#fucking amazing actor btw when watching him like that
waitingforminjae · 2 years
also i think it's bc i currently have literally the worst headache of my entire life rn but yonghoon looks so much like yunho in the gravity behind the scenes video 😭
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hauntingblue · 6 months
Why only kiku against kanjuro??? They should gang up against him I don't believe in fair fights
#NAMI NOOOOOOO BIG MOM IS AFTER HER NOW NOOOOOO#jinbe telling robin she frightens him with a smile on his face... incredible... she wants you btw#the blood from zoro's slashes on people being white does not help with the censorship ajdjaksn#red hawk..... of course.... ace wantes to kill kaido too?? i mean of course after seeing tama... but why did he leave....#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 991#so yamato wants to be oden!!! i thought that bow looked familiar ajdhaka#momo standing up against orichi.... you tell him#kiki calling law torao and he doesn't even fight it 😭😭#kiku and izo... that was beautiful.....#also they gave marco his cunty ankle bracelet back.... hell yes#kaido is on the move.... what big announcement...... him saying momos execution is boring ahdhaksjsk#yamato that was such a reveal. i think luffy's brain is too simple for all that. he said HUH two times now. not a good sign#episode 992#luffy got a lip tremble when she said ace spoke about him omg nooooo#kiku in some scenes is just... 👁👄👁#kiku dont cry!!!! put on that sick ass mask and cut his ass in half!!!!#WASNT EXPEXTING KAIDO TO GO FETCH THE ANCESTRAL WEAPONS#episode 993#they want the ancestral weapons AND the one piece???#also i was right... i didnt know uranus was the third one but i assumed it had to do with the sky to complete the trifecta hehe#uhuhuhu kaido realised one puppet from wano gave him trouble and turned to momo to make him the next one.... and he is holding his gaze#GOODBYE ORICHI.... WELL DESERVED!!! ONE LESS THING TO WORRY ABOUT LETSGO#KIKU HE IS LYING!! DONT FAULTER!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! ASHURA FINISH HIM THEN!!!#NO FUCKING WAY!!!!! FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!! THAT WAS SUCH A COOL SCENE!!!! OH THE SNOW!!! JUST LIKE HER!!!!#AMAZING!!!!!!! KANJURO IS SO THEMATICALLY COEHERENT!!! AN ACTOR WHO DRAWS COPIES OF HIMSELF!!! PERFROMER!!!#and kiku who literally grew up with him had to finish him.... oof#and the mask!!! another performance!!! oof..... they left a hat on his head and everything.....#episode 994
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oneatlatime · 6 months
Sokka's Master
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Strange choice of master but we'll see where this goes.
The meteor shower animation is quite meditative. I wouldn't mind it as a screensaver.
How to describe something exceptional to your blind friend: "You've never not seen anything like this." It's amazing the quality put into even the tiniest of throwaway jokes.
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Are meteor strikes flammable?
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I love how whenever Sokka's disappointed he gets noodle arms. A surprisingly consistent characterisation.
Momo butt skate.
Iroh. The fuck?
ok. So he's playing a part for the guards. Why?
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Funny to think about, but as a former WWE character, Toph's probably had more hero worship than the Avatar.
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Lots to say about this! First, I stand corrected! i honestly thought that Sokka would be immune to this specific insecurity by virtue of him not being a bender. I was wrong! Second, I love how, as soon as Sokka expresses that he feels that he isn't as talented as the rest of them, the others respond by listing his actual, invaluable talents, without which the group would be completely at sea. They don't respond with "no you're perfect!" they respond with "no one can read a map like you can" and how he keeps their spirits up with jokes. They're not using false praise. They are using specific facts. I love that an episode that looks like it's going to deal with a character feeling down on themselves establishes from the get go that the character is invaluable, actually. So often, the 'low self esteem stock episode' puts the affirmation of the character's value at the end. Which means the viewer spends the whole episode being convinced that the character in question might actually be useless. Here, we're told from the start that the character is invaluable - the problem is that they do not perceive themselves to be so. Quite on the nose for a show that deals so much with identity.
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Validating Katara sweeps in and a) validates his feelings, while b) clearly explaining that his self-perception is not in line with how the others see him, which c) doesn't invalidate a) !!!!
Katara has such emotional intelligence when she chooses to use it.
Nuanced intelligent discussion of the complexities of emotions and self-perception in a Sokka episode I am so happy I am blessed the gods are shining on me today I'm sitting here twirling my hair and swinging my feet and doodling hearts on the corner of my journal
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btw that's the same face he makes when he says SUKI!!!
"Reinvigorate my battling" this boy. just. this boy.
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He lasted a lot longer than I would have with nun chucks.
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Aang the Happy Meal toy.
Some say that Halberd is still spinning today.
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Ladies and Gentlemen, I present: the 45 degree Sokka.
Some Foley artist had the time of their life with this weapons sequence.
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Why thank you for that exposition, Mr. Exposition. Now walk away and we'll never see you again.
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Toph does NOT move ONCE this whole scene and it's ever so slightly freaking me out.
Toph tells you she learned from Badgermoles and no one wants to discuss this further?!? We're going to gloss over that?
So this episode has a training montage theme.
Sokka goes freestyle on those door knockers.
That's one hell of a castle. Must be dark in there though. Tiny windows.
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Which explains the several hundred candles. This show. Set up with one hand; slam dunk with the other.
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This guy's reciting Sokka's s1 introduction on Kyoshi Island.
Sokka: Actually. I am a dumb. The Master: Sold.
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The face of someone who is definitely picking up what you're putting down.
It's been ages since I watched the episode, but is some of what the Master saying here about swords an echo of what Zuko says to the kid in Zuko Alone when he's decapitating sunflowers?
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A Sokka-less Gaang. Depressing and they know it.
The way Katara's voice actor says "oh everyone's a critic" is gold.
Multidisciplinary education vs. kid who's never been within a mile of the box he's being told to think outside of. Fight!
Yikes that was a meaty hit. Does Sokka have a nose left?
They're wearing beehives on their heads.
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Was Sokka always this short?
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The greens in this episode are such a delight.
The way he says "I'm finished!" Sounds like "Am finished" and you can actually hear the smiley emoji he throws in.
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He's good.
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What do they FEED him?
Sokka's voice actor had a great time this episode. All the voice actors had a great time actually.
Sokka invents the La Z Boy
Katara inadvertently invents a fandom war by attempting a joke.
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They're all so useless and it's wonderful.
That was all only one day? That's a lot of outfit changes for one day.
"You mess things up in a very special way." Compliment? Let's go with compliment.
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Sokka is so very Sokka this episode.
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A reason to live is coming!
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*thundering herds of shippers in the distance*
That's clever. The inciting incident gets smelted. Haven't seen that before.
This whole Iroh gets buff montage has been completely dialogue free on Iroh's part. Crazy levels of inner peace, that he'd doesn't need to snark back at the guard.
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Seriously. What are they FEEDING these children. Also how is that door that shiny.
Sokka really has it in for those door knockers.
Apropos of nothing, the clouds in this episode are all so yummy. All these soft slate colours and misty layers.
Meteoric iron is actually a thing, right?
Ok but aren't mold made swords crappy?
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I love how they managed to made a crafting montage where the character who does the least work is the one who looks like he's working the hardest.
"I saw a heart as strong as my garden decor"
"No it certainly wasn't your skills. You had none."
Creativity, versatility, intelligence, meat, sarcasm.
You've known him like two days and you can already tell he's more worthy than any man you've ever trained? Sounds like you had poor taste in students.
