#fullmetal alchemist cafe
blorboscran · 2 months
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合成獣(キメラ)のチョコモンブラン/ Chocolate Mont Blanc Chimera
was a dessert themed to the inseparable bond of Nina Tucker and her dog Alexander.
A late addition to the menu of promotional eatery Fullmetal Alchemist Cafe, the transmutation themed Mont Blanc was available from December 27th 2017 to January 31st 2018 for 1200 yen.
Quantities were limited, presumably due to the dessert's handmade nature, or regret.
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hyolks · 8 months
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ed: i swear to god can you STOP making the cats use my face as a springboard.
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weatheringtea · 2 years
FMA Cafe
While I was in Japan, the FMA cafe opened up :D I've never been to an anime cafe before, so this was perfect! I went once a week (so 3 times in total) so I could try a bunch of different dishes and collect coasters lol
I tried to put this under cut because it's long and full of pics, but adding the read more ruined the formatting of the pics so I'll leave it.
The first trip was March 22, kind by accident LOL. I was in the area to see Shinjuku Gyoen and the cafe was on our walk back to Shinjuku stn. The lobby was empty, so I gathered my very out of practice JP skills and asked if it was possible to get a seat as a walk-in. They said yes :D
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Word hadn't gotten around yet it seems, so it was very empty upstairs too LOL. Great for pics :D
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There's a ¥1,000 sitting fee and you get a drink with that. There's a QR code given to you for the menu (it matches to your table number so your orders are tracked). Menu was a bit clunky, probably because my JP reading skills are in the toilet, but I figured it out! They played the same 10 minute video the entire time (for the FMA mobile game).
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Because I showed up late I only bought one thing to eat (last order for food was 18:00 and I didn't really sit down and get things figured out until 17:45-ish), and it was Lust's chocolate cake. It was very good (and very heavy lol). I got the Edward Elric drink first and the Roy Mustang drink second. Both came with mystery coasters. Ed's drink was better imo.
At the end the couple of us on the 2nd floor snuck up to the 3rd for pics before leaving.
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I went back the day before I left for Osaka :D (27th)
Word had gotten around by now about the cafe and merch shop and it was busy this time! I popped in at 12:15 and asked if they had any seats available. No, they're full. He offered to book me in for 14:30 though! So I putzed around Shinjuku for 2 hours and went back :D
It was packed this time!! On both floors.
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Winry's pie was alright. Heavier than I was expecting. Ed's fries were fun! They came with a white paper bag that you transfer the fries into, and you add whatever mix of spices you want from the spice cups it came with, then shake in the bag. Neat! Also tasty.
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Drinks were Olivier's, Bradley's (with matching coaster!) and Ed's drink again (I should have gotten Roy's again dammit, I tried to take his glove hand home from the first time, but it got wet, the ink bled, and it ironically fell apart...)
Olivier's was the neatest looking drink, but also my least favourite. Bradley's was my favourite drink - very good!
I went back on April 4 before I went home ;A;. This time I made a reservation. I asked for a seat on the 3rd floor, since my first 2 had been on the 2nd, but I think seating is actually based on how early you get in line. I got in line early and noticed everyone in front of me also got 3rd floor, so I think they just fill the 3rd before dealing with the 2nd.
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Great seat. A+. My spot had 2 table numbers and I asked if it was okay and they just were like "yeah yeah it's fine no worries". Okay!
By this point they must have been besieged with tourists. Poor woman hosting the floor couldn't speak English to save her life (and half my floor was tourists). She got to me and tried to suffer through a few English words and I stopped her. I'm fine with the instructions in Japanese :') please don't suffer more on my account.
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Bradley's drink again, Ed's Milk Hater drink, and the classic FMA drink BECAUSE I CONTINUE TO FORGET ALL ABOUT ROY...
Ed's milk drink though... you pour the milk into the mug filled with soda(??) and ice. It tasted like a float without the cola?? It was unique... the most interesting drink to try for sure (Bradley's still my favourite).
I bought the mug at the gift shop :')
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LET'S TALK ABOUT THIS AL PUDDING. This was amazing and fun. There is a little cake, there is a little ice cream, there is a little pudding, there's a little idk what it was but it was chocolate and good, and there are cat themed cookies under the pudding cup LMAO. Then there's the blood seal inside the tin. A+ Al wins. That was so much fun, I'm sad I left that until last, I probably would have gotten it again.
You could have totally sold me on this mug too if it had been for sale.
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Look, I did remember Roy sorta :') I got his doughnut. It was HEAVY and the icing was so thick on top it was rock hard. Sticky, messy finger food.
