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certifiedsexed · 5 months ago
Is it normal for my body to make enough prolactin to have me leak a tiny tiny bit of that white milky stuff out one of my breasts if I'm a trans guy 2 testosterone doses in? (tri menstrual shots, intramuscular nebido)
Woke up and realized that was going on (it's giving me horrible dysphoria) it's happened to me before, but before I was taking T (I did ask a doctor back then, they said it was normal but sent me to take a mammal ultrasound anyway to rule off anything and I didn't go lol)
I'm just sort of like really worried my last shot didn't work properly? it didn't feel like the first one as it was going in (I didn't feel the greasy stuff at all, it just sort of hurt-burnt like when you get a scratch) and I had a very very tiny pimple-like bump on the injection zone for like 2 weeks. I figured I'd convince myself it was alright since it did change my urine smell immediately like the first time and my period flow went down a lot; but now this happened and I'm second guessing myself like Maybe I haven't really had changes since the first dose! and stuff like that.
That'd really fucking suck if it didn't work because holy shit nebido is EXPENSIVE
Btw no chance I'm pregnant, I'm gay t4t
That's not really supposed to happen, not just because you're on testosterone. Your breasts really aren't supposed to be leaking milk period unless you're pregnant/breastfeeding.
Taking T doesn't make much of a difference, it's something that can occur regardless of that so I really don't think its because your testosterone isn't working. If this is the only reason you're worried about your testosterone, I'd rest easy.
[Though you can mention the bump on the injection zone to your doctor and ask if that's a concern! Always good to check.]
Your testosterone aside, you might want to talk to a doctor and actually do some testing for your breasts leaking if you can afford it.
Often, galactorrhea [A condition where your breasts leak milk/milk-like liquid] is a hormone issue (though not with testosterone) and it can be treated.
It can be caused by a lot of things, like a benign tumor, antidepressants, birth control pills, or even just touching your breasts excessively and it's usually a good idea to at least know what's causing it (especially since it's giving you dysphoria!) even if you don't plan on getting treated.
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions. <3
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thescrumblingmidwife · 1 year ago
is it normal for your breasts to leak if you've never had kids? (17)
Hi Anon,
What you're referring to is called galactorrhea. We break the causes down into physiologic (caused by a normal physical process, usually pregnancy and lactation), pharmacologic (caused by a medicine), or pathologic (caused by an underlying disease or disorder somewhere in the body).
There are a few physiologic causes of galactorrhea in a nulligravid (never-pregnant) person, and sometimes the cause is just "idiopathic" (it's your normal but we don't know why). That said, it's not typical, and your doctor will want to rule out any pathologic causes. Most causes are totally benign (not a risk to your health), but it's good to know why it's happening.
Your doctor will want to take your medical history and ask you about your menstrual cycle, any other symptoms you might be having, as well as some questions about what the discharge is like, whether it comes from both breasts, whether you need to touch your breasts for it to come out or if it does it spontaneously, etc. Your doctor will also do an examination and a little bloodwork to see if you have hyperprolactinemia (too much of the hormone prolactin). If you do have elevated prolactin, they may want to do more bloodwork or imaging of your head to see if you have a small benign (noncancerous) tumor on the pituitary, called a prolactinoma. The treatment for this is usually just some medication. It's nothing to be afraid of.
Please let your pediatrician/doctor know the next time you see them!
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sickadaaa · 3 months ago
i think my birth control gave me a condition that sounds like an alien STD
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lilaccmilk · 5 months ago
Okay, but what about when he learns about inducing lactation? If he’s that obsessed with her breasts, she’s bound to start lactating.
a/n: i loved writing this!!! ps. i got this information from the internet, so i apologise for inaccuracies 😭😭
content warning: lactation kink, reader is a female, reader has boobs, nipple stimulation ig?
Galactorrhea is a condition that causes your breasts to leak milk when you aren't pregnant or haven't recently given birth. Excessive breast stimulation among other things may contribute to galactorrhea.
this was written as part 2 to this fic i guess
At first you were hella confused, were you pregnant? But no, lactation doesn’t happen until 16th week of pregnancy. Moreover, he shouldn’t be able to get you pregnant.
Your periods coming the next day proved you wrong. You told your merman boyfriend (who was obsessed with your boobs) to leave your boobs alone for sometime.
