#geiger counter hours
eggmeralda · 1 year
geiger counter hours:
- something hyperfixationey happens and it's REALLY GOOD like everything you could've asked for it cannot be real and instantly it feels like all your internal organs are expanding
- symptoms: shortness of breath, increased heart rate, high temperature, lightheadedness
- you kind of want to scream? but you can't so all you can do is make some weird noise that sounds like a geiger counter
- appropriate bc you feel like you are currently experiencing what can only be compared to a level 7 nuclear disaster
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madlyfluffy · 1 year
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immushymellow · 3 months
please look at https://www.kittenwar.com/ you get to vote between two cats to decide which is cuter and some of the names and pictures are fucking hilarious
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His name is literally just Cat he looks like hes emitting a lethal amount of radiation
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Smizmar is doing a fucking santaic ritual with christmas lights
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Marlow wants to kill me but can't for reasons he will not disclose
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This is an alien pretending to be a cat(don't mind the scribbled out part its from a browser extention i have)
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more names i found are:
Bread Crumb
Piña Carlota Norris
Joe Dirt (he's the one in second place)
Richard the Lion-hearted
Grey Cat
Pr Conpass Rose High Roller Or Simon
Ch Compass Rose Glitterz Ambition Or Qt
Jack Ugly
Daisy May the Unstoppable
Gandalf the Gray
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bayesic-bitch · 4 months
Schrodinger: Okay, I think there's an issue with the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. Here's a thought experiment to demonstrate why its understanding of "observations" is problematic. Suppose we put a cat in a box with a sample of uranium, a geiger counter, and a hammer rigged to smash open a box of poison if the geiger counter detects any radiation. After an hour,there's a 50% chance the cat is alive. But according to the Copenhagen interpretation,
Tumblr: I'm gonna cut you off there. That's horrible, I would never do that to a poor defenseless cat. It's so easy to avoid putting a cat in a box with radiation and hammers and poison. You've deliberately constructed an extremely avoidable situation and then asked people to consider it inevitable. Why aren't we asking ourselves what institutions had to fail for the cat to end up in the box in the first place?
Schrodinger: ...
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reddpenn · 1 year
I got a Geiger counter!
Let’s look through my collection for some Spicy Rocks!  I’ve never deliberately collected radioactive specimens, so I have no idea what I’m going to find.
First, though, let’s test the baseline level of radiation in my house.
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It’s fun to hear the Geiger counter click as it detects radiation.  20 counts per minute.  Nice!  You’re unlikely to ever see a count of zero, as pretty much everything in the world, including the human body, gives off a little bit of radiation. 
20 is a normal baseline, nothing to be concerned about.  Standing in my house, I’m getting a radiation dose of about 0.00013 milliseieverts per hour - or a little over one mSv a year.  This is an average yearly dosage of radiation for people in my country, and is something my body can easily process.  For context, a dosage of 100 mSv would slightly increase my risk of cancer, and a dosage of 1000 mSv would immediately give me radiation sickness.
But enough about these boring, safe amounts of radiation.  I want to see some spice!  Let’s check over by the Rock Wall!
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Hm, I’d expected the CPM to be noticeably higher around my rock collection, but I’m getting nothing!  Even testing each individual rock, nothing’s more than a few ticks above the baseline.  So far, my fancy new toy is looking like wasted money.  :c
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WAIT!  THERE!!  62 CPM!  That’s three times higher than the base reading in the rest of my house!!!  YESSS!!  THIS ROCK IS SPICY!!!!
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Here’s the rock that’s setting off my Geiger counter.  (Yes I’m touching the spicy rock with my bare hands, don’t worry about it.) 
This fossil, which is as big as my head, is part of the femur bone of a Megalonyx, a North American giant ground sloth!
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These huge animals could grow as big as ten feet tall.  They lived alongside humans during the last ice age, and it’s theorized that humans may have hunted them to extinction.  This particular fossil was found in a phosphate mine!
Why is it radioactive?  Because... sometimes fossils are just radioactive!  They spend a lot of time in the ground, which is full of radioactive minerals, and often radiation just gets all up in there.  There are some fossils on display in museums which are so radioactive that they have to be coated with lead paint for the safety of curators and museum-goers!  Compared to those, this femur bone is barely radioactive at all.
