#furry infernal
fex-the-infernal · 2 months
infernal lore!
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when a infernal dies theirs a short peirod of time where a opal can be instered into the remains, this opal acts as a cytalist applifing the magic and jump starts the infernal, but this prosses is vary unproditable with most cases of the infernal being violent and uncontrolable their magic being more wild do to the broken markens on and inside the infernals skull. the infernal is more powerful with the draw back of their spells being insaily unstable
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rabasmacias · 9 months
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Loona & Tex - Bonifasko
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prunpplee · 1 year
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Figured i could show y'all some art from this last semesters class :D
he is now accepting all methods of unconditional love and affection thank you
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serotoninswitch · 2 months
Lust Demon who's cum can slowly transform people into an animal like creature that aligns with their various vices and desires. The demon told the infernal higher-ups that it's for "poetic-justice", but the demon just wants to fuck all the furries, therians, and animal-hybrid aligned people.
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star-daughter · 10 months
So let's talk about Vivziepop's designing skills!
The amount of sadness I feel when I see Vivziepop's designs of the demons in Helluva Boss is impossibly high
Simply comparing them from where she is pulling from feels like looking at a newborn compared to a grandma. Now let's go through them!
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Viv's Lucifer, a popular depiction of Lucifer ("The Fallen Angel" by Alexandre Cabanel), and one with Jesus ("The Temptation of Christ" by Ary Scheffer)
You can see a big difference in a lot, as you can see Lucy (which will be Viv's version) has well. Clothing but we can give her a pass for that as I don't think Youtube would be fine with an animated dick on screen. Another thing is his lack of wings, bat-like or feathered along with blonde instead of red curled hair and yellow eyes instead of the blue Lucifer has in The Fallen Angel.
But what I see as the biggest thing is Lucy's lack of muscles! In both of these depictions I have chosen Lucifer appears muscular whilst Lucy has Viv's favorite smile and body shape.
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Here we have Viv's Asmodeus (Ozzie) and Asmodeus from Collin de Plancy's "Dictionnaire Infernal"
I will give Viv major props, I LOVE Ozzie's design. If we removed the feathers, made his head bigger, and some small things it would be AMAZING! But comparing it to Asmodeus it's... wooo.... very different.
First you can see is Asmodeus does not look conventionally attractive with his strange old man face, elf ears, bull head, ram head, serpent tail, and literal chicken legs. Ozzie does have the 2 heads on his shoulders (just very small) and a tail (not a serpent one) but other than that the similarities end. Though I do think taking Asmodeus the direction to being physically attractive to most people was a good way to go.
A personal nit pick is the clear lack of a BADASS DRAGON. Yes, Asmodeus has a BADASS DRAGON. On his little Dictionnaire Infernal image he's sitting on a BADASS DRAGON which he holds a banner as he rides. Viv you could have made Fizz a cool dragon demon! Make him look LESS like Blitz's twin brother and more like something that related to the Ars Goetia canon.
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Now this is Viv's Beelzebub and a fly-like Beelzebub (Beelzebul) (I've left out the more manly versions of Beelzebub to keep it fair as Beelzebub is a woman)
So a big thing we can see is Beelzebub is a furry whilst Beelzebul is a straight up fly, taking the term "Lord of the Flies" much more seriously. Now comparing these two is basically impossible minus their wings and extra arms. Now with them looking nothing alike I'll put some of my own personal critique's in.
One, Beelzebub's hair and tail makes me want to vomit. It's constantly moving thus every frame it must be moved which is HORRIBLE on an animation stand point. Two, Her clothes. A direct quote from the Helluva Boss wiki says "Beelzebub represents the animal tamer/animal shows" when her clothing looks like that it's hard to believe. If it was casual clothes? Okay I'd believe that but it being her debut episode wouldn't you want her in her normal clothes? And that's ignoring her magical disappearing bra... is that just an arm strap? Three, the ear thing. God the ear thing! Viv said they were supposed to appear like beehives... girl what beehives have you been seeing? Maybe she meant honeycomb? Still I see zero resemblance.
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Here we have Viv's Mammon, Mammon (Mam) from the painting "The Worship of Mammon" by Evelyn De Morgan, and Mammon (Mon) from Collin de Plancy's "Dictionnaire Infernal"
As we can see Mammon looks like the Teen Titans Go Robin mixed with a Christmas tree, the Christmas theming is quite clever I'll give Viv that. Christmas is a time of greedily taking all that is given to you through gifts. Now I could complain about how Mammon is poor rep for a fat character and simply is a widened version of her normal body type but I already made a post about that
But comparing him to Mam and Mon? Nothing similar. Mam we can see appears like a very large naked buff dark skinned man whilst Mon is a freakish old man with wide eyes and tattered clothes. Mammon shares zero similarities to either of them.
Another thing is Mammon's monster form... I believe everybody has seen it and hochie momma it is HORRIBLE! From the screenshots I've seen we don't see all of it but he's clearly intended to be a spider of sorts which is great! Spiders can often be seen with 6 flies trapped on their web being hoarded for later but Viv seems to have taken the lazy route of extra legs and 2 extra set of eyes. Anthro spiders can be so so SO cool but I feel scammed. Stolen from. My life savings have been taken by this shitty design.
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Here we have Vivziepop's Paimon and Paimon (Paimonia) from Collin de Plancy's "Dictionnaire Infernal"
As we can see they appear nothing alike minus the crown and odd chicken legs though Paimon lacks the camel that Paimonia has. Paimonia also has a feminine face and a humanoid body, nothing like Paimon. Though I personally think Paimon's design is stunning what made Viv connect the two, is it because the Goetia family is intended to all be ripped from the Ars Goetia? I feel though that Paimon's design takes as much as it can from Paimonia while making him look related to Stolas but why does he need to be named Paimon?
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Here we have Vivzie's Stolas and Stolas (Stolos) from Collin de Plancy's "Dictionnaire Infernal"
So, I have a lot of issues with Stolas's design, it's ugly first of all but compared to Stolos's cute yet shocked wide eyes and charming little beak it's even more obvious how ugly it is.
First, Stolos is shown as an owl (but also is described as a Raven). which Viv got right along with keeping his crown and odd horn-like feathers. However, I believe making Stolas that skinny doesn't follow the model of most owls as they can be pretty fluffy and plump. Even Stolos has a round fluffy chest that trails into his comically long legs.
Second, that cape is very horrifying but not in a good way. Nobody wants to animate a cape with that many rips! Even if they don't have to be precise. Also, why do his buttons have no lineart when everything else around it has lineart? I have the same issue with Blitz's design and his random chest orbs.
Feel free to put in your own reblogs and replies with your opinions! You can also send in asks with designs from HH or HB that aren't linked to previously existing designs unlike these fellows and I'll throw in my personal thoughts.
-Mod Paimon
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squichymochi · 7 months
I wrote this piece around 2 AM today, and I’m still on the fence about it 😅. I might consider removing it later. Initially envisioned as a Soulmate Story featuring Vox and the Reader (Part 1 of 2 mayyyybe).
Warning: This story contains mentions of sexual intercourse, sexual parts, blood, curse words, and other typical elements found in Hazbin Hotel content. Reader discretion is advised.
Vox x Reader (Soulmates)
Word Count: 1.580
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The world had always seemed cruel to Vox, a cosmic joke played at the expense of the naive. His life on Earth, even though marked by questionable choices, was shaped by a belief that the afterlife was nothing more than a farce.
And why should he care? According to the lore of soulmates, his was already dead.
Each person was born with a unique tattoo, a symbol of a destined other. But Vox's skin had been bare from birth, a silent testament to a soulmate lost before he even had the chance to dream. As it is said that the tattoo faded upon a soulmate's death, Vox grew up surrounded by whispers of pity and curiosity.
Did his soulmate die before he was born, was he one of the pity souls without a mate?
So when Vox awoke in Hell, transformed into a being more screen than flesh, the last thing on his mind was a faded fairytale. Furthermore it is said, that such a bond rarely survives the transformation from the living to the afterlife. He rose through the ranks, carving out his place as an overlord. He was one of the V’s, powerful, famous and deadly, a force to behold.
