#garbage fantasy
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strapskinkstories Ā· 10 months ago
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Photo Source: Unknown, if yours please claim (DMd to me by @diaperboy06)
Jeff was invited by Mommy Annabelle, a German Mistress who was well known for extreme breathplay and cruel unusual diaper games. One of her most famous was "The Diaper Hood" While many people have imitated her diaper hood, only she knew how to truly make a man fear for his life with nothing more than a diaper and his own excrement. Jeff had put in a request on Annabelle's website years ago, he thought he would never hear from her. Then he got a text message from an anonymous number
"Hello Jeff, it's Mommy Annabelle, Mistress Annabelle, of MissAnnabelle on Twitter and my website that now no longer exists (long story short I let the contract expire) anyhow reply to this text or just show up to my dungeon if you want to have the cruelest diaper session of your life, you did say you wanted cruel right? Come to my address and lets do it!"
Jeff looked up the address in Maps and noticed it was five minutes from his house. He drove to the nondescript office building, all the windows were painted black and the door was a plain blue metal door. He knocked on it and a woman opened the door wearing a lovely red leather dress.
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Mommy Annabelle wore a tight red leather dress and red high heel shoes. She came over to Jeff and hugged him squeezing his face snugly to her chest. Jeffs breaths sped up, he breathed deep and heavy. Mommy Annabelle said "Just breathe my leathery scent, let it drive you into a deep sleep on my chest." She held Jeff down, he didn't feel right doing this. Jeff whimpered and struggled trying to speak to this woman, but she just squeezed him down tighter into her sweet leathery scented sweaty breasts. It was sticky and warm, he fell asleep after a few minutes of her smothering him, limiting his breaths. When he reawoke he was sat in a lounge chair, his arms were in heavy rubber cuffs and his legs were in heavy rubber cuffs. The leg cuffs were tightly attached to the chair and a pair of loops attached Jeffs hands to his legs tightly. He couldn't move anything but his head.
Mommy Annabelle said "So you wanted the must cruel session ever huh? I think I can make that happen, especially considering I just got a shipment in." Mommy Annabelle walked in with a rolling dumpster, it stunk horribly of piss sweat and shit, the smell of old used diapers. Jeff screamed "What are you doing untie me from this chair you crazy woman!" Mommy Annabelle shouted "How rude! You ill mannered brat! I'll have to train that out of you before I let you leave these walls, if I let you leave!" Mommy Annabelle pulled her dress up slightly, she slid off a large pair of PVC bloomers and said "These will do well. You like them? Soft red PVC." She pressed her sweaty bloomers to his face. Jeff gagged and said "Mistress, Mommy, whatever you want me to call you this is not my thing! Please let me go!" Mommy Annabelle walked over to the giant trash bin filled with diapers, she pulled a bunch of diapers into her bloomers and said "These will do well, some nasty diapers from 80 year olds at the nursing home, they rarely shower, theyre really stinky and their shit is extremely thick and sticky!" Jeff screamed "GOD NO!!! NO WAY!!! I WAS EXPECTING SOME DIAPERS FROM OTHER GUYS AND MAYBE A LADY BUT NOT OLD MEN AND WOMEN IN NURSING HOME GROSS!!!" Mommy Annabelle shouted "You don't yell inside! Who taught you your manners! I need to teach you a very harsh lesson!" She pulled her PVC bloomers over his head tightly and pressed the disgusting diapers against his face.
