#g o d i am so sorry
lilpuffyart · 2 months
Lil guy
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deus-ex-mona · 2 months
suddenly remembered this thing from an old interview soooo
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Q: You mentioned that the characters, Suzumi Hiyori and both Someya Yujiro and Shibasaki Aizo of LIPxLIP, were created at the same time, but how did they come to be?
Yamako: Yujiro and Hiyori made their first appearance at the end of the MV for “Koiiro ni Sake” to indicate that a new generation was about to begin as the first generation of characters from the CEC graduated from high school. At that time, I didn’t have a specific vision for their future, but it gradually took shape as I thought up Aizo’s character visuals afterwards. I think LIPxLIP became idols because shito said that he wanted to create idol characters in the series.
shito: Yes, that’s indeed the case (laughs). Up till then, we had only written love songs for the CEC, but even before that, I had wanted to write idol songs. So, since we’re able to create our own characters and have them move around as we wish through our songs as HoneyWorks, I proposed the idea of creating a two-man idol unit. Around the same time, we also created Hiyori, a girl who could bring out the two-faced nature of the idols, since a completely ordinary girl like her would be able to bring out both their natural personalities and their bad-tempered natures (laughs). So I get the feeling that Hiyori naturally came about as we were creating LIPxLIP.
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vaedar · 11 months
𝐎𝐎𝐂; I apparently only posted this when it was a WIP couple of years ago but never posted the 'finished' greyscale piece so I am posting here now just to share... Vaedar and his winged baby, Azaes.
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strangefable · 2 years
anxiety at high levels. waiting for big meeting in 20 minutes. i want to die 😬🙃
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sunsrefuge · 2 years
!! Music Game !! (again!!)
I was tagged again, I am unstoppable thank you so much for the tag kai !! <3 ( @kerra-and-company ) These are coming from my big 2,762 song playlist again! Meaning: every song I’ve ever liked on spotify in the last five years aksjdh
RULES: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, and then tag 10 people. No skipping!  
Doubt Comes In by Anaïs Mitchell, Justin Vernon
Infinity by Jaymes Young
More by 5 Seconds of Summer
Yer Killin’ Me by Remo Drive
Weep by Mother Mother
Never Again by Breaking Benjamin
What I’d Give Up by The Classic Crime
To The Blade by Everything Everything
Night of The Hunter by Thirty Seconds to Mars
Oceans Brawl by Cœur de Pirate
(All spotify links again!) Since I’ve already done this and tagged ppl once, I’m not gonna tag people again, but if you wanna do it then im tagging you !! im tagging you in my heart and soul !! and tag me again if you wanna i have so so much music pl--
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trustrage · 20 days
Loki: You must be truly desperate to come to me for help. What makes you think you can trust me?
Thor: I don't. Mother did. You should know that when we fought each other in the past, I did so with a glimmer of hope that my brother was still in there somewhere. That hope no longer exists to protect you. You betray me and I will kill you.
this part kills me, no pun intended. his brother is absolutely still there, it's just they both communicate poorly so ofc th.or doesn't see that.
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lollybliz · 1 year
Taste. 👀
oh god >////////< well- at this point it shows up 5 times in one of the wips (one of the ones that needs a heavy handed rewrite tbh so expect changes fsdlfsdhlf,) three of those times in the same paragraph, and i think i've posted that one before, actually fhsdlhsdl i'm not going to survive this
*burying my face in my hands* snippets under the cut because cw goddamn vore
He can feel a deep blue blush coming on, and hopes Aether can’t see it, as he realizes his partner also has a taste. He really should have expected something like that, to be fair, but as those little legs sweep across his tongue he can’t help but notice that underneath the herbal tang of the burn cream, Aether tastes a little like sparkling water drawn from deep underground, sweet and metallic and somehow fizzy, and he imagines this must be what stars taste like.  He takes a breath to clear his head and sets about pushing his partner into his mouth without gagging; he can stew on all the weird and confusing aspects of this adventure later, once he’s gotten Aether down safely so he can recuperate.
Aether knows if he were any more normal, this would be frightening; he should be scared, confronted with the slick tube his feet are currently encased in, being tasted by his partner; 500 times bigger than he is, as he lays in his mouth. But he can’t feel anything besides utterly protected, and safe, and wanted. And maybe a little turned on. But that feeling can go in the box to be inspected later. Later, when he can look Xiao in the eyes and have this conversation face to face, properly.
Xiao would honestly really like some clarification on that, but with Aether’s feet solidly in his throat already, breathing has gotten a little harder; so he pins that thought to the questions he’s collecting for when Aether feels better and works on soaking Aether’s clothes through. Realizing he was going to have to hold Aether in his mouth, licking and tasting him, until he’s wet enough to go down safely made Xiao flush so hard he could feel his face absolutely radiating heat. It wasn’t unpleasant in any way, it was just. So much more intimate than anything they’d done yet. It kind of made his head spin. Rolling his partner around with his tongue, tasting every side of him and drenching Aether in his own drool is alarmingly pleasant, the stardust taste of his partner wholly unique.
i'm dead i'm dying i've died i'm gonna go jump in a hole-
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flailingdoodle · 2 years
I. I just caught up on Malevolent. I. I’m . ..
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themoonweaversden · 2 months
All 179-244 (or so) codes that were found so far (no spoilers)
333 Sundapple Lane Cozy Creek IL 60714-94611
AUDIOLOG (Knob) (Sell your soul to Bill First)
BUBBLES (knob) (Sell your soul to Bill First)
CLEAR (knob) (Sell your soul to Bill First)
CONTRACT (Knob) (Sell your soul to Bill first)
L IS REAL 2401
Small (knob) (Sell your soul to Bill first)
Will update if more are found
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darklordofthesimp · 1 year
Dissonance (Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Reader)
Part of the "Anything" verse but can be read as a standalone.
Summary: When a mission-gone-wrong leads to a confrontation, Ghost confesses the way that he feels. 
A/N: Get a load of the fucking ART OH MY G O D 
Category: Angst || Hurt/Comfort || Mutual Pining || Tension 
Warnings: Graphic Language 
Disclaimer: Sunshine is Gender Neutral as always, however I am looking to start showcasing fan art as the cover pieces on fics and it will always be up to the artists discretion to decide what they want their Sunshine/Saint/Birdy to look like.
Like the characters? Birdy Masterlist || Saint Masterlist
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Such amazing Ghost x Sunshine fan art by @hiskonigin honestly leaves me breathless every single time I swear to God.
The mission had gone terribly wrong. 
You felt like they always were, these days. Any task or deployment that started off well, started off controlled, they’d fall to pieces the second pressure was applied. It wasn’t all of them, though. Just enough that it had become noticeable to Price and the team. For the life of you, you couldn’t figure out the issue. 
