#gemini rising 2023
astrosolutions · 8 months
Gemini Rising the Curious and Adaptable Communicator
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Gemini Ascendant, also known as Gemini Rising or Mithuna Lagna in Vedic Astrology, is the sign that was ascending on the eastern horizon when you were born. It is the first house of your birth chart, which represents yourself, your body, your identity, and your appearance. Your ascendant sign is different from your sun sign, which indicates your essence, and your moon sign, which indicates your emotions and instincts. Your ascendant sign shows how you present yourself to the world, how you interact with others, and how you cope with life’s challenges.
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v-albion · 11 months
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Risetober day 13: Witch
Yes these witches do be witching @tangledinink
Prev | Day 12: Video Games
Next | Day 14: Pizza
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lup-ines · 2 years
Jupiter In Aries 2023
The rising signs having the best year financially in 2023:
pisces risings + virgo risings
The rising signs having the best love life in 2023:
libra risings and sagittarius risings
The risings signs having the biggest transformations in 2023:
virgo risings + taurus risings
The rising signs in the spotlight in 2023:
aries risings + cancer risings
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symbolicliving · 10 months
Full Moon in Gemini Astrology Horoscope November 27, 2023
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It's officially a Full Moon in Gemini November 27, 2023 4:16 am ET.
Headlines that grab attention change peoples views. Information can get people fired up about the future. What people think could seem revolutionary. Details that aren't usually clear because of being overshadowed by a larger view could pique a greater interest and curiosity. Motivation to act and speak is emphasized in relationships.
Mercury in Sagittarius challenges Neptune Retrograde in Pisces just hours after the Full Moon in Gemini, so confusion is in the air and gets mixed up with our feelings. It's not the best time to make decisions.
If you come to realizations with this Full Moon, you may forget them, especially if you aren't clear thinking for one reason or another. Writing down or recording different perspectives that are not usually on your mind will help you expand on them later instead of forgetting about them completely. Watch for synchronicities and meaningful coincidences to multiply...
Read More about this Full Moon in Gemini for November 27, 2023 Astrology Horoscope here
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NEW Weekly Astrology Horoscopes for All Signs and More Astrology Key Dates this week...
Full Moon in Gemini, Mercury in Capricorn Astrology Horoscope Key Dates and Times November 27 to December 3, 2023
Astrology Horoscopes for All Sun Signs, Moon Signs, Rising Signs November 27 to December 3, 2023
Thank you for being a friend.
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nyhoney · 1 year
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disneymbti · 1 year
Hi there, sweetie! I really hope you like this a lot!
M3GAN's MBTI Type, Big Three and Enneagram Type
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MBTI Type: ENTJ [The Commander]
As ENTJs, Commanders are talkative, high energy, and thrive around people. They seek action and tend to involve themselves in events. They prefer not to spend too much time alone.
They focus more on the big picture than on tiny details—they’re interested in how everything connects together and trust their internal thought process more than they trust past experience.
ENTJs use logic rather than emotion in decision making. They tend to follow what makes sense, rather than what feels right.
They are structured, organized, like to plan ahead and know what’s going to happen. They appreciate rules, processes, and schedules.
Big Three: Scorpio Sun, Gemini Moon and Cancer Rising
Scorpio Sun: Ruled by Mars and Pluto, the Scorpio Sun is known to be intense, mysterious, and ever-evolving. 
Gemini Moon: Ruled by winged messenger, Mercury, Gemini Moons enjoy discussing their complex feelings with others in order to gain a mindful and clear emotional perspective.
Cancer Rising: Cancer ascendants tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves and take care of those they love.
Enneagram Type: 1w2 [The Activist]
Basic Fear: People who are type one with a two wing generally have a basic fear of being immoral and making impure choices. They avoid this by making a conscious effort to make ethical choices.
Basic Desire: They also have a natural desire to be upstanding and humane. They try to fight for the rights of those less fortunate and love being hands-on in making a difference by volunteering in their community.
Activists tend to respond to negativity by redirecting their emotions in order to gain a sense of control. In type ones with two wings, this may lead to sudden outbursts or breaking points, as they work through their emotions more externally.
