#Author is renovating all of the buildings in the commonwealth
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Dirty Windows | 28
Hancock x Nora - A Fallout 4 Soulmate AU
Fic Summary:
Hancock never thought he would find his soulmate. Once a common occurrence, soulmates turned into a bit of a rarity after the bombs dropped. It was to be expected when there was an influx of people getting shot in the face on a daily basis. So when Hancock discovered that he had a soulmate he was ecstatic; all of the people in the Commonwealth, and he was one of the lucky few.
Too bad his soulmate didn't want anything to do with him.
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TW: Violence, drug use, mentions of rape, and trafficking. While there isn't heavy details, the situation is rather grim.
Notes: And so, they finally meet in not great circumstances.
Even though Wiseman was patrolling the grounds surrounding the Slog, Nora didn’t go find him to say goodbye. There was a baseless concern that he might try to stop her and MacCready from leaving, and she quite simply didn’t want to chance it. Instead, she scribbled a quick note. It was simple, and to the point. There was no time to extend a heartfelt thanks for all of the help, or apologize for leaving so abruptly but she signed it with ‘Love, Nora’ and pinned it to the chair in Arlen’s workshop. Then her, MacCready, and Dog took off into the night. John was unable to offer up a precise location based off of the Pip-Boy map. Instead he instructed them to make their way to Bunker Hill.
Traveling in the dark post-apocalypse made Nora more uneasy than she already was. A stark memory of sprinting through the unknown dark, John yelling instructions as gun fire riddled the night surfaced. It made her want to turn on her Pip-Boy light, to ward off some of the uncertainty, but she knew better. A light in the dark would call attention.
For all of Nora’s mounting discomfort and anxiety, MacCready seemed to be the exact opposite. The smartass kid was gone, shoved deep down under the guise of collected professionalism. It was like he was a totally different person. And it helped. A lot. In a moment where relying on John’s emotions in a time of uncertainty wasn’t feasible, seeing MacCready’s calm demeanor gave her something to mirror. Maybe someday these harrowing moments would become old hat and she wouldn’t be so reliant on the people around her. It was something Nora both wished for and dreaded.
It took just under three hours to make it to Bunker Hill. The monument still stood, tall and proud and mostly intact. It was almost eerie, seeing the towering obelisk jutting out from the remains of the old buildings, a tall shadow with the sun rising in the background. As they grew closer to the monument John’s voice drifted across her consciousness.
“Stay there for the rest of the morning, sunshine. Send MacCready and we can pick you up on the way back.”
“No way,” Nora replied, her voice lowered into a whisper. “You need help, and we’re almost there.”
“This isn’t how I wanted our first meeting to go. You shouldn’t have to see this.”
"Well, none of this has gone how you wanted. I’d say this is pretty par for the course."
"Ha. Yer a riot."
"You’ve been there for me every single time I’ve needed you. It’s my turn."
Once they got to Bunker Hill, John was able to help them navigate through the rubble and ruin of old old buildings. He directed them up one street, then down another, weaving them through downtown Boston. When the warehouse building came into view, John informed them that they had arrived at their destination, and told them where the entry door was. Before Nora could even start approaching the building, MacCready grabbed her forearm and pulled her back into the shadows of a looming building.
“You’re going to stay here and keep your eyes on that door,” MacCready instructed. “If you see anybody that isn’t me you’re got to fire your gun twice. Pop-pop, understand?”
Nora nodded.
“Then I want you to hide. Back into this building and lay low. I’ll come get you.” He gestured to the building behind her, her eyes followed. The building looked as if it was scorched black. Big yawning windows revealed a similar interior, dark and ominous and filled with debris.
Dog plopped down beside her, his paw swiping out towards MacCready.
“Protect her, boy,” MacCready murmured, giving one of Dog’s ears a quick scratch. “Make sure she does as she’s told.”
It was only after Nora gave firm verbal acknowledgement when MacCready started jogging away. He went to the end of the block, peaked around the corner, and then disappeared from view. Time slowed to a crawl again. Dread clotted up her throat again. Nerves, and anxiousness, and worry made it almost difficult to breathe again. Any moment spent not getting in and helping John was another moment where possibility could rear its ugly head.
Her eyes remained rooted to the door.
It wasn’t overly long ago when she was cursing John’s existence, and now she was making herself sick with worry over what could happen to him. There had been deployments like this. Too long stretches of time where the bond was blocked between her and Nate, and all she could do was worry over all of the terrible possibilities and listen to the haunting silence between them…
When MacCready came jogging into view, Nora sighed with relief. He made a waving gesture for her and Dog to join him and when they did he asked, “Everything still okay in there?”
Nora repeated the question.
"It's okay as it's going to get.
"He said it's okay-"
"- as it's going to get. There is no part of any of this that is okay. Nothing is okay in here, but... it's... not gonna be getting any better."
"Let's go,” Nora murmured.
As soon as MacCready opened the door, Dog charged inside. MacCready stepped in after, rifle at the ready, and Nora followed behind. The second she crossed the threshold she made sure the door was closed and locked.
The light was useless enough that MacCready gave her the go-ahead to turn on the Pip-Boy’s flashlight. The hall was doused in green light, shining against metal shelving and catching on the harsh shapes of lockers. There was a lone door at the end of the hallway, and what looked like the remnants of a timeclock.
MacCready knelt suddenly, plucking a shotgun from the ground just beside the entrance. He was quick to press it into her palm.
“It’s Hancock’s. Be careful with it, it’s got a bit of a hair trigger.”
Nora looked down at the weapon, making sure her fingers were nowhere near the trigger and the barrel was pointed at the ground to the side as opposed to at her feet as she holstered her pistol. The weapon suited him, somehow. It looked like it belonged to a man dressed up in a red frock, with an old tricorn hat, and enough confidence to fill the harbor.
MacCready continued down the hall after Dog who was already snuffling at the opposing door. Nora had just started to follow when MacCready shoved the door open, rifle tucked up into his shoulder with his finger ready at the trigger. The hall was briefly filled with cold light as MacCready moved further into the building.
“Oh my god, Hancock. What the–”
The door started to drift shut, slow and leisurely.
“Hey,” came the gravely, rasping voice of her soulmate. Nora’s steps faltered. “This ain’t my fucking circus, okay?” The door shut with an echoing thud, leaving Nora in the entry hall.
Nora's stomach lurched. Her emotions had been in flux since learning that John was going on some kind of solo vigilante mission. Then when he had reached out, in pain and barely lucid it took all she had not to get sick. She was worried, scared, and anxious; and yet despite the circumstances there was a new, bubbly excitement. Nora was going to meet her soulmate for the first time. She lingered in the hallway, looking down at her dirty vault suit and selfishly wishing she looked cleaner, more put together.
This wasn’t about meeting John. She was here to help people.
Gathering up her nerves, she stepped forward, reaching for the door, only to stop short when John’s voice drifted across her consciousness.
”Hold on, sweets.” His voice was a soft whisper, ”It ain’t pretty in here.”
“I know,” she said, unable to keep the tremor from her voice. “But it’s probably nothing I haven’t seen before, so—“ The door swung inward, and it startled Nora into backpedaling a handful of feet. Light filled the entry as the shadowed figure of her soulmate stepped from the room. The door shut. It felt like finality. The end of a chapter of her life, and the beginning of another one with John.
John who looked inhuman and otherworldly in the green light coming from her Pip-Boy. He could be the monster in those old creature features that Nate loved. Even still, it was John. Her John. Her John with his arm in a makeshift sling. Her John looking like he had just been through hell. Her John gazing at her with his shining onyx eyes, like she was the only thing that existed in the whole world.
There was a sudden yearning to close the distance between them; she ached to touch, and hold, and never let go. There was a tender warmth that radiated from his end of their bond. It felt hopeful, and hesitant. It made her smile.
“Fuck,” he rumbled longingly, stepping in to an eager approach. “You’re so fucking beautiful, baby.”
“H-hi,” she managed.
“Hi,” he rasped, reaching for her with his good arm. As soon as he was close enough he was touching her. The pad of his thumb caressed the length of her jaw, then his fingers slipped along the nape of her neck, into her hair. She lifted her hand to touch him in turn — she wanted to touch his chest, his shoulders, wanted to wrap her arms around him and hug him tight — she pulled up short. She remembered his pain. Specifically, she remembered it being just about everywhere.
“You’re hurt—“
The arm in the sling reached up to take her hovering hand. Nora gasped, ready to rebuke him for aggravating an injury, and then he settled her palm to his gnarled cheek. The fingers on the back of her neck flexed as he closed his eyes and hummed appreciatively. She stroked her thumb over the stippled flesh covering his cheekbone.
“I—“ he expelled a breath. “Fuck—I—“
The hand at her neck tugged her close as he leaned in. She closed her eyes. The movement felt as if he was pulling her in for a kiss. She felt the anticipation between them, felt the need, and the building warmth and yet she knew she wasn’t ready for it. Maybe the kiss itself would change that. Or maybe it wouldn’t. She didn’t want to find out. Not here.
John dipped his head down as he pulled her close, and instead of bringing her in for a kiss he instead pressed his forehead to hers.
Nora’s eyes popped open, only to see that his were drifting closed. He looked nearly euphoric. The tension in his shoulders eased. His body seemed to sag with relief. He stepped in closer, their bodies brushing. Completion. A piece that had been missing for far too long had finally found where it belonged.
He whispered, “You’re finally here.”
��I’m sorry I made you wait so long.”
John’s smile was lazy, bordering on dreamy as he purred, “Worth the wait.”
Nora bit her lip to stop herself from practically beaming at him. “How’s your arm?”
“Arm’s fine.”
“How about your ribs?”
“I have plenty of ribs. Ribs are fine.”
“Your chest?”
“Oh, honey, it’s pretty fucking bruised,” he chortled.
When she choked out a quiet laugh, he opened his eyes, meeting hers.
He swore. “Just fucking look at you—“
Suddenly, there was screaming, terrified and shrill. Nora’s attention snapped to the source. The moment in time where her and John were the only people in the world shattered and they were back to the cold, terrible reality. John slipped the shotgun from her hand in a movement that was completely seamless and all flourish. The door was pushed open, and he stepped inside with his gun raised. Nora followed, drawing her pistol from its holster. The second she stepped into the room, she instantly regretted it.
There were two bodies on the floor, one riddled with bullet holes, the other with a gaping wound to the throat. Blood pooled around them, dark and daunting in the icy fluorescent lighting. There were cages in the room, and even though the cage doors were open there were people inside. They were naked, hurt, but most looked to be asleep from her vantage point - all of them except for the screamer. This place was a nightmare. It reeked of something Nora could only call horror.
In front of the screaming woman was MacCready, his hands up in surrender. It looked like he had gotten too close to the cage, and the woman lashed out. The back of his hand was bleeding with what looked like claw marks. Nora skirted around John and made her way to the cage the screaming woman was in.
“I–I just tried to help her get out–”
“It’s okay,” Nora soothed both MacCready and the woman. She abandoned her weapon and her backpack, not wanting to supply the woman with anything that would hurt herself, or hurt others. Slipping back into her confidence was like putting on her favorite dress. This was something that she knew. This wasn’t tussling with a deathclaw, or navigating the apocalypse. This was a different kind of fight she had seen in another life, and while she wasn’t a professional, she was at least familiar. It would take a gentle hand, and a bit of patience. They needed all of the patience in the world, and yet time was ticking.
“Hey,” Nora crooned gently. She leaned in to reach for the shrieking woman. Her hands lashed out at Nora’s, hitting and clawing weakly. It would appear that the swipe at MacCready had taken the majority of her energy. “I’m here to help, okay? Sssh…” All the kind words meant nothing. The woman had probably heard plenty of gentle coaxing words that lead to pain. It was action that would mean the most, but talking everyone through the process helped; announcing action, and following through. “I’m going to take your hand, okay? Easy…”
The energy left the woman in a visible way. The flailing arms faltered and flopped. Her naked body drooped and her screams broke into quiet, ragged, choking sobs. Accepting an inevitable that, this time, would not come.
It was then that Nora took the woman’s hand. It wasn’t a full fledged palm-to-palm grasp, but something tenuous and easily broken should the woman put up more fight.
“No more, please…”
Nora crooned gently, shifting to crawl into the cage to join the woman. She ignored the mess staining the bottom, focusing on helping any way she could.
"No one here is going to hurt you. I promise. We're here to help."
"N-no more..."
“No more,” she agreed, happy to feel the woman’s hand shift to solidify her grasp on Nora’s. Kneeling before the woman, Nora peered back over at John and MacCready, both watching at a distance. "Are there any clothes they can wear?"
"If you can call them that," John said, keeping his voice pitched low and subdued.
"Anything will do. Let’s get them out of here.”
Tag/s: @takottai / @a-little-pebbl / @yamatra / @bubblegum-bee-otch / @brainsplat
#Fallout 4#Hancock x Nora#Hancock / Nora#Hancock x Sole Survivor#Hancock / Sole Survivor#Fallout Fanfiction#Fallout Soulmate AU#Soulmate AU#Romance#Fallout Companions#Angst#One Sided Pining to Mutual Pining#Canon Typical Violence#Human x Ghoul#Fallout Hancock#female sole survivor x hancock#Nora Calls Hancock John#Dirty Windows#Slowish Burn#Author is renovating all of the buildings in the commonwealth#No Beta - I'm dying over here#enemies to lovers#RJ MacCready
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What is the story of stardrive in idw2019?
Dear Stardrive Seeker,
Not all newly-forged Cybertronians spend their early lives on Cybertron—always, there are those Cybertronians born with an instinctual thirst for adventure, who yearn to venture beyond the confines of their metallic homeworld. Thus, in the years following the War of the Threefold Spark, the Cybertronian government authorized the creation of a cultural exchange program between the Cybertronian commonwealth and some friendly galactic neighbors, an incentive program where newly forged Cybertronians could study abroad on a diverse range of planets, assimilating the local culture and language as part of a possible career in Xeno-Relations.
I should comment, briefly, on the history of the Solstar Order—it originated corewards of Cybertron, not far from the barricaded region of space known as the “Quintessence”, and expanded outwards not through conquest, but by carefully negotiating trade agreements and alliances with alien civilizations and gradually building a strong federation of many diverse species: Elonians, Intriessians, Karkans, and more. By the era of the Nominus Edict, the borders of the Solstar Order nearly bumped up against remote Cybertronian colonies like Velocitron and Omicron. Despite their proximity, the two star-nations had only ever enjoyed a strained relationship. The Solstar Order consolidated much of its recent power by absorbing the defeated remnants of other empires, smashed to bits by Cybertronian hegemony—in particular, a large contingent of Szorian refugees who’d seen their homeworld obliterated by the Titan Waypoint eyed the Transformers with a deep and abiding distrust. More recently, tensions flared when unscrupulous elements of the Cybertronian government conspired with the ambitious Natalus to abruptly declare that the planet Probat was a Cybertronian colony, despite the fact that no Cybertronians lived there—deliberately smashing years of careful accession agreements that would’ve seen the citizens of Probat join their galactic government.
Into this already-tense environment came Stardrive—already a model mentee with a rare triple-changing bodyframe, a knack for languages, and eying a possible career in Xeno-Relations—who announced that she would like to study abroad on the planet Elonia. The request, while highly unusual, went through, and before long Stardrive had arrived in Solstar space and enrolled in a xeno-linguistics program on the planet Ofsted XVII, with a minor in astro-navigation. Although she faced prejudice and even outright discrimination from many of her organic classmates—and indeed, more than one lecture hall had to be renovated so that she could fit into their classrooms—Stardrive persevered.
One day, Stardrive and her class were on a field trip to monitor the unique phenomenon known as the “Quintessence”, a seemingly insurmountable barrier of electrical energy that prevented the Solstar Order from expanding any closer to the galactic core. Suddenly, while monitoring the phenomenon aboard an orbital research station, Stardrive witnessed a bizarre astrological phenomenon: what appeared to be a nebula somehow shifted into a massive portal that crackled with arcane power, a gateway through which a new kind of shapeshifting lifeform came to attack their vessel! The creatures, their slug-like bodies immune to conventional weaponsfire, easily breached the station’s hull and devoured many of the beings inside. Those who survived were infected with toxic biomatter and converted into more of their kind. However, the invaders hadn’t prepared to deal with a Cybertronian, whose mechanical biology rendered her immune to their necrotic touch, and whose tight-beam plasma blasters could simply burn through their arcane biology. Fighting her way through the hordes, Stardrive piled as many students as she could—including their professor, Rom K’atsema—into her space fighter alternate mode, then beat a hasty retreat as the station exploded behind her.
By the time Stardrive limped back to Elonia, it soon became clear that the Solstar Order faced a grave crisis. The “Dire Wraiths”, as they were now called, had launched coordinated invasions of outlying worlds like Xeres and Buras, and lightly-armed planetary garrisons had already been overwhelmed. Although the Solstar Order’s celebrated diplomatic corps had long since assumed that they could defuse any problem with negotiations, it soon became clear that they were fighting an enemy that had no obvious means of communications, and would accept nothing less than total extinction. It soon became clear that the Solstar Order would need something new to combat the hordes… and, eventually, all eyes fell upon the one Cybertronian in their midst.
Before long, Solstar scientists had gathered enough firsthand testimony and video recordings to draw up a weapon capable of meeting the aliens head-on: a full-body suit of armor forged from artificially-synthesized cybertonium that would be cybernetically grafted to one’s skin, equipped with a plasma-blasting “neutralizer” powered by a miniature energon reactor. While the scientists referred to their creation as merely an “anti-Wraith battle armor”, it was Rom who joked that the suit resembled the knights of old—and so it was he who volunteered to become the first organic to undergo the procedure, and emerge as “Rom, the Space Knight!” Inspired by his example, other courageous members of the Solstar Order stepped up to undergo the process, and over time the efforts of these “Space Knights”, supported by Stardrive herself, gradually helped push the Wraiths back.
It soon became clear that Stardrive couldn’t fight alone; fortunately, the Cybertronian embassy on Elonia was able to pull the strings that would allow Sentinel Prime to authorize the deployment of the Wreckers on the technicality that the Dire Wraiths posed a threat to Cybertronian territory—namely, their embassy on Elonia. Supported by a hundred Space Knights, Stardrive and the Wreckers took part in the effort to take back Xeres, which had, by this point, been turned into a grotesque hive-world where billions of fast-breeding Wraiths reproduced. Their victory was pyrrhic; they were able to cut off the primary source of the infestation, but only by destroying the planet and scattering millions of Wraiths across their member worlds. The Solstar Order would have to prepare for a protracted war against the alien infiltrators, who'd already put down roots on dozens of planets—but Stardrive, honorary Space Knight, gladly agreed to support the Space Knights in their quest.
#ask vector prime#transformers#maccadam#idw2#stardrive#exarchon#solstar order#quintessence#elonia#intriessia#karkas iii#nominus prime#velocitron#omicron#szoria#waypoint#natalus#probat#ofsted xvii#dire wraiths#rom the space knight#sentinel prime#wreckers#xeres#buras
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Wyndham Appoints Andy Flaig as Head of Development

