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Sweeper's Limerick Legacy, AKA "Limerick" by Elizabeth Sescilla Via Flickr: Photo copyright, Mark J. Barrett www.markjbarrett.com Affectionately known as "Limmy Lou Lou". He is a registered Gypsy Vanner Horse (AKA Gypsy Horse/Gypsy Cob). His sire is The Roadsweeper from Gypsy Gold (www.gypsygold.com) and his dam is Kaeli from Big Pine Farm
#Gypsy Vanner Horse#Gypsy Vanner#Vanner#Gypsy Horse#Gypsy Cob#Draft Horse#Horse#Horses#Colt#i500#interestingness4#WOW!#onetopfave#top-f75#HBOTW#explore20060209#galope#chapeau#flickr
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Este blog trata sobre un deporte muy interesante y divertido.... ¡¡La equitación!!
Si no sabes nada sobre este deporte, has venido al sitio adecuado.
Aquí vais a aprender muchas cosas y consejos que os voy a dar. Hoy vamos a empezar aprendiendo que es la equitación, porque si no sabes que es la equitación, no vas ha entender nada.
La equitación es un deporte olímpico, que no es fácil. En el se aprende a tener equilibrio, fuerza en piernas y brazos y por supuesto ha trabajar con un animal. Primero se empieza dando cuerda, y luego ya pasas a una tanda, que es donde estas con gente de más o menos tu edad. De verdad todo el mundo piensa que la equitación es un deporte fácil, pero no, es un deporte complicado porque los caballos son seres vivos entonces hay que aprender a entenderlos, pero al final es un deporte muy divertido, de verdad. Creerme llevo mucho tiempo montando. Sí puede ser un deporte un poco peligroso, pero igual que el fútbol, baloncesto... yo por ejemplo me he caído 2 veces, pero me he levantado y he seguido ¿porque? porque es un deporte que me encanta y lo disfruto mucho ,y no os creáis que soy una profesional, aun me cuestan algunas cosas, pero como me gusta mucho me esfuerzo para ser una buena jineta.
Pero no os creáis que solo está la equitación, también están la doma clásica y el salto de obstáculos, otro día os contare sobre estas dos cosas.
Hay muchas escuelas de equitación aquí en Granada, yo por ejemplo monto en la escuela de equitación CAMAURA.
Es un sitio muy bonito y donde se aprende mucho, y además te tratan muy bien.
Aquí os dejo su facebook:
Como ya os he dicho no soy una profesional, pero bueno aquí os dejo un vídeo mío, para que os hagáis una idea: 😜🤪
Aquí me veis galopando y saltando, yo ya he saltado más alto que lo que sale en el vídeo. Galopar y saltar es lo más divertido para mi, sobretodo cuando te toca un caballo nuevo, porque descubres un galope nuevo, porque no todos los caballos tienen el mismo galope, ni mucho menos, cada caballo tiene un galope diferente.
Como os dais cuenta hay distintos caballos, algunos mas grandes, más pequeños, más rápidos, lentos... etc, entonces es como sus galopes, todos diferentes.
Bueno esto es todo por hoy.
Si os ha gustado... ¡¡seguidme!!
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Estamos em clima junino de fato, e queremos escavar na memória da boa música, um grupo que marcou época a sua forma. Surgido em 2005 da união de músicos que conviveram nos forrós, boizinhos, cirandas e cavalos-marinhos da Zona da Mata e ladeiras de Olinda no final dos anos 90. O talentoso Quarteto Olinda, é formado pelos talentosos percussionistas Guga Amorim e Bruno Vinezof, o baixista Yuri Rabid e Cláudio Rabeca. Uniram o popular e o moderno sem perder o charme e a realeza, afinal, beberam diretamente da fonte dos grandes nomes da cultura nordestina, do Rei do baião Luiz Gonzaga a contracultura do manguebeat como Mestre Ambrósio.
Trocar sanfona pela rabeca pode parecer estranho e/ou até perigoso para os mais puristas dos forrozeiros. No entretanto, precisou de pouco mais de um mês pra ver que o negócio era a identidade de Pernambuco, alta classe do forró pé-de-serra. Que a linhagem de rabequeiros como Mestre Luiz Paixão, Salustiano, Siba e Antônio Teles, ainda seguia bem representada em Pernambuco, seguindo a tradição de anos, de forma excelentíssima, assim como as canções e os shows efusivos do Quarteto.
Assim que o Quarteto - que originalmente era composto por três percussionistas e um baixista - fez, e muito bem. Investiram na formação que também recebeu uma adição especial em 2006: o pandeiro de Guga Santos, também conhecido como 'Rasta'. Assim o grupo se tornou um quinteto, mas com nome quarteto, mantendo a essência poética e bem-humorada do nome e do grupo.
