#fucken. wild lmao
wabblebees · 2 years
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wow not that i like. FORGOT. that driscoll is my Precision of Vocabulary character. but. damn they know WAY more terminology than i do lmao
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moongothic · 10 months
People rightfully clown on how oda draws women but not enough people discuss the absolute disgusting horrors of how this man draws necks. Post time skip zoro is growing a hump.
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ace-malarky · 2 years
fucken... fucken nano, am I right?
I moved in the middle of the month. like I have not finished unpacking, there are boxes here and a bike in the centre of my room and also
y'know, work stuff been going on
I only didn't write one day, which is pretty rad!! I mean one of those days I legit only wrote 10 words but hey you know what, they fucken count. They were some cute words
anyhow I rounded out with almost 52k words and a fairly tight graph which is very satisfying to look at
no the story is not yet finished. I have skipped so many scenes. There are so many characters without names. I still need to work out the format of the fucken tournament et al.
It's fine! There's more of it than there was at the start of the month so go us I guess! heck yeah!
I. am going to go watch some Leverage. And possibly also buy pokemon to celebrate.
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xotication · 5 months
gamer bf kaneki..
he def plays ow, val, cod, & fort.. all the sluttiest games a man can play.
trust he sweats in each game too.
he'd be caught dead before he's ever bad at a game ..
he literally spends most of all his days gaming, it's a lil insane how much he just lets it rot his brain
he never rage quits but he screams so much & it's hilarious
eventually he realizes that he hasn't given you any attention & tells his friends that he has to get off for a couple hours, just for you
ken decides to start streaming one day & that day marked your fucken demise
he sets up a hand & face cam.. when you're against it, he's so confused.
you're sat there for at least ten minutes explaining to him how girls will go feral for this
one day you tune into his stream & you see multiple comments like "for free??" "wish he'd play with me" "why's he kinda.." "the veins.."
on one hand you're jealous, but on the other- you're happy knowing that he's your boyfriend
"baby can you bring me some water please" ken says in the softest voice ever, it damn near has you topple over nd roll around
you bring it to him nd he thanks you with a couple pecks
the chat is going absolutely wild?? both over his voice & him actually not being single
but what could they expect?
ken was a good looking, handsome, pretty, charming boy.. & literally every other word you could think of
he always had that sleepy look & he usually paired it with blue light glasses that made him look all the more nerdy
sometimes he'd even be shirtless & his collarbone would have you gasping for air
on some days ken didn't care about streaming
he'd sit you next to him or even on him & just have you watch him play
he'd look towards you after hitting the nastiest shots/clips on kids to make sure you saw it
some days you ask him if he wants to play minecraft with you & he never objects.. he will always make time for you when you ask for it
he introduces you to the game "it takes two" and streams when the two of you play
everyone ends up loving the dynamic you have & the way you treat each other
eventually chat starts suggesting that ken teaches you how to play the other try hard games.. so he starts with the easier one: fortnite
you think to yourself why any of them thought this would be easy for you bc it has you screaming for kaneki's help half the time you get into a close combat gunfight
he tries teaching you how to build & you end up putting random walls & stairs everywhere
he just laughs at you bc he genuinely finds it easy & can't seem to understand why it's difficult for you ??
"no sweetheart, you actually have to have structure behind your building" "i'm fucken trying ken??" "not hard enough??" "ok then you do it???"
bro builds an 8 story mansion in 20 seconds and it has you gagged
whole chat is like "were you silent or were you silenced..??"
when you start wanting to take gaming a lil more seriously, he teaches you how to play on mouse nd keyboard just like him
he even buys you a cute lil setup, & ofc its right next to his
when he introduces you to val, all the pick me's are targeting ken & it's funny asfk when they find out his gf is in the game too
they're all like "you're shit at the game anyway stfu" like HUHH?? mad bc he ain't yours lmao
also can i mention that ken is a proud "shit on" SCREAAAAMER
he has your initials in different colored keys than the rest of his keyboard
holds one of your stuffed animals on his lap when you're away from home
jokingly asks you for support under the desk (its not a joke..)
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mercymaker · 2 months
somebody once left a tag under my gifset that went something like “i wish this wasn’t edited so much :(” and it pissed me off so bad i still remember it half a year later. like okay. make one yourself then. you can have all the dull base colours you want in the world, ain’t nobody stopping you. why are you saying this to me tho.
Yeah nah, I feel you completely. That's fucken upsetting.
I remember back in the day when I started making own little gif psds (looking back they were uh.. something, for sure), someone left a long comment rambling how I don't understand just how much work and money goes into color correcting film/tv show footage and that I was ruining it. And granted, I was doing very much overblown blues with a pastel flair, so it definitely did not look natural, but it was such a wild comment, like my dude I'm just trying to make a creative coloring on tungle dot com, not a commentary on someone @ HBO color correcting RAW film footage lmao.
