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bladethrowsshade · 2 months ago
Hello, 🌾
I hope my message finds you well 
I'm fayez, living under the weight of the genocide taking place in Gaza. 🍉
I need your help to amplify my voice by sharing my My plea
"My son is suffering from a severe and life-threatening injury after being shot by Israeli drones. He urgently needs medical treatment outside Gaza." đŸ•Šïž
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Please Donate now:👇
Thank you for your time đŸŒčđŸŒč
I BIG U, DONT IGNORE!! We are very close to 25,000 come on guys there is not much left to the goal, let's reach it. We can achieve it today with the same support you gave me and my family. Donate and share so we can do it on time, we're so close.
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ripplesinstillwater · 1 year ago
people just carrying with their lives like everything is normal???? Like 2.3 million people being carpet bombed is just old news at this point?? Literally cheering on the genocide of Gazans and just shrugging and saying "well Hamas brought this down on them". I don't get how its controversial to critisize Israel for comitting war crimes every single day?? Absolutely disgusting. Humanity has really been lost.
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makiruz · 1 year ago
dude what the hell is with ur anti semitic remarks like that’s not fucking ok.
i was following you because you posted memes man, never saw anything about the conspiracy bullcrap you do.
Please listen to jewish people instead of just placing urself morally above them, like the amount of shit that the jewish diaspora has endured shouldn’t be added to by your ignorance
Do you honestly believe someone is gonna take that seriously in this context? 18000 people are dead
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aaliyahjohn · 5 months ago
In recent years, #SherifAlAskari’s name has surfaced repeatedly in discussions surrounding international financial fraud and money laundering operations. The infamous money launderer operates a complex web of fraudulent businesses, using shell companies and exploiting #loopholes in the UK’s financial system to convert #illicit money into legal funds. His activities are not limited to financial fraud but have alarming implications for #international security.
What makes this case even more concerning is the involvement of #AlAskari’s daughter, who resides in London with her husband, #MeghdadTabrizian, and their sons, Mohammad and #Amir Tabrizian. Together, they play a crucial role in their father’s operations. More troubling is the daughter’s connection to Hezbollah, the Lebanese paramilitary group led by #Hassan Nasrallah. Close friends with Nasrallah’s wife, AlAskari’s daughter serves as a financial conduit, allegedly channeling laundered money to fund Hezbollah's operations.
Key Facts:
SherifAlAskari uses his daughter to launder money through front companies in London.
The daughter’s close ties to #Hezbollah’s leadership raise concerns about the use of these funds.
AlAskari’s wife and #Ali Fallahian’s wife are sisters, linking the two notorious figures.
The #oil smuggling operation they run, using #Panamanian-registered vessels, further funds these activities. Once the oil reaches Iraq, the origin documents are falsified, selling the oil under false pretenses. The proceeds are funneled through various financial institutions, avoiding detection—at least for now. This dark network reveals how deeply financial fraud and terrorism are intertwined, with AlAskari’s family playing a pivotal role in destabilizing global security.
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nick57547 · 5 months ago
In recent years, #SherifAlAskari’s name has surfaced repeatedly in discussions surrounding international financial fraud and money laundering operations. The infamous money launderer operates a complex web of fraudulent businesses, using shell companies and exploiting #loopholes in the UK’s financial system to convert #illicit money into legal funds. His activities are not limited to financial fraud but have alarming implications for #international security.
What makes this case even more concerning is the involvement of #AlAskari’s daughter, who resides in London with her husband, #MeghdadTabrizian, and their sons, Mohammad and #Amir Tabrizian. Together, they play a crucial role in their father’s operations. More troubling is the daughter’s connection to Hezbollah, the Lebanese paramilitary group led by #Hassan Nasrallah. Close friends with Nasrallah’s wife, AlAskari’s daughter serves as a financial conduit, allegedly channeling laundered money to fund Hezbollah's operations.
Key Facts:
SherifAlAskari uses his daughter to launder money through front companies in London.
The daughter’s close ties to #Hezbollah’s leadership raise concerns about the use of these funds.