So is it really safe for me to have this in my house, much less handle it with my bare hands?  Well, yeah!  Remember, despite having this spicy rock in my collection, the radiation baseline in my house is completely normal.  Here’s why.
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Even just a few centimeters away from this specimen, the Geiger counter’s reading is halved.  A few inches away, and it can’t detect any radiation at all.  It basically has to be directly touching the rock to get an abnormal reading.  Which means I also have to be touching the rock to receive a meaningful amount of radiation exposure.
But even holding this rock in my hands, I’m only getting a dosage of about 0.0004 mSv per hour.  If I never let go of this rock for an entire year, I would get a dose of about 3.5 mSv.  Which is... still completely within the safe threshold for my body to process.  Nothing to worry about!
Man, I gotta start collecting some spicier rocks.
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ask-sister-solaris · 5 months
can i request Egon Spengler x reader where reader is a scientist and has a ghost in their lab? Reader talks very technical (similar to Egon) and maybe the other ghostbusters struggle to understand what they are talking about, but reader ends up correcting Egon on something and he’s just smitten? (i have a head-cannon that Egon loves it when he’s challenged scientifically)
Hehehehehe YES
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“What. Just. Happened-“
Egon x scientist!reader
Warnings: eh it gets a bit…suggestive.
A silent groan escaped your lips as you looked up. The phantasm was still persisting with its tricks. You picked up the phone and dialed the Ghostbusters number, answering the receptionists questions. When assured you they were on their way, you put the phone down and took a few samples of the sticky residue that dripped from your book shelf. Maybe this could be useful.
You set the sample in a safe place and straightened your jacket out. Being a Doctor of Parapsychology and Science you knew this was atleast a class 4. You picked up your copy of Tobins Spirit Guide and began looking through, though it seemed the phantasm wasn’t in said Guide. You hummed as a knock on the door grabbed your attention. You opened the door and there they were, The Ghostbusters. You stepped aside to let them in and rolled your eyes at Peter Venkmans poor poor attempt at flirting. You brushed him off and turned to Ray Stantz. You’d seen his work before “The phantasm isn’t in Tobins, I checked. It seems to be a class 4. It has all the traits of a class 4, slightly more aggressive bordering on a class 5”
Ray and Peter looked at eachother with raised eyebrows then back at you. You’d turned your back to them, looking for something in a drawer. You pulled out a Geiger counter and ran if I’ve the slime as Egon Spengler was going over your office with a PKE meter. You hummed and took a mental note of the readings on the Geiger counter. Ray cleared his throat “have you seen the phantasm miss? Could you describe it?” You hummed and looked at him “I have seen it, a large, red mass of ectoplasm and anger. It has no facial features as far i saw, it had no legs but shoe stubby arms and it squealed like a pig” you out the counter down and looked at Egon who was currently scanning you.
“She’s right Ray, if the readings on the PKE are anything to go by, it’s definitely a boarding on being a level 5 phantasm, a nasty one at that” Egon looked at Ray then the others. Peter looked at them confused “Egon…for one moment pretend that I don’t know anything about parapsychology and dumb it down for me?” You rose a brow and snapped Tobins spirit guide shut making all four of them jump. “Well Dr Venkman, as you are so clueless, let me enlightened you. The big red blob is causing havoc in my office. It is disrupting my work and research, now I am a fellow doctor of Parapsychology and Science. So I’m sure you can share the sentiment of hating being disturbed!”
Peter flinched and looked at Winston and Ray before shrugging “we can’t guarantee that your office will still be in one piece when we have caught said phantasm” Ray told you and you rolled your eyes “okay” you grabbed your research and Tobins, leaving the room. A few hours later the boys walked out holding a smoking trap .
“You were right. A level 4 bordering on 5” Egon nodded at you and you didn’t even look up “I know. Is that it? How much did you destroy?” Egon looked at Ray and rolled his eyes “luckily your office is unscathed your coworkers offices however…not so much” you stood up and snapped your book shut. “How much do you want? And make it quick I have research to be doing” Egon looked at Peter and he gave his signature poor flirty smile. “How does 4,000 sound hm?” You pulled out your cheque book and wrote it for 4000 before ripping it out and giving it to Egon. “I was wondering if you would like to work together, you said you’re a Dr of Parapsychology. The ectoplasm is seemingly negatively charged so I would like to run some tests”
You rose a brow and looked at him “Well it’s actually neutral until exposed to outside elements such as my anger toward Dr Venkman and I’m going to suppose Dr Venkmans annoyance at his poor flirting tactics” the room went silent and Egon pushed his glasses up gently. He looked down hiding his bright red face, god you were perfect.