Jeff made gurgling screams beneath the diaper and bloomers. Mommy Annabelle said "Scream twice if you promise you'll lick Mommys dirty leather dress clean!" Jeff screamed twice, he couldn't fathom spending another second with the shit and piss of 80 year old men and women over his face, he was suffocating and drowning in their excrement and sweat, it was disgusting! Mommy Annabelle said "Scream twice if you like being suffocated in filthy diapers!" Jeff was silent, he made gurgling sounds as he swallowed the filth trying to get air. Mommy Annabelle chuckled and said "Make a gurgling sound if you want me to bury you alive in diapers!' Jeff made a loud gurgling cry. She said "Seems like you want to be buried alive in diapers, I'll do that right after you lick my dress clean! I look forward to having someone clean my 40 year old dress clean, hasn't been cleaned once. Make sure you lick all the gross crusty sweat out of it!" Mommy Annabelle held the bloomers tight to Jeffs face and pulled them tighter and tighter pressing the diapers to his face saying "When you awaken I want you to tongue my dress clean like your life depends on it, miss a single spot and I bury you in that bin of diapers!" Jeff gulped as she pulled it so tight, it hurt his nose. It filled his nose with thick sludge. Jeff made almost silent gurgling cries, thrashing against the restraints before going limp. While he was blacked out Mommy Annabelle pulled her slimy nasty dress off and pulled it down over Jeffs head and upper body forcefully, squeezing him painfully tight! Mommy Annabelle let him awaken and said "GET LICKING" Jeff cried out "IT HURTS ITS TOO TIGHT I CANT ITS SO TIGHT AGAINST MY FACE" He could barely push his tongue into the leather to get air let alone lick it. He could barely lick it anyway it was so disgusting tasting.
Mommy Annabelle said as she pulled the leg straps off keeping his hands tied to his legs "Looks like someone needs to be thrown out like the trash they are. Dress lickers that don't lick my dress are defective, so I throw you away like other defective things, goodbye Jeff" She plunged a needle into his ass as she dumped him head first into the bin of diapers. she threw her bloomers full of diapers over him and wheeled the bin outside saying "Goodbye Jeff, was nice knowing you." The next morning it was horribly hot, it felt like Jeff was being cooked in a oven. Jeff cried weakly but knew it was no use. A loud truck approached and he felt the world turn upside down as he was dumped into the back of the truck, suddenly he felt everything get warmer and tighter as he was compacted into a bunch of fresh warm diapers that were just picked up, it was disgusting and nasty and forced foul fluids and sludge into his mouth and nose. Jeff cried silently knowing that this was going to be eternal, he would never die. Hours later he was dumped into the landfill, to be forgotten for eternity. Nothing but a trashed diaper.
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altocat Ā· 11 months ago
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This pic from yesterday's Rebirth event feels like a meme waiting to happen.
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justalittlebluetiefling Ā· 11 months ago
Fabian's new bard teacher is so relatable to me. He said something that is absolutely mandatory report territory so I just get her.
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feathercreates Ā· 11 months ago
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POV you just told degrading Genesis he's still pretty uwu
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silentwalrus1 Ā· 1 year ago
if i have to read one more published fantasy book that uses irl memes and online vernacular in its dialogue iā€™m taking away the toys until yā€™all can learn to respect yourselves. Not only does it break immersion in your world and detract from your characters having their own voices, it also makes you, the author, seem like a dim parrot incapable of neither original thought nor basic understanding of the passage of time
1) due to the timeline of publishing, any meme included will automatically be hopelessly dated by the time the story reaches readers and
2) itā€™s literally the same thing Ready Player One did. Hey look iā€™m pointing at a thing in pop culture. Did you get my reference? Did you get it? Let me list some more colors and shapes you recognize. Did you get it? And then Gideon Nav hit the dab or whatever. Hashtag Relatable!
Itā€™s so painfully unfunny and uncompelling every time. We can do better. Apply some creativity to your own work
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wondrous-eos Ā· 1 year ago
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Mechanic Ardyn More fun with this babygirl and his garbage car. Had to make more character replacement mods for these pics. Look how happy he is to have his precious wax. And how unhappy when he ran out of gas. šŸ˜ž Once again you can download the mod for Ardyn from Steam. Based on Debbie's wonderful AU art. The edited magazine page is the courtesy of Impatient Traveler. šŸš« Do not repost. ā¬‡ļø4K wallpapers here.
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naggascradle Ā· 3 months ago
my most beloathed posts are those ones that take quotes from asoiaf and are like "geez george dont you realize how corny and cringe this sounds? isnt this just silly to say?" and its like where is your whimsy where your suspension of disbelief. you cant even take someone earnestly for five minutes and you want me to think fantasy should be free of "lameness" ? why would i even want to read a fantasy work devoid of anything that makes it sound fun ...