5 days had passed by and it got too much. Your doctor told you it would go away on its own.
You called your boyfriend in, telling him about the condition. And oh boy, his eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store.
He was more than happy to help you with it. Your body was so fascinating to him. He started with making sure you’re laid out comfortably on the bed. Slowly kissing up the underside of your boobs. He wanted to take his time to worship your body.
He took your nipple in his mouth, softly sucking on it. One hand of his was palming and groping your other breast, the one his mouth couldn’t pay attention to.
He suckles on your nipple, while you whimper and stroke his hair. You were so wet, you wanted him inside you. The thing about him being a merman was that, he couldn’t exactly get you pregnant, that allowed him to cum inside you as many times as he wanted.
You grind your cunt against his thigh that was between your legs, to get some sort of friction.
He simply pinches your nipple as a warning to stay still. And switches to the other boob.
In conclusion, he spends almost one hour nursing on your boobs, before finally getting around to fuck you.
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astormofsilk · 9 months ago
Alys shifts to sit upright, yawning and stretching her body out. "She won't come." It was spoken through her yawn and she repeated herself once she was done. "The nurse is just here to attend to the birth and after birth, not nurse the child. I was the wetnurse here my love." Alys had been born with a condition that allowed her to produce milk without a child, so the other nurse stopped feeding.
"Here, give her over." Despite still being tired she knew her daughter needed to be fed, infants didn't feed for long so once she was attended to the girl would fall back asleep easily. "I'd rather her not scream any longer."
Aemond glanced at the door again, what was taking that damned nurse so long? Surely she could hear the baby. He feels Alys shifting next to him, its too late, she's woken. The concern for their child is evident in her voice and he untangles his arm from her to close the book on his lap.
"It's just begun." He assures, pushing the book to the side and bouncing the crying baby gently. "The wet nurse should be here any moment. Honestly she ought to just be in the anti chamber, I told her to wait there after she dressed the babe." She hadn't slept long enough, she'd had a long labor, he knew she needed more sleep. "Rest love, I shall see that this is taken care of."
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jboy44 · 6 months ago
Ruby and Jaune show up holding adrian after being missing for a month.
Ruby holds out ring " okay at the dance someone spiked the punch so me and Jaune ended up married. It worked we keeping it. Then rubooty needs him. Anyway this is Jaune's son, my step son Adrian he is here as my sister in laws asked my husband to breed her wife. Now I have galactorrhea meaning never been pregnant yet my rose buds make milk. Do watch me breast feed my step son."
Ruby breast adrian who drinks the rose milk
Pyrrha faints broken hearted
Yang frozen and paler then weiss
Blake "..... I was flirting with the wrong sister
Coco "..... Awesome
Nora stunned unable to talk
Ren ".... DILF you say?
Weiss daddy issues activating
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cripplecharacters · 1 year ago
[large text: Mods]
[Large Text: Sasza]
Hey! My name is Sasza and I use he/him pronouns. I am a disabled artist who loves to write and draw characters like me. I am autistic, (mildly) intellectually disabled and have several physical conditions including dyspraxia, severe hyperkyphosis, cranial nerve diseases (causing double vision, chronic pain and a facial difference among other things), and HSD. Sometimes I use a cane. I'm very passionate about accessibility and disability representation in all kinds of media - books, comics, video games, and any other kind of art that's out there.
[Large Text: Bert]
Hello! I'm Bert (previously Mason), and I use he/they pronouns. I am a writer who loves to write plays and fiction with characters like me and my friends. I am autistic and have ADHD, I have psychotic PTSD and a DID system. Physical health-wise I have migraines, fibromyalgia, and a lateral lisp. I love talking about representation and ways we can make a kinder and more inclusive space everywhere we go.
[large text: Sparrow]
Hi, I’m sparrow, they/he for me. I’m a disabled artist who makes a lot of disabled characters like myself and probably like a quarter of the world. I have autism and ADHD, among other brain things, as well as chronic pain in both my jaw and my knee and ankle. I also have POTS and some sort of sleep disorder. I am a sometimes cane user as well. I really enjoy research and thoughtful art that makes people feel seen. Aside from that, I am a huge fan of historical fiction and really enjoy fantasy as well.