Winston looked between you, Egon and the other two and rose a brow “What. Just. Happened-“
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foone · 7 months
I dreamed I was installing new lightswitches in the house and I felt something was wrong with the second one, so I borrowed my roommate's geiger counter and it turned out it was radioactive.
it was emitting 300 Roentgen/hour, I specifically remember that.
Which I believe is bad enough to make my survival questionable if I hung around it
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vsvitrix · 3 months
Hi. We're V's and Sam (I'm Sam, writing this). If you know us, you know we've been working hard to try to find an affordable place to live. The building we currently live in was great at first, but the former management company drastically stepped back from their duties after the first year and allowed it to fall into disrepair, even while raising our rent 20%. The property is income-restricted, and they are demanding more of my wages than we can afford. It's been hard to keep any bills paid due to the increased costs, and there are constant issues with fire alarms being pulled and going off for hours at a time, a recent month where the main door to the building was broken and unable to be opened from the outside, and refusal of maintenance orders. (We have 2 broken light fixtures in our apartment, one of which has had a pending order for over a year.)
I work from home, and over the last few weeks have lost significant wages due to the apartment above us catching fire and the resulting counter measures flooding our apartment. The maintenance people assigned to us have been entering our home without notice and have demanded we run a dehumidifier (which pumps out heat) 10-12hr per day during a heat wave. My mental and physical health has been compromised, as has my ability to work from home without interruption. We are running out of money to support ourselves and we're unable to get public assistance due to shortage of resources.
We have found a place that is drastically cheaper than our current one that we're just waiting to hear back from the landlord about the other applicants before we can move in on the 1st of August. We need roughly $2000 to move in between first month's rent, deposit, and other fees. My income right now is being used just trying to keep a roof over our heads, let alone pay bills or eat proper meals.
Please, if you have anything to spare safely, we would sincerely appreciate it. Getting out of this apartment will allow us to build up our funds and sustain ourselves without the constant environmental challenges. Thank you for your consideration.
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t00thpasteface · 11 months
dashboard simulator
mutual 1: (artsy photo of a lit cigarette on a balcony) (quote from a poet you've never heard of)
mutual 2: anyone know a good all natural bird food? looking to switch all 27 of my pet doves to a different brand
mutual 3: who up bagging their pipe rn
mutual 4: (several hi-def glamour shots of a quadruple-decker sandwich) The Best Sandwich Ever Made - [Click Here For Recipe] - Prep Time: 5 Hours
mutual 5: THE RACCOONS ARE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mutual 6: that's a great question anon! i'm glad people are curious about my process because i'm so excited to talk about it. see, first i started by completely dismantling the entire engine. here's a photo! :) next, i went to my local steel supply place... [Expand]
mutual 7: (has not posted or reblogged anything in months but is still liking all your posts within minutes of you posting them)
mutual 8: hey what's a normal reading for a geiger counter???
mutual 9: (grainy photo of something on fire) (no tags or caption) (reverse image search: 0 results found)
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eggmeralda · 2 years
oh ym god it's geiger counter hours it's GEGIER COUTNER HIURS
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lonelyroommp3 · 4 months
more specifically i think jopson during exam season is like, aggressively mum friend-ing all his flatmates constantly being like are you eating enough vegetables did you get enough sleep last night would you like a herbal tea etc etc, he is probably actively involved in organising the student union wellness teas or puppy yoga or whatever. but he personally has not slept in 72 hours and his bloodstream is so full of monster energy that his piss could set off a geiger counter
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ghoul-foolery · 2 months
Dirty Windows | 20 | Nora x Hancock
A Fallout 4 Soulmate AU
Fic Summary:
Hancock never thought he would find his soulmate. Once a common occurrence, soulmates turned into a bit of a rarity after the bombs dropped. It was to be expected when there was an influx of people getting shot in the face on a daily basis. So when Hancock discovered that he had a soulmate he was ecstatic; all of the people in the Commonwealth, and he was one of the lucky few.
