Ladies of Westeros
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astormofsilk · 19 hours ago
Thematic Headcanons. A series of subject-specific headcanons you can ask your favorite blog and muse.
hc + 🤝 for a headcanon about a connection with one of the receiver's mutual
hc + 👪 for a family-themed headcanon
hc + 🧡 for a friendship-themed headcanon
hc + 💌 for a romance-themed headcanon
hc + 💕 for a loved-themed headcanon
hc + 💔 for a headcanon about a sad experience
hc + 🤥 for a lie-themed headcanon
hc + 😶 for a headcanon about a secret they know of / keep
hc + 😴 for a sleep-themed headcanon
hc + 🌇 for a headcanon about morning- or evening rituals
hc + 🧼 for a hygiene-themed headcanon
hc + �� for a home-themed headcanon
hc + 😃 for a happiness-themed headcanon
hc + 😨 for a fear-themed headcanon
hc + 🤕 for a pain-themed headcanon
hc + 🚶‍♂️ for a habit-themed headcanon
hc + 👍 for a headcanon about things they like
hc + 👎 for a headcanon about things they dislike
hc + 💪 for a sport-themed headcanon
hc + 😡 for a headcanon about something that makes them angry
hc + 👻 for a headcanon about supernatural occurrences
hc + 🥣 for a food-themed headcanon
hc + ☕ for a drink-themed headcanon
hc + 🐈 for a pet/animal-themed headcanon
hc + 🌸 for a plant-themed headcanon
hc + 🌄 for an outdoor-themed headcanon
hc + 🌍 for a travel-themed headcanon
hc + 🗡 for a weapon-themed headcanon
hc + 🎡 for a hobby-themed headcanon
hc + 🚗 for a transportation-themed headcanon
hc + ⏳ for a time-themed headcanon
hc + 🌘 for a night-themed headcanon
hc + 🌞 for a day-themed headcanon
hc + 🪐 for a universe-themed headcanon
hc + 🌂 for a weather-themed headcanon
hc + ⛄ for a season-themed headcanon
hc + 🎉 for a celebration-themed headcanon
hc + 🏆 for a goal-themed headcanon
hc + 💯 for an achievement-themed headcanon
hc + 🚬 for a headcanon about a bad habit
hc + 🎭 for an arts-/crafts-themed headcanon
hc + ✂️ for a hair-themed headcanon
hc + 👗 for a clothes-themed headcanon
hc + 💍 for a jewelry-themed headcanon
hc + 💄 for a makeup-themed headcanon
hc + 🎓 for an education-themed headcanon
hc + 📿 for a faith-themed headcanon
hc + 🎵 for a music-themed headcanon
hc + 📱 for a media-themed headcanon
hc + 🎥 for a film/tv-themed headcanon
hc + 📔 for a reading-themed headcanon
hc + 💰 for a money-themed
hc + 💼 for a job-themed headcanon
hc + 💉 for a medical-themed headcanon
hc + 🛒 for a shopping-themed headcanon
hc + 🔞 for a nsfw-headcanon
hc + ❓ for a headcanon of the receiver's choice
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astormofsilk · 20 hours ago
Send 🗡 to hold a blade to my muse's throat for their reaction!
Alternatively, send 'reverse + 🗡' for my muse (receiver) to hold a blase to your muse's throat.
If you cannot see the emoji, send 'DAGGER'
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astormofsilk · 24 hours ago
Meme call!
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astormofsilk · 1 day ago
Starter call!
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astormofsilk · 2 days ago
everyone sending ‘💋’ in my inbox gets a kiss from my muse.
if you can’t see the symbol send ‘kiss mark emoji’.
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astormofsilk · 2 days ago
Send 💕 and I will tell you some muses of ours I think could work as a ship.
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astormofsilk · 2 days ago
what symbolic fruit are you ?
