hatsumishinogu · 3 months
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Genre, Kae Sasete Itadakimasu! Vol.2
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neoluca · 10 days
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oh my god they were crew mates....
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theneverendingshow · 2 months
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Victoria Garin aka Alissa Foxy and Kelly Collins via UltraFilms
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stromuprisahat · 13 days
Why Ivan's loss doesn't matter, when Zoya's does?
The duality of the narrative, expecting the reader to feel for one person over and over, when dismissing another.
“You know what he plans to do, Ivan.” “He plans to bring us peace.” “At what price?” I asked desperately. “You know this is madness.” “Did you know I had two brothers?” Ivan asked abruptly. The familiar smirk was gone from his handsome face. “Of course not. They weren’t born Grisha. They were soldiers, and they both died fighting the King’s wars. So did my father. So did my uncle.” “I’m sorry.” “Yes, everyone is sorry. The King is sorry. The Queen is sorry. I’m sorry. But only the Darkling will do something about it.”
Shadow and Bone- Chapter 20
“Liliyana Garin? Have you seen her? Is she alive?” The old customer’s face paled. “I … She tried to help me when the darkness came. She pushed me out of the way so that I could run. If not for her—” Zoya had released a sob, not wanting to hear any more. Brave Liliyana. Of course she had run toward the docks when the screaming began, ready to help. Why couldn’t you be a coward this one time? Zoya could not help imagining the dark stain of the Fold bleeding over the town, the monsters descending from the air with their teeth and claws, shrieking as they tore her aunt apart. All her kindness had meant nothing, her generosity, her loving heart. She’d been nothing but meat to them. She’d meant even less to the Darkling, the man who had unleashed his horrors just to make a point, the man she had as good as worshipped.
King of Scars- Chapter 25
Ivan loses four loved ones in wars.
Zoya two in connection to unexpected military action.
Ivan's family was fulfilling their duty enacted by the Crown.
Zoya's aunt acted recklessly out of her own free will, entering a dangerous situation completely defenceless.
Ivan's wrong to support a man, who wants to prevent his experience repeating.
Zoya's entitled to seek revenge on the man responsible for the disaster her aunt used to commit suicide.
Are we truly expected to overlook the double standard of sympathy?
Are we truly expected to pretend (lack of) choice doesn't matter?
Why is personal vendetta against a single person, that will harm never mentioned acceptable, when supporting systematic change is deplorable due to its casualties?
Or is it to suggest soldiers aren't human beings, not the way civilians making a bad choice are?
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illustratus · 5 months
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Poster for the Richard Wagner opera Lohengrin, The Swan Knight
by Alfred Choubrac
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cplkisswhere · 9 months
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Victoria Garin & Barbie
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gallery-blue · 1 month
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forgotteneilionora · 2 months
Eilia & Alaraic + kid
Name: Cian Varmont
Gender: Male
General Appearance: Cian is a striking fellow, with his mother's ebony hair, cerulean eyes, and straight jaw, and his father's nose, mouth, cheeks, and brow. Unfortunately, Cian is very much the sort of chap who is well aware of his charms, and rather arrogant about them to top it all off. Quick to smirk but slow to smile, there is always the look of calculation in his face, often in truth somewhat detracting from his natural good looks.
Personality: Cian's name means 'enduring,' and he was named well. With a wry wit and a watchful nature, Cian's quick wits promise to take him far. Cian is a person who seems to have his finger on the pulse. Always observing and adaptable, but rarely influenced by the tide, itself, he simply wishes to know what is happening and make his own choices from there. Nonetheless, there's nothing quiet about Cian. Outgoing and provocative, Cian is a bit reactionary at times, but even his antics are never without cause: provoking a reaction helps one to determine what lies beneath the surface, and he is one who would know something about masks. Despite his calculating exterior -- the result of a swirl of dangerous Varmont politics in his early childhood -- Cian may at times be bombastic, but he's loyal to a fault, as well, though tough to tie down long enough to actually say so. He has something of a rogue's heart -- like his father always running from attachments, but like his Aunt Aria simultaneously chasing after them as well. Despite being a bit of a foreigner to his own heart, like both his parents, once one worms their way past his many walls, Cian proves soft and warm on the inside, protective to his core and, in truth, far less devil-may-care than the image he seeks to project in order to appear strong.
