#gays anatomy au
faifenaco · 6 days
More House MD daughter au:
He teaches her to swear at a young age and often uses her as a way to vicariously insult others—plays it off as “kids, amiright?”
Letters home from school begging House to teach her not to rip into the other students’ insecurities so specifically
Cuddy is the default babysitter, but not by choice (cue House coming up with elaborate, incredibly unserious ways to force Cuddy to watch her)
Wilson is Uncle Jimmy.
She doesn’t learn the ducklings’ first names for years, assuming that Chase, Cameron, and Foreman are their first names
They play a game where House lists symptoms and she guesses what the illness is (she almost always just guesses sarcoidosis) (she does not know what sarcoidosis is)
House brings her to work because it “makes him look busy so people leave him alone”
When she does visit PPTH, House has her say “bad idea” after every suggestion the ducklings make, regardless of what they come up with
House teaches her how to forge Wilson’s signature and Wilson never suspects that she’s been stealing his prescription pad (for Vicodin purposes ofc)
Cameron eager to be the favorite but often coming off as the “give me a hug!” aunt
Wilson is Uncle Jimmy.
Chase and Foreman being the actual favorites bc they undermine House’s authority constantly
Picking up Chase’s accent and slang (like when kids watch Bluey or Peppa Pig)
Uncle Jimmy.
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darnellthefirestarter · 9 months
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Here's the guys! Sorry for not drawing them from scratch. I was having trouble with poses and sizing, plus I was already REALLY late on these, so I jsut used the models I already had. Some extra info: Pico's fangs grow depending on how long its been since his last feeding, and he becomes increasingly dangerous the more hungry he gets. Darnell carries garlic and silver knives with him everywhere he goes, mostly hidden in his boots, pockets, and pants.
I hope these refs are okay, I've never made a ref sheet before. Enjoy! :]
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neos-nero · 4 months
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He likes to float ig
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(Me when I’m made out of people’s strife but, I’m also gay)
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robotic-poet · 2 years
I'd say the funniest part Abt being a TMNT fan for me specifically is that I'm also an art restoration student. So everyday i go to class and learn crazy shit abt Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael and Leonardo (as in. The artists) and then go home and learn crazy shit about Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael and Leonardo (The ninja turtles) and I just have to live with that.
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dingle-biter · 10 months
Warming up after not drawing for a bit with Mr Normal‼️‼️
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Gore ver below bc I can’t help myself
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Heres some sketches of spaulding and freddy in my au when they were in highskool. They used to date
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bigtedbear · 2 months
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" 𝐚 𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧'𝐬 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 "
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𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭: 𝐥𝐮𝐨𝐜𝐡𝐚 𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩
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content warnings: gay relationship, descriptions of grevious bodily injury, implied self-mutilation/self-harm, male reader, monster x human relationship, hurt/comfort writing, hey this starts out really dark please take care of your mental health, arguments, misunderstood feelings, mermaid courtship, alternate universe where luocha is a traveling doctor who's studying biology and anatomy across the universe blah blah blah, luocha is pretty genuine in this even though i know he is in fact a snake let me idealize for a moment okay, luocha puts a ring on it without realizing he is literally putting a ring on it
full admittance you'll probably find parallels with @/havanilla's merventurine au at the start of this cause it was one of the last things I read on my old tumblr account before it died on me and i fear i DO have brainrot
to add to my earlier warning about this chapter beginning out dark, there will be a marker for the cuter, mermaid courtship section of the fic!! look for a marker like the one below VV
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" welcome back caller 🪷! connecting your line as we speak! "
" new contact noted! caller luocha has been added to your phonebook - love, 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑡-19 “
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A pained scream ripped through the air.  
It was a shame it couldn’t be distinguished from the sound of other yells and shouting from all over the deck.  In fact, it seemed the anguish was completely drowned out by the noise of an older man beginning to bark orders from the side of the fishing boat.  Gravelly with age and experience, sets and more sets of hands seemed to jump to action, rushing over to that specific side of the deck.  
In the crew’s haste, they didn’t seem to notice they had also woken up the residential cabin.  Things were more than hectic; the experienced crew themselves were in a frenzy.  There was something that demanded urgent attention and it seemed none of the regular passengers were privy to what exactly it was. 
Still, in the curious sea of civilian passengers renting their rooms in the bowels of the ship, a tall blonde head of hair peered over the crowd straight to the source of the fuss.  Over the sea of yellow rain jackets adorning the working fishermen, he caught sight of some kind of reflective surface… what many wrote off as an oversized fish, Luocha continued to strain his eyes at.
Should he have been anyone else, perhaps he wouldn’t have noticed.  But Luocha was a doctor, he was more than familiar with noises of distress; with the scent of blood.  Something in the very core of his body shook with each of the pained and weak motions of an equally pained, weak patient.  The vibrations crept up his spine from the wooden boards of the ship, whispering into his ears. 
Something was wrong. 
Something was terribly wrong. 
Despite the protests of one of the tour guides, urging him to go back to sleep, he rushed towards the scene.  The same pained screams; the sounds of the body on the deck; the reflection of the “oversized fish”, they became clearer and clearer the closer he closed in.
Before he could make it into the crowd of men at work, he was caught by one of their coworkers.  Clad in a yellow raincoat, shadow cast across his face in the rain, the obviously displeased grimace all over his face only further sent Luocha into a state of panic.  A tense grip on his elbow, the man spoke in a language he didn’t understand.  Even if he didn’t understand the words themselves, Luocha was more than smart enough to understand the message the worker was trying to convey.  Before he could be pulled away, he made one last attempt to see what exactly was going on. 
When he did manage to catch a glimpse, he froze. 
Perfect, round tears running down flushed, red cheeks. 
The skin was pulled taut in another scream.  Based on the shaking motion of the face, he could only really come to the conclusion the body was being jerked in every direction possible. 
“Stop… STOP!”  He yanked his elbow out of the man’s grasp, crashing directly into the back of another worker.  In his haste, he shoved the man out of the way only to find his path blocked by even more yellow raincoats.  “You’re only going to worsen the injuries! I’m a doctor!” 
Despite not considering himself to be very physically fit, something about the situation discarded that reality entirely.  An unknown strength washed over him as he forced his way through the clusterfuck of workers trying to wrestle the screamer into place. 
He didn’t understand, Luocha didn’t understand. 
There was an injured crew member on the deck, screaming–what kind of idiot would continue to pull and stress the skin around the wound? Was that why the team leader seemed to screaming with such vigor?  Was he equally concerned about one of his staff suddenly being sent into debilitating agony? 
But no, not even in the slightest.  
Through the crowd, a wet mop of hair thrashing against the backdrop of a barbed fishing net came into view.  The urgency only further sent Luocha wrestling through the crowd of men, all but screaming himself as he watched the injured man on the ground contort his facial muscles in abject horror.  
“Stop it, you’re hurting him!” 
 He could hear his own vocal chords start to tear as he shrieked for the poor victim.  With each passing moment, fear and anxiety seized the doctor in his entirety before he finally managed to part the crowd like the red sea. 
In the end,
he wasn’t faced with a crew member. 
A merman. 
Something he’d only heard of in the planet’s folklore. 
It seemed well-known the small surviving population hardly ever ventured out of protected waters for fear of predators. 
What was this one doing so far out…?
With the opportunity making itself known, the unknown merman continued to thrash but harder, lips curling upwards as another shrill cry of agony streaked the night air.  From up close, the doctor could only watch the formerly smooth, unmarred skin become tainted with red.  Washed with your own blood, you looked more similar to some kind of horror movie monster than a person. 
But even in the face of monstrosity, his inner doctor only saw the blown out pupils, the senseless aggression, the fear written all over his patient’s face in their own claret stain.
“You’ll end up killing him, stop, STOP!” 
He completely ignored his own pain as the barbs in the net ripped into the fabric of his pajamas, cutting open his knees when he threw his body on top of yours.  His hands flew around carelessly in an attempt to unlatch the hands that seemed determined to pull at you from every direction.  
At the loss of the hands all over your body, your screams died down into pitiful hyperventilation, curling in on yourself in an attempt to cover the wounds weeping crimson all over the formerly white net.  
Instead of relief, instead of some kind of graditude, it seemed he was only met with friction.
“Oy, blondie, paws off, do you understand how much money you’ve got your hands on right now?” 
The thick accent confused him at first, then the words themselves didn’t seem to compute. 
“Excuse me?” 
You yelped again when one of the men pulled at the net.   The cold metal tore sore flesh in chunks.
“Mermaid scales are priceless.  So are the pearls they cry, we caught the bastard fair and square so. Step. Off.” 
His mind scrambled to understand the sentence, thoughts muddling together in a blender of pain and panic.  “I- I-” 
“You?”  Another crew member chimed in, crossing his arms, “You’ll what, doctor?  You can either get off of him and wrap up your cuts yourself or we’ll drag you off and the barbs can teach you to keep your nose out of other people’s business.” 
“I-”  his breathing picked up drastically, suddenly confronted with such a terrible moral dilemma. 
When prying hands began to make grabby motions for the edges of the ropes, he choked out his final answer.
“I'll pay for him!"
He swept his rain-soaked bangs out of his face, his voice shaking, “You were planning on selling him, right?”  He fumbled with his sleeves, “I make good money, I swear, I-,” he swallowed, “I can afford it.  Just take as much as you want out of the account I used to pay for my cabin.”
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Things were a little bit awkward, to say the least. 
Despite an attempt being made to cooperate while you were awake, it seemed the pressure and the mounting stress of nearly dying made it unable for you to accept the fact that Luocha was not, in fact, going to hurt you. 
The attempt to deal with the various injuries littered all over formerly smooth, silky skin was unproductive at best.  In fact, it only created more problems.  Trying to operate while you were largely unreceptive to anything he was saying was by far the worst decision he could’ve made given the circumstances. 
Point blank, he needed to get the barbed hooks out of your skin.  If he didn’t, the wounds would be at increased risk of infection.  After all, based on the cruel treatment he’d seen on deck, he knew the metal was most likely unsanitized.  Doing this while you were awake was easily the worst decision he could've made.
Promising not to hurt you while continually yanking pieces of metal out of your tender flesh was not a good way to build trust. 
You poked at the “strange” bowl that’d been set in front of you.  It was some kind of clam-fish hybrid soup. I mean, Luocha was trying to be considerate of your regular diet.  Surely, since you were living out in open waters, you were pretty used to eating fish right?
He, however, failed to realize you weren’t exactly in a spot to ever enjoy the luxuries of cooked food… or soup.  He’d laid out some utensils for you to use on top of that; it was a shame you didn’t know how to use them. 
You realized pretty early on that he’d saved you from becoming a victim to death by blood loss.  After all, when you were dropped in a holding tank until the ship arrived at the port, the water went cloudy from the dirt, debris, and blood all over your body.  In your little waist-high tank, he’d done his best to make sure you’d actually survive through the night.
Despite your reservations about him, you did your best not to scream while you were confined to a glorified holding cell.  Nails digging into the glass, biting down hard enough on the towel to tear, you tried your best to stay still while he fished countless little hooks from your back, arms, and chest.  
Removing the large hook in your shoulder was the most painful part of the process for the both of you.  You, for obvious reasons.  The hook made a clean cut through the muscle--scraping up against the bone--by the time you were awake enough to realize you were wrapped up in a barbed net.  Luocha, on the other hand, was the one that had to deal with the struggle while trying to complete a very tricky operation.  
Eventually, the problem dealt with itself when you passed out.  Really, he should’ve sedated you to start with, and he cursed at himself for not thinking of it sooner.  After you went out, he did his best to stitch everything up–hell, he wrapped you up in enough bandages to look like a mummy. 
But, since the two of you actually arrived on the island, there wasn’t so much as a word shared from either party. 
You woke up in a little bathtub, in a little bathroom, feeling like your arms were falling off and you couldn’t breathe because of how tight all of the bandages were wrapped around you. Eventually the giant bandages changed to smaller ones attached with some medical tape.  The only bulky one left was the one wrapped around your shoulder. 
