#gemini ascendant 2024
myzticmint · 2 months
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The Roses in my garden were so pretty, and I looked so good for Pride this weekend
Is it that Sagittarius juice or Jupiter punch that got me to stallion level does the astrology work that way? 😅🤫🗣️🧐
B/c I am Gemini rising and everything I read seems that it should give tall, long, and thin. I am tall about but I don’t feel I resonate with the ascendant/1st house is “what you look like” taught for Gemini rising!
📝Scorpio Jupiter, 6th house
📝Sagittarius Sun, 7th house
📝Gemini Rising
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astrosolutions · 8 months
Gemini Rising the Curious and Adaptable Communicator
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Gemini Ascendant, also known as Gemini Rising or Mithuna Lagna in Vedic Astrology, is the sign that was ascending on the eastern horizon when you were born. It is the first house of your birth chart, which represents yourself, your body, your identity, and your appearance. Your ascendant sign is different from your sun sign, which indicates your essence, and your moon sign, which indicates your emotions and instincts. Your ascendant sign shows how you present yourself to the world, how you interact with others, and how you cope with life’s challenges.
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yuveenti-blog · 2 months
Astrology Observations 07/30/2024
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Sign Parings That Annoy, Irritate, or Eaisly Upset Each Other
Aries — Scorpio
Gemini— Capricorn
Cancer — Libra
Virgo— Gemini
Libra— Taurus
Scorpio— Gemini
Sagittarius— Capricorn
Capricorn— Pisces
Pisces — Capricorn
A Sentence To Describe Your Moon Sign
Aries: This too shall pass, but when it’s here I’m going to act-up.
Taurus: I don’t feel like doing that, sorry.
Gemini: Hey everyone, this is my newest fascination.
Cancer: I want to eat my favorite food and scroll through my phone.
Leo: I need as much validation as possible right now.
Virgo: Let me do it my way or I’ll have a breakdown. 
Libra: I just want to go out and have a good time, let’s vibe.
Scorpio: I’m going to sit in the dark and overthink my entire life until I feel terrible.
Sagittarius: Fuck this, I’m going to go somewhere else where I’m appreciated.
Capricorn: I don’t even feel that way. You are the problem.
Aquarius: If I was to breakdown what I feel it would be that I’m just way too smart and people can’t understand me.
Pisces: Wait, what’s going on?
Signs That Have An Instant Connection
Aries & Leo
Taurus & Sagittarius
Gemini & Sagittarius
Cancer & Pisces
Leo & Pisces
Virgo & Aquarius
Libra & Pisces
Scorpio & Leo
Sagittarius & Aquarius
Capricorn & Scorpio
Aquarius & Scorpio
Pisces & Libra
Ascendant ( Rising Sign) & How It Relates To Your Personality
Aries Ascendant: Dare-devils, risk-takers, blunt. These people are easily noticed because they always have a unique or distinctive feature to their look. Loners. In a rush type of energy. Changes hair and looks a lot.
Taurus Ascendant: Chill, nonchalant, nature-oriented, needs to be in places with nice vibes. Luxury people. Quality oriented. Into their looks and will keep up on them. Can have really soothing or nice voices to hear.
Gemini Ascendant: Talkative and chatty, great at talking to others, feels the vibe of the room before interacting. Funny and loves to laugh and make others laugh. Thoughtful in their perspectives and mindful of how they come across. Can talk with their hands a lot.
Cancer Ascendant: Reserved, polite, funny, and has a lot of stories to tell. They can take time to warm up to others but are actually very talkative. Great story tellers and generous. Sensitive, but can reserve their tenderness for people in their close circles. If they gain weight it can be in their upper body.
Leo Ascendant: Talkative, always need a friend beside them or a main person, charismatic, funny, always knows how to put that shit on ( dress well), draws attention easily ( positive or negative), think of themselves well and really enjoy compliments ( changes their whole day). People with big hearts.
Virgo Ascendant: Simple dressers, nit-picky with a lot of things ( food, hygiene, looks, items). They can look/smell something and know if they like it or not. They can be super sensitive physically and enjoy alone time. Loners as well. If they’re interested in something they really are into learning everything about it. Great talkers and can capture people’s attention when they do open their mouth and talk. They can have either defined eyes or unique ears. They also might get an upset stomach faster than others.
Libra Ascendant: Alluring, has a striking beauty about them ( usually stand out beautiful features), these are the people who will strike up a conversation with anyone, they love flirting and love getting attention. Social chameleons they can blend in many environments, a lot of people tend to like them. Sensitive and easily offended, will strive to always have good relationships with others. May be prone to getting stressed easily.
Scorpio Ascendant: Observant, fascinated, obsessive, sensitive, private, sexual, jealous. They prefer to get to know people and build unbreakable bonds. They can be very stubborn to what people say about them, refuse to give people power over their own minds and self. Chooses what to share and usually shares information when they decide. Anything can hurt their feelings but they won’t tell you that. Has a super kinky mind and can be possessive over those in their lives. Can masturbate or enjoy it a lot.
Sagittarius Ascendant: The person who always seems positive and upbeat, a pronounced smile, talkative, expressive, always down for an adventure, open-minded, loves learning and always learning something new, a huge flirt, sexual, and says things that others won’t dare to say. They can be unpredictable and tend to try new things. Strong legs or a nice ass. They can be strong physically.
Capricorn Ascendant: They can be the type of person who follows rules and behaves well publicly and get wild in their private space. Brags a lot and likes to talk about what they have or do. Always having to look out for someone else either a sibling, a friend, or family member. They can mature fast physically and look older than their age or mentally mature fast. Tend to respect their parents a lot or at least can hold their parents dear to their heart. May feel like things take more effort in their life to get or that they have to work hard for all they get. Can have very nice skin or skin issues. Serious look when not smiling.
Aquarius Ascendant: Loves to stand out, the friend who works at a non-profit, social justice warrior, or goes to protests. Scattered brain with so many ideas. They are into unconventional ways of living. Probably interested in human psychology. Probably goes through many phases with their aesthetic and interests, depending on who they’re around. Whatever race or background they’re from they may not follow their tradition/culture. They are the type to find interest in unique people and niche groups.
Pisces Ascendant: The artist, poet, spiritual person. Sensitive, understanding, optimistic, loves being around others but always needs time for themselves. Can feel as if life is too much and prefers to escape into their own reality ( hobbies, having fun and pleasure, being apart of communities away from society, drugs). Loves so deeply and willing to sacrifice, friends with all different types of people. Naive and can fall into their own demise if not grounded. Can be eternally sleepy and ready for bed.
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thesirenisles · 2 months
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random astrology notes
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I hope you guys enjoy! I will be doing custom, in-depth readings soon, however these notes are drawn from personal observation. Do not steal, rewrite, or copy any of my original writing. All rights reserved. © 2024 The Siren Isles Photos are of me or from pinterest. If it does not apply, let it fly. support here.
🎡 Mars in the 12th is such an interesting placement. When I found out I had this placement in sidereal (I generally prefer tropical) my dreams made so much sense. I literally dream in the Universe of a John Wick, sometimes Apocalyptic action movie! LOL Besides that, this is a late bloomer indicator. Mars natural fiery nature is hindered in the watery abyss of darkness or Chaos that is the 12th house. It’s like fighting in the dark. The assertion and ferocity of the native can be snipped when young. They’ll have a hard time showing their anger or competitiveness. In result, this also makes others project (12th house) negative traits like aggression (Mars) onto you! Your moves are hidden from the eye and some haters can’t stand that. You’re easily made the villain. But, through the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment and sometimes a very messy cathartic release… a spiritual warrior is reborn!