Too bad his soulmate didn't want anything to do with him.
When Nora thought for sure she was going to die too, the pain stopped – and then there was nothing. Nothing but the emptiness. Nothing but the grief. Half of her soul was suddenly gone forever. She was dropped in the middle of the ocean, drifting among the waves with no land in sight. Then just as suddenly she had been cast adrift, she found land. The hole was filled the moment it had been created. As she gripped Nate’s vault suit and begged him to open his eyes, Nora found herself battling with the horrifying realization that she had another soulmate; that some stranger had taken Nate's place.
[ 1 ] <- [ 15 ] [ 16 ] [ 17 ] [ 18 ] [ 19 ] - [ 21 ]
After her night at the drive-in, Nora continued her wandering. There was no goal, no destination. To be honest, Nora enjoyed the purposelessness of it. After graduating from high school, she had wanted to see the world. It had been a grand plan; shoving what necessities she could into a backpack and hiking through some foreign country. That’s all it had been, though; a plan, an idea, a dream. Instead of traveling she went to college, and got into law school. She met Nate, got married, and had a kid. And she was happy. Her life had been nearly perfect. There had been days where she completely forgot about her desires to see the world and its various cultures, and then there were other days, when she was up to her elbows in paperwork, where traveling had been all she could think about. She had responsibilities to tend to, though. Dropping everything to go travel was unrealistic, and irresponsible.
Trekking through the Commonwealth was her chance, she supposed. It was a different world, a different culture. What necessities she could find were in a backpack, and she was traveling, so to speak. She wasn’t traveling with her group of tight-knit friends, but Dog was good company. He was a loyal mutt. He always stayed in sight, traveling with her even when he wasn’t right at her side. It was a nice day, quiet, and as the hours ticked on, Nora was absolutely delighted to acknowledge that the day had been wildly uneventful.
At least, it had been. Right until it wasn’t. 
The first distant roll of thunder had her hair standing on end, and when she turned her attention to the skies she cringed. The entirety of the sky behind her was covered in a blanket of thick, dark clouds. There wasn’t any particular place to take shelter, and with that lack of protection, all Nora could do was pick up her pace, and keep moving. As her anxiety surfaced, as her pace picked up to a near jog, Dog trotted on beside her, completely carefree. She wondered how he had made it through the storms in the past, she wondered who his previous owners were, or if he had just been a very lucky stray. Mulling over Dog’s origins helped keep her thoughts occupied so she wasn’t focused on the impending shit-storm that was coming her way, but it didn’t stop it from getting closer.
No matter how fast she moved, the storm managed to gain ground. The thunder exploded, taunting her as she shifted to a steady run. Her Geiger counter clicked once, twice. The ability to be aware of her surroundings fled her as she ran.  She no longer kept her gun at the ready, she no longer took sweeping gazes along her surroundings. She could have run right by a whole group of raiders, and she would have had no idea. She was focused on finding shelter. 
So when a shrill whistle reached her ears, she tripped on her own feet and reached for her gun. She pivoted, searching for the source – there was an small public pool in the not-so-far-off distance, still filled with water. There was a pool house, ancient but still standing. It had no doors, and from afar Nora could see that the interior was well lit. There were a handful of people milling about, ignoring the incoming storm, but there was a lone person standing a little ways off to the side, their arms in the air, waving to catch her attention. Nora stilled, even as her Geiger counter began to click, she stood and weighed her options. Another whistle, somehow louder than the last… and then Dog was trotting towards the man, carefree and bushy tailed.
With no other options on the table, Nora decided to trust Dog’s judgment. She ran after him, her legs feeling achy and heavy, and her lungs burning. The air around her tasted rancid, it smelled like burnt ozone– the world lit in a shock of green. 
Either the people occupying the pool house would kill her, or the radstorm would. Dog didn’t seem put off by the person, though. In fact, the dog ran right to the man’s side, and sat – waiting for Nora to arrive. As Nora drew closer, she recognized the man as another ghoul. It was a little surreal seeing one in person. Though the damage that had been done to the man was similar to John’s – no nose, ears seemingly fused to the side of his head, strange eyes, warped skin – he also managed to look so incredibly different. The ruined skin was a different color, eyes shaped a bit differently. There were basic things, too, bone structure and body type. He was just another person. Another human. 
