#mabel thorpe
jenplayssims · 2 years
1910s: The Thorpe Legacy
Before we move on to following Lydia and Edgar in their married life, let’s do a wrap up of her siblings and their lives. To reiterate, I don’t play the “spares” but I do track what MCCC and neighborhood story progression does and then create my own sort of “head canon” around it. 
Because I like genetics, let’s start with pics of our 1900s heirs, Frederick Thorpe and his wife, Sybil Webster.
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A close up of heir and eldest child Lydia for comparison:
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She is very much her mother’s child with her father’s coloring. 
Next up is Mabel:
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Mabel was studious and family oriented throughout her entire life. It needs to be noted that I played this generation long before the update allowing you to set a sim’s romantic/woohoo interests came out. I was using Wonderful Whims at the time and Mabel was set to be gay through their likes/dislikes settings. When I left Mabel to follow Lydia to her household, teenage Mabel had a girlfriend named Anne and I was hoping MCCC would pair them when they aged up. Unfortunately, Anne passed away, a casualty of neighborhood story progression. Mabel became a teacher and devoted herself to her students. Imagine my surprise when MCCC married her off to a man, Garrison Nair. I hadn’t realized that MCCC wouldn’t pick up on the gender preference settings from Wonderful Whims. But it kind of works for the time period, I guess. Garrison was a widower with a toddler son named Carlton and was a serious and intelligent sim. I like to think that he knew about Mabel, but suggested they get married- he needed help with his son and she wanted a family of her own. I never saw a single romantic interaction between them at family gatherings, but they did seem to get along quite well as friends. They eventually had 2 childen, Phillip and Dorothy. Mabel lived a long life and passed away as an elder.
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 Next is Alton. Alton was very nearly heir, but he went through one hell of a mean streak in his teen years that made me decide against it and prefer Lydia. Much like Mabel, Alton was set to be bi via Wonderful Whims. MCCC married him to a woman named Agnes and they had three sons, Raymond, Arthur, and Edwin. Edwin had only just been born when Alton enlisted in World War I. Alton unfortunately did not return from the war. Agnes eventually remarried but had no further children. 
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Evelyn was the musician of the family, and played the violin almost nonstop throughout her childhood and teen years. She married her high school sweetheart, Sam Randolph, just before WW1 broke out. They had 2 daughters, Pearl and Martha, before Sam enlisted. Their son, Samuel, was born soon after news of Sam being killed in action reached Evelyn. Evelyn never remarried and devoted herself to raising her children. She remained close to her siblings and her nieces and nephews until she passed away as an elder.
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Finally we have Minnie, the precocious baby of the family. Minnie was a bit of a wild child and daredevil in her youth. She married Matthias McMillan quite young and to everyone’s surprise had 4 daughters in very quick succession. I’m not so sure the first daughter wasn’t the reason for the quick wedding as soon as she became a young adult. Their daughters were Sonia, Olive, Genevieve, and Clea. Minnie also became a war widow when Matthias was lost in WW1. She also never remarried and remained close with her family. She was the one who remained in the family home and her descendants still live there now. 
And that’s it! The 1910s posts will be short and fast because I did not take a lot of pictures at all. I’m currently in the 1930s in gameplay so we may actually get caught up soon unless I get lazy about updating again (which may very well happen!)
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lilibrownlabonita · 2 years
English: My question box is open, wide open, ask me anything pls, make requests with some details for better development.
Pt br: Minha caixa de perguntas está aberta, bem aberta, me pergunte qualquer coisa pls, faça pedidos com alguns detalhes para um melhor desenvolvimento.
Espanhol: Mi caja de preguntas está abierto, bien abierto, pregúnteme cualquier cosa, por favor haga pedidos con algunos detalles para un mejor desarrollo.
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thesullengrrrl · 5 months
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We'll Meet Again - Chapter 2
Elaine receives a letter from an old acquaintance.
Author's note: Hello! Thank you for the likes and reblogs and comments for my last post! Here's another chapter for this story and here's the AO3 link if you prefer reading there. Let me know what you think!
Chapter 2: across the universe
RAF Thorpe Abbotts
Late October 1943
Rosie slowly turned the door knob of their barracks. He had spent most of the night in the officers’ club, talking to the men, drinking with them and he did not notice the time. It’s Saturday tomorrow, he justified. At least he could sleep in a bit, even for an hour or two.
As he entered, he struggled to gently close the door to not wake up the others. His head started to feel woozy from the drinks he had and sat down on the nearest chair so that he wouldn’t stumble. He closed his eyes and sighed. He may be tipsy, but he wasn’t ready to turn in. Not yet. 
Aligned on the barrack entrance were two tables, one on each side. Rosie’s gaze turned to the other table across him, and there was a small pile of to-be delivered letters on it. He wrote his family and friends a few letters every week to give them updates of his daily life, but never about his missions. The last letters for them were mailed yesterday. Was there a person left to write? 
He thought of Mabel, but according to his mother, Mabel already has a sweetheart. 
He wondered if Mr. Giggles liked her new man. 
A sense of longing for home slowly crept on him. He remembered the good old days that seemed to be a lifetime ago. Him at his family home, his mother greeting him when he got off from work, horsing around with his siblings, the commute from his home to the law firm, the loud music from various jazz clubs he and his co-workers visit, Minty and Minton’s, Elaine…
Elaine. Few days ago, he received a parcel from his family. It consisted of two scarves (one white, one dark blue with pale polka dots), letters from different family members wishing him luck, a letter from Minty, some smushed chocolate bars, and a few photos (it had a small note attached saying, “You might forget our faces!”). 
After opening the ones from his family, he opened Minty’s letter for last. As he read the letter, he could smell the faint alcohol and smoked cigars, transporting him back to the last time he was there. 
Minty was right, he thought. It was indeed a bloodbath. Sometimes he would feel bad for the mechanics who had to clean the interiors of each plane that lands. Aside from the engine problems and several cosmetic issues with the planes after it had been gunned, they had to see the amount of bullet cases and blood scattered on its floors and walls. 
They had to clean away what's left of the dead men. 
I also sent a copy of a photo of you and your girl there. The last line of Minty’s letter made him pause. What photo? Which girl? He felt something inside the envelope and pulled it out. It was a photo of him and Elaine, capturing the night they met. They were looking at each other quite intensely, as if the camera caught them in an intimate moment.
His younger self looked serene, almost. As if he had not heard the Pearl Harbor attack hours before this photo was taken.
Elaine was smiling at him.
He turned the photo and saw Minty’s scribble: 
Thought you might need extra inspiration. I still have a copy in here, in case your girl comes around. Drinks are on me when I see you two. –M
That photo now resides in his bedside table, tucked inside a copy of Of Mice and Men. One day, the photo slipped from the book and Pappy picked it up. He took a good look at it before Rosie started to reach it from him. His co-pilot did not easily give it up and the two ran around their barracks for two minutes before Pappy gave it up. Few men gave them weird looks—Pappy was laughing while Rosie was glaring at him when they got back inside. 