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invisibleoctopus · 1 year
just had a very "The Tower" tarot card moment
where i had just about the worst experience ever with the psychiatrist and i ended up having to tell him that i walked away from every single appointment feeling like my concerns werent heard and i just got dismissed. and had to SPECIFY that it was every appointment and not just this one. some of yall have seen my other posts about these appointments.
but then i immediately found something i actually liked and i have the tab open on my computer to Deal With later when im not fresh out of a Bad Doctor Experience
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May 2023 Horoscopes!
Find out what the planets, stars, and other celestial bodies have in store for your zodiac sign this month. Yep, my astrology podcast, Cosmic Chronicles, is back with a brand new epsidoe devoted to this month's planetary transits.
Listen on Spotify NOW.
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harmoonix · 3 months
𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 II
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💚 Here are some indicators of starting new relationships in that specific year 💚
Venus/Juno in the 7H 👰🏼‍♀️
Venus/Juno in Libra or Taurus 👰🏼‍♀️
Venus in the 2nd house 👰🏼‍♀️
Venus aspecting Mars 👰🏼‍♀️
Juno aspecting Jupiter 👰🏼‍♀️
Juno aspecting Venus 👰🏼‍♀️
Juno aspecting ascendant 👰🏼‍♀️
Juno aspecting Midheaven 👰🏼‍♀️
💚 Uranus in your 10H can indicate a major change in your career/plans of career
💚 Mars/Neptune in the 8H can indicate a year where you wanna connect more with your intimacy/wanting to be more sensual that year
💚 Moon in Sagittarius can indicate a year where you set yourself free, where you wanna explore and discover new things, maybe a wish to travel too
💚 Sun in the 5H can indicate discovering new talents/hobbies in that specific year, like you suddenly started to like painting?? Hold my Monalisa
💚 Rising in Libra can indicate to put more attention and love into yourself in that specific year, buy new clothes, make yourself shine
💚 Saturn in your 5H/7H can indicate taking a break from relationships but the 8H as well, especially sexually taking a break from everything that means "a partner"
💚 Venus in your 3rd house can indicate being more comfortable with yourself in that year, with expressing yourself verbally
💚 Chiron in the 4H/5H can be a year where you start to heal your inner child
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💚 Moon aspecting Chiron can indicate healing an emotional state in your life, really depends on how you feel in that year
💚 Saturn aspecting the ascendant can indicate a year in which you grow and evolve more, especially in your personal maturation
💚 Moon/Mercury in the 3rd house can indicate being more socially active, more communicative, and more open with your friends
💚 Midheaven aspecting the Sun can indicate people will focus on you a lot that year, like the center of attention
💚 Neptune in the 10th house can indicate thanking a lot about the future in that specific year, especially your future carrer/job
💚 Gemini Lilith/Venus/Mars can indicate a lot of gossiping about you in that specific year, take care of your reputation
💚 Capricorn Rising can indicate being more stable in that year, more down to earth, more calm, and more mature
💚 Taurus Rising can indicate you may need grounding in that specific year, and it also definitely a year where you need to connect with nature
💚 Scorpio Rising can indicate evolving and healing yourself more in that year, you can also attract envy or jealous people
💚 Jupiter or Neptune in the 9H indicate questioning a lot about spirituality/faith or religion in that year, I had this placement in 2023 and I changed so much since I become more spiritual instead or a religious person is also more fun
💚 Mercury in the 1H/9H or 5H can indicate learning new languages as your hobbies, but also as a desire for wanting to learn one
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💚 Jupiter or Sun in the 9H can indicate you can travel more times in that specific year, can also indicate a lot of focus on school
💚 Moon in the 9H can become more attached to a spiritual belief in that year, maybe something that reasonates more with you
💚 Let's not lie because Venus/Neptune or Jupiter in the 8H even Mars in the 8H can indicate being more sexual = having lots of sex
💚 Moon in the 8H/Moon in Scorpio in your solar return can indicate healing a wound that can be related with your mom/grandmother/ or even getting more close with them in case you have a cold relationship
💚 Sun in the 1H, you'll have to focus on yourself/on your skin, maybe/also on your body, and even your health
💚Venus in the 6H can indicate being more lovely with yourself, don't be harsh with yourself in that year if you have this placement, focus also on your mental health
💚 Venus in the 10H/Venus in Capricorn, a good relationship with your boss in case you work in that year. This can indicate focusing more on your goals and just work work work (We can work from home, Fifth Harmony can't relate)