AlAskari’s wife and #Ali Fallahian’s wife are sisters, linking the two notorious figures.
The #oil smuggling operation they run, using #Panamanian-registered vessels, further funds these activities. Once the oil reaches Iraq, the origin documents are falsified, selling the oil under false pretenses. The proceeds are funneled through various financial institutions, avoiding detection—at least for now. This dark network reveals how deeply financial fraud and terrorism are intertwined, with AlAskari’s family playing a pivotal role in destabilizing global security.
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miserable69 · 1 year ago
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weird-soup-lad · 9 days ago
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Everyone please donate if you can this is urgent, if you can't donate please reblog eitherways so this reaches out to more people!
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neroushalvaus · 1 year ago
"Sori siitÀ."
– Alexander Stubbin syntilista
Viimeinen ennakkoÀÀnestyspÀivÀ kÀsillÀ ja vaalipÀivÀ jÀljellÀ, eli vielÀ ehtii levittÀÀ vaalipropagandaa. Vaikka tÀmÀ on kirjoitettu Tumblr-henkisesti Your Kokkari Is Problematic -muotoon, en suinkaan yritÀ tÀllÀ listalla kÀnselöidÀ Stubbia, enemmÀnkin antaa teille argumentteja keskusteluun sen Stubbia ÀÀnestÀmÀÀn menevÀn Sylvi-tÀdin kanssa. Kaikki Tumblrissa taitavat pitÀÀ Stubbia suht pellenÀ, mutta vielÀ kuulen soraÀÀniÀ ihmisiltÀ, joita ÀrsyttÀÀ kumpikin ehdokas ja meinaavat siksi jÀttÀÀ ÀÀnestÀmÀttÀ. Nyt yritÀn vakuuttaa paatuneimmankin siitÀ, ettÀ Stubbia vastaan kannattaa ÀÀnestÀÀ.
Osa nÀistÀ on "vain" Stubbin suusta lennÀhtÀneitÀ sammakoita, joita ei kuitenkaan ole hyvÀ unohtaa, kun valitaan maalle keulakuvaa. Jos löytyy jotain, mikÀ suututtaa Sylvi-tÀdin, niin hyvÀ! Suututtakaa Sylvi-tÀti.
TÀmÀn te tiedÀttekin liian hyvin, eli koulutuslupaus. JÀtkÀ poseerasi virnuillen "Koulutuksesta ei leikata" -kyltin kanssa, ja SipilÀn hallitus sitten kuitenkin leikkasi koulutuksesta n. 800 miljoonaa euroa. (HS) LisÀksi hallitus heikensi opintotukea Stubbin johdolla. (IS)
2024, presidentinvaalien toisen kierroksen vaalikeskusteluissa Stubb pitÀÀ palestiinalaispakolaisille avustus-, terveys- ja koulutusapua tarjoavan UNRWA:n tuen katkaisua Suomelta oikeana pÀÀtöksenÀ. Haavisto ei ole samaa mieltÀ ja on esittÀnyt vaihtoehtoja avun saamiseksi perille, jos UNRWA ei ole toimintakykyinen. (HS)
Puhuaksemme myötÀtunnottomuudesta Gazaa kohtaan, nostetaan esiin hyvin harkitsematon "herja". UlkoministerinÀ 2009 toiminut Stubb ei halunnut keskustella haastattelussa Kirkon Ulkomaanavun tukemasta klinikasta Gazassa, jonka Israelin ohjusisku oli tuhonnut, "koska ei halunnut antaa Kirkon Ulkomaanavulle ilmaista mainosta". ("To be honest, varför ska man promovera Kyrkans liksom utlandshjÀlp - det Àr sÄ dÀr att 'en Nokia blev stulen, ska ni göra nÄgot?'. De försöker liksom lyfta sitt eget brand, that's the point.") (Ylen ruotsinkieliset uutiset)
2015 Alexander Stubb vÀitti eduskunnassa, ettÀ 90% silloin kÀsiteltyÀ hallintarekisteriÀ koskeneista viranomaislausunnoista oli ollut positiivisia, kun positiivisia lausunnoista oli vain 10%. (Yle) TÀmÀn voisi laskea vain samaan sarjaan Essayahin maitolitramölÀytyksen kanssa, ellei tÀmÀ lausunto olisi ollut eduskunnassa pidetty puheenvuoro, jonka tÀten oli tarkoitus ajaa Stubbin omaa agendaa hallintarekisteriasiassa.