I just feel like it all maybe stems from this internet "like & subscribe & comment" phenomenon where everyone's pressured to have a take on every single thing possible, thus it makes people think that their opinion is more important than it actually is and should be voiced at all times. And I'm just like.. sometimes it's ok to not say stuff lmao ESPECIALLY to a stranger on the internet.
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blubushie · 5 months
Hi, hope you're having a good day, here's one of my aunt's puppies and frog in a bucket
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(Sorry for that last ask, I think i was tring to express a sympathy on "dealing with this thing sucks", pretty sure I fucked it completely, learned I shouldn't send asks after midnight, sorry)
And nah it's fine <3 Tbh just didn't know how to respond cuz I'm in the same boat. I was basically deported and don't have Aussie citizenship despite trying for years and living there most my life lmao. I know exactly how it goes and it's a chore. "There's no demand for shooters" suck my dick I am singlehandedly saving our natural ecosystems rn 😭
Slight rant under cut
ETA: Also I've met too many people who genuinely talked about wanting to get Australian citizenship because of TF2. Because they think Australia is just Sniper or something. Or the best country ever while ignoring the climate change/racism/housing crisis/inflation/price gouging/cost of living/inhospitability/natural disasters/etc. Australia isn't in a good state right now, most people are barely able to survive, and our middle class is practically non-existent. But people see Sniper TF2 and go "omg Aussie..." and decide they wanna be Australian for some fucking reason while literally knowing zack about the country OUTSIDE of how it's portrayed in media. Nothing of us or our culture, they think they know some slang terms or some shit and that's enough to be considered Australian. And that gets on my fucking nerves cuz I'm still tryna get citizenship cuz it's literally my home and I grew up there.
People also only do this with Sniper btw. You don't see people going "I'm gonna move to GERMANY!!" cuz of Medic, or Russia for Heavy, or Texas for Engie, or Boston, or France, or anything else. It's literally just Sniper. This fandom is fucken weird fetishy about Australia sometimes and on rougher days I genuinely wanna leave it because of it. Any time someone says they want Australian citizenship my first question is why? What do you think Australia has/can give you that your home country can't? Too many bad experiences. This goes extra double for countries on the same development scale as Australia—America, Russia, the UK, South Africa, cuz then it's obvious that it's usually more about what they think Australia is like (because of what they've seen in media) rather than them trying to seek a better life/better opportunities elsewhere.
Anyway the amount of people coming into my DMs/inbox going "how do get Aussie citizenship/immigrate" is too damn high. My brother in gaming if I knew how then I wouldn't be stuck in America. And when I know they're in the TF2 fandom it basically always leaves a bad taste in my mouth cuz my kangaboo detector goes ding. So most those asks get deleted
Sorry for the ramble. This has been on my head a while though. I've met too many people who fetishise Australia/Aussies cuz of shit they've seen in media. Hits me in that "white people seeing exotic nature of locals" bone. Australia is still a "wild land" in some people's eyes so naturally people (usually white) wanna come here and be weird about it. And it usually leads to exploitation (see: arguing with First Nations to give up land rights to built fucking houses)
Rant over I'm burnt out lol. None of this is directed at you I'm just explaining why I deleted the ask. Didn't know how to respond + my kangaboo detector went off. So I played it safe
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madmaryholiday · 1 day
oh lmao
so when i got to work, i asked the guy sitting next to me (they finally filled that chair after literal years of nobody sitting there during the day) if anything notable had happened while i was gone.
he was like idk i don't think so and then volunteered to help me lift stuff if i needed it. he's a good kid. we'll call him david.
so david goes back to work, and james pipes up that the last remaining manager of the old guard (6+ years) was fired while i was out. and that there are no plans to replace her. which is fucking WILD, because that department was the first to HAVE a manager due to how complicated it is, AND it's physically separated from the rest of the warehouse by a door you need a keycard to get through. and only people in that department are allowed in and out.
so trying to make the other assistant managers just indefinitely rotate in and try to manage what is essentially an entirely separate operation with its own specific and highly-specialized set of rules is gonna be a total shitshow. i honestly predict that they'll just be left to their own devices for the most part, and everything will slowly fall apart in the absence of a leader who knows what the fuck is going on.
also in that department, someone DIED. a young guy, very suddenly. i didn't know him, but i know his coworkers are gonna be missing him, to say nothing of his own family and friends. no word on what happened, but it doesn't seem like it was intentional, at least.
and lastly, in the same department again, a lady got into a car crash and is in the hospital. no word on how long she'll be out, though it seems like she's doing okay.
so the department is down two regular employees and a manager. fucken wild. i'll have to see if i can get any more details on monday. jane was gone today, and she's usually the one who talks to folks in that department.
so yeah, david, some shit did go down while i was out, but it was all in the one department that gets its own locked room in a corner of the warehouse. no surprise he didn't hear about it.