But fate, it seemed, had other plans. During a heated moment with Valentino, something unexpected happened. The air was electric and Valentino leaned closer to Vox, his breath a mix of sweet venom and temptation. Some might say poison, for Vox it was sweet oblivion. Valentino purred sweet nothings while his hands were slowly sliding lower. The taller grabbed the corner of Vox frame and both dived into their bodily desires. Suddenly a searing pain erupted where his skin met the digital interface.
"What the hell!" Vox exclaimed, his voice a crackle of static as he forcefully shoved his partner away, the latter stumbling over his two feet, a look of surprise on his usually composed face which quickly turned into one of furry.
Vox face felt like it was burning from the inside out, an intense heat focused on the specific spot Valentino just touched. The other, recovering from the sudden push now wiped residue from his face, smearing it across his cheek"¿Qué mierda?" he growled looking at Vox his eyes turning into slits.
“The fuck did you do this time?!”, Vox growled his voice a mixture of pain and glitching sounds. He stumbled to the nearest reflective surface, his hands instinctively touching his face, expecting to find some kind of damage.
What the demon saw instead took his breath away. There, etched into the corner of his screen was a symbol glowing slightly blue against the digital backdrop of his own face. Vox's fingers traced the newly formed soulmate tattoo, his cool demeanor giving way to shock.
Dropping to his knees, Vox gazed at his reflection, did this mean he had a soulmate…in fucking hell? "This can't be true... what in the everlasting pits of hell!"
Meanwhile, you awoke in Hell with a scream, pain coursing through your body. Gone were the wings that had once defined you, a sacrifice made in pursuit of a love believed lost. Biting your hand you tried to stifle your pained moans until you broke the delicate skin and tasted metal on your tongue. Clutching your angel blade, you tried your best to slowly raise and move forward.
As fast as you could, you ventured into the dark corners of Hell, shedding your celestial wardrobe for something more fitting your new, infernal life. As you adjusted a makeshift belt, hiding the blade within the folds of your clothes, a gruff voice interrupted your thoughts. "Hey, whore! Want some of old Gregg's pieces?" a giant snail-like creature grumbled from the shadows.
With a twitch of your eye, you spun around, your hand instinctively reaching for the hidden blade. "If you value your better parts, I suggest you kindly fuck off," you replied, your words wrapped in a veneer of politeness, belying the threat they carried.
The snail recoiled, mumbling, "Your loss, bitch," before retreating into the darkness. Trembling, you fought the urge to vomit, the reality of Hell's horrors crashing down upon you. *This better be worth it,* you thought, steeling yourself for the journey ahead.
"Bitch! This changes everything!" Velvette's voice was a shrill crescendo, echoing off the walls of the fancy and modern room. Her hands slammed down on the table with such force that Vox wouldn't have been surprised if she left imprints in the metal.
Vox, his screen flickering with a mixture of irritation and disbelief, replied with measured calmness, "This changes nothing. The possibility of having a soulmate now doesn't mean I'll suddenly become a lovestruck fool." His words were a growl, a digital rumble that resonated in the smoky air.
Valentino, lounging nonchalantly next to them, took a long drag of his cigarette. The pink smoke curled lazily around them, creating a haze that seemed to blur the lines of reality. "Mhh, didn't seem like it yesterday while I was wiping your seed off my mouth. You were tumbling to the next possible surface your cock still half hard and your body trembling in fear," he quipped, a sly smile playing on his lips, his golden tooth catching the light in a glint of mockery.
"You son of a—," Vox began, his anger boiling over, but his screen glitched, forcing him back into a facade of control. "This means nothing. They mean nothing. I've already commissioned someone to take care of them," he said, his voice low and dangerous.
Yet, to anyone observing closely enough, there was a flicker of something else behind his stern expression – a hint of confusion, a shadow of sadness that he was too proud to show.
Meanwhile, as you moved through the infernal landscape of Hell, pain and determination were your constant companions. The idea of finding your soulmate was a beacon in the darkness, a glimmer of hope amidst the despair. You needed to warn them of Heaven's new plans.
The revelation of your soulmate had come as a shock in Heaven. Had you believed that they were already dead while living on earth. The sight of the headphone tattoo on your wrist, reminding you of your earthly passions, had ignited a spark of excitement when arriving in heaven. But the seraphim's pitying look quickly doused that flame.
They had showed you. Seeing him in Hell, a digital demon ruling with three other overlords, your world had turned upside down. A soulmate in Hell meant a love that could never be. 
But Chalrie’s revelation of Hell's extermination had changed everything. You had to act; you had to save your soulmate. Now, as a fallen being, you were determined to reach him, to save what little was left of your heart and his life.
Every step in Hell was a battle, each breath a reminder of the sacrifice you had made. But it was a sacrifice you were willing to bear. For a soulmate you didn't know was worth the trouble. For a chance at a love that might still survive in the depths of Hell.
Vox zipped through the surveillance network, until he materialized in his headquarters. With a heavy, resonant sigh, he collapsed into his office chair. The weight of the revelation hung over him like a dense cloud.
"Shit," he muttered to himself, the word a static-laced hiss in the quiet of the room. The notion of a soulmate had upended his world.
In Hell, such connections were rare, almost mythical. Usually such bonds only connected the living on earth one said. They were powerful, yes, but also dangerously vulnerable - a leverage point that could be exploited by his enemies.
But as much as he was reluctant to admit it, he didn't want harm to come to his soulmate. The problem was, he had no idea what to do next. Lost in thought, he turned his head to the left, only for his screen to glitch violently, sending a ripple through the layers of Hell, ending in a short blackout.
"What the fuck!" The words slipped out in a whisper as everything flickered back to life, revealing the image of a figure decimating his security team. An angelic blade gleamed in their hand.
His processors strained as he watched them. They moved with a lethal grace, cutting down one after the other, hurting but not killing them. Then, in a bold, almost defiant gesture, they looked directly into the camera, hood falling back to reveal their face. A face that stopped Vox's non existent heart one would say.
They were stunning, their eyes meeting his through the lens, a middle finger raised in a gesture of rebellious challenge.
In less than a second, Vox was standing before them, his form materializing out of the digital ether. "Do you know, little one, who the fuck I am?" he growled, his voice a blend of menace and awe.
"Yes indeed, I am your soulmate, and I'm here to kick your ass and save your pathetic life, asshole," you retorted, a grin playing on your lips that bordered on madness.
Vox couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration, his circuits firing in a way they hadn't in eons. This was the most thrilling encounter he'd experienced in both his life and afterlife.
And then you collapsed into his arms, your back covered in blood. “Shit!”, he said before taking you home, where you belonged from now on.
As always thank you guys for reading ❤️
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ahlyasimps · 2 years
Not a request but just a hc of mine but Ominis was ( and still is) 100% whipped for the mc before they started dating, like Sebastian would be like hey let’s ( Insert crazy adventure here) and Omi is like hell no but mc is like please Omi it won’t be the same without and he’s immediately like ok fine but we better be back before curfew Seb wouldn’t even feel offended he’ll just use it as ammo for the next time they argue or just to tease him
Anon!! Did you look in my drafts 🤨 ? Im glad someone else has signed up for the "Ominis is 100% whipped for MC" agenda, as you should.
✧ It's gotten to the point where you don't even need to say please, the minute Sebastian suggests something and there's silence right after, Ominis knows what you're about to ask and is sighing is resignation. Normally Ominis would be the much needed voice of reason but when you're involved, he's already on his way to the infernal catacombs you wanted to explore (just some minor grumbling on the way).
✧ Would totally throw his pride away for you, you want him to wear this suspiciously furry hat? Consider it done. He would just laugh when he learns it's a Puffskein you popped on his head.
✧ Naturally, if Sebastian ever tried to ask him to do even half of the things you do, Sebastian would find himself on the receiving end of a particularly nasty stinging hex.
✧ Speaking of Sebastian, he would totally mock hurt and do the whole "hand over heart and keeling over" shtick the first few times you managed to convince Ominis to do something. "All these years of friendship.....and for what!" he'd say before Ominis uses his wand to walk over to the brunette and kick him in the side.
