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solaura-wild-santosha · 1 year ago
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The Full Moon in Cancer graces the night sky, inviting us to dive deep into the waters of emotion and nurturing energy. 🦀🌕 Today, let's celebrate the power of home, family, and the beauty of our emotional landscape. 🏡
Cancer, ruled by the moon, encourages us to find comfort in the familiar and cherish the bonds that make us feel secure. Take a moment to reflect on the balance between giving and receiving emotional support.
This Full Moon is a perfect time for self-care rituals, spending quality time with loved ones, and creating a cozy sanctuary that nurtures your soul. 🕯️ Let the gentle glow of the moonlight inspire you to open your heart and embrace the warmth of connection.
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awakeningdivinefemininity · 3 years ago
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I’m No Expert. From me to you ♡
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beautiful-serenity-320 · 4 years ago
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#fullmooncancer #lastfullmoon FBRp: @michael.mcdonald.astrology https://www.instagram.com/p/CJZcYyQnIG5/?igshid=1srqfgaignswi
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befairbefunky · 5 years ago
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🌛💕 FULLMOON BLESSINGS 💕🌜 Lunar Eclipse tonight. A bright Fullmoon in the Sky. The first fullmoon of the decade and the first of 2020. The Native Americans call this first fullmoon WOLFMOON 🌛💕 The Moonbeams of this Eclipse are Powerful energetic Charged. FEEL THE FEELS. Now is the Time to PROTECT YOUR MAGIC, Cleanse, Smudge, Charge Crystals, Reset, Refocus, Restart. Take time to envision what You wish for this New Year. Manifest and Speak Your wishes into Existence. Give up what is no longer serving You, to Heal and bring in Possitivity. Let go of what will hold You back in the Future to make Space for what Inspired You. Embrace Change. Let it influence Your Growth. Repeat or Evolve. 💕🌜Remember everything that will exist in the Future You can manifest right Now. Dare to be You. Be Brave You are Strong, Wild, Beautiful, Wonderful and Fierce! Always follow Your Inner Moonlight don't hide the madness. UNLEASH, RELEASE, Let it go, Let it Leave, MAKE IT HAPPEN! Wishing You all a whole lotta Howling!!! ~ ~ #WolfMoon #Fullmoon #MoonBeams #Smudge #ChargeCrystals #MoonEclipse #FullmoonCancer #LetGo #MakeitHappen #MoonBlessings #SpeakThingsIntoExistence ~ ~ 🌛💕 #MilagrosMundo Your #Local #Spiritual #Lifestyle Giftstore with Funky & #Fair treasures from all around the World 💕🌜 #Amsterdam #Shopping #020WEST #DeBaarsjes #Postjesweg #AmsterdamWest #Netherlands 🌛💕 #HIPPIES AND #UNICORNS ALWAYS WELCOME! (bij Milagros Mundo "Funky Fairtrade - Hippy Chic") https://www.instagram.com/p/B7KF2x9HofF/?igshid=i12jx4lb3jh9
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eastvanalchemyco · 2 years ago
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FULL MOON FRIDAY Follow @eastvan_alchemy_co We welcome the first full moon of 2023, also known as the wolf moon 🐺 or the moon after Yule, which occurs later today at 3:07pm on the wet coast. #fullmoon #wolfmoon #fullmooncancer #fullmoonritual #witch #magick #fullmoonvibes #wolf Image: Freyja Schimkus (at Vancouver, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnFOb1UJda_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kitthomasart · 2 years ago
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“Tonight, we are in the full moon phase in Cancer. The first Full Moon of the year is tomorrow and it is all about you. Your nourishment, your self-care and your feelings of security. It is a time to decide what you need to feel held, supported and loved. It is also a time to release anything that doesn't support you and instead align with what your heart needs most. Reflect on what you need to let go of in order to welcome new energy into your life. Cancer represents our most inner subjective world, including our emotions and our intuition. This Moon can bring up a wide array of feelings. Courageously feel all of them and let them bring you wisdom. Our emotions are a gateway to our intuition. When we open our hearts, we can feel the next steps in our journey. A light shines on them and that light is our emotions. Place your water out in the moonlight tonight to expose it to Grandmother Moon's healing powers. “ #2023 #fullmooncancer #fullmoon #reflect #selfcare #family #friends #indigenous #twospirit (at Akwesasne Mohawk Territory) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnDyKgnrh95/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ninepentz · 2 years ago
Full moon in Cancer at 16°18 this friday.
