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grandboute · 1 year ago
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C'est le WE...
#ganter #biere #malt #brasserie #houblon #bier #brasseur #instabeer #beer #jusDeHoublon #brewery #locale #beerstagram #mousse #instamousse #instapero #apero #instapicole #picole #freiburg #freiburgerBier #terrasse
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thepaperboatblog · 5 months ago
Tappa fondamentale del nostro tour di Friburgo è stata la visita al birrificio Ganter
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Tra birre a fiumi, assaggi insoliti e il profumo del luppolo, abbiamo scoperto un sacco di cose anche sulla storia della città.
D'altronde da Guntherstube ci avevano dato i compiti per queste vacanze e noi giustamente ci siamo prestati.
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exhibitorsdata123 · 11 months ago
Gartner Supply Chain Symposium Exhibitor List 2024
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The Gartner Supply Chain Symposium 2024 is a pivotal event, highlighting advanced strategies and innovations in supply chain management. Connect with top innovators via our Gartner Symposium Exhibitor List 2024!
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stuff-diary · 7 months ago
Anyone But You
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Movies watched in 2024
Anyone But You (2023, USA)
Director: Will Gluck
Writers: Ilana Wolpert & Will Gluck
After watching (and loving) Glen Powell on Twisters yesterday, I remembered I hadn't seen this one yet, so here we are. And what struck me the most about it was how genuinely funny it is! I don't know why, but I didn't expect it to make me laugh so much. Guess I'm a sucker for the tropes showcased here, fake-dating and misunderstandings. Tbh, the only thing I had heard about this movie was that Glen Powell and Sydney Sweeney's chemistry is off the charts, and it absolutely is. Every single scene they share is so fun and engaging. I'm not saying Anyone But You is a game-changer or anything like that, but it's thoroughly enjoyable in a way that feels pretty refreshing.
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age-ent-of-fangorn · 2 years ago
Dude, GaTa, in Dave.. man... I love his character so much. Not only does his storyline acknowledge mental illness, it also addresses poverty, abandonment, addiction, isolation, working through every day just scraping by to stay alive. And he's such a good actor, idk if it's relatable to the man himself but he does one hell of a fucking job expressing raw emotion. That like-- gut wrenching pain that lives inside your head from trauma. Wanna give that man a hug. Glad to see the representation in such an unfiltered way
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my-life-fm · 8 months ago
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pelimeshka · 1 year ago
Короче, я сменила ник с newpelmeska на ganter с добавкой gg, так как просто без приставки уже занято.
Я хотела изначально поставить свой привычный ник, который использую практически везде, но при создании аккаунта я выбрала полурандомный и забила на него. Но в голове бывают шарики за ролики заходят, и я решила сделать ребрендинг такой своеобразный привычный для меня, но может пока не привычный для людей, которые меня читают.
Менять не буду на пельмешку, мне нравится гантер с 18 лет.
А гантер из-за Adventure time, там были пингвины у снежного короля и у каждого было своё имя: гантер, гюнтер и ещё какие-то имена. Так что в те времена у меня стоял пингвин на аватарке в стимах всяких и прочих местах.
Не теряйте💜
Ваша, теперь, gantergg.
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onejellyfishplease · 1 year ago
one small bad thing happened to me yesterday and it disturbed the vibes so severely that i am still feeling the repercussions now.
They ganter over my phyche like earthquakes summoned by Posidon, causing chaos and destruction to my delicate mentality.
my chakras have been unaligned
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weaverpop · 3 months ago
Have to ask cause I'm curious would you ever do a yandere au?
What tropes would you like, who'd all be yanderes and how delusional would they be ect.
MMMMM. I guess it depends on the ship.
@purble-turble already goes over some great spicynoodles and lotusnoose yandere themes. One thing I would personally hc though for lotusnoodles is the idea that Nezha would be a tad less extreme. He’s had years of experience and discipline in honing his emotions, so I don’t think he’d go full off the rails unless pushed to his absolute limit.
Now Lionsword on the other hand….
I can see them both being yanderes. Azure Lion has been explored by @purble-turble and @quitealotofsodapop both, but that’s mostly with Wukong. With Jing it would be a little diffrent in that he can technically have Jing, but he can’t be public because of the JE.
In courtnabbed au Azure says fuck it and nabs Jing anyway, but I can see it also playing into the yandere “your mine” trope.
The only problem this could run into… is the fact that Jing has MANY other flings. After he and azure officialy together he cut them out, but before then? Oh, it’d drive azure nuts. Seeing this little minx of a general ganter about in secret, hanging off others and watching them put hands over what’s his?
Azure is fuming.
Azure being yandere also makes the breakup more… complicated.
As for Jing? He’s full on“nobody else will have you except me and if I can’t have you nobody can.” Oddly enough, Jing being yandere kinda makes the relationship an open secret after an … incident with a lioness. (Only the JE and Nezha don’t know.) And it doesn’t stop there, Jing uses either the progoda or his swords to… deal with anyone who tries anything.
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analpalmma · 2 hours ago
Fascinante llorar después de soplar la vela
Man yo soplé la vela pidiendo la prostitución con mis gafas automovilísticas de ganter de la vida
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menschtiervereint · 3 months ago
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In der Weihnachtszeit wird wieder vermehrt Gänseleberpastete FoieGras verkauft. 96% der weltweit verkauften Menge stammt dabei von Enten und 75% kommt aus Frankreich. Wie genau das Leben einer solchen "Stopfgans" ausschaut, haben wir von Gustav erfahren, den wir im Wartebereich des Schlachthofs befragen durften. Aber hört selbst: "Hallo, ich bin Gustav, ein Ganter aus der "Foie Gras"- Industrie und will Euch von meinem Leben erzählen.