💚 Taurus Mars/Mars in the 2H a lot of attention can be on your body that year, your body will stand out, also money and good luck
💚 Virgo Sun/Moon/Rising in your solar return is when you start to be more devoted to everyone including you as well and you start to be more understanding of the world's situation, a very humanitarian placement
💚 North Node in your 8H is a placement where you gonna be side to side with the deepest point in your life/and you gonna learn how to heal/evolve and process the soul's evolution
💚 Moon/Venus/Jupiter in your 5H, if you want or wish kids, these placements can indicate getting a kid or being pregnant in that specific year (not 100% confirmed)
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💚 Pluto aspecting your Moon/Mercury in the SR is a year where you gonna be more understanding of your intuition, good time to mediate on your thoughts
💚 Uranus in your 1st/11th or 12th house can indicate big changes within yourself in that specific year
💚 Mars in the 11H/Aquarius can be a time where you may join in a lot of conflicts maybe around your friends or dear people, people can also start arguments for no reason with you
💚 Chiron - Venus aspects in the solar return can indicate getting hurt emotionally or hurt in love so just think about if that person you like it's the right for you in that year
💚 Neptune harshly aspecting the ascendant or sun is a time where you'll stop being delusional, and you'll see the world with the real eyes
💚 Uranus in the 2H can be a year where you gonna spend money fast on things, like for real spending money with the lights speed
💚 Sagittarius Rising & Gemini Rising can indicate a year where you start to discover yourself..to be more free, creative, more open and more optimistic
💚 Uranus in the 9H can indicate sudden changes in travelling. Maybe an opportunity with travelling or just moving away from your home country
💚 Mars/Pluto/Saturn in the 4th house can indicate intensity at home, maybe with finding a place to live, maybe intensity between your family members or just an inner anger with your home, can be a year where you'll want to change something inside your home
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💚 Pluto or Lilith in the 11H can be a year where toxic people (friends) can come in your life to betray you, but also can indicate getting socially more powerful
💚 Saturn in the 11th house can indicate a year where you're "tired" of everyone and just wants to be alone, not a bad placement you just want to be alone for some time
💚 Juno in the 5H/7H/11H houses can indicate starting a new relationship or even marriage in that yea
💚 Aquarius Rising/Pisces Rising in your SR will make you to think that you need to change something with yourself in that year and that probably can be your mindset and the way you see the world, to open your eyes
💚 Moon/Venus in the 1H will make you more soft in that year. It can be emotionally or romantically, positive placements for 1H and lots of joy can happen as well
💚 Mercury or Sun in the 4th house can indicate more closure with your family or you can be more active in family talks
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💚 7th house ruler in the 9th house can indicate traveling with your spouse (if you have one)
💚 Sun aspecting Moon especially in harsh aspecting can tell about personality issues within the native's life
💚 Pluto in the 3rd house can indicate a "truth" opening out to you or you'll just discover some truth in that year
💚 Sun/Moon or Mercury in the 11th house will make you more active in online/social media, or can even make you more popular that year
💚 Cancer Rising in your solar return chart indicates more healing and sensitivity around yourself that year, possibly more comfort too
💚 Saturn in the 1st/10th or 12th house can tell about a year where people will put more pressure into you
💚 Libra or Pisces Moon will make you more open romantically or dreaming more about romance in that year
💚 Mars or Aries Rising can indicate having a leader role in that specific year, you'll mostly end up leading your life somewhere you didn't expect
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💚 Aquarius Moon can make you to be more into technology in that sperii year, maybe you'll be more on your phone than usual
💚 Sagittarius Venus can indicate trying to find freedom in your relationships in that year, it can be any type or relationship
💚 Pisces Midheaven can be more attracted into music and art in that specific year
💚 Sagittarius Midheaven can have a lucky time in their specific year, especially if they're looking for a job
💚 Taurus Midheaven can make the native more down to earth in that specific year, you can be more spirtual too
💚 Neptune in the 1H will make you bring you more closer to spirituality than ever in that specific year
💚 Pluto in the 7h will definitely put you into possessive relationships take care yall. A lot of evolving in your relationships as well
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💚 It's been 6 months since I did the 1st part in December, and after half a year, I'm coming with the 2nd part!! I know solar returns take a bit more time to understand them!
