#fun fact: the camera went in & out of focus for half this scene
liyazaki · 2 years
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let me help you.
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pancreasman · 1 year
Camp Camp S5E1 opinions (spoilers)
I just watched the new episode of Camp Camp and nobody cares but here's what I have to say, first:
(this is your disclaimer to please watch the new episode LEGALLY and in a way that supports the creators. Even if that means blocking spoilers for a bit so you can watch it for free when it's available. It's a small team, and they deserve all the support they can get because making cartoons is hard!)
All this is my opinion, if you disagree, let me know! I genuinely want to discuss it. If you agree with me, then feel free to vent along with me and we can be excited or dissapointed together. The show qualifies as art and is open to criticism. Also WARNING: SPOILERS FOR THE NEW SEASON PREMIERE OF CAMP CAMP!
Ok with all that garbage out of the way, here's what I have to say:
• Max’s new voice is pretty good. I got used to it pretty quick. Props to the VA!
• Dolph’s new design is cute. I totally understand why they changed it and the redesign is good.
•I think the idea of the whole camp hating the trio is funny and I kind of wish they made it real even though it went against the point of the episode kind of.
• The part where the trio is shaming Preston and they all move in sync was the one part that made me laugh. I love when they're all being goofy together.
• I liked the idea with the circle in the dirt at first because I thought it was just Max’s way of illustrating a point and I thought it was cute how he included his friends. Started as a nice moment
• Nurf lovingly flipping them off was funny.
• my gwenvid heart was soaring. They were very cute and I wish we got a more overt gwenvid moment as a send-off. Like, it doesn't have to be made canon and can stay subtle but something for the fans would have been nice.
• Gwen’s new voice did a good job. Slightly different vibe to her but it wasn't bad at all. I liked it. It was an interesting change and I didn't mind at all.
• The scene with Max and David’s hike was beautiful and the best part of the episode by far. They're both so in character, they are well-written and their dynamic is so sweet, and the message rings true. It was a nice moment and something I think Max needed to hear.
• “somebody. Fucking. Has to.” GUYS WHEN I TELL YOU I FJGKRNGKRHDNR WHAT A CALLBACK. I wish they made David’s reaction a little longer and made it more of a moment because I nearly missed it at first but once I heard it I got so excited. Really, Max’s whole pep talk in that moment is very good.
• The camera is such a thoughtful and fitting gift for Max because he's struggling with letting go of camp, and the fact he uses it himself too makes it all the more sweet.
• My lil Makki heart jumped when Max came back and Nikki shouts his name. It was sweet, the excitement and joy in her voice. I forgot it was meant to be a joke at first honestly it was so sincere.
• the animation was great! I loved the facial animations, especially on David and Nikki. Idk why those two had such good expressions but I'm not complaining.
• the trio. They're such besties. I'm love them.
• Honestly the fight cloud with Nikki and Neil was fun idk why I liked watching them wrastle. Children fighting is amusing.
• I'm glad Gwen finally got recognized for her talent. It’s a running theme throughout the show that Gwen is more talented and capable than she lets on and this was a fine way to end it. Good for her.
• opening narration was unnecessary
• wish they introduced Dolph’s new look more organically. It deserves to be it’s own moment.
• why can't Nikki write? She's 9 not 4. She was never stupid.
• plot is all over the place. It's like two or three episodes smashed into one and there's not enough extra time for any of them. It lacks focus. If it were up to me I would have cut out the first half with the social media app and the trio trying to get people to like them. It felt like filler.
• it's just not very funny. There was maybe one joke that made me laugh. And not even hard. Camp Camp is usually pretty funny to me so I don't get what happened. The comedy is all so slow despite the plot being so crammed so I wonder if the delivery was faster if we would have more time for plot. Anyway, they just lacked any sort of setup or punchline. Just nothing jokes.
• Why does Max go along with trying not to be bossy? He clearly didn't care before and the way it's written it isn't implied he's doing it for his friends. It's like he suddenly did care about being liked out of nowhere. I think it would have been funny and made more sense if maybe Nikki or Neil made him play along, like Nikki bit him until he stopped.
• the circle thing. It was a cute idea at first because I thought Max was just making some kind of metaphor, and I thought that it was cute. I wish they kept it like that and just made it a sweet moment of Max expressing his devotion to his friends in his own way but instead they stay in the circle and are just unfunny for a few minutes and then Nikki says they ran away?? Like first of all why are you running away and also no, you didn't run away because you're still at camp. WHY ARE THEY IN THE CIRCLE IT DOES NOTHING FOR THE PLOT AND MAKES NO SENSE?
• Is it just me or do they keep playing sad music like... A lot? It just keeps popping up every other scene and at some point it just became funny to me. It's so badly paced out lol
• I mentioned Max’s pep talk was good and it was but also I wish that it was in a better written context. Like, I think it would have been a better end to the cliff scene instead of a way to motivate David to... fight a robot cause... He thinks he can't... Because reasons? It doesn't make a whole lot of sense and I think that it's supposed to connect but it really doesn't.
• Too much Preston. Never liked Preston never will. Why did he talk so much.
• the running gag of everyone being like “oooookay” when the trio assumes they hate them is just... So unfunny omg
• This episode suffers from season 4 syndrome, which was a characteristic of season 4 that I heavily disliked where they sacrifice the outrageous personalities of the characters to have them sit around and discuss life lessons that aren't even that profound to begin with. It's boring, unnatural, and uncharacteristic. At least make it funny. I don't want to see them sit on the ground and calmly discuss basic friendship lessons like I KNOW THAT NOW PLEASE DO SOMETHING INTERESTING.
• I wish David and Max got a better goodbye. I kind of liked David’s line of “That's good enough for me.” but I wish they expanded on it. Maybe have Max struggle to be sincere and make it more obvious that he's trying to act tough and David still sees through it. So he's like “I get that's you're struggling to be sincere so ill take what I can get because I appreciate the effort.”
Overall, it was kind of a mixed bag. It had some very VERY good moments and a lot of good ideas, but I think it was messy and didn't use it's time well, as well as not taking advantage of a lot of potential jokes. I understand that they likely had limitations but they tried to tackle too much with one episode. If I were to change anything I would cut the first half and work on giving the characters a more clear and smooth arc from beginning to end. Pick a focus and stick to it! Still, I'm excited to see where this will go!
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Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 3
Episode 18: Live and Dangerous Part 2
"Ooo! Frankini is about to start a livestream!" Piper Hart squealed as she stood in her living room with Charlotte and Jasper. The teen girl was still on babysitting duty, whilst Jasper had just turned up out of the blue because without Henry or Junk-N-Stuff being open, things were pretty boring. 
All three of them were completely oblivious to the dire situation currently being forced upon Henry, Ray and (y/n), they were just excited to see that Frankini was about to make his big announcement. The world was waiting for the start, unaware of how Swellview's crimefighters were under that lycra-wearing weirdo's control, hours away from total disaster. 
"Interesting." Charlotte nodded, wondering why the celeb was starting one now at such short notice. He'd barely advertised it, which was unusual because he loved to draw it out and tease the hell out of his viewers.
"Yeah, wonder if Frankini is gonna have any special guests on the livestream," Jasper suggested, raising his eyebrows at Charlotte, who just shushed him with a smirk stretched across her face. They couldn't let Piper pick up on what they secretly knew, but they had to admit, it was fun to be in the know.
"Well, we're about to find out...You guys! Captain Man, Miss Danger and Kid Danger are with Frankini!" Piper squealed as the web page finally loaded, revealing that the guy was standing with Ray, Henry and (y/n) smiling brightly at the camera. On the inside, the three superheroes were dying, but outwardly, all but their eyes appeared normal. 
"Wow..." Jasper "gasped", pretending that he was just as shocked as she was, although on the inside he was smirking from how he'd known about the special appearance for a few days.
"Okay, welcome to a surprise livestream with my insanely special guests, Captain Man, Kid Danger and the lovely, Miss Danger!" Frankini grinned into the camera whilst Goomer raised two sliders on the control panel, causing the three heroes to shakily raise their hands and wave at the viewers. The viewer count was rocketing as the word spread about Ray, Henry and (y/n) being online, meaning it was only a matter of time before they reached ten million and Frankini carried out his terrible plan.
"Uh, what are Kid Danger, Captain Man, and Miss Danger wearing?" Charlotte asked the two sitting with her. She had no idea why they had agreed to put on such garish pants, especially (y/n) since she was usually so shy, but she assumed that Frankini must have really charmed them or something.
"I don't know." Piper shook her head and continued to focus on the livestream, watching as the viewer count went past one and a half million people and Frankini carried on doing what he did best.
"Now, to entertain you, my friend, Captain Man has asked if he, his girlfriend and Kid Danger can perform a scene from their favourite movie, A Swim To Forget." Frankini breathed out the movie dramatically, moving his arms around like he was actually swimming and it was clear that it was really his favourite movie. He stormed over the control panel and shoved Goomer away, swiping through the menu swiftly so the superheroes would bring the hands down in front of their faces. This guy took acting very seriously. 
"Wait! What is happening?!" Piper exclaimed, wondering what the hell she had just witnessed. She was a Captain man expert, she knew all the facts and all the trivia and was certain that he and his sidekicks would never agree to do something so strange and random for everyone to see. Her hero wasn't one for self-humiliation and she had learnt of how he'd do anything to keep Miss Danger safe too, both from bad guys and negative publicity.
"Why would they be doing a scene from that movie?" Charlotte asked, more to Jasper than Piper. The teens knew that (y/n) wasn't the biggest fan of A Swim To Forget, preferring one of her cheesy romcoms to a tragedy with a crap ending. They were also sure that Ray and Henry would never agree to do something like this, not on camera anyway and that inside knowledge made a bad feeling sit in their chests.
"And now, a scene from A Swim To Forget." An announcer said over the livestream as a title rolled, introducing the movie part professionally. Ray dramatically fell to the floor as if he was dying, pawing at the ground as Henry knelt in front of him and began to mourn whichever character his boss was playing. (y/n) too was pretending to be upset, throwing her hand to her forehead and painting an expression of heartache across her face. Well, this was humiliating.
"No! Tiffany, no! Come here! No! Come on!" Henry sobbed, pulling Ray onto the couch like he was fishing him out of the sea and the large man plonked his legs into the boy's lap as (y/n) immediately began to tap at his face, pretending to revive him. Tiffany was a goner. 
"I'm so...cold. Hold me, Eudora, you're my favourite sister." Ray spoke in a soft, country drawl, making (y/n) wrap her arms around his shoulders since she was "Eudora" apparently. This was a weird movie, but from the pure enrapture on Frankini's face, he was loving it.
"Oh, dear sister, why did you go swimming?" She whimpered back, leaning over the back of the couch as Henry cradled his boss, a sight that was extremely odd to the people watching back home, not just Piper, Charlotte and Jasper, the whole two million idiots who'd clicked on the video.
"You know you can't swim." Henry reminded "Tiffany", tearing up as Ray's body shook and (y/n) wiped his brow, acting like she was wiping a hot flannel across it. Next, Ray blinked furiously and began to madly feel for Henry's face since his character had gone blind in the water. Go figure.
"Lance?! Lance?! Are you there? And my sister, where is Eudora?" He asked in his southern accent, causing Henry and (y/n) to clutch onto his hand strongly and caress his cheek as if he was a dying family member. It was weird to see (y/n) do that, not for her since y'know, they were dating and stuff, but seeing Henry behave like that was downright disturbing and rather...suspicious.
"We're here, we're here." (y/n) soothed, smiling gently. She disregard the fat tears that fell from her eyes and fell onto Ray's cheeks and Frankini didn't bother to change the settings because he loved the drama behind it. Well, that and the water hid the fear and anger hiding beneath those (y/c/e) orbs.
"I feel myself slipping away..." Ray squeaked in a high tone, his wrist limply bridging over his forehead before flopping down to his side and for whatever reason, Lance wasn't too happy to hear her speak in such a defeatist manner. 
"No! No, don't, nooo!" Henry bawled, cupping Ray's cheek as he began to grieve for the character. Under Frankini's control, the three made for outstanding actors, but truth be told, there were three kids sat at home watching who couldn't be fooled, even as (y/n) laid it on thick.
"Oh, Lord have mercy, please! Let her live, dear God! It's not her fault she swum!" She sniffed, pressing her forehead to Ray's momentarily before Frankini decided that he didn't quite like the sight of the girl getting so close to her real boyfriend. She had to join his side and bring endless amounts of her fabulosity to his online presence; if he couldn't have her, then Captain Man definitely couldn't. He didn't deserve her.
"I just wanted to give you both a swim to remember." Ray crooned, smushing his fingers against Henry's lips because that's what the girl in the movie did, although she had a lot more grace than him.
"Instead, you've given us...a swim to forget." Henry was honoured with saying the famous line before the three began to cry like babies, the pants illuminating briefly as four million people joined to see what the hell was going on. They were all laughing and recording and being horrible, just what the mad celebrity needed to fuel his livestream, which was quickly going viral.
"Why are they doing that?" Jasper questioned as he, Piper and Charlotte watched his two bosses and his best friend make complete fools of themselves over some dumb, crappy movie. Their acting wasn't even that good and he could've sworn that parties don't normally include amateur theatre productions. Something was going on here and they didn't like it, not one bit.
"That's right! We already have six and a half million people watching right now. And when we get to ten million, guys, tell 'em what's gonna happen." Frankini smirked as he resumed the normal part of the livestream, standing behind the gold couch whilst the heroes sat on it awkwardly. He dashed off-camera so they could reveal his sneaky plan and resumed his position at the control panel, giggling at how well everything was going.
"We will take off our masks," Henry stated, causing Charlotte to gasp in horror as she heard the announcement. Okay, there was definitely something going on here, her friend would never do such a thing, not even for fame and glory. It was Ray's number one rule, not just for his livelihood, but for safety and secrecy. 
"And reveal our identities." Ray carried on, but one thing was amiss. His usually chirpy and lively voice was uncharacteristically flat, dull, so boringly unlike him that it stood out and spoke volumes.
"To the world!" (y/n) finished, the energy flowing through her making her arms widen as if it was a good thing. It wasn't good though, that's the thing, it was fucking ludicrous that they were even thinking about this and the news was quickly spreading, luring more and more people into Frankini's web.
"WHAT?!" Piper, Charlotte and Jasper screamed as they heard what they said and each kid had to take a moment to check if they heard them correctly. This had to be a wind-up or a prank, maybe some unfunny joke, it just couldn't be real
"Captain Man, Miss Danger and Kid danger would never take off their masks!" Piper exclaimed, looking at Charlotte and Jasper. Frenemies be damned, she could put all that aside for now and focus on the problem at hand, she needed the teens to help her work this out.
"I know!" Charlotte agreed, thinking that her boss must've been tricked or entranced because he would never risk his sidekick's safety like that, not when one of them was a boy and the other was his precious girlfriend, no way. 
"What's happening?" Jasper asked Charlotte, knowing that she was normally good in a crisis and since she had worked for Ray a lot longer than he had, maybe she knew some about special protocol or training to help them.
"I don't know but, uh...just give me a sec!" She answered by grabbing the boy's wrist and dragging him away from Piper, leading him to the door instead. It was weird to just walk away in Captain Man, Miss Danger and Kid Danger's hour of need, but she really needed to discuss the shit with Jasper alone, as members of the Man Cave team, not as two normal kids. 
"Wait! Where are you going?" Piper asked incredulously, wondering why they were leaving when Swellview's crime fighters were on the verge of being dragged into disaster. Cowards, they could at least stay and help a bit.
"We'll be right back!" Charlotte promised her and chucked the curly-haired boy through the door, making him trip over his feet as she hurried to shut it behind her. At least they could get down to the nitty-gritty now.
"Why would Henry, (y/n) and Ray do something like—" He began, trying to communicate his complete disbelief, but Charlotte already had some answers and they had no time to waste. Frankini was getting close to seven million viewers.
"Just let me talk." The girl said simply, wanting to explain her theory without any interruptions, but Jasper being Jasper...
"But, if they take off their masks then everyone will know—" ~He butted in, stating the blindingly obvious, which really pissed Charlotte off. Again, they didn't have time for this.
"Just let me talk, okay?" She insisted, even though Jasper still wasn't taking her seriously. Why couldn't he say something real quick? "Yeah, but—"
"Don't talk. Just listen to me!" She snapped, giving her friend a stern glare that sent him into silence, the one thing she desperately desired. 
"Okay, you stay here with Piper. I'm going to go to the Man Cave, find Schwoz and try to figure out what's going on with Ray, (y/n) and Henry, okay?... Okay? Jasper!" She explained the plan, waiting for the boy to say something that would show his understanding, but he was too afraid to talk. Once bitten, twice shy and all that.
"You told me not to talk!" He reminded her, making Charlotte lunge to strangle him before she decided against it. She'd kill him later, for now, she had to get to the Man Cave and see if its resident genius could figure something out. Jasper could handle Piper alone, after all, she was already forming a plan to help out Captain Man and it would involve beating Frankini at his own game.
~In the Man Cave~
Schwoz had watched everything. He'd seen the livestream, the announcement, the weird movie thing, the lot and was currently sitting at the supercomputer, polishing his head. He was deeply perturbed by what he'd seen, although looking at him, you'd never know it. He was surprisingly calm to say his boss was on the brink of revealing who he was under the mask.
"Wow! Almost eight million of you are watching Captain Man, Miss Danger and Kid Danger scrub these toilets, so! Just two more million and these boys and lovely girl are going to take off their masks. Right, fellas and girl?" Frankini giggled into the camera as the superheroes behind him knelt in front of three toilets and scrubbed them hard. On the inside, each one was dying and gagging at the demeaning task, wishing that they could strangle that bastard until he went blue.
"That's right." Ray's lips moved, but his eyes looked terrified at the prospect. It was obvious to anyone with half a brain cell and a sharp eye that they weren't enjoying it.
"Fella," Henry added, looking equally pale. Goomer could mess about with the controls all he liked, they weren't fooling Charlotte. She knew something was up.
"We want to do that." (y/n)'s voice was void of emotion or intonation as the teen girl burst into the Man Cave, looking for Schwoz with urgency.
"Shhhh! Wait, wait! I'm watching!" He shushed her, too invested in what Frankini was going to do next than whatever she wanted. Sure, he was worried about Ray, (y/n) and Henry, but he couldn't lie, the livestream was entertaining.
"Oooh! I know what might be fun to see. Boys, why don't you stop scrubbing those toilets and instead, let Miss Danger brush your teeth?!" Frankini squealed and Goomer flicked a few settings so the boys gave their brushes to (y/n), who in turn lifted it to them to their lips and begrudgingly began to brush their teeth. The young woman felt so bad, so mean and wanted to cry and apologise all at once, but the more Frankini laughed, the more Goomer dragged out their misery.
"Schwoz! That's not funny! How can you sit there, polishing your head and laughing?" Charlotte scolded the cackling genius, who couldn't help but find Ray and Henry's disgusted faces hilarious. The girl hated how her friends were being subjected to such cruelty and was determined to help them.
"Well, I'm polishing my head because I like to keep it soft and shiny. And I'm laughing because Ray, (y/n) and Henry are doing comedy like Saterda Night Loove." Schwoz replied, although his thick accent made it hard to understand what the hell he was saying. Luckily though, Charlotte was an expert on his way of speaking.
"You mean Saturday Night Live?" She asked, rolling her eyes at how he was so unfeeling. This wasn't like Saturday Night comedy, that was jokey and lighthearted, Frankini was psychotic and crazy.
"You say it better." He smiled at her, not realising that the more he sat there and made pleasantries, the more likely it became that soon, the world would know that Ray Manchester is Captain Man, Henry Hart is Kid Danger and (y/n) (y/l/n) is Miss Danger.
"Ugh, move." She shoved him from the chair and sat down, scanning the livestream for anything that could give them a clue. Nine million people were worrying but panic would slow them down and she worked much better with a cool head. "Okay, something's wrong. Henry, Ray and (y/n) would never willingly go online without their superhero pants or skirt. And...look at their eyes."
"Oh, yeah. Hmmm...now, you move." After taking a moment to think about what she was saying, Schwoz realised that the girl might be onto something, judging by how livid the heroes looked. It was true, Ray was a stickler for correct uniform and (y/n) spent way too long designing hers just to forgo half of it, in fact, the whole thing seemed a bit dodgy now he thought about it.