[Large text: Rot]
My name is Rot, I use all pronouns including neo pronouns as well as any rot and insect themed nounself pronouns. I’m an artist who loves putting disability in my stories. I’m mostly undiagnosed due to medical neglect and have chronic fatigue, hypersomnia & chronic pain that ranges from mild to debilitating. My known disabilities are pots, ganglion cysts, nerve damage, autism (level unknown), asthma, GERD, anxiety and psychosis. I have a metal implant, use a cane and am mostly verbal and use aac infrequently. I have experience with temporary palsy, needing carers (family members who stepped up, not hired carers) and being in a wheelchair, though I currently don't have any of those.
[Large Text: Virus]
Hello! I go by Virus and I use She/Her but anyone can use any pronouns for me, have fun with it. I'm a writer—mostly fanfiction—who has been in fandom very long and used to be a classical musician. I have Hypermobile Ehler Danlos Syndrome along with it's fun co-morbidities (MCAS, POTS, Gastroparesis, Fibromyalgia, and Von Willebrandes). I also have Pan-Hypopituitarism which is the following: Adrenal Insufficiency, Hypothyroidism, Diabetes Insipidus, Precocious Puberty, Growth Hormone Deficiency, Hyperprolactinemia/galactorrhea, as well as High Estrogen and Testosterone issues. I have Pituitary Dwarfism/Proportional Dwarfism, Myoclonic Epilepsy, and a Speech Disorder. I used to have a Port-a-cath, Picc-Lines, and a feeding tube, amongst many other things. Phew, now that that's over. I love every art form with a favour towards music, writing and the fiber arts. I love seeing representation no matter how big or small especially in medias that rep is often glossed over!
[Large Text: Rock]
Hi! I am Rock; any pronouns are okay. I am a writer, mainly of sci-fi and fantasy, and I love adding all sorts of disabled characters. I am hard of hearing (mild-moderate bilateral hearing loss) and have profound auditory processing disorder. I have scoliosis, POTS, and lower-body muscle weakness so I am a full-time mobility aid user. I am also intersex; I have several hormone deficiencies among other conditions as a result of my intersex variation. I am excited to join the mod team!
[Large Text: Aaron]
Hey, I'm Aaron, he/him. I'm a writer of fantasy, science fiction, dystopia, utopia, and historical, and I like writing incorporating casts of disabled characters into all of them and reworking magic, technology, and science to accommodate them. I have a TBI, a lot wrong with my speech, cognitive issues, slight developmental disability, myofascial pain syndrome, medium support needs autistic but fully verbal, OCD, multiple types of anxiety, PTSD, depression, severe ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, articulatory initiation anomia, medically significant migraines, a chronic headache, chronic pain, and chronic fatigue. I'm also visibly disabled (one of those people who looks autistic) and transmasc. And I can't wait to see what amazing things you guys come u with.
[Large Text: Zohar]
Hello everyone! I'm a new mod, and you can call me Zohar. I'm a writer of fantasy and sci-fi for the most part, and definitely prioritize disability, LGBT, and Indigenous representation in my work. I am Blind with a form of Albinism/strabismus/ptosis, along with some hearing loss. I am intersex/transgender with mixed gonadal dysgenesis (XO/XY Turner Syndrome) that goes hand in hand with GHD/pituitary dwarfism and affects my skeletal and hormonal health. I also have POTS and complex DID caused by RAMCOA and am comfortable answering asks about that. He or She pronouns is fine with me. I can't wait to help out here!
[Large Text: Icarus]
Hello all! My name is Icarus (He/Him). I'm a new mod here and a writer of original work (Primarily contemporary short fiction and cosmic horror) with some fanfiction on the side. I have been diagnosed with ADHD, autism, PTSD, Tourette's Syndrome along with several other mental and physical health conditions. I also had epilepsy, asthma, and a heart condition as a child but have since grown out of them. I am currently seeking a diagnosis for something causing a few different symptoms including chronic pain, mobility issues, sensitivity in my joints/bones, progressive vision loss (Currently to the point where I have very little to no peripheral vision), and dizziness/fainting episodes. I am a full time cane user at the advice of my physio. I am also a gay trans man and in full-time university studies.