The pomegranate is most famously attributed to the Greek goddess, Persephone. Though versions of the story differ: with some saying Persephone was tricked into eating pomegranate seeds to be trapped in the underworld, and some saying she willingly chose to eat the seeds. Pomegranate's have a hard exterior that is tough to crack. Your hard shell is a natural protectant and keeps you safe from those that only wish to use you. Internally you are rich with bounties. You believe in living your life passionately and vibrantly. The idea of surrendering to a fate of being confined to anything, whether it be a relationship, a job, or family dynamic where you are not happy and lack agency is a terrifying prospect. It is fears like this which also prevent you from opening up and showing vulnerability to those around you. However, like the pomegranate whose seeds sparkle like gemstones, you hide inside you incredible beauty that only the most worthy deserve to see.
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astormofsilk · 2 days ago
GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY (2014) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary.
you can't! you'll die! why are you doing this? why?
it can't be done. you're asking us to die.
i have lived most of my life surrounded by enemies. i will be grateful to die among my friends.
you are an honorable man.
i will fight beside you.
well that's just as fascinating as the first 89 times you told me that.
i just wanted to tell you how grateful I am that you've accepted me despite my blunders.
it is good to once again be among friends.
i can barely see.
where did you learn to do that?
i'll have to agree with the walking thesaurus on that one.
nothing goes over my head.
i have a plan.
you've got a plan? first of all, you're copying me from when i said i had a plan.
i don't think you even have a plan.
we've already established that you destroying the ship i'm on is not saving me!
when did we establish that?
i wasn't listening then.
i just saved [name]!
you don't get an opinion.
that's a fake laugh.
it's barely a concept.
you're taking their side?
what the hell does that have to do with anything?
i am going to die surrounded by the biggest idiots in the galaxy.
no one's blowing up morons.
you just wanna suck the joy out of everything.
when i look around, you know what i see? losers.
i am not gonna stand by and watch as billions of lives are being wiped out.
leave it to me.
look at him. he's useless.
on that wall back there is a black panel. blinky yellow light. you see it?
how are we supposed to do that?
you must be joking.
i really heard they find you attractive.
we gotta move quickly.
for the record, i advised them against trusting you.
prove me wrong.
i am not some starry-eyed waif here to succumb to your pelvic sorcery.
i'm a warrior. an assassin. i don't dance.
we have a legend about people like you. it's called footloose. and in it, a great hero named kevin bacon teaches an entire city full of people with sticks up their butts that dancing is the greatest thing there is.
we're just like kevin bacon.
you've heard of this. you've seen this, right? you know what this is.
you're an imbecile.
what did the galaxy ever do for you?
why would you want to save it?
what should we do next? something good? something bad? bit of both?
we'll follow your lead, [name].
take my hand.
you said it yourself, bitch.
do you believe him?
your ship is filthy.
if i had a blacklight, this would look like a jackson pollock painting.
who calls him that?
i don't know how this machine works.
what are you doing?
dance-off. me and you.
quit smiling, you idiot. you're supposed to be professional.
i like your knife. i'm keeping it.
that was my favorite knife.
i live for the simple things.
he has no respect.
you're drunk.
this is exactly why none of you have any friends.
you've always been weak.
no one talks to my friends like that.
i only ask that you take this matter seriously.
you should have learned.
i don't learn. one of my issues.
what a bunch of a-holes.
you should try to be more nice to people.
hold on a second. you're being serious right now?
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astormofsilk · 3 days ago
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dialogue prompts taken from or inspired by the movie  CINDERELLA  (2015).   please feel free to change the sentences for pronouns and context as you see fit!