Flinging Charlotte from her seat, he began to rewind the footage, searching for something in particular and he gasped as he zoomed in and saw a device that was highly familiar to him. "Ah, yes! Look! Look at that thingamajiggy!"
"What is that?" Charlotte asked, squinting at the weird gadget flickering beneath Goomer's control panel. It looked like something Schwoz knew all about, maybe even (y/n), but that sort of technical wizardry was beyond her.
"It's called a Domitron. It's illegal in America and everywhere that's not America." He scowled, suddenly seeing that Frankini wasn't the happy, friendly, go-lucky guy he made himself out to be. Having an illegal device wasn't exactly a good show of character.
"Well, what does a Domitron do?" Charlotte questioned, prompting Schwoz to think. Those circuits were way beyond anything she'd understand, but perhaps he could skip the math and go for a few terms she understand.
"Well, ohhh, how can I dumb this down for you? You make a person wear special clothing that's been bombarded with atomic particle waves and then the Domitron connects to the clothing and sends electronic waves into a person's body. And then, you can control their brainwaves and the muscles, and make them do or say anything you want." He explained, his voice getting more and more panicked as he explained the science. 
"Whoa." She breathed out. That sounded a lot like what was happening to their friends.
"Yeah, whoa. Basically, it turns a person into a puppet." Schwoz went on, although once again, his poor pronunciation let him down, sounding more like "puppay".
"A what?" Charlotte frowned, wondering what he was on about. Maybe it was another science thing that she didn't completely understand, or maybe it was just another weird Schwoz thing.
"Puppet? You know, p-u-p-p-e-t? Puppet?" He even spelt it out for her, and that's when it clicked. It was a weird Schwoz thing.
"Puppet. You mean, it turns someone into a puppet." Charlotte hissed. It was fine, it's not like the clock was ticking and Frankini's viewer count was rocketing skywards. They definitely had time for Schwoz's shortcomings.
"Ooh, you say it better." Charlotte ignored how he was chirpy once again and sat back down at the computer, praying she could work out a way to help her friends. If they were under Frankini's control, then it was up to them to do something.
"Okay, livestreamers, we are so close to ten million people watching. So now, I say, it's time for a beauty pageant question." Frankini grinned at his viewers as he draped a 'Miss Tween America' sash across (y/n)s chest. Ray and Henry were already wearing theirs and were dreading the oncoming moment when they'd be forced to remove their masks just to give the celebrity a moment of fame in the history books. "Doesn't that sound like a hoo-haa?"
"Yes, it sure does." "Yes, a hoo-haa." "Yes, amazing." Henry, Ray and (y/n) replied shakily, making Charlotte panic as she paced the Man Cave's cold tiles. Only seven hundred thousand people to go and Frankini would get his wish, leaving Captain Man's super career in tatters.
"Will you hurry up and locate his club so we can go help them?!" She snapped at Schwoz, who was struggling to pinpoint the trackers in the super suits. For some reason, the signal was fuzzy and couldn't get a fix, leaving him stuck.
"I'm trying!" Schwoz whined, tapping a load of buttons in succession of each other as the computer monitored both the signal and the livestream. Frankini was getting weird again, hoping that something outrageous would draw in the crowds he needed, plus he could never resist a beauty pageant, not when one of his contestants was so pretty.
"Captain Man, Kid Danger and...Miss Danger, recent polls have shown that a fifth of the people who live here in Swellview cannot locate their own uvulas. Why do you think that is?" Was his first question, something very odd, but Goomer made them reply some bullshit anyway.
"Well, we personally believe that Swellview Americans are unable to do so, uh, because, uh—" Ray started in a funny voice like he was some pretty, whiny, teenage model trying to outdo all her rivals on stage. Who knew he'd sound so convincingly good as a beauty pageant queen?
"—Uh, because some people, here in Swellview, don't have uvulas—" Henry continued in exactly the same tone. No one knew why Kid Danger was going on about the gross, fleshy dangly thing at the back of your throat, but hearing him was funny, so they overlooked it.
"—We believe that our education, such as—and we should help South Africa—" (y/n) carried on, smiling brightly at the camera like she was on a stage, the one place she hated to be. She wasn't a model, just a mechanic in a superhero costume.
Whilst they were bullshitting an answer, Goomer glanced up at the viewer count on a TV and his stomach clenched as he saw something dreadful. He tapped Frankini worriedly on the shoulder, but the guy was too invested in his beauty pageant to care about whatever his stupid assistant had to say; probably something about pork and beans.
"What is it, Goomer? I'm in the middle of a livestream." He snapped, wondering what was so important that he had to be taken away from his interview. But what Goomer was about to show him needed his attention because it was so gloriously disastrous, depending on who you asked.
Goomer saw how his boss wasn't going to budge by his own will, so he chose for him and just picked him up, moved him across the room and forced him to look at the monitor, where the viewer count was...dropping? Y'see, Piper Hart is a determined little girl and even though she couldn't find Frankini and beat him up like she wanted to, she could still take away his viewers. By creating the world's best zit-popping livestream (with a little help from Oliver, Jasper and Sydney), people were switching off from Frankini's video and onto hers, because everyone can't help but love gross stuff. 
"Eight point nine million viewers? But we were at nine point two million! What happened?" Frankini gasped as the heroes kept ranting about uvulas behind him, although under the control, the news that their impending doom was being staled gave them a small glimmer of hope. 
"We lost some viewers," Goomer answered dumbly, prompting Frankini to glare at him. He wasn't stupid, obviously, they lost some viewers, he just wanted to know why.
"I realise that. Why are we losing viewers?! This is the worst thing that could happen to a Frankini." He whined like a child, stomping his feet and slapping the assistant's chest as he lamented falling short just before he reached success. 
"I think the problem's a pimple," Goomer told him, referring to Piper's livestream, which was becoming extremely popular as she hyped up a huge zit that Sydney had faked on Jasper's neck. All it was was just special makeup and a load of banana pudding, but to the people at home, it was gonna be epic.
"I have a pimple? Oh my god, where? Where? Pop it, pop it!" Frankini was mistaken and squished his cheek for the blemish that he thought was grossing people out.
"No! Look it!" Goomer dragged his boss over to the PearBook where he'd pulled up another person's livestream and sure as hell, there was Piper, working the crowd like an expert.
"I don't care what else is live-streaming right now, you wanna be right here, 'cause in just a few minutes, we are gonna pop this guy's neck pimple. Yeahhhhh, this zit's about to get real." Piper smirked, knowing that it was likely that Frankini had seen how she had already stolen three hundred thousand of his viewers and by bringing on Jasper's pimple, it was quickly going upwards.
"All right. If people wanna see something gross...get the worms." Frankini ordered. He could do gross, beauty pageant be damned, he wanted his ten million recorded and if he had to bring out the big guns then he would. 'just watch him.
"Oh, come on. You're not serious." Goomer gulped, not wanting to be party to such a revolting thing. Captain Man, Kid Danger and especially not the pretty lady didn't deserve that, no one did and he couldn't believe that Frankini would stoop so low.
"Get. The. Worms!" The guy growled at his insubordination, making Goomer scurry off to follow his orders. He didn't care how gross it was, or how the superheroes would be haunted forever by this, he was going to get his way. "Sorry, little girl, but you shouldn't bring a pimple to a worm fight." 
Everything had been set up and Frankini was once again ready to talk to his viewers as Ray, Henry and (y/n) sat dreading his next move. They heard something about worms and knew it wasn't good, but nothing could prepare them for what he had in store for them.
"Oh, hello, what have I been doing? Oh, I've been putting worms into a food processor." Frankini smirked as he sniffed the wriggling creatures and dumped them into the blender with the rest of their friends so they could all meet their fates. The heroes had been made to sit at a cute little table like they'd gone out to eat at a classy restaurant and it set alarm bells ringing in their heads. (y/n) longed to reach for Ray's hand, hoping to give and gain some comfort from the gesture, but try as she might, her muscles were stiff and unresponsive, leaving her to curse that stupid Frankfurter.
"And now, worm dip." Frankini turned on the machine, committing the murder of hundreds of poor little worms just to get a few viewers back. He laughed as they turned into a pinkish-brown paste, which looked revolting to the people at home and freaked Ray, Henry and (y/n) out to no end. He wasn't actually going to make them eat that, right?
Taking the lid off, Frankini tipped his "delicious" dip into a bowl, making Goomer gag and gip at how thick and sludge-like it was. He could smell it from the control panel, salty and musty, but also kinda sweet? It was just an awful all-round and seeing it placed in front of them made the superheroes scream inwardly.
"There! I think it's time for Captain Man, Miss Danger and Kid Danger to have a little snack!" Frankini grinned as Henry eyed the worm paste suspiciously and tried to do something to get his dumb body moving. Surely, this was healthy, surely, earthworms carried some kind of bacteria that would lead to them puking for the next three weeks, surely, this wasn't fucking legal. "Right, boys, sweetie?"
Goomer reluctantly tapped the controls, wishing he didn't have to do this but he also didn't want to be out of a job, so Ray, (y/n) and Henry picked up a piece of toast and slowly dipped them.
"Yes." "We want to eat worm...dip." "It looks delicious, mmmm." They said, one after the other, each sounding like they were trying their hardest to say nothing, do nothing and keep their lips firmly shut. The problem was, they couldn't just take a smidge of dip, they had to take a massive scoop and really get the chunks on that toast, y'know to really enhance the flavour. 
"Yeah, dip it, yay." (y/n) groaned with a smile as Ray shoved his piece into his mouth, followed by Henry and then her and let's just say it was a taste sensation, something they wouldn't wish even on their worst enemy. The toast had turned soggy, salty, with little bits of dirt and crunchy worm guts to go with the wholemeal bread, leaving Frankini cackling as he saw the tiny signs of disgust on their faces. They couldn't even puke despite their bodies telling them that they needed an emergency stomach pump and it was even worse as they were forced to go in for a second dunk.
"All right, boys and girls, have fun watching this little appeteaser but remember. When we hit ten million viewers, Captain Man, Miss Danger and Kid Danger are going to remove their masks and reveal their true identities." Frankini giggled and fell on the floor dramatically so everyone could see their favourite superheroes enjoying their worm dip.
"Yay, worm dip!" Ray exclaimed, holding up his second piece of bread to the camera so they could see how it was truly a smooth blend, it still had a few intact worm bodies in there to make it interesting. 
"I like these worms." Henry grimaced too at how he was saying the exact opposite of what was happening and he wanted to turn his head at the thought of another load going into his mouth.
"I'm glad this is happening to me." (y/n) whimpered, her fingers wobbling as she nibbled on her second piece of toast, her brain going into overload as the bittersweet dip assaulted her tastebuds. 
"I'm doing this because I want to," Henry told the camera, another one of Frankini's tricks to make the viewers think that they had volunteered for everything, or that it was one big joke. If Kid Danger said it was okay, then it must have been, right?
"Worms!" Ray cried as he chomped more dip, chewing slowly which made the taste sit in his mouth even longer. What had he done to deserve this? What had his sidekicks done to deserve this? When he got free his was going to kick Frankini's ass for even touching his girl, never mind making her so miserable.
~In the Man cave~
"What are we gonna do? We can't let Frankini make Henry, (y/n) and Ray take off their masks!" Charlotte exclaimed as the viewer count crept towards nine point five million. The worm thing had worked, people were coming back to his livestream and there wasn't long to go, only a few more minutes until it was too late.
"I know! Grab that cream and come polish my head!" Schwoz told the girl as he typed away on his little machine. It was a weird request, but Schwoz needed every one of his super brain cells working, meaning the polish was necessary.
"What? Why?" Charlotte, however, didn't see it. Why would Schwoz need a shiny head when they could all be out of a job and possibly in danger in a bit?
"Because it helps me concentrate! Hurry!" He told her and she urgently grabbed the tub of head wax and the cloth so she could get to working shining his bald scalp. 
"No! Rub in circles!" He snapped when she rubbed in harsh lines, something that irritated him greatly. It was too rough and didn't cover enough skin for his liking.
"Okay!" Charlotte listened to what he said and the minute she began to go round and round his bald head, he found fault again. Maybe the polish did help his little grey cells, but not when she went the wrong way
"Clockwise!" He ordered, still working away furiously as he tried to find their friends. Time was running out.
"Oh my god, we're almost at ten million!" Frankini gasped as his monitor showed how he was less than one thousand people away from the big number. Captain Man and his sidekicks were still loving their worm dip, which was making Goomer giggle now that he'd gotten over his initial gagging and disgust. It was the same for other people too, the counter was nearly complete.
"Nine million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-eight!... Nine million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine!..." Frankini cried as they reached their target, a nice round ten million, not that Goomer could read big numbers.
"Ten thousand!" He exclaimed, thinking he was celebrating with his boss, but he kind of killed the mood since he thought it was a much lower number than it really was. Back on the table, (y/n), her boyfriend and Henry were shitting themselves as they heard that it was time, the moment they'd been dreading.
"Million!" Frankini corrected him, upset that his big moment had been ruined, but he could look over it. Nothing could dampen his spirits, not when he had done it, he'd beaten every other sucker and now stood on top as the number one streamer in the world.
"Ten thousand million!" Well, maybe that could dampen the spirits. Poor Goomer, he had no idea how wrong he was or how much he pissed off Frankini.
"Ten million!...oh my god, I did it! I am the most popular livestreamer on the entire World Wide Web! I mean, you stream me, you really, really stream me! Thank you!" He cried into the camera. Even though he was being incredibly selfish by taking away the superheroes' most precious thing, he still took the time to appreciate his viewer's help before he shrugged Goomer away.
"And now...as promised, it's time for Captain Man, Miss Danger and Kid Danger to remove their masks." Frankini nodded at Goomer, who had retreated to the controls and was all too happy to make them shove back their chairs and stand up. He wanted Miss Danger on their side and if she stopped being a superhero, then hopefully she would.
"They're about to take off their masks!" Charlotte exclaimed as she and Schwoz struggled to do...anything. She had no idea what they were going to do, but from how much she'd been rubbing the genius' head, she hoped he'd thought of something clever.
"I'm almost ready!" Schwoz exclaimed, his plan on the brink of being a success. Just a few last-minute preparations and then he could save them, but he had to get everything ready, even if it was seconds before a disaster.
"To do what?" Charlotte questioned, wondering what was going on since all he'd been doing for the past half an hour was tapping away on all his little gadgets and ignoring her whilst she rubbed his head just the way he liked. Talk about taking things for granted, she just wanted to know what he was about to do.
"To turn off all the power in Swellview!" He answered, rushing around like a madman since it was taking all of his technical skill to kill the entire grid. If they couldn't get to Ray or Henry or (y/n), then they'd turn everything off and hope that they could help themselves.
"What?! Why?!" She gasped, thinking that it sounded, crazy, illegal, stupid, dangerous and difficult. Would he be able to pull it off?
"If there's no electricity, the Domitron will stop working!" He told her with a smirk all over his smug face. You had to admit that this was an ingenious plan, one of his finest and if it worked, then Frankini would be foiled. Way to go, Schwoz.
"But—ooooh, that's smart." Charlotte returned the smirk as she realised that he wasn't as stupid as he looked. Still, they had to do it now, Ray, Henry and (y/n) were reaching for their masks, fingers twitching and eyes full of fear as they tried to resist showing who they were, but their hands wouldn't stop. They groaned and grimaced at being so powerless, their discomfort being shared by Piper, Jasper, Sydney, Oliver and countless others, but just as their fingertips brushed the smooth material glued to their skin...
"And...now!" Schwoz shut off the power, plunging all of Swellview into darkness and everything turned black, including the Frankini Club. 
"What just happened?" The man asked as his place became dark in what should've been his greatest success. Ray, (y/n) and Henry were jerking, twitching and involuntarily moaning as they regained control of their own bodies, which was a shock to the system after having been locked away for so long.
"I don't know, the power went out," Goomer reported, squinting around the room as he tried to get the Domitron to work, but without a power supply, it was just another trinket. Perfect.
"What? What did you do?" Frankini growled as the superheroes leaned on the table, trying to work out what the fuck was going on. They could still taste the worm dip, but amazingly, their arms bent and their legs moved when they wanted them to, sweet cheese.
"I didn't do nothing! Uh...no punish." He insisted, but his bravery quivered when Frankini glowered and lunged for him, screaming bloody murder for how everything had done a one-eighty and he was now looking like an idiot.
"Kid, Miss Danger, y'alright?" Ray asked, marvelling at how when he wanted to put his arm around his girl, it actually did and how his lips moved how he wanted them to. God, it felt good to feel her skin again and even better to know that he could keep her safe once more.
"Yeah, I think so." Henry nodded as he wiggled around to stretch his exhausted muscles, whilst Ray dipped his head down to give his sweet girl a soft kiss, something he'd been dying to do all night, but upon gathering her senses, she quickly put a hand between their lips.
"Later, once we've brushed our teeth. All I can taste is worms." She chuckled, raking her eyes over him happily. It had been torture to sit next to him and not look at and dream about and admire everything about him, but now she had him, at last. Her boyfriend, her love, her Ray.
"Yeah, mine too." He agreed, wiping at his tongue whilst Henry bent over and gagged a little like he'd been wanting to do ever since he put the damn dip in his mouth. Yeah, he was going to be throwing up in his toilet until three in the morning.
"Oh, god, where's the plug?!" They heard Frankini panic as they shook off the Domitron's effects, but it was no use. No way were they gonna let him control them again; models? Yeah right, what a load of bullshit.
"Hey, I made myself say that." Henry pointed out to the couple as they held each other for support and comfort. They had been so caught up in each other and being able to just appreciate being together again that they hadn't realised that they were free.
"We're back in control of our own bodies!" Ray exclaimed, smiling at his girl when he saw that he wasn't being made to hold her (which was better than worms by a long shot), he was doing it because he loved her and it was his instinct to bring her into his arms where he could shield her from the humiliation and dangers.
"Quick! Let's get out of these Frankini Bottoms before the power comes back on!" (y/n) gasped, fumbling for her belt where her gum tube was clipped once she noticed how their torturer was quickly trying to get everything back online. Not so fast, they weren't about to become his marionettes again.
"Right. Let's blow a bubble and get back into our pants, slash skirt." Ray said, not caring about sounding cool, he was just eager to get back into his normal uniform. That and he wanted to see (y/n)'s ass in her cute, little, red satin number. 
"That didn't rhyme," Henry noted. He didn't see the hurry and was surprised to see his boss be uncool in front of his girlfriend, but after all that crap about appearing cool earlier, Ray was done with pretending he was someone he wasn't. For now.
"Just blow a bubble, we'll pitch on rhymes later." Ray snapped, popping a gumball from his tube, but just before he was about to throw it in his mouth, a terrible memory came flooding back to (y/n), something that brought back all her guilt.
"Wait!" She cried, putting her hands on their shoulders as she teared up a bit and looked at them both. Yeah, technically it wasn't her fault, but she wasn't the sort of person to just walk away without feeling a bit bad.
"What?" Henry asked, believing that she'd spotted or felt something awful. As always, now he was interested in her advice and gut feeling, but then again, anything bad she felt could've just been the worms.
"I brushed your teeth with toilet brushes, I'm so sorry!" She panicked, looking at the boy and then her boyfriend with an apologetic face, which made them both chuckle. Only (y/n) would feel bad for something she'd been forced to do by a psychotic criminal.
"Sweet girl..." Ray smiled and pressed a kiss to her nose, giggling at how silly and kind the girl he had chosen was. He'd make sure that she left this behind with no guilt, but for now, they just needed to blow their bubbles and get back into their normal gear.
"Oh my god, something's happening! Where'd my Frankini bottoms go?" Frankini gasped as he glanced up from whatever he was doing and saw that the superheroes were no longer wearing his pants, just their regular uniform as and that meant that he couldn't do shit to them. God, it felt good to feel that silkiness brush against her thighs and even better for (y/n) to see Frankini turn pale under his foundation.
"If I were you, I'd worry about your own Frankini bottom." (y/n) hissed, feeling so clever for having come up with the line, but when Frankini giggled at her mentioning his ass, it sort of ruined the quip. And it made Ray clench his jaw with how he still wanted to be flirtatious even with his ass on the line.
"Man Cave." Henry nudged Ray as his phone began to ring, the contact showing that it was the hideout trying to reach them, Charlotte probably. He guessed they were worried after watching the livestream and then the power outage.
"Take it, we'll wait for ya," Ray told his sidekick, curling a possessive arm around (y/n)'s waist and pulling her a little closer to his body so Frankini knew where he stood. Nowhere.