But, as you stood nose to nose with the Lieutenant in the shared kitchen, you were beginning to see the common denominator. 
“I’m not doing this with you again, Riley,” you snapped. “I’m fucking sick of this conversation.” 
Simon’s fists clenched by his side, “I say when this conversation is done, not you.” 
Your eyes narrowed, grinding your teeth in an attempt to keep your mouth shut. You’d been warned by Price about your insubordination but the urge to risk it all was at an all-time high. Simon Riley was insufferable. 
“Yes,” you ground out miserably, “Sir.” 
The officer took a step toward you, unrest buzzing beneath his skin. You could feel the discourse running in his blood, you could sense the unreasonable rage that burned in his chest. You knew it because you knew him on a plane that nobody else would understand. You’d related to him. You’d experienced it all, too. 
“You’re a fucking pain in my ass,” he snapped.
Yet… every time. Every time. 
Rejection pinched your heart but the feeling was almost hollow. You’d been hurt by Simon so many times that you could almost say that you were numb to it. It’s not as though you were chasing his approval, it was that you were never going to earn it. You couldn’t get civility, you couldn’t get anything from him. 
You were tired. 
Things had changed, everything had changed since the incident. You’d been kidnapped, held ransom, beaten and battered, and then left to die in favour of your teammate. It was ironic that Simon had been the one to save you; it felt like he regretted it some days. 
The fire that burned beneath the skin had dimmed and you felt out of place. There was only so much you could take and you could feel that breaking point creeping up on you. It was foul that you were treated with the same hostility as König, your only crime was being brought onto the team. 
Your only crime was that you weren’t Birdy. 
“Okay,” you rasped, nodding your head. “Noted. Am I dismissed?” 
Simon took in a deep breath, eyes steady on yours. He didn’t waver and you knew that he had more to say. There was always more venom with Simon, quiet with others but angry with you. Always so angry. 
“Dismissed.” Ghost confirmed. When you turned on your heel, the man spoke up from behind you. “First parade tomorrow is 0700 at the gym with Birdy and König for training.” 
You whirled around as fast as you’d gone to leave. “Sorry?” 
Simon barely blinked. “You heard me.” 
“I have the day off tomorrow,” you snapped, “we all have the day off tomorrow.” 
The officer only shook his head. “Learn to follow orders and you’ll earn a day off.” 
Your chest burned, blood rushed to your head and you wanted nothing more than to just scream. You wanted to grip Simon by his stupid shoulders and shake him until that fucking mask fell from his face. You wanted to beat on his dumb fucking chest until you knocked some sense into him. 
“I’m sick of this, Riley.” Your voice shook as you raised a finger. “I’m fucking sick of this.” 
“Imagine how I feel, Sunshine,” the LT drawled, turning to leave like he hadn’t just ruined your night- like he ruins every night. 
You couldn’t breathe. The sensation of being alone, of being rejected over and over by the people that are meant to be the closest to you. You’d never stopped experiencing that particular pain. From your parents to your first few units, and now, to this. 
To the 141. 
To Simon Riley. 
“I won’t be there,” you rasped. The words escaped from between your lips before you could catch them. “I’m not going.” 
Your Lieutenant shifted his body to face you again, eyes square on yours. You couldn’t care less about the murder in his eyes, you couldn’t care less about the chill drifting along your spine. You didn’t care about anything anymore. 
If they wanted to treat you like some erroneous outsider, then you would act like one.
“What?” It was low, almost whispered, but you heard him loud and clear. 
You glared up at him, moving forward until you were only inches from him. You could taste his unrest, the shift in his body language, you could almost hear him grit his teeth. You didn’t care. His upset meant nothing to you, he meant nothing to you. 
“You heard me.” You dared him to do something. Anything. “I’m not doing shit for you people anymore. Especially you. I’m never doing anything for you again.” 
“That’s what you’ve been asked,” he snapped, “your job and nothing else.” 
“I’m trying!” You all but shrieked. You felt the tether to your calm demeanour beginning to slip from your fingers. “I’ve been doing nothing but trying and it’s never enough for you.”
Your lips trembled as you gasped for air. Adrenaline was rushing through your system and you prayed that he wouldn’t push you over the edge you teetered along. You felt the unfamiliar tingle along your nose and cheeks, the tell-tale signs of angry tears. 
Don’t say anything, you begged internally. 
But, if there was one thing Simon was good at it was disappointing you. 
“If you have to try that hard then maybe you’re in the wrong place, Sunshine.” 
Something inside you snapped.
Tension slingshotted from where it had been building in your chest and landed straight onto your tongue, tasting of venom and fury. Rage washed over you, tears spilling from your lashes as you pushed a finger into his chest. 
“Maybe I am.” You finally admitted to your own fears but you wouldn’t be conceding peacefully. There was too much you had to say, too much spite poisoning your lungs to leave it there. 
“Maybe this is the wrong fucking place,” you nodded, “because it’s just a fucking high school in here. Everyone’s fucking someone, everyone’s in love with someone and everyone hates someone.” 
The LT said nothing as you pushed him hard, stepping back from the force beneath your palms. 
“I can’t do anything right because I’m not Birdy,” your voice was warbled as you shouted, thick with tears and anger alike. “König can’t do anything right because of a mistake from the brass, Birdy can’t recover because they’re being babied, and you can’t be unbiased because you want to fuck Birdy!” 
“What?” Simon hissed, but the word was lost on you. You hadn’t even heard him as you pushed him again and again. He let you shove him, let you gain ground on him until his back was pressed against the wall. 
“And you!” Your voice cracked beneath the volume. “I’ve done everything for you, risked everything for you!” 
“I never asked you-” 
“You didn’t have to!” It was a sob. It was a confession. 
Simon’s jaw fell slack from beneath his mask. 
“I’d do anything for you,” you finally fell to a whisper. “We both know that.” 
The man took in a shuddered breath from beneath your palms. He was pressed hard into the wall with your hands splayed across his chest as though readying yourself for another attack. 
But then they fell slack. 
Then they left his body completely. 
He shivered at the loss. 
“I hate you,” you took a step back, body shaking from emotional overload. You had so much more to say, so much hatred built up over the months. There was just no energy to deliver them anymore.
And, the more you thought about it, maybe it wasn’t hatred. Maybe it was just hurt. 
The realization that you would never be loved, never be accepted- the understanding that you would never be the first choice. Always an afterthought, always a hindrance. 
A self-sabotaging menace that no one could tolerate. 
“You’re right. I don’t belong here.” You affirmed, sorrow forming a pit in your stomach as you finally came to understand. “But, I want you to know that you made this every inch as miserable as it’s been, you selfish cunt.” 