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dabidagoose Ā· 11 months ago
He's like if Icarus was fucking stupid. I love Fabian
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theknucklehead Ā· 11 months ago
Here are some animations of Peacock from SkullGirls.
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My heart goes out to the animators who worked on this game, the animation is great down to every individual frame.
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heretic-altias Ā· 1 year ago
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applebees4prez Ā· 4 months ago
being a kristen applebees stan has made eating at applebees so much more fun. this is a house of worship. wym you go to applebees and donā€™t pray to cassandra before your meal?
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throwawayasoiafaccount Ā· 8 months ago
literally so done with rhaegar antis at this point. we know practically nothing about this character besides all the good things other characters say about him and the fact that robert baratheon hates him and says things about rhaegar that ned disagrees with. and robert baratheon is a pos so being hated by him only does favors for rhaegarā€™s character imo.
but somehow all these characters who think well of rhaegar are just lying. even though almost all of the characters who have spoken/thought well of rhaegar come from different families and have different allegiances. make it make sense. explain it to me like iā€™m five. what do jamie and ned have to gain by thinking positively about rhaegar? what about jorah? and barristan?
seriously. stop with the ā€œprophecy obsessed freakā€ and the ā€œrhaegar was madā€ bs. none of this is supported in the books.
for 1) the prophecy is real! this is a fantasy series! and itā€™s very likely that jon snow (his likely son) is one of the azor ahai/prince that was promised figures! the other completely certain azor ahai figure is his own sister! so yes this prophecy seems to be centered around rhaegarā€™s family.
2) rhaegar being ā€œmadā€ is not supported whatsoever. prophecies and magic are very real in asoiaf. so believing/trying to figure out prophecies is not an act of a madman. if anything, we should praise rhaegar for having the foresight to be actively concerned about this world ending threat! he was right. and one mention, if not the first mention, of the song of ice and fire comes from a vision in the house of the undyingā€¦ from rhaegar. please remember what the title of this series isā€¦
now, it is fair to criticize rhaegar for how he treated elia at the tourney at harrenhall. he was wrong there and that was a terrible thing to do to elia. however, saying that rhaegar was awful to elia throughout their whole marriage is not supported. and saying that rhaegar was awful to his children is not supported at all.
also, getting angry at a fictional character for needing a son to secure the succession to the throne is hilarious, especially since it was necessary for not just rhaegar, but also for elia to secure their own positions at court. they both needed a male heir, but elia needed to have a son more than rhaegar to secure her position. so why are people so mad that rhaegar and elia had aegon? andal tradition says that a son comes before a daughter and a daughter before an uncleā€¦ but aerys had viserys to threaten rhaegar with because aerys was king and had the power to change the succession. having aegon was very important for both rhaegar and elias futures and protected rhaenys position as well. just look at what happened to alys karstark when all of her male brothers were gone. she was almost usurped by her uncle. do you really think aerys would let the throne pass to a girl? aerys??
anyways, we donā€™t know enough about rhaegar and elias relationship to actually make any concrete statements about them, but, from danys house of the undying vision of rhaegar and (likely) elia, their relationship seemed fine and they seemed open with each other. not every marriage of duty ends in nedcat and five kids, but their marriage was clearly far from the robert and cersei nightmare.
another thing rhaegar antis love to harp about is how he is a pedophile. iā€™m literally so sick of it. rhaegar, someone who seemingly struggled with some form of depression, finally found some joy outside of a marriage of duty. the author himself called rhaegar a love struck prince. ned never thinks ill of rhaegar, even though if the stories robert baratheon would have us believe were true then ned would be the first character who thinks rhaegar is some sort of monster. but ned doesnā€™t. back to the pedo argumentā€¦ anyways i have issues with the age gap as well. but i know where to lay my criticism. with george. heā€™s weird about ages and it pisses me off. however, i wonā€™t let this change the way i see a character, especially since westeros doesnā€™t have any age of consent laws.
god just criticize george already.