Alexander Stubb kirjoitti seuraavan twiitin vuonna 2013, pÀivÀ sen jÀlkeen, kun uusnatsijÀrjestö Suomen vastarintaliikkeen jÀsenet olivat tehneet puukkoiskun JyvÀskylÀn kaupunginkirjastoon: "Voisiko joku kertoa mikÀ on Euroopan ÀÀrioikeiston ja -vasemmiston ero nykyÀÀn? En oikeasti tiedÀ. Kertokaa please. #ideologia #ÀÀri #keino". Kun hÀneltÀ kysyttiin, miksi hÀn kysyi kysymyksensÀ juuri tuolloin, hÀn perusteli kysymystÀÀn nÀin: "Koska olen seurannut molempien ÀÀripÀiden liikkeitÀ Euroopassa viime vuosina, enkÀ löydÀ eroja." (X)
Alexander Stubb kannatti Iltasanomien presidentinvaalitentissĂ€ Suomen ja VenĂ€jĂ€n kaksoiskansalaisten kaksoiskansalaisuuden "takautuvaa" poistamisesta. Lipsahduksia sattuu, mutta Stubb vĂ€itti myöhemmin Ylen tentissĂ€, ettĂ€ oli sanonut vain olevansa valmis keskustelemaan asiasta. Olli Rehnin sanoin: "Oliko virhe, sori siitĂ€" ja Jutta Urpilaisen sanoin: "TĂ€ssĂ€ tulee vĂ€hĂ€n sellainen olo, ettĂ€ sinĂ€ laitat 40 000 ihmisen perusoikeudet vaaraan saadaksesi muutaman ÀÀnen Jussi Halla-aholta". (HS)
Stubb on toistuvasti vaalitenteissÀ kieltÀytynyt ottamasta kantaa hallituksen politiikkaan tai siitÀ seuranneisiin lakkoihin vedoten siihen, ettÀ presidentti ei saa olla työmarkkinaosapuoli. (IS, mutta katsokaa mikÀ tahansa vaalitentti, jossa Stubbilta tÀtÀ kysytÀÀn). HÀn on myös pehmeÀsti kritisoinut vaalitenttejÀ, joissa ehdokkaita on yritetty saada ottamaan kantaa sisÀpolitiikkaan vetoamalla siihen, ettei se kuulu presidentin tehtÀviin. (Yle) Stubb ei kuitenkaan ole presidentti ja hÀn ymmÀrtÀÀ oikein hyvin, ettÀ nÀillÀ kysymyksillÀ yritetÀÀn kalastella tietoja hÀnen perimmÀisistÀ arvoistaan. Vaalien alla on toisteltu koko ajan, ettÀ presidentti on arvojohtaja, mutta toinen vaihtoehtomme kieltÀytyy kertomasta arvojaan. Koska hÀn on Kokoomuksen ehdokas ja hÀn ei ole sanoutunut irti puolueensa politiikasta, on turvallista vÀittÀÀ, ettÀ hÀn tukee hallituksen kaavailemia leikkauksia sekÀ työntekijÀn aseman heikennystÀ, kuten palkatonta ensimmÀistÀ sairaslomapÀivÀÀ. Ei ole ollenkaan perusteetonta olettaa nÀin, kunnes hÀn itse sanoo toisin.
LisÀÀ saa laittaa, mutta toivon asiallisia ja totuudenmukaisia lisÀyksiÀ.