The insult fell like a gavel between you. 
You half expected Simon to yell. You almost wanted him to. A reaction would be better than the silence filling the small space between you both.
The air grew heavy with tension the longer the quiet continued. Your fingers twitched at your side, the understanding that this was the end of it all. The end of the farce that he’d put on in the hospital, the short pretence of caring. 
You supposed people did crazy things when lives are at stake. 
Maybe he only pitied you when he’d spoken those words, the sentence you’d been hanging onto for weeks. 
“I would follow you anywhere. We both know it.” 
The only thing that Simon followed you with was dissonance.
“Nothing?” Your voice cracked and wavered. “Got nothing to say?” 
Simon didn’t move, didn’t say a word, he didn’t even blink. You supposed you’d been expecting too much. The man never gave you anything when you needed it, when you were desperate for a sign. His silence was infuriating. 
“Yeah,” you said, wobbly and broken. “Of course, you don’t, you fucking coward. Never do when it matters.” 
You took another step away from him, forcing yourself to detach from the situation. The longer you stayed the longer you craved a response, you felt like he owed it to you. But no one is entitled to anything and you sure as fuck weren’t about to let yourself fall into that mentality. 
The man before you brought out the worst in you. 
As you were readying yourself to turn around, Simon Riley finally spoke. 
“Are you finished?” 
Your jaw fell slack. “Excuse me?” 
Ghost pushed himself off the wall, inches from you in what felt like a second. You could barely catch your breath at the sudden proximity, the overwhelming sense of being in his presence. The feeling of being on the back foot beneath him, rather than the one in control, was intoxicating. 
“I said,” he repeated, stormy eyes bearing into yours, “Are you finished?” 
Each word was enunciated, a pause in between that felt like a beat on your chest every time. You were, in all honesty, flabbergasted. There was no better way to put it. 
You couldn’t even string together a sentence to come back at him with, really. The audacity that it took to reply to everything you had said with such an arrogant question made your blood simmer beneath your skin. 
Simon took your silence as a confirmation that you were, in fact, finished. 
“Can I talk now, Sunshine?” He growled, stepping closer into your space as if there were any more room for him to fit. You receded, feeling as though you were gasping for air that wasn’t tainted by the taste of him. “You gonna let me talk?” 
You said nothing as he walked you backward, desperately wanting to dig your heels into the ground. When your back hit the wall you looked up at Simon with wide eyes, hands hovering over his chest. 
“Yeah, I think I’m gonna talk now,” the LT deliberated mockingly, nodding his head as though he’d given you the choice. The sarcasm dropped from his tone when he spoke next. “You have no fucking clue, Sunshine. You’re a fuckin’ clueless idiot, is what you fuckin’ are.” 
Tears burned in your eyes, collecting on your lash line against your will. Had he really trapped you against a wall just to shatter you further? Did he really hate you that much? 
His gloved hands came to grip your own and you flinched away, the back of your head thudding against the drywall. Simon’s eyes narrowed, pressing your trembling fingers against the thin shirt covering his chest. 
You could feel his heartbeat. To your shock, it wasn’t steady. 
His heart was racing. 
You met his gaze once more, watching as his eyes trailed the lone tear on your cheek. 
“You’re an idiot.” He repeated but, this time, his voice was a whisper. “You have no fucking clue.” 
You wanted to say something, anything. You wanted to believe what he implied, you wanted to hold onto it with the hope that you’d had so many times before. 
Unfortunately, vague confessions and sweet nothings weren’t enough anymore. 
Simon knew it, too. 
“I can sit here correcting half the shit you’ve said,” he shook his head. “But I’m not gonna bother ‘cos I agree with you.” 
Your heart dropped.  
“Don’t look at me like that, let me finish.” Simon rasped, his fingers tightening against yours. “You’re right about it all, ‘bout it being a fuckin’ high school. König wants Birdy, Price wants Saint, Soap wants Gaz, and everyone’s a fucking bitchy cunt to someone on the team.”  
You blinked at the last couple that he’d mentioned. 
“But,” he shook his head, gaze heavy on your skin. “I’m not targeting you because I don’t think you belong. And I don't. Want. Birdy.” 
You made a small noise, embarrassment burning flush along your neck. You cast your eyes to the side and took in a shuddering breath. 
“I don’t give a fuck who you want-” You began, the lie falling shakily from your lips. 
“Yes, you do.” Simon interrupted sharply. You looked up at him quickly, ready to defend yourself. “Because I give a fuck about who you want, too.” 
“Why?” You blurted, heart thrashing in your chest when he shoots you a pointed glare. 
“Come on, Sunshine, don’t play dumb.” 
“Then don’t be a coward, Simon.” 
The LT raised a brow, gripping your hands tightly at your words. The beating beneath your palms picked up in speed, reminiscent of a racehorse sprinting towards the finish line. You’d never have picked his anxiety if you were just watching him, those dead eyes unwavering. 
Maybe, that was why he let you feel it… feel him. 
He wanted you to know, he wanted to show you in the only way that he could- in the only way you would trust.
Simon Riley was laying himself bare. 
“I give a fuck because,” he paused, loosing a shaky breath. He blinked, finally. Those blonde lashes fluttered as his eyes scoured the features of your face, building the courage to spill his honesty to you. “I give a fuck because I want you, Sunshine.” 
There it was. 
There it was. 
You were frozen, suspended in time with your hands on his chest and your face inches from his. The taste of his words lingered on your tongue as you took him in with every trembling breath. 
“I give you a hard time,” Simon nodded, “I do. You put yourself in these fuckin’ situations to save me and I can’t do anything to protect you.”
And, as if someone had turned on the lights, everything suddenly became clear. 
The time he’d been so furious that he barged into your room after a mission to berate you. “I could have lost you,” he’d said, “You would have died and it would have been on me.” 
That shattering incident where you’d fought in the kitchen, “I don’t need you to save me!” Ghost had snapped, smacking your cup from the table. “I don’t need anything from you.”
And, of course, this mission. This whole debacle had started because you’d recovered him from an ambush. 
“This whole time…” You rasped, “I thought you hated me.” 
Simon scoffed, the sound bitter on his tongue. “No. I just hated the way I felt. The way I feel.” 
You opened your mouth to speak, your fingers pressing into the skin of his chest. These months had you doubting yourself, had you wondering what you could have done so wrong to deserve this treatment. The embarrassment of wanting someone that couldn’t stand you was crippling. 
But now… now as his eyes bore into yours, begging you to say something wordlessly. The way his body was on edge, waiting for your response, fearing your rejection. How could you be asked to articulate anything? How were you meant to formulate a sentence? 