"No. This is my fight. Alone." Bro you are going to DIE. The first time you held a sword was two days ago. You might need the avatar on this one.
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Guard who never shuts up actually kind of has a point here. He's a dick about as usual, but it's entirely possible that the rank and file of the Fire Nation army view Iroh's actions as a betrayal. Does anyone remember in Star Wars movie number 7, or maybe 8, when that Trooper sees Finn after he's switched sides and yells "traitor!" and it's the best part of the movie? Yeah, like that.
This episode throws the concept of linear time out the window. In two days, Iroh gets swole and Sokka masters sword fighting.
Do you think Sokka's realised yet that this is his final exam?
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Yummy yummy clouds.
One in a million pocket sand shot.
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One in a million stick placement.
So this master is like a sword spirit or something. He can't be human. There's no way he could get the scabbard to fly on perfectly without seeing.
"Try Lee, There's a million Lees. There's a tea shop in Ba Sing Se that has a super cranky waiter called Lee."
This guy's just this side of committing treason and I love it.
I see this Master is a devotee of the 'Hakoda school of shoving outrageously over the top compliments into Sokka's thick skull in the hopes that 1% of them will stick.' I approve.
This last scene has gorgeous hills and skies but you'll have to take my word for it because I've hit the image limit.
Sokka's been inducted into the super secret boy band!!!
He saved space earth for Toph! He's so considerate! He's fuelling the ships!
Let's compromise and call it space dirt instead.
Final Thoughts
This episode every two minutes: Sokka, you are currently flawless and you're about to get better. Me: Yes. Yep. Yeah. Seconded. I concur.
I like it! It's great! It's 24 minutes of the writers and characters fangirling over Sokka! Of course I like it! It made me criminally overuse exclamation marks! What else can I say?
Hands down my favourite episode is Bato of the Water Tribe. For Sokka's story, this episode is Bato of the Water Tribe part 2. Of course I'm going to love it. This episode was lab grown specifically for me.
Now let's see if I can say something about this episode that isn't poorly disguised squealing.
I love how the characters respond to Sokka saying he's not special with an evidence-based refutation rather than blanket reassurance.
I love how shopping cheers up Sokka. I love how Katara knows that shopping will cheer him up. This must be something she's learned since the show started. I don't think there were malls in the South Pole. So Katara was paying attention when Sokka and Momo went through the bag saga.
I love how much the master is baffled yet impressed by Sokka. He seems almost charmed by this breath of fresh air. I think it's hilarious that, when Sokka first approaches him, he's expecting early season 1 Sokka. He'd better send Suki a thank you card.
I also really like "The way of the sword doesn't belong to any one nation." It seems obvious to us, but in a world where there are weaponisable skills that are quite literally inseparable from the nations their wielders inhabit, it's probably something no one in the Gaang has ever heard before.
Obviously the episode is a little rushed - half hour kid's show and all that - but it's still pretty crazy that you can apparently impart a solid basic knowledge of swordplay in two days.
Toph going all tsundere is funny, and makes Aang and Katara unapologetically desperate for Sokka's company twice as funny as it already is. Toph's like "whatever" and the other two spent the day making a welcome home banner.
I love how Sokka's happiness is always so loud and shameless. It makes it contagious.
This episode highlights what Sokka's actual strengths are, by instructing him in what he thinks his strengths are. If that makes sense? Sokka is brain, which he's finally starting to realise by attending brawn lessons.
He's also heart, and I'll die on that hill.
Iroh getting swole was honestly just a thing that happened. No comment really, except it was interesting to have a reminder from the guard that a character we perceive as the good guy is currently perceived as the bad guy by everyone but us. When the Fire Nation does inevitably get defeated, a whole nation is going to have to reset their worldview and that will not be an easy process.
More like this please!
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cultofsappho · 7 months
In honor of AGCD 🤠, a list of my berserk findings in roughly chronological order RE: A RWRB Sequel:
1. When the movie come out, Casey did an AMA on Threads for both Alex, then Henry. In Henry's AMA, they posted this:
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Meaning at the very least they'd be open to writing/sharing/creating more for Alex and Henry, if not a direct sequel [more from the AMA: X]
2. Casey also had an interview with Out Magazine in Nov '23 where they were asked if the want to write a sequel and they said "Of course I'd love to! 😉 I don't think i'm allowed to say anything more than that.😊" They're so fucking precious. We all know what 'not allowed to say' means. [twitter video: X]
3. Taylor has had a bunch of interviews recently, mostly as an ambassador to the SAG awards. He's been asked a dozen times about a RWRB sequel and everytime he says something along the lines of "Anything could happen! But I don't know, they don't tell me these things aha! 🤪 Give me a call!" And he's so unbelieveably obvious that his interview clips have already been compared to Andrew Garfield denying having any role in Spider-Man: No Way Home: [tiktok: X]
4. PrimeVideoUK has been bringing up RWRB & Firstprince more on social media recently. It could be for any number of reasons, it's their movie they can market however they feel like. Especially since Nick has a bunch of projects releasing rn (one of which, The Idea Of You is also releasing on Prime this summer), they may want to capitalize on the attention on him. Or, it could be to test RWRB's engagement #s... [tweet: X] [tweet: X] [twitter poll w/a rwrb sweep: X] [tiktok: X] And all the comments on these posts (and more) are begging for a sequel. So, if their social media manager is passing on the message... 👀
5. This is def a reach, so if you don't mind, i'm pulling out the red string for this conspiracy corkboard. But Casey was recently in London, it could have been a trip for literally anything. But, the first movie was filmed (and maybe produced idfk) in London. [insta post: X] they sold the movie rights for RWRB before the book was released, if I'm remembering that right, but maybe they retain rights to sign off on a sequel.
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so anyway i was thinking about all those little things adding up in my head and thinking i was on to some kind of conspiracy then Nick goes and does press for Mary & George (which i just started, and is amazing btw) and says this shit:
6. Nick confirms in an interview with HitsRadio that they're talking about a RWRB sequel. Just flat out: "Yeah obv conversations are happening, duh! 😇" energy. God bless him. He says there have been conversations about a sequel. And, they're all on the same page that the script needs to be right and "all the components" need to be right. [X minute 15:50 they bring up the rwrb sequel, but the whole interview is great and you should watch it!]
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ANYWAY i'm in a land of delusion, gnawing on the iron bars of my enclosure, etc, but also maybe not bc they're talking about a sequel and now we just need to wait for the greenlight
And (pseudo point #7), it would be a dumb business decision for Prime to not make a sequel. RWRB did way too well for an LGBT product, releasing during a dual actors and writer's strike, with little to no promo and zero press tour. From the RWRB Wikipedia page: "For the first three weeks after its release, it was the top watched film worldwide on the platform and provoked what Prime Video described as "a huge surge" of new subscribers." [X] And subscribers are all these streaming services care about.
I can't wait to reblog this with a screenshot when they inevitably post an offical confirmation for a sequel movie...
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dangermousie · 8 months
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I watched the cut proposal scene and honestly, I totally get why they removed it from the drama - tonally it doesn't really fit for the tone of that portion of the story or their way of interacting/characters (it's awfully romance novely and there is nothing wrong with that but the vibe in 36 or even the rest of the drama is not like that - even the confession scene at the pond back way when is not like this in vibe, if it makes any sense.)
But it was a fun little extra to watch anyway, and now we at least know what happened to that note with the promise to do one thing of LX's choosing she wrote for him in college (which I thought would be brought back up but wasn't.)
So, basically perfect for a cut scene!