So that's it :D I've run out of picture space lol. I wish I'd gotten to taste test things in the second round later in April (ARMSTRONG'S HASHED BEEF ;____;) but I hope they enjoy all the money I gave them while I was there LOL. I had some neat food and had fun doing it :)
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laadeplata · 1 year
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Thanks for choosing and voting ♥
DeviantArt | Instagram
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buffaloborgine · 2 years
Babe wake up, Square Enix's Fullmetal Alchemist Cafe has added a Kimblee drink to the menu.
Taste the explosion-like feeling amongst the typhoon of resenting souls, just like the Crimson Lotus Alchemist.
(fyi, the drink contains pomegranate soda, lemon black jelly, whipped cream, carbonated ice and a cookie)
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ecargmura · 4 months
Wind Breaker Episode 10 Review - Yesterday's Enemies Are Today's Friends
Did you know that only three days have passed in-universe? Episode 1 was a whole day. Episodes 2-4 are the second day and Episodes 5-10 are the third day. Crazy, right? It’s also crazy to have a picnic with your enemies, right? Well, that’s what Umemiya decrees, so it must happen. It’s like that quote, “Yesterday’s enemies could be today’s friends.” Come to think of it, that quote is heavily applied here! Bofurin and Shishitoren are now on good terms with each other!
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The picnic scene with Bofurin, Togame and Choji was nice. I guess my only little gripe was that only Togame and Choji were present and not Sako, Arima and Kanuma. I guess it’s a bit more meaningful if the two tops were there and not minions. It was still a missed opportunity for the anime to add the other three, honestly. Anyways, I do like Umemiya’s philosophy on what it means to be the top of a gang. He equates it to eating. He loves eating and wants to be with people as he eats. Having people gathering around him while he eats is the same as being the top of the gang. He gets to do something he likes and do it with others. He’s here because he has people he can count on and people who look up to him. Being the top wasn’t a solo effort, but a team one. It’s a good lesson for Choji as he once had people whom he could count on but chose to leave behind. It’s also a good lesson for Sakura who has always been alone and doesn’t understand what it means to not be alone. It’s a good growing experience for him. 
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The scene with Bofurin hanging out at Cafe Pothos was also a nice scene too. Umemiya wanted to know if Sakura was able to convey his words to Togame. However, Sakura never heard a voice or anything. It turns out that Sakura took his words literally instead of figuratively. What Umemiya was trying to get at was for Sakura to feel something for his opponents. I believe it worked because Sakura did try to punch Choji when he kicked Togame. I do believe Togame is the first time he connected with someone through his fists, hence why their bond is rather unique. He’s the reason why Togame was able to make amends with Choji and Shishitoren and deal with that comes after together. No matter how much Sakura denies it, he does like Togame which was why he was very fervent on wanting him to become a cool guy.
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Other than the good scenes with Bofurin, I also liked the parts with Choji and Togame. The part where they were prostrating and Sakura scolding them was so cute. However, my favorite part was when the two were sharing anpan together. When Choji was laughing and enjoying the taste of squished anpan, the scene moved Togame so much that he lied about the rain when it was bright and sunny. It reminded me a lot of the scene in Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood where Roy cried at Hughes’s funeral and lied to Hawkeye about the rain. Since the anime, Togame has become one of my favorite characters and to see him cry over the fact that his sun has returned got me emotional. I’m so happy for you, Togame.
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However, the best part of the episode was Sakura spitting out his coffee at Umemiya and him actually reacting poorly to the coffee in his eyes. That part was the needed comedy in an emotionally heartwarming episode. Then, the part where Sugishita was threatening to throw a chair at Sakura was also hilarious. I’m surprised he hasn’t been banned from Cafe Pothos yet.
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Good news for Wind Breaker fans, there are thirteen episodes, which means that there are three episodes left. As a manga reader, I think there’s enough room to have a good conclusion for the first season. Who knows if a second season will be announced? I sure hope it does because next week is definitely the debut of Tsugeura and Kiryu who are also important characters, but it’d suck if they only get minimal screen time despite having high quality voice actors. What are your thoughts on this episode?
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swantranslations · 5 months
Fullmetal Alchemist Exhibition -Hong Kong- Highlights & Cafe Menu
Guess WHO just came back from the fma exhibition today! I am still in my serotonin rush as I type out this post. Upon a mutual's request, I am sharing highlights and key features of this time's exhibition, especially the Hong Kong-only elements. Hope this helps anyone who is considering going and wants to know more about it!