[Large text: Jess]
Hey y'all! I'm Jess, and I use she/her. I'm 35, and I work full time behind the scenes in the grocery industry (in an office, designing shelf layouts!). I enjoy writing and reading slice-of-life stories mostly. I especially like exploring how certain magical elements can be parallels for disability. I also do art, including some 3D illusion chalk art. As for my disabilities: I have multiple sclerosis, and a few issues that have come from that, including severe permanent damage from optic neuritis. I was briefly 100% blind in my left eye, but a small amount of vision returned. The residual vision causes some hard-to-describe double vision, so I wear a completely opaque occlusive contact lens on my bad eye to help me see more clearly. I also had a period of time when I suffered from paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia, a rare movement disorder. I also have a body-focused repetitive behavior disorder (dermatillomania) and visible scars from that. I'm looking forward to being helpful!
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adult-human-gc-female · 2 years ago
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No, this is not just estrogen and progesterone that have to be injected to induce lactation in males.
These drugs have heavy side effects.
There are no studies of all of these drugs if they get into milk.
There are no studies of nutritional value of galactorrhea liquid.
Until it is not thoroughly researched and 100% proven that it's safe, it is considered as putting an infant at risk.
If it is proven to be safe, I'll be the first one to tender an apology and to advocate for lifting a breastfeeding burden from moms.
Until then, leaving a person that is not able to take care of themself in danger is considered a crime.
reading about this research paper on how to induce lactogenesis so that trans women (men) can breastfeed their babies had me realize that i'm part of the last generation of students who will have had biology classes (mostly) rooted in reality. wow.
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sparklecarehospital · 10 months ago
Does uni even have the ability to…. You know…..
the post is a joke about the fact the medicine risperidone is known to cause galactorrhea as one of its side effects, regardless of your AGAB
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 4 months ago
I know this may be an ask out of your payroll according to your faq.
I'm curious as if it's possible to lactate without pregnancy
Just as in normally
Is it something worth taking to a doctor?
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elvis-elk · 1 year ago
Don’t Cry Over Spilt Milk
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Pairing: Elvis Presley x Fem!Reader
Hello hello, I’m not dead HAH. Guess what, I DID THE FIC. Might not be appealing to some, but I thought the idea was interesting. Deals with galactorrhea, which is just people inadvertently lactating. I’m still working on some other drafts, but college is slightly being in the way, but expect some new things soon!
Summary: You come home tired from a laboring day at work, and Elvis seems to cheer you up.
Word Count: 3K
Rating: E (Explicit) 18+ only!!!
Warnings: Soft fluff, slight breeding kink, fingering, milk kink, stripping, teasing, a little bit of self-stimulation.
Let’s dive in, shall we?
Driving home after a long day of work, you worked yourself past the gates, and into the driveway to reach your home, Graceland.
It was late, a little bit after 7, and you normally always come home this late. But right now, your back was killing you.
Making your way out of the car and into the pristine mansion, you were greeted with one of Elvis’s good hearted chef’s that urged you to eat some dinner. So after stashing your belongings away, you willingly obliged and ate dinner relatively quickly.
Thanking the kind cook, your legs dragged themselves up the stairs towards your shared bedroom with The King. Your Elvis Presley.
He’d always be the one to come home horribly late or in the early hours of the morning, with him doing recordings and interviews and such.
But whenever you were with him, the time spent together was precious.
Sitting down on the bed, too worn out to change clothes, you stared at yourself in the full length mirror that was opposite of the bed.
Your eyes stared at your chest. With the work clothes clinging to you, they looked engorged. As you notice this, your head finds its way into your hands.
The problem was, you were inadvertently lactating. It’s somewhat an anomaly, but still plausible for women who weren’t pregnant. And you were 100% sure, you were not. You grew up with this, your doctor advising you that it was no side effect to any medication or clothing you’d wear. It wouldn’t always happen though, but you noticed it would happen on long days of work.
So, the best advice she had, was to not let your breasts become too enlarged by milking them. And in all honesty, it did the trick. It would never hurt either, it just became a chore you had to deal with. Elvis didn’t know this though.
You hadn’t told him because you thought he’d get weirded out. So before you’d ever see him, you’d make sure to “milk” yourself to look presentable. Which is why you were always lucky to be home before him.
But, not this time.