Here it is btw (thank you, amazing finder @aysekira, as always)
PS I also watched the production special - I don't tend to have much interest in either bts stuff or actors outside their roles so I could take or leave most of it, but I did crack up like nobody's business that apparently the sex scene in 35 was CFY's last scene in terms of filming. Talk about going out on a memorable note and fucking off literally :P
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Hi, I'd like to ask your opinions on Oscar Isaacs casting as the MK system? I've seen mixed opinions
Did people not like Oscar playing the System?
So, being a long time fan of the comic and having zero online contact with any MK fandom before the show, being a MK fan was a pretty small wee little lonely world.
I only knew of Oscar Isaac from Star Wars when he played Poe (which I greatly enjoyed and thought he did a super fantastic job at btw).
When they announced the MK show, I was incredibly skeptical because well... I've seen what Marvel has done to the boys before.
I also am known to get greatly annoyed when big name actors become popular and suddenly get every single role regardless on if it fits them or not. Sometimes it's good to get a new face and unknown a chance. Sometimes you don't need to see the same large eyed big pouty lip white girl play every single thing under the sun because she's the new sex symbol. Sometimes Cumberbatch ISN'T the right man for the part just because he has a deep voice and can say a name in a scary way that no longer makes sense in the narrative because they've written all association of that person out of the canonical universe (Looking at you Star Trek).
But, I held my breath and reserved judgement until I saw what they did and what Oscar could do. I prepared for the worst and hoped for mediocrity.
Am I now an Oscar fan? Yes. He did an amazing job. He got the character or Marc and Steven DOWN. Not only that, but he helped develop ideas on how they should be played and he became protective of them. He did his research and he respected not only the material but the voices of people that the MK system represents.
I have a deep respect for actors that go out of their way to learn about any disability, mental or physical, and then become protective. Is someone asking their direction to go against this disability? They won't do it. That takes a wonderful amount of integrity.
It is safe to say that after the show, I have watched other things with Oscar Isaac in them and enjoyed them as well as his singing career! It ha also opened me up to other artists and movies and shows I would not have normally watched. Growth happens if you let it.
NOW. Am I still incredibly nervous about the future of Moon Knight? Very much so. Marvel has taken an....interesting... stance on how they release things and on the future of the cinematic universe.
Oscar has said that he wants to return to Marc and Steven, but only if he likes the story. And Marvel has voiced that it wants to return to Moon Knight but has 'big plans' for him.
Oscar is only human. And Marvel is a sickly sweet siren call that makes promises full of lies and riches only to dash your hopes against the rocks when you get too close.
I trust that he would continue to play the characters to the best of his ability and with full intent to honor them in his heart, but that will only get you so far when you have to follow a shit story or play with the big guys writing the checks. I also am incredibly nervous on what they'd do to Jake. My buddy and main squeeze Jake. Especially now.
I hold my judgement until I see more. I like being surprised and having my mind changed.
But honestly? If they never got back to Moon Knight and left it at that, I'd be okay with that too. Sad... Because I know what I WANT them to do... But skeptical that they'd do it and just leave themselves more room to fuck it up like a few other things they keep poking.
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andthebubbles · 3 months
okay, finally time to watch 3x06... this is the slowest watch ever
at least this ep doesn't have anthony so i won't be screencapping/randomly stopping to gif. the only screencaps will be creloise 😈
(eta: pt 1)
does anyone sorta feel like......... ohhh idk. colin fell in love too fast? but he didn't, really. but like, he kissed her, and then he fell in love. well maybe this is beyond my maybe!ace understanding skjfngkfng halp
so. the title thing is back to normal now. huh.
nooo cress' father is fucking horrible, someone needs to stab him with a blunt knife
omgg the b&h and then everyone moment is really cute, i hope someone gifs it
awww the c&e scene was lovely too, i always go for the family moments over the romantic pairings haha
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i love eloise this season. wild, after finding her annoying in s1-2 (particularly s2 iirc), but like, annoying in the sense that they wrote her to be annoying (which is like imo the biggest crime a character can commit haha)
CRESSIDA AAAAAAAAH this blorbo must be protected
wait, why did fran and john just chuck it on violet's lap that she had to go speak to the queen
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this would be a really good reaction gif ^
man i like portia. she's complex. and polly walker is an amazing actor
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also are they like, having a fucking picnic in the bedroom
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ideas, ideas............
yeah okay that bit at will's club... where's anthony lmfao, they could've at least dropped some explanation in the dialogue
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aww this scene is nice. and then when mondrich turned away i thought he was gonna see a ghost skjfngksfjgnfkdjfkgjfkgjf
oh wait, WAS that the stag do or not? i thought it was. if it wasn't, then nah we don't need to know where anthony is
woah. okay this is good for fic:
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oh wow the church scene. yeah, very suss that anthony isn't there/there should be an explanation for why he isn't
why are priests always so creepy
not a fan of pen's massive red/pink eyeshadow (?) or whatever it's called. but i looove her dress here. and uhh i dont get her last question before the scene changed...? "were you ever punished as a child" ... what, for dancing in church...? aaah whatever
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until i saw what she said next anyway...... i thought she was asking eloise to elope with her to the continent and/or wales where they could live their perfect lesbian lives together forever
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creloise in their breakup era
(btw as an aside, i can't imagine the hell it must've been to write eloise and pen and cressida and colin re what each one knows; i would get terribly confused)
wait, what was that bit with fran and john and her looking at polin and violet and lady d and then back at john...
cressida is so blorbo........... aaaaaah also i have like 20 mins left and it's 5:05am, i should just stop watching. and yeah! i think i will
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teddybeartoji · 7 months
my latest films!!!
hi hello citizens of loserville i bring you a few ramblings about a few movies bc why the hell not!! very much not proofread i just wrote down whatever popped into my head so yk bear that in mind
fight club (1999) -
this was my tenth rewatch............................. THIS IS MY COMFORT MOVIE OKAYY DON'T JUDGE ME second time to see it on the big screen too!!! this is the perfect movie for me - it has the soundtrack (btw when i first saw this film i got so addicted to the score that the artist ended up being on my spotify top5), it has the actors, it has the outfits, the pacing, THE JOKES, the visuals etc etc etc it's very good for me
NOW this is very niche this is special but just yk stay with me here.... i am driven by two things - curiosity and spite. and my curiosity is very... extreme..... meaning that for like many years now i've been telling my friend about how i need to get punched in the face at least one bECAUSE I JUST NEED TO KNOW WHAT THAT FEELS LIKE OKAY NOTHING MORE TO IT THAN PURE CURIOSITY and then i'm watching fight club..... and The Scene comes. brad pitt goes i want you to hit me. huh? edward norton goes huh? and then pitt just tells him that he's never been to a fight and drops the line of how much can you know about yourself if you've never been in a fight - the way my mouth just hung open i think a couple of flies flew in there. bc what. he... he gets me..... I JUST NEED TO KNOW OKAY it's stupid i know i know and yet......... here i am + somewhere on tumblr there's a post that says "touch starved but for physical violence,, touch starved but in a sensory seeking way,, AUTISTIC FIGHT CLUB WHEN???" and this just sums it up pretty well i think
i love the narrator btw. super loser. i like his final outfit and i like it when pitt calls him "ikea boy". he's literally me. + i don't like brad pitt he can die but his outfits in this one thoughhhhhhhhhhhh ULTIMATE GENDER GUY when he has that shorter shirt on and it lifts up when he raises his hands broooooo insane
oke anyway i really like this silly little movie i won't go too in depth bc this post is already long i am writing this after i already did the last two parts lmao
when harry met sally (1989) -
MY FIRST WATCHHH!!!! absolutely loved it. i was doing breathing exercises as to not BAWL MY FUCKING EYES OUT i am a changed person now.