By the time she reached them, she was coated in a thin layer of rain, her Pip-Boy continuously clicking at a nice, even pace. When the thunder exploded and the lightning flashed the clicking increased then dropped. It sounded like a metronome.
“You aren’t gonna find a place before this storm lets loose!” The man called over the sound of rain and increasing wind. “You got the supplies you need?”
“I-I don’t—“
That was all that was needed to be said. He gestured for her to follow him, and he left no room for argument as he turned and breached the fence line. He walked around the outer rim of the pool towards the pool house. Dog, the traitor, trotted right along with him. Nora followed, a little hesitant and still out of breath. She followed the ghoul into the pool house, accepting her incoming fate, whatever it may be. The room was filled with a number of dressed beds, all aligned in neat rows. The man went to a mounted wall cabinet on the far side of the room, and then he turned to her, a few pills in his hand.
“Rad-X,” he rasped, holding a collection of four pills out to her expectantly, he even showed her the bottle. His voice carried a similar gravel to John’s, but his cracked a little more on certain syllables. She wondered how radiation affected vocal chords. 
“Thank you,” she murmured, plucking the pills from his hand. Her fingertips brushed his palm, it was rough in texture, feeling like callused skin. A quick once over showed the careful construction of muscle groups, the textures of the fibers that helped his hand move. She was almost positive that she could see the muscle contract.
“You got water?”
“Yeah,” she said on a nod, already slinging her pack from her shoulder. As she struggled to find her water bottle, the man walked past her and towards another section of the building. It was a walled off area, with a men’s restroom sign hanging above the entry way.
“I’ll getcha a towel so you can dry up.”
Nora watched him go. “Thank you, sir.”
The second he was on the other side of the room, Nora focused and reached, “John?”
Though she was willing to accept whatever help she could, she wasn’t exactly keen on the idea of accepting miscellaneous pills from a total stranger. They were nondescript, with no etchings or symbols. They were a plain white, circular in shape.
”What’s goin’ on-“ a crash of thunder made his voice falter, and he swore loudly. ”Fuck, are you in another radstorm?”
Nora focused on the pills in her hand, keeping her voice low, “What is this?”
There wasn’t even a second of contemplation before he answered, “Rad-X. Helps ya withstand rads a bit better. Take two to start.”
Nora sighed softly, relieved, and then popped two pills in her mouth and pocketed the others. She took a couple hearty swigs of water. When she heard footsteps approaching she lifted her head, seeing the same ghoul that had flagged her down. There was a threadbare towel in his hand that looked delightfully dry.
“Here.” He passed her the towel.
”Who the fuck is that?”
“Thank you, sir,” she said again earnestly, drying off her face before toweling at her hair. “Really, I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t flagged me down.”
“It was no problem,” the man rasped, smiling gently. He had a kind face. “You didn’t look like you would have made it for much longer.”
”Nora, if you wanted to hang out with a ghoul, all ya had t’do was say so…”
She tried to ignore John, but it was getting increasingly difficult as his jealousy seeped over the bond towards her. She blocked out his emotions before she could seem ungrateful to her host. “I don’t think I would have, to be honest. I’ll pay you for the Rad-X.“
“Don’t worry about it,” he said on a shrug. “Don’t have much of a need for it here. Rad storms don’t do much to us ghouls. It looks like it’s gonna be hanging around for a bit. You’re more than welcome to stay for the evening.”
Nora smiled. She’d thanked him several times, but she did again, “Thank you. Really. I’m Nora…” she held out her hand, and the ghoul seemed surprised but accepted it. His grasp was gentle, and kind, and she could feel all of the muscles in his hand bunching and tightening. Would John’s hands be this rough, too? 
“It’s nice to meet you.”
Over the bond, John seemed to growl irritably. Nora sighed, pushing her sense of ease towards him but it was useless. Wiseman released her hand, turning and gesturing to another ghoul that had just stepped into the building. It was another male, wearing an old flannel shirt.
“Jones, this is Nora. She’s gonna stay for the evening. Mind setting her up with a bed?”