You wanted to tell him how you felt, you wanted to tell him everything. 
You wanted him. 
But the craving to put your hands on his skin, to taste his confession on his lips, to show him what he meant to you, it was overwhelming. You wanted him to understand how you felt in a way that he’d never doubt, in a way that would explain why you were constantly risking yourself for him. 
You knew he understood when his hands moved to grip your waist.
“Oh, my God.” 
You leapt away, your body thumping into the wall as the spell broke between yourself and the Lieutenant. 
“Oh, my God!” Birdy said again, hands coming up to their eyes hesitantly as they stumbled back and forth in the doorway. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry.” 
You groaned, dropping your chin to your chest as you pinched the bridge of your nose. 
“Relax,” Simon coughed, his fingers trailing along your skin until they fell by his sides again, slow and hesitant. “Just- We were debriefing.” 
You could hear footsteps approaching from down the hall and the urge to throw yourself out the window grew exponentially. Out of all the times for these two idiots to make an appearance, they had to pick the most paramount moment. It was as though they were the main characters and you were simply a side-plot, cursed to never be able to develop further than the main story-line.
You glanced up at Ghost who offered you a similar expression, unimpressed. 
König cast a shadow over the intruder as he rounded the corner to the kitchen, undoubtedly investigating the commotion. His eyes fell on Birdy first, watching as their hands came up and down from their face, unsure whether they were allowed to look. Then, jade eyes moved to observe Ghost who hadn’t moved from his position posted next to your flushed body. 
“Oh…” König murmured, realization slowly dawning as he returned his gaze to Birdy. “Oh.” 
Gigantic hands reached to gently but firmly tug on the back of the stumbling sniper’s shirt. He offered an apologetic wave as he began to drag Birdy from the room, the latter still sputtering embarrassed atonements. 
“It’s okay,” you slipped out from your space between Simon and the wall. “I was just leaving anyway.” 
You quickly moved towards the door, wiping away any remaining tears from your face roughly. Just as you reached the exit, you realized that you’d left the man hanging. What if he thought that you were rejecting him? What if he went back to hating you? 
What if you missed your chance? 
You paused, turning to look over your shoulder. 
Simon was already watching you, eyes soft and his arms crossed as he leaned against the wall. 
“Don’t worry,” he offered. “I’ll catch up, Sunshine.” 
You hid your smile as you turned back around and continued. 
You left the room embarrassed, sure. But, you also left with newfound hope and a promise. 
You left with the promise of Simon Riley. 
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egotisticaleverything · 7 months
YOUR NSFW HCS FOR MATTHEW PATEL IS SO DELICIOUS AND YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you do NSFW alphabet of him please
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NOTE: sorry for dying again lmao im BACK and with MULTIPLE requests for Matty’s NSFW alphabet here I AM!!
WARNING/CONTAINS: face sitting, degrading, praise, mentions of public sex, bondage and mostly DOM! Reader
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He’s so huffy and puffy. Completely worn out- but he’ll try his best to take care of you and clean up, make sure you’re okay and comfortable and definitely cuddle with you. (Slightly awkwardly but that’s just Matty for you)
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Partners: definitely a thigh guy, like he loves them. Like you’re lying on the couch and he just comes up and places his head between your thighs. He’s. Obsessed.
His: probably his hands, he’s really awkward but super handsy and touchy. At first not really but after a while he just needs to touch you constantly. All the time.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He’s super awkward so the first time you guys had sex and he came IN YOU he freaked out because he didn’t know if you wanted that or not. You assured you that was fine and that is probably his FAVOURITE place to cum. No debates.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He’s a little into degrading… like if you walk in on him jerking off and start teasing him calling him “pathetic” and stuff he’ll literally die.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He was 100% a virgin when you met. Look at him. Hes felt the touch of only one woman ever. That woman being his middle school girlfriend. But he tries his best! He wants to make you feel good and he’s willing to put his all into it.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Cowgirl. COWGIRL. He loves when you’re on top, maybe it’s just because he likes you being in charge and that’s the best position for you to do so in… but 100% will actually melt if you ride him.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He thought the clitoris was alien propaganda. Enough said.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He doesn’t grow that much hair except in his pubic area. He’s very well groomed but has a nice little happy trail leading up his lower torso.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He’s so lovey dovey, blubbering almost incoherent praise and whines. Just constant- “I love you”s and “so good- just like that” or “pleasepleaseplease” even if he’s not begging for anything
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Super loud. Constantly whining and whimpering while he does it even if he tries to be quiet he’s horrible at it. He can not keep his mouth shut for more than 30 seconds without letting out a pornographic moan or whine.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Smell. He LOVES your smell. He’s definitely jacked off while sniffing your underwear before just craves anything that has your sent lingering on it. Especially if you’re away.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Bed, he wants you to feel comfortable and safe and what’s more comfortable and safe than your own bedroom? Also because he’s too embarrassed for public/semi public sex or even doing it on the couch most of the time.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Call him a good boy. I dare you. Run your fingers through this man’s hair and call him a good boy and tell him how handsome he looks and how amazing he is. He’ll literally fall to his knees and worship you.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Piss. Shit. He’s scared. You’re scared. You’re both scared. Everyone is scared.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He loves giving it to you, he probably asked you to sit on his face atleast one time- really shyly obviously. He came up to you all quiet and stuttering while he asked. RECEIVING THO? he’ll praise you like you’re the second coming of Jesus Christ. “Just like that- so good” literally in love with the sight of you in your knees for him, his cock engulfed in your mouth.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
You usually take charge but when he does he’s kind of in the middle. He’s probably scared to go fast and rough- he’d be scared of hurting you or breaking something. He prefers slower or more paced sex. Very sensual and loving.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He doesn’t hate them but doesn’t love them. He much rather have you all to himself for an extended period of time, he just wants you for ever and ever!
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’d be so shy that he’d probably stay very vanilla until you pushed him out of his comfort zone. He’s so scared to ask for things he’s just a nervous wreck 99% of the time.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
You can and will overstimulate him. He can and will cry. Not in a bad way out of pleasure of course! He loves it though, he has good stamina you just live to see him whine and whimper under you sometimes… don’t we all?
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He’s not opposed. Definitely teased him with a vibrator before, tying his hands to the bed and resting it on the tip of his cock, watching him whine and beg for too to stop teasing him.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He doesn’t like to tease BUT he loves to BE teased. Always resting your hand on his upper thigh dangerously close to his crotch, subtly calling him the nicknames you call him in bed in public, ect ect. He pretends to be annoyed but LOVES IT.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Loud. LOUD. LOUD MAN. Whines, moans, grunts, whimpers, begging, dirty talk. He’s constantly blubbering incoherently he cannot and WILL NOT shut up. In a good way OFC!!