All photos here are taken by myself. (aside from the last few which are from a news report)
See also: list of available goods + pricing (to be updated)
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Obligatory Entrance Photo!
Same as the original exhibition in Japan, at the entrance, there's the 20th anniversary Ed & Al figure, a 1:1 Al statue, and an animated transmutation circle that you can pose at.
(It is very hard to get the right timing to put down your hands though, since it moves really fast xD)
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Copies of 300+ genka are shown, and as you can see here, translated versions of the comic panels are displayed underneath the framed genka copies, which I think is very nice.
Unfortunately, much like the previous Malaysia exhibit, these are not the original genkas (it's probably too risky to ship them overseas?) but seeing these copies still made me really happy and the set-up is really awesome:) (link to set-up video)
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Can't forget the coloured pages, of course! There's also one original signed illustration, but you're not allowed to take pictures of it, which is a bit sad but understandable.
There are also multiple special animations; check one of them out here!
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Costumes and props from the live-action movie are also displayed. The level of detail is really really nice ^^
HK limited photo spots (modelled by me):
I am not sure if it's 100% accurate, but from what I have heard these two photo spots are Hong Kong-only. Please correct me if I am wrong!
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Left: a wall with Mei's kunai that you can pose in front of and pretend to be Ed gaining back his right arm. Absolutely impossible to take a photo there while maintaining a straight face because it is ungodly hilarious and ridiculous. 6/10
Right: Gate of Truth door curtain near the exit; Very fun to push open and act out another iconic Ed scene (video link), or sit there and speak in a mocking ominous tone. 10/10
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After the exhibition, you can find the cafe inside the gift shop area. There are two extra-special items and a few other snacks that you can order; Listing all food items & their prices below!
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Because I didn't order the special items, the below three photos are from HK01's report on the exhibition.
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Left: The Flame Transmutation Set is fish cake + yakitori, and when you order it you'll get the food in a small black box, then the staff will help you light it up when you snap at it; basically you can pretend to be Mustang and "cook" the yakitori yourself xD
Right: The (Full)metal Transmutation Drink is peach soda, but it comes unmixed; you can put it on a special table with a transmutation circle drawn on it, and the table will shake and mix the drink for you. The idea is you can make your own liquid philosopher's stone and drink it lol
I think they're both really stupid but in an endearing way I guess lmao
It's really late so I will organize and post the list of available goods tmr :3 stay tuned!
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karolinswritings · 1 year
hey so how do you think Edward, Alphonse and roy would deal with having a crush and they’ve known each other for a good month and crush at some point is like “Oh. I like you. I know your busy, but when you’re not busy, would you like to go on a date with me? We can also just be friends too if that’s a no”. If they ask when’d this crush start happening, crush is like “=\\\) Since we first talked”?
Hi hi, thank you so much for the request. Since this is about several people I take a bit longer than usual, sorry. I hope I did well and you like it, I kind of rushed.
Fullmetal Alchemist Headcanons: Roy, Alphonse and Edward x reader who has a crush on them and decides to finally confess.
Roy Mustang
So, we all know him, he has always been loved by the ladies and he knows it. He knows he is good looking and he definitely isn't new to flirting too. So he has flirted with reader several times and automatically tought that is it only natural for them to fall for him. It was no suprise.
Mistakes politeness for shyness. Everytime reader worries about him before he goes on a mission he takes it personally and decides that it is because reader is falling for him.
"They can't get me out of thier mind."
If reader calls him to meet regularly he would assume they do that only with him and therefore think that they want to be by his side all the time.
When they confess he flashes them a sly smirk and proudly says: "I must say, it is no surprise to me that you have a crush on me, reader. I saw you glancing at me, you are always by my side and act so shy around me. But I do find it adorable, so I will go out with you when I have the time, yes."
Edward Elric
The complete oppisode of Roy, he would mistake any potential signs reader gives him that have taken a liking to him, as them just being friendly and careing.
Since Alphone is always by his side I think he would catch up quicker and hint him that reader might be potentially having feelings for him. He would even ask them strsight up if he has the chance, but would never tell Edward. They have to tell him themselves.
Once again though, Ed has no idea what Al is talking about.
"You think they like me?..Yeah I also don't think they hate me. I am pretty good at making new friends these days right? You think they could help us find a clue to the philosophers stone?"
Like a scientist consumed by his work he would have to be told stright up, loudly and clearly by reader themselves or he would not get the message at all.
When reader does confess though, he is flustered. If they do it in the middle of a conversation he would be mind blank and forget what they were talking about.