Wyndham Hotels & Resorts has appointed Andy Flaig as Head of Development - South East Asia and Pacific Rim (SEAPR). Based in Singapore, Andy will lead Wyndham's development strategies through the expansion of its brands and portfolio of managed and franchised hotels across the region.

Andy replaces David Wray who has completed his transition agreement with the hotel company and will remain with Wyndham Destinations Asia Pacific. “The South East Asia and Pacific Rim is a dynamic region brimming with potential and home to emerging markets like Vietnam and Myanmar that are starting to attract tourists in unprecedented numbers. I am excited to lead Wyndham’s development strategy in the region and look forward to building new relationships with owners and partners to drive strong returns under the Wyndham portfolio of hotel brands,” said Andy Flaig, Head of Development, SEAPR, Wyndham Hotels & Resorts. Andy joins Wyndham Hotels & Resorts with more than three decades of experience in the hospitality sector. He worked most recently as Group Chief Development Officer at Next Story Group where he was responsible for the growth of their hotel and lifestyle co-working brands. Before that, Andy spent four years with Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group as Executive Vice President, Development and Technical Services for Asia Pacific, and eight years as Managing Director of Jones Lang LaSalle’s Hotels and Hospitality Group’s Advisory business in Asia. “Andy comes to Wyndham with a proven track record in the areas of hotel development, investment, and asset management. Along with his strong leadership and extensive regional connections, he is well-positioned to lead our development team in accelerating our growth across the region,” said Joon Aun Ooi, President and Managing Director SEAPR, Wyndham Hotels & Resorts. See latest Travel News, Interviews, Podcasts and other news regarding: Wyndham, Development. Headlines: Asia Pacific Airlines Carried 375.5m Int. 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Boston Mayor Walsh Invests $2.78 Billion in Boston Neighborhoods in Five-Year Capital Plan
BOSTON – Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced $2.78 billion in capital investments over the next five years. The $2.78 billion FY20-24 Capital Plan is how the City makes critical investments in the City’s capital assets, including schools, roads, bridges, bike lanes, libraries, and more.
This year’s plan includes renewed public housing in Charlestown, revitalized parks in Dorchester, transportation improvements in Allston-Brighton, school improvements across the city, and fulfills Mayor Walsh’s commitment to dedicating over 10 percent of new city funding toward climate resilient projects. This plan ensures the municipal, civic and open space assets that residents cherish in their neighborhoods will remain active and vibrant parts of the community for years to come.
“This budget makes historic investments in public assets like schools, roads, bridges, parks, and libraries,” said Mayor Walsh. “This is a budget with a big heart. It reflects our best values: our belief that every single person is worthy of dignity and hope and opportunity. It’s going to improve quality of life in all our neighborhoods, and it will continue to generate opportunities for our residents for generations to come. I thank each and every person who helped to guide this vision through Imagine Boston 2030 that has led to these important investments.”
Mayor Walsh’s $2.78 billion FY20-24 Capital Plan will make critical investments in the City’s infrastructure in every Boston neighborhood, guided by Imagine Boston 2030 and related plans for schools, streets, arts, climate and resilience.
This year, under the Imagine Boston 2030 umbrella, an estimated 86 percent of the investments in the FY20-24 Capital Plan are aligned with the City-wide planning efforts. More than 14,000 residents have shaped Imagine Boston 2030 by setting goals for the city by 2030, and generating ideas about policies and investments to help achieve these goals. Together, these initiatives support Boston’s dynamic economy and improve the quality of life for residents by encouraging affordability, increasing access to opportunity, promoting a healthy environment, and guiding investment in the public realm.
Highlights from Boston’s FY20-24 Capital Plan include:
Boston, in collaboration with State and Federal partners, will invest $1.15 billion implementing the core initiatives outlined in Go Boston 2030: streets that are safer for all users of City roads and sidewalks, particularly pedestrians and cyclists; travel that is more reliable and predictable; and quality transportation choices that improve access to interconnect neighborhoods for all modes of travel.
Through the use of Winthrop Square proceeds, City capital dollars, and leveraging external funds, Mayor Walsh plans to carry out early actions to implement Imagine Boston 2030’s Open Space goals, including investing in Franklin Park as a flagship park, completing the Emerald Necklace, reimagining Moakley Park and restoring the Boston Common to its full vibrancy.
Boston will prepare for climate change by investing over 10 percent of new City capital dollars in projects that promote climate resilience. Climate action planning will continue along with the implementation of flood protection solutions identified by the Climate Ready Boston initiative.
In partnership with the Boston Housing Authority, the City will make new investments in public infrastructure, supporting the creation and preservation of affordable housing, including a $30 million investment to revitalize Boston Housing Authority’s deeply affordable public housing. This investment is the first time in the City’s history that City bond dollars have been invested directly into a BHA project.
Boston will utilize Long Island as a key component in providing recovery services. To support that goal, the City will move forward with the construction of a new bridge to Long Island and plan for a recovery campus to be offered on the Island.
Mayor Walsh has committed $1 billion over 10 years to bring Boston’s school buildings into the 21st century. This capital plan supports that investment with funding for 21st century classrooms, Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) Accelerated Repair Program (ARP) partnerships, completion of ongoing maintenance projects, school kitchen renovations that support the delivery of fresh, nutritious food, and reserves for future projects identified by BuildBPS community engagement. Through a dedication of City capital funds and a strong working relationship with the MSBA, the plan will more than double the capital spending on BPS facilities over the next decade. The FY20-24 Capital Plan will invest $543 million in BPS projects. Mayor Walsh’s FY20-24 Capital Plan implements early action BuildBPS initiatives and reserves funding for projects identified by the BuildBPS engagement process.
Boston has also successfully ramped up its efforts to leverage MSBA ARP dollars to provide much needed improvements to its schools. This summer, construction will be underway at five schools to replace boilers, roofs and windows. Altogether, these projects represent an investment totaling $14.9 million, with $9.3 million supported by a grant from the MSBA. The Mayor’s Capital Plan sets aside an additional $33 million over five years to position Boston to further leverage MSBA ARP dollars in the future.
This Capital Plan allows Boston to invest in BPS projects already in the pipeline:
Construction is underway on the new $124.8 million Boston Arts Academy project. The MSBA has committed a maximum project grant totaling $48.9 million.
The $35.6 million renovation of the Eliot School at 585 Commercial Street will be completed by September.
$1 million budgeted for the development of a building program and design for a grade 7-12 school at the McCormack School building.
25-30 schools will be enhanced this summer with kitchen renovations that support the delivery of fresh, nutritious food. This is the second phase in a multi-year kitchen renovation program. The investment will close food security gaps that prevent many children from learning to their full potential.
Feasibility studies will begin this year for the Josiah Quincy Upper School (JQUS) and the Carter School projects, in partnership with the MSBA.
The City is investing heavily through a variety of resources in preserving and creating affordable housing. The City is already leveraging other resources like the Community Preservation Act to support new housing across the City, and Mayor Walsh’s FY20-24 Capital Plan is filling the gap created by federal reductions in public housing support. This year’s plan provides a $30 million investment to improve the quality of Boston Housing Authority’s affordable public housing. This investment in the Boston Housing Authority Charlestown project will preserve and improve hundreds of deeply affordable units in the coming years.
Boston is also building on its commitment to expand access to affordable housing opportunities and combating chronic homelessness in Boston. As part of the FY20 operating budget, earlier this month Mayor Walsh announced $20.6 million in City funds to support housing efforts as part of the Mayor’s Fiscal Year 2020 (FY20) operating budget proposal.
The City investments to sustain and expand its housing goals represent an increase of approximately $6.4 million, or 45 percent, in the FY20 operating budget for housing over last year. Five million dollars of this investment will be generated by implementing the Commonwealth’s new Room Occupancy Excise Law, in accordance with the City’s local ordinances. The Department of Neighborhood Development’s total budget also includes $64.9 million from external grants and $20.1 million in anticipated spending from the Inclusionary Development Program.
Recovery Services
Over the past six years, Mayor Walsh has consistently increased resources to those facing substance use disorders and in need of addiction supports, including creating the first municipal office dedicated to address addiction and recovery, the Mayor’s Office of Recovery Services (ORS). Next year, the City will grow the Office of Recovery Services by 35 percent over its FY19 appropriation so that they can more effectively provide support to those in need of their services. This investment will include new staff, new technology and additional Mobile Sharp pickup improvements. The Mobile Sharps Team, expanded in an FY16 investment, picks up over 50,000 needles a year.
The FY20-24 Capital Plan dedicates more than $80 million to rebuild theLong Island Bridge. The City has also allocated $2 million in funding over the past two years for planning the recovery campus that will be housed on the island.
Opened in August 2017, Bostonâ€
s Engagement Center has served as a vital service and lifeline for those suffering from addiction and homelessness. Since August 2017, over 400,000 guests have accessed the Engagement Center. In FY20, the City will continue its work to make the Engagement Center permanent with an investment of nearly $500,000.
The City has a plan to radically improve the ways, speed and safety of moving around the City. Go Boston 2030 plans a city with streets and sidewalks that are safer, travel that is more reliable and predictable, and quality transportation choices that improve access and interconnect neighborhoods for all modes of travel. To achieve this, the FY20-24 Capital Plan continues to mobilize transformational funding for transportation projects across the City, in addition to its significant operating budget investments.
The FY20-24 Capital Plan makes large scale investments in roads, sidewalks, bike corridors, intersections, bridges, streetlights and other critical infrastructure. This plan embodies the City’s commitment to achieve a state of good repair on all major city assets and create a safe, reliable and accessible transportation system for all residents.
The plan includes a number of new projects and annual programs, like the reconstruction of the Commonwealth Avenue and Harvard Avenue intersection in Allston and additional funding for the citywide Green Links program. The Commonwealth Avenue intersection will feature plaza space, cycle tracks, and major safety enhancements, while the Green Links program will deliver on the Go Boston 2030 goal to create a connected network of pedestrian and bicycle paths that expand access to the City’s green open spaces. Overall, the City will invest $1.2 billion in its capital budget to ensure Boston’s streets are safe, accessible, and equitable.
Public Safety
Emergency Services: The FY20 budget includes another Community Assistance Team and additional resources so that EMS can advance their efforts to hire a diverse workforce. The FY20-24 Capital Plan allocates an additional $375,000 for design and construction of a new EMS garage with staff amenities in the Seaport district. Both investments will allow the City’s services to transform and expand as the City’s population does the same.