Uranus aspects can be defined by their celestial counterpart:
sun - uranus: You need to be seen (like the sun) making a difference. where can you be a beacon or example of radical change?
mercury - uranus: What high level thoughts are you thinking but not saying (Mercury) that could create drastic transformation?
jupiter - uranus Where can you be a generous benefactor to create change or spiritual teacher (Jupiter) of transformational knowledge.. or just new ideas?
🎡 SYNASTRY SOULMATE indicator: Vertex conjunct IC ( Imum Coeli) As a leo moon and pisces venus who just LOVES true LOVE. This is such an incredibly powerful love placement that I can personally attest to!! 🥰 The Vertex is referred to as the fated point or destiny point. Imum Coeli (IC) translates to “bottom of the sky”. It’s indicative of one’s roots and basic needs for emotional security. Having Vertex conjunct someone’s IC is a type of love that stops you in your tracks. Your breath is taken. You know them from a past life, are instantly comfortable with them, and they feel like home. I’ve read this is popular within married couples, but I also read that it’s rare. I’d love to know if anyone has experienced this. The power of this connection is marked with profoundly deep transformation for both parties, emotional wound healing, and a shared destiny. Things can get tricky if you weren’t ready for this fated meeting because the IC person may not want to leave this person’s side.
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🎡 Saturn-Ascendant is so freaking stressful, my goodness. Moment of silence for these natives. (me included) Oh, the need to be great but the fear of failing! Oh, the obstacles! Oh, the need to critique to perfection. Oh, the need to present with full control. The self imposed fun-police. Oh, when does it get easy?? IT WILL.🤞🏾In the meantime, just smize 😗 for the Gods with that heavenly bone structure!
🎡 Gemini placements live such interesting lives! They are the magicians tarot card come to life. (literally, it’s associated with Mercury) The men are the types to successfully convince multiple women to be in a polyamorous relationship. I have seen it! My Gemini guy friend had like 3 girlfriends. But, he somehow made time for all of them and they were content! The Aquarius in me was baffled! LOL. These magic men seem to have a powerful charm over the Venus ruled signs, which checks out due to Thoth(Gemini) and Ma’at (Libra) being married in Ancient Kemetic mythology. But, also Pisces!! I knew a pair with these signs and they were like besties turned lovers, but only on the Gemini’s terms.😐Mercurian energy can be so fleeting, but so powerful when in close proximity. They will stay only if they want (or need lol don’t get used). If you want to know if a Gemini placement is serious about you…. words of intention mean little to nothing for an air sign, watch those actions!
🎡 Pluto Sextile Uranus natal placement is such a powerful fandom/ fame indicator in this lifetime. It literally just makes sense for this Uranus in Aquarius generation (roughly 1996-2003) of “Influencers”. Uranus in Aquarius (collective) + Pluto in Aquarius (obsession & power) = the crazy ass fandoms that follow the lives of these natives: Zendaya, Jeon Jung-kook, Billie Eilish, Park Ji-min, Bella Hadid, Jenner sisters, & the list goes on! Pluto will be in Aquarius until 2043! So, if you were born in these years and have a Uranus Pluto aspect, I advise you to find your niche & get a fandom lol Most have Pluto in Sagittarius, so it could be teaching something or selling a skill (like youtube or online courses).
🎡 Mars in Taurus or at Taurus degrees (2, 14, etc.) natives tend to have such a beautiful physique. Like, Mars refines itself when in contact with Venus. The mix ends up being so addictive to others & if you have this.. you know what I mean! Tender lover. Women with this placement are graceful and sensual by nature, often with a womanly shape. Men with this placement can have “Godly” beautiful physical qualities like broad shoulders and chiseled back dimples. Very beautiful indeed. I feel Capricorn also refines Mars in a very structured way.
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🎡 Venus placements (Taurus & Libra) in a man’s chart tend to make them a bit bougie! Lol Venus rules self worth, aesthetics etc. and they may feel like a woman should have certain qualities, dress a certain way, and fulfill certain duties! Blessed with looks or charm (Libra especially), they can become quite content and spoiled by the women in their lives. Let’s not forget Taurus is the moon exalted placement! Mama’s boy, anyone?
🎡 Aries placements parents are NOT for the weak! Especially if you have an outer planets sun (Scorpio to Pisces) or gentler placements that want to be coddled (Pisces, Leo, Cancer). The energy just clashes. This is because the Aries is the youngest soul in nature. They’re here for a good time! The child can often feel like the parent or the more mature party. On the other hand, the child can feel like an after thought or accessory! Aries may be be concerned with their own stuff and may only check on “the image” of the child, but not the emotional well being. The child can become an extension of their reputation. Can also be domineering & overly bossy, making the child retreat inwards. The child can see their parent as a celebrity or dictator almost until they reach a certain age and see the deeper issues… Fire signs are worried about shining!
🎡 Venus in Leo are often stunning with feline eyes and have so much stage presence. They take good care of themselves and great pride in their hair, usually. If there is Virgo on the chart to add perfection and attention to aesthetics… this could be a superstar presence! The type of people who may be chill from day to day, but when they dress… they DRESS!
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🎡 Moon in the 3rd house wants to talk it out!! They are going to discuss, baby. These are the types who may spill the beans out of emotion, say one thing but feel another.. similar to Moon-Mercury aspect energy. But, the relationship with the mother can be good with open communication.
🎡 Scorpio in Big 3 women give me Maxine Shaw vibes (from Living Single, hit 90’s show) every single time. Like, they were warriors in their past life. So bold and powerful with an unshakable inner strength. A lesser talked about quality that I have noticed is such powerful dreams as well! There can be astral projection, lucid dreaming, that manifest as challenges of literally facing your fears in your dreams! Spiritual warrior and BDE💁🏾‍♀️
🎡 Sagittarius in big 3 women are similar to me. If you really like someone, the issue will be pushed. If you really dislike someone, the issue will be pushed! I love that energy! & I am biased as a Sag rising. This reminds me of the boisterous Auntie with jokes, wisdom, and powerful energy that fills a room. With Jupiter as their ruler, they can be the masculine energy in their relationships, naturally. They move with freedom in mind when young.
🎡 Leo placements have the super power of bringing warmth to whatever space they inhabit. Suns are shining everywhere they go! Mercury brings grandeur to their conversations and intellectual pursuits. Venus is the light of their lovers life and nothing less! Jupiter is like the Sun double with this energy lol. Giant presence! Depending on the placement, they may or may not notice impact of their presence. However, it's so cold when that sunshine is gone. Everyone can tell when these natives are feeling cloudy because their light is usually felt on the skin of those around them. Such beautiful golden energy!
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hiss watch🧿 𓆙
a few placements that can attract sssnakes
𓆙 Neptune in 11th House Be aware of the amount of love you give before you accept someone into your space. Your energy is magnetic, whimsical, and healing! You believe in humanity. This makes you an amazing friend but you can constantly want to see the “good” in people. At its worst, you could be the head cheerleader for your biggest enemy! Don’t be the wind beneath any wings that are uncomfortable when it’s your turn to fly! NO excuses.