“Why didn’t you tell us you have a girl back in New York?” Pappy asked, his tone teasing. “I have to hear Bailey talk about his wife every damn time and here you are just hiding someone!” 
“I’m not hiding her,” Rosie defended as he tucked the photo in one of the pages instead of the usual sleeve. “We’re just friends.” 
“And yet I find you looking at that picture at night.” 
“Hey! I don't!”
“Sure, Rosie. Sometimes, you look as if you are a war widower when you look at that picture.”
Pappy only chuckled at him and went on his way. Rosie had never been so embarrassed being seen at those vulnerable nights. When he tells Crosby about the whole thing (which includes her French exit), he cannot decipher whether his friend felt bad for him or wanted to laugh at him. Either way, Crosby suggested he write to her, even just to say hello. 
Rosie thought it was ridiculous. Why would he write to someone who just left him without saying goodbye personally? What kind of person leaves someone with only a note? 
Before he could stop himself, he opened the drawer to get a pen and a clean sheet of paper. Luckily, there was. Opening the night lamp, he uncapped the pen and the words started spilling. He didn't even read what he was writing and just overlined the parts that he felt were wrong to say. It’s late at night, he's slightly bloated with alcohol, and he’s…yes, lonely. He hasn’t heard from the woman for almost two years, he’s most likely not going to hear from her again, so what’s the damage? Nothing!
When he was done, he sealed it, placed some stamps and laid it on the pile of letters to be sent tomorrow. 
He let out a sigh of relief. It was cathartic. Maybe he could stop thinking about her.
Tonight, even for tonight, he was able to finally let his feelings down on paper. When he finished, he slowly walked back to his bed to avoid crashing into someone’s bed frame. Without changing his clothes, he laid down and stared at the ceiling. He let himself be lulled by the air and his eyes followed the lines in the ceiling. 
Few breaths later, he fell into a dreamless sleep.
The next day, he heard the rustle of the next bed’s mattress. He opened one eye and saw Pappy fixing his bed. “What time is it, Pap?” 
“Eight. Good morning, sleeping beauty.”
Rosie jolted upright and walked to the table near the doors. The small pile of to-be delivered letters were gone. 
“The letters here, where is it?”
“Gene got them an hour ago!” Pappy replied loudly across the room. “Why?”
He leaned his head on his hand and groaned audibly. Pappy’s eyebrows furrowed and walked towards him.
“What’s the matter?” 
“I think..." Rosie trailed off. "I just sent a letter that I wasn’t supposed to send.” 
“Like those unsent letters in your drawer?” 
Rosie’s head shot up. “You saw those?” 
“I was looking for a pen,” Pappy explained, walking towards him  with his arms raised. “Then I opened your drawer and saw those letters tied up. Is it the same woman?"
He nodded. 
Pappy clapped his shoulder. “Rosie, you obviously wanted to talk to that person. Maybe she’ll write back.” 
Maybe he needed to talk to Crosby. And also request for a lock and key for his drawer.
Late October 2026
Brooklyn, New York
When their schedules align, Elaine and Bunny meet up at least twice a month. The two women first met in Minton’s as waitresses. They were initially off with each other, with Bunny thinking that Elaine is a bit rude, while Elaine thought Bunny was too loud. They were once assigned two consecutive closing shifts and since then they understood each other.
Today was different. After a meeting, she opened her phone and saw several calls and messages from Bunny, asking to meet with her as soon as possible. This worried Elaine and thankfully, she was allowed to go early.
Few meters away, she spotted Bunny being served by a waitress. Two drinks–one green one and the other pink colored drink. She jogged and finally reached their table.
“Hey, Bun,” she greeted, kissing her friend’s cheek. 
“Lane,” Bunny replied. “I got you this strawberry smoothie.” 
Elaine sat and caught her breath for a moment. Her friend across from her, sipping her green drink.
Bunny is a 5 foot woman with a commanding presence. Her black hair is usually in a ponytail whenever at work and on a messy bun when she’s out from her shift. Her hoop earrings glittered a bit under the afternoon sky.
She is the opposite of Elaine, who stood 5 foot 5 inches, with slight medium built and wavy (now lighter) brown hair. 
When Jerry discovered the photo in the wall of frames, Bunny talked to Elaine about it the next day. She first tried to deny it, but Bunny made her admit the truth. They had been working together for a year at the time and this was the first time she told a friend about her ability. 
As they sat outside a cafe with their indulgent drinks, Bunny slipped a sealed manila envelope across the circular table, her hot pink nails distracting Elaine for a moment.
“Wow, THAT is pink.” Elaine teased. “Is it Barbie themed?”
“Ha ha,” Bunny replied, rolling her eyes. “But yes, I’m tired of those dark colors.”
“What’s this?” Elaine wondered, eyeing the envelope. “Is this why you wanted to see me?”
“Yes. Duke says it’s yours.” 
Elaine opened the envelope and revealed another smaller envelope. It was yellowing but the red and white borders are still prominent. 
Her eyes widened as she read the names written. At the top left side of the envelope, it wrote: 
Robert Rosenthal
USAAF Station 139
Thorpe Abbotts
Norfolk, England 
And in the middle part, it said:
Ms. Elaine Byrne
c/o Mr. H. Minton
206-210 West 118th Street
New York NY10026
United States of America
She took the letter. “Duke? The janitor?” 
Bunny nodded. “Yeah. Lenny, the new manager, made him clean the scary room, you know the one that was locked after we pried it open? He went through boxes and boxes and then he saw this. That room was like a fire hazard with all the papers and empty bottles of alcohol."
Minty’s room, she thought. It has always been filled with papers and some alcohol.
“And he remembered my name?” Elaine wondered.
“He’s like the oldest person there, so he almost knows everybody. Since you no longer work there, he remembered we’re friends so he gave it to me,” Bunny answered.
“He does remember everybody…” she observed.
“Where did the letter come from?” Bunny asked. 
“England,” she answered while reading it. “Rosie.”
“ Oh. Rosie… ” her friend sang, prolonging the man’s name. “You know, I never really liked the nickname. The name Robert is so hot though. You could call him Robbie when he’s—” 
Elaine crumpled a napkin and threw it at her friend. “Bunny! It’s like thinking your grandpa’s hot! Or Ernest Hemingway!” 
“What! He was good-looking, and so was Ernest Hemingway! I googled pictures of him and his pictures during those Nazi trials? I get why you…miss him.”
“I don’t miss him.” 
“Right,” Bunny said, sipping her drink while staring at her. “Says the woman who stole the picture.” 
Elaine frowned at her friend. “You know I had to. The staff won’t stop talking about it!” 
“Where did you keep it then? In your journal?” 
“No,” Elaine lied.
Bunny leaned in. “Don’t tell me you had it framed like a war widow and gaze at it longingly at night? Under your pillow?” 