Fire: The FY20 budget includes a significant technology investment in new equipment, including the replacement of eight fire trucks for a total of 48 over five years, the replacement of bio packs for tunnel rescue and a brush truck which enables the Boston Fire Department (BFD) to respond to woodland fires. These investments will help ensure BFD has the tools it needs to respond when called upon. The budget provides another year of funding for a $500,000 program to enable industrial-level cleaning of firehouses. Reducing cancer risk for firefighters and supporting firefighter health and safety is one of the Mayor’s priorities.
The FY20-24 Capital Plan will include other health and safety improvements to firehouse projects as a result of recent programming. Starting in FY16, the Fire Department, in conjunction with the Public Facilities Department, studied best practices for firehouse design. Key design changes include defined zones within the firehouse to prevent contamination of living areas, along with improved personal and gear cleaning facilities. The results of this planning are reflected in the replacement of firehouses for Engine 42 in Roxbury and Engine 17 in Dorchester, at a total investment of $48 million. In FY20, the study and design phase will start for replacing Engine 3 in the South End and Engine 37 on Huntington Avenue.
Environment and Open Space
The City is at the forefront of recognizing and addressing the risks of climate change. In 2015, the City created its first climate action plan and during the summer of 2019 will release a new, updated version of the climate action plan. In 2016, the City added a comprehensive climate vulnerability analysis called Climate Ready Boston. Inspired by the Paris Agreement, the City raised its goal to be carbon neutral by 2050 and announced a $2 million investment to protect the City from rising sea levels and $45 million to make municipal buildings more resilient and energy efficient through the Renew Boston Trust. Since 2013, Boston has retained its title as the most “efficient city in the United States” as named by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy.
As part of the FY20 operating and FY20-24 Capital Plan, the City plans to maintain a position of leadership in climate preparedness. In late 2018, Mayor Walsh pledged that 10 percent of new revenue in the capital budget would go toward climate resiliency. In the FY20-24 Capital Plan these include investments in Fort Point — an investment of $20 million that includes the design and implementation of a signature, climate resilient waterfront park along the Fort Point Channel — Moakley Park, Climate Ready Boston Harbor and climate resilient investments in parks, open spaces and infrastructure across the City.
At Franklin Park, long considered the crown jewel of Frederick Law Olmsted’s Emerald Necklace park system, current projects like the Pathways project are complete. Master planning is also underway on the $23 million Franklin Park and $23 million Boston Common revitalization projects.
The Moakley Park Master Plan project has also begun and design work will be funded beginning in FY20. This multi-use park will be designed with climate resilience at the forefront so that the entire City will be able to enjoy the park for years to come. At Harambee Park, Phase 1 is complete, Phase 2 is underway and Phase 3 will start design during FY20.Overall, the City is investing $313 million in improving parks in 17 neighborhoods.
Arts and Culture
Through the FY20-24 Capital Plan, the City will commit $13.4 million to the Percent for Arts program, as this funding will help create more permanent public art in places like the Dudley Branch Library and the new Area A-7 Police Station in East Boston.
The FY20 operating budget and FY20-24 Capital Plan significantly invests in construction and capital investments as well as additional books, programming, and community outreach to ensure the strength of local branches throughout Boston.
The Library’s FY20-24 Capital Plan continues to invest in revitalizing community branches throughout Boston. A number of capital projects will begin in FY20. These include: construction of a new $18.3 million Adams Street Branch Library; a $10.2 million renovation project at the Roslindale Branch Library; and programming studies for the West End and Codman Square. Additionally, a comprehensive $17.2 million building renovation will be completed at the Dudley Branch Library, a programming study for a new Fields Corner Branch Library will be finalized and a $15.7 million renovation project at the Central Library in Copley Square is underway now, to enhance preservation of historic special collections of rare books and manuscripts.
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Central PA’s Largest Commercial Real Estate Sales of 2018
This post originally appeared on tBL member Michael Kushner's blog Omni Realty Group and is republished with permission. Find out how to syndicate your content with theBrokerList.
Central PA’s Largest Commercial Real Estate Sales of 2018
There is much we can learn by analyzing a market’s largest commercial real estate sales in a given year. Looking at each the industrial, retail and office sectors, it’s interesting to see the varying demand for size, price and class from sector-to-sector. This tells us a lot of about the direction of economic growth for a region; and for a real estate investor, it also showcases where the best investment opportunities for the future may lie.
Here is a look at the largest commercial real estate sales that took place in Central Pennsylvania in 2018, grouped by sector and sorted by highest sell price.
1. 2 Ames Drive – Amazon (Carlisle)
This 700,000 SF, Class A industrial distribution building sold on December 20, 2018 to MetLife Real Estate Investments for $74,600,000. Built in 2012, this building was sold by American Realty Advisors for $106.57 per square foot. The price represents a 4.89% cap rate. American Realty Advisors had acquired the property in 2015 for $62.475 million.
2. 3700-3900 Industrial Rd – Supervalu (Harrisburg)
This 750,000 SF, Class B industrial building sold on May 1, 2018 to Fortress Investment Group LLC for $38,373,479. Built in 1985 and renovated in 1999, this building was sold by Supervalu Inc. for $51.16 per square foot. The lease agreements between Supervalu and the new landlord had an initial term for 20 years, with five five-year renewal options on a triple-net lease.
3. 6345 Brackbill Blvd – Exel Logistics (Mechanicsburg)
This 507,634 SF, Class B industrial warehouse sold on April 5, 2018 to Penwood Real Estate Investment Management, LLC for $33,100,000. Built in 1985, this building was sold by the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority for $66.20 per square foot. The price represents about a 6.15% cap rate on in-place income.
4. 102 Roadway Drive – Saia, Inc. (Carlisle)
This 61,658 SF, Class C, truck terminal along with 40 acres was sold in October 2018 to Saia for $32,000,000. The additional acreage pushed the sales price to over $518 per square foot. YRC, the seller, still owns and occupies the larger industrial building next to this property.
5. 571 Independence Ave – Upper Allen Business Park (Mechanicsburg)
This 378,000 SF, Class B industrial warehouse sold on August 22, 2018 to Prologis, Inc. for $24,971,824. Built in 1999, this building was part of a portfolio sold by DCT Industrial Trust for $66.06 per square foot. Prologis, Inc., a global leader in logistics real estate, acquired DCT in an all-stock acquisition of for $8.5 billion, including the assumption of debt.
1. 6416 Carlisle Pike – Silver Spring Square (Mechanicsburg)
This 342,603 SF power center anchored by Wegmans was sold on April 17, 2018 to The Wilder Companies for $88,810,000. Built in 2007, this building was sold by Silver Spring Square, LLC for $235.87 per square foot. The price represents an in-place cap rate of 7%.
2. 830-870 N. US Route 15 – The Dillsburg Shopping Center (Dillsburg)
This 162,783 SF neighborhood center was sold on September 24, 2018 to Vastgood Properties, LLC for $24,400,000. Built in 1994 and renovated in 2002, this property was sold by Brixmoor Property Group for $149.89 per square foot. The property traded at a 6.333% cap rate.
3. 5301 Simpson Ferry Rd – Giant (Mechanicsburg)
This 51,394 SF retail property sold on August 17, 2018 to Patriot Equity Partners, LLC for $17,540,000. Built in 2004, this property was sold by Exchange Right Real Estate, LLC for $341.28 per square foot.
4. 130 Kline Village – Kline Plaza (Harrisburg)
This 214,628 SF community center was sold to Nassimi Realty Corp. on December 12, 2018 for $8,700,000. Built in 1952, this property was sold by Brixmoor Property Group for $40.54 per square foot. The price represents a 10% in-place cap rate.
5. 1313 Kenneth Road – Dick’s Sporting Goods (York)
This 55,200 SF retail property was sold to the Stewart Companies on December 27, 2018 for $6,250,000. Built in 1988, this property was sold by First Capital Realty Inc. for $113.22 per square foot.
1. 1920 Technology Pky – Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (Mechanicsburg)
This 100,000 SF Class B Office Building sold on December 3, 2018 to Boyd Watterson Asset Management for $26,950,000. Built in 2010, this building was sold by Hudson Companies for $269.50 per square foot at a 7.5% cap rate. The building is fully leased to the PA Dept of Corrections.
2. 1250 Camp Hill Bypass (Camp Hill)
This 84,000 SF Class B Office Building sold on November 27, 2018 to Waterday Properties for $19,750,000. Built in 2015, this building was sold by Hoffer Properties for $235.12 per square foot. The building is leased to Hewlett Packard and Medical Mutual.
3. 1 Trinity Dr E – UPMC Pinnacle FamilyCare (Dillsburg)
This 43,212 SF Class B Medical Building sold on August 9, 2018 to Hammes Partners for $19,000,000. Built in 2008, this building was sold by Anchor Commercial Realty for $439.69 per square foot. The MOB is occupied by UPMC Pinnacle and Presbyterian Senior Living.
4. 909 Elmerton Ave – Pennsylvania DEP South Central Regional HQ (Harrisburg)
This 73,101 SF Class B Office Building sold on August 2, 2018 to Boyd Watterson Asset Management for $14,500,000. Built in 1998, this building was sold by Elmerton 909, LP for $198.36 per square foot. The building is fully occupied by the PA Dept of Environmental Protection.
5. 3801 Paxton Street (Harrisburg)
This 61,198 SF Class A Office Building sold on January 31, 2018 to Arthur L. Walters Co. for $8,425,000. Built in 2006 and updated in 2017, this building was sold by Thomas A. Salvaggio for $137.67 per square foot. The property traded at a 6.86% cap rate.
Closing Thoughts
In Central Pennsylvania and across the nation, it’s fair to say that the commercial real estate market delivered its fair share of ups and downs. Now that we’ve taken a closer look at the largest industrial, retail and office real estate sales of 2018, there are a few interesting points worth noting in each sector.
Industrial – Industrial real estate continues to lead all other real estate sectors with $529 million in sales volume in 2018. The average price was $60 per square-foot, with the average property selling for $4.2 million with a 6.3% cap rate.
Retail – A total of $346 million was invested in Central PA’s retail real estate market in 2018, an increase over 2016 and 2017. The average sale price was $107per square-foot with a 7.5% cap rate.
Office – Annual volume levels for Central PA’s office real estate market were trending down for 3 years running, but 2018 rebounded with $266 million in total sales. The average office property sold for $1.4 million with 8.2% cap rate. Two of the top five largest office sales to take place in 2018 were buildings leased to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Given the largest and most notable commercial real estate sales that took place in Central PA in 2018, do you notice any other trends this might indicate? Share your insights below by leaving a comment.
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RSS Feed provided by theBrokerList Blog - Are you on theBrokerList for commercial real estate (cre)? and Central PA’s Largest Commercial Real Estate Sales of 2018 was written by Michael Kushner.
Central PA’s Largest Commercial Real Estate Sales of 2018 published first on https://greatlivinghomespage.tumblr.com/
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[The Keihancarl Diaries: September 15, 2018]
Keihancarl here. It sure was a stormy weekend due to Typhoon Mangkhut (a.k.a. Ompong), but that shouldn't stop me from going to the highly anticipated 39th Manila International Book Fair (MIBF 2018) at the SMX Convention Center, Mall Of Asia Complex in Pasay City.