Special Talents: Raised in Roderick's dangerous court for the first part of his life, Cian learned the art of politicking very swiftly. His mother was a queen-turned-bastard, and his father a forgotten third prince-turned-Hand of the Conqueror after the fall of Bartholomew, slaughtered for his infamous treason with the missing former-Queen Marian. Cian knew well and good from early on that a wave of the imperial hand could give or take everything, and rather than see his family lose more than they had left to give, he decided to play to win, soaking up all there was to learn from both sides of his troubled family. Cian is most adept at influencing others, at understanding a crowd and how to best turn a tide with nothing more than the stroke of a pen or a few scant words.
Who they like better: Both
Who they take after more: Alaric, but only on the inside. You wouldn't know it to talk to the mask he wears, like, 24/7 and only takes off if you know him really well
Personal Head canon: Heartless as he may act, Cian has a soft spot for Caoimhe Frost, but he's determined to do nothing more than mercilessly tease her (something he delights in doing!), as he secretly deosn't consider himself a good person, and believes she deserves so much better than he can ever give her!
Face Claim: David Corenswet
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sare11aa11eras · 4 months
heyy, I have an art request if you have time and if you like it. I haven’t found any art of the Shrouded Lord in this fandom! which is crazy because I thought that every character must’ve had fan art by now. What do you think about the myth that he’s Garin The Great resurrected?
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Here’s a quick drawing! Sorry for the slow response. I drew him up as if he were Garin here, but I think it’s an open question that ultimately doesn’t matter. George likes adding bits of culture here and there, and the local legend of a defeated prince-turned vengeful ghost and source of plague, misery, and death, is a pretty classic example. There might be an element of truth, but it doesn’t change anything for our cast of characters. The Shrouded Lord really isn’t a *character*, he’s not going to show up and do something— he might not even be real! I think it is interesting how Tyrion connects the Shrouded Lord to his relationship with Tywin. The dream sequence of SL/Tywin is rather disturbing, speaking to Tyrion’s general state at that point in the books.
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ani4detal · 8 months
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Umberto Ugo and Emil Garin. It gets a lot more involved in the video after this...
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neoluca · 20 days
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"but garin.... our budding romance! the userbase started shipping us from day one!!"
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President Biden’s brain trust appears confident that he will ultimately prevail over Donald Trump due to the threat Trump poses to our constitutional system. By November, the election’s “focus will become overwhelmingly on democracy,” one top Biden adviser told The New Yorker, adding that “the biggest images in people’s minds are going to be of January 6th.”
If so, the Biden campaign had better get cracking.
Some new polling from a top Democratic pollster finds mixed news for Team Biden on this front: Large swaths of voters appear to have little awareness of some of Trump’s clearest statements of hostility to democracy and intent to impose authoritarian rule in a second term, from his vow to be “dictator for one day” to his vague threat to enact “termination” of provisions in the Constitution.
That’s maddening for obvious reasons. But it also presents the Biden campaign with an opportunity. If voters are unaware of all these statements, there’s plenty of time to make voters aware of them—and the polling also finds that these statements, when aired to respondents, shift them against Trump.
The survey—which was conducted by veteran Democratic pollster Geoff Garin for the group Save My Country and shared with The New Republic—did something novel. It polled 400 voters in each of three swing states—Arizona, Michigan, and Pennsylvania—and weighted them in proportion with each state’s Electoral College votes. It omitted respondents who voted for Trump in 2020 and also said Biden didn’t legitimately win.
In short, the poll was designed to survey voters who are genuinely gettable for Biden. The poll asked them about 10 of Trump’s most authoritarian statements, including: the two mentioned above, Trump’s claim that immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country,” his vow to pardon rioters who attacked the Capitol, his promise to prosecute the Biden family without cause, his threat to inflict mass persecution on the “vermin” opposition, and a few more.
Result? “Only 31 % of respondents said they previously had heard a lot about these statements by Trump,” the memo accompanying the poll concluded.
The good news for Biden is that when respondents were presented with these quotes, it prompted a rise in Trump’s negatives. For instance, after hearing them, the percentage who see him as “out for revenge” jumped by five points, the percentage who see him as “dangerous” rose by nine points, and the percentage who see him as a “dictator” climbed by seven points.
“This is an opportunity to move voters and change the race,” Garin told me, noting that this shows that current public polling, which has Biden down to Trump, is “not set in concrete.”