In conclusion:
MC: Bad influence on Ominis
Ominis: Whipped
Sebastian: Life's mission is to annoy Ominis
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jurijyuu · 1 month
Scratch an Itch Ch. 28: All I Can Give
MDNI. Mentions of Cannibalism
Link to full chapter
Ynna’s POV
You never thought there would come a day when being outside the hotel, amongst the rowdy crowds of sinners, would be preferable to the safety of home. After breakfast, you’d managed to convince Angel to window shop with you. He’d been a very animated companion until his phone started ringing non-stop and he was pulled into work a little after lunch. 
The concerned side eye you threw at him when the beeping of his phone became more and more erratic and demanding was met with a pair of gloved hands covering your eyes.
“No. You are NOT coming to my work place. EVER. Got it, toots?” You didn’t even have to utter a word. Angel knew all too well just how much you disliked his boss. The numerous times you’d expressed your hate for the moth and how he treated your friend were practically seared into his ears. 
“But it’s just—“ 
“Hapapapa! No.” Another hand went to stop your words. “How about instead of trying to threaten my boss, you go on back to the hotel and fix your shit with Smiles. I guarantee, that’ll be a lot easier than gettin’ involved with the likes of Val, kay?”
“I just hate how you’re practically a slave to the guy. You’re making him so much money; he could at least treat you better.” When the spider finally relented and took his hands back, you could only pout. It was true that you couldn’t do anything for Angel but that didn’t stop you from wanting to. You’d risk another threat of respawning if it got that asshat’s grubby hands off of your friend. 
In the end, you could only watch him grab a cab and go with a pout that did not work on him. Sometimes, when he was uncomfortable, Angel would say just the thing to distract you from his problems. His words about dealing with your situation with Alastor did some of that, shaking your chest despite the casual, almost joking, way he said it.
He was right. You should go deal with that. A sigh escaped your lips as you weaved around the many sinners walking. Since you’d resolved to distance yourself from him, you had to think about how to do just that. Living under the same roof made avoiding him difficult and no doubt, Charlie would question the break up. 
Oh, what were you going to do if the princess insisted that you two should make up? If she knew why this was happening then maybe she’d understand your decision but you couldn’t even utter the words about the shit he fed you because it related to eating him and your deal forbade you from disclosing anything related to it to anyone who didn’t already know. Not that having Charlie know the specifics sounded good. You didn’t want to know if her seemingly boundless forgiveness had a limit and you certainly didn’t want to know if Alastor or Charlie was stronger.
At least you had Angel and he knew how to be discreet.
“What a mess.” Scrubbing a hand down your face, you gave in to a bit of dramatics. A small sinner brushed past you, your shoulders brushing close enough that you had a whiff of the guy. Your nose wrinkled at the notes of sweat, slime and body odor. 
“Watch it, bitch.”
“I’m walking here, asshole.” The interaction took you out of your head for a minute, having to face the guy and assess whether he was going to look for a fight. He was small, with fishy features and also a bit furry. Despite how he smelled, he was clean-looking in a dark purple hoodie and mustard yellow baggy pants. The sinner only sneered but kept on walking.
It was only when the five second interaction ended did you notice the ache in your mouth. Teeth sharpened to points, you realized…that you were ready to rip into the guy if worse came to worst. 
Looking into yourself, you observed your body. You were expecting that hunger, greedy for the flesh of a sinner to serve you power. A rumbling in your stomach that was infernal and cursed. 
Yet there was none.
That was strange. You were clearly ready to sink your teeth into the man yet the urge to feed off him wasn’t there. Could it be that you needed to be injured to feel that hunger? When you were injured around Alastor, the urge to bite him had been strong, even when your wounds had been treated and your pain was minimal. But that wasn’t completely true, was it?
You weren’t injured last night when you woke up to that dream, not even remotely weak even though you hadn’t eaten. The urge had been there and so frighteningly strong that it almost made sense to bite the deer, to give in to wicked want and take what he would no doubt offer.
Like the whole thing wasn’t a sin.
Please don’t tell me that Alastor is the only one I want to eat.
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cultoftheswag · 5 months
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Inked sketches of @infernal-lamb 's oc , Neves. She has a very straight forward and unique character concept and i love that about her. Adult woman trapped in evil furry world , suffering and crying and pissing <3
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owlxle · 6 months
The Infernal Therapist
Or: The Hazbin Hotel finally gets a fucking therapist on staff
This is something of a chapter zero for a series I'm hoping to write surrounding a Hazbin oc and their misadventures.
Words: 1,384
Warnings: None
It was a normal day in Hell. As normal as could be expected, that is.
There's a soft knock at the door, almost as if the demon behind it doesn't want to be heard.
Unfortunately for the poor sinner, one of the hotel staff opens the door and stares at them.
At least it's someone they're on good terms with.
"Ah. Husker, hello."
The drunkard's eyes widen in recognition. "Oh. It's you..."
"Unfortunately, yes, it's me."
Standing on the doorstep is a humanoid demon in a white lab coat and black turtleneck, his skin is tinged purple and his eyes are a much deeper shade of the same color. The demon's black hair frames their face and a pair of half-rim glasses sit on their nose.
"What'd'ya want, Doc?" Husk sighs.
"Is our... mutual friend around?"
The bartender sighs and opens the door a bit more, revealing an imposing, familiar figure staring directly into their soul with his constant large grin.
The newcomer tenses immediately.
"Doctor Haze! How good to see you again, my friend!"
The two demons stare at each other as Husk slinks off, Alastor almost daring Haze to make a move.
"Al? Is there someone at the- oh! Hello!" The overexcited princess of Hell steps in front of Alastor to shake Haze's hand enthusiastically.
"Oh- Greetings, your highness."
"Just call me Charlie!" She insists, dragging the sinner into the hotel and to the lobby.
Haze looks around, trying to get a read on his surroundings.
Husk has returned to the bar where a tall, furry, white demon is flirting with him relentlessly.
A demon with grey skin, long, white hair, a missing eye, and an angelic spear(???) glares daggers at the doctor.
A snake-like demon appears to be hiding behind a couch, watching cautiously.
A small red blur Haze recognizes as Niffty darts around, barely sparing the newcomer a glance aside from a quick once-over to confirm that he is not, in fact, a "bad boy".
Without turning around, Haze knows The Radio Demon's current location.
Directly behind him.
Alastor's ambient static slowly intensifies, putting an uneasy feeling in the air.
Something that the princess- Charlie doesn't seem to notice as she nudges the doctor into the middle of the room.
"Okay, everyone! We have a visitor!" Charlie announces, waving everyone closer. "This is-!" She pauses. "I'm sorry, I don't think I caught your name, mister...?"
Alastor cuts in before Haze has a chance to speak for himself.
"This, my dear, is Haze! An old friend of mine!"
"Mister Haze!"
The doctor shoots Alastor a glare, to which the Radio Demon responds with a knowing smile.
Charlie looks over at Haze, following his glare to the recipient. "Is something wrong?"
Alastor's grin grows slightly, daring Haze to correct the princess.
Watching this interaction, the spear-wielding demon speaks, her largely monotone voice harboring a touch of affection for Charlie. "Hon, maybe we should let him speak for himself."
"Oh! Sorry! I just got to excited and Alastor told us your name and-"
"Don't worry about it, your high-" He clears his throat. "Charlie."
"I'm Doctor Haze, but please, just call me Haze." He gives an awkward half-bow. "At your service."
"So the new guy has a title, huh? I've always liked guys with a bit more... experience~" The tall, furry demon says, his tone apparently meant to be seductive.
"...No thank you."
"Aw, come on, Doc! You look like the last time you got some was before they invented the fun stuff!"
"No thank you." Haze asserts, a bit more sternly.
"Your loss~!"
Now that he's moved closer, Haze can better make out this demon's features, wracking his brain for a name to put to the familiar face.
"Haze, this is Angel Dust, one of our residents." Charlie explains, smiling. "And over there", she gestures to the snake hiding behind the couch "is Sir Pentious! Our other resident!"
Pentious's hood flares, revealing four more eyes in addition to the two visible on his face and the third on his hat (which, by the way, appears to be alive).
