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befairbefunky · 5 years ago
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🌛💕 FULLMOON BLESSINGS 💕🌜 Lunar Eclipse tonight. A bright Fullmoon in the Sky. The first fullmoon of the decade and the first of 2020. The Native Americans call this first fullmoon WOLFMOON 🌛💕 The Moonbeams of this Eclipse are Powerful energetic Charged. FEEL THE FEELS. Now is the Time to PROTECT YOUR MAGIC, Cleanse, Smudge, Charge Crystals, Reset, Refocus, Restart. Take time to envision what You wish for this New Year. Manifest and Speak Your wishes into Existence. Give up what is no longer serving You, to Heal and bring in Possitivity. Let go of what will hold You back in the Future to make Space for what Inspired You. Embrace Change. Let it influence Your Growth. Repeat or Evolve. 💕🌜Remember everything that will exist in the Future You can manifest right Now. Dare to be You. Be Brave You are Strong, Wild, Beautiful, Wonderful and Fierce! Always follow Your Inner Moonlight don't hide the madness. UNLEASH, RELEASE, Let it go, Let it Leave, MAKE IT HAPPEN! Wishing You all a whole lotta Howling!!! ~ ~ #WolfMoon #Fullmoon #MoonBeams #Smudge #ChargeCrystals #MoonEclipse #FullmoonCancer #LetGo #MakeitHappen #MoonBlessings #SpeakThingsIntoExistence ~ ~ 🌛💕 #MilagrosMundo Your #Local #Spiritual #Lifestyle Giftstore with Funky & #Fair treasures from all around the World 💕🌜 #Amsterdam #Shopping #020WEST #DeBaarsjes #Postjesweg #AmsterdamWest #Netherlands 🌛💕 #HIPPIES AND #UNICORNS ALWAYS WELCOME! (bij Milagros Mundo "Funky Fairtrade - Hippy Chic") https://www.instagram.com/p/B7KF2x9HofF/?igshid=i12jx4lb3jh9
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moondustmx · 5 years ago
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De vez en cuando es necesario renovar, limpiar y recargar la energía de nuestros cristales para que sigan cumpliendo con su propósito o que nos sigan ayudando con la intención que les hemos dado. Es por eso que aquí les presentamos información útil para que puedan cargar energéticamente sus cristales. 💜🔮 . . . . #Moondust #crystals #cristales #cuarzos #crystaljewelry #witchyvibes #goodvibes #energiapositiva #energyhealing #moon #sun #nature #jewelry #plata #silverjewelry #hechoenmexico #chargecrystals https://www.instagram.com/p/CEXsfv7pq0C/?igshid=1ivtdn6r3kps
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lilrivergrl · 5 years ago
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Happy Strawberry Full moon! I can already feel the exciting, creative energy! Make your moon water, charge your crystals! I’m lending positive energy to health, love and family!🌝♥️🧜‍♀️#strawberryfullmoon2020 #lunareclipse #fullmoon #lovespells #spellsforhealth #familyspells #moonwater #chargecrystals #positiveenergy #witchythings #witchesofinstagram🔮🌙 https://www.instagram.com/p/CBDqCkept_h/?igshid=xpr8lmlhf6l
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priestesspeach · 5 years ago
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✨🤲✨Wishing you a Growth Filled LeoMoon ✨🤲✨ 🙏May this Moon Touch your soul and move your spirit ...Allowing you to connect to all that is within you. 🧘🏻‍♀️The Leo Full Moon is a time to express our emotions. 🔥 ruled by fire and the Sun ☀️ Her energy is dynamic, explosive, and full of passion. 🔮 The energy of Leo teaches us how to live life to its fullest. 🌌She reminds us that to live our dreams, we must courageously face all of our emotions to fully understand who we are and what we want in this life. ♌️Leo teaches us we cannot create our highest visions if we cannot feel them. We need to know what creates joy in our vibration and what makes us feel genuine gratitude to manifest a life that reflects these energies. 🌕This Full Moon is a time to fully express your feelings to yourself and those around you. 💗In this expression, you will find the pathway to a higher vibratory state. #fullmoon #leo #february2020 #livebythemoon #supermoon #chargecrystals #vibehigher #ritual #sexmagick #connection #emotional #expression #passion #enlightenment #tauruswoman # (at Sacred Scrying) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8XyS7BHja_/?igshid=liqjj6lm1hsa