Have fun reading, Harmoonix 💚💚💚
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songspiral · 2 years
"After the Rain" by Gemini Rising
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audrinawf · 2 years
When you’ve had the best year of your life and then every TikTok astrologers keeps telling you that the next year is gonna be your year.
How can it get any better than this? 😂
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unseasonedrat · 5 months
astro observations (part 1)
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disclaimer: these are just observations, every placement manifests differently based on one’s chart.
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gemini suns are very charismatic, they can strike up a conversation with just about anyone. they always seem to know everyone or can invoke these feelings that makes them seem very inviting!
libra suns/risings are so ethereal, they strive for balance, may be a shopaholic (ik someone with this placement who loves beautiful things, the venus influence)
do you find yourself craving stability, feeling a little stubborn, does change scare you? well you may be entitled to compensation as a taurus moon
^ taurus moons have an earthly beauty, very determined (just like a bull)
virgo rising, ok mr. clean
^ no but seriously, perfectionists, like to keep things in order
leo risings, just the energy you invoke is mind blowing. very radiant energy, attract attention!
sagittarius risings, y’all are very funny but also very determined when it comes to your goals
capricorn risings, pls take a deep breath omg. please stop being so hard on yourself all the time. okay maybe you won’t listen, but BREATHE?!?
gemini rising…….does your brain ever stop? (i have this placement and omg, my mind runs at 1000mph, jack of all trades vibe)
gemini risings/moons are the type to multitask, listen to music while scrolling on their phone, a show playing in the background and even attempting to study
aquarius risings give off eccentric vibes, very unique, model energy
aries risings are very set in their ways, straightforward (working out is a great way to release pent up emotions, or just scream. whatever helps you!)
pisces risings, delulu (kidding, but know how to differentiate your reality from your more than vivd imagination)
pisces midheaven need a spiritually attuned career or a career that speaks to your heart
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*these are just my personal observations*
© unseasonedrat 2023-2024
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vivmaek · 6 months
Total Solar Eclipse in Aries: Predictions
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✰ my masterlist This eclipse season is highlighting themes of forgiveness, both towards others and towards ourselves. It's time to turn a new leaf, and to take responsibility for mistakes made within the past. Doing this will allow a particular area within your life to transform. In October 2023 it may have felt like you lost something. Whether that was a friend group, a career opportunity, or a romantic relationship depends on your chart. However, because this solar eclipse is conjuncting the North Node, it will feel as though you have gained something. Issues from October 2023 will find a resolution.
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General predictions:
ꕥ Sudden/unexpected military action.
ꕥ The development and discovery of new weapons. (Specifically with bombs and explosives.)
ꕥ Veterans speaking out against the country they once served.
ꕥ World leaders unexpectedly stepping down from their positions.
- Many world leaders are going to be dealing with extremely poor health which will “eclipse’ their power.
ꕥ It's going be a hot summer, and the effects of climate change will become all the more obvious.
ꕥ Bad wildfire season.
ꕥ An increase in self-immolation as a form of protest.
ꕥ An increase in reckless driving, speeding, and road rage.
ꕥ An increase in violence against women, and people who are non-binary or transgender .
ꕥ Issues regarding gender will become even more polarizing.
- Women across the world will continue to assert their independence and will fight back against outdated standards.
- Women will become more willing to embrace the unknown. Many women will fully commit to the idea of never getting married or having children during this time frame, and they will do so with enthusiasm.
- Some women will choose not to get married or have children as a form of protest
ꕥ An increase in narcissistic behavior, as well as an increase in being able to recognize narcissistic behavior.