"Hello, Doctor." Pentious says, politely as he slithers toward Haze. "I wassss just... doing reconnaissance! Yes!"
Haze nods, shaking the snake demon's outstretched hand hesitantly. "I can appreciate a strategic mind. It's a pleasure to meet you- all of you." He announces, expertly containing his true level of enthusiasm.
"We're not done yet!" Charlie says in a sing-song tone as she drags the poor sinner around the lobby.
"This is my girlfriend, Vaggie! She runs the hotel with me!"
Haze has a million questions about the grey-skinned demon. There's something so... wrong about her, like she doesn't belong in this setting. And that spear! He supposes its possible that Vaggie scavenged the weapon after an extermination, that would be the most logical answer, but Haze has always had a mind that runs rampant without his input.
Vaggie gives Haze a curt nod. "Hi." Ah, an individual of few words! Battle-hardened, maybe? He concludes that Vaggie was likely some kind of warrior on earth, maybe an older civilization? That would explain the confidence she exudes holding that spear... that would mean she's been down here quite a while, of course. She could even be older than Zestial!
...Back to the proverbial drawing board, then.
Charlie waves a hand in front of Haze's face, shaking him from his (admittedly long-winded) thoughts. "Haze? Are you alright??"
"Oh! Erm. Yes, sorry, I let myself get distracted for a bit too long." He laughs, hovering his hand over the back of his head in a stereotypical show of embarrassment. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Vaggie." Haze offers a handshake but the demon just... stares. Glares, even.
"She takes a bit to warm up to new people, don't worry." Charlie explains, dragging Haze to yet another introduction. He hopes it's the final one.
"Hey again, doc~"
Angel Dust. How many arms does this demon have? Four seems excessive, but if he's a spider, he should have eight limbs total, leaving a pair unaccounted for! Why he's expecting any of this to make sense, he's not sure, but he'd certainly appreciate it if it did.
There's a familiarity about the spider's name... Angel Dust. One of his patients may have mentioned it...?
"Oh, I know that look." Angel smirks. "You know me from my work!"
"Gay pornos." Husk adds, from behind the bar.
Yes, it was definitely one of his patients that brought him up. Probably Travis. Seems up his alley.
"Oh, of course." Haze nods.
"You watch my stuff?"
That is a fair conclusion to come to, quite honestly. "Oh- um. Not me, one of my patients mentioned you a few times."
"So the title ain't just for showing off? You've got patients? What kinda doctor are you, anyway?" Angel seems genuinely curious. Haze can appreciate that.
"He's the lobotomy kind!" Alastor announces, making his presence known again after his ambient static faded into the background.
"That's barbaric, Alastor." Haze mutters.
"Oh, I'm just kidding! Haze here is the kind of doctor that talks at you!"
"That's a gross oversimplification..."
"I know!" Alastor's grin seems to grow wider for a moment. "You're hilarious when you're offended!"
"Great. Thanks. Appreciate it." The doctor says under his breath, trying to ignore the Radio Demon.
"He ain't wrong, though. That's what you do." Husk asserts before taking a long drink from his nondescript bottle of alcohol.
"I'm a psychologist. I have a small clinic in Pentagram City where I provide therapy for sinners. I've found that it's often beneficial for the damned to show vulnerability."
Charlie's eyes light up and Haze can practically hear her enthusiasm. Internally, the demonic doctor grins, externally, he smirks.
"That's why I'm here. I want to offer my assistance in the betterment of sinners."
"Really?" Charlie asks, bouncing in place.
Alastor's eye twitches, a subtle sign that he is... irritated, to say the least.
He's hilarious when he's offended.
"I don't know if I believe in this concept of 'redemption' you've been peddling, but in the end, we have the same goal. We both strive improve the lives of sinners." Haze extends a hand to Charlie, in a way reminiscent of Alastor, albeit with none of the danger in the air. "What do you say?"
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fex-the-infernal · 4 months
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part of story was foretold long ago what happens after the story is unknown. Forten tellers saw the battle but not its outcome or the life of its hero, they don't want these heroes to be bound to a fate set by another, yet the monster that, their fate was sealed as soon as it was seen.
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rabasmacias · 9 months
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Loona - Pixel Sketcher
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lanabenikosdoormat · 2 months
my favorite part of telling people about this infernal game (or better yet letting them find out on their own) is that furry england (marleybone) exists and yes they do in fact live shrouded in darkness and misery, just like real life!
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fatewitch13 · 2 months
ೃ⁀➷Introducing my blog: devoted to my deities
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┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ °
╰┈➤ Who are we?
We are Evermore System, our host is Stanley. We are a traumagenic and polyfragmented system, with over 1,000 members. You will see other alters besides our host who will introduce themselves when the time is right. Our collective pronouns are He/They and Neos. We're 20+.
We are transmasc. We are also Achillean and Demisexual. We are Dragon Therians, furries, and otherkins. We are in a happy relationship with our fiancé partner system and also a platonic partner system. We are Polyamorous.
┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ °
╰┈➤ What is the goal of this blog?
This blog is a devotional blog to our different deities. You will see posts about Kemetic deities, Infernal Divine, PCEs, Hellenic deities, and others.
Main Patrons: Djehuty, Moirai, Mephistopheles, Hekate
You will also see posts about our different devotional workings. We're Hedge Witches, Liminal Space Witches, Death and Life Workers, Dream Walkers, and a little bit of Kitchen and Love workers as well. It all is mixed together in a beautiful bow as eclectic. We will post about stuff as we see fit.
We also work closely with PCEs and PCE magic, and the focus on that is Star Trek, Star Wars, and Resident Evil.
┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ °
Basic DNI
Bigots of any kind
Hardcore Christians or Republicans (I don't need to be prayed for)
Endosystems or Endo supporters/allies
Anti-Godspouses or PCE work
┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ °
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wito-chan-bla-bla · 1 year
Detection VI
Previous part (05)
Next part (07)
 Kalego hates noisy places, but he especially dislikes work meetings. Of course, there is no denying that all (or almost all) of them are his colleagues are professionals in their field, but as soon as some idiot (most often the director) starts talking about some topic separate from the work, it can last for hours. And Naberius can't even leave because it's disrespectful. It's a good thing they don't put him at the very back of the queue with his reports just to make him lose his temper.
 And this day should not be any different from all the others, only…
 The sudden fog around him moves him into a familiar room, hands gripping his soft, fluffy sides tightly and a little painfully. Someone very familiar is pinning him to the wall, where a centipede is sitting with many small eyes on its hair-covered legs.
 Kalego feels like a cat that the owner presses against a cockroach sitting on the wall, naively thinking that the lazy creature will kill someone. But Naberius has no choice, so he swings and uses a Cerberion puppy, which gets rid of the infernal insect and leaves no ugly spots on the wall.
 Once the little creature is killed (which Balam wouldn't approve of), the demon turns to face a view that doesn't leave its own face ironic and sarcastic. He sighs and reaches out a clawed hand to stroke the finger pressed against his stomach.
 –Did some insect scare you that much?
 –`S-some insect`?! Did you see THAT?! It has eyes on each leg! And it's HUGE! Fu-fu-fu! Be-e-e!
 –Someone said they wasn't afraid of insects.
 –I'm not afraid of human insects! They don't usually have a hundred eyes scattered all over their bodies!
 You scream a little more, and then you start to choke. After coughing a couple of times, turn the Kalego so that the small furry creature is facing you. Even in this form, the demon doesn't look too pleased, and you dutifully bow your head to apologize.
 –I interrupted your school meeting? I'm sorry, – if you had ears like Ameri or Opera, they would immediately fall down. – It's just that you told me to call you every time I was in danger... so I acted immediately.
 –At least you're used to reading spells quickly, – Kalego lowers his small paws, touching sharp claws to your skin, and shakes his head. – And even if I meant attacking you directly, that's not exactly a bad option either. At least I can make it look like I'm away on important business, and not just skip a work meeting with these idiots.
 –That is… will you stay in this form... for a while?