With some trepidation, you grabbed at one of the fishtails sticking out of the mystery liquid, digging a finger in between the meat and the ribs to peel it off the bone.  Carefully, you used one of your freshly trimmed nails to remove the thick, scaly skin, then biting off a chunk to chew and swallow.  
The longer you stared at the bowl, the more confused you became. 
Yes, you knew how to eat a fish. 
Yes, you knew how to eat a mussel. 
No, you didn’t know what to do with whatever else was in the bowl.  
You paused eating when the man sitting across from the bathtub cleared his throat.  He made a vague gesture towards your lap, “Would you…?”
‘...mind if I showed you how to eat a bowl of soup?’ 
Without much hesitation, you offered up your meal again, much more interested in the chunk of fish in your hand.  Biting off another piece, you drank in the pleasant familiarity in just having some tilapia for once.  
He picked up the spoon. Deciding not to embarrass you further, he decided to taste test the food himself instead of trying to feed you. He let the silver spoon clatter back into the bowl, passing it over to you again. Despite the clear demonstration he’d given you, you opted to pick at one of the mussels hiding underneath the broth. 
He cleared his throat again, seemingly averting eye contact as he stared at the tiled walls. 
You diverted your attention from your bowl back to the blonde doctor. 
“I don’t mean to be rude or pry in any way,” he swallowed, “but what exactly were you doing so far from protected waters?"
You didn’t seem surprised in the slightest by his question, grabbing at the other fish tail in the bowl, “Smuggling and poaching.”  
He tilted his head curiously.
“Protective waters have attendants to track general pod health, they have the authority to temporarily remove merfolk from the water to do routine health checks."  You finally wrapped your hand around the spoon awkwardly, bringing some broth up to your lips. "Smugglers get jobs as attendants cause only tagged mermaids are considered protected.” You wiggled one of your finned ears, your left ear. Notably, there was a small tear in one of the fins. “It only takes a couple minutes for an attendant to catch a mermaid, sedate them, get them into a vehicle, remove their tag and throw them out into the right spots for a couple grand.” 
“I see.” 
You hummed, finally bringing the soup up to your lips, “Speaking of, how much did you end up having to pay for me?”
“Excuse me?” Luocha’s hands rested in his lap. 
“How much did you end up paying for me?”  You picked up another mussel, “I’m pretty good about keeping up with the price of scales and pearls.  I know you bought me as some kind of pity project, but I'm pretty eager to go back out to open waters.  Just name your price and I can start trying to pay off the debt.” 
The doctor blinked a couple times. “Oh… oh my god, absolutely not!”  He shook his head, bringing his hands up in front of his chest defensively, “There is no need to pay me back in the slightest.  Please, just rest well and remain healthy.  That would be the best payment.”
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“What’s this?” 
He rolled the small iridescent pearl between his gloved fingers. 
“It’s a pearl.” 
He cracked a smile at that. It was gone as quick as it arrived as he brought the little treasure to his face to take a closer look.  “Well yes, but where did you get this? Did you have it stashed on you somewhere?”
You twirled your finger in a circle on the surface of the water. “No,” absentmindedly you observed the little whirlpool it made, “I made it.” 
He blinked a couple of times, hand dropping back to his side. “Pardon?” 
You finally looked up from the surface of the water, “I made it.” 
He cocked his head to the side, “You… made a pearl?” 
You looked at him, bored, “Well, yeah, did you not know mermaids make pearls?”
He looked from you, to the pearl, and then back at you.  “No… I’m afraid I didn’t know.”  His palm closed into a fist around the pearl, “How?” 
He gestured towards his closed hand, “How did you make it?” 
You gave a huff, “Well, you’ve seen me make them before.”  
He frowned, “I… have?”
‘-and I didn’t notice?’
You nodded, shifting around in the bathtub to try and stretch your long tail out a little bit.  "The night I got caught on the boat-" Your jaw tensed, a sudden pang of soreness shooting up from your extremities. "-they were all over the deck, there were a bunch in the little tank they had me in.” 
His frown only deepened as he did his best to recall, “I don’t think I remember seeing them…? Does your blood crystalize into them or something of the sort?” 
You rested your head on the porcelain of the tub, bringing your arms up to cushion your cranium.  “Tears,” you murmured, “Merfolk tears turn into pearls.” 
‘Ah… so that’s why you mentioned there being so many on the ship.’
But then it hit him. 
“Why were you crying?” 
You shrugged, “Most mermaids in protected waters can cry on command.  We get a lot of tourists that give us gifts, sometimes if we’re interested we’ll give them a pearl in return.” 
He nodded like he understood, but suddenly the beautiful gem felt heavy in his fist.  He opened his hand and offered it back, “As beautiful as it is, I don’t wish to see you shedding any tears while you’re under my care.” 
You pushed his outstretched hand away, “Well, I already made it.  There’s no use trying to return it.” 
“Still, I feel terrible receiving a gift with such painful origins,” he sat down on the stool that’d become his usual spot.  “I’m a doctor. My goal is to make sure you’re in the least amount of pain possible.” 
“You should feel honored, you’re really the first person I’ve ever given a pearl to,” you raised your head from its spot on your arms, “I usually only gave them to little kids that didn’t bring me gifts so I’d give them something.”  You sank further into the water in the shallow tub.
“My concern is why you believe you should be giving me gifts in the first place,” he crossed his left leg over his right, scooting in closer, “I’ve already told you that taking care of you has always been of my own volition.  It is quite literally my job.  If you’re giving this to me as a gift and not repayment, I might be more inclined to accept it.” 
You huffed,  “Well, I guess you caught me.” 
His brows furrowed, “So I was right, you’re trying to pay back a debt again.” 
This time, he sighed.  “I’ve already told you, your health and wellbeing are both priceless.  I would never ask a patient I forced into care to pay me any sum of money-”
“That’s what I don’t understand,” The water rippled when you sat up suddenly, “Why don’t you want to accept any kind of payment? I’m tired of talking to you as property and owner.  You bought ownership, legally I’m your property. I don’t want to be your property.” 
“You aren’t my property-” He quipped, expression growing displeased.
“But I am,” you cut him off.  “You signed paperwork, you exchanged a certain sum of money.  Even if you thought I couldn’t hear you doesn’t mean I didn’t.” You crossed your arms across your chest, “I still heard the captain of the ship talking about sale prices with you.  I know I was considered a higher quality product, I know I was expensive.”
The doctor opened his mouth; and closed it and opened it again.  He struggled to find the correct words to use. “I didn’t consider that an exchange for ownership of you, I considered that to be the price of your wellbeing.  I’ve never considered you to be anything but an equal to me.” 
You drew your lips into a tight line, “Well, if I was an equal, you’d let me contribute to the cost somehow.  You wouldn’t treat me like some helpless baby.”  You gestured to his closed palm, “The pearl in your hand is priceless, sealing a handful of them would recuperate the money you wasted-”
Luocha held up his hand, “Stop-”
But you insisted, “Hell, if I ripped a couple of scales out you could more than pay for me.  You’d have enough money to buy another sorry sack of shit to take care of-”
“Don’t EVER-” he cut you off aggressively, “EVER, suggest such ludacris things to me again.  I refuse to even think about it.” 
Luocha shook his head, getting his gloves wet when he reached into the water to hold your hands in his own, “I would never ask you to do something like that to yourself.  I would never ask you to hurt yourself to please me and I would never ask you to hurt yourself because you needed my help.”  He gave your palms a gentle squeeze, “You did not ask to be put in the position you’re in now,  I am the one that chose to do this and I will be the one to set the price on my help; that price-” he paused, making sure you were looking him in the eyes, “-will always be no price at all.”   He pushed the pearl back into your hands.  “Give this pearl to one of the children that visit the waters after you’ve healed up in my stead, yes?” 
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“It’s not exactly how I remember it.” 
You squirmed against the sensation of the water, arms still looped around Luocha’s neck.  
“Any discomfort?” The doctor asked, “Tell me if anything hurts.”
“No, no, nothing like that,” You shuffled around to try and make yourself comfortable.  You did your best to find the familiar rhythm of the waves, but your tail felt as useless as it had the entire time you’d been confined to the bathtub.  “It’s… cold.” 
Luocha nodded... even though he couldn't quite understand.  “If you aren’t straining any of your injuries, you can hang on for as long as you need to.”
You mumbled, trying to draw your elbows closer to your chest, “I’m not.” 
It’d only been a week since the last time you’d tried to repay your imaginary debt to Luocha.  Things got… less tense between the two of you. 
You didn’t put up a fuss when he put some ointment on the scars that formed all over your skin.  You didn’t squirm when he unwrapped your shoulder bandage.  You’d usually bide your time silently in the bathtub.  Mostly, you’d nap.  But that got old quickly, especially since a bathtub isn’t the most convenient spot for sleeping. 
Luocha could tell you were bored out of your mind all on your lonesome. To satiate this, he’d usually sit with you in the bathroom and try to teach you things like how to play cards.  You were a little apprehensive with him, like you always were, but it seemed you opened up to him a lot more towards the end of your stay in his temporary residence.
You’d become a pretty competent blackjack player all things considered.
You opened up more and more about your life down below.  Usually, you’d be afraid to tell anyone about that information.  Smugglers often targeted specific pods if one of the products happened to be particularly pricy.  But Luocha wasn't at any risk, was he? 
Eventually, as the water started to feel more natural on your skin, you let your grip loosen from around his neck.  As the welcoming embrace of the ocean seemed to envelop more and more of your body, you could feel the former tension in your muscles start to melt away. 
You laid yourself horizontal to the surface of the water, tentatively starting to create your own ripples in the vast expanses of blue.  Maybe it didn’t feel exactly as you remembered, but the gentle pressure of the cool, cool sea against your skin felt like home. 
Your arms splayed out in the waves like an angel, basking in the familiarity of it all.  “You can let go now.” 
Slowly, surely, pale arms lowered you into the arms of the same waters you’d been in a little over two months ago.  You shocked yourself when you chased after his hands. Still, as slick as an eel, you slid away from him into the open ocean, finding a boyish glee in the pure ecstasy of true freedom.  
You took off like a little jet, head first into the deep end. 
Luocha could only really watch with a small smile while you explored the vast array of little treasures hidden beneath the horizon line.  
It felt like only fifteen minutes had passed when you re-emerged from beneath the ocean blue, but to your shock, the sun was starting to set and Luocha was off on dry land, wringing the water out of his hair.  
In all of your fun, it seemed you’d forgotten about that man who’d made all of this possible for you. 
You pursued him onto the sand, watching him characteristically tilt his head to the side to express his curiosity.  You pushed your own wet mop of hair out of your face with your hand, suddenly feeling a little less confident in your choices.  Despite your trepidation, you felt you at least owed him this much. 
That didn't make it any easier.
“I-” you swallowed, curling in on yourself, “What if I wanted to give you a gift? If it wasn’t some kind of repayment?” 
He smiled, flipping a soaked lock of hair over his shoulder, “As long as you aren’t lying to me about repayment, then I would gladly accept.”
You suddenly felt a new wave of confidence wash over you, your chest puffing up a little bit, “Well, I have a gift for you.” Even though you failed to notice your little finned ears wiggling in excitement, Luocha did not. 
You reached up to your right ear, unhooking the beautiful golden earring that’d you'd been wearing since you’d been thrown out of protective waters.
His eyes widened.   
“It-” You offered the hoop to him, “It was my mom’s.”
Luocha blinked a couple times, staring at the bangle before looking back up at your face instead.  
“Well?  You said you’d accept it if it was a gift.”  You pushed it into his face, feeling a red hot flush wash over your features, “This is a gift; from me to you, no strings attached.” 
He carefully took the thin gold loop in his fingers.  He noticed the signs of oxidation and the water damage. 
It was already far less valuable than the pearl you’d tried to offer him.