Falando do menu principal... Vamos tentar passar uma pequenina visão sobre o primeiro e único álbum do Quarteto Olinda. Disco homônimo, gravado no Estúdio Carranca (Recife). É uma grandiosa lapidação da temporada de dois anos e meio (2006 - 2009), a qual se apresentavam semanalmente na Xinxim da Baiana, famosa casa de shows de Olinda, onde cativou público o suficiente para lançar seu disco no mesmo ano em que encerrou a temporada, e fazer turnê Brasil afora, chegando até a receber elogios do então presidente - e agora novamente, vejam só vocês - Luís Inácio Lula da Silva.
O disco traz consigo doze músicas incríveis, num repertório coeso, bem arranjado, autoral e com participações especiais de outros importantes compositores e músicos da cena pernambucana e mundial, como; Mestre Luiz Paixão (rabeca), Tiné (voz), Hélder Vasconcelos (oito baixos), Nilton Jr. (letra) e os gringos Clay Ross (guitarra) e Rob Curt (sanfona), diretamente dos EUA.
Das doze, sete das músicas foram compostas pelos próprios músicos do grupo. O repertório é uma verdadeira celebração ao autêntico forró de rabeca, com influências do samba de matuto e do côco.
E é com a música e simpatia desses nordestinos que a gente tenta botar em dia um pouco desse clima gostoso de São João aqui pelo SK. Verdadeiros representantes da cultura popular e de rua do Nordeste. Prepare-se para dançar ao som dessa mistura de xote, xaxado, baião e muito pé-de-serra com o legítimo For All, que chamo chamegosamente de pé-de-rabeca - genuinamente olindense e verdadeiramente brasileiro.
#quarteto olinda#quarteto olinda 2009#forró#pé-de-serra#baião#ciranda#côco#galope#xote#xaxado#música popular#brasil#pernambuco#selekta koletiva#rabeca#cultura nordestina#Youtube
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Título: O Galope Alado que levou à Quebra do Mármore Nankin sobre Papel Nankin on Paper 29,7↔ x 21↕ cm
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being the most popular tutor in the math help center is a heavy cross to bear. but i am bearing it.
#literally got a text this morning from a colleague 'are you working today??? asking for a friend'#at 10am i had one student carefully look through the door. he saw me and immediatly turned around to tell his friends 'yooo judith is here'#and in galopped eight people#they also told me that they massively prefer me to the dude who had my shift last week#i am suffering the math crimes though why lie
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re: most recent post. shirt that says I ❤️ MARY
i was raised quaker so when i entered a catholic church for the first time you can imagine my tits were blown clean off. hate the church itself but you can’t deny they went off with the aesthetics unfortunately. love all religious art but i especially love mary. and especially when shes depicted absolutely whaling on some motherfucker i love that. sorry this is a dumb ask but i just needed to share bc she makes me so very happy
I ❤️ MARY i was raised atheist (my dad's a closeted animist, if you mention it he will agree and reiterate his own beliefs in his own words which are animist paraphrase but mostly he dgaf and vibes) but my country is The catholic country after Italy (it's called Roman catholic church after all) like from the baptism to one of our kings in 500AD ish and until the Révolution france was called "the eldest daughter of the Church" right so catholic monuments are Plentiful. and who says "catholic" says "mary". you cannot exhale in this country without your breath hitting a Notre Dame ("Our Lady") whatever. "Notre Dame de" this "Notre Dame de" that. you find little Mary statues just dotting the landscape around.
that and, indeed, we have some banging churches. same as you said Hate The Church (maybe even more deeply because the southwest, where i live, is "cathare country", the "cathares" being a medieval """heretic""" christian sect that the catholic church hunted to extinction through horrible massacres. the "spanish inquisition" is like meme famous at this point, but the Inquisition was first made up during the cathares' time with the explicit purpose of hunting down all the cathares, forcing them to convert or, when they didn't (and they rarely did), killing them) but will not lie. you step into Sainte-Cécile d'Albi... or even some random unassuming, kinda ugly on the outside church in a rural mountain town and here she is...
and then when you're goddessmaxxing mythologicalnarrotologypilled like me you #see you're #seeing how she's been associated with the moon (in mirror to her son, associated with the sun, for the moon shines by reflecting the sun) and that many prechristian goddesses associated with the moon were also virgins (artémis/diane)... you're seeing how her Big Day here in france (l'Assomption) is in mid-august and replaced a roman festival of the Harvest which, while in it's august 15 form, was also to celebrate the Emperor [Augustus], was ALSO reallyyyy close (as in 48hrs later) to a day of celebration for Diane (cf relation above) AND "the harvest" is a topic typically associated to a mother-goddess type (think Demeter/Ceres, Mbaba Mwana Waresa, Etügen Ekhe, Pachamama,...).... you see how in orthodox christianity one of her titles is "mother of god" [theotokos] and you see how Cybele, an antique phrygian goddess, was know as "mother of the gods"... how she is called "queen of heaven", a title shared by pre-dating goddesses such as Isis, Inanna or Astarte...... so you #see all of this and then you consider the Historical mary, this likely teenage girl who had, by all means, something happen to her, because Virgin Birth Not Real Unless You Are Lizard, this likely teenage girl who, potentially by her very word and through an incredible display of rhetorical survival instinct, made of her son that of god's, and watched him die a slow and painful death.
and you #see all this and you're like. aww 🥹 i don't even gaf about your son because his fanclub is sooo annoying and also responsible for some of the worst and bloodiest massacres my land and others have ever seen but i fw you. i fw you heavy.