ꕥ Celebrities responding to public criticism with arrogance will witness a downfall.
ꕥ The Summer Olympics will be especially entertaining this year. This event will be explosive and dramatic. Some athletes will gain a significant amount of fame during this event.
ꕥ LOTS of new music. Artists are going to be pushing the boundaries of genres. Audiences are craving something completely new.
ꕥ People are DONE living in fear. This will result in widespread, collective action that will effectively make big changes. More protests, more boycotts, more strikes, more uprisings.
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Predictions for your Rising Sign:
Aries ♈︎
𖦹 Explosive relationship issues
𖦹 Facing “the final straw”
𖦹 Reuniting with yourself
𖦹 Making a significant change to your physical appearance
𖦹 Detaching yourself from others
𖦹 Making bold statements that shock people
𖦹 A boost in confidence
𖦹 Reconnecting with your desires
𖦹 Realizing that you’ve outgrown people
𖦹 Becoming easily frustrated
𖦹 Not recognizing the person you were two years ago
𖦹 Taking decisive action
𖦹 Being forced to defend your beliefs
𖦹 Heightened sense of physical energy
𖦹 Gaining a sense of control over your impulsivity
Taurus ♉︎
𖦹 Confronting fears of the unknown
𖦹 Showcasing a strong sense of perseverance
𖦹 Psychic dreams/ uptick in strange dreams
𖦹 Reflecting on the past
𖦹 Spending time alone
𖦹 Receiving some sort of news that shakes you up
𖦹 Building trust in your intuition
𖦹 Finding yourself zoning out all of time
𖦹 Turning towards food, drugs, and alcohol to find comfort
𖦹 Intense emotions coming forward
𖦹 Facing an uptick in stress and anxiety
𖦹 Rumors and lies being spread about you
𖦹 Secrets coming to the surface
𖦹 Feeling exhausted/needing more time for rest
𖦹 Developing a stronger connection to nature
Gemini ♊︎
𖦹 Heightened sense of compassion
𖦹 Giving out unsolicited advice
𖦹 Networking!
𖦹 Joining new social groups
𖦹 Finding a sense of belonging
𖦹 Engaging in volunteer work
𖦹 Developing new goals and dreams
𖦹 Interacting with lots of strangers
𖦹 Feeling in touch with the future
𖦹 Participating in interesting conversations on a daily basis
𖦹 Initiating and organizing group activities
𖦹 Developing new friendships at a fast pace
𖦹 Heightened sense of popularity
𖦹 Fearing commitment
𖦹 Heightened sense of conversational skills
Cancer ♋︎
𖦹 Stepping into a leadership position
𖦹 Learning how to balance your private life with work
𖦹 Becoming a stay-at-home parent
𖦹 Hard work paying off
𖦹 Facing competition within your career
𖦹 New responsibilities
𖦹 Challenges with authority figures
𖦹 Being forced to stand up for yourself
𖦹 Setting boundaries within your career
𖦹 Your reputation becoming a source of stress
𖦹 Becoming someone's caregiver
𖦹 Learning how to avoid burnout
𖦹 Becoming a source of motivation within your workplace
𖦹 Feeling extra sensitive towards criticism
𖦹 Working with a family member, or someone who feels like family
Leo ♌︎
𖦹 Being forced to look at the big picture
𖦹 Stepping out of the sidelines
𖦹 Deciding to expand your mind
𖦹 Traveling/ big journeys
𖦹 Coming across as overbearing within serious situations
𖦹 A change in long term plans/goals
𖦹 Becoming a teacher or mentor
𖦹 Beliefs being challenged
𖦹 Dominating discussions with other people
𖦹 Craving adventure
𖦹 Gaining a new perspective on life
𖦹 New opportunities in education
𖦹 Embracing a newfound sense of excitement
𖦹 Seeking out recognition
𖦹 Gaining wisdom through creative ventures
Virgo ♍︎
𖦹 Joint resources being brought into focus
𖦹 Seeking reciprocity within relationships
𖦹 Having a realistic approach to intimate relationships
𖦹 Realizing you give too much/too little
𖦹 The judgements you’ve made about other people being challenged
𖦹 Making investments
𖦹 Burning bridges
𖦹 Creating a new budget
𖦹 Resentments within relationships being brought to the surface
𖦹 Paying off debt
𖦹 Confronting your desire for profection
𖦹 Close relationships becoming a source of stress