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‘ do you still believe that they understand you? ’
‘ who looks after us? ’
‘ I believe in everything. ’
‘ when I am king,  you shall be queen. ’
‘ you must love me for I love you. ’
‘ sorrow can come to any kingdom no matter how happy. ’
‘ I want to tell you a secret. ’
‘ have courage and be kind. ’
‘ you have more kindness in your little finger than most people possess in their whole body. ’
‘ I must go very soon, my love.  please forgive me. ’
‘ time passed and pain turned to memory. ’
‘ and if ever there were a man happier in his fortunes,  I know him not. ’
‘ I do love a happy ending,  don’t you? ’
‘ it’s time,  perhaps,  to begin a new chapter. ’
‘ you’re worried about telling me,  but you mustn’t be. ’
‘ do you think I am,  maybe allowed,  one last chance? ’
‘ you have such pretty hair. ’
‘ how charming,  how perfectly charming. ’
‘ and in all that time they never thought to decorate? ’
‘ hush,  they’ll think you are in earnest. ’
‘ fortune favours me again. ’
‘ oh, look who’s having a party of their own. ’
‘ just what—  yes,  what do you think you’re up to? ’
‘ you’re missing the party. ’
‘ I imagine it’s much like all the other ones. ’
‘ I’m leaving first thing. ’
‘ but you’re hardly back from the last trip. ’
‘ do you have to go? ’
‘ it’s just a few months. ’
‘ bring me the first branch your shoulder brushes on your journey. ’
‘ that’s what I really want, for you to come back, no matter what. ’
‘ I always leave a part of me behind. ’
‘ you’re the very heart of this place. ’
‘ sometimes I could scratch your eyes out! ’
‘ perhaps you’d like to share it? ’
‘ so this is where you take refuge? ’
‘ can’t you see?  none of that matters. ’
‘ we’re ruined. ’
‘ it must have been very difficult for you. ’
‘ I thought breakfast was ready. ’
‘ I was only mending the fire. ’
‘ what’s that on your face? ’
‘ do clean yourself up. ’
‘ you are too clever. ’
‘ wouldn’t you prefer to eat when all the work is done? ’
‘ names have power. ’
‘ I’m alright but you’ve nearly frightened the life out of him! ’
‘ what’s he ever done to you that you should chase him about? ’
‘ he is a friend of yours? ’
‘ I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine,  and I just felt he had a great deal left to do with his life. ’
‘ what do they call you? ’
‘ you shouldn’t be this deep in the forest alone. ’
‘ I’m not alone,  I’m with you. ’
‘ you don’t know who I am? ’
‘ you’re an apprentice? ’
‘ do they treat you well? ’
‘ it’s not your doing. ’
‘ it’s not so very bad,  others have it worse I’m sure. ’
‘ just because it’s what’s done doesn’t mean it’s what should be done. ’
‘ then you’ll leave him alone, won’t you? ’
‘ I hope to see you again. ’
‘ you’ve only met her once. ’
‘ your business is my business. ’
‘ I shall endeavour to please, but I can’t work miracles. ’
‘ it’s a dangerous world. ’
‘ the wars have brought sorrow on us all. ’
‘ I wouldn’t mind a bit of a jolly. ’
‘ I’m on the ground. I’m literally on the ground. ’
‘ you don’t look well. not at all.’