She laughed at Bunny’s cliché. Bunny joined her, the mental picture enough to crack her up. She knew how her friend can be sentimental and she’s not too far off from not doing it. 
“No, I kept it in a journal,” she admitted.
“Don’t you want to read it now?” Bunny asked, pointing at the letter.
“I think I’d rather read it on my own…” Elaine remarked.
“Oh come on,” Bunny groaned. “I want to read an actual letter from a World War Two pilot!” 
“Can’t I just send you a pic?” Elaine asked. 
“No, I want the real thing.” 
Elaine rolled her eyes. She knew Bunny would not stop hovering over her and the letter. She handed it and her friend excitedly took it from her hand. The letter was gently ripped to the side until it opened. Bunny carefully pulled out the letter and started reading. As she scanned the page, Bunny’s expressions changed from somber to amusement and…confusion.
“What is it?” Elaine asked. 
“Were drunk letters a thing before?” Bunny asked back.
“I don’t know…why?” she replied, browsing the menu.
She took the letter from Bunny and her eyebrows furrowed with the scrawly yet still (surprisingly) legible writing. 
Dear Elaine, 
Where are you? It has been two years and yet! And yet I still think about you most of sometimes. Like tonight, I’m writing to you. I already sent my family and friends letters so my letter quota is done this week. I thought of writing to Mabel but So here I am writing to you. 
Elaine stopped reading after that paragraph. She did not want Bunny to see her reaction towards the whole thing. After all, this letter is for her, right?
“That’s a drunk letter, bitch!” Bunny commented as Elaine folded the letter and placed it back in its envelope.
“I think I would cry if a guy wrote to me like that. Some guys can’t even spell properly, and autocorrect exists!” Bunny continued. 
Elaine chuckled at her, remembering her friend’s failed dates. 
“I just don’t understand how this reached me,” she admitted. “I mean, I basically ghosted him. Left him with a note that I made a waiter give to him.” 
Her friend raised an eyebrow. “That’s a bitch move.” 
“I know. But what am I supposed to do? Explain to him that I didn’t mean to travel back in 1941?” she said. “‘Hey Rosie, I’m the ghost from your future!’”
“Or maybe you could just shut up, go back to 1943 and just tie the loose ends. Give the guy some closure! Give you some closure!” 
Closure. Rosie’s future has already been written and Elaine is sure as hell not a part of it. However, she’s not going to deny (not in front of Bunny at least) that sometimes, she thinks about him. Did he walk the same streets? Was there like a place like Minton’s where they exist (or existed) together but in different timelines? 
The name Robert Rosenthal is one name she tried her best not to type in her internet search engine ever since she met him. There was a certain romance in it, about someone being a mystery, whose memories were just hers to keep. She liked it that way.
“You’re going to England on those dates, right?” Bunny reminded her. “Are you going to see him?”
The question snapped Elaine back. “What?”
She gave Elaine a look. 
“Sorry, I zoned out. What was it?”
“You are so far off. I said, you’re going to England to see your dad on those dates. Are you going to see him?”
“Hmm. Decide for me?” 
“I don’t know. Really. Tell me what to do.” 
“You know what you’re going to do.” 
“What? Oh come on, don’t let me be stupid.”
Her friend snickered. “I know you know.”
Elaine’s jaw dropped, not knowing whether to laugh or strangle her friend. “I don’t know, really.”
Bunny’s phone started ringing. She took the call and Elaine continued to look at the letter, feeling its battered texture and even smelling it due to curiosity. It smelled like old paper, stuffy and a little bit of alcohol in there. 
Did Minty hold on to this letter on purpose?
“Yeah, I’ll be there. Wait for me. Alright. See ya.” 
“What is it?” Elaine asked. 
“Lenny wants me there early for God knows why! I should go, baby.” Bunny declared. “Bring me a souvenir, yeah?” 
Bunny stood up and gathered her things. Elaine took her hand playfully, pulling sad faces. “Bunny, will you decide for me…?” She laughed and gave Elaine a kiss on the cheek, the sticky strawberry scented lip gloss can still be felt.
“You know what you’re going to do!” Bunny screamed when she reached a certain distance.
When her friend disappeared from the street, she placed a few bills for tips and took off. 
There’s nothing more urgent than a letter from an old acquaintance…from the 1940s.
While walking back to her place, she thought of the letter. The last time she time-traveled was almost two years ago, when she met Rosie for the first time. Before she left Minton’s, she stopped herself from going back to ask Minty about Rosie's whereabouts. She felt bad doing the French exit even though it was the right thing to do. 
Few blocks later, she reached her apartment and went straight to the elevator. When the doors were closing, she heard a man’s voice. “Hold it!” 
She pushed the open button and she saw a man rushing to enter. He was panting, and catching his breath. She observed the man, who was wearing an olive button down shirt, jeans, and white sneakers. He has a thick mop of curly hair, seemingly deliberately messy and his light stubble is like a more prominent 5 o’clock shadow. He has rather sharp features, especially around the jaw and chin area, but he exudes an approachable aura. Like if you borrow something or help you reach something, he would do it with no questions asked. 
She has seen him a few times in the building and sometimes in the coffee shop nearby, but never really had a moment with him until today.
The man towered over Elaine, and when he saw her looking, he smiled.
“Hi,” the man greeted.
“Hey,” she greeted back, trying to sound nonchalant.
“You haven’t pushed a button,” the man observed. Elaine immediately pushed her floor number. 
“Yeah…uh, what’s yours?” 
“Fifth. Same as you,” he answered. 
When the elevator pinged, the man motioned his hand for her to go first. She thanked him and headed to her door. As he passed her by, he said, “Thanks, Elaine.” 
He was living a few doors down from her. 
“How d’you know my name?” Elaine hollered. 
“I met your mom a few weeks ago. She asked me to fix something in your window,” he explained. Must be the window that has a weird sound in the hinges that I always forget to oil.
He walked towards her and extended his hand. “I’m Brian, by the way.” 
She shook his hand. “I’m Elaine, but you know that now.” 
Brian smiled sheepishly. “Yeah, I hope that wasn’t creepy or anything.” 
“It wasn’t but I’m gonna ask my mother about you.” 
“Okay, all right, good point. See you later,” he said, unclasping his hand from her. She observed him until he entered his door. Better safe than sorry, she thought. 
She placed her keys in the catch all bowl in the hallway and made her way to the couch. She took the letter from her bag and started reading it again, this time slower and at the comfort of her own home. 
Dear Elaine, 
Where are you? It has been two years and yet! And yet I still think about you most of sometimes. Like tonight, I’m writing to you. I already sent my family and friends letters so my letter quota is done this week. I was thinking of writing to Mabel but So here I am writing to you.
This war has been going on for too long. Too many brave men we had to mourn over and then still fly the next day. Some friends I made in the base are now gone and I don’t know if they’re dead or in some POW camp. Their absence is most felt at night, when the once full officers club is now half-empty. Some barracks now sit empty and too neatly, as if no one stayed there.
