#fuck you jkr
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http-wolfstar · 7 months ago
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Late night studying ⭐️
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stupidstrawberrystars · 1 year ago
i think jk rowling deserves a thank you. she wrote these books that our fandom is based on and no one thanks her. so i’m going to.
Thank you for creating a world of wonder and beauty and magic that I lived in when my life was hard. Thank you for inspiring me to keep going, hearing that you wrote under a pseudonym so boys still read your books convinced me that i could carry on even under prejudice.
Thank you so fucking much for RUINING IT ALL. You were my fucking feminist icon. I TOLD MY TRANS COUSIN I ADORED YOU, before I knew. That’s how I found out. I said to his face that I admired YOU, a transphobic arsehole who spreads misinformation and causes trans CHILDREN to KILL THEMSELVES!
You built and ruined my childhood Joanne Kathleen Rowling. You are telling kids who look up to you, to ruin the lives of trans people who are just trying to live their life.
i wasn’t on social media, it made me feel bad so I never kept up with celebs. I didn’t know who you truly were. I didn’t know until my cousin told me. I didn’t know there was an Emma Watson to look up too. I thought there was you or nothing. YOU LEFT ME WITH NOTHING.
So fuck you. Fuck you for ruining my childhood but more importantly, fuck you for ruining trans peoples lives.
i’m fucking glad you hate wolfstar. i’m fucking glad you hate trans Regulus. Bite me in the fucking arse you bloody TERF.
And thank you so much for teaching me that it’s never worth it to meet your hero’s.
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erinwantstowrite · 7 months ago
if you want an insight into my brain, i shipped Ron and Harry from Harry Potter and was so immensely angry at JKR when they didn't get together (I didn't know about homophobia yet) that I went outside and nailed the book to a tree
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managone16 · 1 month ago
James: Morning Reg! James: …what’s that beeping sound? Regulus: Jamie! Oh, um—I tried to cook you breakfast. James: But— *Loud beep sound* Regulus: Oh that’s the oven!  Regulus, taking out the food: Wait, what? Why hasn’t it cooked yet?… James: James: Because that’s not the oven, love. James: That’s the dishwasher.
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this paragraph exists on the All the Young Dudes Wikipedia page... i have no words... i love that David Thewlis did that
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Lily Potter doesnt sound right. James Evans on the other hand????
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vun3r4b13xwrites · 3 months ago
‘The squaffice’, a marauders office au
Here is the intro to my series of oneshots. you don’t have to read them in order because it’s not exactly a linear storyline but read this before you go any further.
James ‘Boss man’ Potter ~ regional Manager and newly elected boss after regulus found himself ‘at a higher level’ to do it himself, Sirius turned it down, obviously.
This is the second proper job he’s had after his career as a a shopkeeper in south London in his desi-family owned off license corner shop, in which he was often referred to as ‘boss man’ which highly boosted his ego.
• Loud, confident, and forever distracted by trying to charm Lily Evans (don’t worry Jegulus fans, your time will come ;))
• His “work” consists mostly of organizing friendly office football matches and brainstorming business fundraisers with Sirius Black.
• Ends every team meeting with: “Good work, team! Also, if anyone wants a lift I have a four seater”…
Lily Evans ~ receptionist and sales rep also office plant mum who only ever gets the bus… She passes calls through and is great at dealing with prank callers for peter.
• Hyper-organized, the glue holding the office together.
• Rolling her eyes at James is her cardio. Secretly, she’s kind of charmed by his persistence but plays hard to get.
• Frequently breaks up fights between Barty and Evan
Sirius ‘padfoot’ Black ~ Receptionist who had the chance to be boss. Given the nickname padfoot after complaints of black grubby dog-like fingerprints on a few cheques.
• Self-appointed “coolest person in the office.” Spends more time twirling in his chair or gossiping with Pandora Lovegood than actually answering calls.
• Known for loudly announcing people’s arrival with dramatic flair.
• Has an ongoing tally of how many pranks he and James have pulled on Snape (the IT guy).
Remus ‘MooDy’ Lupin ~ HR Manager, nicknamed moody because of his chronic fatigue syndrome that makes him exceptionally grumpy . His caffeine addiction caused insomnia which is NOT a great mix. His mobility issues caused by this resulted in Sirius begging regulus to buy an office elavator but he said it was for ‘visitors’ because they are on the 8th floor. Remus said he didn’t have to do that, but Sirius wanted to. He was very greatful.
• The tired, overqualified guy who’s always cleaning up everyone’s messes.
• Quietly enjoys the chaos but will threaten to “fire everyone” when things get too wild.
• Secretly keeps snacks in his drawer for when Pandora Lovegood shows up with questionable coffee.
* has a coffee addiction
Peter ‘perpetually-emotional’ Pettigrew ~Call Handler. far to good at people pleasing and is way too nice in customer service. watched 'the wolf of wall street' one too many times and decided to go for the job.
• Stressed. Always stressed. He’s the one fielding angry calls from clients while the rest of the office wreaks havoc.
• Has a love-hate relationship with Sirius for putting him on hold just to piss people off.