Yet its sentimental value was unrivaled. 
“Did... your mother like jewelry?”
You shrugged, looking away from him, “Yeah, she had a lot of it from my dad.” 
Luocha nodded.  “Well, did she have a favorite kind of jewelry?” 
At this, you paused.  “I mean… I guess she did.  She wore a lot of rings… why?” 
“Well, since this is a gift I won’t refuse it,- Luocha slid one of the golden bands wrapped around his fingers off,  “-but if you can’t have her earring anymore, then you can at least have a piece of jewelry your mother would’ve liked to wear.”
You felt your face transition from an embarrassed pink to a much deeper red.  “You… you know what you’re offering me, r-right?” 
He didn’t respond in the way you expected.  Instead of his usual confusion, he pushed the ring towards you again with one hand.  The other went to work, looping the clasp of the earring through a piercing that was just a little bit too close to closing.  
It felt like your brain was melting.
‘Is he… flirting with me?’ 
You took the golden ring between your fingers, watching him use his newly freed hand to further force the earring through the piercing hole. You could only feel the heat creep up your neck to your ears; fuck, it felt like you were going to burn alive on the sand. 
When he finally got it in, he flipped a chunk of wet hair over his shoulder.  He framed the golden hoop with his palm.  Playfully, he asked, “How does it look?” 
‘He’s definitely flirting.’ 
You immediately ripped your gaze from his face to the ring that suddenly felt like a hundred pounds in your palm. 
‘...What fingers do humans usually put the ring on again?’
Shakily you slid the golden ring onto your left hand, examining the way it glinted in the light of the sunset.  
‘...holy shit, did I just get married?’ 
You blinked a couple times, suddenly ripping your gaze away from the shiny metal.  “Sorry, sorry.” 
He chuckled at your expense, enjoying the little fluttering of your ears everytime he seemed to catch your attention again.  “Thank you for the gift, I’ll cherish it dearly.” 
You nodded. 
The silence was interrupted with a quiet sniffle. 
You aggressively wiped the tear off your face, watching the consequent pearl roll across the grains of sand.  “H-Hey, you can’t just give me this ring and leave-” You took a deep breath, “-That’s not fair, that’s not fair at all.” 
He was a little taken aback at the sudden resurgence of emotion, “Would…” he paused.  He thought it over before tentatively putting a hand on your shoulder, “Would it help if I stayed a little longer?” 
You shook your head, putting your hand over the one on your shoulder to hold it between both of your own hands.  “You have to promise to visit me a lot.  It’s going to take me a long time to find my family, so if you don’t visit I’m going to be lonely.” 
He, once again caught off guard, nodded, “O-Of course!” His own cheeks tinted a pale pink. 
“You promise?” 
He nodded again, this time using his other hand to clasp your hand in both of his.  “I promise I’ll visit.”
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a side note for this upcoming section: i did a lot of world-building for this fic behind the scenes, the current planet they're on is largely submerged beneath the waters and they live on a bunch of island nations. To link up with that idea, my idea of the mermaid smuggling industry is to do with the concept of foreigners coming in and destroying local ecosystems. (Colonization)
Long story short, the planet is loosely based on Polynesian Islands so I chose Māori names for our supporting cast but keep in mind I am FAR from an expert and I mean literally no disrespect at all to anyone at all. Only the names are Māori in nature because I feel like no matter how much research I do, I would be unable to capture the essence of the rich culture of New Zealand. I'm a little gay fanfic writer I have not done nearly enough research to claim I know ANYTHING, I just thought it'd be cool and help with world-building in case people want a part-two or something
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“What’s got you so worked up?” 
“Shut the fuck up Iarere, this is like the seventh time in the same hour.” 
Your younger brother held his hands up defensively, “Well, things got boring around here without you!”  He let himself fall towards the ground next to the boulder you’d splayed out all the little pieces of gold you’d managed to scrounge up.  “You manage to make it back from outside of protective waters and instead of hating everything and everyone, you’re suddenly getting all buddy buddy with the tourists trying to get some trinkets.  I know you’re old but are you really getting that desperate?” 
You frowned, “I’m not that old.” 
Iarere rested his face on the cool surface of the rock, prodding at one of the particularly flashy necklaces.  “You’re old to me.”  
Your frown deepened. Not just because your brother was calling you old, but because Luocha’s weekly visit was coming up and you hadn’t managed to gather up nearly as much as you would’ve wanted.   For your kind, caring, doctor husband who was already well off, a few necklaces and a handful of rings and earrings wouldn’t be anywhere near enough to woo him.  “I guess I am getting towards the end of the usual age people get married at.” 
The younger man nodded, humming, “Yeah, so do you have anyone in mind?” 
You bit your lip.  
I mean, yes, you were married. 
But it felt inauthentic if you didn’t present your husband with some kind of dowry first. 
Yes, Luocha only presented you with one of his old rings, but he also paid a hefty sum to rescue you from certain doom.  He also nursed you back to good health, refused to take any payment for any of the medical treatments or the food that’d been wasted making sure you’d retain your strength throughout your recovery. 
In your mind, maybe human dowries were just a little bit different. 
Despite opening your mouth to voice your dissent, your little brother jumped up at the opportunity to tease you.  “So you do have someone you’re thinking about!” 
“What are they like?” Iarere gripped your shoulders, tearing your attention away from your inner dilemma.  “What do they look like? Do I know them?”  He gasped, shaking you back and forth and he demanded to know, “Did you meet them while you were outside?!” 
You gripped at his shoulders in return, “I didn’t say I had anyone in mind!” 
He pursed his lips, “Yeah, I’m not buying it.” 
You groaned, bringing your hands up to your face.
He only got more excited, leaning in way too close for comfort as he squealed, “So I was right?!” 
“Right about what?” 
Your eyes darted over to the side, watching one of the few friends you’d managed to retain at your grown age.  “Thank the gods, Akahata, get Iarere off me before he gives me whiplash.” 
He hummed, “Well, I’m more interested in what exactly you guys were talking about before.”  You watched as his eyes flitted from you and your brother to all the precious metal and gems you’d laid out.  “Actually don’t tell me, let me guess.”  He pointed at the rock, “You’re setting up a dowry, but you’re upset because you know no amount of jewelry would ever get anyone in the pod to consider settling down with your ugly mug.”
Your ears fluttered in irritation.  “That’s a horrible guess.” 
Akahata shrugged, “Well, I mean, your mug’s only ugly cause you frown all the time.  If you actually made an effort to smile more, you’d probably have a lot more people that’d be willing to accept you with no dowry.” 
Your frown tugged at the corners of your lips as you massaged your temples, “For your information, I’m making a dowry cause I already got married.” 
“You WHAT?!” 
Iarere’s fists clenched even tighter around your biceps, “You told me you lost mom’s earring, not that you got married-” 
“It’s a long story-” You started, 
“Not long enough to not tell either of us!” Your best friend screamed in abject horror.  “The moment Ngaio and I started courting each other I told you immediately-”  You grimaced when he pushed your brother out of the way to be the one to shake you back and forth, “-and you get married and you don’t tell me until afterwards?!” 
“It wasn’t planned! I didn’t even realize he was courting me until he gave me his ring-” You countered, face lighting up pink.
“So it’s a him…” Iarere mumbled, putting his hand to his chin.  His expression lit up as the pieces started clicking together in his head.  “Is that where you’re going tomorrow?!” 
You were growing more overwhelmed by the minute, averting eye contact.  “Yeah, so what? We’ve been meeting up every week while I was looking for you guys.  Is it weird for husbands to spend time together?” 
Akahata abruptly let go of you, leaving red imprints of his hands on your arms.  “That’s not that problem, that problem-” he paused for dramatic effect, “-is that you’re planning on meeting up with him after returning and you’re not even telling us who he is!” 
Iarere put a hand over his heart, feigning his disappointment as he let himself sink into the sand below.  “I think I’m going to faint.” 
You sighed, “Well-”
Akahata jabbed an accusatory finger in your chest again, “Is he even good looking enough for you? Is he any good at providing? What was his dowry like?  What pod is he even from?!”
“He’s not from a pod-”
Your brother hummed, “So is he a lone wanderer out beyond the boundaries of protected waters saving pretty mermen he wants to marry?” 
Your face twisted into one of disgust, “Keep your fantasies to yourself.” 
Iarere huffed, “Well, what else am I supposed to think when you say he’s not from a pod?  He obviously has so be some kind of lone wolf, PLUS you got married before you made it back.” 
Akahata put a contemplative hand under his chin, “I mean he has a point.” 
You shook your head, “He’s a human.” 
“You’re joking.” 
“I’m not.” 
“You’re joking…” 
You held up your hand, gesturing towards the ring on your finger. 
“Oh my god, you’re not actually joking.” 
Your younger brother squealed, “Oh my god this is like something out of all those movies on the surface! Tell me all about it!” 
You frowned, pushing through both your peers to make it back to your makeshift table top.  “He’s… a doctor, but he was working as a trader on a big ship.   He was there the night I got caught and he ended up buying me off the boat and he patched me up and released me.” 
Your best friend sighed, “Only you can make a story that romantic sound like a business deal.” 
Iarere furrowed his brows, “Wait, wait, wait, when did he propose?” 
“Well-” You fumbled over your words, “I caught feelings and I thought I might as well start the courtship process-” 
“YOU made the first move?!” 
“Shut up!” You pushed your overly eager younger brother’s face away, “I didn’t know if he even knew about mermaid courting so if I was going to start courting him, I had to do it then.”
“...go on.”
You sighed, “I gave him mom’s old earring, but instead of just taking it, he gave me one of the rings he was wearing.” You covered your face, feeling another wave of crimson wash everywhere from your neck to the tips of your ears.  You still couldn’t get the memory of him showing off the earring out of your fucking head. “I mean- I- I even asked if he knew what offering me his ring meant and he just put it in my hand.” 
Your younger brother kicked around on the sand eagerly, waving his hands around excitedly.  “That is actually one of THE most romantic proposals I’ve ever heard of!” 
Akahata crossed his arms, “Damn, I feel like mine was lacking.” 
You huffed, “Well, Ngaio is still your wife.” 
“And whatever his face is still managed to wife you--of all people--up.”
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“Oh wow, you brought more than you usually do.” 
Luocha chuckled behind his hand, his own little bag of purchased trinkets hanging loosely at his side. 
You hummed, thumbing over the beautiful glistening stone of a diamond necklace you’d managed to get off of a rather infamous regular.  “You’re one to talk.” 
He gave a small grunt of exertion as he sat next to you on the sand, letting the bag fall to the side, “You’ve got me there.”  He couldn’t help the pleasant swell of warmth in his face as you gestured for him to turn around. 
I mean, maybe you weren’t the best at communicating what you were feeling or what you wanted from him, but you’d been getting better.  Instead of just grunting a yes or no to the questions he’d ask, you’d actually make time for some conversation with him.  Be it from your annoying younger brother to the changes in the pod since you’d returned, it seemed you shared what little woes you had with Luocha.  
You also seemed to share endless amounts of little golden treasures with him.  From old, worn gold, oxidized iron, anything really that you could find, you provided it to him and put it on him with the most delicate touch your rough, scarred hands could muster.  Maybe it was nothing, maybe it was something.  He couldn’t control the way his heart sped up whenever you leaned in to help him put on a new pair of earrings you’d gifted him.  He surmised gift giving was some kind of love language that was common among merfolk.  Perhaps you’d also enjoy it if he brought you gifts of equal value! 
Still, the pounding in his heart was not helped when you’d started smiling at him. 
Everytime he managed to catch one of the rare glimpses of your smile–even worse when you’d laugh–he almost felt like he was looking at something forbidden.  Something he wasn’t worthy of, right in front of him.  For someone who had been through so much, you really opened up to him remarkably quickly after you’d been released.  Perhaps before release you’d been scared of being sold off? The familiar feeling of the waters must’ve don wonders to make you relax this much. 