^ damn that was long. sorry. marypilled goddesshistorymaxxer.
i fw her i fw her heavy.
#the fact that some branches consider mary worship ''idolatry''........ tsk tsk tsk........ if there is even a chance this woman gave birth#with all the blood and sweat and tears and pain involved#(and; in a real world where god might not have watched over her in any way; the *lifethreateningness* involved)#to God The Son to whom you owe the salvation of your soul#you should be WORSHIPPING THE GROUND this teenage girl then woman WALKED ON#sick! sick i tell you#also the mythological-narratology links between mary and so many ''previous'' goddess so funny to me#>make male-centered religion >look inside >the goddesses forever persist reincarnated in a woman#chassez le naturel et il revient au galop etc etc#allô (answers)#anonymous#maryposting#also when i visited a friend in germany she was volunteering at a protestant temple and the people very nice genuinely so welcoming#my fave as this old polish gay guy a bit queeny on the side whose husband was in charge of the collection#and who when me my friend he and my friend's supervisor were having a drink responded to supervisor's ''to health'' [standard greeting]#with ''to BEAUTY.....'' okay queen. loved him tons knew him for 3 days#and i went to the christmas mass and all in the temple and i was like. where is mother. where have you put my mom [animist voice]
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As a percussion boy, I really dig this.
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Charity Announcement 💙
The My Cup of Tea fanzine is pleased to announce our charity of choice:
Galop - A UK Charity in support of LGBT+ people who have experienced abuse and violence

From their website:
“Galop works directly with thousands of LGBT+ people who have experienced abuse and violence every year. We specialise in supporting victims and survivors of domestic abuse, sexual violence, hate crime, honour-based abuse, forced marriage, so-called conversion therapies, and other forms of interpersonal abuse. We are a service run by LGBT+ people, for LGBT+ people, and the needs of our community are at the centre of what we do.”
We are happy to announce that all proceeds will be donated towards this wonderful charity 💙
#the magnus archives#tma#martin blackwood#charity zine#the magnus archives zine#tma zine#fanzine#martin blackwood fanzine#galop
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YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY READ WAR CRIMES AND WAR GAMES!!!! Incredible fics please I’m sure you’ll love them they so well written !!!!!!
anon... i recomended this fic multiple times before...
#chip!ask#hello lovleyelbowleach still adoring war games don't worry!#really hope zuko dumps sokka and galops into the sunset on dumplings back!#no but jokes asside! fic is amazing#anon here is just... uhm... overwhelming
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horse sketch

#drawing#my draws#Horse#sketch#traditional drawing#traditional art#traditional sketch#Horse drawing#Grand Galop sur moi
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Cosas que cruzan tu pecho a galope tendido.
#tumblr#palabras#escritos#frases#vida#texto#citas#autoestima#texto español#tu pecho#a galope tendido.
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just had the weirdest orchestra stress dream. we were performing a piece called pico de goadi and in the dream that was named for some italian dish. and i looked up the ingredients for this dish after the (catastrophic) concert. the ingredients were things like inescapable salt and ominous garlic
#bluejay.txt#music school moment#the overall point of the dream was that my flute broke a few mins before the concert and i had to play on a trashy student flute#also for some reason i was sightreading and it went really badly#and i was sitting by the clarinets instead of the other flute. we were set up like a wind symphony even though it was orchestra#i remember that the dish was italian even tho that sounds like spanish#the sound of it reminded me of the khatchaturian masquerade galop that we did last concert cycle but it was in 6/8
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Todays rip: 10/08/2023
Kirby Joins the Circus!
Season 5 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume D
Ripped by berg8793
Requested by @circunflexonoa!
A very fun part of receiving requests for rips to cover is that I get to fall into new rabbitholes of rips with references I'm somewhat in the dark about. I was initially a bit skeptical about covering Kirby Joins the Circus! when I previewed the first few seconds of it, as I just thought it sounded like average circus music. But now, between this and DK Rap God - I worry that berg8793 might be a masochist?