𓆙 Pluto in 11th House Transformation, obsession, jealousy, and friendship walk into a bar… No one’s having a good time! Back-stabbing. Envious lies. Stealing your belongings. (Neptune in big 6 can make this even more painful because you may not even notice the disrespect!!) Be aware. 🧿 Not only of others but of yourself. Power struggles. Any negative thoughts or actions must be checked because you will get that energy right back!! That is the only way to reverse this curse. Energy is fluid.
𓆙 Venus- Neptune Harsh aspects can have people trying to debunk their beauty or hurt their value (Venus). “Is that your real hair?” “Are those your natural lashes?” 🙄 The people are watching! At a point in life, you may be completely lost on what you deserve, what love is, and your own self value. Others see it, but you can have an illusory gaze in the mirror.
𓆙 Honorable mention: Sun-Neptune, Neptune in 1st, 3rd, 7th house, Pluto in 7th house, 2nd house, 12th house, Pluto aspect to personal planets. Jupiter in relationship or social houses (2, 3, 7, 10) because people can see your lucky moments!
Thank you for reading!
Check out my page for more in-depth astro posts!
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lup-ines · 8 months
by lup-ines
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1. Venus-Ascendant aspects are often known as THE beauty indicators in astrology, but in my opinion, I think Neptune-Ascendant deserves the title more. Neptune-ASC aspects are often found in the beauty icons of the world, and in comparison to Venus-ASC beauty, Neptune-ASC beauty gives more of an “other-worldly”, “she’s not from here” vibe (I will make a post about this).
2. Aquarius men and Virgo men are the same people, Aquarius men are just stranger.
3. When Mars transits over your 1st, 5th, or 8th, you tend to attract more sexual partners/attention.
4. Neptune in the 11th house people are may be blessed with friends that are artistic, loving, and caring but they often have a lot of friends that are secret haters.
5. Saturn in the 10th requires a lot of hard work before you actually get the flowers you deserve. Saturn in the 10th is the definition of the underdog. Often people with this placement find that they are constantly underestimated by those who work with them, but when they persevere wealth, fame, and admiration follow them. This can also mean get praise in the later part of your life (usually after your Saturn return).
For example, Queen Elizabeth II has Saturn in her 10th. At the time of her coronation, she was only 25 years old. This caused a lot of chatter due to many people thinking that she was too young and unfit to rule as a queen. As she got older, she slowly started to gain the respect and love from the people around her and had a VERY long career (Saturn in the 10th often indicates a stable/long career life depending on how it is aspected in your chart).
6. Fire signs moons/venuses (sometimes mars) have no concept of hiding their feelings for someone. When they like you, YOU WILL KNOW. If you’re confused, they probably don’t like you.
7. If you ever find yourself in bed with an aries mars or someone with mars in their 1st, pull their hair a little bit and watch what happens 😉
8. Leo placements have celebrity energy without even trying.
9. In 2024, Gemini risings and those with heavy gemini placements will see a boost in attention (good and bad depending on your chart) and popularity because of Jupiter moving into Gemini.
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occultwaters · 6 months
Astro Observations II
💙 Scandals are always surrounding air placements for some reason.
💜 Moon making aspect to Venus can prefer to be around women. However if it’s harsh, prominent women in their life made have made them feel like they’re not pretty enough.
💙 Capricorn placements/dominant 🤝 prominent bone structure
💜 Sagittarius individuals, especially sun, love their freedom, it’s true. They cannot be tied down.
💙 Neptune in any house can blur boundaries and cause people to feel misunderstood around the elements of that house.
💜 Neptune rules projections too so depending on the aspect and sign people can often project onto these natives.
💙 Air dominance in one’s chart can really indicate someone who is a sapiosexual. This also includes air venus and air mars.
💜 Cardinal energy (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) is very forward moving, regardless of the sign. These people once set on something, will achieve it. Though they may have different methods of achieving their goals.
💙 Gemini and Pisces, especially Mercury. These people are chameleons. They can switch up and become the people they are communicating with.
💜 Saturn aspecting Mercury, in Gemini or in the 3rd house. Many times these people have been made to feel like their way of communicating or expressing themselves is invalid. However the older they get and the more Saturn matures, the easier it gets.
💙 Aries ascendents can have lighter hair than the rest of their family members.
💜 Aries ascendents also can appear to have full bodies even when they may not be athletic.
💙 Virgo sun individuals can really be perfectionists.
💜 Taurus moon people may have been told they have comfy shoulders or they give great hugs.
💙 Cancer women have this home wrecker title because it’s really easy for them to act like a damsel in distress. People will quickly take their side. Men will want to care for them and potentially give up their lifestyle.
© 2024 occultwaters. All rights reserved.
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tannieastrology · 7 months
Solar Return Observations💋❤️🌹
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💋This year I have a Virgo Ascendant in my solar return along with 2 Venus returns and Ive been so much more health/beauty focused. Like I care more about myself and am trying to break bad habits that I made in 2023. Im also alot more driven in sports/goals and back when I had this in 2020 I was also into skincare and makeup alot too and was into running and working out. I feel like the year you get a virgo ascendant for your solar return is the year to cleanse bad habits that youve made in the previous year its like a chance to start new.
💋The year you have Uranus in the 11th house is most likely a year where you will lose friends but will also get the chance to make new ones. I had Uranus and North Node in my 11th house last year and my 3 year long friend who claimed we were “besties” backstabbed me and cut me off with no explanation BUT I also found a friendgroup who are here to stay and am incredibely blessed to have met them. This was a year where my view on society and people changed significantly but i feel it was for the better.
💋Last year I had Sun and Pluto in the 8th house along with Moon and Mars in the 12th. I struggled really bad with my mental health(also a Gemini Rising) and my whole personality shifted from these experiences. From January my grandma almost died of cancer, I faced unrequited love, bullying from “friends”, losing friends, and overall felt pressure from school. I was just sensitive to what people said about me and let little things bother me and now that Im looking back none of it was a big deal but I dont know in the moment it affected me way too much. It made me realize that you cant ever really put your faith in people and that you need to trust and respect yourself the most. That you cant be attached to people and your faith should be put in god (atleast thats what I think). Most of the pain came from lowself esteem and I do believe that these placements made me grow a thicker skin and to become more independant. Im a completely different person now and while I did lose my innocence to the world I feel that I can survive on my own now. I guess I just grew a backbone which im really thankful for.
💋Everything that happened last year (like growth transformation death) is all related to the 8th house which is where gemini is in my natal so also keep that in mind where your solar ascendant falls in your natal.
💋This year I have a Moon in Libra in the 1st house and a Virgo Lilith exactly conjunct my ascendant and Ive been getting so much praise from woman its weird? Weirdly guys have been liking my instagram stories and when I posted on my birthday so many people came and viewed my story who dont even follow me. I also feel more pretty and empowered this year and Ive been trying to figure out how I want to present myself more. Compared to last year I feel like I am more upfront with my feelings. I feel like this year I might not struggle as much since im a Libra Ascendant and my solar return is Virgo and almost aligns with my natal chart.
💋My sadness and pain from my 2023 solar return actually really did last until my birthday aka my 2024 return😭 So keep in note that solar returns will remain effective until your next birthday.