Even worse when the physical affection began.  It started as simple as reaching out to the side of his face to brush the hair away from his ear so you could catch sight of the golden hoop he’d taken to wearing.   It transitioned to taking his gloves off so you could look at the rings you ended up gifting him.   Before he could really process how quickly the two of you were moving, you were pressed up against him at every opportunity.  
He knew it was natural for merfolk to not wear clothing, but did you have to have such a muscular chest? 
Even now, as you fumbled with the clasp of the absolutely beautiful diamond necklace, you wrapped an equally muscular aquatic tail around his leg.  He didn’t exactly know if this was normal between merfamily-could he call them that?--, being overly affectionate.   Even if it felt like a little more than just normal bonding, he did his best to still the pounding of his heart when your fingers brushed his hair out of the way so you could make sure the gem was oriented correctly.  
Trying his hardest to quell the tide of warmth surging up to the tips of his ears, he put a hand over his erratic heartbeat.  He prayed to the Aeons above you couldn’t feel it as your chest pressed against his back.  
You wrapped your arms snug around his torso, pulling him further into your stomach.  Resting your chin on top of his blonde hair, you found the gloved hand resting over his heart to hold in your own.   The two of you let the silence hang in the air for a moment. 
You gave a quiet huff before you moved your chin from on top of his head to bury itself into the crook of his neck.  As his fingers interlocked with yours, he found himself looking at all the gold rings he’d adorned your fingers with.  Each and every one, he could put a time and day to. 
But then, his eyes landed on your ring finger. 
“Oh, you still wear that old thing?”
You glanced down at your hand, raising a brow.  His finger was tracing over the ring he’d exchanged when he was releasing you back into the open water.
“You still wear the same earring I gave you,” you murmured, flicking it with your freehand.  “I’ve given you countless pairs of earrings since, yet even when you wear one stud, you’ll always wear the same one every time I see you.” 
His chest rumbled with a bout of laughter, “I suppose you’re right.”  He perked up suddenly, “Oh, that reminds me, speaking of this earring…” He reached towards the rather large bag of gifts he’d brought with him.  He threw a few of the boxes of gold ornaments he’d purchased before finally fishing the box he was looking for out of the bottom.  “I went shopping and when I saw this pair, I simply knew you’d love it.” 
You hummed, looking at the little navy blue box in his hand.
He made quick work of the bow wrapped around the holding case, nimble fingers peeling open the little box before he presented you with his gift on their signature velvet cushion. It looked like… 
…a replica of your mother’s earrings. 
He offered them up to you with a bashful smile, watching in silent amusement when your ears flicked back and forth in some kind of excitement. 
Delicately, gently, you picked up one of the hoops and twirled it around your fingers. 
“...Well? Do you like it?”
You didn’t respond, reaching up to your right ear to remove the little stud you’d chosen to wear to this outing.  Fidgeting with the clasp of the loop, you threaded it with a calculated ease through your piercing.   
“I like it.” 
He clasped his hands together, “Good, I’m more than glad.” 
“She would’ve loved to meet you.” 
You paused, “My mother, I mean,” Your thumb fidgeted with the back of the earring.  “She always wanted to see her sons get married, but she passed before she could.” 
Luocha blinked.  
You tilted your head to the side, “My mother; she would’ve loved to meet you.” 
“No, no,” Luocha could feel the deep claret paint his face a messy red as he scooted to face you, “What did you mean by seeing her sons get married?”
…Did you not know?” 
Luocha blinked. 
“We’re married.” 
Another blink. 
“You… Is that why…?” He gestured towards the gifts strewn across the sand.  He looked back towards his own bag of gifts. 
‘Oh for crying out loud-’
“I-” he cleared his throat, “I apologize, I seem to have… entered this marriage under false pretenses.”  He put his hands on his temples, “How- Where- When exactly did this happen?”
You hummed, “When you let me back out into the water.  When I gifted you my mother’s earring, that was the signal I wanted to start courting you.  When you gift something back, that’s an officiation of marriage.” 
He coughed into his hand, trying to think through this situation logically. 
Okay, so he accidentally got married.
What the fuck. 
The train of thought seemed to end there. 
He was, however, plagued with another train of thought. 
‘Well, you have been making eyes at him for a few months now.’ 
Those thoughts were not helping.  
“If you want to end the marriage, it’s as simple as saying so,” you added, “I thought you knew what my intentions were-”
Luocha covered the bottom half of his mouth.  “I’m fine with the arrangement as is, but it appears human marriage and merfolk marriage are officiated in very different ways.” 
Your brows furrowed. 
“...Are you saying you want to officiate the marriage as humans would?”
The tips of Luocha’s ears burned with embarrassment.  “I-” 
You held one of his hands in yours, eyes seemingly boring holes into his face,  “Whatever it is, as long as you want to do it, I will do it to the best of my ability.” 
Any complaints were silenced when he was confronted with such sincerity.  “Well…”
You waited patiently, folding your hands in your lap.  
Finally, it seemed your “husband” made up his mind.  
“Close your eyes.” 
You paused, seemingly surprised, but nonetheless your eyes fluttered shut moments after. 
Luocha urged himself to breathe, flexing and unflexing his hands.  
He leaned forward, closing his eyes as he…
…planted an innocent peck on your lips.
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there's a note on the side of the phone booth, read it?
" idk how to describe it but now being on the other side of this, i'm feeling something similar to post nut clarity "
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first post since losing literally everything on my first account yay !!
yes guys, luocha and his mermaid husband were openly cuddling on the beach for months and he's wondering "is he into me or am i bro-zoned"
that being said, losing my tumblr has now forced me to realize how many people genuinely like my writing hey guys I went scrolling through user kamisatoelogy's blog to look for their modern ayato fic and i found out someone dedicated time and effort into archiving my works???? and you guys went looks for me????
i fr feel like getting on my hands and knees and thanking everyone for all their support and love over this process and apologizing for scaring you guys so bad
you guys are so sweet and so many of you have been so helpful in getting my blog back up and running again :((
i started drafting my fics in google docs to make sure it isn't all GONE if i get shit on again so this chapter is brought to you by font: unica one, it was 27 pages total (i am insane)
shout out to Chappell Roan cause she really put me in my tunnel vision work zone while i was writing this
if u guys r looking for a writing hack, i trained myself like a sleeper agent to start writing when i play songs on hour loop it puts me in a work rut
- love, operator t-19
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314 notes · View notes
asha-mage · 10 months
The Ace Attorney fandom is great because half the fanart looks like it was made by Renaissance era gays working through their religious trauma and most of the fanfic is domestic family AUs where the highest stakes are having a bad day at work and characters not being willing to admit to their crushes and then the game itself is a Grey's Anatomy style soap opera but with lawyers only not really because the game is ACTUALLY a dystopia story full of scathing criticisms for the legal system of Japan.
And also there is a character named Larry Butz.
702 notes · View notes
queersolarfandompage · 9 months
Hilson Masterlist:
A bunch of fics I’ve read in the last month, month and a half. All works are completed and over 9,000 words per fic.
My Love’s an Arbutus - Rated G
House gets a soulmate, WIlson gets Hanahaki. It ends suprisingly well for both of them.
Handle with Care - Rated G
This is the story of how James Wilson ended up on his best friends doorstep with a baby in a carseat he’d stolen from the maternity ward, and the chaos that followed.
A Thousand Teeth (And Yours Amoung Them) - Rated T
Sometimes, when House gets too overwhelmed by his emotions, he gets a little bitey. This is five times House bites Wilson, and one time Wilson finally bites him back.
Systemic - Rated T
Ever since Wilson moved in, House has presented with some inexplicable symptoms. Fortunately, he has a team of talented doctors to aid him with his diagnosis.
Touch Therapy - Rated T
It’s not that House needs the human contact. It’s just that when you’re sharing an apartment, these things happen sometimes.
I Never Sleep With Married Men - Rated T
House and Wilson are married. It’s not what you think.
Double or Nothing - Rated T
House kisses Wilson’s cheek as part of an ‘act’, it feels too natural to him, so, of course, he has to turn it all into a game, Wilson catches up pretty quickly. The duckings try to not get scarred for life.
The Line of Thought - Rated T
Cameron, Foreman, and Chase keep on trying to get into the little details of House’s love life. House doesn’t like that one bit.
In the Eye of the Storm - Rated T
House does not want Wilson to invite his subordinates over for dinner, and he definitely doesn’t want them to be stuck there due to an unexpected snowstorm. But could the two of them find what they need?
Drew Stars Around my Scars - Rated T
James Wilson loves Gregory House in secret, but perhaps he is closer to knowing than he realizes.
Oreos, a Cane, and a Hell of a Lot of Diapers - Rated T
Hilson AU in which House and Wilson are waiting for the birth of their two babies. Watch them survive their first few weeks of parenthood along with the struggles it takes to be a parent.
Impossible - Rated T
“Wilson, hey-“
“…This is James Wilson. I can’t get to the phone right now, but if you leave a message, I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.”
There was a long, sustained tone, and House cleared his throat.
“Wilson. I’m sorry for what I said to you in January. It was over the line, and I shouldn’t have gone there in the first place. I know you don’t want to talk to me, and… I’ll respect that. I just wanted you to know that I’m…”
He looked down at the flowers.
“I’m sorry.”
House and Wilson both have Hanahaki Disease, and would rather die than give up their feelings.
No Need to Worry (Making Up Your Mind) - Rated T
House makes the mistake of telling his mother he can’t join her for Christmas because of his new boyfriend. Somehow, this becomes Wilson’s problem.
Something to Prove Series - Rated T
Something to Prove
When House suddenly want to initiate a relationship with Wilson, Wilson is overjoyed. The feelings he’d held for years are finally mutual. Or are they?
House and Wilson decide to let the other people in their lives in on the fact that they’re dating. But no, they can’t just sit them down and tell them. Of course not. That would be too boring.
After School - Rated T
Gregory House is incredibly bored with his life when James Wilson is hired to teach Anatomy & Physiology alongside him at Princeton Plainsboro High School. Though he wants to maintain that same monotony he’s grown comfortable with, House quickly finds out that one school year can change a lot.
Life’s Harsh and Sweet Lessons - Rated T
House and Wilson find out that a simple act of kindness can turn into something so much more for all involved. (I love this fic so much. They’re just gay dog dads.)
Losing Balance - Rated T
There’s a new case for House, in which Wilson gets stuck by chance. The relationship between the patiend and his best friend brings up new issues House and Wilson have to deal with. While the first simply chooses to ignore them, the second is forced to face the changes in their friendship and the influence that the people around them have on it.
Gaseous Nebula - Rated T
After a hard day at work, House and Wilson intend to spend their evening watching the Princeton Philharmonic Orchestra. Instead, the building collapses, leaving on of them trapped in peril and the other desperate for answeres. The chaos drives them to revelations about themselves and each other, but it may be too late.
Ship of Fools - Rated M
The Captain’s a tyrant and possibly a madman, but when the crew rebels it’s Wilson who gets caught in the crossfire.
Bait and Switch - Rated M
Wilson tricks House into participating in a bachelor auction to benefit the hospital.
Fool’s Gold - Rated M
Don’t threaten what isn’t yours. (Dragon AU)
Old Machines - Rated M
Wilson said, “So we’re just two friends who want to have sex with each other, who aren’t going to do anything about it.”
Spoken with the increduility of a beautiful person with low impulse control. House shrugged.
“We’ve been that for years. Why mess with success?”
Wilson was looking at his mouth. He sounded strained. “I don’t think what we’re doing qualifies as success.”
Not as Easy as it Looks on TV - Rated M
House and Wilson share an intimate moment. the likes of which Wilson had never seen before in their three year relationship. It drives Wilson to realize he wants to marry House, but of course it’s never that easy, is it?
That’s How Strong My Love Is - Rated M
For once, Wilson doesn’t fall into a relationship, much to House’s irritataion.
Fresh Feeling - Rated M
House is tricked into going on a team-building trip with his colleagues. He does far more bonding with Wilson than anyone else.