"You..like me romantically?.. I think I need a minute to think about this..You want to go out on a..a date? Well..I definitely..wouldn't mind that..we should go out, mhm.."
Cannot look them in the eye and his cheek burn the whole time he speaks. Tries to think rationally and not make it a big deal but in reality he won't think about the stone for a good day or more after that confession.
Alphonse Elric
Get's it immideatly when he catches reader looking at him for longer than usual and smiling at him differently than at other people. Even though is he catches them looking at him he would first think that there is something on his face.
He is a cutie and would have a hard time being around them, he would suddenly become shy and start daydreaming about them, wondering if he is right that they have feelings.
I think he would quiestion his own feelings but wouldn't think about them too much. If he likes them why not go out with them?
" You'd like to go on a date with me? Okay, why don't we just go now? I walked past a nice cafe earlier. Let's go!"
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yodepalma · 28 days
Surprise self-rec time! Pick 3 of your favorite things you’ve written and share them here, then put this in the inbox (anonymously or not) of your fellow writers to spread the positivity and help celebrate already written fics 💞
I spent a ridiculously long time overthinking this, primarily because I literally could not choose a favorite of my Kingdom Hearts fics. So I'm cheating! I'm basically picking 3 fics from 3 different fandoms, just so I can be indecisive about KH.
Final Fantasy XV
1. At the top of this one I'm going to have to put Hardest of Hearts. This is purely because it was my first foray into the crackship that would end up eating my life, and I have to thank it for its service.
2. Equally well-loved is Sir Stabby and Friends. I had so much fun creating little robot friends for Prompto to make! And the unexpected OT4 was a nice bonus.
3. And a VERY close second to those is going to be Jewel of the Sea. I love soulmate fics SO MUCH y'all don't even understand, but I very rarely end up writing them. And despite it being another rarepair I feel like it really helped me flesh out my voice for Prompto and Dino.
Fullmetal Alchemist
1. This fandom is significantly easier, though I do have to do bonus cheating for this. Number one is Ruin the Sky. You will pry my scifi AUs out of my cold, dead hands.
2. Next is going to be Nine Lives Cafe. This one was just fun to write! And there was a surprising amount of thought put into it in the background, although I'm sad to say I'm sad to say that I lost my notes for continuing it several years ago and it's doomed to be ""completed"" as is.
3. And finally the part where we double cheat: the Dragon Scars series. It is the most self-indulgent thing I've ever written in my life. Mark my words, one day I WILL finish writing this bitch.
Kingdom Hearts
And finally, the reason for the cheating: I literally can't pick a favorite of these three.
1. Time of Your Life. Listen, 99.9% of the stuff I write is fluff or at least has a happy ending. And some sort of AU. This stupid crackship fic is a tragedy, entirely canon, and I am actually very pleased with the pacing of it. And, seriously, it's the only thing I ever finished that doesn't have a happy ending. I can't help but love it.
2. The Song That No One Sings. Another one for the crackships, but otherwise the polar opposite of the above. It's just a soft, simple urban fantasy romance. I do wish I'd actually fully fleshed out the worldbuilding for this, but we can't have everything.
3. The Forest. Not for any particular reason, I'm just still very fond of the fairy tale style writing I did. But I'm still sad that this remains my least read/liked fic for this fandom.
(And I'd also like to throw out honorable mentions to The End of the Beginning and Crumpled Memories, the two Good Omens fics I don't entirely hate. As well as Best Friends, a deeply unserious Ronin Warriors fic that basically wrote itself.)
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rascalentertainments · 7 months
Account Update 🌟
I haven't been on this platform in years and slowly started making posts and reblogs again. Most of the accounts I did follow back then are either gone, or no longer active. So I'm listing EVERY THING I'm into, so I can follow people back with similar tastes and interests. Consider it a get to know me things whole I make updates. Reblog, share and comment as much as you want, I'd really like to make good use of this site again. Especially since I'm a YouTube Spoofer and part time writer, and always getting inspiration. Which also means my channel is going through revamping, so you'll see some activity on and off as things are scheduled ahead of time.
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Plus I'm working on creating my own animation studio with friends to bring my original ideas to life as movies and series in the future. I love to spread joy and fun to others to who aspire to animate as well! Warning: there's a a ton of things I love! 😅
Animation/Cartoons 🎨
Behind the Scenes and Animations tests
Animation Trivia
How to Draws
Animation History
Kid Cosmic
Ben 10 (Classic-Omniverse)
Teen Titans
Samurai Jack
OK K.O: Let's Be Heroes!