𖦹 Healing intimacy and trust issues
𖦹 Seeking out deeply emotional connections
𖦹 Finally recognizing hidden patterns
Libra ♎︎
𖦹 Showing up more authentically
𖦹 Confronting communication issues
𖦹 Fixing a misunderstanding from the past
𖦹 Being honest about wants and needs
𖦹 Asking for help and receiving it
𖦹 Developing skills in diplomacy
𖦹 Placing your aspirations before a relationship
𖦹 Letting go of responsibilities that don’t serve you
𖦹 Ego and pride creating conflict within relationships
𖦹 Starting a collaborative project
𖦹 Holding yourself to the promises you’ve made
𖦹 Receiving some sort of justice
𖦹 Healing your fear of being alone
𖦹 Seeking out compromise
𖦹 Recognizing how indecision has held you back
Scorpio ♏︎
𖦹 Putting your dreams into action
𖦹 Experiencing tension within the body
𖦹 Confronting control issues
𖦹 Your sense of motivation being reawakened
𖦹 Implementing new routines
𖦹 Prioritizing health
𖦹 Finishing projects from the past
𖦹 Feeling more energized
𖦹 Lack of support from others
𖦹 Becoming more organized
𖦹 Stress becoming a cause for health issues
𖦹 Challenging your own self-criticism
𖦹 Developing a greater sense of concentration
𖦹 Exploring alternative treatment approaches
𖦹 Becoming a workaholic
Sagittarius ♐︎
𖦹 Starting a new hobby or project
𖦹 Newfound relationship needs/standards
𖦹 Taking relationships risks
𖦹 Seeking out pleasure
𖦹 Connecting with your inner child
𖦹 A spike in creativity
𖦹 Having fun with your sense of self expression
𖦹 Being able to forgo responsibility
𖦹 Joining the dating scene
𖦹 Starting a family
𖦹 Caught up within daydreams
𖦹 Developing a sense of contentment
𖦹 Pregnant and ready to give birth (this could be a literal child or a new idea)
𖦹 Taking initiative
𖦹 Everyday life becomes exciting
Capricorn ♑︎
𖦹 Possible career change
𖦹 Starting a garden/buying plants
𖦹 Gaining an understanding in generational trauma
𖦹 Moving at a slow pace
𖦹 New living situations
𖦹 Change in family dynamics
𖦹 Heightened sense of intuition
𖦹 Finding stability
𖦹 Tending to unhealed wounds
𖦹 Arguments with your parents
𖦹 Working remotely
𖦹 Reconnecting with your ancestors
𖦹 Seeking more time spent alone
𖦹 Home renovations
𖦹 A death or birth occurring within your family
Aquarius ♒︎
𖦹 Being more active on social media
𖦹 Speaking before thinking
𖦹 An uptick in the amount of texts/emails you receive
𖦹 Overactive mind/imagination
𖦹 Attending lots of social engagements
𖦹 Oversharing
𖦹 Challenging your negative thought patterns
𖦹 Creating some sort of content
𖦹 Busy schedule
𖦹 Buying a new vehicle/changing your commute to work
𖦹 Moving into an environment that's more stimulating
𖦹 Learning new skills
𖦹 Changing the way in which you communicate
𖦹 Chasing after the things that make you curious
𖦹 Spreading gossip
Pisces ♓︎
𖦹 Financial management
𖦹 Your foundations being tested
𖦹 A person in need taking advantage of you
𖦹 Developing security
𖦹 Redefining your values
𖦹 Losing or misplacing a valuable object
𖦹 Selling your impulsive purchases
𖦹 Overcoming insecurities
𖦹 Feeling more stubborn
𖦹 Strengthening your self-worth
𖦹 Building your savings
𖦹 Earning money from your artistry
𖦹 Cutting back on expenses
𖦹 Donating your money to charity
𖦹 Turning to spiritual practices to ground yourself
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tannieastrology · 7 months
Solar Return Observations💋❤️🌹
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💋This year I have a Virgo Ascendant in my solar return along with 2 Venus returns and Ive been so much more health/beauty focused. Like I care more about myself and am trying to break bad habits that I made in 2023. Im also alot more driven in sports/goals and back when I had this in 2020 I was also into skincare and makeup alot too and was into running and working out. I feel like the year you get a virgo ascendant for your solar return is the year to cleanse bad habits that youve made in the previous year its like a chance to start new.