Love Is The Drug - Rated M
What happens when two best friends love each other to the point of hating each other? They try to date and sulk about it.
The More It Took Away - Rated E
House has been hiding this little secret of his for years. Too bad it’s coming back to bite him on the ass.
The Escalated Butt Dial - Rated E
He thinks it must be an accident. Because all he hears is shuffling and soft… clapping? He’s about to hang up and laugh because House butt-dialed him while drunk when he hears it.
A very, very obviously sexual grunt. A moan, if more specific. Whatever. Not whatever. He can’t really breath right now, or think; call back laterr.
He wants to hang up. This is an invasion of privacy. This isn’t okay. House butt-dialed him while masurbating, for fuck’s sake. And it’s not like he wants to listen. Right? So. Just hang up.
The One-Eyed King Takes All - Rated E
The classic crew plays strip poker.
You’re the Only One That Never Gets Old Series - Rated E
You’re the Only One That Never Gets Old
An accidental kiss… and a few taht are not so accidental.
Let’s Take A Breath (Before We Go, Go, Go)
House kisses Wilson to piss off an homophobic patient. It might ahve been his best idea yet.
Keep Me Where the Light Is - Rated E
House has his Earth shattering, (good) knee weakening, life changing revelation about Wilson at such an inopporune time, that he’s tempted to laugh. He would have, if he hadn’t been hands deep in his patient’s organs.
Absinthe - Rated E
Wilson wants a new apartment, House is up to no good, and strange metaphors abound.
Experimental Procedures - Rated E
An offhand comment leads Wilson to test out some unusual methods of pain relief for House. (They’re extremely effective.)
Familiarity (Breeds Contempt) - Rated E
House and Wilson stumble into a relationship, but they run into problems before long.
Around We Go Once More - Rated E
Stuck in a small university town out of the country with Wilson, House is up to day 104, of a ‘grounghog day’ style constatly recurring day scenario. Seeing as the day will repeat, he figures it would be safe to try and seduce Wilson; the one he’s always been attracted to, but never acted on it, for fear it would ‘ruin the friendship.’ This is not as easy as he planned, particularly as Wilson refuses to take him seriously.
Stay With Me - Rated E
House has always depended on Wilson’s friendship, but now he finds himself depending on him for his very life - and Wilson realizes that both mean more to him than he ever realized.
I’ll See You In Court - Rated E
Every year, the council chooses ten alphas to participate in the breeding run — this year Wilson has been chosen. He’ll be forced to bond with whichever omega he knocks up whilst he’s in heat. When House hears, he’s forced to take action. There’s only one way to get pulled from the yearly run, and taht’s to file an intent to bond. And in order to file an intent to bond, you need an omega willing to go through with it.
There’s only a week until Wilson’s heat, but luckily, House knows just the omega for the job.
Things That Go Bump - Rated E
Wilson has nightmares. House gets a headache. Everyone tries to diagnose just what’s going on between them.
If He Spends That Dough (Imma Throw Him a Bone) - Rated E
James Wilson loves to feel needed, so who is hOuse to refuse him?
Money, sex, and love is all you need. In that order.
Howler Tone - Rated E
The calls always happen late at night, and they’re extremely sporadic, with weeks, sometimes months bridging between them. They talk on the phone otherwise, of course; about patients, or dinner plans, or carpooling. Typical stuff. But the calls that always end a certain way always start a certain way.
House develops a new vice. Wilson, as always, enables him.
He Won’t Tell You That He Loves You - Rated E
In which Nolan pulls at the Wilson thread, and House can’t stop it all from unraveling. Repression is a hell of a drug.
A Valuable Friend - Rated E
Wilson has been recieving mysterious late night phone calls. He’s rather House kept his nose out of it - but we all know how well that goes.
Baby Mikey - Rated E
House gets a visitor that will change his life, while Wilson struggles to figure out exactly who he is and where he fits into House’s new life.
Buy Some Time, It’s On My Dime - Rated E
The one where House is a phone sex operator.
You’re So Fuckin’ Special (Run) - Rated E
It was full of pictures.
And all of them are of Wilson.
In Every Lie, In Every Truth That You’d Deny - Rated E
Wilson just needs someone to take care of while he recovers from yet another divorce. That’s all this is.
Ath least, that’s what House thinks.
A Patient’s Guide to Living with ICS - Rated E
House and Wilson share a hotel room at a medical conference.
Hooked (On Feeling Low) - Rated E
There are things even House cannot control.
Can Wilson continue picking up the pieces?
A Modest Proposal - Rated E
Tritter’s case agianst House still depends on subpoenaeded testimony from Wilson. To save House from losing everything, the doctors of PPTH decide on an unusal solution, which in turn leads to unexpected consequences. This is a story about the sacrifices we make that turn out not to be such great sacrifices after all.
Silk, Lace, and Satin Bows - Rated E
“What’re those,” House lilted, taking a firmer hold on the blanket and tugging, even as Wilson cluched the blanket to his chest, his eyse impossibly wide as he shook his head.
“It’s nothing,” Wilson gritted out, cheeks flushing hotly. “I just… I borrowed some underwear from Sam. It’s nothing. Just get out, House,” the younger man hissed, clutching the blanket more firmly to his chest.
The Marrying Kind - Rated E
The one where House is a wedding planner and Wilson keeps on getting married.
TGIF - Rated E
House is stuck living the same Friday over and over and over and over again. A Groundhog Day AU with a medical mystery, the pursuit of true love, and egregious references to Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell.
Correlation Does Not Equal Causation - Rated E
“This… this hasn’t happened before.”
“Most people say that in the opposite situation.”
Alternatively titled: Wilson Doesn’t Actually Have Whiskey Dick
Don’t mind me just adding another fic here.
Grin and Bear It - Rated E
In a world where soulmates can feel each other’s pain, Wilson had always grown up wondering if he really had a soulmate. Sure, he could feel the occasional twinge like that of a bruise or cut without actually seeing one, but he had always chalked those up to random aches and pains that everybody got.
Wilson would keep this mindset until both he and House begin feeling agonizing leg pain, and a realization dawning from it causes Wilson’s entire life and well-being to change forever.
I’m always looking for new Fics so if there’s a fic you think is missing from this list, let me know and I’ll check it out!
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spicyboelives · 7 days
idk if u still care abt poto but i saw this post yesterday and it immediately reminded me of ur poto AU so i thought id share :)
(its a reel by @/christianrlocke on instagram in case the link doesn’t work)
I saw it about a week after I posted my poto art and felt like the gods were shining down on me. Absolutely exceptional turn of events. Also yes! I do still love poto! Most of my interests are long lasting, I just don’t have time to do more art of them because I do commissions essentially full time right now :).
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Heres something quick I drew up, sorry the line work n anatomy is kinda ass- also wish I could have had longer to iron out the costume details I had in mind for my version.
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In my version He crashes the party for the same (though slightly different reasons?). Hates That Christine isn’t being cast in the poetic gay fanfics hes been writing for him & the general way the opera is ignoring his critiques. I also think he’d be upset with Raoul, regardless of if that dude really did anything wrong, Erik would still be insecure enough to be jealous and over protective of Christine.
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ohkkotsuu · 1 year
ৎ୭ PAIRING: utahime iori x f!reader (she/her pronouns, afab anatomy)
ৎ୭ ABOUT: you and your boyfriend, satoru gojo, have been fighting for a while now. he has been paying too much attention to other girls, breaking your heart and ignoring your needs. when it gets back to utahime, she sees the opportunity to help you, like a good veteran.
ৎ୭ CW/TW: [ NSFW ]. college au/no curses au, cheating (reader cheats on satoru, implications he cheated too), reader is multi, shoko is a bad friend to satoru here i think?? she and utahime talk about fucking you. geto flirted with you (off-screen). utahime is head over heels for you without even noticing. tbh gojo is a bit of a jerk here, but everyone acts like jerk, ngl. utahime was originally going to do it out of petty revenge but she really started to like you. there's a gay vibe between shoko and utahime (they joke about a three way with you), and between gojo and geto. everyone is kinda multi implied. everyone is on college (around 21-26)! reader is a sophomore, gojo is a junior, utahime is a senior. honorary mentions: nanami is a freshman, geto is a junior, shoko is a junior. ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE, I'M NOT A GOOD SMUT WRITER, I AM SO SORRY FOR THIS — this is my first time writing anything along these lines (smut) im sweating buckets, not proofread
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PORN WITHOUT MUCH PLOT; fingering, facesitting, 69, mentions of previous sex (among reader and gojo), exhibitionism, possessive behavior (utahime towards reader), praise/worship kink, getting caught, a bit of cuckolding?? nicknames (pretty, darling, princess, lovely, angel).
#TAGGING: @maisieisbae • thanks for your support! <3
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UTAHIME was sure that living with satoru gojo was a kind of divine penance. payment for crimes she committed in a past life. there is no other explanation for how terrible it is to have to deal with a man like him.
and it only got worse when satoru gojo, the worst man she's ever known, got a new girlfriend. you. and oh, you. you were perfect — you are perfect, but you're gojo's. he doesn't let anyone forget, and that makes utahime angrier than any of his lame jokes.
because he could never do you justice.
the first time utahime saw you, she reluctantly found herself at a party she didn't even wanted to attend. that's what she gets for betting against shoko on poker night (she always wins, after all). however, she made the most of the situation by settling into a cozy corner, sipping on her drink while chatting with shoko about anything on mind. exams, people being jerks, the hot girl shoko wants to call, — and utahime's motivational support was important, of course — anything, really.
from her secluded spot, she couldn't help but observe her younger peers recklessly flirting, which added to her growing disdain for the party. she just wanted to de-stress from exam week, but the environment only added to her headache. she was ready to punch any idiot if they made a move on her or her friend. prying eyes and drunken men quickly turned away from the woman's aggressive gaze, making shoko laugh.
as she scanned the room, utahime noticed a familiar face — geto, one of the popular idiots (as she sweetly called them), talking to a group of girls. his flirtatious attitude is usual, what is unusual to see him without his equally well-liked best friend. that damn satoru gojo. utahime couldn't help but feel curious about why he was alone this time. it was strange not to see the partners in crime together.
“is gojo fuckin’ a girl on the second floor or something?” she asks curiously, making shoko raise an eyebrow. “the trash there is all alone.”
shoko giggles, snatching utahime's drink from her hand, earning some protests of her, to take a sip. the alcohol burns in her throat, but she loves anything that burns after all. she stares at her friend and shakes her head no.
“haven't you heard? satoru got a new girlfriend. real cutie.” utahime finds herself interested, tilting her head to encourage her friend to continue. and speaking the truth this time. “okay, you got me. she's hot. like, I mean it. not going to lie, got me really jealous. she's just my type.”
“you got any pictures?”
while shoko searches which coat pocket her cell phone is in (she can never find it at first try), utahime watches who enters through the door. she scowls, rolling her eyes. speak of the devil — satoru gojo himself, but he's not alone. utahime doesn't expect much as he pulls whoever it is along with him to join the party, heading to the dance floor.
gojo always has a girl, or more than one, around him. he is like a light bulb, effortlessly bringing the moths to him. be a girlfriend, fling, sneaky links. it is never lasting. he's the kind of asshole who won't settle for just one girl, and ends up breaking the hearts of several and just disappearing. sometimes he and the other trash (geto) seem to forget they're in public, and act like two hormonal assholes with those girls.
honestly, utahime doesn't know why so many girls find them attractive. what's so special about them? for her, they're cute at best. physical appearance does not make up for the fuckboy attitude. instead of settling down for guys who would care for them, take them on dates — like that freshman, nanami, the kind blonde —, they choose to run after whoever will break their hearts after a good fuck.
then, she sees you. oh, you— good lord. utahime can't help but stare at every step you take, arm in arm with your boyfriend, with him grinning from ear to ear as he guides you through the party. you are the most beautiful girl she has ever seen. with a sweet smile, well-done makeup, in a tight party dress — holy fucking crist. she doesn't even realize that her jaw has dropped or that she's in a trance until shoko nudges her.