If this Democratic polling is right, it might help explain a dynamic that has perplexed observers. The latest New York Times poll finds Biden trailing Trump by five points among registered voters even as 53% think he committed serious crimes.
Yet voters may still see Trump’s (alleged) criminality as a theoretical proposition, without connecting it to the type of unbound, lawless presidency he has told us he’d preside over—in his own words.
Indeed, the poll from Save My Country finds that after voters are presented with these statements, the percentage of those who view Trump unfavorably jumps five points, from 53% to 58%, and 69% say Trump will bring “chaos to the presidency and our country.”
In other words, when voters are presented with evidence straight from Trump’s own mouth, they see an authoritarian second term as very plausible.
In one sense, the lack of voter awareness of Trump’s “dictator” threats shows that the Biden campaign and Democrats don’t appear to have succeeded in making voters aware of the menace Trump poses. Perhaps their messaging has yet to work, or maybe the party has not seriously used the levers of power at its disposal to highlight Trump’s staggering corruption and malice.
But if this polling is right, one explanation that doesn’t seem as plausible is that voters don’t care about these matters. In fact, all this might in some ways validate one of the Biden camp’s frequent claims—that voters are so checked out that they aren’t seriously aware of the threat a second Trump term poses.
The new polling also counters a well-worn refrain from skittish, nonconfrontational Democrats. They sometimes say Trump’s negatives are so well known—or “baked in,” as campaign jargon puts it—that there’s no sense in spending much time on his authoritarian outbursts, affection for political violence, and wide array of (alleged) crimes. Yet all this may in an important sense constitute new information for untold numbers of voters.
“Trump’s negatives are not baked into the cake at all,” Garin told me. Fortunately for the Biden camp, between now and Election Day there are some eight months to fire up the campaign crucible and ensure that they do get baked in—good and hard.
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theneverendingshow · 12 days
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Victoria Garin via Metart
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stromuprisahat · 4 months
With enough delusion, the world's always spinning around you
Siege and Storm- Chapter 17
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... says the dirt-poor half-Suli...
(Although perhaps she isn't half-Suli yet...)
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This would hit differently if she were written as a believer, not a strictly rational atheist, who mocks faith of others in next books.
Does it mean Zoya truly went through childish deduction of Darkling's action has negative impact on me (and he didn't share his plans with me) -> he wants to destroy the world -> let's support the opposite force (if one turns up) no matter who else it represents?
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That's surprisingly fitting description. And coming from Alina of all people!
(The girl has such a potential!)
First of all, Zoya overestimates her importance to others. Even if the Darkling knew her aunt lives in Novokribirsk- and why would he? They weren't particularly close, even though she likes to act as they did- I'm sure his first association with the ?town?'s name is Zoya of all people.
Warning all associates living in Novokribirsk beforehand goes against the point of surprise attack. Sudden ebb of Second Army-related people would certainly NOT raise suspicion...
Second- if we're to work with her memories from KoS- her aunt SURVIVED the Fold only to run towards it (to help others, Zoya claims). Defenceless, unarmed... absolutely stupid. How would an early warning change anything? Either she'd act the same way, or she'd do something even more idiotic, like running around, warning people.
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... while I'm the prettiest, best girl around!
Seeing Zoya as arrogant, unreasonably uppity cunt makes me wanna slap her. Looking at her through KoS lances- as some poor, insecure girl hiding underneath... pathetic. She wouldn't be worth lifting my hand.
She should've remain an ordinary middle class, determined to climb up, because she works harder than others, while looking better. There might be a reason, why a Squaller (who secretly darkens her lashes) "never seems to sweat"... average ambitious bitch, who believes she's better than everyone, because she's never been worse.
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Free from WHAT?
What exactly is she picturing?
If we accept her child-bride sob story, she KNOWS she's the Crown's property for half of her life. Shouldn't she strive to change that? Shouldn't she at least connect the dots between that and all those dead Grisha she's so successfully ignoring?!
Or is she so attached to the all-consuming Evil her mind turned the Darkling into, she truly believes this is some Quest to stop the Darkness from destroying the World? For a non-believer that would need quite an amount of blind fatalism.
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cplkisswhere · 9 months
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Victoria Garin
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ghostofpalestonesword · 8 months
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Garin Of The Orphans & Cedra
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