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wearaura · 7 years ago
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🌕Full mood vibes! Sunday night is a great time to relax, recharge, set some crystal grids, and enjoy the wonderful moonlight. Follow Us @wear_aura for crystals, handmade jewelry, and more! www.etsy.com/shop/WearAura . . . Check out this amazing Photo by @adambirdyy model: @jodilakin #adambirdphotography #blueaesthetic #moonvibes #moonchild #fullmoon #decemberfullmoon #sundaynight #crystals #etsy #crystaljewelry #chargecrystals #wicca #witchesofinstagram #moonlight #mood #moodygrams #moonstone #fog #blue #follow (at Marlton, New Jersey)
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thirddaysoapsgarden · 8 years ago
#chargestones #eclipse #crystals #chargecrystals #thirddaysoapsgardens #positivevibes #pgh412
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blossomcushions · 8 years ago
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www.facebook.com/BlossomCushions Are they a crystal fan? Why not get them some Himalayan Salt for mind, body & soul. You can also use it charge your crystals. CRYSTALS & GEMSTONES ALBUM, ALL LINKS TO ALBUMS PINNED TO TOP OF PAGE - Beautiful Himalayan Salt Crystal Chunk - £2/£2.50 Each one totally unique, holding it's own unique shape & colouring. Himalayan Salt has been used for centuries for it's spiritual & health benefits - from being placed in rooms, held, worn, made in to Himalayan Salt Lamps, used in drinking water, used in cooking and even for bathing. Himalayan Salt has many health benefits including: Controlling the body water levels. Promoting stable PH balance in the cells. Encouraging excellent blood sugar health. Reducing the common signs of ageing. Promoting cellular hydroelectric energy creation. Promoting the increased absorption capacities of food elements within the intestinal tract. Aiding vascular health. Supporting healthy respiratory function. Lowering incidence of sinus problems. Increasing bone strength. Naturally promoting healthy sleep patterns. Creating a healthy libido. Metaphysically, all salts are used for protection in general and protection from evil, especially protection of the home. Salt is used for purification and dispelling negativity in many magical and traditional rituals. It is also used for extending clairvoyance. Salts are used to release attachments, including emotional attachments. It has gentle but strong grounding and centering energies. Salt is a mineral that is said to bring abundance and a rich home life. Physically, salts are used in crystal healing for blood disorders, hypotension (low blood pressure), diarrhea, physical strength, intestines, and to stimulate the meridians. Salts are associated primarily with the root (base) chakra, though salts with different colors also are associated with the related color chakras. All types of salts are related to the Earth element. Only one of each available. WAYS TO ORDER: Please send all enquiries/orders to: [email protected] #himalayansalt #salt #protection #purification #detox #cooking #bathing #drinkingwater #healing #chargecrystals
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soulflowerbuds · 3 years ago
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HEY BUDS! Did you catch a glimpse of the full moon last night? Here in the twin cities we were getting some much needed rain! Even if you can’t see the full moon you still can feel it’s energy! Let us know your intentions for this month in the comments 👇🏾 . . . . . #soulflowerbuds #letyoursoulflower #fashion #shopping #onlineshopping #bhfyp #shopsmall #shoplocal #shoponline #shopeco #ecowardrobe #ecoliving #recycling #slowfashion #sunmoon #chargecrystals #moongraphics #moonbath #witchcore #witchywardrobe #autumncloset #fullmoon #huntersmoon https://instagr.am/p/CVSvd4eLM8U/
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befairbefunky · 5 years ago