"Hey," Henry answered the call as Ray turned his darkest frowny face to Frankini, although his hold on (y/n) never faltered.
"Henry! Are you, (y/n) and Ray okay?" Charlotte answered as Schwoz listened in. She had been desperate to make the call but had to wait for the Man Cave's backup generators to kick in before she could and it had been an anxious wait. 
"Yeah, we're cool but, only 'cause the power went out." He told her, prompting Schwoz's heart to flutter with pride as he heard about how he'd saved their bacon. Maybe they'd be more appreciative of his skills in future.
"That was me! I did that!" He exclaimed proudly, but he was forgetting that he'd had an assistant in saving their bacon, even if she had only done one thing.
"Well, I rubbed cream on your head!" Charlotte added, frowning at how she'd been left out for Schwoz to take all the glory. What a cheek.
"Okay, okay, it worked, okay? And go ahead and turn the power back on now." Henry told them, glancing over to see that Ray had told Frankini that he and Goomer were going to jail (amongst other things, like how a certain girl only gave her love to him) and boy, they were not taking it well. 
"Aye!" Schwoz nodded and flipped his lever upwards, turning Swellview's grid ack on before the authorities started panicking too much and with everyone else getting signal, Henry was soon wanted elsewhere.
"Hey, it's Jasper, I'll hit you back," Henry told Charlotte before switching onto his other call. He was glad that he wasn't the one dealing with Frankini right now, 'cause he looked real upset, smearing his mascara and everything.
"Hen, are you, Miss Danger and Captain Man all right?" Jasper asked quietly as the call connected and the lights in the Hart's house came back on. He assumed that they were okay, but he had to make sure, despite Piper, Sydney and Oliver being so close in the kitchen.
"Yeah, listen, I'll meet you back at the Man Cave. Right after I take care of Frankini." The boy replied, looking over at the shrewd criminals and his words sparked a thought in Jasper, who underneath his curls, kept some rather sneaky ideas.
"Well, if you really wanna get Frankini, you should bring him to your house," Jasper told him, smirking as he stroked the fake pimple on his neck. Henry had no idea about how he and his sister had tried to help out, but Jasper was sure he'd love his plan, it was perfect. "Why?"
~Henry's House~
Yep, he loved it. Henry, (y/n) and hell, even Ray couldn't be prouder of Piper and Jasper, plus those other guys, for trying to help and they were more than happy to hand Frankini over for some well-deserved punishment. 
"Wow, I'm so pumped that over eleven million people are watching this livestream right now to see the eruption of the biggest pimple of all time." Piper grinned at the camera and she had several reasons to be happy. First, she was now the world record holder for the most viewers watching a livestream, second, Captain Man, Miss Danger and Kid Danger were standing behind her in her house and third, she got to humiliate Frankini like he'd done to her favourite superheroes. Everything was good.
"I'm Jasper." Well, he might as well have said it, it was his only chance of fame, but he soon shut up when Piper pulled down her goggles and got on her stool. It was time for some payback.
"Ready?" She looked at Oliver, who was in control of the pudding canisters. This had to look good and he was ready to open the hatch and let it come out. 
"Hey..." Ray glanced down at (y/n) who was smiling at the scene unfolding in front of her. Both of them had brushed their teeth after arriving at Henry's house, glad to scrub away the worm taste with a normal, clean toothbrush, which meant that what was denied earlier could now be given. 
"Hey..." She smirked up at him, instantly knowing what he wanted as an arm wrapped around her stomach and she looked over her shoulder and up at him. 
"I don't suppose that I could have that kiss now?" He asked, chuckling at how coy he was being and how even after quite a few months of dating, he was still able to add colour to her cheeks.
"You can, doofus." She smiled and stood on her tiptoes as best she could in her boots and welcomed the feel of the soft, familiar lips against hers. This was home, him just happy to share an innocent, worm-free moment with her, loving how she chased his movements until Piper was ready to start.
"Ready? One, two, three!" Piper squeezed the fake pimple in sync with Oliver turning on the pudding sprayer, resulting in a jet of pus-like pudding flying from the swollen lump across the room and onto Frankini. Ray had left him on the floor tied up, happy to let him get sprayed and humiliated because of how he and his sidekicks had suffered the same due to him.
"Why did you pop it? Payback is a zit!" Frankini whined, spluttering and squirming when the pudding got in his mouth and eyes. It tasted quite nice really, but he was just whiny because his makeup and outfit were ruined. There was no better sight than seeing him cry and it seemed like the viewers loved it too.
"I miss those Frankini Bottoms," Ray mentioned to his sidekicks, making (y/n) groan and Henry grin. Seriously, he liked wearing the ridiculous leggings? What about the pain and suffering that they'd caused?
"Yeah, they felt gooooood!" Henry nodded, smiling brightly as he thought about how snug the bottoms were they were so comfortable, a bit perilous, but so stretchy. Yeah, the pattern was a bit bright, but apart from that, they looked great.
"Why do you two never listen to my little danger radar? It's like I sense when shit's about to go wrong and then you ignore me until shit hits the fan and you need me to come in and save your asses." (y/n) fretted, making Ray chuckle as his mind drifted back to how those tight pants accentuated her hips and legs. He loved her figure and everything else about her, especially how hot she looked when so animated and full of energy.
"Your ass looked great in the Frankini Bottoms." He whispered back to her as Henry ignored her protests, preferring to watch Frankini sit in a puddle of banana pudding, sobbing for the internet to laugh at.
"Thanks, but I won't be wearing them again anytime soon." She rolled her eyes at how he always brought conversations back to her backside. He was an ass man and loved to talk about it, grab it, anything really.
"What will you wear instead then?" He asked, feigning ignorance despite them both knowing that he was anything but, even in someone else's house. Ray couldn't help but wiggle some innuendo into everything.
"Nothing, if you're lucky." (y/n) smirked when his body tensed and the arm around her got tighter. He was bad, but so was she, both of them giggling like idiots in love as Frankini whimpered on the floor because that's what they were.  Two idiots who lived a crazy, dangerous life full of surprises, but endured through the support of their little family and their golden love. It was magical and they wouldn't have it any other way.
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thran-duils · 4 years
Use All of Me (P.11)
Title: Use All Of Me (Part Eleven) Summary: Fem!Reader x Dark Mob!Steve Rogers. The Avengers are heroes saving the world but in this AU, they are also permitted by the powers in charge to have less than favorable business underneath their guise of mere superheroes. Steve and Tony are at the helm, keeping their empire’s wealth in check, both devious and perilous if crossed. Steve takes a liking to the reader at a party and it may be her undoing to her autonomy choosing to go home with him. Words: 2,711 Warnings: Dark AF, angst, emotional/mental abuse, smut, breeding, death Author’s Note: As some of my midwest friends have poked fun at, a freeway to me is an interstate, like I5 and I90. A highway to me refers to state routes or highways with stop lights along it at certain spots. I know it’s not a huge deal but I like to explain cause it’s definitely regional and sets the scene of what I am thinking of when I’m writing.
Part Ten || Part Twelve || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
“I need somebody, ANYBODY, to get in a car or something and get to Grand Central terminal right now.”
Steve was on multiple way call with the team that answered the phone, sitting in the passenger seat while Natasha sped down the freeway. Tony had separated from them, heading towards the Avengers facility where he could have more cameras which gave him more eyes. Facial recognition was granted at the facility grounds on a larger scale of satellites too unlike his house.
“You wanna tell us what for?” Rhodes asked perplexed.
“Y/N left,” Steve snapped. There was a chorus of murmurs from all ends of the phone call, generally ignored by Steve who was too hot headed to acknowledge their concern. “I don’t know where the hell she is going. But Nat heard her whispering to her friend in the bathroom about taking a train. To god knows where.
“Do we know it’s going to be Grand Central?” Sam inquired calmly.
“No, not for sure! But I want it covered. As soon as possible! They got a half hour head start or so from my house. Nat and I are going to Penn. That’s where the Amtrak is. Tony’s accessing surveillance, using facial recognition.
“What do you want us to do if we find her?” Bucky asked.
“Don’t hurt her,” Steve ordered.
“Well, no shit,” Bucky cut in, unable to hold back his sarcasm. “I meant, where do you want us to—”
“She’s with one – or two, I’m not sure – of her friends,” Steve interrupted, strained. “Try to make it as quiet as possible. I don’t want it all over the evening news. Just—get Y/N away from there.”
“What about her friends?” Clint pointed out.
“I’ll deal with them later,” Steve got out in a surly tone. “Call me if you find her.”
You laid across the backseat of the car, examining your nails.
“I really don’t like you having no seatbelt on,” Natalie said for what felt like the tenth time since you had escaped past the gate of your house.
“I’ll sit up when my back hurts,” you responded, stretching one of your legs as far as you could towards the ceiling. You grunted when you felt a pull in your lower abdomen.
“We are out of the gate, Y/N. And away from cameras. We are on a highway.”
“There are still cameras. But I know. It’s been like an hour.”
You were tingling with anticipation, threatening to eat you alive. You half expected Natalie to slam on her brakes at any seconds because Steve landed in front of the car in the lane. You doubted though he would want to put you in danger and that could cause a huge accident.
Would not want to hurt his precious cargo, you thought to yourself darkly.
Yua sighed from the passenger seat and looked back at you around the seat. She had decided to come with the pair of you and had been filled in on the situation after you had successfully gotten through the gate. You almost snorted at the absurdity of the fact all you had to do was wear a hood and one of Steve’s baseball caps to shield your face and make sure to not make eye contact with the guards meandering around the gate. Holding the backpack in your lap had helped to hide your stomach.
“Y/N. Sit up. Please. Stop making Natalie get worry lines, it’s starting to stress me out. It’s not like they won’t be looking for Natalie’s plates in the cameras if they have access outside of New York.” You were sure Tony did. His company was worldwide. “I don’t think them seeing your face is going to make any difference. They saw you get in the car on the surveillance tapes at your house by now.”
You exhaled heavily, knowing she was right. You imagined Steve seeing the tapes and turning around to tear a door of his hinges, hurling it across the room. You would laugh at the imagery if it did not simultaneously terrify you. Sitting up with some difficulty, you patted Natalie’s shoulder who thanked you.
The two of them had turned their phones off – you had left yours behind. You were sure Tony would figure out how to track theirs but yours was definitely compromised. You did not even want it on you, choosing to leave it on the entrance table by the front door.
It was scary. You could not stop thinking about how angry Steve would be – was. It was present tense now for sure. He had to have figured out you were missing by now. Otherwise, Wanda, Bryce, and Patricia were completely inept, which you knew was not the case.
Staring out the window, you watched the trees go by trying to think about the nature walks you could go on without watchful eyes around the cabin. It lulled you into some sense of relaxation.
Steve stormed through the terminal, his eyes watchful on the crowd for anything that screamed Y/N from behind or a profile. His eyes zeroed in on the back of a woman’s head and he changed course quickly, coming up to her, shoving his way through the crowd much to some people’s annoyance at being shoved aside. He grabbed her arm and whipped her around when he was on her.
She cried out in half fear and half pain.
It was not Y/N.
“Sorry,” he said not sounding sorry at all. “Thought you were someone else.”
She glared at him, rubbing her arm. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
Steve bit back a comment, turning from her without a word.
“Hey, aren’t you Captain America?” someone asked him from a few feet away. That caught the woman’s attention, as well as others.
Steve shot the kid an annoyed look and said clipped, “Not right now, kid. Sorry. I’m busy.”
He took off again before anyone could say anything else, god forbid ask him for an autograph or a selfie. His heart was hammering, searching desperately. He came to a stop, staring out over the crowd. Hope she was here was dwindling fast. He felt like his chest was going to explode from the myriad of feelings coursing through him right now.
I’m not seeing her, Natasha texted him. He had sent her the opposite way from him, telling her to check the female bathrooms that direction. He was getting similar texts from the group at Grand Central too and he could not stand to look at his phone anymore, shoving it into his back pocket furiously.
He ran his hand through his hair, tugging on it near the ends in frustration. He took one more stroll down the terminal, scouring it to make sure he had not missed her. Natasha appeared and without a word went into the bathrooms to cover her bases.
When she appeared again, she was empty handed. She approached him slowly, with caution, his gaze burning into her.
“I shouldn’t have left the house,” Natasha said, shaking her head. She looked disappointed and guilty.
“You couldn’t have known it was going to be right then,” Steve said tightly. He had little patience for coddling someone else’s feelings right now but extended the gesture briefly because it was Nat. His face hardened, shaking his head slightly. “I’m gonna tell them I’m heading home to speak to that bumbling idiot I call my security guard.”
Natasha had barely got the car into park before Steve threw the door open and made a beeline for the front door of his house. The door bounced off the wall with the sheer force he threw it open with. Natasha followed him, far more collected. She grabbed the door, closing it, eyeing the hole the doorhandle had made into the wall. She shook her head before following Steve towards the living room.
Bryce stood up from the couch on sight seeing Steve. Wanda did as well, far less stricken looking than Bryce though. She looked concerned.
“Did you—” she started to ask Steve, but he cut her off, all his rage radiating towards Bryce as he stormed in.
“How the fuck did you let this happen?” Steve roared at Bryce.
“The front gate didn’t catch her—” Bryce tried to pass the buck onto the other men, but Steve was not having an ounce of it.
He was towering over Bryce now, Bryce trying to not fold in Steve’s shadow. “I don’t care about the front gate! She shouldn’t have even been able to get into the car!”
Blubbering, Bryce tried to say, “There were a lot of women, Mr. Rogers. She was starting to say goodbye to them all—”
“You didn’t think to be outside? To keep an eye on her? Not even for a second? That didn’t cross your mind?”
“I didn’t expect her to leave.”
“Now that—” Steve snarled, pointing threateningly in Bryce’s face, causing him to flinch. “I find to be an egregious lie!”
Steve moved closer if that was possible, his nose inches from Bryce’s. Bryce visibly gulped, trying to not break eye contact with him. Steve’s voice was dangerously low, “Do you have something to tell me, Bryce?”
“I’m not sure what you mean, sir.”
“Bryce. I am giving you one chance to be honest with me: Did Y/N ask you for help to leave me?”
Bryce’s forehead was covered in a sheen of nervous sweat. His eyes darted nervously to Wanda who was standing nearby, watching the scene unfold curiously. She did not move to help, and he was forced to focus back on Steve knowing Natasha would not help him under any circumstance.
He licked his lips nervously and exhaled shakily. “Yes. But—”
He did not get to finish because Steve had taken a step back, cocked his arm back and socked him straight in the face, knocking him backward. Bryce yelped in agony, grasping at his nose as he laid on the ground, blood gushing from his broken nose. Steve unholstered his gun and Bryce saw, his eyes growing wide as saucers. His broken nose was quickly forgotten, holding up his hands in front of him as he pleaded for Steve to not do it, but his sniveling went unheeded. Steve unloaded half a round into his chest.
Steve’s hand shook now, and he lowered the gun slowly to his side. His eyes were absent of warmth, staring down at the man who he had entrusted his future wife and children’s safety to. Bryce’s eyes were still open in fear, blood trickling from his mouth as his head and arms slumped to the ground. His chest stopped moving in a matter of seconds, lying in a quickly forming puddle of red.
Rolling his shoulders back and cracking his neck, Steve replaced his gun, taking a deep breath, exhaling slowly.
“They could have gone anywhere,” he finally said tautly.
“Steve, I’m sorry,” Wanda offered, taking a few steps towards him.
“You weren’t in charge of watching her,” Steve responded, still not looking at the two women behind him.
The front door opened loudly down the hall and there were running steps, putting the trio on the defense quickly. Two of Steve’s security guards came into view, both out of breath. They both visibly relaxed seeing Steve still standing there, their eyes only flicking to Bryce’s body on the ground for a second. To their credit, they both did not blanch.
One offered, “Sorry for running in. We heard shots.”
Steve ignored her apology, beginning to walk. “Clean up the body and get rid of it. Now,” Steve ordered impatiently, moving past her.
“Where are you going?” Natasha asked, moving to follow him, Wanda in tandem.
“Back to the facility. It’s time to brainstorm and make a different plan,” Steve said over his shoulder.
The cabin was two stories, an open floor plan on both floors. There was a wall shielding the top loft bedroom from view and a bedroom on the ground floor. Immediately, Natalie said the three of you could sleep upstairs since there was a queen bed and another twin bed. Yua pointed out that there was a back door right next to the other bedroom and you would be able to hear if someone came in there. Plus, people in horror movies always ran upstairs which ended in their demise. She stopped arguing when Natalie said there was a staircase from the upper deck outside the bedroom leading to the backyard.
“Wow, there are some CDs here,” Yua said flipping through a small case next to an entertainment center. “It’s like we are back in the 90s.”
“Hey, that entertainment console was top notch in the 90s. Don’t trash talk it,” Natalie joked.
“Gotta leave things people don’t want to steal since they use this as an air bnb,” you teased and Natalie pointed at you, acknowledging that.
Yua laughed, “They’re all burned CDs too. Oh, look. Top hits ’04. Oh, that’s past the 90s. Upgrading.” You chuckled as she pulled the CD out, opening the console. “Oh, my! And it’s a six disc! We could change albums whenever we want. Is there a remote? Oh, yes!” She chose five more random albums and put them in as well, closing it and choosing the original disc she had put in.
The first song started out and the three of you immediately made eye contact. “Oh my god. I have not heard this song in forever. A true lost Destiny’s Child gem,” Natalie said, unable to stop laughing. “Ooh, I put it right there, made it easy for you to get to…” she began to sing as she moved towards the kitchen to put the bags of food on the counter.
She had stopped at a mini mart near the bottom of the mountain to grab a good amount of food to hold you guys over. Yua and her had left you in the car to be able to cover the store quicker to leave as little time as possible staying stagnant in a parking lot. The whole time you had been on edge, pulling your hood as far down your face as you could while trying to keep a look out. Every car that drove by on the highway made the hairs on your arms stand up, praying it would not whip around and come back to you.
“If Mr. Brightside isn’t on this album, I’m going to be really disappointed. That was a true gem of my childhood,” Yua chimed in. She flopped onto the couch, stretching out. “Feels good to not be in the car. Hey, Nat, can you bring me one of my beers. Please?” She shot you an apologetic look. “Sorry, Y/N.”
“Just four more months,” you said lightly, touching your stomach as you sat down as well.
Yua reached over, caressing your stomach lightly. “Can’t you not drink while you’re breastfeeding too?”
“Don’t tell me that.”
“Sorry,” Yua snickered as Natalie came out of the kitchen holding a beer and a glass of wine.
She held it out to you, and you stared at her in bewilderment that she was offering you alcohol.
“It’s not rosé,” Natalie smiled. “It’s sparkling. A blush kind.”
“How nice of you,” you said, smiling in return. You took a small sip and said, “Hmm. It’ll do.”
“I’ll take that as a ‘thank you, Natalie’,” Natalie intoned, turning on her heel and walking back towards the kitchen.
“Thank you, Natalie,” you and Yua intoned back in unison.
“I’ll make dinner. What’s it gonna be? Frozen meal of mac and cheese or frozen meal of Salisbury steak?” Natalie asked, facing the two of you. “Or… there’s tater tots. Or pizza… and we could make a fruit salad on the side.”
“Thank god for the fruit,” Yua commented, grinning. “I say you make the pizza and fruit. Gotta pretend Y/N is still trying to be healthy somehow.”
Despite laughing, you did think of how Steve would react seeing you eating all this processed food, the same day you had cake no less. Touching your stomach again, you rubbed gently, thinking surely Steve was trying his damnedest to see you too.
Tags: @imsonick , @alexakeyloveloki, @kvzctam, @ironlady1993, @taintedgenre, @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @roxyfan14-blog
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chilly-me-softly · 3 years
Every Little Thing's Gonna Be Alright • Chapter 23
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18 - Chapter 19 - Chapter 20 - Chapter 21 - Chapter 22
A few months later the situation between Evelyn and Jack was quite stable, both of them very happy with their relationship and always doing their best to see each other as much as possible. Not everything had always been rosy, of course, sometimes distance or small misunderstandings turning into big ones had contributed to create bumps along the way. But the two of them always found a way to fix things, either in person or from a distance.
Cece continued to grow pampered by everyone, giving smiles and babbles here and there. It was impressive how much she had achieved in that time, how she could keep everyone trapped around her little finger. How much love Evelyn felt for that little creature who every day added a brick to her personal growth and development.
