#fuck third-party voters
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kyitsya · 4 months ago
i feel so sorry for the palestinians in gaza and the west bank. the american pro-palestinian movement failed you all in its attempt to be “morally pure.”
because of its selfish actions during the elections, your cause has garnered large amounts of hate which you, yourselves, are not responsible for. because of their inability to vote smartly and conduct themselves humanely, both my country and yours will suffer more now, and it breaks my heart.
as we in ukraine say, мирного неба вам (peaceful skies to you)
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cosmiiqueer · 4 months ago
congrats to everyone who successfully voted for the "leopards eating peoples faces" party
in case you're wondering, the leopards will eventually eat your face
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speakingthetruth25 · 1 month ago
To all third party and abstinence voters, I hope your happy. We told you Kamala was better than Trump. We told you he would implement project 2025. WE TOLD YOU QUEERS AND IMMIGRANTS WOULD BE IN DANGER
But you wanted so bad to be a little saint. To shame others say oh I won’t have blood on my hands Kamala is just as bad as trump. The politics of united states is less important that the plights of palestine . Im a good person. You focused on Palestine when we were screaming that trump would hurt us all
Are you happy? Trump did the ceasefire, but look what you done. Trump put horrific people in congress, we have Elon doing a nazi salute, he’s taken away dei, he’s targeting trans people, HE PARDONED JANUARY 6.
I hope you suffer.You fucked around now you find out
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rvllybllply2014 · 23 days ago
Man third party and non voters are exhausting almost as bad as maga. When I said fuck you I meant it, you are not morally superior for voting third party or for not voting.
If Kamala had won we could’ve pushed her left, Biden was pushed left and since you love to say that she was just an extension of him she would’ve been pushed left. Instead Ukraine is under attack from Putins puppet (Trump) and Falasteen/Palestine is being threatened with complete and total inhalation (Trump and Israel).
As for the state’s immigrants are being held in torture camps (Guantanamo bay), workers are afraid of being deported so food is rotting in the fields, Puerto Ricans (citizens) are being harassed by ice, children of immigrants are dying by suicide, women and trans and people who changed their names for whatever reason are being threatened with disenfranchisement of voting rights (save act). People with uteri are dying because they are forced to carry a dead fetus because doctors are too scared of jail to preform abortions.
Also trans people especially girls women not being allowed to play in girls/women’s sports. Trans people also not allowed to use the correct bathroom and a trans congresswoman being misgendered and not allowed to use the women’s bathroom.
Planes are falling out of the sky, national parks will be drilled for oil, CDC is being ordered to stop reporting flu case numbers, Elon is running the country, Trump wants to be king.
So yeah fuck you to third party voters where’s Jill Stein now? She’s a fucking puppet only appears every four years to siphon off votes from democrats. Those of you who couldn’t vote for harm reduction fuck you. Look at the harm you’ve helped cause.
Yes the two party system sucks but we are close to wwiii, having a Nazi dictator for life and people actively dying thanks to policy from the federal government.
Do not start an argument with me you’ll be blocked, I’m done being gracious towards you.
Signed an exhausted/pissed off liberal, who voted for harm reduction. It feels like it’s been ten years of this shit but it’s only been a month.
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Your election post was the most holier-than-thou, performative, bullshit I’ve ever read. Get a grip and get some self awareness.
i will take "missed the entire point" for 500, alex
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echomink-ithink · 4 months ago
Hey guys I know this probably won’t get much reach but you have to stay alive. I don’t care if it takes being angry or being sad or whatever else but you’re not allowed to die. Like @brits4gerardway said, we have to say fuck you in the face of extermination. We can’t let this be the thing that destroys us. Have the best day you can, and remember: living is better protest than dying, because dying is what they want.
This is basically a stream of consciousness post cuz it’s 7:30 and I’m in school but I wanted to say something.
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m00sebaby · 4 months ago
there's something to be said about people voting for a man who can't string together a coherent sentence for the life of him because his brain is soup, who has threatened mass deportation, who has threatened a complete rollback of the rights we started to hope for and a literal convicted felon (mind you) all because a woman of color running the country seemed a bit too much for them.
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disco-cola · 4 months ago
Some Democrats are like „we have to save democracy!!“ then suddenly turn around and blame people for actually choosing their option to vote for third party and openly wishing for immigrants to get deported, social welfare to be cancelled, gaza getting turned into a parking lot, women dying from pregnancy complications… because they „deserve it now.“ some have blatantly and proudly posted how they wish this upon people and how they wouldn’t care because it’s „their fault.“ their morals and principles only apply as long as it’s about themselves and they are on the forefront of reaping the benefits. honey you are no better than those who voted for trump. you are part of the problem. you are just as evil and fascist. better take a long hard look at yourself before you go around pointing fingers.
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All of this fucking insanity and chaos could've been easily avoided. But no, half of this damn country is totally fine with having a rapist and felon, also white supremacist loving bigot as president again, and the other half refused to vote for the far-better and more progressive, more competent, and intelligent Black woman due to their own deep-seeded racism & sexism also misogynoir no matter what bullshit excuses they tell themselves.
I voted correctly and did my fucking part during the 2024 election because I care about Democracy and keeping it intact, because I deeply care about those who would be horribly effective by another disastrous Trump administration.
But nope, some people have proven that they care more about being self-righteous than they do about the very proclaim issues and groups of vulnerable people / minorities (especially Black Americans & Black women) they claim to care about or so-called support.
Ya'll are basically Trump supporters by refusing to vote against a literally convinced criminal also racist.
FUCK every single one of ya'll Rat-fuckers who refuse to stop Trump when ya'll had the chance.
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kyitsya · 4 months ago
after this election, i hope all eastern europeans can now truly see just how much the u.s. leftists do not care about us. they can claim to be pure and against genocide/imperialism all they want, but they didnt even spare us a single thought while throwing away their votes because the country threatening us is not the “evil us empire,” so the imperialism we face doesnt count.
they’ve doomed us all and now its up to us to survive.
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cowboyabunga · 5 months ago
do people know Al Gore lost the election not because people voted third party but because the supreme court literally interfered and told florida they couldnt recount votes or do ppl just have that big of a hard on for any excuse to vote for kamala
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float-me-now · 4 months ago
After the horrifying, dismal and downright disgusting US election results, I'm gonna sit here and wait for the most savage, unhinged and angry Rise Against album ever.
If they ever drop an album in the future that references these dire times, I know they won't disappoint.
Stay strong. Resist.
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nappingpaperclip · 6 months ago
we can literally all go throw our votes at Kamala & she can win the popular vote and trump can still 100% legally be elected president just like in 2016 due to how broken the electoral college system is & y’all still think we have to vote blue to save democracy? is this the democracy we’re saving y’all?
we have to save our country against Trump’s fascism, the same country that’s currently funding and facilitating genocide? how exactly is that not already fascist?
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hypodermicfroggy · 4 months ago
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setaflow · 4 months ago
Man. I am so goddamn tired.
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deaddee-anime-brownfanlady · 5 months ago
How Undecided Voters look like to everyone else with actual sense.
This dropout comedy skit perfectly capsulate just how damn unserious and idiotic undecided voters really are.
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