had the amazing oppurtunity to see this at the cinema too and let me tell you - it just made it so much better. it feels... so fucking good.... to laugh with people. no better feeling than just a room full of strangers, laughing and enjoying a film together. hearing a chuckle from a row over or a whisper followed by a quiet giggle or just having the entirety of the room laugh together as one is just so so so good i'm sorry my vocabulary is just good and amazing but yk it's about the fucking point okay. i loved it. made me feel good, made my heart warm.
the movie itself. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. yeah. the main characters were so fucking great, felt like real people yk. and the dynamic between them???????????????????????? ouch. there's a point in the film where she says that she's difficult while bawling her eyes out and the guy responds with you're challenging with hearts in his eyes while gently brushing the hair from her face. look whatever i might be biased here - as a Challenging person myself, it just felt so reassuring to hear that like that. ++ while she's very stubborn and like things to be the way she wants them to be, he's so fucking patient with her and i think that's my favourite thing of the whole movie. how patient he is. how when everybody else is rolling their eyes, sighing, listening to her tell her very specific order - he's just calmly waiting with a smile on his face. yeah no i'm like super normal about this btw.
the same scene where's she's crying, she's ranting at first, right? she's pacing around, yapping his ear off while he's sitting on the bed with a tissue box in his hand, offering her one the second she throws the away. his eyes are glued to her, he's literally changing and turning himself on the bed so he could be facing her at all time. I'M SOOO NORMALLLLL. when she finally sits down, his eyes are still on her; i'm talking tilting his head just to catch a glimpse of her eyes. + how he kept touching her - a hand in her hair or a hand on her shoulder/thigh sighhhhhhhhhh this guy is the new rolemodel love how i say new when this film literally came out in 1989....
NOWWWW THIS MOVIE AND SATORU MY BELOVED. I THINK. HE WOULD FUCKING LOVE THIS ONE. I THINK HE WOULD ABSOLUTELY ADORE IT. i kept thinking about him during the movie too (smh down very bad) but i just.... i feel like he actually fits the male character very well. he's annoying. he's funny. he has a staring problem. he's touch starved. he's sensitive. he's silly. he's patient (yes while gojo can be very impatient with a lot of things i think when it comes to his beloved... he's ready to take all the time in the world). he's thoughtful. he's a bit childish. he's gentle. he's funny. yes i said that twice what about it. i love him i love them. there's a point in the film where the guy is talking about a hookup and he goes "i made her meow." and i just shghashagsahshgashgahg like c'monnnnn how is this not the most gojocoded thing ever. and he was super chill about it too; his friend had to ask three times you made her meow? and everytime he went i made her meow
this is genuinely a film that i recommend to everyone. it's so fucking sweet and i just had the biggest smile on my face throughout the entire thing ahhhh i really did love it please please lovers watch it<33
dune (2021)
this was my sixth time seeing this movie............. fourth time at the cinema too...... ANYWAY i love denis villeneuve this man is a fucking genius i love all of his movies soooooo much they always look amazing and they sound amazing
the sound design aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sorry to get weird about it but hearing this is like having a real braingasm. especially at the cinema. my eyes were rolling back inside my head this is not a joke ++ the soundtrack. HELLOO???? i mean ofc it's good it's the god himself hans zimmer for fuck's sake he always delivers he's so fucking good
NOWW i neeed to talk about oscar isaac. very important. my most watched actor of last year btw i think he's wonderful. in this film - i think he gives the best performance out of the whole cast and you can't even argue with me bc i'm literally right. his character is so stoic and he seems so strong and powerful and yet whenever he's with his son or his wife you can just see the love. okay this is mostly villeneuve's directions but knowing oscar's work it's 10000% him too.
it's the small touches and gazes - right in the beginning, it's this important Thing and he's the duke of house atreides he needs to look the part, he looks tough he looks serious but then he looks over to his wife and gives THE most reassuring little look wahh and then he does the same with paul. and it's the other way around bc he looks at paul (his son for who don't know btw), kind of asking for reassurance too although he's literally the duke??? and they can't even stop the deal, it's already happening but he still wanted his son's approval...
i mean then it's the obvious "you'll still be the only thing I have ever wanted you to be- my son." LIKE WHAT AN INSANE LINE my daddy issues are crying a bit i think. and when they're talking he has his hand on his shoulder and it just sooo refreshing to see a father-son relationship like that.
and when he's with his wife, jessica..... godddddd the hand holding when they arrive on arrakis.... the way he lays his head on her lap while she massages the skin between his brows and he reaches up, just to hold her too................. FUUUCKKKK and it's just his eyes man he acts with his eyes and he's sooo fucking good
talking about his eyes- eee wait this paragraph contains a big spoiler ig so if u haven't seen it don't read this one. anyway... when he's paralysed and he can literally only act with his eyes.............. HE DOES IT SO WELL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA when the baron gets close and talks about how his family will die how his son will die and the one singular tear falls broooooooooooo i can'tttt he's sickk i love him a lot
this is such a simple movie while simultaneously being like light years away from simple. not a lot happens while a lot happens??????? first time u might be a bit confused (this is questionable though bc i haven't read the book but i thought that villeneuve made the story rather easy to understand but my dad (who also hasn't read the book) didn't understand shit and i had to explain everything to him????) while again - not a lot is happening. everybody knows that this is a two and a half hour INTRO to the next part, it's just setting the tone for the next one but it's still so fucking good on its own it's insane.
+ shoutout to stellan skarsgard too!!! i feel like he's a bit underrated in a sense that i rarely see anybody talking about him even though he's in so many big things and he's sooooo good??????? absolutely devours every single role of his and this was no exception. LOVEDD the scene where the baron is first introduced (the sound design and the soundtrack were crazy in this scene too), he's just immediately sooooo off-putting??? he's a bit scary and like weirdly calm and a bit uncanny and well, something is just not right about this guy and you're just hooked. cool guy. a+
good movie. i like. super excited for the new one!!!! oh wait also also they showed us a secret little clip from the new one and i had chills it looked so fucking good and then villeneuve talked a few words too and i was just looking at this guy talking about his movie with a big big smile my cheeks hurt after that i hope he's having a wonderful day
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adhd-merlin · 1 year
Merlin S1 rewatch: episode 4 🌼
4 episodes in, and our boys are already tripping all over themselves to die for each other. Insane.
I don't have many funny comments to make about this one. It's a solid episode.
Arthur is an incredibly brave and chivalrous knight, Merlin is an extremely powerful sorcerer, and Uther is an utter bastard. Characters effectively distilled to their essence.
random thoughts & comments
• For all that it's a silly family show, the sets and locations are so beautiful. Look at this!
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• Nimueh is so gorgeous in her blue turban. I can't blame Merlin for the flirting.
• Her fake name is Cara (!). But spelled with a C. Caras/Karas are not to be trusted, I guess
• They were really going all in with the red & blue juxtaposition
• I love Arthur red studded jacket. Why did they deprive him of his fun little outfits in later seasons! He's even wearing jewellery!! Wtf is this necklace, btw
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• Stupid question but how did Nimueh know Arthur would end up with the poisoned chalice?? She just put it in the box
• Well done Gaius for identifying the poison in 0.5 seconds. That's got to be some kind of record. Does he train for that? Does Camelot hold an annual speed poison-identification contest?