Another football season was coming to an end and Jack had made her a proposal she'd had a lot to think about recently. Villa's last game would be at home and not only had Jack asked her to go to the game, but also to take part in the traditional lap of honour to thank all the fans for their support during the season.
Needless to say, she had taken a few days to think about it. Taking part in the event would certainly have meant first of all making their relationship public, exposing not only her but also Cece and giving the green light to various gossips and unwanted free opinions. On the other hand, however, there was being able to spend time with him, in his world. Taking the relationship a step further.
It was in those moments that she realised that her good intention to think less and act more would be more difficult to carry out. If she could let herself loose on some things, well, there was still something of her old self that surfaced from time to time. It was always like that, she knew from the start that she would eventually go but until that day she wouldn't stop worrying about this and that, about what might happen....
As she sits on the bed keeping an eye on Cece who is playing with the puppet given to her by Ben, Jack phones her. A smile automatically forms on her face as she runs her finger across the screen to accept the call. It's time to give him an answer.
"Hey you"
"Hi. Where are you? Doesn't look like your room to me or am I wrong"
"We're in Ben's room. Apparently this girl here got bored of hers" Evelyn shifts her phone slightly to also frame Cece who continues to chew on that bear's ear she holds in her hands undisturbed.
"Who is he? Who is he? Is he Jack?" she coos as the little girl pays attention to that familiar figure she now sees regularly, waving her little legs and babbling something making Jack smile.
"Hi sweety! Hi! I miss you so much"
"So I have news for you"
"Don't act like you didn't call just for that" he chuckles throwing a quick glance at the calendar where the date is marked a thousand times with a black marker.
"So what did you decide?"
"Well me and my girl have been consulting a lot"
"Oh yeah?" he interrupts her smiling cheekily as he closes one hand in a fist and uses it to hold up his head.
"Yeah" she teases him sticking her tongue out at him as Cece starts opening and closing her hand to greet him.
"Ha ha she doesn't like it when you're a smartass. Tell him we're not going anymore"
"That's not true!" his voice almost covers the last part of what she's saying but in reality he's understood all too well that in a few days he'll be able to hold them both again, and the smile on his face cancels out the poor attempt to claim he's offended.
"Say bye bye to Jack"
"Nah she likes me"
"To sleep, sure. I'm a little jealous to be honest she has the blanket with your scent on it though"
"You have me" he promptly replies as she bites her lip moving her gaze out of the camera frame.
And they continue to talk as they always do, the confirmation took a load off both of them, with Jack most of the time just watching the two girls while Evelyn plays with Cece wishing time could move faster. Until they are forced to interrupt the conversation due to a nappy change and the little one has already hit her with the puppet a couple of times.
Evelyn and Cece arrived at Jack's a few days before the last game of the season. He has promised that sooner or later they will also be able to get out of that house and maybe take a walk in the park taking advantage of the beautiful days the weather is offering, but the first few days are for him and no one else.
He comes home after the last training session of the season a little later than usual because he stopped for a little extra with some teammates and finds no one downstairs. As he goes upstairs, however, Evelyn's voice and Cece's little cries become more and more indistinct enough to take him to his room, and when he opens that door he can't help but smile. The two of them are playing tenderly with Evelyn leaning over to kiss the little one's tummy and the baby laughing moving her tiny hands, closing her fists around her mommy's hair.
He can't help himself when Cece won't let go of a lock of Evelyn's hair causing her to moan, laughing and blowing his cover. Evelyn looks up at him immediately lighting up and signalling for him to come closer.
"We have a surprise for you" she tells him and his curiosity immediately ignites so much that he almost runs making those few steps that separate him from the bed.
"What is it?" Evelyn simply shifts her gaze between him and the girl wanting to point at something and he after a moment gets the message by lowering his gaze, his eyes immediately falling on the Villa crest and wandering over the small kit trying to find differences from the usual. But it's only when Cece rolls onto her side, showing part of the Grealish name on her back, that he swears his heart has stopped beating for a few moments.
Cece's kit had always been plain, no name no number on the back. Evelyn had always felt on the edge for a choice that was so simple on the outside but actually brought up so many questions. Should she have had 'Daddy' written on it? No it was too soon. What did Jack think, was it too much? And again, does using his surname mean forcing him to take responsibility? What are we? Geez, the fight with her madness was really open.
And it was Jack who had then put an end to her paranoia, as always, and bought a small plain kit, giving her further time to clear her head and be satisfied with the fact that for the time being she would still wear the kit while supporting the team he played for.
"Since we're only going to see each other tomorrow when the game is over, we made a preview just for you" Evelyn pulled him back into the room and he reached out to the little girl taking her in his arms.
"Probably for the best or Jack would have cried in front of the whole stadium. Don't you think so too?" he murmurs cuddling the little girl, who seems to just want to reach up his nose, under Evelyn's tender gaze.
"I can't wait for tomorrow now. I mean look at this!" Jack lifts her up in the air like in the Lion King scene so he can look at that name once more and Evelyn can't help but laugh at the boy's excitement, happy it was the right choice after months.
The atmosphere in the stadium is something sensational, but she wouldn't have expected less to be honest. That's how it is when someone cares about a team, you stick together through thick and thin. It's a mutual kind of love. It doesn't matter if the previous week went well or badly, every time you try to do your best on one side and show all the support on the other. And that season for Villa had not gone badly at all, no one's fate depended on that game but it was still an opportunity and should be taken as such.
That hour and a half passed between watching something of the game, entertaining Cece, chatting with some of the girls she had already met in the previous months until the final whistle blew and little by little everyone began to prepare to take the field. Having fulfilled their duties more or less, even the players can finally allow themselves to relax. Jack is quick to find them and take Cece in his arms leaving her a loud kiss on the cheek, happy for the win and the moment.
"Ready?" Evelyn just nods, following Jack around the field but still remaining a little on the sidelines allowing him to do what he needs to do, greet the fans and enjoy the moment. More than ever she can understand when both he and her brother referred to those people as a second family, seeing them all gathered there happy and smiling joking with each other or playing with their kids. Everyone seems to know everyone, everyone is nice to everyone and she really has a good time getting to know this new family.
Once home and having put Cece to bed, who had fallen asleep in the midst of all the commotion, the two of them enjoy a moment alone snuggled up on the sofa.
"Today was nice"
"Evelyn" Jack sighs and she waits for him to continue, but when that doesn't happen she lifts her head from his chest meeting his eyes, "Move in here"
"What? Are you sure? Just know it's different from having us here only once in a while"
"I want everything. I want you here every day when I wake up or when I go to sleep. I want you here to cheer me up or have fun together. I want to live both of you every day, I want to be part of your lives fully, make this our home and I don't want to worry anymore that you might leave. I want to give you everything I'm capable of and build something strong with you" Jack strokes her cheek softly.
"So what do you say?"
I just want to let you know that there won't be a chapter next week, I need to focus on something else but I'll be back for the last chapters normally then. In the meantime I hope you enjoyed this one x
Tag: @alexajanecollins @emwritesfootball @rosie7703
Chapter 24
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backtothestart02 · 4 years
Yoga Pants and Gray Sweatpants - 1/1 | grandice fanfiction
A/N: Soooo, I’ve decided to make a grandice fics series about them dating secretly while filming Flash. Idk what my next one will be, but this takes place after the previous one. Enjoy!
Inspired by convos I’ve shared with @jennlee44 & @smileyscorner04. Thanks, ladies!
Synopsis: Grant and Candice are not so good at breaking up.
There had been a leak.
Paparazzi had gotten some particularly intimate-looking photos of Grant and Candice onset. While they weren’t doing anything more than laughing and standing close to each other in most, there were a few where they were holding hands and their faces were particularly close.
The internet went wild while speculation.
No one had reached out to either of their agents yet, but Candice figured it was only a matter of time. This thing she had going with Grant had become too obvious. She broke it off, and no matter how hard Grant protested, she refused to go back on her decision.
She and Grant were done.
A week later Grant sat in his trailer, trying to memorize his lines, knowing that even if he did there was no way his acting would portray it properly. The break-up with Candice had started to affect his performance when the cameras were rolling, which had been Candice’s biggest fear from the beginning. He knew it only solidified her decision to break things off. If they got back together and broke up for real, because of an actual blow-up, their chemistry onset would never recover. At least with this it was something he just needed to force himself to get over and then everything would be fine.
But that was just it. He couldn’t ‘get over it’.
What had started as something mostly physical had grown quickly into something much deeper.
Grant wouldn’t say he was in love. He wasn’t that far gone. But he was definitely falling, and he wasn’t a fan of this new arrangement at all.
Unable to focus on his lines, he decided to go for a walk. After slipping on his shoes and a light jacket, he pushed open the door of his trailer only to find the object of his affection and anguish walking past wearing work-out clothes, particularly yoga pants.
He nearly fell out of his trailer.
“Candice!” he called, taking the steps carefully before closing the door behind him. “Wait up.”
She looked over her shoulder, and he had to force himself to look up from that delectable ass of hers, accentuated in those pants, to those deep, brown eyes that he nearly found himself drowning in.
“Grant,” she said, almost coldly.
He stopped dead in his tracks, wondering if he’d done something wrong. Had she caught him checking her out? Was this just how she was going to interact with him now that they were broken up? That didn’t seem fair. They could still be friends.
“Wh-Where are you going?” he asked, skipping over to her in two easy bounds.
“The gym,” she said, as if it was obvious. He supposed it was. “You?”
“I was going to go for a walk,” he said.
“Mm.” She nodded once.
“I could join you,” he suggested softly, leaning in a little closer.
“I don’t think that would be a good idea,” she said, tone clipped.
He frowned. “Why not? We’re still friends, aren’t we?”
“We’re exes, Grant,” she said, determined not to look at him. “Exes are not friends.”
He stopped suddenly, but she kept walking. His heart fell into the pit of his stomach.
Exes are not friends.
Well, hell.
Two days later, Grant and Candice, along with the crew and the director were all on set, and Candice thought she was going to die. She’d been avoiding Grant like the plague, ever since she’d broken things off with him. She hadn’t been cold to him since she’d met him. He was just so fun to be around, and she fed off that energy without even meaning to. It was what had drawn them together. He fed off her contagious energy too.
But she had to put a stop to that before any more rumors spread. For all she knew, their magnetic energy had been reported to the media by one of the crew eager for their 15 minutes of fame.
She knew it was affecting Grant’s performance though, and she felt bad about that. In the time she’d known him, she’d come to the realization very quickly that he had a difficult time separating what Barry was going through and what he was going through personally. Barry having such strong feelings for Iris, for example, had amplified his own feelings for her – Candice.
Now that they were broken up, she could see the struggle in him to light up as Barry around her as Iris when in reality she kept pushing him further and further away.
She couldn’t help it!
She was as upset over the break-up as he was. There was nothing more in life she wanted than to take it back and pick up where they’d left off. There were so many places they hadn’t hooked up yet. It had only been a week and a half, but she was already feeling sex-deprived. Specifically with Grant. She was feeling Grant sex-deprived, like she was in withdrawal.
But more than that, his magnetic energy, his smile, those gorgeous green eyes, and how he could just pick her up as if she was light as a feather, how he just understood her as no one else did, how they almost had their own language because they were just that in tune with each other.
She was falling for him.
That wasn’t going to stop whether they were broken up or not, and she hated it.
She hadn’t put on yoga pants the other day hoping to lure him out of his trailer. She’d legitimately intended on going to the gym to work out. Though more to work out her frustrations on not being able to work Grant out instead than actually maintaining her figure and staying healthy.
In fact, the reason her tone had been so clipped with him was in fact because she worried if they were in the same space for too long when they weren’t filming that she’d throw everything to the wind and seduce him right there in the gym.
She bit for bottom lip just thinking about it, and tried not to moan. The on-site gym was one of the many places they hadn’t hooked up yet. Ironically, there were no cameras in there. It would be the perfect spot on top one of those treadmills or bicycles…or in the locker room shower.
She shook her head, ridding herself of that thought.
This was crazy!
She’d been celibate for months. Surely she could handle being celibate again. She could even go out and have a one-night stand if she wished. She was sure there were plenty of guys that-
Stop it.
You are not a one-night stand kind of woman.
And you want Grant, plain and simple.
She sighed and looked back at her script. Grant was across the room rehearsing his own lines quietly to himself. She’d memorized hers already, but there was no harm going over them again. Especially when the alternative was to not check Grant out when wardrobe had given him gray sweatpants to wear.
Damn it.
He was walking after her in the scene. She was supposed to be mad, pissed off. And her current mood definitely helped her performance when the cameras were rolling, she decided. But sexual frustration ebbed off of her in waves, and she wondered if maybe that wasn’t what the director was going for with Iris in this particular scene.
Still, what was she supposed to do?
Grant’s cock moved so effortlessly beneath those pants when he walked. It was just a reminder of what they’d had and could still have if only she’d take back breaking things off.
But she couldn’t do that.
No one could know about them, and the most effective way to do that was to not be together at all. Soon any speculation of them being an item would be gone, and then maybe – maybe – she could think about being friends again.
“I need a break,” she announced to the crew and director.
Grant looked up from his script curiously.
The director frowned.
“We haven’t even started filming, Candice.”
“Well…I need a few extra minutes to get ready.”
His brows furrowed suspiciously, but he nodded.
“Ten minutes. Then we start.”
She dropped her script on her chair and made a quick exit for the lounge via the long hallway. She spotted Carlos inside and felt relief. She could relax with him, get Grant off her mind and then be ready to film in the 10 minutes that had been allotted to her.
“Candi-” Carlos started, and was immediately cut off.
Carlos pursed his lips as Candice turned around and found Grant staring at her from just inside the doorway.
“Grant.” Her eyebrows narrowed. “What are you doing here?”
“We need to talk.”
Carlos downed the rest of his coffee and threw his cup in the trash.
“I’ll give you two some privacy,” he muttered, shutting the door to the lounge behind him as he left.
The implication was obvious. He thought the two of them were going to have sex.
That irritated Candice more than she cared to admit, because how could he even think that? The whole cast and crew was well aware of how they weren’t sleeping together. Their unresolved sexual tension could be felt a mile away.
“What?” she asked, crossing her arms beneath her breasts, enhancing her cleavage the slightest bit.
She could see Grant fighting with himself to not look.
“I think we should get back together.”
She scoffed. “Of course you do.”
“It’s affecting my work! Yours too.”
“It’s not affecting my work. I’m a professional. You’re-”
“I’m what?” he dared her to say.
“You’re too attached to your character.”
“I’m not attached enough right now or I’d be able to channel Barry without memories of us fucking flooding my brain at every minute.”
She swallowed and her eyes lowered briefly to his crotch, nearly gasping when she thought she saw…
Did his cock just twitch?
She lifted her eyes to his again.
“That is not my fault.”
“Isn’t it?”
“No.” Her eyes narrowed.
He took a step towards her, and she tensed.
“I can’t stop thinking about you.”
“All the time. When I’m awake, when I’m asleep…” He sighed, running his hand through his hair in frustration, as he often portrayed Barry doing. “I think I’m falling in love with you.”
She swallowed her gasp just before it emerged past her lips. It took her a few seconds to compose herself.
“You think that-”
“I know it.” He took her hands in his own, holding them tightly when she tried pulling them away.
She refused to look at him, though her heart was beating rapidly inside her chest.
“You haven’t had sex in a week and a half. You’re acting like a hormonal teenager, thinking this is more than it is when it’s not. For God’s sake, our careers are on the line here. Why can’t you just-”
She tipped her head to look up into his eyes.
“Are you falling in love with me too?”
Her heart leapt into her throat.
“I…” Tears formed in her eyes, so she quickly shut them and shook her head. “No, there’s no way. I’m just…sexually frustrated.”
She gasped, realizing she’d said the words out loud and completely mortified.
“Shit,” she mumbled under her breath.
Grant smiled slowly, and she knew there was no going back.
“I can help with that too.”
“Grant, no- No, you can’t-can’t do that.”
She was backing up, but he pulled her back to him before she could get far.
“Relax, Candeez, I promise to make it good for you.”
And in that moment chills ran up her spine, and she melted. His lips came down on hers, and she moaned into the kiss. She jumped up into his arms when she felt his hands on her ass, and he squeezed her cheeks as he backed up slowly against the counter.
Kissing madly, he spun them around so she was sitting on the smooth granite and lifted her shirt up over her head, quickly unlatching her bra from behind her back. Candice shoved his pants and underwear down in one, swift move and immediately wrapped her hand around his shaft.
He groaned and dropped his head onto her shoulder.
“Those damn sweatpants have been driving me out of my mind,” she muttered as she continued to pump him. “Do you know how clearly you can see your cock moving in them when you walk or get up?”
He chuckled darkly.
“I know. I requested them.”
“You don’t mean that.” He smirked, tipping her head up.
“No, I really do.”
He kissed her.
“I also mean this.”
She released his cock and yanked him closer.
“Fuck me.”
His green eyes turned dark, as he roughly yanked her pants and underwear down to a puddle on the floor.
“With pleasure.”
Fifteen minutes later, Grant and Candice came strolling back onto set. The director took one look at them and called for hair and make-up to come over.
“You good now, Candice?” he asked.
Grant quietly smirked to himself.
“Better than ever,” she said brightly.
After hair and make-up had finished and scattered, Grant and Candice took their places and waited for the director to call ‘action’.
As luck would have it, they only needed one take.
*will post on AO3 and FFnet when beta’d.
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kpop-zone · 4 years
Itzy reaction to their crush kissing them on VLIVE
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“And that’s the backstage area.”
Yeji said into the camera before waving it around to give their fans a glimpse behind the scenes.
Yuna yelled to all of their families and friends that were gathered backstage for their concert.
It wasn’t long till they had to start getting ready, but Yeji just wanted to greet their fans before going on stage. Happily, she skipped to her parents and squeezed between them.
“Say hi to the fans.”
Yeji giggled as her parents shyly followed her demand.
A second later though, she froze when she felt a pair of arms wrapping around her waist.
“Itzy hwaiting!”
Your laugh sounded right next to her ear, making her heart drop and flutter at the same time.
You were her best friend, so of course she needed to invite you to their concert. But she had known from the start that it wouldn’t help her nervousness. For years, she was crushing on you already, but for the sake of your friendship she had never told you about it. Her crush seemed to grow every day though and by now a simple gesture of affection like this could make her heart race.
“That’s Y/N, my best friend.”
Yeji introduced you after taking a deep breath to calm herself.
“I hope you’re excited for the concert! The girls have worked really hard.”
You smiled proudly and before she knew, your lips found her cheek to press a quick peck on it.
Yeji felt like someone had shot an arrow through her heart. Her eyes widened comically, and she stared into the camera like a deer caught in the headlights. There were absolutely no words left in her brain and she could already see the dating news about the two of you spreading everywhere. But gladly Ryujin suddenly ripped the camera out of her hands.
“Ya, Yeji, let me introduce my parents too.”
The younger member scolded her jokingly.
Ryujin threw a warning gaze at her before walking to her family with the camera. Quickly Yeji cleared her throat and turned to face you. You were still smiling, so she assumed that you had no clue what your action had just done to her; she could have sworn that you must have been able to hear her frantic heartbeat.
“Um... I have to get ready.”
Yeji mumbled shyly as she was already starting to walk backwards.
Her parents and you started to wish her good luck, but Yeji still hadn’t recollected herself again, so she quickly rushed off before you would come up with the idea of hugging her. She definitely needed to recover from the incident a few seconds ago first.
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“Is everyone ready?”
Sooyoung asked before opening the Vlive App.
Nervously Lia tugged on her skirt and fixed her hair. Although all of you had already practiced for your collab stage together a couple of times, she still felt a little insecure around you. Your groups had all debuted before Itzy and she felt like a little schoolgirl next to you.
Lia suddenly felt someone squeezing her hand and when she looked up, she saw you smiling at her fondly.
Her throat immediately went dry and she stared at you wordlessly.
“Hi guys! Welcome to our first and probably also last Vlive together.”
Sooyoung suddenly laughed loudly, causing you to look to the front again- much to Lia’s relief.
It was no secret that she had always admired you -she was a big fan of your group- but since your dance practices, Lia found herself helplessly crushing on you. You were incredibly kind and charismatic even off-stage, causing you to be close to everyone in the newly formed group in no time.
A fact that was also showing in your Vlive right now. You joked around a lot and although Lia found herself blushing a few times when you came a little close to her, she felt like she was doing a great job at covering up her crush. The relaxed atmosphere even made her forget about her insecurities and she participated actively in the conversation.