💋I have Pluto, Mars, Sun, Vertex, Mercury, and POF, all in the 5th house this year and Im really hoping I can finally meet someone to date for the first time but so far its manifested as being more interested in hobbies/ having fun. Im not complaining tho I actually have been so much happier and I havent cried that much at all from this new Solar Return. I will say I feel like having Pluto in the 5th house will make your view change a bit on relationships. I lost feelings for my 3 year crush and I also feel like its impossible for me to properly catch feelings now. I dont know its like I broke the cycle of infatuting crushes and am way more realistic when it comes to love. Part of it is probably just me getting older but I think thats a good thing. I dont expect love like the movies anymore but i just want something REAL.
💋The year you have 8th house Venus a old flame might come back into your life.
💋Tell me why I have Jupiter, North Node, and Chiron in the 8th house this year and ive been attracting money/all the things i want so easily? I got almost $450 for my birthday, a vanity, a lulu bag, and a big party and its only been like 2 weeks😭
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💋 When I turn 18 in 2026 I have a stellium of Venus, Mercury, Sun, Mars, and Pluto in the 12th SOOO im predicting that I might be struggling with mental health that year, probably lost in where I want to head after high school, or Im either hiding sum secret love affair(8th house ruler of libra in 12) or like something about it is forbidden/ secretive. I also do have Moon and Jupiter in Cancer in the 5th house that year so that should be interesting lol. Let me know what aspects/ placements in your future solar returns yall find interesting and have down in the comments I wanna see.
💋A Saggitarius Ascendant/ 9th placements might mean that you get opportunity to travel
💋Having Lilith in the 2nd house might mean that you struggle with eating consistently or might struggle with self worth and body image.
💋Venus in the 4th house will be a year where you try to improve your home and find comfort in familial relationships
💋Look at transits to your solar return too theyll give you a deeper dive in whats going on you can look on astroseek.
💋12th house placements will make you inclined to find god
💋On November 16 2021 I caught feelings bad for this guy and I would go on to like him for a long time. Near that time I had a Venus Return and also a transit Solar Return with a 7th house stellium(Sun,Mars,Mercury,Moon in Libra/Scorpio). I was around this guy 24/7 and it just unexpectedly happened. Near that time Iwas having so much fun with my friends in cross country I feel so fond about those days that I could never forget.
💋 Last year having a Gemini Rising but placements like Mars and Moon in the 12th made me get talked about unknowingly behind my back so keep that in mind. Girls secretly hated me and also one of my “friends” twisted my words and spread drama about me.
💋Pay special attention to Chiron and where it is in your chart ESPECIALLY if its in retrograde
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Anyways I hope yall enjoyed this was very last minute and I know people have been complaining about there not being enough Solar Return observations so here I am lol. See yall next time💋
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bouquetface · 3 months
Keep in mind, entire chart influences accuracy. This is a general read not personal. Take it as entertainment.
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Read for rising/ascendant sign.
Your chart ruler, mars will conjunct uranus. For you, this can bring sudden financial changes. Mars brings a “cutting” energy. So you may be cutting ties with a source of income. You may be selling something/cutting ties with a possession. You may have a surprise expense coming up. Be careful with overspending this month especially around the 14-16th.
Venus is in opposition with Pluto. It’s possible the surprise financial change may involve kids or other 5th H topics. The opposition can create tension between 11th & 5th H topics. Pluto is slowly working on transforming your 11th H (social circles, long term goals). But Venus wants the energy to have fun & indulge in your 5th H. For some this can manifest as romantic feelings for a friend. When Mercury enters your 5th, you or someone else may want to communicate these feelings. However, a friends to lovers story isn’t for everyone if the natal does not indicate it.
Mars will later move into Gemini. Watch out for speeding & parking tickets, mars in 3rd can be a time you get caught. And watch for arguments especially involving siblings. On the bright side, this can be a good time to prepare a trip. You might want to plan a fun road trip or day trip with your friends &/or siblings.
You may have family visiting this month. You could receive a message from or about a family member. Might be a female family member. You might have a trip planned that involves a place near water. You could have plans to beautify the home in some kind of way early July. This could be a generally peaceful time at home.
Your chart ruler, Venus will begin in cancer and move to Leo. When Venus enters Leo, there will be opposition to Pluto. This creates tension in your 10th & 4th. There could be a tug & pull kind of energy between outside life (career, reputation) and inside life (home, family, personal matters).
Venus will trine Saturn. This can manifest as getting support from your social circle. Maybe some fun activities as well. May be near the water like a pool party.
When Mercury & Venus & Sun all enter leo, you may be more focused on home life. You could be buying things for the home. Beautifying the home in some way. Spending more time at home. However, you may have outside obligations that prevent you from fully relaxing and enjoying this energy. You could have visitors coming to your home as well. There could be some planning and cleaning up that needs to be done.
The other big thing for you this month is mars will conjunct uranus in your first house. This can make you prone to accidents especially involving heat or electricity. Be cautious. Watch for impulsive urges to make changes to your appearance.
Mars traditionally rules your 12th & 7th. If you have some repressed anger/frustration, it could be coming out suddenly. This could shock you or others. Watch out for this. Make sure you communicate effectively. If you know a scorpio rising, be aware this month especially around 14-16th, they may be the one who is blowing up.
At the end of the month, mercury will be in your 4th getting ready to retrograde. There may be changes or plans in family and home life. Maybe you consider moving or selling a property. Maybe you want to do a home renovation project. Or some simply reorganization. By early August, you may have to question or delay these plans. However, it won't be that bad as Mercury is comfortable in your 4th house.
Venus, Mercury and Sun all enter Leo. This puts focus on 3rd house topics - transportation, communication, community, siblings, etc. These planets will opposite Pluto for a short time. There may be some tension between 9th house and 3rd. Some heated conversations or feelings towards authority figures. Car troubles could appear. Some may be purchasing a car, you would like already know this is happening though.
Mars will conjunct Uranus in taurus. This is your 12th of whats hidden. There may be some unpredictable and hostile energy in the background this month. It is likely hidden though. Maybe you struggle to sleep. Mars tradtionally rules your 11th and 6th. Friends may be fighting, you could have some kind of flu that you are unaware. It likely does not affect you directly. You could be on the sidelines watching the drama go down.
The month will begin with a new moon in your first house. You may notice things being cleared out before this. A fresh start is coming up. You could make changes to your appearance. Now is a good time to begin planning for the future. What do you want to manifest? Now is a good time to start working toward any goals.
Mercury & Venus & Sun will go into Leo. This is your 2nd house. You could be more focused on finances this month. This could be due to goals you have that involve transportation & home. It is a fixed sign opposing pluto in another fix sign (aqua). This indicates pressure. It may be due to pressure from family to get a job or better your finances.
Mars will conjunct uranus in your 11th. This is an explosive energy. It likely doesn’t involve most of you directly. It may be your social circle. You could simply be a bystander to some fights or drama. I’d suggest staying out of it because uranus & mars makes for an unpredictable and potentially agressive situation. If you know any scorpio risings or aries, they may the ones doing the exploding ( as they are naturally ruled by mars).
