#gauche portrait
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As Chiara relaxes infront of the quiet lake and away from the chaos of the experiment, her mind begins to wander to the past and she has a feeling that she won't be able to hold back tears any longer.
My mom saw the silent night Chiara skin and thought that she would look good with short hair... she was so right. New obsession unlocked.
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kalolasfantasyworld · 6 months
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I feel safe with a lifeguard like this
And then he looks at a Marie photo and doesn't see me drown... 😂
BC Mobile Swimsuit Gauche everyone!
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motleybirdbones · 1 year
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I tried out painting with Gauche for the first/second time in as a Fine Arteest
Also attempted to do a more Realistic style - I rarely do Portraits like this, so I’m not sure how I went but overall! It was pretty fun ngl ^_^
Also here’s the Obligatory Chicken Scratch:
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sexyorc · 10 months
the amount of artwork I cranked out in the last three days……..my confidence has been restored
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chrisyakuzacrazed · 2 years
I swear the colors are better in person 😭 first time trying to do color/shade portraits pls don't kill me for how bad it is
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unoriginal-and-dumb · 2 months
Is there any other artist you really like / inspire you?
Gooseworx was my og inspiration, she was one of the main reasons i actually started drawing back in 2019
Daniel A Peacock rlly inspiring to me currently though ngl, love his work its so good (warning if u search up his work, pretty gruesome imagery)
Sloppjockey is another, he does really beautiful gauche paintings, love the wet little details and some of the piece kinda just make me stare at them forever, similar to things ive seen in my dreams and its interesting to me to finally see it in real life, yknow? (Another warning, very gory art)
And not to be all sappy but ive always looked up to my sister, shes incredibly good at realistic portraits and i love to see her art whenever she makes something new ( @valkyrie-ellis )
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tommycorriander · 18 days
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Can I come over and look at you like this
I used this image as a reference:
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Aside from using the general shapes, everything was done by me. I used gauche which I've never used before but that's okay.
This is a self portrait, please be respectful. Thank you 😊👍
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pwlanier · 9 months
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Oscar Yakovlevich Rabin (Russian, 1928-2018)
Autoportrait/ Self-portrait
signé en cyrilique et daté '1958' (en haut à gauche)
gouache et lavis blanc sur papier
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just-a-j3ster · 2 months
Self portrait with gauche on a crumpled piece of computer paper bc I was feeling down. (Note, my hair is not that long, i just used too much paint)
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bigasswritingmagnet · 13 days
An Illustrative Update
Fandom: Dragon Age Pairing: Hawke/Varric Summary: One of the author's portraits on Varrics books depicts him surrounded by many beautiful women. It could perhaps use a little updating, now that he's a married man.
AO3 Link and matching art by snuffes go look look look!!
Hawke lowered her book and listened.
It had gone very quiet in the other room. Far too quiet. Varric had received a letter from his editor, which meant there should have been another hour at least of grumbling, muttering, and the occasional ‘oh come on!’ playing counterpoint to furious scribbling. 
Instead, there was silence. 
Hawke set the book aside and swung her long legs off the bed, biting back the groan as she levered herself up off the dwarfishly low bed. She stuck her head around the corner. Varric was still at the table, surrounded by the detritus that always accumulated when he was working -- loose paper, half-empty glasses, ink pots, crumpled blotting paper. 
Varric wasn’t hunched over writing, or staring thoughtfully into the distance, or flicking crumpled up scraps of paper into the fire. He was holding a thick piece of paper and staring at it with an odd expression on his face. 
“Something wrong?” 
“No,” Varric said slowly. “Just uh… unexpected.” 
“Mm-hmm…” Hawke prompted. 
“Do you remember Apples?” 
“That woman who illustrates your books, yes, I remember. Very nice woman, lovely smile.” She narrowed her eyes at him. “More than willing to help you convince me that Avaar name their children after food.”  
Varric did not respond, apparently transfixed by the paper in his hands. Hawke crossed the room and leaned on the table casually. She was going to give him about a minute before she snatched it out of his hands, and thought that was very generous of her.   
“Right. So, the last time I wrote to her I made a joke about how I’d have to change the author's portrait on the back of my books now that we’re married.” 
“Mm, it is a bit gauche for a married man to depict himself being pawed at by half-dressed women -- especially when they aren’t even the same species as his wife.” 
Varric finally looked up from the paper to grin at Hawke. 
“You’d be less jealous if they were half-dressed human women?” 
“My dearest Varric, I pride myself on not being the sort of wife who gets jealous of any fictional wenches, regardless of species.” 
“Hey, those fictional wenches have rich and varied personal lives. Show a little respect.” 
“And this is your new author portrait?” 
“Apparently she painted it the day after we met her,” Varric said, finally handing it over. “She’s been waiting this whole time to send it to me.” 
Hawke barely heard him. 
Varric's editor had commissioned a few different portraits of Varric, to be used depending on the genre (something about pandering to an audience). In all of them, Varric was depicted as looking outwards, his smugly raised eyebrow directed at the reader. This even -- or perhaps, especially -- in the portrait containing the aforementioned wenches, who, in turn, had eyes only for their cocksure Lothario from the neck down. 
Conversely, in this new portrait, Varric and Hawke seemed to have forgotten there was an audience; their attentions were wholly consumed by each other. 
And the look they were giving each other. 
It was the look of a man about to ravish a woman who expected and intended to enjoy every second of it. Hawke wondered what sort of Avaar magic Apples had used to keep her paintbrushes from catching fire. 
Varric’s shirt was open, exposing his broad chest and famed chest hair. One arm was raised, a quill artfully poised. His other arm was around Hawke’s waist, holding her in a pose that would probably be possible if Hawke went down on one knee and Varric stood on a box. Hawke’s breasts strained at the confines of a ruffled pink, and were apparently the only thing keeping said dress in place. 