One time I had to tell a girl from the Red Cross that the man she danced with the night before died the next day. I couldn’t even look at her properly. It was awful.
I wish I could talk to you. I tried to have a little faith like you said, but sometimes I’m losing it. Can you help me find it? Tell me, how are you? Again, where are you? Are you still in New York? Partying in Minton’s? Minty said he hasn’t seen you Assigned to some base? Are you in the Red Cross? Are you a nurse? I don’t think you are because you might punch them once they touch you On the Pacific side of the war? Are you still there?
One morning, I thought I saw you in the base’s Red Cross clubmobile, giving away doughnuts and hot coffee. Same brown hair, pinned like the last time I saw you, alongside with red lipsticks the women wore.
When I blinked, I realized it was someone else. I hate it.
If you find yourself across the pond in England, I’ll be in Hammersmith, London from November 5 until 7. An officer recommended that I stay in Brooke Green so that’s where I’ll be. He also told me about the Hammersmith Palace Palais where he said they play jazz most nights.
I’ll meet you in Hammersmith Palais at 6 o’clock on November 5.
Please come. I want to see you If you could come, then great! If you don’t reply, I’ll never write again anymore. I promise. Tonight just felt like a good time to release whatever I’m feeling.
Robert Rosenthal  
PS. I don’t know where to send this so I’ll send this to Minton’s. I hope this reaches you. If it doesn’t I’ll blame Minty. Or the postal service first.
The letter is similarly aged like the envelope. She inspected both envelope and letter and she found that it was resealed before it reached her. Probably there was another letter but it was for Minty. Either way, the history of the letter and how it reached her was fascinating. This may be the first time she received a letter from the past despite time traveling for quite some time. Has there been recent developments in the field of time travel? 
However, she considered Rosie’s invitation. It has been almost two years since they saw each other and yet, there’s a letter inviting her to London. Didn’t he think of her as rude after she left him with a note? She basically ghosted him without any chance of him reaching out. What is this, fate's cruel trick? For what? She left other people from the past like this as well, but how come her departure from Rosie seemed horrible? 
Elaine laid the letter on her lap and stared at the ceiling for a while. She listened to the slow hum of the AC and the sound of her breathing, wondering what her next steps would be. 
She took her phone and searched the address where the letter was written from. USAAF Station 139, she typed. 
RAF Thorpe Abbotts. She clicked on some photos and articles and found it was an old air base used by British and American forces during the Second World War. Was he a pilot? 
Then she typed his name in the internet search engine. Seconds later, a man in his uniform appeared, most definitely Rosie. His mustache was shaved, but his eyes had a certain twinkle in it. Bunny was right, he was handsome. He did become a pilot. A squadron commander, whatever that means! (But it sounds impressive.) Exhaling loudly, she clicked his name and read the concise version of his life. 
What a life you had, Rosie. 
Should I still be a part of this? 
Laying her phone on the couch, she walked to her window and lit up a cigarette. She observed the sunset, its various hues of pinks and oranges illuminating the city. People are rushing on their way home, while others are taking their lovely time. Elaine imagined him among the people, perhaps the man who was wearing a suit with a leather suitcase.
She continued smoking and letting tons of possibilities pass her through.
Elaine knows what she’s going to do.
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icarus-has-falllen · 1 year
Master list
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being eddie's best friend turned lover
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being billy's bestfriend from cali
reader has powers and protects billy
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Five Hargreaves
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family pt.2
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family pt.4
late nights and snacks
Allison Hargreaves
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Viktor Hargreaves
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being ziggy's bestfriend and dating Nick Goode
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mastersoftheair · 9 months
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"Kodachrome color photos, taken during winter at Thorpe Abbotts. The B-17 in the background is 337808 (LD-U) "Milk Run Mabel"," ft. the ground crew.
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jenplayssims · 2 years
1910s: The Thorpe Legacy
Part 43
Shortly after Frederick’s passing, Lydia invited Sybil to move into the Sullivan home. Having 5 kids in very quick succession, Lydia needed some help and Sybil wanted to feel useful. 
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The Sullivan home was the main family hub these days, with Lydia’s siblings and other extended family often stopping by for visits.
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(Sybil with a pregnant Mabel)
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(Lydia with Evelyn)
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(Lydia with Alton)
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The Sullivan children enjoyed having their grandmother around and their mother having more time to spend with them. (Winnie with dollhouse, Matilda in background, Lydia with Oscar in foreground)
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jae-is-confused · 3 years
Who I Write For
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!!No longer writing for MCYTS!!
Platonic Only-💙
Movies/TV Series:↴
Stranger Things:
Steve Harrington
Jonathan Byers
Nancy Wheeler
Eddie Munson
Billy Hargrove
Will Byers
Mike Wheeler
Lucas Sinclaire
Eleven/Jane Hopper
Dustin Henderson
Max Mayfeild
Jim Hopper[💙]
Joyce Byers[💙]
Ian Gallagher
Mickey Milkovich
Carl Gallagher
Jimmy Lishman
Fiona Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Mandy Milkovich
That 90s Show:
Jay Kelso
Nate Runck
Gwen Runck
Leia Forman
Eric Forman
Enola Holmes:
Enola Holmes
Sherlock Holmes[💙]
Ginny and Georgia:
Wednesday Addams
Enid Sinclair
Tyler Galpin
Xavier Thorpe
Ajax Petropolus
Bianca Barclay
Ghost Busters: Afterlife:
Pheobe Spengler[💙]
Trevor Spengler
The Gold Finch:
Boris Pavlikovsky
Theodore Decker
Harry Potter:
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermoine Granger
Cedric Diggory
Young!Remus Lupin
Young!James Potter
Young!Severus Snape
Young!Sirius Black
Peter Parker(Tom & Andrew)
Maze Runner:
To All The Boys I've Loved Before:
Lara Jean
Peter Kavinsky
John Ambrose
Sweet Pea
FP Jones[💙]
The Umbrella Academy:
The Kissing Booth:
Lee Fylnn
Noah Flynn
Elle Evans
Free Rein:
Pin Hawthorne
The Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina:
Harvey Kinkle
Theo Putnam
Ambrose Spellman
Rosalind Walker
Sabrina Spellman
Nicholas Scratch
Robin Goodfellow
Locke & Key:
Tyler Locke
Kinsey Locke
Bode Locke[💙]
Love, Victor:
Nick Nelson
Charlie Spring
Tao Xu
Freddy Freeman
Billy Batson
Avatar: The Way Of Water:
Jake Sully
Neteyam Sully
Lo'ak Sully
Kiri Sully
Animated Shows:↴
The Owl House:
Ty Lee
The Dragon Prince:
Master Wu[💙]
How To Train Your Dragon:
Gravity Falls:
Grunkle Stan[💙]
Star vs. The Forces Of Evil:
Marco Diaz
Star Butterfly
Tom Lucitor
Go to Main Masterlist for Blurbs, Headcanons, Oneshots, and Stories!