 Naberius sees hope in your shining eyes and cannot refuse. He nods in frustration, and you giggle softly-squeal, pressing his small body to your face. The silky fur touches your face and you giggle into his stomach, leaving barely noticeable kisses on the demon's skin. Kalego initially resists, trying to move away from your tickling movements, but eventually gives up and lightly hugs your head with his paws.
 For obvious reasons, Naberius does not often assume his familiar form, even when there are no demons around to torment him, that is, "pet" him. Kalego doesn't feel so confident in this cute, charming form, as he stops scaring everyone around him just by looking at his face or eyes. But that doesn't mean that sometimes, sometimes he can't make an exception for you.
 And this is one of those days! You didn't expect to get something like this today! You were just cleaning up the house when you saw a huge insect that would make anyone's guts turn over, and you called the first defender you could think of. And now, thanks to this, you get a soft pillow-toy for an indefinite amount of time, which means that you need to start using this opportunity as soon as possible!
 You hurry to the sofa in the living room, holding Kalego like a small child and scratching his small belly with your index finger. When you land on the furniture, you lie on your side and hold the demon to your face, inhaling the unusual, slightly strange, but still pleasant aroma.
 The softness and beauty of life immediately surrounds you from all sides. You stroke and scratch your love in all the places you can reach. Kalego quietly complains about you, spins a little back and forth, but still allows you to create your "loving love". You cover his cute face with small kisses, glad that there is something adorable in Hell, and not just incomprehensible monsters that want to devour you.
 Naberius snuggles closer to your neck as you stop moving your head in all directions and stand still to enjoy the moment. He quietly flaps his wings, trying to cover at least your hand, but his round body does not work. The demon groans in exasperation and buries his beak into your skin, inhaling the familiar smell of a human, his human.
 Lying next to a fluffy and cute Kalego, you suddenly feel a little smaller and younger than you really are. Remembering all those times when you fell asleep as a child after playing with a soft toy, you move a little closer to the demon, burying your forehead in him and slightly hiding your nose in his fur. The air seems to be filled with a sleepy potion, and soon you start to doze, gently hugging Naberius with one arm.
 Kalego tosses a little when he realizes that the person across from him has fallen asleep, settles back down and leaves a small birdlike kiss on her cheek. He does not feel tired (except mentally), and therefore cannot also close his eyes and also have a sweet sleep. So he promises himself that he will take care of his beloved's sleep until she wakes up... or until the damn headmaster comes here to ruin everything.
 The demon admires the peaceful expression on the other person's face, rolls his eyes when a little saliva starts to roll down from the corner of her lips, and calls for a handkerchief to wipe it all away. He hopes that this day will pass quickly, he will return to his normal form, so that he can come back and truly embrace his love.
 Yes. That will be fine. Suddenly, the dark eyes notice small dark spots left over from hickeys and bites. Kalego smiles faintly and hums contentedly to himself as he folds his wings behind his back.
 It will need to update the "labels".
 As soon as you hear the sound of a key turning in the lock, you immediately drop everything and rush to the entrance to throw yourself at Kalego with hugs, screeching and screams. Usually, the demon doesn't look too pleased, but he opens his arms with incredible speed, preparing to catch you in his arms. But this time he scowls at you, holding you close with only one hand, and then only for a short time.
 You immediately realize that you should leave him alone. By saying that dinner is on the stove, you go to work out a plan for the next lesson, or rather, just try to remember what is so interesting about life in the human world.
 You take a few steps and are almost at the end of the corridor when a hand is suddenly grabbed. Kalego freezes with a sad face behind you, and you suddenly see longing and fatigue in his eyes. The demon mumbles that he will do without food, and asks if you are free now.
 You've never been very good at improvising, but it's not hard to talk about your own world, so you nod as you follow Naberius. He gently pulls you by the wrist to the sofa, where he sits, gently pushes you in the chest and leaves you lying on the soft pillows.
 Kalego sighs heavily and a little painfully, starting to take off his clothes. For a second, you twitch your entire body, watching as pale skin appears from behind the long robe. The demon magically sends his form to a chair, and then, opening his wings and stretching them a little, lies down on you, with one arm around your back, touching the place where you might have wings, and with the other hand removing the ring from you.
 Stress radiates from your love in waves, and you rush to put your arms around his back and head, holding him closer to you. Naberius inhales softly through his nose a couple of times, and then exhales with relief, hugging you with both hands and hiding his nose in your home clothes. His hand twitches, as if he wants to intertwine his fingers with yours, but for some reason he changes his mind. You take the hint and start using both hands to relax the demon.
 Naberius closes his eyes, enjoying the touch of his head, horns, hair, ears, back, and wings. It's amazing how much he still needs physical touch. Each time he stays around you longer and longer, holds you in his arms longer and longer before work, and hardly lets go of your hand on dates… His face may remain stony, but his gentle nature will somehow manifest itself around you.
 You chuckle softly, and the Kalego bounces on your chest. He opens one eye, looks at you intently. In response, you just stroke him harder and push him back, muttering to him to continue napping. The demon listens, and it looks like your chuckle was not in vain, because he is going to fall asleep on you again, as he did so many times before. It's nice, of course, but it's not too interesting to lie and stare at the ceiling without a book, phone, or any other entertainment at hand.
 Fortunately, your ring is nearby, so you won't get bored today.
 The demon's breathing is getting shallower by the second that you scratch him like a dog. You're just thinking that he's fallen asleep and is about to put on the ring when Naberius suddenly raises his hand and snaps his fingers. From somewhere in the bedroom comes a blanket that covers the bodies lying on the sofa. Kalego relaxes more, one of wings rolls down and begins to hang down to the floor, the other is curled up and embraces you from below.
 You can almost hold back a happy giggle when you see the calm, peaceful demon. You want to snap him to your chest and strangle him in your arms. You can barely restrain yourself from waking him up, eventually trying to relax as much as possible and try to fall asleep as well.
 You watch the light coming in from the window and playing on the ceiling. The house is dark, and you can hear the papers on your desk rustle slightly in the wind. Kalego is lying on top of you, not moving and barely breathing. He sleeps as quietly as ever. He would look dead if he didn't occasionally twitch his nose or move his wing. He looks like a statue, but not just because he's so heavy. (Although everything is relative).
 You love evenings like this almost as much as you love evenings when you talk to Kalego. He may not be as interested in the human world as his friend, but he will always listen to you and ask you to tell him more if you remember your past "home". He will always tell you something about Hell: whether it's some random fact, something important that can save your life, something related to school and your work as a "teacher", or even something about himself. Lying in silence and remembering his voice next to you, you can't help but smile, realizing that he almost doesn't sound tired, annoyed or angry, and if he does, you are rarely the cause of it.
 In fact, it's quite easy to negotiate with Naberius... at least for you, that's for sure. He may have a tough personality, but because you find more and more charming details in it every time, life becomes much easier. His mutterings of displeasure are becoming more amusing than infuriating day by day.
 You look at Kalego, remember his small shape, remember Iruma... and then your past "home". The human world was never something that you often thought about, unless it was required in class. There wasn't anything... special about it.
 Yes, you were an adult, with a lot of memories and people who were even... dear to you. You weren't Iruma, who easily left everything behind and went to the demon world. You had something to cling to.
 At the beginning of your "work" here, you almost did not think about your relatives, because you were afraid of everything and tried to survive. Soon, the events taking place in Hell sucked you in, and you didn't have time to think about the loved ones you left behind. But things are pretty calm right now, so you start thinking about the human world and... get terrified.
 Yes, you were not killed by that maniac, but you still disappeared from your world without a trace. Your job wasn't something you wanted to run to as fast as you could from five o'clock in the morning, but they probably told your relatives that you were... missing. What was their reaction when they heard this? What about your colleagues, your few friends? Why are you thinking about this only now, after all this time?
 The answer is simple: you, like Iruma, didn't want to go back to the human world.
 The human world is filled with technology, deceit, cruelty and sadness. Yes, the demon world is the same, but not the demons have so many legends about how some "human" came into the world and destroyed everyone. People who consider themselves better than "some otherworldly beings who take souls and kill for fun", to some extent, were even worse than these very creatures.
 And yet... you feel a sharp sadness and regret that you were not able to at least say goodbye to some of the people in your environment. They were never too close to you, but they were still the ones you chatted with before and after work, who you sometimes went out to have fun with, and even felt like they really enjoyed spending time with you.