• Luckily Gaius’s book contains all the information needed to retrieve the flower required for the antidote – what it looks like, where to find it, what to expect when you get there. Top 10 restaurants in the area. It's all in there.
• I've missed Uther! He's a great character/antagonist. "I can't stand by and watch [Merlin] die." / "Then don't look." (!) Banger of a line. And Anthony is an amazing actor.
• After having watched the entire series, I feel like S1 Arthur comes across as more of a noble and good guy than in later seasons? I can't put my finger on why, exactly. Perhaps the way he stands up to Uther with no hesitation. I don’t know.
• I like that Arthur gets to defeat the Cockatrice all by himself. So often in the series it's just Merlin (literally) working his magic behind the scenes and Arthur taking all the credit, but in this episode he very much deserves to be called a hero.
• Speaking of which, the way Arthur just defeats that Cockatrice and then carries on like it was no big deal is kind of funny. (Like... he just threw a sword at it? And it died? Alright.)
• Nimueh is so bad at acting like an innocent damsel in distress. Definitely nothing at all sus about her situation. "Please help me, good sir! Why, yes, I do know where to find the flower you're after. Just follow me into this dark cave. No need to take your sword." Arthur are you dumb (don't answer that)
• Nimueh is like "it's not your destiny to die at my hand!" Mmkay if you know who's going to kill him what's this all for then 👀
• I LOVE Merlin guiding Arthur to safety with his magic. I've said it before but (ironically) there isn't enough magic in this series. I think this is perhaps the coolest act of magic we ever see Merlin perform. And even if the CGI is at times hilariously bad, this globe of light looks pretty cool. Quite powerful, both visually and symbolically (and also literally. Merlin’s not even conscious).
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• Uther has done some truly fucked up things (both on screen and implied) but crushing the flower needed for the antidote is just so needlessly cruel that I still think of it as one of the worst things he's done.
• Gwen to the rescue <3 I know everyone goes on about how sweet and kind she is, but she can also be shrewd when the situation calls for it. She's good at thinking on her feet under pressure, and it's a trait that shows in other episodes.
• Arthur and Gwen cooperating to save Merlin – love to see it. (Arthur, that's your future wife! Look at him. He doesn't even know. He doesn’t know he'll turn into a complete simp for this woman.)
• Interesting that Gwen's first reaction to Gaius's "We might need to use magic to prepare the antidote" is "but we can't! it's forbidden!!" GIRL, THE BOY YOU FANCY YOURSELF IN LOVE WITH IS DYING. MAYBE CHILL. But I guess it says a lot about Uther's reign of terror that this was so unthinkable to her.
• If I remember right (and I might not), Gaius uses magic only 3 or 4 times in the entire series and always to save Merlin's life (or to save Alice, once). It's a fairly consistent trait throughout the series that he's actually quite reluctant to use magic (whether because he's vowed not to, or because it brings up unwanted memories. Or both). It's always a last resort. I know no one cares, I just find it interesting.
• GWEN AND MERLIN'S KISS! I wonder how Arthur would have reacted at finding out that Merlin kissed Gwen first. WE WERE DEPRIVED WE WERE ROBBED
• Why didn't Uther question the fact that Merlin survived?? First he's s all intent on letting him die to teach Arthur a lesson, then he goes "haha, well done son, you were right to defy me" (??) Did he find out about Gwen and Arthur’s subterfuge to get the flower to Gaius? He must have, I suppose, but he's remarkably chill about it (I'm surprised he didn't accuse Gaius of using sorcery to save Merlin)
• Something tells me we haven't seen the last of Nimueh yet. I don't know what. Just a feeling.
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mistninja · 1 year
When you get back online after watching opla PLEASE tell me your thoughts!!
OKAY SO. I have now watched two episodes and i have so much to say (long rambling post ahead, sorry)
Iñaqui is perfect. I was worried that he would not live up to the hype but he does. He captures luffy perfectly and manages to adapt luffy's personality to the new medium / the tone of the show. He is not just copying luffy, if that makes sense. Hes funny and silly and clearly having a great time which is exactly why he is the best possible casting. He just makes me smile so hard (btw my friend said he was his favorite character hehe)
I love Zoro, I wish he would smile more/be sillier but I think his sense of humor in the show works. I hope we see him call out some of his moves eventually, like, Get over youself and be silly!!!! But i love the actor and I loooove the zoro/luffy dynamic so far. I do have to say that i have mixed feelings about the change to Zoro joining the crew, i have always loved the moment when he calls luffy captain at shells town, but whatever its fine
(((Zolu shippers keep winning tho. i went insane over the "he believes in himself" bit)))
Nami.... im still not sold on the actress, she feels a bit stiff sometimes, but its better than what i was expecting based on the trailers. Not a fan of turning Nami into the "older sister" character :/ but im not surprised that they went with that angle. LOVED to see her fight alongside luffy and zoro, it is something that i wish we could see more of in the manga/anime. I love that they give her a lot more to do and we see her actually lock picks and be a thief! Im hopeful for the rest of the season and cant wait to see how they did Arlong Park. I really enjoyed her scene with Zoro when they are captured by Buggy, again i really miss seeing them interact in the original so it was nice
And that leads us to BUGGY. oh boy. I do like the costuming and his crew looked amazing, but hes too edgy for my taste. Maybe the actor is taking himself too seriously? Idk maybe i should reread the orange town chapters but i dont think buggy was ever this threatening and scary... he still had some goofy moments tho, so im hoping that as the show progresses he will be more like the buggy we know and love. My friend liked him a lot so ig it might have been the right call in order to bring in new fans.
I liked how they changed Alvida! It was totally the best way to handle her character (also, the actress is so hot, no one would have believed it if they called her ugy lol). I dont see why they took away Kobys big moment :/ I think it was a great disservice to his character
So far, I like the way they are condensing the plot. Obviously they would have to cut a lot, so im okay with how they are doing it. Orange Town felt a little rushed to me, but its okay.
LETS TALK ABOUT MR 7 THO. I fucking gasped. Did everyone already know that mr 7 was going to be on this? Cuz i didnt. It was such a good fight and i loved that they added that, they are clearly confident on getting a second season which makes ME more confident too. God i really hope we get Baroque Works.
The sets look amazing, i love the transponder snails SO MUCH, the fights are really cool and the CGI looks so good. The Devil Fruit looked too fake but eh, thats just a nitpick. The costumes are a mixed bag. I know namis orange skirt with the rings on the side is iconic but i think the actress looked silly with that outfit lol.
Okay im done HAHA sorry im going a bit insane. TLDR: I love it, im having a blast, i dont like some details here and there but im extremely positive about the show and cant wait to see the rest :)))) What did you think????
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briefcasejuice · 5 months
i need you to talk about whether or not Jared padalecki forgot how to act or if it’s just Sam getting more detached and no longer being the main character
i actually think jared is a great actor. i just got done with the gadriel arc and his ability to switch characters on command and how he communicates said switch in character before post-production stuff like the glowing eyes was pretty incredible and it had me replaying a few clips over and over again. i mean, sam is a pretty emotional character, he's always crying or is in some kind of internal or mental conflict and we already know that jared is a really dynamic actor because of the s5 lucifer arc (he fucking killed thay shit btw) so the fact that the gadriel arc amazed me at some points said something.
the detachment i'm talking about exists pre-s7, and i'm marking s8 as the beginning of sam's demotion as the main character because the leviathan arc is still pretty sam-focused, and is mainly script focused in how sam hangs back in terms of how much he says in emotional scenes with a third party. like i've noticed that dean is always the one who is giving words of advice, doing the threatening or even simply speaking for sam and this particular choice doesn't only exist because of sam's detachment which partially exists because he interprets the world through dean, but it also exists because that's the only way dean will allow him to exist. dean has made his entire purpose/existence about loving and protecting sam and even when sam isn't the main character anymore, the first thing about dean the plot chooses to focus on is his own agency in the fact that he is living for another; basically "dean lives with the intention to live for his brother, but that does not cancel out the fact that he is still a person with his own wants and needs. how does this affect sam's life?" one of the very first things i noticed about spn when i started watching it is how uninvolved sam is in his own story/fate and one of the biggest reasons for that is that there's a dominance that dean has, that sam instinctively lets him have, in sam's relationship with third parties.
the highlight here is that the relationship these boys have is inherently unhealthy. dean, to an extent, controls sam to a toxic degree and this particular time i noticed it in the how little sam has to say in emotional situations.