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pisralels · 4 years
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News Générales
- En raison du fait que la MAJ anniversaire prend beaucoup de temps, vous n'aurez pour cette MAJ rien de particulier de modifié...Eh oui. C'est triste mais c'est comme ça.  - Mais juré, la MAJ anniversaire arrive le mois prochain et... Si ce n'est pas des autres, vous aurez de moi suffisamment de nouvelles pour vous noyer . MOUHAHAHAHA
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Pretty Girl
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go2harsha-blog · 5 years
Celebrating Woodstock - Part 1
With the 50th anniversary of the Woodstock festival round the corner, Harsha Prabhu looks back to visiting the US  for the 40th anniversary
A Fairy Tale of New York
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Parrots for Peace, Ecofest, Central Park, NYC, Oct 2009. Pic: Hans Lovejoy
Blog 1 on the Rainbow Dreaming US tour, covering NYC and Ecofest.  Rainbow Dreaming is a photodocumentary on the alternative culture of the rainbow region of NSW, Australia. The curators were invited to set up the exhibit for the Woodstock 40th. See more at http://www.rainbowdreaming.org
Which Woodstock?
“Don’t even bother about coming to Woodstock for the festival in August,” said Nathan Koening, our host at the Woodstock Museum. “It’s mostly expensive hype. Come in October, when the weather is better and there will be more Woodstock-related events to celebrate the Woodstock legacy. And you can set up the Rainbow Dreaming exhibit.”
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Woodstock Museum, Saugerties, NY, October 2009. Pic: Emi Iizuka
The Woodstock Museum were partners in setting up the historic Nimbin-Woodstock Connection in the mid-nineties, a rainbow bridge linking the alternative communities of Nimbin in north eastern New South Wales, Australia, with the whole hippie tradition of Woodstock. We had sealed the relationship by sending the Woodstock Museum an earlier exhibit from Nimbin, called Some Children of the Dream.
It’s now some fifteen years down the track. Walking down the main strip in Byron Bay I spy Hans Lovejoy sitting in a cafe, sipping on a latte. Hans, musician and journalist for the Byron Shire Echo, was in-between assignments.
“Fancy a trip to Woodstock?” I asked him.
“Which Woodstock?” he asked, undoubtedly knowing there were many: Woodstock, the town; the original Woodstock festival in 1969, which was held some 100 kms away; and the many, commemorative events down the years, held wherever the required permits could be obtained and the producers and sponsors lined up with the dollars.
“Not the festival,” I replied, “It’s a celebration of the Woodstock legacy.”
“Why not,” he said.
Lords of the Material Universe
The first signs were auspicious.
At Brisbane airport, waiting to catch the flight out to LA, we bumped into Elizabeth Thorpe and Debbie Lee. Elizabeth and her partner Ray, proprietors of Happy High Herbs, were the principal sponsors of Rainbow Dreaming and Lee, artist and designer, is an old connection from Nimbin. Elizabeth and Lee were headed for USA to open Happy High’s first US store, in Arizona. And Hans and myself were headed for New York, bringing with us the stories and pictures of life in the rainbow region.
From the plane, the New York nightscape glowed and flickered like some gigantic circuit board. “The lords of the material universe have nice real estate here”, said Hans. Towers of ivory, streets of gold. Would the lords be kind to us? Would they let me in, with my Indian passport?
At immigration, there was a blip: Had my passport ever been stolen? Why was it registered as Australian? The question in my head went something like: So this is what it feels to be at the mercy of dodgy databanks and the mood of the assessment officer. But it turned out ok. After a few questions, Officer Pena waived me through.
Did I have anything to declare, the customs man asked? Don’t touch my bag if you please, I have a haversack full of rainbow dreams, I mused to myself.
At the airport, the smiling face of Benny Zable, waiving a rainbow flag, greeted us. Benny, Nimbin’s ambassador to Woodstock, was the kingpin in the rainbow bridge to Woodstock and beyond. Benny had arranged for us to stay in Brooklyn, at the studio of Traci Mann, a New York tap dancer.
Disoriented by jet lag, Hans had left his laptop on the airport bus. That first night, with the El roaring past our window, we fell into a troubled sleep, woken by the clatter of the El and the cries of children at the daycare centre below.
Through a Glass
Our first pilgrimage in New York was to the Yippie Museum in Greenwich Village. The Village was the bohemian hangout par excellence in the sixties. It still has a funky, if gentrified, look. Jazz bars and restaurants dot the streets.
The Yippie Museum resembles the Nimbin Museum, with a stage for performances. One night, we caught some fine performance poetry. It’s the headquarters of New York’s hemp legalization campaign. They knew about Nimbin. They were also involved with a global linkup of cities for 2010.
1st Oct saw the launch of Mark Roselle’s book “Tree Spiker”. Mark Roselle is the founder of Rainforest Action Network. He’s also the man who infiltrated a Nevada test site. The day was also Benny’s birthday, Benny, an agent provocateur with his rainbow flags. The Yippie Museum was a happening place, true to its name of promoting green(sic) issues through direct action.
It took us a while to work out what ‘uptown’ and ‘downtown’ meant in the subway, but we had worked it out by the time we left New York!
Hans slipped out one night for a dose of jazz; the girls went on a harbour cruise; Benny was beavering away at the Ecofest office. My jet lag meant that I saw the city as if through a glass darkly. One image remains: a black, immaculately dressed saxplayer, doing “In a Sentimantl Mood” in the subway at 50th St.
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Ecofest, Central Park, NYC, Oct 2009. Pic: Harsha Prabhu
The Ecofest office, off Broadway, was a hive of activity, presided over by Nanci Callahan, queen bee and director/producer of New York’s signature ecological fair, now in it’s 21st year.
We walked to Central Park to check out the site for this year’s Ecofest, passing Strawberry Fields and ‘Imagine’, the mosaic tribute to John Lennon. On park benches huddled New York’s homeless, shrouded in grey, under the shadows of the tall towers ringing the park. The Dakota apartments where Lennon had been shot were across the street. “Yoko Ono pays for the maintenance of this section of the park and the homeless are permitted to sleep here,” Benny explained. I thought of our homeless in Byron, chased from bus shelters, their beach humpies a mark for rangers. In this instance, New York seemed to have a heart.
Sunday 4th Oct was a fine day. The Ecofest site began to fill up with vedors and exhibitors, including the latest hybrid cars from Toyota and Ford.
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Rainbow Dreaming at Ecofest, Central Park, NYC, Oct 2009. Pic: Harsha Prabhu
We had been assigned the outer wall of the conference tent to set up the Rainbow Dreaming exhibit. Space restrictions meant only half the exhibit could be accommodated. We punched holes into the exhibition panels and strung them out on twine like washing on a line. It worked! Sayaka Nakao, Rina Terasaki and Saya Minami, our Japanese friends from Byron Bay, who had flown in the previous day via Tokyo to help with the exhibition tour, assisted us in this improvisatory task. Ever enthusiastic, our petite helpers were worth their weight in gold. Hans and I would have struggled to manage the show on our own.