but to be clear, rhaegar, a tragic character who died trying to protect his family, whoā€™s daughter hid underneath his bed for protection, is not some monster. he was born in grief, lived in grief, found some joy, and died whispering the name of the woman he loved. thatā€™s sad. and itā€™s horrible that heā€™s blamed for his familyā€™s deaths even though he fought and died trying to protect them. and then robert baratheon sat on his throne and drunk and whored the realm into debt. thank you mr. boar. and good riddance. cersei slayed with this one.
now if you want to blame someone for the war and what came after, then blame aerys for his cruelty. blame brandon for his foolishness. blame robert for his warmongering. blame tywin for his monstrous actions. blame gregor and amory for their terrible violence.
stop blaming the guy who died trying to protect his loved ones.
and tbh, we literally have so little knowledge of what happened before the rebellion and after harrenhall. we just donā€™t know what happened between rhaegar and lyanna besides what george has told us and whatever small scraps we get in the book. we donā€™t know if it was a rash decision or if there was some plan in place when rhaegar and lyanna ran off. we just donā€™t know.
so please stop treating your headcanons like canon facts. especially when your headcanon isnā€™t supported anywhere in the books! itā€™s so tiring to see! i get it! you hate this character! whatever! but stop acting like what youā€™re saying is canon!
rhaegar is simply a ghost haunting the narrative. but his legacy lives on in dany and (likely) jon. and both of them are saviors fighting the good fight. and based on the descriptions we have of rhaegar, i can say that heā€™s likely very proud of his sister and son.
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lunaticpsyker08 Ā· 1 year ago
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Luciliusā€¦.(old art but I wanna do more doodle pages sometime)
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oopsallmabari Ā· 6 months ago
....why are the youtube comments so mad lol don't y'all like to have fun. don't we like to have fun here
#ari speaks#half of them are 'wahhh this is what happens when you make games WOKE' like. baby. shhhh. it's not dark fantasy enough for you???#like we are allowed to have varied opinions but also idk. dragon age has always had moments of being a lil silly. especially inquisition.#titsicles???? the nug king???? i'm attacking your holdfast with a goat????? cmon now.#we DO get a little silly here and i'm really not opposed to (well-placed) tonal irreverence in a world about to end.#bitch the world we are CURRENTLY living in is falling apart and i am also being a silly fucking guy because it's all i got.#if i lived in thedas irl i'd be in taverns getting tomatoes thrown at me for bad stand-up about kirkwall HAVE SOME FUN LIVE A LITTLE.#also bc it's been so long one has to imagine that they're also trying to grab some new fans here so it does not surprise me#that the trailer is not 'Boo Hoo Sad Times Dark Fantasy Game No. 49' (i say as an enjoyer of depressing dark fantasy)#esp when all of the prior promotional material has been very doom and gloom.#i don't think that just because the game is being marketed like this/that we're switching focus from solas that the game will be#sanitized and not dealing with any kind of fucked up lore and shit. i am holding out hope that we're going to get some cool opportunities#to play in a space that is def dark but can still give room to breathe.#anyway i do not actually giv a fuck (genuine not insulting) if the trailer did not make u excited das ok.#unless you're complaining that it's woke garbage now/so bad because g*ider is uninvolved. if thats the case you may fuck off.#sorry for the tag essay!
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lesbiansanemi Ā· 6 months ago
So hard being a sukuna enjoyer and trying to find fics about him because you get one of two options
1. God awful out of character reader insert porn where youā€™re his uwu submissive (normally terrified of him) concubine or some shit but GASSSSPPPP he ACTUALLY cares about you and is soft for YOU ONLY and he wants you to GET PREGNANT with HIS HEIR oh my GOD
2. God awful out of character suku.fushi or suku.ita where the plot is like what if sukuna was a MAFIA BOSS and he got OBSESSED WITH THEM and KIDNAPPED them and also it was INCEST and OMEGAVERSE and they call him DADDY while he FUCKS THEM INTO THE MATTRESS and talks about their PUSSY the WHOLE time
And both make me want to throw up in my mouth and momentarily wish I had the power to arbitrarily ban ppl from posting on the internet
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lunarsvertigo Ā· 7 months ago
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kristen after watching kipperlily kill buddy during The Last Stand
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