 Hawke could see the next moment in her mind’s eye: Varric bringing his hand down, the sharp metal nib of the quill slicing through the flimsy dress material like tissue paper, the pieces fluttering to the floor as Varric pulled her in the rest of the way. 
She very carefully set the picture down on the table, and immediately slid onto her husband’s lap, her eyes shining. 
“It’s perfect.” 
link again to the art
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solhrafn · 29 days
Le papa d'un pote que je n'ai pas vu depuis près de 10 ans (Il vit au Québec mais est originaire de Mons) est décédé.
Il m'a recontacté parce qu'il a toujours adoré le portrait que j'ai fait de son papa (et d'un ami qu'on a en commun) lors de la fête suivant l'obtention de son PhD il y a quinze ans.
Ils l'ont utilisé pour le faire-part. (Il s'appelait Richard)
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Ce n'est pas la première fois que ça arrive. J'ai fait le portrait d'un vieux bloggueur brusselaire il y a des années, un chouette gars un peu loufoque, le coeur sur la main. Il appelait tout le monde "chou" et avait des expressions géniales que j'utilise encore. Genre "tagadacataclope" et "prendre un vice-ky". Apparemment c'était un vieux de la vieille de la scène éléctropunkjazz whatever des années 70-80. Il avait une petite notoriété sur Bruxelles en son temps, mais je n'en ai jamais vraiment saisi l'ampleur (ou non). Il avait perdu sa fille à un cancer quelques années avant de passer l'arme à gauche à son tour. (Il apprécierait que je parle cruement des choses de la vie).
Son dernier message sur facebook c'était "ça sent le sapin". Punk jusqu'au bout le mec. (Il s'appelait Thierry).
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Mais la toute première fois où ça m'est arrivé, c'est quand un pote d'une pote avec qui je trainais parfois s'est fait happer par un train en pleine nuit alors qu'il avait décidé (on ne sait pas trop pourquoi) de prendre un raccourci par un tunnel ferroviaire. Je ne le connaissais pas plus que ça, mais vu que je documente tout et que surtout à l'époque, la photo c'était mon lubrifiant social, ben je lui ai tiré le portrait plusieurs fois.
Lorsqu'il est décédé, ses potes m'ont contacté pour avoir la photo en grand pour l'imprimer et la remettre à sa maman. (j'ai oublé son prénom).
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ekman · 1 year
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J’ai parcouru la liste des 400 premiers signataires de la tribune de soutien au JDD, contre la nomination de Geoffroy Lejeune. Alors bien sûr, on y retrouve l’ensemble de la racaille de gauche et d’extrême-gauche, à savoir les retraités du PS, les hystériques d’EELV et les robespierristes de LFI, divers associatifs hyper-subventionnés, pas mal d’ex-quelque chose affidés à l’État et à ses carrières – mais aussi les plus emblématiques têtes creuses du “monde du spectacle”, qui ne ratent jamais une occasion d’ouvrir leur claquemerde sur des sujets dont ils ne comprennent même pas l’énoncé, des ténors de l’anti-médecine covidistes et ultra-pro-vax, des personnes de référence de la société civile (entendez quelques franc-macs notoires et autres profiteurs de marchés publics), des pointures du CAC 40 et divers affairistes financiers délinquants (pléonasmes), quelques sportifs particulièrement idiots, mais aussi un cycliste (?), un streamer (??), une paléoclimatologue (???). Tout cela dessine le joli visage de la tolérance à gauche, visage à côté duquel le portrait de Dorian Gray ressemble à un photomaton de Oui-Oui. Manque la signature du jeune Nahel, petit ange parti trop tôt dans le décor. J.-M. M.
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ieatpaintforbreakfast · 6 months
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Ok, to start this blog I’m probably just gonna post whatever I’ve got kicking around, starting with this mildly unsettling self portrait for a final project last semester.
(I had to redo this bc somehow I made myself green the first time)
The inspiration for this one was meant to be like, looking in the mirror and trying to figure out wtf your face even looks like (I’m sure we have all been there, faces are fucking weird)
The papers taped onto it are also parts of my face, done in different mediums (gauche, oil pastel, micron pen, watercolor, and more acrylic.)
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selidren · 7 months
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Eté 1916 - Champs-les-Sims
Je vous joins par ailleurs une photographie de mes quatre ainés. Lors de sa dernière permission, Constantin m'a offert un appareil de photographie, même si j'ai eu besoin de beaucoup d'entrainement pour m'en servir et surtout pour développer les tirages. Si les enfants ont l'air pressés de bondir sur ce portrait, c'est que c'est une énième fois que je leur demande de poser pour moi, et ils commençaient à en avoir assez. De gauche à droite, vous avez : Noé, Cléo, Sélène et Antoine.
Je vous donnerai de nos nouvelles au plus vite, et je suis également impatiente de savoir si vous vous acclimatez toujours bien à la vie civile.
Avec l'assurance de mes sentiments les plus respectueux,
Albertine Le Bris
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lezzy36 · 3 months
Portrait of Marsha P Johnson
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I made this portrait with graphite, gauche, and acrylic for a class i was i and decided i should share it for pride month <3
if you don’t know who Marsha was, they were a gay rights activist in the 1960s-70s and i’d highly recommend reading up about them
it’s kind of a shit photo but you get the idea. happy pride month!! 🏳️‍🌈
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empirearchives · 1 year
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Figure centrale du groupe de gauche (1807)
Groupe de gauche (première esquisse) (1807)
Pierre-Paul Prud'hon
Pierre-Paul Prud'hon was a French Romantic painter and draughtsman best known for his allegorical paintings and portraits during the Napoleonic Era.
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