The ghoul smiled by way of greeting. Nora didn’t miss the quick once over the man gave her, but it wasn’t intimidating. It wasn’t salacious. It was curiosity, and not much else. “Of course.”
Hancock didn’t seem to share her opinion, he felt like he was on the verge of throwing a fit. Nora sighed internally. She was going to have a talk with him later once she had some alone time. Her soulmate seemed to have some jealousy issues.
Tag List: @takottai / @a-little-pebbl  / @yamatra
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banesberry-anomoly · 4 months
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New Scp oc just dropped
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This is Dr [Geiger], aka Dr ☢☣, Aka Dr Radioactive Biohazard, aka Dr Geiger. Any and all pronouns, and is also able to use xenopronouns due to a part of hyr anomaly!
Left is Before Everything, right is after literally tearing out their identity
Their name is literally pronounced as Geiger Counter Noises and he Will Not Respond to being called anything else, maybe to Dr Geiger if youre lucky
More info below
Details about her Anomaly
Part of her anomaly is a mematic effect that allows people to pronouce its name after hearing fey say it, this persists for up to two hours after leaving either xier immediate vicinity (the room) or eyesight, whichever is larger. Those that interact often with him usually have a recording of geiger counter noises or an actual geiger counter on-hand, as it will react to them.
Fei can also mess around with peoples senses for up to 15 seconds at a time and is a walking soundboard, which is why xi can use xenopronouns. The mematic effect that lets people pronounce her name also lets people """""pronounce""""" xenopronouns, but for a longer period of time.
That being said, she's literally radioactive and needs to take foundation-produced medicine to keep it from getting Out Of Hand (its literally just fuckin Rad-Away like in the fallout games lmao). This makes it hard to sleep and has thus just resorted to staying awake for extremely long periods of time and uses large amounts of caffeine to 'help,' that is until it passes out for more than 24 hours.
Once shi became aware of the fourth wall, it was able to break it and somewhat interact similarly to Deadpool or Gwenpool can.
Basic story
Inspired mainly by the songs 'Hyperdontia' and 'Novacaine' (in specifically that order).
Not being able to sleep easy leads to boredom, especially at night when not very many other people are awake. Unfortunately this lead to the discovery of the fourth wall, which in turn lead to breaking it. He realized that xi was a 'side/background character' and wanted to become more important to the 'fictional' world shi lived in, and thus started ripping traits (similar to how one would rip something onto a disc) from other characters (both within their own world and from others) to apply to itself to become either more pallateable or just more noticable.
Eventually this lead to becoming a fairly popular character in certain parts of viewership/the fandom, but of course it ended up becoming too much. Thier body started rejecting the 'ripped traits' like someone might rejected a transplanted organ, which made the literal radioactivity get worse, among other things. More mental strain was put onto Geiger to keep trying to fix or replace these traits, and eventually the stress made fey snap and she had a psychotic break that made xim rip out every single trait, including a large amount from before they discovered the fourth wall.
He still fucks around with other character traits, but no longer cares about being 'pallateable' to the audience, and hir 'base self' is very different now, including several noticable physical changed
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lh7 · 5 months
On March 22nd, with the world’s attention fixed on the crisis at Fukushima, the Ocean Link reached its worksite 160 miles to the south. They had chosen one of the faults farthest from the meltdown, but the winter wind was blowing from the north and the crew remained inside the ship until it was deemed safe to go outside.  As the chief engineer and one of the oldest members of the crew, Hirai felt it was his duty to perform the radiation checks. He pulled on the slick yellow coveralls and boots, strapped on a mask and goggles, and opened the heavy steel door leading to the foredeck.  The sky was overcast and low, and the ship rocked on a building swell as Hirai walked out onto the pocked green-painted deck and held out the wand of his Geiger counter to see what the wind carried. To his relief, it registered only background radiation. Next, he walked to the side and lowered a sensor into the sea. Again, nothing. He would do it all again in two hours, but for now, work could begin.  They spent the first day and night surveying the worksite, moving slowly along the cable route while measuring the depth and current. Conditions worsened overnight and dawn greeted them with 15-foot waves and gale-force winds, too violent for delicate cable work. They would have to wait. At the most basic level, a broken cable is fixed by patching the break with a piece of new cable, but because the break is miles away on the ocean floor, this must be done in several steps. The first step is to cut the cable near the break (often, the cable will have been damaged but not cleanly severed, and cables are laid with so little slack that they cannot be pulled to the surface in one piece). This is done by dragging a bladed grapnel across the cable in a so-called “cutting drive.” The ship then swaps the bladed grapnel for a hooked one and catches one end of the severed cable, hoists it to the surface, and attaches it to a buoy. Then they catch the other cable end, splice the spare cable to it, and tow the spare cable back to the first buoyed cable to complete the patch. The ship is now holding a working cable but one that is considerably longer than it used to be. This process of bringing each cable end to the surface separately means that every repair makes a cable longer — in deep water, by several miles. In order to minimize slack that could get tangled and snagged, the loop of new cable is towed to the side of the original route until it can lay taut on the ocean floor once again.