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spockshair · 1 year
just finished getting a new tattoo and omg some people are fucken wild
why would you want to get a tattoo that’s not visible?? what’s the fucking point my dude. “Oh yeah go smaller I want it dainty” girly pop that won’t be dainty, this shit will be blurry in two years lmao
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wabblebees · 2 years
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i'm up to two and a half dreamscapes (of the five i need for nano), and it occurs to me that my own dream notes are not, in fact, the Best Fit for this project, which i discovered by reading through them and cackling last night.
so. back to the whiteboard, huh
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cloverchronicles · 4 months
i never know how to get it across to people that i fucken LOVE givin lil’ gifts and treats and doing nice things to make someone’s day better/special without coming across as like,,,,i guess fucking weird or overbearing lol.
like when i want to get newer friends or even like, acquaintances with whom i always have delightful interactions, a small treat or gift for a birthday or whatever, they’re always like “no i’m fine!” “you don’t have to do that!” “you dont need to go out of your way, im okay!”
and it’s like nooooooooo i know you don’t need a gift or expect a treat/gift but i want to give you one! it makes me happy when u get a lil present that makes your day sparkle a bit more. i want to!
but my issue is i know some people genuinely don’t like receiving gifts/might feel uncomfortable receiving gifts from people they aren’t very close to. cause i can understand that someone might worry that maybe i’ve misinterpreted our very casual connection as a deeper relationship, when really im just fucken WILD for lil’ presents.
so i never wanna give someone a gift when they genuinely would prefer not to get one! but ive found many people are happy to receive them, we just all tend to insist that its not necessary and we don’t need one. and its hard for me to sus out the difference sometimes! (cause i dont wanna like, interrogate you lmao)
so now when i ask about someone’s favorite sweets or mention giving them a gift or w/e and they say “i really don’t need anything! it’s okay :)” “you don’t have to do that!” a couple times, i just say like “if you’d rather i didn’t get/make you anything that’s totally fine! but otherwise i would be delighted to treat you :)” and it seems to work
this was rlly long sorry but im excited to think of a birthday treat for my downstairs neighbor today (i have confirmed she would be very happy to receive something, just doesn’t want me to feel obligated. little does she know i am obligated,,,,, by my sick perverted desire to disperse love and sweet treats to nice folks. this fuels me)
anyways if ur still reading this i love you thanks :) i talk too much and this was genuinely the edited down version of this nothing thought
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ace-malarky · 1 year
you can tell the writing's going well, because I think I just closed and reopened the tumblr page like three times in less than five minutes
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prozac-shaped-urn · 1 year
iiiiiii had a midday nap and this is what happened inside my brain during that time so maybe sit down and have a stiff drink at the ready cuz this shit is wild
AIGHT *clap* SO
when i dream it's usually not super vivid and i usually don't remember them but if it's a midday nap dream, IT'S BOTH
people: myself, j smith cameron (as herself), jean smart (as herself), and @marlboro-cowgirl (also as herself lmao and hereafter abbreviated as MC)
setting: what i'm assuming is jsc or jean's house i have no fucking idea but it's a really super nice house somewhere in cali, a bowling alley (this shit is wild i'm telling you), and a liquor store
dream starts out with me hanging out with jsc and jean in a very nice house. we're chillin out, doing nothing, listening to music and reading books. it's bright outside and i walk to a window to look at the ocean. jean asks me if i want something to drink and i'm like "nah i'm good, but i'm kinda hungry" (great manners katy) and jean's like "okay yeah! i can heat something up" and then jsc pipes up "i could use a drink though" and i giggle like roman roy for whatever fucking reason and jean goes "all i have is diet coke and water" and jsc shrugs "either is fine, just mix it with vodka"
so jean mixes jsc a vodka diet coke (ew) and hands it over while i'm staring at them like i'm watching some kind of live-action disney film. like my eyes are full of wonder and curiosity. oh, they're also in sunbathing attire. like floppy hats and sunglasses and sarong wraps n shit (idfk stay with me) so naturally i'm looking at all the places i shouldn't be bc ~in my dreams i can do what i fucking want~ fuck off.
