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hovelicher-unsin · 7 months ago
this sucks so bad i need to (remembers suicide jokes only make my mental health worse) find the holy grail
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illustratus · 10 months ago
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Parzival by Fidus
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cuties-in-codices · 1 year ago
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parzival & feirefiz
illustration for a copy of wolfram von eschenbach's arthurian poem "parzival", lake constance region, c. 1467
source: Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. AA 91, fol. 158v
"Because his father was white and his mother black, Feirefiz's skin consists of black and white patches. His appearance is compared to that of a magpie or a parchment with writing on it, though he is considered very handsome." (wikipedia)
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dullyn · 1 month ago
love when i read a text and can see an even older story that inspired it. especially arthurian ones.
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Parzival//The Aeneid
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The Romance of Tristan and Iseult//Plutarch's Theseus
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bisclavret · 6 months ago
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she's such a legend. thank you wolfram
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milkoz · 7 months ago
it's crazy how canonically, today is the day Parzival is born
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It feels so cool to be on the exact date of an event in a futuristic novel/movie
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queer-ragnelle · 1 year ago
Do you have a guide/a recommended reading list for getting into Arthurian legends? I’ve been really getting into it in the past few months but I feel like I’m missing out on a lot of the foundations of it. (If you don’t and this is too big of an ask totally feel free to ignore this lol)
hello, anon.
i don't currently although i have plans to add another page to my blog listing medieval texts as well as links to download pdfs of them. i have english translations of texts originating in belarussian, dutch, french, german, hebrew, italian, latin, middle english, and last but not least, welsh.
in the mean time, i've collected for you some key texts that are readily available to read for free online!
le morte d'arthur by sir thomas malory [part 1] [part 2]
the history of the britons by nennius [here]
the mabinogion translated by lady charlotte guest [here]
four romances by chrétien de troyes [here]
parzival by wolfram von eschenbach [part 1] [part 2]
the wedding of sir gawain and dame ragnelle translated by thomas hahn [here]
sir gawain and the green knight translated by j. r. r. tolkien [here]
better translations/formatting forthcoming! enjoy. :^)
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we-are-knight · 10 months ago
Parzival is a high medieval story, featuring king Arthur and the holy grail. It was written in Germany close to the year 1200. At that time knights were fighting in mail armour which they refer to as harness in the epos - not hauberk. Here is what was found:
1. Knights have rust and dust on them after wearing mail armor. It also stains their undergarments.
2. Knights always have assistance for putting on armour. Yet when abandoned and all alone Parzival is able to put on his harness by him self.
3. The harness has laces and they get frequently checked for wear and tear.
4. The harness has a mail hood that can be opened without taking the armour off.
5. People appreciate shiny mail armour.
And the following is the passage in which the protagonist sees mail armour for the first time. He is a little boy and in his nativity he sees some knights and thinks they are gods:
(English adaptation)
Loud they laughed as the boy spake further, 'Good knight, what may these be?
These rings that so close around thee, above and below I see.'
Then he handled, with curious finger, the armour the knight did bear,
His coat of mail close-linkèd as behovèd a knight to wear;
And he spake as he looked on the harness, 'My mother's maidens string
On their chains, and around their fingers, full many a shining ring,
But they cling not so close to each other as these rings that here I see,
I cannot force them asunder, what good are they then to thee?'
aber sprach der knappe sân,
dâ von ein lachen wart getân.
«ay ritter guot, waz mahtu sîn?
du hâst sus manec vingerlîn
an dînen lîp gebunden,
dort oben unt hie unden.»
aldâ begreif des knappen hant
swaz er îsers ame fürsten vant:
dez harnasch begunder schouwen.
«mîner muoter juncfrouwen
ir vingerlîn an snüeren tragnt,
diu niht sus an einander ragnt.»
der knappe sprach durch sînen muot
zem fürsten «war zuo ist diz guot,
daz dich sô wol kan schicken?
ine mages niht ab gezwicken.»
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oneshoulderangel · 3 months ago
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Day 5 of reading Parzival:
Percival’s new outfit deserves to be drawn and finally helped me to pin down his design. So while this is not an official portrait, I hope you enjoy
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gawrkin · 12 days ago
The next generation Round Table (had Camelot not fallen)
Primary successors of Arthur: Amr, Loholt and Melora
Secondary successors of Arthur: Arthur the Less, Gwydre, Duran, Smerbhie/Moroie, Archfedd, Seleucia, Gyneth
The Round Table proper (Exempting Galahad and female characters):
Garanwyn/Gronosis (Son of Kay)
Amren (Son of Bedivere)
Annyanniog (Son of Menw)
Gingalain (Son of Gawain)
Florente (Son of Gawain)
Lovell (Son of Gawain)
Ysaye le Triste (Son of Tristan) (also filling in for other Tristan kids)
Elyan the White (Son of Bors)
Lohengrin (Son of Percival)
Kardeiz II (Son of Percival)
Melehan (Son of Mordred)
Melehan's Brother (Son of Mordred)
Munsolinos (Son of Palamedes)
Brisan (Son of "Galeazzo")
Bronsindel (Son of "Galeazzo")
Findonflor (Son of Hector de Maris)
Florismarte (Son of Lancelot)
Lac/Ilax II (Son of Erec/Geraint)
Yniol/Odus (Son of Erec/Geraint)
Cahus (Son of Ywain the Bastard)
Sodoc (Son of Lamorak)
Possible Extra:
Gargantua (Grandson of Lancelot and Guinevere)
Vanoc (possible son of Merlin, unconfirmed)
Afaon (son of Taliesin)
Tewdwr Mawr (Son of Hoel of Brittany)
Rhun (son of Maelgwn of Gwynedd)
Maranz (Son of The King with the Hundred Knights)
Cargril (Son of The King with the Hundred Knights)
Royth (son of Rhun son of Urien, Owain's nephew)
Brandor (Son of Brandelis)
Carduino (Son of Dodinel)
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illustratus · 1 year ago
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Perceval obtains the Shield of the Beating Heart
by Walter Crane
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negreabsolut · 6 months ago
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Iŀlustració de Willy Pogany per a una edició de Parzival, de Wolfram von Eschenbach, 1912.
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setrija-nibelungenfangirl · 28 days ago
Hermann Vogel (1854-1921): Parzival
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aus Deutsche Heldensage für Jugend und Volk. Erzählt von Gustav Schalk. Illustriert von Hermann Vogel. 1. Aufl. Berlin 1891.
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averagespacekid · 2 months ago
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what, y’all never seen a guy enjoy ready player one before?
old as shit art again but have it anyways cause i like it still
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freckles-and-books · 2 years ago
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Since I’m in an Arthur mood, I decided to find a book I remember reading and liking as a kid. It’s so cute and small. 🥰
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