It's not that uncommon for me to go out during a rainy/stormy day, but I often chose to go out on a sunny day since I hate the thought of getting wet and muddy along the way. This time, however, I’m determined to go out and brave the bad weather since I don’t want to miss this year’s book fair considering that I’ve already planned this for weeks.
I decided to go all-black (black fleece coat, the Attack on Titan shirt, black slacks, black fingerless gloves, and black sneakers), but with a splash of red (a pair of red socks and a red handkerchief). And speaking of red, I also decided to wear my newly-bought red plaid scarf to add a nice touch to my all-black outfit.

Heading out, traffic was incredibly light along Commonwealth Avenue. Reaching Trinoma/MRT North Avenue, I also noticed light traffic along that part of EDSA. I then ride the MRT to Taft Avenue and took a short jeepney ride to the Mall Of Asia Complex.

By the time the train reached Ayala Station, the weather improved a bit. The sky brightened up a bit too.

Upon reaching the SMX Convention Center at the Mall Of Asia Complex, the wind is blowing hard but it's not raining at the moment.

There were no lines at the building's entrance so I immediately head inside. It's less crowded compared to my last MIBF visit, but then the bad weather has something to do with this. I was able to walk freely without bumping into anyone.

I paid the admission fee of 35 pesos (with discounts for students, senior citizens, and PWDs, and free for teachers with PRC IDs) and went inside the largest hall, where most of the booths are located.

I check some of the booths, including National Bookstore/Anvil Publishing and Fully Booked. I also bought a book in one of the booths as well. Textbook publishers, Christian bookstores, and educational materials are also present at the book fair.
And since it’s a book fair, there are a lot of book signings. In fact, the author of the book I just bought will have a book signing the following day. It’s just that there’ll be a lot of people lining up to have their book signed by their favorite author(s) too, so I’ll either spend a considerable amount of time waiting for my turn to have my copy signed by the author or I’ll simply pass for now. Anyway, I’m not ready to meet the author just yet, but maybe next time.

Anyway, some of the books that caught my attention include various manga books and Ketogenic cookbooks at the Fully Booked booth, and the books “Chef Laudico Flips Out!” and Bei Tong’s “Beijing Comrades” at the NBS/Anvil booth. I also get to check out the copies of the earlier volumes of Pugad Baboy (volumes 2 and 3) at the New Day Publishers booth, and I was quite shocked at how expensive they’ve become (these cost more than 200 pesos each if I recall correctly). I already have these copies since 2003, and they cost about 130 pesos during that time.

And then there’s the paper art featuring Filipino street food.

After an hour of visiting various booths, I then head to the second floor of the building, where a bazaar, NBS Book Binge sale, and the children's and office supply section of the MIBF are located. While checking the bazaar area, a foreigner complimented my scarf, my black fleece coat, and the Attack On Titan pin.

There's the Pop x Hub Fest featuring pop culture, comic books, and fandom, but I think you might need to pay the admission first in order to get inside.

And it's time to visit the malls, first the S'Maison at Conrad Manila. I only checked the Fully Booked branch there.

Beyond these doors is the alfresco area, but I don’t know if it’s accessible at the moment.

I then head to the bay area at the back of SM Mall Of Asia. It was incredibly windy in that area, and the waves are starting to get bigger. I can even feel the spray of water coming from the Manila Bay.

Later on, I went inside the mall and had a late lunch at one of the fast food chains. After that, I check out some of the shops.

Renovation works are still ongoing inside the mall, particularly at the main building where the football pitch (at the roof deck area) is being constructed. The wooden-style railings and nice looking interiors are giving the mall a more upscale vibe.

Meanwhile, some parts of the mall (particularly the Entertainment Hall) and some shops in that area are closed or transferred to another area to give way for the mall's renovation. Right now, I can't find Book Sale’s branch (a chain of second-hand books and magazines) inside the mall.

I also visited Fully Booked's branch in that mall as well and wondered as to how their booth at the MIBF had so many manga books compared to the mall branches, and free of plastic too.

By 4:30 PM, the sky looked dark. A few minutes later, it started raining again.
I then decided to ride a jeepney back to the MRT Taft Avenue Station. Come to think of it, the train is running slower than usual.

I decided to check a few shops in Vertis North and Trinoma before heading home. And just like earlier, traffic is incredibly light along Commonwealth Avenue as the result of the typhoon.