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winderlylandchime · 11 months
Some of my favorite things he said about/during the podcast: - he came inside and went ‘HE HAS A FUN PERSONALITY! I didn’t expect that for some reason. Why was that? I think we’d be friends. Be honest, do you think he would like me?’ - ‘he is in school to be a therapist?! So no more acting? Wait does he not do tv? What the fuck? *long silence* from 1 to 10 how fucked up would it be to go to him and pretend that my wife and i are having issues..*long silence again* yeah, pretty fucked up. But imagine you go to therapy and the guy who fucked guys on tv is there to help you. Amazing’ - *randy says he never had confidence to do stuff like lil nas x* ‘wait what? He was getting rimmed on live tv at that age and he’s saying he wasnt bold and confident? HOW’ (This is where i did ask him what he meant about that and his reply was ‘i was sure that he and Brian (lol he still doesnt know Gales name), were walking around like the hottest bitches in the city since I’m sure everyone wanted them. So i guess Brian actor was walking around like the hottest bitch by himself..unless if this insecurity cane later then they probably fucked around town together *does fingers guns*’ i cant wait for him to see how gale is irl -(jordan mentions that he had to sneak around to watch the pilot as a kid) ‘and here we are watching it on the big tv and talking to our parents about it. And they say the world hasn’t changed *makes a fist* RAINBOW’ - ‘he has a cat named Latrice! And you made fun of me for Brian *turns to the cat* thats called hypocrisy, Brian’ -randy/jordan says something about blackface episode ‘WHAT? That was a joke, right?…yeah, it was…can they talk more about the show tho, i have many questions. So many. Too many.’ -*Jordan mentions Brian* ‘AHHHHHHH HE SAID HIS NAME’ - ‘real talk. Do you think a person like Brian exists? With the fucking and all that? Is the actor like any of that? But like more normal about some stuff? Cause I was sure Justin dude was like Justin for some reason but apparently i was wrong’ - ‘wait Justin actor dude didn’t like to be recognized by his role of Justin? Well thats..I thought he would be all HELL YEAH!! I fake fuck Brian Kinney! But he had shame? I was sure everyone would be hyped up about them’ - ‘hold the fuck up. He had issues with the sex scenes? *he looks at me all worried* i thought they liked filming it? Maybe cause early 00s sex scene filming was bad? I was sure he was all confident while filming them since…ya know’ -when they talked about religion, he called mom to ask what the priest at our church (we’re not religious, our mom just woke us up one sunday and said we should check it out to see what the big fuss was) said to him bc he only remembered it was funny and the answer was ‘after you asked if you can come to a confessional (he asked as a joke btw) he said that even he doesn’t have enough time for you and would probably stop believing in God by the end of it. Why do you ask? That was not a proud moment as a mom for me, no matter how funny it was’ - *randy mentions he’s shy vs how he used to be outgoing* ‘he’s shy? cause of the show? Huh? I need 20 more podcasts where he talks about it because i just found myself with even more questions’ - ‘HE WAS IN A PLAY CALLED COCK?! HE DOES PLAYS? About cocks? *sits back and crosses his legs* good for him *silence and then* imagine it’s about roosters’ - *randy mentions that he feels like he’s not taken seriously in certain places bc of his education/career* ‘he gets it! Ive had arguments about this! I like this shit! I agree with this shit! I need more of this shit. Give me all of it. Does Brian have a podcast? I wanna hear him talk. Especially about the aftermath of the show. Actually I just wanna hear him talk’ (the Gale crush is for sure alive) The main take away from the podcast was that he wants to listen to it all and he is obsessed with Randy’s personality cause he thought Randy was more reserved and maybe like how he was in S3 with Ethan. He didn’t know how to explain it better but oh well.
I sent my cousin all this while he was listening because, shocker!! The discovery of Randy’s podcast a few months ago made it through some of my family. Now I’m really starting to feel like Regina in the hallway scene in Mean Girls.
YES! Randy has a fun personality!
So your brother is imagining going to Randy for therapy and I’m imagining running into Randy at a continuing education course. Somehow him becoming a therapist makes him much more accessible!
But yeah this is where your brother begins to lose the belief that all the actors loved being on QAF and are endlessly proud of their roles and want to be recognized for them. Not that I think Randy *isn’t* proud at all but he was the youngest and certainly not protected from pushy fans and invasive questions.
I love that your mom just woke up one Sunday and thought “wonder what’s happening with that church thing, let’s go check it out” Also your brother wanting to check out confessional is equivalent to me wanting to take communion when I went to mass with my grandparents (my mom is Jewish so I’m Jewish).
You are sowing the seeds of madness in your family and I can only encourage it…
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cowboylikeghost · 1 year
I NEED TO VENT. so. I watch the summer i turned pretty with my sister, it's a torture for me to watch every single episode. BUT. i'm not gonna talk about the show (today anyway) but the CAST and FANDOM. so in season 2 they added a non-binary character, Skye, played by Elsie Fisher (amazing actor btw). And ever since the show has been out, the actor have been bullied online by the fandom in a way i've never seen before. People are gonna say "oh, it's because their character are annoying, but not all the fandom is like this" NO. you want the truth ? They're being bullied because they're queer. And they're gonna say "but Jeremiah is bi and we love him!" but he's queer in a way that is meant to not bother the straight cis viewer, he doesn't TALK about his queerness, he just says he makes out with guys as well as girls, that's all we get from him. But when when a queer person DARE to show that they are in fact queer (see: Skye correcting people on their pronouns. And talking about bisexuality, Nick from Heartstopper that people are calling "cringe" for the iconic "i'm bi, actually"), then suddenly they're annoying and cringe and it's okay to be queerphobic,because that's what it is, homophobia and transphobia disguised as "simple online bullying" aka "it's not because they're queer it's because they're weird" but we all know it's not true (who said it was okay to bully someone because they're weird anyway ???). These people only tolerate queer characters if they don't say they're queer. Like i would have liked a scene were Jeremiah talk about bi/pan/liking multiple gender, like not making a big deal about it, but at least aknowledge it??? Like by the way it's not just a goofy traits about me, this is something that is gonna affect my everyday life??? Straight people have this idea that to end homophobia and transphobia WE have to blend in with THEM. They thing the LGBTQIA+ community is putting us AGAINST them, and that if we just act like our queerness is not a big deal then they'll accept us. Which is bullshit btw, they will always find something that they don't like. We will always be an inconvenience to straight people.