“What are your thoughts on this collab?”
Elkie asked at one point and a wide grin spread on Lia’s face.  
“I think we make a great team together. Our practices were always filled with laughter. And I’m very grateful to KBS that they gave us the chance to work together.”
She answered confidently, but her grin faltered quickly when the others looked at her with wide eyes before starting to giggle.
“You mean MAMA?”
Nayeon chuckled causing Lia to gasp loudly.
“Our cute Lia.”
You suddenly laughed before cupping her face and pressing a kiss on her cheek.
For a second, Lia was absolutely frozen and stared at you in disbelief, but when the others broke out in laughter and cooed teasingly, she snapped out of her trance. A pout formed on her lips and she smacked your arm lightly.
“That’s not funny.”
She mumbled, but you only patted her head before turning your attention to the camera and quickly changing the subject to move on from her mistake.
Despite recovering from your kiss relatively quickly for the fan’s eyes to see, Lia could still hear her heart hammering loudly in her chest. Her urge to touch her cheek that was feeling like it was on fire was strong and it took all of her to focus on the words of the others. The camera might not have been able to capture it, but Lia knew that her crush had just increased fivefold.
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“Oh and that’s a song that I have only learned recently.”
Ryujin said into the camera before focusing on her guitar and starting to pluck the strings.
She was just half-way through the song when loud voices could suddenly be heard in the background, causing her to stop.
“Go, Ryujin!”
The voices got even louder as the door to her studio swung open and revealed the members of another group under JYP Entertainment.
“Ever heard of knocking?”
Ryujin scolded them jokingly, but all of the members just shrugged before streaming in.
You were the last one to appear in the room and Ryujin automatically turned her gaze to the floor shyly. Although she was close to all the members, you had always had a special place in her heart. Something about you just made her smile twice as big and she felt herself falling for you more and more.
While Ryujin was distracted by you, the other members immediately took over the Vlive and fought for the best place in front of the camera. You watched for a while before shaking your head and pulling away your members.
“Enough, guys! You’ve said hello, let Ryujin finish her Vlive now. I’m sure Midzys didn’t tune in to see you.”
You smirked causing your members to disagree loudly. Nevertheless, they said goodbye before walking to the door.
“I’m sorry for the interruption.”
You bowed lightly before suddenly leaning forward and pressing a kiss on her cheek.
Ryujin felt how panic started to rise inside of her. She looked into the camera with wide eyes before stuttering a goodbye to you.
“Um... yeah... where were we?”
She mumbled after you had left the room before starting to pluck the strings again as if nothing had happened.
There was nothing wrong with a quick kiss on the cheek, nevertheless, Ryujin felt like she had just done something illegal. What if the fans could see right through her? She was sure that a bright blush was glowing on her cheeks. Therefore, she made her hair fall in her face as she was playing the guitar in an attempt to hide from the camera that suddenly seemed to X-ray her. Not being able to relax again, Ryujin ended the Vlive soon after and sat in the quiet room motionlessly for a while. This crush on you could definitely become problematic if she didn’t learn to control her emotions.
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“Hello, guys. Today I’m here with my best friend and we’re going to make some macarons.”
Chaeryeong grinned widely as she began her Vlive.
It had been a while since Itzy was able to see their fans, so they decided to host special Vlives to let Midzy know what was going on in their lives. Today was Chaeryeong’s turn and she thought that it would be a great idea to do this together with you. Although she had started to develop a crush on you that made everything more complicated, the two of you still had incredible chemistry.
Together you started to prepare the batter and the filling while chatting casually. There was a lot to laugh about and in no time, one hour had already passed.
“Ok guys, now it’s time to bake them. We’ll end the Vlive here and I’ll upload some pictures of the results later.”
If it were up to Chaeryeong this Vlive could go on and on, but she could already see the disapproving gazes of the managers behind the camera, so she decided to end it here.
“Y/N, do you have something to say before we say goodbye?”
She asked, and you pondered for a second before nodding.
“This was a really fun afternoon for me. I hope you guys liked it as much as I did.”
You waved to the camera before turning to face her.
“Thank you for inviting me, Chaeryeong.”
A sweet smile was playing on your lips, making Chaeryeong giggle. But suddenly you leaned forward and kissed her cheek.
Chaeryeong couldn’t suppress the gasp that escaped her lips, causing you to laugh loudly.
She exclaimed shocked while pressing her hand on her cheek and nervously glancing to the managers.
They didn’t seem to mind, but Chaeryeong still didn’t know how to react. Her cheeks immediately became bright red and she avoided to meet your gaze although she could feel that you were proudly looking at her.
“I’m never inviting you again.”
Chaeryeong joked to cover up the fact that this kiss had totally shaken her composure.
You chuckled in response and shoved her lightly, making her sigh in relief. She hoped that she had managed to make it seem like some friendly banter. Nevertheless, she was quick to say goodbye and not to look at you again before turning off the Vlive. Maybe she should really never invite you again.
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“And this is our practice room!”
When Yuna heard Lia’s voice, she almost fell off her chair in shock.
She had had a crush on you for eternity, but last week she had finally overcome her shyness and asked whether you wanted to spend some time with her. Therefore, you had stopped by the company today during one of her breaks and were currently sitting next to her on the couch in one of the practice rooms.
This room was supposed to be empty till the late afternoon and Yuna hadn’t expected her members to show up. Quickly she leaped to her feet and stood in front of you to block the view. Lia and the other members entered the room while holding a phone on a selfie stick, making Yuna assume that they were probably doing a Vlive. She definitely hadn’t planned to expose you to the public that soon. Gladly, however, Yeji noticed Yuna’s panicked expression and quickly turned the phone to another side of the room. Yuna sighed in relief before facing you again.
“I’m sorry about that.”
She whispered, but you quickly shook your head.
“No, it’s fine. I better get going though.”
You smiled before standing up.
As much as Yuna wished to spend more time with you, she also wanted to join the others on the Vlive and didn’t want to make you wait that long. Therefore, she accompanied you to the door of the practice room on her tiptoes to not catch the attention of anyone. When the two of you arrived at the door, Yuna fidgeted with the hem of her shirt a little awkwardly because she didn’t know how to say goodbye. Her pondering was interrupted though when she suddenly felt a pair of lips on her cheek. The kiss only lasted for a second but left a tingling sensation behind. You grinned widely when you pulled away, causing Yuna to mirror your expression. Her joy was only short-lived, however, when she suddenly heard turmoil in the back.
Ryujin exclaimed panicked and when Yuna turned around she could see that Ryujin was shoving the camera into another direction.
Yuna scanned the faces of her members and could see that they were all looking at her apologetically, making her realize that the scene a few seconds ago had probably been broadcasted to thousands of Midzys.
Shyly you apologized to her, but Yuna assured you that it was fine before saying goodbye to you and joining the others for the Vlive. Her heart was beating violently in her chest and it felt like it was making a hundredfold amount of adrenaline flow through her body, causing her to feel slightly dizzy, and like a big cloud was fogging up her mind.
Nevertheless, Yuna tried to act as normal as possible. Unfortunately though, she was feeling way too giddy for that. Instead, she could neither stop giggling nor sit still. Therefore, Yuna was sure that no matter whether anyone had really noticed the two of you in the back or not, her weird behavior would be raising questions anyways.
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sanghyukstattoos · 4 years
Cross the street
Characters: Kim Youngkyun I Hwiyoung x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Words: 2468
Summary: Hwiyoung loved the sun and the sky and you but sometimes, all the hassles and life changes gave him a major headache but today and everyday other day since that time he had met you, you were there to listen to his troubles. 
A/N: There were so many beautiful Hwi gifs, I had a tough time choosing-
Also, this one wasn’t requested but I had thought of the idea ages ago so I hope you enjoy! 
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His fingers roughly threaded through his hair, pushing the strands out of his face. Standing outside the room he had just walked out claiming that he needed, "air", the annoyance was coursing through his veins and he felt like venting. Just moments before, he had gotten the scream of his life and to add salt to the wound was the fact that it was for something beyond his control. That person must have been having a bad day too. However, if that was how his day started then he could have walked away like it was nothing.
Starting with the bad comments, the world worked wonders. It seemed as if there were no end to the amount of bad people that existed and the problems manifested as a result of their behaviour. Even listening to music didn't help as the thoughts persistently lingered at the back of his mind. At this point, this would be the second week to look bleak, he thought trying to selectively remember the good memories of the last.
Opposite him was a huge glass window and the sky couldn't have looked any more prettier. There were both dark clouds and bright ones alike but the bright ones took over the sky. Overlapping with the dark clouds, it looked as if the latter were adorned with sequins that shone even as the night raged on. Scoffing at the sky, his thoughts were interrupted by someone opening the door and walking out into the hallway. Sanghyuk looked at him with immense concern before saying, "They want to discuss something but they need everyone there". Nodding, he turned to enter but was stopped by Sanghyuk tenderly saying, "You'll be fine, let's go".
Taking a deep breath as he entered the room, a couple of eyes turned their way. When they actually got to the discussion, it wasn't anything like he expected it to be. Rather than talking about future plans, it was about reformation. A type of change subject to varying degrees but that's at least how he interpreted it. Is this how it’s going to be from now onwards? We change for those people instead of trying to bring about change as idols?
Change was harder than he thought because sometimes it required trying to convince a whole bunch of people who held the same opinions and were all equally persistent about it. Many beliefs couldn't be factually proven so saying that someone else's beliefs were wrong was incorrect because there was an equal chance that yours were wrong as well. So he had to let it go but not when their beliefs influenced his behaviour, especially in a way that he didn't agree with.
In the next room, it was as if they were having some sort of dance party, the stomping, screaming and and literal choruses of laughter made concentrating on what the director was saying, harder. His attention went fluttering to what could have been possibly happening in the very next room. From the look on the directors face, she also seemed dissatisfied and looking around, she let out a laugh that was of course, open to interpretation. At the corner of his eye, he saw Youngbin and Inseong glancing nervously at one another and looking at the others, they seemed to share a nervous disposition as well.
Hints of behind the scene movements that fans were indefinitely clueless about through the way the group presented themselves, seeped viciously from Sanghyuk. Taking a look, one would be able to see the negative comments clamouring and tearing down at the strong self- esteem walls he had built. These people are not our fans, he thought to himself. Hardiness is not a trait everyone was born with and subject to experiences in life, people gradually begin to display varying degrees of hardiness. Obviously, Sanghyuk was no exception to this, developing a strong sense of resilience over the course of his life as an artist but to see him like this, deeply saddened Youngkyun.
An inadmissible gap filled with the silence from Sanghyuk, Youngkyun tried his best to comprehensively understand what people were saying but while nodding, he couldn’t help but disagree to a larger extent. They really meant when they said that silence was key. These people were angry and Youngkyun immediately understood that they had lost the fight they started. Softly sighing, he smiled as he turned to the camera for the ones who were there for the same reason as he was.
During the course of the live, the members made sure to give Sanghyuk a pat every now and then. He found the premise hurtful but comforting because they were there with him. Temples throbbing a bit, he squeezed his eyes feeling temporary relief from having not blinked once within the last couple of seconds. Eyeing the snacks on the table in front of them, he reached for two, holding one against his chest while he handed the other one to Sanghyuk. The older one received it with a small smile to his face, murmuring a "thank you" whilst returning to his comfort zone.
A while ago, he put himself in Sanghyuk's place and shivered a little at the thoughts that crawled into his mind. He wasn't the centre of their negative attention but he ended up feeling self-conscious. It was coincidental for him to be called at that exact time allowing him to brush the situation aside. Looking over, he made a decision that even if he couldn't stop the problem, he would protect Sanghyuk, following whatever the older chose to do. Not thinking about how exhausted he could become, he went ahead believing that even if he burned out, it would be at Sanghyuk's side.
Gradually spinning, soft laughs and giggles passed them by as the live came to an end. Evoking a nature of warm- heartedness, interacting with their fans from all walks of life left a deep impression on the members. The support they received was instrumental in their music and it made them happy knowing that people loved the results of their hard work. Despite ongoing troubles, they compartmentalised, segregating the nice people from others. There was also strength in numbers but this didn't have to refer to a large number of people because even two could seal the deal.
Just like Fantasy's, the members had one another and being able to rely on each other meant that they didn't worry about concerning their fans. On the way back home, the members optimistically spoke about the live with Hwiyoung pitching in every once in a while. Bright but tired smiles lit the dimly lit car as the members fell asleep one by one. Comfortable silence enveloped the car as Hwi looked outside, watching the trees and other cars pass by in a blur. Taeyang looked over at him, tracing his face for a hint about his thoughts. From a glance, it looked as if he was wandering but Tae realised quickly that his intense focus must have meant that he was only thinking about one thing.
They all were because it wasn't fun knowing that someone who constantly made you smile wasn't smiling anymore. Obviously he'd pick up his baggage someday and throw it over the balcony, free from its weight but that toll it placed on him while it was with him was enormous. His balance from the rest of the world was crowded with aimless thoughts, thoughts that Sanghyuk quickly looked away from. You couldn't solve this problem today even if you wanted to. Neither could you run away from it, pretending to have solved it because that would be like putting a band-aid on a gushing wound.
Today wasn't the day and still looking outside, Hwi rested his head on the headrest, feeling a wave of tiredness wash over him as he did so. Getting off, the boys lugged out of the car with Hwi informing them that he would make his way to your house. Nodding, they wished him well and to be safe, watching as he got into his own car and made his way to your house. Half way through, he felt as if it was a bad idea to arrive at your house because while you'd definitely be excited to see him (he could already see the smile on your face), he'd want to complain about how terrible his day was. Parking outside, he shut the car door and practically ran to the door.
In less than five seconds, you were at the door, having felt excited to meet him. You skipped down the stairs, careful not to hurt yourself but as soon as you landed on the last step, you bounced all the way to the door, straightening a little as you reached to open it. Peeking at his form, alarm bells set off in your head but you prepared yourself for the scenario that was about to unfold, knowing that whatever it was, you would be here to hold him in your arms and soothe him. "Hey babe" you smiled, extending your arms and meeting your eyes, he mirrored your bright smile and lightly fell into your embrace.
Your fingers went up to his head, running your fingers through his hair as he hid in the crook of your neck, taking in your smell. Your smell was the most familiar and the most comforting, helping him relax as it instantly reminded him of you. "It's late, you must be really tired," you said as you pulled away, arms still around his waist. "It's okay, it’s surprising I’m not that tired" he replied scrunching up his nose and holding up his fingers to represent how little he was tired. Hand in hand, you walked to the bedroom, sitting on the bed as he went to the bathroom to freshen up, grabbing some clothes on the way from the free space you made for him in your cupboard so that he'd have some place to keep his stuff every time he came over.
You didn't like the idea of leaving his side when his composure was essentially ripping at the seams but you waited nonetheless till he came out. Joining you on the bed, he laid himself in between your legs with his head on your chest as you ran your fingers through his hard, supported by pillows against the headrest. Softly, you asked him, "You okay?" but you could tell that he wasn't going to reply from the silence. He was trying to tell you but he didn't know where to start because he felt like that was the most important. Not being able to put his finger down on the one thing that was causing him the most trouble threw him over the line. Just as you grasped his chin to get him to look up at you, he shifted to lay on his stomach, burying his head in yours as the tears that he had been holding in all day flowed free.
Feeling the warmth on your stomach and hearing his sniffles made you connect the dots together and immediately you asked, "Babe? Hwi baby, look at me, tell me what's wrong" you tenderly spoke but this only encouraged more tears from him. It was as if he couldn’t find the words to tell you and this is the only way he could start. Leaving your position from around him, you slept face to face with him and pulled him into your hold. You held the back of his head as his arms immediately found your form, squeezing you against him. Sobbing, the tears flowed at an alarmingly free rate and stained your shoulders.
This hurt you and tears pricked the corners of your eyes as Hwi was usually very happy with his gummy smiles and adorable attitude. Not to mention how much fun the two of you had but you needed to remind him that bad times only lasted as long. Pushing away your tears, you held his face in your hands, forcing him to look at you. He peered through his wet eyelashes at you, cheeks wet and momentarily stopped at your actions but looking you in the eyes caused him to start again. You pouted as you watched him cry saying, "Baby boy, you have to tell me what's wrong so that we can try and fix it together". Hearing your words made him shake his head vigorously, disagreeing that you could help whatever was going on.
"Well, how would we know if you don't tell me?" you gently questioned looking at his eyes that were lost in thought. "Okay" he whispered, voice hoarse from the crying and swallowing, he took a shaky breath before starting his story. Letting go of his face, you shifted again, this time face to face with him as he explained. Going into detail, you made mental notes at the level of different elements whilst patting his butt which helped him calm down faster. He stopped every once in a while to take a breath which also allowed you to process the different pieces of information, trying to pick out any places where you could ask questions.
Completing his stories, he rubbed the wetness away from his eyes, throwing an arm over your waist as you rubbed the expanse of his abs. His turn over, you started, "It's difficult, I'll give you that. Even more so, you are able to deal with these situations. Look at them from a third person perspective and imagine that you were speaking to a fellow friend, how would you describe what just happened? After that, how long will that memory stay with you, won't it be crowded by the happier memories you make every day? It's really easy to get lost thinking over and over again about all the tiny things that have built up or a problem that won't go away, but if you give it time, I guarantee you now that you'll have moved on to other parts of your life, later on." you spoke, letting the words run through his mind, seeing the answers form in his mind.
You waited for a few moments till he nodded in agreement saying, "Thank you by the way" following with a soft kiss to your lips. Warm, they tasted a little bit salty and as you pulled away, you replied, "It's okay baby". Your hands found his hair, holding his head back a little so that you could press a kiss against his forehead, holding him in your arms. His eyes dropped, the exhaustion seeping through him having poured out the stress that he was carrying with him all day. You smiled at the small rises and falls of his chest, laying next to him as you pulled the covers over the two of you. Not before long, you fell asleep as well, thinking of the way he slept like a little baby. 
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more-pokeimagines · 4 years
Stone Cold Body [04] - Chapter 3
A/N: I’m terribly sorry that it took me so long to finish this chapter, and I really hope your still interested in the series because I enjoy writing it so much. However, there’s not much going on in this chapter since I wanted to focus on the reader’s thoughts but I promise there will be a bit more action in the next one. Have fun reading! Feedback is always appreciated.
Warnings: none
You still had no idea what was going on. Just one minute ago you were absolutely sure that there was nothing magical about the statue in the middle of a pretty park but the fact that the people around you stared at you like you had three heads made it almost impossible to deny that something of great importance had happened.
Well. In fact, you knew exactly what had happened. Even though you had always thought that it was just a stupid story to attract tourists, you couldn’t deny that the statue was no longer there. And the body in your arms definitely felt human.
You didn’t dare to look at his face, not even when he groaned quietly as he tried to sit up. It almost felt like you were rooted to the spot, as if you couldn’t move your arms and legs, even if you wanted to. His light grey, military style jacket was gold-embroidered and while it was dusty and ripped in some places, it still looked pristine and expensive.
You noticed that his hands were shaking and that his already pale skin looked almost translucent in the bright sunlight. His eyes, an unusual purple color you had never seen before, were full of confusion and panic.
And suddenly, the realization hit you like a brick. He was the statue. All the stories about the enchanted prince had been true, and now he was sitting here right next to you, trying to figure out what was going on and why everyone was staring at both him and you.
A murmur went through the crowd of tourists surrounding you when they finally realized what was going on: you had lifted the curse, the prince was back, and he was alive. In this moment, even you found it hard to believe that magic wasn’t real anymore.
Cameras started to click all around as the people tried to get a good photo of the scene right before them.
The boy stared at you, his mouth slightly agape. When your eyes met you held your breath for a moment, not quite sure if you really were ready to face the consequences of your actions. The next second, a wave of hatred washed over you. You didn’t understand why but you loathed him, even though you were dead sure that you had never met him before. And yet, here you were, staring at the allegedly dead prince of Galar and trying to resist the sudden urge to slap him across the face.
But before you could do something incredibly stupid, Gloria knelt down next to you and gently touched your arm, snapping you out of your weird thoughts. “Are you okay?” she asked. “Your fall looked a bit painful.”
“I’m fine,” you replied automatically, even though it was technically a lie. You felt weird and you still didn’t understand why you reacted so hostile towards the boy. There was absolutely no reason for your behavior but there was something about him that made you furious.