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trying to learn mythras from how-to videos is making me realise just how good the dnd 5e crowd have it. they have their well polished professionally made bite sized videos for every occasion, I have an hour long unindexed video of a dude sat in front of his phone camera. the audio sounds like the rulebook is made of uranium and he set his phone up on a geiger counter. he leaves for dinner halfway through and the section on ranged combat is shouted from the other room. it has seven views.
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cathartic-crypt · 5 months
Does Casper have any special ghoul traits? I know ferals tend to not attack ghouls but they also follow and seek out feral glowing ones!
So does he have something like that where like, ghouls maybe see him as a dead reanimated ghoul and steer clear? Or would they react like he has more/less authority?
in terms of being treated differently by other ghouls...he isnt really. most of the time hes around other ghouls when he, himself, looks like one - so he just kinda blends into the crowd. he doesnt have any sense of authority and he tries his best to not stick out too much >.> doesnt want any unnecessary attention...and doesnt want any questions about who he is and where hes from either
(heads up im using this ask as an excuse to ramble about how he functions)
now when it comes to special ghoul traits....Sorta! hes SUPER reactive to radiation. like if he stands in something heavily irradiated and gets a cut itll close up almost instantly
!warning for talks about gore/decomposition below
ok this is less a special trait and more of a Nuisance...but casper isnt always human-like. and of course to get from one state to another theres a transitional period...
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fresh: this is the stage where hes the most human like :) he breathes, blinks, eats and sleeps. the only 'off' detail about him is that every old scar (the significant ones) look freshly healed. pale pink and clean. he needs frequent doses of radiation to stay like this - and has to stay away from people for 1-2 hours freshly after stocking up because he'll set off any geiger counter in the vicinity. during this state hes quite social and has the confidence to enter the strip and meet new people. pretty much trying to do as much as possible cause he knows it wont last forever (usually around a week)
rotting: now this is the interesting stage....this is the weird transitional period where hes actively decaying. skin slipping and losing muscles included. old scars begin to tear open and discolouration starts at the fingertips/toes/spine and blooms out. in the earlier stages of this state, his body can still heal itself to a degree. he stitches up any old/new wounds to keep them closed just long enough for it to start healing/find a new source of radiation. its not the most effective but it helps. of course in the later stages, when hes teetering closer to being a ghoul than human, theres no use in stitching anything together cause most of the skin is gone
during this time when hes actively decaying he distances himself from others - and leaves new vegas. usually in this time he picks up a job/assignment to scavenge for any pre-war stuff from abandoned buildings to make himself feel somewhat useful. hes also actively searching for anything radioactive to heal himself, which is why his assignments can sometimes take weeks...because hes waiting for his body to rebuild itself before coming back from the job
this stage is something hes incredibly insecure about. he hates seeing his body decay and rot, and he fights to feel human. when hes around the public hes covered in clothes from head to toe, usually through the use of facewraps and multiple layers. he doesnt want anyone to see him
necrotic: this is just the ghoul stage, when hes pretty low on radation and his body has lost all ability to fix itself. his heart stops beating and he stops breathing (his body sometimes still does the motions of breathing without actually needing to, its a force of habit). despite being a ghoul with leathery skin and tense muscle, hes not weak. hes still got his strength and has his usual eyesight, his voice is still normal. once he reaches this point he doesnt care too much about what he looks like, and dresses like normal. however he refuses to go to the strip or to new businesses - and even sometimes gives out a fake name so no one recognises him
oh and because youve read this far have some doodles :D
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