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Probably wears a headband to keep his hair out of his face while eating you out or sucking you off- ONE OF THESE:
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X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s not very muscular, slightly scrawny but not completely. I’d say he’s an in between, like half scrawny nerd half toned gym bro.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He’s got a relatively normal sex drive, nothing crazy but he will complain if you guys are alone when he’s horny. 100%.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Almost instantly tbh. Right after clean up he’s OUT. Capoot. Gone.
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deus-ex-mona · 4 months
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moge’s manga man.
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wolfytae-exe · 1 year
Ouija. (S) (A)
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summary: in which your boredom leads to stupid decisions and dangerous consequences.
warning: fear, anxiety, predator & prey, seance, dubcon, dacryphilia, breeding(?) kink, name-calling(cutie, darling, little human, dollface), degrading(slut, whore, nasty), sadism, forced orgasm, death, gore, marking(if you squint), praise at some point, jjun really enjoys the mcs pain, master kink, biting, aphrodisiac,
paring: Incubus! Yeonjun + afab! Reader
wc: 3.4k
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It’s cold; was October always this cold? You shiver in your living room, a mug of freshly brewed coffee steaming in between your sweater-pawed hands, allowing the apartment to smell like pumpkin spice.
Your TV replacing a fireplace and warm fairy lights are the only thing lighting the area around you as you relax on the couch, the cushions cold as you struggle to afford a heater.
You’re fresh out of school, majoring in linguistics had you living off waitress tips and your savings at the moment, but as badly as it stresses you out, you can’t help but feel content, affording yourself and your life is enough for you to enjoy your coffee and warm lights in autumn. Not to mention it’s your favorite time of the year, Halloween time.
You already had your Halloween candy out, sitting in a big bowl with purple and orange candies on it, waiting for the clock to strike midnight so you can enjoy Hallows Eve in the best fashion, an Ouija board. You knew there was no need to freak out, you messed with the board a couple of years back with a group of sophomore college students during a Halloween party, and the lack of movement in the planchette caused an embarrassment like no other that night.
with one last sip of your coffee, you checked your watch. 12:02 AM October 31, 2023, you sat up and set your coffee down grabbed the box holding the board, and placed it on your coffee table. With a sigh, you pulled the board and planchette out along with the instructions.
After glancing at the paper a shiver ran down your spine. ‘DO NOT USE ALONE.’ scribbled in bold all over the page, you couldn’t make out the other words all over it. “What kinda sick joke?” You muttered as you held up the planchette. It’s Halloween, this is supposed to be creepy, you told yourself before placing it on the board.
You placed your fingers in the planchette and took in a breath. “Is there anyone here with me?” You asked with a slight shake in your voice, anxiety racked you as the room dropped in temperature and the planchette began to move slowly. The sound of the wood rubbing made you want to let go, the planchette didn’t do this before, what the fuck what the actual fuck.
The circle of the planchette hovered over the word ‘YES.’ “O-Okay- Uh, are you nice?” You asked, knowing it was dumb to ask a spirit, why would it ever say it’s bad? The planchette didn’t move for a moment before moving to the letters. ‘H-U-N-G-R-Y’ You gulped, lump in your throat refusing to move. “I-I’m sorry about that uh- what’s your name? Who am I talking to?” You tried to change the topic as goosebumps rose on your skin from the cold.
The planchette didn’t move again for a moment before repeating itself. ‘H-U-N-G-R-Y’ then it moved again, staying on the Y extra long. ‘Y-E-O-N-J-U-N’ the planchette froze. “Is that Korean? But you speak English? Interesting..” You breathed. “What are you Yeonjun?” You asked, pronouncing the name to the best of your abilities as you were rusty in the language, your anxiety lessened the more interesting the spirit became.
The planchette moves. ‘D-E-M-O-N’ never mind, anxiety was back and stronger than before. “O-Oh.. And what do demons eat” You pant, actually terrified now as the planchette moves faster, more fluid, like the control wasn’t in your hands anymore. ‘L-E-T G-O- H-U-N-G-R-Y- L-E-T- Y-E-O-N-J- Y-/-N- D-E-M-O-I-N-C-U-B- L-E-T-G-O -H-U-N-G-R- GOODBYE.’
Your stomach dropped and you could no longer see, unsure whether to let go or not as your lights flickered and switched off, your teeth chattered as you shut your eyes and tried not to cry. “Yeonjun! I don’t understand!” You begged, knowing you weren’t going to get any answers, you were going to die. Your fingers slipped off the planchette, covering your ears as you couldn’t handle the silence.
Eventually, your light flickered back on and the board seemed fine, you seemed fine, you deducted from your ability to breathe, see, hear, and feel. “What the fuck..” You sighed before grabbing the planchette and board and putting it back in the box. Yeah, you were done, it’s time to sleep and throw that board away in the morning.
And that’s exactly what you did, you showered, changed into a warm hoodie and shorts, and tucked yourself right into your bed, ignoring the feeling of being watched and chalking it down to just being paranoid. It took you a while but you were able to put yourself to sleep.
Unbeknownst to you, however, you had a guest, a very hungry and awake guest. Yeonjun watched as you slept, tossing and turning every few minutes. God, he was starving, you looked so cute and tasty he just wanted to ravage you. Yeonjun hid in the shadows of your room a bit longer before giving in to his hunger.
As the demon moved into the light of your nightlight and onto your bed by your feet his clothes disappeared in the dark red smoke surrounding him. His eyes began to glow a sharp red, in contrast to his black hair as a long tail and sharp horn twisted from his lower back and hairline, the sound of his bones maneuvering and crunching to fit the additions along with a deep moan following it filled your room and invaded your dreams.
Your blanket moved over you, hovering over your frame, you curled up, whining before slowly opening your eyes to see why your warmth was gone. A scream left you fast, ringing loud into the room as red glowing eyes stared back from under your blanket, a grip on your hips coming quick, the feeling of the sharp nails causing a whimper to leave you. “P-Please..” You cried for your life, you’re too young to die. “Spare me please.” Tears fell from your eyes, sliding down your cheeks helplessly.
“Yeonjun please,” You knew using his name would do absolutely nothing. “So cute~” His voice rumbled from under the covers, a taunting purr etched into his tone. “You’re not dying yet, Y/N,” He wickedly chuckled. “You just have to feed me, and maybe I’ll let you live longer.” The eyes under the bed darkened, pupils in slits like cats and blood red in hunger.