💋The year you have Uranus in the 11th house is most likely a year where you will lose friends but will also get the chance to make new ones. I had Uranus and North Node in my 11th house last year and my 3 year long friend who claimed we were “besties” backstabbed me and cut me off with no explanation BUT I also found a friendgroup who are here to stay and am incredibely blessed to have met them. This was a year where my view on society and people changed significantly but i feel it was for the better.
💋Last year I had Sun and Pluto in the 8th house along with Moon and Mars in the 12th. I struggled really bad with my mental health(also a Gemini Rising) and my whole personality shifted from these experiences. From January my grandma almost died of cancer, I faced unrequited love, bullying from “friends”, losing friends, and overall felt pressure from school. I was just sensitive to what people said about me and let little things bother me and now that Im looking back none of it was a big deal but I dont know in the moment it affected me way too much. It made me realize that you cant ever really put your faith in people and that you need to trust and respect yourself the most. That you cant be attached to people and your faith should be put in god (atleast thats what I think). Most of the pain came from lowself esteem and I do believe that these placements made me grow a thicker skin and to become more independant. Im a completely different person now and while I did lose my innocence to the world I feel that I can survive on my own now. I guess I just grew a backbone which im really thankful for.
💋Everything that happened last year (like growth transformation death) is all related to the 8th house which is where gemini is in my natal so also keep that in mind where your solar ascendant falls in your natal.
💋This year I have a Moon in Libra in the 1st house and a Virgo Lilith exactly conjunct my ascendant and Ive been getting so much praise from woman its weird? Weirdly guys have been liking my instagram stories and when I posted on my birthday so many people came and viewed my story who dont even follow me. I also feel more pretty and empowered this year and Ive been trying to figure out how I want to present myself more. Compared to last year I feel like I am more upfront with my feelings. I feel like this year I might not struggle as much since im a Libra Ascendant and my solar return is Virgo and almost aligns with my natal chart.
💋My sadness and pain from my 2023 solar return actually really did last until my birthday aka my 2024 return😭 So keep in note that solar returns will remain effective until your next birthday.
💋I have Pluto, Mars, Sun, Vertex, Mercury, and POF, all in the 5th house this year and Im really hoping I can finally meet someone to date for the first time but so far its manifested as being more interested in hobbies/ having fun. Im not complaining tho I actually have been so much happier and I havent cried that much at all from this new Solar Return. I will say I feel like having Pluto in the 5th house will make your view change a bit on relationships. I lost feelings for my 3 year crush and I also feel like its impossible for me to properly catch feelings now. I dont know its like I broke the cycle of infatuting crushes and am way more realistic when it comes to love. Part of it is probably just me getting older but I think thats a good thing. I dont expect love like the movies anymore but i just want something REAL.
💋The year you have 8th house Venus a old flame might come back into your life.
💋Tell me why I have Jupiter, North Node, and Chiron in the 8th house this year and ive been attracting money/all the things i want so easily? I got almost $450 for my birthday, a vanity, a lulu bag, and a big party and its only been like 2 weeks😭
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💋 When I turn 18 in 2026 I have a stellium of Venus, Mercury, Sun, Mars, and Pluto in the 12th SOOO im predicting that I might be struggling with mental health that year, probably lost in where I want to head after high school, or Im either hiding sum secret love affair(8th house ruler of libra in 12) or like something about it is forbidden/ secretive. I also do have Moon and Jupiter in Cancer in the 5th house that year so that should be interesting lol. Let me know what aspects/ placements in your future solar returns yall find interesting and have down in the comments I wanna see.