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
Codename: Kids Next Door
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Justice League/Unlimited
Young Justice
Batman Beyond
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Batman (2004)
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
Hazbin Hotel
Spectacular Spider-Man
Gravity Falls
Wander Over Yonder
Sponge bob Square pants
Johnny Bravo
Johnny Test
Scooby-Doo/Mystery Incorporated
Code Lyoko
Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Legend of Korra
Transformers: Prime
G.I Joe Renegades
Wolverine and the X-Men
Danny Phantom
American Dragon: Jake Long
Star vs The Forces of Evil
Penn Zero: Part Time Hero
Tales of Arcadia
Lego Monkie Kid
TMNT (2003)
Wild Kratts
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur
Xiaolin Showdown
El Tigre
Miraculous Ladybug
Steven Universe
Monster High
Static Shock
Hellboy: Animated
Tangled: The Series
Lilo & Stitch The Series
Darkwing Duck
DuckTales 2017
Wish Concept Version
Lego Monkie Kid
Buddy Thunderstruck
King of the Hill
The Simpsons
My Life as a Teenage Robot
Comic Books & Manga 🔥
Marvel & DC
My Hero Academia
Fullmetal Alchemist
Monthly Girls: Nozaki-kun
Jonah Hex
My Little Pony
MLP: Legends of Magic
Ouran High School Host Club
Jujutsu Kaisen
My Hero Academia: Vigilantes
Voltron Legendary Defender
Scott Pilgrim
Anime 🇯🇵
My Hero Academia
Sonic X
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Ya Boy Kongming!
Monthly Girls: Nozaki-kun
Cowboy Bebop
Urusei Yatsura (2022)
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off
Tiger & Bunny
Solo Leveling
Jujutsu Kaisen
White Cat Legend
Dr. Stone
High Card
Demon Slayerw
Trigun: Stampede
Delicious in Dungeon
Love is War!
Polar Bear's Cafe
Rascal the Raccoon
Movie Franchises 🎬
Kung Fu Panda
The Fast Saga
Star Wars
Scooby drop
Lego Movie
TV Series 📺
Stranger Things
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Video Games 🎮
Sonic the Hedgehog
BROK The Investigator
Crash Bandicoot
Sly Cooper
Party Games
Mario & Sonic at the Olympics Series
That's mostly the just of me and what my channel is going to start having. If you have any questions about favorite foods, animals, book series, sports or anything about personal tastes, feel free to drop them I'm my asks box, and Ill get to them as soon as possible!
Hope you'll like what I have to offer! 🌟🌟🌟
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fairy-writes · 10 months
1300 Follower Event!
Hello! I recently reached 1300 followers and am literally, like… lowkey crying?
I know I say this every time. But I seriously cannot imagine myself ever having gotten this far. I can’t imagine anyone actually enjoying what I write, much less wanting to follow my silly little writing blog.
But for this event! I’m hosting a cafe! Just like I did way back when! Basically, you guys order a drink, and I’ll write either headcanons, drabbles, scenarios, or one-shots!
The event will be open for two weeks starting today! It’ll be available from Monday, November 27th, 2023 to Monday, December 11th, 2023! 
ALL ORDERS ARE UNDER #fairy1300followers
Rules are: 
All orders are written as character x reader!
Everything is gender neutral reader unless specifically stated otherwise (ex: you request a female reader)
Please send them in separately so I can keep track of everything!
You don’t have to choose an add-on special. Those are just if you want to have some extra fun!
Any orders that do not follow the rules will be deleted. 