You heard one of Elvis’s expensive cars pull up into the driveway with some others, him getting out and talking to them saying goodnight while they pulled off. He eventually made his way up the front of Graceland’s stairs.
You shuffled over to the window to see if your ears were deceiving you, but, they weren’t. You had zero time whatsoever to deal with your chest and you were scared.
Backing away from the window, your ears perked when you heard Elvis’s booming voice come up the stairs as he greeted the others working in the house. You could see his shadow through the bottom of the door, and he politely knocked, asking if he could come in.
Shoot, he knows you’re home.
Already being caught, and not wanting to upset the man you loved, you called to him saying he could come in. You rushed over to the dresser, grabbed a small towel, and quickly sat back on the bed. You slowly started to wiped off the makeup you wore using the same mirror you stared hopelessly at beforehand, making it seem like you’ve been there for a while.
Opening the door, Elvis waltzes into the room, guitar case in hand, wearing one of those beautiful bright colored suits of his.
“Evening sweetie,” he croons while going to put his guitar case to the side. From your view through the mirror, his face was slightly sweaty, eyes drooping, and his walk lazy. He looked so tired, and you felt so bad. You wanted to walk right up to him and give him as much comfort as you could, but even you were dealing with your own problems at the moment.
“Hey Elvis, welcome home love, ” your voice came out soft, so quiet. Exhaustion laced in your words. He noticed this and turned to look at your sitting figure. Even though he looked worn out, he still always managed to have some type of energy in him.
“Sweetie what’s got you all bothered, hmm?” he questioned, slowly making his way over to you.
You started to internally panic, trying to cover your chest in any way you could. Should’ve grabbed a blanket or coat or something, you thought. That would’ve made this much easier.
“What’s wrong sweetie?” he reaches you and sits down, the bed shifting due to his added weight on the edge.
You really, really hoped, he didn’t notice, but you still reply to him.
“N-nothing Elvis, just a, a tired day is all,” your voice cracked, making him slightly more worried. “You should worry about yourself right now love.”
“If they’re making you overwork again Lord have mercy-“ he started to shake his fist in the air, an attempt of showing his disdain for your workplace.
“Elvis it’s fine, I promise,” you drop your hand with the rag to the side, your other hand gently grabbing his fisted hand. This caused you to slightly turn your body towards him, and that’s when he discreetly got a good look at your chest. There’s no way he couldn’t not see.
Shit, you fucked up.
“There’s gotta be something on your mind,” he moves to sit behind you, crotch pressing against your bottom as he stares into the mirror looking at you.
“What do you mean, Mr. Presley?” you feigned innocence, crossing your arms over your chest. He had his hands behind him, leaning back slightly onto the bed as his groin pressed into you further.
“You just sound so tired sweetie,” he keeps his crotch pressed against you as he leans back up, your back coming into contact with his chest. Wrapping his arms around your waist, accentuating your breasts further. This man knows what he’s doing, you almost begin to sweat.
“Yeah Elvis, maybe it’s time for some rest,” you try and curve him off, but as you go to stand up, he softly pulls you back down.
“But sweetie, I never get to come home this early. I feel like I’ve been neglecting your needs,” he looks at you through the mirror again, honesty ringing clear in his voice. He clings to you tighter, his chin nestled in the crook of your neck so that he can still stare at you. His legs close in around the outside of your thighs.
Basically, you were trapped.
“Elvis, love, you’re too busy so it’s fine. I understand, it’s your job,” you grasp for one of his hands, slowly rubbing your thumb back and forth over his knuckles. His eyes follow your finger’s movements. He squeezes you even more.
“But my job’s also to take care of you~” he mutters into your ear, pressing a kiss to your cheek and taking your hand in his own. Butterflies bloomed in your stomach, Elvis always making you feel like a little schoolgirl. You leaned into his touch and closed your eyes, the defensive barrier that you put around yourself faltering.
“And that also means I have to take care of these,” one of his hands moved to grab and squeeze one of your breasts. You whine out, back arching forward as it felt sore, yet so good.
“Elvissss,” you mewl, trying to push him away but your attempts failed. His hand never left, and to make it worse his other hand had grabbed your other lonely breast. Watching your reactions through the mirror, he decided to give your chest one firm squeeze, which shot your eyes open.
“You think I wouldn’t notice these? What’d you do hmm??” he breathed in between kisses on your neck, squishing your mounds even more.