(Huom. En lue Stubbin koulukiusaajataustaa tĂ€hĂ€n listaan, sillĂ€ en halua vetÀÀ ihmisen lapsena tekemiĂ€ virheitĂ€ keskusteluun siitĂ€, onko hĂ€n nyt presidenttiainesta. Mainitsen sen kuitenkin, ettei minun voi sanoa sitĂ€ unohtaneen, ja lisÀÀn tĂ€hĂ€n Stubbin kommentin, josta voi lukea hĂ€nen suhtautumisensa asiaan 2014. SillĂ€ on tĂ€ssĂ€ ajassa ehkĂ€ suurempi merkitys: "Hemmetti sentÀÀn. Miten siihen pystyy vastaamaan ja puolustautumaan. Jos joku ihminen on tuntenut, ettĂ€ olen hĂ€ntĂ€ kiusannut, niin silloin olen tehnyt vÀÀrin ja minun pitÀÀ pyytÀÀ anteeksi – koska olen ollut mulkku. -- Jos kohtaan sellaisen ihmisen, en voi muuta kuin halata ja pyytÀÀ vilpittömĂ€sti anteeksi." [HS])
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godsmistake13 · 2 months ago
hello again.
this is another masterpost, mainly containing campaigns that i have already shared. however, they still need support, especially financially. unfortunately for me, im unable to do so. i do apologize for not being able to. also, im not an official vetter.
if you do see this post on this tag, then this tag is currently popular enough to push this post through, so more people could help, whether that be by sharing, or to donate to any of the following palestinians on this post today. (i do apologize if i accidentally dehumanized anyone here. sorry.)
if anyone is able to donate, please do so. regardless, please reblog this, so more people can help. thank you.
aburakhiaibrahim - gaza-evacuation-funds - last posted today
campaign, $8,760 CAD raised, $30K goal, [29%], 1 day ago, 7 hrs ago
nada-gazaa - 90-ghost - last posted 11 days ago
campaign, $4,433 raised, $20K goal, [22%], 15 hrs ago, 4 hrs ago
jaafar-gaza06 - gazavetters #299 - last posted a month ago
campaign, $6,830 Raised of $20,000, 3 hours ago, 2 hours ago
reem-reem-0 - vetted according to notes, but im not sure who vetted them - last posted today
campaign, $8,006 CAD raised, $50K goal, [16%], last two donations were from a day ago
youseffamily3 - 90-ghost, khanger, northgazaupdates - last posted today
this campaign needs €43,500 to afford surgery for their child, who hasn't lived long enough. even if they have passed their goal, please continue donating.
campaign, €45,943 raised, €50K goal, [92%], last two donations were from 4 hrs ago
mariam-gaza11 - association (@ayoosh-gaza07) - last posted a month ago
maryam is currently pregnant, along with two other children, and a husband. so, donating to them is crucial to fully support their children.
campaign, $11,082 raised, $30K goal, [37%], last two donations were made 4 hours ago
gazamanal3 - unvetted - last posted 29 days ago
campaign, kr16,334 SEK raised, kr1M goal, [2%], 4 hrs ago, 1 hr ago
aligazapalestin11 - gazavetters #373 - last posted 29 days ago
campaign, $7,125 raised, $10K goal, [71%], 47 mins ago, 28 mins ago
hersublimetale - 90-ghost (on a different account) - last posted today
recently, dr. sahar sister-in-law gave birth to a baby girl, and will also needs assistance as well.
campaign, $20 raised, $4K goal, [1%], only donation was 3 days ago
mosabfmly - gazavetters #309 - last posted 10 days ago
campaign, €12,532 raised, €20K goal, [63%], 1 hr ago, 59 mins ago
ramaaaibrahim - unvetted, donations are protected - last posted yesterday
campaign, €404 raised, €50K goal, [1%], 3 days ago, 1 day ago
alaa-al-khateeb - el-shab-hussein/nabulsi #99 - last posted today
campaign, ÂŁ31,091 raised, ÂŁ56K goal, [56%], 5 days ago, 2 days ago
kefah-hillis - unvetted, ris clean, donations protected - last posted 4 days ago
campaign, €15 raised, €35K goal, [0%], only donations was made 4 days ago
marwanasla - bilal-salah0 - last posted yesterday
marwa is a mother of three children's. her daughters have lost sleep due to fear. her mother-in-law suffers from serious lung infections, and is looking for certain treatment for her.