I will write for the following people:
Arcane: League of Legends: Viktor, Silco, Jayce Talis, Vi, Vander, Caitlyn Kiramman, Mel Medarda
Bungou Stray Dogs: Nakajima Atsushi, Nakahara Chuuya, Dazai Osamu, Kunikida Doppo, Fukuzawa Yukichi, Saigiku Jouno, Suehiro Tecchou
The Case Study of Vanitas: Vanitas, Noé Archiviste, Roland Fortis, Dominique de Sade
Demon Slayer: All the Hashira (except for Muichiro), Akaza, Kokushibo, Douma, Kamado Tanjiro (aged up), Agatsuma Zenitsu (aged up), Hashibira Inosuke (aged up)
Doctor Who: The Doctor (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th), Jack Harkness, River Song
Fullmetal Alchemist: Roy Mustang, Greed (not Greedling), Riza Hawkeye, Jean Havoc, Envy, Alex Louis Armstrong, Olivier Armstrong, Edward Elric (post-FMAB), Alphonse Elric (post-FMAB), Ling Yao (post-FMAB)
Grimm (NBC): Nick Burkhardt, Hank Griffin, Sean Renard, Drew Wu, Monroe
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo Satoru, Fushiguro Toji, Geto Suguru, Nanami Kento, Itadori Yuuji (aged up), Fushiguro Megumi (aged up)
Moriarty the Patriot: William James Moriarty, Albert James Moriarty, Louis James Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, Fred Porlock, Sebastian Moran, James Bonde
Tokyo Ghoul: Uta, Kaneki Ken, Kirishima Touka, Kirishima Ayato (re: age), Nishio Nishiki, Tsukiyama Shuu
Large: Imagine (500-750 Words)
Medium: Scenario (350-500 Words)
Small: Drabble (250-350 Words)
Extra-Small: Headcanons (new headcanon style with a short blurb at the end)
Latte: Fluff
Black Coffee: Whump (physical pain)
Espresso: Angst (emotional pain)
Cappuccino: Hurt/Comfort
Mocha: Paranormal (idk what this entails, but I’ll figure it out, lol)
Americano: Platonic Relationships
Smoothie: My choice! Just send in a character and a size!
Add-On Specials: 
With Spice: Victorian Era AU
With Sugar: Pirate AU
With Cream: Domestic AU
With Ice: Soulmate AU
Extra Hot: Fantasy AU
Example Order: Hello! Can I please get a large latte with spice with Tanjiro from Demon Slayer? 
Translation: Hello! Can I get a fluffy Victorian AU imagine with Tanjiro from Demon Slayer?
Example Order: Can I please order a medium black coffee with Kaneki Ken from Tokyo Ghoul?
Translation: Can I please get a whump scenario with Kaneki Ken from Tokyo Ghoul?
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sugaaz · 1 year
i’m so behind on all of them so i’m putting them all together
mention your ten favorite characters from any media - tagged by aki @tanchirou ♡
sugawara koushi (haikyuu)
nakahara chuuya (bungou stray dogs)
yor forger (spy x family)
kuroko tetsuya (kuroko no basket)
roy mustang (fullmetal alchemist)
kugisaki nobara (jujutsu kaisen)
hyakuya mikaela (owari no seraph)
chigiri hyouma (blue lock)
fushimi saruhiko (k)
nagisa shiota (ansatsu kyoushitsu)
choosing was hard gdi. i limited myself to one character from each series and even then i couldn't choose aaaaaa
15 questions for 15 mutuals - tagged by aki again ❣️
are you named after anyone? nope
when was the last time i cried? last week (i was very emotional about my uni ending even though i was cursing it's existence before)
do you have kids? noo thankfully
do you use sarcasm a lot? just a normal amount
what sports do you play/have you played? i have tried many sports but the one i played the most is basketball (before it ruined my life fsgsj)
what's the first thing you notice about other people? face expression
eye colour? brown
scary movies or happy endings? happy endings (i would never choose scary movies lmao)
any special talents? i'm good at remembering dance choreography
where were you born? india
what are your hobbies? watching/rewatching anime, listening to music, organizing stuff
do you have any pets? my catmom era hasn't happened yet
how tall are you? 5 feet only :(
fav subject in school? MATH!
dream job? no job XD but in seriousness, i always dream of working in a cute cafe
currents tagged by tobias @kokushibe 💕
current time: 4:30 pm
current mood: in pain
current activity: listening to music
currently thinking about: upgrading my pc
current fav song: QUEENCARD by (G)I-DLE
currently reading: fullmetal alchemist
currently watching: just finished mdzs yesterday. im choosing what to pick up next
current fav character (if any): wei wuxian my beloved!
current wips (if any): there is a sarumi sketch i should colour
picrew tagged by emma @crimsonrosee , tobias @kokushibe and oroshi @silversoulsociety 🥰
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i need people to know that i had to use a vpn to make this, why was it blocked for me have no idea. on the other hand, this is a cute picrew so it was worth the effort
tagging (no pressure): @mx-sinisters @ghostbkg @kimdokjas @yyh @princesskazuya @alphonseelriic @fangrui @natsutakashi @yooasobi @nobasmaki @apparently-artless @upperranktwo @kanbayashis @liliumdragomir @vivianvivvia plus anyone who wants to do any of these❤️
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sleepyhead-poll · 9 months
Thank you for your patience! I have finished making the match-ups for Round 1 which will be under the cut. A little information first.