It sure was a fun weekend despite the storm and my mom's urging to cancel the trip. It seems that I made a bold move to proceed with my plan and braved the bad weather on my way to SMX Convention Center just to attend the MIBF 2018. I was pretty confident that everything went well despite the weather condition and I'm really happy with my book purchase. And I actually looked good in my outfit, courtesy of my red plaid scarf.
Can you imagine how ecstatic I was when I somehow managed to get through without any problems? Still, I could have enjoyed it best without the bad weather. Well, I'm expecting a sunny day on my upcoming mall-hopping trip next month, this time in the Ortigas-Greenhills area.
That's all for now. Keihancarl out.
All pics are from my private Instagram account, @kcox105.
#mall-hopping#going places#book fair#MIBF 2018#Mall Of Asia Complex#North Avenue malls#stormy day#all-black outfit#39th Manila International Book Fair
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Dirty Windows | 25
Hancock x Nora - A Fallout 4 Soulmate AU
Fic Summary:
Hancock never thought he would find his soulmate. Once a common occurrence, soulmates turned into a bit of a rarity after the bombs dropped. It was to be expected when there was an influx of people getting shot in the face on a daily basis. So when Hancock discovered that he had a soulmate he was ecstatic; all of the people in the Commonwealth, and he was one of the lucky few.
Too bad his soulmate didn't want anything to do with him.
// TW: Mentions of sex trafficking
[ 1 ] <- [ 20 ] [ 21 ] [ 22 ] [ 23 ] [ 24 ] - [ 26 ]
Hunting down this piece of shit trafficker guy involved too much cloak and dagger shit, and Hancock was getting borderline sick of it. It was the waiting that got him. Every day he was forced to sit and wait was another day these fucking degenerates had the chance to hurt someone in too many terrible ways. While he wanted to tackle this thing shotgun first it would mean nothing if he couldn’t stop the shit from happening again. Cut the head off of the snake and the body would follow.
So he’d force himself to wait around for things to fall into place.
MacCready knocked his job and got to Nora far faster than he’d anticipated, which was a damn gift. While he wanted to head to Bunker Hill immediately, he forced himself to wait a couple days. It was a little bit of time for Nora and MacCready to get to know one another, a little time to steel his nerves and make what he hoped would be his final move against Cecil the skin trader. Nora having an expert gun at her side gave him the comfort he needed to push forward with his plan.
Two whole days after MacCready arrived at the Slog Hancock got Fahrenheit to agree to babysit Goodneighbor, and he set out for Bunker Hill.
The Hancock clothes were swapped out for something more inconspicuous; casual, relaxed clothes layered with carefully placed pieces of armor. The tricorn hat was replaced with a threadbare ski cap. Without the fancy colonial duds, Hancock was just another ghoul. Just another ugly fucker who might go feral at any second.
After getting to Bunker Hill, Hancock spent an hour or two milling about, observing and listening. Discretion was key, and he didn’t want to scare off his mark before he even got eyes on him. It didn’t take long to find the guy. His contact, the guy the now-dead secret seller called Gerard, was a big guy. Bear-like in stature. Big, muscly, hefty. And pretty fucking disgusting. He looked sloppy. His chest-length beard looked matted; grossly tangled. The clothes were stained, threadbare, most clothing in the Commonwealth was but Gerard’s were exceptionally so.
At first glance he looked pretty deep in his cups. His whole upper body was slumped down at one of the tables in the settlement’s main building. It was littered with empty bottles. Hancock wondered if anyone ever assumed he was dead — when Hancock got closer, he certainly smelled dead. But when he placed a fresh bottle of beer on the table, Gerard stirred. He lifted his head, peering up at Hancock with bleary eyes.
"Mind if I have a seat, brother?"
Gerard reached for the bottle, and went to take a swig. The bottle didn't make it to his lips before the liquid was sloshing down over his chin and neck, wetting his beard and his dirty shirt.
Hancock took a seat, taking a drink of his own beer. He considered sloshing his own drink in solidarity then decided against it. There was a silence between the two for a handful of moments before the guy grunted, "The fuck you want?"
"Gerard, right? Friend of mine said you were someone I should find if I needed help procuring something."
There was a sudden clarity in the man's eyes, a steely hardness that took Hancock off guard. It was like he flipped a switch and turned into a totally different person. There was a sudden tension in his body, an awareness that Hancock wouldn’t have thought he was capable of. If the drunken slob thing was an act, then Gerry needed a fucking award.
Gerard’s eyes turned appraising. He surveyed Hancock as if he was a particularly interesting science experiment — and Hancock met his gaze head on. For every second Gerard surveyed Hancock, Hancock surveyed him. If he could manage it, he decided that he’d pick Gerard off at a distance. While Hancock could take a hit, he knew that Gerard would fold him like a napkin with little effort.
There was a show of rubbing his too big palms over his disgusting pants, then Gerard held out his hand. Hancock took it, and damn near regretted it. Ol’ Gerry’s grip was tight, just past the point of painful where it seemed like the bastard was deliberately trying to crush his bones. But there was something being pressed into his palm—
"Ya found me. Now get the fuck outta m'face, y'ugly piece’uh shit," he growled, then tossed Hancock's hand from his grip.
"Sure brother, sure," Hancock drawled, fingers curling around the item that had dug so securely into his palm. He stood, rapping his throbbing knuckles on the table, before he pivoted on his heel and left.
Hancock made sure that he was clear of the building before he chanced a look at what had been given him.
It was a crumpled note, and written in faded pencil were the words: midnight - front gate.
Hancock groused, glaring at the handwriting before wedging the note into his pocket. He was getting tired of this waiting bullshit. But without a whole lot of choices in the situation, Hancock loitered, he explored, he checked in on Nora.
When his girl wasn’t elbows deep in grease and gears, she was with MacCready. The little shit had listened to Hancock’s request and showed Nora around working a rifle — but the lessons had been brief, and more often than not, MacCready was trying to get his hands on the Pop-Boy.
"Aw, come on. Just let me see it for a minute."
"RJ, I'm using it right now."
"Come on, I know you have at least one game on there."
"You can play with it when I am finished with it."
"You swear?"
"Yes, RJ. I swear."
Though he could feel Nora's irritation starting to manifest itself, her voice remained calm, and gentle. The woman must have had the patience of a saint. Hancock sat and watched for several minutes, smiling to himself as he listened to them chat. Arlen would pipe in on occasion to help Nora with some of her work. They all seemed so relaxed, enjoying one another’s company.
When MacCready asked about the Pip-Boy for the millionth time, he couldn't stay quiet.
"Tell him that if he asks about it again yer gonna send him to bed without dinner."
The dregs of irritation vanished, and he felt Nora's emotions shift. A warmth flooded him, bright and welcoming. Goddamn he wanted to be at the Slog with her so fucking bad.
"John says that if you keep asking about the Pip-Boy, you will be sent to bed without dinner."
There was a scoff in response, some kind of joking comment about how Hancock wasn’t his real dad, then Nora stood from her work. She tugged the Pip-Boy from her wrist and passed it to MacCready, "You can use it until I get back."
Hancock watched as she left the workshop and stepped outside. She loitered away from the Slog, not terribly far, but far enough to get a little bit of privacy.
"You've been busy today," he said softly, still basking in that pleasant warmth that radiated from her half of the bond. Fuck, it felt like home. Like greeting the sun after a long winter. He wanted to live in it.
"Yeah, sorry. We've been working on the purifier. Almost done with it, actually."
"I'm proud of ya," he said, allowing his focus to settle on her perspective, on the fencing around the pool house, on the surrounding trees and greenery. "You're kicking ass over there."
"Thank you. I feel like I'm accomplishing something - something big, that people can benefit from, you know?"
They chatted about the purifier for a few more moments, then MacCready. Nora didn't seem to mind him, even going so far as comparing MacCready to a brother that she never wanted.
"I know it's gotta seem like I gave you a babysitter, or maybe a babysitting gig," he started slowly, grimacing when he silently admitted to himself that that had been exactly what he did. She wouldn’t accept his help, so he sent someone in his stead. "But hopefully after tonight-"
"Tonight? What's happening tonight?"
"I, uh, got a meeting... with our buddy, Cecil. Hopefully."
"How did you find him?"
"Everything is for sale if ya know the right person, and you got the right amount of caps," he rasped. "I... I just wanted to give you a heads up so ya don't come calling and see somethin' you don't want to be seein'."
"Is anyone going with you?" Her voice was steeped in worry, growing a little tight, a little airy. Then came the flood of emotion that took away all that magnificent warmth. It was a bitterness that coated his tongue. It was a rampant heartbeat fluttering next to his own steady calm.
"Nah, flyin' solo on this one." The worry was immediately accompanied by hair-raising, gut-twisting anxiety. "I'll be fine." No answer, just wave after wave of emotions that almost made him feel ill. He focused his efforts on blocking that part of their bond. "Nora..."
There was a sniffle, "Promise you'll be careful..."
His heart ached. Fuck, was she crying for him? Slowly, he grasped one of his hands, giving it a gentle squeeze as he rubbed the pad of his thumb over the knuckle. He hoped she felt what bit of comfort he tried to give her. "Baby, yer breakin' my heart..."
"Please promise me."
"I'll promise to be careful on one condition..."
"I promise to be careful, Nora. But now I want you to promise me something..."
A soft sigh, a mere sliver of that anxiety lifted away. He felt smooth skin at his fingertips, felt their tickling touch on the back of his hand. It was a surreal feeling, as if he was touching and being touched. He could feel the caress at the back of his hand, feel it in every wandering digit.
"I know you don't need a babysitter, and I know that you probably don't like bein' saddled with one. But... if you can keep MacCready with you for another week or two..." He tickled his own fingers over his palm, feeling the softness of her skin under his touch. He pretended that she was there with him, their hands entwined. "Let him show ya the ropes, just for a couple of weeks. Then, when he heads back this way... maybe consider coming with him. You don't have to stay, I won't keep you here but... Promise that you'll consider it."
A gentle touch to his cheek, the barest caress, had him sighing softly. He leaned in to pursue the phantom touch, finding nothing but empty air. He opened his eyes, staring at the space he imagined Nora being and he fucking ached. "In two weeks, when RJ heads back to Goodneighbor... I'll be with him."
"Don't say that unless you're sure."
"I'm sure."
Tags: @takottai / @a-little-pebbl / @yamatra
#Fallout 4#Hancock x Nora#Hancock / Nora#Hancock x Sole Survivor#Hancock / Sole Survivor#Fallout Fanfiction#Fallout Soulmate AU#Soulmate AU#Romance#Fallout Companions#Angst#One Sided Pining to Mutual Pining#Canon Typical Violence#Human x Ghoul#Fallout Hancock#female sole survivor x hancock#Nora Calls Hancock John#Dirty Windows#Slowish Burn#Author is renovating all of the buildings in the commonwealth#No Beta - I'm dying over here#enemies to lovers#RJ MacCready#Arlen Glass
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A Broadband Discussion Like No Other
Prince George County was the center of attention on August 16 when people from all over the Commonwealth gathered at the Central Wellness Center to discuss one of the state and nation's hottest topics - broadband.
Through the cooperative efforts of the Virginia Rural Center and Prince George Electric-Cooperative, an impressive guest list was in attendance for a roundtable discussion that began at 9 a.m.
Broadband is certainly a topic in every region of Virginia, but no 'summit' like this had included prominent legislators, other state leaders, local government representatives and private companies. There were even a few residents who registered. All to learn something about how to expand broadband opportunities to their neck of the woods.
It was a tremendous opportunity for Prince George Electric Co-Op to showcase its new venture, which started with a partnership with Prince George County and its Industrial Development Authority. Nearly 200 homes and businesses are receiving fiber to their homes because PGEC took a leap of faith and got out of their comfort zone of just providing electrical services and entered the broadband business.
The success in Prince George County has given PGEC the confidence to pursue agreements in Sussex and Surry counties. It is a model that has won five achievement awards for Prince George County and nominations for three more are pending.
In essence, if PGEC can do it, why can't other cooperatives. That was the message sent out to the gathering of nearly 150 people, along with other ideas that were generated in the two-hour discussion.
PGEC showed everyone concerned how a good idea with willing partners can establish success. They got people to quit talking about broadband and actually hooking them up. They did it at a competitive price for the consumer.
As the discussion moves past the August 16 event, it appears people have at least one good idea they can run with. Private companies may try to step in and pitch alternatives and they may work in other places around the state. But the PGEC model, using their present infrastructure and labor pool, pioneered through unchartered broadband territory to help students, adults, homemakers and online shoppers to greater utilize the world-wide web.
Congratulations again to the PGEC team and to our Board of Supervisors and IDA members for taking a risk that has paid off for Prince George residents.
Central Wellness Center a Gracious Host
The Central Wellness Center has gone through a flurry of renovations the last year or so, with improvements made to the gymnasium and former classroom space to create room for a fitness center, a Public Safety training room and soon to be office space for Prince George Promise Youth Program.
Used as an example of the PGEC broadband initiative was the establishment of a public computer lab. This space is made available free of charge for folks who might not own a computer, or who might not have internet capability in their community.
The Broadband Roundtable also showed how the gymnasium can be set up to be a public venue for future events. The General Services Department did an outstanding job of making the place where jump shots are taken to an acceptable meeting space with a comfortable environment and great sound system.
Look for additional events to be held at that location as word begins to travel.
Getting Kids Ready for School
The beginning of another school year is right around the corner. Prince George County is doing its part to get kids ready for the experience by handing out backpacks filled with school supplies on August 23 from 4-7 p.m. at Scott Park.
The Back to School Fair has turned into a major community event the last few years. In addition to kids receiving school supplies, you have an abundance of organizations on hand to share information with the parents and students.
One of the more popular activities is the presence of a Prince George County School Bus, which is on hand to show kids in kindergarten what it is like to sit on a school bus and see their surroundings. This is aimed to help them not be scared and actually enjoy the trip to and from their respective school building.
The activities are free of charge and coordinated by the Prince George Department of Social Services.
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Yangtze Dunes reopens near Shanghai following sweeping OCCM renovation
Yangtze Dunes, the newly renovated links course here at 36-hole Lanhai International Country Club, reopened to member play on June 23, following a far-reaching, 12-month renovation directed by Melbourne, Australia-based Ogilvy, Clayton, Cocking & Mead (OCCM).
The renovated 18 reopened as a walking-only course, a rare renovation decision (exceedingly rare in Asia) that necessitated the removal of some 8 km of concrete cart paths.
“Our members were on board with these changes from the beginning -- they understood that a traditional links is best enjoyed on foot, with caddies,” says Jay Porter, general manager at Lanhai International CC. “They were ready for that aspect; it was honestly not that controversial.
“What they weren’t ready for was just how good, how unique the new course has revealed itself to be. They’re over the moon about what OCCM have created here. The new 18 holes at Yangtze Dunes course are still quite young, still growing-in to maturity. But the members love it because it’s unlike anything in Shanghai, anything in China -- anything in Asia, frankly. The walking-only aspect is but a small aspect of the transformation that has taken place here.”