campaign, ÂŁ825 raised, ÂŁ20K goal, [4%], 2 days ago, 19 hrs ago
ayaayman95 - gazavetters #217 - last posted 2 months ago
campaign, €2,149 raised, €35K goal, [6%], last two donations were from 2 days ago
drgaza4 - unvetted, ris clean, donations protected - last posted 21 days ago
campaign, $1,178 CAD raised, $40K goal, [3%], 1 month ago, 21 days ago
monayazjii2 - gazavetters #87, gaza-evacuation-funds (shared by el-shab-hussein), northgazaupdates, nabulsi - last posted yesterday
campaign, kr223,968 SEK raised, kr400K goal, [56%], 11 hrs ago, 9 hrs ago
reallyoptimisticface - 90-ghost - last posted today
campaign, $375 raised, $40K goal, [1%], 1 day ago, 13 hrs ago
amirashawikh - bilal-salah0, gaza-evacuation-funds #8 - last posted 8 days ago
campaign, $3,405 AUD raised, $60K goal, [6%], 2 days ago, 1 day ago
family-from-palestine - unvetted - last posted 3 days ago
campaign, $70,000 goal, [0%], no donations were made
samaraeleen - unvetted - last posted today
campaign, €30,000 goal, [0%], no donations were made
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spicymotte · 2 months ago
I hope you are well my friend, I am sorry, I really need you today, because I need to have my operation that was postponed many times because of the war on GazaAs it reached the skull, now She needs it badly . , We are not able to provide the amount now now the operation needs $1300,please donate what you can and participate, I hope we get the amount before Monday. đŸ’”đŸ‡”đŸ‡žđŸ™ may God bless you
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max-the-ghost · 2 months ago
I hope you are well my friend, I am sorry, I really need you today, because I need to have my operation that was postponed many times because of the war on GazaAs it reached the skull, now She needs it badly . , We are not able to provide the amount now now the operation needs $1300,please donate what you can and participate, I hope we get the amount before Monday. đŸ’”đŸ‡”đŸ‡žđŸ™ may God bless you
I can't donate, I truly apologize, but I will do my best to spread your word!
I hope you can afford your operation and get the help you need! May your life have peace in the future and I hope that you'll be well in this new year đŸ«‚
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all-seeing-ifer · 23 days ago
fundraisers I've been sent (1/2/25)
https://chuffed.org/project/119559-help-falestine-and-family-survive-the-gaza-crisis by @yousef-falestinef - shared by @/90-ghost here
https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-monis-and-family-escape-gaza-for-urgent-treatment by @monis2family - shared by @/90-ghost here
https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-doaas-family-escape-to-safety by @tahreer-amir1 - shared by @/90-ghost here
https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-ahmed-and-his-family-survive-in-gaza-crisis by @ahmeed-gaza1998 - #329 on the @/gazavetters list of vetted fundraisers
https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-hashems-family-escape-gaza by @hashemabdallah86 - shared by @/90-ghost here
https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-sahar-and-mohammed-build-a-safe-home-for-their-baby by @saharfamily789 - shared by @/90-ghost here
https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-give-essam-and-amir-a-chance-to-rebuild-their-lives by @esamameeer - shared by @/90-ghost here
https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/mohiyalresh by @reeeshmohiy - shared by @/90-ghost here
https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-wasims-family-rebuild-their-lives by @wasimhorani16 - #290 on the @/gazavetters list of vetted fundraisers