 You continue to stare at the ceiling, but with different eyes. Has there ever been a person in your life that you truly cherish, for whom you would go to the other side of the country just to help them? No. But would you like to see some people from the human world, at least once more? Definitely yes.
 Kalego opens his eyes with difficulty and lifts himself up slightly, looking down at you. You instantly turn your attention to the demon and give him a faint smile. You want to ask him in a cheerful voice if he slept well, but all that comes out of your mouth is... a whimper?
 –Why are you crying?
 Naberius leans over and brushes away the tear tracks that roll down your cheeks with his thumbs. You swallow and look away from him, starting to stare at the fireplace. Kalego exhales, leans in and kisses you on both cheeks, then leaves a small kiss on your lips before pulling away again.
 –Do you want to talk about it?
 His voice is so soft and gentle that it feels foreign. No, he is often gentle and kind to you, but your own thoughts have made you suddenly too sensitive to any words coming out of the demon's mouth.
 –I just... I just thought my parents might be thinking… That I was dead.
 Naberius freezes, carefully scanning your face. He rubs his cheek, then pulls you into his arms, starting to stroke your back. You wrap your arms around his neck and snuggle up with a soft whimper, like a wounded puppy. No one else says anything. You calm down a little in the embrace, but you still feel a sudden weight in the depths of your chest.
 It comes so suddenly and doesn't go away at all. All your thoughts are suddenly focused on that past life, you imagine the reaction of people who found out about a maniac, and then realized that you did not come to work, did not return to the apartment, that some of your things are lying in the same alley where Sullivan appeared and saved you from a madman.
 You fall asleep in Kalego's arms, but you still wake up with a heavy heart. Kalego makes you breakfast and showers you with love in various ways, but you still don't feel good. The same thoughts are swirling in your head, even if you try to shut them up, knowing that nothing can be changed.
 You lived far away from your parents and rarely communicated with them, but suddenly the desire to hear familiar voices suddenly begins to devour you from the inside. The desire to see the school you went to destroys you from the inside out. The desire to look into a familiar office and talk to colleagues, even if they will not be so happy about you, pierces you from the inside.
 –(Y/N)-san, is everything okay?
 You look up from your cup of tea and stare at Iruma. Today is the day when you go to his house and talk to him about everything from school to certain things in the human world. And even if the latter topic rarely comes up, for some reason it was today that the boy decided to talk about it. He wants to tell his friends something interesting about his past "home", but he couldn't think of anything, so he asked you to help... unwittingly reminding you of the heaviness in his chest.
  –Yes... probably. I just... I just miss my old "home" a little, – you shrug and take a small sip. – I understand that you don't have the best memories of your past life, but... it wasn't so bad for me after all. And while I'm glad I ended up in Hell... I suddenly thought I'd like to... see my parents.
 You can literally hear Iruma stop breathing for a second. He looks at you with regret, then lowers his head and mumbles a sad apology. You shake your head and force a smile.
 –It's definitely not your fault, Iruma-kun. If I hadn't been here, I would have been killed then. Because you are there, I found an easy job and my love. Besides, I like to study magic.
 –What was... your family like? I'd like to understand what it's like to have... parents who didn't leave you practically to your fate. B-but if you don't feel comfortable talking about it, don't!..
 –It's all right. My parents... they're good people. I can't say that we always had a good relationship, but they helped me finish school well and go to university in another city… After that, I tried to study, so I rarely came to them. I was able to get a job right after I graduated and tried not to lose it in the first few months, so... I didn't really talk to them either. Before I got here, I was trying to get a promotion, so... – you sigh too loudly with grief. – I think I've started to forget a lot. I hadn't spoken to them in so long, even on the phone, that I almost forgot their voice…
 You raise your head and look at the sad boy. You shake your head and smile weakly.
 –Don't worry about me, Iruma-kun. I'm the one who's here to support you. Distance separates people from each other, especially if they have previously communicated without barriers… I just suddenly thought that I would like to visit them at least once more… These thoughts will probably go away soon, so don't worry about me.
 But they didn't leave. Just like Iruma's sad look. When you go to his house again, you hear some screams, and after a few days you will find out that…
 And it screams not even Kalego…
  –Iruma-kun said that he wants to bring some goodies from the human world to his friends, and also go for a walk with his beloved grandfather, so we're going there!
  –What does this have to do with me?
 –You will protect Iruma-kun with your eyes and keep bad people away from us, Kalego-kun!
 –Then why are they coming?
 –If Iruma-sama gets cold, I'll put it on his jacket. Or don't you like being around me, Kalego-ku-un?
 Naberius hides behind you and clears his throat.
 –You know you've already been caught once visiting the human world, right? Now you want me to be accused of trespassing in another world as well?!
  –Don't worry, Kalego-kun, we won't be discovered this time! – Sullivan winks. – I've refined the spell, so there won't be any problems! But I couldn't find a spell that allows me to understand human language, so I'm counting on my wonderful grandson and you, (Y/N)!
  –Uh... okay.
  –If anything happens, tell them during the interrogation that we were forced to.
 You nod and look around. Iruma and you are dressed in normal clothes, but everyone else is wearing hats and long cloaks to hide their tails, horns or ears.
  –Go ahead!.. By the way, (Y/N), can you tell me where your parents live? You can visit them in the late afternoon if you want!
 Your eyes light up and you nod at the address. Opera wags their tail thoughtfully as they pick up their coat, watching as the stronger demon looks at a map and nods to himself. He snaps his fingers and a portal appears, where everyone enters.
 You find yourself in an abandoned building located not so far from the city. You're about to ask where everyone wants to go first, when Opera suddenly grabs you, throws you over their shoulder, and runs away, shouting to the shocked Kalego: "Try to catch me if you can, kohai!" The demon immediately rushes after them, Sullivan puts his grandson on his shoulders, and they cheerfully go in the direction of tall buildings.
 It looks like it was some old abandoned hospital in the woods, as you are greeted by a rather vibrant area of the city, not the outskirts. You look around and can't believe that you are seeing all these signs again, advertising, inscriptions about free Wi-fi, buying some two products for the price of one, and so on. You smile at the familiar smells, feeling even more excited when Opera finally puts you on the floor.
 –So, where do you want to go? I do not know that many free places, so...
 –Don't worry, (Y/N), I brought some expensive jewelry that I've heard can be exchanged! Can you help us?
 You nod and look around uncertainly. Where's the pawnshop?..
 You go ahead, looking around and choosing someone who won't yell at you as soon as you speak to them. It's hot outside, and you genuinely empathize with the demons wearing multiple layers of clothing. Iruma in shorts is pointing around and chatting about something, and you notice strange looks from passersby.
 Have I forgotten how to speak the "human language"? What happens if I can't speak my native language? What should we do then?! And how do I... how do I talk to my parents?
You hear your name and turn around, quickly realizing that it's not Kalego speaking. You look in surprise at your former colleague, who runs up to you with a surprised cry and a glass of some liquid in her hands.
 –(Y/N)?! Is that you, (Y/N)?! (Y/N)!..
 You are surprised when she throws herself at you and hugs you so hard that the air escapes from your lungs. She was one of the people who was most friendly to you and sometimes invited you to parties, but for her to be so kind to you?..
  –Oh, (Y/N), I thought you were sold for organs! – she starts shaking you from side to side, shouting in a panic all over the street. – Why didn't you answer your phone? I contacted your parents, they don't know anything! Where have you been? You scared everyone! The police searched for you for several months, and then stopped, saying that there are absolutely no leads!..
 You look at her directly and suddenly realize that her speech sounds familiar, you understand her, but still something is wrong. It's like you've abruptly started practicing a second language that you've learned and haven't used in a long time.
  –What does she say? – Kalego asks, looking at you doubtfully and clearly wanting to shut your colleague up by force. – It's so loud.
 –She's just, uh, happy to see me. It's hard to explain…
 The woman freezes, and then looks from you to Naberius in surprise.
 –What language are you speaking now?
