#fuck you joanne
randomtheidiot · 3 months
Dumbest part of H*rry P*tter lore is that it pretends to be a hard magic system when you can just… make your own spells. It’s happened before canonically. Like, you can just say shit in butchered Bri’ish Latin and wave your hands around and shit happens. I don’t hate soft magic systems (I actually prefer them) but don’t set up worldbuilding shit if you’re just going to disregard it.
Anyways, HP fucking sucks, J. K. Rowling fucking sucks, and if you disagree with me, then guess what? Papilla remotionem, motherfucker.
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simpomatic · 1 year
regulus “he was sunshine i was midnight rain, he wanted it comfortable i wanted that pain” black ending things with james “i wouldn’t marry me either, a pathalogical people pleaser” potter before he took the dark mark.
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falsekingfrancis · 1 year
The only part of the golden trio era I’m invested in is Deamus. Those boys are so very gay and I love them dearly.
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politelymenacing · 1 year
Just got rid of all my Harry Potter books and DVDs at my train station's book exchange shelf. That shit felt so satisfying. Like I was getting rid of stuff belonging to an abusive ex or something.
10/10 would highly recommend.
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jackiemeandthispod · 2 years
you ship dramione? cancelled xo
If liking dramione is illegal then cuff me and take me away boys.
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piratedllama · 2 years
good grief they are really really pushing the advertising for the wizard game on tv lately i stg it’s advertised during every single commercial spot more than once AND theres big ass banners during the actual shows im watching like leave me the fuck aLONE JOANNE
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oddbunny · 2 years
Sigh. I just had to block a blog I really liked bc they've been posting a lot of things about playing that fucking HP game.
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Love it when people use AFAB. Is it indicative of your gender? No. Does it give context to some life experience? Maybe. But you know what it DOES do? It lets everyone know that you’re FAB AS FUCK and that’s dope
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just-gloopin-around · 2 years
gonna headcanon harry potter as trans out of spite lol
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littleliterarylesbian · 2 months
I feel like the big "gatcha" of jegulus antis of them having some members of each other's families on their family trees is kind of fucking weird because.... EVERY wizard that's a pureblood or halfblood has in common people on every other family tree in some way shape or form.... wolfstar,,,,, ginny x harry (idk the ship name 😦), drarry, ect. THE WIZARDING WORLD IS FILLED OF INCEST BECAUSE JOANNE WAS FUCKING STUPID WITH HER WORLD BUILDING. EVERY WIZARDING WORLD'S FAMILY TREE, IN THE GRAND SCHEME OF THINGS, IS ALL CONNECTED IN SOME WAY SHAPE OR FORM. I CANNOT STAND SOME OF Y'ALL WHO DON'T USE YOUR BRAIN AND THINK THAT JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE USING THIS TO ARGUE AGAINST A SHIP THAT'S NOT REALLY A BIG DEAL AND DOESN'T MEAN THAT THOSE SAME RULES ALSO DON'T APPLY TO YOU'RE FAV SHIPS 🫵
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dreamytfw · 2 months
Just saw a post that said Gaiman deserves the Rowling treatment. They wanted to see people burning their copies of Good Omens (guess they don't know that Terry Pratchett was co-author) and that (paraphrased) "No man ever gets treated like Rowling and it's so fucked up."
Rowling is funding a fucking hate movement that openly wants to eradicate trans people. She's openly praised fascists like Matt Walsh (who wants to get rid of ALL queer people and strip women of their rights as well) and is friends with people like Posie Parker who willingly ally with neo-nazis and other fascists to reach their goal. It was only a few months ago that she did a Holocaust denial by saying trans people weren't persecuted by the nazis.
While what Gaiman did is reprehensible, it is nowhere near on the level of awful as Rowling. Gaiman is only worse than Rowling if you don't give a fuck about trans people or the queer community as a whole. Because guess who she and her friends are coming for once they're done with trans people.
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foronceididntlookback · 2 months
hi im bored. rb for sample size <3.
bonuc points if you can remember why you read one or another (e.g. I read the hunger games first then saw cool pjo crossover fanart so I read pjo)
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sailor-aviator · 5 months
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I’ve gotten more done since I took this last night, but progress report on the new project!! There’s like seven shades of red there already with more to come lol
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gryficowa · 3 months
A question for radical feminists: Do you care about Palestine? Congo? Sudan? Syria? Do you still prefer to attack trans people because you are fucked up?
Oh yes, these are not white women, and the threat to you is a group that was a victim of the Nazi rhetoric that you use today…
Trans people have always been here, and many of them died in concentration camps, but it's better to portray them as a threat and use the false tactic of raping white cis women, right? Somehow you don't care that trans guys and even cis guys are raped in prison, classic fake feminism, that's what you represent
It is because of you that real feminists are attacked and associated with hatred towards men, you are disgusting, racist and transphobic, stop lying that you are feminists when you don't care about trans women, women from Palestine, women from the Congo, women from Sudan and women from Syria, shove your feminism up your ass, you are not feminists, you are a fucking piece of shit
You don't know anything about feminism, you are a stain that has stuck to feminism like pedophiles to LGBT+, you are trying hard to be associated with it and you are not, parasites that destroy society and create negative associations with groups, that's what you did, fuck you fake feminists
For trans people, for people who live in Congo, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, for all LGBT+ people, for men who experience sexism, for everyone, because that's what feminism is and you don't understand it because you are not it
Stop calling yourselves feminists because you are not, you will never understand feminism because it hates people like you
It was trans people who made LGBT+ people come to this, it was they who helped them, not you, empty radical feminists, it is thanks to trans people that the LGBT+ movement exists, you want to erase the people who created this movement, who fought against those who put gays in prison, with those who closed their clubs, but if you don't do it, transphobia will die, and you will be associated with evil and lies
Your racism has shown, you only care about white cis straight women, you are not a feminist, you are a bigot
Stay away from the feminist movement, you parasite who spreads hatred towards trans people, men, non-white people
You are parasites in this movement, preying on people's suffering, you are no different from fascists (Even though you are them), Zionists, sects and other shit
I am a left-wing feminist and I know that what you present is not feminism, it is because of you that we feminists have a problem fighting for women's rights (including trans), because you spread propaganda, we are fed up with you, it's time to silence you
You separated many LGBT+ people, but eventually they will be reunited, because trans people made them have rights they didn't have, trans people started it all, you won't erase them from queer history
I'm fed up with many people agreeing with what you do
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kitoblob · 7 months
I've struggled a lot in life but you'd be damned if you think I'll let Joanne outlive me
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smallblueandloud · 1 month
the craziest part of the 2006 broadway revival of company is that the cast is SWITCHING INSTRUMENTS. not only are they singing AND moving to choreography AND playing instruments, they are doing this for multiple instruments. the amy actress alone has to be able to play a french horn AND a trumpet (she's the soloist in "side by side") AND sing "not getting married". what the fuck!!!
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