Okay so I immediately wanted to get to one specific transit for you guys. Mars conjunct Uranus in your 10th. If your MC is near 26 degrees Taurus, it’s even more likely to affect you. This energy is bringing sudden changes to your career and reputation. Personal life may somehow work itself into public life. Stuff from the past may come back up this month. There could be gossip about you. This month you aren’t likely to be perceived in the best possible light. Despite Venus entering your first house later. Venus in leo may soften the blow though.
If the gossip gets its way back to you, take a breath and know it’s just not that serious at the end of the day. If you are a public figure or someone who posts a lot, you may get some nasty comments this month. Negativity online is likely. Some of you may get screenshots of texts sent to you. Also be cautious of what you send to other people. It could be your photos or texts being sent around.
Mercury & Sun & Venus all enter Leo this month. That’s a lot of attention on you. Unfortunately, these will all opposite pluto for a little bit. This can create tension between you & your relationships (friends, business, romantic partner). And even family because pluto is associated with your 4th house. What others want for you may not align with what you want for yourself. Don’t let people intimidate you into doing what they want. Do what’s best for yourself.
A lot of stuff that happens this month may reappear in December. You could see some red flags and/or intuitively feel things are off. For most by the end of this year, you could feel so much has changed. Especially in regard to your life direction, appearance, your relationships & career. This isn’t necessarily bad.
Your chart ruler, mercury will start in cancer, go into leo than into virgo. So 11th, 12th and 1st topics may be big for you this month. You may have a period of physical or mental isolation. It would be for the best though as Venus will later enter your 12th. Venus will attempt to bring some peace into your sub conscious. Yet, you may still have some restless nights since mercury & sun are there too.
Mars will conjunct Uranus in taurus. This could be a surprise trip you have to plan. Mars does indicate a “cutting” energy though. So it may be plans being suddenly cancelled. You could make final choices on higher education as well.
Mars traditionally rules your 3rd & 8th. This can indicate sudden events in regard to vehicles or investments, inheritance & death. You could get into heated debate about your beliefs. You could fight with siblings, childhood friends, neighbours. To be honest, 14-16th is heated energy for everyone. Be cautious of driving and communicating. In general, people are more likely to be negative. If you know any scorpio rising or aries rising, they may be hotheads during this time. They are traditionally ruled by mars so this conjunction will affect them the most.
If you plan any long road trips, make sure you take a vehicle that you know won’t break down. Otherwise, those 12th H transits may manifest as being stranded while you wait for help. And be sure to not be speeding, you are likely to get caught.
Venus & Mercury & Sun will all enter Leo. Making it an 11th house focused month. You could be socializing. Having trips planned with friends. Having events to go to like weddings, birthdays, parties, etc. These planets will all opposite Pluto for a bit. This can create tension between 11th & 5th house topics. While Venus desires to socialize and have fun in the 11th, pluto is working transforming your 5th. There could be issues with children. There could be issues with friends and crushes or romantic partners. You could be involved. Or you could simply hear about the drama as you socialize with people.
Mars will conjunct Uranus in your 8th. Be careful as this can bring accidents especially involving heat and electricity. You could suddenly find yourself receiving money or being in debt. It’s hard to say because uranus is unpredictable. Mars traditionally rules your 2nd and 7th. This surprise event could involve friends, business or romantic partners. Mars can indicate “cutting ties”. A relationship could surprisingly end. A job could end. There could be problems with money. So watch out for overspending, you could have a surprise expense coming up. Uranus rules your 5th as well. So for some this could be finding out about a surprise pregnancy.
Your traditional ruler, mars will conjunct uranus in your 7th. This can indicate you fighting with someone. Around 14-16th, you may feel really angry especially if you’ve been repressing anger. You might blow up so be cautious of communicating effectively. You could be the villain in some people’s story this month. Mars can indicate cutting ties. You may suddenly decide to break up with a lover, friend or even in business. Be careful to not be impulsive. Is this a choice you can make without regretting later.
Your modern ruler, Pluto will opposite Venus in Leo. This brings opposition between home and career. You may feel pressured to get a job. Relationship status may be changing.
Venus & Mercury & Sun all enter Leo this month. Bringing focus into career & reputation. There could be some news regarding career. It may create change in your family and home life. Maybe people are leaving the job = leaving you with more responsibility at work. You could be moving for career. You could be unable to make it to family events due to career.
Your ruler Jupiter is in Gemini until 2025. Here jupiter continues to gradually expand your relationships. This month there aren’t any jupiter aspects though.
This month is more focused on 9th topics. Venus & Mercury & Sun all will enter your 9th. This can have your focus on higher education and travel. These will all opposite pluto for a short time. This can bring heated debates with family, friends & partners. This can lead to a struggle when communicating. There could be issues regarding documents. Plan carefully.
Mars will conjunct uranus in taurus. Be careful of accidents especially involving heat and electricity. An accident or sudden illness could affect your ability to be your best at work. Mars traditionally rules your 12th and 5th. This matter could involve recreational activities affecting your health. For example a hang over. 5th is kids as well, some could hear of a surprise pregnancy. Mars is “cutting ties” energy. You could be ending something. It’s hard to say exactly because uranus is unpredictable. It could be a car issue or electricity going out.
Mars will conjunct uranus in your 5th. This can create unpredictable and hostile energy. Mars can indicate “terminating”. You may end a relationship. End involvement in a hobby you had. End your involvement in some kind of drama you feel is childish.
Venus, Mercury & Sun will all enter Leo. This creates a lot of focus on 8th H topics. Death, investments, inheritance, debt, etc. These planets will all opposite pluto for a bit. Pluto is trying to transform your finances and possessions. These planets in 8th could offer support in some way. Maybe a parent will pay for your tuition, vacation or something else.
Watch out for overspending and landing yourself in debt though. And be careful who you share passwords and personal information with this month. Someone could later use this to take your power or status away.
Pluto in your first house will opposite Venus, Mercury and Sun when they enter Leo. This creates tension between you and your relationships. Pluto is attempting to slowly transform who you are. This might upset your relationships (friends business or romantic partner). There could be change in your status. Maybe you get into a relationship, end a relationship, marry, get engaged. Change in career could be likely. Or simply a personality / mindset change.
There could be pressure from the outside to make changes. You could refuse change. Leading to issues with others. Business clients friends or partners could be getting on your nerves this month. Or you could feel stressed due to you wanting to do right by them.
Mars conjunct Uranus in your 4th suggests a surprise event in home. Mars can be hostile and uranus can be unpredictable. You may have to suddenly move. You could get to fights in the home. Mars traditionally rules your 3rd and 10th. This surprise event could involve vehicle, career or siblings. Maybe you and your sibling fight over who gets the car.
Mars will conjunct uranus in your 3rd. This can create fights with siblings or neighbours. Especially if you know scorpio or aries rising. They’re traditionally ruled by mars so they’ll be the most affected by the hostile & unpredictable transit. You could have a car break down. Don’t speed because you are likely to get caught. You may have an unexpected car expense.
Venus Mercury and Sun all enter Leo. This puts a lot of focus in your 6th. It all will opposite Pluto for a short time. There could be tension between 11th and 6th house. Maybe you have work or health issues & obligations. Maybe you get a pet this creates more responsibility for you.
Your social circle may want to have fun and socialize. You may have obligations that conflict with this.