You struggle within his grasp, the feeling pleasurable, yet you’ll know what’ll happen if he squeezes too hard.
“I, I-“ you couldn’t even talk straight, his touch felt intoxicating. You could feel everything, even through the thickness of your clothes. Your nipples started to feel hot.
“Tell me, you got anything done to yourself? Wanted to please me?” he asked, genuinely curious to hear your answer. His hands moved to work on getting your clothes off, his fingers working on the buttons of your coat.
“Wh-what, what do you mean?” you still tried to wave it off, but it just didn’t work. His hands slinked towards the bottom of your shirt, looking in the mirror your chest was pressed against the fabric. His fingers slowly hooked under the material and wiggled it off your figure.
Your chest was on full view for his hungry eyes. Your breasts pressed into the figure of your bra, swollen almost. Elvis’s pupils dilated, eyes widening at the sight. His hands trailed their way over and up your waist to cup both of your breasts.
“Elllviss, careful, this is my new bra,” you complain.
“And what do you mean by that now?” he stopped his kisses, and looked back into the mirror, giving your breasts an experimental hard squeeze.
Your hands gripped hard onto his thighs as, just as you’d expected it, you began to leak. One of your hands came up to cover your mouth, Elvis missing the warm touch of your palm. Milk had slowly started to seep into the fabric of the bra, a wet spot being evident. Elvis’s eyes light up for a second, before those crushing blue orbs were covered in lust.
One of his hands gently gripped the hand that covered your mouth.
“I’ll be asking you questions later lovely, but right now, let’s take care of you~”
His other hand left your chest, but you still couldn’t move since his thighs were still enclosed around you. You were wearing a skirt, so he pulled the edges up to reveal your panties. He slid the crotch to the side. The hand that still held yours pulled your hand down.
“Touch yourself sweetie, and watch the mirror while you do it,” he commanded. His hand still firmly gripped yours, not leaving just yet, urging you to do the deed.
His palm was now on the back of your hand, his fingers draping over your own. Middle and ring fingers pressing together, he pushes yours and his in at the same time past your dripping folds, causing you to arch your back away from his chest.
Four fingers.
All at once.
Your pussy ached, the feeling of something inside of you relieving. Your jaw went slack as soft moans started to escape from you, body slumping into Elvis’s.
“That’s right now there ya go, relax sweetie, fuuuck,” he whispered lovingly into your ear, his hips pressing into your ass.
His fingers were already more slender, yet thicker than your own, but now as he guided your own fingers inside of you, you thought it was an added bonus. His other hand retreated back to one of your breasts, molding against it to see if anything else would happen.
Opening your eyes, looking into the mirror, it was a sight. Elvis’s hand with yours inside of you, him leaning over and into your neck to press open mouthed kisses on the tender skin, his hand squeezing your breast nonstop.
All the attention was on you.
He wasn’t satisfied yet though, feeling his dick press against you through the suit’s pants, he was a bit far from done.
“Come this way, look at me sweetie,” he turns you so you’re looking at him. His fingers left yours, feeling empty. You decide to shimmy off your skirt, as Elvis wanted to take off your bra.
Before you could protest, he’s as fast as can be with the bras clasp on your back, the material falling onto the bed. Your tits were protruding out at him, milk slightly leaking. He begins to smirk, as he pulls you from the edge, and presses your back against the bed.
“Let’s see what you taste like here hmmm?” his head dips down, mouth latching into one of your nipples, sucking fiercely on it. You threw your head back, one hand clutching the sheets as the other continued circular motions on your clit.
His mouth ravished you, even slurping up the bits of milk the seeped out from you. Jesus Christ was this really happening? He moved between your breasts, leaving trails of saliva in between.
“It’s not fair,” you whined. He peeks his head up, wondering what you meant. You reached to lightly tug on his suit’s sleeve.
“Hmmm, alright then. But I get to take it off,” he muses, watching your reaction. There was hunger in your eyes, but could wait. You’d wait all night if it meant seeing his gorgeous figure.
He leans back onto his calves, his thighs slightly spreading as he did so. His calloused hands working on the small buttons that brought his jacket together. He kept his gaze on you, smirking, but your eyes were focused on his working hands. As well as the prominent bulge that shown through his pants. Slinking his jacket off, throwing it somewhere, he splays his hands over his chest.