 –Um, that's easy… this is such a special variety of Asian languages, a mixture of several and a strong accent. Kalego-kun and my companions are from a small town where this language is spoken. It's... it's all a little hard to explain...
  –He looks like he doesn't understand us. Doesn't he even know English? I mean... how many opportunities to play games and read comics does he lose?
 –They value their native language much, so it can't be helped... ahem.
  –Well, it doesn't matter. Where have you been all this time?! Why didn't you tell me everything was fine?!
  –Um, it's a complicated story... I was sort of... kidnapped?
 You cough nervously as you watch her eyes widen. With a quick shake of your head, you hurry to calm the woman down so that she doesn't scream again.
 –But I'm fine, don't worry! Sullivan-sama, – you point to the old demon who is chatting incessantly with Iruma, – saved me and brought me to him. There I met Opera-san and Kalego-kun. They decided to take a little walk today, so I'm kind of like a translator here...
 She looks first at you, then at Naberius, and then gives you a brilliant answer:
 –I didn't think you'd ever get involved with the mafia.
 You look at her blankly, and she points her finger at the demon closest to her.
 –He's dressed like an Italian mobster, (Y/N). And they, by the way, too. And that look... can you ask him not to look at me like he's judging how much my organs are worth on the black market?
 –I'm afraid he was born with that look. I can only cover his eyes with my hand.
 –I think he'll burn a hole in it and keep staring at me.
 You giggle and nod weakly. You ask Kalego to move away for a while, and he starts to devour your interlocutor with his gaze even more.
 –I'm not sure, (Y/N). Are you sure it's safe?
 –You just don't want to go to Opera-san and Sullivan-sama, do you?
 –Including. And I just don't want anything to happen to you.
 –This is a human world, nothing will happen to me, don't worry… Now go, go.
 You push him away and continue to communicate with the former colleague. It's nice to know the news of your home world, let each one make you sadder and sadder.
 –So you lost your phone and couldn't recover it? That's how... unfortunate. But I always told you that you need to remember the phone numbers of other people, at least relatives!
 –I'm going to buy a new one if they don't give me the old one, so I'll be fine…
 –Why didn't they buy it for you right away?! Doesn't the mafia want you to give up their secrets?
 –Yes, they are not members of the mafia!
 –They don't show it!
 –Anyway… can you tell me where the pawnshop is? Sullivan-sama wants to exchange some jewelry.
 –Stolen goods are hardly accepted there…
 –They're not mafiosi!
 You chat with her a little more, then look at the maps to get to the pawnshop. The woman makes sure for the last time that you are safe and sound, and leaves, saying that she will tell everyone at work that you are fine, but you should still go to the police and report your "miraculous discovery".
 Which you do as soon as you exchange jewelry. Sullivan goes shopping with his grandson, and you go to "please the law". You may feel awkward coming up with a story on the go, but Kalego helps you a lot. You are glad that they did not ask for documents, otherwise it would have been a failure. You are given your passport, taken from the apartment, where you should not return, because the owner can make you really lost, some documents, as well as a phone that was found after Sullivan “got rid” of the owner.
 Kalego is surprised that your phone has no buttons, to which you shrug and say that you need to somehow have fun and improve, since there is no magic. After that, he offers to charge it with lightning, but you refuse, just asking for charging from the police.
 You sit and wait for the phone to finish charging, looking ahead and moving awkwardly back and forth on the spot. Naberius sits next to you, crossing his legs and looking at the police in a way that makes them afraid. A few of them want to go up to him and ask him to stop, but this look scares them too much.
 –You're going to call your parents, aren't you?
 You jump up and down, not understanding how the demon read your mind. Kalego looks back at you, and you sigh, nodding.
 –I-I'm not sure what I'm going to tell them. Yes, I'll tell them about the "abduction" if they ask, but... I just don't want to worry them any more and... I don't want to reassure them. I mean... this might be the last time I'll see them. They'll think I'll call them, but I-I'll never do that.
 Naberius reaches out to you, and you are horrified to feel his tail moving. Fortunately, the demon quickly regains his composure and quietly apologizes, saying that he will control himself better from now on. As a result, he puts his arm around your shoulders and pulls you to his chest, playing with the tips of your hair with his fingers.
  –Actually... maybe you can call them after we get back to Hell.
 –In what way?
  –Let the Batora of our favorite student think about that. It is quite difficult to create a portal between two worlds, but surely the connection is not so difficult to make.
 –We'll have to pay every month for the chance to call my parents. I don't think Sullivan-sama will be so happy to risk his happy life with Iruma-kun and come here at least once every few months. And even more so, he won't want to constantly change his jewelry.
 –If you think the system can't be fooled, then you're wrong, – he smiles at you, and all the cops get even more creepy. – And I'll threaten to give them the lowest grade in battle magic if they don't come up with something.
 –You're so cruel! – you nudge him in the side.
 –That's why I'm a demon, (Y/N).
 –Speaking of which… Why is there a spell that allows you to understand demons, but no spell that allows you to understand humans? And how did Sullivan-sama make a contract with Iruma-kun's parents if he doesn't know any human language? And how do demons do this in general?!
 –As far as I know, when a person summons a demon, there is a temporary 'connection' between them, allowing them to understand each other. It disappears as soon as a demon returns to their own world. As for spells… I don't know if this is true or not, but people used to be used as servants and food, – you swallow involuntarily, – and it's easier and "more arrogant" to make a person understand a demon than a human to understand a demon. And we demons have one language, and you have many. It's easier to use a spell and force them to learn one language than to constantly pick up a new one.
 –That's how... well, it's a good thing I ended up in the demon world after all. Oh, about wotlds! Thanks to me, you'll be able to learn everything-everything you want to know! He-he.
 –I didn't want that much… Just take me to the places you like. I want to know what your life was like when you lived here.
 You nod, even though you don't know where to take him… You just ate, read, played games, and sometimes went for a walk in the park. Nothing really interesting…
 While your phone is charging, you try to remember interesting places. Once it's charged, you exhale and pick a familiar number, ready to call your parents.
 The voice you almost forgot almost makes you burst into tears on the spot. You squeeze the phone harder, afraid you'll drop it.
–I do not know who is calling this number, – you almost do not understand words, because you can not concentrate, – but stop it immediately! Delete my number and never mock me like that again! I don't know anything about my daughter anyway, so just leave me alone...!
 –M-mama, Mama, it's me-me! Listen… this is not a joke! Don't hang up!
The silence hits your heart hard, and then a loud sob is heard from the other side. Kalego squeezes your hand, turning away, giving you support and allowing you to communicate with relatives almost in private.
 –(Y/N), is it... is it really you? Where are you... where have you been all this time?.. Why didn't you call us?! Your boss reported that you weren't at work, you weren't at home, no one saw you, and we!..
 –I'll tell you everything tonight, I promise! I'll come to you... is Dad around? I'd like to hear his voice, too.
 You've never cried so hard. The crazy life in Hell fades into the background, and you can finally think about your original family. A conversation you've been thinking about for days immediately goes off track, as you start crying, unable to say even a single sentence properly. You promise and promise that you'll meet them tonight before you laboriously hang up the phone and sniff loudly. Kalego discreetly creates a handkerchief and hands it to you.
 –(Y/N)-san, – this is the first thing you hear as soon as you calm down a little and go outside, – are you all right? Have you talked to your parents?
 –Y-yes... thank you for giving me this opportunity, Iruma-kun, – you sit down and pat him on the head. – I promised to visit them tonight, but they're in another city, so…
 You lift your head and look at Sullivan. The demon smiles at you and nods, telling you that he will go somewhere interesting while you communicate with your family. He suggests that you temporarily forget about all the bad things and go have fun, especially since now you, a person who knows this city, are nearby, so everything should go just fine.
 And so it happens. The first few places that Iruma and the others wanted to visit, you look sadly in front of you, but then you come to your senses a little and begin to gradually join in the general fun. It's nice to walk for other people's money, so you show the demons places where you couldn't go for your salary or where it was a commonplace pity to spend your own savings.
 Small cafes and big restaurants, exhibitions and attractions, movies and parks – everything passes by and leaves good memories. You go with Kalego just behind the others. Naberius looks scowling, he crosses his arms and looks around, but you can see a slight twinkle of interest in his eyes. You stop every time he has a question and explain a particular thing to him, watching out of the corner of your eye as Iruma does the same to his protector and grandfather.