• sometimes joins in pranks, but always claims innocence when they’re discovered.
Pandora Lovegood love-food ~ Coffee Delivery Intern. Finds joy in bringing other people the least ordered and most unusual things off the local bakery menu. everyone plays it safe and only asks for a black coffee, which of course, she more than provides.
• Ethereal and sweet, she delivers coffee and weird, unsolicited advice (“The printer works better if you hum to it”).
• Nobody knows if she actually works for the blacks or if she just shows up with drinks and snacks.
• Once replaced the office coffee with a herbal “energy tonic” that made everyone overly honest for a day.
Evan Rosier & Barty Crouch Jr. ~ salesmen and Marketing Duo. to them, everything is a two man job; paper from the printer, presentations. they made a 'jingle' for the company.
• pranksters who spend more time sabotaging each other than doing actual work.
• Barty keeps switching Evan’s PowerPoint presentations to cat memes.
• Strangely productive when they work together, which they’ll deny at all costs.
Severus Snape ~ IT Guy
• Lives in the server room to avoid everyone.
• unwillingly fixes James and Sirius’s computers when they “accidentally” download virus software.
• Secretly has a soft spot for Lily but refuses to admit it.
• “Have you tried turning it off and on again?”
Dorcas Meadowes ~ Legal Advisor and CEO. Very on top of the workload and NEVER passes a deadline. She’s just sick of everyone and takes this job WAY to seriously.
• The sharp, no-nonsense lawyer of the office who somehow manages to keep everyone out of lawsuits despite the chaos.
• Known for her deadpan humor and ability to outwit James and Sirius during brainstorming sessions.
• Has a soft spot for Remus, often sneaking him extra coffee when the pranks go too far.
•. “I’m not bailing you out again. Unless it’s hilarious.”
Regulus Black ~ Head finance organiser and corporate manager. Sirius’s younger brother, but the complete opposite in demeanor: quiet, serious, and always impeccably dressed in the best designer suits. For some reason I think he might have a Birkin.
• His spreadsheets are a work of art, but he spends most of his time glaring at Sirius for sneaking into his office to “borrow” paperclips.
• Secretly competitive with his brother and subtly tries to one-up him in office-wide challenges.
• Has an unlikely alliance with Lily, who respects his professionalism.
Marlene McKinnon ~ Head of quality control (and party planning) the angry lesbian who was put in charge of online security because of her terrible anger issues that made her extremely intimidating (but also her unusually amazing ability to cyberbully)
• The unofficial referee of office drama.
• Once organized an office karaoke night that devolved into chaos when Sirius refused to give up the microphone.
• Has a low tolerance for nonsense from Barty and Evan and will “accidentally” lock them in the supply closet for peace and quiet.
• Has a dartboard with a picture of Barty and Evan for stress relief.
Mary Macdonald ~ Communications Manager and accountant. the chattiest person in the office, often caught up gossiping with Sirius. Everyone relies on her to speak for them.
Often drags Lily into her schemes to help her and Marlene decorate the office for holidays or coordinate surprise parties.
• Secretly loves the drama between James and Lily and occasionally encourages James just to see Lily blush.
• A mediator during office spats, she’s always quick to defuse tension with humor.
I am taking requests and dms if you want anymore details or explanations but I am mainly working on some oneshots so pls tell me what to write 🙏🙏🥲
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aurlieanbeloved · 10 months ago
I want to be explicitly clear, I don't like jkr, I fucking hate her. And this is not a safe space for terfs, and If you don't understand what I say when I say that, you have bigger problems. The amount of laws right now in the UK that are part of quite literally making it illegal to be trans and basically fucked over trans Youth and trans adults , that JKR very publicly supports , and has caused so much harm to actual people both gay and trans with the shit she says (she has compared trans women to being men in dresses, and trans men to being poor brainwashed autistic women (and that's just fucking insulting cause that also implies that she thinks that all autistic people can't make their own medical decisions ethier) and while we're at it let's talk about how she publicly announced Dumbledore is gay, and then decided in the movies (i believe this is during fimling fantastic beast) that no actually he's straight, or the incident where she compared being a wear wolf to having aids while talking about Remus. Jkr is actually a fucking terf, and I love that whenever people bring it up she loses her shit. So no this bolg isn't for you I'f you even remotely like her. I make fics for the girls and the gays and that's it.
Anyway do your own research if you don't believe me, she did write a very funny self insert fic of herself where she acts like " woe is me and Draco malfoy called me a terf and thats a slur" on Twitter (might have to scroll a bit, this was like around the beginning of the pandemic i belive)
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hum-suffer · 1 year ago
I don't think anyone understands how obsessed I'm with the idea of a good godfather Sirius Black kicking ass of anyone who's dared to harm his baby boy Harry Potter who has big avada eyes. Sirius Black who doesn't even hesitate to straight up kill for Harry. Siriu Black who sees how different Harry is from James and Lily both. Sirius Black who hugs Harry and always tries to keep skin contact with him when in the same room because he doesn't care about azkaban but Harry is touch starved and Sirius wants to be there for him. Sirius Black who knows what an abused child looks like and takes care of Harry. Sirius Black who says fuck you to the war and leaves England with Harry. Sirius Black who sings Harry French lullabies. Sirius Black who allies with Voldemort to avenge Harry's childhood from Dumbledore. Sirius Black who kills Bellatrix in cold blood for even taunting Harry. Sirius Black who comes home with blood smeared all over his hands. Sirius Black who smells of blood and gunpowder and power and feels like magic personified. Sirius Black who turns into padfoot so Harry can cuddle him and chase away nightmares.