“Just imagine,” his voice came out sultry, smooth like silk, his hands grip onto his pecs through the lace shirt he was wearing, the tent in his pants growing from his self-stimulation. “What my hands would look like all over that pretty little body of yours.”
You were anxious for his touch, but you were his good girl. His patient girl. You continued to finger yourself, but did zero grumbling.
His lace shirt was unbuttoned as it fell off of him. Chest exposed, his hands still stayed moving. Slowly making their way to the top of his pants, making sure you wait even longer.
The whole time you were watching him, but at this point you were so touch starved that you threw your head back in anguish.
“Did I say to stop looking sweetie?” Elvis’s hand grabs your chin and raises it up to meet his eyes, his stare piercing through you.
Shaking your head no, he lets go of you and goes back to his pants. Finally unbuttoning and peeling the fabric off, he was only in his boxers.
“Better?” he motions to himself, smirking as he did so. As you nod your head yes, he crawls back over to you.
“Take um off for me?”
Uhm, fuck yes.
Your fingers stopped their ministrations on yourself and rushed to the waistband. But not wanting to seem too desperate, you pulled them off slow, hoping to get a reaction out of him.
He started panting, watching your fingers just glide over his cock, not paying it any attention.
After taking it fully off of him, your hands reached for his face. He leans over your figure, bracing himself on his hands. He takes the fingers that were inside of you and sucks them, wiggling his tongue around to lick up your juices.
You start to giggle as it tickles, and he stops.
“C’mere,” he dips his head to your lips, making you taste yourself.
His hips move towards your core, his dick pressing into your thighs. Hands finding their way back to your chest, he goes back to groping and squeezing at them.
Your body felt hot. Unbearably so. You couldn’t stop moving and writhing underneath his body. He then unlatched from your lips to move to your breasts once again, but before he did, he lined his cock near your pussy.
He gazes at you, lust swirling around in his stare. Blinking, his head slightly tilts as he gives an earnest smile.
“My good girl~”
And at the same time, he slides into you and begins locking his lips on your nipples. His hips jutted back and forth, rocking your body against the sheets.
You lean your head back, it slightly falling off the side of the bed. Opening your eyes, you see the mirror.
Dear Lord.
From this angle, even with it being upside down in your vision, you could see Elvis tending to you. Caressing your chest, sucking and nipping on your nipples, tasting the milk that seeped from them. His hips moving up and down in the air, not showing any sign of stopping just yet.
He moaned against your tits, continuing to suck and squeeze some of the milk from you. At some point, his hands moved away to pull your body back onto the bed, pinning both of your wrists to the sheets, his mouth the only thing moving on you.
“That’s right sweetie,” he gasped between moans, seeing how you shut your eyes in bliss. “Tell me how good I fuck you, yeah?”
“So- aH! So, good mmmm,” every thrust he made into you stuttered your speech. He hit that sweet, deep spot inside of you every. single. time.
“Taste so good, making me act up,” he murmured against you, feasting on your breasts. “All hot and bothered~” You thought he’d be appalled, but, seeing him continue to love on you, he was the same Elvis you knew.
“Please, I-, mmm,” you were close already, feeling a little pathetic that you were unraveling at the seams.
“It’s alright sweet,” he bucks his hips into you more fervently, making sure you get your high. “Let yourself go~”
Your hands balled into fists, legs trembling, eyes screwed shut, gasps and moans erupting from you, your chest heaved against his hungry lips.
Your insides twisted, the coil that formed continuously growing, reaching the high you desperately chased after. Your cunt ached from how hard he was pushing into you, your tits felt so hot from all the attention they were getting from him.
“Elvissss!” you whined out, reaching your apex in mere seconds. Juices leaked from your pussy, coating his pelvis that still continued to move. Your legs fell limp against the bed, head falling back onto the sheets as he submerged his dick as far as he could into you, reaching his climax a while after.
His head lay resting on your chest, while you continued to stare at the ceiling trying to process what the fuck just happened.
“Nng, sorry sweetie, lemme get off ya,” he grunted out, voice tired, his arms moving to push himself away.
“..no,” your voice came out soft, hoarse. A hand gently moved to lightly grab at his bicep to stop him from leaving.
