#gd this is amazing
lostmeadowjade · 6 months
Artist: Ari
Song: The Fruits by Paris Paloma
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waltj · 7 months
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The cast of Breaking Bad attend the SAG Awards, 2024.
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pastafossa · 1 year
Oh god I'm so tired. But even after like... hours and hours in the car and a sore body, it was WORTH IT.
I'll do a detailed rundown tomorrow, including of the AMAZING interaction I had with Charlie at his autograph table that basically confirms he's the best ever, as well as share some pics from the con, the couple awesome bits of DD merch I snagged, fun interactions with TRT readers, and a showing of the FUCKING AWESOME TRT GIFT @wonderlandmind4 gave me that literally made me cry.
Until tomorrow, please enjoy this Pasta Is Meant For Cold Weather illustration via two pics and texts only about 2 hours apart -
Me, optimistically texting friend this pic at 8:55am on the day of the con: I AM JESSICA JONES AGAIN, THEY'LL SEE THAT AND MY BAG AND LANYARD AND KNOW IT'S ME
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Me, texting same friend at 11:27AM: i have made a mistake, i'm not jess, i'm jane in the gd warehouse which means I'm hot and fucking melting while waiting for matt, they can just look for the thread cause if I put the jacket on again I WILL die and ya'll will have to seance me for new chapters
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employee052 · 4 months
skdjfhksjdhf ok i think i finally caught up in reblogging all the posts for the road trip thread (i hope)
sorry for all the rambly n gushy reblogs this morning gamers :3
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spider8itten · 1 year
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I am very normal about sybil
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leafuxxtea · 6 months
also im sorry for not interacting much lately,,, 🥹 ive been feeling a bit unwell (damn, brain got hands), but i hope everyone's been doing well <333
also i promise ill respond to the tags and asks soon!! sending much love to everyone 😭💕
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juanasfanart · 6 months
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some art of many shows, games and movies i love (ft some goofy stuff) !!! <3
(i made these at school 7th grade lmao)
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altschmerzes · 2 years
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please why is my beloved doc hotdish the result of a magic spell that put an anxiety disorder inside a muppet and brought it to life
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her-canine-teeth · 7 months
it's like they died and there's no going back. theyre gone theyre always gonna be gone and it's terrible and there's a hole with jagged edges that bite and hurt and it cant be filled (but it's better than nothing being there at all. the hurt reminds you that they were alive, that they were there once and you didnt just imagine the comfort and the friendship and everything; they are gone, but at least they were there)
they died, no coming back. but at least they died together. they didnt have to be without the other, didnt have to like feel that special sorta pain that everyone else is feeling rn (whyd u leave me behind. whyd u go alone. )
there's comfort in dying with a loved one
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
I don’t wanna invalidate opinions but I would like to throw some things out there that might help reframe window for those who didn’t like it (and correct me if I’m off base here Ryen also I never properly talked about window yet so I guess this counts as part of it 🫣😂) but like….
Okay so feel like most media, especially the ones I grew up with is supersaturated with unrealistic, rose colored portrayals of intimacy, both platonic and romantic. Conflict is shown as only an external force that can be overcome with “true love.” But…love is not always enough. It’s a powerful motivator but it isn’t an airtight bottle you can shove all the difficult conversations and thoughts in until the pressure peaks . It’s only recently that creators are starting to push back against the cliche stereotypes that we’ve had for decades. And we’ve never had more diversity and freedom to be creative than we do now but we still have a long fucking way to go. There’s still a lack of depth that leads to expectations that can never be met. It leads to so much unnecessary disappointment with real life. And it’s lowkey toxic af. How is anyone supposed to know how to actually relate to another person, how to be a good friend or even how to know if someone else is being a good friend if we never get to see the little things. The small moments shared in silence, the tears, the misunderstandings, the effort it takes to stay feeling connected to someone else, to stayed connected to yourself.
Real intimacy is not a straight, even valley you need to pass in order to get to a beautiful meadow of “happily ever after.” Real intimacy requires patience, persistence, and communication. It’s a never ending fluctuation of real work. No one can give 100% all the time, but that’s why it’s shared. When you can only give 20 percent, the other person needs to be willing to give the other 80 and you have to be open to do the same. And most importantly it requires grace; the ability to be patient and forgive others when they find themselves being less than. Getting to have a peak into Yoongi’s mindset in 3tan is a privilege you can’t get in real life bc we’re not mind readers. In fact, it highlights that fact. We can’t know what others are thinking unless we ask and truly listen. Period. It reminds us that there are in fact two individually complex humans involved that have their own needs and wants and worries and doubts. And like communication between two people is one thing, but communication with yourself??? That takes a lifetime of conscious effort. You have to choose to improve, to self reflect. And it’s going to be uncomfortable, no might’s or maybe’s. But how can anyone know what they need in a relationship or what they can even bring to a relationship if they don’t sort it out with themselves first?
Reader and Yoongi have realistic flaws that they are not only aware of but are willing to work on in order to make a relationship work. They have internal battles they have to work through if they’re ever going to be able to fight the external ones. Instead of judging each other for how they’re feeling, they push each other to be vulnerable enough to share so they can listen and understand bc they want this. They want it all. Yoongi climbing through that window was him giving reader that 80 percent when she could only give 20. I also don’t think it’s fair to fault reader for that when we’ve seen proof they’re willing to do that for Yoongi too (I guess I haven’t seen what specific things people didn’t like about it so I’m making some assumptions). We saw it, staying to wash those dishes and refusing to leave unsaid thoughts floating just out of reach between them was her 80 when Yoongi was shutting down. She deserved an explanation to his change in behavior that felt complete and genuine and she was brave enough to stop hiding behind the coy words that were keeping them both safe, that they both were using as a shield. They were lucky, they got to hear exactly what they thought they could only hope for. But even if they hadn’t, at least they could walk away knowing they had done all they could. They could have mourned what could have been with less regrets.