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For more full moon details and future transits, you can find those links at the end of this blog.
This full moon will be opposing the sun and mercury in capricorn, bringing to our attention, in my opinion that we need to relearn how we nurture, care for, show love, and the way we support others. Compliments on their looks and accomplishments is nice and all but it kinda is feeding into the culture of narcissm and sending the message that you're only valued by your looks, status, appearance, material things, our egotistical selves. From a young age, we've all been conditioned to believe this, people treat you better if you look your best or fit a specific beauty standard. That's why so many people today live to impress others and keep up appearances with surgery, cosmetics, filters in anyway to make themselves look better bc they feel like who they are aside from that isn't enough..
I feel like we need to rethink how much of our behaviors, praise for others, and admiration are based on superficial things. Constantly telling people they're beautiful, handsome, talented, it's appreciated ofc, but is that all they are to us at the end of the day? Does that help them become a better person, does that validate their entire self, does it do more harm than good?
We should try to be more constructive and maybe get to know people on a deeper level. Appreciate their authenticity, their humanness, who they are at their core.
And for us moms/parents out there this new moon in cancer is also shedding light on our home life, our children, our parenting styles. Remember to not bring our traumas, expectations, egos to be tied to our children in a negative way. Little by little provide building blocks for our young ones to develop into their own person with none of our baggage attached. Don't praise or prioritize only superficial things bc we know looking good these days is so important in the world, but try to challenge ourselves to look beyond that and be more impactful with our kids. Praise kindness, responsibility, being respectful, balance out the serious/stern side (capricorn) with our emotional/loving side. You don't have to be mean to teach your children a lesson, and you don't have to be too careful and sweet either. It's more important to teach your children how to survive in this crazy world, so try your best to focus on what's important.
Pallas is conjuncting the moon in the 1st house, house of self. So we all are becoming aware of our emotional nature, matters of the home/security, maybe how we parent/nurture ourselves. Take leadership to give yourself emotional fulfillment and create environments that make you want to thrive. Even if that means cutting out/placing boundaries against the people in our lives who are reminding us of our past unhealed selves, this is family members, old friends, people and places that we have now outgrown. It's time to take matters into your own hands and live for yourself, demand a good life. With the past few years we've all be struggling, experienced death after death of loved ones. We can't keep holding ourselves back from being our purest, bravest, comfiest, emotional, messy, and authentic selves...were only here for a limited time.
A lot of people... aka me🙄, are so far gone from who we were as a child, who had no limits, insecurities, self hate, inner judgment.
So it's just something to think about.
The moon, sun, mercury will also be squaring chiron in aries so it may flare up some insecurities and issues related to our identity and how we show up in our lives. Egos will be flared, we may be stubborn and impulsive, trying hard to control everything and hide away. Regardless of it all, our insecurities are bound to be seen, you might as well just say fuck it and put less pressure on being perfect or socially acceptable. What's more important then being perfect is just being a good person, being someone who makes others feel heard, respected, safe no matter how diff we are we have the same instinctual/emotional needs.
Ceres is in libra in the 4th house opposite chiron so to me that's how I see this all.
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Check what time the moon starts in your timezone below 👇
To see Astrobutterfly's interpretation of this full moon and all of January's transits, check these links 🫶
Astrobutterfly is one of my favorite go-to astrologers for consistent transit updates, she gives really good interps, keeps it fun and easy to read.