“told you.” she has a smirk on her face, and utahime can feel her face heating up in jealousy. “pretty, isn't she?”
“pretty is an understatement. c'mon. what is she doing with a stupid fuck like gojo, anyway? damn, that dress. i can see her thighs.” iori watches you from afar, as your boyfriend asks drinks for the two of you. “how long have they been together?”
shoko thinks for a moment, rummaging through her phone. utahime peeks over her shoulder and she can see that she is searching for your instagram page.
“two months, i think?” shoko laughs when her friend let out an impressed whistle. “It's a new record for satoru, I know, but damn. a girl like that, I would also be with for long. check her insta.”
utahime blames the redness of her cheeks on alcohol. while shoko shows her your page full of selfies, she has to restrain herself from picking up her cell phone and immediately following you. there are so many pictures — pictures of you in baggy pajamas, chilling at home with your boyfriend. bikini photos at the beach or pool. a photo at night, in the stars. and you're so, so pretty in all of them. god damn satoru gojo. always getting the best out of the best.
“don't even look at me with that face, I haven't tasted her, and I won't.” shoko says with a pout. utahime's eyes are still focused on her phone — she's liking a picture of you in a bikini, in what seems to be satoru's house for a pool party.
“what do you mean?”
the music at the party background seems irrelevant. after seeing you, utahime can only hear her own heart hammering in her chest. goddamit, she thinks. im acting like the trash.
“y’know, satoru is always sharing his girls with suguru. they never invite me, though, those assholes.” she says without much resentment, shrugging. “I had asked to go along this time, only that suguru told me that he asked to have her too, and satoru wouldn't let him.”
“you're kidding.” utahime says, shocked. that can't be true. shoko laughs.
“I know, right? they share everything. but i think satoru really likes this one. he doesn't want to leave anything to geto. or me.”
utahime turns her head to see you again. the beautiful girlfriend of satoru gojo. who's actually being ignored as mentioned jerk is paying more attention to his phone than to his girlfriend. utahime feels anger burning inside of her. if she had a girlfriend like you nothing could hold her attention.
“you wanna hit it? i think she's very faithful, so you might wanna avoid being direct.”
“oh, please, shoko.” utahime crosses her arms. “she's that idiot's girlfriend. she will be unhappy with him, look at her face, she's unhappy already. every unhappy woman can use a helping hand, can't she?” both of them smirk at that. “besides, he seems to be getting tired of her already. two months is too much for him. the biggest commitment gojo ever made was a tiny tattoo or something.”
shoko laughs at that. “true, true. why don't you invite her over? i have her number.” she says in a sing-song voice, but utahime shakes her head no.
“i have a better idea, but thanks.”
ieiri just shrugs and smiles at her. the partners on crime can be terrible, but these two know how to misbehave too.
“any chance you invite me, too? three is much better than two, huh?” utahime gives her a light push as a joke, and they both laugh. she looks at you again, smirking slightly, more to herself than to anyone else.
“nah. veterans first.”
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utahime's plan actually starts with a simple motive: petty revenge. gojo is the worst of all juniors — since she was a sophomore and he was a freshman, she had no peace. unfortunately, the coming of shoko on her life brought the coming of this imbecile along with her.
there were always reasons for satoru's jokes or mockings. he had this constant joking tone, but she understood how cruel he could be. always bragging about his perfect grades, his good results in sports, how he managed to be captain of the debate club before she could, and of course, bragging about how he could get good pussy without lifting a finger. he had no respect for seniors (or any authority figure, frankly), especially utahime. so teaching him a lesson was the only necessary way to sent a message.
It started in a cliche but simple way. you were at the library, having trouble looking up a stupidly specific book — needed in a research essay required by one of your classes. the library index looked more disorganized than anything, although it's function is exactly the opposite.
it would take half of an afternoon just to find the research materials, and who knows how long to get everything you needed for the essay. not to mention sitting down and writing it all down.
“do you need help?” you hear a voice calling from behind you. you turn on your heels to see a woman. you recognize her. is that woman who is always with shoko, satoru's friend.
“that would be lovely, thanks.” you smile, and she moves close to you to offer assistance. “you're a senior, right? utahime? thanks for the help.”
she nods. god, you're so sweet, she thinks. satoru doesn't deserve you. you introduce yourself quickly and she smiles at you. after a good few minutes of searching and casual conversation, she pokes your shoulder.
“so, this is what you're looking for?” she hands you a heavy book.
“yes! that's it! oh, thank you. you just saved my life on this essay.” she giggles, giving you a reassuring nod.
“hey, no worries. that subject was hell when I was a sophomore. but im good at it now.” she puts her hands on her hips. “are you having difficulties? I can be your tutor, no problem. you don't even have to pay me. courtesy to a friend of shoko's.”
your smile widens, and iori swears her heart skips a beat. in fact, the idea was perfect. satoru and you have been fighting over the last few weeks with the attention he's been giving to random girls (usually in miniskirts). shoko is busy always studying or cheating, and geto — well, he's geto. satoru's best friend who will always side with gojo. so things have been lonely around your house.
plus you know utahime is one of the best in her class. a veteran's help that fell for you at the right time, like a gift from heaven.
“i would be very happy about it, actually. thank you so much! wait, take my number. let's schedule it on days when you're free, okay?”
“uh-huh. perfect.” utahime feels herself smiling like a fool while you exchange phone numbers.
it was the beginning. the preparation of the land. now utahime had to move on to the next part.
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tutoring took place every wednesday night. a day you originally planned to spend with satoru at the beginning of your relationship, full of dates and romantic promises — until he starts to get tired. being late for dates, not showing up to them, being seen or photographed at some party instead. then wednesdays nights as a couple just stopped happening. the frequency was decreasing until it stopped completely. you don't even want to see satoru's face after your last fight. he's been acting like a jealous asshole, freaking out at anyone who talks to you. when you try to do the same, he acts like you're insane.
this is one of the concerns you share with utahime. it's been almost five weeks since she's been helping you with the subject — she was the first person you told about your straight A on the essay —, and you have become close. she carries your stuff sometimes, walks you around campus. you text each other late into the night, laughing over silly cat videos or talking about preferences. she's not just a tutor or a senior, she's your friend.
she is a much better listener than satoru. especially in recent times. he rarely visits your apartment now, and you're giving him the cold shoulder. you even started avoiding geto, not wanting to hear through him how your boyfriend is sorry and he is going to change or whatever mess he makes up this time. utahime is the first one you share everything with now. she is happy for her achievements, celebrates with you for them. she's always checking up on you — if you are drinking water, resting. if you can't sleep, she calls you during the night and you laugh until you pass out from tiredness. she makes your anxiety and sadness go away when she's around.
satoru knew how to tolerate, utahime knew how to listen. an important and crucial difference: while moving away from your boyfriend, you grew closer to utahime. every little message or request to do something, even if it was drinking at a random bar, warmed your heart. it was always crowded at first, with even a few freshmen. but then, she reduced the group, and now it's customary for just the two of you to go out.
when you're together, utahime doesn't pay attention to anything else. nobody else. no girl in a miniskirt attracts her attention. her cell phone could beep for minutes and she wouldn't even spare it a glance when you're in the same room as her. she is kind, respects your limits, does her best to help you with everything and is happy when you are happy.
and honestly, she's beautiful. you can't take her gaze away even when you should be paying attention to what she says, not her appearance. she is wearing dark jeans, a black tank top that shows a lot of skin. so simple yet so elegant. her hair is tied in a low ponytail, and she's sitting by your side on your couch, pointing to something at your notebook screen.
she's saying something, but your brain can't quite process the words. the way her lips move is kind of hypnotic.
“and here, you have—” she snaps her fingers in front of you with a smile. “are you listening, angel?”
petnames became a thing. you let her call you that a few times and now, utahime seems addicted to it, even though she doesn't do it in public.
“yeah, no, you got me, sorry. can you repeat that?” she shrugs. normally, she would be irritated by someone who doesn't listen to a tutoring session. but with you?
iori has all the patience in the world and then some more when it's about you.
“i think we could use a break anyway. five minutes and we start again, all right?” you nod as she leans in to kiss your cheek, like she usually do to reward you for a good answer.
as utahime gets up to fetch some water from the kitchen, you start thinking about your relationship with her. the word sounds more serious, something beyond friendship, but there's nothing more fit to it. you realize that you and she are definitely getting closer than usual friends. you feel comfortable in her presence and enjoy her company, and she clearly enjoys yours. in fact, you have noticed that your senior really likes closeness and physical contact, and it's interesting how much you do too. you wonder: this is just a coincidence or if it's a sign of something more?
satoru, always appearing when uninvited even in thought, flashes through your mind. in the beginning of your relationship, he was as lovely as utahime, but things cooled down over time. you start to compare your current relationship with utahime to your past relationship with satoru. you realize that while things may have started out strong with satoru, the passion eventually fizzled out. with utahime, however, you feel a deeper connection that continues to grow with each passing day. could this be something more than friendship?
the guilty of thinking about this when your boyfriend is away consumes your insides. but there's this sparkling though, that question whose answer you so ardently want: what would utahime be like as your girlfriend?
“hey.” she calls, moving closer to you. her glass of water was left on the table on your living room. “you ok? what's on your mind?”
she's so sweet. so sweet and worried all the time, trying to make you comfortable and happy. she would make an wonderful girlfriend.
“yes.” you have to shake that though. what are you thinking? this is utahime, your kind senior. and you have a boyfriend. “just— got stuff on my mind.”
“about you and gojo?” she sits down beside you, worried, watching you nod. “that asshole doesn't return your calls, does he?”
you're never imagining the contempt in her voice. for some reason, utahime really doesn't like satoru. but it's understandable. the way he's been acting lately, doubts about your relationship with him are sprouting like fruit on a tree.
you feel tears well up in your eyes. utahime let out a gasp, worried as hell now. where is the satoru who would bring you flowers and spend hours talking to you when you can't sleep? could he really have just gotten sick of you? got bored?
that's what everyone said it would happen. satoru is not a one woman man, he never was. and judging by the look of things, he never will be. your relationship has just gone downhill steadily over the last few weeks. if you had someone like utahime, none of this would be happening.
“hey.” she calls you gently, whispering your name. utahime puts a hand on your face, tilting your head to look at her. her thumb is wiping away your tears. “don't cry. please. that jerk doesn't deserve you, he doesn't deserve your tears. you could do so much better. you only deserve the better.”
there is an odd consensus that you sense when you look into her eyes. something you two are thinking about. the best is not him.
you're trying to get some words out, to figure what to do next— when utahime leans in, looking you on the eye. her voice is a gentle z soft whisper you thought you wouldn't hear from anyone else. your heart skips a beat.
“can i kiss you?” there's so much despair. so much desire to have you in her voice, like you've never heard from anyone else. something that goes beyond a passing lust or a quickly acquired love.
instead of saying anything, you put your hands on her face, pulling iori close. you smash your lips against hers, letting out a soft sigh against her mouth because of how good it feels. she kisses calmly, a controlled and subtle desire — that's still there, but there is no rush.
there is no explanation for how good this moment is. when you pull apart, she looks at you. what do you whisper sends shivers down her spine.
“again.” her eyes widen. “kiss me again, utahime. and don't stop.”
she leans in, practically smirking against your lips. “whatever you wish, princess.” and she does exactly as you told her.
even though utahime is in no hurry, she gets bolder with every brush of lips. her hands wander around your body and settle on your waist. she pushes her tongue against yours out of the simple desire to be that close to you. it's not a rush. there's desire there, but it's more than that, more than just a passing desire for a good fuck. more than you ever felt coming from satoru.
oh, lord. your boyfriend is travelling and you're here. it's late at night and you're making out with utahime on the couch in your apartment, moaning against her mouth because how good it feels when she sucks your tongue, how she grabs your waist.
iori leans back again, licking her lips — a bit coated with your saliva and hers. the way she looks at you, with that much adoration on her eyes...it makes you forget about gojo in a heartbeat.