And last thing before I step off my soapbox and end this Tedtalk (have we reached max capacity for metaphor yet??? 😂🤦🏽‍♀️), I understand that people use escapism as a coping mechanism (and like all things is def unhealthy in excess). I think it’s safe to say we’re all pretty much here for that. We’re on this platform and following and reading content from creators like Ryen who are willing and excited to share their work with us as whatever we need it to be bc we are looking for something to connect with. Ryen has stated multiple times she wants this to be a comfort for people and that it is one for her. It’s scary sharing a story like this so publicly. It’s intimate and revealing and she shared it knowing that she doesn’t have complete control on who has access to it. If you’re looking for a story that paves a smoother path then maybe 3tan is just not for you 🤷🏽‍♀️ and that’s more than okay. We’re so lucky to be in a digital age where a large portion of the population has access to an obscene amount of content. There’s going to be something out there that fits what you’re looking for if that’s what you want. But my completely unsolicited advice and hope for everyone is that they consume media that allows them to not only escape from the unpleasantries of life but also expands the way we might think about the complex dynamics of just…existing. Nobody has all the right answers but I bet if we all share the things that help and comfort us like Ryen does and meet it with “I’m so happy you felt you could share this with me and I feel like I know you better now” when it doesn’t fit into what we want or whatever expectations we create, then we’d all walk through this life feeling a little more understood and a little more understanding. And I’m not saying I don’t also enjoy and even love the easy, rosy happily ever afters. I do, but I’m beginning to understand that they give me something different than the complex and angst filled stories. I’m 100% not always up to diving into a story like 3tan that really gets me thinking and analyzing (this is like 1k words too late to say hi don’t perceive me and my many long winded 3tan reviews 🫣🙃😂 but like…shhh) and so when I’m not, I don’t 🤷🏽‍♀️. Luckily, for now, it’s there for whenever I want and that’s amazing. And when I do, I try really hard to put even a fraction of the work it takes the creator into my response/ reception BC WOW PEOPLE ARE SO TALENTED AND BRAVE AND DOING THEIR BEST.
If you made it this far, thanks for coming to my Tedtalk and welcome to my overthinking and exhausted brain. Did I write this on my flight home as a way to push back my post concert depression? Yes, yes I did.
(Ryen I love you and am endlessly grateful for your big beautiful brain and I hope you enjoy LA 🖤🖤🖤)
i…. i….. wow?? thank you?? what the hell do i even say to this i’m speechless🧍‍♀️
mikayla i guess i won’t say much (because you’ve pretty much said everything so eloquently and beautifully, and i barely slept on the whole flight here and am just now getting to lie down) but just know this made me feel a whole lot better. damn.
thank you for saying all of this. at its core, 3tan is about life. beauty in the mundane. extraordinary in the ordinary. a lot of my inspiration comes from hayao miyazaki, tbh, because i’ve been so enamored by the way he took time to add in the most simplest of things like fixing a shoe that wasn’t fully put on, or someone staring just a bit longer at the surrounding scenery. it’s those moments that i wanna capture here, too, because there’s something to love even in the milliseconds.
and as far as love and communication and trust and self-reflection, it’s been quite a journey writing this series bc even though i’m writing it, i truly feel like I’m learning and growing alongside these people, too. it’s been quite the pleasure, and i’m grateful as hell for anyone that’s here, was here, or will stumble across this series somehow. I wanna keep it a comfort series and one that, as you said, makes people think about their own journeys, too.
gahhh I really don’t have any other commentary bc you’ve said plenty and it’s incredible.. seriously, thank you. i’m unbelievably touched and will think about this tedtalk ask for a long, long time.
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alpinelogy · 2 months
Willingly and quite happily made the choice to simply not pursue studying art/graphic design in any way shape or form and yet somehow that does not stop me from comparing myself against professional artists/graphic designers… make it make sense
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roadimusprime · 1 year
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pastafossa · 9 months
Me, playing Baldur's Gate 3: ok, so two of my types are here. But this is fine. At least there's only two. Makes romance decisions easier. Just Astarion or Gale.
Wyll: hi, I'm so slow burny and nice and tragic
Me: sir, do not
Wyll: All people see when they look at me now is a monster, I am sad
Me: shut up shut up shut up
Wyll: I just want someone to see who I am inside and I want to help people despite my tragic circumstances, also I have horns now
Me: god fucking damnit
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sangfielle · 7 months
i don't actually know what my current feelings are about ending up either as an anthropologist or as a m.e. - i care a lot about these things but i don't know how suited i am to the graduate/med school grindset and i am discovering that i have a lot of different passions that i would like to get to pursue in a professional capacity
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dominaxnoctis · 1 year
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in real life, bad things happen. people die. fights are lost. evil often wins. i just wanted to make that clear before I begun.
mildly canon divergent cirque du freak: the vampire's assistant original character. blooded by crow. 
due to sensitive and possibly triggering themes as well as for the comfort of the writer this blog is 18+.
vampire aligned | multiverse | crossover and oc friendly au verses: fallout, the last of us, resident evil, boku no hero academia, star wars, stranger things, dragon age, skyrim.
carrd | ©
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philhoffman · 2 years
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Periodic reminder that if you mention meeting Phil Hoffman on the internet, I will probably find it. I wonder how many times people threw that Talented Mr. Ripley reference at him on the street 🤔
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