Talking about the fandom, most of it is made of 13yrs old so you'll think i'll hold my tong. no, because if you're old enought to bully someone on the internet for who they are, then you're old enought to be told to shut the fuck up. Y'all are just a bunch of mean girls (gender neutral) who got their perfect straight little show with conventionally attractive people and didn't like when a non-binary character that you don't think is attractive enought to deserve basic human respect go thrown into it. You're all a bunch of losers who are so disconnected from the real world that you can't even imagine that not everything is about YOU. Flash news: Queer people exist in real like too. as well as people you don't find attractive. Shocking right?
And about the cast, at first glance most of them looks like nice people, but i just know they also would bully the shit out of people who are different than them and disguise them as jokes. (I won't tell who i think is nice and who i think isn't for my own safety but....people who gets it, gets it.)
The show is garbage anyway, the cast seems like a group of bully from middle school and the fandom is made of the worst people ever. Thank you for listening to me 😁👍🏻.
If you don't agree just block me thank you <3
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minetteskvareninova · 5 months
Minette watches Medici, part 20 (Innocents)
-Hey, look! Another (mostly) good episode! The Medici truly are at their best when they are more morally ambiguous. I did have some problems with this episode, once again because of Lorenzo, whose corruption arch wasn't very well handled, but much like Alicent in Hot D, many moments of that arch are good, even if the arch itself doesn't come together in a coherent manner, like at all.
-Beyond my endless love for Lucrezia T, her final episode too was nothing to scoff at, like some moments were cliche (especially the Incurable Cough Of Death), but overall she got a great sendoff that cemented her as my absolute favourite. Her engaging in some light embezzlement because Lorenzo is just that bad with money? Fun, interesting character beat. Mentoring Clarice into becoming her successor? It's a bit surprising she didn't even try sooner, but still, pretty cool! Her being reminded of Giuliano when Giulio gets into fights? Amazing, no notes. Like that minisubplot was indeed very cheesy, but surprisingly emotionally effective. Hell, they did the "dying person deliriously running after someone and collapsing" AND "dying person sees a tragically fallen loved one as a some sort of psychopomp" - and I didn't roll my eyes once!
-Speaking of: I wish Giulio was just plain better developed, because there are interesting kernels of characterization here that I'd adore to see explored. Like for a show that loves to just plain spell shit out, Giulio's sword was such a great storytelling device - I mean, teenage Giulio gets so little screen time, but when he decides he maybe wants to become a priest? You absolutely get it. There are also some hints of him growing closer over the years to Giovanni at least, if not Piero, but again, not enough to really see it clearly.
-Lol, I recognized another child actor in this! First Adam from Good Omens as baby Lorenzo, now Tewkesbury from Enola Holmes as teenage Piero... I have no point to make here, I just think it's funny.
-Riario continues his uninterrupted streak of being a pathetic little thug that is only ever a threat because his uncle is the pope and he's... Let's be real here, only about as brutal as any IRL condotierro, but that's just enough capacity of violence to be a genuine menace. I also love his relationship with Caterina, like he knows what he has in her and clearly wants to be a wife guy so badly, but he's too much of thuggish manbaby to ever show affection towards anyone, even her. Like the same way Rüstem can never not be creepy, even when he means well, Riario can never not be an absolute douche.
-Speaking of pathetic little bitches - Lorenzo and pope competed for the title of Italy's Biggest Primadonna, and Lorenzo scored an unquestioned victory with his "I'd rather have innocent people slaughtered than apologize to you". Like, fuck dude, I know you technically didn't do anything wrong, but there are lives at stake! Swallow your pride, goddamnit! The worst part is, he then apologizes anyway - so that the head honchos at the conference pay attention to him, because he's afraid the pope might be getting a win with the whole conference taking place outside of Florence thing! BTW I am still not sure how Lorenzo being a center of attention for a hot minute erases pope's contributions to the conference, or really what those contributions are considering it doesn't even take place on his territory... Is he some kind of chairman here? I am so confused. The whole conference doesn't make any sense anyway, like is it supposed to have ended some particular war or whatever? Would it be that hard to throw in a few words about how, say, France and Venice were at war and now they and their allies are negotiating the peace terms?!
-Oh, I see Lorenzo didn't restore signoria after the peace as he promised! VERY interesting. Or it would be if I had any idea why the fuck is he doing something so blatantly terrible and against everything he professed to stand for even a couple of episodes ago. Is he afraid of what might happen to him and his family if he loses absolute power for even a second? Well, that would be interesting, if the show so much as hinted at it, but it doesn't, rendering the whole corruption arch a fucking joke.
-I do think that in a vacuum, Lorenzo letting all those people be massacred by Riario was pretty interesting both as a political move and a character beat. Like, even the characters were like "damn dude that's COLD". I don't love Bernardi once again being Lorenzo's shoulder devil, but at least the dude's characterization is consistent... And now the showrunners are teasing us with his backstory. Well, ladies and gentlemen, consider that bait swallowed! I truly can't wait for what they are going to do with it.
-Oh, look, a decent Lorenzo x Clarice scene! You know, once in a while these two remind me that they can be a good couple, and then go back to their old ways of being boring and devoid of chemistry. Honestly, making them join a polycule with Lucrezia D can only improve things.
-Oh, hey, Caterina is doing some cool shit this episode! Nice.
-...okay, I'll admit, that was one hell of a cliffhanger right at the end.
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salientseraph · 7 months
GIV'US THE LIST!!! Genuinely curious about your heinous taste in men
OKAY ANON?1??1?1
I'm gonna try to go in somewhat chronological order. Some are fictional, some are non fictional, it should make sense :)
My first crush ever......drum roll......
(gonna be using gifs so i don't hit a photo limit)
1) Mike Nesmith!!! (The Monkees)
He's one of my earliest memories, I had to be around three years old. First crush started off strong. The first episode I ever saw was fairytale, and it was absolutely AMAZING because this beautiful princess was also a beautiful MAN??? It was like hitting the jackpot! I loved his Texan accent SOOO much but had somehow convinced myself that it was embarrassing so I didn't tell anyone?? At 3 years old. But now I'm living my truth👍🏻
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2) Michael Jackson (all eras)
I'm almost positive he was my first hyperfixaction when I was around 5. I listened to his music EVERY DAY and SHAMELESSLY wore a sparkly glove despite it being a sensory nightmare. When my mom had told me he died it was like my entire world ended, and I had gained a new catchphrase whenever my parents introduced me to something new, "Are they dead?"
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3) Christopher Reeve's Superman (and Lois)
I don't particularly remember how old I was, but it was around the same time methinks. Absolutely melted every time he smiled. And was extremely confused as to why I wanted to be around Lois so much. Couldn't ever decide who I wanted to look at more. (Partly a biromantic awakening)
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4) Sam Beckett (Quantum Leap)
If you couldn't tell, growing up in the early 2000's with musicians as parents led to little 5 year old me having so many old interests I couldn't really relate to younger kids, but that was okay because I had variety! I'm not quite sure how old I was when Netflix was a postal service, but every week or so we'd get a new episode of Quantum Leap, and I LOVED Sam. (And of course my favorite episodes were when he had to be a girl. I am a creature of habit)
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5) Obi Wan Kenobi (and Padme) (Star Wars)
Yet another one I was REALLY embarrassed about for some reason. All of my (2 neighbor friends) thought Anakin was soooo hot and I was like.....haha yeah....
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6) Chuck Bartowski (and Sarah Walker) (Chuck)
I sort of grew up watching the show Chuck, I'm pretty sure we had rented most of the seasons from our local block buster, lol. Anyway, another case of bi panic, because good GOD. I mean seriously. Just look at them. ALSO I have to mention Scott Bakula (actor for Sam Beckett) is Chuck's DAD so um. Do with that information what you will.