‘ why do you stay there when they treat you so? ’
‘ it’s my home. ’
‘ I shall trick him into loving me,  see if I don’t! ’
‘ this is the most hugest news! ’
‘ why are you still here? ’
‘ that’s very thoughtful of you. ’
‘ you’re too ambitious for your own good. ’
‘ I only want to see my friend. ’
‘ every girl in the kingdom will be chasing the prince. ’
‘ you must get there first before the seamstress is drowning in work. ’
‘ wake up, your royal highness. you’re in a daze. ’
‘ it’s that girl, I can’t stop thinking about her. ’
‘ I don’t know anything about her. ’
‘ let it not mean we harbour dark thoughts against each other. ’
‘ I wouldn’t dream of poisoning you before we leave. ’
‘ blood is so much thicker than water. ’
‘ what will he be like, I wonder. ’
‘ what does it matter what he’s like? he’s rich beyond reason. ’
‘ wouldn’t you like to know a bit about him before you marry him? ’
‘ all men are fools. the sooner you learn that, the better. ’
‘ you are every bit as ugly within, as you are fair without. ’
‘ besides,  I did have a little help. ’
‘ I don’t want to ruin anything. ’
‘ this thing is so old-fashioned, it’s practically falling to pieces. ’
‘ it’s a ridiculous, old-fashioned joke! ’
‘ that is what you are, and that is what you’ll always be. ’
‘ now, mark my words!  you shall not go to the ball. ’
‘ I said I’d have courage but I don’t, not anymore. ’
‘ I don’t believe anymore. ’
‘ why are you crying? ’
‘ what is a bowl of milk? nothing. but kindness makes it everything. ’
‘ how do you know me? who are you? ’
‘ I should think you’d have worked that one out. ’
‘ they’re just made up for children. ’
‘ this will be a first for me. always interesting. ’
‘ you’re making me nervous, actually. ’
‘ shall I shut my eyes? ’
‘ oh for heaven’s sake, let’s just go for it! ’
‘ you see the trick is… actually I’ve forgotten what the trick is. ’
‘ is that what you meant to do? ’
‘ do you think that’s what I meant to do? ’
‘ my dress—  can you mend it? ’ 
‘ it’s beautiful. ’
‘ are these the best you have? ’
‘ it’s alright, no one will see them. ’
‘ no no, they’ll ruin the whole look.  take them off.  really quite hideous. ’
‘ you really must go now. ’
‘ off you go, for you shall go to the ball. ’
‘ that’s more than enough time. ’
‘ who are you looking for? ’
‘ I know your head’s been turned. ’
‘ you are as handsome as your picture. ’
‘ your little kingdom is enchanting. ’
‘ I hope you will not find our little kingdom too confining. ’
‘ enjoy it while it lasts. ’
‘ if I may, that is—  it would give me the greatest pleasure if you would do me the honour of letting me lead you through this first dance. ’
‘ they’re all looking at you. ’
‘ so you’re the prince. ’
‘ I thought you might treat me differently if you knew. ’
‘ no more surprises? ’
‘ I hate myself in paintings. ’
‘ no one’s ever painted my portrait. ’
‘ won’t they miss you at the ball? ’
‘ let’s not go back just yet. ’
‘ I’m expected to marry for advantage. ’
‘ surely you have a right to your own heart. ’
‘ your secret is safe with me. ’
‘ I have never shown this place to anyone. ’
‘ won’t you tell me who you really are? ’
‘ I took a walk in the rain to cheer myself up. ’
‘ we did not communicate through mere words. our souls met. ’
‘ it really was like a dream. better than a dream. ’
‘ you needn’t be alone. ’
‘ you must marry for love. ’
‘ did you steal it? ’
‘ nothing is ever given. for everything, we must pay and pay. ’
‘ kindness is free. love is free. ’
‘ love is not free. ’
‘ best to leave it to me. that way we all get what we want. ’
‘ I will protect you no matter what becomes of me. ’
‘ why are you so cruel? ’
‘ I have tried to be kind to you, though no one deserves to be treated as you have treated me. ’
‘ are you threatening me? ’
‘ lose heart and gain wisdom. ’
‘ fate may yet be kind to us. ’
‘ if you love me, I will love you. ’
‘ what sweet singing. makes me want to tarry just a little. ’
‘ I forbid you to do this. ’
‘ are you an empress? a saint? a deity? ’
‘ just remember who you are, you wretch! ’
‘ this is perhaps the greatest risk that any of us will take. to be seen as we truly are. ’
‘ I have no carriage, no parents, no dowry. ’
‘ will you take me as I am? ’
‘ I forgive you. ’
‘ are you ready? ’
‘ I’m ready for anything, so long as it’s with you. ’
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astormofsilk · 3 days ago
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Acts of Affection
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Send in a symbol from YOUR muse to see how MY muse will react to yours!  For the ones where YOUR muse gives or says something to mine: WILD CARD! Your muse can pick the item, sing a specific song, or say a specific thing! Specify the muse for multi-muses!
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✩  Grooming, brushing, or tending to their hair.
✪  Rubbing their back after a stressful day or disappointment.