As it turns out, the song being used for this rip isn't just circus music - Circus Galop is an interesting piece of music history in that its effectively the precursor to "Black MIDI", otherwise known as "Music with way too much shit going on at once". Its a song written for the piano, yet frequently features segments of FIFTEEN keys being played at once and an absurdly fast tempo. In truth, the song was actually one of several written to be played on "Player Pianos", which are pianos that play themselves when fed music data. In pushing to create music that could exclusively be played on these devices, Marc-André Hamelin created a song that's impossible to play alone and only barely possible to play with five expert pianists in session.
Now, you take one piece of absurdly hyperactive music history, and combine it with a game franchise that continues to be known for its hyperactive music - Kirby. That's what our good friend berg8793 set out to do here, rendering the entirety of Circus Galop in Kirby 64's unmistakeably hyperactive sound. I covered just how nice Kirby 64's soundscape is in a prior post - Aquadial - yet this is the complete opposite side of the spectrum. Where Aquadial was a pleasant, casual, fun ride through two adored N64 soundscapes, Kirby Joins the Circus! is effectively an exercise in insanity. Yet its far from a direct translation - berg8793 has done an excellent job here in sanding away the song's rough edges to make it far more listenable, althewhile incorporating several different parts of Kirby 64's soundtrack into the piece. Altogether, its a ridiculously high-effort piece with an equally ridiculous source, and its a listen you just can't help but be impressed by more than anything else.
#todays siivagunner#season 5#siivagunner#siiva#berg8793#kirby#kirby 64#kirby super star#kirby dark matter#king dedede#black midi#player piano#piano#circus galop#nintendo#n64#nintendo 64
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many things wrong with rings of power but using real, non-cgi horses for a ridden charge will ALWAYS be right
#i cheered#rotk ride of the rohirrim is probably THE most epic battle scene ever imo as a horse rider#and seeing the numenor army come galopping? oh yeah#trop#also props to them for also not using flashy showy horses but actually truly athletic ones#the goodest bois and girls
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Hear me out. Pathologic 2 where instead of the Polyhedron there's this

^ that's the TWINS!
#now of which pair am i talking about? you figure <3#had a vision in my mind the other day right. maria surrounded by horses. her family members. khan that blue roan impetuous pony her father#dark bay horse herself black horse her mother black horse and her uncles including the dead one. two white horses conjoined at the shoulder#galopping. the simon horse had wings like a pegasus. do you see the vision.#allô (answers)#fearalphabet
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POV Frederic Hanson
Lately I have been spending a lot of time with Froya (Einarsdottir) who is the trainer of one of the best friends of the horse I am currently training. I train Flóki while she is training Gyllír. The stallions are literally best friends, and does everything together in the stallion herd. Gyllír (the one to the right) protected Flóki when he first joined the herd, and him being one of the bulkiest (yet shortest) stallions in the pasture helped him take care of Flóki.
Spending time with Froya and Gyllír made me realize that while she is a few years younger than me, she is as much as an adult as me, and I really enjoy her company. How do I tell her that I like her more than a friend though? Cantering then galopping around the fields around the grounds today made me realize that. That I liked her, that I was probably in love with her too.
I was a little nervous, when we slowed the horses down to tölt, so I took the job as lead rider, though she just laughed and and asked me to "Slow down, you dummy!".
"Yeah?" I replied, looking back at her, while expertly controlling Flóki under me.
"Seriously, just bc your horse is faster than mine, doesn't mean you can't wait a little!" she laughed back, and stuck out her tongue at me.
"For the record Flóki is not faster, he is just older and more sure on his feet and in his tölt."
"Still that doesn't excuse his clumsiness," she grumbled, and slowed down into walk after Gyllír had become kind of out of breath.
"Don't be so hard on yourself. You only began tölting on Gyllír for a month now, right?" he slowed his horse down into walk too, and even stopped him completely, so Froya and her steed could catch up with them. He patted her on the shoulder, and added, "And not every horse can be like Hrafn, who was clearly born to tölt."
She looked thoughtful for a long while, but as they arrived back to Upkeep's facilities she nodded with a kind of finality that I hadn't seen in her before, "You are right. It's just... before I came here it had been Hrafn and me for such a long time and..." she halted.
"... and you are struggling to not compare every other horse to him," I finished her sentence with the kind of ease that you can only master, when you know someone very well. And I do know Froya pretty well by now.
She just nodded. I pat her on the shoulder again.
"You did it once, you can do it again," I said, trying to cheer her up.
She gave me a watery smile in return, but nodded. I just hope she will trust herself more in the future, because I am sure she can take on any horse. Even one as clumsy in tölt as Gyllír.
#Gyllír frá Upkeep#the sims 3 pets#sims 3 horses#the sims 3#upkeep tölters#bridlepath#equality sims#icelandic horse#soffía hagen#tölt#simblr#TS3 simblr#Flóki fra Ísdalur#canter#galop
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