Located on Chongming, an island in the Yangtze River delta, Lanhai International CC was founded in 2009. It quickly took its place among the top clubs in Asia on the strength of its 36 holes (including the Woodlands Course, a Nicklaus Design), its elegant Tuscan-style clubhouse, and a distinguished membership drawn from nearby Shanghai. In late 2016, new club ownership commissioned OCCM (www.occmgolf.com) -- whose partners include touring professional Geoff Ogilvy, 2006 U.S. Open Champion -- to create a golfing experience that would stand alongside the world’s best.
“The mere fact that we’ve created a true links track at Yangtze Dunes makes it stand out from nearly every golf course that currently exists in Asia,” said Ashley Mead, the OCCM partner who directed renovation activities here on Chongming. “For whatever reason -- cultural or climatic -- Asian developers have not chosen to build many courses in the links tradition.
“As a firm, we’re deeply committed to designing golf courses that represent the local environment. And here’s a relevant fact: Chongming is the largest alluvial island in the world --alluvial being a fancy way of describing sand islands formed by river currents. So, we’re in China, on a giant sand bar in the middle of the mighty Yangtze River, just northeast of Shanghai, in the shadow of the towering Yangtze River Bridge. This site was crying out for a full-on links and we’re very pleased Yangtze Dunes so strongly accentuates this place and culture.”
OCCM also pushed and ultimately gained approval for the creation of a sprawling, flamboyantly contoured putting course to replace an auxiliary practice green that once sat between the 1st tee and 18th green. The Chuiwan Course drew its inspiration not from the Himalayas at St. Andrews, nor the Punchbowl at Bandon Dunes, but the ancient Chinese game of the same name.
Chuiwan was first mentioned in the book Dongxuan Lu, written by Wei Tai in the late 10th century, during the Song dynasty. The game remained a favorite of the nobility through the Yuan [1206–1368] and Ming (1368–1644) dynasties. The rules are remarkably similar to that of modern golf: Players use a set of up to 10 clubs; wooden balls are driven across varying terrain toward (and ultimately into) holes festooned with colored flags.
“Some Chinese scholars have advanced the idea that perhaps chuiwan was taken across Asia during the Mongol-led Yuan dynasty -- to Scotland eventually, which explains the emergence of golf there. I think that remains open to interpretation,” says Porter. “But the Chinese people do reserve a special sort of respect and admiration for their ancestors. This was a game they clearly played, centuries ago. The Chuiwan Course will provide our members the opportunity to regularly pay homage to this ancestral, thoroughly Chinese game in a really fun way.”
The profile and ambitions of Lanhai International were raised considerably following its purchase by the Ping An Group in 2016. Founded in 1988 as an insurance specialist (it was China’s first joint stock insurance company), Ping An stands today as a fully integrated, compact, multi-functional financial services group whose core activities center on insurance, banking, and investment. At the close of September 2017, the Group boasted more than 1.7 million employees serving 153 million individual customers.
The team Ping An has assembled at Lanhai International is headed by the American Porter, formerly the GM at storied Merion GC in Ardmore, Pennsylvania, USA. Course construction activities, just completed, were led by The Forward Group (www.ForwardGolf.com.cn/en), China’s leading course building and club management firm. Forward collaborates at Lanhai on the club operations side with U.S.-based Landscapes Unlimited (www.LandscapesUnlimited.com), a club management specialist with more than 50 facilities in its operations portfolio worldwide.
Ownership/s most significant hire may well have been OCCM: As a quartet of Australians, born and bred, OCCM have naturally toiled a great deal in their native country. Their recent 36-hole redesign at Peninsula Kingswood catapulted the club into Melbourne’s elite Sand Belt cohort. Down the road at venerable Kingston Heath, the firm’s long-standing consultation recently produced a stunning new 19th hole. And though OCCM has authored more extensive, similarly celebrated renovations all over the country -- at Victoria GC, Commonwealth, Royal Canberra, The Lakes in Sydney, and Lake Karrinyup (home to a European Tour event near Perth) -- Mead sees very little at Yangtze Dunes that he would call “Australian” or even “Australia-inspired”.
“For us, no matter where we’re working, it’s all about tying the design back to the natural landscape,” Mead explains. “We actually went around to several traditional parks, old villages and gardens in the Shanghai area to get a better feel for this. We visited some lovely natural wetlands just around the corner from the golf course, on Chongming Island itself, to gather cues on the vegetation front. The terrain, vegetation and immediate environment here just don’t recall any Australian environment we’ve see or worked in.
“I doubt very much many golf courses have ever been built in this sort of environment, full stop, especially here in Asia. Which helps explain why Yangtze Dunes is so special.”
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BOSTON — Gov. Charlie Baker joined Transportation Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack, U.S. Rep. Richard Neal, Springfield Mayor Domenic Sarno, members of the Massachusetts Legislature, and local leaders at Union Station in Springfield yesterday to announce a request for proposals for a consultant team to study the feasibility of east-west passenger rail service, the launch of a pilot for passenger rail service between Greenfield and Springfield, and one-seat service through Springfield to Hartford and New Haven, Conn.
“Through strong partnerships with federal, state, and local officials, we are investing in our existing rail infrastructure, increasing capacity where it is needed, and strengthening the Commonwealth’s transportation system,” Baker said. “We look forward to reviewing the results of this comprehensive study and continuing to support projects in all regions of the Commonwealth that provide improved travel options to residents and commuters.”
Added Neal, “I have always believed that improved and enhanced rail service between Springfield and Boston has the potential to be a game changer for our region. That’s why I thank Governor Baker for coming to Union Station today to announce that he is authorizing a comprehensive study on the feasibility of east-west rail. It will build on the study of local rail service funded by the Federal Railroad Administration that former Congressman John Olver and I requested in 2006. With the debut of expanded passenger rail service between New Haven and Springfield later this week, these two significant projects will help grow our economy and greatly improve the quality of life in the region. Investing in our transportation infrastructure will benefit people across the entire Commonwealth of Massachusetts.”
The RFP will enable the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) to carry out an extensive study over approximately 18 months, analyzing many aspects and options for potential east-west passenger rail service. In addition to studying potential passenger service from Springfield to Boston, the study will look at potential origins farther west such as Pittsfield and Palmer. This will include engaging with stakeholders and evaluating the potential costs, speed, infrastructure needs, and ridership of potential passenger rail service throughout this corridor.
The administration also announced that a term sheet has been finalized with the Connecticut Department of Transportation which will enable the start of passenger rail service between Springfield and Greenfield beginning on a pilot basis in spring 2019. Under the agreement, MassDOT will fund the cost and management of the pilot service, which will be operated by Amtrak and conclude in fall 2021. The pilot will provide two round-trips each day and make stops at stations in Greenfield, Northampton, Holyoke, and Springfield. Southbound service will be provided in the morning hours, and northbound in the evenings. This pilot service will leverage the MassDOT-owned Knowledge Corridor, which is currently used by Amtrak’s Vermonter service, and the recently renovated Springfield Union Station.
Meanwhile, the new 62-mile Hartford Line begins operating on Saturday, June 16, with trains running approximately every 45 minutes between Springfield and several cities and towns in Connecticut, including Windsor Locks, Windsor, Hartford, Berlin, Meriden, Wallingford, and New Haven. This expanded service is in addition to the existing Amtrak service throughout this corridor. The Hartford Line will offer free service on June 16 and June 17.
“Carrying out a comprehensive study on east-west passenger rail will allow us to have a rigorous, fact-based discussion regarding options for potential service,” Pollack said. “Many legislators, local and regional officials, and business leaders called for such a study, and we are pleased to take a step in advancing this planning for future service.”
Added Sarno, “I deeply appreciate Governor Baker’s continued efforts to not only better connect us through the North-South corridor, but also his efforts to explore better overall ways to connect us to a feasible and sustainable east-west corridor mechanism. He’s been a great friend and partner to me and to Springfield’s needs.”
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Hyperallergic: Art Movements
A detail from Marian Kołodziej’s “The Labyrinth” (started in 1993) (via Flickr/mik Krakow)
Art Movements is a weekly collection of news, developments, and stirrings in the art world. Subscribe to receive these posts as a weekly newsletter.
Activists from the Chinatown Art Brigade (CAB) and other local art and anti-gentrification groups protested against Omer Fast’s exhibition at James Cohan Gallery’s Chinatown space. CAB described August, which requires visitors to walk through a constructed caricature of a derelict, run-down Chinatown business, as a “racist aggression towards the community.”
Pyotr Pavlensky was arrested and charged with destruction of property after setting fire to a Bank of France branch in Paris. The dissident artist and his partner, Oksana Shalygina, were granted political asylum in France earlier this year. The pair fled Russia following accusations of sexual assault, a charge they maintain is politically motivated. Pavlensky, who is best known for nailing his scrotum to the ground in Moscow’s Red Square, was detained by Russian authorities in November 2015 after setting fire to the entrance of the FSB’s (Russian Federal Security Service) Moscow headquarters.
A crowdfunding campaign was launched for the conservation and protection of Marian Kołodziej’s “The Labyrinth,” an installation of work documenting the artist’s experiences at Auschwitz. The display, which is housed and cared for at a Franciscan monastery in the Polish village of Harmęże, is under threat from a woodworm infestation.
Walter Isaacson expressed doubts over the authenticity of Salvator Mundi (c. 1490–1519), specifically his disbelief that Leonardo da Vinci would fail to render visual distortions within the crystal orb depicted in the painting. The work is estimated to fetch $100 million at Christie’s on November 15. Isaacson is the author of a new work on Leonardo entitled Leonardo da Vinci: the Biography.
Over 25,000 people have signed a petition opposing the appointment of Siegbert Droese, a member of the far right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, as chairman of the German parliament’s Committee on Cultural and Media Affairs.
The Hubei Provincial Museum in Wuhan, China, removed a series of racist photographs by Yu Huiping, which juxtaposed images of black people with wild animals.
Alex Gardega, the artist who placed a sculpture of a urinating dog next to Kristen Visbal’s “Fearless Girl,” was struck and killed by a subway train in Manhattan.
Members of Norman Rockwell‘s family met with representatives from the office of the Massachusetts attorney general in a bid to halt the sale of two works by the artist at Sotheby’s. The family is opposed to the Berkshire Museum’s controversial decision to deaccession “Shaftsbury Blacksmith Shop” (1940) and “Shuffleton’s Barbershop” (1950), paintings the artist directly donated to the museum.
Atelier Van Lieshout’s “Domestikator” (2015), an architectural structure resembling two mid-coital figures, was displayed at the Centre Pompidou after the Louvre decided to withdraw it from its outdoor sculpture program.
Reporter Tim O’Brien, the author of TrumpNation: The Art of Being the Donald, recounted an exchange with Donald Trump in which he disputed the authenticity of a Renoir displayed on his private jet. According to O’Brien, Trump insisted that his version of Renoir’s “Two Sisters (On the Terrace)” was authentic, despite the fact the original painting is held in the Art Institute of Chicago’s collection.
Hank Willis Thomas’s “All Power to All People,” an eight-foot-tall sculpture of an afro pick punctuated by a clenched fist, was installed at Town Center Apartments in Opa-locka, Florida.
Hank Willis Thomas, “All Power to All People” (via Instagram/@adriennechadwick)
Sotheby’s Art for Grenfell auction raised a total of £1,946,875 (~$2,569,000).
Beatrix Ruf stepped down as director of the Stedelijk Museum following intense criticism by Dutch media. Ruf continued to operate her private art-advisory firm, Currentmatters, during her first year as the Stedelijk’s director, netting $513,961. Ruf did not disclose the operation of her advisory business in the museum’s annual report. The former director was also criticized for a lack of transparency and accountability regarding museum acquisitions. According to NRC, the museum contractually agreed to acquire further works by Michael Krebber and Matt Mullican in order to secure a donation by German collector Thomas Borgmann, a deal that will reportedly cost the museum $1.76 million.
Eli Broad announced his retirement from philanthropic ventures.
Audrey Azoulay was appointed director general of UNESCO.
Alyson Baker will step down as the executive director of the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum at the end of the year.
Lauren A. Meserve was appointed senior vice president and chief investment officer of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
James H. DeGraffenreidt, Jr. was appointed president of the Walters Art Museum’s board of trustees.
El Museo del Barrio appointed six new members to its board of trustees: Juan Domingo Beckmann, Moisés Cosio, Veronica G. Powell, Clarice Oliveira Tavares, Renata Paula, and Monica Vidal.
Suzanne Cotter was appointed director of MUDAM Luxembourg.
Diana Baldon was appointed director of the Fondazione Modena Arti Visive.
Vincent Honoré and Cliff Lauson were appointed senior curators at the Hayward Gallery in London.
Virginia Commonwealth University announced that it will open its new Institute for Contemporary Art (ICA) in April 2018.
The New York Public Library unveiled its two-year renovation of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture.
Galerie Templon is planning to open a second space in Paris.
Fernando Mignoni, the former head of Christie’s postwar and contemporary art department in London, will open his own gallery on the Upper East Side on October 31.
Two of Philadelphia’s modernist buildings — District Health Center One and the Shipley White Residence — were added to the city’s Register of Historic Places.
The University of Bergen unveiled its new faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design. The facility was designed by Norwegian architects, Snøhetta.
Snøhetta, Bergen University, Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design (© Hufton + Crow)
Kehinde Wiley and Amy Sherald were commissioned to paint portraits of Barack and Michelle Obama for the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery.
Doug Aitken received the inaugural Frontier Art Prize.
Hikaru Fujii was awarded the Nissan Art Award’s 2017 Grand Prix.
Tim Storrier was awarded the 2017 Doug Moran National Portrait Prize.
George Saunders was awarded the 2017 Man Booker Prize for his novel Lincoln in the Bardo.
Lawrence Argent, “I See What You Mean” (2005), blue polymer concrete, 40ft x 24ft x 22ft, Denver Convention Center, Denver, Colorado (via Wikipedia)
Lawrence Argent (1957–2017), sculptor.
Cornelia Bailey (1945–2017), activist. Co-founder and vice-president of the Sapelo Island Cultural and Revitalization Society.
Mary Cochran (1963–2017), dancer.
Courtney Donnell (1945–2017), curator of 20th-century painting and sculpture at the Art Institute of Chicago.
Gord Downie (1964–2017), lead singer and lyricist of the Tragically Hip.
Linda Fredericks (1941–2017), art teacher and activist. Founder and president of ArtSway.
Vincent La Selva (1929–2017), founder of the New York Grand Opera.
Charles Osborne (1927–2017), author, poet, and biographer. Former literature director of the Arts Council of Great Britain.
Marian Cannon Schlesinger (1912–2017), artist and author.
Grady Tate (1932–2017), jazz drummer and vocalist.
Ralph Turner (1936–2017), curator and exhibition organizer. Director of exhibitions at the Crafts Council.
Richard Wilbur (1921–2017), poet and translator.
The post Art Movements appeared first on Hyperallergic.
from Hyperallergic http://ift.tt/2yAVPS6 via IFTTT
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WTTC Moves April’s Global Summit from Puerto Rico to Mexico