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7) The Doctor (11) (Doctor who)
I'm 6 years old. I'm over at my mom's friends house and I am subjected to the first modern show I had really ever paid attention to, and I see this beautiful man holding a baby. And I'm like wait hey...maybe I should sit and watch this instead of wasting 2 hours on the sims 2. So I sit my ass down and it is love at first sight. Later I go to watch the show on my own and the first episode he's with a kid MY AGE?!?! I ate that shit UP. Still madly in love with the raggedy man.
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8) 2016 youtuber phase (sigh)
OKAY OKAY EVERYONE ON FANDOM TUMBLR don't boo me, everyone had a youtuber phase in middle school. Everyone also had an undertale phase in middle school. It was the thing to do, (aside from superwholock of course) Had to mention it because we're going in chronological order of things, bear with me. Although these are real people, everyone who was in the depths of insanity at the time knows they were all very...fanonized. Pewdiepie, Jackscepticeye, and Dan Howell (known at the time as danisnotonfire). Yes I am a little ashamed. But I do stand by the fact they are all very cute. I think this is also around the time I got into the Flash series, which brings us...
9) Cisco (The Flash)
Okay girl no one wanted him like I did. Everyone was so focused on the flash they did NOT notice my mans, and that was okay because I didn't have to fight over him with anyone lmao- but yes, he was the light of my life in middle school. Promptly stopped watching the show when he left. Around that time I got into Steven Universe all the way until my sophmore (?) year of highschool which brings us to....
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10) Loki (Marvel Media)
Okay look, after being a mild marvel hater for a low-key (pun intended) long time, the loki series came out and I was like okay sure I'll watch it. And henceforth 2021 was the year of Lokimania. Or more fitting, Hiddleston mania. Watched everything I could get my hands on. But I always came back to Loki. (I was 16/17 I think?)
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11) Castiel (Supernatural)
Avoided watching the show for a long time because of....the superwholock plague LOL. So 2022 rolls around and my mom is like "hey btw this show is actually really good" and I'm like okay whatever.
Then season 4 hits. And I see this ANGEL. And I am in love. 2022 was the year of supernatural, along with FINALLY getting all of the in-jokes of superwholock.
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12) Connor (Detroit: Become Human)
I am now 18. I found myself delving back into my old "watch jacksepticeye while I eat lunch bc I want to be non-verbal" habit and stumbled across his dbh playthrough. I watched it literally ANY time I could. Took two days but it was life changing, so much so that I had literally convinced my mom to buy a cheap ps4 and I played the game. Got so much into the fandom I started watching Bryan Decharts streams, and one thing lead to another and HE COMMENTED ON MY FANART!! Anyway live laugh love Connor Anderson (he is hanks son)
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13) Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption 2)
Piggy-backing off of the high of dbh, I finally got around to purchasing red dead 2 (because like 5 of my friends recommended it to me, including my older brother) so I got it, and BOY I did not expect to fall in love with a cowboy, but I suppose it is deeply rooted in me to like fellas of that sort. I cried my eyes out and couldn't eat for a whole day when he died in my first playthrough.
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14) Astarion (Baldur's Gate 3)
Look do I even need to explain myself here. Its the same old story of girl sees beautiful man from media she has no idea about, obsesses over thousands of videos of him, buys game and romances him, the rest is history. 2023 was definitely my videogame year.
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15) Jerma probably
Look we all know he isn't real but look at how cute he is ^v^'!!
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Supremely Honorable Mention: Newt Scamander (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them)
I would have put him in the list but I literally have no memory of watching the first movie, when I did it, how I felt, nothing. Its just a blip and then all of a sudden this human embodiment of a shy giggle consumed my brain (and this was before I was a fan of anything harry potter, again I avoided all the media all together because of the cringe millennial fandom stuff I had seen, no hate to y'all now though cause I'm one of you)
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There you have it! I've had a ton of mini crushes in-between these but none compare to this list I think :) I love them very very much and I need to make a giant fanart with all of my silly funky quirky little dudes all being friends <3
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loisroo · 2 years
8 shows to get to know me
i was tagged by @tiffanylamps forever ago (sorry 🤦🏼‍♀️) and more recently by @evil-moonlight (thank you my beloved evil 🖤🖤).
btw none of these are in order because i can’t choose favorites and most of them are recent shows that I’ve watched and not all my favorites over the years.
1. the untamed — y’all i’m a basic bitch and i wish I could say i loved this for wwx and lwj relationship, the darkness and the sacrifice, the pain that comes with being known, the grief of losing the one you hold dear and all the wonderful, wonderful things this show is about… but in reality it’s because of this idiot:
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2. beyond evil — this show has consumed me for like two years now and i’m still writing fic for it and I watch it multiple times. the plot is amazing, the actors are phenomenal, the writer and director are both women. they care about the victims on this show and allow vulnerability to exist while also keeping you at the edge of your seat and so fucking confused. the characters are dynamic and nuanced and so very real, it makes you feel for them so much. but if I’m staying honest then it’s mostly because of these two idiots being in love:
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3. we are lady parts— i didn’t even know i needed this show until i watched it. it’s so fucking punk, the whole show just oozes pink vibes and the music ughhhhhhhh. i’m neither muslim nor from the united kingdom but i resonated so fucking hard with aspects of the characters and fell in with the whole show. it’s empowering and fun, i highly recommend this to everyone.
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4. what we do in the shadows (wwdits) — this show is just… one of the best comedies ever. the writing, the acting, the character development…. this show might honestly be one of the best i’ve ever seen even outside of the comedy genre. it’s so much more then it actually leads you to believe at first. plus the gay, can’t forget about the gay because literally the whole show is queer and i love it. and the plus sized rep is also super wonderful!
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5. good omens — i recommend this show to everyone because it’s wonderful in so many ways, and the two leads are just *chef’s kiss* but i also love this show so much because it was written by my brother’s favorite author (@neil-gaiman) and he loved this book (and american gods) so much, he talked about it constantly. now that he’s gone whenever i watch it, i feel closer to him and connected to him, it’s a really nice way to handle my grief sometimes. plus i know he’d be pissed that he missed the show too. lol
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6. ted lasso — this show was super surprising for me, i don’t mind watching sports and some games but I was like 10 episodes about sports? Mmmmm maybe not. but then my sister begged and begged for me to watch it so i did. it’s second to wwdits with comedy but this show has the healthiest characters, the greatest character developments, they call out toxic masculinity and sexist ideals, and it’s so heartwarming. i rarely stop smiling while watching it, top notch writing and top notch acting.
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7. derry girls — i struggle to pinpoint the exact reason i adore this show so much. maybe it’s the teenagers that act like actual teenager, or the inclusion of parents in the story line without them being dumb or the main characters or ignore their children. maybe it’s because they are a light in a dark time, living through something awful and scary while still trying to live their lives. maybe it’s the wonderful characters that make you smile and laugh… maybe it’s sister george michael.
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8. the equalizer — i fucking love queen latifah. she is awesome as the man badass lead in this, she’s smart and resourceful and she uses that to help people in her community and make things right when the law falls short. most of the main cast are black women and a lot of the guests and secondary characters are also people of color and women. ohh also gay auntie saw whatttttttttttttttt. i know this show doesn’t get the greatest overall ratings and people really judge it often but it’s a show about the injustices in the world with a dynamic and diverse cast, I really really love watching it.
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thanks for the tags! 🖤 no pressure tags: @killerandhealerqueen @l-tyrell @tardis--dreams @ah-ragehappy @cafedecanela @magicaldreamfox1
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