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pubbamoon · 3 months
Random Astrology Observation 3
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Hi and welcome to my another random astrology observation. I like this series, 'cause I have a free will to choose any placement to discuss about and I hope you do like it too. This observation might be related to both Western and Vedic astrology. Take it as it resonates and leave what does not resonate with you. Cool, we can start now!
Whoever natives have aspect between Mercury and Neptune, I feel sorry for these people, especially if they still go to school. Mercury is about learning, while Neptune is about illusions, so these people may not see things clearly or they can't communicate effectively. They can have a hard time processing informations and they may interpret things way more different than other students/people. Because of that, they might seem stupid or blunt to others, which may not be the case. Believe me, I have Mercury conjunct Neptune in my natal chart and although I can be creative and intuitive with this placement, I also have a hard time with having a conversations with the people who are close to me, because I interpret informations differently, which makes it seem that I don't listen to them at all.
Transit Pluto has been placed in Aquarius since January this year and we already see its influence in this sign. Some people from the upper class and even celebrities are exposed for their shady things they have done in the past, since Pluto represents exposing the truth, while Aquarius is about collectives, revolutions, changes for a higher good etc. In Vedic astrology, this pattern can be seen by the transit Saturn in Shatabhisha nakshatra in Aquarius, 'cause Saturn represents punishment and Shatabhisha nakshatra is about the hidden things we don't see or we don't even know about. This transit was relevant at the beginning of this year.
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Speaking of transit Pluto in Aquarius, since this planet has been placed in my natal 1st house, I started to experience many spiritual awakenings and transformations I don't think I've ever experienced before. I actually had the spiritual awakening somewhere in 2018/19, when transit Pluto was conjuncting my natal Venus in Capricorn and Venus is my 9th house ruler in my natal chart, which is the house of spirituality. I cannot imagine what would happen to me when the transit Pluto will tightly conjunct my natal Ascendant.
In the context of predictions through transit, it's always important to see if some transit planet is currently aspecting your natal planets, not just looking in which your natal house the transit planet is placed. For example, I'll use the transit Jupiter in Gemini. For Sagittarius Rising natives, they've mostly heard that this transit planet is going to be in their natal 7th house of long-term relationships and marriage, which might be the flourishing time for this native if they want to find a new partner. But if they have a Saturn in Gemini in their natal chart, forming a conjunction aspect with the transit Jupiter, it's not going to be very well, because Saturn is about restrictions and hardships. If some of these natives don't have any planets in their 7th house, it's crucial then to look for their 7th house ruler, Mercury. If Mercury, as their 7th house ruler, is placed in Libra and forms a trine aspect with the transit Jupiter, then they can expect some new love to come into their lives.
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Overall, that would be everything for today. This will be one of the shortest observations I've ever made, but I hope you won't mind it. The reason why it took me so long to make another post is that I've become busy in my private life. Because I don't have much time for astrology, my personal paid readings will be closed on July 19, 2024 at 10:26 AM UTC, but I'll still be active and make astrology posts here on Tumblr. So, if someone wants to book a reading with me, you can do that until July 19 this year. I hope my readings will be open as soon as possible, but I can't promise you anything so far. Regardless, I wish you all had a beautiful day ahead.
Best regards,
Paky McGee
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cosmicpuzzle · 4 months
Random Astro Notes -18 May 2024
✪ Malefic in 5th and 9th from the Dasha lord can reduce the good effects in the Dasha. Example Mars is in 3rd, and you run Mars Dasha. You have Rahu in 7th and Saturn in 11th. Then mars may give malefic effects due to malefic in 5th and 9th from Mars.
✪ For Gemini Rising, conjunction of 6th lord Mars and 8th lord Saturn can involve them in accidents especially if related to ascendant.
✪ Moon opposite Jupiter people can be attracted towards teaching profession.
✪ People with Jupiter-Mercury connections choose accounting or finance field.
✪ Planets in 2nd from your Dasha lord will help to bring stability in life.
✪ Mars in Gemini people may be turned by erotic texts.
✪ Planets in 9th house will also decide the quality of friends you have - reason being it is the 11th house counted from the 11th house of friends. Malefic in 9th will bring bad friends.
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Follow me on Twitter/X : Magha Sidereal Astrology🌙 (@maghastrology) / X
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astrosolutions · 8 months
Sun in Capricorn 2024: What does Sun transit in Capricorn mean?
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Sun in Capricorn 2024: Among the other nine planets, the Sun is one of the strongest. All living things could not exist without the Sun, which is why the Sun is a vital component of our existence. It gives light, vitality, self-assurance, strength, courage, and power. The sun’s beams are also seen to be the most auspicious since they drive out negativity and darkness from their environment.
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mastertarotreaderblog · 4 months
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yuveenti-blog · 2 months
Astrology Observations 08/01/2024
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Sun and Ascendant (Rising Sign) Personalities
The Sun and Ascendant combination is important because it crafts together who you are precisely so let’s look at the combinations.
Disclaimer: If you do not see your sign combination you can ask ( reply) for yours and I will respond ☺️
Aries Sun + Taurus Rising
The Aries energy would dominate in this combination. This combination makes the individual ambitious to make their mark in this world. This persons words can cut deep, they are aggressive with a no-nonsense approach to life and their standards are extremely high. Once they have a desire, they go after it with strength and stamina. They are very protective of those they love. They do not do well if they’re not in the lead and they are like a solid boulder when they do not want to do something.
Taurus Sun+ Gemini Rising
The Gemini energy will dominate. This individual will have many hobbies and interests. They can be the person who desires or has more than one stream of income. They can be incredibly creative and multi-talented. These individuals are gifted with writing and they can communicate their ideas a lot easier because the Gemini energy is filtered through the Taurus and vice versa. They may find themselves changing career paths, friend groups, residence, and aesthetics a lot through their life. These people are very sexual and erotic.
Gemini Sun + Cancer Rising
The Cancer energy will dominate. This individual will find themselves constantly moving their goal posts, changing their mind, being inconsistent. They will have a lot of friends and people who enjoy their company. These people are like psychologists and can read people very well. They are also prone to venting and talking about how they feel a lot. They can overreact a lot. They absorb so much information that they can get headaches or anxiety especially when around others. These people have very creative minds and can truly help bring such fascinating ideas to this world, they will struggle with stamina and follow-through which isn’t their strong suit.
Cancer Sun+ Leo Rising
The Leo energy will dominate. These individuals are very image conscious, any slight remark to them wounds them easily. They need to feel “liked” and their desire for other people around them is strong. They may take people not liking them hard because they are so likeable they are charming, kind, people with big hearts and positive energy. They can find it hard to change their perspective or how they do things. Their need for stability is strong and they may have a cool and unfazed demeanor. They enjoy positive people who are caring. They need to feel loved or they suffer immensely.
Leo Sun+ Virgo Rising
The Virgo energy dominates. This individual strives to be the best at everything they do. They will not want attention for anything, unless they feel they are doing their best or succeeding. Very hard on themselves. They may find it hard to admit when they are wrong and struggle to express their emotions. They may feel all their flaws are on display. These people are detail-oriented and very picky. These people are hard to please and do not do well in submissive positions. They yearn for success and are obsessed with their image and health. Always trying to improve but extremely generous.