“wanna take this to the room, pretty?” and you never said yes so fast in your life.
just once. just this once, just tonight, you promise yourself. what a good liar.
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not even you can blame withdrawal on the lewd way your body reacts to hers. utahime undresses you gently, laying you down in bed. the lights on, the curtains drawn, blotting out the sky outside and leaving just you and her. not even the stars will be a witness to it. no other people, no doubts, just you and utahime. the door was left slightly ajar, and she is enjoying each new inch of skin she sees, layer after layer of fabric being leisurely removed. she'll dedicate this whole night just for you, and every other night you want her.
you pull her hair tie, watching the strands coming lose and letting her hair down. she chuckles as she leans down to kiss you again. gentle, soft pecks. you are being treated like glass, like the most precious thing on her life — and it's making you really, really wet.
ever since satoru simply disappeared from the map and only left a message saying he was going to travel, fulfilling your desires all on your own has been an arduous task. she's undoing the clasp of your bra, admiring how your body looks in underwear. better than her sexiest dreams.
“black lingerie, lovely?” you blush and nod, helping her get rid of the rest of your clothes and panties. “i love it.” she whispers, lips pressed against yours, eyes wandering down your body. “help me undress, pretty? it's not fair if you're the only one naked, although I really enjoy the view.”
she chuckles sweetly, seeing your hands move to help her out her crop top, while she's undoing the buttons on her jeans.
“utahime, you're so pretty.” you whisper is like something heaven-sent, just for her.
“am i? you're the pretty one here darling.” utahime wants to give herself a self-control medal for going so long without kissing you. and now that you're naked underneath her, she wants nothing else than to touch you.
but she forces herself to be patient until you two are naked. she gives you a soft kiss on the cheek, whispering a “good girl” as her hands move to cup your breasts. the sensation is quite new, her fingers twisting and pulling your nipples, making moans erupt from you. your tits were never the focus on any previous sex you had.
“mm— ah, utahime, this is...”
“no one played with your nipples before? you seem quite sensitive here.” she pulls one nipple slightly, delighting in the way you moan.
god, you're so pretty she can't decide where to touch first. you're laying down on the mattress, with her sat and settled between your legs. the way you look at her makes her whole body shiver, and utahime bites down her lip as her eyes and one of her hands wander down. her fingertips graze over your stomach, lower abdomen, and—
“is this okay?” she whispers, and you look at her, surprised. “we can stop if you want. we can always stop.” she's so sweet, looking you in the eyes, searching for any sign you're uncomfortable.
but you've never been so comfortable and worked up, really. you nod, looking at her hands.
“yeah. yeah, please— keep going.”
“okay, pretty.” her hand moves down, index finger sliding among your folds, relishing in the wet sound. that gets a moan out of you and a smirk out of iori. “you're so wet. is this all for me, angel?”
“mmm.” you nod, biting down your lip and yelping when she pinches your nipple.
“don’t hide your noises. I'll start touching you now, okay?”
when she gets our approval, her fingers tease you, opening your cunt for a better view. utahime licks down her lips — for weeks now she has been wondering what it tastes like. but patience. she can't have everything in one night, if she wants you wholeheartedly.
she needs to make you want more. and that's exactly what she does, thumb playing with your clit and her other hand giving some special treatment to your breasts. as she ordered, your mouth falls open, letting out lewd noises. it's like you're doused in gasoline and utahime is a spark. her touch sends flames throughout your body.
she gets you panting in seconds, and stops. utahime chuckles meanly at your whines of complaint. “relax, princess.” she instructs, raising her hand to lick of your juices from her fingertips. “i'll start using my fingers just a bit. tell me if it hurts, alright? and help me here when I touch you.”
she coats her fingers in saliva, bringing them down to your entrance again. she massages you, slowly entering one finger as she looks you in the eyes. she can't believe she had to wait so long to see this. your flushed face and erotic moans make every second, every night full of wet dreams of that moment, every minute desiring you more than anything — it's all worth it. she has you now.
she checks that you're okay and starts moving her wrist. you're so wet, the noise of her finger entering you enough to make your cheeks burn. she's trying to find something, her fingertips pressing your insides gently, here, there, until—
“ah!” you moan when she hits your sweet spot.
“found it.” she adds one more finger, pressing onto that spot again and again, making you squirm.
“uta— hime! utahime!” the hand on your chest moves to your waist, helping you grind against her. utahime uses her thumb to play with your clit, making your back arch a bit. “i'm close!”
“yeah? go on, lovely. make a mess on my fingers.” the stretch of a third finger being added is quickly forgotten as your orgasm wash over you. your legs shake, your back arches fully off the bed, and you're grabbing the sheets for dear life.
she doesn't stop immediately, like your boyfriend usually would if he wasn't cumming. she helps you ride out your high. utahime pulls her fingers off you slowly, licking the mess on her fingers, putting them entirely on her mouth while keeping eye contact with you. erotic. half of your brain doesn't fully function. this was so good, better than any orgasm you had before. she found all your weak spots and hit them perfectly.
utahime caress your thigh gently. a nod of approval, which she usually did to congratulate you on a correct answer in tutoring classes. always rewarding you. utahime leans in to give you a kiss, making you taste yourself on her tongue.
“was that good?” she asks as she leans back.
“you’re kidding me?” you're still trying to catch your breath. is she insane? can't she see how perfect this was? “it was amazing. really, really good—” you hesitate, but she smiles at you.
“go on, angel. tell me what's on your mind.” she gently encourages, voice a bit husky.
“can i do anything to make you feel half as good?” you suggest, shyly.
the glint in utahime's eyes would be dangerous if it weren't so attractive. she tilts her head to the side, pretending to think about something — but you two know. she's been dreaming about it for weeks. she is just choosing what to do.
“there is something, yes. we only do if you want it, though.”
you nod, waiting for her to continue. “what is it?”
“did you ever tried facesitting with a woman?”
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that's how you're laid back, with utahime hovering over your face. she smells sweet, addictive even. you wonder if the sex is feeling so good because of how you two get along. but that doesn't matter that much now. she's turned so she can touch you, making your legs wide open, facing the door.
“i'm not going to put my full weight on you, but if you need to breathe, tap my thighs or my waist three times. three times, you hear me?” you hear her voice from above you.
“mm-hmm.” you confirm, hands on the top of her thighs, pulling her to you and giving an experimental lick on her cunt. utahime moans softly, and you see that as permission to continue. you feel her taste on your tongue, and it's so good.
soon the gentle, kitten licks you're giving her are becoming more hungry, desperate ones. iori closes her eyes and let her mouth hang open, letting out moans. her hands are flat against your stomach, trying to steady herself.
“oh, that's it, angel.” she praises. “that's so good, keep licking like that. mmm.”
she's on heaven right now, she's sure of it. satoru gojo's cute girlfriend is eating her out just like she dreamt about for weeks. one of her hands move down to your cunt, just as wet as hers.
utahime licks her lips and moves down to lay over you, taking some hair out of her sweaty face and starting to return the favor. you grab her hips, her ass, giving it a light squeeze.
the feeling is electrifying. there is no other way to describe it beyond that. she makes every nerve in your body burn with the flicks of her tongue, as you do for her. she grabs your thighs, pulling them apart. you can feel her muffled moans against your pussy, the vibrations rushing straight to your core.
and the feeling of your tongue on her cunt is the most perfect she ever felt. utahime smirks to herself, thinking about ways to convince you to do this more. but she won't have to. one night has already turned you two into addicts. existing without each other will become impossible after that.
and that's where the best part happens. utahime is giving kitten licks on your clit when she raises her look, looking at the door. her eyes widen as she sees who's standing there: satoru gojo himself, watching you two through the opening with a terrified look on his face.
there is a bouquet of flowers in his hands. the poor thing is pale and utahime would feel sorry for anyone else. she realizes that, from your position, cunt on your face, you can't see him. you don't even know he's there, since gojo didn't make a sound. then she leans back from your cunt, feeling you whine against hers. she doesn't even have to try hard to look happy. you make her so happy.
and she'll make you happy like this idiot never did.
utahime returns to the original position, grinding her hips against your mouth, bringing a hand to finger you and replace her tongue. she looks satoru straight in the eyes as she moans loudly. it's so obscene.
“oh, pretty, just like that. you love licking your senior's pussy, don't you?” your hum of annoyance almost makes her cum on the spot. the way you grab her hips and pull her more to you is driving her insane. but she still has a secondary goal.
she smirks seeing gojo grimace like that. in years, she had never seen him so upset, so angry. and she can guess why. i think satoru really likes this one, shoko said. he broke so many hearts without giving a damn, provoked utahime several times — and on the day he finally, truly likes a girl, his senior is fucking his girlfriend.
well, after tonight, you'll certainly won't be his anymore. utahime will make sure of that. she enjoys the fact that her back arches when you lick her so eagerly, to stare right at him mockingly.
“told you, y-you could do so much better than him. atta girl. perfect little girl, i want your cunt all to myself now.” she shivers as you moan in agreement, her dirty talking turning you on. “haah— you're really close, aren't you, angel? it's okay. I am, too. i wanna cum on your mouth, okay? you'll let me? ‘going to let your senior make a mess on your tongue?”
“uh-huh!” it's hard to talk when you're so overwhelmed by her taste, by the sound of squelch squelch squelch her fingers make when they enter your cunt again and again. she leans in to spit on it, making you moan and shiver, trying to pull her back to you.
“you're never going to let him hit it again, right, princess?” her question makes a vein of anger pop out on satoru's neck. she never saw him so bothered. so, utahime continues, lifting her hips a bit so you can talk, but not see. “who does this cunt belongs to? remind me and I'll let you cum.”
you whine when she's off you, quick to answer and get your release. “yours! yours, utahime! a-ahh— please go harder! i wanna cum!”
she lowers her hips back down, moaning when your mouth eats her like that. she tilts her head to the side, spreading your legs more for gojo to see how much of a mess she's making you. her thumb plays with your clit again, and she starts humping her hips against your tongue, moaning loudly.
“that's right.” she licks her lips and looks the man right in the eye. “all mine, princess. now go on. cum for me.”
her words are the final push that sends you over the edge. your eyes roll to the back of your skull, and the way you moan against her cunt is obscene. utahime finger-fucks you during your high, making you squirm, undecided if he's trying to run away or lean more into her touch. you thrust your tongue inside of her and that's when she loses it.
she cums almost at the same time as you, riding your face while looking your boyfriend in the eye. you two ride out your highs, and she lifts her hips slightly to help you breathe more easily. your eyes are closed, and you're panting. she's breathless too, trying to regain control do to one last thing.
she bites down her lip, and when things are calming down and he's about to leave, pissed, utahime moves her lips to him without making a sound. a phrase she'd said hundreds of times to him before, but he'd never listened to her.
“respect your senior.”
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀> there will be no part 2.
©OHKKOTSUU on tumblr.
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darnellthefirestarter · 9 months
Pico found out about some non alcoholic fruit cocktails Darnell had
He's in heaven <3
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Also, I won't be posting until after Christmas. So, merry Christmas, Hanukkah, or any other holiday you might celebrate! And if you don't celebrate anything this time of year, I hope you have an amazing rest of 2023! :]
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moriitis · 2 months
⛧Eyeless Jack AU & HCs⛧
TWS; blood, self harm, necrophilia, vomiting, hysteria, suicide.
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 𝐢. 𝙋𝙍𝙀-𝘼𝘾𝘾𝙄𝘿𝙀𝙉𝙏 (𝘼𝙐𝙨) 𝙏𝙒 / 18+ / 𝙉𝙎𝙁𝙒
Jack was an aspiring doctor, majoring in medical school during his time in college. He has amazing knowledge in body anatomy, science and incredible knowledge on the deceased.