The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) has confirmed that its annual Global Summit will now be held in Cancun, Mexico, and not in Puerto Rico as originally planned. The event had been scheduled to take place in San Juan, Puerto Rico, from 21 – 23 April 2020. Earlier this month a series of earthquakes hit the island causing damage to buildings. Puerto Rico has said that the financial resources that had been set aside to host the event, will instead be used for marketing efforts that promote the country’s “open for tourism” message and drive immediate visitor numbers to the Island.

Gloria Guevara, President & CEO of WTTC, said, “WTTC remains strongly committed to supporting Puerto Rico’s amazing comeback story as seen in their record-breaking year in tourism last year. Although the Island was ready to welcome us with open arms this April, despite the recent seismic activity in the southern region, reallocating resources to continue this great momentum is the right thing to do in order to further boost tourism. We are looking forward to hosting an event in Puerto Rico later this year.” The WTTC Summit will be held in Cancun, Mexico, from 21 - 23 April 2020, with the dates for another official WTTC event in San Juan, Puerto Rico, expected to be announced in the near future. “This switch to Cancun will enable us to host a Global Summit focused on the opportunities and challenges facing our sector in 2020 and beyond, which will help to grow tourism further. The 20th Global Summit will benefit and showcase not only Mexico, but the wider regions of the US, Latin America and the Caribbean,” added Ms. Guevara. See latest Travel News, Interviews, Podcasts and other news regarding: WTTC, Summit, Puerto Rico. Headlines: Asia Pacific Airlines Carried 375.5m Int. 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Airport Trials Single Token Journey Technology Air Canada Suspends All Flights to Beijing and Shanghai Korean Air Sets Up Emergency Response Team; Suspends Select China Flights Mark Radford Joins Trenchard Aviation as VP Business Development CWT Appoints R. 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Airport Served Record 38,786,422 Pax in 2019 British Airways Starts Offsetting Carbon Emissions on All Flights Within UK Marriott Opens Second JW on Hainan Island, China Airbus Partners Aston Martin for Special Edition Helicopter Dassault Aviation Appoints Charles Wemaëre as VP Worldwide Spares Boeing Appoints Niel Golightly as SVP of Communications Jayson Goldstein Joins Four Seasons Boston as F&B Director Vietjet Takes Delivery of Two More Airbus Aircraft Two Executive Appointments at Bombardier Aviation Air India No Longer Available on Sabre GDS Thailand Targets Tourism Revenue of 3.18 Trillion Baht in 2020 Seaplanes in Thailand? Interview with Dennis Keller, CBO of Siam Seaplane Future of Airline Distribution and NDC - Interview with Yanik Hoyles, IATA Cambodia Airways Interview with Lucian Hsing, Commercial Director HD Videos and Interviews Podcasts from HD Video Interviews Travel Trade Shows in 2019, 2020 and 2021 High-Res Picture Galleries Travel News Asia - Latest Travel Industry News Read the full article
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Camden Apartments to Undergo Extensive Renovation With $14 Million in MassHousing Financing
BOSTON – MassHousing has closed on $14 million in financing to Beacon Communities LLC for the rehabilitation and preservation of affordability at the 72-unit Camden Apartments in Boston.
The Camden Apartments is a state-aided public housing community currently operated by the Boston Housing Authority (BHA). As part of its ongoing effort to modernize public housing across Boston, the BHA has designated Beacon Communities to redevelop the Camden Apartments property. Beacon Communities will utilize the MassHousing financing to substantially renovate the Camden Apartments, and will manage the Lower Roxbury property through a 99-year ground lease with the BHA.
“Massachusetts has one of the country’s largest state-aided public housing portfolios, and it is critical that these homes be well-positioned to serve the needs of the Commonwealth’s residents, now and well into the future,” said MassHousing Executive Director Chrystal Kornegay. “Beacon Communities, the Boston Housing Authority, and the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development, all share MassHousing’s mission of creating housing communities that stabilize families and promote economic prosperity. We are proud to support this public-private partnership, which will result in a significant investment in the preservation and modernization of housing for lower-income families in Roxbury.”
“This renovation marks an important new chapter for this historic development, and I am proud to begin our work together today to make his neighborhood stronger than ever,” said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. “This redevelopment will not only modernize these buildings to make them more energy efficient, safe and accessible, but will help us continue to set a national standard for quality public housing.”
“Beacon is proud of our long partnership with the Boston Housing Authority and grateful to the many city and state and federal agencies and other partners who made this transaction possible,” said Beacon Communities CEO Dara Kovel. “The rehabilitation will allow for Camden Apartments to serve as a quality affordable housing resource for many years to come.”
“Massachusetts has an incredible asset in our 45,000-unit public housing portfolio, and we are committed to using tools such as the Modernization to Independence pilot to ensure it remains a resource for residents across the Commonwealth,” said Housing and Community Development Undersecretary Janelle Chan. “We are proud to support the revitalization of the Camden Apartments with more than $15 million in direct funding and federal tax credit equity. By preserving this important resource, our partnership with MassHousing, Boston Housing Authority, and Beacon Communities will improve the quality of life for residents and ensure the building will remain affordable for future generations of families.”
The Modernization to Independence pilot program, launched by the Baker-Polito Administration in 2017, is intended to rehabilitate and preserve state public housing units to better enable the Commonwealth to manage and address the needs of an aging public housing portfolio, of which the state manages more than 45,000 units.
Beacon Communities plans an estimated $14.3 million in property renovations at the Camden Apartments, including window and door replacement, new plumbing and hot water systems, new electrical systems, unit upgrades, and exterior masonry repairs.
MassHousing provided Beacon Communities with a $5.9 million tax-exempt construction and permanent loan and an $8.1 million tax-exempt bridge loan. The MassHousing financing also generated $6.8 million in Low-Income Housing Tax Credit equity for the project.
Other project financing includes approximately $4.2 million in federal and state historic tax credit equity, $5.8 million in state public housing funds from DHCD, a $5.6 million seller note and $500,000 from the Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston.
The Camden Apartments are located at 50-60 Camden St., in Roxbury and feature 36 one-bedroom apartments, 19 two-bedroom apartments and 17 three-bedroom apartments.
Of the 72 apartments, 8 will be for households earning at or below 30 percent of the Area Median Income (AMI), and 64 units will be for households with incomes at or below 60 percent of AMI. The median income for a family of four in Boston is $107,800.
The contractor will be Cruz Construction, the architect is The Architectural Team and the management agent is Beacon Residential Management. The Camden project is expected to create more than 60 full-time jobs by the time of the project’s completion in June 2020.
MassHousing has financed or manages the rental subsidy for 68 rental housing communities in Roxbury with 7,202 total units and an original total loan amount of $322.3 million. The Agency has also provided home mortgage financing to 8,350 Boston homeowners with an original principal loan amount of $1.1 billion.
from boston condos ford realtor https://bostonrealestatetimes.com/camden-apartments-to-undergo-extensive-renovation-with-14-million-in-masshousing-financing/
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Central PA’s Largest Commercial Real Estate Sales of 2018
This post originally appeared on tBL member Michael Kushner's blog Omni Realty Group and is republished with permission. Find out how to syndicate your content with theBrokerList.
Central PA’s Largest Commercial Real Estate Sales of 2018
There is much we can learn by analyzing a market’s largest commercial real estate sales in a given year. Looking at each the industrial, retail and office sectors, it’s interesting to see the varying demand for size, price and class from sector-to-sector. This tells us a lot of about the direction of economic growth for a region; and for a real estate investor, it also showcases where the best investment opportunities for the future may lie.
Here is a look at the largest commercial real estate sales that took place in Central Pennsylvania in 2018, grouped by sector and sorted by highest sell price.
1. 2 Ames Drive – Amazon (Carlisle)
This 700,000 SF, Class A industrial distribution building sold on December 20, 2018 to MetLife Real Estate Investments for $74,600,000. Built in 2012, this building was sold by American Realty Advisors for $106.57 per square foot. The price represents a 4.89% cap rate. American Realty Advisors had acquired the property in 2015 for $62.475 million.
2. 3700-3900 Industrial Rd – Supervalu (Harrisburg)
This 750,000 SF, Class B industrial building sold on May 1, 2018 to Fortress Investment Group LLC for $38,373,479. Built in 1985 and renovated in 1999, this building was sold by Supervalu Inc. for $51.16 per square foot. The lease agreements between Supervalu and the new landlord had an initial term for 20 years, with five five-year renewal options on a triple-net lease.
3. 6345 Brackbill Blvd – Exel Logistics (Mechanicsburg)
This 507,634 SF, Class B industrial warehouse sold on April 5, 2018 to Penwood Real Estate Investment Management, LLC for $33,100,000. Built in 1985, this building was sold by the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority for $66.20 per square foot. The price represents about a 6.15% cap rate on in-place income.
4. 102 Roadway Drive – Saia, Inc. (Carlisle)
This 61,658 SF, Class C, truck terminal along with 40 acres was sold in October 2018 to Saia for $32,000,000. The additional acreage pushed the sales price to over $518 per square foot. YRC, the seller, still owns and occupies the larger industrial building next to this property.
5. 571 Independence Ave – Upper Allen Business Park (Mechanicsburg)
This 378,000 SF, Class B industrial warehouse sold on August 22, 2018 to Prologis, Inc. for $24,971,824. Built in 1999, this building was part of a portfolio sold by DCT Industrial Trust for $66.06 per square foot. Prologis, Inc., a global leader in logistics real estate, acquired DCT in an all-stock acquisition of for $8.5 billion, including the assumption of debt.
1. 6416 Carlisle Pike – Silver Spring Square (Mechanicsburg)
This 342,603 SF power center anchored by Wegmans was sold on April 17, 2018 to The Wilder Companies for $88,810,000. Built in 2007, this building was sold by Silver Spring Square, LLC for $235.87 per square foot. The price represents an in-place cap rate of 7%.
2. 830-870 N. US Route 15 – The Dillsburg Shopping Center (Dillsburg)
This 162,783 SF neighborhood center was sold on September 24, 2018 to Vastgood Properties, LLC for $24,400,000. Built in 1994 and renovated in 2002, this property was sold by Brixmoor Property Group for $149.89 per square foot. The property traded at a 6.333% cap rate.
3. 5301 Simpson Ferry Rd – Giant (Mechanicsburg)
This 51,394 SF retail property sold on August 17, 2018 to Patriot Equity Partners, LLC for $17,540,000. Built in 2004, this property was sold by Exchange Right Real Estate, LLC for $341.28 per square foot.
4. 130 Kline Village – Kline Plaza (Harrisburg)
This 214,628 SF community center was sold to Nassimi Realty Corp. on December 12, 2018 for $8,700,000. Built in 1952, this property was sold by Brixmoor Property Group for $40.54 per square foot. The price represents a 10% in-place cap rate.
5. 1313 Kenneth Road – Dick’s Sporting Goods (York)
This 55,200 SF retail property was sold to the Stewart Companies on December 27, 2018 for $6,250,000. Built in 1988, this property was sold by First Capital Realty Inc. for $113.22 per square foot.
1. 1920 Technology Pky – Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (Mechanicsburg)
This 100,000 SF Class B Office Building sold on December 3, 2018 to Boyd Watterson Asset Management for $26,950,000. Built in 2010, this building was sold by Hudson Companies for $269.50 per square foot at a 7.5% cap rate. The building is fully leased to the PA Dept of Corrections.
2. 1250 Camp Hill Bypass (Camp Hill)
This 84,000 SF Class B Office Building sold on November 27, 2018 to Waterday Properties for $19,750,000. Built in 2015, this building was sold by Hoffer Properties for $235.12 per square foot. The building is leased to Hewlett Packard and Medical Mutual.
3. 1 Trinity Dr E – UPMC Pinnacle FamilyCare (Dillsburg)