“I-I- Anything please, I’m sorry I’ll feed you,” You pleaded, attempting to move only to yelp at his nails digging deeper into you, drawing blood. “Ow! I said yes! Yes! Let go please!” You panicked, kicking before the pain seeped into you deeper like you were being branded. “Ah- Stop!” You kicked harder but his grip never loosened. “I like it when humans fight~” A dark chuckle filled the room as he rose.
His horns being the first to catch your eyes, twisted and coiled into the sky, what you didn’t expect was his face, foxy eyes, and plump lips curled into a smile, he was beautiful. But the demon still had you pinned and in pain.
He rose higher, face to your chest and you noticed the bareness of him, his thighs brushing against yours. “Wh-“ You gasp out as you feel his hard cock pressing up against your clothes heat. Tears well up in your eyes again as he slowly ruts into you. “What- What are you..?” You whimper, too scared to let your voice go over a whisper.
Yeonjun cooed before pressing small kisses to your neck and cheek. “I told you,” you let out a sob as he spoke, a moan coming from in as a response. “I’m a demon, a very hungry one at that. An Incubus if you’re asking for my breed. Speaking of breeding.” He moans out, thrusting harder. A yelp leaves your lips as he grabs your hair, pulling back so you are level with him.
“You look so scared, but I can smell it, you’re so aroused~” He smiles, the red glint in his eyes lighting up at the way your legs shook under him. “That’s why you summoned me, isn’t it? You just wanna get dicked down, let go of all your stress?” You couldn’t respond, trying hard not to burst into more tears at the way his cock left you wanting more, wasn’t this assault? Why do you want him to stop and just fuck you already?
“Please… Stop- I don’t want this,” you plead, you knew you were lying, he knew you were lying, he’ll help you relax. “Shh, calm that pretty head little human.” the demon whispered before leaning in and kissing you, you fought, squeals leaving your throat as your hands lifted to hit him, only to be pulled back and pinned to the bed. A sob left you again, you wanted him to leave, you wanted to turn back time and never use that board again.
His tongue pushed through, long and snake-like, you could feel his saliva slide down your throat with ease, numbing the back of your tongue on the way down. Once he pulled away and took a good look at you he smiled. “Huening would eat you up, I’m so glad I answered you instead of that freak.” He knew you’d feel the effects soon, his saliva working as an aphrodisiac slowly but surely. “I got to you first and I don’t share my food.” His sharp tooth grin was the last thing you saw clearly.
Your mind almost instantly felt foggy before a pulse of pleasure shot through you. “Oh- God! What- What did you do to me?!” Your thighs attempted to slam shut on the demon, a rush of arousal ruining your panties. “God won’t save you, Y/N, you have to ask the devil for forgiveness this time.” The demon taunted as he watched your skin turn clammy, sweat dampening your forehead.
Your chest rose up and down, breathing uneasily. “I-It’s hot- ” You panted, the heat you wanted so much ran over your body in waves making you feel suffocated, the pressure in your lower tummy making your head spin. “Relax cutie, it’s just an aphrodisiac, don’t worry your pretty little head.” Yeonjun dipped down, head in between your neck now. You didn’t even feel him at first, mind blown over with disgusting, distasteful, explicit scenes.
“You’re so hot.” Yeonjun chuckled into your neck, licking and kissing at it before biting down, his sharp teeth ripping into your skin and holding on like a vice. You screamed, screamed like hell, there was no pleasure, no arousal; just raw searing pain. Hot tears ran down your face as you clawed the demon, you could feel your blood rushing out be wound like a broken dam, you could feel Yeonjun lap it up, moaning and growling at your taste.
When he finally pulled off his bloody face looked up in pure pleasure like your blood was his aphrodisiac. “Your soul will be such a nice dessert. I won the jackpot tonight.” All you could do was cry, blood stained your sheets and pillow, you couldn’t breathe and you felt like you were gonna die. That was until another wave of heat crashed over your body, you tensed, a whine ripping through your sobs as you felt the teeth marks on your neck closing up, skin building back fast and rough, stretching and burning until completely sealed into a scar of his bite. You were marked with his scent, with his life.
You could have sworn you blacked out, the pain becoming far too much to handle, too fragile as your heart beat fast, pumping back the blood you lost. By the time you came to, you were naked, sprawled out into a star shape, and unable to move. Yeonjun was nowhere to be found but the phantom of his bite and the tightness in your stomach lingered. A sob left you once more, unable to stop when the realization that this was all real crashed into you like a truck.
The more you moved your neck to see yourself, you realized how badly your body was used, bruises and bites riddled all over your arms and legs, scratches all over your torso, hips, and breasts. Your body burned, and arousal pooled under your ass as the aphrodisiac continued to move in waves, as disgusting as you felt you knew you needed Yeonjun. He did this to you, he knows you need him too, that’s why he left. You didn’t deserve this, everything was a mistake, you didn’t know an actual demon would be coming to torture and kill you, you just wanted to celebrate the spooky season.
“Why me..” You sobbed harder, tears rolling into your ears and hair. “Because you’re just so fun to play with darling~” You flinch, Yeonjun's voice vibrates through the walls, a rush of arousal and fear finds its way to you just at the sound of him.
“Stop this…Please..” You mutter helplessly. “But don’t you want my cock? Wanna be filled with my cum?” The demon taunted, still failing to show himself.
“I’ve cum so much in the time you’ve been out darling, your body is just so tasty I couldn’t help it.” You can hear the smirk in his voice before you see it, he’s crouching just at the foot of the bed watching your cunt push out more arousal. “Want me to fuck you?” He grins evilly, “Maybe I’ll keep you if you’re a good fuck, feed me so well.”
A whine leaves you at the thought of him splitting you open, nipples rubbing against one another as he thrusts, legs stretched wide and open for him to take you fully and completely. “Please- Yeonjun please-“ You needed him, needed him in you, anything to stop this sickening edge. “N-Need you-“ You whimper, as much as you wanted him you were terrified of what would happen afterward. You knew he’d kill you, but would it hurt, is it as painful as this? Is it as painful as knowing you’ll never see your friends and family again but all you can do is get dicked down beforehand.
Maybe this was a sign you were a shitty person after all, after the attempts to be a happy woman and live life to the fullest you still were horrible enough to suffer this way. “Get out of that pretty little head and look at me,” Yeonjun growled, eyes glowing in the darkness, his cock pushed against your folds so nicely, your slick way more than enough to help the stretch.
You let out a moan at the feeling of his cold cock, everything was cold about the demon, just another reminder he was anything but human. “Mmm so full already, you must not get good cock often.” The demon teased as he rubbed his cock against your sore clit. A whine was your only response, your hips unable to move. “Shh, Let master take care of you,” Yeonjun whispered before pushing in nice and slow.