You watched Gloria bringing her attention to the boy. The prince, you corrected yourself. She let out a shaky breath as she examined him, her glance moving back and forth between him and the spot where the statue had been before you had touched it. Piles of crumbled stone surrounded him, a direct proof that he truly had been trapped in the statue – at least until you had put your hand on his shoulder and freed him.
“Holy moly,” Gloria mumbled to herself. “The stories are really true.”
You darted a cursory glance at the prince. He still seemed to be a bit disoriented but at least he wasn’t as pale as death anylonger. When he returned your look, you noticed that the panic in his eyes had subsided as well, replaced by something you couldn’t really put your finger on. Disfavor, maybe?
You turned your head to avoid his gaze and finally got up from the floor, shaking the dust off your clothes as soon as you were on firm ground again. Then, you offered your hand to the prince to help him up, even though you were really reluctant about touching him. Thankfully, he ignored your outstretched hand and struggled to his feet on his own. He adjusted his jacket, deliberately avoiding looking at you, despite the fact that he was standing right next to you.
After a few more moments of silence, you cleared your throat and finally asked, “Are you okay?”
He raised an eyebrow. “Excuse me?”
“I wanted to know if you’re feeling fine,” you repeated, your tone already getting more impatient. In Galar, royalty wasn’t relevant anymore, so you didn’t really care about the fact that you were technically speaking to a prince. “Or if you need something. Water, maybe.”
He shook his head. “I’m alright,” he answered stiffly. And then, as if he suddenly remembered his good manners, he added, “Thank you.” His voice was a bit hoarse, maybe because he hadn’t used it in such a long time, and much to your horror, you realized that it actually sent a shiver down your spine. Damn it. You didn’t want to like his voice. You didn’t want to like anything about him.
“Your grace,” one of the girls in the crowd exclaimed, rushing forward to get a better look at him. “It’s an honor to meet you. Me and my friends always believed that the legends about you were true, so we came here every year to see if there was something we could do for you.”
Once again, he raised his eyebrow but you weren’t sure if it was because of the girl’s impertinent attempts to get his attention or because she mentioned the spell he had been under. Or maybe there was an entirely different reason, and you quickly reassured yourself that you really didn’t need to care about it.
“I’m not sure I understand what you’re talking about,” he finally said. The girl beamed at him, obviously happy about the fact that he decided to start a conversation with her. “About the legends surrounding you. Some people always believed that your soulmate would be able to break the curse and bring you back to life.” She blushed, almost as if it embarrassed her that she hadn’t been the one to free him, especially since she clearly had tried it so often.
“I see.” It was evident that he didn’t believe her at all, and for the first time since you lifted the curse from him you asked yourself if he even realized that he had been trapped in stone for centuries. If he even understood how much the world had changed since then, or if he believed to be in some sort of weird dream in which people dressed strangely and didn’t know how to approach him properly.
Before you even knew what you were doing, you suddenly found yourself right next to him, placing your hand on his arm once again. “I guess there’s a lot we need to explain to you.”
It wasn’t much fun to walk around Wyndon with an enchanted prince by your side. The news that the statue had been destroyed by some stranger had already spread like a wildfire, and you felt like almost everyone was staring at you, a mixture of deep respect and utter confusion in their eyes.
You tried to convince yourself that they weren’t gaping at you but at the prince instead, especially since he was still wearing his light grey royal outfit. It suited him well, no doubt, but it was a bit too eye-catching for your liking, especially since it was pretty messed up. He really needed some more ordinary looking clothes if he didn’t want to stand out like a sore thumb, so it was probably best to head for the nearest clothing store to get him a shirt and a pair of jeans.
Thankfully, it didn’t take long to find a shop that wasn’t overly crowded and also not as expensive as some other stores in Wyndon, and only twenty minutes later, the prince had exchanged his noble attire for dark pants, a pair of black sneakers and a sweatshirt that had the exact same color as his eyes. It was obvious that he felt uncomfortable in his new clothes but at least he understood that it was necessary to look as ordinary as possible and other than a few complaints about the scratchy material of the sweatshirt he remained silent.
The prince didn’t talk much in general; he seemed to be completely lost in his own thoughts while he followed you and your friends through the city, and he kept his head down, almost as if he didn’t want anyone to notice him. Occasionally, Gloria tried to talk to him but the answers he gave were so brief and succinctly that she gave up after a few minutes and started a conversation with Hop instead.
As made your way through the small alleys to get back to the old town to grab something for lunch, you listened with half an ear as your friends talked about the plans for the next few days. Originally, you had planned to spend way more time in Wyndon but since you had an enchanted prince by your side now, they weren’t sure if it really was a good idea to stay here. Surely tourists would recognize him sooner or later, especially when those who had been in the park with you earlier on started to post their pictures to social media, and you wouldn’t be able to go anywhere without having a bunch of people surrounding you because they wanted to catch a glimpse of the prince.
You couldn’t deny that they were probably right. The people here in Wyndon had always been convinced that something magical would happen some day, and now that they had been proven right they were going to make a huge deal out of it. Heck, they probably wouldn’t hesitate to pester you with questions too since you had been the one who broke the curse,and just the mere thought was enough to annoy you. This was all Gloria’s fault. If she hadn’t insisted that you touched the statue while posing for a picture, none of this would’ve had happened and you would’ve been able to continue your road trip the way you had planned to. But no, of course things had to get out of hand.
You still thought about it when you arrived at a small restaurant twenty minutes later. It wasn’t a coincidence that Gloria had brought you here: only a few tourists knew about this restaurant, and the dining area was so small that only a few tables fitted in it, so it was actually a pretty private place which was absolutely perfect today.
While Gloria placed your orders at the counter, you found yourself examining the prince once again. There was a slightly arrogant line around his mouth you hadn’t noticed before but what really surprised you was the innocent expression in his eyes as he returned your look. “Do you like what you see?” he asked, his voice as smooth as silk as he raised an eyebrow. It was obvious that he was trying to mock you, so you quickly put on an awfully nice smile and shook your head. “No. I was just wondering if you realize how rude it is that you haven’t introduced yourself so far, Your Grace.”
You somehow managed to make the title sound like an insult but much to your surprise, he didn’t even seem to be bothered by it. Instead, his lips curled into a smile. “Correct would be Your Highness,” he said softly. “But you may call me by my given name”
“And that is-?”
Your smile grew a bit wider. “There we go. I’m (Y/N), this charming guy right here,” you pointed at Hop who was sitting next to you, “is Hop and the lovely lady at the counter is Gloria. Very nice to meet you.”
“The pleasure is all mine,” Bede replied automatically, a wee bit of sarcasm in his voice. You knew that he probably only tried to hide his insecurity about the whole situation underneath his cool exterior but you rolled your eyes nevertheless. Apparently, it was beneath his dignity to at least treat you with some respect.
Luckily, Gloria returned with your drinks and spared you from answering. You had no idea why you got so angry about trivialities when it came to Bede, especially since it wasn’t the first time that he managed to make you livid, but on the other hand, you really weren’t obligated to like him just because you saved him.
Well. At least that’s what you tried to tell yourself because you knew exactly what everyone else would think about the fact that you managed to undo the spell. Everyone who knew about the legend would believe that Bede and you were soulmates; some kind of star-crossed lovers who belonged together, even though you basically knew next to nothing about each other – and if it was up to you it could stay this way forever.
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angelicspaceprince · 5 years
Youtuber!Beetlejuice Headcanons
Ok so Youtuber/Gamer!Beetlejuice has hit my tumblr with a force, so I’m going to write my own set for you here. Also, your channel has a mishmash of subject ideas because I’m trying to cater to everyone. It looks super unrealistic but hey its fantasy bby!
This also didn’t end the way I wanted it to and it stops kinda abruptly, its half past 5 in the morning. I need a nap.
His channel is a MESS
There is no consistency, except for the fact that he posts every day
But every day, no one knows what they’re gonna get
And he does everything
Beej may promise that its going to be a conspiracy theory video, but then he posts a video of him eating tide pods straight from the bag with a shit eating grin on his face with the caption ‘DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME – I’M A DEAD GUY THESE WON’T HURT ME’ plastered all over the screen because he genuinely cares for his viewers
Lydia helps him with editing, Adam and Barbra help set up his recording space which is just a large corner in the attic, Delia helps him plan ideas and Charles just leaves him to it
If he ever posts an ASMR video, do not open it
It’s just a video of him screaming into the microphone and making loud noises with him cackling after each one
Cooking videos usually end with him just straight up eating stuff no one should eat
Gaming videos go between him playing horror and laughing his ass off at how bad they are to him playing Animal Crossings and just being so happy that these people are kind to him and want to spend time with him
Live streams a LOT
It annoys his mods a little bit because he doesn’t have a schedule, and he only gives them a 30 second warning so if they see it, they have to quickly jump on over to mod the comment section
People just love the chaotic energy he radiates and if you mention a video idea, he will most definitely do it by the end of the month because he just wants to try  e v e r y t h i n g
Lydia helps create merch for him so he can sell stuff. Most of the money goes to Lydia or the others in the house for helping him out, although he does save up to get better quality equipment to replace the stuff, he totally didn’t steal
If people mention about how depressed they are or if they feel disgusting but he makes them feel better, or even joked about suicide, in the live stream everything stops and he just looks down the camera and assures them that they are beautiful and deserve to live and suicide is never the way to deal with your problems, trust him, he knows
Everything just goes all serious until he has said his piece, no one is commenting and then he goes back to his happy self and is all like ‘don’t worry babes, I got ya back!’ and continues on chatting about nonsense for a while
He runs constant streams for charities that focus on mental health, it’s his one platform
He rarely accepts sponsors for his videos, he does have a patreon though
He has only accepted 3 sponsors in his time on Youtube, all of them were surrounding suicide and self-harm prevention
Offers really shitty advice but he has the spirit and means well
His followers affectionately call themselves ‘Juicey’s Babes’ which he finds hysterical
Anyone who’s been on a call with him can confirm that he is just as chaotic in real life as he is on his channel, it is not an act
But he genuinely cares and remembers everything about his followers, if one pops up on the stream chat, he will ask about their days and if the date went well with the guy from work etc.
Does do educational videos when he finds out from Lydia that sex ed in the US is pretty piss poor and that’s unacceptable! Teaches you how to put on condoms and what a clit is
Is constantly demonetised from Youtube but doesn’t give a shit
It wasn’t until someone suggested that he do a reaction video for one of your vids that he falls in love with your channel for the first time
It, too, is a mish mash of things but your schedule is a lot more constant, posting 5 days a week as a full time professional youtuber. It was exhausting but you love the work
Video game streaming or singing a cover of a song on alternate Mondays, Conspiracy videos or exploring cold cases and the supernatural on alternate Tuesdays, Cooking videos on Wednesday, general chat and educational videos on Thursday, Story Time, Crafts and Challenges on Friday with a live stream every third Saturday just talking smack
He falls in love with your channel so quick, and during the time he’s not filming or editing or whatever, he’s watching your videos
He joins your discord and talks there often
Lydia reaches out to you to ask if you’d do a collab with Beetlejuice and you agree, loving him on your discord chat and also the few videos you’ve seen
You agree to do a live reaction to the most recent Buzzfeed Unsolved video that was coming out that Saturday for your live stream, and that for his next gaming video you’d join in and play Animal Crossing with him
Beetlejuice is SO nervous when it comes to that Saturday, he really wants to impress you and not embarrass himself
It goes so well, people are commenting about what a good duo the two of you make as you crack jokes with one another, and even after the streaming finishes, you end up video chatting on your private discord for the rest of the afternoon
The gaming stream goes even better, having known each other a little better now and having found your rhythm which lead to a better stream
Suddenly, the two of you were doing collabs at least once a month, and Beetlejuice could feel himself falling hard for you
The two of you spoke nearly every day on Discord, mostly doing it via video or voice chat so you didn’t waste time typing
If either of you ended up on each other’s livestreams on Twitch or Youtube, everyone is a flurry because you end up joking with each other through the comments and its always fun to watch the two of you banter
Definitely have a few people ‘ship’ you and Beetlejuice is confused because what’s a ship?
Eventually, you get offered to go to Vidcon and when you told Beetlejuice, he revealed he did too but he wasn’t sure if he was gonna go
You say that’s a shame because you were really looking forward to officially meeting him and that Changed His Mind Quick Smart
There was so much prep that was going into Vidcon, you both agreed to do your stream there and just do bits of behind the scenes filming together
You both knew what you looked like and both knew you got along, but both of you were nervous the closer the day arrived
End up doing a panel together and that’s when you first meet, mostly because you were running super late and couldn’t meet before hand
Beetlejuice is literally buzzing with excitement and when you walk on stage, apologising for running late, he just beams and tackles you into a hug
He’s just so excited to finally meet you in person
(A video of him attacking you goes up on youtube and is instantly gif’ed and becomes a meme because everyone loves how excited he was to finally meet you and touch you)
You end up spending more time together than initially planned, but neither of you minded
The first video when you get back is filmed at your place and is titled ‘How I managed to snag a hottie for a girlfriend’, with the icon being Beetlejuice pointing at you with an excited look on your face, you rolling your eyes with your head in your hands
Everyone’s OTP
You keep your individual channels but definitely start doing more collabs on the reg whilst maintaining that perfect life/work balance, not everything needs to go on Youtube
You end up moving to be closer to him, you meet the family and Beetlejuice is just so so happy
And so are you
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Movie Review | The Decline of Western Civilization series (Spheeris, 1981-98)
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Many years ago, before I sold out to the man, I have to admit I felt a certain attraction to punk music. No, I was never anywhere close to a full on punk (I was, and still am, extremely lame), but I have to admit the anti-establishment streak definitely resonated with me at a certain point of time. (Not that it still doesn’t, but in addition to selling out, I’ve softened with old age.) Like many people I’ve found appealing the political conscience and mix of influences of the Clash, or the boneheaded energy of the Ramones, but I also found my interest straying to hardcore punk. I remember the first time I listened to “Damaged II” by Black Flag and finding it unbelievably abrasive and foreign to my ears, yet it was something I couldn’t get out of my head, and returned to the song and the album it was from a few years later and appreciated it as one of the most forceful expressions of angst ever recorded. I remember first learning of bands like X and Fear, and seeing performance footage on YouTube and being thrilled by the rawness and danger, especially when they had to fight off their fans. This footage was from Penelope Spheeris’ cult classic documentary, The Decline of Western Civlization, which for years was not easily available but I have now finally seen in its entirety.
The movie is structured simply, moving from one band in the L.A. punk scene to another, interviewing them in their natural habitats and punctuating this with footage of their performances. Songs are presented in full so we can get the complete experience. The first band we see is Black Flag, then with frontman Ron Reyes. They are lively on stage but it’s interesting to note how different the energy was prior to the arrival of Henry Rollins, who brought a certain discipline and muscularity to their music. (One of the songs featured here, “Depression”, pops up again in Damaged, and the impact in the latter is noticeably more forceful.) The guys here come across as aimless and destitute, living in a decrepit church where they’ve turned the closets into makeshift bedrooms, seemingly losing money with every gig. But they are also quite affable (you can tell the lyrics of “TV Party” sprang from these minds) and do not have illusions about their situation, especially their difficulty in getting gags thanks to their rowdy fans. These scenes play like a moment frozen in time, right before the band’s most significant period would begin. We move next to the Germs, and these scenes play like a car accident in slow motion, with Darby Crash’s self-destructive tendencies on full display. This was a short time before his death, which occurred between completion of filming and the theatrical release (his image was featured heavily on the promotional materials), once again giving this a lost in time quality.
Next we go to the headquarters of Slash Magazine, the staff of which moonlights as a band called Catholic Discipline. The frontman complains about New Wave, claiming it doesn’t actually exist, yet they come across as downmarket New Wavers who are slumming it in the punk scene. Yet their love of music and their work is obvious and the frontman does possess a certain charisma. Much of what we see of the punk lifestyle is squalid and dismal, yet the music of X manages to poeticize this condition. Their unassuming demeanours during their interview contrast sharply with their vigour in their performances, during which they do their share of batting off overeager fans. We get a burst of political conviction when the Circle Jerks launch into the libertarian anthem “Red Tape”, but this dissipates by the time they start playing “I Just Want a Skank”. We spend some time with the Alice Bag Band and then are treated to a montage of interviews with punk fans. These are shot in monochrome with stark backgrounds and a single bulb providing the lighting, which has the effect of bringing them and their words into sharp relief. We hear similar stories again and again, of aimlessness and aggression, the subjects using the music both as an outlet for their frustrations and inspiration for violence.
Spheeris’ camera has been largely nonjudgmental, yet there’s an undeniable sadness in this sequence. But lest I make it sound that the movie makes punk seem uniformly depressing, the closing sequence provides a potent antidote. The electrifying final minutes of the film feature a performance by Fear (who are not interviewed). The atmosphere here is hostile, with the band riling up the audience with homophobic and misogynistic taunting and having to physically fight them off throughout their set list. It might be tempting to liken their shtick to cheap alt-rightish provocation, but I think that robs their music of the proper context. When almost all their peers and fans adopt an attitude of “everything sucks”, Fear’s ability to find the humour in that mentality is kind of refreshing. It also would ignore the sheer muscularity of the delivery, which almost turns the music into a form of violence. The film is undeniably a fascinating document, but while Spheeris may have had the good fortune of turning on her camera in the right place and right time (even if she had to pay to rent soundstages to film some of the performances), it’s moments like this of pure exhilaration that cement the film’s greatness.
Part II: The Metal Years takes place almost a decade later, with a drastically new context and perspective. This time the focus is on the L.A. metal scene, which was a dominant cultural force unlike hardcore punk ever was. And this time around Spheeris’ POV is less of impartial observation and more satirical condescension. Taken journalistically, the movie is obviously compromised, particularly in an interview of Ozzy Osbourne that’s misleadingly edited to make it look like he has the shakes. I wish the movie hadn’t done this, as Ozzy is a flamboyant enough presence that he’s already funny without needing to frame him into gags, something Spheeris acknowledged in an interview years after the fact. Ozzy and a few other veterans of the scene are not immune to metal culture’s innate ridiculousness (the movie’s biggest laugh for me was Spheeris’ deadpan reaction to Steven Tyler’s extended masturbation metaphor to describe the rock’n’roll lifestyle). It’s worth noting that Spheeris asked her subjects how they wanted to be filmed, leading to such choice setups as Gene Simmons in a lingerie store and Paul Stanley in a bed full of scantily clad models. (Lemmy allegedly took offense to how he was portrayed, claiming Spheeris shot him from afar to make him look stupid, but I don’t think he comes across badly. He’s low key and unassuming in a way that contrasts him from the other participants, at the very least in terms of appearance).
The structure of this entry is tighter, using snippets of different interviews to flesh out different ideas, exploring the decadence and excess of the music and the surrounding culture. We even hear from the anti-metal folks, particularly in one amusing scene where a woman describes the dangerous potential of metal fashion with the solemnity of a cop or anti-gun advocate describing illegal firearms. Performance footage is limited to brief excerpts, usually for comic relief (assless chaps and a limp attempt to set fire to a Soviet flag are highlights), although we do get an extended look at a sleazy stripping context. (The club owners featured seem as much into the metal lifestyle as some of the musicians and fans, in sharp contrast to the genial working class types featured in the first and third entries.) The most notorious segment of the film is the interview with Chris Holmes from W.A.S.P., who lounges in a pool in alcoholic self loathing, which probably went farther in deflating the excitement around the metal scene than any single moment. Yet like the first film, this one refuses to lock into too narrow view of its subject and rebounds with a Megadeth performance that goes a long way in showing that yes, this music can in fact be good. (I should say that I enjoy my share of hair metal, which Megadeth is decidedly not, but the songs earlier in the film don’t do the best job of selling the genre. Although anything would look lame with assless chaps.) This movie is more obviously flawed than the original, but I can’t help but kind of love it. The fact is that the metal musicians and fans, despite being somewhat boneheaded, are also full of good vibes and fun to hang around (more so than the self-serious punk fans in the original), and the movie is quite slick and stylish by documentary standards, which makes the film true to its subject matter in a a way. I mean, you open the movie with Motorhead and I’m half won over already, and I haven’t stopped thinking (and smiling) about it since I’ve seen it.
