#fucking people
marcelinesghost13 · 2 months
So wear you born man or woman? Not that it matters
Umm if I'm trans and I post stuff about MTF what do you think my birth gender is? You do the math?
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endlich-allein · 1 year
Apparently Till's new songs have leaked. And obviously, people listen to them and share them... how can I put this... it's stupid ! The artists don't get anything when the songs are shared this way, it's free and illegal, plus Till finances part of this album out of his own pocket, so he's a doubly loser. Those who do that, you are rubbish, always in a hurry, like you can't wait 24 hours ?! What does it bring you to do this ? Where is the respect for the artist and his work ?
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vatha-kozhambu · 7 months
why is it so easy for people to hop on the 'slander vatha kozhambu (aka me)' train?? do we not spread genuine love anymore?? or is it just me?
i try so hard to not be an asshole to people, but i can't change if y'all don't tell me what the problem is
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vyragosa · 11 months
imho the digital age has really reinforced the overall cult of icons, mainly because of the "influencers" culture, it's just everywhere and in anything, people actively stop treating others as people and instead as symbols and it's been going on for quite a few years already except that reached an exceptional scale recently, now anything can turn into an excuse to attain a certain status
i love to think that it might be what DS2 could be about
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malbecmusings · 1 year
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There's a special place in the bowels of hell for people who abandon senior pets (without a damn good reason).
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my art class rn writing cards for our teacher bc she isn’t here, she’s at a funeral, and you know what this kid is writing???
‘sry fo yo loss’
spelled like that
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torifuckingspring · 1 year
for fuck's sake I hate teenage boys I was walking in the street and some boys barked at me, and I don't even look that weird I just have colored hair, and it's only red. I guess I was drinking a monster but what even
I was literally dressed like them wtf
I hate this so much
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sincericida · 1 year
That article absolutely pissed me off! Like, he's actually doing his job, I wouldn't want someone to distract or film me whilst I'm working. Its probably not like he was even yelling, its like they are on a high floor and he would've yelled out to them to stop distracting him. News articles always looking for ways to stir up something.
Like I feel like hes one of the most genuine people, who is brilliant at what he does, unbelievable talent.
Yes! He is someone talented, affable, peaceful and genuine. And he is not someone who lives involved in scandals, as many in Hollywood. And I think that’s why there’s a movement to find a reason to cancel it. To be like the others.
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cuntwrap--supreme · 2 years
Sitting in a Target parking lot, eating my lunch-dinner. Guy parks next to me. Real nice convertible BMW, looks brand new. I think nothing of it until I see he's just standing behind my car reading all my stickers. Hands on hips, clearly upset. And I'm watching this man in my rearview mirror and he just starts fucking using his nasty ass old rich man fingers to try to peel one of my stickers off??!? I honk to let the fuck know I'm here and I see him. He stomps back over to his car. Calls me a sick pervert. Fucking reparks a few lanes over. Currently sitting in my car waiting for him to leave. I don't feel comfortable going inside if he's still here, lest he try damaging my fucking property again.
The offending sticker? Says "Please be patient, I'm only 4 years old." Which is like the 4th most offensive thing on this car? Considering going and getting his plates and calling the cops on him, but I can tell from his car that this man has a shit ton more money than I do and would almost certainly be in favor over some poor queer fuck. Texted my friends about it, they all concur that I should go take a fat shit on his car. But again, guy has more money than me.
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meloneta · 2 years
stop telling me to smile stop telling me to smile stop telling me to smile stop telling me to smile stop telling me to smile STOP TELLING ME TO SMILE STOP TELLING ME TO SMILE STOP TELLING ME TO SMILE STOP-
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dornish-queen · 2 years
Don't instigate a conversation about an acquaintance committing s-word, and not expect me to talk about mental health! And then back down when the topic gets too "uncomfortable " for you!!!
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hydrattan · 3 months
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I was feeling agitated and artblocked yesterday so I decided to give my brain a rest by watching TV and then the next thing I knew these were in front of me
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codecicle · 3 months
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Guys I'm so glad everyone loves hit JRWI campaign: The Suckening so much. 12 thousand notes on just a thumbnail that's so cool. Anyone think about emizel pussy-out post revival
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mayhemchicken-artblog · 5 months
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in the hour or so it took me to draw this op turned reblogs off
EDIT: reblogs are STAYING OFF. op was right and correct and i have never regretted making a post as much as this one. if you want to reblog my art you can reblog something else from my blog. or commission me, lord knows i deserve financial compensation for the nightmare this post has put me through
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james-p-sullivan · 8 months
the older i get and the closer i am to reaching 30, the more the people around me try to deny me my age. it’s a constant ‘oh you’re just turning 29 again teehee 🤭’ or ‘dont tell your SO that, he’ll leave you for a younger model 😉’ and i just???? hate it?????????
i spent my entire teenaged years fighting for my life. i crawled through the deepest pits of my depression to cling to the promise of a life beyond that pain. i was so convinced that i was going to die young, that i would never see the grace of my age starting with a 2, let alone 3.
so im going to turn 30, and there’s not a damn thing anyone can do to stop me from loving it.
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manusilvestre · 1 month
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Guys did you hear the cure to bigotry is imperialism and genocide
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