Had the most beautiful brown eyes. 
During the whole duration of his teenage years and his time in college and high school, he was socially awkward, timid, quiet and shy. Jack never really liked to be in the spotlight, hated attention of any kind and genuinely preferred to be alone. He still had those characteristics in his early twenties. 
Grade A student that his parents were proud of. Being an only child, his parents never suspected anything out of the ordinary and would praise Jack for his intelligence. He had a good childhood, however his parents neglected to see any warning signs that Jack carried with him as he grew older. 
During his time in medical school, Jack would spend a lot of his time experimenting on animals to satisfy his needs and desires. Most of these animals were birds or roadkill. He would never experiment on cats as he is a cat person. 
When he had time, Jack liked to linger in the morgues of the hospitals. 
Avid energy drinker. He lives off them due to the lack of sleep from the countless and countless assignments he had to work through, which he usually left late and would stay up to finish them. 
A huge loner. Jack never had friends in his time at college and a lot of people got a weird vibe from him, especially when it came to him being close to blood. Many people assumed that maybe he had a weak stomach as a lot of times, he had to run out of the lecture halls when there was a mention of blood or specific artery. Jack never was queasy, it just aroused him too much that he couldn’t stand to be in the room any longer. A lot of people got weird vibes from him when he’d shuffle in his seat or gave a staggered breath, almost as if he was enjoying himself. 
Jack was an avid self harmer, his arms and legs would be covered but he never suffered with any issues, nor did his parents ever discover his cut ridden body. He’d only self harm to get the arousal of the blood that leaked from his wounds.
While alone, Jack loved to daydream out his window and he’d always love to watch the world around him. 
Jack found himself on a lot of concerning websites during his time alone in his dorm. He’d find himself on the dark web using gore videos to help get himself off. He knew something was wrong with him, he knew that this wasn’t normal and yet couldn’t help himself. It wasn’t until one time someone tracked his college did he abandon the dark web for some time and instead, would use the college's preserves or science donated bodies to help himself.
Jack always was curious on what a human would taste like and his first experience would ultimately be his demise. 
To help scrape some money together until he finished his degree, he became a porter in a hospital and there, he would abuse countless patients for his own selfish greed. 
Not having much interaction with women left him pretty inexperienced, he got drunk once at a party and found himself in a room with a girl. It was short lived because he couldn’t find her arousing, to which many people suspected that he was gay. 
Jack has a high IQ and in his spare time, would play chess in tournaments for money. 
He also liked to paint but never showed his artwork to anyone, the majority of his artwork consisted of gore. 
With the loss of his eyes, Jack found the first couple of years living hell. He had to rely on his ears for eyes and used his hands a lot to help him get around places. 
He mourned the person he was and from there, his mental health declined greatly which left him in a mind of hysteria. Jack considered taking his life countless times and attempted on a couple, only to be found stuck in this permanent form he had found himself in. 
Jack knew that the life he was enduring now was a curse to him, for his perverted thoughts. 
Losing his eyesight was one thing, but he lost all his humanic privileges. The loss of his skin colour, the loss of a pulse or regular bloodstream. His blood, which used to be red, was now a black, ink-like substance. Due to his perverted thoughts about a pulse to begin with, now he did not have once and each day was agony for him.
Jack’s teeth grew razor sharp and he found himself having better hearing than previously. 
He found himself in such a position when he offered to be in a disturbed group chat he had found on the dark web. Someone was putting out a position that lured Jack in and soon enough, he found himself being the form of entertainment for said person. Not only was Jack experimented on, he was stripped of basic human needs and ultimately, was tortured and killed. This person, in a panic, dumped Jack’s body and soon enough, Jack made a return to life with an urge of revenge. 
Keeping a secret around Jack was pointless, as due to his amazing hearing, he could hear you whispering two doors down. 
After the torture and experiments his body went through, Jack adorned strength he could not imagine possessing and in return, he had to live life without ever seeing the world again. He loved the world, he loved to look out and enjoy the way of nature and now, he was marked for life that would torment him. Jack has an amazing ability to climb walls and ceilings, due to his demonic natures. 
He continued to be a quiet guy, not really wanting to speak unless he was spoken to due to his shame. 
Jack suffered with huge amounts of insomnia, his death and past life being a great reminder of the monster he has become. He finds himself having episodes where he relives the torture he willingly signed up for. 
Scaring Jack or startling him was an easy task when he first lost his eyesight, but now that his ears are more trained, he knows exactly who is behind him just by their footsteps. 
By nature, Jack is very quiet. His footsteps have no noise and he can enter a room and make no noise while doing so, scaring a lot of people by mistake. 
It’s hard to bond with Jack, he has a very thick wall he puts up and avoids bonding or even talking to people. 
When he does open up, he usually tends to dwell on his past life.
Despite now being able to kill as freely as he likes, he misses the life he once had. 
Yelling doesn’t sit right with Jack, he’ll cover his ears due to how sensitive they’ve become and usually he speaks in a hushed whisper. 
Jack tends to throw up a lot after eating humans, he enjoys every moment but is punished for such a thing and his body forces him to regurgitate it back out. 
Due to his love for cats, he is very cat-like. He is very swift and knows to pounce, stalk and kill as a cat does. A lot of cats attract themselves to him. He likes to consider them as friends. 
He is very distant and hates any form of interaction. Some people perceive him as an asshole, but he likes to push those away. 
Still LOVES to play chess, it just takes him a little longer to feel up each piece on the board. 
Kinda went a little overboard there. Posted these before, just reposting them with a better aesthetic :) Someone requested Jack so :p I'm taking requests!
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cherriesxinthespring · 7 months
WASTELAND, BABY!–ellie williams x reader
CHAPTER 4– Your blinding light
Click here to read it! (i only post this fic on ao3) Playlist. (this chapter's songs are from i wanna be your girlfriend to eleanor rigby) C.W: mommy issues, major anger issues, abandonment etc, canon violence from the game
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Summer 2033, Boston QZ You waited for Hannah to come to you. Life in the QZ was simple for you; being confined in between four walls, listening to your mom's Beatles cassettes, and sneaking out past curfew. That is, until your mom slowly starts abandoning you. "Maybe Hannah was the only one you had, after all"
a/n: Ok this chapter is FULLED to the brim with paralelisms with Ellie and Riley and YES, They are in the same mall, just that they are in the parking lot.
Also– the backstory about Hannah is not complete. There will be another flashback chapter, about Salt Lake City Hospital and about all that happens afterwards.
taglist: since i impulsively deleted my old account, i'm tagging my old taglist. it's still me! the bitch that wrote the abby greys anatomy AU! you can still join my taglist here
@kissesskittens @zahraaziza @uraesthete @elsvrse @lonelyfooryouonly @ximtiredx @ellabsprincess @spaceshipellie @machetegirl109 @sc0ttstre3ted @taylarxse @carmellie @mayfieldsz @brooklynwilliams @rinarchy @elliesgffr @wannabwanted @ellabsweet @sapphic-and-sappy @andersonsgirl @heyabimina @novadanversss @mulan-but-gay @lez-zuha @abbys-sweat-wife @maribelo-o @peppesgirl @livingdeadgirlxd @mariamhoortsroses @diddiqueen @thewholebeinggaything @mikellie @p4ison1vy
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tiddygame · 4 months
This is a deleted scene from the next whatsitfuck of the ghoap god type au!
I might recycle it later or even scrap what I have now in favor of this, but for now, here. gays be upon ye:
How Ghost knew the librarian behind the counter was Soap in disguise was another one of those mysteries he would likely never have an answer to. It was the same town, they hadn’t moved; He genuinely just wanted to peruse their books to see if anything caught his eye.
Instead, he walked in and knew that the face of the man behind the counter was a farce. And just like their first meet, he froze, his instincts getting jumbled in the presence of the god.
The god smiled back at him with a stupid shit-eating grin, “Hello! How can I help you today?”
Ghost looked at him with something hedging on a glare, not quite malicious but so full of distrust it might as well have been.
His stare didn’t break even as the bell jingled behind him, signaling someone else entered. The person paused, likely expecting him to move, before they shuffled around him with a huff of annoyance. The inhuman thing behind the counter put on a good approximation of a customer service smile as they grabbed the book the other had been returning.
They exchanged pleasantries and the person looked to the bookshelves before glancing at Ghost, making some excuse as they hurried back out the door.
The other smile was back as Soap admonished, “Come now, you’re scaring the customers.”
Ghost was at a loss, not knowing if he should call him out or continue on as if nothing was wrong. It seemed the latter was what the god wanted, so obviously he decided to be an ass, “You’re a public library. You have patrons, not customers.”
“It’s my first day on the job. Can you blame me?”
“Yes. Yes, I can.”
The god did a weird mix of a scoff and a laugh, continuing the ruse, “Well, how can I help you?”
Ghost was already tired of his tomfoolery, “You can tell me why you’re here.”
“I’m a librarian!” He said, almost excited as he gestured to the rest of the building. “I work here!”
Ghost hesitantly walked forward, coming to terms with the fact that this was indeed how he was going to spend the rest of his day. Now closer, he noticed at least one small thing that was wrong with the god’s disguise. He sighed, rubbing his face with both hands in annoyance as he pointed out, “You couldn’t even get the fingers right.”
“What?” Soap looked down to his hands in confusion, trying to spot the problem.
“You’re missing a finger.” Ghost pointed to where his pinky should have been on his left hand.
“Wait, no, you don’t have that finger either!” The god sounded indignant and Ghost was trying not to laugh, realizing that Soap had tried to model them after his hands.
“Yes, mine was amputated. Which is why I have a scar. Yours is just missing.” Ghost didn’t bother pulling off his glove for proof, just holding up his hand. If he didn’t understand anatomy, Ghost really didn’t feel like explaining burn scars.
“Well…” The god was grasping at straws, squinting as he tried to think, “Some… Uh— Yeah! Some humans are born that way!” He said it like now Ghost had no option other than to believe he was human, tacking on very unsurely, “How dare you! Being rude— That’s not— It’s mean!”
Ghost would give him credit, it was an almost okay-ish defense, “But if you were born with it missing, your fifth metacarpal would be missing too and your palm would be smaller.”
Soap looked even more confused and utterly defeated as he muttered to himself, “What the fuck is a metacarpal?” He stared at his hands as if he could look close enough into his palms to find the answer.
That almost broke Ghost, his shoulders shaking as he let out a quiet chuckle. He doesn’t know why this meeting felt so much nicer, less risky than the last one. Before, he’d been shitting bricks over the god walking towards him. And now, he was in a library trying not to laugh at them.
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velvetwyrms · 2 months
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Falling Fast Through Fragmented Universes [GaaLee Alien AU]
Chapter 2: Linger a while [Link]
Rating: Mature (later chapters)
Warnings: Needles (suturing), Injury Detail/Recovery, Body Horror, Uncanny Valley, Prey Fear, Alien Anatomy/Biology for later chapters. This IS a sappy monsterfucker story, said monster is just Unsettling for humans to interact with.
Relationships: GaaLee, NejiTen (mentioned), InoSaku (mentioned)
Characters: Rock Lee, Gaara, Neji, Tenten, Maito Gai, Sakura, Ino, Kakashi
Additional Tags: Illustrated fanfic, Sci-Fi AU, Meet-Cute, They Were Roomates (Oh My GOD They Were Roomates), Alternate Universes, Exploring Vast And Strange Worlds Beyond Comprehension, Alien Biology, Hurt/Comfort (but in the very literal sense not an emotional one), Lee & Sakura’s friendship as a comedy duo, Olympian Rock Lee
Chapter Summary:
VI of Swords • Gazania
V of Wands • Pale Persicaria
Where one door opens, another closes. Be careful who you let into the cage. A bird’s bones may be hollow, fragile things, but their claws are mighty, their eyes sharp.
Please reblog to stop my hours of hard work from dying in your likes. This let’s others enjoy it and motivates me to write/draw more of this AU! <3]
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