This 43,212 SF Class B Medical Building sold on August 9, 2018 to Hammes Partners for $19,000,000. Built in 2008, this building was sold by Anchor Commercial Realty for $439.69 per square foot. The MOB is occupied by UPMC Pinnacle and Presbyterian Senior Living.
4. 909 Elmerton Ave – Pennsylvania DEP South Central Regional HQ (Harrisburg)
This 73,101 SF Class B Office Building sold on August 2, 2018 to Boyd Watterson Asset Management for $14,500,000. Built in 1998, this building was sold by Elmerton 909, LP for $198.36 per square foot. The building is fully occupied by the PA Dept of Environmental Protection.
5. 3801 Paxton Street (Harrisburg)
This 61,198 SF Class A Office Building sold on January 31, 2018 to Arthur L. Walters Co. for $8,425,000. Built in 2006 and updated in 2017, this building was sold by Thomas A. Salvaggio for $137.67 per square foot. The property traded at a 6.86% cap rate.
Closing Thoughts
In Central Pennsylvania and across the nation, it’s fair to say that the commercial real estate market delivered its fair share of ups and downs. Now that we’ve taken a closer look at the largest industrial, retail and office real estate sales of 2018, there are a few interesting points worth noting in each sector.
Industrial – Industrial real estate continues to lead all other real estate sectors with $529 million in sales volume in 2018. The average price was $60 per square-foot, with the average property selling for $4.2 million with a 6.3% cap rate.
Retail – A total of $346 million was invested in Central PA’s retail real estate market in 2018, an increase over 2016 and 2017. The average sale price was $107per square-foot with a 7.5% cap rate.
Office – Annual volume levels for Central PA’s office real estate market were trending down for 3 years running, but 2018 rebounded with $266 million in total sales. The average office property sold for $1.4 million with 8.2% cap rate. Two of the top five largest office sales to take place in 2018 were buildings leased to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Given the largest and most notable commercial real estate sales that took place in Central PA in 2018, do you notice any other trends this might indicate? Share your insights below by leaving a comment.
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DaMajority Fresh Article http://www.damajority.com/governor-mapp-creates-hurricane-resiliency-advisory-group-guide-reconstruction-efforts-u-s-v/
ST. THOMAS, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS – Governor Kenneth E. Mapp on Mondayannounced the creation of an expert advisory committee to help guide reconstruction and resiliency efforts in the U.S. Virgin Islands in the wake of Hurricanes Irma and Maria. The VI Hurricane and Resiliency Advisory Group, under the Office of the Governor, includes local officials and community members, as well as business and environmental experts, and thought leaders from around the United States.
Under the Governor’s direction, the group will perform a quantitative assessment of the hurricane damage and outline risks facing the USVI from potential future natural hazards looking ahead 30 years, including how those risks may evolve with climate change. They will also set the course for the USVI’s long-term security and economic recovery, with a special focus on making the Territory’s critical infrastructure, homes, and businesses more resilient to future storms and other natural disasters.
The VI Hurricane and Resiliency Advisory Group will also focus on:
The ongoing planning, coordination and implementation of USVI response and recovery efforts across the human services, infrastructure, housing and economic sectors.
The development of a centralized process to attract, coordinate and leverage federal, private-sector and philanthropic funding and volunteer efforts.
The development and implementation of a coordinated economic recovery plan, with a particular focus on the tourism industry and all related services.
Tracking and monitoring distribution and spending of federal disaster assistance funding and private donations, including the Community Fund for the Virgin Islands, administered by the Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands.
The near- and long-term actions needed to increase the USVI’s resilience from natural hazards, including policy recommendations and guidelines and prioritization for infrastructure investments.
“We’re bringing together experts from many disciplines to help the U.S. Virgin Islands build back as fast and smart as possible to enhance the long-term resiliency and economic health of our islands, while protecting our communities from future storms,” Governor Mapp said.
“The members of the VI Hurricane and Resiliency Advisory Group care deeply about our Territory and will work hard alongside us to rebuild stronger and better than ever before,” the Governor added. “I am tremendously appreciative and encouraged by the level of assistance and cooperation we have received.”
Clifford Graham, President and CEO of the West Indian Company (WICO) port facilities and Havensight Mall on St. Thomas, will serve as Chairman of the group. Mr. Graham previously served two terms as a senator in the Legislature of the U.S. Virgin Islands, overseeing the Finance and Rules Committees and was the long-time Executive Director of the Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority.
Governor Mapp has appointed United States Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams (right) to the VI Hurricane and Resiliency Advisory Group.
The VI Hurricane and Resiliency Advisory Group also includes:
Dr. Jerome M. Adams – United States Surgeon General. Dr. Adams is an anesthesiologist and a vice admiral in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. On September 5, 2017, he was sworn in by Vice President Mike Pence as the 20th Surgeon General of the United States. Prior to his appointment as Surgeon General, Dr. Adams served as the Indiana State Health Commissioner. He also holds a Masters in Public Health from the University of California, Berkeley.
Elizabeth Armstrong – General Manager of the Buccaneer Hotel on St. Croix, which her family has owned and operated since 1947. Ms. Armstrong led a successful $25 million capital renovation of every aspect of the Buccaneer resort, while maintaining its authenticity and cultural heritage. She also serves as chairwoman of the Governing Board of the V.I. Water and Power Authority, Vice Chair of the Virgin Islands Next Generation Network, and is a past president of the St. Croix Hotel and Tourism Association.
Valdamier Collens – Commissioner for the USVI Department of Finance and Executive Director of the Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority. Commissioner Collens formerly served as the Chief Financial Officer for the Virgin Islands Port Authority and as Assistant Commissioner for the Department of Finance.
Vivek Daswani – President and Owner of Royal Caribbean. Mr. Daswani has worked to develop and expand his family’s retail operations in the U.S. Virgin Islands for the past 20 years and is an integral part of the local business community and tourism industry. He has served on the boards of the Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands and the V.I. Institute of the Performing Arts.
Judith Enck – Visiting Scholar at Pace University Elisabeth Haub School of Law. Ms. Enck brings more than 37 years of experience in the environmental field, most recently as a former EPA Region 2 Administrator, which includes New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and seven tribal nations. Prior to her role at the EPA, Ms. Enck served as the New York State Deputy Secretary for the Environment.
Andrew Farkas – Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Island Capital Group, a real estate and merchant banking firm with significant interests in the USVI. Mr. Farkas was previously Chairman and CEO of Insignia Financial Group, a global real estate services company. He is an avid philanthropist and sailor.
Eugene Farrell – Chief of Staff to Governor Kenneth E. Mapp. Prior to assuming his current position, Mr. Farrell served as the Governor’s Senior Policy Advisor for Justice, Law Enforcement, Security and Emergency Operations. He comes with more than 30 years of management and leadership experience in the U.S. Armed Forces, Civilian Emergency Response System and as a business owner. He currently serves as a board member on the Virgin Islands Economic Development Commission.
Novelle E. Francis, Jr. – Senator, Legislature of the Virgin Islands. Senator Francis is serving his second term representing the St. Croix district. He is a former Chair of the Committee on Homeland Security, Justice and Public Safety and presently chairs the Committee on Rules and Judiciary. Senator Francis has extensive experience in emergency management and response, having served for 25 years in the Virgin Islands Police Department, where he attained the rank of Commissioner. He was heavily involved in updating the Territory’s emergency response plan after Hurricane Marilyn and remains committed to ensuring the improvement of the Virgin Islands’ disaster management policies and procedures.
Daryl Griffith – Acting Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer for the V.I. Housing Finance Authority. Mr. Griffith works to increase access to housing and community development opportunities throughout the USVI. Prior to his work with the Housing Finance Authority, Mr. Griffith was a Vice President and Commercial Relationship Manager with Sun Trust Bank, where he worked with business owners to access capital and grow their companies.
Anthony Hurley – Associate Managing Director with Witt O’Briens, an emergency and security risk management firm. Mr. Hurley brings 37 years in the utility industry, working for five electric utilities across three states. Mr. Hurley has an extensive background in emergency management and hurricane recovery, having supported emergency responses to Hurricanes Isabel, Francis, Ivan, Katrina, Rita, Irene, Sandy, Harvey, and now Irma and Maria.
Hans Lawaetz – President of Annaly Farms, Inc. Mr. Lawaetz is a St. Croix businessman and cattle farmer. He served as a U.S. Air Force Captain after graduating from Cornell University. Lawaetz has served on the boards of the V.I. Conservation District, Good Hope School, St. Croix Landmark Society, the Virgin Islands Olympic Committee and the 2017 V.I. Transfer Centennial Commission. He is currently President of the St. Croix Friends of Denmark Society.
John McInnis III – Director of the Kenny Chesney Foundation and CEO of McInnis Industries, a construction company his family founded in 1970 that has grown to more than $1 billion. Mr. McInnis and his company have been instrumental in several national emergency cleanup operations including Hurricanes Ivan and Katrina, and the BP Horizon oil spill. The McInnis Family is also the majority owner in one of the world’s most famous road house beach bars, The Flora-Bama, on the Alabama/Florida state line.
Beverly Nicholson-Doty – Commissioner of Tourism for the USVI. Commissioner Nicholson-Doty oversees the advertising and marketing strategy for the entire USVI, as well as its national and international tourism-related efforts and product development. Raised on St. Thomas, in 2004, she was appointed President of the USVI Hotel & Tourism Association. She has also served as Chairman of the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) Council of Ministers and Commissioners.
Basil Ottley – Director of Policy for the Office of Insular Affairs within the U.S. Department of the Interior. Mr. Ottley coordinates federal policies for the territories of American Samoa, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands while also overseeing U.S. federal assistance provided to Micronesia, the Marshall Islands and the Republic of Palau. Before joining the Department of the Interior, he was elected to the 27th Virgin Islands Legislature in November 2006.
Geri Purvis – Individual Assistance Branch Director Geri Purvis has worked with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for nearly 15 years and has responded to more than 25 disaster operations throughout her time serving in the field of emergency management. She has worked in Individual Assistance, Fraud Investigation and External Affairs. She has recently responded to Hurricane Sandy, Hurricane Irene and several disasters across the United States as a member of the Region II Incident Management Assistance Team. Ms. Purvis represents the areas of Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services.
Marjorie Roberts – Head of Marjorie Rawls Roberts, P.C., a law firm specializing in tax, corporate/securities, estate planning, and business law. Her practice focuses on representing major U.S. and international companies seeking to do business in the USVI. She formerly served as Technical Advisor and Chief Counsel to the USVI Bureau of Internal Revenue, as well as General Counsel, Vice President, and Director for Globalvest Management Company, LP, a St. Thomas-based investment company.
Harriet Tregoning – Immediate past Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Office of Community Planning and Development at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. At HUD, Ms. Tregoning focused on helping states and cities across the country build a strong foundation for resilience in the face of a changing climate. Ms. Tregoning was previously Director of the District of Columbia Office of Planning and served as Director of Development, Community and Environment at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
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