Virgo Sun+ Libra Rising
Libra energy dominates. These people are aesthetic people, neat freaks, the one that always has to look good. The person who can be perfect on the outside and chaotic internally. Stuck in their head and feeling pulled in different directions, they can find it hard to feel grounded. These individuals do not handle issues or problems well either ignoring them or people-pleasing and not being authentic on their feelings. They may feel uncomfortable expressing issues with others or being truthful. These are the teachers pet, parents favorite kid, and well-liked at work. A lot of superficial relationships with not many people not knowing the real you. These people have a very high standards.
Libra Sun + Scorpio Rising
Scorpio energy dominates. These people are very alluring, something about their aura pulls you in. They come off as cool, sexy, charming, beautiful. These people can be very popular and attract a lot of attention from romantic suitors. They can see into people like no other. Don’t try hiding anything from them. They will go out of their way to get what they want and to enjoy their life. Very kinky and sexual, they are open to experimenting in the bedroom. They know how to create diverse friendships, they can be lighthearted and deep. They can be incredibly sensitive, desiring creative outlets to channel such strong energy internally. These are the kind of people who may hide away when they’re depressed, stressed, or having a hard time in life.
Scorpio Sun + Sagittarius Rising
The Sagittarius energy dominates. These are very resilient people, very strong-willed, and mentally enduring. They have strong personalities as their aura and personality is strong. A lot of people come to this combination for their opinion, wisdom, or to just talk. This individual has a lot of confidence and doesn’t like to give-up. Even through hardships they always come out on top. These are the people who will know you so well and they are also very understanding of their own self. They can be very direct in their talking so sometimes people may think they are mean or rude. But they love a good laugh. This person is a life-long learner that needs to stray at times to spend time exploring their inner world and feeling free.
Sagittarius Sun + Capricorn Rising
The Capricorn energy dominates. These individuals try their best to create the life they desire. Natural manifestors they bring their ideas to life. If you say they can’t do it, they will show they can. They are passionate towards life and desire to create a utopian world. Their diligence to taking action and working towards their goals is admirable. They may trip up on their way, fueled by excitement and impulsivity, but they truly know how to get their shit together. They will want to live lavish and enjoy spending money as much as making it. Open-minded but prefer for only a few to know them more deeply. Very sexual but who would know, you like to show that to only those who deserve that side of you. To these individuals their life serves a higher purpose.
Capricorn Sun + Aquarius Rising
The Aquarius energy dominates. These individuals can seem unbothered, serious, or boring. They may have a unique look to them whether through their fashion, hair, or physical features. They won’t be big talkers upon first impression. They will not come across fiery or emotional, very calm people. They have large ideals and no times for games so they cut a lot of fun and pleasure out of their life to reach their goals. These people feel the weight of the world on them and they take responsibilities serious. They need space in their relationships and may go through different relationships throughout their life before finding someone who matches their energy or they just don’t care about dating. Very intelligent people but a lot of people may considered them boring or weird.
Aquarius Sun + Pisces Rising
The Pisces energy dominates. These individuals are the true definition of in your own world. They may be hard to even connect to at times as they march to the beat of their own drum and are quirky. These people enjoy living life through rose-colored glasses and doesn’t enjoy the negative and darker sides of life. Very big imaginations, their mind is a movie and portal to other dimensions. They may be silent a lot of the time, daydreaming, drifting off, or actually sleep. These people do not like hard work, mean people, or routines. A strong intuition and can be isolationist at times.
Pisces Sun+ Aries Rising
The Aries energy dominates. These people are dreamers that will fight for their dreams and ideals. If you tell them they are unrealistic they will simply say “ speak for yourself”. These people can appear youthful with so much wisdom. They can be so self-sacrificing to those around them and feel pain so intensely. These individuals build energy before taking action, they still need time to sit back and fall into different portals of their mind. They can be quite impulsive doing things based on their intuition and impulse. They can be popular because they are compassionate, bold, and full of drive. They would love spiritual sex, sex that ascends the human bodies.
Cancer Sun + Aries Rising
The Aries energy dominate. These people are quick to react without thinking. They always feel intuitively and struggle with rationality. These are self-focused people. They look out for their best interest. Loners. These people can have emotional outbursts but they tend to suppress their emotions to not be perceived as weak. These people go through a lot of mood changes and are quite ambitious. The world is their playground and thus they like to play. They usually prefer to dominate, but they can also be submissive when it works to their advantage. They may enjoy intimate closeness but not for long as they will be off doing something solo sooner than later.
Aries Sun + Capricorn Rising
The Capricorn energy will dominate. Success is all that matters to these people. Everything they do must be successful, they have no room to play games. They do not talk in circles, they give it to others straight. They will be meticulous in who is in their circle because you have to be on their path to success or you’re getting cut. Extremely loyal, once you’re locked in with this combination they are in it. This is a sign that will confront you, they don’t bullshit or lie, if they don’t want to discuss they will not. No one has power over them as they are their ultimate authority. These people do not like weak and passive people or people with no goals. They are very sexual and have lots of stamina in the bedroom. They may face a lot of challenges but they are strong and can whether any storm.
Taurus Sun + Leo Rising
The Leo energy will dominate. Telling these individuals what to do will get you cursed out. They need everything in their life to be high quality. Their way or the highway kind of people. They won’t typically get angry but when they do you better watch out. They are opinionated and they will tell you how things should be quickly. These people are very charming, beautiful, popular. They might become manipulative easily. These are creative and artistic people who can dress amazing and have amazing looking houses. This combination guarantees success and admiration. People can be easily jealous of these people. They can age gracefully. These are very generous and romantic lovers but they don’t bullshit, you can’t bring bare minimum to them or expect to get cursed out.
Aquarius Sun + Taurus Rising
The Taurus energy dominates. These are the ultimate chill people. They might be quirky but that can be in their habits, interests, and relationships. They probably have a very beautiful look to them and dress neat. These people can slowly build wealth for themselves in their lives. They can do well building their way up in a company. They offer great insight and can be ahead of their time with their thinking. Solution oriented they won’t mellow on problems for long. Sometimes these people get super physical and pleasing their senses and other times they’re stuck in their head. It can be hard to connect to them but they’re an asset wherever they go.
Gemini Sun + Virgo Rising
The Gemini energy dominates. The person who talks a lot but you always find you learn something new. They may carefully craft their ground of friends. They can be picky about a lot but they never stay in the same situation for long. They’ll be quick to complain but they are entertaining. They have the best jokes. They can be loud and move around a lot. Nothing escapes these people’s eyes. They can communicate very well. These people have high expectations and will read you like a book.
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thesirenisles · 5 months
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Mercury’s Prophets⚕️🪽
gemini & virgo
love, mythology, astrology observations✨
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🌬️Mercury in the 1st house, 3rd house, 6th house,
🌬️Gemini Sun, Ascendant, Rising, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Gemini Stellium
🌬️Virgo Sun, Ascendant, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupier, Stellium
🌬️Jupiter in the 3rd house, Jupiter in Gemini, 6th house
🌬️Mercury Dominant, 3rd House Stellium, 6th House Stellium
🌬️Sun-Mercury Aspects, Jupiter-Mercury aspects
“She leapt from the Earth. The free winds of the skies coursed beneath her golden wings as she raced for the clouds… the burden of her omniscience left behind. Nothing but silence above the heavens.”
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Fascinating mythological history below! Do not steal any of my original writing. All rights reserved. © 2024 The Siren Isles Support
Voice of the Gods,
Soaring high above, with Godly knowledge ever-expanding… you are a magnificent being, Mercurian.