Check what Cancer and Capricorn is aspecting in your chart/which house it's in, to know how you'll be affected by this full moon. Here's a link to calculate your transits for 2023, super useful!👇
✨️Nine of Pentacles✨️
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studio-b-witch · 3 years ago
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可愛いぞー❤️🖤 ・ ・ ・ #ルノルマンカード #タロット好きな人と繋がりたい #スピリチュアル好きな人と繋がりたい #オラクルカード好きな人と繋がりたい #パワーストーン好きな人と繋がりたい #雑貨好きな人と繋がりたい #スタジオビーウィッチ Reposted from @monicabodirsky Good Moonday to you! 🌕 Happy full moon in Cancer ♋️ It might be a good idea to stay in, stay cozy and feel safe… all the things this watery sign craves! Security is the main theme today so grab a cocoa and your fave book, 📚snuggle in and have a great day! Don’t be too surprised at the emotions that may feel a bit overwhelming. Sit with it, then release old patterns that restrict you as the moon wanes. … also it’s a great day for spell work with the element of 💦 water and for learning. 🖤 #fullmoon #fullmooncancer #moonday #shadowlandtarot #shadowlandlenormand #shadowland #mooncard #lenormand #lenormandreadersofinstagram #lenormandartist #lenormandreading #monicabodirsky #redfeathermbs https://www.instagram.com/rii_ujiie/p/CZJvvduv8uT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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shasharishi · 3 years ago
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🌺FULL BLOOM🌺 Sometimes, things end. Sometimes these are things we held very precious and dear. There can be a slow revelation that what once served everyone has now become a burden and the boxes need to be packed en route to a new start. Sometimes it comes as a bolt out of the blue. A realisation comes upon you and you find yourself standing exposed on the edge of a cliff of change, knowing, despite the fear that it is better to dive into the unknown than stay in the degraded remains of what was once an ideal you cultivated. Be wary of using fantasies of things that have not yet proven themselves to be your crutch in these times. Instead stand raw and real on the edge of that mountain, accepting the rift, accepting the reality and trusting that arms and wings will catch you as you sweep down into a new and as yet unknown stage of your life adventure. The Universe has your back. And as you fly outward into the new day, you may catch glimpses of what life has in store for you. Plants pushing through the soil, bulbs coming into bloom, smiles from across the way. This teacup was broken this morning when something fell out of the cupboard above it. A real-time ending. It is rather special, but it’s gone now. Meanwhile on the windowsill an Amaryllis has come into bloom as if to say “why have painted flowers when you can have real ones?” Open your eyes, let the fullness of life begin. A cauldron of memories and past possibilities churn in my mind, and I know they are there to be released. Goodbye old friends! I have loved you. Every touch, every taste, every tantalising possibility that fell short of further fulfilment. I let them drain away and open my eyes and heart and body to full blooms 🌺🌺🌺 Happy full moon in Cancer ♋️ 🌕 #shashaspiritledlife #fullmooncancer #endingsandbeginnings #lettinggo #surrender #bestill #allforyou #soulmates #standingonthemountain #brokenchina #porcelain #royalworcester #newstart #magick #cycles #beherenow #witchesofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CY02HjGIHGi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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spellbindingsisters · 4 years ago
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Happy Full Cold Moon in Cancer!!! Here we are! The last Full Moon of the year. What a year it has been. Ups and downs, good and bad. When /ou reflect on this past year can an you see how you have changed and grown? Maybe you grew more emotionally or even learned to understand yourself better. Found a greater appreciation for yourself, your family. This year taught us all so much not only about ourselves but about each other as well... 🌛🌕🌜🌛🌕🌜🌛🌕🌜 We are the Spellbinding Sisters 𝓥𝓸𝓸𝓭𝓸𝓸 𝓟𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝓵𝓸𝓬𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓲�� 𝓕𝓵𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓭𝓪...𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓿𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓒𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓼 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓵𝓭𝔀𝓲𝓭𝓮 ************************* FREE EMAIL CONSULTATIONS [email protected] 𝕍𝕠𝕠𝕕𝕠𝕠 𝕊𝕡𝕖𝕝𝕝 𝕔𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘, 𝔻𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕤, 𝔹𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤, 𝔾𝕣𝕚𝕤 𝕘𝕣𝕚𝕤 𝕓𝕒𝕘𝕤, 𝕊𝕡𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕝 𝕠𝕚𝕝𝕤, 𝕨𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕖𝕤, 𝕡𝕠𝕨𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕞𝕦𝕔𝕙 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖. 𝕊𝕡𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕓𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤.𝕔𝕠𝕞 Website link in bio *+*+*+*+*+*+*++*+**+*+*+*+ 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 Spellbinding Sisters 😍 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 Interested in seeing how we can assist you? Email us directly and receive a response within 24 hours every time! Salubrious Surrey and Solitaire Bon Lavi [email protected] 🌛🌕🌜 Love bindings, End a relationship hex, Money Man doll, Build me up Buttercup Spell & Under my Spell Powder all EXCLUSIVE to Spellbinding Sisters! 🔥 🌈🌈🌈🌈 As always free Continental USA shipping. Looking forward to getting to know you! 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 Follow 🍁 @spellbindingsisters . . . . . . Reposted from @tarotbynisha #tarottribe #tarotspreads #witchessupportingwitches #witchesoftheworld #tarotreaderlife #witchyvibe #fullmooncancer #fullmoonrelease #witchywomen #witchylifestyle #Voodoo #Spellcasting #Spellbindingsisters #voodooqueen #results #professional #conjure #spiritual #handmadeoils #witches #witchywomen #voodoodolls #realvoodoo #realwomen #crone #moonchildren #moonchild #Mama #blessed (at Delray Beach, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJYTCUWHz6f/?igshid=1xz9xw21c5b0o
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nefaeriest · 5 years ago
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let’s GROW!! •like•share•shop•donate• *dandelion alchemy* . . . . . #witch #growfund #dandelionalchemy #alchemy #plutoreturn #tolls #crafts #ritual #Reiki #chakaalignments #energyclearing #OM #chantingdownbabylon #psychic #fullmooncancer #RELEASE #heal #healer (at West Hollywood, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7HOpFnBNT9/?igshid=xjcfxw9exv1
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kathycrabbeart · 3 years ago
♋Cancer Full Moon♋reading♋ will be on my blog soon #fairycards #elfinallyoracledeck #paulinatarot #zodiacgoddesspowerdeck #goddessaltar #artisthome #witchy #fullmooncancer (at Temecula, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYsDs1NlcuK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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beautiful-serenity-320 · 5 years ago
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Repost @nakednumerology #fullmoon #fullmooncancer #lunarmagick #lunareclipse #fullmoonlunareclipse #cancer https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Ed947nugl/?igshid=1sb355lioiv0e
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siren88 · 3 years ago
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#happyfullmoon🌕 #fullmooncancer♋️ #wolfmoon2022🌕🐺 #lovelovelove❤️ the moon is so beautiful tonight I hope you’ll get to see it 💕 (at Wheaton, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/CY235SYtU_8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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starlightworkcircle · 3 years ago
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brineabee · 6 years ago
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Happy Full Moon in Cancer! This Full Moon allows us to connect with the things that nourish us the most, which is perfect since we are in the holiday season. ✨ Check out my new blog post to see what this Full Moon can mean to you. Link in bio. 🌕✨ #sensualsage #tarotcommunity #tarotreadersofinstagram #spiritualcommunity #spiritualgrowth #fullmoon #fullmooncancer https://www.instagram.com/p/BrwFJYbB45p/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cjwvqt7jg5mo
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