jsc takes a sip of the vodka diet coke and winces like it's disgusting bc guess what IT IS jsc you fuckin weirdo. and then jean's like "you said mix it with vodka" and jsc's like "yeah but i didn't realize it would be this gross" and jean's like "we can go to the store but i have a bowling competition in an hour" and jsc is like "okay just get something else on your way back" and jean's like "alright fine whatever"
(side note: jean is an avid bowler so this part makes sense to me now that i'm thinking about it.)
that part of the dream ends and we do a DISSOLVE TO: transition like a goddamn film to the bowling alley and i'm there with jean and @marlboro-cowgirl (i have no idea babes my brain is fucked up as you are FULLY aware of) and jean is bowling her ass off and MC is smoking her vape while i'm eating a burger and fries and dr pepper. jean gets done with her streak--bowls a turkey--and sits down to join us. MC is like "great streak! you're super skilled at that." and jean's like "thanks :) you shouldnt be smoking." and MC goes "yeah… but it's better than other shit i could be doing. like heroin. or growing a baby." and jean doesnt know how to respond so she just nods her head with raised eyebrows like *yep these kids are fucked upppp* and then she's like "should we go get j something to drink? it's getting late." and i nod and MC is like "yeah let's fucken roll" LKDALDKJFAL DKFJADL so we leave and go to a liquor store
the three of us peruse the aisles and grab whatever the hell alcohol we want. i get smirnoff green apple and goldschläger, MC gets tennessee whiskey and cranberry juice and some high quality brand of rum i cannot remember the name of, and jean grabs a bottle of chinaco tequila a six pack of regular coke and a six pack of sprite. we go to the checkout stand and pay for our drinks and head out to the car (we're in MC's challenger for some reason--probably the turbo orgasm on wheels engine. also no idea how we got to your car since jean and i supposedly left in hers DREAMS ARE WEIRD OKAY) and head back to the nice house
we get to the nice house and unload our shit on the kitchen counter and jsc smiles and nods her head in approval at the selection before her and pours a hefty shot of goldschläger and downs that bitch like a P R O no grimace to be seen anywhere on her face and jean stares at her like she's just eaten a cockroach. jsc shrugs like *what?! it's good!* and jean just shakes her head in bewilderment. i'm grinning like the village idiot at this whole thing and MC is gnawing on her vape and looking at me looking at them with the most exasperatedly amused expression.
so MC takes her booze and juice and leaves the three of us to our own devices (thanks a lot babes lmao) and i'm in this house with jsc and jean and they're trying to outdo each other by taking shots of tequila, vodka and goldschläger and not making faces. like…… a LOT of shots. jsc gets giggly drunk and jean has to sit down on the kitchen floor bc she's spinning so much. i take a few shots in the there too (vodka or goldschläger only bitch) so i'm also kinda giggly drunk and i go to put the vodka in the freezer to keep it cold and jsc stops me with a hand on my arm and chastises me like my fucking mother "NEVER put alcohol in the freezer." and i'm like "uhhhh why? it's where i store my vodka." and she goes "it worsens the taste. keep it room temperature or in a wine cooler." and i'm like *mkay so #1 that was hot. #2 yes ma'am i will keep my vodka on my counter. #3 i'm too drunk to try and hide any smirks or wandering gaze* so i just straight up stare at her cleavage and nod like a mute idiot.
i go sit back down in the chair i was in earlier and start listening to music and jsc and jean do whatever in the kitchen and then i woke up.
moral of the dream: this grit fic has permeated my subconscious, jsc posting that "party at gerri's!" tweet yesterday evidently did something to my brain, and i should never put alcohol in the freezer.
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icybreaths · 2 years
//Thinking about how Jewel would do in a horror movie setting is wild because she would either do really well or really bad depending on what she was up against.
Just imagining her hanging out with her friends, some shit starts going down, getting wacky, and people are freaking out. She would be one of the first ones to be like, “Arright what is it, where is it. I’m gonna figure this out.”
She would probably get separated from her group (of course) and find the thing first, or catch the thing attacking one of her friends. Instinctually, she would be pissed. Like the audacity of this attacker. How dare you ruin my good time hot chocolate campfire stories you crusty fucken shit pile--
One way or another, she’s going to attack them. She’s going to be so mad that she’ll go murder mode and maul the heck out of them until there’s nothing left. Get her some weapons, a vehicle, a woodchipper, a chainsaw, a sharpened tree branch-- she’s not stopping until they’re dust.
The monster better watch out because they’ve provoked a pastel pink shark lady who’s seeing red and out for blood. She might even die in the process but that’s never stopped her before lmao.
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strivingforsanity00 · 1 month
Being married is fucking wild lmao you mean you can't just do whatever you fucken want??? And you don't want to???? Absolutely wild and never expected this thanks for coming to my ted talk
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