He looks back down at you, head tilted to the side as he gave you a lopsided grin. Milk dripped from his lips, but he didn’t care. His face falters as he notices something.
“Wh-what’s wrong?” you ask, frightened of what his answer could be.
He shifts his body to move his face closer to you, and so that he could bring both of his hands to your face.
“Sweetie you’re crying,” he says in disbelief, slightly chuckling as he wipes the tears away with his fingers. “What’re ya crying for?”
It hadn’t dawned upon you that your eyes had started to water, so you started to giggle as a way of trying to wave it off. He continued to wipe any more tears that had escaped.
“I was just, scared,” you smile up at him.
“Hey, don’t you be crying over no spilled milk now, y’hear?” he joked, fingers moving to squish your cheeks. “Ain’t nothin to be afraid of when I’m here.”
This boy was too charming and funny, dear Lord how did you bag him?
“I trust you,” letting your doubts be carried away, your arms wrap around his neck to bring him into a kiss, both of your lips moving in tandem.
He pulls away as he needed to breathe in some air, but not without inserting a quip.
“Taste good, don’t it?”
You start to laugh as his smirk widens, your hands gently swatting at him. “If I’m ever hungry again, I’ll just find my way over to you yeah?”
He cuddles up against your figure and presses kisses all over your face.
Yeah, you’d let him get another taste. Maybe you’d be able to taste him as well.
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heretyc · 3 months ago
Hi! I think Franco would be thrilled if his s/o was on medications with lactation as a side-effect. 🤭
So a few antipsychotics are actually able to give people galactorrhea, which is lactation outside of pregnancy or breastfeeding; and because you're at risk of CONSTANT psychosis, you are indeed given several antipsychotics and suffer this "unfortunate" side effect.
Barbi notices the way your breasts have grown, notices how you hiss and refuse to let anything touch your chest area. When he smells it, he's going to be all over you. No more cattle for this guy!
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discoidal · 8 months ago
hi! you recently reblogged my post about writing and added "my mom asked me a few months ago why I keep writing about lactation". can you like say more about that
hi! this is mortifying and i apologize but that is a real thing i just keep writing shit about lactation. i had galactorrhea a couple years ago, which is basically nipple/milk discharge unrelated to any pregnancy or childbirth. it was fucked up. so i write abt it!
i had published a short story (this is how we get thru this) abt divine child pregnancy and now am working on and posting a very different story w different themes that also features lactation as a device (baby birds). Not a kink thing and i did not mean for it to be alarming or whatever.
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theysaidhush · 2 years ago
BoyFURends ? (It's lame but I kinda like it)
Listen, me and commitment have some beef so don't take my words seriously. But as I was writing Sunoo's tale as I like to call it, I got the dirtiest idea ever about TabbyCat!Jungwon whose favorite dish and drink is milk and who's very much infuriated with the new Cow!Reader who he knows has galactorrhea (producing milk even if you don't/never had child) or something like that cuz he can SMELL milk on her. At first he just wanted to suck on her tits, but then love ensues cuz only writing sex in established relationship (friends madly in love who act like bf and gf is an established relationship, fight me)
So get ready I might write a serie in this universe ???
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hyumjim · 1 year ago
my therapist (in her late 80s) was like "you know there's all kinds of sex weirdos? for example my other client met a guy who is obsessed with sucking breasts until they lactate." i said isn't that only possible when you're pregnant and she said NO that's what i thought too but it can be done. so i googled it and read out loud that the production of breast milk unrelated to pregnancy is called..... galactorrhea. and my therapist on the phone very quietly says, "oh no."
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indefinite-milkshake · 1 year ago
How about doing this,what if lute x oc cat chimaera and pugi x oc tigress chimaera but with lemon
Please forgive me for my sinful desire😖😳(why Im so dirty*smack myself*)but I wanted both of them go to the next level and making babies* p.s.pugi love breeding kink*also put erotic lactation & Galactorrhea in the headcannon pls (once again forgive me*smack mysef*)
Hello again! Sorry, I can't really answer this one as I've been pretty burnt out writing NSFW, it's been like 1 or 2 years since I've written something like that, hope you understand T_T the best I can do rn are the more wholesome SFW ones
Again, really sorry for the inconvenience-
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