Round 1 will be posted between Friday, January 19th and Thursday, January 25th. It will be split between 4 sets, each set being posted on a different day. There will be a total of 128 participants (32 participants in each individual set) divided in 64 polls (16 polls in each individual set). By the end of Round 1, 64 participants will make it to Round 2 while the rest will be sent to the Shadow Realm where their souls will be tormented for eternity. All polls will be queued between 12 PM EST and 1 PM EST of the day it has been assigned. Each poll will last a week.
I've double checked everything but I am only human, so if you notice any errors or have any questions, the ask box is open :)
ROUND 1A (Will be posted on Friday, 19th of January)
Tanaka (Tanaka-kun is Always Listless) vs. Ayumu "Osaka" Kasuga (Azumanga Daioh)
Sanada Ryu (Kimi ni Todoke) vs. Ritsuka Uenoyama (Given)
Yumemi Nemu (Vocaloid) vs. Yokune Ruko (UTAUloid)
Ritsu Sakuma (Ensemble Stars) vs. Konoe Kanata (Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club)
Tsukasa Hiiragi (Lucky Star) vs. Snoozer (Hamtaro)
Yoshihito Usaida (Gakuen Babysitters) vs. Chayanne (QSMP)
Koshiba Kiri (Beauty Pop) vs. Yuuya Amane (Nukoduke!)
Panda (Polar Bear Cafe) vs. Towa Motosu (World Dai Star)
Jeff (The Wiggles) vs. Takenaka Hanbei (Samurai Warriors)
PJ Berri (Parappa the Rapper) vs. Budwin (Papa Louie)
Meguru Bachira (Blue Lock) vs. Nagi Seishiro (Blue Lock)
Judai Yuki (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX) vs. Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Sleepy Gary (Rick and Morty) vs. Sleepy Ernst (Destroy All Humans)
Vivia Twilight (Master Detective Archives: Rain Code) vs. Chiaki Nanami (Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair)
Snoopy (Charlie Brown) vs. Garfield (Garfield)
Peppermint Patty (Charlie Brown) vs. Shari (Wayside School)
ROUND 1B (Will be posted on Sunday, 21st of January)
Takane Enomoto (Kagerou Project) vs. Kuro / Sleepy Ash / Sloth (Servamp)
Howard Philips Lovecraft (Bungo Stray Dogs) vs. Saiko Yonebayashi (Tokyo Ghoul:re)
Belphegor (Obey Me! Shall we Date?) vs. Nanaki Kazuaki (Hatoful Boyfriend)
Kyoutarou Shuzenji (Cute High Earth Defense Club HAPPY KISS!) vs. En Yufuin (Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!)
Hotaru Yura (Magia Record) vs. Hyp (Touhou: Fantastic Danmaku Festival 2)
Hisoka Mikage (A3!) vs. Meitenkun (King of the Fighters)
Clorica (Rune Factory 4) vs. Mint (My Time at Portia)
Priscilla (Rune Factory 5) vs. Ryker (Rune Factory 5)
Dreamer / Protagonist (Melatonin) vs. Madotsuki (Yume Nikki)
Hypnos (Hades) vs. Clovis (Percy Jackson)
Talon (Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) vs. Towtow (Super Smash Bros.)