Over 25,000 visitors streamed through Ecofest that day and, as we were positioned at the entrance, many of these stopped by to check the exhibit. Among these was Nirmala, Gina Lakosta’s daughter, who was in New York to perform a burlesque show, under the stage name La Viola Vixen. Another was a couple from Goonengerry, amazed to stumble upon a slice of life from the rainbow region in the heart of New York.
Tap dancers, including the amazing Mabel Lee, Traci Manns’s former teacher, all of 80; soul singers; stiletto heeled models strutting eco fashions; Rick Ulfik from We the World, the global peace network; Parrots for Peace from the Amazon rainforest; ending with a sing along with the legendary Pete Seeger, 90 years old and still singing his peace and environmental anthems.
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Jam session, Central Park, NYC, Oct 2009. Pic: Harsha Prabhu
The sun shone down on Benny Zable’s rainbow flags; children fed ducks in the pond; whole families happily picnicked under the trees; frisbees flew in the air. Catching the last of the sunset, the tall towers seemed to shower us with riches and green fields became fields of gold.
The evening ended with drumming. Three drum circles – Cuban, Haitian and African – rang out in the Park. The moon was full and so were our hearts.
Postscript: Hans’ laptop, lost on our first night, was returned to him by the New York City Transport Authority on our last morning in New York, in a fairy tale ending to our stay in the Big Apple!
Van Gets Ripped, or The Long Sleep of Unreason
Blog 2 on the Rainbow Dreaming US tour, taking in New York’s 13th Harvest Festival & Freedom Rally, Hancock, NY; and Woodstock Museum, Saugerties, NY.
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Ma & Pa Woodstock, NY Harvest Fest & Freedom Rally, Camp Minglewood, Hancock, October 2009. Pic: Harsha Prabhu
New York Harvest Fest & Freedom Rally
Marijuana legalisation activists and their supporters on the East coast were to meet at Camp Minglewood in the Catskills, a couple of hours north of New York, for the Harvest Festival & Freedom Rally, on 9 Oct.
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Rainbow Dreaming crew at New York Harvest Fest & Freedom Rally, October 2009
It was an opportunity too good to be missed. Our hosts from the Woodstock Museum, Shelli Lipton and Nathan Koenig, had booked us a spot at the Festival. They had also booked us into a bunkhouse, with 10 bunk beds. By now we had mushroomed to a party of 10.
It wasn’t pot, but potties that preoccupied us the three days we were there. The toilets were blocked. Much time and energy was spent agonizing over the situation and negotiating the portaloos well before the happy horde that had descended on the Camp trashed them every morning.
Harvest Fest, the child of Hemp activist and performance poet Rob Robinson, was now in its thirteenth year. The legal situation with pot in the US is complex and confusing. Some states (California) allow the medical use of marijuana. Others will bust you for possessing rolling papers. The talk at the Camp was all about the bust of a long-time hemp activist, who had been caught with a whole lot of pot that he was bringing to the festival. Regardless, the pot was plentiful.
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Camp Minglewood, Hancock, October 2009. Pic: Harsha Prabhu
From pot to politics. I met Kurt Shotko, a member of the Greens party. Kurt was of the opinion that the Republicans and Democrats were cut from the same cloth, manufactured by big business. “Look at what Obama’s doing in Afghanistan. He’s sending more Americans to die there. We need an alternative to the main players. We’ve got to wake up to the reality that the American dream has been a nightmare for a lot of Americans and for the rest of the world, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan. We have been asleep for too long. We need a revival of common sense. Only a massive program of self education is going to do it.”
Then he quoted from the Populist Program, published in 1892: “They propose to sacrifice our homes, lives and children on the altar of mammon; to destroy the multitude in order to secure corruption funds for the millionaires.”
1892! The sleep of unreason had been a long one.
But Kurt was hopeful of the next generation. That’s why he set up camp at festivals across the US. And that’s partly why we were there too.
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Benny Zable in front of archival pic from Rainbow Dreaming, NY Harvest Fest & Freedom Rally, Camp Minglewood, Hancock, October 2009. Pic: Harsha Prabhu
The Rainbow Dreaming exhibit was attached to a wall in the main music hall. Thus many, mostly young, punters got to see the exhibit. This was where The Wailers played on Saturday. I caught the Wailers when they played in Byron and I’m happy to report that they are still wailing away.
But what struck me most about the music at Harvest Fest was the pervasive influence of the Grateful Dead, the legendary sixties psychedelic band from San Francisco. From Cabinet, an established US indi band that played the main stage, to camp fire songs at 4 am, the Dead were everywhere, on so many t shirts and stickers, in so many riffs and improvisatory moments, as a psychedelic glint in so many eyes.
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George Clinton & Funkedelic, NY Harvest Fest & Freedom Rally, Camp Minglewood, Hancock, October 2009. Pic: Harsha Prabhu
I spoke with Jane, an artist from New York, who had a stall selling Dead memorabilia. She had grown up in San Francisco and was still a Deadhead. Her eyes misted when she spoke of Jerry Garcia: “You could see so much love pouring out of him. It was a love affair that lasted and lasted and it’s still going strong even when he’s gone.”
Minglewood Moment: across from the festival site, two lovers sit on the steps of a boat ramp. The dying sun paints purple tints on the tops of the maple and elm; waterfowl break the surface of the lake. A band is playing the Dead’s “China Cat Sunflower.”
Woodstock: The Town that Time Forgot
In Rip Van Winkle, Washington Irving’s story, a man who wanders off into the Catskill Mountains, meets some rather strange companions who serve up a suspiciously heady brew, and falls asleep under a tree. When he wakes up, he finds that some 20 years have gone by and his world has changed.
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Woodstoock, October 2009. Pic: Harsha Prabhu
The town of Catskill is 30 minutes away from Woodstock. Some 40 years have gone by after the infamous Woodstock festival of 1969. And the world has changed since those heady days. But walking around Woodstock, the town that gave a name to the festival, (which happened in the neighbouring town of Bethel, some 100 kms away), you could be forgiven for believing that it’s still in the thrall of those halcyon days of hippiedom.
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Woodstoock, October 2009. Pic: Emi iizuka
Our first port of call was the Woodstock Town Board meeting that night. Benny Zable, Nimbin’s ambassador to Woodstock, presented letters from Nimbin and the crew made a presentation on the Rainbow Dreaming exhibit and its relevance to the whole Woodstock legacy.
The meet was dominated by a spirited discussion over rezoning issues, something very familiar to us on the north coast. Would Woodstock go the way of other small towns and be besieged by rampant development, or would it stay true to its alternative legacy?
That night we also visited the Bearsville Cultural Centre (set up by Albert Grossman, one-time manager of Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin and The Band) and Alchemia Café to catch some live music, including a spirited set by Adam, a young musician we had met at the Byron market drum circle!