The good vibes don’t carry over to Part III, which follows a group of homeless gutter punks in L.A. around another decade later. Once again there’s a change in context and perspective, with Spheeris coming across as more compassionate and maternal. The musicians here offer a more sobering, grounded presence. The veterans here, Keith Morris and Rick Wilder, come across as survivors more than anything, particularly the latter with his skeletal, emaciated appearance. The music this time around is almost beside the point, although we do get the sense that it offers the main subjects one of their only sources of relief. Their stories are similar. Broken homes. Forced onto the streets. Substance abuse. The movie feels like extended versions of the Darby Crash scenes and the interviews from the original, but with the grim consequences covered in the final moments, and the film’s sense of despair is alleviated only by the compassion Spheeris brings to the material. I can’t see myself returning to this as readily as it’s more downbeat and less dynamic than the previous movies, but it is undeniably moving, and had a profound effect on Spheeris as well, who decided to become a foster parent after her experience making this movie.
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jjsjuiceboxx · 4 years
REQUESTED FOR: @www-imbored-com
SUMMARY- You and Drew have grown close filming season 1 of obx, you think you’re starting to love him and you think he likes you back because he is very touchy and he always makes sure he is sitting close to you.
⚠️WARNINGS⚠️: cussing.
A/N: this is just a bunch of fluff, happy reading :).
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While filming season 1 of obx drew was one of the first people you got close with dont get me wrong you were friends with everyone and close with everyone but you and Drew’s friendship was a bit more then the others, you noticed how in the first month of filming season one Drew got a little flirty complimenting you every chance you got “wow that dress looks beautiful on you” which always led to you blushing. By the third month of filming he would open doors for you and always offering his water to you.
6 months into coming you guys held hands hugged and cuddled. In public the people who didn’t know you guys thought y’all were dating but you were not you never went on dates and he never asked you to be his girlfriend. Of course you hung out outside of filming but it was mostly with the group every now and then you two would go out alone.
Currently you were on set filming season 2 you had already done your scenes for the day but decided to stay back just in case they needed you to help or, or help madelyn take pictures and funny videos for tomfoolery, “hey did I show you the photo of Drew I took this morning in the trailers?” Madelyn asked after taking a photo of the sunset with the silhouettes of the pogues in the background looking like shadows “no, but now you said it I need to see it” you said she handed her camera over flicking to the photo and there it was Drew practically passed out in his breakfast burrito “oh my god that is gold he isn’t living that down ever”
Who isn’t living what down?” The man who uses a burrito as a pillow muses at you “oh nothing dearest drewseph” Maddie said laughing and putting her camera away “how was your day?” You asked calming down from laughing so hard you barely saw him today “it was good I missed my lady around, oh did you drink enough water? And eat? I know how you get when you don’t eat food” Drew reprimanded but sweetly you rolled your eyes “yes Drew I ate food dont worry they beast is in hibernation from a food coma” you said Maddie and Drew laughed “ok good we don’t need you to break another window” Maddie said remembering how you were starving you all were but you had it the worst and were so mad at Rudy and chase for messing around you punched a window and broke it then immediately apologized for breaking a window and said you were just really hungry Austin walked to you and literally shoved a hamburger in your mouth and you were so quiet for 20 mins while you at his hamburger feeling so much better ever since then everyone makes sure you ate so you don’t end up splitting them in half.
“Yeah yeah I’ve gotten a lot better” “yeah because we all remind you to eat or shove food in your face” jonas walked over to the three of you “hey guys so we just need the pogues for the rest of the day so it’s a wrap on you guys if you wanted to go and stuff” Jonas said and walked off quickly to direct what’s happening next “I was thinking of going out to this lake where you can rent paddle boards and canoes and stuff, do y’all wanna come?” Drew asked “yeah that sounds like fun I’ve never been paddle boarding before” “I would but I promised I would help out around with everything you guys have fun tho” Maddie said you guys said goodbye and hopped into a car.
Once you arrived you immediately took a picture of the view because it was so beautiful “Drew this is beautiful, how did you find this?” You asked amazed “aww yanno just some tourist site thing” you walked up to the people at the booth for the paddle boards once you got the paddle boards you and Drew started to paddle in the lake “so am I your lady or is there a secret women I need to know about?” You asked Drew laughing “oh it’s definitely you but i dont know one of the set members dog looked really good today” you both bursted out laughing “you’re such an idiot” “oh yeah well can an idiot do this?” Drew questioned before throwing himself off the paddle board and doing a flip landing perfectly into the water.
“No I guess an idiot can’t do that, you’ve proved me wrong starkey im quite impressed” you said clapping for him “good because I’ve actually never done that before and just hoped it would look cool not gunna lie I was trying to impress you” Drew said getting slightly red “well you’ve succeeded tremendously” you said you guys continued talking and paddle boarding deciding to race you lossed tho because you fell into the water.
“Drew look at the view it’s soo pretty oh my god” you said taking out your phone and snapping a bunch of photos you stopped when you heard a camera shatter and looked at your phone confused since you put your silencer on so it wouldn’t disrupt your time with Drew you looked over and Drew is looking at his phone smiling then he showed you the photo it was of you in the paddle boat taking a photo of the view “should I post this and be basic and caption it “she thought the view was pretty but I thought she was prettier” ?” Drew asked making your laugh “oh of course I’m trying to turn you into a white girl that should be the first step” you said you sighed “thank you for saying I’m pretty” you blushed and looked down at your reflection in the lake you guys paddle board was side by side so it was easy for him to take his hand to your chin and make you look at him “youre so welcome, honestly you’ve made this whole experience so great and I just want to tell you that I love you a lot and uh do you want to officially be my lady?” You laughed but said yes and you guys kissed it got a little heated because of all the sexual tension that had been built up you had tongues in each other’s mouths your hands in his hair and his on your bare hips on of the paddle boards almost flipped “maybe we should head back to set, also we took the only car for them to get home in” you suggested drew nodded not being able to form words and off to set you went.
When you arrived you saw everyone waiting all in their normal clothes “dudes did you really kidnap my car?” Austin asked “I wouldn’t say “kidnap” I just borrowed it” drew said air quoting kidnap “whatever you’re not riding shot gun for that and neither are you Y/N” Austin said getting in the drivers side you shrugged “SHOTGUN” chase belted out him and JD made eye contact and JD touched the handle first and sat down “gotta be quicker then that” JD said to chase you rolled your eyes and got in the back Drew got in right after you and you both intertwined your hands together the rest piled into the car and off you went to the apartment buildings.
Once you got on the highway JD plugged his phone in the aux and played music Rudy, chase, and both maddies were singing so loudly you got a lot of confidence from no where and unbuckled your seat belt and straddled Drew’s lap “what are you doing?” He questioned wide eyed “you’ll see just go with it” you mumbled and then started to lean in he surprised you when he met you half way and you continued what you had stopped at the lake his hands were squeezing your ass making you want to moan but you didn’t and you tugged on his hair “uh guys ? Can you like I don’t know maybe not do that?” Rudy questioned looking at you guys he was seated right next to drew one of Drew’s hands moved from your ass and waving off rudy. His hand immediately went back to where it was you felt everyone’s eyes on y’all now Rudy groaned annoyed “Ok you can borrow my car from now on” Austin said chase turned the song louder hoping you would stop Madelyn and Madison laughed you heard Madison say “that explains his insta photo she said showing everyone that he did in fact post it madelyn decided to take a picture and video recording “hey guys you gonna come up for air? She asked you just flicked her off you could hear the video replaying “dude this is gunna be so good for tomfoolery”
You guys pulled up to the apartment but you wouldn’t know cause you were still making out with Drew his hands in your shirt this time and you leaving slight hickies on his neck then going back to his lips and pulling his hair making him lean to the side so you can get better accesses chase turned around when no one got out of the car “yo love birds we are here” chase called but you still didn’t move Madison giggled “wow” Madelyn pulled her phone out again and recorded knowing the look on Rudy’s face meant he was about to do something funny “ok that’s it” Rudy stated frustration obviously on his face and tone because he was squished two on one of his side and then both the maddies to his left side keeping him from getting out of the car “I’m fucking hungry and squishedl” he complained turning towards you and drew who were still kissing you felt a hand on your forehead and then suddenly you were being pulled apart from Drew you opened your eyes to see the same was being done with Drew you moved your eyes from Drew’s to Rudy who was literally pulling you apart by your face “we are here it’s time you stop so I can get out” Rudy said his tongue out so he can focus on pulling you apart once he was satisfied he looked at you since you were closest to the door “now get out so I can get out and get food before I lose my shit” you got out and thought drew would follow but he wasn’t fast enough for Rudy’s liking “oh fuck it” Rudy said before climbing over Drew’s lap and then running to his and chases apartment door.
“Yeah don’t mess with Rudy when he is hungry he gets mean” chase said “much like Y/N just not physical leash not yet” chase mumbled “I’m going to my house to watch tv and for Cheetos” JD said “wait I’m coming, everyone out of my car” Austin said catching up with JD drew got out of the car and came straight to you “I guess this is goodbye” he said sadly “yeah I think it is” you said back just as sad “oh my god you live in the same apartment building 3 doors down calm down” chase said going up the stairs Madison followed to get her shoes she left the night before madelyn still there laughing at the video she got of Rudy pulling you and drew apart.
You hugged drew and went in for another kiss, Madelyn had left by now leaving the two of you out there you both pulled apart and said your goodbyes “goodnight drew I’ll see you tomorrow” “goodnight my lady” drew said you went to move out of his embrace but couldn’t he was latched on you tapped his shoulder but only got a hmm “babe, you gotta let go” you said laughing “I did” “yeah for 2 seconds” you literally had to pull him away from you and turned him around and slightly shoved him in the direction of his house he went to come back to you which led you to turn around and run away from him “Drew I love you but if you hug me one more time I won’t let go” you shouted as you got further away from him you heard him laugh and went into your apartment with both maddie’s you heard your phone ding and saw drew texted you saying that he missed you.
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professorspork · 4 years
today in the Andromeda Galaxy, GLITCHES TRIED TO KILL ME BUT I MADE IT WORK. or, well. Helen made it work, actually, and I was very grateful. (Elaaden, what do you have against my triangle button working? and wtf was that Nomad bug where suddenly I could see through time and the world contracted and my hair turned white????)
this morning I joked to Helen that I was feeling very “I love all of my crew equally”/“I don’t care for Cora” so today I made a concerted effort to get to know her better--and tried a few Nomad combos where she wouldn’t sound like the fun police. (turns out, she and Vetra get along great! and also when I put her with Peebee she gets very self-conscious about how she’s totes not appropriating asari culture and it’s v embarrassing. on the OTHER hand, she makes fun of Peebee for peeping on Jaal and like, again, wtf, let me have my ot3.)
I started out finishing up that Morda drive core mission that glitched, and of course I gave the krogan the drive core in exchange for the outpost because I LOVE KROGAN and also RYDER LOVES OUTPOSTS. win/win tbh. but honestly the best part was getting to pick the dialogue option talking to Addison “fuck Tann” and Ryder actually getting to say fuck! it’s the little things.
after closing out Elaaden I decided to try and finish up a few errand-y missions like scanning plants, etc. in doing so, I got to play soccer with my very best friend Liam which was a heartwarming lot of fun, and fought TWO architects because just one was not enough. Peebee’s ex stole our beloved Proof Of Concept (I know the bot is called Poc, but honestly I think full-naming it is much cuter) and I was all “of course I’m gonna help you we’re in this together” which threw Peebee off her game because she’s still thrown every time someone cares about her. I AM, AGAIN, CANNOT EMPHASIZE THIS ENOUGH, GENUINELY SAD I’M GOING TO HAVE TO CHOOSE AMONG ROMANCE OPTIONS. this experience could not be more different from the main trilogy, where I romanced Liara out of a sense of obligation/curiosity faaaaaar more than any genuine interest or investment, and wasn’t tempted* to deviate from that by anyone else along the way. there are a thousand mechanical reasons why I think romance works much, much better in Andromeda than it ever did in the main series--among them the very pointed focus on found family throughout, the more nuanced ability to craft a unique Ryder by doing away with paragon/renegade and instead having the more robust conversation trees, and the overworld chatting on the Nomad giving EVERYONE the amount of personality off the bat that my OG crew had to like bite and claw for for two and a half games-- but like. I’m not gonna lie a big part of it is just that I just think more of these people are more interesting as potential partners. I THINK I AM AN ANDROMEDA GIRL. 
* well that’s a lie I would have romanced Tali in a heartbeat if I weren’t playing fem!Shep and that was illegal. and I’ll probably romance Sam Traynor after that. so. it’s not a total bust.
but I digress. 
saved that scientist’s baby on Voeld, and afterwards had my first ACTUAL, HUMAN conversation with Addison about--shockingly--the nature of friendship. I was genuinely surprised and pleased! look at us go! I also did some spying for that STG agent, and got the world’s most badly delivered “gee, are you really going to believe that old coot?” speech out of my main suspect, which was hilariously insulting.
and then, partly due to Helen’s advice and partly because, again, today was Learn To Appreciate Cora Day, I finished out her loyalty mission! I was shocked to find Sarissa alive after all the build-up-- I was certain that after that long a drum roll for how key she’d be in the Initiative’s growth that we’d find her mega-dead-- but as Helen pointed out to me, the trope is Don’t Meet Your Heroes, not Your Hero Is Probably Dead, Actually. her whole “be calm, soldier” routine @ Vedaria was kind of grating in the moment but is very cute after the fact, so fine. the whole muted sounds and gravity tricks of that final fight were super fun, even though I did accidentally jump into space once or twice. the big biotics lightshow was v impressive, but after I took a pretty hardline stance on Sarissa: come clean and shut up, and you’re fired. I did get a little offended when the asari captain was like “you could have killed us all, it was only dumb luck that Ryder found us” bc EXCUSE ME, SOME OF IT WAS DUMB SKILL, but still. it was good to get that all settled, and very good to hear Cora say what was immediately obvious to everyone but her, which is that her compulsion towards mentors and plans would have made her a poor Pathfinder but makes her a perfect XO. 
then I hit level 50 and spent a lot of time upgrading my gear, and like-- a kind god would have put the loadout console next to R&D and the buy/sell screen so I wouldn’t have to run up and down the Tempest corridor like an idiot. but whatever. Baby’s Fourth Beam Gun TM (an Avenger with a beam emitter) is working out splendidly, I’m slicing and dicing with my asari sword, and I’ve just put seeking plasma bolts on my Eagle which delights me. still shopping around for my ideal sniper before I commit but we’re getting there! 
then I went to start the new planet, but then realized Ark Natanus was right there, and ended up backtracking twice. First I ran back to the Nexus thinking there’d be another fun homecoming cut scene for the asari like there’d been for the salarians that I didn’t want to muddy with adding turians, too, only that didn’t happen. boo! I did remember to check on my mom, tho, so that was nice and emotional. then I went back to Netanus to start that up, only to realize I was wearing a very ugly and entirely face-obscuring helmet-- and once it was clear the entirety of the mission was going to be me emoting at Rix, I restarted the mission with a different armor loudout. yes, I am that vain, but only because opportunities for mlm/wlw solidarity are rare in this game (Gil’s been quiet lately, lol) and Rix deserved my best. though after doing all this, I am wondering: why do all the SAMs have different voices? surely making even one AI as smart and unique as SAM is difficult; then making each Ark’s SAM unique feels like an unnecessary burden? but whatever.
H-whateverthefuck is by far my favorite planet to Nomad around on. I’ve been complaining about the lack of low gravity mechanics since the Mako in ME1 (WE WENT TO THE MOON, THE LITERAL MOON, OUR MOON, AND NOT EVEN THAT HAD LOW GRAVITY?) and so this felt like pure vindication. (also, in general but very aggressively NOT for this planet because of the radiation, shout out to the Nomad for letting me get out no matter how poorly or vertically it’s parked, because lord knows I glitched the Mako many times trying to pause and get out in ‘impossible’ places the Nomad handles with ease.) anyway. the concept of a broken-up planet is terrifying, and the reality of it was eerie as all get-out. what neat execution!
and speaking of a neat execution, I’m so relieved going with the interrupt and firing at Meriwether while she held Sid worked, because I was again legit scared I might get Sid killed. as you’ll recall re: my Jaal loyalty mission, that’s the second time I was genuinely quite nervous there would be real consequences to screwing this up! I give the game a lot of credit for building a world where it feels like I really could screw up that badly. I’m very proud/fond of Sid, and the whole security camera mechanic was delightful-- a more fun version of the kind of stuff KOTOR always made me do. back on the Tempest, I decided to flirt with Vetra while the flirting’s still good, but tbh her flirt option (“I care about Sid bc I care about you”) wasn’t even all that romantically valanced, if you ask me! but also I love that Sid’s idea of justice is fast-tracking having cats in Heleus. 
phew! with so many big things now out of the way, I’m not sure how much dithering I can/should do before continuing with the main mission. but that’s a decision for future me.
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Title: Unprofessional {Headcanon}**
Warning: Moderate SMUT, NSFW
Words: 2.2k
Note: All of these requests made me want to freestyle again. No idea where this one came from but, you’re welcome.  
Recommended listening “Would you Mind by: Janet Jackson. 
The life of an actor is pretty straightforward. You show up to a set, say your lines, stand where you’re supposed to, do what you’re supposed to, then end the day and rinse and repeat for the next day and however long it takes until those glorious words are shouted-- “It’s a wrap”.  
Chris had been working in the industry for years, almost twenty years to be exact. He'd had countless co-stars, been in countless love scenes that required him to really sell the attraction and love between characters, he’d always executed them with ease, comfort and professionalism.  
You were Chris’s costar for the upcoming anticipated action romance movie “Virtual Immortals”. It was a fun movie, one that had you playing Chris’s love interest. You were a professional but you were also human and you had eyes. The man was drop dead gorgeous and built for every premarital sin that would land you in Hell.  You were attracted to him but you also had a job to do, so you pushed that attraction to the side and focused on the task at hand—filming. 
For the last seven months being on location with you was proving to be a test for Chris. He'd filmed with beautiful women before it wasn’t about beauty. There was something about you that he responded to. Your intelligence showed in every single conversation he had with you. Your talent was evident in every take you completed with ease. It went past your beauty, past your intelligence and talent and after seven months he still couldn’t put his finger on it. One thing was obvious to him, he liked you and he knew he shouldn’t.  
For the few months of filming he’d seen you get visits from an actor he knew from the industry, one he’d even worked with. They weren’t friends but that didn’t matter. You were in a relationship, that was another point to show him you were off limits.  
Still, the more and more time he spent with you on set the more he fell for you and the more he had to keep a tight rein on his feelings. It was exhausting. He dreamt of you, had wet dreams and daydreams all about it. It was embarrassing, he felt like a little boy back junior high. 
Today was one of the last shot of the movie. After this he’d hear “wrap” and it would mean he’d be back home within the week until he was needed again for post-production work. He was both dreading this but also looking forward to it. When he was back home in Boston away from you, he knew he’d begin to feel more like himself, he’d hopefully forget you. On the other hand, this shot was the most sexual scene of the movie. You’d already given your consent for him to do whatever felt right for the scene. That consent made him even more uneasy. 
You were already there waiting. When he approached you, your eyes roamed over his body. His eyes met yours and you knew he’d seen you do it.  
“End of the marathon, ready to knock this out?” 
Chris smiled and again it made you take complete notice of how beautiful he was. You had no idea why or how he was single. There was no visit from any girlfriend of any sort and the tabloids didn’t report about anyone he was linked to. You didn’t know why. You surmised you weren’t his type because he’d expressed not even an ounce of interest in you.  
The director approached both of you and began giving you set direction and his vision for the scene. You and Chris nodded along. After a few minutes it was time to get to it. You walked up the steps of the home that was being used for the movie and into the living room, then sat on the couch. Throughout the home cameras had been set up to catch every angle that the director would piece together for optimal optical enjoyment.  
Chris stood before the bar and waited for “action” to be called. Once he heard it, he went into action, poured two drinks then slowly walked over to you and handed you a glass. 
“Thanks.” Chris stood before you, nodded his head but kept his eyes on you. Just as he was about to walk away you slowly uncrossed and re-crossed your legs. The action made the high split at your thigh fall apart to give him the perfect view of your skin.  
“What should we drink to?” You leaned back a little as you stared at him trying your best to give him a seductive, suggestive look. It wasn’t hard. You took a heavy gulp from the glass—it was apple juice. 
Chris’s eyes roamed over you before stopping at your exposed thigh. You saw the clench of his jaw. 