“B-Big- too- Ah~ too much~” You moan out as the demon bottomed out into you. You were so close, so delirious, you could feel him everywhere. “Let me take over you, mmm yes~ Just like that, give in to me, melt under my cock.” Yeonjun growled as you clenched and shook. Slowly he dragged out of your soaked hole, letting the pull be nice and slow, he wanted you to feel it all, the veins, the way he emptied you and made you feel like nothing but a shell without his cock inside you.
“Please~ M-Mmmaster~ More please please please~ need you, nothing without your cock please-“ Your begging was cut fast as Yeonjun thrust himself right back into you, filling you so quickly you felt him in your throat. Your eyes rolled back as Yeonjun sped up, hitting that one spot that gave him such an incredible burst of energy. “You love master's cock huh? Say it! You love my cock don’t you?” Yeonjun’s hand found its way to your throat and his thrusts never slowed.
You were turned to mush, unable to even breathe as his hand tightened around your throat. Strained whines gargled from the back of your throat as you attempted to answer him. A loud “Nghh-yesss~“ left you as your toes curled and your pussy clenched around his cock that just would not stop ramming into the spongy part of your heat. Your orgasm hit like a truck, you couldn't hear or see Yeonjun anymore, and your body tingled like pins and needles pricked you all over.
It took a couple of seconds for your high to come down and soon you could see Yeonjun's changed, darkened, expression. He was still, staring at his fist that stayed closed slightly on your throat. Before you could draw in a breath, his eyes began to glow brighter, so bright you could make out the features on his face a lot better. They were sharper than before, his soft face long gone and replaced with the features of a true demon.
His cock stayed buried in your cunt, keeping you nice and full and his fist began to close tighter, causing panic to run through your veins and your lungs to burn as they pumped against each other fast for relief. You couldn't move, couldn't breathe, couldn't think, you were going to die; he was going to kill you, you knew it. “Did Master say you could cum?” His voice was rough and deeper than before, leaving your already sore cunt to clench around him again.
“Oh~ you like when master has to threaten your life?” Yeonjun growled, completely unamused. Soon enough when he could hear your heart pick up in pace he let go of your throat, watching you gasp and shudder for air. “Be a good slut and lay pretty.” He growls out before digging his claws into your hips and beginning to abuse your sore, overused cunt again.
Your mouth fell open, whines, squeals, and mewls pulled from your burning, dry throat as he thrust fast and hard without reprieve. “This the good fuck you wanted huh? Give you my hot cum before I take that soiled little soul of yours.” Yeonjun leaned down into your face, forehead pressed against yours as he moved his hands to wrap your legs around his waist. You sobbed in response, completely numb in your lower half. You didn't want to die at all, you’ve barely even hit your mid-twenties.
The sight had Yeonjun reeling, his long snake tongue slipping out to lick the big fat tears that ran down your face with a hum at the saltiness. “Keep crying dollface, you're so tasty when you're this scared.” The demon taunted before pressing kisses to the violated side of your complexion.
You whimpered, unable to handle the fear of the fact that he not only was going to kill you, but he was going to enjoy every bit of it and make you orgasm again in the process. “Ah- yeah suck me in like that~ bring yourself closer to your last breath.” He moaned with a chuckle at the end, “Make master cum in your needy pussy,” he continued before throwing his head back at the way you clenched tighter. “Yes- oh yes just like that- mm~ you're so good~” Yeonjun whined before his heavy hips stuttered and stilled deep in you.
More tears fell, sobs loud and broken as your throat couldn't take the torture. “Nononono- please nnnah~” you begged the demon not to cum, not to stop and end your life. Your wails and cries did nothing as he spilled more and more cum deep into you, coating your gummy walls in his hot sticky seed. “Ah~ Yes~” Yeonjun sighed at the release he felt before thrusting just a bit more to milk out more of his cum, a ring of your creamy orgasms mixed against his balls.
“Mmm~ all done, dollface~” Yeonjun smirked as he watched you pant and scream for help. “Ngh~ yes keep begging, feels so good~” Yeonjun moaned out before pressing kisses against your jaw and cheek. “Wanna live! Please- I wanna live!” You begged him and turned your head to face him. “So cute~ But my mind is made up.” Yeonjun smiled before his jaw opened up wide and inhumanely.
You attempted to scream again, fear being the last emotion you felt as his chest puffed slightly, and your breath left you once again. You could feel your heart slow and your veins slowly rub against each other as your skin grayed out. You couldn't move or speak, just watch with teary eyes as he slurped up a wispy, white, and smoke-like ball. The moment he swallowed he pulled out of your mummified corpse, feeling full and satisfied. “Tasty to the end.” Yeonjun sighed before disappearing under those pesky covers.
it's cold
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okay, I had to repost this so it could get out there. If this doesn't fix the issue I don't know what will to be honest.
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muldermuse · 2 months
Do you think butcher could ever be submissive or "pussywhipped"? like it might seem unlikely considering how much of a stubborn ass he can be sometimes
but something about calling him a good boy while hes eating pussy and giving that one look while doing so and having to prevent him from jerking himself off while doing it or he'll get no pussy for the rest of the night is so hot
He would not be like a pathetic sub tho. more of a power bottom bc this shithead looooves to be in charge lmao.
sorry im ovulating ill just leave this here dhdjsle
fully admits he’s pussywhipped like he wants to please you- you’re so fucking right about the power bottom. as soon as you get tired on top, he’s fucking p o u n d i n g into you
ALSO the scene with Maeve???? he fuckin looooved it when she grabbed his hair and slammed him against a wall- he thinks it’s so fucking hot when you take control and he just wants to please you
(youre unreal for this i am in love with you)
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Day in the Life with Yandere Student Council | Part 2
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Last Part
“Ah, just the three I wanted to see.”
“G-g-g-g-good a-a-afternoon (Y/n).”
You give him a small wave
The malicious intent is teeming off the couple as they glare at Lucoa
Who continues to smile entirely unbothered
“What do you need all three of us for? Mister. President.” 
“You both have a lot of work to catch up on.”
“We have already completed all of our schoolwork and the student council work we have yet to complete is not urgent.”
Lucoa’s piercing glints in the sunlight
“Not anymore. Respectfully this is the new work assigned to you both. Min Su.”
Struggling with one pile after another the treasurer pulls them out
until there are four fairly tall piles on the table
As if the sheer size wasn’t enough Min drops a nameplate on all the piles, politely smiling from behind them when he finishes
“I trust this will at least be finished before morning tomorrow.”
June’s face blanks  before a smile once again spreads on his face
“Gill, we’ll take two trips. Sorry (Y/n), we'll have to rain-check on our date.”
June waits for Gill grab two of the piles one with each of their names before walking out
“Bye, (Y/n).”