🌛🍃🍁 MOON BLESSINGS 🍁🍃🌜 Fullmoon Today = The trees are about to lose their leaves for Season to come. NOW IS THE TIME to Let Go of what will weighs You down in the Future. ~ ~ A Time to RELEASE and LET GO of what No longer is serving You. Let Go of everything that weighs You down. ReCharge your Crystals. Go Smudge. Clear the Energy of Your personal Space. Feel the Feels. Manifest the Life of Your Dreams. Raise Your Vibrations. Vibrate Higher. May ALL of YOUR VIBES say = Let the Magic Happen. I GOT THIS! ~ ~ #Fullmoon #MoonBlessings #WordsToLiveBy #LetGo #FeelTheFeels #ChargeCrystals #Manifest #GoSmudge #VibrateHigher #MoonCycle #MoonMagic #LunarCycles ~ ~ 🌛🍃🍁 #MilagrosMundo Your #Local #Spiritual #Lifestyle Giftstore with Funky & #Fair treasures from all around the World 🍁🍃🌜 #Amsterdam #Shopping #020WEST #DeBaarsjes #Postjesweg #AmsterdamWest #Netherlands 🌛🍃🍁 #HIPPIES AND #UNICORNS ALWAYS WELCOME! (bij Milagros Mundo "Funky Fairtrade - Hippy Chic") https://www.instagram.com/p/B3k3g13nOIB/?igshid=1ho6uqv06jco
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priestesspeach · 5 years ago
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In her hushed tone The Moon mouthed - Tell me your worries whisper your woes share unto me your secrets; the ones that no one knows.... Live by the Sun and love by my Lunar Light .... I will give you the sight to lead you through strife. Ps - Don’t forget to take the last chance to charge your crystals tonight. #live #love #moon #blackandwhite #yinyang #fullmoonaries #crystals #chargecrystals #clearquartz #rosequartz #howlite #amythyst #lovequotes (at Millersville, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3n6l1fDEUa/?igshid=4u52katr9owp
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befairbefunky · 6 years ago
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🌙💕 MOON BLESSINGS🌙💕 New Moon Taurus. A New Cycle arrived the Time of New Beginnings🌙💕 TRUST YOUR INTUITION 🌙💕 Raise your Frequency. Vibrate Higher! 🌙💕 Now is The Time to bring Focus on Awareness on Positive and Loving Intentions Speak things in Existence. May you Plant the Seeds of the Things you Wish existed 🌙💕 May they Flourish & Bloom in Abundance! ~ ~ #MoonCycle #NewMoonTaurus #VibrateHigher #GoSmudge #ChargeCrystals #NewMoon #SetIntentions #MoonMagic ~ ~ 🌙💕 #MilagrosMundo your #Local #Wanderlust #Hippy #Bohemian #Lifestyle #Giftstore 🌙💕 #Amsterdam #020WEST #Netherlands 🌙💕 #HIPPIES AND #UNICORNS ALWAYS WELCOME! (bij Milagros Mundo "Funky Fairtrade - Hippy Chic") https://www.instagram.com/p/BxGOEvgHkgc/?igshid=1qj3sutn4v5ia
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befairbefunky · 6 years ago
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🌙💕🌈 NEW MOON MAGIC 🌙💕🌈 #NewMoon Blessings for You! On this Magical Night the First New Moon of 2019 will appear 🌙💕🌈 #NewMoonCapricorn 🌙💕🌈 This #NewMoon will pass between the Earth & the Sun, to stage a partial Eclipse of the Sun 🌙💕🌞 ~ ~ 🌙💕🌈 TRUST NEW BEGINNINGS 🌙💕🌈 New Year, New Month, New Beginning 🌙💕🌈 #NowistheTime to Clear out the Old, Encourage to Dream out Loud, Speak things into Existence, Charge Crystals, Go Smudge and Welcome GOOD VIBES into a bright Prosperous Future 🌙💕🌈 ~ ~ #MoonMagic #NewMoonCapricorn #MoonCycle #GoSmudge #ChargeCrystals #GoSmudge #GoodVibes ~ ~ 🌙💕🌈 #MilagrosMundo Your #Local #Wanderlust #Hippy #Bohemian #Lifestyle #Giftstore with #Colorful Funky & #Fair Treasury from all around the World 🌙💕🌈 #Amsterdam #Shopping #DeBaarsjes #AmsterdamWest #020WEST #Netherlands 🌙💕🌈 #HIPPIES AND #UNICORNS ALWAYS WELCOME! (bij Milagros Mundo "Funky Fairtrade - Hippy Chic") https://www.instagram.com/p/BsRVNPKHFN9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4qm8k0a1n8u0
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befairbefunky · 6 years ago
