front of the shopkeeper who could hear their every word. Besides, why did Magdalena even bring it up? Had she already forgotten about life on the farm now that she had her own job and salary?
With a hushed voice that perhaps sounded a bit harsher than she’d intended, Theodora whispered, “Let’s just go.”
Magdalena, surprised by Theodora's sudden outburst, opened her mouth as if to protest, but seemingly changed her mind and instead nodded obediently.
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Theodora walked along the familiar path back to the farm. Having managed to calmed down a bit, a feeling of guilt started to gnaw at her. Perhaps she had been too harsh, she knew Magdalena meant well.
As she reached the bridge that led to the house, she spotted Benjamin walking towards her. He waved enthusiastically, and she found herself smiling despite the lingering sense of guilt.
“Hello my love!” Benjamin called out as he got closer. He grabbed her hand while the other one affectionately stroked her stomach, "You know that mother could've gone instead. You should be getting rest."
"You're being dramatic, I'm perfectly fine," Theodora chuckled, rolling her eyes, "But thank you."
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"How's Magda?" Benjamin asked as they walked the last stretch towards the farm together, hand in hand.
Theodora tensed up, "She's well," clearing her throat, she continued, "But I fear I might have acted unfairly towards her."
Benjamin's thumb stroked the back of Theodoras hand—his way of reassuring her that everything was all right. "She probably had it coming," he joked. But Theodora didn't laugh, so he tried again, "I wouldn't worry, dear. Now, let's get you inside, mother has prepared some wonderful bread."
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dlupon · 4 months ago
En la estación correcta.
Los problemas eran numerosos en cuanto a la vida de Ethel se trataba. Si no estaba disgustada con la actitud de su hermana, lo estaría con alguna otra cosa. Le aliviaba un poco saber que su tía Agnes parecía ser similar a ella. No obstante, sentía un pequeño resquemor sobre la despedida que tuvo con su hermana, hubiera deseado que sea en una situación diferente, mas amorosa, a decir verdad. Todo esto cruzaba por su cabeza en tanto subía al tren.
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La llegada a la mansión fue veloz. Las maletas fueron desempacadas en un instante por el personal de servicio, y su tía Agnes fue de urgencias a la sala de estar mas pequeña de la casa, pues fue alertada de un altercado por parte de una de las empleadas.
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¿Para esto había vuelto?, pensó. Verdaderamente, para lo poco que recordaba, la mayoría de esos recuerdos eran altercados entre los dos individuos que hasta ahora se encontraban peleando, una riña sin fin que había notado que llevaban.
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-Niño, sabes bien que no me gusta esa actitud.- dijo tomándolo del brazo.- Y nunca te atrevas a darme la espalda. -¡No me toques!.- empujo al anciano.
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-¡Has colmado mi paciencia!, maldito mocoso malcriado.- dijo el anciano, arremetiendo contra Byron, quien callo al suelo, adolorido.- No puedo hacer nada con tus problemas, eres adulto, supera todo aquello de una vez. -Es suficiente, mi amor. No te preocupes, el niño entendió tu punto.- se interpuso Agnes, evitando que la pelea llegue a más.
Ethel comprendió de inmediato que debia huir de allí, la situación se tornaría aun peor si la descubrían fisgoneando y hasta ella podría terminar de la misma manera o peor.
Tarde aquella noche, cuando la luna alcanzaba su punto mas alto y comenzaba a alumbrar pesadamente el patio trasero, Ethel se encontraba algo inquieta por lo sucedido hoy. Si bien, le preocupaba el bienestar de quien consideraba su mejor amigo, incluso podría decirse que un hermano, aunque no fuera de sangre, no haberlo visto en al menos dos años la mantenía algo alborotada. Decidió ir a por un vaso de agua, con la esperanza de poder tragarse todas esas emociones de un sorbo, pero fue interrumpida por un quejido delante de ella.
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-¡Aaaj!- se oyó el quejido. -Has crecido un poco.- vacilo Ethel. Esperando una sonrisa que no recibió.- déjame ver eso. -No hace falta...-dijo, pero no fue escuchado.
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-Se ve bastante mal...-evaluó. -Esta bien. No es para tanto. -Pero si duele cuando lo toco...deberías ponerte hielo. -Ya. No quiero darle el gusto.
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-Déjame hacerlo. Se te ira pronto. -Ethel, esta bien. No es la primera vez. Descuida. -Solo estoy preocupada por ti, es todo. No apruebo para nada ese tipo de corrección de conducta. -Dímelo a mi...-bromeo, esta vez de mejor humor.