When the door closes your attention is turned to Min and Lucoa who are each sporting smiles
“(Y/n) d-d-do you want to help me recount our savings for this month? O-o-or would you like to help me alphabetize our receipts?”
Before you can say anything Lucoa intercedes wrapping arm around your back
“Sorry Min I have a very important task for our honorary member.”
“But I think it’ll be a good idea for (Y/n) to leave their bags with you.”
“Yes, really.”
Min gives you a hug slipping off your pack to cradle it into his chest
“I’ll protect your things with my life!”
Redder than a tomato he runs off with your backpack
And you can only hope he doesn’t trip knowing him
“Well (Y/n) will you join me?”
You don’t have much of a choice as Lucoa already confirms you’re attendance and assignments for class are waived
Following him to his private office you admire the expensive decor and the pristine waterfall against the wall
Its a sight to behold
“So uh Lucoa what’s this super important task?”
“Just a survey. I think it’s important to know the preferences of all my members.”
“...’If you were relocated to a higher living space would you or would you not be satisfied with your life?’...”
“Uhm not that this has anything to do with the survey but I like where I am now. I prefer a cozy and convenient place where I can keep learning at school.”
Lucoa smile never fades as he tilts his head at you
“You’re right it doesn’t have anything to do with the survey.”
“I’m not refusing to finish it. It’s just something I wanted to say.”
You wait for some kind of reaction but he leans in his chair and twirls away
“Well I’m glad you told me, (Y/n)."
He stops spinning to stare you down again
“I need that survey tomorrow.”
You gather the papers prepared to leave
“You don’t have your back pack or any of your belongings.”
“I-i know but it’s getting late I have to get back before curfew.”
“Don’t worry I’ll have my driver drop you off. Besides I was wondering if you wanted to try a strawberry? I just had them imported after a business proposition.”
“Uh sure I guess.”
Everyday’s a new adventure with these guys
But it’s a school day after all 
a specialized college such as this is sure to have it’s eccentrics
To be bad your trapped with them
Not even the weekends will keep you out of their grasp
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bi-panicatthedisco · 5 months
Random incorrect twst first-year quotes I saved
Deuce: Throw lamps at people who need to lighten up, and throw handles at someone who needs to get a grip!
Ace: Throw a refrigerator at someone who needs to chill!
Yuu: Throw scissors at someone who needs to cut it out!
Jack: Throw a clock at someone who needs to get with the times!
Sebek : Throw matches at someone who needs to get fired up!
Epel: Throw a brick at someone to kill them!
Yuu: Time for plan G.
Jack: Don’t you mean plan B?
Yuu: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties.
Epel: What about plan D?
Yuu: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago.
Sebek : What about plan E?
Yuu: I’m hoping not to use it. Deuce dies in plan E.
Ace: I like plan E.
*when the Squad drops food*
Deuce: Eh, oh well.
Ace: FUCK!
Jack: *just gets more food*
Yuu: *drops to their knees and mourns the food*
Sebek : *eats the food off the ground*
*the Squad at Disneyland, in the teacups*
Sebek, Jack, and Deuce: *spinning a little and talking*
Epel, Ace, and Yuu: *flying past them, spinning as fast as they can, screaming*
Epel: The floor is lava!
Jack: *helps Sebek onto the counter*
Ace: *kicks Deuce off the sofa*
Yuu: *lays on the floor*
Epel: ...Are you okay?
Yuu: No.
Jack: Man, they look like a real handful. How do you deal with them?
Yuu, watching Sebek screaming, Ace trying to set a sleeping Deuce on fire, and Epel choking on air: I don't know either.
Deuce: We need to distract these guys
Ortho: Leave it to me
Ortho: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.
Yuu, Ace, and Epel: *Immediately begin arguing*
Jack, watching in horror: Oh this. I don’t like this. I don't like this at all.
'Can I copy the homework?'
Ortho: I can help you with it!
Deuce: Yeah, sure.
Yuu: Bold of you to assume I did the homework.
Ace: lol nope.
Epel: Wait, we had homework?!?!?!
Jack: *Read 5:55pm*
Yuu: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?
Ortho: >:O language
Deuce: Yeah watch your fucking language
Ace: 'The fuck word'.
Sebek: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time
Deuce: Oh my god they censored it
Epel: Say fuck, Sebek.
Ace: Do it, Sebek. Say fuck.
Yuu: Well, aren’t you all a rag-tag group of adventurers with unclear goals and good hearts! Oh, let me guess: you’re out to save the world!
Jack: Well, actually, that sounds like a pretty fair assessment.
Deuce: More or less, I guess...
Ortho: That sounds awesome! Let’s do that!
Epel: I’m new here, but I am open to the concept.
Ace: I thought that’s what we were doing, guys, come on!
Yuu, walking into their house: Hello, people who do not live here.
Ace: Hey.
Deuce: Hi.
Jack: Hello.
Ortho: Hey!
Yuu: I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only!
Epel: We were out of Doritos.
Ortho: Hewwo.
Ace: Hihiiiiii!
Sebek: Greetings, Humans.
Jack: Three kinds of people.
Deuce: I want pudding.
Jack: Four kinds of people.
Jack: Five kinds of people.
Yuu: Would you slap Deuce-
Ace: Yes.
Yuu: I didn't even finish!
Ace: Sorry, continue.
Yuu: Would you slap Deuce for 10 dollars?
Ace: I would do it for free.
Deuce: Rude...
Epel: Remember, when burying a body, make sure to cover it with endangered plants so it’s illegal to dig up!
Epel: Make sure to follow me for more gardening tips!
Grim: Tomorrow’s the Cooking Contest. Yuu always tells me one thing every year. They say, “You might win if you’d stop eating your entry!” But how would I know whether it’s an award-winning dish without tasting it first? This may be a problem humanity will have to grapple with for eternity…
Ace: It’s funny how well you and Sebek get along. Didn’t they hate you at first?
Yuu: Sebek hates everybody at first. It’s their way of reaching out to people.
Deuce: Where's Epel?
Yuu: Don't worry, I'll find them.
Yuu, shouting: Jack sucks!
Epel , distantly: Jack is the best person ever! Fuck you!
Yuu: Found them.
Yuu: I left instructions for everyone while I'm gone.
Grim : Mine just says "Grim no."
Yuu: I want you to apply it to every possible situation.
Yuu: I have an idea.
Jack: A good idea?
Yuu: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Ortho: You believe me?
Yuu: Ortho, you’re the last good person on this planet. I‘d believe cartoon birds braided your hair this morning.
Yuu: I give up. I am so tired.
Ace: Get the emergency supply!
Ortho: *carries Grim and places them in front of Yuu*
Grim: *smiles*
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