“Nothing really to drink to right now. I haven’t quite finished the job; we have no victories.” 
You softly smiled then you allowed your eyes to roam his body. When you got to his crotch, he lunged his hips forward. You wondered if it was an improvisation. When you looked back to him your mouth ran dry with the amount of heat you found there. You forgot your line and just stared at him. Chris didn’t make a move either. 
“Cut!” The director approaches and looks between the two of you. “Forgot the line Y/N?” 
“Yeah, I'm sorry.” 
“It’s okay. The line is “what if I have another job you can start and finish right now.”  
You cleared your throat and nodded trying to get a hold of your runaway thoughts. All you could think about was actually dropping to your knees and seeing just what he was bragging about in one of his interviews.
“All right, let’s take it from right there. Three, two, action.” 
You and Chris stared at one another and you tried to focus on the fact that this was pretend. You sat up in the seat, took another sip but finished the glass then put it on the nearby side table. “What if I have another job you can start and finish right now.” 
Chris smirked and watched your painted fingernail that trailed just below your bottom lip. “What job is that?” 
You stood and took three slow steps to him then trail walked your fingers from his chest to his bearded jaw. God he was gorgeous you thought and almost said it. Chris was looking across your face until his eyes settled at your lips. Your finger slowly traced his jaw up to his bottom lip. The heat in his eyes intensified and his lips crashed to yours. 
The kiss is a sensual one that starts out fiery and passionate from the beginning. You moan completely going off of instinct. There was tension in his body, as if he were restraining himself. 
“Cut!” You pulled back and stepped back a few steps and walked over to the glass on the table and took an ice cube and popped it into your mouth.
“Chris, what’s going on bud? You looked stiff. This scene is where the two of you finally express that mounting attraction that we’ve built for the first half of the movie. Stiff is not what you should be. Express the passion, the desire.” He nodded and looked to you and watched you suck on the ice cube. The action had him focusing on your lips and the way your tongue peaked out every so often.  
“Ready?” He nodded although he wasn’t sure he was. The scene required him to go somewhere he’d purposely tried to not go. He doubted he had the control to come back from it.  
“Places.” You walked back to him and pressed your body to his. 
“You okay?” He nodded at your inquiry then wrapped his arms around you. Once action was called, he crashed his lips to your again and let instinct guide him. He kissed you with passion and dropped his hand to your backside and pulled you flush against him. You release a soft groan against him and just like that half his control is gone.  
Chris lifts you; you wrap your legs around his waist and he makes moves to walk up the steps and down the hall to the designated bedroom. You heard the door slam violently against the wall before he stopped. His hands on your ass squeeze with urgency. He loosened his grip allowing you to slide down his body to stand before him.  
When you looked at him again everything fell away, cameras, crew, pretend life, this felt real. You stepped back from him and began slowly taking off your shirt, then you threw it at him. He easily caught it with a smirk and dropped it. 
You slowly moved your hands down your body to the waist of the skirt and undid it and allowed it to slip from your body to the floor. You stood before him in a lace matching bra and panty set. Chris slowly looked over your body then back to your eyes.  
“Like what you see?” It slipped out. It wasn’t part of the script, but no one called “cut”. Chris smiled and approached you slowly as you backed to the bed before you dropped onto it to watch him.
Chris then begins taking off his button down. Your eyes remain on him and roam over his exposed chest before you look down to his waist and watch him undo his pants and kick them off. In the same breath he climbs on the bed between your parted thighs and kisses your chest above one of your breasts. You suck in a breath and angle your head back. His lips meet your neck before he bites it and goes to your ear. “You’re beautiful.” Again, it wasn’t part of the script.
You roll onto him and straddle him. His hand drops to your hips where he squeezes and dips his fingers underneath the band of the underwear. Unconsciously you begin rocking against him before he sits up and kisses you again. You dig your fingers in his hair. 
Chris is so engrossed in you that his moans escape him and he begins to lose himself in you. His fingers sink into your hair and he pulls your head back revealing your neck to him. 
“Fuck!” It wasn’t written in the script but you said it and the fact that you did made him even more turned on. He held you close and lowered one of his hands to the back of your bra and expertly undid he hooks. The material sunk between the two of you and as it fell his hand was there to cup your breasts. All he could think was you were perfect and made for him, you fit perfectly. 
He rolled back onto you and heard another moan from you. He was dangerously close. You latched your lips onto his neck then went to his shoulder and bit and his hips instinctually snapped forward, he felt his cock nudge the apex of your thighs and then he heard your moan as your nails sank into his back. 
He moaned and rocked his body, each time he pushed forward he got harder and harder. Soon your moans blended together as your bodies mimicked the dance of lovers. His hands again dropped to your breasts where he felt them. When his mouth dropped to your nipple you gripped his head to you and whimpered. It wasn’t in the script.  
You rolled onto him and rocked your hips violently against him and panted. He felt himself blatantly bust through the reins of his control and moved your body against his and moaned along with you. Before long he felt the stirs of his orgasm and before he could move or stop, he’d come in his underwear with you on top of him.  
Neither of you moved, or spoke. He didn’t know if you knew it or felt it and he was way too embarrassed to look at you. 
“And cut. God damn where did that come from? I’m not complaining because that just took the scene way out of this stratosphere. The two of you have incredible, undeniable chemistry.” 
When you pulled back from him and his eyes met yours, he knew you knew and shame and embarrassment like he’d never felt took over. 
“I’m so sorry.” He didn’t want to draw attention to you and embarrass you any further, so he whispered it. You nodded and saw something behind your eyes but he was too mortified to look at you anymore. As you climbed off him you removed one of your hands that was plastered across one of your breasts and took a robe that was being held out to you. You placed it across his lap giving him some privacy from his situation.
He stood tied the robe and walked out the room. He wanted to fall in a pit.
As you watched him walk out the room you had to keep a straight face, but half of you wanted to laugh while the other wanted to go after him and do that again.  
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snakeboistan · 4 years
Blood Loss I Internal Bleeding I Trail Of Blood
“I just can’t wait,” Nagisa said, eyes alight with childish eagerness and an excited smile radiating off of his face, “I mean I’ve heard rumours that Sonic Ninja was going to get a TV show but when the trailer was released this morning - it was just so good and I’ve watched it like fifty times already. I mean everything about it was so perfect and it teased so many things from the comics that the movies missed out on - like there was this one scene that showed a building that looked like the orphanage where one of the characters’ mother was raised which is so cool because the movies didn’t really go that much into the backstories of the older generation that much. Oh and there was like this one part where the camera pans over the headquarters and it looks all destroyed but there’s this emblem on the floor that is the same one that the third Sonic Ninja wore in the League Of Cats Saga - which was one of my favourite storylines. I’ve already got like a ton of theories.”
“Well, you sound excited,” Sugino teased with amusement, smiling at the way his best friend always got so lost in his adoration of his favourite franchise. It was hard to tell if the rosy hue on the shorter boy’s face was because he was embarrassed at his enthusiasm or because of the biting cold of the Japanese winter but it was adorable regardless.
“Heh, yeah I am,” Nagisa agreed sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck with an arm. He pierced another chocolate sauce covered mini pancake with his fork and plopped it into his mouth, closing his eyes in contentment at the warmth that covered his tongue, “I do get a bit carried away when it comes to superheroes.”
“There’s nothing wrong with that,” Sugino said as he threw the now empty box of pancakes into a trash can that they just passed, “It’s normal to get excited about the things that interest you. I mean, have you seen how I get about baseball. It’s not a normal week in my house if mum doesn’t offer taking me to a therapist at least once. Besides it’s nice to see you talk about the things you love, you rarely do in class. I bet you’re counting down the days until the premiere, huh?”
“Yeah, I am. Next Saturday is marked on my calendar. Well, next Sunday technically.”
“Oh, why’s that?”
“It’s a Netflix show and since I don’t have Netflix I’ll have to use my regular streaming site, which always uploads on the day after.”
“You could just use mine,” Sugino shrugs simply, casually placing his hands in his pockets, “you’re more than welcome to.”
“Wha-no Sugino,” Nagisa stopped dead in his tracks and Sugino was worried that the sudden movement would’ve made him slip on the snow-turned-sludge that caked the pavement, “I-you really don’t need to do that. I’m fine really. One day isn’t going to make that much of a difference.”
The black-haired boy gave an all-suffering sigh at the other’s words, knowing for a fact what was coming, “listen man, it’s no big deal. You’re practically family anyway. My parents and brother love you, you know that.”
“Doesn’t mean that I can freeload off of you,” Nagisa mumbled.
“You’re not freeloading if I’m offering,” Sugino gave him a light whack on the back of his head, “and if it really means that much to you then you could just come over and we can watch the first episode together.”
Nagisa looked at him and gave a small smile, “okay, but I’ll have to ask my mum first, though.”
“If she lets me, though, you have to let me pay for the snacks.”
“Hey, you’re paying for the account, I’m paying for the food. It’s the very least I could do.”
“Hm, you’re not going to drop this, are you?”
“No,” Nagisa replied brightly.
“Alright then.”
The two of them continued to walk along the sidewalk, feet crunching against freshly fallen snow and hands interlocked between them.
“The snow’s really pretty,” Nagisa mused, looking up at the metallic silver clouds looming over them, “I’ve always loved walking home in the winter. Everything just looks so magical when it’s covered in snow, especially when people start decorating with the lights.”
“Yeah,” Sugino agreed softly, watching as the snowflakes twirled around in their own ballet dance, gracefully and elegantly descending like falling sakura blossoms, “I remember how I used to catch snowflakes with my tongue when I was younger. Last year, when the roads were closed because of too much snow, my dad took my brother and me out to the park and we had the best snowball fight ever and went sledding and mum made hot chocolate that was so amazing - totally made up for how I couldn’t play baseball for a week.”
“Sounds awesome,” Nagisa smiled, “snowball fights are enjoyable. Remember the one we had yesterday during break? I had a lot of fun.”
“Only because you were like the last one to get hit,” Sugino countered, “I still don’t know how you could hide when the snow showed your footprints. At least you were safe from that full-blown war.”
“It wasn’t that bad.”
“Fuwa started charging at everyone with a sword. I don’t even know where she got a sword from.”
“But it was funny when I got Karma, right?”
“Yeah, it is really cool when you just appear out of nowhere like that. I mean it’s bad for the crazy people that try to hurt us but it’s cool when you use it for fun.”
“Heh, thanks,” Nagisa wore an expression of something Sugino couldn’t identify, “it’s weird though. All my life, I’ve been invisible. I’m used to people ignoring me and not paying attention to me. I never thought that me being invisible could be something useful in assassination. I guess I’m learning all sorts of things about myself this year.”
“I think we all are,” Sugino squeezed his hand, “and I can’t wait to learn more.”
“Me too,” Nagisa squeezed back, “I hope we make more memories with our class.”
Sugino opened his mouth to say something, probably to comment about how deep they were being on a Saturday afternoon fifteen minutes after they had been colouring the black and white picture on the back of WcDonalds’ kids menu, when it happened.
Nagisa’s eyes widened, mouth opening with a surprised gasp, and before he knew it, Sugino felt all the breath leave him as he got shoved to the side, leaving him to stare aimlessly at his best friend who was running towards, towards-
“WATCH OUT!” Nagisa cried, jumping forwards and pushing some elementary school kid away right before-
Sugino wished that the following events would be a blur later. He wished that he would never be able to recall with complete lucidity the way Nagisa’s azure eyes widened just the tiniest fraction when the car had struck him, the way the air was bombarded with the screeching of tires, the blaring of headlights, the blood-curdling snap of what sounded like bones. For a split-second it was like someone had pressed pause and time was stuck in a freeze-frame, just so that the image of Nagisa a second away from death could be forever ingrained into his mind, so that every detail can be observed with perfect clarity. Then it was like a movie that was played both in fast-forward and slow-motion; the events that followed happened so rapidly that Sugino could do nothing but watch but so slowly that he was able to memorise every change that occurred at every second.
Nagisa’s body collided with the hood of the vehicle and he was sent flying, sprawling onto the side of pavement with a heavy skid. His body laid there, still, stationery, unmoving. The movements of his chest - if there were any to begin with - were infinitesimal and it was impossible to tell if his eyes were open or closed because of the red-coated strands of blue that hid them from view.
Sugino ran. Fast. Faster than he does when he hits a home run, faster than he does during training, faster than he’s ever run before because that’s Nagisa, that’s his best friend who’s lying there still still still.
“NAGISA!” he screams, cries, begs, dropping to his knees. The sting of the tarmac grazing his knees has nothing on the corrosive cyanide that wells up in his eyes, blurring his vision but he can’t lose focus, can’t stop trying, “NAGISA GET UP! NAGISA COME ON!”
He shuffles closer to the - the body, ignoring the scarlet wetness that stains his jeans, of the pool of rich crimson that’s a sickening contrast to the pure white snow and light grey gravel beneath them (like it’s yelling ‘look at me, look at me and know the truth’), and takes a limp hand. He fumbles with the wrist, his hands sweaty and loose against the frail, malleable appendage. At last, he places a thumb against the right artery-
Seconds pass.
Minutes pass.
Hours pass.
“Nononononono,” he mutters frantically. He grabs at Nagisa, turning him over-
Nagisa looks at him, eyes open but unseeing, their cerulean gaze foggy and clouded up. Tear tracks of red running down half of his ashen white face, dripping and dripping onto the street, painting his jacket, mingling with the pastel blue strands and dots of snow. Like a marinette, the shorter boy’s actions were under the control of the hands that held him. Sugino shook him and shook him and shook him.
The blunette remained unmoving, unblinking, un-anything-ing. His head resting on the baseball lover’s lap, as if he was just in a deep sleep.
Sugino doesn’t think he’ll ever find snow fun anymore.
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ylvisforalltid · 4 years
My recap/review of På Holmen - Episode 4
Revenge of the Sidekick. Calle is the last one to steer the show and take command of his fellow mates. I invite everyone to discuss the fourth episode with me, either here, or on facebook in Ylvis- a group.
Here’s my chronological recap/review of the fourth episode of ‘Ylvis På Holmen med Calle og Magnus’
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Episode 4
I have to apologize to all Calle fans beforehand. I might have been a bit biased from the start since I never really could warm up to Calle’s humour and turns out I still don’t really get it. I tried my best to approach his show with an open mind, even more so since Magnus proved me wrong with his show, but I fear this recap might be a bit judgemental.
- Calle playing an instrument is an unexpected but good start
- ‘music related show’ doesn’t sound bad at all considering how music heavy Stories from Norway is and how good Ylvis are with music related stuff in general
- „let’s make a summer show, they said. It’ll be fun, they said. Let’s shoot it in late fall. Let’s wear the warmest and cosiest sweaters we have. Why not add a thick scarf.“ The dichotomy of all this is a joke already
- Calle randomly grabbing a microphone and starting to sing? Is this Calle’s minutt 2.0?
- was this an impro song challenge? Is it a known song? It looked like they checked cue cards. But Vegard’s short refusal was fun to watch
- Second instrument for Calle. He is really trying to showcase himself most in this, isn’t he. What started fun, is kinda irritating to me at this point already
- I am glad the other guys seem to enjoy it very much though, that is nice to watch.
- Bård saying out loud that Calle’s task was a shitty task to give, is so on brand for him. Tv? Audience? Doesn’t matter. If he disagrees he’ll say it.
- 5 minutes in and Calle get’s backlash from his own friends. Already very dividing episode, apparently not only for me as a viewer but also Bård as a ‚contestant‘
- Greven av grønt slowly turns into my favourite reoccuring segment
- I begrudgingly admit that the brothers’ glee over each other’s pain is very entertaining
- the fact that Bård and Vegard are often seen most laughing at stuff Calle does, isn’t always understandable for me but it’s joyful to watch since I don’t think a lot makes them laugh like that
- was Magnus choice a trick question? Is that Kålrot in that bowl but Kålrabi was the right answer? Was this a challenge like when you have to say the colour something is written in but not the colour that the letters say? I am confused. I can’t decide if Magnus was just a sore loser or if they made it extra difficult for him by switching answer and displayed item. And no, it’s not the same fo me.
- even after getting the punishment he still insists on it being the same. I know someone who probably did a google research after this, trying to prove his point. I feel a bit bad for him since it really looks like a trap he ran into.
- Calle having to laugh when he gets the cue cards for the characters is sweet. Even with a short written introduction the others can already make him laugh/smile.
- Vegard’s story mostly works with a dialect and his setup; the pun (if I understood it right) not too much. I would say that Vegard is an overthinking comedian, whereas Bård seems to be more on-the-spot. That’s why I think they complement each other so perfectly.
- Vegard still continuing in character steals some fire from Magnus even before he sat down. A bit unfortunate for the focus of the segment.
- Chicago announcing that he is easy to fool is something the audience should rather experience through his story. The fact that he mentions it twice before even starting the story is a bit too self-aware for someone who claims to be easily fooled.
- Magnus story could have been better if better told. Like I said, too much self-awareness
- Bård crashing the scene. What’s new. He uses the element of surprise for his entry
- Vegard did it again. His antics overshadowing Bård’s PMS,SMS joke. It begins to be annoying. Using blindness as the ongoing joke wasn’t that funny. Especially when it meant that it disrupts the other people’s performances.
- self-drawn TV Norge patch is a nice touch.
- Bård’s jokes before he even begins his story are already more fun for me than the other one’s stories.
- Bård’s actual story…… how did he pass the psychopath test?!  Good thing he has golf as an outlet. Yes, I know he made up a character but his story sounds like he was exposed to too much self-insert fanfiction.
- Interrupting them singing with a commercial break: just rude.
- introducing someone with the help of his shoe? Which is unrelated to why the guest is there? Misleading and irritating but that’s probably also the fun of it.
- Was Calle’s Streken imitation good? Yes. (Although it also reminded me a bit of the Pingu Sketch from Ylvis III.) 
- but within less than 23 minutes of the show Calle made it several times about himself and not so much about challenging the others. I didn’t see that as much when the others where hosting and I personally prefer the previous hosts for that.
- maybe it’s the sidekick revenge
- Vegard not managing one simple word when starting his imitation and sounding like a stereotype caveman. At least he can laugh about his own failure
- every task Calle calls them in the same order: Vegard, Magnus, Bård. A bit repetitive. Switching it up would’ve done the episode some good
- the painting: Picasso meets Aladdin’s (very tired) Genie?
- I think we all know Vegard can do better than that, but a fair attempt
- Kudos to Magnus. Competing against Ylvis in a musical contest. And he did good.
- Thank you camera man for the close-up of Bård’s hand
- Sooo, half of the episode is dedicated to the three not being so good at imitations and then Bård’s performance is a revival of his Sondre imitation sketch just with another artist but similar antics?
- Sorry, Bård, you’re still my favourite but to me the winner of this competition was Magnus. In comparison to the others he delivered a fair imitation. Bård bent the rules and was then rewarded for it. If the challenge would’ve asked for another setup, I might have granted him the win but not this way.
- Slapstick Calle putting his performance first again with the thinking staredown. It went for too long.
- Garden commentary already starting wild with mentioning Aleksander and Bård had sex
- so many brilliant things to unravel
- Bård wanting to switch Vegard for Aleksander as a brother because he is less mansplaining nerdy
- Aleksander saying Bård is smarter than he thought, Bård embracing Aleksander’s lack of knowledge as a positive thing, the complimenting battle between those two was a highlight of this episode
- Vegard thinking about if he ever made a bird brothel before...this man is a delight. That he took a moment to question if he did before is testament to the fact how many weird things the brothers have already done in their life
- Bård’s right. Aleksander is excellent at cheering his teammates on
- No comment from me on Linda giving the bucket to Siri...but I am looking forward to one of the guys being in charge. So far I don’t see the point in those specially appointed people since they don’t seem to have any input or main role for the tasks. I see it only as a thing that exists to stir up drama.
- having tried to shoot with bow and arrow before, I can say that it was harder for me than it looks and I was impressed how good most of them were
- but either Magnus didn’t see Kongen Befaler or he ignored the tears task from that show because he should have known then that Siri will probably react much worse to it then Bård.
- this is the second time where Bård knowingly could’ve had an advantage; first at golf, and second because of not being affected by onions
- Mansplaining Vegard is at it again
- I loved the end joke with Bård but in a way they had both the right and wrong person for this. Right because he, most likely, is the last to stress about when it’s his turn. Wrong because he is probably too relaxed to care about how long it takes. My guess is that he might have fallen asleep before he even got suspicious. 
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