Guided around by Benny, on our very first day in Woodstock, we met some representatives of Woodstock’s hippie past: Jogger John, the local village savant, who used to jog everywhere, but, due to his advanced age is now is on a bike; Day A, the village barber, who runs a soup kitchen for the Rainbow Family in town; Grandpa and Grandma Woodstock, an elderly couple, dressed the part, almost town mascots. Woodstock itself is full of funky cafes and art galleries. Turn a corner and spy a Zen garden, complete with waterfall and pergola.
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Peace Pole, Woodstock, October 2009. Pic: Emi Iizuka
In the centre of Woodstock town is the village green and the peace pole, with peace messages in several languages. We bumped into Fr John, a priest and peace activist. When he heard that two of our crew, Sayaka Nakao and Rina Terasaki, were from Tokyo, he beamed at them and said: “ Let’s set up a peace link between Woodstock and Tokyo. All it takes is five people. Five is the magic number. Can you find five friends in Tokyo who may be interested?”
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Hippie Church, Woodstock, October 2009. Pic: Harsha Prabhu
Fr John also runs the Hippie Church, on the hill overlooking Woodstock. This was the very church where Bob Dylan was rumoured to have married the love of his life, Sarah, his sad eyed lady of the lowlands. The church wears the patina of age, its icons fading in the dim, dank light streaming through stained glass windows.
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Path to Buddhist monastery, Woodstock, October 2009. Pic: Harsha Prabhu
In stark contrast is the Buddhist monastery next door. Set up in 1975, the monastery is linked to the 10th century Tibetan Kagyu lineage. Its halls are huge and lushly decorated with tankas, its massive Buddha is gold-painted, its prayer lamps cast a beatific glow on meditating monks and visitors; its gift shop bulges with merchandise, all a tribute to Buddhism’s growing influence in the new world.
The next morning, my very first snowflakes, fine and feathery.
It was too cold to venture out. Emi Iizuka and Simeon Michaels, both from Byron, had joined us in Woodstock. We were toasty warm at the Woodstock Museum, hosted by Shelli and Nathan.
Under the tutelage of Shelli, the sacred Indian corn was brought out and inspected. Purple, yellow, orange, red and black, this was authentic Hopi corn. The girls played with the corn silk, good for medicinal tea and dress ups, fake moustaches and beards. They were transformed into imaginary characters, magical beings, the warrior princesses of Genghis Khan, dressed as men to pass unnoticed amidst the ripening corn. Shelli makes beautiful corn necklaces, a craft she learnt from Rainbow Weaver, a Mohawk Clan Mother.
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Padmasambhava, Buddhist monastery, Woodstock, October 2009. Pic: Emi Iizuka
Nathan spoke about the connection between the Hopi and the Tibetans. “Padmasambhava, the founder of Tibetan Buddhism, said: When the iron bird flies and the horses run on wheels the Tibetans will be scattered over the face of the earth and the dharma will come to the land of the red man.”
Nathan went on: “The Hopi’s felt that this might have something to do with the dharma coming to the US. They have prophesies too. After the swastika and the sun, there would be another force, symbolized by the colour red. This force will wear a red cloak or red cap. Spiritual wisdom will come from the East. This spirituality must spread. If that does not take root, others with the red symbol will invade from the West and crawl over the land in one day. The Hopis think this could be the ‘red’ Chinese.”

“When the Tibetan Karmapa visited Hopiland in 1974, he said: We must have know each other before; your features, ceremonies and way of life are similar to our own. When we bought Hopis to the monastery in Woodstock in 1979, the two cultures again recognized each other, and the Hopis said that the Tibetans may very well be the long lost brother who left them at the beginning of time and went to the other side of the earth to balance the earth spiritually.” Said Shelli: “When the shit hits the fan, we won’t survive unless we cooperate with each other. That’s also what the Hopi prophecies speak of. The Hopis are known as the ‘peaceful ones’.”
While we spoke of prophecies, outside, in the gathering gloom, Tiago Guimaraes, a Brazilian artist, was busy carving out a statue of a man with a guitar, the quintessential hippie hitchhiker, his hand raised, his fingers flashing the peace sign.
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Elliot Landy’s book on Woodstock
The Rainbow Dreaming opening at the Woodstock Museum on Sat 17 Oct was a modest yet sweet affair: local musos were in attendance and we joined the members of the Woodstock drum circle in a bongothon.
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Rainbow Dreaming crew with Elliot Landy, Woodstock Museum, October 2009. Pic: Hans Lovejoy
The highlight of the evening was meeting Elliot Landy, the famous Woodstock photographer. Elliot was all praise for the exhibit, gave away signed copies of his book to all the crew and offered to help us find a publisher for a book on the exhibition. (Sadly, I was to leave my copy on the street in San Francisco while moving house.)
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The Last Hippie, Woodstock Museum, October 2009. Pic: Harsha Prabhu
The last act of the day was raising the sculpture of the hippie hitchhiker and placing him on his pedestal: a symbol of Woodstock’s hippie past and a pointer to its uncertain future as a cultural pilgrimage centre.
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Woodstock Earth, after the drum circle, October, 2009. Pic: Simeon Michaels
On our last evening in Woodstock, we participated in the Woodstock Earth drum circle. Some 30 drummers were gathered in the backyard at Day A’s house. In summer, the drummers gather at the village green and spill out onto the road. As the sound of the drums rose over the autumn dusk, we were again reminded of how lucky we were with our vibrant culture of communal drumming and dancing in the rainbow region.
Last days in New York: the Bangladeshi cigarette sellers; the African rickshaw pullers in Central Park; the old men and women carting large bundles of recyclable cans and bottles; the man in Times Square offering to sell me a 15 carat gold ring or Obama condoms.
While the crew went shopping and sightseeing I wandered back to Central Park. More than the statue of Liberty, than Ground Zero, than the suicide gulches and canyons of Wall Street, I was drawn to the spot with the Imagine mosaic and tribute to John Lennon. Park benches line the walkway, each with its dedication. I sat there, amidst the touros and derros, as the shadows lengthened.
Then I saw these lines from Dylan Thomas, carved on a park bench: “Though lovers be lost love shall not; And death shall have no dominion.”
Celebrating Woodstock - Part 2 on San Francisco’s Westfest and the Beats to follow. Please check my blog...
by Harsha Prabhu
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Rainbow Dreaming crew at Magic Mountain, Woodstock, October 2009
NOTE: An edited version of A Fairy Tale of New York was published in the Byron Shire Echo, October 2009. While the words and sentiments in the blogs are my own, this project has been a community cultural initiative, helped along by many hands, hearts and minds. Many thanks are due.