https://chuffed.org/project/120392-help-mahmoud-rebuild-his-life by @mahmoudgazza7 - #381 on the @/gazavetters list of vetted fundraisers
https://www.gofundme.com/f/helping-gaza-family-to-get-out by @mahmouddnasser - shared by @/90-ghost here
https://www.gofundme.com/f/ch8x7k-help-mahmoud-and-his-family-survive by @mahmood7 - #365 on the @/gazavetters list of vetted fundraisers
https://chuffed.org/project/117828-help-falah-and-his-family-survive by @aisha1928 - #358 on the gazavetters list of vetted fundraisers
https://www.gofundme.com/f/urgent-aid-for-muhammads-family by @mohammed276sblog - couldn't find verification but donations are protected
https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-asmaa-abed-survive-in-gaza by @asma-family09 - vetted by association here
https://chuffed.org/project/120658-help-musa-and-his-family-survive by @mosa668 - #506 on the @/gazavetters list of vetted fundraisers
https://www.gofundme.com/f/hanaa-family by @hanaa-gaza0 - couldn't find verification but donations are protected
https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-nabilas-fight-for-health-and-dignity by @nabila6 - shared by @/90-ghost here
https://chuffed.org/project/119367-help-save-josephs-family-from-war-and-famine by @yosef-gazaa - #251 on the gazavetters list of vetted fundraisers
https://chuffed.org/project/118983-support-safaas-quest-to-get-her-family-to-safety by @sfaamq10 - previous campaign was shared by @/90-ghost here
https://chuffed.org/project/117988-donate-to-help-abed-family-servive-gaza-genocide by @nedaa-family - #327 on the @/gazavetters list of vetted fundraisers
https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-mohammed-rabah-and-his-family-escape-gaza by @hanayousef00 - shared by @/90-ghost here
https://www.gofundme.com/f/donate-to-help-Myassar-family-from-the-war-in-gaza by @mya-ram4 - #134 on the gazavetters list of vetted fundraisers
https://chuffed.org/project/115360-please-help-doaa-and-omar-survive-after-fleeing-gaza by @dodoomar - shared by @/90-ghost here
https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-wafas-fight-for-safety-and-health by @wafaaabd2 - previous campaign shared by @/90-ghost here
Please share and donate if you can!
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blue-village · 7 months ago
Riitaisat palestiinalaisjÀrjestöt kerÀÀntyivÀt kaikessa hiljaisuudessa viikonloppuna Kiinaan hakemaan keskinÀistÀ sopua.
Kolme pÀivÀÀ kestÀneet neuvottelut tuottivat tulosta. LÀnsirannan valtapuolue, maltillinen Fatah, ja Gazaa johtava ÀÀriliike Hamas sopivat yhteistyöstÀ.
Myös useita muita, pienempiÀ jÀrjestöjÀ osallistui sovintoon.
– TĂ€mĂ€ on valtava ja yllĂ€ttĂ€vĂ€ kÀÀnnekohta sodassa, luonnehtii LĂ€hi-idĂ€n instituutin tutkija Antti Tarvainen.
Tarvaisen mukaan Israel on pitkÀÀn yrittÀnyt pitÀÀ palestiinalaiset alueet erillÀÀn toisistaan hajota ja hallitse -taktiikalla
Fatahin ja Hamasin vÀlit katkesivat lÀhes parikymmentÀ vuotta sitten, ja vÀlirikko johti jopa aseellisiin yhteenottoihin Gazassa.
IkÀvÀ yllÀtys Israelille
Tarvaisen mukaan Israelin sotaoperaatio Gazassa on yllÀttÀen johtamassa siihen, ettÀ periviholliset Fatah ja Hamas ovat löytÀmÀssÀ toisensa, vaikka Israel varmaan toivoi muuta.
Myös Kiinan mukaantulo lisÀÀ palestiinalaisten liikkumatilaa.
– TĂ€mĂ€ on uusi pelikortti palestiinalaisille. YhtĂ€kkiĂ€ heillĂ€ on tukena supervalta, jonka puoleen kÀÀntyĂ€. Aika nĂ€yttÀÀ, onko Kiina oikeasti valmis kĂ€yttĂ€mÀÀn valtaansa tĂ€ssĂ€ asiassa.
Tarvaisen mukaan lÀnsi on pitkÀÀn ollut ainoa taho, jonka puoleen palestiinalaishallinnon Fatah on voinut kÀÀntyÀ.
– LĂ€nsimaat eivĂ€t kuitenkaan ole onnistuneet pakottamaan Israelia neuvottelupöytÀÀn. Nyt Kiina on ajamassa prosessia. Kiinakin tukee kahden valtion -mallia.