Gifted with wings to be free of the Earth 🌍 , one might confuse you for an angel.
However, Mercury blesses you with these wings to be a divine messenger, a literal VOICE of the Gods. ✨.
A prophet of sorts if you will. 💁🏾‍♀️
This energy makes you quite attractive, blessing you with divine looks and energy that is welcomed in any room.
When you speak, everyone listens. (Esp. 3rd house). This is a gift and a curse, of course, but it is still very powerful.
People can spot a Mercurian a mile away with your extensive knowledge and mellifluous way of speaking. You have a silver tongue. You could sell water to a fish in the middle of the ocean. (Pisces, I'm talking about you lol. Stop being gullible!).
The words you say leave a lasting impression and can cut someone deep to their core negatively, while also you could bless them greatly with your insightful knowledge and advice! (Because duh, Duality.💁🏾‍♀️)
You are always balancing two halves of yourself. Gemini of Air and Virgo of the Earth.
At your core, you’re both here to make connections and say what needs to be said!
With your planetary ruler being the fastest orbiting planet in our galaxy, you are always in constant, fast motion.
Ideas.. thoughts.. feelings… are always racing through the mind of a Mercurial being. Most are gifted with a natural claircognizance “clear knowing”, which can look different depending on the placement.
Why is this?
Mercury (Hermes to the Greeks, Thoth or Djehuty to the Ancient Egyptians) rules over commerce, communication, short travels, boundaries, intelligence, trickery, and thievery! 👀 LOL
GEMINI or the 3rd house apply these gifts in their natural settings: to the mind, communication, social activity, siblings (twins).
VIRGO or the 6th house on the other hand apply these gifts to their everyday routines and relationships. Less talking and more analysis & servitude. (The maiden).
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The Duality of Mercury ⚕️
Virgo vs. Gemini
Mercury was the messenger of the Gods. He was essential to the communication and diplomacy between the realms. Each one trusted him. So, of course he knew them all well... and their dirty laundry.
🐍 Is it no wonder why they seem to know just about everybody and everybody’s business? Do not deny it, Virgo. LOL👀
Although they held more power individually, Mercury held the power of being their collective voice! (Also rules oration) They entrusted him with how and what was said on their behalf… often being a literal translator. (Powerful!)
This is similar to situations many Geminis and Virgos find themselves in. Many will come to you for advice and insert you into their dealings.👀 (As the middleman.)
Geminis on a social level and Virgos often within the family and relationships.
The Gods' divine trust came with plenty of gifts, which you’ll also find true of lovers in this lifetime. People value you and your gifts, which gives you purpose. (A virgo's dream.)
The most significant gift given to Mercury, was perhaps his trademark wand or staff... known as
"The Caduceus"
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Per the Greco-Roman mythology, the caduceus was gifted to him by the Sun God, Apollo. A magical olive branch staff with two serpents intertwining around its base.
They say if it touched the dying, it blessed them with a gentle death. However, when applied to the deceased… they would literally return to life. (DUALITY!)
You’ve probably noticed this symbol at our hospitals, on our ambulances, etc.
I like to believe these two snakes themselves are yet another symbol of Mercury’s duality.
One is good and the other bad. One yin. Other yang. One Virgo and One Gemini👀
🐍Mercury was also known as the trickster God or God of thievery!
This is essential to note because I have a theory (possibly far-fetched, but makes so much sense) that this may have a connection to a certain Garden of Eden… where a certain serpent spoke to a certain woman and convinced her to eat the fruit of …. KNOWLEDGE. 🤯
They say that before the caduceus had it's powers, it was just a branch. Mercury was stuck in servitude to the God's.
But…what if… Mercury being the trickster God convinced the maiden (virgo) to bite of the the fruit of knowledge in the forbidden garden and gained a portion of the powers of Mercury that he did not want.
If Virgo took on the need to serve, then Mercury would be free to frolick the realms with his tricks and thievery. He was also remarked as a habitual line-stepper, or boundary-crosser. (This is unevolved Gemini energy all the way)
This really gets deep when you realize that Virgo's sister sign Pisces (whom in my Neptune post, I compared to Persephone) bit of the fruit of Hades in the same curious fashion and was in more or less words cursed!
This does not mean that being of service is a curse in any way, but honestly, the mythology behind this dual planet is fascinating.
I think Virgo actually bossed her side of the energy up to the max. She is the earthy incarnation of her own genius, often never showing just how intelligent she really is... so as not to reveal her cards.
Virgo can bring her wildest ideas to fruition within the Earthy realm! (After it's perfected to her liking of course.) A gift!
However, Virgo can also have some trickery within her nature… often appearing or putting on a more innocent act than she really is.
But, with Mercurian energy there is always the possibility for their beautiful thoughts to come out a bit... wrong.
This brings me to a very important note.
🐍Please beware of false gossip.
It’s inevitable honestly, as people can’t help but give knowledge to a heavenly messenger.
However, with the optional tongue of a serpent… be mindful of the power you possess Mercurians! (Think: Parsel-tongue in Harry Potter Universe.) It’s nothing to play with because here in this Earthly realm, Saturn is dominant and it is the ruler of Karma.
You are a divine PROPHET (or Prophetess). Please handle your energy as such. 🫶🏾
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Mercurial Love Bites🐍✨
In love, they’ll have many admirers in several dimensions.
🐍I imagine a Gemini Mercurian as a sapiosexual, playboy of sorts. You’ll have your choosing of many lovers and will probably choose none… in search of new lands and ideas to learn and add to your beautiful collection.
You'll have an array of different tastes (in the bedroom as well) and will share passion with many, as you are a master of tricks.
🐍 It’s hard to lockdown a Godly intelligent being with the ability to fly away at a moments notice.
Many an earthly sign lover and watery soul will long for you and you will spin whimsical circles around them with ease, for you are too quick to catch.
Nothing too heavy or emotional, you must keep it light for this winged beauty or she’ll float away…
But, I do have to ask…my beautiful Geminis, 3rd housers if it ever gets tiresome to always be on the go?
Connecting too much to your air and neglecting your earthly connections through Mercury could leave you afloat for all eternity… alone. (This can of course be counter-acted with other placements in the natal chart.)
🐍Virgo Mercurians on the other hand are much more Earthy with their approach to love. This is the person who has thought very intricately about what the lover of their life will look like, smell like, and even their speech cadence. She eagerly awaits to be a perfect wife, organizing the home, teaching the children, etc.
Many will try to win her, as her innocent.. maiden-like energy is very attractive. While she may appear innocent, she is not naive!
All of her daily beauty routines, outfit curations, and perfected speech will not be wasted on just any man.
The Virgo's analytical eyes has surveyed many a suitor who tried to win her heart. She is looking for the perfect man. The one whom she can serve and assist while being provided for in return.
Better believe, if she chose you.. you have checked all of her boxes. For, she wants an Earthly promise...(AKA, Where's the money? If you ask me, the perfect suitor is perhaps a Capricorn or Taurus dominant. ) But, my Virgo queens... do not neglect your airy influences of Mercury as well. Life can be more rewarding than the material world.
This was a bit longer than i intended! But, I have never seen an in depth explanation of these dual energies of Mercury!
Thank you for reading! Wishing you blessings! 🪽✨
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