Link (Legend of Zelda) vs. Usagi Tsukino / Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon)
Shota Aizawa / Eraser Head (My Hero Academia) vs. Olruggio (Witch Hat Atelier)
Shikamaru Nara (Naruto) vs. Agares Picero (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Mr. Zzz (Batman) vs. Vooshvazool's Bat (The Neverending Story)
Enrico Pollini (Rat Race) vs. Unconscious Argentinean (Moulin Rogue)
ROUND 1C (Will be posted on Tuesday, 23rd of January)
Portgas D Ace (One Piece) vs. Denjiro Kyoshiro (One Piece)
Roronoa Zoro (One Piece) vs. Sans (Undertale)
Dino (That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime) vs. Midnight (Fairytale)
Ahito (Galactik Football) vs. Sloth (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Nemurin (Magical Girl Raising Project) vs. Laffey (Azur Lane)
Bedman (Guilty Gear) vs. Noelle (NieR Reincarnation)
Nemu (Haibane Renmei) vs. Sunny (Omori)
Siffrin (In Stars and Time) vs. Snoozing Carpenter (Sky: Children of the Light)
Aurora Sya Lis Goodreste (Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle) vs. Jade Harley (Homestuck)
Sakuma Fueko (Watashi no Sekai o Kousei suru Chiri no you na nani ka) vs. Eve (Eaternal Nocturnal)
Sleepytime Tea Bear (Celestial Sleepytime Tea) vs. Elle (Crush Crush)
Sleepy (Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) vs. Hastings (Once Upon a Time in Space)
Sleeping Beauty (Shrek) vs. Briar Beauty (Ever After)
Silver (Twisted Wonderland) vs. Jing Beiyuan (Lord Seventh)
Ganyu (Genshin Impact) vs. Sayu (Genshin Impact)
Layla (Genshin Impact) vs. Wonderland Sekai Megurine Luka (Project Sekai: Colorful Stage)
ROUND 1D (Will be posted on Thursday, 25th of January)
Totoro (My Neighbor Totoro) vs. Snorlax (Pokemon)
Slakoth & Slaking (Pokemon) vs. Slowpoke Evolution Line (Pokemon)
Komala (Pokemon) vs. Musharna (Pokemon)
Caitlin (Pokemon) vs. Dreaming Nemleria (Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG)
Noddy (Kirby) vs. Kirby (Kirby)
Gudetama (Sanrio) vs. Nemukko Nyago (Sanrio)
Number 6 Floof (Monster Hunter Stories) vs. Citrus (Otherworldly Ravenous Beast)
Espinas (Monster Hunter) vs. Rainforest Dragons / RainWing (Wing of Fire)
Lazy Smurf (The Smurfs) vs. Bedtime Bear (Care Bears)
Paddi (Pleasant Goat and Big Bad Wolf) vs. Flower (Bambi)
Vampire Cookie (Cookie Run) vs. Dozer (Cookie Run)
Forde (Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones) vs. Haar (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)
Mitama (Fire Emblem: Fates) vs. Trec (Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade)
Mirabilis (Fire Emblem: Heroes) vs. Durin (Arknights)
Linhardt von Hevring (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) vs. Sothis (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Judd (Splatoon) vs. Ladybird (King of the Hill)
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yhrite · 1 year
Is there any known cure for the barely survivable ordeal of a cute barista complimenting your tattoos???? The barista at my local place recognised that I had The Truth from Fullmetal Alchemist on my arm and said ‘I guess that explains what you were doing on your laptop’
My brain went completely blank and I had to retrace the many occasions I’ve been at that cafe with my laptop and figure out what the fuck he was referencing
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kylermalloy · 8 months
What Have You Become?
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Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Characters: Alphonse Elric/Edward Elric, Ling Yao, Lan Fan
Word Count: 441
Written for the @elricestloveevent of 2024.
“Al,” Ling whispers. “Don’t look behind you—I said don’t look! But I think someone’s following us.”
Al heaves a put-upon sigh. “Yeah, probably.” He only caught a glimpse of the dark, hoodie-clad figure in the shadows behind their outdoor cafe table, but he knows.
Read more
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swantranslations · 8 months
Square Enix has announced their participation in the upcoming AnimeJapan 2024 convention on 23-24th March, as well as new merchandise for Black Butler and Fullmetal Alchemist.
Square Enix Event Website
Other Square Enix owned IPs, including Yomi no Tsugai, Tokyo Aliens, etc will have their past merch sold at the convention too (details to be announced).
The new merch will be first sold at the convention, and later available on Square Enix eshop and Animate around late April - May, so you will still have a chance to order if you couldn't visit in person.
New Merch Overview:
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Merch details under cut ⬇️ & some of my own comments in repost
Black Butler:
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Acrylic Panel (Cafe & Shop edition), ¥3,500
Coffee Ticket Card Set (Cafe & Shop edition), ¥2,000
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Mini Acrylic Block Set (Cafe & Shop edition), ¥2,200
Fullmetal Alchemist:
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Trading Metallic Postcard, ¥450
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Trading Acrylic Stand with Iconic Quotes, ¥900
(Quotes chosen, left to right top to bottom:
Ed: Get up you third rate fraud, let me show you our difference!
Ed: I'm going to bring our body back!
Roy: I'm the Flame Alchemist-- are you still going to challenge me to battle knowing that?
Al: I can't allow myself to just stand by and look when people I'm meant to be protecting are walking towards death!
Roy: Hey, Fullmetal.
Riza: Who was it that said "I won't give up no matter what"?
Ling: I'm going to seize the secret to immortality!
Winry: In Ed's words, "it's equivalent exchange"!)
Envy: It really helped a lot that you are all so naive and easily deceived, humans.
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Acrylic Stands (Red and Blue version), ¥2,000 each
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Original Chopsticks with Case, ¥ 1,650
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