Godfather Sirius Black.
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thewolflessstar · 1 year ago
Remus Lupin advised Neville, a scared little kid who horrifically lost his parents to a terrorist group promoting 'pure-blood' crap, to have his boggart (the manifestation of his greatest fear, which happened to be Snape, his teacher and a former member of that terrorist group) wear drag. This was to help Neville overcome his fear and feel safer so he could overpower his boggart.
Something something the drag reading shows being a safer place for kids than churches or such something something.
Ironically, I think it's safe to say that the writer of this scene is the most hated TERF of all time. I'm SURE she had no idea what she's implying. If she had, she she'd spontaneously combust.
Anyways, Remus Lupin, the Casanova of the Gryffindor Tower, HOW VERY GAYLY ICONIC OF YOU.
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mousysunstars · 4 months ago
i don't care how many Hogwarts AU fanfic are good and very long in my lack of content fandom, im not reading or watching Harry Potter!!
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http-wolfstar · 7 months ago
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Sketches <3
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gold-snek-hoe · 10 months ago
Clare really said I, a trans autistic author, could have Marak for my horror-fantasy memior with an almost entirely queer, neurodivergent cast of characters (me and my IRL friends). Now that's ally behavior. JK Rowling could never.
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ignus-moth · 1 year ago
ok so i was thinking about the trope of being sorted into different groups and stuff in media, (those dystopia books, fantasy based on element stuff, the owl house, guilds/classes in games, harry potter) and… what the hell do the houses in harry potter do except draw the line between good and bad?? putting a kid not doing so well with a bunch of other kids that are bullies or not doing so well IS A BAD IDEA
you know what would have been way more interesting?
unicorn, dragon, pheonix (common, uncommon, rare). but that is only 3, so maybe add in kraken scales (id add that between uncommon and rare) or something so it’s four.
SO harry can still be special boy, phoenix core, but there should be drawbacks and different pros and cons of the cores so it’s not super unbalanced.
Unicorn cores maybe have a better time with aim and control, and as such is good with spells that are ranged or need precision. However the precision means powerful spells are more difficult to cast and requires more practice. Maybe they take an extra class about how to learn and practice spells specifically for unicorn cores.
Dragon cores are more powerful in short bursts, like explosions and such, so prolonged spells are more difficult so require more attention and endurance. The short explosions of energy means they are better for straight combat. The easiest to get used to, despite being the second most common. They have a class for practicing spell endurance.
Kraken cores work best when manipulating large physical objects and mass. Levitation, moving things around, and manipulating shape is easiest. Manipulating anything organic is much more difficult to learn, but ultimately easier. Manipulating the mind is just as hard as usual. Has an extra class about healing, as they are the best healers.
Phoenix cores are incredibly difficult to use, not just skill-wise but mentally. The core stores magic the best but humans are squishy and can’t take that magic very well. It is more powerful but, if used too much, can seriously damage the brain with concussion-like symptoms. It is easiest to loose control with this core and hurt people, so they have a few extra classes on how to control this. Phoenix core spell casters must see a doctor and therapist once a month, and again if there is any incident.
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theofficialuriel · 2 months ago
I hate going through my old Google account because it’s just filled with WIPs from when I was in my Freshman year of high school and my hyperfixation was on the marauders.
I came across a perfectly thought out Dorcas Meadows canon-compliant outline. Every single year at Hogwarts was detailed. It was supposed to be a series and I had Regulus’s POV as well Barty’s POV after the war and it’s all so compelling. I want to write it. But I’m already revising another fic and it’s happier so I need to focus on that.
There was also a less thought out Dorlene fic greatly inspired by the Odyssey.
Harry Potter professor au where Harry ends up in the marauders era because Teddy (whom he has custody of) messed with some magic flower.
Why was I such a genius at 14 years old?
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aurlieanbeloved · 10 months ago
Some more info on other characters in the moddern Psych ward au:
Sirius and bellatrix fucking hate each other but have mutually bounded over the prison trauma and they only tolerate each other when people they care about are at risk. Bellatrix also is the only one out of the 2 of them that has a magical government assigned ankle bracelet that she wears as a statement accessory (proudly)
James and Lilly still died but it was Peters falt and I'm killing him off too while we're at it
Remus: gay, gay as fuck he loves his husband (he went to pick him up from prison when he got out) had been trying to get magical custody of Harry for years
Draco: slowly getting muggel culture and other such things pushed onto him by Tom for Harry's benefit
Bellatrix is basically going to be like Tom's shady wine aunt with dubious morals and values who is a very single lesbian
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