#gays attorney
ebi-noodle-doodles · 1 month
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omg happy pride to them 🎉
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tetriminas · 7 months
dating Miles Edgeworth headcanons (Miles Edgeworth x fem reader)
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He leaves you for a man
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overlordjanefire · 6 months
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Why is he like that
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rinamata05 · 7 days
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Be who you aaaaare for your Pride, Don't Hiiiiide
Happy Pride
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Finally YouTube gave me the right recommendations
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mmunchikins · 3 months
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You mean to tell me he breasted boobily down the courtroom stairs??
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wheatormeat · 4 months
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Ms. Mia Fey
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bemydeathcult · 1 month
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i'm so normal about them
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vichi60 · 5 months
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Pinning Kings.
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sushiisiu · 9 days
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What song is he serenading apollo with (wrong answers only)
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m3llowm1sh · 1 month
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currently in the middle of playing thru dual destinies and then i got to this line and immediately dropped everything to doodle this really quickly
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itlearns · 7 months
I love how Phoenix Wright has a ':D' face but his inner monologue is like "why won't everyone stfu. I hate this plant. when will this nightmare end", and Miles Edgeworth has a '>:[' face but his inner monologue is like "this is such a nice furniture. I should offer some help to this unfortunate person. ants are amasing and nature is full of wonders".
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munchy-k · 1 year
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I wanted to share this thought with u tumblr ppl
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mikayesha · 10 months
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Unecessary Feelings
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happy pride month everybody
ft. some ace attorney guys and a bad idea i had
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sinfulpepsi · 2 months
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The way this is literally the plot of ace attorney 1
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