First up, Benny Zable, Shelli Lipton & Nathan Koening for setting up the Nimbin Woodstock Connection and the sister village link between the two communities. I would like to acknowledge the help and guidance offered by the Rainbow Dreaming crew – Benny Zable, Hans Lovejoy, Saya Minami, Sayaka Nakao, Rina Terasaki, Emi Iizuka & Simeon Michaels – on this amazing journey to the US. Thanks to our hosts in the US, including Traci Mann & Nanci Callahan in NYC; Rob Robinson at Harvestfest; Shelli Lipton & Nathan Koenig at Woodstock Museum; and Douglas Kolberg & Boots Hughston at Westfest. Thanks to our principal sponsor Happy High Herbs and our media sponsors Byron Shire Echo & Bay FM. Thanks to all those who donated to the community chest to make this project possible, including all the artist and performers from the rainbow region who helped raise funds for the US tour. And a big thank you to all the freaky people of the rainbow region, who are the inspiration for this project. And the writers and photographers who so generously donated their work. This project was auspiced by Byron Community & Cultural Centre, assisted by Lismore Regional Gallery and supported by Byron Neighbourhood Resource Centre and Mullumbimby & District Neighbourhood Centre. Rainbow Dreaming was curated & produced by Harsha Prabhu & Graeme Batterbury for the Rainbow Collective. More on Rainbow Dreaming, including how to get a copy of the book, at: www.rainbowdreaming.org
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zeebee300 · 7 years
Tagged by @biluata
Five things you’ll find in my bag:
Portable charger, pencil case, a book, oyster card and mirror
Five things you’ll find in my bedroom:
Empty glasses, pictures, book cases (4 of them), bags and a bed (lol)
Five things I’ve always wanted to do:
Skydiving (it can be indoors), travel to South America, ride a jet ski, get a tattoo and fly first class
Five things that make me feel happy:
Seeing someone finally succeed and reach that life time goal, hanging out/making new friends, animals (the fluffy ones), presents and reading a good book
Five things I’m currently into:
Electric Dreams, American Gods (I’m rewatching), shower gels (the ones from the bodyshop-I’m not that much of a weirdo), White Teeth by Zadie Smith and The Daughter of Smoke and Bone series by Laini Taylor
Five things on my to-do list:
Homework (A levels are murdering me), finishing every book or fic I’m reading (I can be so lazy), meeting up with my friend (It’s been too long), going back to london dungeons again and going to Thorpe park on fright night
Nicknames? Zee, Zizi or Zeebee
Gender? Female
Star sign? Gemini
Height? 5'7"
Time? 18:22 (6:22 pm)
Birthday? 15 June
Favourite bands? I don’t have any
Favourite solo artist? Tayá
Song stuck in my head? Finders Keepers by Mabel
Last movie you watched? Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2
Last show you watched? The Great British Bake off
When did I create my blog? I can’t remember but I’m sure it’s not that old
What do I post? Random stuff
Last thing I googled? Basal Metabolic Rate equation (A levels, they really are trying to kill me)
Do you have other blogs? No
Do you get asks? Nope (there’s nothing to ask really)
Why did you choose your url? Boring+lazy+no real urge to go for something fancy= my url
Following? 342 ( I’m the type that sees something they like on one blog and then follows it, but I end up liking all the content anyway- I mainly follow art blogs)
Followers? 76 (but majority of bots so actually 8)
Favorite colours? Indigo (I know it’s supposedly not a real colour but whatevs), black, jade and navy blue
Average hours of sleep? A level students don’t know sleep *deep booming hardcore warrior voice* (lol I actually don’t know)
Lucky number? I’m not really sure
Instruments? My high school music teacher once said I had the hands of someone who played an instrument (but I lack the dedication)
What am I wearing? Wouldn’t you like to know? Jk, I’m wearing a terracotta high- wasted skirt, navy jumper and black semi-transparent tights
How many blankets do I sleep with? Depends on the weather luv ( 1 or 2 and even then I still bitch about how cold I am-but refuse to grab more)
Dream job? Travel writer or journalist
Dream trip? To go to New Oreleans
Favourite food? Plaintain and yes I pronounce it with a “-tin” at the end not with a “-tain”
Nationality? British
Favourite song right now? Talk About Forever by Mabel
Tagging @agentmilayawithshield @a-court-of-stydia (you don’t have to do it)
P.S. You should totally tour GB @biluata but do it in the summer (it’s less cold) and the London Eye is slow but amazing for a good view of london on a sunny day (same with hampstead heath and Emirates Airline Cable cars that go across the Thames- If you don’t mind heights) :D
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lilibrownlabonita · 2 years
I saw a lot of people agreeing with me on my post regarding engagement and writers, thanks to everyone who understands me and identifies. And I noticed that the amount of reblogs of my last fic has grown a lot, I don't know how to thank that, I really feel very happy for every like and reblog, it's been years since I wrote and when I started writing again my biggest motivation was the likes and reblogs, not to mention the comments, I love being able to talk about the fic, I always try to write better and make everything more attractive, because those of you who like my content deserve the best. In fact, before I didn't even have anything to do on a daily basis, writing has been really good for me, and being admired for that makes me really happy.
Thank you!
And I'm just letting you know that I'm making a fic about Xavier Thorpe. 😼
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jenplayssims · 2 years
1900s: The Thorpe Legacy
Part 34
Shortly after Anna Ruth passed away, it was Alton’s birthday.
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A skating rink is set up in the empty lot near the Thorpe house, and the children frequently visit it after school.
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Alton doesn’t have as much skill or patience for the activity as his sisters, so he often watches from nearby while doing homework.
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*I’m hoping to get back to updates now that my Disney Dreamlight Valley fixation has lessened a bit. I might even open my game today for the first time in a month!
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jenplayssims · 2 years
1900s: The Thorpe Legacy
Part 32
Lydia takes up needlework but isn’t so sure she enjoys it.
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Mabel and Minnie have a joint birthday party.
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lilibrownlabonita · 2 years
I'M BACK!!!, I was so depressed, I managed to ask for help through Twitter, I don't know if it was because of my comment, but anyway it's an idea for anyone in this situation, for those who don't know I was banned, today morning I came back, I'm happy.
But as many know I created a reserve account, so if you can follow me on it I appreciate it, I will keep this account for protection, if this problem happens again I will communicate and post content through that account.
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jenplayssims · 2 years
1900s: The Thorpe Legacy
Part 20
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Lydia adores Kipper almost as much as her mother does, and it always following him around and playing with him. 
Soon enough, she’ll have a peer who is less confused by her attempts at play...
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Sybil goes into labor on a fall evening and quickly gives birth to her and Frederick’s second child. It is another daughter, who they name Mabel.
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Lydia gets out of bed to investigate her baby sister and is pleased to be a big sibling.
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jenplayssims · 2 years
1900s: The Thorpe Legacy
Part 23
Alton soon ages up to a toddler and Sybil has her hands full with three tiny children to care for all day.
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It’s a relief to her as Lydia’s birthday approaches as she will soon be able to attend school. Frederick and Sybil throw a family birthday party for Lydia.
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