★  Cooking them their favorite meal and feeding them.
✬  Making them their favorite hot beverage.
☼  Cuddling on the sofa next to each other.
☀  Singing them to sleep.
☆  Getting them something they need before they ask for it. 
☄ Leaning your head on their shoulder while they talk.
✥ Play fighting!
❃  Mussing their hair or tugging at their clothes (a hat, sleeve, etc.)
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♥  Laying by their side and watching them while they sleep with a fond smile.
♡  Kissing the corner of their eyes.
❥  Running your hand over their arm and gently pulling them close.
❤  Whispering sweet nothings in their ear. 
❦  Holding hands and nuzzling somewhere ambient and low-lit.
❣  Staring deep into their eyes with adoration.
ღ  Rubbing your leg against theirs under the table.
ℒ  Pulling them into a hall/alley to kiss them passionately.
£ Brushing your hand over or gently squeezing their bum.
Ω Running a hand over their collar bone or décolleté.
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✖  Soft nips at the neck and shoulder line.
✗  Bathing, washing, or soaking together quietly after sex.
♦ Body-worshipping their naked form, slowly.
✚  Painting honey dust, edible paint, or other soft brush strokes on their body.
✦  Giving a sensual massage.
♢ Straddling their lap and holding their face to yours for a deep kiss.
▲ Dressing them up in lingerie (or gear) with gentle attention.
▽ Running your hand between their thighs and splitting their legs apart.
► Unzipping their clothes free and kissing their neck.
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astormofsilk · 3 days ago
Send 💕 and I will tell you some muses of ours I think could work as a ship.
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astormofsilk · 4 days ago
Send 💕 and I will tell you some muses of ours I think could work as a ship.
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astormofsilk · 4 days ago
"MAYHEM" BY LADY GAGA PROMPTS *  assorted lines from the album, some slightly reworked to suit a roleplay format, adjust as necessary
there are no more tears to cry.
i heard you begging.
you're worse than you've ever been.
i can make you believe.
you reached out and no one's there.
keep your mind on the distance.
hold me in your heart tonight.
save me from this empty fight.
it's time to cast your spell.
feel the beat under your feet.
choose the road on the west side.
watch it burn.
don't waste time on a feeling.
use your passion.
go get your friends.
i can get you more.
you're out of candy.
i'm falling over in my nine inch heels.
i could be your girlfriend for the weekend.
you could be my boyfriend for the night.
feels like i've known you my whole life.
take a bite.
her friend is way more fun.
you can't hear her with the music on.
hit the lights.
i don't hurt at all.
i've become a notorious being.
you love to hate me.
i'm the perfect celebrity.
i'll show you mine.
i look so good.
once in a blue moon, i forget you.
you'll be mine.
do you see me now?
i've been waiting for you.
we were happy just to be alive.
can i vanish into you?
you wanna be cool, but you're making me mad.
bite my lip.
it tastes so good.
i'm gonna make you scream.
that's a matter of fact.
i'll be your fantasy.
you're gonna die tonight.
your girlfriend isn't here.
you look angry and tired, like you've been up for days.
you're an animal.
we're about to be up all night.
it just can't be this way.
i can't see straight.
my hands are tied.
i could be your type.
i think about you in my dreams.
i don't want you to stay.
they come on faster than they go.
i won't escape these thoughts in my head.
i need you tonight.
i don't wanna cry.
i'm gonna dance until i feel all right.
how bad do you want me?
you like the bad girl i got in me.
i got a tattoo for us last week.
you love the rush.
don't call tonight.
i can't believe all the things i just said.
i'm so addicted to your lies.
i can hear everything you're saying from here.
it's hard to blame you for your crimes when i have mine.
i can't get enough.
you've kept this secret for so long.
i know you're hungry.
hold me until i die.
we'll make it last.
how does a man like me love a woman like you?
forever's not enough.
i just woke up from a dream.
wherever you go, that's where i'll follow.
if the world was ending, i'd wanna be next to you.
our love's the only war worth fighting.