Zur Welt kam ich in einer Brutmaschine. Kaum geschlüpft, werde ich von großen Menschenhänden untersucht. Nur wir Ganter bleiben am Leben, denn nur wir eignen uns für die Produktion von Stopfleber. Weibchen werden oft direkt getötet, da ihre Lebern als unbrauchbar gelten.
Meine ersten Lebenswochen verbringe ich in einem überfüllten Stall. Der Boden ist mit Kunststoffgittern ausgelegt, damit Kot hindurchfallen kann, aber das schmerzt meine empfindlichen Füße. Wir sind eng zusammengedrängt, haben kaum Platz und können uns nicht frei bewegen. Es ist laut und stickig, und die Luft riecht nach Ammoniak. In dieser Zeit essen wir normales Futter, um schnell zu wachsen.
In einem Alter von etwa 10 Wochen ändert sich alles. Wir werden in Einzelkäfige gesteckt, die so eng sind, dass ich mich nicht einmal umdrehen oder meine Flügel ausbreiten kann. Jetzt beginnt die 21-tägige intensive Mast: Man stopft mir dreimal täglich ein Metallrohr tief in meinen Hals und pumpt Unmengen an Maisbrei direkt in meinen Magen. Ich kann mich nicht wehren, mein Hals schmerzt bei jeder Fütterung und es bleibt mir kaum Zeit, um zu atmen. 😰
Mein Körper beginnt sich schon nach wenigen Tagen stark zu verändern. Meine Leber wächst rapide, sie wird krankhaft verfettet. Bald wiegt sie bis zu zehnmal mehr als normal. Mein Bauch ist bereits stark aufgebläht, ich fühle mich immer schwerer und kann kaum noch atmen. Mein Hals ist wund, ich habe ständig Schmerzen und meine Leber drückt schmerzhaft auf meine anderen Organe. Einige von uns sterben vor Erschöpfung, an Infektionen oder an den Verletzungen, die durch das Einführen des Rohres entstehen.
Nach nur 13 Wochen endet dann mein kurzes, qualvolles Leben. Ich werde in einen Transporter geladen, der mich zum Schlachthof bringt. Die Fahrt ist laut und beängstigend und viele von uns sind bereits zu schwach, um aufzustehen. Und nun bin ich hier und warte auf mein Ende - und Ihr auf meine Leber... 😰"
Quellen: ➡ LINK 1 ➡ LINK 2 ➡ LINK 3 ➡ LINK 4 ➡ LINK 5
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dukeceitbrainrot · 1 year ago
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Okay so this isn't THE Janus in stockings and ganter-belt w. Remus as an erect sex gremlin that I mentioned in this post buuut hey I felt like doodling something dumb af, so enjoy!
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kreacher1x1 · 1 year ago
I have no commissions in my inbox and I'm about to be between jobs before I move so, going to need something to occupy myself with.
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allthebrazilianpolitics · 1 year ago
SA, India and Brazil foreign policy experts urge Germany and the West to hear them on Ukraine, China
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Germany and the West must “listen beyond their echo chambers” and accept the different views of South Africa, India and Brazil on critical foreign policy questions including China’s role in the world and Russia’s war against Ukraine.
This is one of the main conclusions drawn from a recent survey of the views of 1,000 foreign policy experts – including academics, government officials, diplomats, journalists and business people – in the four “emerging middle powers”: Germany, South Africa, India and Brazil.. 
This was part of the Körber Emerging Middle Powers (KEMP) Initiative which comprises four think tanks: The German foundation Körber-Stiftung, the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), Gateway House India and Brazil’s BRICS Policy Centre. 
In their report – “Listening Beyond the Echo Chamber: Emerging Middle Powers Report 2024 – Julia Ganter of the Körber-Stiftung, Steven Gruzd of SAIIA, Manjeet Kripalani of Gateway House India and Carlos Frederico Coelho and Paulo Esteves of the BRICS Policy Centre said the questionnaire found significant agreements and differences on major issues.
Continue reading.
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mosingh2912 · 2 years ago
Elesa Ganter Products
Elesa Ganter Dealers, Elesa Ganter Cmatic. We're the best exporter and supplier's also we have the great excellence
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partlysmith · 12 days ago
By any chance, have you read any non-marvel/DC comics/graphic novels? I have a special place in my heart for the Flight Anthology series, they're very obscure but still good stuff. I also did a small recap on a favorite story on my blog called "Food From The Sea" by Amy Kim Ganter. You can still check them out at libraries if you're interested.
I definitely have, but my memory isn't great for some of them, lol
as is the case with all media I like, there's a large pile of "I'll get around to it eventually" titles that I never actually get around to, rip
I actually do remember reading at least one volume of Flight in high school, but unfortunately I can't remember any specific stories from it
I tried reading Ice Cream Man because the surreal horror premise intrigued me, but I found it underwhelming to the point where I seriously couldn't understand the rave reviews
it just felt like introducing entry level creepypasta style horror to people who aren't severely online while also being occasionally pretentious (with such gripping stories like "a kid's pet spider gets loose and kills some people" and "drug addicts get Ice Cream Man's truck and it's, like, really deep man if you're 14")
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