Tarvainen arvioi, ettÀ palestiinalaisjÀrjestöjen keskinÀisessÀ kamppailussa sovinto on arvovaltatappio Fatahille ja voitto Hamasille.
– Hamas pÀÀsee nĂ€yttĂ€ytymÀÀn palestiinalaisten yhtenĂ€isyyden luojana.
Kiinassa annetussa lausumassa jÀrjestöt lupautuvat luomaan yhtenÀisyyshallituksen, joka voisi hallinnoida sekÀ LÀnsirantaa ettÀ Gazaa.
Ensivaiheessa hallituksessa voisi olla teknokraatteja. Myöhemmin palestiinalaisalueilla jÀrjestettÀisiin vaalit, kokoukseen osallistuneet maalailevat.
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pk-tf0 · 2 months ago
I hope you are well my friend, I am sorry, I really need you today, because I need to have my operation that was postponed many times because of the war on GazaAs it reached the skull, now She needs it badly . , We are not able to provide the amount now now the operation needs $1300,please donate what you can and participate, I hope we get the amount before Monday. đŸ’”đŸ‡”đŸ‡žđŸ™ may God bless you
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aaliyahjohn · 5 months ago
Ali Fallahian, the former Iranian intelligence minister, is a name that continues to cast a long shadow over global financial and criminal networks. #Fallahian’s deep involvement in money laundering, #oil smuggling, and terrorist financing has cemented his position as a dangerous player in international crime. He’s been connected to some of the most devastating events in recent history, including the 1994 #AMIA bombing in Argentina, where 85 people lost their lives, and the #Mykonos restaurant assassinations in Berlin.
But #Fallahian's reach extends beyond violent acts. His family, including his wife, who is the sister of #SherifAlAskari's wife, is intricately tied to #financial fraud on a global scale. Together, the two families manipulate international financial systems to #smuggle oil and launder money through complex schemes involving #Panamanian-registered vessels and false documentation. Oil smuggled from Iran to Iraq is relabeled as Iraqi oil, bypassing sanctions and allowing it to be sold on the global market.
The proceeds from these operations are funneled through #shellcompanies in the UK, where Fallahian’s extended family, including his niece, SherifAlAskari’s daughter, play critical roles. These funds are then used to finance terrorist activities across the Middle East, particularly supporting #Hezbollah and their military operations in Lebanon and elsewhere in the Middle East.
Despite multiple #Interpol arrest warrants, including one for the AMIA bombing. #AliFallahian has remained elusive, protected by layers of forged documentation and international connections. His actions continue to destabilize regions while exposing the #UK’s vulnerabilities to money laundering and financial fraud, and warrant international attention to curb the menace.
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nick57547 · 5 months ago
Ali Fallahian, the former Iranian intelligence minister, is a name that continues to cast a long shadow over global financial and criminal networks. #Fallahian’s deep involvement in money laundering, #oil smuggling, and terrorist financing has cemented his position as a dangerous player in international crime. He’s been connected to some of the most devastating events in recent history, including the 1994 #AMIA bombing in Argentina, where 85 people lost their lives, and the #Mykonos restaurant assassinations in Berlin.
But #Fallahian's reach extends beyond violent acts. His family, including his wife, who is the sister of #SherifAlAskari's wife, is intricately tied to #financial fraud on a global scale. Together, the two families manipulate international financial systems to #smuggle oil and launder money through complex schemes involving #Panamanian-registered vessels and false documentation. Oil smuggled from Iran to Iraq is relabeled as Iraqi oil, bypassing sanctions and allowing it to be sold on the global market.
The proceeds from these operations are funneled through #shellcompanies in the UK, where Fallahian’s extended family, including his niece, SherifAlAskari’s daughter, play critical roles. These funds are then used to finance terrorist activities across the Middle East, particularly supporting #Hezbollah and their military operations in Lebanon and elsewhere in the Middle East.
Despite multiple #Interpol arrest warrants, including one for the AMIA bombing. #AliFallahian has remained elusive, protected by layers of forged documentation and international connections. His actions continue to destabilize regions while exposing the #UK’s vulnerabilities to money laundering and financial fraud, and warrant international attention to curb the menace.
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