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🌙💕🌈 NEW MOON MAGIC 🌈💕🌙 #NewMoon Blessings For You Tonight! #NowistheTime to #GoSmudge 🌙💕🌈 The Time to Manifest Your HOPES & Your DREAMSthrough the Knowlesge that Anything and Everything you Wish for is there to SPEAK INTO EXISTENCE 🌈💕🌙 TRUST THE UNIVERSE = The Universe reveals its MAGIC to those who Dare to Follow their Hearts. With the Power of Your Unique Energy, Your Power of Thoughts and Your Heart Affirmations you will be the Greator of Your Own Life! 🌙💕🌈 TRUST THE PROCESS 🌈💕🌙 Step Up! Only Make HIGH VIBRATION Commitments! VIBRATE HIGHER! ~ ~ #DaillyPractice #Soultherapy #GoSmudge #ChargeCrystals #SpeakThingsIntoExistence #MoonMagic #MoonRituals ~ ~ 🌙💕🌈 #MilagrosMundo Your #Local #Wanderlust #Hippy #Bohemian #Lifestyle #Giftstore with #Colorful Funky Treasury from all around the World 🌈💕🌙#Amsterdam #Shopping #DeBaarsjes #AmsterdamWest #020WEST #Netherlands 🌙💕🌈 #HIPPIES AND #UNICORNS ALWAYS WELCOME! (bij Milagros Mundo "Funky Fairtrade - Hippy Chic") https://www.instagram.com/p/BrGIRXZHvPz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=26zxmjx1f77c
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befairbefunky · 6 years ago
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🌙💕 NEW MOON BLESSINGS 💕🌙 " MAY THE MOON HEARVYOU. THE STARS SEE YOU.AND THE UNIVERSE HEAL YOU. " ~ ~ 🌙💕 With this #NewMoon Declare Your Intentions #SpeakThingsIntoExistence and watch IT get Real 💕🌙 #Meditate #GoSmudge #Cleanse #ChargeCrystals #Reset #Readjust #Restart #Refocus #ProtectYourMagic 🌙💕 ~ ~ #MoonMagic #TrusttheProcess #Moonchild #Moonphase #Soultherapy #EarthWarriorsOracle #VisionaryArt by @isabel_mariposa_galactica ~ ~ 🌙💕 #MilagrosMundo your #Local #Wanderlust #Hippy #Bohemian #Lifestyle #Giftstore with #Colorful Funky & #Fair Treasury from all around the World 💕🌙 #Amsterdam #020WEST #DeBaarsjes #AmsterdamWest #Netherlands 🌙💕 #HIPPIES AND #UNICORNS ALWAYS WELCOME! (bij Milagros Mundo "Funky Fairtrade - Hippy Chic") https://www.instagram.com/p/BnhGYZ7ClDR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ehjep6a0vwip
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befairbefunky · 6 years ago
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🌙💕🔥 NEW MOON MAGIC 🔥💕🌙 CAN YOU FEEL THE MAGICAL ENERGY!!! This #NewMoon ruled by #Libra brings Balancing Energy 🌙💕🔥 A New Moon, a New Cycle, a New Beginning 🔥💕🌙 Time to #SetIntentions #ChargeCrystals #ProtectYourMagic and #GoSmudge ~ ~ 🌙💕🔥 This #NewMoonLibra is Celebrated together with #Navaratri 🔥💕🌙 With Navaratri we Pray to the Warrior #HinduGoddess #Kali also known as #GoddessDurga = She is the embodiement of #SHAKTI = the Divine Feminine Energy & Wisdom 🌙💕🔥 With Her beautiful Fierce Energy she is a Removes off Obstacles, Die Liberates Souls and brings TRANSFORMATION, ENLIGHTMENT & FREEDOM 🔥💕🌙 Time to Change, ReBalance & Harmonize 🌙💕🔥 TIME TO LEVEL UP = Mentally, Physically, Enotionally & SPIRITUALLY 🔥💕🌙 Time for a Goddess Evolution 🌙💕🔥 BE BOLD, BE FIERCE, BE LOVE, BE LIGHT AND DARE TO SHINE!!!! ~ ~ #MoonChild #GoddessRissing #TimeToBloom #TheTimeIsNow #WomanRising #WomanWisdom #WordsToLiveBy ~ ~ 🔥💕🌙 #MilagrosMundo Your #Local #Wanderlust #Hippy #Bohemian #Lifestyle #Giftstore with #Colorful Funky & #Fair Treasury from all around the World 🌙💕🔥 #Amsterdam #Shopping #DeBaarsjes #AmsterdamWest #020WEST #Netherlands 🔥💕🌙 #HIPPIES AND #UNICORNS ALWAYS WELCOME! (bij Milagros Mundo "Funky Fairtrade - Hippy Chic") https://www.instagram.com/p/Bov9l8Dipwf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ovaf96avvt34
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befairbefunky · 7 years ago
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🌙💕🌈 NAMAS'CRAY 🌈💕🌙 "The Crazy in me recognizes and honors the Crazy in you!!! " 🌙💕🌈 #TheTimeIsNow ➡ Follow your #Inner #Moonlight ➡ Say what you Feel, Embrace the Weird, Be Bold, DARE TO BE YOU! 🌈💕🌙 ~ ~ 🌙💕🌈 #TheTimeIsNow #NEWMOON #SetIntentions #ProtectYourMagic #ChargeCrystals #MoonMagic #Smudge #Rituals #Blessings & Wishes 🌈💕🌙 ~ ~ #Moon #MoonBlessings #WordsToLiveBy #SpiritualWisdom #MoonChild #Namascray ~ ~ 🌙💕🌈 #MilagrosMundo #Amsterdam #Netherlands 🌈💕🌙 #HIPPIES AND #UNICORNS ALWAYS WELCOME! (bij Milagros Mundo "Funky Fairtrade - Hippy Chic")
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