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-De todas modos, gracias. Siempre eres tan atenta conmigo...
Expreso Byron, con gran afecto en su tono, besando a su querida amiga en la frente.
El sueño luego de una situación tan amena hizo que Ethel cayera rendida en su cama. Al fin habían terminado la reforma de su habitación, por lo que ya se encontraba durmiendo plácidamente en ella.
La mañana llego rápido y con una visita inesperada, al menos para los mas jóvenes de la casa. La familia Leroy había arribado en Clrumplebottom state. Un golpecito en la puerta aviso de su llegada al viejo Herald y a la vieja Agnes. Sabían a que venían, puesto que, algunos días atrás, una carta había llegado anunciando que Claude, el único hermano de Herald, vendría a reclamar su parte de la herencia. Aun cuando esa herencia, venia de parte de su esposa Agnes, de quien había adoptado el prestigioso apellido. Para este punto, considerando que ellos no habían logrado engendrar ningún hijo y que su hija había muerto dando a luz a su nieto, no tenia nada con lo que defenderse ante este acontecimiento.
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Su hermano había llegado acompañado de su hija, Marguerite y su flamante esposa, Antoniette. Al verlas pasar por la puerta, instantáneamente se le ocurrió una idea brillante. Comprometería a su nieto con la hija de su hermano. Se comprende que no poseían ningún tipo de lazo sanguíneo y, a demás, le daría algo de tiempo para planear algo mas elaborado. En el mejor de los casos, no debería entregar toda su fortuna y su nieto, tendría algo para heredad.
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No le costo mucho convencer a su hermano. No podría encontrar un mejor matrimonio que este, y si lo hiciera, no heredaría su hija ningún centavo de aquello. Este trato le convenía de sobre manera, por lo que acepto rápidamente, exigiendo sus propias condiciones.
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-¿Porque sigues haciendo ese tipo de tratos sin consultarme?.- esbozo con enfado Byron.- Es mi vida la que estas arruinado. -Es por el bien de todos, incluso de esa niña.- intento manipular.- ¿Crees que el la dejara quedarse si no firmas ese acuerdo?, la enviara lejos, o la casara con algún viejo como yo. ¿Es lo que quieres para ella?
Byron pensó unos minutos lo que estaba diciendo. El señor ese no tenia ningún derecho. El que debia heredar todo era el, o en el ultimo de los casos, su preciada Ethel. Sin embargo, comprendía a su abuelo, la situación debió sobrepasarlo, decidió que aceptaría el trato.
-Solo mientras sea conveniente, no me casare con esa chica.- Culmino la oración, decidido. -Esta bien. Es el trato. -¡Ahora vete, y no vuelvas a entrar aquí!- exigió, señalando la puerta de su habitación.
La noticia no le cayo mejor a Ethel, quien sufría para sus adentro. No soportaba la idea de que su querido sea obligado a casarse, mucho menos aceptaba la idea de perderlo. Ni siquiera sabia aun si el chico sentía lo mismo que ella, y todas sus esperanzas habían ido de cien a cero en pocos segundos.
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sims-half-crazy · 2 years ago
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Autumn 1907
The winter's chill came early this year and most of the autumn was lost to blisteringly cold winds and early snows. It didn't keep Gordon from playing outside when he could with his friends, which worried his mother. As Goldie sat and chatted with Leona, she conveyed those worries to her sister. "He's always sick. A stuffy nose or a cough, and the headaches! The doctor was said that he's just susceptible to nature and we should limit his time outdoors but he's an otherwise healthy young boy who wants to run and play with his friends."
"Maybe it's just a phase and he'll grow out of it? Tell me how was your trip back to Wythe?"
"It was fine, for what it was. We laid Lauretta to rest next to her husband, German, and near her parents. She held on much longer than any of us expected. Living out there in the wilds of Idaho. Although, I suppose the whole area will be taken back by nature. With the train no longer running that way because of the new routes, I'm not sure Wythe will continue on."
"What about her children? Where are they off to? Did any of them stay?"
"No. Most of them have entered a service industry of some sort. Most of her daughters are governesses, nannies, or maids. The boys continue to be in sales, but most of them have moved onto bigger, more populated areas. They still hawk Lavinia's tinctures and elixirs, though. They do work which is saying something in this day and age of modernity. Eugene didn't know his great-aunt very well, but visiting the grave of his grandmother was bittersweet. They were quite close."
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