  –Shichiro would love it here, – the demon says quietly, looking around the bookstore window. A large black cat comes around the corner, stretching lazily in the sun. – Maybe steal him an animal…
 –L-let's not put the local flora and fauna under such stress! Maybe we should buy him some textbooks instead. I'll pass them on for him.
  –I wonder if the sheet music is sold here... I'm curious about the difference between demon music and human music.
 –I'm not sure, but... there are probably autobiographies of musicians inside, or something like that… Hey, Opera-san, we'll go inside for a second, okay?
 The demon eating some human food with a cat-like smile turns their head to you and nods quickly. You drag Kalego inside. The store is quiet, cool, and smells a little like books. Naberius lets out a sigh of relief and starts moving next to you near the even rows of bookshelves. He stops and points at some of the books, wanting to know what they're about. Somehow, all he comes across all the time is weird romance novels, some unfunny comedies, and books about teamwork. You have to take him to some other department before he gets into a fight with a book that tells him by its description that he is not a good colleague for other teachers.
 Books for children and adult textbooks are in your hands, and you are ready to help Kalego choose the right reading material. The demon freezes with a book in his hands, probably looks at it, then hands it to you and asks what is there in the plot.
  –Uh ... it's a book about the kind of torture used centuries ago…
  –Fine, I'll take it.
  –N-not as a gift for March-san, I hope?..
  –Oh, don't worry, – his smile is as creepy as it often is, – I'll use such a rare find on my own.
 Naberius takes a few more books, including some complex textbooks, horror films, biographies of some musicians and notes to fairly well-known classical works that came from somewhere. You choose literature to suit your taste and stand at the cash register, afraid to even imagine how you will drag it all.
 Fortunately, there is always a weight-loss spell, so you can carry the bags on one finger, but Kalego insists on taking all your belongings. Later, he will reduce them and hide them in his pocket.
 The day is going well, too well even. It could have been a great date if it hadn't been for the trio reacting admiringly to everything around them. Fortunately, not only did they distract you in this way, but they also left you free to hold your favorite demon's hand or even kiss him while no one else was looking. In this huge city full of people, you feel a little uneasy, but everything is fine as long as Kalego is near you.
 You visit a few more places and end up on a park bench. Opera with bags and others buy ice cream, while you sit with the already purchased portion and look at the sky. It's already evening in the city where your parents live, so it's time for you to head there.
 –That damn headmaster said they were going to see the pond and then send us to another city. Are you ready to... meet your parents?
 You nod to yourself. 
 –But... would you like to come with me?
 Naberius thinks for a moment, looks ahead, quietly continuing to nibble on some dried fruit that he bought at the market. The demon shrugs and turns to you.
 –If you want to. I can go to them as your friend or as your love. You haven't seen your parents in a long time, so it's up to you whether to interrupt this meeting with me or not.
 –Then I'd like to... introduce you. And if I introduce you, my story will seem more complete. Although I wish I could tell them something different, I have no other excuse or reason for disappearing from this world for a few months…
 –We can always erase their memories if you want, – Kalego says, patting you on the shoulder.  – Or replace some memories.
 –Can you do it?! – you jump up and down.
  –I... no, – he winces and looks at the departed demons. – I specialize in battle magic, even if I could, I would only make it worse for them. But our favorite boss can. If he can manipulate the minds of demons, then he definitely won't have any problems with humans.
 –What makes you think he won't refuse me?
  –You're taking care of his 'favorite grandson'. And it's easier for him than moving to another world, so no problem.
 –I-I need to think about it.
 You remain seated until the trio returns.
 –So, (Y/N), are you ready to see your parents? Oh, I heard there's a great little restaurant right next to your house! While you're chatting with your parents, we'll go there! Do you want to bring some food, Iruma-kun?..
 –Sullivan-sama... if anything happens, can you... change the memory of my parents?
 The demon freezes in place, watching you closely. He rolls thoughtfully from one heel to the other, and then nods weakly.
 –I think I'll have to spend a certain amount of time, but there shouldn't be any problems. Of course, if other people ask your parents something that I erased from their heads, it will be an awkward situation, but that's another matter.
 –Then you can... change their memories as soon as I... we, – you squeeze Kalego's hand, – get back from them? I don't want them to worry any more once I'm gone... again.
 The demon nods and suggests that you go somewhere where no one can see the company.
 You walk up the mountain next to Naberius, squeezing his hand and constantly tripping. When he asks you what's wrong, you don't say anything for a few seconds, and then you say it with dry lips:
  –Perhaps... it would be better... if they simply erased the memory of my existence. I can ask them to move somewhere where no one will know they had a daughter, and then... make them forget about me.
 Kalego freezes, and so do you, almost falling down. You look at it without understanding anything. The demon shakes his head and pulls you into his arms.
 –I mean… I definitely won't go back to this world, because I still live for myself, not for them, and I want to be with you, in a world that has become so much closer to me in such a short amount of time… And they will feel better if they forget that their daughter first did not call them for several months, and then was reported missing.…
 –I don't have the right to choose for you, but I still don't advise you to do it, –he pulls you closer to him. – Maybe they'll forget you, but you definitely won't. And if you ever want to visit them, they will see you as a stranger, not as their own daughter. It will hurt your heart a lot.
–But I-I can't leave them to suffer again, – you cling to him and try to hide your tears in his clothes. – I'm already a bad daughter, I only thought about them now... should they even remember someone like me?..
 –I'm sure as soon as you see them, you'll stop thinking of yourself as 'bad', – he moves away and pats you on the head. – And so it would be better to change their memories and maybe come here occasionally to visit them.
 –And how can that be possible?..
 –If Iruma becomes the demon king – which I doubt, even with the prophecy – communication with humans will clearly become easier. But even if it doesn't, you still have your boss. And... eh, so be it, I'll try to master the portal creation technique, although I don't promise anything.
 –You're working so hard for me... thank you so much.
 You rush to hug him, immediately hearing a giggle almost in your ear. Opera stands at the top and makes with their fingers the heart that you and Kalego fall into. You hear growls from one side and laughter from the other and decide it's time to meet your family.
 Taking the demon's hand, you walk forward to the abandoned hospital, trying to breathe calmly and not think about anything that might reflect badly on your meeting with your parents.
 It's time to apologize to them for their long absence.
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iambutahumblememe · 6 months
Log update: The figurative wall remains vast and thick, despite my attempts presumably going past the halfway point. Nevertheless, there's been a small change, as the infernal device I've opted into using has begun asking me "PLZ WHY". The pixel cat in the corner stares into my eyes, as if seeking an answer. But I cannot provide one, for I have no answer. I do not know why I'm still here. Has is not been enough to earn these badges, to make a furry joke about them and to show that I already broke the machine? Must I break myself too, all for the right to what? Brag? About completing this pointless task? One that not one person dared me to take on?
There's little feeling left in me, apart from the tired ache of my fingers, second only to the one in my soul. I know whether I continue pushing against the immovable object for nothing at all or give up for good, I will never be the same again. Not a chance. Because every second I push that button to boop someone, it's a reminder that the real joke of the day is me, along with those who shared the same mind I did when I made my personal hell. Thinking about throwing hands with others for a laugh, a website wide practical joke. I've long reached the point of swinging at myself above all else, knowing that others will only provide so much on the journey towards "becoming Tumblr". Five hundred boops changes the score none, yet every one is a gut punch that crushes the life out of me.
And I know I can't leave. Because as I'm writing this, I've figured out the answer to why I'm doing this. Shame. Shame in doing all this for nothing at all (as if I wasn't already) and having to live with that for the rest of my life. So I press on. Even this message is only a temporary relief, one that loses its benefits as I remember that time marches on, with or without me.
I must continue now. I cannot lose this pointless achievement or I will have achieved even less and I'm not sure how I'll handle that. This is my burden I've saddled myself with and I will see it through until the end. Even if I end up never making it out again. I have no one to blame but myself. And I shall forever and ever. Godspeed everyone.
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