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astormofsilk · 4 days ago
I will not apologize for the length
Before the Doom / Aegon's Conquest I do not have any characters for this. If you want to suggest some female muses I'll look into it.
Jaehaerys' Reign I do not have any characters for this. If you want to suggest some female muses I'll look into it.
Dance of the Dragons
Harwin Strong-Rhaenyra, Black Aly, Alicent(imagine it~) Aegon II Targaryen-Helena, Black Aly, Alys Rivers Davos Blackwood- Alys Rivers, Helaena
A Song of Ice and Fire / Beyond
Ser Barristan Selmy-Barbery, Lollys, Lyarra
Stannis Baratheon- Alannys, Lollys, Lyarra, Alysane Mormont, Alyse Ladybright, Asha, Barbrey, Jynessa Blackmont, Alerie,Valena Toland
Robb Stark- Alysane Mormont, Alyse Ladybright, Asha, Barbrey, Jynessa Blackmont,Valena Toland, Lollys,
Gendry- Alysane Mormont, Alyse Ladybright, Asha, Barbrey, Jynessa Blackmont, Valena Toland, Lollys
Plot Only / Discord Heavy(Only if you want to)
Viserys I Targaryen- Aemma, Alicent,Rhaenys
Eddard Stark-Alannys, Barbery, Alerie, Valena Toland
Tywin Lannister- Alysane Mormont, Alyse Ladybright, Asha, Barbrey, Jynessa Blackmont,Valena Toland, Lollys,
Jaime Lannister- Alysane Mormont, Alyse Ladybright, Asha, Barbrey, Jynessa Blackmont,Valena Toland, Lollys, Cersei
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astormofsilk · 4 days ago
Send 💕 and I will tell you some muses of ours I think could work as a ship.
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astormofsilk · 4 days ago
"I'M KIND BECAUSE I CHOOSE TO BE" PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue for remaining good despite it all, adjust as necessary
they've suffered enough.
i have seen the worst that humanity has to offer... and yet i'm still standing.
the world can keep knocking me down, but i'll get back up.
i don't give up.
i just want to live a peaceful life.
i don't want conflict.
there were nicer ways to ask that, you know.
i don't want to hurt anybody.
i still don't hate you.
i want peace at all costs.
if you would only try and see the world from my point of view.
i don't want to fight with you.
things always get better.
this isn't the end.
you have to stand tall.
the world is cruel, but i won't be.
i believe in you. i always have.
my morals are firm.
there's no harm in a little kindness.
just be gentle with them.
i mean well.
there's too much pain in this world. i don't intend to add to it.
i don't want to fight anyone.
don't you believe in yourself?
i'm not leaving them.
there is enough hate in this world.
i try to lead with love.
it's the right thing to do.
this doesn't have to end in violence.
why don't we talk this through?
maybe he's having a bad day.
i'm going to try again.
there has to be another way to do this.
this isn't the time to quit.
i've seen too many things go wrong. this has to go right.
i'm not giving up just yet.
kindness is not weakness.
you can do better than that.
i try to see the good in everyone.
you can't just give up!
you're a special person.
i deserve better than this.
you deserve happiness.
it costs nothing to be kind.
there's no need to be so mean.
if only you could see yourself the way i see you.
it's still a beautiful day.
there's always tomorrow.
are you asking me to quit?
tomorrow will be better.
you didn't mean that, did you?
maybe we should talk this out.
i will always choose to be kind.
despite everything, i just want to be good.
i do my best to see the good in everyone, no matter what.
you didn't have to do that.
that wasn't very nice.
do you have to be so rude?
a nice word goes a long way.
try smiling at them. see what happens.
you could try being nicer.
i deserve a happy ending.
don't beat yourself up.
don't talk about yourself like that.
i see the goodness in you.
life is truly beautiful.
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astormofsilk · 5 days ago
Who was your first oc!
Liliyan Rivers who can be found at @adreamofsilk and her original blog is @taverntrout
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