💋A Saggitarius Ascendant/ 9th placements might mean that you get opportunity to travel
💋Having Lilith in the 2nd house might mean that you struggle with eating consistently or might struggle with self worth and body image.
💋Venus in the 4th house will be a year where you try to improve your home and find comfort in familial relationships
💋Look at transits to your solar return too theyll give you a deeper dive in whats going on you can look on astroseek.
💋12th house placements will make you inclined to find god
💋On November 16 2021 I caught feelings bad for this guy and I would go on to like him for a long time. Near that time I had a Venus Return and also a transit Solar Return with a 7th house stellium(Sun,Mars,Mercury,Moon in Libra/Scorpio). I was around this guy 24/7 and it just unexpectedly happened. Near that time Iwas having so much fun with my friends in cross country I feel so fond about those days that I could never forget.
💋 Last year having a Gemini Rising but placements like Mars and Moon in the 12th made me get talked about unknowingly behind my back so keep that in mind. Girls secretly hated me and also one of my “friends” twisted my words and spread drama about me.
💋Pay special attention to Chiron and where it is in your chart ESPECIALLY if its in retrograde
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Anyways I hope yall enjoyed this was very last minute and I know people have been complaining about there not being enough Solar Return observations so here I am lol. See yall next time💋
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ezukll · 10 months
ꕥ Masterlist
@ezkull - 2023, dec 3rd
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ꕥ Moon Signs Appearance
Part 1 : Aries Moon, Taurus Moon, Gemini Moon.
Part 2 : Cancer Moon, Leo Moon, Virgo Moon.
Part 3 : Libra Moon, Scorpio Moon, Sagittarius Moon.
Part 4 : Capricorn Moon, Aquarius Moon, Pisces Moon.
ꕥ Rising Signs Appearance
Part 1 : Aries Rising, Taurus Rising, Gemini Rising.
Part 2 : Cancer Rising, Leo Rising, Virgo Rising.
Part 3 : Libra Rising, Scorpio Rising, Sagittarius Rising.
Part 4 : Capricorn Rising, Aquarius Rising, Pisces Rising.
ꕥ Venus Sign Observations
Part 1 : Aries Venus, Taurus Venus, Gemini Venus.
Part 2 : Cancer Venus, Leo Venus, Virgo Venus.
Part 3 : Libra Venus, Scorpio Venus, Sagittarius Venus.
Part 4 : Capricorn Venus, Aquarius Venus, Pisces Venus.
ꕥ Mars Sign Observations
ꕥ Jupiter Sign Observations
ꕥ Midheaven Observations
ꕥ Chiron Observations
ꕥ Saturn Observations
ꕥ Stellium Observations
ꕥ Mercury Sign Observations
ꕥ Venus Observations
ꕥ Mars in Houses
ꕥ Sun in Houses
ꕥ Sun in 4th House Observations
ꕥ Fortune Sign Observations
ꕥ Lilith Sign Observations
ꕥ How to Attract Someone Based on their Mars Sign
ꕥ Sun Conjuctions Observations
ꕥ Asteriod Singer
ꕥ 2024 Taurus Season
ꕥ Venus in Houses
ꕥ How to Dress as Your Rising Sign
ꕥ Moon Sign Observations
ꕥ 2024 Gemini Season
ꕥ Saturn in Houses
ꕥ Pluto in Houses
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clanslist · 1 year
Warrior Cats Name Generator in 2023
A - Aster
B - Blank
C - Cone
D - Dreary
E - Ebony
F - Flint
G - Gull
H - Hay
I - Ice
J - Jackdaw
K - Kite
L - Little
M - Moose
N - Newt
O - Olive
P - Pasture
Q - Quill
R - Rising
S - Soot
T - Trail
U - Ucinia
V - Veil
W - Whittle
X - Xylosma
Y - Yelling
Z - Zap
Aries - dapple
Taurus - stomp
Gemini - eye
Cancer - feather
Leo - scream
Virgo - patch
Libra - heart
Scorpio - thorn
Sagittarius - fur
Capricorn - muzzle
Aquarius - storm
Pisces - whisker
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